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On A Sublinear Time Parallel Construction of Optimal Binary Search Trees (Note)

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On a Sublinear Time Parallel Construction of Optimal Binary Search Trees (Note)

Dept. of Computer Science University of Bonn 53117 Bonn

Marek Karpinski

Institute of Informatics Warsaw University 02{097 Warsaw

Wojciech Ryttery

We design an e cient sublinear time parallel construction of optimal binary search trees. The e ciency of the parallel algorithm corresponds to its total work (the product time processors). Our algorithm works in O(n1? ) log(n) time with the total work O(n2+2 ), for 1 2 an arbitrarily small constant 0 < 2 . This is optimal within a factor n with respect to the best known sequential algorithm given by Knuth, which needs only O(n2 ) time due to a monotonicity property of optimal binary search trees, see 6]). It is unknown how to explore this property in an e cient NC construction of binary search trees. Here we show that it can be e ectively used in sublinear time parallel computation. Our improvement also relies on the use (in independently processed small subcomputations) of the parallelism present in Knuth's algorithm. The best known sublinear time algorithms for the construction of binary search trees (as an instance of a more general problem) have O(n3 ) work for time p larger than n3=4, see 3] and 7]. For time n these algorithms need n4 work, while our algorithm needs for this time only n3 work, thus improving the known algorithms by a linear factor. Also if time is O(n1? ) and is very small our improvement is close to O(n). Such improvement is similar to the one implied by the monotonicity property in sequential computations (from n3 sequential time for a more general dynamic programming problem to n2 time for the special case of optimal binary search trees).
E Mail: marek@cs.uni-bonn.de. Research supported in part by the DFG grant KA 67314-1, ESPRIT BR Grant 7079 and the Volkswagen-Stiftung. y Supported by the grant KBN 2-1190-91-01.

1 Introduction
One of the main advantages of parallelism is the time reduction, however this is usually done at the expense of the total work (the product time processors). For many algorithmic problems the following fact can be observed when we solve them in parallel: the slower is the computation the better is the total work of the algorithm. Usually from the point of view of the total work only the best ones are algorithms using only one processor (no parallelism). Also sublinear time algorithms have usually much better total work than NC algorithms. High speed involves a computation in advance of a lot of redundant objects. The size of the set of objects is an important factor. The dynamic programming gives a typical class of problems for which all three classes of computations (sequential, sublinear, NC ) di er substantially in the algorithmic e ciency (in the sense of total work). The basic problem in this class is the construction of optimal binary search trees. We design an algorithm especially suited for this problem. Our sublinear time parallel algorithm is a combination of parallel and sequential processing. The whole computation is partitioned into a sublinear number of phases, processed successively in a sequential manner. Each of these phases is performed in a parallel way. The number of processors is substantially reduced since each phase is processing much smaller sets of objects. Two main features of our algorithm which improve its total work are: 1. splitting a crucial part (here preprocessing) into a number of independent sequential subcomputations, and apply to each of them the best known sequential algorithm (in our case the Knuth's algorithm); 2. using (in a parallel way) the basic property of a given problem explored in the best sequential algorithms, in our case a monotonicity property. The construction of optimal binary search trees (the OBST problem) is an important algorithmic problem which has so far resisted any really e cient NC implementation, though Knuth gives a quadratic time sequential algorithm 6]. Only a special case (alphabetic trees) can be solved by a really e cient (in the sense of total work) NC algorithm, see 8]. The Knuth's algorithm uses a monotonicity property of optimal binary search trees (de ned later). It is unknown how to use a similar property to reduce number of processors in polylogarithmic time computations. The best upper bound in polylogarithmic time computations is close to n6 , see 9], and is certainly too large. It applies to much larger class of problems which are instances of the dynamic recurrences problem. This generality is probably a cause of the ine ciency. Optimal binary search trees have special properties. The way to an improvement is a suitable use of these properties. The binary search tree problem is a special case of the more general dynamic programming problem. In 3] and 7] (independently) it was shown that the dynamic programming 2

recurrences can be solved in n1? time with cubic total work for 1=4. (A slightly worse algorithm was presented in 4]). So these algorithms worked in n3=4 time with O(n3 ) work. However for smaller time the p work increases, for example if time is O( n then the total work in these algorithms was of order n4 . In our algorithm the work is reduced. For example if time is O(n3=4) then the work p done by our algorithms is n2:5 and if time is O( n) then this work is n3 . In the latter case we have linear factor improvement. A similar improvement by a linear factor occurs in sequential computation of the considered problem (compared to the general dynamic programming problem). = (K1; : : :Kn ) be a sequence of n weighted items (keys), which are to be placed in a binary search tree. We are given 2n + 1 weights (probabilities): p1; p2; : : :; pn , q0 ; q1; : : :; qn where

