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Beyond Finite Data: Towards Data-Free Out-Of-Distribution Generalization Via Extrapolation

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Beyond Finite Data: Towards Data-free

Out-of-distribution Generalization via Extrapolation

Yijiang Li1 , Sucheng Ren1 , Weipeng Deng2 , Yuzhi Xu3 , Ying Gao4 , Edith Ngai2 , and
Haohan Wang5
Johns Hopkins University
arXiv:2403.05523v2 [cs.CV] 11 Mar 2024

The University of Hong Kong
New York University
South China University of Technology
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Abstract. Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization is a favorable yet challeng-

ing property for deep neural networks. The core challenges lie in the limited
availability of source domains that help models learn an invariant representation
from the spurious features. Various domain augmentation have been proposed
but largely rely on interpolating existing domains and frequently face difficulties
in creating truly “novel” domains. Humans, on the other hand, is capable of ex-
trapolating novel domains, thus, an intriguing question arises: How can neural
networks extrapolate truly “novel” domains and achieve OOD generaliza-
We introduce a novel approach to domain extrapolation that leverages reasoning
ability and the extensive knowledge encapsulated within large language models
(LLMs) to synthesize entirely new domains. Starting with the class of interest,
we query the LLMs to extract relevant knowledge for these novel domains. We
then bridge the gap between the text-centric knowledge derived from LLMs and
the pixel input space of the model using text-to-image generation techniques. By
augmenting the training set of domain generalization datasets with high-fidelity,
photo-realistic images of these new domains, we achieve significant improve-
ments over all existing methods, as demonstrated in both single and multi-domain
generalization across various benchmarks.
With the ability to extrapolate any domains for any class, our method has the po-
tential to learn a generalized model for any task without any data. To illustrate,
we put forth a much more difficult setting termed, data-free domain general-
ization, that aims to learn a generalized model in the absence of any collected
data. Our empirical findings support the above argument and our methods ex-
hibit commendable performance in this setting, approximating the supervised
with synthetic data only and even surpassing the supervised setting by approx-
imately 1-2% on datasets such as VLCS.

Keywords: Out-of-distribution Generalization · Domain Extrapolation · Large

Language Model
Preprint. Under review.
We will release our code upon acceptance.
2 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

1 Introduction
Deep neural networks have demonstrated remarkable achievements in various fields and
applications [13, 17, 18, 21, 32], yet their effectiveness heavily depends on the assump-
tion that the training and testing environments are subject to independent and identically
distributions [7, 8]. Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization aims to learn model from
some training distribution that can generalize well to unseen testing domains, usually
with distribution or label shifts [33]. A typical scenario is domain generalization (DG)
where multiple source domains are available and these available source domains aid
the training of generalizable models that learn invariant features and discard spurious
ones. However, a significant challenge arises. The availability of these source domains
often becomes a limiting factor, hindering the success of current OOD approaches in
more challenging scenarios [39, 52, 54, 58], which can be attributed to the difficulty and
high expenses to collect, not just, data but data in diverse domains with annotations,
which is sometimes impossible in critical areas such as healthcare or extreme condi-
tions (e.g. deep sea or space). Motivated by these challenges, domain augmentation is
straightforward and multiple methods have been proposed to generate novel domains
and images through mixup [59], mixing of statistics [63], uncertainty modeling [30,64]
and convex combination [1]. However, these methods generally interpolate the exist-
ing training domains to generate novel domains that still fall within the convex hall of
available domains [1]. Consequently, the constrained number of source domains ham-
pers the expressiveness of these methods, continuing to act as a performance bottleneck.
On the other hand, Humans harness the innate ability of the human brain to create novel
domains as illustrated in [41, 47] where a pre-defined set of novel domains and styles
are utilized. However, this also requires human labor which fails to scale to larger sizes.
Naturally, an intriguing question arises: How can neural networks extrapolate truly
“novel” domains and achieve OOD generalization?
Large language models (LLMs) [9] have been shown to encapsulate a vast wealth of
knowledge and simulate human cognitive processes. Thus, a pertinent question emerges:
Can one harness the power of LLMs to produce novel domains and relevant knowledge,
thereby replacing the human in the above training process? Stemming from this primary
query, we investigate how we can extract knowledge of a specific task and produce novel
domains from LLMs. A subsequent research question is: How can we leverage this text-
centric knowledge from LLMs to instruct an image system that processes pixel input?
State-of-the-art text-to-image generation models such as Imagen [46], Stable Diffu-
sion [42] and GLIDE [36] exhibit promosing capability to synthesize photo-realistic
images positioning them as the optimal conduit between textual and visual realms. Fi-
nally, we seek to answer to what extent the synthesized images based on knowledge can
serve as Out-of-distribution learners that can generalize to unseen testing domains. Fol-
lowing these problems, we are the first study to design a new paradigm that leverages
the knowledge of LLMs to extrapolate novel domains for training better generalizable
and sample-efficient models. With the ability to extrapolate any domains for any class,
our method has the potential to learn a generalized model for any task without any
existing data.
In addition, we present data-free domain generalization. Data-free generalization
endeavors to enable a model across unseen testing domains based solely on task spec-
Data-free Generalization 3

