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Vision-and-Language Navigation:

A Survey of Tasks, Methods, and Future Directions

Jing Gu1 Eliana Stefani1 Qi Wu2 Jesse Thomason3 Xin Eric Wang1
University of California, Santa Cruz
The University of Adelaide 3 University of Southern California


A long-term goal of AI research is to build erv


intelligent agents that can communicate with io


humans in natural language, perceive the envi- Environment


ronment, and perform real-world tasks. Vision-


and-Language Navigation (VLN) is a funda-
mental and interdisciplinary research topic to-
wards this goal, and receives increasing atten-
tion from natural language processing, com- Natural Language
puter vision, robotics, and machine learning Communication
communities. In this paper, we review contem- Agent Oracle
porary studies in the emerging field of VLN, Figure 1: The agent and oracle discuss the VLN task
covering tasks, evaluation metrics, methods, in natural language. Both observe and interact with the
etc. Through structured analysis of current navigable environment to accomplish a task.
progress and challenges, we highlight the lim-
itations of current VLN and opportunities for
future work. This paper serves as a thorough communicate with humans in natural language and
reference for the VLN research community.1
navigate in real 3D environments. VLN extends vi-
sual navigation in both simulated (Zhu et al., 2017;
1 Introduction
Mirowski, 2019) and real environments (Mirowski
Humans communicate with each other using nat- et al., 2018) with natural language communication.
ural language to issue tasks and request help. An As illustrated in Figure 1, VLN is a task that in-
agent that can understand human language and nav- volves the oracle (frequently a human), the agent,
igate intelligently would significantly benefit hu- and the environment. The agent and the oracle
man society, both personally and professionally. communicate in natural language. The agent may
Such an agent can be spoken to in natural lan- ask for guidance and the oracle could respond. The
guage, and would autonomously execute tasks such agent navigates and interacts with the environment
as household chores indoors, repetitive delivery to complete the task according to the instructions re-
work outdoors, or work in hazardous conditions ceived and the environment observed. Meanwhile,
following human commands (bridge inspection; the oracle observes the environment and agent sta-
fire-fighting). Scientifically, developing such an tus, and may interact with the environment to help
agent explores how an artificial agent interprets the agent.
natural language from humans, perceives its visual Since the development and release of works such
environment, and utilizes that information to navi- as Room-to-Room (R2R) (Anderson et al., 2018b),
gate to complete a task successfully. many VLN datasets have been introduced. Re-
Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) (An- garding the degree of communication, researchers
derson et al., 2018b; Chen et al., 2019; Thoma- create benchmarks where the agent is required to
son et al., 2019b) is an emerging research field passively understand one instruction before naviga-
that aims to build such an embodied agent that can tion, to benchmarks where agents converse with the
oracle in free-form dialog. Regarding the task ob-
We also release a Github repo to keep track of advances
in VLN: jective, the requirements for the agent range from
awesome-vision-language-navigation strictly following the route described in the ini-
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Volume 1: Long Papers, pages 7606 - 7623
May 22-27, 2022 c 2022 Association for Computational Linguistics
tial instruction to actively exploring the environ- navigation and understands further oracle guidance.
ment and interacting with objects. In a slight abuse Task Objective defines how the agent attains
of terminology, we refer to benchmarks that in- its goal based on the initial instructions from the
volve object interaction together with substantial oracle. In the first objective type, Fine-grained
sub-problems of navigation and localization, such Navigation, the agent can find the target according
as ALFRED (Shridhar et al., 2020), as VLN bench- to a detailed step-by-step route description. In the
marks. second type, Coarse-grained Navigation, the agent
Many challenges exist in VLN tasks. First, VLN is required to find a distant target goal with a coarse
faces a complex environment and requires effective navigation description, requiring the agent to rea-
understanding and alignment of information from son a path in a navigable environment and possibly
different modalities. Second, VLN agents require a elicit additional oracle help. Tasks in the previ-
reasoning strategy for the navigation process. Data ous two types only require the agent to navigate to
scarcity is also an obstacle. Lastly, the general- complete the mission. In the third type, Navigation
ization of a model trained in seen environments and Object Interaction, besides reasoning a path,
to unseen environments is also essential. We cat- the agent also needs to interact with objects in the
egorize the solutions according to the respective environment to achieve the goal since the object
challenges. (1) Representation learning methods might be hidden or need to change physical states.2
help understand information from different modal- As with coarse-grained navigation, some object in-
ities. (2) Action strategy learning aims to make teraction tasks can require additional supervision
reasonable decisions based on gathered informa- via dialogue with the oracle.
tion. (3) Data-centric learning methods effectively
utilize the data and address data challenges such 2.1 Initial Instruction
as data scarcity. (4) Prior exploration helps the In many VLN benchmarks, the agent is given a nat-
model familiarize itself with the test environment, ural language instruction for the whole navigation
improving its ability to generalize. process, such as “Go upstairs and pass the table in
We make three primary contributions. (1) We the living room. Turn left and go through the door
systematically categorize current VLN benchmarks in the middle.”
from communication complexity and task objective Fine-grained Navigation An agent needs to
perspectives, with each category focusing on a dif- strictly follow the natural language instruction to
ferent type of VLN task. (2) We hierarchically reach the target goal. Anderson et al. (2018b) create
classify current solutions and the papers within the the R2R dataset based on the Matterport3D simula-
scope. (3) We discuss potential opportunities and tor (Chang et al., 2017). An embodied agent in R2R
identify future directions. moves through a house in the simulator traversing
edges on a navigation graph, jumping to adjacent
2 Tasks and Datasets nodes containing panoramic views. R2R is ex-
tended to create other VLN benchmarks. Room-
The ability for an agent to interpret natural lan- for-Room joins paths in R2R to longer trajecto-
guage instructions (and in some instances, request ries (Jain et al., 2019). Yan et al. (2020) collect
feedback during navigation) is what makes VLN XL-R2R to extend R2R with Chinese instructions.
unique from visual navigation (Bonin-Font et al., RxR (Ku et al., 2020) contains instructions from
2008). In Table 2, we mainly categorize current English, Hindi, and Telegu. The dataset has more
datasets on two axes, Communication Complexity samples and the instructions in it are time-aligned
and Task Objective. to the virtual poses of the instruction. The English
Communication Complexity defines the level split of RxR is further extended to build Landmark-
at which the agent may converse with the oracle, RxR (He et al., 2021) by incorporating landmark
and we differentiate three levels: In the first level, information.
the agent is only required to understand an Initial In most current datasets, agents traverse a nav-
Instruction before navigation starts. In the second igation graph at predefined viewpoints. To facil-
level, the agent sends a signal for help whenever it
is unsure, utilizing the Guidance from the oracle. In Navigation and Object Interaction includes both fine-
grained and coarse-grained instructions, which ideally should
the third level, the agent with Dialogue ability asks be split further. But given that there are only few datasets in
questions in the form of natural language during the this category, we keep the current categorization in Table 2.

