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Sampling Design & Itsh

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Sampling Design & Its Types

Unit: II
Semester: II
Paper Code: GIS 10
Name of Paper: Research Methodology and Application of Remote Sensing
and GIS Techniques in Research
PG Diploma in RS & GIS
I. Meaning of Sampling
Sampling is the process of systematic selection of elements from a population of interest
so that by studying the sample a researcher can fairly generalize the results about the

Size of population ranges from few individuals, for example, nuclear scientists in
the country, to a very large number, for example, school going children in the country. In
the first example, it is fairly less difficult for a researcher to identify the population for the
study as the number of scientists specialised in nuclear science in the country is less. Given
the resources and time, sometimes researcher might collect data from entire population.
Operational, technical and material constraints of research may demand collection of data
from a set of elements drawn from population instead. If data are collected from all the
elements of population, it is referred to as census data. If data are collected from few select
respondents, it is referred to as sample data. The important issue here is that how the
researcher arrives at generalizations or explanations about population based on the data
collected from a sample.

Sampling involves selection of some or all elements of population with an

intention to explain the properties of population. Sampling, thus, pertains to selection of
certain elements from a large or small population. The elements selected for systematic
observation or data collection through various methods are referred to as sample. A sample
is a finite part of a population whose properties are studied to explain about the whole.
The size of the sample nee ed not be in proportion to the size of population.

Studying all the elements from a very large population is usually not possible for any
researcher. At another level, social research does not necessarily demand data collection
from entire population. In fact, it is considered as meaningless to collect data from entire
population. When it is not useful to collect data from all elements in the population or it
is impractical, or impossible to deal with all elements, then sampling is undertaken.

Sampling is not entirely new and unknown to us. In fact, in our day-to-day life we
practice sampling in various contexts. Take the example of us when we go to buy rice or
wheat from a grocery store. How do we judge the quality of grains in a bag of rice? Do
we check the entire bag to know the quality of rice in the bag? We just take a handful of
rice grains from the bag and decide the quality of rice in that particular bag. Here, rice in
the particular bag can be considered as the population and few grains which we collect
from the bag as the sample. Is sampling such a simple exercise? Just hold on. It is not
that simple. Because how do we know that the handful of grains we collect from the bag
represent the grains in the entire bag. If there are 10 bags of rice then can this handful of
rice from one bag be used to determine the quality of rice in all the ten bags? The
important question that emerges here is whether the sample we choose is representing
the entire population. Because a sample is subjected to measurement assuming that it
represents the entire population. A ‘representative sample’ is the one that represents the
entire population.

What do we do with a sample study? Through data collected from the sample we arrive
at an aggregate value called as statistic. Using the statistic we aim to estimate a
population parameter. For example, average age of students in a college may be
calculated by using a sample. The average age we calculate is used to make observations
about age of students in the college as a whole. Such statements based on sample results
are probability statements. They are probable statements because the average we arrive
at is not a fact. If we collect data on age from all the students in the college, we would
arrive at a factual figure. Thus, while the census value is a fact, the sample value is an
estimate. We call sample value (statistic) as an estimate because the value is not based
on the information from all the students in the college. Estimate also brings in the issue
of its precision. How precise the estimate can take us close to the population value?
Closeness to the correct population value (fact) is referred as accuracy. Since population
value is seldom known to the researcher, the sample value gives us probable accuracy
which is otherwise called as precision.

II. Some Important Terms Used in Sampling

❖ Population: The term population refers to a group of elements or units related to

the problem of research. These elements or units in the population can be
individuals, households, organizations, villages, states, nations, etc. Identification
of relevant population is guided by factors like geographical area of the study and
operational definition of the study. For example, a study on university students in
the country, all the students enrolled in different are considered as population.
Sometimes population can be enumerated. That means, elements or units in the
population can be identified and listed. For example, the details of voters in a
constituency are available in the form of voter list. In certain cases, it is not
possible to enumerate the elements. The population elements that can be accessed
by the researcher, in terms of geographical accessibility, is called ‘accessible
population’. When the findings of the study based on the sample drawn from the
accessible population are generalized to the population beyond the accessible
population, it is referred as ‘theoretical population’. Consider the example of
persons with disabilities in a district who form the accessible population and the

persons with disabilities in the country or state would become the theoretical
population. Population size is denoted by the word ‘N’.

