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A Dissertation Submitted to Ravenshaw University

PG Department of Commerce
For the Partial Fulfilment of Master Degree of Commerce
(Accounts Specialization)

Submitted By:
Manoranjan Nayak
Roll No. 22MCO063

Under the Guidance of;

Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Dey
Assistant Professor

Ravenshaw University
Cuttack, Odisha

I am Manoranjan Nayak hereby declare that, this

project entitled “The Impact Of Cash Management
In Sustainability Of Small Manufacturing Business
In Cuttack City”, submitted to Ravenshaw
University, Cuttack, Odisha has been prepared by
me under the valuable guidance of Dr. Sanjeeb
Kumar Dey, Assistant Professor of Ravenshaw
University, Cuttack, towards the fulfilment of award
of Master of Commerce as required in the
curriculum for PG 2nd year 3rd Semester 2023-24.

I also declare that; this dissertation has not been

submitted to any other University for the award of
any degree.

Signature of Student
Roll. No. 22MCO-063

Certificate of Guide
This is to certify that the dissertation report
submitted to Ravenshaw University for partial
fulfillment of Master Degree in Commerce
(MCOM) is original work carried out by Mr.
Manoranjan Nayak with enrolment No. 22MCO-
063 under my guidance.

This matter embodied in this project work is

genuine work done by the student.

Project Guide
Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Dey

I express my deep sense of gratitude to my
esteemed guide Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Dey, Assistant

Professor of Ravenshaw University, Cuttack for his
valuable contribution for preparation of project
report on “The Impact of Cash Management in
Sustainability of Small Manufacturing Business in
Cuttack City”. Without his scholarly guidance,
sympathetic and encouraging attitude, creative
suggestion and inspiration, it would not have been
possible for me to accomplish this dissertation. I am
really fortunate and feel proud of having worked
under his Supervision.

With the same sense gratification, my sincere thanks

to my parents, friends and the almighty God who
have been a source of strength and confidence for
me in this endeavour.

Name-Manoranjan Nayak
Regd. No. - 22MCO-063

Page No:
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 8-5
1.1 Background of study............................................................................................. 8

1.2 Statement of the problems .................................................................................... 9
1.3. Purpose of the study............................................................................................. 10
1.4. Significance of the study ..................................................................................... 11
1.5. Limitations of the study....................................................................................... 11
1.6. Chapter plan ........................................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ..................................................... 13-33
2.1 Conceptual review ................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Review of pervious works .................................................................................. 22
2.3 Review of previous studies ................................................................................ 22
2.4 Conceptual framework ....................................................................................... 32
2.5 Research gap ...................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY OF STUDY ............................................. 34-39
3.1: Research design ................................................................................................. 34
3.2: Sample size and sampling techniques ............................................................... 35
3.3: Data collection and processing procedure......................................................... 35
3.4 Data collection instruments and methods........................................................... 35
3.5: Data analysis ..................................................................................................... 36
3.6: Model specification ........................................................................................... 37
3.7: Variable dscription .......................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER IV: RESULTS .................................................................................. 40-53
4.1 Data presentation and analysis ........................................................................... 40
4.2 Respondents profile analysis .............................................................................. 41
4.3 Cash management techniques ............................................................................ 43
4.4 Cash management knowledge ............................................................................ 44
4.5 Descriptive statistics ........................................................................................... 46
4.6 Correlation .......................................................................................................... 48
4.7 Regression result ................................................................................................ 48
4.8 Major findings .................................................................................................... 51

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................ 54-51

5.1 Summary ............................................................................................................ 54
5.2 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 56
5.3 Discussion .......................................................................................................... 56
5.4 Recommendation ................................................................................................ 57

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 59-61
QUESTIONNAIRE.............................................................................................. 62-64


Small businesses are vital for employment and job creation in India. The
implementation of sound cash management practices is essential to ensure to
profitability and sustainability of any successful business. The commonly used

expression, “Cash is king” cannot be contested as its validity was more prevalent in
this research study. The aim of the study was to identify the current cash management
practices of small and medium manufacturing businesses in the Cuttack City and
identify the impact of such practices on their profitability and sustainability.

The objectives of the study are to find the current position of cash management
practices of small and medium manufacturing businesses. Some specific objectives of
the study to find the effect of cash management on profitability of small and medium
manufacturing businesses and the effect of cash management and sustainability of
small manufacturing businesses in Cuttack City .

There was an insignificant relationship between Cash management and sustainability.

This descriptive study, using a quantitative research paradigm and a sampling method
targeted a sample of more than 50% of registered businesses in the chosen area. The
sample structure consisted of small manufacturing businesses in the Cuttack City.

The findings of this study could be useful to potential, emerging and established
owners of all types of businesses since effective and efficient cash management is an
integral component of any successful business. There should be more emphasis
placed on the impact of how proper cash management practices can affect
profitability and sustainability of small and medium manufacturing businesses.


1.1 Background of study
Cash management is essential to every business that desires to meet up with its short-
term financial obligations. The success of any business venture is predicated on how
cash management is concerned with the efficient management of cash so as to achieve
an optimum level of cash in the firm’s working capital. Cash represents the basic
input necessary to start and keep a business running. A company needs to maintain
sufficient cash to keep its business running smoothly.
Cash shortage will disrupts the firm’s operation and can even lead to insolvency.
Excessive cash will tie down unnecessarily long-term capital with a result that the
return on capital employed will be low. A firm thus needs to maintain sound cash

The importance of the SME sector is well recognized worldwide due to its significant
contribution to gratifying various socio-economic objectives, such as higher growth of
employment, output, promotion of exports and fostering entrepreneurship. Recent
empirical studies show that SME‘s contribute to over 55% of GDP and over 65% of
total employment in high-income countries. SME‘s and informal enterprises, account
for over 60% of GDP and over 70% of total employment in low-income countries,
while they contribute over 95% of total employment and about 70% of GDP in
middle-income countries. In the European Union countries, for example, there are
some 25 million small businesses, constituting 99% of all businesses; they employ
almost 95 million people, providing 55% of total jobs in the private sector. (OECD,

Most of the Indian SMEs are involved in processing and manufacturing of food items,
consumer and household goods, and textiles and related products, both for exports as
well as the domestic market. Rice, pulses, oil and flour mills, dairy, aerated soft
drinks, fruit juices and processed products, noodles, biscuits and light snack products,
chocolates and candy, mineral water, dried vegetables, and some other household
utilitarian and consumption goods have dominated SMEs activities in India .
Other areas of SMEs’ involvement include forest fiber based industries, wooden and
metal handicrafts, handmade paper and products, apparels and garments, woolen

carpets, pashmina shawls and rugs and leather. SMEs’ involvement is also high in
metal and plastic household utensils, wooden, plastic and metal furniture, printing
press, polythene pipes, utensils, jute products, poultry products, livestock products,
wire drawing, nail and iron rod, sheet metal, gig and black pipes, rubber tires and
tubes, plywood and boards, color paint products and zinc oxide. Agro-based
industries like tea, vegetables and horticulture products, dairy and milk products,
animal husbandry and floriculture are other areas where SMEs have started to invest.
Due to the opening up of investment for infrastructure development to the private
sector, investment in micro hydropower and tourism resorts and complexes have also
been witnessed in some regions. At the micro, cottage and family level, a sizeable
number of unregistered enterprises operate on a seasonal basis.

However, too often, businesses fail before they have a chance to succeed because they
run out of cash. Research statistical analysis indicates that the most crucial cause of
business failure is due to the lack of planning. Thus sound cash management practices
is essential to ensure profitability and sustainability to make business a success. A
large number of businesses fail due to the absence of cash rather than the absence of
profits. Patel (2010) indicates that cash flow management is vitally important for the
business profitability, future planning and sustainability. The practice of basic
concepts of cash flow management will assist businesses to plan for the unforeseen
eventualities. One possible reason for this prevalence could be that small business
owners are not equipped to identify the problem areas within their businesses, due to
the lack of necessary skills and tools. Likewise, many small business owners do not
perform many cash management practices because they feel that they are unnecessary
and time consuming.

This study will investigate the impact of cash management practices on the
profitability and sustainability of small businesses.

1.2 Statement of the problem

These small businesses cannot be the platform for growth and development if they are
not profitable and sustainable. One possible reason for this prevalence is that small
business owners are not equipped to identify the problem areas within their

businesses, due to the lack of necessary skills and tools to increase profitability and

Good cash management practices are greatly argued to an urgent need of Bottled
water purifying companies. Some of the Bottled Purified water companies are owned
by local business people and they rely on their employees to deliver the products to
their customers such as tea shops, restaurants, Grocery shops, food stores, Hotels,
government and non-governmental offices. Many small Companies got bankrupt and
the current companies are in risk because timing is important even if their business
was profitable at that time, they ran into problems because the payments from
customers come in too slowly, and they had too many outflows while they were
waiting their customers to pay.

In the similar way the small businesses that are being operated in Cuttack City might
also be facing similar problems of cash management that it not yet known to us. It is
not known if the owners of small business are following any cash management tools
to better manage their cash and business operations. Also it is also not know known
how well they are managing their businesses in terms of cash management. This
problem would be addressed with this study.
This problem would be addresses by looking for answers for the following research
i. What are the prevailing cash management practices of small manufacturing
businesses within the domain of Cuttack City ?
ii. What are the relationship between cash management and profitability?
iii. What are the impacts of cash management on sustainability of small
manufacturing businesses?

1.3. Purpose of the study

The general purpose of the study is to identify the current cash management practices
used by small and medium businesses in the Cuttack Cityand identify the impact of
such practices on their profitability and sustainability. The specific purposes of the
research are as follows:
i. To assess the status of cash management practices of small and medium
manufacturing businesses.

ii. To examine the effect of cash management on profitability of small
manufacturing businesses.

iii. iii. To evaluate the effect of cash management on sustainability of small

manufacturing businesses.

1.4. Significance of the study

This study will contribute to existing literature on cash management on profitability
and sustainability in small business in Cuttack City. The purpose of the study is to
investigate the impact of cash management practices on profitability and
sustainability of small retail businesses in the Cuttack City. Part of the study will also
ascertain whether certain cash management practices are being performed in small
businesses and, what are the challenges faced? Many small businesses face liquidity
problems and eventually fail due to the lack of cash management knowledge and
implementation. It is vital to have viable small businesses in developing communities
as these businesses provide the basic necessities of the community. Therefore, this
study will directly benefit these communities. This study will equip business owners
with sound management practices which will ensure the profitability and
sustainability of their businesses.

