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IoT Framework for Measurement and Precision Agriculture:
Predicting the Crop Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Kalaiselvi Bakthavatchalam 1 , Balaguru Karthik 1 , Vijayan Thiruvengadam 1 , Sriram Muthal 2 , Deepa Jose 3 ,
Ketan Kotecha 4, * and Vijayakumar Varadarajan 5, *

1 Department of Electronics and Communication, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research,
Chennai 600073, India; (K.B.); (B.K.); (V.T.)
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research,
Chennai 600073, India;
3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KCG College of Technology,
Chennai 600097, India;
4 Symbiosis Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Sena Pati
Bapat Road, Pune 411004, India
5 School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New SouthWales, Sydney 466, Australia
* Correspondence: (K.K.); (V.V.)

Abstract: IoT architectures facilitate us to generate data for large and remote agriculture areas and the
same can be utilized for Crop predictions using this machine learning algorithm. Recommendations
are based on the following N, P, K, pH, Temperature, Humidity, and Rainfall these attributes decide

 the crop to be recommended. The data set has 2200 instances and 8 attributes. Nearly 22 different
Citation: Bakthavatchalam, K.; crops are recommended for a different combination of 8 attributes. Using the supervised learning
Karthik, B.; Thiruvengadam, V.; method, the optimum model is attained using selected machine learning algorithms in WEKA. The
Muthal, S.; Jose, D.; Kotecha, K.; Machine learning algorithm selected for classifying is multilayer perceptron rules-based classifier JRip,
Varadarajan, V. IoT Framework for and decision table classifier. The main objective of this case study is to end up with a model which
Measurement and Precision
predicts the high yield crop and precision agriculture. The proposed system modeling incorporates
Agriculture: Predicting the Crop
the trending technology, IoT, and Agriculture needy measurements. The performance assessed by
Using Machine Learning Algorithms.
the selected classifiers is 98.2273%, the Weighted average Receiver Operator Characteristics is 1 with
Technologies 2022, 10, 13. https://
the maximum time taken to build the model being 8.05 s.
Keywords: precision agriculture; WEKA; machine learning; multilayer perceptron; JRip; decision table
Academic Editor: Pedro
Antonio Gutiérrez

Received: 27 November 2021

Accepted: 11 January 2022 1. Introduction
Published: 20 January 2022 India ranks second in the world in farm output but 64% of cultivated land depends
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
on the monsoons. Irrigation accounts for nearly 85% of water and nearly 60% of water is
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
wasted during irrigation. Precision agriculture can be defined as “the application of modern
published maps and institutional affil- information technologies to provide, process, and analyze multi-source data of high spatial
iations. and temporal resolution for decision making and operations in the management of crop
production. This Precise agriculture may give rise to enhance productivity, Soil degradation,
Efficient water usage, reduction in chemical usage for cultivation, dissemination of modern
farm practices to improve quality, quantity, and cost of production in crops. By incorporat-
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. ing Agriculture IoT solutions are focused on helping farmers close the supply-demand gap,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. by ensuring high yields, profitability, and protection of the environment. The approach
This article is an open access article of using IoT technology to ensure optimum application of resources to achieve high crop
distributed under the terms and yields and reduce operational costs is called precision agriculture [1–3]. IoT application in
conditions of the Creative Commons Precision Agriculture is focused on crop water management, Pest control and management,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Precise detection and nutrients management and safely storing management.

Technologies 2022, 10, 13.

Technologies 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 12

Technologies 2022, 10, 13 2 of 12

management, Pest control and management, Precise detection and nutrients management
and safely storing management.
Historical development of sensors shows the progress in measuring various parame-
Historical development of sensors shows the progress in measuring various param-
ters like temperature, pH, Humidity, Analytical parameters like potassium, phosphorous,
eters like temperature, pH, Humidity, Analytical parameters like potassium, phospho-
Nitrogen measurements from a remote location and the data acquisition is possible to attain
rous, Nitrogen
all the measurements
measurements from a remote
using sensors therebylocation
the dataand the data
is stored inacquisition is possible
the cloud or network
to attain all the measurements using sensors thereby
server for further processing as shown in Figure 1. the data is stored in the cloud or
network server for further processing as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Historical progression of sensors.

