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Dyson Series

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On Perturbation Theory, Dyson Series, and Feynman Diagrams

The Interaction Picture of QM and the Dyson Series

Many quantum systems have Hamiltonians of the form Ĥ = Ĥ0 + V̂ where Ĥ0 is a free
Hamiltonian with known spectrum — which is used to classify the states of the full theory
— while V̂ is a perturbation which causes transitions between the eigenstates of the Ĥ0 . For
example, in scattering theory

Ĥ0 = , V̂ = potential V (x̂relative ). (1)

Similarly, for quantum scalar field Φ̂ with a (λ/24)Φ̂4 self-interaction we have

m2 2 d3 p 1
Z   2  Z
3 1 2 1
Ĥ0 = d x 2 Π̂ (x) + 2 ∇Φ̂(x) + Φ̂ = Ep â†p âp + const
2 (2π)3 2Ep

λ 4
while V̂ = d3 x Φ̂ (x).
To study the transitions (scattering, making new particles, decays, etc.) caused by V̂ we want
to use a fixed basis of Ĥ0 eigenstates, but we want to keep the transitions separate from the
ordinary wave-packet motion and spreading — which are due to the Schrödinger phases e−iEt
of the Ĥ0 itself. The picture of QM which separates these effects is the interaction picture.

In the Schrödinger picture, the operators are time-independent while the quantum states
evolve with time as |ψiS (t) = e−iĤt |ψi(0). In the Heisenberg picture it’s the other way around
— the quantum states are time independent while the operators evolve with time — and the
two pictures are related by a time-dependent unitary operator eiĤt ,

|ΨiH (t) = e+iĤt |ΨiS (t) ≡ |ΨiS (0) ∀t, ÂH (t) = e+iĤt ÂS e−iĤt . (3)

The interaction picture has a similar relation to the Schrödinger’s, but using the exp(iĤ0 t)
instead of the exp(iĤt),

ÂI (t) = e+iĤ0 t ÂS e−Ĥ0 t ,

|ψiI (t) = e+iĤ0 t |ψiS (t) = e+iĤ0 t e−iĤt |ψiH 6= const.

In the interaction picture, quantum fields depend on time as if they were free fields, for example

d3 p  −ipx p0 =+Ep

+ipx †
Φ̂I (x, t) = e âp + e âp , (5)
16π 3 Ep

regardless of the interactions. This is different from the Heisenberg picture where interacting
fields depend on time in a much more complicated way.

The time-dependence of quantum states in the interaction picture is governed by the

perturbation V̂ according to Schrödinger-like equation

i |ψiI (t) = V̂I (t) |ΨiI (t). (6)

The problem with this equation is that the V̂I operator here is itself in the interaction picture,
so it depends on time as V̂I (t) = e+iĤ0 t V̂S e−Ĥ0 t . Consequently, the evolution operator for the
interaction picture

ÛI (t, t0 ) : |ψiI (t) = ÛI (t, t0 ) |ψiI (t0 ) (7)

is much more complicated than simply e−iV̂ (t−t0 ) . Specifically, ÛI (t, t0 ) satisfies

i ÛI (t, t0 ) = V̂I (t) ÛI (t, t0 ), ÛI (t = t0 ) = 1, (8)

and the formal solution to these equations is the Dyson series

Zt Zt Zt2
ÛI (t, t0 ) = 1 − i dt1 V̂I (t1 ) − dt2 V̂I (t2 ) dt1 V̂I (t1 )
t0 t0 t0
Zt Zt3 Zt2
+ i dt3 V̂I (t3 ) dt2 V̂I (t2 ) dt1 V̂I (t1 ) + · · · (9)
t0 t0 t0

= 1 + (−i)n ··· dtn · · · dt1 V̂I (tn ) · · · V̂I (t1 ).
n=1 t0 <t1 <···<tn <t

Note the time ordering of operators V̂I (tn ) · · · V̂I (t1 ) in each term.

The Dyson series obviously obeys the initial condition ÛI (t = t0 ) = 1. To see that is also
satisfies the Schrödinger-like differential equation (8), note that in each term of the series, the
only thing which depends on t is the upper limit of the leftmost dtn integral. Thus, taking
∂/∂t of the term amounts to skipping that integral and letting tn = t,

Zt Ztn Zt2
 

i (−i)n dtn V̂I (tn ) dtn−1 V̂I (tn−1 ) · · · dt1 V̂I (t1 ) = (10)
t0 t0 t0
tZn =t Zt2
 

= V̂I (tn = t) × (−i)n−1 dtn−1 V̂I (tn−1 ) · · · dt1 V̂I (t1 ) .

t0 t0

In other words, i∂/∂t of the nth term is V̂I (t) × the (n − 1)st term. Consequently, the whole
series satisfies eq. (8).

