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Future Hydrology of the Cryospheric Driven Lake Como
Catchment in Italy under Climate Change Scenarios
Flavia Fuso 1, *, Francesca Casale 1 , Federico Giudici 2 and Daniele Bocchiola 1

1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy; (F.C.); (D.B.)
2 Sustainable Development and Energy Sources Department, RSE Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico,
20133 Milano, Italy;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: We present an assessment of climate change impact on the hydrology of the Lago di
Como lake catchment of Italy. On one side, the lake provides water for irrigation of the Po valley
during summer, and on the other side its regulation is crucial to prevent flood risk, especially in
fall and winter. The dynamics of lake Como are linked to the complex cryospheric hydrology of
its Alpine contributing catchment, which is in turn expected to change radically under prospective
global warming. The Poli-Hydro model is used here to simulate the cryospheric processes affecting
the hydrology of this high-altitude catchment. We demonstrated the model’s accuracy against
historical hydrological observations, available during 2002–2018. We then used four Representative
Concentration Pathways scenarios, provided by three Global Circulation Models under the AR6 of
IPCC, to project potential climate change until 2100. We thereby derived daily series of rainfall and
temperature, to be used as inputs for hydrological simulations. The climate projections here highlight
a substantial increase in temperature at the end of the century, between +0.61◦ and +5.96◦ , which
would lead to a decrease in the total ice volume in the catchment, by −50% to −77%. Moreover, there
would be a decrease in the contribution of snow melt to the annual lake inflow, and an increase in

 ice melt under the worst-case scenarios. Overall, the annual Lake inflows would increase during
autumn and winter and would decrease in summer. Our study may provide a tool to help policy
Citation: Fuso, F.; Casale, F.; Giudici,
makers to henceforth evaluate adaptation strategies in the area.
F.; Bocchiola, D. Future Hydrology of
the Cryospheric Driven Lake Como
Catchment in Italy under Climate
Keywords: hydrological modelling; climate change; hydrological projections; Como lake
Change Scenarios. Climate 2021, 9, 8.

Received: 15 December 2020 1. Introduction

Accepted: 3 January 2021 Transient climate change largely affects the water cycle worldwide. Particularly,
Published: 6 January 2021 mountain regions are highly vulnerable, given that they are already subjected to a wide
range of natural hazards, and anthropogenic, and environmental pressures [1]. Given the
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- social and economic value of mountain areas, understanding of the hydrological regime
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-
thereby is essential. In the European Alps, temperature increased by ca. +2 ◦ C since 1880,
ms in published maps and institutio-
i.e., twice as much as the global average, and the trend has accelerated since 1970 or so,
nal affiliations.
and more so at the highest altitudes [2]. The seasonal snowline therein increased by ca.
+150 m for +1 ◦ C in temperature, and less snow accumulates at the lowest altitudes [3–11].
Less solid precipitation in winter, and earlier snow melting in spring is causing a shift
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li- of peak runoff season, and in the last century Alpine rivers underwent significant changes
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. in hydrology [12]. An increase in winter discharge above 1800 m asl (due to a larger share
This article is an open access article of rainfall vs. snowfall), and a decrease in spring and summer flows (due to reduction
distributed under the terms and con- in snow cover, and increase in evapotranspiration under higher temperatures) already
ditions of the Creative Commons At- occurred in the last century [4,8,13].
tribution (CC BY) license (https:// Even though precipitation in the last few decades does not follow a clear pattern, the increase in temperature, and the subsequent increase in rainfall share against solid precipitation

Climate 2021, 9, 8.

Climate 2021, 9, 8 2 of 24

(snow), plays an important role in the timing of runoff, and on seasonally snow covered areas,
that in turn affect the ecosystems, and glaciers’ feeding, and dynamics [4–6,8,14].
Indeed, an evident effect of recent global warming in the Alps is the retreat of glaciers,
with a change of −30% in area in the last six decades, and an acceleration of area reduction
after 1999, for glaciers larger than 0.1 km2 or so. The recent increase in the number of
glaciers in the Italian Alps is indeed an evidence of the fragmentation of large glaciers into
smaller ones [4,5,8–11,14,15]. These glaciers, with a surface area smaller than 1 km2 ca., will
disappear at mid altitudes in the next few decades. However, such glaciers represent ca.
80% of the Alpine ice cover, and give a significant contribution to runoff [5,9]. Furthermore,
a mass loss about 2 Gt of ice per year is expected in the Alps [14]. Glaciers with median
elevation closer to their maximum (accumulation) altitude, and glaciers at lower altitudes
are losing more area [11].
Such hydrological changes affect downstream water resource exploitation for socio-
economic purposes, e.g., through the regulation of large lakes [1]. Our work here evaluates
the effect of climate change upon a high-altitude Alpine river catchment of Italy, watering
a very important lake in Northern of Italy, i.e., Lago di Como. This lake collects water,
used for irrigation in the Po valley downstream, while avoiding possible flooding along
the lakeshores. Accordingly, management of this lake is extremely important, under
a multipurpose perspective. Hydrological variations recently are already affecting the
operation of the Lake, with negative impacts on agriculture, and hydropower production.
Such a situation may worsen in the future, with further increase in global and local
temperature [16,17].
Some recent studies dealt with the effects of climate change on the hydrological
cycle in the Alpine region [1,18–21], and some works focused upon management of water
resources in the Lake Como, adopting simple models (e.g., HBV, data driven) describing the
hydrology of the area [16,22–24]. Such models are widely adopted, in that they assess most
relevant parameters usable to drive management strategies, e.g., lake inflows. However,
recent studies [25–27] highlighted the importance of considering additional variables (snow-
cover, ground water levels, precipitation, etc.), to improve management policies, also within
a climate change context. Thus, the use of distributed physical models represents a useful
tool, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the lake dynamics. The Poli-Hydro,
a state-of-the-art, physically based model, is well suited in this sense, since it provides a
depiction of most relevant processes in cryospheric driven catchments like the one here.
Accordingly, our main goals here are to
(1) Originally set up the Poli-Hydro model, which is able to represent the main compo-
nents of the hydrological cycle in the area, and their possible variation in time, providing
information to policy makers;
(2) Originally analyze changes of hydrology of the upper Lake Como catchment, under
most recent scenarios of AR6 of the IPCC, to provide hydrological scenarios in support to
future lake management under climate change.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the case study area, and
methods, including data collection, and choice of the hydrological model, hydropower
modelling, and hydrological projections. Section 3 contains the results of model tuning
exercise, and an analysis of the climate change scenarios. Discussions and conclusions are
given in Sections 4 and 5, respectively.

2. Case study, and Methods

2.1. LakeComo Catchment
Lake Como has an estimated volume of 23.4 km3 , and it is the third largest lake of
Italy [16,23,25,26,28]. It is in Lombardy region, in the Pre-Alpine, and Alpine region of
Northern Italy. Its contributing catchment has an area of 4438 km2 , nested principally
within the Adda river catchment (corresponding to Valtellina valley), and the Mera river
catchment (corresponding to Valchiavenna valley). The catchment is divided between
Italy and Switzerland, approximately by 90–10%, respectively [22]. The Como lake collects
Climate 2021, 9, 8 3 of 24