Figure 1. Historical progression of sensors.

Sensors areare combined
combined totoform forma network
a network thatthatcan can be accessed
be accessed or linked
or linked by cloud/ by
cloud/backend where the sensor responses in a different geographical
backend where the sensor responses in a different geographical area are linked by the area are linked by
the cloud
cloud [4–6].
[4–6]. ThereThere
are are
fourfour different
different phasesphases
fromfromsmart smart
thingsthings without
without connectivity
connectivity next
next progression was a local exchange of information and
progression was a local exchange of information and distributed control systems distributed control systems
with programmable
programmable logiclogic controllers,
controllers, the network
the network of things.
of things. The next
The next phasephase includes
includes in-
ternet-based communication
based communication for monitoring
for monitoring and control,
and control, thingsthings
on theon the internet.
internet. Thephase
The final final
phase is regional,
is regional, global,global, and open
and open control
control loops loops
andandIoT IoT [7,8].
[7,8]. Examples
Examples Seamless
Seamless internet
internet of
of things
things supply
supply chain
chain management
management and
and product
product lifelife cycle
cycle management
management [9–11].
Organizationof ofthe
paper:The Thearticle
composedof offive
strengthening the concept to deploy a module to recommend the crop for irrigationand
the concept to deploy a module to recommend the crop for irrigation and
maximumyield yieldwith
recommendedcrop. crop.The Thenext
relatedto to works
followedby bythe
proposedblock blockdiagram,
diagram,and andexperimental
discussionend end with
with references.

2. Literature
developments in the process control industry, expectations on both the client and server
developments in the process control industry, expectations on both the client and server
sides suggest
suggest when recommendingspecific
when recommending specificcrops
Internet, reputable
reputable magazine
magazine ar-
articles, and machine learning algorithms of choice. It is detailed from the available re-
ticles, and machine learning algorithms of choice. It is detailed from the available resources,
such as the
sources, suchconferences that support
as the conferences thatthe system.
support theOnline
system.web journals
Online webprovide
information and generally provide tips and solutions in the event of a
important information and generally provide tips and solutions in the event of a malfunc- malfunction. It is
tion. It is to anticipate
essential such problems
to anticipate suchand deceptions
problems and that can leadthat
deceptions to serious
can leadconsequences
to serious
of failure.
consequences of failure.
M. S. Paroquet et al. (2019) [12] automatic maintaining and monitoring agricultural
farms using IoT.S. Al-Sarawi et al. (2017) [13] collection of smart devices exchange data
using wireless IoT and communication technologies and protocols using BLE, NFC,
LPWAN, LoWPAN. Agrawal et al. (2019) [14] best utilization of technology for farmers
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 3 of 12