Thanks to time ordering of the V̂I (t) operators in each term of the Dyson series — the
earliest operator being rightmost so it acts first, the second earliest being second from the
right, etc., etc., until the latest operator stands to the left of everything so it acts last — we
may rewrite the integrals in a more compact form using the time-orderer T. Earlier in class,
I have defined T of an operator product, but now I would like to extend this by linearity to
any sum of operators products. Similarly, we may time-order integrals of operator products
and hence products of integrals such as

Zt ZZt ZZt

def def
T  dt′ V̂I (t′ ) = T dt1 dt2 V̂I (t1 )V̂I (t2 ) = dt1 dt2 TV̂I (t1 )V̂I (t2 )
t0 t0
ZZ (11)
= dt1 dt2 V̂I (t2 )V̂I (t1 ) + dt1 dt2 V̂I (t1 )V̂I (t2 )
t0 <t1 <t2 <t t0 <t2 <t1 <t

where the domain of each dt1 dt2 integral is color-coded on the diagram below:


t2 > t1

t1 > t2 (12)

t0 t

Integral over the blue triangle t0 < t1 < t2 < t is what appears in the Dyson series. But there
is t1 ↔ t2 symmetry between the blue and red triangles, and the corresponding integrals on
the bottom line of eq. (11) are equal to each other. Hence the triangular integral in the Dyson
series may be written in a more compact form as


dt1 dt2 V̂I (t2 )V̂I (t1 ) = T  dt′ V̂1 (t′ ) . (13)
t0 <t1 <t2 <t t0

Similar procedure applies to the higher-order terms in the Dyson series. The nth order
term is an integral over a simplex t0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tn < t in the (t1 , . . . , tn ) space.
A hypercube t0 < t1 , . . . , tn < t contains n! such simplexes, and after time-ordering the V̂
operators, integrals over all simplexes become equal by permutation symmetry. Thus,

··· dtn · · · dt1 V̂I (tn ) · · · V̂I (t1 ) = · · · dtn · · · dt1 TV̂I (tn ) · · · V̂I (t1 )
t0 <t1 <···<tn <t t0

1 
= T dt′ V̂1 (t′ ) . (14)

Altogether, the Dyson series becomes a time-ordered exponential

Zt Zt
  

X (−i)n
ÛI (t, t0 ) = 1 + T  dt′ V̂I (t′ ) ≡ T-exp −i dt′ V̂I (t′ ) . (15)
n=1 t0 t0

Of particular interest is the evolution operator from the distant past to the distant future,

Ŝ = ÛI (+∞, −∞) = T-exp −i dt′ V̂I (t′ ) . (16)

This operator is properly called ‘the scattering operator’ or ‘the S–operator’, but everybody
calls it ‘the S–matrix’. In the scalar field theory where

V̂I (t) = d3 x Φ̂4I (x, t), (17)

the S–matrix has a Lorentz-invariant form

 
 −iλ
d4 x Φ̂4I (x)

Ŝ = T-exp 
 24 . (18)

Note that the Φ̂I (x) here is the free scalar field as in eq. (5). Similar Lorentz-invariant
expressions exist for other quantum field theories. For example, in QED
 

Ŝ = T-exp  ˆ (x)γ Ψ̂ (x)
d4 x µI (x)Ψ
+ie I µ I (19)


where both the EM field µI (x) and the electron field ΨI (x) are in the interaction picture so
they evolve with time as free fields.

S–Matrix Elements

The S-matrix elements hout| Ŝ |ini should be evaluated between physical incoming and
outgoing 2-particle (or n-particle) states. In the potential scattering theory, the potential V̂
becomes irrelevant when all particles are far away from each other, so the asymptotic states

|ini and hout| are eigenstates of the free Hamiltonian Ĥ0 . But in the quantum field theory,

⋆ Strictly speaking, the asymptotic states are wave packets moving in space due to Ĥ0 . But once we take
the limit of infinitely large distance between wave packets for different particles in the asymptotic past
and the asymptotic future, we may then make the wave packets themselves very thick in space but having
very narrow ranges of momenta and energies. In this limit, the asymptotic states become eigenvalues of
the free Hamiltonian Ĥ0 .

the perturbation V̂ is always present, and the asymptotic n–particle states |k1 , . . . , kn i of the
interacting field theory are quite different from the free theory’s n–particle states â†kn · · · â†k1 |0i.
Even the physical vacuum state |Ωi is different from the free theory’s vacuum |0i.

In the spring semester, we shall learn how to obtain the physical S–matrix elements
hout| Ŝ |ini from the correlation functions of fully-interacting quantum fields,

Fn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = hΩ| TΦ̂H (x1 ) · · · Φ̂H (xn ) |Ωi (20)

— and also how to calculate those correlation functions in perturbation theory. But this
semester, I am taking a short-cut: I will explain the perturbation theory for the naive S-
matrix elements

free : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ free : k1 , k2 , . . . = h0| · · · âk′ âk′ Ŝ â†k1 â†k2 · · · |0i (21)
2 1

between the 2-particle (or n-particle) states of the free Hamiltonian Ĥ0 , and then I will
tell you — without proof — how to modify the perturbative expansion to obtain the S-
matrix elements between the physical asymptotic states. In terms of the Feynman diagrams
(which are explained below), the modification amounts to simply skipping some diagrams
that contribute to the naive S-matrix elements (21) but cancel out from the physical matrix

out : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ in : k1 , k2 , . . . (22)

Vacuum Sandwiches and Feynman Diagrams

The perturbation theory starts by expanding the Ŝ operator (18) — and hence its matrix
elements (21) — into a power series in the coupling constant λ:

