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Lowering Drinking Age To 18 Thesis

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Title: Lowering Drinking Age to 18 Thesis: Exploring the Complexity and Challenges

Exploring the idea of lowering the drinking age to 18 is a topic that sparks numerous debates and
discussions. It's an issue that delves into various aspects of social, cultural, and legal dimensions.
Crafting a thesis on this subject presents its own set of challenges due to the multifaceted nature of
the topic. From understanding the historical context to analyzing the potential consequences, the
process demands thorough research and critical analysis.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on lowering the drinking age to 18 lies in
navigating the diverse range of perspectives. Advocates argue for personal freedom and
responsibility, citing examples from other countries where lower drinking ages are the norm. On the
other hand, opponents express concerns about public health, safety, and the potential for increased
alcohol-related harm among young adults.

Moreover, the legal landscape surrounding alcohol consumption adds another layer of complexity.
Laws and regulations vary significantly across different jurisdictions, making it essential to consider
the implications of policy changes and potential conflicts with existing statutes.

Beyond the legal and social aspects, there's also a need to examine the scientific research and data
related to alcohol use among young adults. Understanding the physiological effects of alcohol on
developing brains and the correlation with risky behaviors is crucial in forming a well-rounded

For students undertaking the task of writing a thesis on this topic, it's vital to approach it with
diligence and an open mind. Thorough research, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize
information from diverse sources are essential skills in tackling the complexities of the issue.

While the process of crafting a thesis on lowering the drinking age to 18 may seem daunting, seeking
assistance from reputable sources can streamline the journey. ⇒ ⇔ offers
professional academic writing services tailored to meet the specific needs of students grappling with
complex topics like this one. With experienced writers and a commitment to quality, ⇒ ⇔ provides a reliable platform for those seeking guidance and support in their
academic endeavors.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on lowering the drinking age to 18 entails navigating through a
myriad of challenges, including legal, social, and scientific complexities. By approaching the topic
with diligence and seeking support from reputable sources like ⇒ ⇔, students can
effectively tackle this intricate subject and contribute meaningfully to the ongoing discourse.
School administrators realized this which is why they initiated a public debate to rethink the drinking
age (Amethyst Initiative, nd). Will adolescents cease to understand the true meaning behind alcohol.
And does the law that regulates it, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act is effective in enforcing
the age requirement. Before the law’s passing, many states had minimum drinking ages of 18 or 19.
Rather, some experts suggest lowering the drinking age, and teaching teens and young adults to drink
responsibly at a younger age, would help to reduce the allure of alcohol to those forbidden by law to
possess it. The reasons I believe that it should be lowered is because it would improve the economy,
it would decrease the unsafe drinking activities, it would reduce the number of arrests, and I believe
that adults should be able to make their own decisions. In many countries around the world, the legal
drinking age is already 18. Now that we might be going to war again, if I were young, I’d be
especially upset that I could be sent off to war, but not allowed to have a beer. A Great Essay
Example On Lowering The Drinking Age - Poets Union. From their point of view, reducing the
minimum drinking age to 18 years would help young adults to make healthy decisions about
drinking. Despite this, teenagers evidently still use dependence forming drugs such as alcohol and
crystal methamphetamines (and other drugs) illicitly. His reasoning is that there is a lot of money and
resources that are spent on enforcing the drinking age when in reality these are young adults that are
capable of making responsible decisions. If a minor is caught drinking then it is mandatory for them
and their parents to meet with a social worker to discuss the matter. The problem that I have when I
came to the United States is that a majority of young people do not know how to drink and most of
that is due to not being taught how to drink. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. You start out by learning, and when you can
demonstrate the appropriate skill, you get a license. With all of these responsibilities that are gained,
there is no logical reason on to why legal adults should be banned from consuming alcohol. Further,
there are questions about why those under 21 cannot legally drink alcohol when they are permitted to
drive, vote, and serve in the military. Eighteen year olds should have the legal right to drink and thus,
the law must be changed accordingly. Everyone might not agree with this law, but over time it. Mine
didn’t, but I was only 15 miles away from a state that did. Or will they disregard all of the rules in
order to have a drink as malignant as an object can possibly be? 11. Though it’s true that kids will
still likely drink, that doesn’t mean society needs to approve of that decision. Lowering of Drinking
Age: Free Persuasive Essay Sample. That was especially a concern when neighboring states had
different minimum drinking ages. A Great Essay Example On Lowering The Drinking Age - Poets
Union. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University Research For Patients and Visitors
Resources for Employees and Researchers. Let us write or edit the research proposal on your topic.