water used for irrigation of a large part of the Po valley (ca. 70 × 103 km2 in area), one of
the largest irrigated areas in Europe, with a population density of 355 habkm−2 .
The area of the lake is located within a temperate region, while the catchment has
principally a cold climate. Usually, the summer is hot at low altitudes, and becomes warm,
and cold at middle and high altitudes, in the Upper Valtellina valley, and in Switzerland.
The climate can be classified as Cfa in the area of the lake, and as Cfb–Dfb–Dfc in the alpine
part [29]. Overall, on the catchment, temperature varies between −4 ◦ C in December and
January, and +15 ◦ C in July, with a yearly average of +5 ◦ C. The total precipitation is around
1300 mm/y on average on the catchment, with peaks in May, and November.
Lake Como is regulated by a dam in Olginate, for a regulation volume of 254 Mm3 ,
to supply water to irrigated agriculture downstream, over ca. 1400 km2 , and to at least
eight run-of-river power plants downstream along the Adda river. Regulation is necessary
to avoid floods on the lake shores, especially in autumn due to intense precipitation on
the catchment [23,25,26,28]. Additionally, due to global warming in the last few years,
conflictive operation between different stakeholders has occurred [25], in particular during
summer droughts. Water scarcity requested a large release for irrigation from the lake, with
respect to the normal, long term management [16,23]. This condition is in conflict with
hydropower producers’ interests, that require storing more water in summer for winter
power production [23].
A further main effect of climate change is the reduction in solid precipitation (snow)
during winter, which in turn reduces water flows from snowmelt in spring, and leads to
earlier flow peaks than normal. This implies that water has to be collected in Lake Como
for a longer time period, and in larger amount, due to lack of water in summer, when
agriculture requires large water volumes [28,30].
The catchment of Lake Como is Alpine, with altitude between 255 m asl, and 3822 m asl.
The median altitude is 1582 m asl, 42% of the area is above 1800 m asl, and 14% over
2500 m asl.
A total of 2.7% of the area is covered by glaciers, i.e., 118 km2 (Figure 1), of which
92 km2 is in the Sondrio District, and the remaining in the Canton of Grisons, in Switzer-
land [31]. Different groups can be identified. The Ortles-Cevedale group in the East
of Valtellina covers an area of 39 km2 (66 km2 considering the area in the Autonomous
Province of Bozen), of which 10.7 km2 belong to the Forni glacier [10,31,32]. The Dosdè-
Piazzi group covers an area of 4 km2 [11,31,33]. The Livignasco group in the North-East
of Valtellina covers an area of 1.8 km2 [31]. The Spluga-Val di Lei group in the North of
Valchiavenna covers an area of 3.4 km2 [31]. Glaciers in the Orobie group, in the center
of Valtellina on the South bank, cover an area of 2.6 km2 [31]. Last, the Bernina-Disgrazia
group covers the remaining area between Italy and Switzerland. In this group, we can
identify different important glaciers, namely Scerscen, Fellaria, Ventina, Disgrazia and the
Codera-Masino sector [9,31,34].
The Adda river is largely exploited for hydropower production. Twenty-seven hy-
dropower dams are located along the river and its tributaries [23,31], of which 16 are active
as reservoirs for hydropower production [35]. More than 50% of the reservoir capacity is
managed by A2A S.p.A. (a semi-private company), and Enel (the Italian National Agency
for Electricity). In particular, the first one controls the main reservoirs in the Upper Valtel-
lina valley, namely Cancano and San Giacomo, of 12 × 106 and 64 × 106 m3 , respectively.
The second one controls the main reservoir in Valmalenco (in the central Valtellina valley),
e.g., the Alpe Gera reservoir of 68 × 106 m3 [23,31,32,34].
Climate 2021, 9, 8 4 of 24

Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 25

Figure 1. Case study. Lake Figure

Como 1. Case study.
catchment. Lake Como
Location catchment.
of Automatic Location
Weather of Automatic
Stations (AWS), Weather Stations (AWS),
and hydrometric (water and
hydrometric (water stage) stations.
stage) stations.

The regulation
The Adda river is largely
of the hydropowerexploited for hydropower
reservoirs has an influence production.
upon stream Twenty-seven
flows at the
lake inlet, anddamsuponarewaterlocated along the
availability andriver
tributaries [23,31],plants
Como. These of which 16 are
active as reservoirs for hydropower production [35]. More than
overall to ca. 13% of the hydropower demand of Italy, and this energy is largely used in 50% of the reservoir
capacity isregion
Lombardy managed by A2A S.p.A. (a semi-private company), and Enel (the Italian
National Agency for Electricity).
The goal of our study here is Intherefore
particular, to the first one
evaluate thecontrols
potential theeffects
main of reservoirs
in the Upper Valtellina valley, namely Cancano and San Giacomo,
change along the century upon the Lake Como inflows. First, we set up, tuned and of 12∙10 6 and 64∙106

m3, respectively.
validated The second
the hydrological one Poli-hydro.
model controls theThen,mainwe reservoir
used three in Valmalenco
Global Circulation(in the
central Valtellina
Models to derive valley),
potential e.g., the Alpe
daily seriesGera reservoir
of rainfall andoftemperature,
68∙106 m3 [23,31,32,34].
to be then used as
inputsThe forregulation of the hydropower
the hydrological reservoirs
model, to derive has an
potential influence upon
hydrological streamuntil
projections flowsthe at
the lake inlet,
end of the century. and upon water availability and timing in Lake Como. These plants
contribute overall to ca. 13% of the hydropower demand of Italy, and this energy is
2.2. Hydrological
largely Modelling region [1–3,18].
used in Lombardy
A goal ofofour
number study here
presently is therefore
available to evaluate
hydrological the potential
methods/models caneffects
be used of climate
for the
change along
assessment the century
of high altitude, upon the Lake
cryospheric Como
driven inflows.
hydrology First, we
[36–39]. seta up,
While reviewtuned and
of such
models andthe hydrological
methods is beyond model Poli-hydro.
the scope of the Then, we used
manuscript here,three
one canGlobal
the maintoissues
Models deriverelated
potentialto the modelling
daily series ofofrainfall
high-altitude hydrology.toThese
and temperature, be then include
used (i)
inputs for thethe main processes
hydrological model, contributing to the hydrology
to derive potential hydrologicalof the cryospheric
projections areas,
until the
end of(ii)the
tuning cryospheric components by way of proper data, from ground stations
(snow depth, new snow precipitation, etc.), remote sensing (snow covered areas), and field
assessment (ice ablation
2.2. Hydrological Modelling on glaciers, ice depth from GPR measurements, etc.).
With a lack of proper
A number of presently modelling
the main physical processes, flow
methods/models can be prediction
used forand the
projection under future scenarios may become undependable,
assessment of high altitude, cryospheric driven hydrology [36–39]. While a review and thereby affect policy
such models Additionally,
and methods ancillary pieces the
is beyond of information,
scope of thesuch as the state
manuscript here,of the
can briefly
the dynamics
highlight of snow
the main issuescover in time,
related andmodelling
to the the assessment of water input
of high-altitude as related
hydrology. to
cryospheric dynamics, may help to refine water policy making.
include i) representing the main processes contributing to the hydrology of the Thus, one needs to use a
model that is well suited in this sense, in that it provides a depiction of the most important
cryospheric areas, and ii) tuning cryospheric components by way of proper data, from
ground stations (snow depth, new snow precipitation, etc.), remote sensing (snow
With a lack of proper modelling of the main physical processes, flow prediction and
projection under future scenarios may become undependable, and thereby affect policy
making. Additionally, ancillary pieces of information, such as the state of the
cryosphere, the dynamics of snow cover in time, and the assessment of water input as
Climate 2021, 9, 8 related to cryospheric dynamics, may help to refine water policy making. Thus,5 of one
needs to use a model that is well suited in this sense, in that it provides a depiction of
the most important processes in the cryospheric drive catchments, and allows model
tuning based upon proper data. One may refer e.g., to [33] for an in depth discussion
about thisin the cryospheric drive catchments, and allows model tuning based upon proper
One may refer ae.g.,
we used to [33] for an insemi
weather-driven, depth discussionhydrological
distributed about this topic.
model Poli-Hydro,
Here, we used a weather-driven, semi distributed
which was demonstrated to be dependable for the exercise of mimicking hydrological model Poli-Hydro,
hydrology of
which was demonstrated to be dependable for the exercise of mimicking
high-altitude catchments, such as those watering the Po valley, and Lake Como hydrology of high-
altitude catchments,
[13,33,34,40]. such
In Figure 2,aswethose watering
report the Po valley,
a schematic view ofand
theLake Como
model, here [13,33,34,40].
including the main
In Figure 2,
processes we report the
considered, a schematic
necessaryview of the
data, andmodel, including
possible the main
data sources, processes
and model
considered, the necessary data, and possible data sources, and model
validation metrics. In Figure 2, we also report the conceptual framework of our validation metrics.
In Figure 2, Three
procedure. we also report
main the conceptual
blocks in the mainframework
frame are of our procedure.
highlighted, Three
namely main blocks
1 hydrological
in the main frame are highlighted, namely 1 hydrological modelling
modelling in present conditions, 2 reservoir operation in present conditions, in present conditions,
and 3
2 reservoir operation in present conditions, and 3 hydrological projections
hydrological projections (future). In bold, we report the most important outputs for each (future). In
bold, we report the most important outputs for each block. Black arrows
block. Black arrows indicate the notable input passed from one block to another. Block 1, indicate the
the main input
corepassed from onemodel,
of Poli-Hydro block topasses
another. Block 1, the main core
observed/modelled of Poli-Hydro
discharge, Q(t)/Qmodel,
m(t) to
passes 2,
block observed/modelled discharge, Q(t)/Q
hydropower optimization, in turnm (t) delivering
to block 2, hydropower optimization,
reservoir release in
Rt(t) for
turn delivering reservoir release Rt (t) for downstream hydrological modelling including
downstream hydrological modelling including regulation. Block 1 also delivers properly
regulation. Block 1 also delivers properly tuned hydrological modelling to block 3, for
tuned hydrological modelling to block 3, for hydrological projections under future
hydrological projections under future climate scenarios from GCMs.
climate scenarios from GCMs.

