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Code Fragment (Host by Theang Yinh)

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Code Fragment: Constructors

Passenger::Passenger() { name = "--NO NAME--"; mealPref = NO_PREF; isFreqFlyer = false; freqFlyerNo = "NONE"; } // default constructor

// constructor given member values Passenger::Passenger(const string& nm, MealType mp, string ffn) { name = nm; mealPref = mp; isFreqFlyer = (ffn != "NONE"); // true only if ffn given freqFlyerNo = ffn; } // copy constructor Passenger::Passenger(const Passenger& pass) { name =; mealPref = pass.mealPref; isFreqFlyer = pass.isFreqFlyer; freqFlyerNo = pass.freqFlyerNo; }

Code Fragment: Vect

class Vect { private: int* theVect; // the array holding the vector int vectSize; // size of the vector public: Vect(int size = 10) { // constructor, given size vectSize = size; theVect = new int[size]; // allocate the array } // ... (other functions omitted) ~Vect() // destructor { delete [] theVect; } // free the allocated array };

Code Fragment: Housekeeping

Vect::Vect(const Vect &a) { // copy constructor from a vectSize = a.vectSize; // copy sizes theVect = new int[vectSize]; // allocate new array for (int i = 0; i < vectSize; i++) { // copy the vector contents theVect[i] = a.theVect[i]; } } Vect& Vect::operator=(const Vect &a) operator from a if (this != &a) { assignment delete [] theVect; array vectSize = a.vectSize; theVect = new int[vectSize]; for (int i=0; i < vectSize; i++) vector contents theVect[i] = a.theVect[i]; } } return *this; } { // assignment

// avoid self// delete old // set new size // allocate new array { // copy the

Code Fragment: Matrix

class Matrix; comes later class Vector { vector private: double coord[3]; public: // ... // Matrix definition // a 3-element

friend class Matrix; Matrix access to coord }; class Matrix { private: double a[3][3]; public: // ... Vector multiplyBy(const Vector& v) { * v) Vector w(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) w.coord[i] += a[i][j] * v.coord[j]; return w; } };
#ifndef CREDIT_CARD_H expansion #define CREDIT_CARD_H #include <string> #include <iostream> using std::string; accessible class CreditCard { private: string number; string name; int limit; double balance; public:

// allow

// a 3x3 array

// multiply (a

// avoid repeated

// provides string // provides ostream // make string

// // // // //

private member data credit card number card owner's name credit limit credit card balance

// standard constructor CreditCard(string no, string nm, int lim, double bal=0); // accessors functions string getNumber() const { return number; } string getName() const { return name; } double getBalance() const { return balance; } int getLimit() const { return limit; } // update functions bool chargeIt(double price); // make a charge void makePayment(double payment) { balance -= payment; } }; // print card information std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const CreditCard& c); #endif // make a payment

Code Fragment: CreditCardCPP

#include "CreditCard.h" // provides CreditCard // standard constructor CreditCard::CreditCard(string no, string nm, int lim, double bal) { number = no; name = nm; balance = bal; limit = lim; } // make a charge bool CreditCard::chargeIt(double price) { if (price + balance > double(limit)) return false; // over limit balance += price; return true; // the charge goes through } // print card information std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const CreditCard& c) { out << "Number = " << c.getNumber() << "\n" << "Name = " << c.getName() << "\n" << "Balance = " << c.getBalance() << "\n" << "Limit = " << c.getLimit() << "\n"; return out; }

Code Fragment: TestCard

#include <vector> #include "CreditCard.h" cout, string using namespace std; void testCard() { function vector<CreditCard*> wallet(10); CreditCard pointers // provides STL vector // provides CreditCard, // make std accessible // CreditCard test // vector of 10

// allocate 3 new cards wallet[0] = new CreditCard("5391 0375 9387 5309", "John Bowman", 2500); wallet[1] = new CreditCard("3485 0399 3395 1954", "John Bowman", 3500); wallet[2] = new CreditCard("6011 4902 3294 2994", "John Bowman", 5000); for (int j=1; j <= 16; j++) { // make some charges

wallet[0]->chargeIt(double(j)); double wallet[1]->chargeIt(2 * j); double wallet[2]->chargeIt(double(3 * j)); }

// explicitly cast to // implicitly cast to

cout << "Card payments:\n"; for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { // make more charges cout << *wallet[i]; while (wallet[i]->getBalance() > 100.0) { wallet[i]->makePayment(100.0); cout << "New balance = " << wallet[i]->getBalance() << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; delete wallet[i]; // deallocate storage } } int main() { testCard(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // main function // successful execution

Code Fragment: Progress

class Progression { protected: long first; progression long cur; progression virtual long firstValue() { cur = first; return cur; } virtual long nextValue() { return ++cur; } public: Progression(long f = 0) { cur = first = f; } void printProgression(int n); virtual ~Progression() { } };

// member data // first value of the // current value of the // reset and return first value

// advance and return next value // constructor given first value // print the first n values // virtual destructor

void Progression::printProgression(int n) { std::cout << firstValue(); // print the first value for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { std::cout << ' ' << nextValue(); // print values 2 through n } std::cout << '\n'; // print end of line }

Code Fragment: Arith

class ArithProgression : public Progression { protected: // member data long inc; // increment amount virtual long nextValue() { // advance by adding increment cur += inc; return cur; } public: ArithProgression(long i = 1) // constructor (default increment = 1) : Progression() { inc = i; } // initializes base class and inc };

Code Fragment: Geom

class GeomProgression : public Progression { protected: // member data long base; // base amount virtual long nextValue() { // advance by multiplying cur *= base; return cur; } public: GeomProgression(long b = 2) // constructor (default base = 2) : Progression(1) // progression starts at 1 { base = b; } };

Code Fragment: Fib

class FibonacciProgression : public Progression { protected: // member data long second; // second value long prev; // previous value virtual long firstValue() { cur = first; prev = second - first; return cur; } virtual long nextValue() { previous) long temp = prev; // reset and return first value // create fictitious previous // advance by (current +

prev = cur; cur += temp; return cur; } public: // constructor from first and second FibonacciProgression(long f = 0, long s = 1) : Progression(f) { // initialize base with first second = s; prev = second - first; // create fictitious previous } };