Comm Task Objective
Fine-grained Navigation Coarse-grained Navigation Nav + Object Interaction
Room-to-Room (Anderson et al., 2018b),
Initial In- Room-for-Room (Jain et al., 2019), RoomNav (Wu et al., 2018), IQA (Gordon et al., 2018),
struction(s) Room-Across-Room (Ku et al., 2020), EmbodiedQA (Das et al., CHAI (Misra et al., 2018),
XL-R2R (Yan et al., 2020), Landmark- 2018), REVERIE (Qi et al., ALFRED (Shridhar et al.,
RxR (He et al., 2021), VLNCE (Krantz 2020b), SOON (Zhu et al., 2020)
et al., 2020), TOUCHDOWN (Chen 2021a)
et al., 2019), StreetLearn (Mirowski
et al., 2019), StreetNav (Hermann et al.,
2020), Talk2Nav (Vasudevan et al.,
2021), LANI (Misra et al., 2018)
VNLA (Nguyen et al., 2019),
Oracle Just Ask (Chi et al., 2020) HANNA (Nguyen and None
Guidance Daumé III, 2019)

CVDN (Thomason et al., TEACh (Padmakumar et al.,

Dialogue None 2019b), RobotSlang (Baner- 2021), Minecraft Collabora-
jee et al., 2020), Talk the tive Building (Narayan-Chen
Walk (de Vries et al., 2018), et al., 2019), DialFRED (Gao
CEREALBAR (Suhr et al., et al., 2022)

Table 1: Vision-and-Language Navigation benchmarks organized by Communication Complexity versus Task

Objective. Please refer to Appendix for more details about the datasets and the commonly used underlying