❖ Sample: A sample is a finite part of a population whose properties are studied to

explain about the whole. Sample consists of elements or units drawn from
population. The elements can be individual persons, households, organizations,
villages, states, nations, etc. It is important to note that the elements in the sample
must possess the properties of the population. A sample also indicates the target
elements from which data for the research study are collected. Sample size is
denoted by the word ‘n’.

❖ Sampling error: The error which arises because of studying only a part of the
total population, i.e. sample, is called sampling error. When a sample is drawn
from the population, only this part of the population is subjected to data collection
and measurement assuming that the elements in the sample represent the
entire population. From the sample the relevant statistic, for example, an average
age, is calculated and this statistic is used as an estimate of the population
parameter. However, due to certain factors like, natural variations among elements

or units in the population, incorrect sampling procedure, inadequate sample size,

and non- representativeness of the sample, the sample may not give the statistic
that is equal to the population value. The degree of variations of sample values is
measured by standard deviation and it is known as the standard error of the
concerned statistic. Such an error is referred to as sampling error. As the sample
size increases the magnitude of the error decreases. Sample size and sampling error
are negatively correlated.

❖ Statistic: Statistic is the summary value of a variable calculated from a sample.

The value may be average (mean), median, mode or any other statistical value. For
example, average age of students from the sample.

❖ Parameter: Parameter is the summary value of the variable in the population that
the researcher is trying to estimate. Again, the value may be average (mean),

median, mode or any other statistical value. For example, average age of students
in a school.

❖ Estimate: An estimate is the value obtained by using the method of estimation for
a specific sample. For example, mean age of the students from the sample
(statistic) is an estimator for the age of students in a school. If the value of the
estimator is equal to the population value (parameter), the estimator is called
unbiased. If not, it is called biased. The difference between the expected value and
the true population value is termed as bias.

❖ Sampling Frame: The sampling frame contains all the population elements or
units. It is a list of the population elements from which the sample is drawn.
Generally, in any research process researcher has to develop the sampling frame
containing the list of units or elements of the population. In certain cases the
sampling frame may be available or can be procured from different sources
directly. For example, voter list in a polling booth is a sampling frame from which
the researcher draws a sample of voters to be interviewed. However, in many
cases, the researcher has to develop the sampling frame. For example, in a study
on persons with disabilities in a district the researcher is expected to develop
the sampling frame based on the sources like census, village records, etc. about
their number and spread in the district.

III. Universe of study

As discussed in the initial part of this module, you are familiar with the fact that sample
is drawn from a population located in a particular geographical setting. How to delimit the
geographical area for a research study has been a big challenge to social science
researchers. Gideon Sjoberg and Roger Nett (1992: 129) have observe that,

“most lay observers fail to appreciate many of the technical procedures involved in
sampling, for some of these depart markedly from common-sense thinking. Perhaps, the
greatest difficulty the scientist experiences in effectively utilizing the material collected
by lay observers results from the failure of the latter to specify just how informants are
chosen. For the more clearly the researcher envisions his universe and the more carefully

he selects its component parts, the more likely is his research to be successful and the
more readily can others verify his findings”.

These observations clearly state the significance of selection of universe and its units
(elements) in any social research. Before we go into the criteria adopted in the selection
of universe the terms working universe (also referred as special universe) and the general
universe need to be clarified.