ifications (for example, distinguishing between dog and cat classes) without the need
for gathering or utilizing any pre-existing datasets. In the era of large foundation mod-
els, data-free domain generalization is formulated as OOD problem with inaccessible
meta distribution and domain distribution (detailed in Section 2.1) – essentially, de-
void of any real-world data. This scenario presents a significantly more complex chal-
lenge than that encountered in multi-domain or single-domain generalization efforts.
Moreover, it holds pragmatic significance in democratizing machine learning, by urg-
ing the community to develop methodologies that are viable under stringent resource
constraints. Such an initiative paves the way for wider access to, and application of,
machine learning technologies. For instance, our proposed method provides a viable
solution by leveraging LLM as a knowledge base to extrapolate domains and scenarios
domains and scenarios where specific classes may be represented. Then synthetic data
is generated via a text-to-image generation model. These synthetic data only are used to
train a model that can generalize well to the given task and fulfill its requirements. Our
method not only addresses the challenge of data scarcity in DG problems but also un-
derscores the potential of synthetic data in overcoming traditional barriers to machine
learning implementation.
Extensive experiments on single, multi-domain and data-free evaluations demon-
strate the effectiveness of our proposed method. In both single and multi-domain config-
urations, we demonstrate that synthetic data in the extrapolated novel domains markedly
outperforms baseline results across various datasets. On the more challenging data-free
setting, our proposed method exhibits near-supervised performance in this setting, even
surpassing the supervised baseline by approximately 1-2% on VLCS. Data synthesized
via the knowledge from LLMs excels compared to the synthetic data directly gener-
ated from text-to-image generation models. This demonstrates the ability of LLMs to
effectively extrapolate like humans and integrate this prior knowledge into the model.
We also underscore the scalability of our approach by highlighting that as the num-
ber of domains escalates, the performance correspondingly improves. Intriguingly, this
trend diverges from the outcomes observed when augmenting with synthetic data di-
rectly produced by text-to-image models reported in [5, 22]. This further demonstrates
the pivotal role of the knowledge derived from LLMs in mitigating overfitting to syn-
thetic data.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we will first
motivate our method from the perspective of the theoretical error bound for out-of-
distribution (OOD) generalization. Then we will detail our method design and specifi-
cations. Section 3 introduces the data-free generalization and its potential usage in the
era of large foundation models. Section 4 describes our experiment design, results and
the implications of our findings. Section 5 introduces related work. Section 6 concludes
our paper and potential limitation of our work.

2 Method

We motivate our method from the perspective of the theoretical error bound for out-of-
distribution (OOD) generalization. We will first provide the notation for the theoretical
framework. Then we motivate our research problem from the OOD generalization error
4 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

bound, i.e. limited number of source domains leading to a larger error bound. Then we
propose a proxy method that approximates the meta-distribution with a proxy distri-
bution. We give a new error bound on this method. Lastly, we propose one realization
of our method by using LLMs to approximate the meta-distribution and text-to-image
generation models to bridge the text-centric knowledge with the input pixel space.

2.1 Theoretical Bound

Notation. Let X denote the observation space and Y = {1, −1} the output space.
Denote PXY as the joint probability of the joint space of X × Y and assume a meta
(1) (i) (n)
distribution µ and n domains PXY , · · · , PXY , PXY are i.i.d realizations from µ. A
decision function is a function f ∈ F : X → Y predicts ŷi = f (xi ). We denote
l : Y × Y → R+ a loss function and define the generalization error of a decision
function as

\small \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) = \mathbb {E}_{P_{XY} \sim \mu }\mathbb {E}_{(x, y)\sim P_{XY}}[\mathit {l}(f(x), y)] \label {eq:objective} (1)
(1) (i) (n)
Since we have no access to µ and all the realizations PXY , · · · , PXY , PXY but sampled
images from these realizations, we can derive an empirical error:

\small \hat {\mathcal {L}}^\mu (f) = \sum _{i=1}^n \sum _{j=1}^m \mathit {l}(f(x_{ij}, y_{ij}) (2)

(j) (j)
where (xij , yij ) ∼ PXY denotes the ith sample drawn from PXY . It’s easy to see
that when n → ∞, m → ∞, L̂µ (f ) converges to Lµ (f ), which gives the intuitive
sense that increasing m and n gives us better-approximated solutions. This motivates
us to increase n and m, i.e.increasing the number of domains and training images per
(1) (i) (n)
domain, which is difficult due to the inaccessible µ and PXY , · · · , PXY , PXY . Prior
arts have proposed various methods to generate novel domains but the majority falls
in the interpolation of existing domains, failing to effectively increase n. How can to
approach this problem? We can approximate µ by new distribution µ′ sufficiently
close to µ that can be sampled.

Definition 1. We define the distance between the two distributions as

\small D(\mu , \mu ') = \sup _{f\in \mathcal {F}}| \mathcal {L}^{\mu '} (f) - \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) |

With the following assumption,

Assumption 1 We assume the distance D(µ, µ′ ) ≤ ϵ.
we can derive a bound through the approximated µ′ .
Theorem 1. With confidence at least 1 − 2δ and for all f ∈ F, we have

\small \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) \le \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\mu '} (f) + 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{n}} + \epsilon
Data-free Generalization 5

Proof in Appendix A. By replacing µ with µ′ , we now have control over L̂µ (f ), m and
n as we can sample as many domains and images from µ′ as possible. This is obtained
at the cost of ϵ, which we assume to be small.
Remark 1. We also note that as n and m increase, the upper bound of the generalization
error decreases, which gives us better generalization errors.
With sufficiently large n and m, the decrease part of the generalization error will cancel
out the cost of ϵ, leading to a lower generalization error.
Step 1: Generate Novel Domains
Airport, Steampunk, minimalism
[Role] ……
Task [Task description]
Description: classify image to [Steps] Step 2: Get Diffusion Prompts
different classes [Output Format]
Classes: dog, cat, car, chair Dog - street: A dog sitting on the
and person streets with houses behind it
Caption 1 Caption 2 … Caption n

train …
Generalized Model
Diffusion Model

Fig. 1: Overall pipeline of our paradigm: Extrapolation of novel domains via the knowledge of
LLMs, a novel learning paradigm where knowledge from LLMs assists the training of generaliz-
able models via text-to-image models in a completely data-free fashion.