itate transfer learning to real agents, VLN tasks since it may be unknown to the human instructor
should provide a continuous action space and a (oracle). Usually, instructions are more concise and
freely navigable environment. To this end, Krantz contain merely information of the target goal.
et al. (2020) reconstruct the navigation graph based RoomNav (Wu et al., 2018) requires agent navi-
R2R trajectories in continuous environments and gate according to instruction “go to X”, where X is
create VLNCE. Irshad et al. (2021) propose Robo- a predefined room or object.
VLN task where the agent operates in a continuous
In Embodied QA (Das et al., 2018), the agent
action space over long-horizon trajectories.
navigates through the environment to find an-
Outdoor environments are usually more com- swer for a given question. The instructions in
plex and contain more objects than indoor environ- REVERIE (Qi et al., 2020b) are annotated by hu-
ments. In TOUCHDOWN (Chen et al., 2019), an mans, and thus more complicated and diverse. The
agent follows instructions to navigate a streetview agent navigates through the rooms and differen-
rendered simulation of New York City to find a tiates the object against multiple competing can-
hidden object. Most photo-realistic outdoor VLN didates. In SOON (Zhu et al., 2021a), an agent
datasets including TOUCHDOWN (Chen et al., receives a long, complex coarse-to-fine instruction
2019), StreetLearn (Mirowski et al., 2019; Mehta which gradually narrows down the search scope.
et al., 2020), StreetNav(Hermann et al., 2020), and
Navigation+Object Interaction For some tasks,
Talk2Nav (Vasudevan et al., 2021) are proposed
the target object might be hidden (e.g., the spoon in
based on Google Street View.
a drawer), or need to change status (e.g., a sliced ap-
Some work uses natural language to guide ple is requested but only a whole apple is available).
drones. LANI (Misra et al., 2018) is a 3D syn- In these scenarios, it is necessary to interact with
thetic navigation environment, where an agent nav- the objects to accomplish the task (e.g., opening the
igates between landmarks following natural lan- drawer or cutting the apple). Interactive Question
guage instructions. Current datasets on drone navi- Answering (IQA) requires the agent to navigate
gation usually fall in a synthetic environment such and sometimes to interact with objects to answer
as Unity3D (Blukis et al., 2018, 2019). a given question. Based on indoor scenes in AI2-
Coarse-grained Navigation In real life, detailed THOR (Kolve et al., 2017), Shridhar et al. (2020)
information about the route may not be available propose the ALFRED dataset, where agents are
provided with both coarse-grained and fine-grained developed for this category for super long horizon
instructions complete household tasks in an interac- navigation tasks in complex environments espe-
tive visual environment. CHAI (Misra et al., 2018) cially with rich dynamics where dialog is necessary
requires the agent to navigate and simply interact to clear confusions.
with the environments. Coarse-grained Navigation CVDN (Thomason
et al., 2019b) is a dataset of human-human dia-
2.2 Oracle Guidance
logues. Besides interpreting a natural language in-
Agents in Guidance VLN tasks may receive further struction and deciding on the following action, the
natural language guidance from the oracle during VLN agent also needs to ask questions in natural
navigation. For example, if the agent is unsure language for guidance. The oracle, with knowl-
of the next step (e.g., entering the kitchen), it can edge of the best next steps, needs to understand
send a [help] signal, and the oracle would assist by and correctly answer said questions.
responding “go left” (Nguyen et al., 2019). Dialogue is important in complex outdoor envi-
Fine-grained Navigation The initial fine-grained ronments. de Vries et al. (2018) introduce the Talk
navigation instruction may still be ambiguous in a the Walk dataset, where the guide has knowledge
complex environment. Guidance from the oracle from a map and guides the tourist to a destination,
could clarify possible confusion. Chi et al. (2020) but does not know the tourist’s location; while the
introduce Just Ask—a task where an agent could tourist navigates a 2D grid via discrete actions.
ask oracle for help during navigation. Navigation+Object Interaction Minecraft Col-
Coarse-grained Navigation With only a coarse- laborative Building (Narayan-Chen et al., 2019)
grained instruction given at the beginning, the agent studies how an agent places blocks into a building
tends to be more confused and spends more time ex- by communicating with the oracle. TEACh (Pad-
ploring. Further guidance resolves this ambiguity. makumar et al., 2021) is a dataset that studies ob-
VNLA (Nguyen et al., 2019) and HANNA (Nguyen ject interaction and navigation with free-form dia-
and Daumé III, 2019) both train an agent to nav- log. The follower converses with the commander
igate indoors to find objects. The agent could and interacts with the environment to complete
request help from the oracle, which responds by various house tasks such as making coffee. Dial-
providing a subtask which helps the agent make FRED (Gao et al., 2022) extends ALFRED (Shrid-
progress. While oracle in VNLA uses predefined har et al., 2020) dataset by allowing the agent to
script to respond, the oracle in HANNA uses a neu- actively ask questions.
ral network to generate natural language responses.
CEREALBAR (Suhr et al., 2019) is a collaborative 3 Evaluation
task between a leader and a follower. Both agents
move in a virtual game environment to collect valid Goal-oriented Metrics mainly consider the
sets of cards. agent’s proximity to the goal. The most intuitive
Navigation+Object Interaction While VLN is is Success Rate (SR), which measures how fre-
still in its youth, there are no VLN datasets in sup- quently an agent completes the task within a certain
port of Guidance and Object Interaction. distance of the goal. Goal Progress (Thomason
et al., 2019b) measures the reduction in remain-
2.3 Human Dialogue ing distance to the target goal. Path Length (PL)
It is human-friendly to use natural language to re- measures the total length of the navigation path.
quest help (Banerjee et al., 2020; Thomason et al., Shortest-Path Distance (SPD) measures the mean
2019b). For example, when the agent is not sure distance between the agent’s final location and the
about what fruit the human wants, it could ask goal. Since a longer path length is undesirable
“What fruit do you want, the banana in the refrig- (increases duration and wear-and-tear on actual
erator or the apple on the table?”, and the human robots), Success weighted by Path Length (SPL)
response would provide clear navigation direction. (Anderson et al., 2018a) balances both Success
Fine-grained Navigation No datasets are in the Rate and Path Length. Similarly, Success weighted
scope of this category. Currently, route-detailed by Edit Distance (SED) (Chen et al., 2019) com-
instruction with possible guidance could help the pares the expert’s actions/trajectory to the agent’s