Ŝ = n
d z1 · · · d4 zn T Φ̂4I (z1 ) · · · Φ̂4I (zn )
(4!) n!

free : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ |free : k1 , k2 , . . .i =

= d z1 · · · d4 zn free : k1′ , k2′ . . . TΦ̂4I (z1 ) · · · Φ̂4I (zn ) free : k1 , k2 , . . . .
(4!)n n!
Our first task is to learn how to calculate the matrix elements inside the integrals on the RHS,

or more generally, how to calculate the matrix elements of time-ordered products of free fields
Φ̂I (x) between eigenstates of the free Hamiltonian. As a warm-up exercise, let’s start with
the ‘vacuum sandwiches’

h0| T Φ̂I (x1 ) . . . Φ̂I (xn ) |0i

of n = 2, 4, 6, . . . free fields.

For n = 2, the field product Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y) contains products of two creation or annihilation
operators. As discussed in class, the only products that contribute to the vacuum sandwich
h0| Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y) |0i are âp â†p for the same p, hence h0| Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y) |0i = D(x − y). After time-
ordering of the two fields, this gives us the Feynman propagator

h0| TΦ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y) |0i = GF (x − y). (24)

For n = 4, the field product Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y)Φ̂I (z)Φ̂I (w) contains products of four creation or
annihilation operators. There are 24 = 16 types of such products, but only 3 products of two
â’s and two ↠’s with matching momenta and in the right order contribute to the vacuum
sandwich h0| Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y)Φ̂I (z)Φ̂I (w) |0i. Specifically,

h0| âp ∈ Φ̂I (x) â†p ∈ Φ̂I (y) âq ∈ Φ̂I (z) â†q ∈ Φ̂I (w) |0i → D(x − y) × D(z − w),

h0| âp ∈ Φ̂I (x) âq ∈ Φ̂I (y) â†q ∈ Φ̂I (z) â†p ∈ Φ̂I (w) |0i → D(x − w) × D(y − z),

h0| âp ∈ Φ̂I (x) âq ∈ Φ̂I (y) â†p ∈ Φ̂I (z) â†q ∈ Φ̂I (w) |0i → D(x − z) × D(y − w),


h0| Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y)Φ̂I (z)Φ̂I (w) |0i = (26)

= D(x − y) × D(z − w) + D(x − w) × D(y − z) + D(x − z) × D(y − w).

After time ordering of the 4 fields, the D-functions become Feynman propagators, thus

h0| TΦ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y)Φ̂I (z)Φ̂I (w) |0i = (27)

= GF (x − y) × GF (z − w) + GF (x − w) × GF (y − z) + GF (x − z) × GF (y − w).

Diagrammatically, we may summarize this expression as
     
y y y
x  x  x 
 +   +  (28)
     
 
     
z w z w z w

where each line stands for the Feynman propagator GF (one end−other end) and each diagram
in () is the product of 2 propagators for its 2 lines.

In the same spirit, for n = 6 fields we would have diagrams with 3 lines connecting 6
points, for n = 8 the diagrams would have 4 lines connecting 8 points, etc., etc. Each diagram
corresponds to a different arrangement of n points into n/2 pairs, thus

 
GF xfirst − xsecond

h0| TΦ̂I (x1 ) · · · Φ̂I (xn ) |0i =  in pair in pair
. (29)
pairings pairs

Note that the number of pairings one has to sum over — i.e., the number of diagrams —
grows rather rapidly with the number n of fields in the vacuum sandwich:

1 for n = 2,

3 for n = 4,

n!  15 for n = 6,
#pairings = n/2 = (30)
2 (n/2)! 
 105 for n = 8,

 945 for n = 10,


For the non-vacuum matrix elements

free : k1′ , k2′ . . . TΦ̂I (z1 ) · · · Φ̂I (zn ) free : k1 , k2 , . . . =

= h0| · · · âk′ âk′ TΦ̂I (z1 ) · · · Φ̂I (zn ) â†k1 â†k2 · · · |0i
2 1

we have even more pairings. Besides pairing creation and annihilation operators contained in
the n free fields, we may pair a creation operator â†k for one of the incoming particles with
a matching âk in one of the fields, or an annihilation operator âk′ for one of the outgoing

particles with a matching â†k′ in one of the fields, or even a creation operator for an incoming
particle with an annihilation operator for an outgoing particles (if they happen to have equal
momenta). Diagrammatically, such pairs are represented by different types of lines:

x y
internal lines for Φ̂I (x)Φ̂I (y) pairs → GF (x − y),
k x
incoming lines for Φ̂I (x) â†k pairs → e−ikx ,
x k′ ′
outgoing lines for âk′ Φ̂I (x) pairs → e+ik x ,
k k′
non-stop lines for âk′ â†k pairs → 2Ek (2π)3 δ (3) (k − k′ ),

where the exponential factors e−ikx and e+ik x for the incoming and outgoing lines follow from
the expansion of a free field into creation and annihilation operators,

d3 p 1  −ipx
+ipx †
Φ̂I (x) = e âp + e âp . (33)
(2π)3 2Ep

Thus, to calculate a matrix element like (31), we draw all possible diagrams where n vertices at
x1 , . . . , xn are connected to each other and to the incoming and outgoing particles by various
lines, multiply the line factors from the right column of the table (32), and then total up such
products for all the diagrams,

h0| · · · âk′ âk′ TΦ̂I (z1 ) · · · Φ̂I (zn ) â†k1 â†k2 · · · |0i =
line factors from table (32).
2 1
diagrams lines

Thus far, I have put each free field Φ̂I (zi ) at its own location zi . But in the perturbative
expansion (23), there are 4 fields at each zi . When all 4 of them are paired up with other fields
or incoming / outgoing particles, we end up with 4 lines connected to the same vertex at zi .
In other words, the vertices in the diagrams for the perturbative expansion have valence = 4.

