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Git Git Hub Primer

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Princeton University

COS 217: Introduction to Programming Systems

Git and GitHub Primer

This document describes how the concepts of version control and file sharing are implemented in Git and GitHub.

For any project involving multiple developers, or even any suitably large one-developer project, it quickly becomes
unwieldy and error-prone to maintain multiple stable and developmental versions of the codebase at once. Further, it
requires great discipline to consistently document changes to the codebase in order to recall how things were before.
To help with managing, and even automating, these necessities of large-scale software development, software
engineers use version control systems.

Git is one mainstream example of a version control system. Using Git you create source code repositories, which
are collections of your project data paired with metadata that tracks changes to that data over time. GitHub is an
Internet service for hosting Git repositories (one of many!). GitHub is a popular choice for both industry and
personal development, and our experience is that even if we were to suggest or encourage another service, most
students would end up using GitHub anyway.

Starter code, data, and tools for COS 217 assignments are stored in repositories hosted on GitHub as part of the COS
217 GitHub organization. While it is possible for you to access these entirely via the web without actually using Git,
doing so would defeat the educational purpose of maintaining the course’s assignment resources this way and would
subject yourself to the challenges of code maintenance noted in the second paragraph of this document. You should
use Git to access those resources, and it would be best if you consistently used Git yourself throughout your
development on COS 217 assignments.

This document describes a subset of Git and GitHub that may be sufficient for your work in COS 217. The first
sections of this document describe setup steps that you should perform near the beginning of the semester. The
remaining sections describe common use cases.

Setup Step 1: Installing Git

Perform this step one time only, as you complete Assignment 0.

Install the Git program on the computer that you will use to do software development. The instructions for installing
Git depend upon what kind of computer you will use. If your development computer is:

• An armlab computer, then you can skip this step. Git already is installed on armlab.
• Your own Mac computer (running OS X version 10.9 or above), then issue a git command in a terminal
window. If Git isn't already installed, then OS X will prompt you to install the Xcode command-line tools.
Installing the Xcode command-line tools also installs Git.
• Your own computer running Microsoft Windows, then browse to The
download and install will start automatically.
• Your own computer running Linux, then use your package manager to install Git.

Setup Step 2: Configuring Git

Perform this step one time only, once you have installed Git.

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Configure Git to indicate your identity and preferences. To do that, issue these commands in a terminal window:

$ git config --global "yourname"

$ git config --global youremailaddress
$ git config --global color.ui auto
$ git config –-global core.editor yourpreferrededitor

For example, these commands:

$ git config --global "Christopher Moretti"
$ git config --global
$ git config --global color.ui auto
$ git config –-global core.editor emacs

For youremailaddress we recommend that you specify your Princeton email address, but it's fine to specify
any of your email addresses.

Git uses yourpreferrededitor if you issue a git commit command without the -m option, so this last
configuration is optional if you will always supply a commit message on the command line. The git commit
command is described later in this document.

Setup Step 3: Creating a GitHub Account

Perform this step one time only, once you have installed Git.

Create a GitHub free account. Doing so will allow you to create an unlimited number of private GitHub
repositories, including ones with collaborators (which will be necessary if you choose to work with a partner on
COS 217 assignments for which that is an option). To create your account:

• Browse to GitHub's pricing page:

• In the Free panel, click on the Join for free button.
• Enter an original and professional username (which will be attached to all your future work), enter an email
address (preferably your "" address), choose a unique and secure password (don't forget it),
un-check the email preferences option (unless you do want the marketing emails), and solve the "verify
your account" puzzle. Then click on the Create account button.
• Answer the questions that GitHub asks you about your programming experience and goals. Click on the
Complete setup Button.
• GitHub will send you a verification email. In that email click on the Verify email address button. Your
browser displays a What do you want to do first page.

Optional Setup Step 4: Creating Your First GitHub Repository

Perform this step to create a new, empty repository to play with. This is not necessary to complete the COS 217
assignments (this document will cover that in Setup Step 5), but having a sample repository to experiment on will
give you the opportunity to practice your Git workflows and experiment with features not covered in this document.

Continued from the previous step:

• In the What do you want to do first page, click on the Create a repository button.
• In the resulting page, for Repository name enter cos217test, select the Private radio button, check the
Initialize this repository with a README checkbox, and click on the Create repository button.

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• Open a terminal window on your computer. Issue cd commands to change your working directory to the
one where you want your development Git repository to reside. Issue this command:

git clone

For example, this command:

$ git clone

When prompted, enter your GitHub username and GitHub password. The command generates output
similar to this:

Cloning into 'cos217test'...

Username for '': yourgithubusername
Password for '':
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.

Your working directory contains a new directory named cos217test which contains a file
and a .git directory. The cos217test directory is your development repository (aliases: local repo or
working copy)

• To create additional repositories: Browse to and sign into your account. (You can
also reach this page by going to the GitHub homepage, signing into your account, then clicking on the plus
sign at the top right of the page and choosing New Repository.) Choose a name for your new repository,
select Private, and choose whether you want to add a README file or other files automatically, as

Setup Step 5: Mirroring/Importing a GitHub Repository

Perform this step once for each assignment throughout the semester to create a new repository of your own for that
assignment that starts out with the contents of the COS 217 repository for that assignment. There are two ways to do
this, one rather service-agnostic and one very GitHub specific.