Figure 2. Poli-Hydro model, hydropower regulation for the control run period, and climate
Figure 2. Poli-Hydro model, hydropower regulation for the control run period, and climate change scenarios simulations.
change scenarios simulations. We report the necessary tools as per 7 categories, i.e., domain (e.g.,
We report the necessary tools as per 7 categories, i.e., domain (e.g., hydrology, reservoir operation), tools (e.g., hydrological
model, optimization), functions (e.g., snow melt Ms as a function of temperature Ms (T), etc..), data (weather, terrain models,
etc..), model outputs (e.g., snow melt in time and space Mi (t,s)), and model accuracy (e.g., Bias, NSE). Division in present,
and future (projections) reported. T(t) is daily temperature, P(t) daily precipitation, Q(t) is daily observed discharge at outlet
section, Qm (t) is daily modelled discharge at outlet section, Ms (t,s) is daily snow melt in a given place (cell), Rt (t) is reservoirs’
release. Bias is systematic error on average, NSE is Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency. Tf ’(t), Pf ’(t) are (future/projected) temperature
and precipitation from GCMs before downscaling (biased), Tf (t), Pf (t) future daily temperature and precipitation after
downscaling (unbiased), Qf (t) is projected discharge.
Climate 2021, 9, 8 6 of 24

Poli-Hydro can simulate water budget, including dynamics of glaciers, snow melt, and
evapotranspiration, and subsequently provide routing of overland, and underground flow
at any river section of the river network. The model mimics the variation of water content
in the ground in two consecutive time steps, i.e., every day, taking as an input the liquid
rain R [mmd−1 ], the snow melt Ms [mmd−1 ], the ice melt Mi [mmd−1 ], and assessing
evapotranspiration ET [mmd−1 ], and groundwater discharge Qg [mmd−1 ]. Evapotranspi-
ration is evaluated using Hargreaves formula, and groundwater discharge is calculated
as a function of the hydraulic conductivity of soil, and of percentage soil content (with
respect to a maximum value SMax ). Surface (overland) flow Qs occurs when the actual soil
storage is bigger than the greatest potential one. The Qs of each cell is routed to catchment
outlet via a Nash model [41], with two parallel systems, one for the superficial flow and
one for the underground flow. Each system is characterized by a lag time t and a number n
of reservoirs (normally taken as n = 3).
Snow and ice melting are modelled by a T-index approach [42–45], i.e., proportional to
the atmospheric temperature (T) through a degree-day factor. Snow melt and ice melt, Ms
and Mi respectively, are calculated as

Ms = DDs ( T0 − Tt ) (1)

Mi = DDi ( T0 − Tt ) (2)
where DDs is the degree day snow, DDi is the degree day ice, T0 temperature threshold for
melting, here 0 ◦ C, and Tt [◦ C] temperature at time step t. Ice ablation begins after complete
melting of snow cover upon ice [13,34,45,46]. To allow projections of hydrological scenarios
in this area, accounting for the dynamics of ice covered area is crucial. Ice dynamic is
modeled here, based upon simplified gravity-driven ice flow [33,34,47], where ice flow
velocity Vice,i is calculated as a function of the basal shear stress τ b :
Vice,i = Kd τb,i hice,i + Ks (3)

with hice,i ice thickness in cell i [m], and Ks [m−3 yr−1 ], Kd [m−1 yr−1 ] parameters of basal
sliding and internal deformation, respectively, with n exponent of Glen’s flow law [33].
Basal shear stress can be taken as

τb,i = ρi ghice,i sinαi (4)

with ρi ice density [kgm−3 ], g gravity acceleration [ms−2 ], and αi local slope. Ice flow is
evaluated here starting from an initial, spatially constant value of ice thickness, which from
the literature can be taken here as hice,i = 100 m [33,34], from which the shear stress and the
velocity are calculated. Then, the mass balance for each time step is performed, and the
new ice thickness is evaluated as the difference between previous ice thickness, and ice
melt Mi
t+∆t t
hice,i = hice,i − Mi (5)

2.3. Input Data

The model has a cell resolution of 500 m, and it is implemented here for the historical
period 2002–2018. As inputs here, we considered a daily series of precipitation and tem-
perature from 13 AWS stations of the Regional Agency for Protection of the Environment
(ARPA Lombardia [48], Figure 1), widespread in the catchment. We spatialized over the
catchment daily mean temperature, and precipitation, applying proper vertical lapse rates
(at monthly scale, that were found negative for temperature as expected, and positive for
precipitation within the altitude range of the catchment). The lapse rate was applied to
each cell of the catchment, considering the area of influence given by Thiessen polygons
built for the AWS stations.
Climate 2021, 9, 8 7 of 24

Other input data are the digital elevation model (DEM) of the catchment (initially
at 30 m cell size [49]), the land use maps from CORINE land cover [50], to estimate the
maximum soil storage SMax , and an initial map of glaciers, from the Global Land Ice
Measurements from Space (GLIMS [51]).
For model tuning and validation, daily discharges and snow measurements were also
needed. We took daily discharges from three available stations. The first one, on the river
Adda, is located in Fuentes (SO), with data available during 2003–2018 (ARPA station). The
second one is a hydrometer of Consorzio dell’Adda (a consortium managing agricultural
water needs) at Samolaco, closing the Mera river (SO, for the period 2009–2018). The third
station is a virtual one, i.e., we used the calculated inflows at Lake Como, obtained by the
Consorzio dell’Adda, applying inverse flow-routing based on the regulated outflows, for
the period 2002–2018.
We collected data of gridded snow cover, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spec-
troradiometer (MODIS [52]) on board the Terra satellite, to evaluate the snow-covered
area [6,53,54]. In particular, we downloaded 42 images during 2005–2010, approx. every
15 days from 14 March to 18 July, i.e., the seasonal snow melt period, for the purpose of
aiding model tuning. We then collected 28 images during 2015–2018 for model validation.
For local calibration of the snow melt model, we used data of snow depth in 4 (of the 13)
AWS stations of ARPA Lombardia for the period 2002–2018.

2.4. Hydropower Reservoir Modelling

Poli-Hydro simulations of high-altitude hydrology were also pursued by accounting for
hydropower reservoir operation (Figure 2). Hydropower operation was modelled using an
operating policy, optimized via Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). The revenue from
the sale of electricity was the objective function to be maximized [55,56]. In the simple case
where one reservoir feeds one hydropower plant, the revenue is computed by multiplying
the electricity price by the plant production, which in turn depends on the reservoir pool
level, and release. In the optimization problem, the reservoir inflow is modeled as a 1-year
daily cyclo-stationary stochastic process, by means of a series of lognormal probability
distribution functions. The electricity price is instead modeled as a 1-year daily cyclo-
stationary deterministic trajectory. The resulting optimized operating policy consists of
a cyclo-stationary function, where the daily reservoir release is determined based on the
reservoir storage ([35], fully depicted in [57]). This function is used to simulate hydropower
release, then coupled with the hydrological model.