agent achieve relatively good performance in most actions/trajectory, also balancing SR and PL. Ora-
simulated environments. We expect datasets to be cle Navigation Error (ONE) takes the shortest dis-
tance from any node in the path rather than just the Methods
last node, and Oracle Success Rate (OSR) measures
whether any node in the path is within a threshold Represen-
Prior Strategy Data-centric
from the target location. tation
Exploration Learning
Path-fidelity Metrics evaluate to what extent an
agent follows the desired path. Some tasks require Pre-training Reinforcement Data
Learning Augmentation
the agent not only to find the goal location but
Semantic Exploration
also to follow specific path. Fidelity measures the Understanding Curriculum
matches between the action sequence in the expert Graph Navigation Learning
demonstration and the action sequence in the agent Representation
Navigation Multitask
trajectory. Coverage weighted by LS (CLS) (Jain Memory Planning Learning
et al., 2019) is the product of the Path Coverage
Auxiliary Asking for Instruction
(PC) and Length Score (LS) with respect to the ref- Task Help Interpretation
erence path. It measures how closely an agent’s tra-
jectory follows the reference path. Normalized Dy- Figure 2: Categories of VLN methods. Methods may
namic Time Warping (nDTW) (Ilharco et al., 2019) not be mutually exclusive to an individual category.
softly penalizes deviations from the reference path
to calculate the match between two paths. Success
4.1.1 Pretraining
weighted by normalized Dynamic Time Warping
(SDTW) (Ilharco et al., 2019) further constrains Vision or Language Using a pretrained model to
nDTW to only successful episodes to capture both initialize a vision or text encoder provides agents
success and fidelity. with single-modality knowledge. pretrained vi-
sion models may use a ResNet (He et al., 2016)
or Vision Transformers (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020).
4 VLN Methods
Other navigation tasks (Wijmans et al., 2019b)
As shown in Figure 2, we categorize existing meth- may also provide visual initialization (Krantz et al.,
ods into Representation Learning, Action Strategy 2020). Large pretrained language models such as
Learning, Data-centric Learning, and Prior Ex- BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and GPT (Radford et al.,
ploration. Representation learning methods help 2019) can encode language and improve instruction
agent understand relations between these modal- understanding (Li et al., 2019), which can be fur-
ities since VLN involves multiple modalities, in- ther pretrained with VLN instructions (Pashevich
cluding vision, language, and action. Moreover, et al., 2021) before fine-tuning in VLN task.
VLN is a complex reasoning task where mission re- Vision and Language Vision-and-language pre-
sults depend on the accumulating steps, and better trained models provide good joint representation
action strategies help the decision-making process. for text and vision. A common practice is to ini-
Additionally, VLN tasks face challenges within tialize the VLN agent with a pretrained model such
their training data. One severe problem is scarcity. as ViLBERT (Lu et al., 2019). The agent may be
Collecting training data for VLN is expensive and further trained with VLN-specific features such as
time-consuming, and the existing VLN datasets are objects and rooms (Qi et al., 2021).
relatively small with respect to the complexity of VLN Downstream tasks benefit from being closely
VLN tasks. Therefore, data-centric methods help related to the pretraining task. Researchers also
to utilize the existing data and create more train- explored pretraining on the VLN domain directly.
ing data. Prior exploration helps adapt agents to VLN-BERT (Majumdar et al., 2020) pretrains nav-
previously unseen environments, improving their igation models to measure the compatibility be-
ability to generalize, decreasing the performance tween paths and instructions, which formats VLN
gap between seen versus unseen environments. as a path selection problem. PREVALENT (Hao
et al., 2020) is trained from scratch on image-text-
action triplets to learn textual representations in
4.1 Representation Learning
VLN tasks. The output embedding from the [CLS]
Representation learning helps the agent understand token in BERT-based pretraining models could be
how the words in the instruction relate to the per- leveraged in a recurrent fashion to represent his-
ceived features in the environment. tory state (Hong et al., 2021; Moudgil et al., 2021).
Airbert (Guhur et al., 2021) achieve good perfor- 4.1.4 Memory-augmented Model
mance on few-shot setting after pretraining on a Information accumulates as the agent navigates,
large-scale in-domain dataset. which is not efficient to utilize directly. Memory
structure helps the agent effectively leverage the
4.1.2 Semantic Understanding navigation history. Some solutions leverage mem-
ory modules such as LSTMs or recurrently utilize
Semantic understanding of VLN tasks incorporates informative states (Hong et al., 2021), which can be
knowledge about important features in VLN. In relatively easily implemented, but may struggle to
addition to the raw features, high-level semantic remember features at the beginning of the path as
representations also improve performance in un- path length increases. Another solution is to build a
seen environments. separate memory model to store the relevant infor-
Intra-Modality Visual or textual modalities can mation (Zhu et al., 2020c; Lin et al., 2021; Nguyen
be decomposed into many features, which matter and Daumé III, 2019). Notably, by hierarchically
differently in VLN. The overall visual features ex- encoding a single view, a panorama, and then all
tracted by a neural model may actually hurt the per- panoramas in history, HAMT (Chen et al., 2021b)
formance in some cases (Thomason et al., 2019a; successfully utilized the full navigation history for
Hu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020b). Therefore, it decision-making.
is important to find the feature(s) that best improve
performance. High-level features such as visual 4.1.5 Auxiliary Tasks
appearance, route structure, and detected objects Auxiliary tasks help the agent better understand
outperform the low level visual features extracted the environment and its own status without extra
by CNN (Hu et al., 2019). Different types of tokens labels. From the machine learning perspective, an
within the instruction also function differently (Zhu auxiliary task is usually achieved in the form of
et al., 2021b). Extracting these tokens and encod- an additional loss function. The auxiliary task
ing the object tokens and directions tokens are cru- could, for example, explain its previous actions,
cial (Qi et al., 2020a; Zhu et al., 2021b). or predict information about future decisions (Zhu
Inter-Modality Semantic connections between et al., 2020a). Auxiliary tasks could also involve
different modalities: actions, scenes, observed ob- the current mission such as current task accom-
jects, direction clues, and objects mentioned in in- plishment, and vision & instruction alignment (Ma
