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CAE Format

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SiMPLY Cam bridge E : Advanced - l0 Practice Tests Contents

The SiMPLY Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) - 8 Practice Tests book provides the most
and up-to-date exam preParation available, allowing students to familiarise themselves
with the content
and format of the revised exam. This set of tests offers ample examination practice and
is designed to help
improve students' exam pet{ormance and increase language competence at advanced level.

The 8 Practice Tests for the Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) fully meet the requirements
of the exam,
ensuring that all the test papers closely replicate the exam in both level and format.

Advanced 201 5 Revised Format

Test Focus
Paper I . I hour 30 min Part I - multiple-choice cloze (eight gaps) Paft I - lexica/lexico-grammatical,
Reading & Part 2 - open cloze (eight gaps) vocabulary collocations, idioms etc.
Use of Part 3 - word formation (eight gaps) Paft 2 - grammatica/lexico-grammatical,
English . 34 questions Part 4 - key word transformations grammar with some focus on vocabulary
(six questions) Part 3 - lexica7lexico-grammatical,
. length oftexts: Part 5 - text followed by six 4-option focus on vocabulary compounding
about multiple-choice questions Part 4 - grammatica/lexico-grammatical,
per Part Part 6 - four short texts, followed by grammal vocabulary & collocations
four cross-text multiple-matching Part 5 - detail, opinion, tone, purpose,
. word count questions main idea, implication, text organisation
3,000-3,500 Part7 - gapped text task - paragraphs features
removed Part 6 - Understanding of opinion and
Part 8 - multiple matching - a text or attitude; comparing and contrasting of
several short texts, preceded by opinions and attitudes across texts.
I 0 multiple-matching questions Paft7 - text structure, cohesion & coherence
Part I - Detail, opinion, specific information
Part I - compulsory task: essay with a Part I - focus on evaluating, expressing
Paper 2 discursive focus (220-260 words) opinions, hypothesising, persuading
Writing . I hour 30 min Part 2 - Q.2-4 choice of one task from Part Z - varying focuses according to
the following (220-260 words): task; including giving opinions, persuading,
. 2 parts . letter . proposal . report . review justifying, giving advice, comparing

Part I - multiple choice; three short Part ! - feeling, attitude, opinion,

Paper 3 r Approximately unrelated extracts; 2 questions per text purpose, function, agreement, course
Listening 40 minutes Part 2 - sentence completion task with of action, general gist, detail, etc.
eight items; a monologue Pa*2 - specific information, stated opinion
. 30 questions Part 3 - 5 multiple choice questions; Part 3 - attitude and opinion
conversation Part 4 - gist, attitude, main points,
Part 4 - multiple matching task - five interpreting context
short themed monologues. Two linked
tasks, requiring selection from list of
eight options - l0 multiple-matching
questions. All texts will be heard twice.

Part I - conversation between the Part I - general interactional language

Paper 4 . 15 minutes interlocutor and each candidate Part2 - organising a larger unit of I
Speaking (for pairs) Part 2 - individual one-minute'long discourse; comparing, describing, I
turn' for each candidate with brief expressing opinions and speculating !
. 4 parts response from second candidate; each Part 3 - sustaining an interaction; (
candidate is given three visual stimuli, exchanging ideas, expressing and
with questions justifying opinions, agreeing and / or
Part 3 - two-way conversation between disagreeing, suggesti ng. speculating,
the candidates (written stimuli with reaching a decision rhrough negotiation, etc.
spoken instructions) Part 4 - expressing and justifying a

Part 4 - discussion on topics related to opinions. agreeing and , or disagreeing


Part 3 (spoken questions)

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