2.5. Hydrological Projections

To evaluate future hydrological scenarios, we performed a stochastic disaggrega-
tion [58] of three Global circulation models (GCMs), of the Assessment Report 6 (AR6) of
the IPCC, e.g., EC-EARTH3 [59], CESM2 [60], ECHAM6.3 [61]. These models were driven
based upon a new set of emissions and land use produced by integrated assessment mod-
els (IAMs), based on coupled shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) and representative
concentration pathways (RCPs). The SSPs represent different evolutions of future society,
considering both investments in education and health, and energy development. SSPs 1
and 5 provide optimistic human development trends, but the latter at the expense of a
fossil-fuel economy, whereas the former with more sustainable economy. SSP 2 envisions
a future trend which continues the historical course. SSPs 3 and 4 provide a pessimistic
human evolution, the first with a regional security prioritization, while the second is char-
acterized by large inequalities. Here, we used four SSP-based scenarios as continuations of
the RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 forcing levels, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP5-8.5, respectively,
and an additional unmitigated forcing scenario (SSP3-7.0), with high aerosol emissions and
land use change [62]. The model was adjusted for each GCM, based on the available daily
series of precipitation and temperature for the control period 2002–2018, to obtain for each
model GCM and scenario SSP a series of daily precipitation and temperature until 2100,
for each AWS. The EC-EARTH, the CESM2, and the ECHAM6.3 have a spatial resolution
Climate 2021, 9, 8 8 of 24

of 0.7◦ × 0.7◦ , 1.25◦ × 0.9◦ , and 1.1◦ × 0.9◦ , respectively, thus a downscaling procedure is
needed to adapt them to hydrological model resolution.
In former studies, the authors here have investigated the accuracy of GCMs models
for hydrological projections. They found that previous versions of the considered GCMs,
that were used for future climate simulation within the AR4/5 of the IPCC, were well
suited for the purpose, and accordingly they developed proper downscaling schemes
(see [21,32,40,58]). Here, the new versions of these GCMs, used under the umbrella of the
AR6, were adopted.
Precipitation is downscaled with a stochastic space random cascade model [58], while
temperature is downscaled using a correction with a mean monthly ∆T approach [21].
In particular, we obtained 12 scenarios usable by the Poli-Hydro to perform the sim-
ulation during 2019–2100 (Figure 2), focusing on two reference decades 2051–2060, and

3. Results
3.1. Poli-Hydro Set up, and Performance
Table 1 reports Poli-Hydro model calibration. Therein are reported the model pa-
rameters, with the corresponding values, and calibration/setup method. The DDS was
calibrated both in terms of snow covered area (SCA), using MODIS images, and of snow
water equivalent (SWE) on the ground, using nivometric data, as reported. Figure 3 shows
the estimated (%) SCA from the model, versus MODIS estimates, at the time of satellite pas-
sage (8 days bundle, max snow cover). Goodness of fit reaches R2 = 0.73 during the calibration
period 2005–2010 (Figure 3a), and 0.78 in the validation period 2015–2018 (Figure 3b). In
terms of snow depth, the comparison between the modelled and the observed snow depth
in 4 AWS stations during the entire period 2002–2018 gave R2 = 0.89 (Figure 4).

Table 1. Parameters in calibration of Poli-Hydro.

Parameter Unit Description Value Method

DDS [mmd−1 ◦ C−1 ] Degree Day Snow 3.4 Nivometer, MODIS
DDI [mmd−1 ◦ C−1 ] Degree Day Ice 5 Literature [32]
tg , ts [d] Lag times, ground/surface 150, 140 Hydrograph
ng , ns [-] Reservoirs, ground/surface 3, 3 Literature [32–34]
K [mmd−1 ] Saturated conductivity 3 Calibration
k [-] Ground flow exponent 1 Calibration
θw , θs [-] Water content, wilting, field capacity 0.15, 0.45 Literature [32–34]
Ks [m−3 y−1 ] Ice flow basal sliding coeff. 1.5e−21 Literature [33]
Kd [m−3 y−1 ] Ice flow internal deformation coeff. 1.9e−25 Literature [33]
Climate 2021, 9, 8 9 of 24

Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 25


Figure 3.
Figure 3. Snow
Snow covered
covered area
area from
from the
the Poli-Hydro
Poli-Hydro model
model vs.
MODIS estimates.
estimates. (a)
Climate 2021, 9, 8 10 of 24
Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 25

Figure 4. Snow depth from the model vs. snow depth from four AWS stations (average).
Figure 4. Snow depth from the model vs snow depth from four AWS stations (average).
The Poli-Hydro model can simulate stream flows at any (chosen) river section within
The Poli-Hydro
the catchment. model
Therefore, wecan simulate
could stream
simulate flows
stream at any
flows (chosen)
at the sectionsriver section within
corresponding to
the catchment. Therefore, we could simulate stream flows at the sections
the hydrometric stations of Fuentes, Samolaco, and at the lake inlet section, i.e., considering corresponding
to whole
the the hydrometric
lake catchments stations
above of Malgrate
Fuentes, station,
where and at the
input lake inlet
discharges weresection, i.e.,
using inversethe whole lake by
flow-routing catchments
Consorzio above MalgrateThe
dell’Adda. station,
lake where
used for
were evaluated using inverse flow-routing by Consorzio dell’Adda.
calibration, resulting in a mean error Bias = +2.15%, and a monthly/daily Nash-Sutcliff The lake inflows
were usedNSE
efficiency, for calibration,
= 0.77/0.64,resulting in a mean
respectively, duringerror Bias = +2.15%,
2002–2018. In Figureand5,a we
report the
comparison between the modelled mean monthly discharges and the observedFigure
Nash-Sutcliff efficiency, NSE = 0.77/0.64, respectively, during 2002–2018. In ones at5,the
report the comparison
Lake Como inlet section. between the modelled mean monthly discharges and the
observed ones at
For model the Lake discharge
validation, Como inlet section.
values at Fuentes, and Samolaco were benchmarked
For modelduring
vs. observations, validation,
2003–2018,discharge values respectively,
and 2009–2018, at Fuentes, basedandon data
Samolaco were
(Table vs observations,
2). We obtained a Bias = − during 2003–2018,and
2.11%/+8.54%, anda 2009–2018,
monthly/daily respectively, based on
NSE = 0.69/0.53,
and availability
= 0.80/0.32, (Table 2). We obtained
respectively at Fuentes, a Bias = −2.11%/+8.54%, and a monthly/daily
and Samolaco.
NSE = 0.69/0.53, and NSE = 0.80/0.32, respectively at Fuentes, and Samolaco.
Table Concerning
2. Goodness ofSamolaco station,
fit of modelled one has to report that this station closes the Mera
river, flowing in the Valchiavenna valley. This area is largely regulated for hydropower
Lake Inlet Fuentes Samolaco
production, from several reservoirs in the high altitudes. However, it was not possible to
[km ]any information4438 2598 of this area. Analysis 757
us to Area
retrieve concerning the regulation of the
hydrographs, and goodnessCalibration of fit statistics as reported here,
Validation indicate overall agreement
of the modelled discharge over the monthly/yearly
2002–2018 scale, with worsening
2003–2018 at the daily
scale, as given
Bias [%] by regulation.+2.15% The Samolaco sub-basin covers however a +8.54%
−2.11% somewhat low
NSEof the full
monthly [-] catchment (ca. 0.77 17%), so the regulation0.69 along this river,0.80 and as a
NSE dailyits
consequence [-]Bias, should not 0.64 0.53
be largely influent overall. 0.32

Table 2. Goodness of fit of modelled discharges.