The ‘working universe’ is specific and amenable for empirical observation from which
researcher draws the units for the study. The working universe is equal to that of
population in survey research. On the other hand, the general universe is abstract universe
to which the findings from the units selected will apply. For example, working universe
could be a particular community from which respondents are drawn. Findings of the data
collected from the respondents are generalized to the community in general which may
range from a particular community located in a socio cultural context to global
community. For example, women’s studies, disability studies though study women or
disabled in a particular context generalise the findings to women and disabled in general.

Selection of a working universe:

Sjoberg and Roger Nett (1992) suggest that the following factors influence the selection
of working universe:

✓ Theoretical commitment: Researchers’ original theoretical commitment

determines the selection of universe.
✓ Availability of data: Generally existing data on a subject attract new research
studies. Because of the availability of background data researchers raise new
questions for empirical study.
✓ Resources and convenience: Resources available at the disposal of the researcher
such as time, money and manpower influence the choice of a working universe.

IV. Sampling distribution

Sampling distribution refers to the distribution of mean values of different samples drawn
from the same population from the mean of these means (average of averages). It may be
said that the mean of the means (of different samples) is equal to the true population mean.
Consider the following example. From a population of 4 students, data were collected

from a sample of two students. In all, six samples of equal size were drawn from the

Population – students Age in years

A 15
B 17
C 18
D 22

Based on four samples of different combinations, we may draw the following table:

Here, the mean age of the population is 18 years. When we calculate the mean of mean
ages, it is also 18 (108/6 = 18). This example shows that average of averages is equal to
the population average. Then coming to the estimate’s precision, samples 3 and 4 come
close to the population mean. By taking a number of samples and calculating the mean of
means one can arrive at a statistic which is closer to the population parameter. However,
in practice a researcher does not draw several samples and instead tries to estimate the
population parameter on the basis of only one sample.

Reasonably large samples provide us the values for different sampling distributions which
approximates normal distribution. If a particular distribution approximated normal
distribution, we can say that 68.26 percent of the sample estimates will lie between its
mean and one standard deviate point, 95.44 percent and two standard deviate points and
about 99.72 percent between its mean and 3 standard deviate points.

V. Sample Size

How big should be the sample size? Statisticians suggest that larger sample size
overcomes the problem of error in estimate. The larger the sample size, the lower is the
sampling error. However, sample size is also determined by other constraints such as
budget, time and man power. The size of the sample depends on the characteristics of the
population. If the population is homogenous, a sample of one element of the entire
population is sufficient (for example, a single drop of blood in blood tests). The size of
sample is also influenced by the precision of the results desired by the researcher. If the
researcher decides for an intensive examination of population properties, then a large
sample may be necessary. Researcher goes for a small sample when the errors associated
with small sample studies do not undermine the findings of the study. Finally, sample size
depends upon the level of confidence at which the researcher decides for the estimates.
Higher level of confidence demands large sample size and vice-versa. Of course, size of
sample varies with the method of data collection. Survey researchers place greater
emphasis on calculation of sample size to make the data claims valid. They adopt
mathematical calculations to arrive at a number for sample size. In survey research, the
researcher has to answer certain questions about accuracy of the result (for example, how
accurately the data finding should be?), level of confidence at which survey results are
explained and the awareness of population mean or expectations. In survey research,
sample size is calculated before the beginning of data collection. Using a formula one can
calculate the sample size.

As far as the size of sample in qualitative research is considered, there are no defining
rules to guide the selection. It depends on the objectives of the research project, nature of
research questions, resources at disposal, researcher’s familiarity with the field and time.
We come across certain sociological studies on social phenomena with a smaller sample
size conducted with great intensity. Often referred to as purposeful sampling, the sample
is judged based on the purpose and rationale of the study rather than on statistical
procedure. However, the validity of the insights of such research is based on the richness
of data collected and analytical capability of the researcher and theoretical rendering to
the findings.

VI. Sampling Techniques

As we have understood above, sampling means to pick units from the universe to form
a sample (or samples, depending on the study) for conducting research. Sampling can be
done using some techniques that have been developed over time by researchers. The
various techniques that are known and used widely have been discussed as follows.