M. S. Paroquet et al. (2019) [12] automatic maintaining and monitoring agricultural

farms using IoT.S. Al-Sarawi et al. (2017) [13] collection of smart devices exchange data us-
ing wireless IoT and communication technologies and protocols using BLE, NFC, LPWAN,
LoWPAN. Agrawal et al. (2019) [14] best utilization of technology for farmers through IoT
and with some chip, embedded sensors, and smartphone applications farmers can monitor
the soil fertility, temperature, rainfall, recommendations on plantation crops. Vadapalli
et al. (2020) [15] productivity is based on acquiring data from the sensors using modern
electronic gadgets to do smart agriculture using IoT. J. Gubbi et al. (2013) [16] present
innovation in IoT using ubiquitous computing web sharing information from all over
present sensors sensing enabled by WSN across many areas of modern habitation. M.
Stoes et al. (2016) [17] IoT has driven agriculture using separate 3 layer architecture which
uses a low power LoRaWAN, the gateways connecting all devices through IoT and the
cloud forms the final layer. This article has driven agriculture to the trending techniques in
agriculture which is the backbone for forming a sustainable environment for developing
countries. Liu et al. (2018) [18] traditional neural network and ARIMA methods are used to
predict the temperature with the help of IoT of varying granularities concerning time.
S. Pudumalar et al. (2017) [19] modern farming methodologies is incorporated by
research data of soil characteristics, soil types with crop yield data collection. Ensemble
model with voting technique using tree category algorithm, CHAID, KNN, and function-
based Naïve Bayes as machine learners to recommend crop. R. Katarya et al. (2020) [20]
different approaches using modern methods like to present crop recommender systems
using algorithms like Similarity-based models, Ensemble-based models, neural networks,
KNN are used. Parameters chosen are meteorological data, temperature and soil profile
and texture has given the best crop recommendations. Laurens Klerkx et al. (2019) [21]
5 thematic clusters are declared like digitization of farming, digitizing skills and farm
work, ethics consideration in agriculture production systems, knowledge and innovation
systems implementation in agriculture. Value chain maintenance against economics and for
managing digitized agriculture. Future research agenda was suggested for smart farming
and Agriculture4.0. Shadrin et al. (2019) [22] AI-enabled monitoring system for predicting
the growth dynamics of plant leaves. Embedded system incorporated with low-powered
sensors, GPU which runs NN based AI System. RNN cum LSTM is the core of the AI system
whose operation is guaranteed for 180 days using a Li-ion battery. Kumar et al. (2018) [23]
integrated information technology in Agriculture, WSN plays a vital role in data collection,
monitoring, and analyzing the data from the agricultural field. The result establishes that
crop productivity and quality have greatly improved. The article has surveyed the effect of
wireless sensor networks for remote monitoring of the crop.
Tanha Talaviya et al. (2020) [24] revolution in Agriculture is by the implementation
of AI for irrigation, weeding, fertilizing with the help of sensor networks and Drone i.e.,
unmanned aerial vehicles. The outcomes have proven that productivity cum quality has
improved, this article is also a survey report by various researchers giving automation in
agriculture in recent trends using Drones for spraying and monitoring. Anitha, P. et al.
(2018) [25] Agriculture done by predicting before the occurrence anticipatory control using
a feed-forward algorithm and ANN in yield predictions. P. Rekha et al. (2017) [26] a
primitive method for irrigation, fertilization that leads to a decrease in crop yield eventually
less income for farmers. IoT framework helped farmers to improvise their yield cum
income. RF and WSN including sensor networks are used to transmit and receive data,
optimum usage of fertilizers, monitoring the crop round the clock by using an android
mobile application to predict the weather forecast. Rehman et al. (2020) [27] All agricultural
activities that depend on environmental parameters like soil conditions, temperature,
moisture are all predicted using machine learning algorithms Like the Instance-based
KNN algorithm, ANN/ MLP, and RBF are used for IoT based smart Farming. P. K. Priya
et al. (2019) [28], Precise crop at right time is done by deep learning algorithm such as
ANN. Crop prediction is made using Deep Neural Network and GUI by giving inputs like
moisture, temperature, pH, and humidity using sensor network and IoT. Crop suggestions
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 4 of 12

help greatly help farmers to decide crops for cultivation. H. B. Biradar et al. (2019) [29]
estimating the crop water requirement and incorporating IoT, Cloud computing, and CPS-
Cyber-physical systems which plays a vital role in improving productivity, feeding the
world, and preventing starvation. Ravesa Akhter et al. (2021) [30] this article summarizes
the latest trend in interfacing the IoT, Wireless sensor networks, data mining cum analytics,
and Machine learning in agriculture. Smart agriculture is the trending technology, and
this article mainly predicts the apple disease in apple orchards in Kashmir valley using
machine learning (simple regression model) and IOT Data analytics. Archana Gupta
et al. (2021) [31] this article gives sound knowledge about smart farming using machine
learning what crop will give maximum yield depending upon the environmental and
sensor network parameters. IoT-based smart farming improvising the entire agriculture
sector and increasing the crop productivity, recommend the crop which will give real-time
monitoring on the parameters to give maximum productivity and quality. Vivekanandhan
et al. (2021) [32] this article influences the feature selection, preprocessing and followed
by classification using fuzzy rule-based to validate the input parameters and predict the
environmental changes efficiently and attain smart irrigation.
Table 1 describes the comparison of existing IoT framework in agriculture, this related
works support to implement in the proposed work.