1.5. Limitations of the study

This study tries to examine the impact of cash management on sustainability of small
manufacturing business in Cuttack City, still it has its own restrictions which are as
i. This study addresses cash management practices used to tackle profitability
ii. This study is based on surveys of the owners or suitable representatives of
each business in the sample.
iii. This study is restricted to determining whether or not small business owners
are adequately managing their cash practices and if they have the necessary
skills and knowledge to perform cash management practices.
iv. This study will not investigate economic development and other business
related aspects. Therefore, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to
all types of small businesses in Cuttack City.

1.6. Chapter plan
The study is divided into five chapters.

Chapter I: Introduction
This chapter explains background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of
the study, significance of the study, research hypothesis and limitation of the study.

Chapter II: Review of literature

This chapter include review of literature which incorporates the theoretical review,
the review of previous studies, conceptual framework and research gap.

Chapter III: Research methodology

This chapter includes research design, justifications for the selection of the unit,
population and sample size, nature and source of data, data collection procedures, data
processing and analysis tools.

Chapter IV: Results

This chapter consists of data presentation and analysis. This chapter includes data
presentation, data analysis and major finding of the study.

Chapter V: Conclusion
This chapter includes the summary, conclusion and implication of the study.



2.1 Conceptual review

This chapter is basically concerned with review of literature relevant to the cash
management on profitability and sustainability on small manufacturing businesses. It
is the way to discover what other research has uncovered in the area of our problem.
Every research is based on previous knowledge. The past knowledge or the previous
studies provide necessary information to the present study so that it cannot be
ignored. The purpose of the literature review is to find out what other studies have
been conducted in one's chosen field of study. It provides the foundation for
developing a comprehensive theoretical framework from which hypothesis can be
developed for testing. Therefore, this chapter has its own importance. This chapter is
divided into following parts.

2.1.1 Cash management concept

Cash management is a broad term that refers to the collection, concentration, and
disbursement of cash. The goal is to manage the cash balances of an enterprise in such
a way as to maximize the availability of cash not invested in fixed assets or
inventories and to do so in such a way as to avoid the risk of insolvency. Factors
monitored as a part of cash management include a company's level of liquidity, its
management of cash balances, and its short-term investment strategies (Springer,

Cash management refers to the management of an entity’s cash to ensure sufficient

cash to sustain the entity’s daily operations, finance continued growth and provide for
unexpected payments while not unduly forfeiting profit owing to excess cash holdings
(Bartlett et al. 2014).

According to Pandey (2004), as cited by Akinyomi (2014), cash management is

defined as a practice of the ability of controlling the cash inflows and outflows in a
business. It also entails the ability to establish the cash balances that are held in a
business at all times. Uwuigbe, Uwalomwa and Egbide (2011) indicated that cash
management entails taking the needed precautionary measures to ensure that adequate

cash levels are maintained in the business so that the operational requirements could
be met. According to Aliet (2012), cash management is the management of cash to
maximize the cash held in the business that is not invested in buying inventory or
fixed assets. It essentially is the management of cash to avoid the risk of the business
becoming insolvent. The author added that cash management is a rather broad term
that refers to the collection, management of cash as well as the payment of cash from
the business.

Waltson and Head (2007) explained Cash management as the concept which is
concerned with optimizing the amount of cash available, maximizing the interest
earned by spare funds not required immediately and reducing losses caused by delays
in the transmission of funds.

According to Zimmerer et al (2008) cash management is the process of forecasting,

collecting, disbursing, investing, and planning for cash a company needs to operate
smoothly. They further added that cash management is a vital task because it is the
most important yet least productive asset that a small business owns. A business must
have enough cash to meet its obligations or it will be declared bankrupt. Creditors,
employees and lenders expect to be paid on time and cash is the required medium of

However, some firm retain an excessive amount of cash to meet any unexpected
circumstances that might arise. These dormant cash have an income-earning potential
that owners are ignoring and this restricts a firm's growth and lowers its profitability.
Investing cash, even for a short time, can add to company's earning. Proper cash
management permits the owner to adequately meet cash demands of the business
avoid retaining unnecessarily large cash balances and stretch the profit generating
power of each dollar the business owns (Zimmerer et al, 2008). Key indicators in cash management

Without adequate cash flow, a firm can become technically insolvent even though
assets far out way the liabilities. To reduce the chances for a firm becoming
technically insolvent, the following parameters have been recommended to be
employed in evaluating the effectiveness of a cash management system. This

Cash conversion cycle
Operation cash flows
Working capital
Inventory management Cash conversion cycle

This is the time interval between actual cash payment/expenditure for the purchase of
productive/operational resources and the ultimate collection of cash from the sales of
products/services. The cash conversion cycle provides a valid alternative for
measuring company liquidity. The longer the time taken to get back the money paid
out, the more the likely hood the organization is to face technical insolvency and vice
versa. Operational cash flows

Cash flows from operations are the amount of cash a firm generates in a measured
time from its operation. Various methods are used to determine the amount of
operating cash flow. The prevalent methods use the income statement and the balance
sheet to prepare the cash flow statement (also called statement of sources and
application of funds). (Kasilo, 1997).

Positive cash flows indicate how much cash the organization has generated from
operations during the financial year. Negative cash flows indicate how much
additional cash has been used to support the operations during the same period.
Usually, a firm with negative cash flow from operations is unable to finance its
operations. De facto, it is consuming cash flows rather than generating them. It
becomes prone to technical insolvency problems and it may go bankruptcy. (Kasilo
op cit: 30, Vause and Woodward op sit: 99).

Cash flow accounting involves the reporting of classified list of last year's cash flows,
and a set of forecast cash flows, with supporting analysis of the variances between last
year's actual and forecast cash flows. It therefore emphasizes the most fundamental
events in business activities, cash flows into and out of the firm, and the segregation
of past (cash) facts from future estimates, accounting time period allocation, based on
estimates of consumption are avoided (Vause and Woodward, 2001).

The result is a set of statements that is objective, understandable and simple, and
which meets the needs of a variety of users concerned with stewardship, liquidity,
performance appraisal and investment. In particular, cash flow accounting meets one
of the fundamental accounting objectives, “to provide information useful to investors
and creditors for predicting, comparing and evaluating potential cash flows to them in
terms of amount, timing and related uncertainty.”

Cash flows provide data, which, because it is properly dated, can be discounted at a
rate, selected by the user, and which does not required level adjustments, although
comparisons over time require, and the data permit general price level adjustment to a
base period.

Finally, the use of a cash flow statement integrates trading activities and investments,
dividends and financing policies, unlike information presented in profit and loss
account and balance sheet format.

However, critics of the cash flow system argue that cash flow reports can be distorted,
for example, by delaying payments to creditors, and as they ignore non-cash changes
in assets and liabilities, including holding gains and losses, so that no estimate is
provided of the extent to which these flows were obtained by consumption of assets.
Operating cash flows have also be found to be poor predictors of failure. (Arnold and
wearing 1988). Working capital

Cash that is immediately available is “working capital”. Working capital can be
calculated by subtracting business’s existing liabilities from its existing assets. Cash
on hand, accounts receivable, short-term investments are included, as well as accounts
payable, accrued expenses, and loans are all part of this key performance indicator
(KPI) equation.

This especially meaningful KPI informs the condition of the business in terms of its
available operating funds, by showing the extent to which available assets can cover
short-term financial liabilities.

16 Inventory management
Kincaid (2008) emphasized that proper inventory control procedures could enhance a
bigger profit in the business. In the slower moving economy, streaming business
operations and focusing on what the majority of the business cash is tied up in could
mean the difference between much needed profits or unwanted losses.

Barrera (2013) stated that it’s easy to turn cash into inventory but it’s not easy to turn
inventory into cash. Barrera found that when inventory is sold and floor space is freed
up, the business profitability really changes. The slow moving inventory should not
increase to more than 5% of all inventory stocked in the business.

2.1.2 Profitability
Aliet (2012) indicated that profitability is defined as an income generated in the
business which is calculated by subtracting the expenses from the revenue. The author
went on by indicating that the word profitability derives from the word “profit”
denoted by the Greek letter “n”. This is defined as the difference between the total
revenue of a business and the total cost of a business.

Kew and Watson (2012) provided definitions from four different sources. The authors
first gave the English dictionary definition: “advantage, benefit/financial gain; excess
of returns over outlays”. The second definition was from a Business dictionary: “the
excess of the selling price of the article or service being sold over the cost of
providing it”. Kew and Watson (2012) also provided a definition from a director of a
professional services company: “income less expenditure, not cash”, and, lastly, a
textbook on finance: “income less expenditure for a given period”.

Karuru (2005) has indicated that profitability is the difference between the sales
generated by a business and the expenses incurred during the business operations. The
author also emphasized that it is important to maximize the sales amount of a business
by significantly reducing the expenses incurred in the business.

Brinker (2002) agreed with Karuru (2005) by stating that the definition of profitability
is the difference between the revenue and the operational expenses incurred in the
business. The author also added that all businesses should aim at significantly

reducing their operational expenses and aim at increasing their incomes to maintain a
positive net income. This positive net income is referred to as a profit.

