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Randstad Workmonitor 2023

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but stable.

workmonitor 2023.
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

contents. 3 20 years of workmonitor

6 foreword
9 about the survey
11 key findings
14 global themes
51 looking ahead
54 appendix
90 contact

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foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

20 years of workmonitor.
For two decades, Randstad The research began in the Netherlands in 2003 and collaborate more, with 61% spending more time working
turned global in 2010. In 2003 the recession of the early with colleagues than they did five years prior.
has served as the voice of the 2000s was coming to an end and workers had a renewed
global workforce through its optimism and an appetite for career mobility. Four in five A few years later, in 2017 a truly entrepreneurial mindset
Workmonitor research, one people were confident they could find a new job, and settled into the world of work, with 57% wanting to become an
54% were ready for a new challenge in their careers. entrepreneur but fearing failure — many were concerned of
of the largest surveys of its operating small businesses in an increasing global economy.
kind around the world. There Through ups and downs we arrived at the financial crisis
have been many periods of of 2008 and 2009, which brought confidence down to the Digital skills and remaining up to speed with technology were
lowest level (64%) yet, with just 49% ready for a new challenge. recurrent themes throughout the 20 years of research.
disruptive and exciting events
throughout the past 20 years. The subsequent recovery led to greater prosperity but also In 2019 more than two-thirds said they wanted employers
pressures on employers, with 80% of the workers surveyed to invest more in digital skills and just a year later these
saying they needed a better work-life balance in 2013. same skills were put to the test in the wake of COVID-19
2003 in 2020. Luckily though, a significant majority (79%) felt
In the same year, technology, the internet and the rise they were well equipped to do their jobs digitally.
of smartphones started thinning the line between work
and personal life and about half said their personal With the challenges and lessons from the pandemic
devices tethered them to emails from work. still fresh in people’s minds, learning and development,
personal well-being and values will surely continue to
Gen Z started entering the workforce in 2014 and remain important considerations in their career decisions.
technology began to play an even bigger role in how 2023
work got done. 87% said technology allowed them to

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foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

2003 workmonitor 2007 overtime 2011 talent &

launches to understand becomes the norm businesses use social
what workers want media for vetting
financial crisis &
recession comes iPhone launch
to an end

2004 job security 2008 confidence 2012 role of internet

& work-life balance decreases with hiring divides workplace
remain a worry & wage pause
conditions worsen

2003     2008     2013

2005 confidence 2009 decline in job

grows in labor market security with mass layoffs
markets stabilize at
the end of the year

2006 increased focus on 2010 increased job

learning & development security means work-
life balance is a priority
social media use booms

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foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

2015 retirement ages 2019 technology 2023 job uncertainty

are debated with the triggers an ‘always rises up the agenda but
aging population on’ culture other demands remain
inflation increases
cost of living

2016 training 2020 uncertainty looms

demands increase while remote working
to keep up with blurs work & home divide
COVID-19 begins

2013     2018     2023

2013 optimism prevails 2017 entrepreneurism 2021 employees rethink

but job market harder grows but still a minority relationship with work
for young & old
COVID-19 vaccine

2014 gen Z enters 2018 flexibility 2022 talent in the lead

workforce with new demands meet demanding work-life balance
mindset & expectations business resistance & values alignment

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foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

For the past 20 years our Workmonitor research has
captured the voice of the global workforce to show
that people’s needs are broad, dynamic and evolving
with the labor market and economy. It’s exciting to see
how much has changed in just the past three years.

A new social contract between employers and workers has come about,
Gen-Z and Millenials place greater emphasis on values, and organizations
increasingly link empathy and workplace experience to workforce excellence.

Remarkably, a growing number of people are telling us they want a more equitable
workplace – one that welcomes diverse voices and the specialized skills every
individual offers. For two decades, we have witnessed this trend gain momentum
and spur cultural and value changes in organizations around the world. I believe
these developments contribute to a more efficient and effective labor market.

Today, economic uncertainty has added a new dimension to worker

priorities and expectations. Facing a possible global recession ahead
and rapidly rising cost of living, workers now also place tremendous
value on employment that is secure and financially stable.

Sander van ‘t Noordende

CEO, Randstad N.V.

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In fact, nearly all (92%) of the more than 35,000 working These numbers show that recruiting great talent
adults we surveyed said job security is important requires more than just competitive pay and benefits.
to them, with 63% indicating they wouldn’t accept It’s clear that talent today want the whole package:
a job that didn’t provide this assurance. A majority secure, flexible, inclusive and financially stable
(52%) also said they were worried about the impact employment in a place they feel they belong.

of economic uncertainty on their employment.
The good news for employers is that a clear majority
At the same time, to help offset the sting of inflation, a sizable of talent feel they get these benefits in their current
portion of those we surveyed are looking to take on additional work role. Nearly two-thirds (63%) said their jobs pay them consider
through a second job or more hours with their primary one. For older enough to live the life they need, and 78% said they job security
workers, financial concerns have also led to a delay in retiring. Last have a good work-life balance. An overwhelming
year, 61% thought they’d retire before 65; now only half think this. percentage (86%) felt secure in their job.

These practical concerns are certainly influencing the outlook of Two other encouraging results showed that employers
the global workforce, but we found that many still cherish the non- are on the right track keeping their employees
financial aspects of their jobs. The share of survey respondents engaged and growing: 70% of respondents felt they
who said work-life balance is important (93.7%) was just slightly are receiving the right training and development
lower than those who consider pay important (93.8%). In fact, a opportunities, and 73% said they are aligned with their
majority said they wouldn’t accept a role if it negatively affected employer’s corporate values. These factors are critically
their work-life balance. Job flexibility was also highly valued with important to a thriving workforce and, interestingly,
83% prioritizing flexible hours and 71% wanting flexible locations. the desire for appropriate reskilling and upskilling
has been a recurring theme during the 20 years
since we first launched the Workmonitor research.

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Amid the good news, however, are Through our 20 years of research we have
opportunities for companies to improve the seen sentiments shift, trends come and go.
ways they attract and retain their people. While Through exciting, transformative times and
most workers said their compensation enables difficult shake-ups in world events, we’ve
the lifestyle they want, fewer than half said closely listened to what talent have been
their employers are helping them cope with saying. Even when times were uncertain
the higher cost of living. And as people start — like they are now — people display

feeling their ability to keep up with inflation is remarkable resilience and optimism for the
slipping, over time they may be pressured to future. Through ups and downs, they have
seek higher-paying jobs elsewhere. Even as voiced a desire to work for an equitable
have a good the global market is getting over the “Great and inclusive employer, one that values the
work-life balance
Resignation,” and the “Great Rotation,” this unique and specialized skills they offer.
urge to earn more may sustain high job quits.
I am confident that as digitization continues to
How can employers overcome this challenge accelerate and as the global economy poses
without constantly readjusting their pay yet another challenge, talent everywhere
packages? Focusing on non-financial benefits will adapt and grow to propel us into a more
can help overcome pay worries. Offering exciting future of work. For now, I invite you to
more flexibility and job security is remarkably take a deeper dive into what our latest findings
compelling to talent, especially during a reveal about prevailing sentiments and how
time of increasing uncertainty. Additionally, your organizations can best meet these needs.
providing training and development that
facilitates professional growth results in long-
term satisfaction and higher productivity.

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about the survey.

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about the survey.

Through this comprehensive study we want
to hear and share the voice of working people
about what they want and expect from their
employers and how willing they are to ask for it.

The study conceptualizes and This survey was conducted

measures the gap between the between October 18–30, 2022
reality and the wishes of the in Argentina, Australia, Austria,
global workforce and tracks Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
how this changes over time. China, Czech Republic, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece, Hong
It is conducted online on Kong SAR, Hungary, India, Italy,
people aged 18–67, employed Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia,
for at least 24 hours per Mexico, the Netherlands, New
week (minimum 90%) or sole Zealand, Norway, Poland,
trader or unemployed but Portugal, Romania, Singapore,
considering looking for a job Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
in the future. Minimum sample Turkey, the United Kingdom
size is 500 interviews per and the United States.

35,000 34 18–67
market. The Dynata panel is
used for sampling purposes.

workers surveyed markets year old people

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key findings.

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key findings.
empowerment around work-life balance turning to employers for support

Regardless of whether their job is enjoyable, People facing a rapidly rising cost of living are
most (72%) consider work to be an important turning to employers for help, and relief is being
element of their life. And economic uncertainty sought in a number of ways. The most desired
hasn’t caused people to abandon their desire form of help is a monthly cost of living stipend
for a healthy work-life balance. More than half (41%) followed by an increase in pay outside of
(61%) wouldn’t accept a position that would the usual cadence of an annual review (39%).
disrupt this balance, and these feelings were More than one-quarter (28%) wanted help
particularly strong among those 18 to 34 years with paying the cost of energy, commuting
old and markedly lower among people 55 and and other daily expenses. Nearly half said
older. A significant share would quit if they found they are receiving help in some way from their
themselves in a toxic working environment (34%), company. Some are cutting spending through
and an even greater portion (48%) would quit a a hybrid and flexible schedule, allowing them
job if it prevented them from enjoying their life. to reduce childcare and commuting costs.

48 would quit a job if it prevented

them from enjoying their life
45% said they wouldn’t
accept a job if it didn’t offer
% accommodating hours

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economic and job security top of mind older workers return due to the economy alignment of values is key

A possible global recession is weighing on The weakening global economy and high The events of the past three years have led many
the minds of people around the world, and inflation are leading older people to return to to reassess the value and purpose of work in
this may have repercussions on employers. work while others are delaying their exit from their lives, and people are clear about what they
A growing number of workers said they are the labor market. A significant decline in the want. A desire to achieve a sense of belonging
worried about losing their job (37%) and more number of people who believed they could retire in the workplace — as part of a team or the
than half (52%) are worried about the impact before 65 — from 61% last year to just 51% now — overall organization they work for — is driving
of economic uncertainty on their job security. indicates widespread concerns about the future. career decisions for many. In fact, a majority
Fortunately, an overwhelming majority said 26% of those 55 and over said they would hold (54%) said they would quit if they didn't sense
they felt secure in some way, and one-quarter off from retiring. But in an ideal world, 33% of they belonged at their company. Additionally,
said their situation has improved during the the world’s workforce would like to retire by 60, many are insistent that their company’s values
six months prior to being surveyed. Nearly and 8% would like to do so as soon as possible. align with their personal ones, with 42% saying
one-quarter (23%), however, wanted to they wouldn’t take a job if this weren’t the case.
increase their working hours at their current
job to help with the rising cost of living.

70% feel their financial

52 are worried about the impact
of economic uncertainty position is preventing
them from retiring as
57 a majority said their job fulfills
their need for a sense of purpose
% on their job security %
early as they want

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global themes.
click on each section to explore the theme

1. attitude
2. expectations
3. security
4. unretirement
5. belonging

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One of the most important lessons
from the past few years is that people
around the world have changed their
attitudes for good. As a result, they are
determined to make work fit around
their lives. And despite facing economic
uncertainty in the year ahead, people
are steadfast in the kind of employer
and job they want in their career.

