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Design of A Novel Double-Stator Fault-Tolerant Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Machine For Electric Propulsion Aircraft

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Design of A Novel Double-Stator Fault-Tolerant

Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Machine for

Electric Propulsion Aircraft
Bowen Zhang Rundong Huang Zaixin Song
1School of Energy and Environment 1School of Energy and Environment 3Department of Industrial and Systems
2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) | 979-8-3503-9971-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISIE51358.2023.10228130

(City University of Hong Kong) (City University of Hong Kong) Engineering

Hong Kong, SAR, China Hong Kong, SAR, China (The Hong Kong Polytechnic
2Shenzhen Research Institute 2Shenzhen Research Institute
(City University of Hong Kong) (City University of Hong Kong) Hong Kong, SAR, China
Shenzhen, China Shenzhen, China

Wusen Wang Zhiping Dong Chunhua Liu

1School of Energy and Environment 1School of Energy and Environment 1School of Energy and Environment
(City University of Hong Kong) (City University of Hong Kong) (City University of Hong Kong)
Hong Kong, SAR, China Hong Kong, SAR, China Hong Kong, SAR, China
2Shenzhen Research Institute 2Shenzhen Research Institute 2Shenzhen Research Institute

(City University of Hong Kong) (City University of Hong Kong) (City University of Hong Kong)
Shenzhen, China Shenzhen, China Shenzhen, China

Abstract—Transverse flux permanent magnet machines maintains the total thrust of the propulsion system unchanged
(TFPMMs) have recently received increasing attention due to [6]. The application of various motors makes the aerodynamic
their simple winding distribution and high reliability. TFPMMs structure of the aircraft have a great design space. In addition,
have many applications in electric vehicles, ship propulsion multiple motors improve the fault tolerance of the distributed
systems, and aircraft electric propulsion systems. However, low
electric propulsion system, thereby improving the system’s
motor space utilization, low average output torque, and large
torque ripple during faults restrict the further development of reliability [7]. A distributed electric propulsion aircraft is
TFPMMs. Therefore, this paper proposed a novel double-stator illustrated in Fig. 1 [8]. This electric aircraft has multiple low-
fault-tolerant transverse flux permanent magnet motor power motors and adopts a twin-body fuselage structure. The
(DSFTTFPMM) for aircraft electric propulsion systems. The Aircraft Electric Propulsion Laboratory of Northwestern
novel motor has 12 concentrated windings and an inner and Polytechnical University (NWPU) has manufactured a series
outer stator with crossed teeth. Besides, the rotor has the spoke- of prototypes and tested their performance [9].
type distributed permanent magnets (PMs) to enhance the
magnetic field density in the air gap and reduce the magnetic
Distributed Electric
interference between the inner and outer stators. The structure
Propulsion Aircraft
and working principle of the proposed motor were presented.
Then, a 3D-finite element analysis (FEA) was performed on the
DSFTTFPMM to obtain the magnetic field distribution and Aerodynamic layout design Energy management
motor performance. Finally, this paper verified the working
state of DSFTTFPMM when the windings have faults and got Electric propulsion system Fault-tolerant design
the output torque. The simulation results show that the average
output torque of the proposed motor is 14.21Nm, and the peak- Energy system Flight control

peak value of cogging torque is 0.549Nm. Electric Motor

Keywords—transverse flux permanent magnet, fault-tolerant,

double stator, electric propulsion aircraft.
Fig.1. Distributed electric propulsion system.
The wide application of renewable energy has promoted Electric propulsion aircraft are very concerned with safety.
the development of electric propulsion systems [1]. As one of For excellent reliability, backup systems are often added to
the development directions of future aircraft, electric improve fault tolerance ability [10]. However, backup systems
propulsion aircraft has attracted the attention of researchers increase the system’s volumetric weight, reducing aircraft
[2-3]. As an essential branch of electric propulsion aircraft, performance. Faults in electric propulsion aircraft often occur
distributed electric propulsion aircraft has become the in motors and converters. Therefore, the fault-tolerant design
research focus because of its flexible structure and diverse of electric propulsion aircraft often focuses on the motor and
designs [4-5]. converter [11]. For example, the motor is modular, and the
Distributed electric propulsion aircraft usually uses converter has a spare bridge leg [12]. The motor is the core
multiple small motors to replace a single large motor and component to realize energy conversion in the aircraft’s
electric propulsion system. Traditional distributed electric