2.2 Domain Extrapolation with LLMs

Given the aforementioned theoretical bound, our objective is to approximate µ with µ′ .
Humans, as evidenced in [41, 47], usually can efficiently extrapolate novel domains (by
imagination), which is a good approximation of µ. Nonetheless, human intervention is
expensive and not scalable to arbitrary datasets. Conversely, LLMs not only embody a
vast expanse of knowledge [38] and exhibit comparable reasoning capabilities [40], but
they also present the benefit of being amenable to extensive sampling. To this end, we
propose to query LLMs, in place of human, to extrapolate novel domains.
After sampling from meta distribution µ′ , we need to further sample from the do-
main distribution to generate images in this particular novel domain. As discussed in
Section 1, this leads to a gap between the text-based knowledge output by the LLMs and
the input pixel space of vision systems. Text-to-image generation models (e.g. stable
diffusion [43]) exhibit the great capability to output photo-realistic images through in-
putting texts positioning them as the optimal bridge between textual and visual realms.
The synthetic images of extrapolated novel domains are used to augment the original
dataset or train the models solely in a data-free fashion. An overall illustration of our
paradigm can be seen in Figure 1.
Extracting Knowledge from LLMs. The objective is to approximate µ via LLMs
as close as possible. This introduces a constraint whereby the generated novel domains
6 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

must reside within the high-density regions of distribution µ. To ensure adherence to

this criterion, we purposefully instruct the LLMs to conceive the most plausible and
reasonable domains where a particular class would realistically exist. To better guide
LLMs to understand the instruction and generate the required response accordingly, we
craft system prompts that include role description ([Role]) and task description ([Task
Description]), as illustrated by the example in Figure 2. Numerous strategies exist to
solicit knowledge and novel domains from LLMs.
– Dataset-wise query. The most direct approach entails querying the LLMs with
comprehensive dataset information (i.e. all of the class names) and instructing the
model to produce n novel domains. However, as the marginal distribution for each
class might exhibit minimal overlap (worse when the number of classes grows), it
becomes considerably intricate to sample novel domains that are both plausible and
likely for all classes.
– Class-wise query. Thus, we propose to query the LLMs for novel domains of spe-
cific classes. For each class in the task, we query the LLMs for knowledge and n
novel domain information specific to that class. We repeat the process one class
after another until all of the classes are iterated. We provide a example prompt in
Figure 2.

Step 1: Construct Novel Domains from LLM

System Prompt
Home: wooden dining table,
[Role] high-back chairs
Prompt Structure {domain knowledge expert}
Office: spacious cabin, leather
[Task description] executive chair
{ask the model to give
[Role] domains} Park: greenery, wooden bench
You are an expert on the given class and
object. You have knowledge of its attribute, Knowledge Provider chair
shapes, appearance. {or expert in using {guide LLM step by step} Cafe: sidewalk, cafe tables,
diffusion model}
metal chairs
[Output Format] ……
[Task description] {Output format instructions}
{ask the model to give domains, environment,
styles or generate diffusion prompts}
Step 2: Construct Prompts for Diffusion
{“CoT” prompting to guide LLM step by step System Prompt Dog - Airport: In the airport's pet
for better quality and diversity.} relief area, a fluffy white poodle
enjoys a game of fetch with its
{diffusion expert}
[Output Format] owner, surrounded by travelers
{Output format instructions} [Task description] and their luggage.
{ask the model to write
Cat – Classroom: A curious tabby
prompts for diffusion model}
cat perches on a classroom desk,
Diffusion Prompter its inquisitive eyes fixed on a
{guide LLM step by step} textbook as if trying to decipher
the mysteries of math.
[Output Format]
{Output format instructions}

Fig. 2: Knowledge extraction pipeline. We first employ various SOTA prompting methods: e.g.
"Chain of Thought [55]" (CoT) prompting, role prompting to extract domains from LLM (Step
1) and automatically generate prompt for a Text-to-Image model. (Step 2)
Bridging text and pixel with text-to-image generation models. After obtaining
a number of the most plausible and reasonable domains of a specific class, we trans-
form the text-centric knowledge from LLMs to pixel space by text-to-image generation
(i) (i)
models. This process is exactly the realization of sampling X from PX where PX

is the ith domain generated by µ (i.e. the LLM). Numerous strategies exist to prompt
text-to-image generation models conditioned on class and domain information.
Data-free Generalization 7

– Template prompt. The most immediate strategy involves employing templates as

prompts (e.g., "an image of [CLASS_NAME] in the domain of [DOMAIN_NAME]").
However, the limitation lies in its lack of diversity: utilizing the identical prompt to
produce multiple images results in images bearing resemblance to one another.
– LLM generated prompt. Thus, we propose to query the LLMs for prompts condi-
tioned on the class name and domain information acquired in the previous step. As
illustrated in Figure 2, we craft system prompts that specifically tailor the LLM
to generate prompts for text-to-image generation models and generate multiple
prompts for each of the novel domains of each class.

3 Data-free Domain Generalization

We present Data-free Generalization, a new formation of generalization in the era of

large foundation models. Given a task with detailed description and requirements (e.g.
the classes to be classified and the definition of each class), Data-free Generalization
endeavors to learn a model that can generalize to this specific task and fulfill the re-
quirement without collecting any data or utilizing any existing datasets. Formally, this
problem is formulated as follows. Task description and requirements specify the deci-
sion function f ∈ F : X → Y and the meta distribution µ. The problem then turns to
minimizing Equation 3, as detailed in Section 2.1. The difference is that now the meta
distribution µ cannot be sampled and thus we have no access to any training domains
(1) (i) (n)
PXY , · · · , PXY , PXY or images that are sampled from these domains. However, in the
era of large foundation models, the meta distribution µ can be approximated by LLMs
while the domain distribution can be approximated by image generation models. Con-
sequently, we can provide a guarantee on the learning with Theorem 1. We provide one
such method in Section 2.
Data-free generalization can not only serve a more difficult setting to push the lim-
its of current OOD methods but also holds pragmatic significance in democratizing
machine learning. It does so by mitigating or potentially eliminating the necessity for
data collection and annotation within the machine learning pipeline, which facilitates
a broader access to and application of machine learning technologies, particularly for
entities facing resource constraints.
Envision a modest-sized enterprise incapable of investing in the training of large
foundational models, nor possessing the necessary time and funding to collect and la-
bel an extensive dataset for particular tasks. This situation aligns with the concept of
Data-free Generalization, characterized by the availability of only task specifications
in the absence of accessible data. Our methodology offers an ideal resolution for such
organizations. Initially, they can leverage LLMs’ APIs for a limited number of queries
to derive extrapolated domains and scenarios. Following this, they may engage text-
to-image models for data synthesis. This synthetic data can then be utilized to either
develop new models or enhance existing ones, thereby circumventing the limitations
posed by resource constraints.
8 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

4 Experiments
The objective of our experiments is to (i) demonstrate that knowledge from LLMs suc-
cessfully extrapolates novel domains and leads to performance benefits grounded by
theoretical bounds. (ii) Investigate the most efficient and effective approach for extract-
ing knowledge and sampling from text-to-image models. (iii) Analyze to what extent
the synthetic images generated condition on LLMs’ knowledge can serve as good out-
of-distribution learners that lead to generalization on unseen testing domains.