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on average last year, 58%

wouldn’t accept a job if they
thought it would negatively
affect their work-life balance
now 61% believe this

94 consider work-life
balance important
48 would quit a job if it prevented
them from enjoying their life
31 have “quietly
quit” a job
% % %

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Our research shows that more than half People increasingly want jobs that fit around their I would quit a job if it was preventing
lives instead of the other way around. For those me from enjoying my life
(61%) wouldn’t accept a position that is that are choosing to leave their current employer,
detrimental to their work-life balance. the data shows that better working conditions, 18–24 years old 58%

The strongest sentiments were including leaving a toxic workplace (34%) or lacking
25–34 years old 54%
development opportunities (30%) continue to be
expressed by those under 45, the primary drivers of their decision-making. 35–44 years old 49%
while just slightly more than half of
those 55 and older felt this way. Nearly half (48%) said they would resign if their job 45–54 years old 41%
prevented them from enjoying their life, with one-
55–67 years old 40%
This is unsurprising as our previous research shows third having done so because a job didn’t fit in their
younger workers during the past two years feel personal life. Employee engagement is also impacted all ages 48%

empowered to find meaningful work and be part of as dissatisfaction with work has led to 31% having
an organization whose values align with theirs. “quiet quit,” a recent phenomenon in which workers I have “quietly quit” a job
In fact, during the midst of the pandemic in 2021, perform only the bare minimum in their jobs.
67% of people we surveyed said they felt more enabled 18–24 years old 36%
to make changes to their work-life balance. But
regardless of age group, all generations in the most 25–34 years old 36%
recent survey continue to feel that work is an important
35–44 years old 32%
part of their lives, with only five percentage points
separating the youngest (74%) from the oldest (69%). 45–54 years old 28%

55–67 years old 24%

all ages 31%

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Talent continues to maintain the advantage

in the worker-employer relationship even as
macroeconomic conditions change.

38% And as long as unemployment stays For instance, workers 18 to 24 are most
of Gen Z have
quit a job that low around the world — whether likely to quit a job that prevented them
didn’t fit in with from structural or cyclical factors from enjoying their lives (58%), while
their personal life — talent scarcity is dictating how those who are the oldest (55 to 67)
closely companies are catering to the are least likely, at 40%. Similarly, more
needs and desires of the workforce. than one-third of Gen Z (38%) have
quit a job that didn’t fit in with their
Our research shows that the shift in personal life, while just one-quarter
attitudes toward work has changed of the oldest group have done so.
permanently, especially given that
the generations who have recently
entered the workforce have the
highest expectations and strongest
appetite for work-life balance.

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What these disparities among the generations

show is how much attitudes and expectations
have shifted in just a few short years. Perhaps it is
the difficult situation of the past three years, the
effects of the digital and social sharing economy
or just differences in education and societal norms
between the age groups, but it’s clear the new
social contract begins with the youngest people.

So what does this mean for the future power dynamic

between organizations and their people? Clearly
flexibility and an engaging working environment are key
to attracting and retaining talent. With a sizable portion
of the workforce on a hybrid or fully remote schedule,
policies and practices should also focus on improving
the lives of employees at all times. This includes flexible
hours and work locations, guaranteeing reasonable work-
life balances and more opportunities for advancements.
Only through empathetic measures that account for
the needs of their entire workforce can organizations
guarantee to become an employer of choice.

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notable differences by geography importance of work in your life

apac 71%

Americans are often perceived as We found bigger differences regarding north america 68%
overworked and overstressed by their the importance of work on people’s
latin america 88%
jobs, but our data shows a higher- lives. Just 63% of those surveyed
than-average percentage of people in Northwestern Europe felt work is northwestern
(84%) believe they have a good work- important, but 88% in Latin America
life balance, compared with 78% feel this way. Globally, the average eastern europe 79%
for the global average. At the other was 72%. These two regions were
southern europe 73%
end of the spectrum, Japan has the also far apart in the percentage of
lowest at 63%, followed by Germany people who have quit due to a lack of all regions 72%
(71%) and Switzerland (72%). advancement opportunities. Just 23%

have done so in Northwestern Europe,
Achieving a good work-life balance while 45% have quit in Latin America. I have quit a job because of a lack of
is a universal goal valued by people advancement opportunities
everywhere, and our data shows that There is general agreement about the wouldn’t accept a
apac 35% job if they thought
no matter where you are, a majority positive impact of having a job beyond
it would negatively
wouldn’t accept a job offer that remunerations. A majority (57%) feel affect their work-
north america 30%
they believe would negatively affect it gives them a sense of purpose, with life balance
that balance. By region, workers those in Latin America possessing the latin america 45%
in Latin America are most insistent strongest sentiments (63%) and those in
on this (64%), while those in North Southern Europe having the least (52%). 23%
America are least insistent (59%).
eastern europe 25%
Globally, the average is 61%.
southern europe 28%

all regions 30%

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three tips for meeting changing

workforce expectations

Are employees aligned with
corporate values? The answer
should be yes if the goal is long-
One of the most effective ways term retention. If surveying
to keep people engaged and reveals broad disparity, it’s time to
motivated is to provide clear career assess where the gaps exist and
With the workforce feeling more paths. Make time to regularly how to close them. Otherwise,
empowered to make decisions have conversations with talent management needs to change
about their career choices, make to understand their ideal future the corporate value to reflect the
sure to create a compelling within the organization and what perspective of employees or adjust
employee value proposition that steps are necessary for reaching the recruitment approach to attract
aligns with their desires and their goals. Then determine candidates who are aligned.
beliefs. This involves creating what investments are needed for
a mechanism to collect input, reskilling and upskilling for fulfilling
prioritize actions that have the the ambitions of the workforce.
broadest impact and measuring
the effectiveness of any initiatives.
Remember to always stay vigilant
to the changing needs of people.

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The rapidly rising cost of living is having
a significant impact on the expectations of
workers. Many are turning to their employers for
financial assistance during a time when inflation
is effectively shrinking paychecks faster than
salary adjustments can kick in. This has led to
demand for bigger raises more often, monthly
stipends and even help for paying higher energy
bills at home. Clearly, the global workforce
wants their companies to step up once more.

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thinking about the changing

economic landscape, which
of the following would you 39 41 28
want from your employer? % % %

an increase in salary a monthly cost of subsidies for the cost

outside of the usual living pay boost of energy, travel or
cadence of annual other daily expense
pay reviews

apac 43% 38% 33%

north america 42% 38% 19%

latin america 30% 44% 30%

39% 40% 26%

eastern europe 45% 40% 30%

southern europe 31% 48% 28%

all regions 39% all regions 41% all regions 28%

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Beyond financial security, job flexibility — both in their hours and

where they work — remains especially important as a benefit. Even
as many workplaces have mandated a return to the office, talent is
voicing a strong desire to retain greater flexibility. Around two-fifths

of those surveyed said they wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t offer
accommodating hours (45%) or remote/hybrid arrangements (40%).
27% have even quit a role that didn’t offer the flexibility they required.

wouldn’t accept a
job if it didn’t offer

I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t provide flexibility around...

where I work my working hours

18–24 years old 45% 50%

25–34 years old 45% 48%

35–44 years old 43% 47%

45–54 years old 36% 41%

55–67 years old 33% 39%

all ages 40% all ages 45%

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importance of flexibility my job provides flexibility

in terms of working hours in terms of working hours
The prospect of reporting into the workplace for
18–24 years old 81% 63%
a 9-to-5 job has clearly become unappealing with
25–34 years old 84% 60% more workers preferring a flexible workday (83%)
alongside a flexible location (71%). Among the
35–44 years old 85% 58% different age groups, flexibility was valued more by
younger workers, with 84% of those 25 to 34 and
45–54 years old 83% 52%
85% of those 35 to 44 saying that having the freedom
55–67 years old 80% 53% to choose when they worked is important. Women,
often the primary caregiver in a household, also
all ages 83% all ages 57%
valued flexibility more than men when it comes to
hours (85% vs. 81%) and location (72% vs. 69%).

importance of flexibility my job provides flexibility These data points show people have adjusted
in terms of location in terms of location their expectations of employers, who have been
mostly regarded as supportive of their workforce
18–24 years old 71% 56% during the pandemic. At the beginning of the
crisis, organizations enacted robust protection in
25–34 years old 76% 56%
the workplace, mobilized those who could work
35–44 years old 75% 52%
at home and provided unprecedented support to
their people. Having benefited from their company’s
45–54 years old 69% 46% accommodations, workers squeezed by high prices
are again hoping they can find relief from employers.
55–67 years old 63% 44%

all ages 71% all ages 51%

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thinking about the changing economic landscape, which of the following would you want from your employer?

an increase in salary outside of the a monthly cost of subsidies for the cost of energy,
usual cadence of annual pay reviews living pay boost travel or other daily expense

18–24 years old 33% 39% 31%

25–34 years old 40% 41% 31%

35–44 years old 41% 42% 29%

45–54 years old 39% 42% 27%

55–67 years old 37% 39% 25%

all ages 39% all ages 41% all ages 28%

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The most common kind of relief being Some employers have already increased the frequency
sought is a monthly cost of living pay boost, of adjustments. In one case, a company last year even
with 41% preferring this. This was closely provided quarterly pay reviews to help with surging
followed by a salary increase outside of the inflation. In the UK last year, 1 in 20 companies with
usual cadence of annual reviews (39%). 250 or more employees provided a one-time payment.

Our survey showed that others simply wanted

subsidies to offset the higher cost of energy,
my employer is helping me deal with commuting or other daily expenses (28%). Across
the increased cost of living the world, where the prices of petrol and natural
gas have skyrocketed, this idea has been catching
18–24 years old 61%
on as a growing number of employers provide
25–34 years old 55%
fuel stipends, gift cards and extended work-from-
home privileges to offset energy costs. About
35–44 years old 50% 15% of workers told us that their employers have
offered these during the past six months.
45–54 years old 42%

55–67 years old 41%

Among the generations, those from 35 to 44
were most interested in seeing their pay adjusted
all ages 49% more than annually (41%); this same group, along
with those 45 to 54, is also most likely to want
a monthly adjustment to their pay (42%).

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notable differences
by geography
importance of flexibility my job provides flexibility in
in terms of working hours terms of working hours

apac 83% 66%

While remote work is important to 7 out of
north america 83% 62%
10 people, notable variations were observed
around the world. Only about 61% of those in latin america 85% 57%
Northwestern Europe held similar beliefs, but
80% in Latin America did. Similarly, nearly all europe
80% 54%
survey respondents in India held this sentiment
eastern europe 84% 52%
(93%) but just 62% in Hong Kong felt this way.
southern europe 86% 48%
With 2 of every 5 people wanting a monthly cost-
of-living stipend from their employer, this was all regions 83% all regions 57%
especially important to those living in Southern
Europe, with half of those surveyed feeling this way.
By contrast, just a little more than one-third (38%) importance of flexibility my job provides flexibility
in terms of location in terms of location
in the Asia Pacific region held similar views. On a
country level, Polish workers were most emphatic
apac 76% 61%
about a monthly boost (54%), but this incentive
was least expected in the Czech Republic (28%). north america 74% 57%

latin america 80% 55%

61% 45%

eastern europe 72% 46%

southern europe 75% 44%

all regions 71% all regions 51%

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The desire to have employers help pay for more my employer is helping me deal with
costly commutes and energy usage at home is the increased cost of living
not high among North American workers, with
apac 59%
fewer than 1 in 5 (19%) wanting this from their
companies — the lowest percentage of all regions. north america 51%

People in Northwestern and Southern Europe in latin america 56%

higher numbers (26% and 28%, respectively) would northwestern
like their employers’ help with these costs — in part europe
because the percentage of people who have received eastern europe 52%
additional support was the lowest in these two regions.
southern europe 41%
At a country level, Japanese and Swedish workers
all regions 49%
were least likely to get additional inflation-fighting
support from their employers (both at 30%), but an
overwhelming majority of people in China (89%) said
they did.

