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© 2022 JETIR May 2022, Volume 9, Issue 5 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Financial Performance Analysis of Automobile

Industry with Special Reference to Ratios
*Dr. Madhvi Kush: Assistant Professor, Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management and Technology,
Haryana (
** Sahil: Student, MBA, Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management and Technology, Haryana


The automobile industry contributes 7.1 % (2022) in India’s total GDP which plays a significant role to
boost the economy. With the reference of the fact of growing economy, current study is conducted to
examine the financial performance of Indian automobile Industry, in which 2 major companies Maruti
Suzuki and Tata holding share of 41.6 % and 14.2% have been selected and . Data from the year 2016-21
has been collected from the relevant sources to analyse the financial performance. Statistical tool like
correlation, reliability model and regression have been used for performance analysis and it was found that
Maruti Suzuki is more efficient in utilizing their resources and making more profits whereas Tata is also
making efficient use of their resources but failed to reduce their debt for the concerned years.

Key Words: Financial performance, ratios, automobile industry, Indian economy, efficiency.


Before 1990’s in Indian economy goes in down trend because of various factors such as unemployment,
poor standard of living, undergrowth in GDP, trade deficit, low infrastructural developments etc. After that
India had realized the need of liberalization policy. In July 1991 India had de-licensed for FDI. Many
investors want to invest in India because of liberalization policy; they knew India is the fastest growing
economy and developing country. Automobile is one of the main sector in which foreign and Indian
investors like to invest because present government making new roads, bridges and developing
infrastructure. All investors want to take advantage at this stage and sales of vehicles increasing at very high
pace. Indian automobile market is destination for investors to invest in Indian market because purchasing
power of an individual is increasing very fast and results to increase in sales. Majorly Germany, USA, South
Korea, UK, Japan are investing in Indian Automobile market. Automobile sector contributing nearly 7-8%
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© 2022 JETIR May 2022, Volume 9, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
to India GDP. It is one of the major sector which generating huge number of employment to skilled and
unskilled worker directly and indirectly. In present Scenario many players are come forward and gives
advanced feature to customers. Many MNC’s setup their plants in India and gives cut throat competition to
other players in the market. Now, Government takes initiatives to enhance electric vehicles market by
reduce taxes on e-vehicles. Automobile sector is one of the largest sectors in production and generate
employment. Indian automobile market is at the third numbers in terms of sales behind USA and China
only. Automobile industry helps to improve in infrastructure, rails, roads, bridges etc. Indirectly it has
impact on various sectors and works as a multiplier in an economy. Financial performance is uses of tools,
techniques, formulas to analyse companies’ profitability. By analysing financial performance of
organisation and calculation of ratios we can tell financial condition of organisation to management which
helps to increase profitability and maintain ratios of the organisation. Analysis of financial performance tells
to internal and external users how the company is performing and helps to take decisions accordingly. There
are four statements which help to analyse financial performance of company that is Balance Sheet, Income
statement, Cash Flow Statement, Annual Report. Financial Performance have indicators which are also
known as Key Performance Indicator. Key Performance Indicators include Gross Profit, Net Profit,
Working Capital, Operating Cash flow, Current ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Quick Ratio, Inventory
Turnover ratio, Return on Equity. All the key indicators help to smooth functioning of organisation and give
clear insights to achieve their missions and vision.

Literature Review

Kanagavalli and Saroja focused on ratios and financial performance of automobile industry. They have
analysed that automobile industry contribute huge amount to Indian economy. This sector generates
employment to millions of people. This study deals with financial performance of companies and to
measure the companies strategies and how effectively those strategies are implemented in the organisation
and helps to increase profitability, maintain ratios to achieve goals easily. The research methodologies used
in this paper are sample design, ratio computed, liquidity performance, solvency performance. As a
statistical tool they have used regression which shows variation of one variable occurs with variation of
another variable, whereas correlation tells the strenght of relationship between two or more variables. Their
study concludes there is positive strong relationship of liquidity ratio. Some fluctuations are found in
solvency ratio. Hero motors shows effectively utilization of their resources. They have analysed that Bajaj
auto and TVS motors are good in position but more investors wants to invest in Hero motors because of less
risk and good return due to their profitability .Dharmaraj and Kathirvel have found out the effect of FDI
on Indian automobile industry and examined the growth of automobile industry after post liberalization
period when 100 percent foreign direct investment is allowed. Their research helps to study the financial
performance of automobile sector which helps to take decisions regarding increase or decrease in
investment in this sector.In their research paper, according to RBI statistics automobile sector has grown 18
percent after liberalization policy. Post liberalization India has become the second most important
destination for foreign direct investment. Across Asia China, India, Singapore are the three major countries