structions can be extracted and then softly aligned et al., 2019a; Zhu et al., 2020a). Notably, auxil-
with attention mechanism (Qi et al., 2020a; Gao iary tasks are effective when adapting pretrained
et al., 2021). The soft alignment also highlights rel- representations for VLN (Huang et al., 2019).
evant parts of the instruction with respect to the cur-
rent step (Landi et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020a). 4.2 Action Strategy Learning
With many possible action choices and complicated
4.1.3 Graph Representation environment, action strategy learning provides a
variety of methods to help the agent decide on those
Building graph to incorporate structured informa- best actions.
tion from instruction and environment observation
provides explicit semantic relation to guide the nav- 4.2.1 Reinforcement Learning
igation. The graph neural network may encode VLN is a sequential decision-making problem and
the relation between text and vision to better inter- can naturally be modeled as a Markov decision
pret the context information (Hong et al., 2020a; process. So Reinforcement Learning (RL) meth-
Deng et al., 2020). The graph could record the loca- ods are proposed to learn better policy for VLN
tion information during the navigation, which can tasks. A critical challenge for RL methods is that
used to predict the most likely trajectory (Ander- VLN agents only receive the success signal at the
son et al., 2019a) or probability distribution over end of the episode, so it is difficult to know which
action space (Deng et al., 2020). When connected actions to attribute success to, and which to pe-
with prior exploration, an overview graph about the nalize. To address the ill-posed feedback issue,
navigable environment (Chen et al., 2021a) can be Wang et al. (2019) propose RCM model to enforces
built to improve navigation interpretation. cross-modal grounding both locally and globally,
with goal-oriented extrinsic reward and instruction- 4.2.4 Asking for Help
fidelity intrinsic reward. He et al. (2021) propose An intelligent agent asks for help when uncertain
to utilize the local alignment between the instruc- about the next action. Action probabilities or a
tion and critical landmarks as the reward. Eval- separately trained model (Chi et al., 2020; Zhu
uation metrics such as CLS (Jain et al., 2019) or et al., 2021c; Nguyen et al., 2021a) can be lever-
nDTW (Ilharco et al., 2019) can also provide in- aged to decide whether to ask for help. Using
formative reward signal (Landi et al., 2020), and natural language to converse with the oracle covers
natural language may also provide suggestions for a wider problem scope than sending a signal. Both
reward (Fu et al., 2019). rule-based methods (Padmakumar et al., 2021) and
To model the dynamics in the environment, neural-based methods (Roman et al., 2020; Nguyen
Wang et al. (2018) leverage model-based reinforce- et al., 2021a) have been developed to build navi-
ment learning to predict the next state and improve gation agents with dialog ability. Meanwhile, for
the generalization in unseen environment. Zhang tasks (Thomason et al., 2019b; Padmakumar et al.,
et al. (2020a) find recursively alternating the learn- 2021) that do not provide an oracle agent to answer
ing schemes of imitation and reinforcement learn- question in natural language, researchers also need
ing improve the performance. to build a rule-based (Padmakumar et al., 2021)
or neural-based (Roman et al., 2020) oracle. Dial-
FRED (Gao et al., 2022) uses a language model as
4.2.2 Exploration during Navigation
an oracle to answer questions.
Exploring and gathering environmental informa-
4.3 Data-centric Learning
tion while navigating provides a better understand-
ing of the state space. Student-forcing is a fre- Compared with previously discussed works that
quently used strategy, where the agent keeps nav- focus on building a better VLN agent structure,
igating based on sampled actions and is super- data-centric methods most effectively utilize the
vised by the shortest-path action (Anderson et al., existing data, or create synthetic data.
2018b). 4.3.1 Data Augmentation
There is a tradeoff between exploration versus Trajectory-Instruction Augmentation Aug-
exploitation: with more exploration, the agent sees mented path-instruction pairs could be used in VLN
better performance at the cost of a longer path and directly. Currently the common practice is to train
longer duration, so the model needs to determine a speaker module to generate instructions given a
when and how deep to explore (Wang et al., 2020a). navigation path (Fried et al., 2018). This gener-
After having gathered the local information, the ated data have varying quality (Zhao et al., 2021).
agent needs to decide which step to choose, or Therefore an alignment scorer (Huang et al., 2019)
whether to backtrack (Ke et al., 2019). Notably, or adversarial discriminator (Fu et al., 2020) can
Koh et al. (2021) designed Pathdreamer, a visual select high-quality pairs for augmentation.
world model to synthesize visual observation future Environment Augmentation Generating more en-
viewpoints without actually looking ahead. vironment data not only helps generate more trajec-
tories, but also alleviates the problem of overfitting
4.2.3 Navigation Planning in seen environments. Randomly masking the same
visual feature across different viewpoints (Tan et al.,
Planing future navigation steps leads to a better 2019) or simply splitting the house scenes and re-
action strategy. From the visual side, predicting mixing them (Liu et al., 2021) could create new
the waypoints (Krantz et al., 2021), next state and environments, which could further be used to gen-
reward (Wang et al., 2018), generate future obser- erate more trajectory-instruction pairs (Fried et al.,
vation (Koh et al., 2021) or incorporating neigh- 2018). Training data may also be augmented by
bor views (An et al., 2021) has proven effective. replacing some visual features with counterfactual
The natural language instruction also contains land- ones (Parvaneh et al., 2020).
marks and direction clues to plan detailed steps.
Anderson et al. (2019b) predict the forthcoming 4.3.2 Curriculum Learning
events based on the instruction, which is used to Curriculum learning (Bengio et al., 2009) gradually
predict actions with a semantic spatial map. increases the task’s difficulty during the training
process. The instruction length could be a metric et al. (2020) propose environment-based prior ex-
for task difficulty. BabyWalk (Zhu et al., 2020b) ploration, where the agent can only explore a par-
keep increasing training samples’ instruction length ticular environment where it is deployed. When
during the training process. Attributes from the utilizing graph, prior exploration may construct a
trajectory may also be used to rank task difficulty. map or overview about the unseen environment
Zhang et al. (2021) rearrange the R2R dataset using to provide explicit guidance for navigation (Chen
the number of rooms each path traverses. They et al., 2021a; Zhou et al., 2021).
found curriculum learning helps smooth the loss
landscape and find a better local optima. 5 Related Visual-and-Language Tasks