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three tips for meeting changing

workforce expectations

Don’t overlook the importance
of regularly surveying the
workforce to understand their
There are ways to help reduce financial stresses. Retention is
employee costs without having to important as companies looking
increase pay. In some markets, pre- to slow hiring may be reluctant
Employers should reconsider tax commuter savings accounts to add back headcount. Using
work location and the work day to can significantly offset a rise in feedback data can help develop
develop better policies. Can some transportation expenses. Setting effective initiatives that alleviate
aspects of a role be performed up carpool arrangements reduces employees’ budgetary worries.
off-site to enable more hybrid driving and public transit costs.
schedules? Would a workday that Offering remote working an
doesn't adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule extra day or two each week can
give workers greater flexibility make a big difference as well.
without creating workflow issues?
Think outside the box to provide
employees maximum latitude.

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Facing growing economic uncertainty,
it’s not surprising the global workforce
feels anxious about the days ahead.
Geopolitical instability, inflation and a
looming global recession are all weighing
on the psyche of workers. In fact, more
than half (52%) said they are concerned
about the global economy’s impact on
their livelihood, and more than one-third
(37%) worried about losing their job.

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northwestern 25%
eastern europe
north america

southern europe 28% 28%

I have/am planning to increase 24%

my hours at my current job to

help with rising cost of living

latin america

I have taken on/am looking to

take on a second role to help
with rising cost of living

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I feel confident that if I were to lose my This issue is dictating the outlook of and e-commerce. With demand weakening
job, I could find a new one quickly
many workers, with nearly all (92%) and the global supply chain still struggling,
18–24 years old 55%
saying job security is important to them many employers are resizing their workforce.
and 63% refusing to take on a new role The hiring of critical and in-demand skills
25–34 years old 56% if it didn’t provide enough security. are occurring in some sectors, such as
government, NGOs and small startups, but
35–44 years old 52%
Even so, most survey respondents also they may not offer the same kind of pay or
45–54 years old 47%
expressed confidence in being able to quickly benefits as large, established companies.
find employment if they were to lose their
55–67 years old 43% job (50.4%), and an overwhelming majority Insecurity is growing not only because
said they feel secure in their current role of layoffs; many feel they can’t keep
all ages 50%
(86%) — both numbers higher than in 2022. up with the rising cost of living. Most
workers (58%) we surveyed said they
Anxiety is growing as a result of a number of have not received any kind of extra
high-profile layoffs last year, which included financial support during the past six
many white-collar roles at technology months, and just 10% have gotten
companies. Other sectors also announced a one-off cost of living payment.
86 feel secure in their current role reductions in force, including those in
% automotive, banking and financial services,

workmonitor 2023 33
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

I have taken on/am looking to take on a

second role to help with rising cost of living

18–24 years old 30%

As a result, a number of people are looking
to supplement their regular income, either by

25–34 years old 29% taking on a second role (25%) or increasing the
number of hours worked at their current job (23%).
35–44 years old 26%
Gen Z were most likely to take both actions with
30% looking to take a second role and 32% to are looking to
45–54 years old 23%
increase their hours — both figures are much supplement their
regular income
55–67 years old 17% higher than those of the oldest generation aged
55 to 67, with 17% and 13%, respectively.
all ages 25%

Working a second job has become a lifeline for

some workers but a reason for concern for some
employers as well. One report found that more workers
I have/am planning to increase my hours at my needed the extra income to cover gaps in their
current job to help with rising cost of living
main income source, but others are “overemployed”
by holding two full-time jobs at once without the
18–24 years old 32%
knowledge or consent of their employers.
25–34 years old 28%

35–44 years old 25%

45–54 years old 18%

55–67 years old 13%

all ages 23%

workmonitor 2023 34
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

1 out of 5 surveyed by A potential reason for the younger Job and financial security will surely

generation feeling more confidence be a top issue for both workers and
Randstad also said they have is that last year it enjoyed the fastest employers in 2023 as uncertain
changed or are planning wage growth in markets such as the economic conditions leave everyone
are planning to
to change jobs to one that US, where Gen Z saw median hourly feeling tentative and weary about the
change jobs to one
pay rise 10.6% from a year ago, sharply future. These concerns are also likely
pays more as a result of higher than the 4% gain for all workers. to result in fewer voluntary turnovers
that pays more as
a result of inflation
inflation, with the youngest and career mobility, with about 10%
group most likely to do so This is also why the “Great Rotation” expecting to delay changing their jobs
accelerated in 2022 as employees saw because of the volatile landscape.
and the oldest least likely. an opportunity to make more money,
find more meaningful work and/or
gain more job flexibility. Men were
more likely than women to consider
quitting their role for more money (22%
vs. 20%) as well as increase the hours
at their existing job (24% vs. 21%).

workmonitor 2023 35
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

notable differences by geography I am worried about losing my job

apac 45%
The impact of economic uncertainty and with higher costs — the only market
north america 25%
worries over job security vary among in which a majority plan to do so. The
regions. Workers in Latin America are next closest market was Turkey, in latin america 60%
most worried about losing their jobs, which 31% of those plan on resigning.
with 60% feeling this way, while their The market with the fewest share of europe
counterparts in Northwestern Europe people planning to quit for higher pay is
eastern europe 34%
are least worried, with just 24% feeling Belgium (13%) and Luxembourg (14%).
concerned. Similarly, a majority (74%) southern europe 42%
in Latin America are worried about the Workers in India were by far the most
impact of economic uncertainty on confident of being able to find another all regions 37%
their job security, while only 38% in job if they became unemployed, with
Northwestern Europe feel the same. 83% feeling this way (globally the
average was 50.4%). Conversely, only I am worried about the impact of economic
uncertainty on my job security
With high costs leading to more people 37% in Italy believed they could find a
seeking higher-paying jobs, employers job quickly after being unemployed.
apac 58%
in some markets will need to consider Indian workers also were far more likely
offering more financial incentives for to take on a second role to help them north america 41%
employees to stay. Our data shows with higher costs, with 53% doing so or
that 51% in India want to quit and find planning to. Just 9% in the Netherlands latin america 74%

better-paying work so they can cope are interested in a second job. northwestern

eastern europe 57%

southern europe 59%

all regions 52%

workmonitor 2023 36
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

three tips for helping workers

feel more secure

Be compassionate in any cost-
saving measures affecting
livelihoods — be it layoffs,
Leverage health and wellness cutting work hours or reductions
benefits to help workers better cope in salaries. Clearly explain the
with the mental and financial stress reasoning behind such actions
Make sure to keep channels of during this period of high inflation. and be prepared to support all
communications open both ways Employee assistance programs can employees who may lose their
to allow reassuring interactions. provide important support to an jobs by providing career transition
Lack of empathetic communication overworked and nervous workforce. services along with severance.
from companies and managers Financial advisors can also aid in
can have a negative impact on the planning and budgeting for
both the workforce and operations. retirement and college savings.
Clarity and transparency, instead,
make people feel more secure
about their future and help
avoid unnecessary stress.

workmonitor 2023 37
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

A unique phenomenon during the past
three years is an increase in retirements
occuring earlier than usual. A few causes
include health and safety concerns
associated with going back into the
workplace, the “Great Enlightenment”
among workers and generous
government aid that enabled some to
walk away from their work. Our 2022
survey showed that most believed they
would be able to retire before 65, but
our latest research reveals a decidedly
different outlook, and it’s clear economic
uncertainty is a factor in this change.

workmonitor 2023 38
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

based on my current situation, in an ideal world,

I will be able to retire at I would retire at

before I turn 40 1% 3%

before I turn 50 4% 15%

before I turn 60 15% 33%

60–64 30% 25%

65–69 34% 10%

70–74 8% 3%

75–80 2% 1%

never 5% 2%

18 planning to delay their

retirement to help with 70 feel their financial position
is preventing them from
% the rising cost of living % retiring as early as they want

workmonitor 2023 39
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

last year, 61% Indeed, many are working again as Unretirement has been rising especially
thought they’d economic realities set in, especially in the US and UK among those 50 to
retire before 65 as higher energy and household costs 64 years old. US household wealth
batter their savings and pensions. In reached a record $150.1 trillion in 2021
now, fact, 70% of those we surveyed said their but has since fallen three consecutive
financial position is preventing them quarters. For many who decided to
only 51%
from stepping down as early as they retire earlier than planned, this was a
believe this
wanted. A convergence of concerning significant financial blow. But beyond
economic developments is driving money worries, many feel they are
more elderly workers to either return missing out after dropping out of
Last year we found that 61% believed they could permanently leave to the labor market full or part time. the labor market. 32% told Randstad
the workforce before turning 65. Now, however, a faltering global that they need work in their lives.
economy, high inflation and diminishing government aid have many For example, an analysis of UK labor Whether for meaning and purpose,
people reconsidering such a move: just half believe they will be able market data last year showed that the social interaction or to experience
to do so, with finances the overriding factor in their reassessment. number of those 65 and older looking the challenges that come with a job,
for work or already employed reached employment for many is more than just
record levels. In Japan, the number of a paycheck. It keeps them connected
people 65 and older with jobs rose for and gives them a sense of belonging.
the 18th consecutive year, with 50%
of those aged 65 to 69 still working.

workmonitor 2023 40
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

In fact, 6% said they don’t want to retire at all, and 17% are Among those who are looking forward to retirement, 33%
waiting for a specific milestone, which can be financial or a said they want to do so before 60. This was followed by 25%
life event. Almost 1 in 8 said they feel a sense of obligation to of people who said they aim to stop between ages 60 and
their employer, leading them to delay their retirement. 64, and 10% who will do so after reaching 65 to 69. A little
over 3% would not rest until they reach 70 and beyond.

what are the factors that prevent you A notable outlook among the different generations revealed that
from retiring as early as you want both Gen Z (64%) and those 55 and over (66%) are least likely to

view financial constraints as a reason they won’t be able to retire
when they want to. The generations in between expressed higher

70 12 32 17 levels of pessimism that they will have enough resources to stop

working at their desired age. Women also expressed greater want to retire
% % % %
doubt about their financial future more than men (72% vs. 69%). before 60

financial position I feel my I need work I'm waiting

employer in my life for a specific Retirement will surely become an even greater challenge
needs me milestone for talent and the companies they work for. The impact of
aging populations around the world will reach a critical stage
during this decade, as millions more leave the labor market
creating a vacuum in economies around the world.

workmonitor 2023 41
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

what are the factors that prevent you from retiring as early as you want?