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for inward foreign direct investment. The objective of their study is to analyse and compare the financial
performance of Indian automobile industry during the pre and post Foreign Direct Investment. They have
choosen sixteen companies as a sample design. Data for study has been collected from annual reports of
sixteen companies from 1999 to 2012. For analysing the liquidity of the firm the ratios which are computed
Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Inventory to Total Assets, Quick Assets to Total Assets and Working Capital to
Total Assets Ratios and for profitability they have calculated the Return on Sales, Return on Equity, Return
on Total Assets, Return on Capital Employed, Operating Profits to Sales and Net Income to Total Debts.
They have calculated “t” test statistics from the data and than compared it with its table value. In their study
null hypothesis was rejected which shows significant effect of Foreign Direct Investment on liquidity of
Indian automobile sector. They have concluded their research paper increasing in the purchasing power of
Indians creates demands for vehicles which attracted multinational corporations to invest in Indian market.
Jothi and Kalaivani have researched upon two automobile companies that is Honda and Toyota to check
their financial management. Automobile industry helps to boost the economy and creates millions of jobs.
They have collected data from annual reports of selected companies. Their study covers five years which
starts from 2010 to 2014. The objective of their study is to analyse and compare the liquidity, profitability
and solvency ratios of selected companies. Their study was based on convenience sampling method. The
data is collected from secondary source. They were computed financial ratios in the statistical tools like
mean, standard deviation, co-efficient of variation to identify the profitability of Honda and Toyota. They
have concluded their research paper as both the companies have good short term liquidity position. Honda
Cash Ratio is good as compared to Toyota and sound cash management practice. Shivam Mathur and
Krati Agarwal research helps to evaluating a company’s financial statements for understanding the
financial health of the company. Their research helps to both internal and external users such as analysts,
creditors, investors etc. The main objective of their study is to compare the financial performance of both
companies through inter firm and intra firm analysis. Data for their research is collected from annual reports
of selected companies. They have taken two companies as a sample size and duration of their data is being
started from 2012 to 2014. Liquidity, Debt, Profitability, Efficiency are used as a statistical tools. They have
computed various ratios for evaluating the financial soundness of selected companies such as Gross Profit
Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Earning per Share Ratio and Dividend Pay-out Ratio. They
have concluded that Maruti Suzuki has higher sales as compared to Tata and Maruti’s Debt is lower than
Tata. Maruti is earning more because Maruti’s earning per share shows greater than Tata. Rajalakshmi
and Ramachandran have focused on effect of inflows of FDI to automobile industry have been at
increasing rate. They have studied that automobile sector has grown by 18 percent after liberalization. They
have used three statistical tool for analysing the study that is Arima, Linear, Compound Model. They have
also studied the impact of FDI inflows after liberalization policy. India is the main destination for investors
to invest because of rapidly growing economy, low wages. Indian government takes initiatives and makes
policy to boost Foreign Direct Investment. They have used Arima, Co-efficient, Linear and Compounded
model. Their main objective of the study is to analyse the FDI inflows in automobile industry and give rank
to companies based on highest inflows. The government is also preparing ten-year Automotive Mission plan
which helps to improve infratructure and remove barriers in growth. They have concluded that FDI inflows
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have significant growth after liberalization policy. They have analysed FDI inflows helps to change in
structure for developing countries and even the world. Sumesh kuma and Gurbachan Kaur Bhatia has
measures the financial performance of selected companies that is Maruti and Tata since 1991 when the
liberalization came in India. Their study is based upon liquidity, Profitability, Ratio, Performance,
Liberalization of Tata and Maruti. They have analysed that automobile sector is the major contributor to
Gross Domestic Product. The main objective of their study is to compare the ability to meet short term
financial obligations of the companies, long term solvency, profitability and efficiency of the companies in
utilization of financial resources. The data has been collected from annual reports of selected companies.
The period of study is 1992 to 2013. In their research paper Current Ratio and Quick Ratio had computed
for analysing the liquidity of selected companies and Gross Margin Ratio, Net Profitability Ratio is
calculated to check the profitability of companies. To know the financial efficiency Fixed Asset Turnover
Ratio and Capital Employed Turnover Ratio has been calculated. The‘t’ test statistics has calculated and
compared with its table value. They have concluded that both the companies have sound in short term
solvency, liquidity and profitability. Abey and Velmurugan have studied the determinants of profitability
in Indian automobile industry. Automobile sector plays a important role in the development of the country.
The main objective of their study is to analyse the factors which influencing the profitability of Indian
automobile sector. They have collected secondary data from capitaline plus data base. They have chosen
twenty-three companies as a sample size. Their study covers the period of 2008 to 2017. They have used
Correlation and Multiple regressions as a statistical tool in their study. The limitation of their study is
restricted tenure of ten years and data is secondary in nature. Their suggestions is to offering discounts and
credit facility to increase the sales which directly helps to increase in profitability and the organisation
should utilize their resources in optimum manner to generate more revenues. They have concluded their
study is that determinants of profitability of automobile companies is totally affected by the factors which
are leverage, size of the company, growth in the sales, asset turnover ratio, index of industrial production.
Government also tries to boost automobile industry by improving infrastructure and give financial help.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to analyse the financial performance of automobile industry by various
ratios and comparison has been done of selected companies on the parameters of profitability, liquidity and
efficiencies. Data from the year 2016-21 have been derived from BSE, NSE and companies websites.