Code Fragment: TestProgression

/** Test program for the progression classes */ int main() { Progression* prog[6]; // test ArithProgression cout << "Arithmetic progression with default increment:\n"; prog[0] = new ArithProgression(); prog[0]->printProgression(10); cout << "Arithmetic progression with increment 5:\n"; prog[1] = new ArithProgression(5); prog[1]->printProgression(10); // test GeomProgression cout << "Geometric progression with default base:\n"; prog[2] = new GeomProgression(); prog[2]->printProgression(10); cout << "Geometric progression with base 3:\n"; prog[3] = new GeomProgression(3); prog[3]->printProgression(10); // test FibonacciProgression cout << "Fibonacci progression with default start values:\n"; prog[4] = new FibonacciProgression(); prog[4]->printProgression(10); cout << "Fibonacci progression with start values 4 and 6:\n"; prog[5] = new FibonacciProgression(4, 6); prog[5]->printProgression(10); return EXIT_SUCCESS; // successful execution }

Code Fragment: Runtime

class RuntimeException { // generic run-time exception private: string errorMsg; public: RuntimeException(const string& err) { errorMsg = err; }

string getMessage() const { return errorMsg; } }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const RuntimeException& e) { return out << e.getMessage(); }

Code Fragment: Recursive

int recursiveFactorial(int n) { function if (n == 0) return 1; else return n * recursiveFactorial(n-1); } // recursive factorial // basis case // recursive case

Code Fragment: Ruler

// one tick with optional label void drawOneTick(int tickLength, int tickLabel = -1) { for (int i = 0; i < tickLength; i++) cout << "-"; if (tickLabel >= 0) cout << " " << tickLabel; cout << "\n"; } void drawTicks(int tickLength) { // draw ticks of given length if (tickLength > 0) { // stop when length drops to 0 drawTicks(tickLength-1); // recursively draw left ticks drawOneTick(tickLength); // draw center tick drawTicks(tickLength-1); // recursively draw right ticks } } void drawRuler(int nInches, int majorLength) { // draw the entire ruler drawOneTick(majorLength, 0); // draw tick 0 and its label for (int i = 1; i <= nInches; i++) { drawTicks(majorLength-1); // draw ticks for this inch drawOneTick(majorLength, i); // draw tick i and its label } }

Code Fragment: Maryland

class Object { public: virtual void printMe() class Place : public Object { public: virtual void printMe() class Region : public Place { public: virtual void printMe() class State : public Region { public: virtual void printMe() class Maryland : public State { public: virtual void printMe()

= 0; }; { cout << "Buy it.\n"; } }; { cout << "Box it.\n"; } }; { cout << "Ship it.\n"; } }; { cout << "Read it.\n"; } };

int main() { Region* mid = new State; State* md = new Maryland; Object* obj = new Place; Place* usa = new Region; md->printMe(); mid->printMe(); (dynamic_cast<Place*>(obj))->printMe(); obj = md; (dynamic_cast<Maryland*>(obj))->printMe(); obj = usa; (dynamic_cast<Place*>(obj))->printMe(); usa = md; (dynamic_cast<Place*>(usa))->printMe(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

Code Fragment: ArrayMax

// Finds the maximum element in array A of n integers int arrayMax(int A[], int n) { int currentMax = A[0]; // executed once for (int i=1; i < n; i++) // executed once; n times; n-1 times, resp. if (currentMax < A[i]) // executed n-1 times currentMax = A[i]; // executed at most n-1 times return currentMax; // executed once } // Testing method called when the program is executed int main() { const int n = 9; int num[n] = { 10, 15, 3, 5, 56, 107, 22, 16, 85 }; cout << "Array:"; for (int i=0; i < n; i++) cout << " " << num[i]; // prints one element of the array cout << ".\n"; cout << "The maximum element is " << arrayMax(num,n) << ".\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

Code Fragment: Reinforcible

void Ex1(int n) { int a; for (int i=0; i } void Ex2(int n) { int a; for (int i=0; i } void Ex3(int n) { int a; for (int i=0; i } void Ex4(int n) { int a; for (int i=0; i for (int j=0; } void Ex5(int n) { int a; for (int i=0; i for (int j=0; }

< n; i++) a = i;

< n; i+=2) a = i;

< n*n; i++) a = i;

< n; i++) j <= i; j++) a = i;

< n*n; i++) j <= i; j++) a = i;

Code Fragment: Stack

/** * Interface for a stack: A collection of objects that are inserted * and removed according to the last-in first-out principle. */ template <typename Object> class Stack { public: /** * Returns number of objects in the stack. */ int size() const; /** * Returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise. */ bool isEmpty() const; /** * Returns the top object in the stack. * Throws StackEmptyException if the stack is empty. */ Object& top() throw(StackEmptyException); /** * Inserts an object at the top of the stack. */

void push(const Object& obj); /** * Removes and returns the top object from the stack. * Throws StackEmptyException if the stack is empty. */ Object pop() throw(StackEmptyException); };

Code Fragment: StackEmptyException

/** * Exception thrown on performing top or pop of an empty stack. */ class StackEmptyException : public RuntimeException { public: StackEmptyException(const string& err) : RuntimeException(err) {} };

Code Fragment: Stack2

template <typename Object> class Stack { public: // ... const Object& top() const throw(StackEmptyException);

Code Fragment: ArrayStack1

template <typename Object> class ArrayStack { private: enum { CAPACITY = 1000 }; int capacity; Object* S; int t; public: capacity ArrayStack(int cap = CAPACITY) { capacity = cap; S = new Object[capacity]; t = -1; } int size() const stack { return (t + 1); }

// // // // //

member data default capacity of stack actual length of stack array the stack array index of the top of the stack

// constructor given max

// number of elements in the

bool isEmpty() const { return (t < 0); }

// is the stack empty?

// return the top of the stack Object& top() throw(StackEmptyException) { if (isEmpty()) throw StackEmptyException("Access to empty stack"); return S[t]; } // push object onto the stack void push(const Object& elem) throw(StackFullException) { if (size() == capacity) throw StackFullException("Stack overflow"); S[++t] = elem; } // pop the stack Object pop() throw(StackEmptyException) { if (isEmpty()) throw StackEmptyException("Access to empty stack"); return S[t--]; } // ...