financial position — by age I feel my employer needs me I need work in my life

18–24 years old 64% 16% 35%

25–34 years old 72% 13% 33%

35–44 years old 73% 13% 32%

45–54 years old 73% 9% 30%

55–67 years old 66% 10% 32%

all ages 70% all ages 12% all ages 32%

financial position — by region I feel my employer needs me I need work in my life

apac 71% 21% 45%

north america 73% 12% 33%

latin america 62% 7% 33%

76% 10% 26%

eastern europe 67% 10% 28%

southern europe 67% 8% 25%

all regions 70% all regions 12% all regions 32%

workmonitor 2023 42
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

notable differences by geography

While 33% of the of the world’s workforce want A global average of 8% want to retire as soon in an ideal world, I would retire
as soon as possible
to retire by 60, this is hardly the case in some as possible, but this sentiment was significantly
markets. Just slightly more than one-quarter in Asia higher in the UK (14%). In China, just 1.4% feel apac 9%
Pacific think this is the ideal age. A remarkable 3% this way, the lowest of all markets surveyed.
here never want to retire, the highest percentage north america 12%
among all regions. In comparison, just 0.5% in What people desire, however, doesn’t always align
latin america 6%
Southern Europe don’t want to retire, with a with what they believe they can accomplish. 34%
plurality wanting to do so by 60. In Latin America, believe they won't be able to step down until 65 northwestern
26% want to retire by 50, a significantly higher to 69, which contrasts the sentiments on the ideal europe

percentage than the rest of the world. By contrast, retirement age of before 60. A clear majority (59%) eastern europe 8%
only 9% in Northwestern Europe want the same. of Dutch workers said they wouldn’t be able to
southern europe 7%
until they reach 65 to 69. Indian respondents were
In Japan, just 15% plan to retire by 60; the most popular surprisingly optimistic about early retirement, all regions 8%
option here is by 65 (25%). A whopping 8% said they with 12% believing they will be retired by 50.
never want to retire — more than five times the global
average. On the other hand, fewer than 1% of Greek
and Italian respondents said they would never retire.

workmonitor 2023 43
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

three tips for enabling the workforce

to realize their retirement plans

Provide older workers a
transitional plan for their eventual
retirement. Talent scarcity will
People around the world are grow in the coming years due
always in need of better financial to shifting demographics, and
education so they can plan for companies should develop
Retirement options vary broadly by their retirement. Companies flexible roles that allow those
markets, occupation and age, but should consider how to impart this near retirement age to slowly
employers can always help their knowledge as part of their learning transition from full time to part
workers better prepare through and development strategy. Offering time and then completely retire.
education, incentivized savings additional incentives to participate
plans and matching contributions. in these courses can be really
Localize a global strategy to ensure impactful on financial wellness.
people have many options that
best suit their financial needs.

workmonitor 2023 44
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

More than ever, the global workforce
wants to be part of an organization
that provides an inclusive and diverse
workplace, one whose values align with
theirs and a business that has clear
social and environmental commitments,
our research found. With the social
justice movement accelerating and
awareness of environmental issues
rising, people around the world believe
the company they work for should
reflect the causes they believe in.

workmonitor 2023 45
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

69 54 79 56
77 % % % %

northwestern europe eastern europe

consider an employer's
values and purpose
important — globally

77 60 80 52
% % % %

north america southern europe

86 63 80 62
% % % %
my job gives me a sense
of purpose — globally latin america apac

workmonitor 2023 46
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

I wouldn’t accept a job with a business

that doesn’t align with my values on
77% of those we surveyed said One lesson that emerged during the
social and environmental issues
an employer’s values and purpose pandemic is that talent experience is
regarding sustainability, diversity crucial to maintaining and enhancing 18–24 years old 52%
and transparency are important. workforce productivity and satisfaction.
2 in 5 (42%) also said they would Perennially our data shows that while 25–34 years old 47%
not work for a business whose compensation is important, people
35–44 years old 42%
values didn’t align with theirs. also place a great deal of importance
The same percentage said they on how they are treated and feel in 45–54 years old 37%
wouldn’t accept a job from an the workplace. And in the recent
organization not making a talent scarcity crisis, belonging has 55–67 years old 37%
proactive effort to be more become increasingly important.
all ages 42%
sustainable. Knowing they have more employment
choices enabled many to seek out
opportunities in companies whose I would quit a job if I didn’t feel
A majority (57%) also said their job like I belonged there
fulfills their need for a sense of values aligned more with their own and
purpose, but nearly as many (54%) that offered a feeling of belonging.
18–24 years old 61%
said they would quit a job if they
didn’t feel like they belonged. 25–34 years old 57%

35–44 years old 55%

45–54 years old 51%

55–67 years old 50%

all ages 54%

workmonitor 2023 47
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

Inclusion and belonging are important not Similarly, a majority (52%) of those under 25 wouldn’t
only to talent but also the companies they accept a job if an employer’s values didn’t align with
work for. According to Deloitte, belonging can theirs on social and environmental issues, but just about
lead to a 56% increase in job performance, one-third (37%) of the oldest age group felt this way.
a 50% reduction in turnover risk, a 167%
increase in employer net promoter score, Why are younger workers so insistent that employers
and a 75% decrease in sick days. align with them on social values? Plenty of research
shows that Gen Z and Millennials are passionate
The desire to feel they are part of an organization is about issues such as climate change, social
especially acute among younger workers. Our data justice and sustainability.
shows that 61% of those 18 to 24 would quit if they
didn’t feel like they belonged at work, and the trend As consumers, Gen Z and Millennials are siding
moves progressively lower among older age groups. with businesses aligned to their views, so it’s
Fewer than half of respondents 55 and over would quit. natural they would adhere to such principles
regarding employment choices. Whether
This trend is also observed when it comes to the companies are trying to sell to younger buyers
question of sustainability. Just about half (49%) of or trying to hire them, the clear lesson is that
Gen Z would refuse to work for a company that didn’t creating a safe environment and a sense of
make a proactive effort to be more sustainable; only belonging are important exercises employers
35% of their oldest peers held such sentiments. must undertake. Those who heed this warning
will most likely win the war for talent.

workmonitor 2023 48
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

notable differences by geography I would quit a job if I didn’t feel

like I belonged there

apac 55%
A sense of belonging is a priority views on their employers’ value.
north america 53%
for workers in Latin America more In China, 89% said their companies
than elsewhere, with 60% saying share similar values to them, but barely latin america 60%
they would quit a job if they didn’t a majority (51%) in Japan felt this way.
feel this way; conversely, just 50% of europe
those in Southern Europe shared this Purpose is also high on the list of job
eastern europe 53%
sentiment. Latin Americans also felt fulfillment for most people, and this
strongly about an employer’s values was the case for those in Asia Pacific southern europe 50%
and purpose regarding sustainability, (62%) and Latin America (63%). This
diversity and transparency — 86% was exceptionally true for people in all regions 54%
said these were important issues. India, where 88% said they derived a
People in Northwestern Europe, sense of purpose from their work. At I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
however, were less passionate, the other end of the spectrum, only that doesn’t align with my values on
social and environmental issues
with just 69% in agreement. 38% of Japanese workers felt this way.
This disparity may be a function of
apac 49%
While a majority said their employers’ demographics since Japan has the
values align with theirs, there were highest median age in the world at 48.6 north america 39%
notable outliers among the different while India is much younger at 28.7.
markets. While they are both powerful As our global data shows, younger latin america 49%

economies in Asia, Japan and China people tend to derive more purpose northwestern
have workforces with highly disparate from their work than older counterparts. europe

eastern europe 42%

southern europe 40%

all regions 42%

workmonitor 2023 49
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

three tips for nurturing

a sense of belonging

Plan group activities that boost
social interaction and encourage
personal sharing. Helping teams to
Communication, empathy and familiarize with each other creates
acceptance are key elements a bond that work collaboration isn’t
of helping workers feel they able to replicate. While this may be
Acknowledge differences among belong at an organization and difficult for remote workers, virtual
employees but also emphasize employers should emphasize these parties and fun activities can bridge
commonalities. Individuality and in their workforce engagement the distance between colleagues.
diversity are key to innovation, strategy. By encouraging
but shared goals and experiences people to bring their true self
help unite people. Create to work each day, companies
employee resource groups to help provide a safe and nurturing
people advance their interests, environment that promotes
ask questions and participate productivity and creativity.
in mentoring programs.

workmonitor 2023 50
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

looking ahead.

workmonitor 2023 51
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

looking ahead.
As the global workforce The high cost of living, economic
uncertainty and geopolitical instability
faces more unprecedented are all occupying the psyche of workers.
challenges, three years At the same time, they still want to
after the outbreak of the belong to an organization whose values
align with theirs. Clearly, companies
pandemic, the help of will have to assess how they lead and
employers will again be support their people in the year ahead.
pivotal to people’s well-being. During the height of the pandemic
support and assurances from employers
were crucial, and our research shows
they need to maintain such efforts.
Where possible, organizations can help
mitigate inflation through monetary and
non-financial initiatives to offset higher
costs. Special bonuses, one-time cost of
living subsidies and more frequent pay
reviews can provide the boost workers
are looking for. Expanding remote work
opportunities, free meals in the office
and establishing commuter savings
accounts are other examples of support.

workmonitor 2023 52
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

Beyond the threat of inflation, economic uncertainty As our data pointed out, the majority of workers say
has many feeling insecure about their livelihood. their company’s values align with their own, and during
Constant news about layoffs and cutbacks in the these tumultuous times, it’s more important than
corporate world are raising the levels of anxiety among ever to reinforce that accord. Without it, companies
workers, impacting both productivity and retention. risk a broader threat: the loss of its critical talent.

Business leaders must proactively and We hope our research provided meaningful and
authentically communicate their outlook actionable intelligence into the sentiments of
and plans for addressing recessionary the global workforce. Even as demand for talent
pressures. They might not always be bearers eases, the mandate to keep the workforce engaged
of good news, but those who empathetically and energized hasn’t relaxed at all. If anything,
articulate support for affected workers will companies will have to rally their people harder to
gain the respect and trust of all employees. overcome the challenges ahead. With the insights
provided here, we hope to make this task easier.
Such an approach should also address all needs
of talent, not just monetary ones. Making the
workplace a refuge from external worries — one in
which people have a sense of belonging, are given
flexibility to perform their jobs and can achieve a
good work-life balance — needs to be a priority.

workmonitor 2023 53
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workmonitor 2023 54
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

select a market.
argentina greece poland

australia hong kong SAR portugal

austria hungary romania

belgium india singapore

brazil italy spain

canada japan sweden

chile luxembourg switzerland

china malaysia turkey

czech republic mexico united kingdom

denmark netherlands united states

france new zealand

germany norway

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 55
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
60% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 59% (54% global)
life balance — 65% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job living — 15% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 61% think they’ll be able to retire before and purpose — 80% (77% global)
preventing me from enjoying the usual cadence of annual pay 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
my life — 44% (48% global) reviews — 34% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to that doesn’t align with my values on
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay lose my job, I could find a new 64% say that their social and environmental issues — 45%
one quickly — 45% (50% global)
workplace — 45% (34% global) boost — 49% (41% global)
financial position (42% global)
• I am worried about the impact of
45% have quit
• Subsidies for the cost of
energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job is preventing them 74% feel that their
a job because of a expenses — 27% (28% global) security — 75% (52% global) from retiring as employer’s values
lack of advancement • My employer is helping me • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t early as they want and purpose align
deal with the increased cost of provide job security — 71% (63% global)
opportunities living — 52% (49% global) • Importance of job security
(70% global) with their own (e.g.,
(30% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms of — 94% (92% global)
• 30% say that they need work in sustainability, diversity,
working hours — 51% (57% global) • My job provides me with their lives and that’s why they are transparency)
• I have quit a job because it • My job provides flexibility in terms of security — 83% (86% global) delaying retirement (32% global)
didn’t fit in with my personal location — 50% (51% global) (73% global)
• I have taken on/am looking to take • What are the factors that prevent you
life — 49% (33% global) on a second role to help with rising from retiring as early as you want:
• I have “quietly quit” a job 35% have quit cost of living — 36% (25% global)
• I feel my employer needs
• My job gives me a sense of
purpose — 56% (57% global)
— 34% (31% global)
a job because • I have/am planning to increase my me — 6% (12% global)
hours at my current job to help with
• Importance of work in your
it didn’t provide • I’m waiting for a specific

life — 82% (72% global) rising cost of living — 24% (23% global)
enough flexibility milestone — 30% (17% global)
• I don’t want to retire —
(27% global) 6% (6% global)