The above definitions indicate that profitability is a positive balance after calculating
the difference between the businesses sales and the operational expenses i.e., Profit =
Sales – Expenses. Return on total assets (ROTA)

Return on assets indicates the profitability on the assets of the firm after all expenses
and taxes (Van Horne 2005). It is a common measure of managerial profit (Ross,
Wester field, & Jaffe 2005). It measures how much the firm is earning after tax for
each dollar invested in the assets of the firm. That is, it measures net earnings per unit
of a given asset, moreover, how corporate firms can convert its assets into earnings
(Samad & Hassan 2000). Generally, a higher ratio means better managerial profit and
efficient utilization of the assets of the firm and lower ratio is the indicator of
inefficient use of assets. ROA can be increased by firms either by increasing profit
margins or asset turnover but they can’t do it simultaneously because of competition
and trade-off between turnover and margin. ROA is calculated as under:
ROA = Net Asset after Tax
Total asset

According to Gillingham (2001) indicated that the return on assets of these corporate
firms can be measured to identify whether the total assets are idle or not and he
derived the method which can be used to measure the return of total assets which is;
Return on Investment = Earning after tax (EAT)
Total Assets

Where assets total is a function of current assets plus fixed assets and also in his
conclusion, he stated that the higher ration in relation to the industry average ration
shows that the total assets are having much return to the investors and the lower ratio
compared to the industry average shows that assets are idle. Return on equity (ROE)

Return on equity indicates the profitability to shareholders of the firm after all
expenses and taxes (Van Horne 2005). It measures how much the firm is earning after

tax for each dollar invested in the firm. In other words, ROE is net earnings per dollar
equity capital. Also an indicator of measuring managerial efficiency [(Ross1994). By
and large, higher ROE means better managerial profit; however, a higher return on
equity may be due to debt (financial leverage) or higher return on assets. Financial
leverage creates an important difference between ROA and ROE in that financial
leverage always magnifies ROE. This will always be the case as long as the ROA
(gross) is greater the interest rate on debt (Ross, Westerfiled, &Jaffe 2005). Usually,
there is higher ROE for high growth companies.
ROE is calculated as under: ROE = Net Profit after Tax
Shareholder’s equity Net profit margin

Net Profit Margin (also known as “Profit Margin” or “Net Profit Margin Ratio”) is a
financial ratio used to calculate the percentage of profit a company produces from its
total revenue. It measures the amount of net profit a company obtains per dollar of
revenue gained. The profit margin is equal to net profit (also known as net income)
divided by total revenue, expressed as a percentage.

Where net profit = revenue - cost of goods sold. A high net profit margin ration
indicates high sales, efficient management and profitability which higher selling
prices, low-costs of goods sold, whereas a low gross profit margin ratio indicates low
profitable firm. But in order to come up with that analysis, the ratio obtained should
be compared to the industry average ratio.

2.1.3 Relationship between cash management and profitability

The study by Pandey (2001) in support of above added cash management is very
important to these firms this is because a firm needs cash to invent in inventory
receivable and fixed assets and to make payments to operating expenses in order to
maintain growth in sales and earnings, he further explained that the firm may make
adequate profits, but may suffer from shortage of cash because its growing needs may
be consuming cash very first so that management should look to ways of increasing
cash inflows to the firm and minimizing cash outflows like delaying of operating

expenses like rent then the surplus cash may be managed into an investment portfolio
thus increasing the profitability of these firms.

This study concurred with the study Saleemi (2002). If effective cash management is
not monitored in these firms there were no firms that attain the desired levels of
profits and these firms fortunately will end up closing because of failing to achieve
the said main objective. He further elaborated that if cash management is purely
monitored, it becomes easy to implement and plan for the profits to be generated by
these firms and therefore it is only through effective implementation of cash
management that firms get desired profit set levels.

In another study, this was conducted by Kakuru (2005), indicates that these firms in
any period was both cash receipts and cash disbursement with the net balance cither a
surplus or a deficit and to ensure that if cash receipts and disbursement are
synchronized the management should aim at a zero balance that is to say in investing
the surplus cash for profitability.

He further explained that if in case of a deficit the firm should aim at increasing the
cash inflows to the firm that is by motivation customers to settle their debts in time,
reducing the period it takes for payment from its clients which increased the
availability of cash and these surplus cash finally invested for profit maximization in
these firms.

2.1.4 Sustainability
Findings from a survey done by Berns (2009) at the Massachusetts Institution of
Technology indicated that there is no single established definition for sustainability in
the business context. Different businesses define the term sustainability in numerous
ways. Some businesses define the term purely on the environmental impact while
other focus on the social and personal impact. Some businesses look at sustainability
in the financial viability of the business for the future period. The author went on by
indicating that 40% of businesses defined business sustainability by indicating that it
is regarded as maintaining business viability. 60% of businesses defined sustainability
in one of the two widely accepted definitions: the Brundtland Commission definition
and triple bottom line definition.

20 Productivity
Productivity is a fundamental concept in economic analysis. The evolution of mid-to
long-run economic growth — which is a crucial assumption of analyses, on fiscal
sustainability, for instance — relies substantially on perspectives on productivity
growth. Productivity is also important in the light of short-run economic dynamics.
For example, when an economy grows, the desirable policy accompanied by a rise in
productivity will be totally different from that without the rise. Considering monetary
policy, immediate monetary policy tightening is not necessary if an economy grows
with a rise in productivity and labor market conditions are not tight. By contrast,
central banks should be cautious about economic growth without rising productivity,
because economic bubbles and accelerated inflation are fairly likely to happen
through economic overheating. While it is widely recognized that productivity is
conceptually important, measuring productivity is quite difficult. One challenge in
measuring productivity is that productivity measured in real time will be revised due
to revisions to its source data. (Naoko Hara, HibikiIchiue, 2011). Investment cost

Investment decreases with idiosyncratic risk, and is positively correlated with past
profits, past investment, and managerial compensation even with time ‐invariant
investment opportunities. Optimal contracting involves deferred compensation,
possible termination, and compensation that depends on exogenous observable
persistent profitability shocks, effectively paying managers for luck.Behdani and
Wiemans (2017), shows that handling costs only play a marginal role in the scientific
research in intermodal rail freight terminals (IRT). This is remarkable given the large
role costs occupy in decision-making in freight transport. Furthermore, the used cost
levels show a wide range of proposed amounts and terminal sizes or handling
technologies are seldom addressed. Finally, many of the scientific papers do not make
it clear whether the average transhipment cost or market price is referred to. Next, the
analysis of the investment in, and cost structure of, IRTs shows that IRT investments
are very capital-intensive leading to relatively high average costs per handling.
However, given the cost characteristics of IRTs, the average cost per handling
represents the underlying cost structure and are – in this sense – representative. The
cost analysis demonstrates that extra-large IRTs actually have the lowest average
handling costs, followed by small IRTs.

2.1.5 Relationship between cash management and sustainability
The study by Unvi (2014) also investigated the major causes for their failure. 46%
indicated that the major cause was business owner incompetence. The specific pitfalls
were poor collection and control of debtors’ payments, no knowledge of pricing, lack
of planning and budgeting, no knowledge of financing and no experience in record

30% of the failed businesses indicated that their major cause was unbalanced
experience or lack of managerial experience. The specific pitfalls were poor credit
granting practices and inadequate borrowing practices.

According to Bornstien and Scarborough (2007) revealed that small business owners
do not know how to run a business or manage cash flow. Obtaining credit for
financing the business does not guarantee its success or viability. The authors
indicated that the businesses which employed less than 5 people only had a 37%
chance of being sustainable for more than four years and the chance of it surviving for
more than 10 years was just 9%.Common reasons for business failures were: the lack
of management expertise, and the lack of record keeping knowledge from the owners’
part or how to manage inventory. Bornstien and Scarborough (2007) also indicated
that small business owners fail because they use five hats. They take on too many
responsibilities in the business and find it challenging to manage, control, and
successfully run a business.

Ibarra (1995) and Van Auken and Howard (1993), as cited by Salazar (2012),
indicated that crucial factors for business failure are the restricted access to funds and
capital, poor financial planning, unexpected growth and inability to cope with
increased sales as well as poor forecasting. Many of these causes of failures could be
avoided with implementing planning and forecasting strategies in the business.

According to the American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor, a survey was
done targeting business owners. The results indicated that more than 60% of business
owners showed concern about not having cash available to pay obligations for the
future months ahead (Flynn 2009).

2.2 Review of pervious works
2.2.1 Review of general articles Baumol model theory
Baumol model developed by using William Baumol it's far a derivative of the
economic order quantity (EOQ) version. The model assists in deciding optimal cash
balances to be held in organizations. It treats cash as an inventory item and buying
and selling investment transactions to be the ordering fees. This aims at minimizing
the fixed fee of purchasing and selling investment transactions and significantly
reduces the possibility fee of holding too much unnecessary cash. Just like in EOQ
Baumol is a step components. Step one is to determine the most excellent transaction
size. Step two is to determine the top of the line range of transactions in duration.
Average cash holdings might be one half of the ultimate transaction size.

In the Baumol version of cash management there is a tradeoff between possibility cost
or wearing fee or conserving cost & the value of the transaction. Baumol version of
cash control facilitates in figuring out a firm's most desirable cash stability beneath
reality. It is drastically employed because it is beneficial for the purpose of cash
management. As according to the model, cash and inventory control issues are
synonymous. William J. Baumol evolved a version (The transactions demand for
cash: An inventory Theoretic approach that is popularly in inventory management &
cash control). Miller and Orr’s cash management model

Miller and Orr (1966) model of cash management elucidates that companies allow
their cash balances to move within two limits, that is, upper and lower limit.
Companies therefore buy and sell their marketable securities in the event that cash
balance is on the lower or the upper limit.The model provides a framework for
determining the optimum cash balance and the point at which to sell securities in
order to raise cash. Further, it provides for when to invest excess cash by buying
securities and lowering their cash holdings. Operating cycle theory

The theory postulates that incorporating working capital measures such as accounts
receivable and inventory turnover into an operating cycle concept provides an
appropriate view of liquidity management than does the use of traditional measures

such as current and acid- test ratios. Weston (1979) noted that the additional liquidity
measures recognize that life expectancies of some working capital components
depend on the extent to which production; sales and collection are non- instantaneous
and unsynchronized. Accounts receivable turnover indicates then speed with which
firms receivables are converted to cash. A change in credit and collection policy of a
firm would influence the outstanding accounts receivable balance maintained relative
to the firm’s annual sales. Where firms grant more liberal terms to their customers,
larger and potentially less liquid current investment in receivables arise. If the sales
do not increase relative to the increase in receivables then liquidity would be affected
as lower receivables turnover and extended collection periods would be observed.

Inventory turnover indicates the frequency with which firms convert their stock of
raw materials, work in progress and finished goods into product sales. Purchasing,
production scheduling and distribution strategies adopted by firms require more
inventory commitments in relation to anticipated sales. This produces a lower
turnover ratio which in turn reflects a longer and potentially less liquid inventory
holding period. In the event that firms do not alter the payment practices with trade
creditors and their access to short-term financing, decisions creating longer or less
liquid holding periods will arise and lead to higher current ratio. Higher current ratio
implies that firms have accumulated current assets such inventory that lie idle and
therefore do not generate profits (Weston 1979). It is further argued that the length of
the firms operating cycle is based on the cumulative days per turnover for receivables
and inventory investments. Incorporating the two measures of working capital
measures provides an arguably realistic approach to firm’s liquidity position.
However, the operating cycle concept fails as a cash flow measure since it doesn’t
consider the liquidity requirements imposed on a firm by the dimension of its current
liability commitments.

