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10 - Project Change Management System

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By C. William Ibbs,1 Clarence K. Wong,2 and Young Hoon Kwak3

ABSTRACT: Changes in projects are common and may be deleterious or beneficial—whether you see a
change as a conflict or a valuable lesson depends only on your prospective. Project changes affect the cost,
the scheduling, and the duration of projects, both directly and indirectly. Despite many articles and much
discussion in practice and academic literature, there is a lack of information about systematic approaches
to manage project change. This paper introduces a comprehensive project change management system that
is founded on five principles: (1) promote a balanced change culture; (2) recognize change; (3) evaluate
change; (4) implement change; and (5) continuously improve from lessons learned. By applying this project
change management system, project participants can minimize deleterious change and promote beneficial

INTRODUCTION change, because they give insights and predictions to

identify possible conflicts (Mallak et al. 1997). Pinto has
Changes and conflicts in projects, at work, and even in suggested that good communication can lead to changes
our daily lives are very common (Pinto and Kharbanda that have a positive effect on the project, as managers can
1995). Any additions, deletions, or other revision to learn valuable lessons from the conflict episode (Pinto and
project goals and scope are considered to be changes, Kharbanda 1995).
whether they increase or decrease the project cost or Before the project is started, one other strategy that can
schedule. Most commonly, lack of timely and effective be considered is to think through the project and to use
communication, lack of integration, uncertainty, a chang- the tools previously described and their output from the
ing environment, and increasing project complexity are study to prevent conflict. Development and implementa-
the drivers of project change (Naoum 1994). In addition, tion of a project change management system before the
these changes may affect other aspects of the performing project commences is a good, proactive step toward con-
organization that may have program management impli- structively managing change.
In project management, changes in projects can cause BACKGROUND
substantial adjustment to the contract duration time, total
direct and indirect cost, or both (Tiong 1990; Ibbs 1997; The Construction Industry Institute (CII) established the
Ibbs et al. 1998). Therefore, project management teams Project Change Management Research Team to find a
must have the ability to respond to change effectively in method to avoid or minimize delays, inflated cost, general
order to minimize the impact to the project. claims, and even costly litigation associated with project
Because changes are common to projects, it is critical change. The research team hypothesized that significant
to understand that managers confront, embrace, adapt, and savings in the total installed cost and schedule of any
use changes to impact positively the situations they face construction project were achievable by improving the
and to recognize changes as growth (Huntoon 1998). Kar- management of changes (CII 1994).
tam (1996) has suggested that conflict will be minimized Ibbs summarized the results of the quantitative impacts
when a problem has been studied as early as possible, of project change (Ibbs 1997). During the course of data
since the problems can be identified and beneficial collection, the research team observed a variety of partial,
changes can be made. hodgepodge systems to manage change. After finalizing
Common project planning tools such as risk analysis the analysis of the quantitative impacts, the CII research
can be used to reduce the destructive consequences of team developed a vision of a comprehensive, ‘‘cradle-to-
grave’’ change management system (CMS) (CII 1994).
Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of California, Berkeley, The algorithm presented in this paper is the result of
CA 94720. E-mail: that collaboration between the 12 members of the CII
Asst. Proj. Mgr., Saylor Consulting Group, 12 Geary St., Seventh Project Change Research Team. Both clients and consult-
Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108. E-mail: ants can benefit from the change management system by
Asst. Prof., Proj. Mgmt. Program, Dept. of Mgmt. Sci., The George
Washington Univ., Monroe Hall 403, Washington, DC 20052. E-mail:
its efficiency of dealing with changes. On construction projects, consultants would include designers, construc-
Note. Discussion open until December 1, 2001. To extend the closing tion management consultants, and contractors. However,
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager this CMS is designed to be adaptable to projects outside
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review of construction sector that are applying project manage-
and possible publication on July 18, 2000; revised October 2, 2000.
This paper is part of the Journal of Management in Engineering Vol.
ment tools and techniques, including software develop-
17, No. 3, July, 2001. qASCE, ISSN 0742-597X/01/0003/0159–0165/ ment, new product development, and the telecommuni-
$8.00 1 $.50 per page. Paper No. 22205. cations sector as well.