Concerning Samolaco station, one has to report that this station closes the Mera
river, flowing in the Lake
inlet valley. Fuentes
This area is largely regulated for hydropower
[km2] from several reservoirs in the high
4438 2598 altitudes. However,
757 it was not possible
to us to retrieve any information concerning the regulation of this area. Analysis of the
Calibration Validation Validation
hydrographs, and goodness of fit statistics as reported here, indicate overall agreement of
2002–2018 2003–2018 2009–2018
the modelled discharge over the monthly/yearly scale, with worsening at the daily scale,
Biasas[%] +2.15% −2.11%
given by regulation. The Samolaco sub-basin covers however +8.54%
a somewhat low share of
NSE monthly [-] 0.77 0.69 0.80
Climate 2021, 9, 8 11 of 24

Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 25

the full catchment (ca. 17%), so the regulation along this river, and as a consequence its
[-] 0.64influent overall.
not be largely 0.53 0.32


Figure 5. Inflows
5. Inflows to Lake
to Lake Como
Como obs/mod. 2002–2018.
obs/mod. 2002–2018.(a)(a)Mean
monthlyinflows. (b) Monthly
inflows. inflows.
(b) Monthly inflows.

3.2. Simulation with Hydropower Regulation

3.2. Simulation with Hydropower Regulation
Poli-Hydro was coupled with a hydropower regulation model in the high altitudes.
WePoli-Hydro was coupled
simulated daily with
discharges a hydropower
in the regulation
catchment, considering model
the in theofhigh
regulation altitudes.
the two
simulated dailysystems
hydropower discharges
of theinvalley
the catchment, considering
[32], Lake San the regulation
Giacomo/Lake of the two
Cancano (Upper
main hydropower systems of the valley [32], Lake San Giacomo/Lake Cancano (Upper
Valtellina), and Lake Alpe Gera/Lake Campo Moro (Valmalenco), where information
was available.
Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 25

Valtellina), and Lake Alpe Gera/Lake Campo Moro (Valmalenco), where information
Climate 2021, 9, 8 was available. 12 of 24
Since energy price was available only during 2008–2012, we evaluated Bias, and
monthly NSE between modelled, and observed flows at the inlet section of Lake Como
during that period, resulting in Bias = 0.18%, and NSE = 0.75, respectively. As reported
Since energy price was available only during 2008–2012, we evaluated Bias, and
monthly without regulation,
NSE between we obtained
modelled, Bias = +2.15%,
and observed flowsand NSE
at the = 0.77,
inlet during
section 2002–2018,
of Lake Como
apparently with no large loss of accuracy when neglecting hydropower
during that period, resulting in Bias = 0.18%, and NSE = 0.75, respectively. As reported regulation.
above, Since the aim
without of this we
regulation, work was toBias
obtained evaluate
= +2.15%, the and
NSE given
= 0.77,by climate
during change
apparently with no large loss of accuracy when neglecting hydropower regulation. from
upon the natural/undisturbed inflow at the lake, regardless of influence
Since theregulation,
aim of this we worksought
was totoevaluate
develop thehydrological
impacts givenprojections
by climate withoutchange
accounting for hydropower regulation in this phase, leaving
scenarios upon the natural/undisturbed inflow at the lake, regardless of influence assessment of the effectfrom of
regulation across the whole catchment for further refinement.
hydropower regulation, we sought to develop hydrological projections without accounting
Here also, we
for hydropower want to in
regulation assess the effect
this phase, of climate
leaving change
assessment ofupon lake of
the effect inflows over
large time scales (i.e., until the end
across the whole catchment for further refinement. of century), so we expect that small scale (i.e., daily)
changesHereare lesswerelevant,
also, want to and assesswetheassume
effect ofthat the capacity
climate change of uponthelakemodel to depict
inflows over
large time seasonal/annual
scales (i.e., until flows as reported,
the end of century),is somewhat
so we expect representative
that small for our(i.e.,
scale purpose.
changes are less relevant, and we assume that the capacity of the model to depict decently
3.3. Flow Components
seasonal/annual flows in as
Lake ComoisUpstream
somewhat Catchment
representative for our purpose.
It is interesting here to explicitly assess the different flow components contributing
to FlowlakeComponents
overall inflow,in the LakewhichComowe Upstream
reported Catchment
in Figure 6. During the control run (CR)
period It is2002–2018,
interesting ca. here22%to explicitly
of the assess the different
total discharge flow components
derived, according contributing
to Poli-Hydro to
the lake overall inflow, which we reported in Figure 6. During
simulation, from snow melting, occurring mainly in April and May, with ca. 129.3 m s−1, the control run (CR) period

and 96.3 mca. 22%
3 s−1 of the total discharge
, respectively. derived, according
Ice melt contributes less to to Poli-Hydro
lake inflow, simulation,
and an average from
snow melting,ofoccurring 3 − 1 3 s−1 ,
contribution 0.20 m mainly
3 s , and
−1 in April
0.22 m ands May,
3 −1 with ca. 129.3
is estimated in mJuly,s and, andAugust.
96.3 m The
remaining Ice melt contributes
is made by lessprecipitation.
to lake inflow, and an average contribution
Evapotranspiration also plays an of
−1 , and 0.22 m3 s−1 is estimated in July,
0.20 m3 srole.
import In July, on average 104.8 m3s−1and of August. The remaining
water evaporates, and contribution
since the
is made by precipitation.
temperature is expected Evapotranspiration
to increase, in the also future plays
import role. In July,
would on average
increase too,
104.8 m 3 s−1 of water evaporates, and since the temperature is expected to increase, in the
especially during summer months [21].
future this component would increase too, especially during summer months [21].

Figure 6. Monthly share of low components in Lake Como catchment.

Figure 6. catchment. 2002–2018.

3.4. Analysis of Climate Change Scenarios

We analyzed the potential impacts of climate change, on temperature T and precipi-
tation P in the area of interest. We projected an increase in mean annual temperature on
the overall catchment, between +0.61 ◦ C and +5.96 ◦ C (Figure 7). For the 2.6 scenario,
Negligible differences can be seen between the period 2051–2060, and the period 2091–
2100. The EC-Earth3 model shows a decrease in precipitation for the 7.0 scenario for
both periods (−3.42% and −6.23%, respectively) and an increase at the middle of the
century (+0.46%), with a following decrease at the end of century (−3.69%) for the 8.5
Climate 2021, 9, 8 scenario. Little differences are expected for the 2.6 and the 4.5 scenarios. The CESM2 13 of 24
model shows principally an increase in precipitation for all the scenarios and both the
periods, up to +11.07% for the 2.6 scenario for the period 2091–2100. A decrease can be
seen for the 7.0 scenario at the end of the century, i.e., −2.21%. On the contrary, the
a larger increase
ECHAM6.3 model(between +1.09 ◦aCdecrease
shows mainly and +1.78 ◦
in C) is expected
total for the
precipitation, decade
down 2051–2060,
to −9.53% for
with respect to 2091–2100 (between +0.61 ◦ C and 1.12 ◦ C), coherently with the overshoot
the 7.0 scenario in the period 2051–2060. Large decreases can be seen for the 8.5 scenario
both in thehypothesized under(−6.20%)
period 2051–2060 this scenario.
and inAccording
the periodto the other(−7.86%).
2091–2100 scenarios, the increase
in temperature is clearly larger at the end of the century, in particular for the 8.5 pathway.