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propulsion drones usually use brushless DC (BLDC) motors. proposed in this paper. The motor has one inner and outer
However, when one winding fails in the conventional BLDC stator and 12 windings. Due to the inner stator, DSFTTFMM
motor, it will hurt the regular operation of the motor. has a higher motor space utilization rate, and the average
Therefore, TFPMMs have great potential in aircraft output torque is improved. And because it has 12 windings,
propulsion motor applications due to their modularity, the torque ripple of the motor when one winding fails is
concentrated windings, and high fault tolerance [13]. significantly reduced. Thus, the reliability and fault tolerance
After a long development period, the TFPMM has a of the motor is improved.
variety of structures. The stator of the early TFPMM is U- This paper is organized as follows. In section II, the
shaped [14], and the number of stators is half the number of structure and working principle of the motor are introduced.
pole pairs. Subsequently, the motor with a magnetic bridge And in section III, 3D-FEA simulation and motor
and the crossed teeth stator appeared, as shown in Fig. 2 [15]. performance are presented. Section IV shows the motor's
Compared with the U-shaped stator, these structures’ fault-tolerant ability and the simulation test results. Finally,
advantages are that the motor's output torque and torque conclusions are drawn in Section V.
density are improved.
A. Motor structure
Consistent with the traditional TFPMM, the DSFTTPMM
proposed in this paper still adopts the modular design, as
shown in Fig. 3(a). It is divided into three modules in the axial
direction, and each module is independent. There is a phase
angle difference between each module. In this paper, the
electrical angle difference between the motor module is 120°,
so the stator teeth need a mechanical angle difference of 10°.
This modular design makes the windings of other modules
unaffected when one module winding fails. The motor is still
able to run after a fault. This feature makes TFPMM have
Fig. 2. Conventional crossed teeth TFPMM.
higher reliability and fault tolerance ability. Therefore,
In [16], a TFPMM with an E-shaped stator structure is DSFTTFPMM can meet the safety requirements of aircraft
proposed, which can enhance space utilization efficiency and electric propulsion systems. The components of each module
increase torque density. With the further development of are the same, but there is a mechanical angle difference.
magnetic field modulation in recent years, TFPMM based on
magnetic field modulation has also received much attention
[17]. Flux reversal and flux switching TFPMMs have been
proposed [18]. The outstanding advantage of these two
structures is that there are no permanent magnets on the rotor,
which has the potential to achieve higher speeds. In addition,
a dual-consequent-pole TFPMM is proposed in [19], which
improves the PM flux linkage, motor space utilization, and
torque density. [20] offers a dual-rotor TFPMM based on a
crossed-teeth stator, which is suitable for hybrid electric
vehicles. There is still a lot of research space for TFPMMs
with dual-rotor structures designed with magnetic modulation
blocks [21-23]. In summary, conventional TFPMMs have the
following advantages [24-25]:
• The winding is simple, and the concentrated winding is
convenient for design, manufacture, and assembly.
• The degree of modularization is high, and there is no
interference between each phase winding. It is easy to design
multi-phase motors.
• High fault tolerance and reliability.
However, traditional TFPMM also has some limitations,
including [26-28]: Fig. 3. Structure of proposed DSFTTFPMM. (a) Topology overview, (b)
Exploded view, (c) Single module view, (d) Detail view of the part.
• The space utilization rate of the motor is low, so the output
torque is limited. As shown in Fig. 3(b), each module consists of an inner
• When one phase winding fails, the motors have large output stator, two inner windings, a rotor core, permanent magnets,
torque ripples. an outer stator, and two outer windings. The phase difference
Therefore, a novel 6-phase double-stator fault-tolerant between the two axially distributed internal windings is 180°,
transverse flux permanent magnet motor (DSFTTFPMM) is and the outer winding also has the same phase difference. The