2.3 Review of previous studies

Muya and Gathogo (2016), study revealed that average payment period and cash
conversion cycle were significantly related to profitability of manufacturing firms.
More so, it was established that cash conversion cycle had a negative effect on firm’s
profitability. However, average payment period positively influenced profitability. In
general, it was revealed that cash management significantly and positively influenced

firm’s profitability. It is recommended that manufacturing firms should shorten their
cash conversion cycle and extend payment period.

An articles made by Mungal and Garbharran (2014), had study about a significant
relationship between cash management knowledge and managing cash flow. This
study relieved a correlation between profitability in the business and implementation
of cash management practices as well as a correlation between the challenges of cash
management practices and their ability to ensure profitability in their business. This
paper recommended that businesses should implement cash management procedures
to eliminate cash management difficulties. The purpose of this paper was to identify
the cash management challenges faced by small businesses in a developing

Akinyomi (2014), study found that only limited studies have investigated the
relationship between cash management and profitability in Nigeria. Therefore, this
study examined the relationship between cash management and profitability in the
Nigerian manufacturing firms. Correlation and regression analysis were carried out.
The results reveal a positive and significant relationship between CCC and ROE on
one hand and a non-significant negative relationship between CCC and ROA. From
the results of the study, it is recommended that future researchers should expand the
scope of their studies to include multiple sectors of the economy. Cash management
assumes more significance than other current assets because cash is the most
important asset that a firm holds.

An articles made by Ahmad (2016), study explored the extent of cash management
practices applied in the micro and small businesses in four main states in Peninsular
Malaysia. Overall findings of this study showed that cash management practices in
these states are high. However, the results show that the internal control on cash
management has very low implementation level. Thus, the capital providers need to
reeducate the entrepreneurs on the importance of having good internal control on cash
management in order to avoid any manipulation, cash shortage and other financial
issues. Besides that, the result of this study is important to ensure the effectiveness of
cash management in order to be able to support the financial sustainability of the

Enow and Kamala (2016) in this research, study found that most of the sampled
SMMEs manage their cash effectively. However, only a minority of these entities
hold cash for speculative purposes or even invest their surplus cash gainfully, thus,
they fail to optimize on their scarce cash resources. Likewise, only a minority of the
SMMEs employs computers for managing their cash, which is rather surprising given
the proliferation of computers at a low cost in South Africa. The main objective was
to investigate the cash management practices of small, medium and micro enterprises
(SMMEs) in the Cape Metropolis, in South Africa. Data are collected from a sample
of 200 SMMEs by means of a closed-ended questionnaire survey.

The study revealed that the majority (77.78%) of respondents have no knowledge
about cash control procedures. The absence of appropriate cash management
procedures has contributed significantly to the exposure of these enterprises to
financial impropriety and misapplication of cash as a resource, leading to slow growth
of most of the businesses. The study recommended, among other things, the need to
initiate capacity building, training and sensitization of micro and small-scale business
operators on cash management practices. Therefore, this study explores the extent of
cash management practices applied in the micro and small businesses (Attom, 2012).

The main objective of the research presented here is to provide empirical evidence
about the effects of working capital management on the profitability of a sample of
small and medium-sized Spanish firms. With this in mind, we collected a panel of
8,872 SMEs covering the period 1996-2002. The results, which are robust to the
presence of endogeneity, demonstrate that managers can create value by reducing
their firm’s number of day’s accounts receivable and inventories. Equally, shortening
the cash conversion cycle also improves the firm’s profitability.

This study proposes a new concept for sustainable manufacturing assessment

framework through remanufacturing strategies in Indonesian SMEs. In this
sustainable manufacturing assessment framework, the existing remanufactured
products are assessed using sustainable manufacturing criterion (e.g. reliability, life
cycle cost, and employment opportunity and greenhouse gases). This framework
identifies improvement opportunities, including eco-efficiency, cleaner production
and green technology to make existing remanufactured products technically,

economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. The sustainability of
remanufactured alternators produced by Indonesian SMEs has been assessed to
validate the aforementioned sustainable manufacturing assessment framework
(Fatimah and Biswas, 2013).

Oluoch (2016) in this research, study was carried out in Eldoret Central Business
District, UasinGishu County, Kenya, and sampled 171 respondents. Questionnaires
and document analysis were used for data collection. The researcher used both
descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to analyze the data. This study
demonstrates that cash management practices have positive and significant effect on
SME performance. Consequently, the paper recommends that SMEs should put
emphasis on proper cash management practices. Anchoring its discussions on
findings from an empirical study, this paper premises itself on theories of liquidity
and posits that cash management practices such as using proper and petty cash book
have a positive impact on SME performance.

An articles made by Samantar (2017), study will use Slovene’s formula to establish
the sample size of 46. Questionnaires will be used to collect data; document analysis
and interviews, then correlational and regression analysis will be used. Significance
will be tested at 95% confidence level and 5% significant levels. Puntland Bottled
Purified water companies are owned by local business people and deliver the products
to their customers. Money flows into and out of these companies on a daily basis.
This paper seeks to discuss the effect of cash control and financial performance of
Bottled Purified Companies Garowe and Bosaso-Puntland Somalia. Cash flow is the
life blood of all organizations and is the primary indicator of enterprise health. Cash
control effect on enterprise overall performance is primarily based on extraordinary
models similar to that of Baumol which identified the similarities between cash and
stock management.

Smirat (2016) in this research, study revealed that only (32) percent from SMEs kept
track of Cash Receipts and payment. And the majority (67%) of respondents have no
knowledge about cash control procedures. The study concluded that cash management
practices have influence on the financial performance of SMEs. The researchers
recommend to the need to for SME managers to embrace efficient cash management

practices as a strategy to improve their financial performance. The researcher sampled
firms operating in various sectors of economic activity. A structured questionnaire
was used to collect primary data from the respondents which were analyzed to
generate frequencies and percentages.

The study expected that an efficient management of working capital might have a
more profound impact on profitability of small enterprises than on the performance of
larger companies since a substantial proportion of the total assets of small and
medium firms is constituted of the Current Assets and a sizeable fraction of their total
liabilities is consisted of the Current Liabilities. This study, aims to determine the
potential effect of working capital management on the profit performance of Small
and Medium sized firms in Pakistan. To investigate, effect of working capital
management was determined on profitability of a sample of 40 Pakistani small and
medium enterprises (SME’s) listed in Karachi Stock Exchange for a period of six
years from 2003 to 2008 which led to a total of 240 firm-year observations. Findings
from the analyses suggested that indicators of working capital management had a
perceptible impact on profitability of firms under study (Afeef, 2011).

This study sought to analyze effect of cash management practices (cash holding
practices, use of technology and cash pooling practices) as well as analyze the
combined effect of the cash management practices on financial performance of SMEs
in Nyeri town, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design with target
population being the registered SMEs in Nyeri town. Data was collected using a
selfadministered semi structured questionnaire from a sample population of 62 SMEs
operating in Nyeri town and registered by the business registrar’s office in Nyeri
County. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to
generate descriptive and inferential statistics. Results obtained indicated that cash
holding practices and use of technology in cash management had a relevant effect on
financial performance of SMEs in Nyeri. The study recommended that all
stakeholders in business operations ranging from suppliers, customers, and financiers
should embrace use of technology to facilitate electronic data interchange. Future
research could focus on comparative study of large organizations to establish whether
the same factors affecting SMEs financial performance also affect large businesses
(Kinyanjui and Kiragu, 2017).

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between cash management
policies adopted by selected SMEs and survival of SMEs in Uganda, with a case
study of Kampala district. The study was descriptive in nature and both primary and
secondary data was later used to revolve the objectives of the study that is: To
examine cash management the effectiveness of policies adopted by the selected
SMEs; to establish survival of SMEs, and to establish the relationship between cash
management and survival of SMEs. Further data was collected using questionnaires
and the information obtained from the field was arranged according to themes
(objectives of the study), after which it was analyzed do establish the significance of
the results. The major findings of the study were cash management policies used by
some of the selected SMEs were effective because; 61% and 17% use flexible and
non-flexible cash management policies respectively. However, in some no any cash
management policy is used, this is represented by 17%. There is a strong correlation
coefficient of -0.98 which shows that there is a strong relationship between the
variable. However, the relationship is collapsing. The findings also revealed that the
failure rate is of SMEs is high. This is because; 80% of the selected businesses have
been in operation for less than eight years and only 2% have survive for more than 16

Usman and Aleem (2017), this study has used panel regression models for panel data.
To choose most appropriate model among these models, the current study has used
Chow, Brush-pagan and Hausman tests. These test suggested that the Random Effect
Model is appropriate while Fixed Effect Model and Pooled OLS cannot be used.
Residual Autocorrelation test was tested using the Breusch-Pagan LM, Pesaran scaled
LM and Pesaran CD and it showed that there is no issue of Autocorrelation in the
Model. Correlation test shows that all the variables are unique and have no
relationship with each other. Wald test shows that error terms are homoscedastic. In
the results of Random Effect Model, it is found that R-Square has a value of 62.52 %
which shows that 62.52 % changes in the Dependent variables are caused by the
independent variables. Probability value of F-Statistic is 0.0000 which is less than
0.05 and shows that the overall model is highly significant.

The study revealed that cash management positively affected organizational

profitability with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.411. The adjusted R2 was

0.164 implying that 16.4% of changes in GCCE profitability are accounted for by
cash management. It was recommended that the whole management team and the
finance manager in particular need to enforce adherence to the cash policy put into
place to guide and control cash management. The study tested the hypothesis: Cash
Management has a significant positive effect on organizational profitability. The
study adopted both probability and non-probability sampling techniques and data was
collect from a sample of 181 employees of the company (Kakeeto and Micheal,

The findings revealed that SMEs planned for their cash as a tool against misuse,
embezzlement of the business funds, SMEs also employs other tools like cash
banking; Staff productivity and profitability, move in the same direction; Cash
inflows, outflows, and planning were all found out to influence the profits of SMES in
Nigeria. Recommendations suggested include the following, organization has to put
into place controls to ensure that cash is safe, customers to even pay in advanced as a
way of boasting the business collections which in turn will enable allocations to made
in time, as the organizational surpluses and deficits are concerned in projects
beneficial to the business, should also use more of the accrual basis of cash outflow
than the cash basis in order to maintain the business liquidity at an optimal level. A
descriptive study design was adopted during the study; information was obtained from
primary sources using questionnaires and interviews and purposive sampling was
used, and 300 questionnaires were administered and 60 respondents were interviewed
and these included owners of business, manager and workers (Paul, 2015).