Figure 7. Projected mean temperature of the catchment for each socio-economic pathway (SSP) and each Global circulation
Figure 7. Projected mean temperature of the catchment for each socio-economic pathway (SSP) and each Global
models (GCM). circulation models (GCM).
Concerning total annual precipitation on the catchment (Figure 8), different projections
occur for each scenario, and each GCM. Cumulated precipitation will vary between −9.53%
and +11.07%, with an absolute difference of −128 mm/y to +149 mm/y. Negligible
differences can be seen between the period 2051–2060, and the period 2091–2100. The EC-
Earth3 model shows a decrease in precipitation for the 7.0 scenario for both periods (−3.42%
and −6.23%, respectively) and an increase at the middle of the century (+0.46%), with a
following decrease at the end of century (−3.69%) for the 8.5 scenario. Little differences
are expected for the 2.6 and the 4.5 scenarios. The CESM2 model shows principally an
increase in precipitation for all the scenarios and both the periods, up to +11.07% for the
2.6 scenario for the period 2091–2100. A decrease can be seen for the 7.0 scenario at the
end of the century, i.e., −2.21%. On the contrary, the ECHAM6.3 model shows mainly a
decrease in total precipitation, down to −9.53% for the 7.0 scenario in the period 2051–2060.
Large decreases can be seen for the 8.5 scenario both in the period 2051–2060 (−6.20%) and
in the period 2091–2100 (−7.86%).
While temperature will increase homogenously in every month, precipitation shows
different patterns with months, and scenarios (not reported for shortness). Indicatively,
precipitation will increase in February and November in the middle, and at the end of the
century for the majority of scenarios and models. Some models for some scenarios show a
decrease in March, April, August, September, and October in the period 2051–2060 and, in
addition, May, June and July in the period 2091–2100.
Climate 2021, 9, 8 14 of 24

Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 25

Figure Projectedtotal
total precipitation onthe
precipitation on thecatchment
each SSP
SSP and
and each
each GCM.

In Figure
While 9 we display
temperature willthe effects of
increase modified climate
homogenously patterns
in every upon
month, snowpack dy-
namics. We report therein changes of the average (catchment
shows different patterns with months, and scenarios (not reported for shortness). wide) volume of SWEcum
(snow water equivalent in the snowpack) in 4 months (April, June, September,
Indicatively, precipitation will increase in February and November in the middle, and at December).
the end of represent
the centurythe formain seasons of
the majority forscenarios
snowpack andinmodels.
the area, namely
Some snowpack
models for somepeak,
scenarios show a decrease in March, April, August, September, and Octoberpercentage
thaw season, end of snow melt, and start of snow accumulation. The in the
variation is given as
period 2051–2060 and,aninaverage
the scenarios of allinGCMs.
June and July the period 2091–2100.
In Figureat9the wefour graphs
display theineffects
we clearly see different
climate patternsbehaviors, depending
upon snowpack
upon the scenarios
dynamics. We report and the considered
therein changes of decade.
the average For(catchment
the 2.6 scenario
wide) we expect
volume of principally
an increase
(snow waterin volume
equivalentof the
in average snowpack
the snowpack) in on the catchment,
4 months (April, due
an increase in
solid precipitation, thanks to the limited decrease or to the increase in temperature. On
These represent
the contrary, the scenario
for the 8.5 main seasons for snowpack
we expect a strong in decrease
the area, namely
in solidsnowpack peak, and
snow thaw season,
consequently end of snowsnow
of the cumulated melt,SWE
andcumstart of snow
, during theaccumulation.
entire year, andTheatpercentage
every altitude
range. Theis given
same as an average
result on the for
is obtained scenarios
the 4.5of and
all GCMs.
the 7.0 scenarios at the end of the
century. These two scenarios in the period 2051–2060 have a different behavior. We can
see a decrease in SWEcum in April (Figure 9a), due to the increase in temperature at low
altitudes, that will cause less accumulation of snow and a faster melting at the beginning
of the spring. At high altitudes, the quantity of snow remains more or less constant with
respect to the reference period, so the overall decrease is due to a decrease at low altitude.
This was verified by looking at the SCA in the same month, that is smaller with respect
to the CR period and concentrated to high altitudes (not shown for shortness). In June
(Figure 9b) there is not a significant variation of SWEcum with respect to the CR period.
This is explained by a small variation of T in the months of April, May, and June (not
reported) and to the maintenance of the snow at high altitudes, with the same behavior
as seen in the control run period. The increase in SWEcum in September (Figure 9c) is a
little absolute variation, indeed the SWEcum in September is the lower value of the year.
The little increase in T in summer (July, August, September, not reported for shortness)
is limited to low altitudes, so at high altitudes snow continues to be present. Again, we
compared the SCA in September for the CR period and for each scenario, and snow is
concentrated at higher altitudes. In the end, in December (Figure 9d) SWEcum presents a
decrease, due to reduction in solid precipitation, and snow accumulation at low altitudes.
Climate 2021, 9, 8 15 of 24
Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 25



Figure 9. Cont.
Climate 2021, 9, 8 16 of 24

Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 25


Figure9.9. Variation
Variation of projected average
of projected averagevolume
equivalent (SWEcum
(SWE ) for each SSP respect to the control
cum ) for each SSP respect to the control run
run (CR) period. (a) April. (b) June. (c) September. (d) December.
(CR) period. (a) April. (b) June. (c) September. (d) December.

In Figureat10 the four graphs
we report in Figure
the projected trend 9, we clearly
of total glacierssee different
volume, since behaviors,
2020 to the
end of the XXI century. For each decade, the average volume of glaciers on the we
upon the scenarios and the considered decade. For the 2.6 scenario expect
principally an increase in volume of the average snowpack on the catchment, due to an
Climate 2021, 9, 8 17 of 24

is calculated for each model and each scenario. The chart reports the average (among
GCMs) on the four scenarios. The 2.6, 4.5 and 7.0 scenarios have a similar behavior. An
initial strong decrease in ice cover is seen, with a plateau after 2050. The 8.5 scenario
would project a slower decrease in the first part of the century, and a more significant
decrease after 2050. At the middle of the century all scenarios show approximately the
same ice volume, at the end of the century the 8.5. scenario volume is the lowest, due to
the large increase in radiative forcing therein. In Table 3 the percentage variation of glaciers
volume is reported for each scenario, and each GCM in the 2051–2060 period, and in the
2091–2100 period. The EC-Earth3 model projects the worst conditions for all the scenarios,
Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEWwith a decrease down to −77.62% for the 8.5 scenario at the end of the century. 18 of 25

Figure 10. Projected ice volume until 2100 for each SSP, averaged for different GCMs.
Figure 10. Projected ice volume until 2100 for each SSP, averaged for different GCMs.

Table 3. Percentage variation of ice volume with respect to the CR period.

Table 3. Percentage variation of ice volume with respect to the CR period.

Variation of TotalVariation
Total Glaciers
[Δ%] Volume [∆%]
2051–2060 2051–2060 2091–2100 2091–2100
earth26 earth26 −56.79 −56.79 −57.27 −57.27
earth45 earth45 −55.43 −55.43 −60.64 −60.64
earth70 −57.92 −72.45
earth70 −57.92 −72.45
earth85 −58.04 −77.62
earth85 cesm26 −58.04 −49.28 −77.62 −50.35
cesm26 cesm45 −49.28 −49.19 −50.35 −51.68
cesm45 cesm70 −49.19 − 49.76 −51.68 −52.93
cesm85 −51.67 −57.12
cesm70 −49.76 −52.93
echam26 −52.43 −51.31
cesm85 echam45 −51.67 −53.08 −57.12 −52.94
echam26 echam70 −52.43 −53.49 −51.31 −54.35
echam45 echam85 −53.08 −52.04 −52.94 −56.34
echam70 −53.49 −54.35
echam85 In Figure 11, we report −52.04
future projections of mean −56.34
monthly discharge for each GCM
and each scenario, at half century, and at the end of the century, with respect to present
condition (CR period). The increase in liquid precipitation, at the expenses of solid pre-
In Figure 11, we report future projections of mean monthly discharge for each GCM
and each scenario, at half century, and at the end of the century, with respect to present
condition (CR period). The increase in liquid precipitation, at the expenses of solid
precipitation in the winter period (December, January, February, March) would cause an
increase in stream flows therein. The increase in discharge in November is due to
Climate 2021, 9, 8 18 of 24

cipitation in the winter period (December, January, February, March) would cause an
increase in stream flows therein. The increase in discharge in November is due to increase
in precipitation. On the contrary, the decrease in discharge between May and September is
due to decreased precipitation, especially in the last decade of the century, and to lack of
snowmelt. The average annual discharge, Qy = 150 m3 s−1 in the CR period, will mainly
decrease in the future, as reported in Figure 12. Therein, we report Qy for all GCMs for
each scenario, at half century (solid colour) and end of century (stripes). In Table 4 we
report Qy for each scenario and each GCM. The overall trend, especially at the end
Climate 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 ofof
25 the
century, is characterized by a decrease in the mean annual discharge. However, during
However, during
2051–2060, 2051–2060,
some scenarios some
show scenarios
a slight showin
increase a slight increase
discharge, in discharge,
mainly mainly
due to the increase
due to the increase in precipitation they provide at the middle of
in precipitation they provide at the middle of the century (Figure 8). the century (Figure 8).

