Rhode 1986
Rhode 1986
Rhode 1986
Assistant Professor.
Prediction of Incompressible Flow
J. A. Demko
Graduate Student. in Labyrinth Seals
A new approach was developed and tested for alleviating the substantial con-
U. K. Traegner vergence difficulty which results from implementation of the QUICK differencing
Graduate Student. scheme into a TEACH-type computer code. It is relatively simple, and the resulting
CPU time and number of numerical iterations required to obtain a solution compare
G. L. Morrison favorably with a previously recommended method. This approach has been
employed in developing a computer code for calculating the pressure drop for a
Associate Professor.
specified incompressible flow leakage rate in a labyrinth seal. The numerical model
is widely applicable and does not require an estimate of the kinetic energy carry-over
S. R. Sobolik coefficient for example, whose value is often uncertain. Good agreement with
Graduate Student. measurements is demonstrated for both straight-through and stepped labyrinths.
These new detailed results are examined, and several suggestions are offered for the
Mechanical Engineering Department, advancement of simple analytical leakage as well as rotordynamic stability models.
Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX 77843
Labyrinth seals play a vital role in gas and steam turbines, perimental data correlations to purely analytical expressions
compressors, and high-capacity pumps. In pumps the sealing involving friction factor for example. One example of an
objective is generally to minimize the leakage flow around the analytical model is that developed by Bilgen and Akgungor
impellers, whereas for turbines it is often to maintain a [3]. They assumed turbulent couette and Poiseuille flows in
minimal leakage flow for cooling hot parts. The seal designer the tangential and axial directions, respectively. In estimating
accomplishes this by providing a highly dissipative flow path the shear stress along the free shear layer, Han [4] recently
between high and low pressure regions. The flow passage considered the leakage flow energy consumed in driving the
through a labyrinth is illustrated in Fig. 1 for a simple straight- cavity vortex while estimating the wall shear stresses using
through seal configuration. Each tooth converts a portion of Prandtl's flat plate boundary layer solutions. Another exam-
the available pressure head into mean flow kinetic energy, ple is the work of Nikitin and Ipatov [5], who approximated
some of which is dissipated within the cavity immediately frictional losses via analysis and data correlation, showing
downstream. how the friction coefficient varies with tooth width, etc.
Numerical simulation of labyrinth seal leakage employing
the governing partial differential equations is relatively com-
plicated and expensive. A recent literature search indicated Objective
that only Stoff [1] and Rhode, et al. [2] have reported such an
investigation. Stoff's solution, which utilized the upwind Depending on flowfield details, labyrinth seal solutions us-
Hybrid scheme, corresponded to his large scale experimental ing the finite difference procedure of Stoff [1] may suffer
water facility consisting of a straight-through series of generic from false diffusion numerical error, which is discussed in a
cavities as illustrated in Fig. 1. He compared a single radial later section. Simple analytical models often predict leakage
profile of predicted mean swirl velocity, rms swirl velocity and rates only within about a factor of two, even for simple
turbulence dissipation rate with his corresponding straight-through seal geometries such as that of Fig. 1.
measurements for an axial station midway between adjacent However, these modellers have done well considering the
teeth. Rhode, et al. developed a finite difference procedure to flowfield complexity and the limited detailed information
compute the compressible flow cavity pressure drop at various available regarding rotating cavity flows. Thus there is a need
leakage Mach numbers. These values were subsequently used for a leakage model of improved accuracy which is widely ap-
in a Fanno analysis to predict the leakage rate and cavity-to- plicable and does not involve the uncertainty of an assumed
cavity stator wall pressure distribution. kinetic energy carry-over coefficient for example. The present
For incompressible flow, several investigators have threefold objective is: to present a new approach for
developed simple algebraic leakage models ranging from ex- alleviating the convergence difficulty that occurs upon im-
plementation of the QUICK scheme; to demonstrate the wide-
ly applicable capability for obtaining realistic labyrinth seal
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF flowfield solutions; and to provide additional flowfield details
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS and presented at the Energy-Sources Technology Con-
ference and Exhibit, New Orleans, La., February 12-16, 1984. Manuscript to allow more realistic approximations for the refinement of
received the Fluids Engineering Division, May 4, 1984. simple analytical models.
'X - :: : " ^
O O o r—" i™~ x
.: ~rn
Rotating Surface- 1
Fig. 1 Labyrinth seal with generic cavities illustrating the expected I 3-
1 L_
streamline pattern
Numerical Procedure
| h.