Code Fragment: ArrayStack2

// ... (continuation of ArrayStack) ArrayStack(const ArrayStack& st);

// copy constructor // assignment operator

constructor ArrayStack& operator=(const ArrayStack& st); ~ArrayStack() // destructor { delete [] S; } }; template <typename Object> // copy constructor ArrayStack<Object>:: ArrayStack(const ArrayStack& st) { capacity = st.capacity; t = st.t; S = new Object[capacity]; for (int i = 0; i <= t; i++) { // copy contents S[i] = st.S[i]; } } template <typename Object> // assignment operator ArrayStack<Object>& ArrayStack<Object>:: operator=(const ArrayStack& st) { if (this != &st) { // avoid self copy (x = x) delete [] S; // delete old contents capacity = st.capacity; t = st.t; S = new Object[capacity]; for (int i = 0; i <= t; i++) { // copy contents

S[i] = st.S[i]; } } return *this; }

Code Fragment: factorial

long factorial(long n) { if (n <= 1) return 1; else return n * factorial(n-1); } // returns n! // 0! = 1! = 1 // n! = n * (n-1)!

/** * Interface for a queue: A collection of objects that are inserted * and removed according to the first-in first-out principle. */ template <typename Object> class Queue { public: /** * Returns the number of objects in the queue. */ int size() const; /** * Returns true if the queue is empty, false otherwise. */ bool isEmpty() const; /** * Returns the front object of the queue. * Throws QueueEmptyException if the queue is empty. */ Object& front() throw(QueueEmptyException); /** * Inserts an object at the rear of the queue. */ void enqueue (const Object& obj); /** * Remove and returns the object at the front of the queue. * Throws QueueEmptyException if the queue is empty. */ Object dequeue() throw(QueueEmptyException); };

Code Fragment: Queue

/** * Interface for a queue: A collection of objects that are inserted

* and removed according to the first-in first-out principle. */ template <typename Object> class Queue { public: /** * Returns the number of objects in the queue. */ int size() const; /** * Returns true if the queue is empty, false otherwise. */ bool isEmpty() const; /** * Returns the front object of the queue. * Throws QueueEmptyException if the queue is empty. */ Object& front() throw(QueueEmptyException); /** * Inserts an object at the rear of the queue. */ void enqueue (const Object& obj); /** * Remove and returns the object at the front of the queue. * Throws QueueEmptyException if the queue is empty. */ Object dequeue() throw(QueueEmptyException); };

Code Fragment: Node

struct Node { // a node in the stack Object element; // element Node* next; // next pointer Node(const Object& e = Object(), Node* n = NULL) : element(e), next(n) { } // constructor }; typedef Node* NodePtr; // pointer type to node

Code Fragment: LinkedStack1

template <typename Object> class LinkedStack { protected: // ... (insert Node here) private: NodePtr tp; int sz; public: LinkedStack() {

// local node structure // member data // pointer to stack top // number of items in stack // default constructor

tp = NULL; sz = 0; } int size() const { return sz; } stack bool isEmpty() const { return sz == 0; } // number of elements in // is the stack empty? // return stack top

Object& top() throw(StackEmptyException) { if (isEmpty()) throw StackEmptyException("Top of empty stack"); return tp->element; } void push(const Object& e) { // push element onto stack NodePtr v = new Node(e, tp); tp = v; // v is now the top sz++; } Object pop() throw(StackEmptyException) { // pop top element if (isEmpty()) throw StackEmptyException("Pop of empty stack"); NodePtr old = tp; // node to remove tp = tp->next; sz--; Object result = old->element; // element to return delete old; return result; } // ... (insert housekeeping functions here) };

Code Fragment: LinkedStack2

// ... (continuation of LinkedStack) protected: void removeAll() contents { while (!isEmpty()) pop(); } void copyFrom(const LinkedStack& ls); public: LinkedStack(const LinkedStack& ls) { copyFrom(ls); }

// protected utilities // remove entire stack // copy from ls copy constructor copy new contents assignment operator avoid self copy (x =

// // // LinkedStack& operator=(const LinkedStack& ls) { if (this != &ls) { // removeAll(); copyFrom(ls); } return *this; } ~LinkedStack()

x) // remove old contents // copy new contents

// destructor

{ removeAll(); }

// destroy old contents

Code Fragment: LinkedStack3

template <typename Object> // copy from stack ls void LinkedStack<Object>::copyFrom(const LinkedStack& ls) { tp = NULL; NodePtr p =; // p is current node in ls NodePtr prev = NULL; while (p != NULL) { NodePtr v = new Node(p->element, NULL); // create copy of p if (tp == NULL) tp = v; // if first node else prev->next = v; // else link after prev prev = v; p = p->next; } sz =; }

Code Fragment: LinkedQueue

// ... (part of class LinkedQueue) void enqueue(const Object& e) { // enqueue element NodePtr v = new Node(e, NULL); if (sz == 0) head = v; // if empty, this is new head else tail->next = v; // else link after tail tail = v; // v is now the tail sz++; } Object dequeue() throw(QueueEmptyException) { // dequeue if (isEmpty()) throw QueueEmptyException("Dequeue of empty queue"); NodePtr old = head; // node to remove head = head->next; if ((--sz) == 0) tail = NULL; // deletion causes empty queue Object result = old->element; delete old; return result; } // ...

Code Fragment: Node

struct Node { // a node in the deque Object element; // element Node* prev; // previous node Node* next; // next node Node(const Object& e = Object(), Node* p = NULL, Node* n = NULL) : element(e), prev(p), next(n) { } // constructor }; typedef Node* NodePtr; // pointer to node

Code Fragment: LinkedDeque1

template <typename Object> class LinkedDeque { protected: // local node structure // ... (insert Node here) private: // member data NodePtr header; // pointer to header sentinel NodePtr trailer; // pointer to trailer sentinel int sz; // number of elements public: LinkedDeque() { // default constructor header = new Node; trailer = new Node; header->next = trailer; // trailer follows header trailer->prev = header; // header precedes trailer sz = 0; } // ... // return first element Object& first() throw(DequeEmptyException) { if (isEmpty()) throw DequeEmptyException("First of empty deque"); return header->next->element; } void insertFirst(const Object& e) { // insert new node at head NodePtr oldFirst = header->next; // old first node NodePtr t = new Node(e, header, oldFirst); // new node to insert oldFirst->prev = t; header->next = t; sz++; } void removeLast() { // remove node at tail if (isEmpty()) throw DequeEmptyException("Remove on empty deque"); NodePtr old = trailer->prev; // node to remove NodePtr newLast = old->prev; // new last node trailer->prev = newLast; newLast->next = trailer; sz--;

delete old; } // ... (many functions omitted) };

