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Text For Number 1 To 5

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Text for number 1 to 5!

Jalu is in the restaurant now. He wants to have dinner. He orders a plate of fried rice to eat and a
glass of guava juice to drink.

1. Jalu orders a plate of ...

a. Fried rice
b. Meatball
c. Noodle

2. Jalu orders a ... of guava juice.

a. Cup
b. Glass
c. Bowl

3. Where Jalu to go?

a. Cafe
b. Bookstore
c. Restaurant

4. Jalu has ... at restaurant.

a. Breakfast
b. Brunch
c. Dinner

5. Jalu orders a plate of fried rice to ...

a. Eat
b. Drink
c. Play

6. We have ... in the morning.

a. Lunch
b. Breakfast
c. Dinner

7. My favorite food is ... (mie).

a. Meatball
b. Noodle
c. Fried chicken

8. Johan is thisrty. He need ...

a. Juice
b. Bread
c. Rice

9. Jessica always eats ... (roti) in the morning.

a. Rice
b. Bread
c. Corn

10. I is the favorite food of a mouse. It is ...

a. Chocolate
b. Orange
c. Cheese

11. The weather is hot today. I need a glass of ...

a. Milk
b. Hot tea
c. Mango juice

12. The shape is like an umbrella. It is ...

a. Candy
b. Juice
c. Burger

13. I have an ... (telur dadar) for breakfast.

a. Omelet
b. Fried chicken
c. Fried rice

14. I have dinner in the ...

a. Night
b. Evening
c. Afternoon

15. Luna likes eating ... with peanut jam.

a. Rice
b. Bread
c. Corn

16. My father likes drinking ...

a. Coffee
b. Meatball
c. Potato

Text for number 17-20!

My name is Melati. I and family are havibg lunch in a cafe. We order the food to the waiter. I
order ice chocolate and pasta. My father orders a cup of coffee. My mother orders a tea and
bread. The food and drinks are vey nice. We ilke having lunch there.

17. Where are Melati and her family having ther lunch?

a. Cafe
b. Restaurant
c. Hotel

18. What does Melati oder?

a. Ice chocolate and bread

b. Ice chocolate and pasta
c. Coffee

19. What does her father order?

a. Coffee
b. Tea
c. Chocolate

20. What does her mother oder?

a. Tea and ice chocolate

b. Tea and pasta
c. Tea and bread
1. I need a chess board and chessman , so my hobby is …..

a. playing doll b. playing chess c. playing guitar d.playing violin

2. You don’t like swimming. You … reading.

a. Like b. likes c. to like d. liked

3. A: What is your hobby?

B: …. hobby is playing basketball.

a. I b. My c. You d. His

4. Maira : Does he have a hobby?

Reynand: …..

a. Yess, he does not b. Yess, he is c. Yes, he does d. No, he does

Text for number 5-7

Mira likes collecting stamps. Her hobby is called philately. She collects stamps from many countries.
She gets the stamps from her pen pals. She puts her stamps on an album. She collected the stamps
since she was at the first grade.

5. Mira likes ….

a. Reading b. collecting stamps c. collecting books d. sending letters

6. Mira gets the stamps from ….

a. her parents b. her friends at school

b. her pen pals d. her brother

7. Luke : What is Mira’s hobby?

Sandy : Mira’s hobby is ….

a. travelling
b. collecting stamps
c. playing with friends
d. going to another country

8. Dhea : What are you doing in your spare time?

Luna : Well ….

Dhea : Can you teach me how to make rainbow cake?

Luna : Sure
a. I like singing
b. I love travelling
c. I like cooking
d. I like painting

9. My sister likes to go to beach at holiday, her hobby is ….

a. dancing
b. reading
c. c. cooking
d. surfing

Dialogue fro number 10-15

Lisa : What is your …. (10), Rose?

Rose : My hobby is reading.

Lisa : What …. (11) you need to do your hobby?

Rose : I need a …. (12)

Lisa : …. (13) you like reading?

Rose : …. (14), I don’t. I …. (15) singing.

Nomor 10:

a. a. like b. favorite c. hobby d. need

Nomor 11:

a. is b. does c. was d. do

Nomor 12:

a. book b. paper c. rope d. pen

Nomor 13:

a. does b. was c. did do

Nomor 14:

a. Yess b. Alright c. Sure d. No

Nomor 15:

a. a. like b. hobby c. need d.want

16. They bring fish hook and go to the river. Their hobby is ….
a. running
b. fishing
c. surfing
d. cooking

17. Max : What do you like?

George : I like …., so I need ball and basket.

a. football
b. volley ball
c. playing guitar
d. basket ball

18. Arrange this sentences.

Camping – like – not – does – Ali

1 2 3 4 5

a. 1-2-3-4-5
b. 5-4-3-2-1
c. 4-3-5-2-1
d. 2-3-5-4-1

19. My Dad likes …. in the garden.

a. cutting leaves
b. reading
c. cooking
d. swimiming

20. My favorite sport is …(bulutangkis)

a. shuttlecock
b. swimming
c. badminton
d. football

Arrange into good sentences! (susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar)

1. like – football – they- playing

2. hobby- my- surfing – beach- is – in the
3. playing- field- Andi- in the- likes- kite
4. reading-much- likes- very- Maira
5. like- Mira- does not- collecting- paper

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