4.1 Experiment Setup

Datasets. We evaluate generalization to domain shift using four multi-domain datasets
in DomainBed [20], namely PACS, VLCS, OfficeHome and DomainNet. We follow the
train-validate-test split of each dataset as in [20] and use the training-domain validation
set to perform the hyperparameter search.
Evaluation. To comprehensively evaluate our method, We experiment on both the
leave-one-out evaluation protocol and single-domain generalization protocol. In addi-
tion, we propose the data-free domain generalization to evaluate whether it is possible
to train a generalizable model in a data-free fashion with only task information, the
knowledge from LLMs and text-to-image models that bridge the text space to pixel
Baseline. We set two baselines for our experiments, namely empirical risk min-
imization (ERM) and ERM with exponential moving average (ERM + EMA). ERM
with exponential moving average is demonstrated to be more stable and effective than
ERM [4]. It is thus adopted to perform ablation study and analysis since its stable per-
formance and more correlated to the validation accuracy [4].
Implementation. All experiments use ResNet50 pretrained on ImageNet1k as the
image encoder unless otherwise stated. We remove the dropout and follow the rest of
the implementation as in [20] since dropout is reported to have a negative impact on
some of the DG methods [24], e.g. RSC [25]. We adopt GPT-4 to extract novel do-
main knowledge and leverage Stable Diffusion 2 [44] as the text-to-image generation
model. We use one A100 GPU to generate synthetic images. All experiments of training
ResNet50 and CLIP ViT-B16 model can be run on 1 RTX3090 GPU.

4.2 Main Results

We perform two existing evaluations on the four datasets in DomainBed benchmarks.
Additionally, we propose a more challenging evaluation to further investigate to the
synthetic images generated condition on LLMs’ knowledge can serve as good repre-
sentation learners.
Leave-one-out evaluation. Leave-one-out Evaluation leaves one domain as the
testing domain and uses the rest as training domains. For our method, all of the syn-
thetic images are treated as an additional domain to the source domains. As per Table 1,
augmenting with the novel domain synthetic images leads to a consistent improvement
(as large as 5.2%) over the ERM and ERM + EMA baselines. On average, we achieve a
2.9% and 2.4% improvement over ERM and ERM + EMA baselines respectively. Our
Data-free Generalization 9

Table 1: Leave-one-out Evaluation on DomainBed Benchmark. CLIP adopts ViT-B16 as the

backbone. † denotes reproduced results. MixStyle result is taken from [11]

Algorithm VLCS PACS OfficeHome DomainNet Avg

ERM [50] 77.5 ± 0.4 85.5 ± 0.2 66.5 ± 0.3 40.9 ± 0.1 67.6
IRM [3] 78.5 ± 0.5 83.5 ± 0.8 64.3 ± 2.2 33.9 ± 2.8 65.1
GroupDRO [45] 76.7 ± 0.6 84.4 ± 0.8 66.0 ± 0.7 33.3 ± 0.2 65.1
MLDG [28] 77.2 ± 0.4 84.9 ± 1.0 66.8 ± 0.6 41.2 ± 0.1 67.5
CORAL [48] 78.8 ± 0.6 86.2 ± 0.3 68.7 ± 0.3 41.5 ± 0.1 68.8
Mixup [53, 57, 59] 78.1 ± 0.3 86.8 ± 0.3 68.0 ± 0.2 39.6 ± 0.1 68.1
MMD [29] 77.9 ± 0.1 87.2 ± 0.1 66.2 ± 0.3 23.5 ± 9.4 63.7
RSC [25] 77.8 ± 0.6 86.2 ± 0.5 66.5 ± 0.6 38.9 ± 0.6 67.4
VREx [26] 78.1 ± 0.2 87.2 ± 0.6 65.7 ± 0.3 30.1 ± 3.7 65.3
SWAD [11] 79.1 ± 0.4 88.1 ± 0.4 70.6 ± 0.3 46.5 ± 0.2 66.9
MIRO [12] 79.0 ± 0.2 85.4 ± 0.4 70.5 ± 0.4 44.3 ± 0.2 65.9
MixStyle [63] 77.9 85.2 60.4 34.0 64.4
ERM † [50] 77.2 ± 1.0 84.4 ± 0.8 64.8 ± 0.4 43.6 ± 0.1 67.5
+ ours 78.5 ± 0.4 88.0 ± 0.3 70.0 ± 0.1 45.2 ± 0.1 70.4
∆ + 1.3 + 3.6 + 5.2 + 1.6 + 2.9
ERM + EMA 78.8 ± 0.6 87.8 ± 0.3 70.5 ± 0.1 46.0 ± 0.1 70.8
+ ours 80.2 ± 0.3 90.3 ± 0.4 74.6 ± 0.2 47.5 ± 0.3 73.2
∆ + 1.4 + 2.5 + 4.1 + 1.5 + 2.4
CLIP Zero-shot 80.1 96.2 83.0 58.5 79.5
CLIP Finetune 82.4 ± 0.1 95.3 ± 0.2 84.8 ± 0.1 59.9 ± 0.1 80.6
+ ours 82.7 ± 0.3 96.5 ± 0.3 86.5 ± 0.2 61.3 ± 0.0 81.8
∆ + 0.3 + 1.2 + 1.7 + 1.4 + 1.2

