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YES O by Laws and Constituion

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Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order No. 72, s.




We, the student-members of the Youth for Environment in Schools (YES)

Organization of Camiling Central District, with the help of God, aware of the steady
deterioration and degradation of our environment, believing in the need for a school-
based co-curricular organization devoted to the safeguarding, protection and
conservation of the environment, committing to perform specific and doable actions to
contribute to the re-building and renewal of our environmental organization that shall
embody the ideals and principles of a healthy environment, democracy and the general
welfare, do hereby promulgate and adopt these constitution and by-laws that will
promote, implement, and maintain the goals and aspirations of the future generations.

Article I
General Provisions

Sec. 1 This Constitution and By-laws shall be known as the Constitution and By-
Laws of the Your for Environment in Schools Organization of the Camiling
Central District.

Sec. 2 For purpose of this Constitution and By-Laws, YES-O refers to the Youth
for Environment in Schools Organization of the Camiling Central District.

Article II
Name and Domicile

Sec. 1 The organization shall be known as the Youth for Environment in Schools

Sec. 2 The office of the YES-O shall be located inside the premises of the school.

Article III
Declaration of Principles and Objectives

Sec. 1 The YES-O shall promote environmental understanding and action

through social, civic, intellectual, recreational and science-related
programs and activities.

Sec. 2 The YES-O shall have the following objectives:

a. Be aware and create awareness in others of the state of the Philippine
environment and ecology, including prevailing issues and concerns
relative thereto;
b. Establish specific and doable programs, projects and activities to
address issues and concerns on the environment and ecology;
c. Network with other government and non-government organizations,
including other Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Organizations
in other schools within the Division and Region, with regard to support
and assistance to programs, projects and activities of the organization;
d. Encourage community participation and initiative in environmental and
ecological movements and actions; and
e. Develop among the members and the community proper
environmental values, skills and attitudes.
Article IV

Sec. 1 All bonafide students of the school, with specific interest to contribute to
environmental and ecological actions and movements, are eligible to be
members of the YES-O.

Sec. 2 Interested students shall submit a duly filled up application form to the
YES-O Moderator. If approved, the students shall be considered a
bonafide member of the YES-O.

Article V
Rights of Members

Sec. 1 Every member has the right to enjoy freedom of speech and expression.

Sec. 2 Every member has the right to avail of the service offered by the YES-O.

Sec. 3 Every member has the right to conduct and participate in all of the
organization’s activities.

Sec. 4 Every member has the right to information on all the issues and matters
concerning them.

Sec. 5 Every member has the right to vote and be elected into office.

Article VI
Duties and Obligations of Members

Sec. 1 Every member has the responsibility to observe, at all times, the laws of
nature, the environmental laws of the Republic of the Philippines, and the
rules and regulations of the school and the organization.

Sec. 2 Every member must pay all YES-O fees on time as authorized by DepEd
issuances and/or by the Parents-Teachers and Community Association.

Sec. 3 Every member must support and promote the thrusts and objectives of the

Sec. 4 Every member must abide by the YES-O constitution and by-laws.

Sec. 5 Every member must participate actively in all school and organizational

Sec. 6 Every member must exercise his/her rights and perform his/her duties as
a YES-O member responsibly.

Article VII
Powers and Duties of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization

Sec. 1 The Executive Committee, composed of officers of the Youth for

Environment in Schools Organization, shall be governing body of the
Sec. 2 The YES-O shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Formulate, recommend, implement, coordinate and monitor programs,
projects and activities for the environment;
b. Create committees deemed necessary and expedient under the
c. Advise and make recommendations to school authorities regarding
environmental matters, affairs and activities;
d. Serve as a representative of the school, and participate, in
environmental for a, symposia, gatherings, trainings and workshops in
the division, regional, national and international levels;
e. Act as the Coordinating Council of all environmental concerns in the
f. Turn-over papers, documents and properties to the succeeding YES-O
Executive Committee Officers;
g. Orient succeeding officers on current undertakings of the YES-O; and
h. Exercise such other powers and duties as the school authorities and
the Department of Education may, from time to time, grant or delegate,
consistent with stated principles, objectives and policies.