Moreover, for evaluating a diagram it does not matter which of the four Φ̂I (zi ) is paired
up with which other field or incoming / outgoing particle, all that matter is the pattern of
connections. Consequently, each diagram describes many nominally distinct but physically

equivalent pairings, so the number of in-equivalent diagrams contributing to a matrix element

h0| · · · âk′ âk′ TΦ̂4I (z1 ) · · · Φ̂4I (zn ) â†k1 â†k2 · · · |0i (35)
2 1

is much smaller than the total number of pairings (30) of N = 4n + #incoming + #outgoing
operators. For example, for the matrix element

h0| âk′ âk′ Φ̂4I (z) â†k1 â†k2 |0i (36)

2 1

there are 8 operators ââ Φ̂Φ̂Φ̂Φ̂↠↠and hence 105 pairings, although without the un-physical
↠↠or ââ pairs this number is reduced to 78. But all these 78 pairings make for only 7
different diagrams shown the following table

k2 k2′

24 pairings 1 symmetries
k1 k1′
k2 k2′

12 pairings 2 symmetries
k1 k1′
k2 k2′

12 pairings 2 symmetries
k1 k1′
k2 k2′
k1 k1′
12 pairings 2 symmetries

k2 k2′
12 pairings 2 symmetries
k1 k1′

k2 k2′
k1 k1′ 3 pairings 8 symmetries

k2 k2′
k1 k1′ 3 pairings 8 symmetries

For each diagram, the table lists the number of pairings — which multiplies the overall con-
tribution of the diagram to the matrix element — and the number of graphical symmetries
due to permutations of similar lines (connected to same vertices) or of two ends of the same
line that happen to be connected to the same vertex. Note that for each diagram

#pairings × #symmetries = 24 = 4!. (38)

At the next order of perturbation theory, the matrix element

h0| âk′ âk′ TΦ̂4I (z1 )Φ̂4I (z2 ) â†k1 â†k2 |0i (39)
2 1

involves 8610 pairings but only 33 distinct diagrams. I am not going to list all 33 diagrams
here, but the following table shows two examples:

k2 k2′

576 pairings 2 symmetries

k1 k1′

k2 k2′
k1 k1′ 24 pairings 48 symmetries

This time, the number of pairings and the number of graphic symmetries for each diagram —
including the 31 diagrams I do not list — are related as

#pairings × #symmetries = 1152 = 2 × (4!)2 . (41)

Note: the symmetries include permutations of similar vertices since at the end of the day I
am going to integrate both d4 z1 and d4 z2 over the whole spacetime. However, the external
lines (incoming or outgoing) should not be permuted since the incoming or outgoing particles
may be distinguished by their momenta.

At higher orders n of perturbation theory, we generally have

n! × (!)n
∀diagram, #pairings = . (42)

Combining this combinatorial factor for a diagram with the overall coefficient

n! (4!)n

for the nth order term in the perturbative expansion (23), we find the product of lines for each
diagram should be multiplied by
. (44)

Attributing the numerator here to the n vertices of the diagram, we arrive at the following
Feynman rules: To calculate the matrix element

free : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ free : k1 , k2 , . . . (45)

in the λΦ4 theory to order Nmax of perturbation theory,

1. Draw all diagrams with n = 1, 2, . . . , Nmax vertices labeled z1 through zn and any
pattern of lines obeying the following requirements: (1) an incoming (or non-stop) line
for each incoming particle, (2) an outgoing (or non-stop) line for each outgoing particle,
(3) each vertex is connected to 4 lines (internal, incoming, or outgoing).
Make sure to draw all diagrams obeying these conditions.

2. For each diagram, multiply together the following factors:

• (−iλ) for each vertex z1 , . . . , zn ;

⋆ GF (zi − zj ) for an internal line connecting vertices zi and zj .

⋆ exp(−ikz) for an incoming line connecting an incoming particle with momentum

k µ to the vertex z;

⋆ exp(+ik ′ z) for an outgoing line connecting vertex z to an outgoing particle with

momentum k ′µ ;

⋆ hk ′ |ki = 2Ek (2π)3 δ (3) (k′ − k) for a non-stop line;

⋄ the symmetry factor 1/#symmetries of the diagram.