1. Simple Random Sampling

As the name suggests ‘simple random sampling’ refers to sampling done in a simple
manner where sampling units are chosen randomly. In simple random sampling there
is no procedure followed for sampling, thus it is called ‘simple’. Also units are selected to
be in the sample in a random fashion. There is no systematic choosing. Simple random
sampling falls under the category of ‘probability sampling’. There are various ways of
doing simple random sampling. As already explained above, probability sampling requires
that complete list of units in the universe must be known. Researcher may use a computer
to make the list or make a manual list, before proceeding for selecting units for sample.
Before proceeding for simple random sampling, the desired size of the sample must be
finalised. Researcher can be innovative to create a manner of doing simple random
sampling, as there is no system to be followed. However following are the most known
methods of doing simple random sampling:

✓ Lottery:

Lottery means where lots are blindly picked, and it is a matter of chance that which lot
gets picked. Lottery is the simplest way of conducting sampling. In this method a number
is given to all the units in the universe. All these numbers are then written down on small
pieces of paper, which are then put together. Since the desired size of sample is known,
the requisite numbers of units are then picked out of the stack of paper. Whichever number
appears in the picking, are the units to be included in the sample. The researcher may
himself draw the chits of paper or may ask someone else to do it.

✓ Tippet’s Table:

While the lottery method was popularly used for a long time for sampling, various scholars
pointed out a fact that even though lottery method ensured a random way of sampling.

These researchers have come up with various tables consisting of random numbers. Of
these, the table formed by a researcher and scholar named Tippet, is most widely used

in social researches. Tippet has formed a table of 10,400 numbers having 4 digits. The
method of sing this table is to first assign numbers to the complete list of units in the
universe and the randomly select any number in the Tippet’s table. Thereafter go on
selecting the units from the list as per the numbers given in the table. A portion of Tippet’s
table is reproduced below to provide an understanding of how the table works:

For example a study is to be conducted on those rickshaw pullers who have migrated to
battery run rickshaws, in the area of Noida, NCR of India. Let us assume the researcher
has found out that there are 900 of them, and he wants a sample containing 500. Now since
200 is a 3 digit number, and Tippet’s table contains 4 digits, the researcher shall assign
four-digit numbers to the list of people to be studied, say from 3001 to 3900. Now all the
researcher needs to do is to select any random number from the table, and there onward
go on marking the units on the list as per the numbers in the table. Tippet’s table is a
random method of sampling and its advantage over lottery or blind method is that it can
be used even for a large amount of population.

The advantages of using ‘simple random sampling’ are:

✓ It is hassle-free method of sampling population is homogeneous.
✓ There is no chance of personal bias of the researcher to influence sampling.
✓ This is a simple method requiring no computation of any sort.

The following are the disadvantages of using ‘simple random sampling’:

✓ It cannot be used in heterogeneous population.

✓ It does not make use of any special and particular circumstances that may be

present in a population.
✓ It cannot be used where researcher wants to conduct a mini-comparison within
the universe by studying the sample in divisions.
✓ It requires basic knowledge of the universe, to make a list to be able to choose

2.Interval Sampling
This kind of sampling may be characterised by its systematic nature of sampling
may be characterised by its systematic nature of uncertainty. Interval sampling is random
in the sense that there is no basis for deciding the units to be chosen, yet it follows a
systematic format of choosing the uncertain units. The prerequisite of interval sampling
is to have a list of all units in the universe. The researcher randomly chooses one of the
units that may or may not be the first one in the list. Thereafter the units following after

an interval of a certain ‘n’ number will be chosen. That is to say, every ‘nth’ unit will
be chosen for the sample. This ‘n’ number may be any number of the researcher’s choice.