Research Methodology
This study is based on secondary data. The data has collected from NSE, BSE, Money Control, Annual
reports and from internet. Maruti and Tata have taken as a sample. Analysis for this study is the period of
five years that is starts from 2016 to 2021. Regression and correlation is used as a statistical tool in this

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Data Analysis and Results

Gross Profit Ratio

Graph 1.1

2 Maruti
Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21

Source: Author’s Compilation

Interpretation: From the above graph we analysed that the Gross Profit Ratio is highest in 2016-17
which is 18.2 and lowest in 2020-21 which is 12. After this, it goes on increasing in next subsequent years
and 2020-2021 which is due to the decrease in the profit of the industry. Firstly, there is a small increase in
the Earnings Per Share after then it continuously goes on decreasing. We can say that profit of the selected
effects the earnings per share of the industry.
Net Profit Ratio
Graph 1.2
0 Maruti
Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21
-5 Tata

Source: Author’s Compilation

Interpretation : From the above graph we analysed that the Net Profit Ratio is highest in 2016-17 which
is 10.2 and lowest in 2020-21which is 5.3. After this year it goes on increasing in next subsequent years and
2020-2021 which is due to the decrease in the profit of the industry. Firstly, there is a small decrease in the
Earnings Per Share and then it continuously goes on decreasing. We can say that profit of the selected
effects the earnings per share of the industry.

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Debt to Equity Ratio

Graph 1.3


0.6 Maruti


Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21

Source: Author’s Compilation

Interpretation : From the above graph we analysed that the Debt to Equity Ratio is highest in 2019-20
which is more than 1 and lowest in 2018-19which is less than 0.8. After this year it goes on increasing in
2019-2020 and than decreasing in 2020-2021 which is due to the decrease in the profit of the industry.
Firstly , there is a small increase in the Earnings Per Share after then it goes on decreasing. We can say that
profit of the selected effects the earnings per share of the industry.
Earning Per Share
Graph: 1.4

Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Tata

Source: Author’s Compilation
Interpretation :From the above graph we analysed that the Earning Per Share Ratio is highest in 2017-
18 which is nearly 14 and lowest in2019 20 which is negative. After this year it goes on increasing in 2020-
2021 and which is due to the increase in the profit of the selected company. Firstly , there is a increase in the
Earnings Per Share in 2018-19 after then it goes on increase. We can say that profit of the selected effects
the earnings per share of the industry.