Table 1. Comparison for existing IoT framework for Agriculture.

Reference Influence Outcomes

They present IoT based Crop
monitoring and smart farming Increased crop yield and data
M. S. Farooq et al., 2019 [12] using Machine learning and mining shows timely safe
wireless network for measure prediction
agriculture monitoring
Wireless Personal Area
Networks (6LoWPAN),
They present the best wireless
ZigBee, Bluetooth Low Energy
S.Al-Sahrawi et al., 2017 [13] communication protocols
(BLE), Z-Wave, and Near Field
used for IoT
Communication (NFC).
convenient for smart farming
The futuristic approach in Sensor and cameras were
collecting data relevant to installed to monitor the crop
Agrawal et al., 2019 [14]
agriculture and proposal for and eventually predict
smart agriculture crop-related problems
Smart agriculture in precision Uplifting the deteriorating
farming and linking electronic agriculture sector,
Vadapalli et al., 2019 [15]
gadgets like Arduino, incorporating IoI and Wifi,
IoT, Wifi Smart farming
IoT enabled precision
Energy-constrained devices
agriculture and Duty cycle
H. Agrawal et al., 2019 [14] and to maintain sensors and
algorithm for residual
gateway modules.
energy parameters.
Microcontroller based Direct
IoT enabled smart
Gubbi, J.; et al., 2019 [16] Digital Synthesis
sensing system
(DDS) method
This resulted in high yield
Novel NPK sensors and IOT
Lavanya et al., 2020 [5] crops and proved helpful
based design
for farmers
The concept of fuzzy logic is
IoT based low-cost fertilizer applied to detect the
Lavanya et al., 2020 [5]
intimation system deficiency of nutrients from
the sensed data . . .
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 5 of 12

3. Methodology
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Technologies 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW
The 5 of 12
terms/materials used for this experiment are described for the sake of improving
the readability of the proposed framework with clarity.

3.1. IoTFramework
Frameworkfor forAgriculture
3.1. IoT Framework for Agriculture
The proposed systemconsists
The proposed system consistsofof interfacing
interfacing thethe real-world
real-world data
data from
from storage
storage media
media to
The proposed system consists of interfacing the real-world data from storage media
to cloud Database management system from where the request is sent to the Machine
cloud Database management system from where the request is sent to the Machine learning
to cloud Database management systemoutput
from where the request is among
sent to 22thedifferent
trained trained
model model as
as shown in shown in The
Figure 2. Figure 2. Theof output of theismodule
the module one is one among 22
learning trained model as as shown
shown in Figure 2. The output of the module is one among 22
crops crops for implementation
for implementation as Figure
in Figure 3.
different crops for implementation as shown in Figure 3.

Figure ProposedIoT
Figure 2. Proposed IoT Client-Server Model.

Figure 3. Block diagram using Machine learning Module.