Statement of the OBST problem. We use terminology from 5], pages 434-435. Let

pi is the probability that Ki is the search argument; qi is the probability that the search argument lies between Ki and Ki+1 .
We assume that Ki's are stored in internal nodes of the binary search tree and in external nodes special items are stored. The i-th special item Ki0 corresponds to all keys which are strictly between Ki and Ki+1 . If T is a binary search tree with n internal nodes, where the i-th internal node (in inorder) is labeled Ki , and the external nodes correspond to sequence of special keys Ki0 's, then de ne the cost of T as follows:

cost(T ) =

n i


`(Ki) +

n i




where `(K ) is the level of K in T , de ned to be the distance (number of internal nodes on the path) from the root. The OBST problem is then the problem of nding that tree T of minimum cost for a given sequence of items. Our main result is:

Theorem 1.1 An optimal binary search tree can be constructed in O(n1? = log(n)) time
with O(n2+2 ) total work, where > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant 0 <
1 2.

Denote by obst(i; j ) an optimal binary tree whose keys correspond to the interval int(i; j ) = Ki+1 : : :Kj ] and denote by cost(i; j ) the cost of such tree. Let w(i; j ) = pi+1 + : : : + pj + qi + : : : + qj . 3

The costs obey the following dynamic programming recurrences for 0 i < j n:

cost(i; j ) = w(i; j ) + minfcost(i; k ? 1) + cost(k; j ) : i < k j g:


Denote the smallest value of k which minimizes the above equation by CUT (i; j ) with boundary values cost(i; i) + 0. This is the rst point giving an optimal decomposition of obst(i; j ) into two smaller (son) subtrees. Optimal binary search trees have the following crucial property (proved in 6]): monotonicity property: i i0 j j 0 =) CUT (i; j ) CUT (i0; j 0). Sequentially the values of cost(i; j ) are computed by tabulating them in an array. Such tabulation of costs of smaller subproblems is the basis of the dynamic programming technique. We use the same name cost for this array and call it the dynamic programming table. It can be computed in O(n3 ) time, by procesing diagonal after diagonal, starting with the central diagonal, see 1]. In case of optimal binary search trees this can be reduced to O(n2) using additional tabulated values of the cuts in table CUT (see 10]). Once the table cost(i; j ) is computed then the construction of an optimal tree can be done very e ciently in parallel. The following (easy to see) result was also observed in 2]:

O(log n) time with n2= log(n) processors.

Lemma 1.2 If the table of costs is computed then an optimal tree can be constructed in

The structure of our algorithm is to mimic the sequential computation, however instead of computing one diagonal after the other we advance in larger steps. Let = n . Divide the upper (the only relevant) part of the dynamic programming table into n= strips S1; : : :; Sn= , each one consisting of consecutive diagonals, see Figure 1. In one phase we compute in logarithmic time the part of the table corresponding to the k-th strip Sk . In order to do it we need some preprocessing. This involves so called special subtrees, de ned later. The whole structure of the algorithms is:


1. Preprocessing: construct all optimal special subtrees;

2. for k = 1 to n= do fin a sequential wayg k-th phase: compute in parallel the strip Sk ;

@ @ @ .... @ @@ @@ @@ @@ . . @@ @@ @@ @@ . . . i @@ @@ @@ S3 @@S4 . . . ? @@ @@ @@ @@ S2 @@ S1 @@ @@ @ direction of @@ @@ @@ processing @@ @@ ? ? @@ @@ ? ? @

Figure 1: The dynamic programming table and its partition into the strips.