4.3.3 Multitask Learning This paper focuses on Vision-and-Language Nav-

igation tasks with an emphasis on photo-realistic
Different VLN tasks can benefit from each other by environments. 2D map may also be a uesful vir-
cross-task knowledge transfer. Wang et al. (2020c) tual environment for navigation tasks (Vogel and
propose an environment-agnostic multitask naviga- Jurafsky, 2010; Chen and Mooney, 2011; Paz-
tion model for both VLN and Navigation from Di- Argaman and Tsarfaty, 2019). Synthetic environ-
alog History tasks (Thomason et al., 2019b). Chap- ments may also be a substitute for realistic envi-
lot et al. (2020) propose an attention module to train ronment (MacMahon et al., 2006; Blukis et al.,
a multitask navigation agent to follow instructions 2020). Tellex et al. (2011) propose to instantiate a
and answer questions (Wijmans et al., 2019a). probabilistic graphical model for natural language
commands in robotic navigation and mobile manip-
4.3.4 Instruction Interpretation
ulation process.
A trajectory instruction interpreted multiple times In VLN, an agent needs to follow the given in-
in different ways may help the agent better under- struction and even ask for assistants in human lan-
stand its objective. LEO (Xia et al., 2020) leverages guage. An agent in Visual Navigation tasks is usu-
and encodes all the instructions with a shared set ally not required to understand information from
of parameters to enhance the textual understanding. textual modality. Visual Navigation is a problem of
LWIT (Nguyen et al., 2021b) interprets the instruc- navigating an agent from the current location to find
tions to make it clear to interact with what class the goal target. Researchers have achieved success
of objects. Shorter, and more concise instructions in both simulated environments (Zhu et al., 2017;
provide clearer guidance for the agent compared Mirowski, 2019) and real environments (Mirowski
to longer, semantically entangled instructions, thus et al., 2018).
Hong et al. (2020b) breaks long instructions into
shorter ones, allowing the agent to track progress 6 Conclusion and Future Directions
and focus on each atomic instruction individually.
In this paper, we discuss the importance of VLN
4.4 Prior Exploration agents as a part of society, how their tasks vary as
a function of communication level versus task ob-
Good performance in seen environments often can-
jective, and how different agents may be evaluated.
not generalize to unseen environments (Hu et al.,
We broadly review VLN methodologies and cate-
2019; Parvaneh et al., 2020; Tan et al., 2019). Prior
gorize them. This paper only discusses these issues
exploration methods allow the agent to observe and
broadly at an introductory level. In reviewing these
adapt to unseen environments,3 bridging the perfor-
papers, we can see the immense progress that has
mance gap between seen and unseen environments.
already been made, as well as directions that this
Wang et al. (2019) introduce a self-supervised research topic can be expanded on.
imitation learning to learn from the agent’s own Current methods usually do not explicitly utilize
past, good behaviors. The best navigation path external knowledge such as objects and general
determined to align the instruction the best by a house descriptions in Wikipedia. Incorporating
matching critic will be used to update the agent. knowledge also improves the interpretability and
Tan et al. (2019) leverage the testing environments trust of embodied AI. Moreover, currently several
to sample and augment paths for adaptation. Fu navigation agents learn which direction to move
Thus prior exploration methods are not directly compara- and with what to interact, but there is a last-mile
ble with other VLN methods. problem of VLN—how to interact with objects. An-
derson et al. (2018b) asked whether a robot could ference, VLN agents may observe and store sen-
learn to “Bring me a spoon”; new research may ask sitive information that can get leaked or misused.
how a robot can learn to “Pick up a spoon”. The Effective navigation with privacy protection is cru-
environments also lack diversity: most interior ter- cially important. Relevant areas such as federated
restrial VLN data consists of American houses, but learning (Konečnỳ et al., 2016) or differential pri-
never warehouses or hospitals: the places where vacy (Dwork et al., 2006) could also be studied in
these agents may be of most use. VLN domain to preserve the privacy of training
Below we detail additional future directions: and inference environments.
Multicultural VLN VLN lacks diversity in
Collaborative VLN Current VLN benchmarks
3D environments: most outdoor VLN datasets
and methods predominantly focus on tasks where
use Google Street View recorded in major Amer-
only one agent navigates, yet complicated real-
ican cities, but lacks data in developing countries.
world scenarios may require several robots collabo-
Agents trained on American data face potential
rating. Multi-agent VLN tasks require development
generalization problems in other city or housing
in swarm intelligence, information communication,
layouts. Future work should explore more diverse
and performance evaluation. MeetUp! (Ilinykh
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et al., 2019) is a two-player coordination game
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A Dataset Details meshes. Matterport3D dataset (Chang et al., 2017)
is also integrated into the Gibson simulator.
Here in Table 2, we introduce more information
House3D (Wu et al., 2018) converts SUNCG’s
about the datasets. Compared with the number
static environment into a virtual environment,
of the datasets, the simulators are limited. More
where the agent can navigate with physical con-
specifically, most indoor datasets are based on Mat-
straints (e.g. it cannot pass through walls or ob-
terport3D and most outdoor datasets are based on
Google Street View. Also, more datasets are about
LANI (Misra et al., 2018) is a 3D simulator built
indoor environments rather than outdoor environ-
in Unity3D platform. The environment in LANI is
ments. Outdoor environments are usually more
a fenced, square, grass field containing randomly
complex and contain more objects compared with
placed landmarks. An agent needs to navigate be-
indoor environments.
tween landmarks following the natural language
B Simulator instruction. Drone navigation tasks (Blukis et al.,
2018, 2019) are also built based on LANI.
The virtual features of the dataset are deeply con- Currently, most datasets and simulators focus
nected with the simulator in which datasets are on indoors navigable scenes partly because of the
built. Here we summarize simulators frequently difficulty of building an outdoor photo-realistic 3D
used during the VLN dataset creation process. simulator out of the increased complexity. Google
House3D (Wu et al., 2018) is a realistic virtual Street View 4 , an online API that is integrated with
3D environment built based on the SUNCG (Song Google Maps, is composed of billions of realistic
et al., 2017) dataset. An agent in the environment street-level panoramas. It has been frequently used
has access to first-person view RGB images, to- to create outdoor VLN tasks since the development
gether with semantic/instance masks and depth in- of TOUCHDOWN (Chen et al., 2019).
Matterport3D (Anderson et al., 2018b) simula- C Room-to-Room Leaderboard
tor is a large-scale visual reinforcement learning
Room-to-Room (R2R) (Anderson et al., 2018b)
simulation environment for research on embod-
is the benchmark used most frequently for evalu-
ied AI based on the Matterport3D dataset (Chang
ating different methods. Here we collect all the
et al., 2017). Matterport3D contains various in-
reported performance metrics in the corresponding
door scenes, including houses, apartments, hotels,
papers and the official R2R leaderboard5 . Since
offices, and churches. An agent can navigate be-
beam search explores more routes, and since prior
tween viewpoints along a pre-defined graph. Most
exploration has additional observations in the test
indoors VLN datasets such as R2R and its variants
environment, their performance can not be directly
are based on the Matterport3D simulator.
compared with other methods.
Habitat (Manolis Savva* et al., 2019; Szot et al.,
2021) is a 3D simulation platform for training em-
bodied AI in 3D physics-enabled scenarios. Com-
pared with other simulation environments, Habitat
2.0 (Szot et al., 2021) shows strength in system
response speed. Habitat has the following datasets
built-in: Matterport3D (Chang et al., 2017), Gib-
son (Xia et al., 2018), and Replica (Straub et al.,
2019). AI2-THOR (Kolve et al., 2017) is a near
photo-realistic 3D indoor simulation environment,
where agents could navigate and interact with ob-
jects. Based on the object interaction function, it
helps to build a dataset that requires object interac-
tion, such as ALFRED (Shridhar et al., 2020).
Gibson (Xia et al., 2018) is a real-world percep-
tion interactive environment with complex seman-
tics. Each viewpoint has a set of RGB panoramas 5
with global camera poses and reconstructed 3D challenge-page/97/leaderboard/270