Figure 3. Block diagram using Machine learning Module.
Figure 3. Block diagram using Machine learning Module.
3.2. Data Mining and Network Implementation
3.2. Data Mining and Network Implementation
Data capturing and communication utilities are enabled in the first level of architec-
Data capturing and communication utilities are enabled in the first level of architec-
ture. The sensor network is linked with the gateway and the base station. In the second
ture. The sensor network is linked with the gateway and the base station. In the second
level, the classification specification and algorithm module are incorporated. The next
level, the classification specification and algorithm module are incorporated. The next
level is implementing the ML algorithms to acquire the results from the server. The server
level is implementing the ML algorithms to acquire the results from the server. The server
has a trained module for getting the specific crop for irrigation. The parameters like Ni-
has a trained module for getting the specific crop for irrigation. The parameters like Ni-
trogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, pH are measured using analytical sensors and stored in
trogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, pH are measured using analytical sensors and stored in
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 6 of 12

3.2. Data Mining and Network Implementation

Data capturing and communication utilities are enabled in the first level of architecture.
The sensor network is linked with the gateway and the base station. In the second level,
the classification specification and algorithm module are incorporated. The next level is
Technologies 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW
implementing the ML algorithms to acquire the results from the server. The server has 6 ofa12
trained module for getting the specific crop for irrigation. The parameters like Nitrogen,
Phosphorous, Potassium, pH are measured using analytical sensors and stored in the
module, Parameters
the module, like temperature,
Parameters Humidity,
like temperature, and rainfall
Humidity, are measured
and rainfall usingusing
are measured specific
sensors and stored
cific sensors in theindatabase.
and stored TheThe
the database. compiled
compileddata is stored
data in in
is stored a spreadsheet
a spreadsheetwith
knowledge about
about the specified 22
the specified 22 different
Figure3.3.ByBy training the module using a machine learning algorithm the
training the module using a machine learning algorithm the attained model attained
model is ready
is ready to recommend
to recommend the crop the
forcrop for the
the user for user for irrigation.Figure
irrigation.Figure 4 shows
4 shows flow flow
procedure of IoT-based smart agriculture is possible by combining field Physical
of IoT-based smart agriculture is possible by combining field Physical structure Data ac- structure
Data acquisition, Data processing, Data analytics for monitoring and control. The datasheet
quisition, Data processing, Data analytics for monitoring and control. The datasheet was
was acquired from Kaggle [33]. on a crop, the recommendation is taken for predicting the
acquired from Kaggle [33]. on a crop, the recommendation is taken for predicting the crop
crop for irrigation and obtaining maximum yield.
for irrigation and obtaining maximum yield.

Figure Modellingofofcrop

Irrigation cropsdepends
dependson ondifferent
available nutrients present in the soil like nitrogen, phosphorous, and Humidity. The 7
available nutrients present in the soil like nitrogen, phosphorous, and Humidity. The
7 attributes
attributes can decide aa crop
can decide crop for
for irrigation
irrigation sosothat
maximumyield yieldcancanbebeattained.
attained.This This
article canbebe used
used toto make
make a strong
a strong decision
decision making
making in planting
in planting different
different crops.
crops. WEKA WEKA or
or Waikato
Waikato Environment
Environment for Knowledge
for Knowledge Analysis
Analysis the University
the University of Waikato
of Waikato Hamilton, Hamilton,
New Zealand
Zealand is an open-supply
is an open-supply facts facts
miningmining software
software program
program issuedissued beneath
beneath GNU GNU pub-
lic license
license softwaresoftware program
program that gives
that gives freedomfreedom to its customers
to its customers in appearing
in appearing most ofmost theseof
facts facts mining
mining works[34].
works [34].
ItItisisa aset
setofof many
many devices
devices gaining
gaining knowledge
knowledge of algorithms
of algorithms for for facts
facts mining
mining tasks.
tasks. It isIt
a is a percent
percent of a of a device
device that includes
that includes diversediverse operations
operations known known
as file as file preparation,
preparation, clus-
tering, regression,
regression, facts preprocessing,
facts preprocessing, classification,
classification, Association
Association rules, instance-primarily
rules, instance-primarily based
totally totally classifying, and picturing.
and picturing. The technique
The technique worried worried in organizing
in organizing the project theis project
is done the use of this software program known as WEKA for modeling the above stated
clever positioning the use of photo processing

3.3. Selected Classifiers (Supervised Learning Algorithms)

Some of the selected classifiers are for this module are Multilayer perceptron, JRip,
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 7 of 12

the use of this software program known as WEKA for modeling the above stated clever
positioning the use of photo processing.