Uwonda and Okello (2015), study revealed limited application of cash flow
management by SMEs in Northern Uganda, especially cash flow projection; tax
planning; budgetary control and interpreting financial statements. As a result the
study noted that most SMEs had declining levels of long-term solvency and growth.
Finally the study established that cash flow control and monitoring had significant
influence on the sustainability of SMEs. This study sought to examine how cash flow
management influences sustainability SMEs in Northern Uganda. The research
adapted a cross sectional study. A sample of 120- SMEs was selected using stratified
sampling. Selfadministered questionnaires, designed for this study, were filled in by

SME managers and the data analyzed using frequency tables, custom tables,
Correlation Analysis and Multiple Logistic Regression.

The study was revealed that investment cash flow risk management practices have no
correlation between sustainable financial performances. This will give detailed idea of
cash flow risk management practices involvements and the importance to the listed
companies in Sri Lanka.

This research aims to explore the impact of risk management practices and how they
have applied to accomplish sustainable financial performance in Sri Lanka and offer
guidance to all the businesses as to how they can mitigate the risk faced by them. The
research has expanded to extensive coverage of business sectors by 65 listed
companies and secondary data were obtained from the annual reports publication in
CSE. The statistical analysis of the multiple regression technique performed to
calculate the results using e view-9 software (Wickramasinghe, 2017).

Raymond and Adigwe (2015), study found that credit policy can affect profitability
management in manufacturing companies in Nigeria and there is a significant
correlation between liquidity position and debtors’ turnover of the company in
Nigeria. Finding also shows that there is a relationship between liquidity management
and corporate profitability. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends among
others that there is need for companies to maintain adequate liquid assets and
eliminate bad debt losses and other associated costs of credit and that company should
intensify efforts to engage the services of factoring agents. This will reduce the
incidence of bad debts losses and other associated costs of credit.

This study employs multiple regression analysis to measure relationship among

variables, individual and overall impact on profitability and to test the operational
hypotheses (Sivathaasan and Tharanika, 2013). The results revealed that whereas all
independent variables explain 76.6% and 84.7% of the variance on ROA and ROE
respectively where significant is at 5% levels, the overall model has a significant
impact on profitability at the rate of 80.5 % (Adjusted R2 = 80.5%, P< 0.05), the
remaining working capital (+), growth rate (-) and firm size (+) have no significant
effect on the profitability (P > 0.05).

The results showed that the general attitude towards sustainability was very positive
for all businesses. No relation was found between the general attitude and the actions
taken. It can be summarized that higher classified, medium size, hotels, and
businesses that were part of a corporate chain took significantly more actions
compared to low classified, micro size, guesthouses, and businesses that were owner
managed. A high implementation of sustainable business practices correlated with a
high level of benefits perceived, more strategic planning and a less intense perception
of barriers. It intends to examine relationships between attitudes and actions as well as
differences in attitudes and actions related to the business’ characteristics
(Raderbauer, 2011).

Stoica and Olssonwere (2017), were utilized for a better integration of sustainability.
Incorporating sustainability in the firm’s values was the most effective way. This was
achieved through integrating sustainability in the different HR practices; by
communicating its value to employees, emphasizing it during the recruitment to
assure value alignment, as well as explaining it during training activities. To examine
the integration of sustainability through HR practices in SMEs, in the Jonkoping
region. : An exploratory and an addictive approach were used to fulfill the purpose of
the thesis. The explanation building strategy was used to analyze the data. Theories
from the literature were compared with the empirical findings to identify patterns,
based on the categories within the HR practices. The empirical data followed a
qualitative method and was based on a multiple-case study, consisting of ten
interviews with SMEs.

2.4 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework is an analytical tool used to make conceptual distinction or
organize ideas. Conceptual framework of the study explains the impact of cash
management on profitability and sustainability in small and medium manufacturing
businesses in Cuttack City .

 Return on Assets
Cash management  Return on Equity
 Cash flow
 Profit margin analysis
 Inventory management
 Cash conversion cycle


 Investment cost
 Productivity

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Cash management: Cash management is an independent variable where profitability

and sustainability are dependent variables. There is an inverse relationship between
cash management and profitability and sustainability. Proper cash management
increases liquidity and profitability position of business and drive towards long term

Profitability: Profitability is dependent variable but it is also taken as an independent

variable when sustainability is dependent. The long-term existence of business
depends upon the profitability of that business. Business profitability is the
justification f it’s good performance.

Sustainability: Sustainability is an independent variable when profitability is

dependent. Sustainable business is more profitable. Buyers will prefer the sustainable
grower. Sustainability increases revenues and reduces cost.

2.5 Research gap

Most of the previous studies showed the relationship between cash flow and
profitability. But cash conversion cycle seems negative with profitability and
productivity inventory management and profitability seem to be positive. But some of
the studies showed lean relationship between cash management items individually
with profitability and sustainability items individually. So, the results is not
conclusive. Thus, this study tried to fill the gap and draws the conclusive results.

For small and growing businesses, an efficient working cash management is a vital
component of success and survival. So, this study is the source that can provide
significant assistance. This study provides details about the nature of sample
businesses along with their operational cash flow, cash conversion cycle, working
capital, customer satisfaction and inventory management. This area is virgin area for
This study tried to develop new literature in the field of cash management.



This chapter explained the approaches the researcher used to get information on the
research problem and included the research design, study population, sampling
technique, data collection methods and instruments, data collection, data analysis. It
also indicated the problems encountered in the study.

The research is limited to the medium and small manufacturing business in Cuttack
City. Small retail business can be defined as a form of business that purchases goods
from suppliers with the aim of resale without any transformation to a certain
customer. This study addresses cash management techniques used to tackle
profitability problems. Therefore, the accuracy of information given in the
questionnaire is limited to their knowledge of the cash management practices used in
their business. This study is restricted to determining whether or not small business
managers / representatives adequately have their cash techniques and if they have the
necessary skills and knowledge to perform them. The literature is also restricted to
cash management practices in small businesses as well as profitability. This reference
period helps in establishing the effect of cash management on the profitability of
small and medium manufacturing business.

3.1: Research design

This research used descriptive research design in order to examine impact of cash
management on sustainability of small manufacturing business. The methods of
research utilize in descriptive research are survey method of all kinds, including
comparative and co-relation methods. This study emphasized detailed contextual
analysis of a limited number of events or conditions and their relationships.

3.1.1: Area of study

The study is carried out in Cuttack City main market with high number of business
units. The study focused on commercial activities like retail trade business,
manufacturing business and so on. Cuttack is located at the Eastern region of Odisha.
Its main market is at the center of this town and has more many retail businesses
inside this market.

3.2: Sample size and sampling techniques
Population: The population identified for this study consisted of all small and
medium manufacturing businesses situated within the Cuttack City of Odisha. As per
the record of Cuttack City, there are a total of one hundred fifty (150) registered small
and medium manufacturing businesses. The researcher chooses to limit the study to
just manufacturing businesses.

Sample: On this research more than 50% firms were taken for this study from the
available population of the Small and Medium Manufacturing Businesses in Cuttack
City. Since, Small and Medium manufacturing businesses both contains similar
characters. So, I choose 70 (small and medium) manufacturing businesses as a
sample. The researcher approached all the small and medium manufacturing
businesses in the Cuttack area, which form part of the population. However, the
elements from the sample were selected for the convenience of the researcher. The
researcher chose the businesses from the population that were readily available or
those that were willing to participate in the research study.

3.3: Data collection and processing procedure

To carry out the research, primary data have been used on this study. This is raw data
collected by the researcher from the field. Primary data was gathered from
respondents at Cuttack main market through questionnaire and interview method.

3.4: Data collection instruments and methods

The researcher used a self-administered and structured questionnaire for the
collection of data of the study. The questionnaire was specifically designed to
accomplish the objectives of the study. After completing the questionnaire design,
the process was conducted by the researcher who personally approached the business
owners and explained the researcher’s intentions related regards to conducting the
study. The researcher also explained that the respondent’s identity will not be exposed
in this study. Also, the researcher personally asked questions from the questionnaire
to the business owners and staff members for better understanding and reliability. The
questionnaire was answered by the small and medium business owners or suitable
representatives of the business owners. After receiving the response, data was
decoded into excel file for further process.

3.5: Data analysis
Analysis is the systematic and careful examination of available facts so that certain
conclusions can be drawn and an inference is made. This study uses the summary of
descriptive statistics associated with the primary data analysis which is carried out on
the basis of responses derived from questionnaire survey. Various related tools and
techniques have been used for this purpose. Correlation analysis, regression analysis;
Average mean and Standard deviation have been used for the analysis. For the
analysis purpose, the collected data is used. The collected data are processed,
analysed and interpreted by using tools like SPSS, Ms-excel, and Ms-word etc.

3.5.1 Statistical tools

Some important statistical tools have been used to present and analyse the data for
achieving the objectives such as coefficient of correlation between different variables,
trend analysis which are presented below.
a. Arithmetic Mean
b. Standard Deviation (S.D)
c. Correlation Analysis
d. Regression Analysis
e. Standard Error

A. Arithmetic mean
Arithmetic Mean is the ratio of the sum of all the observations to the number of the
observations. An average gives us a point which is most representative of the data.
We have,

Mean (
Σ X = Sum of all values of the observations n =
Number of observations, X = Values of variables

B. Standard deviation (S.D)

The standard deviation measures the absolute dispersion. The greater the amount of
dispersion greater will be the standard deviation. In this study standard deviation can
be computed in following way:

N = Number of observations
X = Expected return of the historical data

C. Correlation analysis

Correlation Analysis is necessary in order to find out whether the selected variables in
time series have any relation or not. If there is no correlation there would be no
causality so this test is necessary. Correlation is a measure of the relation between two
or more variables. The measurement scales range from -1.00 to +1.00. The value of -
1.00 represents a perfect negative correlation, while a value of +1.00 represents a
perfect positive correlation. A value of 0.00 or close to zero represents a lack of


The value of r lies between + 1, when r =+ 1, it means there is perfect positive

correlation between the variables where r = -1 it means there is perfect negative
correlation between variables. However, in practice such value of r, as + 1, -1 and 0
are rare.