Code Fragment: DequeStack

template <typename Object> class DequeStack { private: // member data LinkedDeque<Object> D; // the deque public: DequeStack() : D() { } // default constructor int size() const { return D.size(); } // number of elements in stack bool isEmpty() const { return D.isEmpty(); } // is the stack empty? // return the top of the stack const Object& top() const throw(StackEmptyException) { try { return D.first(); } catch (const DequeEmptyException& e) { throw StackEmptyException("Top of empty stack"); } } void push(const Object& elem) // push onto stack { D.insertFirst(elem); } Object pop() throw(StackEmptyException) { // pop the stack try { Object result = D.first(); D.removeFirst(); return result; } catch (const DequeEmptyException& e) { throw StackEmptyException("Pop of empty stack"); } } };

Code Fragment: computeSpans

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "LinkedStack.h" using namespace std; available // make std stuff

/** * A stock-quote class, which contains a day's stock price and span. */ class Quote {

public: int day; // which day int price; // this day's price int span; // this day's span Quote(int d = 0, int p = 0) // constructor { day = d; price = p; } }; /** * Compute the span of the stock price on each day by means of a * stack, and store the information in the Quote array Q. */ void computeDailyHighSpan(vector<Quote>& Q) { int prevHigh; // previous higher day LinkedStack<Quote> D; for (int i = 0 ; i < Q.size(); i++) { // process the current day i while ( !D.isEmpty() && // if stack not empty and Q[i].price >= ) { // ... today's price is higher D.pop(); } if (D.isEmpty()) prevHigh = -1; // day i is a new high else prevHigh =; // else stack top is high Q[i].span = i - prevHigh; span D.push(Q[i]); stack } } // add current to the // compute and store the

Code Fragment: vector1

template <typename Object> class ArrayVector { private: int capacity; // length of array int sz; // number of elements in vector Object* a; // array storing the elements protected: void overflow(); // handle overflow by resizing public: ArrayVector(int initCap = 16) { // constructor capacity = initCap; sz = 0; a = new Object[capacity]; } int size() const // number of elements { return sz; } bool isEmpty() const // is vector empty?

{ return size() == 0; } Object& elemAtRank(int r) rank r { return a[r]; } void replaceAtRank(int r, const Object& e) given rank { a[r] = e; } void removeAtRank(int r); given rank void insertAtRank(int r, const Object& e); given rank // ... (housekeeping functions omitted) };

// access element at // replace element at // remove element at // insert element at

Code Fragment: vector2

// ... definitions template <typename Object> void ArrayVector<Object>:: removeAtRank(int r) { given rank for (int i = r; i < sz-1; i++) a[i] = a[i+1]; sz--; } template <typename Object> void ArrayVector<Object>:: insertAtRank(int r, const Object& e) { given rank if (sz == capacity) overflow(); for (int i = sz-1; i >= r; i--) a[i+1] = a[i]; a[r] = e; sz++; } template <typename Object> void ArrayVector<Object>:: overflow() { resizing capacity *= 2; Object* b = new Object[capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { b[i] = a[i]; } delete [] a; a = b; } // out-of-class

// remove element at // shift elements down

// insert element at // handle overflow // shift elements up

// handle overflow by // double capacity // copy contents to new array // discard old array // make b the new array

Code Fragment: List

template <typename Object> class List { interface public: class Position; type int size() const; bool isEmpty() const; bool isFirst(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException); bool isLast(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException); // accessor functions Position first() const throw(EmptyContainerException); Position last() const throw(EmptyContainerException); Position before(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException, BoundaryViolationException); Position after(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException, BoundaryViolationException); // update functions Position insertBefore(const Position& p, const Object& element) throw(InvalidPositionException); Position insertAfter(const Position& p, const Object& element) throw(InvalidPositionException); Position insertFirst(const Object& element); Position insertLast(const Object& element); void remove(const Position& p) throw(InvalidPositionException); void replaceElement(const Position& p, const Object& element) throw(InvalidPositionException); void swapElements(const Position& a, const Position& b) throw(InvalidPositionException); };

// List // node position // query functions

Code Fragment: Node

struct Node { NodeList // node in the

Object element; // element Node* prev; // previous node Node* next; // next node Node(const Object& e = Object(), Node* p = NULL, Node* n = NULL) : element(e), prev(p), next(n) { } // constructor }; typedef Node* NodePtr; // pointer to a Node

Code Fragment: Position

class Position { // position in NodeList private: NodePtr node; // pointer to the node public: Position(NodePtr n = NULL) // constructor { node = n; } Object& element() const // return element throw(InvalidPositionException) { if (node == NULL) throw InvalidPositionException("Null position"); return node->element; } bool isNull() const // a null position? { return node == NULL; } friend class NodeList<Object>; // allow access };

Code Fragment: InvalidPositionException

// use invalid position class InvalidPositionException : public RuntimeException { public: InvalidPositionException(const string& err) : RuntimeException(err) {} };

Code Fragment: NodeList1

template <typename Object> class NodeList { protected: // ... (insert Node class definition here) public:

// ... (insert Position class definition here) protected: // utility to convert Position to node pointer NodePtr nodePtr(const Position& p) const throw(InvalidPositionException) { if (p.node == NULL) throw InvalidPositionException("Attempt to use null position"); else return p.node; } protected: // data members int sz; // number of items NodePtr header; // head of list sentinel NodePtr trailer; // tail of list sentinel public: NodeList() { // default constructor sz = 0; header = new Node; // create sentinels trailer = new Node; header->next = trailer; // head points to trailer trailer->prev = header; // trailer points to head } int size() const // list size { return sz; } bool isEmpty() const // is the list empty? { return (sz == 0); } bool isFirst(const Position& p) const // is this the first? throw(InvalidPositionException) { NodePtr v = nodePtr(p); return v->prev == header; } bool isLast(const Position& p) const // is this the last? throw(InvalidPositionException) { NodePtr v = nodePtr(p); return v->next == trailer; } // ...