3.3. Selected Classifiers (Supervised Learning Algorithms)

Some of the selected classifiers are for this module are Multilayer perceptron, JRip,
Decision table in tree category are chosen.

3.3.1. Multilayer Perceptron

It is also called a supplement of a Feedforward neural network. MLP is composed
of three layers namely the input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. MLP has a unique
ability to approximate continuous functions rather than only linear functions. MLP is
composed of neurons which are also called perceptions. For example, the input receives n
features [4] as input (x = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 . . . . . . xn ).
These n features are passed on to an input function u that computes the weighted sum
for the input layer
U( x) = ∑i=1 wi xi .
This result is passed on to the activation function {f} in this article it is supposed to
sigmoid node 0 to sigmoid node 35. MLP has one or more hidden layers. But the input
layer and the output layer are exposed to the external world.

3.3.2. Decision Table

Rule-based classifier which uses a simple decision table for classification. This classifier
consists of the hierarchical table whose entries are broken down by the values of a pair of
added features to form another table. This is analogous to dimensional stacking.

3.3.3. JRip
This classifier in the WEKA tool is a class-based prepositional rule learner, Repeated
Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER). There are two basic phases
that are grown phase and the pruning phase. Ingrow phase is the rule by greedily adding
highest information gain: p(log(p/t) − log(P/T)). In the pruning phase, any final sequences
are added to the growing phase. Optimization stage and fixation of discretion length and
the whole ruleset is fixed.

4. Data Preparation Cum Generation

The dataset used for our experimental analysis is taken from a public repository known
to be the Kaggle database [33]. Table 2 is the lookup format for crop recommended dataset
with seven different parameters like Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, pH, Rainfall,
Temperature, and Humidity. The different combinations of these seven parameters give
rise to different crops. In the given lookup table defines the crops recommended with the
numerical values of the 7 different parameters.
The Kaggle data set contains 2200 instances for 22 different crops as mentioned in the
look-up table. The comma-delimited format is used for training the optimum model used
supervised learning methods with the selected functions and rule-based classifiers.

Tools Applied
WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is selected for machine learn-
ing algorithm implementation for crop recommendation in this experimental analysis.
WEKA is an open-source innovative tool for all research communities working on both
supervised and unsupervised learning methodologies. WEKA with java platform imple-
mentation is the best-suited tool for machine learning techniques [34].
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 8 of 12

Table 2. Lookup table for crop recommendation with numeric data.

S. No No of Parameters Instances Count Crop Recommended

1 7 100 Rice
2 7 100 Maize
3 7 100 chickpea
4 7 100 Kidney beans
5 7 100 Pigeon peas
6 7 100 Moth beans
7 7 100 Mung bean
8 7 100 Black gram
9 7 100 lentil
10 7 100 pomegranate
11 7 100 Banana
12 7 100 Mango
13 7 100 Grapes
14 7 100 Watermelon
15 7 100 Muskmelon
16 7 100 apple
17 7 100 orange
18 7 100 Papaya
19 7 100 Coconut
20 7 100 Cotton
21 7 100 jute
22 7 100 coffee
Total 2200

5. Experimental Results and Discussion

Data collection is done first and then the dataset format to comma delimited excel
format (CSV file) which is compatible for using to train the data set in WEKA tool using
supervised learning methods and after completing the preprocessing the classification
process is done for the selected classifiers and the performance characteristics are noted
and tabulated. By using the preprocessing method of nominal to binary attribute selection
will reduce the time taken to build the model.
The results show in Table 3, the classification or the crop recommendation by this
optimum model is very well predicted based on the data set and 7 different attributes. The
three classifiers namely function-based and rules-based are taken for implementing the
machine learning technique had given us an accuracy performance percentage of 98.2273%
to 88.5909% for multilayer perceptron and JRip classifier as shown in Figure 5. The receiver
operator characteristics of 0.991 to 0.997 for the Lazy category classifier decision table and
multilayer perceptron.