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around where
I work — 42% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
are worried about provide flexibility around my working
hours — 44% (45% global)
losing their job
(37% global)
Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 56
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job — 27% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 54% (54% global)
life balance — 57% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 20% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose my
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of job, I could find a new one quickly • 43% think they’ll be able to retire 79% agree an
me from enjoying my life
— 48% (47% global)
the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 39% (39% global)
— 51% (50% global) before 65 (51% global)
employer’s values and
39% are worried 75% say that their purpose are important
are worried about the 41% have quit
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 32% (41% global)
about the impact of financial position (77% global)
impact of economic a job because of a • Subsidies for the cost of
economic uncertainty is preventing them
uncertainty on their job toxic workplace energy, travel or other daily
expenses — 21% (28% global) on their job security from retiring as
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
that doesn’t align with my values on

security (52% global) (34% global) • My employer is helping me (52% global) early as they want social and environmental issues
— 37% (42% global)
deal with the increased cost of
• I have quit a job because of a lack living — 50% (49% global) (70% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
of advancement opportunities and purpose align with my own
• My job provides flexibility in provide job security
— 28% (30% global) • 29% say that they need work in (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
terms of working hours — 60% (63% global)
their lives and that’s why they are transparency) — 75% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t — 60% (57% global) • Importance of job security delaying retirement (32% global)
fit in with my personal life • My job gives me a sense of
— 91% (92% global)
— 28% (33% global)
56% say their job • My job provides me with
• What are the factors that prevent you
from retiring as early as you want:
purpose — 59% (57% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job
— 31% (31% global) provides flexibility in security — 89% (86% global)
• I feel my employer needs me
• Importance of work in your life terms of location • I have taken on/am looking to take — 10% (12% global)
on a second role to help with rising
— 65% (72% global) (51% global) • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
cost of living — 24% (25% global)
— 11% (17% global)
• I have/am planning to increase my
• I have quit a job because it • I don’t want to retire
hours at my current job to help with
didn’t provide enough flexibility — 7% (6% global)
rising cost of living
— 26% (27% global)
— 20% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 42% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 46% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 57
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

59% wouldn’t • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
19% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
55% would
accept a job if they changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 8% (18% global) quit a job if they
thought it would • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 53% think they’ll be able to retire didn’t feel like they
negatively affect their the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 36% (39% global)
before 65 (51% global) belonged there
work-life balance • I feel confident that if I were to lose my
job, I could find a new one quickly 74% say that their (54% global)
are worried about (61% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 33% (41% global) — 54% (50% global)
financial position • Importance of an employer’s values
losing their job • I would quit a job if it was preventing me
• Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of
economic uncertainty on my job is preventing them and purpose — 65% (77% global)
energy, travel or other daily
(37% global) from enjoying my life — 45% (48% global) expenses — 23% (28% global) security — 34% (52% global) from retiring as • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
that doesn’t align with my values on
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • My employer is helping me • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t provide early as they want social and environmental issues
workplace — 26% (34% global) deal with the increased cost of job security — 60% (63% global)
(70% global) — 36% (42% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack living — 44% (49% global) • Importance of job security
• I feel that my employer’s values
of advancement opportunities • My job provides flexibility in — 94% (92% global)
• 25% say that they need work in and purpose align with my own
— 24% (30% global) terms of working hours • My job provides me with their lives and that’s why they are (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in — 53% (57% global) security — 85% (86% global) delaying retirement (32% global) transparency) — 69% (73% global)
with my personal life — 33% (33% global)
• I have taken on/am looking to take • My job gives me a sense of
• I have “quietly quit” a job 40% say their job on a second role to help with rising
• What are the factors that prevent you
from retiring as early as you want: purpose — 52% (57% global)
— 30% (31% global) provides flexibility in cost of living — 11% (25% global)
• I feel my employer needs me
• Importance of work in your life terms of location • I have/am planning to increase my — 10% (12% global)
— 62% (72% global) hours at my current job to help with
(51% global) rising cost of living • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 18% (23% global) — 11% (17% global)
• I have quit a job because it • I don’t want to retire
didn’t provide enough flexibility — 5% (6% global)
— 24% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 34% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my
working hours — 45% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 58
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
61% wouldn’t accept • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 26% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
51% would quit a job
a job if they thought it changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose my
— 15% (18% global) if they didn’t feel like
would negatively affect • An increase in salary outside of job, I could find a new one quickly they belonged there
their work-life balance the usual cadence of annual pay — 47% (50% global) 53% think they’ll be (54% global)
reviews — 35% (39% global)
able to retire before 65
(61% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost 41% are worried (51% global) • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing
— 46% (41% global)
about the impact of and purpose — 72% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life • Subsidies for the cost of energy,
travel or other daily expenses
economic uncertainty • 72% say that their financial position • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 44% (48% global) that doesn’t align with my values on
— 36% (28% global) on their job security is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global) social and environmental issues
• I have quit a job because of a toxic
(52% global) — 38% (42% global)
workplace — 26% (34% global)
43% agree their • 22% say that they need work in
their lives and that’s why they are • I feel that my employer’s values
• I have quit a job because of a lack
of advancement opportunities employer is helping • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t delaying retirement (32% global) and purpose align with my own
(e.g., sustainability, diversity,
— 21% (30% global) them deal with the provide job security
— 64% (63% global)
• What are the factors that prevent you transparency) — 68% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t increased cost of living • Importance of job security
from retiring as early as you want:
• My job gives me a sense of
fit in with my personal life • I feel my employer needs me
(49% global) — 93% (92% global) purpose — 49% (57% global)
— 27% (33% global) — 8% (12% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides me with
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 32% (31% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms of security — 87% (86% global)
— 13% (17% global)
working hours
• Importance of work in your life • I have taken on/am looking to take
— 51% (57% global) • I don’t want to retire
— 58% (72% global) on a second role to help with rising
— 5% (6% global)

• My job provides flexibility in terms cost of living — 19% (25% global)
of location — 43% (51% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
• I have quit a job because it my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility help with rising cost of living
— 18% (27% global) — 15% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 37% (40% global)

are worried about the • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around my
impact of economic working hours — 45% (45% global)

uncertainty on their job

security (52% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 59
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought it
would negatively affect my work-life
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
60% are worried 24% are planning to • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 50% (54% global)
balance — 64% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job delay their retirement
• An increase in salary outside of (37% global) to help with the 88% agree an
53% would the usual cadence of annual pay rising cost of living employer’s values and
quit a job if it was reviews — 26% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose my
(18% global) purpose are important
job, I could find a new one quickly
preventing them from • A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 41% (41% global) — 56% (50% global) (77% global)
enjoying their life • Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of
• 70% think they’ll be able to retire
before 65 (51% global)
(48% global) energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
expenses — 23% (28% global) security — 63% (52% global) • 57% say that their financial position that doesn’t align with my values on
is preventing them from retiring as social and environmental issues
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • My employer is helping me • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
early as they want (70% global) — 48% (42% global)
workplace — 35% (34% global) deal with the increased cost of provide job security
living — 51% (49% global) — 66% (63% global) • 35% say that they need work in • I feel that my employer’s values
• I have quit a job because of a lack their lives and that’s why they are
• Importance of job security and purpose align with my own
of advancement opportunities • My job provides flexibility in delaying retirement (32% global)
— 96% (92% global) (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
— 36% (30% global) terms of working hours
• What are the factors that prevent you transparency) — 77% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t — 62% (57% global) • My job provides me with
from retiring as early as you want: • My job gives me a sense of
fit in with my personal life • My job provides flexibility in terms of security — 88% (86% global)
• I feel my employer needs me purpose — 66% (57% global)
— 40% (33% global) location — 54% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take
— 6% (12% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job on a second role to help with rising
— 25% (31% global) 31% have quit cost of living — 32% (25% global) • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 26% (17% global)
• Importance of work in your life a job because • I have/am planning to increase my

hours at my current job to help with • I don’t want to retire
— 95% (72% global)
it didn’t provide rising cost of living — 5% (6% global)
enough flexibility — 24% (23% global)

(27% global)

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around where I work
— 42% (40% global)

agree an employer’s • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around my working
values and purpose hours — 48% (45% global)

are important
(77% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 60
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

59% wouldn’t • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my job
— 22% (37% global)
25% are planning to • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 56% (54% global)
accept a job if they changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose my
delay their retirement • Importance of an employer’s values
thought it would • An increase in salary outside of job, I could find a new one quickly to help with the and purpose — 76% (77% global)
negatively affect their the usual cadence of annual pay — 55% (50% global) rising cost of living
work-life balance
reviews — 39% (39% global)
39% wouldn’t
are worried about the • A monthly cost of living pay boost 37% are worried (18% global)
accept a job with a
(61% global) — 35% (41% global)
about the impact of • 54% think they’ll be able to business that doesn’t
impact of economic • Subsidies for the cost of
economic uncertainty retire before 65 (51% global)
• I would quit a job if it was preventing energy, travel or other daily align with their
uncertainty on me from enjoying my life
— 51% (48% global)
expenses — 22% (28% global) on their job security • 74% say that their financial position
is preventing them from retiring as values on social and
their job security • I have quit a job because of a toxic
• My employer is helping me deal with
the increased cost of living
(52% global) early as they want (70% global) environmental issues
(52% global) workplace — 37% (34% global) — 45% (49% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
• 31% say that they need work in
their lives and that’s why they are
(42% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack provide job security delaying retirement (32% global)
of advancement opportunities 61% agree their job — 62% (63% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
— 30% (30% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
provides flexibility in • Importance of job security from retiring as early as you want:
and purpose align with my own
(e.g., sustainability, diversity,
• I have quit a job because it didn’t
fit in with my personal life terms of working hours — 90% (92% global)
• I feel my employer needs me transparency) — 74% (73% global)
— 33% (33% global) • My job provides me with — 9% (12% global)
(57% global) • My job gives me a sense of
security — 87% (86% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job • I’m waiting for a specific milestone purpose — 58% (57% global)
— 31% (31% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take — 12% (17% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms
on a second role to help with rising
• Importance of work in your life of location — 54% (51% global) • I don’t want to retire
cost of living — 23% (25% global)
— 64% (72% global) • I have quit a job because it — 5% (6% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
didn’t provide enough flexibility
my hours at my current job to
— 27% (27% global)
help with rising cost of living
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t — 18% (23% global)
provide flexibility around where I work
— 45% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 48% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 61
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
59% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 65% (54% global)
life balance — 65% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 18% (18% global)
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 47% think they’ll be able to retire before 86% agree an
me from enjoying my life
— 51% (48% global)
the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 26% (39% global)
65 (51% global)
employer’s values and
• I feel confident that if I were to lose my
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost job, I could find a new one quickly 68% say that their purpose are important
— 49% (50% global)
workplace — 50% (34% global) — 48% (41% global)
financial position (77% global)
• I am worried about the impact of
47% have quit
• Subsidies for the cost of energy,
travel or other daily expenses economic uncertainty on my job is preventing them • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
a job because of a — 35% (28% global) security — 80% (52% global) from retiring as that doesn’t align with my values on

lack of advancement • I wouldn’t accept a job if it early as they want social and environmental issues
51% agree their didn’t provide job security — 50% (42% global)
opportunities employer is helping — 67% (63% global) (70% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
• Importance of job security and purpose align with my own
(30% global) them deal with the — 95% (92% global) • 31% say that they need work in (e.g., sustainability, diversity,