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phase difference between the radially opposite inner and outer TABLE I
windings is also 180°. The teeth of the inner and the outer
stator are distributed crossed to realize the space rotation Symbol Quantity Value
magnetomotive force vector. The PMs on the rotor are 𝐷𝐷𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 Out diameter of outer stator 146mm
arranged in spoke type. This arrangement can not only realize 𝐷𝐷𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 Out diameter of inner stator 86mm
the magnetic concentration effect but also prevent the 𝐷𝐷𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 Out diameter of rotor 104mm
magnetic density of the inner and outer air gaps from ℎ𝑚𝑚 Thickness of magnets 4mm
interfering with each other. The structural details are shown in 𝑙𝑙𝑠𝑠 The axial length of single-phase 32mm
Fig. 3(c) (d). ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 Radial thickness of outer stator 20mm
B. Working principle ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 Radial thickness of inner stator 36mm
Fig. 4. shows the magnetic circuit distribution of ℎ𝑟𝑟 Radial thickness of rotor 8mm
DSFTTFPMM proposed in this paper. It can be seen from the 𝑝𝑝 Pole pair number 12
figure that the magnetic circuits of the inner and the outer 𝑁𝑁1 The inner stator turns number 60
stator do not interfere with each other. The magnetic circuit in 𝑁𝑁2 Outer stator turns number 36
the sectional view also reflects the phase difference between 𝑛𝑛𝑚𝑚 Magnet number 24
the inner and outer stator windings. The directions of the 𝛿𝛿 Air gap 1mm
magnetic circuit of the two axially distributed windings are
opposite and together form a unit. The magnetic circuit of each
unit of DSFTTFPM is periodically distributed along the
circumferential direction. The number of units is equal to the
number of pole pairs. For any unit, the path of the magnetic
circuit starts from the PM and enters the air gap through the
rotor core, the stator teeth, and the stator core. At this time, the
magnetic circuits are distributed radially. At the stator yoke,
the direction of the magnetic circuit becomes axial. After
passing through the stator yoke, the magnetic circuit passes
through the stator teeth on the other side and returns to the
permanent magnet through the air gap. (a) (b)


Fig. 4. Magnetic circuit distribution. Fig. 5. Magnetic flux density distribution. (a) Inner stator, (b) Rotor, (c) Outer
The magnetic circuit of each unit of DSFTTFMM is
The magnetic flux density distribution of DSFTTFPMM
around the winding. When the rotor rotates, a sinusoidal- is shown in Fig. 5. DSFTTFPMM usually has a large magnetic
induced electromotive force is generated in the winding. The
flux density in the stator teeth. As a result, DSFTTFPM often
induced electromotive power generated by each unit
suffers from magnetic saturation at the stator teeth. For
simultaneously is equal in magnitude and direction. Back
TFPMM, the magnetic saturation of the stator and rotor will
EMF can interact with properly phased armature current to
cause a sizeable high-frequency harmonic of the back EMF,
generate torque. thereby reducing the sinusoidal degree of the back EMF.
III. SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS These factors will bring negative aspects to the stability and
reliability of the motor operation. Fig. 5(a) shows the magnetic
The magnetic circuit of the TFPMM is relatively complex,
flux density distribution in the inner stator. It can be seen that
and there are axial and radial magnetic fields in the stator. 2D
the flux density at the internal stator teeth is high, while the
finite element analysis (FEA) cannot simulate the working
flux density at the rest of the stator iron is relatively low. In
state of TFPMM well. Therefore, 3D-FEA was used to
addition, the inner stator of DSFTTFMM is more accessible
analyze the magnetic field distribution and motor performance
to achieve magnetic saturation than the outer stator. Because
of DSFTTFPM. This requires the establishment of a 3D model
the magnetic field lines converge towards the center in the
of the motor and appropriate meshing. The simulation
inner stator. Thus, the width and axial length of the stator teeth
parameters of the motor are shown in Table I.
need to be optimized. In actual design, the axial length of the