Table 3. Investigational outcomes of the first iterated model.

Selected WEKA Weighted Avg. Time to Build
S. No Category Classified Analysis
Classifier ROC the Model
Instances (%)
Kappa statistic
1 Functions MLP 98.2273 0.997 10.56
Mean absolute
2 Lazy Decision table 88.5909 0.991 0.23
error 0.004
Root mean squared
3 Lazy JRip 96.2273 0.993 0.58
error 0.035
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2022, 13x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 9ofof1212

Technologies 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 12

Classifier vs. Accuracy %

100.00% 98.23%
Classifier vs. Accuracy %

100.00% 98.23%

88.59% 96.23%
Accuracy % 95.00%
90.00% 88.59%
Selected Classifiers
MLP Decision Table JRip Linear (MLP)
Selected Classifiers
Figure Classifier versusDecision
MLP versus Performance accuracy
Table accuracy
Performance percentageLinear
percentage characteristics.

The next characteristics in building
of the three thenamely
classifiers model multilayer
weighted receiver operator
perceptron, character-
decision table,
Figure 5. Classifier versus Performance accuracy percentage characteristics.
and of has
JRip 1 will give very
shown us anminimum
optimumerror modelandand MLPError
RMSE showing
in thethe bestofROC
range than
0.1384 the se-
to 0.058.
next as show inin
characteristics Figure 6. The
building the time
the taken
model to build
weighted the model
receiver is spanned
operator from
tics of to
1 0.23
will s
an optimumperceptron
model and
and decision
MLP table
showing classifiers.
the best ROC
istics of 1 will give us an optimum model and MLP showing the best ROC than the se- than the selected
classifiers as show in Figure 6. The time taken to build the model is spanned from 10.56 to
lected classifiers as show in Figure 6. The time taken to build the model is spanned from
0.23 s for multilayer perceptron and decision table classifiers.
10.56 to 0.23 s forClassifier
Weighted andAvgdecision
ROCtable classifiers.
0.998 0.997
Classifier vs. Weighted Avg ROC

0.998 0.997
0.994 0.993


0.992 0.991
0.994 0.993

0.992 0.991
0.99 MLP Decision Table JRip

0.988 Classifiers
MLP Decision Table JRip
Figure 6. Classifier versus Receiver Operator characteristics.

The preprocessing of the data set by normalization leads to time reduction in build-
ing the model and
Figure improving the ROC measure to one almost all classifiers show the same
measure approximately.ofThe
preprocessing performance
data of the model has given an accuracy percentage
The of the setset
byby normalization
normalization leads
leads to time
to time reduction
reduction in build-
in building
of 98.2273%
the model for multilayer perceptron and 88.59% for Lazy category decision table classi-
the and and improving
improving the the
ROC ROC measure
measure to one
to one almost
almost allall classifiersshow
classifiers showthe thesame
measure approximately.The The performance
measure approximately. performance of of
thethe model
model hashas given
given an an accuracy
accuracy percentage
percentage of
The for
of 98.2273%
98.2273% second iterated
for multilayer
multilayer model clearly
perceptron andand dictates
88.59% that
for forthe
Lazy time
Lazy taken
category to build
decision the
table model
table is
reduced by preprocessing the data set using normalization as shown in
fier.The second iterated model clearly dictates that the time taken to build the model is Table 4. The iter-
ated The
reducedmodel after pre-processing
bysecond iteratedthe
preprocessing dataindicates
model clearly
set using that
normalization the as performance
time taken
shown into did4.not
Table thevary
The model even
iterated is
after normalizing the data set. But the time to build the model greatly
reduced by preprocessing the data set using normalization as shown in Table 4. The iter-
model after pre-processing indicates that the accuracy performance did changed.
not vary The
even data
set ismodel
ated normalized
normalizing after to reduce
the data set. Butredundancy
pre-processingtheindicates and
time to build get
the the required
model result
greatly changed.indid
The time
not vary
data [4].
set is
after normalizing
normalized theredundancy
to reduce data set. Butand
thebuild the model
required result greatly changed.
in less time [4]. The data
set is normalized to reduce redundancy and to get the required result in less time [4].
Technologies 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 12
Technologies 2022,10,
Technologies2022, 10,13x FOR PEER REVIEW 10

Table 4. Investigational outcome of the second iterated model using Nominalization.