Name Simulator Language-Active Environment
Room-to-Room (Anderson et al., 2018b) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
Room-for-Room (Jain et al., 2019) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
Room-Across-Room (Ku et al., 2020) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
Landmark-RxR (He et al., 2021) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
XL-R2R (Yan et al., 2020) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
VLNCE (Krantz et al., 2020) Habitat ✗ Indoor
StreetLearn (Mirowski et al., 2019) Google Street View ✗ Outdoor
StreetNav (Hermann et al., 2020) Google Street View ✗ Outdoor
TOUCHDOWN (Chen et al., 2019) Google Street View ✗ Outdoor
Talk2Nav (Vasudevan et al., 2021) Google Street View ✗ Outdoor
LANI (Misra et al., 2018) - ✗ Outdoor
RoomNav (Wu et al., 2018) House3D ✗ Indoor
EmbodiedQA (Das et al., 2018) House3D ✗ Indoor
REVERIE (Qi et al., 2020b) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
SOON (Zhu et al., 2021a) Matterport3D ✗ Indoor
IQA (Gordon et al., 2018) AI2-THOR ✗ Indoor
CHAI (Misra et al., 2018) CHALET ✗ Indoor
ALFRED (Shridhar et al., 2020) AI2-THOR ✗ Indoor
VNLA (Nguyen et al., 2019) Matterport3D ✓ Indoor
HANNA (Nguyen and Daumé III, 2019) Matterport3D ✓ Indoor
CEREALBAR (Suhr et al., 2019) - ✓ Indoor
Just Ask (Chi et al., 2020) Matterport3D ✓ Indoor
CVDN (Thomason et al., 2019b) Matterport3D ✓ Indoor
RobotSlang (Banerjee et al., 2020) - ✓ Indoor
Talk the Walk (de Vries et al., 2018) - ✓ Outdoor
MC Collab (Narayan-Chen et al., 2019) Minecraft ✓ Outdoor
TEACh (Padmakumar et al., 2021) AI2-THOR ✓ Indoor
DialFRED (Gao et al., 2022) AI2-THOR ✓ Indoor

Table 2: Vision-and-Language Navigation datasets. Language-Active means the agent needs to use natural language
to request help, including both Guidance datasets and Dialog datasets in Table 1.