Article VIII
Composition, Election and Term of Office

Sec. 1 The YES-O shall be composed of the duly elected President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, and
Peace Officer.

Sec. 2 Elections shall be conducted school-wide, annually every first week of

March in a classroom designated for the purpose.

Sec. 3 Notice of the conduct of elections of officers shall be posted in three (3)
conspicuous places inside the school campus one month before the
scheduled elections.

Sec. 4 filing of the certificate of candidacy shall be within the first two (2) weeks
after the notice of elections shall have been posted.

Sec. 5 The list of candidates for every position shall be certified by the Teacher-
Moderator and posted two (2) weeks before the scheduled elections in
three (3) conspicuous places inside the school campus, particularly
outside the classroom designated as the polling place, indicating therein
the submitted qualifications of the respective candidates, and the time,
date and venue of the elections.

Sec. 6 candidates for President must be:

a. an incoming Grade VI pupil of the next academic year;
b. of good academic standing with a general average of at least 83%;
c. of good moral character and have not been subjected to any
disciplinary sanctions;
d. a resident of the school for at least one (1) year prior to the filling of the
certificate of candidacy; and
e. not a President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer in any other
students club and organizations. He/she shall be deemed resigned
from such positions in other clubs and organizations upon filling of the
certificate of candidacy.
Sec. 7 Candidates for Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public
Information Officer and Peace Office must be:
a. officially enrolled in any year level in the current academic year:
b. of good academic standing with a general average of at least 83%;
c. of good moral character and have not been subject to any disciplinary

Sec. 8 The officers the Executive Committee of the YES-O shall hold office for
one academic year including summer from April of the current year after
election to March of the succeeding year.

Article IX
Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

Sec. 1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the YES-O. He shall
have the following duties:
a. Preside over all meetings or may designate another officer to preside a
specific meeting;
b. Enforce this Constitution and By-Laws and other rules and regulations
that may be promulgated;
c. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences, and other
official papers of the YES-O;
d. Represent the YES-O or designated his/her representative to any
external or internal affairs or functions; and,
e. Perform such other functions inherent or incidental to his/her office.

Sec. 2 The Vice President shall have the following duties:

a. Assist the President in all matters where his assistance is necessary;
b. Assume the Office of the President should be position become vacant;
c. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs
of activities;
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the President or the YES-O
Executive Committee.

Sec. 3 The Secretary shall have the following duties:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and proceedings of every
b. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the YES-O and
make them accessible to the members;
c. Call and prepare all notices of YES-O meetings;
d. Head the YES-O Secretariat;
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the President or the YES-O
Executive Committee.

Sec. 4 The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a. Keep all financial records of the YES-O;
b. Serves as the disbursing officer of the YES-O funds;
c. Prepare the annual budget of the YES-O;
d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end
of the term;
e. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization;
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the President or the YES-O
Executive Committee.
Sec. 5 The Auditor shall have the following duties:
a. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
b. Audit all expenditures of the YES-O funds;
c. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
d. Keep and update inventory of all the property of the YES-O;
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the President or the YES-O
Executive Committee.

Sec. 6 The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties:
a. Popularize the thrusts and objectives of the YES-O;
b. Be responsible for building and maintaining a credible image of the
c. Take charge in the promotion of YES-O projects and activities;
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the President or the YES-O
Executive Committee.

Sec. 7 The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:

a. Help the presiding officer in maintaining peace and order during
b. Act as disciplinary officer, if need; and;
c. Perform such other duties assigned by the YES-O.