Table Investigationaloutcome
Selected WEKA Selected WEKA Correctly Weighted Time tothe
S. No Category S. No Category Correctly Classified
Selected WEKA Classified
Weighted Avg. ROC
Time to
Time to Build
S. No Category Classifier
Instances (%) Classified Avg. ROC the
Model Model
Classifier Instances (%) Avg. ROC the Model
1 Functions MLP
1 Functions
MLP Instances
2 Lazy Decision
12 TableFunctions 88.5909
MLP 0.993
98.2273 1 0.24 8.78
3 Lazy JRip Lazy Decision
96.0 Table 88.5909
0.990 0.993 0.15 0.24
23 Lazy
Lazy Decision
JRipTable 88.5909
96.0 0.993
0.990 0.24
3 Lazy JRip 96.0 0.990 0.15
98.22%for forMLP
normalization of
of data
Figure 7 showsdata has
the not deviated
hasaccuracy from the
not deviated from the result.for
is 98.22%
result. The
The two
two iterated
and model
iterated for JRip charac-
after the
teristics clearly
normalization show
of datathat
has the
not performance
deviated fromaccuracy
the has
result. not
The varied.
two Figure
iterated model
istics clearly show that the performance accuracy has not varied. Figure 8 shows the var-8 shows the
istics in in
iationsclearly building.
show that the performance accuracy has not varied. Figure 8 shows the var-
iations in building

Classifier vs. Accuracy % for 2 models

Classifier vs. Accuracy % for 2 models
100.00% 98.23% 98.23%
98.00% 98.23% 98.23% 96.23% 96%

96.00% 96.23% 96%

90.00% 88.59% 88.59%

88.00% 88.59% 88.59%

82.00% MLP Decision Table JRip
MLP Decision Table JRip
First iterated model accuracy %
First iterated model accuracy %
Second iterated model accuracy percentage
Second iterated model accuracy percentage
Figure Classifierversus
Figure 7. Classifier versus Performance accuracy percentage characteristics.

Classifier - Time taken to build the model

Classifier - Time taken to build the model
12 10.56
10 10.56
10 8.78


in in


2 0.58
0 0.24
0.23 0.15
0 MLP Decision
0.24 Table JRip
MLP Decision Table JRip
Time to build the model 1 Time to build the model 2
Time to build the model 1 Time to build the model 2
Figure 8. Classifier versus time taken to build model 1 and model 2.
Figure Classifierversus
Technologies 2022, 10, 13 11 of 12

6. Conclusions and Future Scope

Currently, this article is a smart module in recommending the crop for irrigation and
obtaining maximum yield based on present environmental factors. This also serves as a
guide for any unknown person who is in need of any crop recommendations than facing
any trial basis error. The trending machine learning algorithm has helped us to build a
model in the agriculture sector also using IoT and helping the farmers in deciding the best
yield crop by just measuring the needy parameter like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium,
Rainfall, Temperature, pH, and humidity. In near future, the agriculture sector will be
converted into smart agriculture and will never face any decline in production, yield, and
quality thereby the agriculture sector progress to AI, IoT-based Precision farming.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.B. and V.T.; methodology, B.K.; software, V.T. and
S.M.; validation, K.B., D.J. and K.K.; formal analysis, V.V.; investigation, V.V.; resources, D.J.; data
curation, K.B. and S.M.; writing—original draft preparation, V.T.; writing—review and editing, D.J.;
visualization, K.K.; supervision, D.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: No funding for this Research Manuscript.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data collected from public data base. (, 20 November
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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