Using the command line git push --mirror command:

• First, issue a special git clone command to fetch the metadata of the COS 217 assignment repository
that you will use as your starting point without actually creating a working copy of that repository’s
contents. This is called a “bare clone”.

For example, this command for Assignment 0:

$ git clone --bare

The command generates output similar to this:

Cloning into bare repository 'Survey.git'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.

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• Before you can use the bare clone metadata to populate a repository of your own, you’ll need to create that
new private repository. This could be done on the command line using the GitHub API, but that is beyond
the scope of this tutorial (particularly as GitHub is phasing out password authentication for this, and the
new model is more complicated). Instead, we recommend using the GitHub website and the instructions
from the last point in Setup Step 4. You will not need to create a README or any other files, and once the
repository is created, you do not need to clone a working copy of it, as you have not yet mirrored the bare
clone into it.

• cd into the metadata directory produced by the bare clone (Survey.git in the example above).
Issue a special git push command that uses the metadata contained in the bare clone to add all the data
and metadata from the existing COS 217 assignment repository into your new repository:

For example, this command:

$ git push --mirror

The command generates output similar to this:

Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 3.16 KiB | 3.16 MiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch] master -> master

• The metadata directory produced by the bare clone from the COS 217 assignment repository
(Survey.git in this example) can now be deleted, because you will not need it any further.
Keeping it isn’t a problem, though, if you so choose.

At this point, you have created your own repository with all of the COS 217 assignment repository’s
contents, but you do not yet have a working copy, so you must now follow the third point from Setup Step
4 to change directories to the desired location for the working copy then issue a clone command to create
the working copy:

For example, this command:

$ git clone

The command generates output similar to this:

Cloning into 'My_COS217_A0'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.

Using the GitHub-specific Import tool:

• Browse to and sign into your account. (You can also reach this page by
going to the GitHub homepage, signing into your account, then clicking on the plus sign at the top right of
the page and choosing Import Repository.)

• Fill in the COS 217 assignment repository URL in the input box labeled Your old repository’s clone URL.
In this example, that would be:

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• Choose your new repository’s name, select Private, and click Begin import. GitHub’s servers will do the
work and email you when the import is complete. (The COS 217 assignment repositories are quite small, so
you should be able to wait on the page until the process completes, as which point a hyperlink to your new
will be displayed.)

• Now you can follow the steps from Setup Stage 4 (repeated as the last point of the mirror instructions) to
obtain a working copy of your new repository.

Setup Step 6: Adding Your Partner to Your Repository

Perform this step once for each assignment throughout the semester for which you are working with a partner.

From Startup Step 5, you have your own private GitHub repository that contains all the contents from one of the
COS 217 assignment repositories. If you’re working with another COS 217 student on an assignment where it is
allowable to work with a partner, then you will browse to
/yourrepositoryname/settings (also accessible via the GitHub homepage, clicking on your user icon on
the top right, choosing Your repositories, selecting the appropriate repository from the list, and then choosing the
Settings tab) and choose Manage access from the menu on the left. Click Invite a collaborator, enter your partner’s
GitHub account name and select the appropriate match, then click the green confirmation that lists the partner’s
account name and the repository name.

IMPORTANT: Each of your GitHub assignment repositories must be private such that only you (and
your partner for that assignment, if applicable) have access.

Common Use Cases

Having completed the setup steps, you now have your own private GitHub repository in the GitHub cloud and your
own development repository on your development computer. Use repositories created in Setup Step 4 as vehicles for
learning about Git. In particular, try implementing the use cases given in this document. Experiment!

Use Case 1: Adding Files

Perform this step repeatedly throughout the semester as required.

Add file1 and file2 to your development repository and your GitHub repository. To do that, in a terminal window on
your development computer issue these commands:

# cd to the local repo directory.

cd reponame

# Pull any updates from the GitHub repo down to the local repo.
git pull

Use an editor to create file1 and file2.

# Stage file1 and file2.

git add file1 file2

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

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Note: If you omit the -m "Message describing the commit" option, then Git launches the
editor that you specified in Setup Step 2, so you can compose a message using that editor.

# Push the local repo to the GitHub repo.

git push origin master

# (Optionally) check status.

git status

Use Case 2: Changing Files

Perform this step repeatedly throughout the semester as required.

Change file1 and file2 in your development repository and your GitHub repository. To do that, in a terminal window
on your development computer issue these commands:

# cd to the local repo directory.

cd repodir

# Pull any updates from the GitHub repo down to the local repo.
git pull

Use an editor to change file1 and file2.

# Stage file1 and file2.

git add file1 file2

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

# Push the local repo to the GitHub repo.

git push origin master

# (Optionally) check status.

git status

Use Case 3: Removing Files

Perform this step repeatedly throughout the semester as required.