There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be
lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if it should stay.
Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. Barrow
level of opposition is similar to what Gallup has measured in the past. With young adults not being
allowed to drink in public, this leads to very unsafe and unsupervised drinking activities. However,
those issues are there despite the actions taken by federal states to maintain the drinking age above
18. When writing an argumentative essay on drinking age is all about exposing the a lower drinking
age, because these can be applied to any essay on the topic. An increase in alcohol purchases from
bars, clubs, and restaurants. If an 18 year old can serve or country by being in an Armed Service or
voting then why can’t they drink. Lowering the drinking age would eliminate the motivation to drink
for the sake of being rebellious and breaking the law, and it would help normalize drinking as
something done responsibly in moderation. If a minor is caught drinking then it is mandatory for
them and their parents to meet with a social worker to discuss the matter. Also, more than a quarter
of the countries do not even have a drinking age. It doesn’t make sense for the country to justify
allowing people, once they turn 18, to enroll in the military and put their lives on the line for others,
or to enroll in college and enter insurmountable levels of student loan debt, but somehow argue that
at 18 years old they are still too young to drink a beer. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18:
Argumentative - Free Essays. Also, one of the major concerns with alcohol today is binge drinking
among young adults, and it is not clear that having a higher drinking age helps in that regard. In the
early 70 s when baby boomers were dealing with the Vietnam war there was pressure to lower the
drinking age, so many states (29 of them) lowered the. Once 18, a person is legally considered an
adult and therefore should be able to drink. Theorists such as Sigmund Freud and Melanie Klein
relate dependencies to the oral stage of development. Lowering the drinking age so young military
members can have a beer would be a drastic change to appeal to a small percentage of the
population. The change begins with us teaching future generations about the dangers of excessive
alcohol use, realizing that maturity is not by age but about experience, and that we can take an
example from other countries. Other arguments based on psychiatric evidence realte depression and
family genetics to alcoholism rather than purely having it available for use. The reasons I believe that
it should be lowered is because it would improve the economy, it would decrease the unsafe drinking
activities, it would reduce the number of arrests, and I believe that adults should be able to make
their own decisions. When people have a little too much alcohol, their decision-making skills can be
dramatically lowered. While all the things that the article has stated are true, I thought I would bring
some of the other facts into light. For example, a friend of mine from Texas and their group by an
hour or two their mostly falling to the floor. Thus, for practicability and to become apt with the
reality of the times, the legal drinking age of alcohol should be lowered to 18. Argument for
Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 in the United States. Sample Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The
Drinking Age. Will adolescents cease to understand the true meaning behind alcohol. And does the
law that regulates it, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act is effective in enforcing the age
requirement. When writing an argumentative essay on drinking age is all about exposing the a lower
drinking age, because these can be applied to any essay on the topic.
Political ideology is one of the major dividing lines on the issue, with liberals (34%) among the most
supportive of lowering the drinking age and conservatives (18%) among the least supportive
subgroups. European countries have a drinking age of eighteen. The main argument in support of
higher legal drinking age is that it helps to reduce road accidents caused by the dunked youth
However, if road safety is really. Lowering the Drinking Age to 18: Argumentative Persuasive
Essays. What do you think we should do about this drinking age issue. Delaying drinking age to 21
years old does not make one a more responsible drinker. Also, more than a quarter of the countries
do not even have a drinking age. Elsewhere in the world, 18 years old is the legal drinking age and
here in America which is supposed to be the bastion of freedom and resonsibility, I could be arrested
for drinking at that age. Argument for Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 in the United States. The
drinking age should therefore be lowered to 18. Writing Tips For An Argumentative Essay On
Drinking Age. This makes it easy to argue that a lower drinking age should be acceptable when the
rest of the world is okay with it. This, coupled with an alcohol education course, would allow you to
get a permit to allow you to drink under 21. Theorists such as Sigmund Freud and Melanie Klein
relate dependencies to the oral stage of development. While this does evidently not rule out the
effects of underage drinking, it does explain why some youth may become dependent faster than
others, if at all. This paper seeks to prove that the drinking age should be maintained and this will be
done through considering arguments to render an objective and critical summation of the issue.