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inner stator laminations must be manageable and optimized winding is connected in △ , or Y type, the 3rd and 3rd
according to the size of the stator teeth. Fig. 5(b) shows the multiple harmonics in the phase EMF will be eliminated.
rotor flux density distribution. It can be obtained that the Fig. 7 shows the cogging torque and output torque
magnetic flux density of the rotor core is relatively high at the waveforms of DSFTTFMM. The peak-peak value of cogging
position facing the stator teeth. Besides, viewed in the axial torque at a speed of 500rpm is 0.549Nm. And when the motor
direction, a strip with a lower magnetic flux density is in the winding current is 7A, and the frequency is 100Hz, the
middle of the rotor core. This strip verifies that the magnetic average output torque is 14.12Nm. Among them, the
circuits of the inner and outer stators do not interfere with each maximum value of the torque is 14.47Nm, and the minimum
other. Fig. 5(c) shows the magnetic flux density distribution value is 13.55Nm. It can be seen that the output torque of
of the outer stator. The magnetic flux density of the stator teeth DSFTTFPMM is relatively stable, and it is suitable for
in the outer stator is larger than the stator core and the stator application in aircraft electric propulsion systems.
yoke. Therefore, the stator core's size and the outer stator's
yoke can be appropriately reduced, and the number of winding
turns can be increased to improve the output torque of the
outer stator.

Fig. 7. Cogging torque and output torque.


The strength of the motor fault tolerance ability is related
to the stability of the electric propulsion system. The
traditional electric propulsion system adopts a redundant
design, which will undoubtedly increase the volume and
weight of the system. This method will affect its performance
for aircraft with limited space and load. The capability of
DSFTTFPM proposed in this paper focuses on two points
regarding fault tolerance: on the one hand, the output torque
ripple can be reduced through multi-phase windings when
faults occur. And on the other hand, the inner and outer stators
can operate independently. Fig. 8 shows the fault tolerance test
process by taking the inner stator winding as an example.
When the motor works without faults, a 6-phase alternating
current is existed in the winding, as shown in the waveform
(b) above. When one phase of winding is open-circuited
suddenly, the current in the winding is 0.
Fig. 6. Simulation results. (a) Back EMF, (b) Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
of back EMF.
Phase A1 Phase B1 Phase C1
3D-FEA can help analyze the performance of Phase A2 Phase B2 Phase C2
DSFTTFPMM. Fig. 6(a) shows the back EMF of the motor. It
can be found from the no-load back EMF that both the inner

and outer stators are 6-phase coils. Due to the parameter Motor fault tolerance Lack of phase B1
design factor, the back EMF of the inner stator of the
DSFTTFMM proposed in this paper is higher than the outer
stator. And it can be seen that the phase difference between Time
the inner and outer stator coils is 180°, which is consistent
with the results obtained by magnetic circuit analysis. Fig. Fig. 8. Current of inner stator and one winding open circuit.
6(b) shows the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the back EMF As shown in Fig. 8, the B1 phase is missing. Use 3D-FEA
of the four coils in phase A of the inner and outer stators. The to explore the change of motor output torque. This paper
results of FFT show that the inner stator has more odd- designs a variety of fault conditions, which are divided into 3
numbered higher harmonics than the outer stator. But, the cases. Case 1 is the state of the motor when the B1 phase of
outer stator has a larger 3rd harmonic. When the motor the inner stator is disconnected. Case 2 is the B1 phase of the