FIG. 1. Change Management System


MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The first principle of effective change management is
CMS has two levels: a level of starting principles and to promote a balanced change culture (Fig. 2). In this
a detailed level of management processes (Fig. 1). This principle, communication and documentation of the crit-
paper mainly describes the structure of the first level. The ical project success factors between the team members is
first level is founded on five principles: (1) promote a very important, because they will become part of the
balanced change culture; (2) recognize change; (3) eval- scope of the project. In addition, these actions can reduce
uate change; (4) implement change; and (5) continuously the possibility of conflicts occurring. Two other concepts
improve from lessons learned. Each of these principles should be introduced to the project management team:
works hand-in-hand with the other. In fact, it is necessary beneficial changes and detrimental changes. It is very im-
for each category to ‘‘interact’’ with the others in order to portant to encourage and to support the team members
maximize the function of the system. In this system, it is that beneficial changes should be encouraged and sup-
not necessary that the recognition, the evaluation, and ported and that detrimental changes should be discouraged
other principles are only applicable to one single project. and avoided.
Rather, the actions, results, and conclusions from using Not all changes are bad. Indeed, the notion of value
the system on one project may be similar to another engineering, for example, is that some change is desirable.
project, given that the scopes of the projects are similar. Beneficial changes, which result from value engineering
As a result, cost and delay seen in one project can be exercises and can actually help to reduce cost, schedule,
minimized if there is either a systematic way to change or degree of difficulty, are welcomed by the management
effectively or a systematic way to compare the conflicts team, since these changes benefit the project. These ben-
in similar projects. Moreover, decision making is a sig- eficial changes not only give an immediate and positive
nificant characteristic that occurs in each phase of a impact, but they also can provide the platform and envi-
project. In almost every stage, decision making is neces- ronment for managers to seek.
sary. Often, these decisions will, or can, affect the other On the other hand, detrimental changes are to be min-
tasks that will take place or that are taking place. To make imized. These changes reduce owner value and have a
the overall decision-making process effective, project negative impact on a project. Project management teams
managers and the other personnel of one project need to should beware that detrimental changes are not always
have a general understanding of other related or similar recognized as ‘‘detrimental’’ until problems occur. Detri-
projects. This underscores the importance of having a mental changes may occur when there are insufficient al-
good communication and documentation system. ternatives to the problem they present. Therefore, identi-


FIG. 2. Promote Balanced Change Culture

fying areas where changes are likely to occur is important, to manage change better and earlier in the project life
since the team can anticipate changes and prepare reac- cycle.
tions to these changes proactively. Of course, the timing After potential changes have been recognized, the team
of a change often determines if the change is beneficial members should determine whether these changes are ‘‘re-
or detrimental. A suggestion in the early states of a project quired’’ or ‘‘elective.’’ A required change, such as a var-
may be helpful, but that same suggestion later in the iation needed to bring the project design into compliance
project may actually increase project costs and schedule. with a building code, is mandatory and should be re-
Although it is unlikely that improvements on the change viewed and processed differently than an elective change.
might not benefit the change a whole lot, the suggestion Whether it is an elective change or a required change,
may protect the remaining portion of the project from the change itself has effects on the project. These effects can
unexpected losses. impact cost, schedule, and organization, as reflected in our
CMS process model. The project team should determine
RECOGNIZE CHANGE the potential impacts on the project, whether positive or
negative, and take action to minimize negative change.
The second principle of effective change management
is to recognize change (Fig. 3). Similar to the first prin- EVALUATE CHANGE
ciple, communications within the team is very important.
In this principle, team members are encouraged to open The third principle of the change management system
discussion and to identify potential changes. Identifying is to evaluate change (Fig. 4). As a continuation of the
changes prior to their actual occurrence can help the team previous principle, the purpose of evaluating change is to