• I have quit a job because it didn’t increased cost of living • My job provides me with
their lives and that’s why they are
delaying retirement (32% global)
transparency) — 75% (73% global)

security — 80% (86% global) • My job gives me a sense of

fit in with my personal life (49% global) • What are the factors that prevent you purpose — 60% (57% global)
— 48% (33% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take from retiring as early as you want:
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in terms of on a second role to help with rising
cost of living — 38% (25% global) • I feel my employer needs me
— 28% (31% global) working hours — 52% (57% global)
— 7% (12% global)
• Importance of work in your life • My job provides flexibility in terms • I have/am planning to increase
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone

— 84% (72% global) of location — 54% (51% global) my hours at my current job to
help with rising cost of living — 29% (17% global)
• I have quit a job because it — 24% (23% global) • I don’t want to retire
didn’t provide enough flexibility
—6% (6% global)
— 38% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 41% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
are worried about losing provide flexibility around my
working hours — 42% (45% global)
their job (37% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 62
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job — 50% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 59% (54% global)
life balance — 52% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 15% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing me • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 72% think they’ll be able to and purpose — 89% (77% global)
from enjoying my life — 47% (48% global) the usual cadence of annual pay — 53% (50% global) retire before 65 (51% global)
reviews — 41% (39% global)
17% have quit a
• I am worried about the impact of • 57% say that their financial position is
59% wouldn’t
have quit a job job because of a
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 46% (41% global)
economic uncertainty on my job
security — 67% (52% global)
preventing them from retiring as early
as they want (70% global) accept a job with a
because of a toxic workplace • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t business that doesn’t
travel or other daily expenses provide job security 61% say that they align with their
toxic workplace (34% global) — 48% (28% global) — 51% (63% global)
need work in their lives values on social and
(34% global) • I have quit a job because of a lack 89% agree their
• Importance of job security
— 90% (92% global)
and that’s why they are environmental issues
of advancement opportunities
employer is helping • My job provides me with
delaying retirement (42% global)
— 26% (30% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in them deal with the security — 95% (86% global) (32% global)

with my personal life — 22% (33% global) increased cost of living • I have taken on/am looking to take on a
second role to help with rising cost of • What are the factors that prevent you
• I feel that my employer’s values
and purpose align with my own
• I have “quietly quit” a job (49% global) living — 20% (25% global) from retiring as early as you want: (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
— 20% (31% global) transparency) — 89% (73% global)
• I feel my employer needs me
• Importance of work in your life • My job provides flexibility in terms of 37% have/are — 35% (12% global) • My job gives me a sense of
— 89% (72% global) working hours — 81% (57% global)
planning to increase • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
purpose — 75% (57% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms
of location — 79% (51% global) their hours at their — 22% (17% global)

• I have quit a job because it current job to help with • I don’t want to retire
— 11% (6% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility rising cost of living
— 19% (27% global)
(23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 52% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 49% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 63
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

czech republic.
attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job — 38% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 50% (54% global)
life balance — 53% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 10% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly and purpose — 64% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 52% (50% global) 38% think they’ll be
— 38% (48% global) reviews — 50% (39% global)
• I am worried about the impact of able to retire before 65 30% wouldn’t
say their job provides • I have quit a job because of a toxic
workplace — 34% (34% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 28% (41% global)
economic uncertainty on my job
security — 45% (52% global) (51% global) accept a job with a
flexibility in terms of • I have quit a job because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
business that doesn’t
of advancement opportunities energy, travel or other daily didn’t provide job security
• 68% say that their financial position
align with their
location (51% global) — 21% (30% global) expenses — 29% (28% global) — 60% (63% global)
is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global) values on social and
• I have quit a job because it didn’t
fit in with my personal life
• My employer is helping me
deal with the increased cost of 94% say job • 24% say that they need work in environmental issues
their lives and that’s why they are
— 29% (33% global) living — 43% (49% global)
security is important delaying retirement (32% global) (42% global)
• My job provides flexibility in
36% have “quietly terms of working hours (92% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
from retiring as early as you want:
• I feel that my employer’s values
quit” a job — 44% (57% global)
• My job provides me with • I feel my employer needs me
and purpose align with my own
(e.g., sustainability, diversity,
(31% global) 34% say their job security — 86% (86% global) — 8% (12% global) transparency) — 68% (73% global)

• Importance of work in your life provides flexibility in • I have taken on/am looking to take
on a second role to help with rising
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 21% (17% global)
• My job gives me a sense of
purpose — 51% (57% global)
— 69% (72% global) terms of location cost of living — 26% (25% global)
• I don’t want to retire
(51% global) • I have/am planning to increase — 6% (6% global)
my hours at my current job to
help with rising cost of living
• I have quit a job because it
— 14% (23% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility
— 21% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 28% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my
working hours — 31% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 64
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 24% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
65% would
life balance — 66% (61% global) changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
— 11% (18% global) quit a job if they
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly didn’t feel like they
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 56% (50% global) 19% think they’ll be belonged there
— 46% (48% global) reviews — 52% (39% global)
able to retire before 65
• A monthly cost of living pay boost 35% are worried (54% global)
41% have quit — 32% (41% global)
about the impact of
(51% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
a job because of a • Subsidies for the cost of
economic uncertainty • 70% say that their financial position and purpose — 61% (77% global)
toxic workplace energy, travel or other daily
expenses — 18% (28% global) on their job security is preventing them from retiring as • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
early as they want (70% global) that doesn’t align with my values on
(34% global) • My employer is helping me deal (52% global) • 24% say that they need work in social and environmental issues
with the increased cost of living their lives and that’s why they are — 36% (42% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack — agree 32% (49% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it delaying retirement (32% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
of advancement opportunities
• My job provides flexibility in didn’t provide job security and purpose align with my own
— 19% (30% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
terms of working hours — 66% (63% global) (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
from retiring as early as you want:
• I have quit a job because it didn’t — 55% (57% global) transparency) — 75% (73% global)
• Importance of job security
fit in with my personal life • I feel my employer needs me
• My job provides flexibility in terms — 87% (92% global) • My job gives me a sense of
— 43% (33% global) — 9% (12% global)
of location — 45% (51% global) • My job provides me with purpose — 62% (57% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• I have quit a job because it security — 89% (86% global)
— 31% (31% global) — 8% (17% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility • I have taken on/am looking to take
• Importance of work in your life — 31% (27% global) • I don’t want to retire
on a second role to help with rising
— 61% (72% global) — 9% (6% global)

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t cost of living — 15% (25% global)
provide flexibility around where I work - • I have/am planning to increase
38% (40% global) my hours at my current job to
help with rising cost of living
50% wouldn’t — 16% (23% global)
accept a job if
it didn’t provide
flexibility around
think they’ll be able their working hours
to retire before 65 (45% global)
(51% global)
Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 65
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought it
would negatively affect my work-life
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
24% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 55% (54% global)
balance — 57% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 21% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• An increase in salary outside of (37% global) and purpose — 76% (77% global)
48% would the usual cadence of annual pay 67% think they’ll be
quit a job if it was reviews — 30% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose able to retire before 65 43% wouldn’t
my job, I could find a new one quickly
agree their employer preventing them from • A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 48% (41% global) — 44% (50% global) (51% global) accept a job with a
is helping them deal enjoying their life • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I am worried about the impact of business that doesn’t
(48% global) travel or other daily expenses economic uncertainty on my job • 70% say that their financial position
align with their
with the increased cost — 24% (28% global) security — 41% (52% global) is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global) values on social and
of living (49% global) • I have quit a job because of a toxic
workplace — 24% (34% global) 42% agree their
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it
didn’t provide job security • 25% say that they need work in environmental issues
— 57% (63% global) their lives and that’s why they are
• I have quit a job because of a lack employer is helping delaying retirement (32% global) (42% global)
• Importance of job security
of advancement opportunities
— 22% (30% global) them deal with the — 88% (92% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
• I feel that my employer’s values
• I have quit a job because it didn’t increased cost of living • My job provides me with
from retiring as early as you want:
and purpose align with my own
security — 83% (86% global) • I feel my employer needs me (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
fit in with my personal life (49% global) — 8% (12% global) transparency) — 65% (73% global)
— 34% (33% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take
on a second role to help with rising • I’m waiting for a specific milestone • My job gives me a sense of
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in
cost of living — 15% (25% global) — 15% (17% global) purpose — 50% (57% global)
— 28% (31% global) terms of working hours
— 51% (57% global) • I have/am planning to increase • I don’t want to retire
• Importance of work in your life
my hours at my current job to — 5% (6% global)
— 59% (72% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms
of location — 46% (51% global) help with rising cost of living
— 22% (23% global)
• I have quit a job because it
didn’t provide enough flexibility
— 21% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 40% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 44% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 66
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
25% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 49% (54% global)
life balance — 61% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 9% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing me • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 39% think they’ll be able to retire and purpose — 66% (77% global)
from enjoying my life — 43% (48% global) the usual cadence of annual pay before 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
reviews — 28% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose
• I have quit a job because of a toxic that doesn’t align with my values on
workplace — 21% (34% global) • A monthly cost of living pay boost my job, I could find a new one quickly 77% say that their social and environmental issues
— 52% (50% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack
— 34% (41% global)
financial position — 36% (42% global)
• I am worried about the impact of
of advancement opportunities
— 18% (30% global)
• Subsidies for the cost of
energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job is preventing them • I feel that my employer’s values and
purpose align with my own (e.g.,
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in
expenses — 30% (28% global) security — 40% (52% global) from retiring as sustainability, diversity, transparency)
with my personal life — 25% (33% global) • My employer is helping me • I wouldn’t accept a job if it early as they want — 69% (73% global)
deal with the increased cost of didn’t provide job security