General Methodology. The numerical procedure em- r.v
ployed is based on that of the TEACH computer program of e,w
Gosman and Pun [6]. The recent QUICK convective differenc-
ing scheme of Leonard, which is described below, was im- Fig. 2 Computational domain for a typical labyrinth seal cavity with a
plemented in a version of the code which had previously been coarse grid illustrating the stairstep approximation
extended by Lilley and Rhode [7] to include swirl momentum.
The computational domain consists of a single cavity as shown
in Fig. 2. streamwise periodic flow occurring downstream of the first
The governing equations for this axisymmetric flow may be two or three cavities.
expressed in the general form The user specifies a desired leakage flow rate, and the com-
puter code calculates the associated cavity bulk pressure drop.
Observe that by making several such computations, each with
T[ dx
(pur<t>) + — (pvr<j>)
dr dx (<v£) a different leakage rate, one may plot the leakage-pressure
drop characteristic which is of considerable interest to the
dr dr
-)]-* designer.
There are several techniques for simulating sloping wall
where <j> represents any of the dependent variables, and the boundaries such as that of the typical cavity geometry shown
equations differ primarily in their final source terms S*[7]. It in Fig. 2. Sophisticated approaches include utilization of a
is the standard high Reynolds number version of the two- body-fitted coordinate system or a coordinate transformation
equation k-e turbulence model [8] which has been employed for mapping the physical plane onto an idealized computa-
thus far. The presence of swirl momentum directly influences tional domain. These methods require extensive re-
the values of k and e, and in turn, the values of turbulent formulation of the governing differential equations, boundary
viscosity through the swirl velocity derivatives in the expres- conditions and formulae for length, area and volume.
sion for turbulence energy production. Moreover, expected numerical instabilities using the new coor-
Boundary values at the inlet of a particular cavity are dinates along with the added complexity of the QUICK
naturally very important, but unfortunately were unknown, as scheme render this a difficult task. Thus, in view of computer
necessary quantitative flow measurements were unavailable budget and manpower limitations the simpler stairstep ap-
even at a single operating condition. Due to this lack of inlet proximation illustrated in Fig. 2 was adopted for the typical
boundary data, for each numerical iteration the inlet values of cavity configuration.
each variable (except pressure) were assumed equal to the Locally, wall shear stress and heat flux on such a simulated
latest corresponding outlet values. This practice assumes the wall will not generally agree closely with measurements.
presence of a series of geometrically identical cavities and a However, bulk as well as local velocities, etc. a slight distance
.6 .8 1.2
ss u/U
Fig. 4 Predicted axial velocity values at x/a = 1.0 using: (a) Hybrid; (6)
Fig. 3 Illustration of quadratic upwind interpolation for <t>w on the west three-point QUICK; and (c) five-point QUICK schemes for laminar flow
face of a control volume with flow from left to right between parallel plates separated by distance 2a
away from the wall have been found to be surprisingly ac- where the last four neighbors were not involved previously us-
curate if careful attention is devoted to stairstep implementa- ing the Hybrid scheme.
tion details. For example Rhode, et al. [9] and Syed [10] found The method of solving the equations is the same as for the
close agreement with measurements using this approach for previous Hybrid scheme formulation. For the solution of the
flow past a backstep with a sloping wall. Also, Sindir [11] difference equations for a vertical column of cells, the
employed nearly the same implementation details and ob- neighbor values along adjacent vertical columns are assumed
tained close agreement with experiment for backstep flows to be temporarily known. Thus the equation for each cell in-
with a deflected wall. Further, the flow along the simulated volves only three unknowns, and the equation is arranged so
sloping wall exhibits extremely low velocity and is far removed that these appear on the left-hand side as
from the all-important leakage flow region.
Implementation of QUICK Differencing Scheme. False The set of these equations for the column of cells forms a
diffusion is a second-order truncation numerical error. The tridiagonal coefficient matrix which is solved using an
upwind portion of the previous Hybrid upwind/central dif- iterative, line-by-line application of the well known tri-
ferencing scheme can result in an erroneous solution which is diagonal matrix algorithm.