2 Preprocessing: computing costs of the special subtrees.

The crucial point in the preprocessing is to explore parallelism which is present in the Knuth's algorithm: elements on the same diagonal of the table cost can be computed independently (in parallel). The total work of the Knuth's algorithm is proportional to the number of computed objects. We explain shortly how the time can be reduced to n log(n) without changing the total work. The diagonals of the dynamic programming table are computed one after the other exactly as they are computed in the Knuth's algorithm. In the computation of a given value by the formula (2) the minimization is restricted to the range of k's bounded from left and right by the cut values of the neighbouring entries (due to monotonicity). This guarantees that the total work for a xed diagonal is linear (by the same argument as in 6]). All values on a xed diagonal are computed simultaneously. Additionally the table of cuts is computed. We refer the reader to 6] for details. This implies the following fact.

n log n time with n= log(n) processors.

Lemma 2.1 The dynamic programming table for the OBST problem can be computed in

Let = (K1; : : :Kn ) be an initial sequence of n keys. For each l < r denote by l;r the sequence of keys Kl? ; : : :; Kl; Kr ; : : :; Kr+ with the weights for Ki 's as before, however the weights of intervals (of special keys corresponding to intervals between consecutive regular keys) are ql? ?1 ; : : :; ql?1; w(l; r); qr+1; : : :qr+ . A special binary subtree with respect to (l; r) is any optimal binary subtree for any subinterval of l;r of size at most 2 + 2. 5

An example of such tree is illustrated in Figure 2. In other words special subtrees result from the subtrees for the original problem by cutting a large gap. The remaining part is bounded by 2 , the distance at most to the left and to the right of the gap. Each gap is a large subtree removed from an original tree and replaced by the weight of removed items. An example of such subtree is also given in Figure 3 (the tree T3). Denote by costl;r (i; j ) the cost of optimal special subtree with respect to (l; r), whose rst key is Ki+1 and the last is Kj .




@ @ @


q1 q2+p3+q3+p4+q4+p5+q5

@ q7 @@


Figure 2: An example of a special subtree with respect to (l; r) = (2,6). The keys are in the circles and the intervals between the keys correspond to square nodes. The tree covers interval (1; 7) with the gap between keys numbered l = 2, r = 6. There are n(n ? 1)=2 pairs l; r (potential gaps) and 2 2 potential subintervals of each sequence l;r . We compute the cost of a single optimal subtree for each small subinterval of each sequence l;r . Altogether there are n2+2 such special subtrees. The preprocessing consists in computing costs of all optimal special subtrees. The best work (proportional to the total number of such trees) is achieved due to the Knuth's algorithm.
puted in n log(n) time using n2+ = log(n) processors.

Lemma 2.2 The values cost (i; j ) of the costs of all optimal special subtrees can be coml;r

Proof: We can compute costs of all optimal special subtrees for a xed sequence l;r in n log(n) time with n = log(n) proceessors by the algorithm from Lemma 2.1. We apply the algorithm from Lemma 2.1 to all special sequences l;r . For xed (l; r) the size of the problem is n0 = O( ) and the corresponding programming table contains O( 2) entries. Lemma 2.1 gives a computation in time n0 log(n0 ) with O(n0 = log(n0)) processors for xed (l; r). Summing over all possible pairs (l; r) (there is a quadrtaic number of such pairs) we have the required complexity. This completes the proof. 2

3 Implementation of a single phase of the algorithm.

Let ?k be the set of all trees obst(i; j ) for (i; j ) 2 Sk . Assume we have computed the part of the dynamic programming table corresponding to strips S1 ; : : :; Sk . This means that we know the costs of all optimal trees in ?k0 for k0 k and the CUT{values. We describe how to compute the costs in the strip Sk+1 . This is the (k + 1)-st phase of the algorithm. Each tree in ?k+1 can be decomposed here in a way illustrated in Figure 3. T 1, T 2 are in ?1 : : : ?k and T 3 is a special subtree resulting by replacing the interval (l,r) by a single external node of weight w(l; r). It is easy to see that T 3 is an optimal special subtree, its cost is already precomputed e ciently due to lemma 2.2. The costs of subtrees T 1 and T 2 are also already computed (the costs are in preceeding strips).