Article XI
YES-O Division and Regional Councils

Sec. 1 YES-O Division and Regional Councils shall be organized in the

respective division and region with the Science Education Supervisor or
Coordinator as the YES-O coordinator who shall lead, coordinate and
monitor the conduct of activities pertinent to the YES-O in their respective
areas of jurisdiction.

Sec. 2 Every YES-O is an automatic member of the Division and Regional

Councils in its respective division and region.

Article XII
Regular and Ad-Hoc Committees

Sec. 1 The YES-O Executive Committee shall organize, as soon as practicable,

four (4) regular committees, namely: Projects and Activities
Implementation Committee (PAIC), Environmental Issues and Research
Committee (EIRC), Environmental Campaigns Committee (ECC), and
Waste Management, Segregation and Recycling Program and Committee

Sec. 2 The Chair and Co-Chair of the regular committees shall be appointed by
the President from among the officers of the Executive Committee. The
President may also choose from any of the members of the YES-O who
are known for their efficiency.

Sec. 3 The Projects and Activities Implementation Committee (PAIC) shall take
charge of the implementation of the approved projects or activities.

Sec. 4 The Environmental issues and Research Committee (EIRC) shall lead the
YES-O in conducting research of current environmental issues and
concerns in highlighting such issues and concerns in the school, in
encouraging debate on such issues and concerns and in proposing
appropriate and localized solutions for implementation in the school.

Sec. 5 The Environmental Campaigns Committee (ECC) shall initiate various

campaigns for the preservation, protection and rehabilitation of the
environment through, but not limited to, contests, posters, parade
demonstrations, signs and notices.

Sec. 6 The Waste Management, Segregation and Recycling Program Committee

(WMSRPC) shall undertake and facilitate waste management, segregation
and recycling activities in the school on a regular basis.

Sec. 7 Ad-hoc committees may be created by the Executive Committee as the

need arises.

Sec. 8 Coordination and synchronization among the various committees shall be


Article XIII
YES-O Volunteer Corps

Sec. 1 The YES-O Volunteer Corps or VC shall be the official service arm of the

Sec. 2 The members of the YES-O shall comprise the VC.

Sec. 3 Each member of the YES-O shall:

a. Be a member of one regular committee in the YES-O;
b. Ensure the delivery and completion of tasks assigned;
c. Attend meetings called by the YES-O Executive Committee, or the
Committee Chair.

Sec. 4 The YES-O shall undertake a recruitment drive from June to Agugust of
every year.

Article XIV
Commission on Elections

Sec. 1 A Commission on Elections, herein referred to as YES-O COMELEC, shall

be established within thirty (3) days before the election day.

Sec. 2 The YES-O COMELEC shall be the chief agency that will manage the
electoral processes.

Sec. 3 The YES-O COMELEC shall be composed of ten (10) members who do
not have vested interest in the election, or in any way related to any of the
candidates, and who among themselves, shall select a chairperson.

Sec. 4 The members of the YES-O COMELEC shall be appointed by the

Moderator of the YES-O.

Sec. 5 The COMELEC members must be:

a. Grade six pupils of the current academic year;
b. Of good academic standing;
c. Of good moral character and have not been subject to any disciplinary
sanctions; and,
d. With a residency of at least two years in the school.

Sec. 6 The YES-O COMELEC shall have following duties and responsibilities:
a. Be responsible for the fair, honest and systematic conduct of the
b. Adopt, formulate and implement election rules and regulations
including its internal guidelines;
c. Validate the electoral proceedings and results;
d. Accept or revoke candidacy;
e. Proclaim the new set of officers;
f. Keep all pertinent election papers/documents; and,
g. Decide protests relative to the conduct and results of the elections.

Sec. 7 The YES-O COMELEC shall prepare and distribute the necessary election
paraphernalia, certificate of candidacy forms and other election-related
materials before, during and after the election.

