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No. SE/APEC-V/EW-17(E)/2023-24/ 428-33 Date: 28/07/2023


Superintending Engineer (Electrical), Arunachal Pradesh Electrical Circle-V, Ziro, Department

of Power, Government ofArunachal Pradesh, invites Sealed Tender for implementation of
"Development of Distribution InfrastructureinKamle District of Arunachal Pradesh under the
Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-linked, Distribution Sector Scheme"onTurn-key
basisfrom reputedFirmsthrough o n l in esubmission o f PriceBids/Financial Bids.

For other details, theBiddermaydownloadtheTenderdocuments availableon thewebsite Techno-commercial Bids &Price Bids should be uploaded
on website and acopy ofthe Techno-Commercial Bids along with
the GTP, EMD and Tender Fees should be submitted in Hard copy for verification at office of the
Superintending Engineer (Electrical), Arunachal Pradesh Electrical Circle-V, Ziro, Department of

Scope of Work: The scope of work includes i) HVDS (construction of 11 kV line in the lengthy LT
overhead line Areas), including installation of Distribution transformers and LT lines, ii)
Reconfiguration of existing 33/0.415 kV infrastructure to 11/.0415 kV infrastructure, iii) 11 kV
infrastructure for down linking with 33/11 kV Sub - Stations under
c o m p r e h e n s i v e S c h e m e a n d i v ) C a b l i n g w o r k s i n c l u d i n g Re-conductoringw o r k s
a n d c a b l i n g i n n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r p r o n e a r e a s , inKamleDistrict ofArunachal Pradesh
underthefollowing Packages onTurn-key basis:

Due date of
Cost of Due date of
Due date of receipt of
Estimated Tender receipt of
EMD/Bid receipt of Opening of
Sl Cost of paper Date of Pre- Opening of
Name of package Security completed Tender
No. project including bid meeting Tender
(in Rs) Tender (Techno
( In Rs.) GST (Financial
documents Commercial
(In Rs ) Bid)
To be
1 8,58,52,160.00 17700.00 17,17,043/- 24/08/2023 27/08/2023 30/08/2023 intimated

The Intending
Tenderers/Firms should satisfy the following conditions. Price Bid/Financial Bids will be
opened only for those Tenderers/Firms, whohave fulfilled the requirement as per Technical bid.


a) Consortiums/Joint Venture of F i r m s is nota l l o w e d . Hence, allthe clauses inSBD
relatedtoJointVenture a r e tobeconsidered invalid.
b) Registration Certificate ofthebidder s h o u l d invariablybefurnished.
c) Pre B id m e e t i n g will beheldo n 24/08/2023 at 11 AMintheConf erenc e Hall of the
Superintending Engineer(E), Arunachal Pradesh Electrical Circle-V, Ziro, Department of Power.
The i n t e r e s t e d bidders are requested to attend the p r e -bid m e e t i n g without fail.


a) Qualification of bidder will be based on meetingthe minimum pass/fail criteria specified inthe
enclosed SBD documents ofInfra SBD Part-1, Part-2 &Part-3 as pertheBidder’s
responsesinthecorresponding BidSchedules.

b) Notwithstanding anything stated h e r e i n a b o v e , the Employer reserves the right to assess

t h e capacity and capability ofthe bidder, should t h e circumstances warrant such
assessmentinanoverall i n t e r e s t o f the Employer. The employerr e s e r v e s t h e right to
waive minor d e v i a t i o n s ifthey do not materially affect the capability ofthe Biddertoperform

21.1.Forthepurpose ofthisparticular b i d ,biddershallmeetthefollowing minimum criteria inpast

7years(uptolastcompleted financial y e a r ):
i. Experience insimilar work under single contract, costing not less than 70% of the estimated
a m o u n t oftheproject. Theworks undertheabove contract should becompleted worksonly.
ii.Experience insimilar works undertwocontracts, each costingn o t lessthan 40% ofthe
estimatedamount of the p r o j e c t . The works under the above two contractsshould b e completed
iii.Experience i n similar works underthreecontracts, e a c h costing notlessthan30%ofthe estimated
amount o f the p r o j e c t . The worksu n d e r theabovet h r e e c o n t r a c t s should b e completed
2.1.2.Forthepurposes ofsatisfaction o f Technical Requirement, similarworks refersto:
a)Project(s) executioni n oneormoresectors below: -
1)Electrical Transmissionsector
2)Sub-transmission sector
3)Electrical distribution sector
Inabovesectors, typeofconstruction works undertaken should beofthenatureofoneor
2)LTlines(naked conductor/AB Cable)
3)Distribution transformers
b)Notwithstanding theclause 2.1.2(a) above,experience inonlyLTlines (AB Cablewould be
considered eligible).

