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Diagnostic Testing For Equine Endocrine Diseases

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D i a g n o s t i c Tes t i n g fo r

Equine Endocrine Diseases

Confirmation Versus Confusion

Dianne McFarlane, DVM, PhD

 Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction  Equine metabolic syndrome  ACTH

 No diagnostic tests should be interpreted without consideration of signalment, history,
and specific clinical signs of disease.
 Measurement of hormones, both baseline or after stimulation, is affected by many other
factors, including concurrent illness, season, thriftiness, color, breed, and diet.
 Any diagnostic test is only as good as the assay measuring the hormone.
 Reference intervals are only valid for a specific method and assay. Breed-specific refer-
ence intervals are needed.

Although once a fairly obscure field, equine endocrinology now holds great interest to
the horse-owning public. The 2 common endocrine syndromes, pituitary pars interme-
dia dysfunction (PPID) and equine metabolic syndrome (EMS), are each frequently
featured in horse industry news outlets. In addition, the availability of highly marketed
pharmaceuticals has contributed to heightened awareness of these conditions by vet-
erinarians and clients alike. As awareness of equine endocrine diseases has grown,
more owners are requesting their horses be tested, often in the absence of convincing
clinical signs supportive of disease. Unfortunately, the current diagnostic tests are
poor at predicting endocrine disease when only minimal or nonspecific clinical signs
are present.
Equine endocrinology is a field that has undergone numerous transformations, with
its share of incorrect conclusions along the way. For example, historically it was

Disclosure Statement: Dr D. McFarlane has no conflict of interest. She has participated in the
Equine Endocrinology Group that provides recommendations on diagnostic testing for PPID
that is distributed by Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) in marketing handouts and in the Equine Endo-
crine Summit (a small group scientific meeting), both of which have been supported by BI.
Department of Physiological Sciences, Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, Oklahoma State
University, 264 McElroy Hall, CVHS-OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA
E-mail address:

Vet Clin Equine - (2019) -–-
0749-0739/19/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 McFarlane

thought that hypothyroidism was a common equine disease and the mechanism
behind obesity-associated laminitis in horses. Many horses were prescribed lifelong
treatment with levothyroxine as a result. Later, the role of dysfunctional thyroid glands
in obesity-related laminitis was challenged, and the concept that hyperinsulinemia
was responsible for inciting endocrinopathic laminitis was introduced.1 Along with a
new understanding of the mechanism of endocrinopathic laminitis came a new
name for this condition, equine metabolic syndrome (EMS).2 The definition of EMS
has evolved since the term was first introduced in 2002, and changes in diagnostic
and treatment approaches have followed.2
The understanding of equine PPID has also undergone many shifts in the past
several decades. Once thought to be an uncommon condition, PPID affects 20% to
30% of the geriatric horse population.3–5 Clinical signs attributed to PPID have often
been based on poorly defined cases, and as a result, are inaccurate. Originally called
“equine Cushing disease,” the condition was thought to be similar to human and
canine Cushing disease. Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism was considered
to be the mechanistic cause, despite an inability to demonstrate high-serum cortisol
concentrations or enlarged adrenal glands in most equine cases.6–8 These miscon-
ceptions pervaded the veterinary literature for several decades.
Over the years, many diagnostic tests have been suggested that ultimately were
proven to be poor discriminators of disease. Problems from “interference” due to
physiologic endocrine activity, from overgeneralizing data collected in a small number
of nonrepresentative animals, poor case definition, to a lack of a gold standard,
plagued validation studies.
This article is not intended to serve as an exhaustive review of equine endocrine dis-
ease or testing strategies. Several comprehensive reviews have been recently pub-
lished.9–12 Rather, it discusses areas in the field of equine endocrine disease
diagnosis that need further consideration due to common misconceptions or misuse
of the current recommendations. In addition, suggestions for future directions for
enhanced diagnostic capabilities in equine endocrinology are included.