Code Fragment: Sequence

template <typename Object> // Sequence interface class Sequence : public List<Object>, public Vector<Object> { public: // "bridging" methods

Position atRank(int rank) const throw(BoundaryViolationException); int rankOf(Position position) const throw(InvalidPositionException); };

Code Fragment: NodeSequence1

template <typename Object> class NodeSequence : public NodeList<Object> { protected: // void checkRank(int rank) const // valid rank throw(BoundaryViolationException) { if (rank < 0 || rank >= sz) throw BoundaryViolationException("Invalid rank"); } public: typedef NodeList<Object>::Position Position; Position atRank(int rank) const // rank throw(BoundaryViolationException); int rankOf(const Position& p) const // element throw(InvalidPositionException); Object elemAtRank (int rank) const // this rank throw(BoundaryViolationException) { checkRank(rank); return atRank(rank).element(); } void insertAtRank (int rank, const Object& element) // given rank throw(BoundaryViolationException) { if (rank == size()) // if last insertLast(element); else { checkRank(rank); insertBefore( atRank(rank), element ); } } void removeAtRank (int rank) // rank throw(BoundaryViolationException) { checkRank(rank); Position p = atRank(rank); // remove remove(p); } void replaceAtRank (int rank, const Object& element) // rank throw(BoundaryViolationException) {

utilities check for

position of get rank of element at

insert at no checkRank

remove from

position to

replace at

checkRank(rank); replaceElement( atRank(rank), element ); } };

Code Fragment: NodeSequence2

template <typename Object> NodeSequence<Object>::Position NodeSequence<Object>:: atRank(int rank) const // position of rank throw(BoundaryViolationException) { NodePtr v; checkRank(rank); if (rank <= size()/2) { // scan forward from head v = header->next; for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) v = v->next; } else { // scan back from tail v = trailer->prev; for (int i = 1; i < size()-rank; i++) v = v->prev; } return Position(v); } template <typename Object> int NodeSequence<Object>:: rankOf(const Position &p) const throw(InvalidPositionException) { NodePtr v = first(); int i = 0; while (v != trailer) { if (p.node == v) return i; v = v->next; i++; } it? throw InvalidPositionException("Position not }

// get rank of position

// search for p.node // found it here // else advance // did not find found");

Code Fragment: BubbleSorts

template <typename Sequence> void bubbleSort1(Sequence& S) { ranks int n = S.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

// bubble-sort using // i-th pass

for (int j = 1; j < n-i; j++) if ( S.elemAtRank(j-1) > S.elemAtRank(j) ) S.swapElements(S.atRank(j-1), S.atRank(j)); } template <typename Sequence> void bubbleSort2(Sequence& S) { // bubble-sort using positions typedef typename Sequence::Position Position; int n = S.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // i-th pass Position prec = S.first(); for (int j = 1; j < n-i; j++) { Position succ = S.after(prec); if ( prec.element() > succ.element() ) S.swapElements(prec, succ); prec = succ; } } }

Code Fragment: DSACiterator

template <typename Object> void print(NodeList<Object>& L) { NodeList NodeList<Object>::ObjectIterator iter = L.elements(); iterator while (iter.hasNext()) { remain cout << << " "; next/advance } }

// print a // element // while more // print

Code Fragment: STLiterator

using namespace std; available template <typename Object> void print(list<Object>& L) { STL list list<Object>::iterator iter = L.begin(); iterator while (iter != L.end()) { remain cout << *iter << " "; ++iter; } } // make std // print an // vector // while more // print next // advance

Code Fragment: InspectablePositionalContainer

template <typename Object> class InspectablePositionalContainer : public InspectableContainer<Object> { public: class Position; type class PositionIterator; iterator PositionIterator positions() const; iterator };

// node position // position // get position

Code Fragment: PositionalContainer

template <typename Object> class PositionalContainer : public InspectablePositionalContainer<Object> { public: void swapElements(const Position& v, const Position& w); Object& replaceElement(const Position& v, const Object& e); };

Code Fragment: InspectableTree

template <typename Object> class InspectableTree : public InspectablePositionalContainer<Object> { public: Position root() const; // get Position parent(const Position& v) const; v PositionIterator children(const Position& v) const; children bool isInternal(const Position& v) const; node? bool isExternal(const Position& v) const; node? bool isRoot(const Position& v) const; };

root of tree // get parent of // iterator for // internal // external // the root?

Code Fragment: Tree

template <typename Object> class Tree : public InspectableTree<Object>, PositionalContainer<Object> { };

Code Fragment: depth

int depth(const Tree& T, const Position& v) { if (T.isRoot(v)) return 0; depth 0 else return 1 + depth(T, T.parent(v)); parent) }

// root has // 1 + (depth of

Code Fragment: height1

int height1(const Tree& T) { int h = 0; PositionIterator nodes = T.positions(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { Position v =; if (T.isExternal(v)) h = max(h, depth(T, v)); among leaves } return h; }

// v is a leaf? // max depth

Code Fragment: height2

int height2(const Tree& T, const Position& v) { if (T.isExternal(v)) return 0; height 0 else { int h = 0; PositionIterator children = T.children(v); while (children.hasNext()) h = max(h, height2(T,; return 1 + h; height) } }

// leaf has

// 1 + (max

Code Fragment: preorderPrint

void preorderPrint(const Tree& T, const Position& v) { cout << v.element(); // print element PositionIterator children = T.children(v); // visit children while (children.hasNext()) { cout << " "; preorderPrint(T,; } }

Code Fragment: parenPrint

void parenPrint(const Tree& T, const Position& v) { cout << v.element(); // print node's element if (T.isInternal(v)) { PositionIterator children = T.children(v); cout << "( "; // open parenPrint(T,; // visit the first child while (children.hasNext()) { // for each other child cout << ", "; // print separator parenPrint(T,; // visit the next child } cout << " )"; // close } }

Code Fragment: postorderPrint

void postorderPrint(const Tree& T, const Position& v) { PositionIterator children = T.children(v); while (children.hasNext()) { // visit children postorderPrint(T,; cout << " "; } cout << v.element(); // print element }

Code Fragment: diskSpace

int diskSpace(const Tree& T, const Position& v) { int s = size(v); size of v PositionIterator children = T.children(v); while (children.hasNext()) s += diskSpace(T,; of subtrees if (T.isInternal(v)) cout << name(v) << ": " << s << endl; and weight return s; }