method also achieved a significant improvement (1.2% on average) over the CLIP fine-
tuned baseline. This improvement is remarkable, given the already high performance of
the CLIP model.
Single Domain Generalization. Single-domain generalization Evaluation lever-
ages a single domain for training and subsequently assesses the outcomes on the re-
maining domains. This scenario presents a greater challenge when juxtaposed with the
Leave-one-out setting due to the model’s exclusive exposure to just one domain dur-
ing its training phase. Such a setting accentuates the issue of restricted availability of
source domains. Considering our methodology does not impose assumptions on either
the source domains or the model, but instead extrapolates novel domains via LLMs to
augment the training set, it is optimally more suited for this specific context. Empiri-
cal evidence underscores its exceptional efficacy and with merely one source domain
of real images, our results closely mirror, and at times even surpass, those obtained
in a multi-domain configuration, as per Table 2. Specifically, we achieve the highest
of 78.0%, 87.6%, 69.4% on the three datasets, outperforming the ERM with multiple
source domains by margins of 0.8%, 3.2% and 4.6% respectively. Compared to base-
lines, our method achieves a remarkable improvement of over 10% across all datasets
and baselines. This evidences that our methodology substantially mitigates the chal-
lenges associated with restricted source domains, rendering it particularly optimal and
10 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

Table 2: Single-domain Evaluation on DomainBed Benchmark. CLIP adopts ViT-B16 as the


Algorithm VLCS PACS OfficeHome Avg

ASA [19] - 67.0 - -
Pro-RandConv [14] - 67.0 - -
CPerb [61] - 73.3 - -
RSC [25] 59.2 ± 0.7 60.9 ± 1.7 46.9 ± 1.7 55.7
ERM (Multi-domain) 77.2 ± 1.0 84.4 ± 0.8 64.8 ± 0.4 75.5
ERM [50] 59.2 ± 0.8 64.6 ± 0.6 51.5 ± 0.3 58.4
+ ours 76.3 ± 0.2 83.9 ± 0.9 64.7 ± 0.2 75.0
∆ + 17.1 + 19.3 + 13.2 + 16.5
ERM + EMA (Multi-domain) 78.8 ± 0.6 87.8 ± 0.3 70.5 ± 0.1 79.0
ERM + EMA 64.2 ± 0.7 67.9 ± 1.1 58.2 ± 0.1 62.7
+ ours 78.0 ± 0.1 87.6 ± 0.6 69.4 ± 0.3 78.3
∆ +13.1 +21.7 +12.0 +15.6

effective in scenarios where source domains are unavailable, such as single-domain

Table 3: Comparison with two baselines and current SOTA augmentation-based DG methods.
All models are equipped with EMA for fair comparison.

Algorithm VLCS PACS Avg

MixStyle [63] 78.7 ± 0.1 87.7 ± 0.1 83.2
DSU [30] 77.7 ± 0.0 87.6 ± 0.2 82.7
AutoAug [15] 78.6 ± 0.3 88.6 ± 0.1 83.6
RandAug [16] 79.1 ± 0.0 87.5 ± 0.3 83.3
ERM + EMA 78.8± 0.6 87.8 ± 0.3 83.3
+larger batch-size 78.1 ± 0.1 87.4 ± 0.1 82.7
+ class-template 79.3 ± 0.1 88.0 ± 0.3 83.7
+ class-prompt 79.3 ± 0.0 88.5 ± 0.2 83.9
+ ours 80.2 ± 0.3 90.3 ± 0.4 85.3

Comparison with augmentation-based DG methods. We compared with SOTA

augmentation methods in Table 3 including MixStyle [63], DSU [30], AutoAug [15]
and RandAug [16], where our method demonstrates an improvement of more than 2%
on average.

4.3 Data-free Generalization.

Data-free Generalization Evaluation serves as a more difficult setting to evaluate our
proposed methods. Data-free Generalization aims to generalize to unseen testing do-
mains with only knowledge of the task, i.e. the classes and definition of each class
are available and no available data of any kind. To simulate Data-free Generalization
with existing benchmarks, we use all the domains in existing DG datasets as testing
domains. To evaluate our method, we directly train models on the synthetic images
generated conditioned on novel domain knowledge. Then the model is tested on all the
available real images of the domains for evaluation. Results are illustrated in Table 4
Data-free Generalization 11

where we achieve the highest performance of 79.9%, 86.9%, 67.4% with only less than
1% gap between its multi-domain counterparts and largely surpasses single-domain
counterparts. Notably, data-free ERM + EMA presents an accuracy of 79.9% on VLCS
outperforming the multi-domain supervised counterparts by more than 1%. With the
knowledge injected and novel domain extrapolated, this empirical result illustrates the
promise of achieving generalization in a completely data-free fashion free of laborious
data collection and annotation.
Table 4: Data-free generalization on DomainBed Benchmark.

Algorithm VLCS PACS OfficeHome DomainNet Avg

Multi-domain 77.2 ± 1.0 84.4 ± 0.8 64.8 ± 0.4 43.6 ± 0.1 67.5
Single-domain 59.2 ± 0.8 64.6 ± 0.6 51.5 ± 0.3 - -
Data-free (ours) 73.9 ± 0.3 82.5 ± 0.9 62.1 ± 0.1 25.9 ± 0.2 61.1
Multi-domain 78.8 ± 0.6 87.8 ± 0.3 70.5 ± 0.1 46.0 ± 0.1 70.8
Single-domain 64.2 ± 0.7 67.9 ± 1.1 58.2 ± 0.1 - -
Data-free (ours) 79.9 ± 0.6 86.9 ± 0.1 67.4 ± 0.2 30.3 ± 0.1 66.1