It is important that the diagnostic tests used to identify cases have been appropriately
validated and that guidelines for interpretation of results be broadly applicable and ac-
curate. A well-accepted but often overlooked fact is that reference intervals are only
valid for the specific assay and methodology for which they were established. There
are numerous reports comparing the performance of radioimmunoassays, enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), chemiluminescent immunoassay, and immu-
nofluorescent assays for measuring adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), insulin, and
other hormones; all show bias or lack of agreement among the assays, with a high per-
centage of discordant samples.13–18 Therefore, results among assays are not inter-
changeable, and reference intervals provided by laboratories or diagnostic
guidelines are only relevant if the samples are run using the same methodology.
When monitoring patients over time, the same method of hormone measurement
must be used if current and previous results are to be compared.
It is also important to understand the limitations and specificity of the assay used.
Most assays used to measure equine hormones are designed for use in other species,
most commonly human-specific assays. Validation for use with equine samples is
required, and details of the validation should be publicly available. Unfortunately, often
the validation process performed is not ideal. This failure to appropriately valid assays
may be the consequence of an absence of an unequivocal method (a “gold standard”)
Diagnostic Testing for Equine Endocrine Diseases 3

or a lack of available species-specific reagents. Some assays cross-react with other

similar molecules. For example, the chemiluminescent immunoassay (Immulite) for
ACTH has 13% to 15% cross-reactivity with corticotropin-like intermediate lobe pep-
tide (CLIP) when human plasma is the test sample (Immulite 1000 ACTH Product liter-
ature; Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Malvern, PA). Cross-reactivity with CLIP
likely also occurs in horses.18 Thus, fall samples measured by chemiluminescent
immunoassay will report higher ACTHs compared with the same samples measured
by other methods with minimal cross-reactivity. The cross-reactivity with CLIP does
not make this assay inappropriate for PPID; it is, however, an important consideration
when interpreting results.
There are limited methods for measuring equine insulin concentration, and the avail-
able tests show poor assay performance.15 Using liquid chromatography–mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS) as the unequivocal measure of insulin concentration, 6 insulin assays
were compared.15 Of the 6 tested, 2 had adequate assay characteristics (precision, ac-
curacy, and specificity) to be valid for measuring equine insulin. Of those, only 1 corre-
lated to the absolute insulin concentration determined by LC-MS, and it identified only
25% to 50% of the actual insulin in the sample. This assay is no longer available.
Recent evaluation of the chemiluminescent immunoassay revealed suitable perfor-
mance characteristics with lower results compared with those obtained by radioim-
munoassay or ELISA.19 Evaluations of the ability of the chemiluminescent
immunoassay or currently available radioimmunoassays to identify equine insulin us-
ing the unequivocal method of LC-MS as a reference have not been reported.


Many diagnostic tests for PPID have come and gone out of favor over the years.
Today, the most frequently used test in practice is endogenous plasma ACTH concen-
tration, and the test considered to be most discriminating is the thyrotropin-releasing
hormone (TRH) stimulation assay.20,21 The overnight dexamethasone suppression test
(DST), although no longer commonly used, is still considered an appropriate albeit less
sensitive diagnostic test. All of the current tests have their strengths and weaknesses;
understanding how to best use and interpret the available tests will aid in a better likeli-
hood of reaching an accurate diagnosis.

The Physiology and Pathophysiology

PPID is the result of a loss of inhibitory regulation of the melanotropes of the pars inter-
media lobe of the pituitary resulting in increased release of POMC peptides, a-MSH,
ACTH, b-endorphin, and CLIP along with many less-defined small peptides.22,23 Loss
of inhibitory regulation is the result of loss of hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons,
which serve to provide tonic inhibition to the pars intermedia.24 The pars intermedia
has several known roles in other species, including regulation of seasonal change in
metabolism, appetite, and hair coat, presumably to prepare animals for the challenges
of winter.25–27 It provides powerful anti-inflammatory hormones in response to cyto-
kine stimulation.28 Although much remains unknown, available data suggest similar
functions in horses.29,30 Removal of dopaminergic innervation, as occurs with PPID,
results in an exaggerated seasonal increase in pars intermedia hormones.31
Interpreting the results of the PPID diagnostic tests is complicated by the difficulty in
separating an appropriate physiologic response of the pituitary from an inappropriate,
dysregulated state. As discussed above, PPID is a disease in which dopaminergic in-
hibition is lost. However, all current diagnostic tests for PPID work by measuring pars
intermedia activity (they directly or indirectly assess ACTH release) rather than
4 McFarlane

dopaminergic neuronal activity. None are able to characterize whether ACTH is of pars
intermedia or pars distalis origin.