Interval sapling is not purely Probability Sampling, as all the units do not stand an
equal chance of being represented in the sample. Once the r searcher decides the gap, then
the units falling in between the intervals straightaway lose their chance of being in the
sample purely Probabilities. This is the reason Interval Sampling cannot be considered
sampling. However, it is not Non-Probability also, as there is no discretion of the
researcher to choose the units, except that the researcher chooses the number of interval
after which the units shall be selected. Thus, Interval Sampling is a form of ‘Mixed

Advantages of using interval sampling:

✓ This method is easy to understand and use.
✓ This method involves least number of steps.
✓ There is least chance of influence of personal bias of researcher.
✓ No knowledge of the universe is required before sampling.

Following are the disadvantages of using interval sampling:

✓ Every unit in the universe does not have equal chances of being selected in the
sample as the selection depends on the ‘n’ number chosen.
✓ It is not an effective sampling method in case of heterogeneous population.

3. Stratified Sampling
The universe to be studied by the researcher is not always homogeneous.
Heterogeneous population is often formed in such a way that it can be divided into
different strata of homogeneous population. Stratified Sampling is helpful for doing
drawing samples out of such a population. First the population is divided into different
strata or layers and then samples are drawn out of each stratum. The units from each
sample from the various strata form the final sample for carrying out the research.
Strata can be purposely formed by the researcher, by putting together the units
having common characteristics. Thus each stratum will be a mini-universe composed of
homogeneous population. Any technique may be used to draw out sample from the strata.
Since the population in the strata is homogeneous, simple random sampling is also a or
Interval Sampling is the most preferred choice. Stratified form of ‘Mixed Sampling’
as it is neither purely Probability Sampling nor purely Non-Probability Sampling’.
Samples from each stratum may be selected by the researcher proportionate to the
strata or randomly. That is entirely the choice of the researcher. However, if samples are
selected proportionately, the representation of each stratum in the final sample is more
authentic. For example for a study of 1,000 persons, the population consists of persons
belonging to four different religions in this manner: 400 people in Religion A, 300 people
in Religion B, 200 people in Religion C and 100 people in Religion D. the researcher
decides to create a sample of 200 people, that is 20% of the population. Now for the final
sample to proportionately represent each stratum, the researcher must draw out 20% of
sample from each stratum as well. Thus, there will be 80 persons from Religion A, 60
persons from Religion B, 40 persons from Religion C and 20 persons from Religion D.
The researcher may also draw equal number of units from each strata-sample to form the

final sample. However, that would not represent the strata adequately. Thus, ‘stratified
sampling may be done in two ways:
✓ ‘Stratified Random Sampling’, and
✓ ‘Stratified Proportional Sampling’.

Stratified Sampling is useful for population which is divisible into homogeneous sub-
groups. The advantages of using Stratified Sampling are as follows:
✓ There is better representation of the different characteristics of the population.
✓ The researcher can use results from different strata to compare results within the

However, a disadvantage of stratified sampling is that it involves more time as samples

are to be taken out from each strata to form the final sample.

4.Purposive Sampling
Purposive sampling is also known as ‘Judgment Sampling’, as it relies entirely on
the wish and judgment of the researcher. This is the purest form of Nonprobability
Sampling. No unit in the universe stands any chance of being included in the sample
except the ones that the researcher himself/herself chooses. That is to say all the units in
the universe do not have an equal chance of being included in the sample. In purposive
sampling the researcher purposely selects units to include in the sample. The basis for
selection of the units is entirely the wish and judgment of the researcher.

Purposive sampling is generally used where the population is smaller. Purposive

sampling also is useful where the results of the study depend less on empirical analysis
and more on qualitative investigation. For example a researcher proposes to conduct a
socio-legal study on drug abuse among children of divorced parents. The universe is all
the children of divorced parent who are in custody of one of them. The researcher does
not wish to obtain empirical results, but is more interested in investigating the sociological
aspect of the problem, so the researcher may conduct study on any persons out of the
universe, as he deems fit.