Figure 11.11.Projected
inflow toto Lake
Lake Como
Como for
for each
2051–2060 period on on
period thethe
y axis,
y axis,
2091–2100 period on the right y axis, upside-down. The black line represents the discharge in the CR period.
2091–2100 period on the right y axis, upside-down. The black line represents the discharge in the CR period.

In Figure 12 we can also see the contribution of (liquid) precipitation, snow melting
Table 4. Projected share of flow components for each GCM and each SSP.
and ice melting to the annual discharge, on average between models. During the CR
period the calculated contributions were equal to +53.1%,
2051–2060 2091–2100+34.2% and +2.7%,
respectively. As we can see in the Figure 12, and in details in Table 4, for each scenario
Rain [%] Snow [%] Ice [%] Q Mean [m3 /s] Rain [%] Snow [%] Ice [%] Q Mean [m3 /s]
and each GCM, the contribution of ice melting will decrease significantly. The
earth26 82.74 16.80
of ice melt 140.43
would be somewhat82.42 higher for
the model0.07 141.08the
EC-Earth3 under
earth45 85.66 13.52
7.0 and 8.5 scenarios, where glaciers’ volume reduction is largely enhanced, 139.09
0.82 145.55 84.58 15.16 0.26
earth70 85.56 13.63 0.81 143.24 89.68 9.07 1.25 143.24
clearly resulting into ice cover depletion, and lower ice melt later on. At the end of the
earth85 86.35 13.03 0.62 160.10 89.92 8.61 1.47 141.21
cesm26 81.65 century, the
17.63 8.5 SSP scenario
0.72 153.35 displays higher
82.39 ice melting
17.55 contribution
0.07 with respect
166.88 to
cesm45 84.28 other scenarios.
14.78 0.94 Indeed, 140.25
the 8.5 SSP projects
84.59a further15.32
decrease in0.09
glaciers’ volume after
cesm70 84.57 2050,
14.64 differently
0.79 from other scenarios
159.59 (Figure
84.64 10). This reduction
15.17 in
0.19 ice volume would
cesm85 85.79 result into 0.76
13.44 a larger contribution
155.66 of ice melting
90.26 to stream flows. The0.74
9.00 contribution142.15
of snow
echam26 84.82 14.68 0.49 139.22 82.13 17.83 0.05
melting will decrease as well, as expected. It will contribute between +8% and +18%, 148.90
echam45 84.85 14.63
according to0.52 140.84
our scenarios and GCMs. On 85.72 14.18
the contrary, 0.10 of precipitation,
the contribution 133.90
echam70 86.43 13.13 0.44 158.58 88.45
in particular rain, will increase, up to +80%, +90%. 11.37 0.18 144.68
echam85 84.76 14.36 0.88 137.79 90.08 9.33 0.59 129.16
Table 4. Projected share of flow components for each GCM and each SSP.

2051–2060 2091–2100
Rain [%] Snow [%] Ice [%] Q mean [m3/s] Rain [%] Snow [%] Ice [%] Q mean [m3/s]
earth26 82.74 16.80 0.45 140.43 82.42 17.51 0.07 141.08
earth45 85.66 13.52 0.82 145.55 84.58 15.16 0.26 139.09
earth70 85.56 13.63 0.81 143.24 89.68 9.07 1.25 143.24
earth85 86.35 13.03 0.62 160.10 89.92 8.61 1.47 141.21
cesm85 85.79 13.44 0.76 155.66 90.26 9.00 0.74 142.15
echam26 84.82 14.68 0.49 139.22 82.13 17.83 0.05 148.90
echam45 84.85 14.63 0.52 140.84 85.72 14.18 0.10 133.90
Climate 2021, 9, 8
echam70 86.43 13.13 0.44 158.58 88.45 11.37 0.18 144.6819 of 24
echam85 84.76 14.36 0.88 137.79 90.08 9.33 0.59 129.16

Figure 12.Projected
Figure12. Projectedshare of of
share flow components
flow for for
components eacheach
and average inflowinflow
and average at Cooatlake
for each SSP
Qy for (average
each among
SSP (average
models), at half century (solid) and end of century (striped).
among models), at half century (solid) and end of century (striped).

In Figure 12 we can also see the contribution of (liquid) precipitation, snow melting
4. Discussion
and ice melting to the annual discharge, on average between models. During the CR period
Looking at
the calculated our results, our
contributions werePoli-Hydro model simulates
equal to +53.1%, +34.2% and acceptably well Lake Como
+2.7%, respectively. As
we can see in the Figure 12, and in details in Table 4, for each scenario andhydropower
inflows, despite some background noise, also given by high altitude each GCM,
the Accordingly,
contribution we thought
of ice melting to usesignificantly.
will decrease the model to Thepreliminarily
of ice meltthe
would ofsomewhat
climate changehigherupon
for thethe hydrology
model EC-Earth3of the Lake
under theComo catchment.
7.0 and A credible
8.5 scenarios, where
glaciers’ volume reduction is largely enhanced, however clearly resulting into ice future
projection of future water availability in the lake is essential for planning of its cover
depletion, even ice
and lower considering
melt later on. theAtdifferent
the end offuture demands
the century, the 8.5 of SSP
displays higherin particular
ice melting forcontribution
irrigation [16]. with respect to other scenarios. Indeed, the
Proper spatialization
8.5 SSP projects a further decrease of the inmeteorological
glaciers’ volume dataafter
necessary to consider
differently from other the
effects of (Figure
scenarios orography. Temperature
10). This reductionclearly displays
in ice volume negative
would resultlapse
into rates
a largerwith respect to
of but to
ice melting it stream
is horizontally
flows. The quite uniform of
contribution in snow
the catchment.
melting willOn the contrary,
decrease as well, weas
observed Itawill
expected. certain variability
contribute between of +8%
and +18%, within
accordingtheto different
our scenariosvalleys of the
and GCMs.
On The the
the contrary, collection of meteorological
contribution of precipitation,datainfrom a large
particular number
rain, of AWS,upand
will increase, to
+80%, +90%.widespread in the catchment, allowed us to consider differences in the
precipitation distribution, paramount important for proper hydrological modeling in
4. Discussion
high altitudes [14].
For Poli-Hydro
Looking model calibration
at our results, our Poli-Hydro we model
used some parameters
simulates (namely,
acceptably for ice
well Lake flow
inflows, and degree
despite day factor noise,
some background for ice)also
givenfrom other
by high studies
altitude in the same
hydropower area [25–
27], e.g., the upper
Accordingly, we thoughtValtellina
to usevalley, and the
the model area of Dosdè,
to preliminarily and the
analyze theValmalenco valley.
effects of climate
change upon the hydrology
Other parameters (such as ofthethedegreed
Lake Como day catchment. A credible
factor for snow) wereprojection
calibrated of for
case the lake is essential for planning of its future management, even
considering the different future
Some approximations were demands
made, of downstream
depending uponstakeholders, in particular
data availability. We havefor
hypothesized[16]. an average initial ice depth, homogeneous within for the entire catchment,
Proper spatialization of the meteorological data was necessary to consider the effects
of orography. Temperature clearly displays negative lapse rates with respect to altitude, but
it is horizontally quite uniform in the catchment. On the contrary, we observed a certain
variability of precipitation within the different valleys of the catchment. The collection
of meteorological data from a large number of AWS, and acceptably widespread in the
Climate 2021, 9, 8 20 of 24

catchment, allowed us to consider differences in the precipitation distribution, paramount