4.4 Ablation Study and Analysis

To fully understand the performance of our method, we perform an ablation study by
first providing three baselines building upon ERM + EMA with minor modifications.
First, we provide larger batchsize baseline, which is used to ablate the influence of
larger batch sizes incurred by the additional augmentation data. Then, we provide class
template baseline, which prompts the text-to-images generation model to generate syn-
thetic images with the template "An image of [CLASS]". Then we will provide a third
baseline, termed class prompt that will prompt LLMs to give a diffusion-style prompt
(without explicitly instructing it to extrapolate novel domains) and use the generated
prompts to query text-to-image models for synthetic data. Comparison is shown in Ta-
ble 3. We can see that a larger batch size in fact has a negative effect while both template
and prompt baseline underperform our method. This ablates the influence brought by
text-to-image models and further underscores the importance of LLMs’ knowledge re-
garding the novel domain.
Comparison between different knowledge extraction. We provide three approaches
to extract knowledge regarding the novel domains of particular classes. Comparison can
be seen in (b) of Figure 4, where we show that, overall, class-wise combined with LLM-
generated prompt leads to better performance than class-wise query only and data-wise
query. This is because class-wise query provides more plausible and reasonable novel
domains given some class and LLM-generated prompt further extracts knowledge re-
garding this novel domain and increases diversity in generation.
Scaling to larger synthetic dataset. It has been widely reported that data generated
by generation models negatively impacts the model, especially when the number of syn-
thetic images grows at scale [5,22]. To this end, we investigate whether the performance
12 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

increases scales with more synthetic data from more extrapolated novel domains. We
perform scaling by prompting LLMs to extrapolate more novel domains and generate 64
image per domain. We can see in Figure 3 that with more domains (larger n in Section
2.1), performance keeps increasing, which is consistent with our theoretical framework.
We also make a comparison with class-template and class-prompt baselines and scale
the two baselines by increasing the synthetic images to the corresponding size. How-
ever, these two methods both suffer from performance saturation and degradation when
synthetic data increases, which is consistent with previous studies [5, 22]. This demon-
strated that our method can scale better to larger sizes of synthetic data and under-
score the importance of new knowledge injected by LLMs that benefits generalization.
w/ CLIP filter
variance measure on PACS 94 w/o CLIP filter

LLMs extrapolation 89.87 ± 0.4

text-to-image generation 89.72 ± 0.2

model training 90.3 ± 0.4 90

Table 5: Variance analysis over the three mod- 88

ules to measure how stable our method performs.
86 85.5
9 0
8 5 data-free leave-one-out
8 0
85.7 dataset-wise query
A c c u ra c y

7 5 85 83.5 class-wise query

llm generated prompt
7 0 s y th e tic (c la s s te m p la te ) 79.5 79.9
s y th e tic (c la s s p r o m p t) 78.2
6 5 o u r s
75 74.3
6 0
5 5 70
1 6 3 2 4 8 6 4 8 0 9 6 1 1 2 1 2 8 67.4
# d o m a in s 65 64.3

Fig. 3: Scaling the training dataset by adding PACS VLCS OfficeHome
more novel domains. Each novel domain con-
sists of 64 images. To facilitate fair comparison,
Fig. 4: (a) Effectiveness of CLIP filtering.
we scale the class template method by the same
(b) Comparison between different knowl-
amount of images.
edge extraction methods.
Variance Analysis. We aim to measure how stable our method is by decomposing the
variance into three parts, i.e. LLMs extrapolation, text-to-image generation and final
model training. We repeat each experiment three times and report the average and stan-
dard deviation in Table 5. For instance, to conduct variance anlysis on text-to-image
generation, we use the same set of novel domains generated by LLMs, can generate
synthetic datasets with the same text-to-image model three times. As per the table, we
can see that all three parts contribute to a relatively small variance, suggesting that our
method is stable.

Additional CLIP filtering. Text-to-image generation models are essentially noisy

and might generate images of distortion or without the main class of interest. We exper-
iment with CLIP filtering before the training process. As shown in (a) of Figure 4, we
can observe an increase with additional filtering techniques by 1 %. To further illustrate
the effectiveness of filtering, we visualize some filtered failure cases in Appendix C.
Data-free Generalization 13

Different LLMs. To make sure that our method does not reply on specific LLMs,
i.e. ChatGPT-4, we conduct experiments with LLMs from different families, e.g Llama
and Mixtral in table .
GPT-4 94.4 ± 0.2 85.0 ± 0.5 98.5 ± 0.1 83.3 ± 1.7 90.3
Llama-13B 92.6 ± 0.5 83.2 ± 0.5 98.2 ± 0.1 80.9 ± 0.7 88.7
Llama-70B 93.0 ± 0.4 83.6 ± 0.4 98.5 ± 0.2 81.9 ± 0.4 89.3
Mixtral-8x7B 92.4 ± 0.0 84.6 ± 0.3 98.8 ± 0.0 81.1 ± 0.6 89.2
Table 6: Performance with different LLMs. We experiment with GPT4, Llama-13B, Llama-70B
and Mixtral-8x7B models.

Visualization. We provide visualization to validate that our method do extrapolate

novel domains and generate the desired class. We demonstrate generated images from
three different novel domains of the PACS dataset in the last four columns of Figure
5 and compare them with the real images in the PACS dataset (first two columns). We
can see that the generated novel domains are by no means an interpolation of the real
domains and are different from the existing training domains by a large margin. This
illustrates that our method takes one step further toward "truly" extrapolation of novel
domains without human labor. We provide more visualization in the Appendix.
art painting cartoon cityscapes expressionist steampunk renaissance





Fig. 5: Examples of synthetic images conditioned on novel domain knowledge from LLM. The
first two columns (i.e. art painting and cartoon) are selected from PACS datasets while the rest
four columns are images generated based on the novel domains (i.e. cityscapes, etc) provided by