31% have “quietly living — 48% (49% global) — 65% (63% global) (70% global) 52% agree their
quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in • Importance of job security
• 27% say that they need work in job gives them a
— 92% (92% global)
(31% global)
terms of working hours
— 53% (57% global)
their lives and that’s why they are sense of purpose
• My job provides me with delaying retirement (32% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms security — 85% (86% global) (57% global)
• What are the factors that prevent you
• Importance of work in your life of location — 43% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take on from retiring as early as you want:
— 62% (72% global) a second role to help with rising cost
• I have quit a job because it didn’t provide • I feel my employer needs me
enough flexibility — 21% (27% global) of living — agree 17% (25% global)
— 11% (12% global)
• I have/am planning to increase my hours
49% wouldn’t • I’m waiting for a specific milestone

at my current job to help with rising cost
of living — 19% (23% global) — 8% (17% global)
accept a job if • I don’t want to retire
it didn’t provide — 4% (6% global)
flexibility around
where they work
(40% global)

say that their financial • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

position is preventing them provide flexibility around my working

hours — 46% (45% global)
from retiring as early as
they want (70% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 67
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 51% (37% global)
16% are planning to • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 48% (54% global)
life balance — 56% (61% global) changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
delay their retirement
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly to help with the 84% agree an
me from enjoying my life
— 46% (48% global)
the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 30% (39% global)
— 45% (50% global) rising cost of living employer’s values and
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
• I am worried about the impact of
economic uncertainty on my job
(18% global) purpose are important
41% have quit — 41% (41% global) security — 67% (52% global) (77% global)
• 44% think they’ll be able to
a job because of a • Subsidies for the cost of • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t retire before 65 (51% global)
toxic workplace energy, travel or other daily
expenses — 24% (28% global)
provide job security
— 61% (63% global) • 61% say that their financial position
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
that doesn’t align with my values on
(34% global) is preventing them from retiring as social and environmental issues
• My employer is helping me • Importance of job security early as they want (70% global) — 44% (42% global)
deal with the increased cost of — 93% (92% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack living — 41% (49% global) • 28% say that they need work in • I feel that my employer’s values
of advancement opportunities • My job provides me with security their lives and that’s why they are and purpose align with my own
— 29% (30% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms of — 87% agree (86% global) delaying retirement (32% global) (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
working hours — 42% (57% global) transparency) — 66% (73% global)
• What are the factors that prevent you
• I have quit a job because it
didn’t fit in with my personal • My job provides flexibility in terms 40% have taken on/ from retiring as early as you want: • My job gives me a sense of
life — 32% (33% global) of location — 40% (51% global)
are looking to take on • I feel my employer needs me purpose — 57% (57% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job • I have quit a job because it
didn’t provide enough flexibility
a second role to help — 5% (12% global)
— 27% (31% global)
— 28% (27% global) with rising cost of living • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• Importance of work in your life — 29% (17% global)
— 82% (72% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t (25% global)

provide flexibility around where I • I don’t want to retire
work — 31% (40% global) — 5% (6% global)
• I have/am planning to increase my
hours at my current job to help with
34% wouldn’t rising cost of living — 22% (23% global)
accept a job if
it didn’t provide
flexibility around
have taken on/are looking their working hours
to take on a second role (45% global)

to help with rising cost

of living (25% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 68
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

hong kong SAR.

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
53% worry about • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 48% (54% global)
life balance — 62% (61% global) changing economic landscape: losing their job — 21% (18% global)
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) 70% agree an
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay 66% think they’ll be employer’s values and
— 58% (48% global) reviews — 54% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to able to retire before 65 purpose are important
lose my job, I could find a new
agree an employer’s • I have quit a job because of a toxic
workplace — 40% (34% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 37% (41% global) one quickly — 52% (50% global) (51% global)
(77% global)
values and purpose • I have quit a job because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of
economic uncertainty on my job • 73% say that their financial position
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
of advancement opportunities energy, travel or other daily
important (77% global) — 39% (30% global) expenses — 31% (28% global) security — 59% (52% global) is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global)
that doesn’t align with my values on
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it social and environmental issues
• My employer is helping me
45% have quit a job deal with the increased cost of didn’t provide job security • 50% say that they need work in
their lives and that’s why they are
— 47% (42% global)
— 59% (63% global)
because it didn’t fit in living — 57% (49% global) delaying retirement (32% global)
• I feel that my employer’s values
and purpose align with my own
• Importance of job security
with their personal life • My job provides flexibility in
terms of working hours — 85% (92% global) • What are the factors that prevent you (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
from retiring as early as you want: transparency) — 67% (73% global)
(33% global) — 58% (57% global) • My job provides me with
security — 78% (86% global) • I feel my employer needs me • My job gives me a sense of
• My job provides flexibility in terms of — 23% (12% global) purpose — 52% (57% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job location — 48% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take
— 43% (31% global) on a second role to help with rising • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• Importance of work in your life 33% have quit cost of living — 21% (25% global) — 21% (17% global)
— 67% (72% global)
a job because • I have/am planning to increase • I don’t want to retire
— 7% (6% global)
my hours at my current job to
it didn’t provide help with rising cost of living
enough flexibility — 29% (23% global)

(27% global)

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around where I work
— 38% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 43% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 69
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 34% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
51% would quit a job
life balance — 59% (61% global) changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
— 8% (18% global) if they didn’t feel like
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 31% think they’ll be able to retire before they belonged there
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 45% (50% global) 65 (51% global)
(54% global)
— 37% (48% global) reviews — 50% (39% global)
• I am worried about the impact of
agree their job • A monthly cost of living pay boost economic uncertainty on my job security 80% say that their • Importance of an employer’s values
37% have quit — 40% (41% global) — 58% (52% global)
financial position and purpose — 75% (77% global)
provides flexibility a job because of a • Subsidies for the cost of • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
is preventing them • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
in terms of location toxic workplace energy, travel or other daily
expenses — 35% (28% global)
didn’t provide job security
— 64% (63% global) from retiring as that doesn’t align with my values on
social and environmental issues
(51% global) (34% global) • My employer is helping me • Importance of job security early as they want — 35% (42% global)
deal with the increased cost of — 95% (92% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
• I have quit a job because of a lack living — 45% (49% global) (70% global)
• My job provides me with security and purpose align with my own
of advancement opportunities (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
— 21% (30% global) • My job provides flexibility in — 81% (86% global) • 18% say that they need work in
terms of working hours transparency) — 65% (73% global)
their lives and that’s why they are
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in
with my personal life — 30% (33% global)
— 44% (57% global)
34% have taken on/ delaying retirement (32% global) • My job gives me a sense of
purpose — 48% (57% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job — 29% (31% global)
• 38% agree their job provides flexibility
in terms of location (51% global)
are looking to take on • What are the factors that prevent you

• Importance of work in your life • I have quit a job because it

a second role to help from retiring as early as you want:

— 75% (72% global) didn’t provide enough flexibility with rising cost of living • I feel my employer needs me
— 10% (12% global)
— 27% (27% global)
(25% global) • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t — 22% (17% global)
provide flexibility around where I work • I have/am planning to increase
— 31% (40% global) • I don’t want to retire
my hours at my current job to
— 3% (6% global)
help with rising cost of living
34% wouldn't accept — 30% (23% global)
a job if it didn't provide
flexibility around
their working hours
(45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 70
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job —70% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 80% (54% global)
life balance — 77% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 27% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly 98% agree an
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 83% (50% global) 75% think they’ll be employer’s values and
— 75% (48% global) reviews — 46% (39% global)
• I am worried about the impact of able to retire before 65 purpose are important
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost economic uncertainty on my job
workplace — 59% (34% global) — 37% (41% global) security — 80% (52% global) (51% global)
(77% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I wouldn’t accept a job if it • 68% say that their financial position
of advancement opportunities travel or other daily expenses didn’t provide job security • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
is preventing them from retiring as
— 63% (30% global) — 36% (28% global) — 75% (63% global) that doesn’t align with my values on
early as they want (70% global)
social and environmental issues
• I have quit a job because it didn’t • Importance of job security
fit in with my personal life 87% agree their — 97% (92% global)
• 66% say that they need work in
their lives and that’s why they are
— 79% (42% global)
— 61% (33% global)
employer is helping • My job provides me with security delaying retirement (32% global)
• I feel that my employer’s values
and purpose align with my own
56% have “quietly them deal with the — 93% (86% global) • What are the factors that prevent you (e.g., sustainability, diversity,

quit” a job increased cost of living 53% have taken on/

from retiring as early as you want: transparency) — 87% (73% global)
• I feel my employer needs me • My job gives me a sense of
(31% global)
(49% global) are looking to take on — 45% (12% global) purpose — 88% (57% global)

• My job provides flexibility in a second role to help • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• Importance of work in your life
—90% (72% global)
terms of working hours with rising cost of living — 22% (17% global)
— 86% (57% global) • I don’t want to retire
(25% global) — 3% (6% global)

• My job provides flexibility in terms
of location — 85% (51% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
• I have quit a job because it my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility help with rising cost of living
— 59% (27% global) — 44% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 77% (40% global)

have “quietly quit” • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t provide

flexibility around my working hours
a job (31% global) — 74% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 71
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my job • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the — 34% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 48% (54% global)
life balance — 58% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 15% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of the 37% feel confident and purpose — 79% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life usual cadence of annual pay reviews
that if they were to lose 38% think they’ll be • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 36% (48% global) — 31% (39% global)
their job, they could able to retire before 65 that doesn’t align with my values on
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost social and environmental issues
workplace — 32% (34% global) — 47% (41% global) find a new one quickly (51% global) — 35% (42% global)
• Subsidies for the cost of energy, (50% global) • 66% feel that their employer’s values
26% have quit travel or other daily expenses
• 55% say that their financial position
is preventing them from retiring as and purpose align with their own (e.g.,
a job because of a — 32% (28% global) • I am worried about the impact of early as they want (70% global) sustainability, diversity, transparency)
(73% global)
lack of advancement 42% agree their
economic uncertainty on my job
security — 54% agree (52% global)
• 27% say that they need work in
opportunities employer is helping • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
their lives and that’s why they are
delaying retirement (32% global) 50% say their
(30% global) them deal with the didn’t provide job security
• What are the factors that prevent you job gives them a
increased cost of living
— 66% (63% global)
from retiring as early as you want: sense of purpose
• I have quit a job because it didn’t • Importance of job security
• I feel my employer needs me (57% global)
fit in with my personal life (49% global) — 91% (92% global)
— 9% (12% global)
— 33% (33% global)
• My job provides me with
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in security — 84% (86% global)
— 27% (17% global)
— 25% (31% global) terms of working hours
• I have taken on/am looking to take
— 48% (57% global) • I don’t want to retire
• Importance of work in your life on a second role to help with rising
— 4% (6% global)

— 77% (72% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms cost of living — 22% (25% global)
of location — 44% (51% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
• I have quit a job because it my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility help with rising cost of living
— 23% (27% global) — 26% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 33% (40% global)

feel confident that if they • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around my
were to lose their job, working hours — 35% (45% global)

they could find a new one

quickly (50% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 72
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job — 35% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 23% (54% global)
life balance — 48% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 11% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 49% think they’ll be able to and purpose — 63% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 51% (50% global) retire before 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 38% (48% global) reviews — 34% (39% global)
• I am worried about the impact of • 63% say that their financial position is that doesn’t align with my values on
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost economic uncertainty on my job preventing them from retiring as early social and environmental issues
workplace — 19% (34% global) — 32% (41% global) security — 41% (52% global) as they want (70% global) — 36% (42% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I feel that my employer’s values and
of advancement opportunities travel or other daily expenses 44% wouldn’t 34% say that they purpose align with my own (e.g.,
— 13% (30% global) — 28% (28% global)
accept a job if it didn’t need work in their lives sustainability, diversity, transparency)
— 51% (73% global)
17% have quit a job 30% agree their provide job security and that’s why they are
because it didn’t fit in employer is helping (63% global) delaying retirement 38% agree their
with their personal life them deal with the (32% global) job gives them a
(33% global) increased cost of living
• Importance of job security
— 85% (92% global) sense of purpose
• What are the factors that prevent you
• My job provides me with from retiring as early as you want: (57% global)
(49% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job security — 75% (86% global)
• I feel my employer needs me
— 11% (31% global)
• My job provides flexibility in • I have taken on/am looking to take — 11% (12% global)
• Importance of work in your life terms of working hours on a second role to help with rising
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 48% (72% global) — 55% (57% global) cost of living — 18% (25% global)
— 15% (17% global)