The advantages of purposive sampling are:

✓ It is easy on the pocket, as the researcher chooses the units himself/herself. There
is no cost involved in selecting units for sample.
✓ No prior knowledge of the universe is required before embarking upon the

However purposive sampling has the following disadvantages:
✓ Representativeness of the sample is questionable.
✓ It is not useful in cases of heterogeneous population.
✓ Sampling may be influenced by the personal bias of the researcher

5. Convenience Sampling
Convenience sampling is the most random of all techniques of sampling. This
sampling is a pure form of Non-probability sampling, because all units do not have an
equal chance of being included in the sample. It is only a matter of chance that a unit may
be convenient for the researcher to sample and others are not. The most suitable example
is the feedback surveys conducted for any product in the market, let us say a car. The
researchers would not first demarcate the universe, next make a sample and then conduct
study. Sample would be composed of any person who is most convenient to approach.
The only knowledge required would be the nature of universe, and where the respondents
would be found. Convenience sampling is similar to purposive sampling to some extent,
as this also involves the judgment of the researcher to select or deselect a person for the
sample. The only difference is that while the researcher employs some bit of judgment to
base the selection in purposive sampling; in convenience sampling the researcher selects
any unit in the universe out of pure convenience.

The advantages and disadvantages of convenience sampling are same as that of

purposive sampling. Convenience sampling as well as purposive sampling is best suited
for those researches which are preliminary or pilot projects, and which will be
supplemented with further probability sampling research.

6. Cluster Sampling
Cluster sampling involves drawing samples from smaller clusters that the
population is divided into. It should not be confused with stratified sampling. In cluster
sampling, the population is either studied in multi-phase method, in different clusters, or
samples are drawn from each cluster. This type of sampling is useful only where the
population can be looked at, in a cluster. Unlike stratified sampling, cluster sampling does
not require the population to be divided into homogeneous groups; that is to say the
clusters may be heterogeneous. For example, an accrediting study is to be conducted on a
private university in India. A university is a collection of students, teachers, visiting
faculty, office staff, etc., and it cannot be divided into strata because it is best to be seen
in its functional mode. But the University has various departments, which can be
considered each as a cluster. The clusters may be studied one by one in multi-phase
method or else samples may be formed out of each of the clusters, and studied together,
just like we saw in

Stratified Sampling. Cluster sampling is part probability sampling and part non-
probability sampling, so it may be classified as mixed sampling

Cluster sampling has the following advantages:

✓ It is useful where the population is divisible into clusters, even heterogeneous
✓ Cluster sampling is useful in large geographical areas.
✓ This sampling allows researcher some bit of flexibility, as division of clusters is
not dependent on them being homogeneous. Therefore, more than one
characteristic can be studied in one cluster.
✓ There is no need to have a prior knowledge of the population.

Cluster sampling has the following disadvantages:

✓ The clusters are not equal in size, so the final sample may not represent the
population proportionately. Even if the study is conducted in multiphase manner,
the clusters do not offer a comparative analysis.

✓ There is a possibility that a same person may form part of more than one cluster.
This will lead to over representativeness.
✓ Formation of the clusters may or may not depend on the choice of the researcher,
and thus, there is a possibility that some clusters may be homogeneous while other
may be heterogeneous.

7. Sequential Sampling
Sequential sampling is also known as ‘snowball sampling’. Snowball, as the name
refers to, is the practice of doing a work in an on-going manner. Thus, sequential sampling
does not end before the beginning of data collection. It is an ongoing process, wherein the
researcher goes on collecting data even as s/he draws samples as required. For example
for a study on access to human rights for the LGBT community in India the researcher
may not be able to define the universe to draw out a sample, owing to the repressed state
they live in India. The researcher may find out where he may be able to access the potential
respondents and thereafter conduct sampling as he goes on with data collection. This is a
non-probability sampling, as all units in the universe do not stand an equal chance of being
included in the sample. This method of sampling is advantageous where it is difficult to
demarcate the universe. Another advantage of this sampling is that it is cost-effective. It
is useful where the nature of analysis is qualitative. A very big advantage of this sampling
is the flexibility it offers to the researcher to adjust and correct the research as he goes on.
However it is ineffective where the universe is huge and heterogeneous. An obvious
disadvantage of sequential sampling is its failure to be representative of the entire
population. The results obtained from the study cannot be generalised to the entire
8. Quota Sampling
Quota sampling is a very useful method of sampling where a large body of persons is to
be studied. In quota sampling the population is divided into different categories on the
basis of some characteristics, and selection of units in the sampling is done according to
the proportion that group represents in the entire population. For quota sampling the
researcher must first define the characteristics on the basis of which the population shall
be divided into groups. The researcher must have knowledge about the proportion that
each characteristic group possesses in the population. The sample drawn from the universe
would proportionately represent the characteristics in the population.

Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling, because all units do not have the same
chance of being included in the sample. The units to be chosen from each quota are the
choice of the researcher. He may use purposive sampling or any technique of non-
probability sampling. For example quota sampling can be used in a study of pre-teen and
teenaged children of imprisoned parents in the state of Bihar. The universe is divided into
boys and girls, and the researcher finds out that there are 750 boys and 500 girls. The
researcher decides to draw a sample of 250 children. The researcher further divides the
universe into age groups. Let us say the composition of the universe is the following:

Gender Below6 yrs 6 to 12 yrs 13 to 19 yrs Total

(Age Group I) (Age Group II) (Age Group III)

Boys 250 300 200 750

Girls 150 200 150 500
Total 400 500 350 1250

Now that the proportion of each quota is found out, the sample can be drawn out according
to the proportion each quota holds in the population. The researcher wants a sample of
250, which is 20% of the total population. So the researcher shall take 20% from each
quota, i.e., 50 boys from age group I, 60 from age group II and so on...

Quota sampling is similar to stratified sampling, when it is done in proportional manner,

i.e., Stratified Proportional Sampling. The only difference is that in Quota Sampling the
focus is not to achieve groups of homogeneous groups, but only to divide the population
into quotas, for comparison sake. The advantage of quota sampling is its cost and time
efficacy. It is one of the most effective sampling, for small scale as well as large scale

9. Multi-stage Sampling
Multi stage sampling, as the name suggests, is sampling carried out in multiple stages.
Different techniques at each stage may also be used. For example, for a study on the crime
rate in India, the country is divided into different zones, North, West, South and East. This

is the first stage of sampling wherein stratified sampling is used, each zone being a
stratum. The states in each zone serve as clusters, so the second stage of sampling is cluster
sampling. Finally samples from each state are drawn out using purposive sampling. This
is a simple example to illustrate the method of doing multi-stage sampling. Multi-stage
sampling is a cost effective in large scale projects. It is not necessary to use different
sampling techniques at each stage; it is entirely the judgment call of the researcher.

10. Multi-phase Sampling

Multi-phase sampling is quite similar to multi-stage sampling, barring some technical
differences. The procedure for carrying out sampling is similar, but in multi-phase
sampling, the aim is not to create a final sample. Study is done continually in various
phases. Unlike multi-stage sampling, each sample is first studied as a sample, before
further drawing sample out of it. An advantage of doing this sampling is that in-depth
investigation is possible, as the universe is studied at different stages, and further samples
are drawn out of it. This sampling has a high degree of representativeness. But a
disadvantage of it is its lengthy process, which also escalates cost. This is often a preferred
choice in large scale research studies that are institutionally sponsored.

11. Volunteer Sampling

Volunteer sampling is close to the convenience sampling, as in this type of sampling also
the researcher chooses the respondents as per convenience. The only difference is that in
this sampling, the researcher himself is a volunteer for the sample; that is to say, the
researcher himself participates in the research as a sample. However, it is not considered
an objective form of sampling, as personal bias of the researcher has access into the data
collection. Also, representativeness of the sample is very questionable. This type of

sampling is only done in very small scale researches where empirical verifiability can be
set free, so as to make way for qualitative conclusions.


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