3. For each diagram, d4 z1 · · · d4 zn over the locations of all the vertices.


4. Total up the diagrams.

Vacuum Bubbles

The above Feynman rules give us the S-matrix elements between 2-particle or m-particle
eigenstates of the free Hamiltonian Ĥ0 . The S-matrix elements between the physical asymp-
totic states are related to these as

out : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ in : k1 , k2 , . . . = free : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ free : k1 , k2 , . . . ×

× Cvac × F (ki ) × F (ki′ )
incoming outgoing
particles particles

where Cvac is a common overall factor for all matrix elements while the F (k) factors depends
on the momenta of incoming and outgoing particles, but each factor depends on only one
particle’s momentum. All factors on the right hand side of eq. (46) are badly divergent and
need to be regularized, so eq. (46) is just a short-hand for a more accurate formula

out : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ in : k1 , k2 , . . . = lim free : k1′ , k2′ . . . Ŝ free : k1 , k2 , . . . reg ×

× Cvac (reg) × F (ki or ki′ , reg).
incoming or
In the Spring semester, I shall explain where this formula is coming from and how to regulate
various divergences. For the moment, let’s ignore the divergences and focus on formal sums
of Feynman diagrams.

The Cvac factor in eq. (46) appears in all S-matrix elements, even in the vacuum-to-vacuum

hΩ| Ŝ |Ωi = h0| Ŝ |0i × Cvac . (48)

Since in any theory with stable vacuum state hΩ| Ŝ |Ωi = 1, it follows that

1 X
= h0| Ŝ |0i = vacuum diagrams (49)

— i.e., Feynman diagrams without any incoming, outgoing, or non-stop lines. Some vacuum
diagrams are connected (any two vertices are connected to each other through some sequence
of lines) while others comprise two or more disconnected bubbles (each bubble is internally
connected but there are no connections between the bubbles), for example

z1 z2 z3 z4 (50)

When we evaluate a disconnected diagram, all factors that depend on zi locations from one
bubble do not depend on the zj from any other bubble. Consequently, the d4 zi integrals

over vertices of different bubbles are completely independent form each other, so the whole
calculation factorizes to the product of bubbles. That is, we may evaluate each bubble as a
standalone diagram, and then simply multiply the bubbles together,

for D = B1 ⊕ B2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bm , eval(D) = eval(B1 ) × eval(B2 ) × · · · × eval(Bm ). (51)

However, one has to be careful of the symmetry factors. Evaluating each bubble as a stan-
dalone diagram accounts for symmetries involving permutations of similar vertices, lines, or
line ends within the same bubble only, but when a disconnected diagram like (50) has two
or more similar bubbles, we get additional symmetries of permuting the whole bubbles. Ac-
counting for those extra symmetries gives us
 eval(B1 ) × eval(B2 ) × · · · × eval(Bm )
eval D = B1 ⊕ B2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bm = . (52)
#permutations of similar bubbles

Using this formula, we may re-organize the formal sum over vacuum diagrams in eq. (49) into
a power series in connected vacuum bubbles B:
bubbles ∞ bubbles
1 X X X eval(B1 ) × · · · × eval(Bm )
= 1 + eval(B) + . (53)
Cvac #bubble permutations
B m=2 B1 ,...Bm

By the way, it’s often convenient to re-express this series as exponential of the sum over connected bubbles
only. Indeed, let Bα run over different kinds of connected vacuum bubbles, then a generic N -bubble vacuum

diagram has form
D = nα × B α (54)
for some non-negative integers nα with α nα = N . Consequently,

Y eval(Bα ) nα

eval(D) = (55)
nα !

and therefore
N bubble
∞ diagrams Y eval(Bα ) nα
1 X X X
= eval(D) =
Cvac nα !
N =0 D sets of α
{nα }

∞ nα !
Y X eval(Bα )  (56)
= = exp eval(Bα )
α nα =0
nα !

= exp eval(Bα ) .

In the Spring semester we shall learn that the sum over connected vacuum bubbles inside the exponential here
is also useful for calculating the quantum corrections to the vacuum energy density. But for the moment, let’s
focus on the scattering amplitudes.

Consider the perturbative expansion of a non-vacuum S-matrix element such as

diagrams with 4
X lines
free : k1′ , k2′ Ŝ free : k1 , k2 = eval(D). (57)

The sum here is over all diagrams with 4 external lines (two incoming and 2 outgoing), includ-
ing both connected and disconnected diagrams. In a disconnected diagram, each connected
component must have an even number of external lines, so ether one component has all 4
external lines and the rest are vacuum bubbles, or two components have two external lines
apiece, and the rest are vacuum bubbles,