// start with

// add weights // print name

Code Fragment: InspectableBinaryTree

template <typename Object> class InspectableBinaryTree : public InspectableTree<Object> { public: Position leftChild(const Position& v) const; v Position rightChild(const Position& v) const; of v Position sibling(const Position& v) const; };

// left child of // right child // sibling of v

Code Fragment: BinaryTree

template <typename Object> class BinaryTree : public InspectableBinaryTree<Object>, PositionalContainer<Object> { };

Code Fragment: TraversalResult

struct TraversalResult { int leftResult; subtree int rightResult; subtree int finalResult; };

// result from left // result from right // combined result

Code Fragment: EulerTour1

template <typename BinaryTree> class EulerTour { protected: typedef typename BinaryTree::Position Position; // position in the tree const BinaryTree* tree; // pointer to the tree // ... (insert TraversalResult here) public: void initialize(const BinaryTree& T) // initialize { tree = &T; } protected: // local utilities int eulerTour(const Position& v) const; // perform the Euler tour // functions to be redefined by subclasses virtual void visitExternal (const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const {} virtual void visitLeft (const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const {} virtual void visitBelow (const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const {} virtual void visitRight (const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const {} TraversalResult initResult() const { return TraversalResult(); } int result(const TraversalResult& r) const { return r.finalResult; } };

Code Fragment: EulerTour2

template <typename BinaryTree> // do the tour int EulerTour<BinaryTree>::eulerTour(const Position& v) const { TraversalResult r = initResult(); if (tree->isExternal(v)) { // external node visitExternal(v, r); } else { // internal node visitLeft(v, r); r.leftResult = eulerTour(tree->leftChild(v)); // recursive on left visitBelow(v, r); r.rightResult = eulerTour(tree->rightChild(v)); // recursive on right visitRight(v, r); } return result(r); }

Code Fragment: EvaluateExpressionTour

template <typename BinaryTree> class EvaluateExpressionTour : public EulerTour<BinaryTree> { public: void execute(const BinaryTree& T) { // execute the tour initialize(T); std::cout << "The value is: " << eulerTour(tree->root()) << "\n"; } protected: // leaf: return value typedef EulerTour<BinaryTree>::Position Position; typedef EulerTour<BinaryTree>::TraversalResult TraversalResult; virtual void visitExternal(const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const { r.finalResult = v.element().value(); } // internal: do operation virtual void visitRight(const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const { r.finalResult = v.element().operation(r.leftResult, r.rightResult); } };

Code Fragment: PrintExpressionTour

template <typename BinaryTree> class PrintExpressionTour : public EulerTour<BinaryTree> { public: void execute(const BinaryTree& T) { // execute the tour initialize(T); cout << "Expression: "; eulerTour(T.root()); cout << endl; } protected: typedef EulerTour<BinaryTree>::Position Position; typedef EulerTour<BinaryTree>::TraversalResult TraversalResult; virtual void visitExternal(const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const { v.element().print(); } // leaf: print value virtual void visitLeft(const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const { cout << "("; } // open new subexpression virtual void visitBelow(const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const { v.element().print(); } // internal: print operator virtual void visitRight(const Position& v, TraversalResult& r) const

{ cout << ")"; } subexpression };

// close

Code Fragment: Node

struct Node { // a node in the tree Object element; // the element Node* parent; // parent Node* left; // left child Node* right; // right child Node() : element(Object()) // default constructor { parent = left = right = NULL; } Node* sibling() const { // get our sibling return (this == parent->left ? parent->right : parent->left); } }; typedef

Code Fragment: Position

class Position { the tree private: NodePtr node; the node public: Position(NodePtr n = NULL) { node = n; } Object& element() const { return node->element; } bool isNull() const { return node == NULL; } friend LinkedBinaryTree; }; // position in // pointer to // constructor // get element // null position? // allow access

Code Fragment: LinkedBinaryTree1

template <typename Object> class LinkedBinaryTree { protected: // ... (insert Node definition here) public:

// ... (insert Position definition here) private: // member data NodePtr theRoot; // pointer to the root int sz; // number of nodes protected: // protected utilities // ... (insert LinkedBinaryTree utilities here) public: LinkedBinaryTree() // constructor { theRoot = new Node; sz = 1; } int size() const // size of tree { return sz; } bool isEmpty() const // is tree empty? { return (sz == 0); } Position root() const // returns root { return Position(theRoot); } Position leftChild(const Position& v) const // returns left child { return Position(nodePtr(v)->left); } // ... (rightChild(), parent(), and sibling() are omitted but similar) bool isRoot(const Position& v) const // is v the root? { return isRoot(nodePtr(v)); } bool isInternal(const Position& v) const // is v internal? { return isInternal(nodePtr(v)); } bool isExternal(const Position& v) const // is v external? { return isExternal(nodePtr(v)); } void replaceElement(const Position& v, const Object& o) { replaceElement(nodePtr(v), o); } // replace element void swapElements(const Position& v, const Position& w) { swapElements(nodePtr(v), nodePtr(w)); } // swap elements void expandExternal(const Position& v) { expandExternal(nodePtr(v)); } // expand external node Position removeAboveExternal(const Position& v) // remove v and parent { return Position(removeAboveExternal(nodePtr(v))); } // ... (housekeeping and iterator functions omitted) };

Code Fragment: LinkedBinaryTree2

// ... (utilities for LinkedBinaryTree) NodePtr nodePtr(const Position& v) const NodePtr { return v.node; }

// convert to

bool isExternal(NodePtr n) const external? { return (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL); } bool isInternal(NodePtr n) const internal? { return ! isExternal(n); } bool isRoot(NodePtr n) const root? { return (n == theRoot); } void setRoot(NodePtr r) root { theRoot = r; r->parent = NULL; } void replaceElement(NodePtr n, const Object& o) element { n->element = o; } void swapElements(NodePtr n, NodePtr w) { Object temp = w->element; w->element = n->element; n->element = temp; } void expandExternal(NodePtr n) { external node n->left = new Node; n->left->parent = n; n->right = new Node; n->right->parent = n; sz += 2; } NodePtr removeAboveExternal(NodePtr n) { parent NodePtr p = n->parent; NodePtr s = n->sibling(); if (isRoot(p)) setRoot(s); now s is else { NodePtr g = p->parent; grandparent if (p == g->left) g->left = s; parent by sibling else g->right = s; s->parent = g; } delete n; delete p; removed nodes sz -= 2; nodes return s; }