Why Is This a Problem?

ACTH release can be upregulated without loss of dopaminergic neuronal function.
Horses in extremely poor condition and those with chronic or acute disease may
exhibit an increase in plasma ACTH without reducing dopaminergic activity.32 Signif-
icant variability exists among horses in the magnitude of hormonal response to both
season and inflammation. Gray horses often have a greater fall increase in proopiome-
lanocortin (POMC) peptides compared with other colored horses.33 Thrifty breeds of
ponies have been shown to have dramatic increases in ACTH activity in the fall.33,34 In
other species, dopaminergic tone is related to metabolism, appetite, and obesity.35,36
It is possible that genetically thrifty animals have less dopaminergic tone (ie, neurons)
than nonthrifty breeds to promote a stronger seasonal response of the pars interme-
dia, thus creating a heightened thrifty response. These genetic differences are likely
advantageous to the younger animal needing to survive in harsh winter environments
but may predispose to PPID later in life, because the number of functioning dopami-
nergic neurons are known to decrease with age.37,38
Dopaminergic tone can also be influenced by environmental factors in addition to
genetics. Antenatal exposure to glucocorticoids or stress has been shown to decrease
the number of functional dopaminergic neurons.39,40 In intrauterine growth-restricted
children, variation in dopamine signaling is associated with changes in eating
behavior.41 It is possible that in horses predisposition to PPID is influenced by the
initial population density of dopaminergic neurons, which is determined by a combina-
tion of breed and environmental factors.
In summary, breed variation may contribute to differences in dopaminergic tone as a
function of thriftiness and other phenotypes (eg, color), which must be considered when
interpreting diagnostic test results. A large seasonal increase in plasma ACTH concen-
tration, endogenous or stimulated, may be normal. It should not automatically be
assumed that a horse has PPID, especially if that horse is young and lacks clinical signs.
Although low-dopaminergic tone and a strong seasonal pars intermedia response may
be advantageous (and normal) in the younger thrifty animal, it may also present a risk
factor for PPID later in life. Therefore, a finding of a strong ACTH seasonal response
in a younger horse is cause to monitor that animal as it ages. Ideally, tests for PPID
will be developed that directly assess the ability of the periventricular dopaminergic neu-
rons to respond appropriately to stimulation, by releasing dopamine.

Tests for Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction Measuring Adrenocorticotropic

Endogenous plasma ACTH can be produced by 2 types of pituitary cells, cortico-
tropes of the pars distalis and melanotropes of the pars intermedia. An increase in
plasma concentration may occur due to stimulation of either cell type; current diag-
nostic tests cannot differentiate these 2 events. Tests also cannot separate an appro-
priate response to an environmental event from a pathologic, unregulated release of
ACTH. Therefore, it is essential that the interpretation of plasma ACTH concentration
only be made in light of the history, signalment, season of sample collection, and clin-
ical findings of the patient.
ACTH is a cleavage product from the larger polypeptide, POMC. In the non-fall sea-
son, nearly all ACTH in healthy horses is from the pars distalis and is posttranslationally
modified such that it is bioactive. In horses with PPID or during the fall, the increase in
ACTH is due to pars intermedia hormone production. Most of the pars intermedia ACTH
Diagnostic Testing for Equine Endocrine Diseases 5

is post-translationally modified to a nonbioactive form.42,43 Therefore, although current

tests do not differentiate ACTH from the 2 pituitary cell types, development of more spe-
cific tests is feasible based on differences in ACTH structure or function (bioactivity).
Plasma ACTH concentration increases in horses with PPID. However, it may also
increase with chronic and acute disease, malnutrition, and other stressors. Conse-
quently, detection of a high ACTH concentration does not confirm the diagnosis of
PPID. Plasma ACTH concentration is affected by breed, age, coat color, thriftiness,
diet, health status, time of year, and location of residence.32–34,44–46 ACTH is released
from the pituitary in a pulsatile fashion with as much as a 2-fold difference in plasma
concentrations over a 1-hour collection period in normal horses, suggesting significant
intrahorse variation may be normal.47 In contrast, other studies with less frequent sam-
ple collection failed to demonstrate ultradian rhythm, and collection of paired sampling
did not improve sensitivity or specificity of the test.48,49 Attempts to calculate the
sensitivity and specificity of plasma ACTH concentration in diagnosis of PPID are
thwarted by the absence of a gold-standard diagnostic test. As a result, a diagnosis
of PPID must be based on more than just a high endogenous plasma ACTH