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outer stator being open-circuited. And Case 3 is the B1 phase stators and 12 concentrated coils. The permanent magnet
of the inner and outer stators that are open-circuited adopts a Spoke-type on the rotor. The inner and outer stator
simultaneously. magnetic circuits of the motor are decoupled and can operate
After FEA analysis, the output torque is shown in Fig. 9. independently. The motor is divided into three modules in the
Among them, the black line is the motor’s output torque in a axial direction, and each module is decoupled. The modular
normal state, and the average output torque is 14.12Nm. When design is of great help in improving the fault-tolerant
the motor is in Case 1 state, the average output torque is performance of the motor. The fault tolerance capability of the
12.68Nm. The average output torque of Case 2 is 13.26Nm. proposed DSFTTFMM focuses on the stability of the output
And the average output torque of Case 3 is 11.81Nm. Thus, torque and the independent operation of the inner and outer
DSFTTFPMM can still output the torque when the winding is stators in the absence of coils. In addition, the TFPMM's most
broken and cannot work usually. The winding loss will reduce notable feature is that the magnetic flux direction of the stator
the total average output torque and increase the torque ripple. yoke is axial. Therefore, 3D-FEA needs to be used for
To suppress the torque ripple problem, corresponding control simulation. According to the simulation results, the following
strategies can be adopted at the converter. As for the conclusions can be drawn:
intermediate output torque reduction, the distributed electric (1) The magnetic flux density saturation of the motor is
propulsion aircraft can be controlled at the system level. The concentrated on the stator teeth. The oversaturation of the
system adopts power control, torque control, or energy stator teeth will increase the harmonic content of the motor's
management strategies to balance the system power output. back EMF and affect the waveform's sinusoidal degree. The
Thereby maintaining the stability of the aircraft’s flight inner stator contains higher harmonics, while the outer stator
attitude and ensuring flight safety. mainly contains 3rd harmonics.
(2) The peak-peak value of the cogging torque of the motor
is 0.549Nm. When the current is 7A, and the current frequency
is 100Hz, the average output torque is 14.12Nm, and the peak-
peak value of the torque ripple is 0.92Nm.
(3) When one winding is disconnected, DSFTTFPMM can
remain normal. When one inner stator coil is disconnected, the
Normal Average Torque: 14.12 Nm average output torque is 12.68Nm. And when one of the outer
Case 1 Average Torque: 12.68 Nm
stators is disconnected, the average output torque is 13.26Nm.
If both the inner and outer stator coils are disconnected, the
Case 2 Average Torque: 13.26 Nm
average output torque is 11.81Nm.
Case 3 Average Torque: 11.81 Nm (4) The inner and outer stators of DSFTTFPMM are
decoupled, so the inner and outer stators can operate
independently. When the inner stator runs alone, the output
Fig. 9. Fault-tolerant simulation results. torque is 8.81Nm. When the outer stator runs alone, the
average output torque is 5.32Nm. The sum of the two is almost
DSFTTFPMM can perform fault-tolerant control of equal to the average torque of the motor during regular
multiple windings and operate where the internal or outer operation.
stator works, thanks to decoupling the inner and outer stators.
When the motor only has 7A current in the inner stator ACKNOWLEDGMENT
winding, the average output torque is 8.81Nm. And when the This work was supported in part by a grant (Project No.
current exists in the outer stator winding, the average output 52077186) from the Natural Science Foundation of China
torque of the motor is 5.32Nm. The average output torque (NSFC), China; in part by a grant (Project No.
obtained by adding is 14.13Nm, almost equal to the average JCYJ20210324134005015) from the Science Technology and
output torque when the motor is usually working. It can be Innovation Committee of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen,
seen that the inner and outer stators can work independently. China; in part by a Collaborative Research Fund (CRF Project
This characteristic has a positive significance for the fault- No. C1052-21GF) from the Research Grants Council, Hong
tolerant control of the motor in an emergency state. Kong SAR; and in part by RGC Research Fellow Scheme
(RGC Ref. No.: RFS2223-1S05) from Research Grants
Council, Hong Kong SAR. (*Corresponding author: Chunhua
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