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Dividend Payout Ratio
Graph: 1.5



15 Maruti

Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21

Source: Author’s Compilation

Interpretation :From the above graph we analysed that the Dividend Pay-out Ratio is highest in 2019-20
which is nearly 27 and lowest in 2016-17 which is 10.1. After this year it goes on increasing in next
subsequent years and which is due to the increase in the profit of the industry. Firstly , there is a increase in
the Dividend Pay-out ratio and it goes increasing subsequent year till 2019-20. We can say that profit of the
selected effects the Dividend Pay-out Ratio of the industry.
Descriptive Statistics
Table: 1.1
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
EPS 3.086000 9.3467123 5
Gross Profit 6.310000 3.4585980 5
NP -5.200000 7.2023816 5
DER .924000 .1441527 5
DPR .000000 .0000000 5
Source: Author’s calculation
Interpretation: As value of Standard Deviation for majority of variables is very less, it shows that the data
is consistent. The values of standard deviation shows the variations come which is .0000 for Dividend
Payout Ratio , 0.1441527 for Debt to Equity Ratio, 7.2023816 for Net profit ratio,

Table: 1.2
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Earnings per share 3.0860 9.34671 5
Gross Profit 6.3100 3.45860 5
Net Profit -5.2000 7.20238 5
Debt To Equity Ratio .9240 .14415 5
Dividend Payout Ratio .00 .000 5

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Source: Author’s calculation

Interpretation: As value of Standard Deviation for majority of variables is very less, it shows that the data
is consistent. The values of standard deviation shows the variations come which is .000 for Dividend Payout
Ratio , .14415 for Debt to Equity Ratio,3.45860 for Gross profit, 7.20238 for Net Profit Ratio.3.45860 for
earning per share.

Correlation Analysis
Table: 1.3

Pearson EPS 1.000 .968 .992 -.910 .
Correlation Gross .968 1.000 .966 -.955 .
NP .992 .966 1.000 -.945 .
DER -.910 -.955 -.945 1.000 .
DPR . . . . 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) EPS . .003 .000 .016 .000
Gross .003 . .004 .006 .000
NP .000 .004 . .008 .000
DER .016 .006 .008 . .000
DPR .000 .000 .000 .000 .
N EPS 5 5 5 5 5
Gross 5 5 5 5 5
NP 5 5 5 5 5
DER 5 5 5 5 5
DPR 5 5 5 5 5
Source: Author’s calculation
Interpretations: After applying correlation analysis it was found that the value of Pearson Correlation is
highly positive correlated in case of net profit and gross profit ratio with earning per share and Dividend
Equity Ratio is highly negative correlated with Earning per share.

Table 1.4

Debt To Equity Dividend Payout
Earnings per share Gross Profit Net Profit Ratio Ratio
Pearson Correlation Earnings per share 1.000 .968 .992 -.910 .
Gross Profit .968 1.000 .966 -.955 .
Net Profit .992 .966 1.000 -.945 .
Debt To Equity Ratio -.910 -.955 -.945 1.000 .
Dividend Payout Ratio . . . . 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) Earnings per share . .003 .000 .016 .000

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Gross Profit .003 . .004 .006 .000
Net Profit .000 .004 . .008 .000
Debt To Equity Ratio .016 .006 .008 . .000
Dividend Payout Ratio .000 .000 .000 .000 .
N Earnings per share 5 5 5 5 5
Gross Profit 5 5 5 5 5
Net Profit 5 5 5 5 5
Debt To Equity Ratio 5 5 5 5 5
Dividend Payout Ratio 5 5 5 5 5
Source: Author’s calculation

Interpretations: After applying correlation analysis it was found that the value of Pearson Correlation is
highly positive correlated in case of Gross Profit and Earning per Share with Net Profit Ratio and highly
negative correlated Net Profits with Debt to Equity Ratio.