D = C ⊕ B1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bm or D = C1 ⊕ C2 ⊕ B1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bm , (58)

for example
k2 k2′
z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 (59)

k1 k1′


k2 k2′

z3 z4 z5 z6

k1 k1′

Again, evaluating a disconnected diagram like that amounts to evaluating each connected part
as a standalone diagram, multiplying them together, and then dividing by an extra symmetry
factor due to permutations of similar parts. Since the external lines are not permuted, the
extra symmetries comes from permuting similar vacuum bubbles only, thus

eval(B1 ) × · · · × eval(Bm )
eval(C ⊕ B1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bm ) = eval(C) × ,
#permutations of similar bubbles
eval(B1 ) × · · · × eval(Bm )
eval(C1 × C2 ⊕ B1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bm ) = eval(C1 ) × eval(C2 ) × .
#permutations of similar bubbles
Consequently, when in eq. (57) we sum over all diagrams — connected or disconnected —
with 4 external lines, the sum factorizes into a sum of bubble-less diagrams (connected or
two-component) and a sum over vacuum bubbles:

all diagrams with 4 external lines,

4 external lines
X no vacuum bubbles
eval(D) = eval(C or C1 ⊕ C2 )
D C or C1 ⊕C2
4 external lines,
no vacuum bubbles ∞ bubbles
X X X eval(B1 ) × · · · × eval(Bm )
+ eval(C or C1 ⊕ C2 ) ×
#bubble permutations
C or C1 ⊕C2 m=1 B1 ,...,Bm
4 external lines,
no vacuum bubbles
= eval(C or C1 ⊕ C2 ) ×
C or C1 ⊕C2
 
∞ bubbles
X X eval(B1 ) × · · · × eval(Bm ) 
× 1 + .
#bubble permutations
m=1 B1 ,...,Bm

Moreover, the second factor here is precisely the sum (53) for the 1/Cvac factor, hence

4 external lines,
no vacuum bubbles
Cvac × free : k1′ , k2′ Ŝ free : k1 , k2 = eval(C or C1 ⊕ C2 ) (63)
C or C1 ⊕C2

Likewise, for any number of the incoming or outgoing particles, we may account for the overall
Cvac factor in eq. (46) for the physical S-matrix element by simply skipping the Feynman
diagrams with any vacuum bubbles,

X Feynman diagrams with appropriate exter-

Cvac × free : k1′ , k2′ , . . . Ŝ free : k1 , k2 , . . . =
nal lines and without any vacuum bubbles.

Besides the vacuum bubbles, there are other types of ‘bad diagrams’ which do not con-
tribute to physical S-matrix elements. But the reason those diagrams are ‘bad’ depends on
momentum conservation, so let me first re-formulate the Feynman rules in momentum space.

Momentum Space Feynman Rules

Consider an internal line connecting vertices x and y of some diagram. The Feynman
propagator corresponding to this line is

d4 q ie−iq(x−y)
GF (x − y) = . (65)
(2π)4 q 2 − m2 + iǫ

In coordinate-space Feynman rules we saw earlier in these notes, we should evaluate all such
propagators before integrating over the vertex locations d4 x d4 y · · ·. But let’s change the

order of integration: Once we spell all the propagators as momentum integrals (65), let’s
integrate over the vertex locations before we integrate over the momenta in propagators.

For a fixed momentum q µ , the integrand of the Feynman propagator (65) depends on
the vertex locations x and y as e−iqx × e+iqy — for each vertex, the location-dependent

factor is simply e−iqx or e+iqy . Similar exponential factors e−ikz or e+ik z accompany the
external (incoming or outgoing) lines connected to a vertex z. Thus, each line connected to a
vertex depends on its location as e±ipz where p = q, k, k ′ , depending on the type of the line.

Combining 4 lines (internal or internal) connected to the same vertex, we have

e±ip1 z × e±ip2 z × e±ip3 z × e±ip4 z , (66)

and nothing else in the diagram depends on that vertex’s location z. Consequently, integrating
over z produces a delta-function in momenta,
d4 z e±ip1 z e±ip2 z e±ip3 z e±ip4 z = (2π)4 δ (4) (±p1 ± p2 ± p3 ± p4 ). (67)

These delta-functions lead to the Kirchhoff Current Law for momenta in a Feynman diagram.
Think of a Feynman diagram as an electric circuit: the vertices are circuit junctions, the lines
are conducting elements, and the momenta q µ , k µ , or k ′µ are currents flowing through those
elements. The net currents flowing in and out of any junction must balance each other, and
that’s precisely what eqs. (67) say about the momenta: the net momenta flowing in or out of
any vertex must balance each other.

So here are the momentum-space Feynman rules for evaluating a diagram:

1. First of all, assign momenta to all lines of the diagram: fixed momenta k µ and k ′µ for
the incoming and outgoing lines, and variable momenta q µ for the internal lines.

For each internal line, choose a direction in which its momentum q µ flows from one
vertex into another; use arrows to indicate the directions of momentum flow. For the
external lines, the directions are fixed: inflow for incoming particles’ lines, and outflow
for the outgoing particles’ lines.

kµ → k ′µ → qµ →
in out

2. Multiply the following factors:

• 2 for each internal line, but not for the external lines.
q − m2 + iǫ
• (−iλ) × (2π)4 δ (4) (±p1 ± p2 ± p3 ± p4 ) for each vertex. Here pµ1 , . . . , pµ4 stand for
the momenta of 4 lines connected to the vertex; depending on the type of each line,
pµ = k µ , k ′µ , q µ . The sign of each pµ is + if the momentum flows into the vertex
and − if it flows out.

• Combinatorial factor for the whole diagram, 1/#symmetries.
Z 4
d q
3. Integrate over all internal lines’ momenta.
⋆ Most of the momentum integrals for the internal lines are ‘eaten-up’ by the δ-functions
in the vertices — that’s how weZ get the Kirchhoff Current Law for the momenta. Ulti-
d4 q
mately, there is one non-trivial integral for each closed loop in the diagram, and
one un-integrated (2π)4 δ (4) ( momenta) for each connected component of the diagram.