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test

The TRH stimulation test is a dynamic diagnostic test that measures the magnitude of
plasma ACTH increase following intravenous administration of the natural pituitary
releasing factor, TRH.50 The primary benefit of the dynamic test is the ability to stan-
dardize the stimulus and synchronize the response. Samples in the TRH stimulation
test are collected before and 10 minutes after TRH administration.21 The magnitude
of the increase in plasma ACTH at 10 minutes after stimulation is an indication of
the hormone content stored in the pars intermedia melanotropes and pars distalis cor-
ticotropes.51 Because of the large variability in TRH response among horses in the fall,
seasonal reference intervals are unlikely to be useful in the diagnosis of PPID. Age, co-
lor, breed, thriftiness, and diet all may have an influence on magnitude of ACTH
response in the fall. Despite this, there may be value in performing the TRH stimulation
test in the fall. Horses showing minimal ACTH response to TRH in the fall have a very
strong probability of not having PPID, making the test useful to rule out, not rule in,
PPID. Other concerns regarding interpretation of TRH stimulation test results include
the lack of data on the effect of concurrent disease on test response or timing of sam-
ple collection. In other species ACTH is removed primarily through renal excretion,
with a half-life under 1 minute.52 The effect of imprecise timing of the post-TRH 10-
minute sample or concurrent renal disease on test results has not been adequately

Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test

In 1994, Dybdal and colleagues53 suggested the DST had 100% sensitivity and speci-
ficity, and the DST became the standard for PPID diagnosis for the next decade. Later,
it became clear that the performance of the DST was less discriminating than originally
suggested. Furthermore, owner concern regarding the safety of dexamethasone in hors-
es that might be predisposed to laminitis resulted in many opting not to test their horses.

Test mechanism
In healthy horses, administration of dexamethasone suppresses adrenal cortisol
release by inhibiting corticotrope-derived ACTH and hypothalamic corticotropin-
releasing hormone secretion. Glucocorticoids do not inhibit ACTH production by
pars intermedia melanotropes.
6 McFarlane

Current recommended interpretation

When the test is performed in the non-fall season, serum cortisol greater than 1 mg/dL
at 19 hours after dexamethasone administration is considered a failure to suppress
and consistent with PPID.53 This cutoff was determined using a population of end-
stage PPID cases compared with clinically healthy age-matched horses. Disease state
was confirmed at postmortem.53 Ideally, one should validate a diagnostic test in a
random, representative population and compare the results with a gold standard. Pre-
selection of animals as diseased or normal will overestimate the sensitivity and spec-
ificity of the test, as occurred with the DST.
The DST has a low sensitivity and high specificity. Using the diagnostic cutoff of
cortisol less than 1 mg/dL at 19 hours after dexamethasone administration, only horses
with late-stage PPID fail to suppress.54 False negatives are common in early cases of
PPID. Repeat testing is often necessary to diagnose early cases. False positives
may occur when the test is performed in the fall, and seasonally, specific reference in-
tervals have not been established. However, horses that fully suppress to less than
0.2 mg/dL (typical limit of detection of the assay) in the fall are very likely NOT to
have PPID.
Maximizing dexamethasone suppression test potential
Several changes can be made to the DST to enhance its predictive value. Typically,
horses with serum cortisol greater than 1 mg/dL at 19 hours after dexamethasone
administration are considered to have PPID. However, horses with early PPID may
have post-dexamethasone cortisol concentrations in the moderate (0.5–1 mg/dL)
range. Further research is needed to redefine the best diagnostic cutoffs. Early cases
of PPID may be better identified by collecting the second sample at 24 rather than
19 hours after dexamethasone administration, because some horses with early dis-
ease will suppress initially and then escape, whereas normal horses will remain sup-
pressed.53 One of the limitations of this test, and perhaps why it fails to identify
early cases, is that ACTH produced in the pars intermedia is posttranslationally modi-
fied such that it is often not bioactive: it does not stimulate adrenal release of
cortisol.42,43 Development of an assay that differentiates the various structural forms
of ACTH (and thus the origin of ACTH) could strengthen the performance of the DST as
well as other diagnostic tests for PPID.
Other Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction Tests Measuring Cortisol
Multiple studies have agreed that measurement of serum cortisol is not useful in the
diagnosis of PPID.8,53,54 Loss of cortisol diurnal rhythm has been proposed as a
test for PPID55; however, although circadian rhythm of cortisol is disrupted in horses
with PPID, it is also often disrupted in many other disease conditions and in otherwise
healthy horses. In a small study of 46 healthy horses, the authors found 70% would
have been falsely diagnosed as having PPID using diurnal cortisol change. Cortisol
release following TRH administration also has an inadequate performance to be clin-
ically useful.51 ACTH stimulation was once used in the diagnosis of PPID and con-
tinues to be the test of choice to characterize PPID-associated adrenal
hyperplasia.53 However, nearly two-thirds of horses with PPID do not have adrenal hy-
perplasia and would test as false negatives.6,7
Recently, measurement of free cortisol was found to increase in horses with PPID,
EMS, obesity, and hyperinsulinemia.8 It is not clear whether a high free cortisol is use-
ful in identifying specific endocrine disorders or how concurrent diseases might affect
the results.
Diagnostic Testing for Equine Endocrine Diseases 7