// is node // is node // is node the // make r the // replace // swap elements

// expand

// remove n and

// p was root; // the // replace

// delete // two fewer

Code Fragment: Item

template <typename Key, typename Element> class Item { private: Key _key;

// a (key, element) pair // key value

Element _elem; // element public: Item(const Key& k = Key(), const Element& e = Element()) : _key(k), _elem(e) { } // constructor const Key& key() const // gets the key (read only) { return _key; } Element& element() // gets the element { return _elem; } const Element& element() const // gets the element (read only) { return _elem; } void setKey(const Key& k) // sets the key value { _key = k; } void setElement(const Element& e) // sets the element { _elem = e; } };

Code Fragment: compare

class LexCompare { // lex comparison public: int operator()(const Point2D& p1, const Point2D& p2) const { if (p1.getX() < p2.getX()) // first compare x return -1; else if (p1.getX() > p2.getX()) return +1; else if (p1.getY() < p2.getY()) // x's equal; compare y return -1; else if (p1.getY() > p2.getY()) return +1; else // both x and y are equal return 0; } };

Code Fragment: generic

template <typename Key, typename Comp> class GenericClass { Comp comp; // ... public: void memberFunction(Key p, Key q) { if (comp(p, q) > 0) { /* ... */ } comp } }; // ...

// example class // comparator object

// compare keys using

Point2D p, q; GenericClass<Point2D, LexCompare> concrete; concrete.memberFunction(p, q); LexCompare // ...

// p and q are points // compare p, q using

Code Fragment: SSPQ1

template <typename Key, typename Element, typename Comp> class SortedSeqPriorityQueue { protected: // typename shortcuts typedef Item<Key, Element> Item; // (key, element) pair typedef NodeSequence<Item> Sequence; // a sequence of items public: typedef Sequence::Position Position; // position in sequence protected: // local utilities const Key& key(const Position& p) const // position's key { return p.element().key(); } Element& element(const Position& p) // position's element { Position t = p; return t.element().element(); } private: // member data Sequence S; // sorted sequence Comp comp; // comparator public: SortedSeqPriorityQueue() : S(), comp() { } // default constructor int size() const // number of items { return S.size(); } bool isEmpty() const // is the queue empty? { return S.isEmpty(); } // ...

Code Fragment: SSPQ2

// ... (continuation of SortedSeqPriorityQueue) void insertItem(const Key& k, const Element& e) { // insert into queue if (S.isEmpty()) S.insertFirst(Item(k, e)); // if empty insert first else if (comp(k, key(S.last())) > 0) // greater than last? S.insertAfter(S.last(), Item(k,e)); // insert at end else { Position curr = S.first(); // start search

while (comp(k, key(curr)) > 0) // skip over small keys curr = S.after(curr); S.insertBefore(curr, Item(k,e)); // insert here } } Element& minElement() // element with min key throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (S.isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Minimum element of empty queue"); else return element(S.first()); } const Key& minKey() const // returns minimum key throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (S.isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Minimum key of empty queue"); else return key(S.first()); } void removeMin() // remove minimum throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (S.isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Removal from empty queue"); S.remove(S.first()); } };

Code Fragment: HeapTree

template <class Object> // HeapTree interface class HeapTree : public InspectableBinaryTree, PositionalContainer { public: Position add(const Object &elem); // add new last node Object remove(); // remove last node };

Code Fragment: HPQ1

template <typename Key, typename Element, typename Comp> class HeapPriorityQueue { protected: // typename shortcuts typedef Item<Key, Element> Item; // (key, element) pair

typedef VectorHeapTree<Item> HeapTree; items typedef HeapTree::Position Position; heap protected: utilities const Key& key(const Position& p) const key { return p.element().key(); } Element& element(const Position& p) element { return p.element().element(); } private: HeapTree T; Comp comp; public: HeapPriorityQueue(int capac = 100) : T(capac), comp() { } int size() const elements { return (T.size()-1)/2; } bool isEmpty() const { return size() == 0; }

// a heap of // a position in // local // position's // position's // member data // heap tree // comparator // constructor // number of // is the queue empty? // insert (key,

void insertItem(const Key& k, const Element& e); element)

Element& minElement() // return min element throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Minimum element of empty queue"); return element(T.root()); } const Key& minKey() const // return minimum key throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Minimum key of empty queue"); return key(T.root()); } void removeMin() throw(EmptyContainerException); // remove minimum };

Code Fragment: HPQ2

template <typename Key, typename Element, typename Comp> void HeapPriorityQueue<Key, Element, Comp>:: insertItem(const Key& k, const Element& e) { // insert keyelement Position z = T.add(Item(k, e)); while (!T.isRoot(z)) { // up-heap bubbling

Position u = T.parent(z); if (comp(key(u), key(z)) <= 0) break; T.swapElements(u, z); z = u; } } template <typename Key, typename Element, typename Comp> void HeapPriorityQueue<Key, Element, Comp>:: removeMin() // remove minimum throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Removal from empty queue"); if (size() == 1) T.remove(); else { T.replaceElement(T.root(), T.remove()); Position r = T.root(); while (T.isInternal(T.leftChild(r))) { // down-heap bubbling Position s = T.rightChild(r); if (T.isExternal(T.rightChild(r)) || comp(key(T.leftChild(r)), key(T.rightChild(r))) <= 0) s = T.leftChild(r); if (comp(key(s), key(r)) < 0) { T.swapElements(r, s); r = s; } else break; } } }

Code Fragment: LocItem

struct LocItem { // a locatable item Item<Key,Element> item; // the item Position pos; // its position // LocItem(const Key& k = Key(), const Element& e = Element()) : item(k, e), pos() { } // constructor const Key& key() const // get key { return item.key(); } Element& element() // get element { return item.element(); } };

Code Fragment: Locator

class Locator { // a locator private: LocItemPtr locItem; // pointer to the item public: Locator(LocItemPtr ip = NULL) // constructor { locItem = ip; } bool isNull() const // is locator null? { return locItem == NULL; } const Key& key() const // get key (read-only) { return locItem->key(); } Element& element() // get element { return locItem->element(); } const Element& element() const // get element (read-only) { return locItem->element(); } friend class SortedSeqPriorityQueueLoc<Key, Element, Comp>; };