overly diffusive. This difficulty occurs where convection Numerical convergence may be impaired as the Af coeffi-
dominates (i.e., where the grid Peclet number P e = WlA/T^ cients may become negative when using QUICK. No false
exceeds 2.0) in the presence of both streamline-to-grid source transient terms are employed as a remedy as in
skewness and diffusive transport normal to the flow direction. reference [13]. Instead, for each iteration the difference equa-
Recall that the upwind scheme is based on the uniform <j> tion for certain cells is re-arranged as needed to promote
distribution assumption in evaluating <j> at any face of a con- diagonal dominance of the tridiagonal coefficient matrix. This
trol volume. The recent QUICK (Quadratic Upstream Inter- re-arrangement is applied to every cell for which any coeffi-
polation for Convective Kinematics) scheme of Leonard [12] cient, for example A%E, is negative. In effect, this ad hoc pro-
greatly reduces false diffusion by utilizing either a five-point cedure subtracts fi*y4|E0P from both sides of the difference
or a three-point, upwind-shifted quadratic interpolation for- equation in a very economical fashion. Observe that if
mula in evaluating <j>. Figure 3 graphically illustrates the three- 5* = 1.0, A$E no longer makes a negative contribution to the
point formula for a west face for example. The three-point in- diagonal coefficient Ap, and thus the diagonal dominance of
terpolation expressions for this face, using a uniform grid for the coefficient matrix is enhanced.
simplicity, are The source term Sfj becomes
IN 2 3 4 5 6 OUT
' k/U 2 x20
Fig. 8 Measured tooth-to-tooth pressure distribution ( x x x ) the (a) GENERIC CAVITY
streamwise periodic prediction ( - ) plotted to match the measured
pressure at the third tooth
u/U r/R
i ,55 .5 .65
k/U 2 x20
Fig. 9 Axial velocity prediction for (a) the generic and (b) the typical Fig. 10 Predicted turbulence kinetic energy for (a) the generic and (b)
seal cavity employing 33 x 31 QUICK ( ), 53 x 53 Hybrid ( ) and the typical seal cavity using the QUICK scheme
33 x 31 Hybrid ( ) solutions
Re = 2 Uc/v « 3 .4 X 1 0 2 a n d t h e T a y l o r n u m b e r
Ta=(f^rf/j/)(c?//- s / 1 ) w «l.lxl0 4 . Figure 7 shows that swirl tions are: shaft speed fl = 35,410 rpm, cavity axial length
velocity predictions are within 6.0 percent of Stoff's cor- L = 1.113 mm, stator wall radius J? = 42.89 mm, tooth radial
responding measurements. clearance c = 0.216 mm, radial distance from cavity base to
The measurements of Morrison, et al. [18] for the tooth-to- stator wall d= 1.105 mm, and kinematic viscosity
tooth pressure distribution of stepped labyrinth seals flowing j - = 1 . 4 6 2 x l 0 - 7 m 2 /s.
water were employed in a series of further prediction tests. In Not included here are the streamline plots, which show that
the experimental facility, a single static pressure tap was the dividing streamline exhibits a reattachment stagnation
located at each tooth on the stator wall. The dimensionless point which is very slightly below the peripheral corner of the
flow parameters were Re = 4.95 X 103 and Ta = 6.7 x 103. The downstream tooth. This occurs for both cavity geometries. In
result for one case with six cavities is given in Fig. 8. The both cases the slope of a straight line approximation for the
predicted value of bulk pressure drop per cavity for the dividing streamline is near 2 degrees below horizontal. This
streamwise periodic cavities was 105 kPa. This was translated serves to aid the developers of simple analytical models, as an
into the predicted streamwise periodic pressure distribution, assumed value near 7 degrees has been employed by Jerie [19]
which was plotted by graphical construction using this slope for example.
while matching the pressure measured at the third tooth. Note Axial velocities from several solutions for the generic case
that streamwise periodicity commences at approximately the are shown in Fig. 9(a) which reveals that the 33 x 31 QUICK
third tooth. The measured pressure drop per cavity averaged and 53x53 Hybrid solutions are essentially identical. The
123 kPa in this region, yielding a discrepancy of under 15.0 33 X 31 Hybrid and 53 x 53 Hybrid solutions differ very slight-
percent. ly. As with the generic cavity, Fig. 9(b) shows that the 33 x 31
QUICK and the 53 x 53 Hybrid solutions of axial velocity for
Seal Flowfields Considered. The operating conditions of the typical cavity are nearly identical. Note that in this case the
the two cavity geometries investigated are identical. Liquid 33x31 Hybrid solution is not grid independent in the free
hydrogen at 42 °R enters a cavity with tooth-clearance bulk shear layer. The axial velocity values of this solution deviate
velocity [7=338 m/s. The primary dimensionless flow from those of the other two by as much as 20 percent.
Parameters are Re= l.Ox 106 and T a = 1.3 x 105. Other condi- Observe at this point that the QUICK approach exhibits an
0W 5x10 3
0.5/.U x/L
(a)GENERIC CAVITY 0. .15 .35 .5 .65 .85 1.0
Fig. 12 Predicted effective viscosity from the k-t model for (a) a generic
and (b) a typical seal cavity using the QUICK scheme