Here are some examples:

k2 k2′
= (−iλ) × (2π)4 δ (4) (k1 + k2 − k1′ − k2′ ) (68)
k1 k1′

d4 q
k2 k3′ = × (−iλ)(2π)4 δ (4) (k1 − q − k1′ − k2′ )
(2π)4 q 2 − m2 + iǫ
q × (−iλ)(2π)4 δ (4) (k2 + q − k3′ − k4′ )
k1 k2′
= (2π)4 δ (4) (k1 + k2 − k1′ − k2′ − k3′ − k4′ ) ×
k1′ q 2 − m2 q=k1 −k1′ −k2′ =k3′ +k4′ −k2

k2 q2 k2′
d4 q1 d4 q2 1
i i
= 2 × 2 ×
(2π) q1 − m2 + iǫ
4 4 2
(2π) q2 − m + iǫ 2

× (−iλ) (2π)4 δ (4) (k1 + k2 − q1 − q2 )

k1 q1 k1′
× (−iλ) (2π)4 δ (4) (q1 + q2 − k1′ − k2′ )

λ2 d4 q1 1 1
4 (4)
= (2π) δ (k1 + k2 − k1′ − k2′ ) × ×
2 (2π)4 q12 − m2 + iǫ (k1 + k2 − q1 )2 − m2 + iǫ


k2 k2′
d4 q1 d4 q2 1
i i
= 2 × 2 ×
(2π) q1 − m2 + iǫ
4 4 2
(2π) q2 − m + iǫ 4

k1 k1′ × (−iλ) (2π)4 δ (4) (k1 + q1 − q1 − k1′ )

× (−iλ) (2π)4 δ (4) (k2 + q2 − q2 − k2′ )

q1 λ2
d4 q 1
= (2π)4 δ (4) (k1 − k1′ ) × (2π)4 δ (4) (k2 − k2′ ) × ×
4 (2π)4 q 2 − m2 + iǫ

Connected Diagrams

In a scattering experiment, most of the times the particles miss each other and do not
scatter at all. In the formal scattering theory, this corresponds to decomposition

Ŝ = 1 + iT̂ (72)

where the T̂ operator takes care of the scattering events that do happen every now and then.
For a 2 body → 2 body process involving identical bosons, this means

out : k1′ , k2′ Ŝ in : k1 , k2 = k1′ |k1 × k2′ |k2 + k1′ |k2 × k2′ |k1
+ i out : k1′ , k2′ T̂ in : k1 , k2 .

Diagrammatically, this formula corresponds to distinguishing between connected and discon-

nected diagrams. Note that while we have ruled out the vacuum bubbles, we still allow
disconnected diagrams where each connected piece has some external lines. For two incoming
and two outgoing particles, this allows for 4 topologically different classes of diagrams:
 ′
  ′
  ′
  
k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1 k1′
       
       
, , , ,
       
   
       
       
k2 k2′ k2 k2′ k2 k2′ k2 k2′
where each yellow circle stands for a connected diagram or sub-diagram. For the first type

of diagrams, each connected sub-diagram imposes its own energy-momentum conservation —
k1′ = k1 , k2′ = k2 or else the diagram = 0. In the S-matrix decomposition (73), such diagrams
corresponds to the first non-scattering term hk1′ |k1i × hk2′ |k2 i. Or rather, the sum of such
diagrams — times the external-line factors F (k) and F (k ′ ) from eq. (46) for the physical
S-matrix elements — produces that non-scattering term,

X k1 k1′
F (k1 ) × F (k1′ ) × = out : k1′ Ŝ in : k1 = k1′ |k1 ; (75)

likewise for the k2 → k2′ process, and therefore

 
F (k1 )F (k1′ )F (k2 )F (k2′ ) ×  = k1′ |k1 × k2′ |k2 . (76)

k2 k2′

Similarly, the diagrams of the second disconnected type on figure (74) require k2′ = k1 ,
k1′ = k2 , so they contribute to the second non-scattering term hk2′ |k1 i×hk1′ |k2 i in eq. (73). As to
the third disconnected type of diagrams from figure (74), they require k1 + k2 = k1′ + k2′ = 0,
which is quite impossible on-shell. Indeed, the net energy of physical particles is always
positive and cannot vanish. Consequently, the diagrams of the third disconnected type do not
contribute to the S-matrix element at all.

On the other hand, the connected diagrams — the fourth type on figure (74) — impose
the overall energy–momentum conservation

k1′µ + k2′µ = k1µ + k2µ (77)

but allow for scattering in which this net energy-momentum is re-distributed between the two
particles. For example, in the center-of-mass frame we may have

µ ′µ
k1 k2 k1,2 = (E, ±k), k1,2 = (E, ±k′ ). (78)

Thus, it’s the connected Feynman diagrams which are solely responsible for the scattering!