EMS is a list of clinical signs or pathologic conditions that, if present, increase risk of
endocrinopathic laminitis.56 Among these risk factors, insulin dysregulation is the
strongest predictor of laminitis.
Insulin-glucose regulation is complex, and different parts of the insulin-glucose reg-
ulatory pathway may be altered in horses that have insulin dysregulation. Conse-
quently, not all horses with insulin dysregulation will respond similarly to a specific
diagnostic test.
The specificity of individual diagnostic tests in assessing insulin-glucose regulation
is illustrated by a series of studies investigating metformin efficacy. Initial studies
considered the ability of metformin to improve insulin sensitivity in horses using a
frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test.57 No improvement was
observed. Later work used an oral glucose test and demonstrated a highly significant
reduction in both glucose and insulin concentration.58 Pharmacokinetic studies sug-
gest metformin is not well absorbed when given orally to horses.59 However, in other
species, metformin can elicit a local gastrointestinal effect, reducing small intestinal
glucose absorption and subsequent pancreatic insulin release. A local gastrointes-
tinal effect would only be appreciated with an oral glucose challenge test, not an
intravenous glucose challenge. Although a local effect of metformin in the horse
has not been indisputably demonstrated, this explanation fits all the available equine
The story of metformin in horses serves as an example of how results from the
various diagnostics tests are not interchangeable, and no one diagnostic test is ideal
for all cases. Some horses and ponies with EMS have a more profound tissue insulin
resistance, whereas others have a more exaggerated glucose-stimulated insulin
release. Both pathways lead to hyperinsulinemia and thus increased risk of endocrino-
pathic laminitis.

Baseline Testing
Equine serum insulin concentration
Measurement of serum insulin concentration as a diagnostic test for insulin resis-
tance is a noninvasive, technically easy method. However, false negative results
are extremely common.21 Guidelines suggest normal serum insulin concentration
is less than 20 mU/mL; however, for some breeds, normal serum insulin concentra-
tion is lower.60 Opinions on the best type of resting sample (fasted, fed, or feed
restricted) change frequently and continue to be debated. Current recommenda-
tions suggest withholding grain but allowing availability to hay or pasture when

Dynamic Testing
Oral sugar or glucose tests
To reduce the high false negative rate, a dynamic test is suggested. Postprandial
insulin release may be assessed using an oral sugar test or an in-feed oral glucose
test. The oral sugar test provides the horse a sugar bolus in the form of Karo syrup
administered via dose syringe.61 The in-feed oral glucose test provides a sugar
bolus in the form of dextrose powder in a nonglycemic feed such as chaff.62
Both evaluate glucose absorption and postprandial insulin release. Debates
regarding these tests center primarily on the optimal dose of sugar and degree
of fasting. Significant breed differences occur, suggesting multiple reference inter-
vals are needed.60
8 McFarlane