5 Related Work

Domain Generalization. Various approaches have been proposed to solve this prob-
lem, such as domain alignment [29,31], meta-learning [6,28], ensemble learning [4,10]
14 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

and augmentation-based [1, 30, 58, 62–64]. Augmentation-based methods are closely
related to this work, both with the intention of generating more source domains to
approximate the expected generalization error. However, these methods resort to in-
terpolation of existing domains and fail to extrapolate the "truly" novel domains. For
instance, MixStyle [63] mixes the statistics of two samples by linear interpolation. More
recently, with the advent of vision-language models such as CLIP [41] and Stable Dif-
fusion [44], researchers propose to utilize Stable Diffusion to identify and cure short-
cuts [56] or CLIP to generate novel domain augmentation [51]. However, they all re-
quire some form of human labor to pre-define a set of domains or styles, which makes
them laborious and not scalable. Our work aims to solve this problem and achieve gen-
uine domain extrapolation.
Language scaffolded vision aims to develop better and more robust vision systems
with the help of language. Our method also falls within this category. Clipood [47]
proposes to fine-tune a CLIP model to adapt the downstream DG tasks by a text sim-
ilarity aware loss. [34] utilize an RNN as an explanation network enforcing the model
to self-explain, thereby increasing the robustness. [60] utilize language models to pro-
duce a comprehensive set of bottleneck features and leverage CLIP to classify. With the
help from LLMs, [60] has pushed the performance of the bottleneck network to SOTA.
Despite many works proposed, this research, to the best of our knowledge, is the first
endeavor to investigate the potential of a Large Language Model (LLM) in facilitating
the training of a robust and generalizable vision model.
Large Language Models. Recent advances in NLP, as evidenced by [9, 37]) high-
light the impressive capabilities of Large Language Models like ChatGPT, GPT4 [9],
and Llama 2 [49]. These models glean diverse knowledge from vast training data sourced
from the Internet, positioning LLMs as next-generation knowledge bases for various
tasks. Motivated by studies showcasing the vast knowledge [2, 38] and the exceptional
reasoning ability [23, 40, 55] within LLMs, we aim to harness this knowledge for the
training of robust vision models.

6 Conclusion

The limited availability of domains has been a prevailing problem in Domain General-
ization. In this work, we propose the first data-free learning paradigm that leverages the
knowledge and reasoning of LLMs to extrapolate novel domains. By bridging the text-
centric knowledge and pixel input space by sampling from text-to-image generation
models, we are able to train generalizable models with task information only. The syn-
thetic images can be used to augment the existing dataset or train a model in a data-free
fashion. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our method achieves signifi-
cant improvements over baselines and the state-of-the-art by a significant margin. We
also demonstrate a promising learning paradigm where LLMs’ knowledge combined
with text-to-image generation models are sufficient to train a generalizable model to
any task. However, it’s important to acknowledge the inherent biases present in foun-
dational models like LLMs and text-to-image generators, which our vision models may
inherit. This includes a bias towards common object representations, exacerbating the
long-tail distribution challenge by privileging common entities in generation processes.
Data-free Generalization 15

Furthermore, our method faces limitations in domain specificity, with current text-to-
image models excelling in generating natural images but underperforming in special-
ized fields such as medical imaging, highlighting a critical area for future improvement
and adaptation.

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Data-free Generalization 19

A Proof of Theorem 1

Notation. Let X denote the observation space and Y = {1, −1} the output space.
Denote PXY as the joint probability of the joint space of X × Y and assume a meta
(1) (i) (n)
distribution µ and n domains PXY , · · · , PXY , PXY are i.i.d realizations from µ. A
decision function is a function f ∈ F : X → Y predicts ŷi = f (xi ). We denote
l : Y × Y → R+ a loss function and define the generalization error of a decision
function as

\small \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) = \mathbb {E}_{P_{XY} \sim \mu }\mathbb {E}_{(x, y)\sim P_{XY}}[\mathit {l}(f(x), y)] \label {eq:objective} (3)

(1) (i) (n)

Since we have no access to µ and all the realizations PXY , · · · , PXY , PXY but sampled
images from these realizations, we can derive an empirical error:

\small \hat {\mathcal {L}}^\mu (f) = \sum _{i=1}^n \sum _{j=1}^m \mathit {l}(f(x_{ij}), y_{ij}) (4)

It’s easy to see that when n → ∞, m → ∞, L̂µ (f ) converges to Lµ (f ), which gives

the intuitive sense that increasing m and n gives us better-approximated solutions.
To prove Theorem 1, we use a modified version of the standard empirical Rademacher
complexity bound that weakens the i.i.d assumption to an independence assumption

Theorem 2. For distribution P (1) , · · · , P (n) independent sampled from meta-distribution

µ, and 1-Lipschitz loss l(·, ·) taking values in [0, 1], the following holds with confidence
at least 1 − δ,

\frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) \le \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {\hat L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) + 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}}

where L̂P (j) (f ) is losses on empirical set SP (j) i.i.d. drawn from P (j) .

Proof. Let S = ∪ni=1 SP (i) and

\Phi (S) = \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n (\mathcal {L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) - \mathcal {\hat L}_{P^{(j)}}(f)) (6)

which satisfies the bounded differences property required by McDiarmid’s inequality,

which implies that with confidence at least 1 − 12 δ that

\Phi (S) \le \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \Phi (S) \right ] + \sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} (7)
20 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

Then we can bound the expected value of Φ(S)

\small & \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \Phi (S) \right ] \\ &= \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n (\mathcal {L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) - \mathcal {\hat L}_{P^{(j)}}(f)) \right ] \\ &= \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \left ( \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(j)}}' \sim P^{(j)}} \left [ \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m l(f(x'_{ij}), y'_{ij} \right ] - \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m l(f(x_{ij}), y_{ij}) \right ) \right ] \\ & \le \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \mathbb {E}_{S'_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m l(f(x'_{ij}), y'_{ij}) - l(f(x_{ij}), y_{ij}) \right ]\\ &= \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}}' \sim P^{(1:n)}} \mathbb {E}_\sigma \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m \sigma _{ij}(f(x'_{ij}), y'_{ij}) - l(f(x_{ij}), y_{ij}) \right ]\\ &\le \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}}' \sim P^{(1:n)}} \mathbb {E}_\sigma \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m \sigma _{ij}(f(x'_{ij}), y'_{ij}) \right ] \\ &\quad \quad \quad \quad + \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \mathbb {E}_\sigma \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m -\sigma _{ij}(f(x_{ij}), y_{ij}) \right ] \\ &= 2 \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \mathbb {E}_\sigma \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m \sigma _{ij} l(f(x_{ij}), y_{ij}) \right ] \\ &= 2 \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F})\right ]


Following McDiarmid’s inequality, we know that with confidence at least 1 − 12 δ,

2 \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F})\right ] \le 2 \mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} (17)
Data-free Generalization 21

Finally, we have

\Phi (S) &= \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n (\mathcal {L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) - \mathcal {\hat L}_{P^{(j)}}(f))\\ &\le \mathbb {E}_{S_{P^{(1:n)}} \sim P^{(1:n)}} \left [ \Phi (S) \right ] + \sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} \\ &\le 2 \mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} + \sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} \\ &= 2 \mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}}


\frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) \le \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {\hat L}_{P^{(j)}}(f) + 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}}

which completes the proof.