important for proper hydrological modeling in high altitudes [14].
For Poli-Hydro model calibration we used some parameters (namely, for ice flow dynam-
ics, and degree day factor for ice) coming from other studies in the same area [25–27], e.g., the
upper Valtellina valley, and the area of Dosdè, and the Valmalenco valley. Other parameters
(such as the degreed day factor for snow) were calibrated for the specific case study.
Some approximations were made, depending upon data availability. We have hypoth-
esized an average initial ice depth, homogeneous within for the entire catchment, based
upon a detailed analysis on the glaciers in the study area. This was necessary with the lack
of specific distributed data on the overall area, but consistent with present studies covering
glaciers’ dynamics therein [33,34]. Moreover, considering that the ice melt contributes to
2.7% to the total annual discharge in the CR, a potential underestimation or overestimation
of the ice depth, may not provide large noise.
Snow and ice melt models are based only upon accumulation of thermal time. The
thermal melting factor (DDS and DDI) give an acceptable approximation at the daily scale,
while physically based model mimicking energy budget would likely provide a more
accurate description of cryospheric melt even at shorter scales (e.g., hourly). Degree-day
models, however, clearly require a limited amount of data with respect to the full energy
balance model [6], and here we used a daily scale of investigation. In this study the
temperature-radiation approach is simplified using only the average daily temperature for
each time step t. This hypothesis is acceptable considering the orography of the catchment.
Using a spatial grid of 500 m × 500 m, the local differences in orography cannot be
considered, just as the effects on the ground radiation. Moreover, in the study area few
data of radiation are available from AWS.
The degree-day factor DDS is here calibrated and validated, using both observed
ground data and remote sensing data (MODIS). Modeling of current accumulation and
melting is difficult, due to the high spatial variability of the territory, in terms of altitude,
and topography. For this reason, satellite data are useful to control the seasonality (timing)
and the distribution in space of snow cover area (SCA). It is broadly known that calibration
of snow models is improved including satellite data of snow cover [46,53], and accordingly
here we could exploit such added value.
Here, we focused upon assessing potential changes in the hydrology of the upper
catchment of Lake Como, with reference to natural (i.e., unregulated) stream flows. We
demonstrated that the model provides an acceptable representation of the Lake Como
inflows (as seen by low yearly Bias% at inlet, and somewhat high NSE at monthly scale
therein, Table 2, and visual assessment of monthly flows in Figure 5b), even without
considering the upstream hydropower regulation. No large loss of accuracy occurs against
the regulation scenarios (as reported in Section 3.2).
The lack of regulation can be partially seen in the daily NSE, but here one may state
that the main interest is linked to seasonal and monthly variation of discharge and its
contribution. Looking at Figure 5, we can notice the effects of regulation in the abundance
of observed discharge in winter (JFM) and November, and the lower discharge in sum-
mer (JAS). Regulation upstream is complex to model, and furthermore it may change in
the future, so making projections of flow dynamics is possibly less accurate. However,
we demonstrated here that overall regulation does not largely affect the performance
of the model, in the simplifying hypothesis that “natural like” discharges reach the lake.
Accordingly, we assumed that under the simplifying hypothesis of “natural like” regime, as-
sessment of climate impact upon the flow regime upstream of the lake can be pursued using
the Poli-Hydro model, at least preliminarily, and even considering large uncertainty therein.
Looking at the future projections, we can benchmark our results against similar studies
in the Valtellina valley [32,34]. As from literature, the expected contribution of snow melt
and ice melt in the future would drastically reduce, for the reduction in solid precipitation
in winter and the increase in glaciers ablation [12,32,34]. The survival of glaciers at the end
Climate 2021, 9, 8 21 of 24

of the century is limited to the high altitude part, usually above 3000 m asl [32], and to the
largest glaciers of the catchment [34].
Annual discharge Qy changes with GCMs and RCPs/SSPs, but within the somewhat
narrow range of −14% to +10%. In all cases, both at mid-century and at end of century,
it will increase in autumn and winter (from November to March), and it will decrease in
summer (from May to September). Again this is coherent with other studies developed
under the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC [12,32,34]. This can be explained with
different reasons, namely (i) increase in liquid precipitation vs. solid precipitation in winter,
especially at low altitudes, (ii) earlier, and shorter snow thaw in spring due to the increase
in temperature, and the lack of snow cover, (iii) changes in precipitation timing seasonally.
Different dynamics of seasonal (monthly) discharge during the year will likely cause
a different management of the Lake Como. A large amount of water has to be collected
during autumn and winter, to have water available for summer irrigation demand (also
likely to increase due to larger evapotranspiration in the Po valley). Such need may conflict
with flood risks prevention, i.e., with the need for lowering the lake level to avoid shoreline
floods. It is likely that more detailed studies have to be pursued, to verify the chance
for correct management of the Lake Como, considering future hydrology, according to
our projections.
In the approach we proposed here, the use of Poli-Hydro model may help largely
in this direction. Poli-Hydro model was used in several areas of the European Alps, and
outside, including in several areas of the Himalayas, and South America, always with good
results [46,47]. Poli-Hydro, and similarly conceived, physically based hydrological models,
whenever well fed with proper inputs, may provide large flexibility of application, and
thereby give large insight to scientists, and policy makers in the area.
Possible draw backs for such models may dwell into the large computational time
as required for physically based modelling, and projections. However, Poli-Hydro here
is rather fast, and can be used for long term, multi-scenarios simulation as here, with
reasonable computational time (few hours of simulation for each IPCC scenario), and
hardware investment (all simulations were made using a desktop PC), so allowing the
exploitation of a large potential array of scenarios for policy making.

5. Conclusions
Lake Como of Italy is an iconic, worldwide renowned place, for historical, cultural,
and touristic reasons. Lake operation has tremendous importance therefore, contributing to
the beauty of the area, the feasibility of recreational and sport activity, and most importantly
supplying water downstream for irrigation, and hydropower, and mitigating flood risk
along the lake shores (and possibly downstream in the Adda river). A great deal of
literature exists exploring the optimal operation of the lake under present, and potential
future hydrological scenarios. However, the complex, cryospheric driven hydrology of the
lake upstream catchment calls for proper modeling of the processes therein. Here, we used
the Poli-Hydro model, a state-of-the-art model, fully capable of mimicking the most relevant
processes of high altitude, cryospheric hydrology of the catchment, including complex
snow and ice melt, and glaciers’ flow dynamics, based upon a large data base from field
measurements, data at stations, and remote sensing information.
We further used most recent climate projections from models, and scenarios of the
IPCC AR6, the state-of-the-art reference in the field, to provide credible scenarios of climate
for hydrological projections in the area. Our results, even within the range of the well
known uncertainty when dealing with future climatic, and hydrologic scenarios [32],
indicate consistently the expectation of an increase in flows during the wet (flood) seasons,
winter and especially fall, and subsequent decrease during the dry (drought) seasons,
spring, and especially summer, as due to shifted snow cycle, and decreased ice cover. Such
scenarios would largely impact the future dynamics of the lake, and surely would call
for modified operation thereby. Our results here may therefore provide a credible tool
for initial brainstorming of future lake operation under impending climate change, for
Climate 2021, 9, 8 22 of 24

scientists, and policy makers therein. Moreover, the proposed methodology is useful to
evaluate climate change effects on hydrological components and it can be applied to other
case studies, such as for large lakes with multipurpose management in northern Italy, and
in worldwide mountain areas.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.C. and F.F.; model set up and calibration, hydropower
regulation, management of climate projections F.C., F.F., F.G.; writing—original draft preparation,
F.C., and F.F.; supervision, D.B.; review and editing, D.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: F.F. acknowledges support from Gruppo CAP Holding Milano for her PhD,
through the scholarship Assessment of hydrological flows in Lombardy Alpine rivers, and their
connection with the underground aquifer, under potential climate change scenarios in the XXI century.
Andrea Castelletti of DEIB Politecnico di Milano, is kindly acknowledged for suggestions and support.
The present results are in fulfilment of the activity of the Climate-Lab laboratory of Politecnico di
Milano (, kindly acknowledged. Four anonymous reviewers
are kindly acknowledged for helping to improve paper’s presentation, and contents.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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