Code Fragment: SSPQL1

template <typename Key, typename Element, typename Comp> class SortedSeqPriorityQueueLoc { protected: // typename shortcuts struct LocItem; // a locatable item typedef LocItem* LocItemPtr; // a pointer to LocItem typedef NodeSequence<LocItemPtr> Sequence; // sequence typedef Sequence::Position Position; // position in sequence // ... (insert LocItem here) public: // ... (insert Locator here) protected: // local utilities const Key& key(const Position& p) const // position's key { return p.element()->key(); } Element& element(const Position& p) // position's element { return p.element()->element(); } void locInsert(LocItemPtr locItem); // insert utility private: // member data Sequence S; // sorted sequence Comp comp; // comparator public: // public functions SortedSeqPriorityQueueLoc() : S(), comp() { } // constructor

Locator min() const // minimum item throw(EmptyContainerException) { if (S.isEmpty()) throw EmptyContainerException("Min of empty queue"); else return Locator(S.first().element()); } Locator insertItem(const Key& k, const Element& e) { // insert (key,element) LocItemPtr locItem = new LocItem(k, e); // allocate new item locInsert(locItem); // insert it return Locator(locItem); // return its locator } void remove(Locator& loc) // remove item throw(InvalidPositionException) { if (loc.isNull()) throw InvalidPositionException("Removal of null locator"); S.remove(loc.locItem->pos); // remove from sequence delete loc.locItem; // delete the item loc.locItem = NULL; // invalidate pointer } // ...

Code Fragment: SSPQL2

// ... (continuation of SortedSeqPriorityQueueLoc) void removeMin() // remove minimum throw(EmptyContainerException) { Locator minLoc = min(); // get locator to min remove(minLoc); // remove it } void replaceElement(Locator& loc, const Element& newElement) throw(InvalidPositionException) { // replace an element if (loc.isNull()) throw InvalidPositionException("Replacement using null locator"); loc.locItem->item.setElement(newElement); // modify the element } void replaceKey(Locator& loc, const Key& newKey) // replace a key throw(InvalidPositionException) { if (loc.isNull()) throw InvalidPositionException("Replacement using null locator"); S.remove(loc.locItem->pos); // remove from sequence

loc.locItem->item.setKey(newKey); key

// modify the reinsert in

locInsert(loc.locItem); // sequence } // ... (housekeeping and other functions omitted) }; template <typename Key, typename Element, typename Comp> void SortedSeqPriorityQueueLoc<Key, Element, Comp>:: locInsert(LocItemPtr locItem) { // utility Position& pos = locItem->pos; // position Key k = locItem->key(); // if (S.isEmpty()) pos = S.insertFirst(locItem); // insert first else if (comp(k, key(S.last())) > 0) // last? pos = S.insertAfter(S.last(), locItem); // else { Position curr = S.first(); // while (comp(k, key(curr)) > 0) // small keys curr = S.after(curr); pos = S.insertBefore(curr, locItem); // } }

insert insertion key to insert if empty greater than insert at end start search skip over insert here

Code Fragment: HashEntry
enum Status { EMPTY, USED, FREE }; status // table entry

struct HashEntry : public Item<Key, Element> { // a hash table entry Status status; // entry status HashEntry(const Key& k = Key(), // constructor const Element& e = Element(), Status st = EMPTY) : Item<Key,Element>(k, e), status(st) { } }; typedef HashEntry* EntryPtr; // pointer to an entry

Code Fragment: Position

class Position { position private: EntryPtr node; entry public: Position(EntryPtr n = NULL) { node = n; } Element& element() { return node->element(); } const Key& key() const { return node->key(); } bool isNull() const { return node == NULL; } friend LinearProbeHashTable; access }; // a hash table // pointer to // constructor // get element // get key // a null position? // give hash table

Code Fragment: Hash1

template <typename Key, typename Element, typename HashCmp> class LinearProbeHashTable { protected: // local types // ... (insert HashEntry here) public: // public types // ... (insert Position here) private: // member data int n, N; // size and capacity EntryPtr A; // array of entries HashCmp hash; // the hash comparator protected: // local utilities EntryPtr finder(const Key& key) const; // search utility EntryPtr inserter(const Key& key, const Element& e); // insert utility public: LinearProbeHashTable(int capacity = 100) // constructor : n(0), N(capacity), hash() { A = new HashEntry[N]; } int size() const { return n; } // size of dictionary bool isEmpty() const { return (n == 0); } // empty dictionary? Position find(const Key& key) const { return Position(finder(key)); } // find a key

void insertItem(const Key& key, const Element& element) throw(HashTableFullException) { // insert (key,element) EntryPtr e = inserter(key, element); // attempt to insert if (e == NULL) // failure throw HashTableFullException("Insertion into full hash table"); } void removeElement(const Key& key) // remove using key throw(NonexistentElementException) { EntryPtr e = finder(key); // look up key if (e == NULL) // not found? throw NonexistentElementException("Key not found"); e->status = FREE; // mark entry as free n--; // decrease size } // ... (some functions omitted) };

Code Fragment: Hash2

template <typename Key, typename Element, typename HashCmp> LinearProbeHashTable<Key, Element, HashCmp>::EntryPtr LinearProbeHashTable<Key, Element, HashCmp>:: finder(const Key& key) const { // search utility int i = hash.hashValue(key) % N; // get hash index int start = i; // starting point do { if (A[i].status == EMPTY) return NULL; // item is not found if (A[i].status == USED && hash.isEqualTo(A[i].key(), key)) // found it return &A[i]; // return with success i = (i + 1) % N; // try next slot } while (i != start); // until back to start return NULL; // return with failure } template <typename Key, typename Element, typename HashCmp> LinearProbeHashTable<Key, Element, HashCmp>::EntryPtr LinearProbeHashTable<Key, Element, HashCmp>:: inserter(const Key& key, const Element& element) { // insert utility int i = hash.hashValue(key) % N; // get hash index

int start = i; do { if (A[i].status != USED) { available? A[i] = HashEntry(key, element, USED); n++; return &A[i]; success } i = (i + 1) % N; } while (i != start); start return NULL; failure }

// starting point // slot is // store it here // increase size // return with // try next slot // until back to // return with

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