Regression Analysis
Table 1.5
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 348.862 3 116.287 199.679 .052b
Residual .582 1 .582
Total 349.444 4
a. Dependent Variable: EPS
b. Predictors: (Constant), DER, NP, Gross Profit

Source: Author’s calculation

Interpretations: From the above table, there is 98.7% Impact of Independent variable (i.e., Dividend
Payout Ratio) on Dependent variable (i.e., Earning Per Share). Further from ANOVA table it is found
insignificant because p value is 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05.

Table 1.6
Sum of
Model Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 348.862 3 116.287 199.679 .052b
Residual .582 1 .582
Total 349.444 4
a. Dependent Variable: Earnings per share
b. Predictors: (Constant), Debt To Equity Ratio, Net Profit, Gross Profit
Source: Author’s calculation

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Interpretations: From the above table, there is 98.7% Impact of Independent variable (i.e., Dividend
Payout Ratio) on Dependent variable (i.e., Earning Per Share). Further from ANOVA table it is found
insignificant because p value is 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05.

Reliability Analysis
Table 1.7
Cronbach's Alpha .97
Cronbach's Alpha .797

Interpretations: It was found in the table 1.7 that the reliability score of the variables selected in current
study is .97 which is excellent. That clearly depicts the suitablity of the variables to analyse the profitability
or financial performance for Maruti Suzuki and the the reliability score of the variables selected in current
study is .797 which is adequate. That clearly depicts the suitability of the variables to analyse the
profitability or financial performance for Tata.


 From the Gross Profit Ratio it can be seen that there is continuous decline in Gross Profit Ration of
Maruti in five consecutive years whereas Tata had an increase in gross profit ratio for three
consecutive years and then sharp fall in fourth year and increase in fifth year.Net Profit Ratio for
Maruti Suzuki has declining in five consecutive years whereas Tata Net Profit Ration is increasing in
three consecutive years and then sharp fall in fourth year and increase in fifth year. Debt to equity
ratio for Maruti has very less in first year and then has been zero for three years and then increase
very less whereas debt to equity ratio of Tata has been reducing for first three consecutive year and
increased in fourth year than decrease in fifth year. Earnings per share of Maruti has been increased
in second year than decreased in third year lastly increased for further two years whereas Tata has
been increased for first three years and then drastically decreased in fourth year than increased in
fifth year. Dividend Payout Ratio of Maruti has been increasing in first four consecutive years and a
little decrease in fifth year whereas Tata dividend payout ratio remains zero in five years.


Ratio analysis helps to tell the financial soundness of the organizations. There are various tools and
techniques which are used in this study to analyse the financial performance of the selected companies. By
calculating different ratios this study concludes that Maruti has higher Gross Profit Ratio as compared to
Tata which shows that Maruti has high profit margin after deducting cost. Debt to Equity Ratio of Maruti is
lower as compared to Tata which tells Maruti Suzuki has more reliable for investors. Earnings per share of
Maruti has not much fluctuations but Tata showing very high fluctuations which is not good for Tata
because investors do no rely on Tata’s performance due to high fluctuations. Dividend is the income for
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shareholders they want to earn dividend income and Capital appreciation, in this study Maruti has given
very good dividend to the their shareholders whereas Tata has not given any dividend to their shareholders
in any year which shows that most of the investors wants to invest in Maruti and enjoys the dividend
income. Every organisation wants to working for net profits, Net Profit Ratio of Maruti was going
decreasing every year whereas Tata’ Net Profit Ratio is Improving first three years and in fourth year
decreased drastically because of covid pandemic and increase in fifth year which shows Tata is working
hard to improve their net profits whereas Maruti is not able to increase their net profits. According to
statistical tool gross profit ratio and debt to equity ratio for Maruti Suzuki is highly negative correlated
which is very good for the organisation whereas Tata’s is highly positive correlated in gross profit ratio and
earning per share which attracts more investors. By considering all the key performance indicators, Maruti
Suzuki is performing well as compared to Tata. Tata needs to improve their all key ratios and increase their
net profits which are very less as compared to Maruti. Lastly this study concludes that Maruti Suzuki is
Performing well As compared to Tata and more investors wants to invest in Maruti Suzuki.

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