Simulator Photo-realistic 3D
House3D (Wu et al., 2018) ✓ ✓
Matterport3D (Chang et al., 2017) ✓ ✓
Habitat (Manolis Savva* et al., 2019) ✓ ✓
AI2-THOR (Kolve et al., 2017) ✗ ✓
Gibson (Xia et al., 2018) ✓ ✓
LANI (Misra et al., 2018) ✗ ✓
*Google Street View ✓ ✓

Table 3: Common simulators used to build VLN datasets. *Google Street View is online API, providing similar
functionality as a simulator for building VLN datasets.

Leader-Board (Test Unseen) Single Run Prior Exploration Beam Search
Random 9.89 9.79 0.18 0.13 0.12 - - - - - - - - - -
Human 11.85 1.61 0.90 0.86 0.76 - - - - - - -
Seq-to-Seq (Anderson et al., 2018b) 8.13 20.4 0.27 0.20 0.18 - - - - - - - - - -
RPA (Wang et al., 2018) 9.15 7.53 0.32 0.25 0.23 - - - - - - - - - -
Speaker-Follower (Fried et al., 2018) 14.82 6.62 0.44 0.35 0.28 - - - - - 1257.38 4.87 0.96 0.54 0.01
Chasing Ghosts (Anderson et al., 2019a) 10.03 7.83 0.42 0.33 0.30 - - - - - - - - - -
Self-Monitoring (Ma et al., 2019a) 18.04 5.67 0.59 0.48 0.35 - - - - - 373.1 4.48 0.97 0.61 0.02
RCM !(Wang et al., 2019) 11.97 6.12 0.50 0.43 0.38 9.48 4.21 0.67 0.60 0.59 357.6 4.03 0.96 0.63 0.02
Regretful Agent (Ma et al., 2019b) 13.69 5.69 0.56 0.48 0.40 - - - - - - - - - -
FAST (Ke et al., 2019) 22.08 5.14 0.64 0.54 0.41 - - - - - 196.5 4.29 0.90 0.61 0.03
ALTR (Huang et al., 2019) 10.27 5.49 0.56 0.48 0.45 - - - - - - - - -
EnvDrop (Tan et al., 2019) 11.66 5.23 0.59 0.51 0.47 9.79 3.97 0.70 0.64 0.61 686.8 3.26 0.99 0.69 0.01
PRESS (Li et al., 2019) 10.52 4.53 0.63 0.57 0.53 - - - - - - - - - -
PTA (Landi et al., 2020) 10.17 6.17 0.47 0.40 0.36 - - - - - - -
EGP (Deng et al., 2020) - 5.34 0.61 0.53 0.42 - - - - - - - - - -
SERL (Wang et al., 2020b) 12.13 5.63 0.61 0.53 0.49 - - - - - 690.61 3.21 0.99 0.70 0.01
OAAM (Qi et al., 2020a) 10.40 - 0.61 0.53 0.50 - - - - - - - - - -
CMG-AAL (Zhang et al., 2020a) 12.07 3.41 0.76 0.67 0.60 - - - - - - - - -
AuxRN (Zhu et al., 2020a) - 5.15 0.62 0.55 0.51 10.43 3.69 0.75 0.68 0.65 40.85 3.24 0.81 0.71 0.21
RelGraph (Hong et al., 2020a) 10.29 4.75 0.61 0.55 0.52 - - - - - - - - - -
PRRVALENT (Hao et al., 2020) 10.51 5.30 0.61 0.54 0.51 - - - - - - - - - -
Active Exploration (Wang et al., 2020a) 21.03 4.34 0.71 0.60 0.43 9.85 3.30 0.77 0.70 0.68 176.2 3.07 0.94 0.70 0.05
VLN-BERT (Majumdar et al., 2020) - - - - - - - - - - 686.62 3.09 0.99 0.73 0.01
DASA (Sun et al., 2021) 10.06 5.11 - 0.54 0.52 - - - - - - - - - -
ORIST (Qi et al., 2021) 11.31 5.10 - 0.57 0.52 - - - - - - - - - -
NvEM (An et al., 2021) 12.98 4.37 0.66 0.58 0.54 - - - - - - - - - -
SSM (Wang et al., 2021) 20.39 4.57 0.70 0.61 0.46 - - - - - - - - - -
Recurrent VLN BERT (Hong et al., 2021) 12.35 4.09 0.70 0.63 0.57 - - - - - - - - - -
SOAT (Moudgil et al., 2021) 12.26 - 4.49 58 53
REM (Liu et al., 2021) 13.11 3.87 0.72 0.65 0.59 - - - - - - - - - -
HAMT(Chen et al., 2021b) 12.27 3.93 0.72 0.65 0.60 - - - - - - - - - -
Spatial Route Prior (Zhou et al., 2021) - - - - - - - - - - 625.27 3.55 0.99 0.74 0.01
Airbert (Guhur et al., 2021) - - - - - - - - - - 686.54 2.58 0.99 0.78 0.01
3DSR (Tan et al., 2022) 15.89 3.73 0.73 0.66 0.60 - - - - - - - - - -

Table 4: Leaderboard of Room-to-Room benchmark as of March, 2022


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