2.1.3 Work experiences ofthe bidder asperabove shall beconsidered only iftheworkshavebeen executed
under Govt./semi-Govt./autonomous body of Central/State Govt. /Electricity Power
Utility/Power Department inIndia only. Supportingdocumentinthisregardshould benecessarily

2.2.Financial/ Commercial:

2.2.1 TheNetWorth ofthe biddermustbepositivefortheeachofthe lastthree FinancialYears.

Networth meansthesumtotalofthepaidupcapital andfree reserves (excluding reserves created out of
revaluation) reduced by aggregate value of accumulated losses (including debitbalance
inprofitandlossaccount forcurrent year)andintangible assets.
2.2.2. Minimum Average Annual Turnover (MAAT) ofthe Bidder for bestthree years out oflast fivefinancial
years ofthe bidder should notbelessthan 30% oftheestimated costofthe projectrounded off u p
t o twodecimal places.
2.23 Bidder must have liquid assets (LA) and/ orevidence ofaccess tooravailability offund- based
creditfacilities/Loan against fixed deposit ofnotlessthan 10%oftheestimated costofthe project rounded
off up totwodecimal places andtheBanker should confirm thattheCreditfacility isearmarked for the
Works specified under Bid on receipt of the Bid. Liquid Assets would include unencumbered
cash (and equivalents), bank deposits with maturity less than 365 days, securities
that can befreely traded ormaturity lessthan 365 days and receivables which has general certainty
ofgetting received minus p a y a b l e which has general certainty of getting paid.

2.3 Pre-qualification criteria:

TheBiddershallalsofurnish followingd o c u m e n t s /details with itsbid:
I. Acertificate from banker (asperformat) indicating various fund based/non fund based limits
sanctioned tothe bidder andtheextent ofutilization asondate Such certificate should havebeen
issued notearlier thanthree months priortothedateofbidopening. Wherever necessary,
t h e employer m a y makequerieswiththeBidders’ bankers.

II. The complete annual reports togetherwith Audited statement of accounts of the company for
l a s t five years of its own (separate) immediately preceding the date of submission ofbid.
1. Inthe event the bidder isnotabletofurnish the information ofitsown(i.e.
separate),being a subsidiary company and its accountsarebeing consolidated withits
group/holding/parent company, the biddershould submit the audited balance
sheets, income statements, otherinformation pertaining
toitonly(notofitsgroup/Holding/Parent Company) dulycertified byanyoneofthe
authority [(i)Statutory Auditor ofthe bidder/(ii)Company Secretary ofthe bidder or
(iii)Acertified Public Accountant] certifying that such information/documents
arebased ontheaudited accounts asthecase maybe.

2. Similarly, i f thebidder happenstobeaGroup/Holding/ParentCompany, t h e bidder

s h o u l d s u b m i t thea b o v e documents/information of its own (i.e. exclusive of its
subsidiaries) duly certified byanyone of the authority mentioned inNote 2.3.II.1.
above c e r t i f y i n g that these information/documents arebasedontheaudited
accounts, asthecasemaybe.

III. Litigation History:•

1. The bidder should providedetailed information onanylitigation orarbitration arising

outofcontracts completed orunder execution byitoverthelastfive years a consistent
history ofawards involving litigation against the Bidder mayresultinrejection ofBid.
2. Notwithstanding anything stated herein abovetheEmployer reserves theright
toassess the c a p a c i t y and c a p a b i l i t y ofthebidder, should
thecircumstances warrant such assessment in a n overall interest of theEmployer.
The Employer reserves the rightto waive minor deviations ifthey do not
materially affect t h e c a p a b i l i t y of theB i d d e r t o pe rformt h e Contract.