X hConnected diagrams i
i out : k1′ , k2′ T̂ | in : k1 , k2 i = F (k1 )F (k1′ )F (k2 )F (k2′ ) × , (79)
with 4 external lines

where the F (k) factors for the external lines may be extracted from eq. (75):

hk ′ |ki X hConnected diagrams i

= . (80)
F 2 (k) with 2 external lines

We shall return to the F (k) factors in the Spring semester. For the moment, let me simply
say that to the lowest order of perturbation theory F (k) = 1.

Scattering Amplitudes

According to momentum-space Feynman rules, a connected diagram has precisely one un-
canceled delta function of momenta enforcing the overall energy-momentum conservation (77),
but all the other factors are analytic functions of the incoming and outgoing momenta. Hence,
the sum of connected diagrams in eq. (79) for the T-matrix element produces

i out : k1′ , k2′ T̂ | in : k1 , k2 i = (2π)4 δ (4) (k1′ + k2′ − k1 − k2 ) × iM(k1 , k2 → k1′ , k2′ ) (81)

for some analytic function of momenta M called the scattering amplitude, or to be precise, the
relativistically normalized scattering amplitude. It differs from the non-relativistic amplitude
f you have learned about in an undergraduate QM class by an overall factor

f = (82)

where Ecm is the net energy of both incoming particles (or both outgoing particles) in the
center of mass frame. As explained in painful detail in §4.5 of the Peskin and Schroeder
textbook, the partial cross-section for an elastic 2 body → 2 body scattering is

dσ |M|2
= (83)
dΩcm 64π 2 Ecm

where dΩcm is the element of body angle for the direction of one of the final particles in the
CM frame (the other final particle flies in the opposite direction).

At the lowest order of the perturbation theory, the scattering amplitude M is particularly
simple. Indeed, for n = 1 there is only one connected diagram with 4 external lines, namely

k1 k1′

= −iλ × (2π)4 δ (4) (k1′ + k2′ − k1 − k2 ). (84)

k2 k2′

Dropping the net energy-momentum conservation factor, we obtain the scattering amplitude
as simply

iM = −iλ =⇒ M = −λ ∀ momenta. (85)

Consequently, to the lowest order of perturbation theory, the partial scattering cross-section

dσ λ2
= (86)
dΩcm 64π 2 Ecm

is isotropic, and the total scattering cross-section is

4π λ2 λ2
σtot = × = . (87)
2 64π 2 Ecm
2 2
32π Ecm

Note: since the two outgoing particles are identical bosons and we cannot tell which particle
goes up and which goes down, the net solid angle for one of the two opposite directions is
4π/2 rather than the whole 4π.

Alas, at the higher orders of perturbation theory, the O(λ2 ), O(λ3 ), etc., terms in the
scattering amplitude are much more complicated than the leading term −λ. And in theories
other than λΦ4 , even the lowest-order scattering amplitudes are fairly complicated functions
of the particles’ energies and directions.


I conclude these notes with the summary of Feynman rules for the λΦ4 theory. To obtain
the scattering amplitude for a 2 particle → 2 particle or 2 particle → m particle process to
order N in perturbation theory:

1. Draw all connected Feynman diagrams with 2 incoming and m outgoing lines, and n ≤ N
vertices. Each vertex must be connected to precisely 4 lines, external or internal.
Make sure you draw all the diagrams obeying these conditions.

2. Evaluate the diagrams. For each diagram:

(a) Assign momenta to all the lines: fixed momenta for the incoming and outgoing
lines, and variable momenta for the internal lines. For the internal lines, specify
the direction of momentum flow (from which vertex to which vertex); the choice
of those directions is arbitrary, but you must stick to the same choice while you
evaluate the diagram.

(b) Multiply the following factors:

Z 4
d q i
• for each internal line, but not for the external lines.
(2π) q − m2 + iǫ
4 2

• (−iλ) × (2π)4 δ (4) (±q1 ± q2 ± q3 ± q4 ) for each vertex. The sign of each q µ is + if
the momentum flows into the vertex and − if it flows out.

• Combinatorial factor for the whole diagram, 1/#symmetries.

(c) Do the integrals over the momenta q µ of internal lines.

Many of these integrals will be ‘eaten up’ by the δ-functions at the vertices, but for
each closed loop in the graph there is one un-eaten d4 q integral that needs to be

calculated the hard way.

(d) Drop the overall energy-momentum conservation factor (2π)4 δ (4) k1 + k2 −

P ′
k .

3. Total up the diagrams.

4. If you are working beyond the lowest non-vanishing order of perturbation theory, mul-
tiply the whole amplitude by the F (k) factors for each of the incoming or outgoing

These rules should give you the relativistically normalized scattering amplitude, or rather
i×M(k1 , k2 → k1′ , . . . , km
′ ). The partial and total scattering cross sections follow from this

amplitude as

dσ = |M|2 × dP (88)

where dP is the phase-space factor. Most generally,

Y d3 k′
1 i 4 (4)

µ µ
dP = × 3 ′ × (2π) δ k1 + k2 − k ′µ , (89)
4 |E1 k2 − E2 k1 | (2π) 2Ei

which should be integrated over enough final-state parameters to eat up the δ-function. To
find where this phase-space formula comes from, please read §4.5 of the Peskin and Schroeder
textbook. Or for a quick 4-page summary, read my notes on phase space.


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