Then we can derive the generalization bound with standard empirical Rademacher
complexity bound [27].
Theorem 3. For a 1-Lipschitz loss l , with confidence at least 1 − 2δ and for all f ∈ F,
we have

\small \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) \le \hat {\mathcal {L}}^\mu (f) + 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{n}}

where R(F) standard empirical Rademacher complexity on function class F.

Now we show that both the number of domains n and the number of images observed
from each domain m is negatively correlated to the upper bound of generalization error.
Proof. Let P = {p(1) , · · · , p(n) } be a set of n domain distribution i.i.d. sampled from
ϵ. Define
\Phi (P) = \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \mathcal {L}^\epsilon (f) - \frac {1}{n}\sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{p^{(j)}}(f) (23)

We construct P ′ by replacing any p(j) ∈ P with p′ ∼ µ, then we have |Φ(P )−Φ(P ′ )| ≤

1/n. Thus, McDiarmid’s inequality tells us that with confidence at least 1 − 12 δ

\Phi (P) \le \mathbb {E}_{P^{(1:n)} \sim \mu } \left [ \Phi (P) \right ] + \sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2n}} (24)

Following the proof techniques in Theorem 2, we bound the expected value of Φ(P )

&\mathbb {E}_{P^{(1:n)} \sim \mu } \left [ \Phi (P) \right ] \\ &\quad \quad \quad = \mathbb {E}_{P^{(1:n)} \sim \mu } \left [ \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \left ( \mathbb {E}_{q \sim \mu }[\mathcal {L}_q (f)] - \frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{p^{(j)}} (f) \right ) \right ] \\ &\le 2 \mathbb {E}_{P^{(1:n)} \sim \mu } \mathbb {E}_{(x_j, y_j) \sim p^{(j)}} \left [ \mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) \right ]

22 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

McDiarmid’s inequality can be used to say with confidence 1 − 21 δ that

2 \mathbb {E}_{P^{(1:n)} \sim \mu } \mathbb {E}_{(x_j, y_j) \sim p^{(j)}} \left [ \mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) \right ] \le 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2n}} (28)

Thus, we have

\Phi (P) &= \sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \mathcal {L}^\epsilon (f) - \frac {1}{n}\sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{p^{(j)}}(f) \\ &\le \mathbb {E}_{P^{(1:n)} \sim \mu } \left [ \Phi (P) \right ] + \sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2n}} \\ &\le 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2n}}


With Theorem 2, we have with confidence at least 1 − δ that,

\frac {1}{n} \sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{p^{(j)}}(f) \le \mathcal {\hat L}^{\mu }(f) + 2\mathcal {R}_{nm}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2nm}}

Finally, we have

\sup _{f \in \mathcal {F}} \mathcal {L}^\epsilon (f) \le \frac {1}{n}\sum _{j=1}^n \mathcal {L}_{p^{(j)}}(f) + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2n}} \\ \le 2\mathcal {R}_{nm}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2nm}} + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2n}}


which completes the proof.

Then we prove our Theorem 1.
Proof. With confidence at least 1 − 2δ and for all f ∈ F, we have
\mathcal {L}^\mu (f) - \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\mu '} (f) &= \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) - \mathcal {L}^{\mu '}(f) + \mathcal {L}^{\mu '}(f) - \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\mu '}(f) (35)
With Theorem 3, we have
\mathcal {L}^\mu (f) &- \mathcal {L}^{\mu '}(f) + \mathcal {L}^{\mu '}(f) - \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\mu '}(f) \\ &\le 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{n}} + \mathcal {L}^\mu (f) - \mathcal {L}^{\mu '}\\ &\le 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{n}} + \sup _f |\mathcal {L}^\mu (f) - \mathcal {L}^{\mu '}|


With the assumption that D(µ, µ′ ) = supf |Lµ (f ) − Lµ | ≤ ϵ, we have

\mathcal {L}^\mu (f) &- \hat {\mathcal {L}}^{\mu '} (f) \\ &\le 2\mathcal {R}_{mn}(\mathcal {F}) + 2\mathcal {R}_{n}(\mathcal {F}) + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{2mn}} + 3\sqrt {\frac {\ln (2/\delta )}{n}} + \epsilon


which finishes the proof.

Data-free Generalization 23

B Visualization

We provide more examples of synthetic images conditioned on novel domain knowl-

edge from LLM. We present in Figure 6 the synthetic images of VLCS datasets.
Caltech101 VOC2017 fairytale pixel art wild west





Fig. 6: Examples of synthetic images conditioned on novel domain knowledge from LLM. The
first two columns (i.e. Caltech101 and VOC2017) are selected from VLCS datasets while the rest
three columns are images generated based on the novel domains (i.e. fairytale, etc) provided by

C Pitfall of Text-to-image Generation Models

Text-to-image generation models are by nature noisy as no strict control can be achieved.
We present some pitfalls (commonly reported by the community) that will insert noise
and influence the training of a generalizable model. We show in Figure 7 where each
row is a type of problem and below each image is the corresponding class and domain.
24 Y Li, S Ren W Deng et al.

class: horse class: horse class: house class: guitar
domain: castle domain: castle domain: street domain: beach
grounds grounds markets

of interest
class: car class: car class: car class: dog
domain: airport domain: luxury domain: night domain: art deco
estate club


class: giraffe class: scissors class: scissors Class: horse

domain: ancient domain: domain: chalk art domain: castle
minimalism grounds

distorted or
limps or

class: horse class: elephant class: person class: person

domain: arctic domain: cubistic domain: cityview domain: office

Fig. 7: Examples of pitfalls of synthetic images.

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