Sec. 8 The YES-O COMELEC has the power to disqualify candidates who have
violated any of the guidelines which have been promulgated and

Article XV
Meetings and Quorum

Sec. 1 The YES-O shall conduct regular meetings every first week of the month,
on a day agreed upon by the officers of the YES-O.

Sec. 2 special meetings of the YES-O may be called upon by the President or by
a majority of the YES-O officers.

Sec. 3 Majority of the officers of the YES-O (50% + 1) shall constitute a quorum.
In the event that the 50% is not a whole number, 50% shall be understood
to be the next higher whole number.

Sec. 4 Each officer of the YES-O is entitled to only one vote.

Sec. 5 No proxy shall be allowed.

Article XVI

Sec. 1 The YES-O funds shall be classified into General funds and Special funds.
a. General funds shall consist of the membership fee, the amount of
which shall be decided upon by the Executive Committee and the
school administration in consultation with the PTCA.
b. Special funds are funds that come from donations, sponsorship, fund-
raising projects or any amount derived from other legitimate sources.

Sec. 2 The YES-O may undertake fund-raising activities to subsidize its projects
or activities.
Sec. 3 The organization may accept cash donations from any member or any
public or private person or institution, for so long as it will not affect the
integrity of the YES-O.

Sec. 4 The YES-O President and the Treasurer shall be the signatories of all fund
disbursement of the YES-O. all fund disbursements must be accompanied
with a YES-O resolution duly noted by the YES-O Moderator.

Sec. 5 The YES-O, through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall promulgate
financial guidelines for proper financial management.

Sec. 6 Funds of the YES-O shall be audited at the end of every activity and after
every term.

Article XVII
Impeachment, Resignation and Vacancies

Sec. 1 The Executive Committee Officers of the YES-O shall only be removed
through impeachment under the following grounds:
a. Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-laws;
b. Gross misconduct, violence to person in authority, negligence, and
disloyalty to the cause of the YES-O and the school;
c. Non-attendance in meetings or three (3) consecutive unexcused
absences or six (6) accumulated absences;
d. Abuse or misuse of power and authority

Sec. 2 Two-birds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee of the YES-O and the
approval of the YES-O Moderator and Assistant Moderator shall be
necessary to decide a case of impeachment.

Sec. 3 The decision shall be final. However, the officer charged shall be informed
fifteen (15) days prior to his/her impeachment proceedings of the
charge/charges against him/her, to afford him/her the opportunity to be
heard of his defense.

Sec. 4 Resignation shall be in writing and subject to the approval of the YES-O
Executive Committee.

Sec. 5 Any vacancy in any of the Executive Committee position by reason of

death, resignation, impeachment or transfer shall be filled subject to the
recommendation of the YES-O.

Sec. 6 Any vacancy in any of the position of the YES-O Executive Committee
shall be filled within thirty (30) days from the day the position is vacated
through the same electoral procedure.

Sec. 7 The YES-O COMELEC shall manage the election for the vacated position.

Article XVIII
Mandated Projects and Activities

Sec. 1 The YES-O shall be required to implement, conduct or attend the following
programs, projects and activities; namely, clean-up drives, waste
management, segregation and recycling, awareness campaigns,
symposia or training, nursery establishment, tree-planting activities, fun
run, and Youth for Environment Summer Camp.

Article XIX

Sec. 1 This Constitution and By-Laws of the YES-O may be amended or modified
in whole or in part once every five (5) years from its approval during the
Youth for Environment Summer (YES) Camp by a vote of two-thirds of the

Sec. 2 Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect

immediately upon its approval by the camp delegates and the Secretary of

Article XX
Transitory Provisions

Sec. 1 Election of officers of the YES-O Executive Committee for School Year
2011-2012 shall be held once the YES-O has been organized.
Succeeding elections shall be held as provided in Article VIII, Section of
this Constitution and By-Laws.

Sec. 2 The term of office of elected officers of the YES-O Executive Committee
for School Year 2011-2012 shall be from the day of election until March

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