D. Regression analysis
In a simple regression analysis, one dependent variable is examined in relation to only
one independent variable. The analysis is designed to derive an equation for the line
that best models the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
This equation has the mathematical form:
Regression Equation (y) = a+ bx
Slope (b) = (NΣXY - (ΣX) (ΣY)) / (NΣX2 - (ΣX)2)
Intercept (a) = (ΣY – b (ΣX)) / N

3.6: Model specification

It is the process of determining independent variables (profitability and sustainability)
to include and exclude from a regression equation.

Model I: (Profitability)
(𝑃1) = 𝛽0 + 𝐵1𝑋1 + 𝐵2𝑋2
𝑃1= profitability,
𝑋1= sustainability,
𝑋2= cash management

It is expected that, there are positive relationship between sustainability and

profitability and cash management to the profitability. Profitability increase due to
proper cash management and increase in sustainability.

Model II: (Sustainability)

(𝑆1) = 𝛽0 + 𝐵1𝑋1 + 𝐵2𝑋2 Where,
𝑆1 = sustainability,
𝑃1 = 𝑋1= profitability, 𝑋2= cash

It is expected that, there are positive relationship between profitability and

sustainability and cash management to the sustainability. Sustainability increase due
to proper cash management and increase in profitability.

3.7: Variable description

There are two variables, independent variable (cash management) and dependent
variable (profitability and sustainability).
• Cash management: Cash management is defined as a practice of the ability
of controlling the cash inflows and outflows in a business. It is taken as
independent variable for this study. There is a significant and positive
relationship between cash management and profitability and sustainability to
cash management.
• Profitability: Profitability is the difference between the sales generated by a
business and the expenses incurred during the business operations. It is taken
as dependent variable for this study. There is a significant and positive
relationship between profitability and cash management and sustainability to

• Sustainability: Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic,
environmental, and social-also known informally as profits, planet, and
people. It is taken as dependent variable for this study. There is a significant
and positive relationship between sustainability and cash management and
profitability to sustainability.



4.1 Data presentation and analysis

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of information
obtained from data collection related to impact of cash management practices on
profitability and sustainability of small and medium scale manufacturing businesses
in the Cuttack City. To accomplish these objectives, the various related data are
presented in a systematic way in tabular forms. To obtain best result, the data and
information have been analyzed according to the research methodology as mentioned
in Chapter Three. To find the answer of research problem, the collected data are
necessary to present and analyze by processing. This chapter will present the data on
table & figure. The main objective of the study is to present data and analyze them
with the help of various accounting, financial and statistical tools. Data analysis was
carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). This chapter
consists of analysis and presentation of empirical data.

4.2 Respondents profile analysis

It includes the analysis of respondent’s profile of responding their gender, education
level, age, and engaged in the business which is one of the most important
characteristics in understanding their views on their dignity towards their business. It
indicates the level of maturity of individuals towards their goals which becomes more
important to examine the response. It also indicates about the knowledge of cash
management and the various techniques used in the business.

4.2.1 Gender profile

Under the gender analysis, the respondents are male and female. The status of male
and female respondents on gender analysis is shown in table 4.1.

Table: 4.1: Gender profile analysis of respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage
Female 26 37.1
Male 44 62.9
Total 70 100

From Table 4.1, shows that out of total 70 respondents, 26 were female with 37.1%
and the number of male respondents is 44 which is the highest percentage (62.9%)
than female. It shows those males are more engaged in manufacturing business than

4.2.2 Education profile

Under the education analysis, the respondent’s education is categorized on
intermediate, bachelor and master’s level. The education level of respondents is
shown in table 4.2.

Table: 4.2: Education profile analysis of respondents

Qualification Frequency Percentage
Intermediate 22 31.4
Bachelor 36 51.4
Master and above 12 17.1
Total 70 100

From Table 4.2, we can identify the education profile of various respondents. Out of
70 respondents, 22 number of respondents have studied intermediate level with
31.4%, 36 number of people have studied the bachelor with the highest percentage
among other level (i.e. 36%) and 12 were studied masters and above with having

4.2.3 Age profile

Under the age profile, the respondent’s age is categorized on 15-25, 26-35, 36-45,
4655 and above 56 years. The age level of respondents is shown in table 4.3.

Table: 4.3: Age profile of respondents

Age Group Frequency Percentage
15-25 6 8.6
26-35 36 51.4
36-45 18 25.7
46-55 9 12.9

56 and Above 1 1.4
Total 70 100

From Table 4.3, shows the age profiles of 70 respondents. The number of 6
respondents were falls under the 15-25 age, 36 respondents under the 26-35 age, 18
respondents under 36-45 age, 9 respondents under the 46-55 ages and only 1
respondent under 56 and above age. From which we can conclude that, the age group
of 26-35 have the highest percentage with 51.4% among others involving in
manufacturing business.

4.2.4 Working experience

Under the engaged business, the respondent’s working experience are categorized on
1, 3, 5 and above 5 years. The working experience of respondents is shown in table
4.4. Table: 4.4: Working experience of respondents
Experience Frequency Percentage
1 year 5 7.1
3 year 25 35.7
5 year 21 30
Above 5 year 19 27.1
Total 70 100

From table 4.4, shows the activity of a person who devotes time, attention and labor to
engaging in their activity. The research shows that, mostly the respondents are
running their business on three years with the highest percentage of 35.7%. And only
the few entrepreneurs are starting their business on their first year with the least of

4.2.5 Business plan

It indicates that, whether the respondents have business plan or not before starting the
business. It is categories on "yes" and "no" which is shown in table 4.5.

Table: 4.5: Business plan of respondents

Opinion Frequency Percentage
Yes 35 50

No 35 50
Total 70 100

Table 4.5, shows the frequency distribution about business plan. It can be seen that
out of 70 respondent's survey 50 % have the business plan and remaining 50 % did
not have the business plan before starting the business.

4.2.6 Attend on training

It indicates that, whether the respondents are attending on workshop/ seminar/ training
related to their business or not before starting the business. It is categories on "yes"
and "no" which is shown in table 4.6.

Table: 4.6: Attend on training of respondents

Opinion Frequency Percentage
Yes 35 50
No 35 50
Total 70 100
Table 4.6, shows the frequency distribution about attending on business. It can be
seen that out of 70 respondent's survey, 50 % have attend and remaining 50 % did not
attend on training before starting the business.

4.2.7 Cash sales

It indicates the portion of sales in cash on their business. It is categories on 25%, 50%,
75% and 100%. The sales in cash of respondents are shown in table 4.7.

Table: 4.7: Sales portion of respondents

Sales Portion Frequency Percentage

Below 25% 21 30
26% -50% 24 34.3
51% -75% 15 21.43

Above 75% 10 14.3

Total 70 100

From table 4.7, shows the portion of cash sales of respondents on their business. The
research shows that, mostly the respondents are selling 26% - 50% with the high
percentage of 34.3.

4.3 Cash management techniques

It indicates that, whether the respondents are using cash management technique or not
in there manufacturing business. It is categorized on ‘yes’ and ‘no’ which is shown in
table 4.8.

Table: 4.8: Analysis of cash management techniques

Opinion Frequency Percentage
Yes 29 41.4
No 41 58.6
Total 70 100
The above table shows frequency distribution for cash management techniques used
in business. It can be seen that out of the 70 respondent’s survey, 29 (41.4%) are
using cash management techniques and remaining 41 (58.6%) are not using cash
management techniques in there manufacturing business.

4.4 Cash management knowledge

It indicates that, whether the respondents have the knowledge of cash management
knowledge or not in there manufacturing business. It is categorized on ‘yes’ and ‘no’
which is shown in table 4.9.

Table: 4.9: Analysis of cash management knowledge

Opinion Frequency Percentage

Yes 69 98.6

No 1 1.4

Total 70 100

The above table shows frequency distribution about cash management knowledge. It
can be seen that out of the 70 respondent’s survey 98.6% have the knowledge and
remaining 1.4% did not have the knowledge of cash management.

4.5 Descriptive statistics
The table illustrates the descriptive statistics that quantitatively describes or
summarizes features from a collection of information. It indicates mean and standard
deviation on the Cash management, Profitability and Sustainability.

4.5.1 Descriptive statistics of cash management

It indicates the mean and standard deviation of the Cash flow analysis, Debtors
management, Control of purchase of cash management which is shown in table 4.10.

Table: 4.10: Detail description of cash management

Statement Mean Std. Deviation
You manage your cash flow easily in the business. 3.73 1.034
You have been keep the record of cash management. 4.51 .717
You charge interest on the customer’s overdue 1.00 .000

You know what impact bad debts have on cash flow. 3.96 .999
You get charged interest on the overdue amount. 1.00 .000
You provide a discount if they pay their accounts 3.76 .842
within a certain period.

The mean of the cash flow analysis is 3.73 and 4.51 meaning that all the respondents
are agree with the statement of managing cash flow and keeping record of cash
management. The standard deviation is 1.034 and .717 respectively indicative of
deviation from the mean. The opinion of respondent is scattered and they don’t have
similar thinking on cash flow analysis or forecasting management.

Debtor's management or sell on credit generated a mean of 1.00 meaning that all the
respondents are disagree with the statement of charging interest on the customer’s
overdue account and 3.96 meaning that all the respondents are agree with the
statement of impact of bad debt on cash flow. It has the deviation from the mean
of .000 and .999.
The opinion of respondent is scattered and they don’t have similar thinking on
Debtors management or sell on credit.

Control of purchase or buy on credit had a mean of 1.00 meaning that all the
respondents are disagree with the statement of getting charged on the overdue amount
and 3.76 meaning that all the respondents are agree with the statement of providing a
discount if they pay their accounts in certain period. The standard deviation are
at .000 and 0.842 respectively indicative of a deviation from the mean.

4.5.2 Profitability analysis

It examines the mean and standard deviation of the Return on Assets, Return on
Equity, Profit margin under profitability which is shown in table 4.11.