Lowering the drinking age might increase the prevalence of these behaviors, as young men are likely
even more prone to irresponsible actions at 18 or 19 years old. Argument for Lowering the Drinking
Age to 18 in the United States. When writing an argumentative essay on drinking age is all about
exposing the a lower drinking age, because these can be applied to any essay on the topic. The way I
see it, us 18-year-olds don’t really have any problem getting our hands on alcohol, and we have
much bigger issues to tackle right now than teenage drinking. Do not stop the unstoppable, make the
unstoppable safer. ? 3. Another idea from the mind of John McCardell is that if you are going to buy
alcohol at the age of 18 you must get a license to do so, to get this license you would have to
complete a class which will teach you about the effects of alcohol abuse. The level of opposition is
similar to what Gallup has measured in the past. After people in the United States reached the age 18
they are no longer considered juvenile They have the right to choose their political leaders, purchase.
Next, I will show you that our parents have a greater impact on us than we may think, and lastly I
will speak about why we have different laws set in place in America that are no where else in the
world. ?? A. As it stands now. Biden sent the marines to protect the airport, and 13 of them died. In
fact, that was the rationale that led many states to lower the drinking age to below 21 in the 1970s.
In a survey of Carroll in July 21-15 of 2007, it showed that more than three in four Americans or
77% approves of the minimum drinking age (2007) such that despite of its criticism and perhaps
impracticability, the policy has public support. Lowering of Drinking Age: Free Persuasive Essay
Sample. Some college presidents have expressed concern that these unsafe drinking environments
have contributed to an increase in alcohol poisoning deaths among youths and young adults
(Wechsler, 2010 pg. 987). And when it is not monitored and where oversight is omitted, it is there
that excesses will happen. As a parent I always told my kids to follow the law, but when it came to
drinking I wasn’t stupid, I told them how to behave responsibly if they drank, they were too call me
AT ANY TIME TO PICK THEM Up that also included if the driver they were with was drinking
call me up pick you up.
S l ightly more than 30 percent of college students reported binge drinking in the previous two
weeks, according to the 2016 Monitoring the Future Study. I look forward to working with you
moving forward ”. There is a co-dependency of a number of variables that have to be present before
a person can formally be called 'alcoholic'. Representative Adam Jarchow said that “countless hours
and hundreds of thousands of dollars” could be saved if the minimum legal drinking age was
lowered to 19. However, the minimum drinking age law does not deter a large amount of underage
people from consuming alcohol. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Theorists such
as Sigmund Freud and Melanie Klein relate dependencies to the oral stage of development. There
should be no special application of the bill of rights to this class of people when it comes to drinking
laws. This makes it easy to argue that a lower drinking age should be acceptable when the rest of the
world is okay with it. A Great Essay Example On Lowering The Drinking Age - Poets Union. As an
adult, a person can now vote, sign contracts, get married, give sexual consent, buy cigarettes, possess
a handgun and join the military. Most of the kids who get their drivers license at 16, by the time they
are 21 they already have at least 1 DUI. A majority of states allow for private consumption of
alcohol. In the United States, the reverse is true: there are less young child issues with alcohol, but
more issues in the 18 to 20 group. Unless a culture change would happen, which I don’t foresee
happening unless we completely abolish a drinking age and wait fifty years, lowering the drinking
age to 18, I fear, would cause a lot of premature deaths. Some college presidents have expressed
concern that these unsafe drinking environments have contributed to an increase in alcohol poisoning
deaths among youths and young adults (Wechsler, 2010 pg. 987). And when it is not monitored and
where oversight is omitted, it is there that excesses will happen. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. While this may not be an isolated case, and may occur
more frequently but to a lesser degree, there is little control even with legislations over such
situations. A Gallup Poll conducted weeks before Reagan signed the law found Americans widely
favored raising the drinking age to 21, by 79% to 18%. Also, keep in mind a student goes to college
and they cannot drink until their 3rd year of college. This is in order to regulate and balance brain
functions (JJC 2004: 2). People of 19 years of age are able to enlist and fight for our country but are
unable to drink. This, coupled with an alcohol education course, would allow you to get a permit to
allow you to drink under 21. If a minor is caught drinking then it is mandatory for them and their
parents to meet with a social worker to discuss the matter. They can’t justify a higher drinking age
any longer. One proposed solution to the problem is to lower the drinking age to 18. Condividi questa
petizione PETIZIONE CHIUSA Questa petizione aveva 23 sostenitori Condividi questa petizione
Condividi questa petizione di persona o utilizza il codice QR per il tuo materiale. Here given is a
proofread essay example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this plagiarism free
essay example at your convenience. From my experience and supported by many school
administrators in many universities (Amethyst Initiative, nd) prohibiting alcohol at age 18 does not
stop us from drinking. Cracking down on the drinking age does not appear to be a suitable or
practical solution to the problem in any event.