IV. Site Visit:

Itismandatory fortheintending Bidder tosubmit their respective BIDSafter visiting the

siteandascertaining forthemselves thesiteconditions, location, surroundings, access
tosite, handling and storage ofmaterials, applicable lawsandregulations,
andanyothermatterconsidered bythem.
Bidders are advised to visit t h e site and familiarizethemselves with the
Projectwithinthestipulated timeofsubmission o f theBid.
The Bidders are requested to submit site visit certificate duly issued and signed by
the concernedExecutive Engineer (Electrical)and this will be the integral part oftheir
tender orbidmandatorily.
TheBidder shall visit the site at its ownexpense and risk.

3. SubmissionofTenders

i) The bidder s hall upload the Techno-Commercial bid as well as Financial Bid-ONLINE
inthewebsite: and shall submit the Hard copy of Techno-
Commercial Bid along with GTP, and originalEMDand TenderFeesat Office of theSuperintending
Engineer (Electrical), Arunachal Pradesh Electrical Circle-V, Ziro, Department of Power
ii)TheBiddershallofferonlyonthepriceBidformat availablein thewebsite

iii)The Bidderhave todown loadtheterms &conditions including Technical Specifications form the
enclosed Standard Bids documents availablein thewebsite

4. The Department of Powerreserves the right to postpone the date of opening of tender on a
situation soarisestowarrant its postponement.

5. The available Technical Bidswill bescrutinized byaTender Opening Committee andthe Price bidswill
be opened for only the technically qualified bidder who fulfilled the above qualifying (technical)
criteria. The decisiono f theopening C o m m i t t e e w i l l befinal andcost ofTender
6. The Department of Power will open online PriceBid in thepresence of theinterested bidders'designated
representatives who chooseto a t t e n d . The interestedbidders/Tenderers shall b e registered i n the

7. Offers should invariably beaccompanied by:-

a) T h e Cost of Tender:Cost of T e n d e r shall be R s . 1 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 + G S T
@ 1 8 % s h a l l b e deposited through NEFT/ RTGS/ DD/in the account of EXECUTIVE ENGINEER
(E), Raga Electrical Division, Department of Power, Raga
Account No.65450100006884
Bank Name- Bank Of Baroda
Branch Name - Itanagar

b)EarnestMoney/Bid Security: The Earnest Money/Bid Security shall be2 % ofthe EstimatedCost
for each package shall be depositedinthe formo f FixedDeposit Receipt/Bank
Draft/BankGuarantee/Bankers Chequepayable at a branch of Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank d u l y
pledged in favor ofthe Executive Engineer (Electrical), KamleElectrical Division, Department of
Power, Raga. Original copies ofEarnest Money /Bid Security should be submitted a l o n g w i t h t h e
technical bids. Offers without cost ofTenderpaper & requiredEarnestMoney/ Bid Security

c) The successful Bidder shallbe required t o keep its b i d securityvalid for a sufficient period
till t h e performance security (ies) isfurnished to thesatisfaction of the Employer.The bid
securityof t h e successful Bidder willbe returnedonly whenthe Bidder has signed
theContract Agreement, and h a s f urn is h ed the requiredperformance security.

8. Ifthe l a s t d a t e f o r o p e n i n g oftendershappens to be aholiday,itwill be open on the next

working day at the s a m e s t i p u l a t e d time. The Department of Power reservesthe
r i g h t topostpone the date ofopeningoftender on asituation so arisesto warrant

9. Failure for submission of the completed offer due t o poor communications or any other reasons
shall be the responsibility of the Company and no time on grounds s hall be given.

10. The Superintending Engineer (Electrical), APEC-V, Ziro, Department of power, Government
of Arunachal Pradesh reservestherightto accept/reject the lowestor any other offer
without assigning any reason whatsoever and the right tosplit the order, ifrequired.

11.The Legal jurisdictionunder this NITshall be atR a g a , K a m l e D i s t r i c t , Arunachal

Executive Engineer(Electrical),
Superintending Engineer (E) Raga Electrical Division,
Ziro Electrical Circle Department of Power, Raga
Department of Power, Ziro Government of Arunac hal Pradesh

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by DUYU TACHO
Date: 2023.07.29 14:23:24 IST
Location: Arunachal Pradesh-AR

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