Intravenous insulin tolerance tests

To assess tissue-level insulin sensitivity, an insulin tolerance test is recommended.
The 2-step insulin response test is the simplest to perform in practice, but has the po-
tential to induce clinical hypoglycemia if the horse is not insulin resistant.63 The 2-step
insulin response test measures glucose response at 30 minutes, making it both inex-
pensive and convenient, providing immediate stall-side results. Fasting is not recom-
mended. The combined intravenous glucose-insulin tolerance test avoids the risk of
hypoglycemia but is a more labor intensive alternative.64


Diagnosis of endocrine disease requires a holistic approach incorporating history,

signalment, and clinical examination findings together with diagnostic test results.
Because the function of the endocrine system is to maintain homeostasis, change
in environment or animal health will alter hormone response. Failing to consider the
horse as a whole and treating based on laboratory test results have caused many an-
imals to receive lifelong drug treatment unnecessarily. Several factors may complicate
diagnosis of endocrine disease in the horse.

Slowly Progressive, Insidious Diseases

The slow progression from disease onset to end-stage disease has implications in
diagnostic testing and test validation. Cases of early endocrine disease will have
unique clinical and pathologic characteristics compared with late disease. For
example, early in disease, loss of dopaminergic inhibition may increase prolactin
secretion. Late in disease, compression of the lactotrophs in the pars distalis might
cause a decrease in prolactin. Failure to stratify horses by disease stage could lead
to the conclusion that prolactin concentration is not altered in horses with PPID
when in fact prolactin was affected both early and late in disease. This theoretic
example illustrates the importance of considering not just if the horse has an endocrine
disease but also where they fall on a chronicity timeline when considering diagnostic

Concurrent Endocrine Diseases

Another common complexity when evaluating horses for endocrine disease is that
clinical endocrine syndromes may occur alone or in combination, and each presenta-
tion will have its own unique appearance. One will encounter horses with PPID alone,
intermedia dysfunction (ID) (EMS) alone, or PPID and ID. PPID horses with normal in-
sulin regulation do not appear to be at increased risk of laminitis or obesity.
Conversely, horses with PPID and ID appear to be at greater risk of hyperinsulinemia
and laminitis than ID alone. One-third of the horses with PPID will also have adrenal
hyperplasia. It is unclear if these horses have unique clinical signs or response to treat-
ment. A small number of horses with PPID, ID or PPID, and ID will go on to develop
diabetes mellitus. If one fails to assess glucose and insulin concurrently, this may
be overlooked, and management of the patient will likely be inappropriate.

Multiple Pathways Leading to the Same Endpoint

There are likely multiple causes for both PPID and EMS that ultimately converge into
similar end-stage clinical signs. In PPID, many events may cause dopaminergic neuro-
degeneration, such as toxins, oxidative stress, metabolic derangements, mitochon-
drial dysfunction, excessive dopamine exposure, or genetic predisposition to
overexpress proteins that misfold. Early in disease, each of these underlying disease
Diagnostic Testing for Equine Endocrine Diseases 9

mechanisms may be associated with unique biomarkers and response to diagnostic

tests. However, regardless of the initiating event, once the dopaminergic neurons
are no longer able to tonically inhibit the pars intermedia, the end-stage syndrome
will be indistinguishable: excessive release of pars intermedia hormones with the
associated clinical signs.
EMS also has different causes. Hyperinsulinemia, the key abnormality in EMS, can
result from either tissue level insulin resistance or excessive postprandial insulin
release. Multiple risk factors, such as obesity, inflammation, toxins, breed, and diet,
initiate different pathologic events that all ultimately cause insulin dysregulation and
increased risk of laminitis. Interpretation of diagnostic test results for EMS must
consider cause, because a test of insulin-sensitive tissue response will not identify
EMS horses with insulin dysregulation because of excessive postprandial pancreatic
insulin release.
Physiologic Responses Overlap with Pathologic Responses
Glands have jobs; they release hormones as needed to maintain homeostasis. They
respond to physiologic events, such as season or diet, and pathologic events, such
as illness, debilitation, or stress. When testing endocrine function rather than asking
“is hormone production increased (with or without stimulation)?,” it would be ideal
to ask “can the system respond appropriately to positive and negative signals at mul-
tiple levels of the axis?”


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