Banning drinking age at 18 will not stop teenagers from drinking. Also, in seven states it is allowed
for educational purposes. Although such a move could be seen as giving in to law-breaking, it may
also encourage those under 21 who drink to do so in public settings where their alcohol intake can be
better monitored. Supporters -John Mc Cardell former president of Middlebury college initiated a
movement in 2008 called the Amethyst(Greek for against Intoxication) Initiative, a group that
supports responsible adult behavior towards alcohol. - The purpose of the group was to call on law
makers to lower the drinking age to 18. It will also examine the potential impact on public health,
education systems, and law enforcement, drawing on research and case studies to provide a
comprehensive view of this contentious issue. Lowering the drinking age might increase the
prevalence of these behaviors, as young men are likely even more prone to irresponsible actions at 18
or 19 years old. In other countries, “zero-tolerance” policies are enacted that revoke driving rights for
those convicted of multiple DUIs within a specific timeframe. The Juvenile Justice Center identifies
18 years old as a critical age for mental growth and change. There are obviously arguments both for
and against it, both of which will be explored in this essay. A Great Essay Example On Lowering
The Drinking Age - Poets Union. Twenty-nine percent of those who drink alcohol at least on
occasion favor lowering the drinking age compared with 18% who never drink. What do you think
we should do about this drinking age issue. Writing Tips For An Argumentative Essay On Drinking
Age. It’s past due for the United States to change this backward thought. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18:
Argumentative - Free Essays. A Great Essay Example On Lowering The Drinking Age - Poets
Union. Eliminate the thrill by lowering the drinking age and the taboo will be gone as well,
encouraging normal alcohol consumption in the critical age bracket. After people in the United States
reached the age 18 they are no longer considered juvenile They have the right to choose their
political leaders, purchase. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18: Argumentative - Free Essays.
Here given is a proofread essay example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this
plagiarism free essay example at your convenience. Political ideology is one of the major dividing
lines on the issue, with liberals (34%) among the most supportive of lowering the drinking age and
conservatives (18%) among the least supportive subgroups. This is not true, and for some reason our
country does not have confidence to stop underage drinking. The hippocampus is a part of the brain
that plays a major role in memory development. If so, you are in a distinct minority: nearly 80% of
high school seniors admit to at least trying a drink. While you have some great arguments, I think
that the problem is the way our culture views drinking and abuses alcohol. There has been an
ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen
like most of the world or if it should stay. Under the law, any state that institutes a lower drinking
age will have their federal highway funds reduced significantly. An increase in alcohol purchases
from bars, clubs, and restaurants. The main argument in support of higher legal drinking age is that it
helps to reduce road accidents caused by the dunked youth However, if road safety is really.
A Gallup Poll conducted weeks before Reagan signed the law found Americans widely favored
raising the drinking age to 21, by 79% to 18%. Of course, those changes in the law created their own
set of problems with drunk driving, although that may have been partly a result of the lack of
uniformity in state drinking laws as well as irresponsible drinking by those between the ages of 18
and 20. When alcohol was legalized, violence associated with alcohol consumption virtually vanished
(Carpenter and Dobkin, 2011). Adolescents aren’t mature enough to handle the dangers of alcohol
consumption.” -Mike Warzhapetian “ An 18 year old is considered as an adult. Share to Twitter
Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18: Argumentative - Free
Essays. Mine didn’t, but I was only 15 miles away from a state that did. Also, keep in mind a
student goes to college and they cannot drink until their 3rd year of college. This makes it easy to
argue that a lower drinking age should be acceptable when the rest of the world is okay with it. Most
of that is due to not being taught how to drink since a young age. Let us write or edit the speech or
presentation on your topic. Lowering of Drinking Age: Free Persuasive Essay Sample. Thus, any
proposed legislation to legalize drinking at the age of 18 is unlikely to succeed unless Americans'
attitudes on the proper minimum drinking change. Lowering of Drinking Age: Free Persuasive Essay
Sample. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. There is a co-dependency of a number of variables that have to be present before a person
can formally be called 'alcoholic'. Although many believe the drinking age should not be lowered,
eighteen is considered mature and educated enough to go to war, purchase cigarettes, and vote.
Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. At the age of 18, young
adults are old enough to make their own decisions regarding alcohol. Here given is a proofread essay
example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this plagiarism free essay example at
your convenience. This can lead to fights, unsafe sex, and other detrimental behaviors that could
carry a lifetime of consequences. These issues are often wrought by consuming alcohol underground
without oversight and regulation due to the fact that National Minimum Drinking Age Act made it
illegal to consume alcohol at 18. Biden sent the marines to protect the airport, and 13 of them died.
These numbers reflect that the raised drinking age has met success in reducing the number of traffic
fatalities. For example, at 18, you can order a drink, in public, but under some form of supervision.
What do you think we should do about this drinking age issue. Under the 21 year-old drinking age,
fewer young people are drinking, but those who do choose to are drinking more. An increase in
alcohol purchases from bars, clubs, and restaurants. A type of taboo surrounds drinking in our
culture, making it the “forbidden fruit” of society adding to the appeal it has towards those
underage, and those leaving their parents and heading to college.
There’s no point in ruining someone’s life over underage drinking when responsible drinking habits
can be promoted from a younger age at 18. Not saying that everybody in the U.S does not know how
to drink, but a majority actually does not know how to drink. Landline and cellular telephone
numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods. With all of these responsibilities that are
gained, there is no logical reason on to why legal adults should be banned from consuming alcohol.
In a survey of Carroll in July 21-15 of 2007, it showed that more than three in four Americans or
77% approves of the minimum drinking age (2007) such that despite of its criticism and perhaps
impracticability, the policy has public support. In the age groups of 13 to 18, the likelihood of
dependency increases, but between 18 to 21, the likelihood, while prevalent, is negligible (Roan). By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Those those old enough to drive, but not old
enough to drink in their own state, would drive to a neighboring state with a lower drinking age to
purchase or consume alcohol. This, coupled with an alcohol education course, would allow you to get
a permit to allow you to drink under 21. It’s past due for the United States to change this backward
thought. A Great Essay Example On Lowering The Drinking Age - Poets Union. For example,
festivals, concerts, and sporting events. S l ightly more than 30 percent of college students reported
binge drinking in the previous two weeks, according to the 2016 Monitoring the Future Study. The
Uniform Drinking Act is an instance of federal government outwit into state affairs to lower the legal
drinking age from 21 years to 18 years. Some kids who are 18 aren’t even out of high school yet. I
grew up during the time when some, but not all, states, experimented with a lower drinking age. Our
approach is that up until age 21, drinking is completely illegal, and magically, at 21, you now have
complete, unfettered access to alcohol. But in the event that the threat of financial punishment by the
federal government goes away, voters in Washington and other states should follow the standard set
by European countries and consider lowering the drinking age if they really want to effectively
combat alcohol abuse and binge drinking among underage Americans. We will begin with evidence
that opposes the lowering of the drinking age and then argue the benefits of it. Young adults who are
18-20 years old should be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages. However, Gordie Bailey did not
wake up (Roan 2008). What do you think we should do about this drinking age issue. We’ll
occasionally send you promo and account related email. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. For example, the state of Louisiana
risked losing 10 percent of their federal highway funds after lowering their drinking age to 18 in
1996. I would go with a different approach, similar to what we do with introducing the driving
privilege. Unfortunately, if Wisconsin would have gone through with this, they would have lost 8%
of their federal highway construction funding due to the minimum legal drinking act which is still in
effect, which for the state would have been 53.7 million dollar reduction. The National Minimum
drinking age Act of 1984 highlights the ethical benefits of setting the minimum drinking age of the
American population at 21. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would create a platform where young
people understand that they are responsible of their own lives.

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