Remove file1 and file2 from your development repository and your GitHub repository. To do that, in a terminal
window on your development computer issue these commands:

# cd to the local repo directory.

cd repodir

# Pull the GitHub repo to the local repo.

git pull

# Stage file1 and file2.

git rm file1 file2

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

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# Push the local repo to the GitHub repo.
git push origin master

# (Optionally) check status.

git status

Use Case 4: Resolving Conflicts

Perform this step repeatedly throughout the semester as required. Hopefully it is rare, which it should be if you use
good Git discipline with yourself and if when working with a partner you each use good Git discipline and you
communicate clearly. As a concrete piece of advice, try to avoid conflicts by (1) pulling from your GitHub
repository before starting each programming task, and (2) pushing to your GitHub repository as soon as the
programming task is finished to your satisfaction.

You experience a conflict when (1) your partner pushes a new version of a file to your GitHub repository, (2) you
edit an old version of the same file in your development repository, and (3) you attempt to pull from the GitHub
repository to your development repository or push from your development repository to the GitHub repository.

This sequence of commands illustrates a conflict and how to resolve it...

Your partner issues these commands:

# cd to the local repo directory.

cd repodir

# Pull the GitHub repo to the local repo.

git pull

You issue these commands:

# cd to the local repo directory.

cd repodir

# Pull the GitHub repo to the local repo.

git pull

Your partner uses an editor to change file1. Your partner issues these commands:

# Stage file1.
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

You use an editor to change file1. You issue these commands:

# Stage file1.
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

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Your partner issues this command:

# Push the local repo to the GitHub repo.

git push origin master

You issue this command:

# Push the local repo to the GitHub repo; fails!

git push origin master

Your git push command fails because of a conflict. Git recommends that you pull from the GitHub repository.
So you issue this command:

# Pull the GitHub repo to your local repo.

git pull

Git notes that file1 is in conflict. Git annotates file1 to note the points of conflict. You edit file1 to resolve the
conflicts and eliminate the annotations. Then you issue these commands:

# Stage file1
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

# Push the local repo to the GitHub repo; succeeds!

git push origin master

Use Case 5: Branching

Perform this step repeatedly throughout the semester as required. For COS 217, it may be possible to avoid using
branches, since assignments are self-contained and there are never more than two users on a project. That said, it’s a
very useful feature to know, as it is the backbone of most larger development projects.

You decide to implement a new experimental feature in your application. It may not work out, so you don't want to
implement the experiment in the master branch. Instead you decide to implement the experiment in a new branch
named exp.

You issue these commands:

# Pull the GitHub repo to your local repo.

git pull

# Create a new branch named exp.

git branch exp

# Make exp the current branch.

git checkout exp

You edit file1 extensively, but not completely. Oh no! Your partner informs you of a bug in file1 that you must fix
in a hurry. It's a good thing that you're implementing your experiment in a non-master branch! You issue these

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# Stage file1.
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

# Make master the current branch.

git checkout master

You edit file1 to fix the bug. Then you issue these commands:

# Stage file1.
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

# Push the master branch to the origin (GitHub) repo.

git push origin master

You decide to resume your work on the experiment. Of course you must merge your bug fix into your exp branch.
You issue these commands:

# Make exp the current branch.

git checkout exp

# Merge the master branch into the current (exp) branch.

git merge master

Git notes that file1 is in conflict. Git annotates file1 to note the points of conflict. You edit file1 to resolve the
conflicts and eliminate the annotations. Then you issue these commands:

# Stage file1.
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

You finish editing file1 with your experimental code. Then you issue these commands:

# Stage file1.
git add file1

# Commit the staged files to the local repo.

git commit -m "Message describing the commit"

You're happy with the outcome of the experiment, so you decide to merge your exp branch into the master branch.
You issue these commands:

# Make master the current branch.

git checkout master

# Merge the exp branch into the current (master) branch.

git merge exp

# Push the master branch to the origin (GitHub) repo.

git push origin master

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You decide that you no longer need your exp branch, so you issue this command:

# Delete the exp branch from your local repo.

git branch -d exp

There is much more to Git. To learn more we recommend that you read the Git book at https://git-, and the Git reference manual at as required.

There also is much more to GitHub. we recommend that you investigate these features after you’re comfortable
with GitHub basics:

• Projects: for tracking goals and progress of a general "project". The official documentation is at A reasonable
video tutorial is at
• Issues and Pull Requests: for defining and implementing small program features in a collaborative and
scalable way. An introductory guide is at A verbose set
of documents about GitHub "flow" is at
• GitHub Pages: for website hosting directly from source code. GitHub’s own Pages introduction is at
• Actions: for automatically running code like linters, builders, and deployers whenever you push to GitHub.
The official documentation is at
• Tags and Releases: for creating "versions" of your code both to release and reference. "Tagging" in Git is
covered at Creating GitHub Releases is covered at

Copyright © 2020 by Robert M. Dondero, Jr., Joseph Eichenhofer, and Christopher Moretti

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