\\ \\ \\ v \ #H v1 ## HHSv2 \ %e %T1 ee T2 SS r \\\j i l% - small interval (l, r) small

interval I compressed to u a single leaf

SS special @@ S subtree T3 SS @ @ v S R @ S small small

Figure 3: A decomposition of the subtree in ?k+1 . The subtrees T 1, T 2 rooted at v 1, v 2 are in ?1 ?2 :::?k . A special tree T 3 results by replacing the interval I by a single leaf whose weight equals the total weight w(l; r) of I . . Let us x k. For (i; j ) 2 Sk+1 de ne cost0 (i; j ) as follows. If there is an optimal tree over the interval (i; j ) such that both subtrees of its root v cover intervals in Sk then cost0 (i; j ) = cost(i; j ), the tree rooted at v in Figure 3 is of the above type. Otherwise let cost0 (i; j ) be equal a cost of any binary search tree covering the interval (i,j).
Assume the costs in all strips S1 : : : Sk has been computed. Then the values cost0 (i; j ) for all (i; j ) 2 Sk+1 can be computed in the (k + 1)-st phase in log n time with O(n1+2 ) total. Proof: Fix a p-th diagonal D of the strip Sk+1 , see Figure 4. Divide D into subsequences Dq , each one consists of points on D such that the distance of each consecutive points is . We refer to Figure 4, where such subsequence consisting of points x1; x2; : : : is shown.

Lemma 3.1 (Applying monotonicity property)

Consider the subsequence y1 ; y2 ; : : : of the last diagonal of the preceeding strip. Assume we have computed the costs for this points as well as their values CUT (yq )'s. Then due to the monotonicity property we know that:

CUT (y1) CUT (x1) CUT (y2) CUT (x2) CUT (y3) CUT (x3) : : : :
Hence to compute the values cost0 (x1) we apply formula (2) and we have only to search in an interval of size CUT (y2 ) ? CUT (y1). Similarly the value of cost0 (x2) is computed by minimizing over an interval of size CUT (y3) ? CUT (y2) etc. Altogether we need O(n) processors for a single subsequence Dq . The minimization is done in logarithmic time. We have subsequences Dq in a xed p-th diagonal of next strip. There are values of p. Altogether n processors are enough, which is O(n1+2 ). This complete the proof. 2
. .@ x1 @@ . @ y1 . @ @ @@ .. @@ @@... . . . . . . @@x2 .. y2 @ .@ . @ @ @@ ... @@ @ . .x3 @ . y3@. . . . . . . .@ . @ @@ . @ @ ... @@ @ . @@. . . . . . . y4 @

distance p -

Figure 4: Using information about cuts in Lemma 3.1. The costs of points (i; j ) 2 Sk+1 can be computed by the formula: (*) cost(i; j ) = minfcostl;r (i; j ) + cost0 (l; r) : (i; j ) (l; r) 2 Sk+1 g. Then the successive phase is implemented as follows: The (k+1)-th phase: 1. compute the values cost0 (i; j ) for all (i; j ) 2 Sk+1 ; 2. compute in parallel the values cost(i; j ) for all (i; j ) 2 Sk+1 using the formula ( ). Step 1 can be done in logarithmic time with n1+2 processors due to Lemma 3.1. 8

The total work done in Step 2 can be estimated as follows. There are n1+ points (i; j ) 2 Sk+1 , for each of them we have to perform minimization (according to the formula (*)) over all (l; r) satisfying: (i; j ) (l; r) 2 Sk+1 . 2 such pairs (l; r) for a xed (i; j ). Altogether we need the same number of There are n operations as the number of considered 4-tuples (i; j; l; r). Hence O(n1+3 ) total work in a single phase is enough. There are n1? phases. Each of them needs O(n1+3 ) work. It gives together the total work of order n2+2 as claimed in Theorem 1.1. This completes the proof of our main result.


We have presented a sublinear time algorithm which is quite close to an optimal one (with respect to the best sequential algorithm). A natural open problem is to nd a (sublinear time) algorithm working in n1? time, for some > 0, whose total work is quadratic. Another important problem is the design of an e cient NC algorithm for the general OBST problem. Even an improvement O(n6? ) in the number of processors would be of considerable interest (cf., also, 2]).

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