FIG. 3. Recognize Change

determine whether the management team should accept change because of unforeseeable impact costs associated
and implement the proposed change. with late changes. Fig. 5 presents the conceptual benefit-
If the change is a high priority, the management team to-cost ratio graph. However, if the changes are prevented
should determine the funding source for interim approval or cleverly converted to a beneficial change, the B/C ratio
immediately, because any delay to the change will prob- would be much higher, because the time and cost impact
ably add to its cost. However, if the change is not that of those changes are not allowed to grow consecutively
time sensitive, management should consider the proposal and constantly throughout the project.
more deliberately to see whether the change is necessary. One key point for project team members to understand
The reason for this reconsideration is that the function of is that decisions (and projects) evolve. Team members
the team is to maximize the profit of the project and to should understand that change decisions could effectively
minimize the negative effects of change. In order to max- serve as a checkpoint within the project. These check-
imize the profit, the team has to screen any unnecessary points are necessary to minimize any mistake or any un-
changes or changes that do not contribute to the stated necessary change, and to maximize the profit or to achieve
project goal and return on the investment. the defined scope of the project. Moreover, these check-
An elective change means that management has an op- points are important to the team, as the team has to decide
tion to modify the original project goals, budget, or sched- whether they should continue to invest in the project. Any
ule. Such an elective change should be approved only if mistake that happens here will jeopardize the whole in-
the benefits of that change substantially outweigh its vestment.
costs. Some companies use an increasing benefit-to-cost
(B/C) ratio scale as a guideline for approving such elective IMPLEMENT CHANGE
change. A change that is assessed later in a project should Implementing change is the next principle of the project
have a higher benefit-to-cost ratio threshold than an earlier change management system (Fig. 6). It is a very important


FIG. 4. Evaluate Change

step in the change project management, since this is the tation requires substantial documentation of a change so
main reason to have the system. Despite its obvious need, that disputed impacts can be resolved later or so lessons
the CII research team consistently found instances where can be learned from the change.
there was no formal process to insure that the change was
in fact implemented! The acceptance or rejection or CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE FROM LESSONS
change decisions are still not finished, of course, when the LEARNED
upper management has decided to accept the changes. In-
stead, the most important step is usually implementation. The fifth and last principle of the change management
In this principle, the approval of the changes is an au- system is to learn continuously from the mistakes that
thorization made by the upper management, and it should cause changes (Fig. 7). The main idea of this principle is
be high priority. This authorization should be granted after to perform root causes and to evaluate the mistakes made
all parties—affected directly or indirectly—have been in- so that errors can be systematically corrected. Such anal-
formed of the pending change. In many instances, changes yses should be openly discussed between the team mem-
will lead to other problems and additional changes, be- bers so that everyone will have a chance to understand
cause management has failed to anticipate and contact the root causes of the changes.
other parties about such pending changes. Having the team members understand the root causes
Monitoring implementation of changes not only re- of change is important, since the experience of managing
quires monitoring the process of the implementation of a the change helps them prevent similar mistakes in the fu-
change, but also should be seen as an opportunity for the ture. Project team members should take advantage of les-
project team to resolve other difficulties that might be en- sons learned in the past so that they also learn to think,
countered to date on the project. Monitoring implemen- approach, and manage problems in a proactive fashion.


FIG. 5. Benefit-to-Cost Ratio Required for Elective Change

FIG. 7. Lessons Learned and Updated

be a reasonable starting point for many engineering-con-

struction related companies trying to establish a project
change management system.


The main goal of this paper was to introduce and ex-

plain a systematic change management system for
projects. The change management system described is a
two-level process model, with principles as the founda-
tion, and management processes to implement those prin-
FIG. 6. Implement Change
ciples. By having a systematic way to deal with changes,
the efficiency of project work and the likelihood of project
DISCUSSION success should increase.
The central idea of any change management system is
to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, resolve, document, and REFERENCES
learn from conflicts in ways that support the overall via-
bility of the project. Learning from the mistakes and con- CII Project Change Management Research Team. (1994). Project
flicts are important, because the team members can enrich change management, Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Tex.
and apply their experience in the future. The change man- Huntoon, C. (1998). ‘‘Managing change.’’ Proj. Mgmt. J., 29(3), 5–6.
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Mallak, L., Kurstedt Jr., H., and Patzak, G. (1997). ‘‘Planning for crises resolution.’’ Proj. Mgmt. J., 26(4), 45–54.
in project management.’’ Proj. Mgmt. J., 28(2), 14–20. Tiong, R. (1990). ‘‘Effective controls for large scale construction
Naoum, S. (1994). ‘‘Critical analysis of time and cost of management projects.’’ Proj. Mgmt. J., 11(1), 32–42.


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