Table: 4.11: Profitability analysis

Statement Mean Std. Deviation
Does organizations have earned more profit every year? 3.47 .944
You utilized your assets properly. 4.76 .432
Your annual sale is increasing every year. 3.21 .931
Do proper planning of tax helps to reduce tax. 3.79 .946
Your administrative cost is decreasing every year. 2.83 .900
Does your sales revenue has been increasing every year? 3.44 1.058
The mean of the Return on Assets are 3.47 and 4.76 meaning that all the respondents
are agree with the statement of earning profit every year and utilizing assets properly.
The standard deviation are .944 and .432 respectively indicative of deviation from the
mean. Likewise, the mean of the Return on Equity are 3.21 and 3.79 with the standard
deviation of .931 and .946 respectively which means that all the respondents are agree
with the statement of increasing annual sales every year and proper planning of tax
helps to reduce tax. Similarly, the mean of profit margin is 2.83 meaning that all the
respondents are disagree with the statement of decreasing administrative cost every
year and 3.44 meaning that all the respondents are agree with the statement of
increasing sales revenue every year with indicative of deviation from the mean
are .900 and 1.058 lies. Thus the position of profit margin in concerned area is low
than others.

4.5.3 Sustainability analysis

It indicates the mean and standard deviation of sustainability under Investment cost
and Productivity which is shown in table 4.12.

Table: 4.12: Sustainability analysis
Statement Mean Std. deviation
Does your cost of capital is less? 3.11 1.123
The purchase of machinery and equipment is less. 3.26 1.003
The Initial cost of plant and machinery is low. 3.46 1.293
There is low wastage in production. 3.57 .894
Every year volume of production is being increased. 3.30 1.054
Your cost of production is decreasing every year. 2.14 .997
Table 4.12 shows the mean of investment cost are 3.11, 3.26 and 3.46 with standard
deviation of 1.123, 1.003 and 1.293 meaning that all the respondents are agree with
the statement of less cost of capital, less purchase of machinery and equipment and
low initial cost respectively. Similarly, the mean of productivity is 3.57 meaning that
all the respondents are agree with the statement of low wastage in production, 3.30
meaning that all the respondents are agree with the statement of increasing volume of
production every year and 2.14 meaning that all the respondents are disagree with the
statement of decreasing cost of production every year. The standard deviation
are .894, 1.054 and .997 respectively based on investment cost and productivity.
Higher value of mean have the lower standard deviation which lies on productivity.

4.5.4 Combined analysis of all variables (Cash management, profitability and

It indicates the number of sample, sum and mean of the Cash management,
Profitability, Sustainability and the standard deviation of each of the variable which is
shown in table 4.13.

Table: 4.13: Combined views of respondent’s analysis

Statement Mean Std. deviation
Cash management 2.9929 .45439
Profitability 3.5833 .60710
Sustainability 3.1405 .57148

The mean of cash management, profitability and sustainability are 2.9929, 3.5833 and

3.1405 Respectively with standard deviation of .45439, .60710 and .57148. The mean
of profitability is greater than other two variables with greater standard deviation.
Thus, the position of Return on Assets, Return on Equity and Profit margin in
concerned area is high. It means small and medium scale manufacturing business
manages the cash management properly which exhaust more profitability.

4.6 Correlation
It examines the correlation between the independent and dependent variables which is
shown in table 4.14. Table: 4.14: Correlations
Variables Cash management Profitability Sustainability

Cash management 1



.013 .277 1

Table 4.14, illustrates correlation between the dependent and independent variables.
The correlation value between Cash management and Profitability is 0.398. This
finding indicates that there is a low degree of positive correlation between cash
management and profitability. This means as cash management increases, profitability
is also expected to increase insignificantly.

4.7 Regression result

A regression analysis test was done to measure a relationship between cash
management practices and the profitability as well as sustainability of the businesses.

4.7.1: Model I result (profitability on cash management and sustainability) In

model I, profitability is taken as independent variable and cash management and
sustainability are taken as dependent variables. It is expected that, there are positive

relationship between profitability and sustainability and cash management to the
profitability. A multiple regression model has been used and the results are
represented in Table 4.15.
𝑃1 = 𝛽0 + 𝐵1𝐶1 + 𝐵2𝑆1
𝑃1 Represents profitability
𝑆1 Represents sustainability
𝐶1 Represents cash management
Table 4.15: Regression results of profitability

𝑃1= 1.102 + 0.527∗∗𝐶1 + 0.288∗𝑆1

[0.558] [0.143] [0.114]
{1.975} {3.180} {2.536}
Adjusted 𝑅2= 0.232

Figures in parenthesis [ ] { } indicates standard error of the concerned variables and

( ‘ ) Significant at (0.01) 1% level
( “ ) Significant at (0.05) 5% level

The regression results of perceived issues show that the sign of all independent
variables are as per priority and expectation. There is a presence of relationship, as
adjusted 𝑅2 : 0.232. The observed adjusted 𝑅2shows that the issues regarding
profitability as independent variable is affected to the defined value of 23%. It shows
that the variation in dependent variable is explained to 77% by the variables of
independent variables included in the model.

It is hypothesized that cash management affects to the profitability of small

manufacturing business. If the cash management is increased by 1%, the profitability
increased by 0.53% meaning that at 5% significant level. There is significant effect of
cash management to profitability.

It is hypothesized that sustainability affects to the profitability of small manufacturing

business. If the sustainability is increased by 1%, the profitability increased by 0.29%

meaning that at 1% significant level. There is significant effect of sustainability to

4.7.2: Model II result (sustainability on cash management and profitability) In

model II, sustainability is taken as independent variable and cash management and
profitability are taken as dependent variables. It is expected that, there is positive
relationship between cash management to the profitability. A multiple regression
model has been used and the results are represented in Table 4.16.
𝑆1 = 𝛽0 + 𝐵1𝐶1 + 𝐵2𝑃1
𝑃1 Represents profitability
𝑆1 Represents sustainability
𝐶1 Represents cash management

Table 4.16: Regression results of sustainability

𝑆1= 2.486 + 0.304∗𝐶1 - 0.145 𝑆1

[0.504] [0.120] [0.160]
{4.930} {2.536} {-0.904}
Adjusted 𝑅2= 0.296

Figures in parenthesis [ ] { } indicates standard error of the concerned variables and

( ‘ ) Significant at (0.01) 1% level
( “ ) Significant at (0.05) 5% level

The regression results of perceived issues show that the sign of all independent
variables are as per priority and expectation. There is a presence of relationship, as
adjusted 𝑅2 : 0.296. The observed adjusted 𝑅2shows that the issues regarding
profitability as independent variable is affected to the defined value of 30%. It shows
that the variation in dependent variable is explained to 70% by the variables of
independent variables included in the model.

It is hypothesized that cash management affects to the sustainability of small

manufacturing business. If the cash management is increased by 1%, the sustainability

increased by 0.30% meaning that at 1% significant level. There is significant effect of
cash management to profitability.

It is hypothesized that profitability affects to the sustainability of small manufacturing

business. If the sustainability is increased by 1%, the profitability increased by -0.15%
meaning that there is negative impact. There is not significant effect of profitability to

4.8 Major findings

This study has been concentrated on impact of cash management practices on
profitability and sustainability of small and medium scale manufacturing businesses
in the Cuttack City . The major findings of the study are as follows:
i. It is concluded that 37.1% are female and 62.9% are male respondents in this
ii. It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between experience of
the entrepreneur and their opinion about the cash management in
manufacturing business. That is the respondents differ significantly in their
opinion about the impact of cash management on sustainability in small
manufacturing business when they are classified based on their experience in
the study area.
iii. This study was found that of 70 respondents on which 22 number of
respondents have studied intermediate level with 31.4%, 36 number of
people have studied the bachelor with the highest percentage among other
level (i.e. 36%) and 12 were studied masters and above with having 12%.
iv. It is concluded that the number of 6 respondents were falls under the 15-25
age, 36 respondents under the 26-35 age, 18 respondents under 36-45 age, 9
respondents under the 46-55 ages and only 1 respondent under 56 and above
age. From which we can conclude that, the age group of 26-35 have the
highest percentage with 51.4% among others involving in manufacturing
v. It can be seen that out of the 70 respondent’s survey 98.6% have the
knowledge and remaining 1.4% did not have the knowledge of cash

vi. The average mean and standard deviation of cash management on cash flow
analysis, debtor’s management and control of purchase are 4.12 and 0.8755,
2.48 and 0.4995 and 2.38 and 0.421 respectively.

vii. The average mean and standard deviation of profitability on return on assets,
return on equity and profit margin are 4.115 and 0.688, 3.5 and 0.9385 and
3.135 and 0.979 respectively.
viii. The average mean and standard deviation of sustainability on investment cost
and productivity are 3.2767 and 1.1397 and 3.003 and 0.9817 respectively.
ix. The mean value of the Cash management is 2.9929 and standard deviation is
0.45439 which shows that the opinion of respondent is scattered and they
don’t have similar thinking on cash flow analysis or forecasting
management. Cash management practices in small and medium scale
business are good.
x. The mean value of the Profitability is 3.5833 and standard deviation is
0.60710 which shows that the opinion of respondent is scattered and they
don’t have similar thinking on return on assets, return on equity and profit
margin. Profitability practices in small and medium scale business are good.
xi. The mean value of the Sustainability is 3.1405 and standard deviation is
0.57148 which shows that the opinion of respondent is scattered and they
don’t have similar thinking on investment cost and productivity.
Sustainability exhaust in small and medium scale business are good.
xii. The correlation value between Cash management and Profitability is 0.398.
This finding indicates that there is a low degree of positive correlation
between cash management and profitability. This means as cash management
increases, profitability is also expected to increase insignificantly.
xiii. It shows that cash management affects to the profitability of small
manufacturing business. If the cash management is increased by 1%, the
profitability increased by 0.53% meaning that at 5% significant level. There
is significant effect of cash management to profitability.
xiv. It shows that sustainability affects to the profitability of small manufacturing
business. If the sustainability is increased by 1%, the profitability increased
by 0.29% meaning that at 1% significant level. There is significant effect of
sustainability to profitability.

xv. It shows that cash management affects to the sustainability of small
manufacturing business. If the cash management is increased by 1%, the
sustainability increased by 0.30% meaning that at 1% significant level. There
is significant effect of cash management to profitability.
xvi. It shows that profitability affects to the sustainability of small manufacturing
business. If the sustainability is increased by 1%, the profitability increased
by -0.15% meaning that there is negative impact. There is not significant
effect of profitability to sustainability.

Analysis of primary data shows that most of business owners have knowledge about
cash management practices but haven’t implemented it smoothly.



This chapter illustrates the brief summary of the entire study and highlights of major
findings of the study. The lack of cash management knowledge was identified as a
major reason why certain practices were not performed in these businesses. The study
revealed the importance of proper cash management practices and the impact they
have on the profitability and sustainability of small and medium manufacturing
Finally, the chapter ends with the scope of the future research in same field.

5.1 Summary
The research set out to investigate the impact of cash management on profitability and
sustainability on small and medium manufacturing businesses in Cuttack City . The
aim of the study was to identify the current cash management practices of small and
medium manufacturing businesses and establish their problem areas regarding cash
management practices of their businesses.

A study of Akinyomi (2014) found that only limited studies have investigated the
relationship between cash management and profitability in Nigeria. Therefore, this
study examined the relationship between cash management and profitability in the
small and medium manufacturing firms. Correlation and regression analysis were
carried out. The results revealed a positive and significant relationship between Cash
Conversion Cycle and Return of Equity. In this research, the profitability and
sustainability of small and medium businesses is found to be affected by Cash
Conversion Cycle, Cash flow management, Inventory management. There is a
positive but insignificant relationship between Cash Conversion Cycle and
profitability on one hand and a negative insignificant relationship between Cash
Conversion Cycle and sustainability. The finding is considered to be inconsistent with
previous findings because proper cash conversion cycle time is maintained within the
previous finding whereas that is rarely seen within this finding. A buyer delays the
cash payment to be done within certain period of time which directly affects to the
companies as well as to the workers as well. So, proper conversion cycle time should
be implemented for every companies to gain profit and sustain thoroughly.

A linear regression model was used for data analysis to provide information on
relationship between various components of regression model. Individual information
on the variables was obtained through a descriptive study and Pearson correlation
coefficient used to indicate the level of correlation between the independent variables
and the dependent variables. The average mean and standard deviation of cash
management on cash flow analysis, debtor’s management and control of purchase are
4.12 and 0.8755, 2.48 and 0.4995 and 2.38 and 0.421 respectively. The average mean
and standard deviation of profitability on return on assets, return on equity and profit
margin are 4.115 and 0.688, 3.5 and 0.9385 and 3.135 and 0.979 respectively. The
average mean and standard deviation of sustainability on investment cost and
productivity are 3.2767 and 1.1397 and 3.003 and 0.9817 respectively. It shows that
cash management affects to the profitability of small manufacturing business. If the
cash management is increased by 1%, the profitability increased by 0.53% meaning
that at 5% significant level. There is significant effect of cash management to
profitability. It shows that sustainability affects to the profitability of small
manufacturing business. If the sustainability is increased by 1%, the profitability
increased by 0.29% meaning that at 1% significant level. There is significant effect of
sustainability to profitability. It shows that cash management affects to the
sustainability of small manufacturing business. If the cash management is increased
by 1%, the sustainability increased by 0.30% meaning that at 1% significant level.
There is significant effect of cash management to profitability. It shows that
profitability affects to the sustainability of small manufacturing business. If the
sustainability is increased by 1%, the profitability increased by -0.15% meaning that
there is negative impact. There is not significant effect of profitability to

The research found out that there was insignificant relationship between cash
management, profitability and sustainability of small and medium manufacturing
businesses in Cuttack City . There was low degree of positive correlation between the
dependent and independent variables. The result also indicated that the independent
variables had an effect on the dependent variable. Therefore, for the purpose of this
study, the variables used were considered to be insignificance but sufficient to
influence for profitability and sustainability of the enterprises.

5.2 Conclusion
This research investigated the impact of cash management on profitability and
sustainability on small and medium manufacturing business in Cuttack City . The
study arrived at the conclusion that cash management had an insignificant but positive
co-relationship with profitability and sustainability of small and medium size business
based on the data obtained. This shows that good cash management practices slightly
impact to profitability and sustainability of firms.

The findings of this study revealed that there is insignificant but positive correlation
between profitability in the business and implementation of cash management
practices. So, Implementation of cash management practices helps the business owner
to improve their profitability. The findings is inconsistent with the previous findings
because the owners, managers, staffs working within the small and medium
manufacturing business of Cuttack City has low educational level and low financial
status in comparison with the report analysis of previous findings. Besides that, the
contextual factors are also legal within this finding. Because of which the findings is
different in comparison to previous findings.

Therefore, it seems that poor cash management practices are a contributing factor
towards the profitability and sustainability of these small businesses. This study
established that this hypothesis was prevalent and that acquisition of knowledge of
cash management practices was one of the important elements in the success of a
small business.

5.3 Discussion
The literature review provided an overview of small and medium businesses’ cash
management components required for proper cash management. The review also
looked at the cash management challenges facing small businesses. The literature also
discovered what other research has uncovered in the area of our problem. There were
many similarities in the outcomes of research done in other parts of the world
compared to this research study. The study also explored the impact that a lack of
cash management practices had on the profitability and sustainability of small retail

An articles made by Industrial Potentiality Survey of Cuttack District (2014) found
that a significant relationship between cash management knowledge and managing
cash flow. This study revealed a correlation between profitability in the business and
implementation of cash management practices as well as a correlation between the
challenges of cash management practices and their ability to ensure profitability in
their business.

Uwonda and Okello (2015), study revealed limited application of cash flow
management by SMEs in Northern Uganda, especially cash flow projection; tax
planning; budgetary control and interpreting financial statements. As a result the
study noted that most SMEs had declining levels of long-term solvency and growth.
Finally the study established that cash flow control and monitoring had significant
influence on the sustainability of SMEs. This study sought to examine how cash flow
management influences sustainability SMEs in Northern Uganda. In this research
compare with them, there exist an insignificant influence between cash management
practices and sustainability of small and medium manufacturing business. Here also,
the finding is considered to be inconsistent with previous finding because the
respondents from previous findings and this finding don’t have similar thinking on
cash management as most of them from this finding have achieved low education
level. As a result, they seems to be lacking a knowledge about proper planning,
control and interpreting financial report that leads the companies difficult to be
sustainable. Hence, both researches findings aware the business managers and owners
about the significance of cash management practices for sustainable business.

5.4 Recommendation
5.4.1 Managerial implication
1. This study report provides information about the position of cash management
and profitability and sustainability that are related to cash management and
business sustainable.
2. Manager should also make sure that the cash management process is in
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and professional and ethical
3. This study report helps the owners and managers to take appropriate decisions
while facing liquidity crisis.

5.4.2 Future research implication
1. This study focused on small and medium manufacturing businesses in Cuttack
City . Future research can be undertaken among the businesses in other parts
of Odisha or India as a whole.
2. Further researchers can make the comparison how this cash management is
influencing the financial performance of developing or developed areas.
3. As is evident from this study, the independent variables studied do not fully
determine the outcome of the dependent variable. It will be important to carry
out other studies to identify other factors that relate to profitability and
sustainability other than cash flow.
4. Further research is needed to be carried out on the effect of other factors like;
product/services quality, motivation among others on survival of businesses.
5. Future research can also be carried out using different methodology, tools and


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Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am undertaking this research study entitled “The impact of cash management on

sustainability of small manufacturing business in Cuttack City ” for the award of
Master Degree, Department of Commerce, Ravenshaw University. The study mainly
attempts to examine cash management practices, profitability and sustainability of
small manufacturing business in Cuttack city.

Your opinion will be highly confidential and specifically used for academic purposes.
1) Education level;
Primary and below (1) Senior Secondary School (2) University (3)
Others specify (4) 2)
15-25 (1) 26-35 (2) 36-45 (3) 46-55 (4) 56 and above (5)
3) Gender: Female (1) Male (2)
4) Name of business: Small scale (1) Medium scale (2)
5) Address: ………………………………………………………………….
6) How long have you been engaged in this business
1 years (1) 3 years (2) 5 years (3) above (4) 7)
Does your business have a business plan?
Yes (1) No (2)
8) Have you attended any workshop/seminar/training relating to your business?
Yes (1) No (2)


1. Do you have basic cash management knowledge? Yes ( ) No ( )
2. Are there cash management techniques used in your business? Yes ( ) No
3. How do you rate the effectiveness of cash management in your business?
Effective ( ) Ineffective ( ) I don’t know ( )

4. What portion of your sales is in cash?
a) 25% ( ) b) 50% ( ) c) 75% ( ) d) 100% ( )
5. How long do your customers take to pay you?
a) 0-3 days ( ) b) 4-5 days ( ) c) 6 days ( ) d)unknown ( )
6. What percentage of your debtors pays back their amounts owing?
a) 0% - 25% ( ) b) 26% - 50% ( ) c) 51% - 75% ( ) d) 76% - 100% ( )
7. What portion of your purchases is bought for cash?
a) 0% - 25% ( ) b) 26% - 50% ( ) c) 51% - 75% ( ) d) 76% - 100% ( )
8. How long do you take to pay your creditors?
a) 0-3 days ( ) b) 4-5 days ( ) c) 6 days and above ( ) d) unknown ( )

Below are the elements that are used in cash management. Please indicate how you
manage cash inflow and outflow. You are requested to Tick ( ) on the appropriate
alternative that comes closest to your opinion.
SA – Strongly Agree-5, A – Agree-4, SA – Slightly Agree-3, D – Disagree-2, SD –
Strongly disagree-1


Cash flow analysis/forecasting: SD D SA A SA

You manage your cash flow easily in the business. 1 2 3 4 5

You have been keeping the records of cash management. 1 2 3 4 5

Debtors management/ sell on credit SD D SA A SA

You charge interest on the customer's overdue account. 1 2 3 4 5

You know what impact bad debts have on cash flow. 1 2 3 4 5

Control of purchase / buy on credit SD D SA A SA

You get charged interest on the overdue amount. 1 2 3 4 5

You provide a discount if I they pay their accounts within a 1 2 3 4 5
certain period.

Return on Assets (ROA) SD D SA A SA

Does organizations have earned more profit every year? 1 2 3 4 5

You utilized your assets properly. 1 2 3 4 5

Return on Equity (ROE) SD D SA A SA

Your annual sale is increasing every year. 1 2 3 4 5

Do proper planning of tax helps to reduce tax. 1 2 3 4 5
Profit margin SD D SA A SA

Your administrative cost is decreasing every year. 1 2 3 4 5

Does your sales revenue have been increasing every year? 1 2 3 4 5

Investment cost SD D SA A SA

Does your cost of capital is less? 1 2 3 4 5

The purchase of machinery and equipment is less. 1 2 3 4 5
The Initial cost of plant and machinery is low. 1 2 3 4 5

Productivity SD D SA A SA

There is low wastage in production. 1 2 3 4 5

Every year volume of production is being increased. 1 2 3 4 5
Your cost of production is decreasing every year. 1 2 3 4 5


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