• My job provides flexibility in terms • I have/am planning to increase
• I don’t want to retire
of location — 45% (51% global) my hours at my current job to
— 12% (6% global)
help with rising cost of living
• I have quit a job because it
— 17% (23% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility
— 16% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 29% (40% global)

have quit a job because it didn’t • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around my
fit in with their personal life working hours — 33% (45% global)

(33% global)
Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 73
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
46% wouldn’t • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 14% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
45% would
accept a job if they changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
— 13% (18% global) quit a job if they
thought it would • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly didn’t feel like they
negatively affect their the usual cadence of annual pay — 48% (50% global) 82% think they’ll be belonged there
work-life balance
reviews — 40% (39% global)
able to retire before 65
• A monthly COL pay boost 21% are worried (51% global)
(54% global)
(61% global) — 50% (41% global)
about the impact of • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing
• Subsidies for the cost of
energy, travel or other daily
economic uncertainty • 78% say that their financial position and purpose — 72% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life expenses — 41% (28% global) on their job security is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 42% (48% global) that doesn’t align with my values on
• My employer is helping me (52% global) • 31% say that they need work in social and environmental issues
• I have quit a job because of a toxic deal with the increased cost of their lives and that’s why they are — 36% (42% global)
workplace — 29% (34% global) living — 43% (49% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it delaying retirement (32% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
• I have quit a job because of a lack • My job provides flexibility in didn’t provide job security
• What are the factors that prevent you and purpose align with my own
of advancement opportunities terms of working hours — 58% (63% global)
from retiring as early as you want: (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
— 26% (30% global) — 57% (57% global) • Importance of job security transparency) — 70% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t • I feel my employer needs me
— 92% (92% global) • My job gives me a sense of
fit in with my personal life 39% agree their • My job provides me with
— 14% (12% global)
purpose — 56% (57% global)
— 29% (33% global)
job provides flexibility security — 87% (86% global)
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 10% (17% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job
— 25% (31% global) in terms of location • I have taken on/am looking to take
• I don’t want to retire
on a second role to help with rising
— 8% (6% global)

• Importance of work in your life (51% global) cost of living — 10% (25% global)
— 70% (72% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
• I have quit a job because it
my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility
help with rising cost of living
— 21% (27% global)
— 14% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— agree 34% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
are worried about the impact provide flexibility around my

of economic uncertainty on working hours — 42% (45% global)

their job security (52% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 74
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
60% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 56% (54% global)
life balance — 64% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 32% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing me • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) and purpose — 87% (77% global)
from enjoying my life — 49% (48% global) the usual cadence of annual pay 84% think they’ll be • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
• I have quit a job because of a toxic
reviews — 41% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose able to retire before 65 that doesn’t align with my values on
my job, I could find a new one quickly
feel that their employer’s workplace — 33% (34% global) • A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 45% (41% global) — 44% (50% global) (51% global)
social and environmental issues
— 48% (42% global)
values and purpose 38% have quit • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I am worried about the impact of

a job because of a travel or other daily expenses economic uncertainty on my job • 80% say that their financial position
81% feel that their
align with their own — 40% (28% global) security — 76% (52% global) is preventing them from retiring as
employer’s values
lack of advancement early as they want (70% global)
(e.g., sustainability, opportunities 60% say their
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it
didn’t provide job security • 45% say that they need work in and purpose align
diversity, transparency) (30% global) employer is helping — 59% (63% global) their lives and that’s why they are
delaying retirement (32% global) with their own (e.g.,
(73% global) them deal with the • Importance of job security
• What are the factors that prevent you sustainability, diversity,
— 91% (92% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in
increased cost of living from retiring as early as you want: transparency)
with my personal life — 39% (33% global) • My job provides me with
security — 86% (86% global) • I feel my employer needs me (73% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job (49% global) — 17% (12% global)
— 24% (31% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take
on a second role to help with rising • I’m waiting for a specific milestone • My job gives me a sense of
• My job provides flexibility in
• Importance of work in your life cost of living — 41% (25% global) — 35% (17% global) purpose — 69% (57% global)
terms of working hours
— 83% (72% global)
— 69% (57% global) • I have/am planning to increase • I don’t want to retire
my hours at my current job to — 2% (6% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms
of location — 63% (51% global) help with rising cost of living
— 36% (23% global)
• I have quit a job because it
didn’t provide enough flexibility
— 33% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 49% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my
working hours — 51% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 75
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
61% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 65% (54% global)
life balance — 63% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 19% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 66% think they’ll be able to retire and purpose — 90% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay before 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 51% (48% global) reviews — 32% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose that doesn’t align with my values on
have quit a job • I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of livingCOL my job, I could find a new one quickly 58% say that their social and environmental issues
— 51% (50% global)
workplace — 43% (34% global) pay boost — 38% (41% global)
financial position — 54% (42% global)
because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I am worried about the impact of
is preventing them
51% have quit travel or other daily expenses economic uncertainty on my job 83% feel that their
of advancement a job because of a — 36% (28% global) security — 77% (52% global) from retiring as employer’s values
opportunities lack of advancement • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t early as they want and purpose align
70% say their provide job security
(30% global) opportunities employer is helping — 68% (63% global) (70% global) with their own (e.g.,
(30% global) to deal with the • Importance of job security
• 36% say that they need work in sustainability, diversity,
— 96% (92% global)
increased cost of living their lives and that’s why they are transparency)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t • My job provides me with delaying retirement (32% global)
fit in with my personal life security — 89% (86% global) (73% global)
(49% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
— 42% (33% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take from retiring as early as you want:
on a second role to help with rising • My job gives me a sense of
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in
cost of living — 31% (25% global) • I feel my employer needs me purpose — 70% (57% global)
— 28% (31% global) terms of working hours
— 9% (12% global)
— 62% (57% global) • I have/am planning to increase
• Importance of work in your life
my hours at my current job to • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 91% (72% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms
help with rising cost of living — 36% (17% global)
of location — 61% (51% global)
— 25% (23% global) • I don’t want to retire
• I have quit a job because it
— 6% (6% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility
— 39% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 43% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 46% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 76
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
61% wouldn’t accept • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
16% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 58% (54% global)
a job if they thought it changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 11% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
would negatively affect • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) and purpose — 67% (77% global)
their work-life balance the usual cadence of annual pay 29% think they’ll be
(61% global)
reviews — 40% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose able to retire before 65 26% wouldn’t
my job, I could find a new one quickly
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 47% (41% global) — 58% (50% global) (51% global) accept a job with a
• I would quit a job if it was preventing
• Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of business that doesn’t
me from enjoying my life
— 40% (48% global) energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job • 81% say that their financial position
is preventing them from retiring as align with their
security — 33% (52% global)
• I have quit a job because of a toxic
expenses — 24% (28% global) early as they want (70% global) values on social and
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it
workplace — 22% (34% global) • My employer is helping me
deal with the increased cost of didn’t provide job security • 22% say that they need work in environmental issues
• I have quit a job because of a lack — 57% (63% global) their lives and that’s why they are
living — 43% (49% global) delaying retirement (32% global) (42% global)
of advancement opportunities
• My job provides flexibility in • Importance of job security
— 22% (30% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
terms of working hours — 90% (92% global) • I feel that my employer’s values
• I have quit a job because it didn’t from retiring as early as you want:
— 56% (57% global) • My job provides me with and purpose align with my own
fit in with my personal life • I feel my employer needs me (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
• My job provides flexibility in terms security — 92% (86% global)
— 27% (33% global) — 8% (12% global) transparency) — 78% (73% global)
of location — 53% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take
• I have “quietly quit” a job • I’m waiting for a specific milestone • My job gives me a sense of
• I have quit a job because it on a second role to help with rising
— 19% (31% global) — 6% (17% global) purpose — 41% (57% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility cost of living — 9% (25% global)
• Importance of work in your life — 21% (27% global) • I don’t want to retire
• I have/am planning to increase
— 60% (72% global) — 4% (6% global)

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t my hours at my current job to
provide flexibility around where I work help with rising cost of living
— 37% (40% global) — 18% (23% global)

48% wouldn’t
accept a job if
it didn’t provide
flexibility around
are worried about losing their working hours
their job (37% global) (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 77
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

new zealand.
attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my job • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the — 24% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 59% (54% global)
life balance — 60% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 24% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 35% think they’ll be able to retire and purpose — 79% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 54% (50% global) before 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 49% (48% global) reviews — 46% (39% global)
that doesn’t align with my values on
• A monthly cost of living pay boost 39% worry 79% say that their social and environmental issues
45% have quit — 38% (41% global)
about the impact of financial position — 39% (42% global)
a job because of a • Subsidies for the cost of energy,
economic uncertainty is preventing them • I feel that my employers’ values and
toxic workplace travel or other daily expenses
— 31% (28% global) on their job security from retiring as
purpose align with my own (e.g.,
sustainability, diversity, transparency)
(34% global)
(52% global) early as they want — 75% (73% global)
45% say their
• I have quit a job because of a lack
employer is helping • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
(70% global) 61% say that their
of advancement opportunities
— 34% (30% global) them deal with the didn’t provide job security
• 31% say that they need work in job gives them a
• I have quit a job because it didn’t increased cost of living
— 64% (63% global)
their lives and that’s why they are sense of purpose
• Importance of job security delaying retirement (32% global)
fit in with my personal life (57% global)
(49% global) — 91% (92% global)
— 32% (33% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
• My job provides me with from retiring as early as you want:
• I have “quietly quit” a job
• My job provides flexibility in security — 88% (86% global)
— 33% (31% global) • I feel my employer needs me
terms of working hours
• I have taken on/am looking to take — 10% (12% global)
• Importance of work in your life — 57% (57% global)
on a second role to help with rising
— 66% (72% global) • I’m waiting for a specific milestone

• My job provides flexibility in terms cost of living — 23% (25% global)
— 9% (17% global)
of location — 51% (51% global)
• I have/am planning to increase my
• I don’t want to retire
• I have quit a job because it hours at my current job to help with
— 6% (6% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility rising cost of living — 21% (23% global)
— 27% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 40% (40% global)

worry about the impact of • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around my working
economic uncertainty on their hours — 46% (45% global)

job security (52% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 78
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 25% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
61% would quit a job
life balance — 61% (61% global) changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
— 13% (18% global) if they didn’t feel like
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 37% think they’ll be able to retire before they belonged there
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 46% (50% global) 65 (51% global)
(54% global)
— 42% (48% global) reviews — 37% (39% global)
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost 40% are worried 70% say that their • Importance of an employer’s values
workplace — 26% (34% global) — 39% (41% global)
about the impact of financial position and purpose — 69% (77% global)
• I have quit a job because of a lack
of advancement opportunities
• Subsidies for the cost of
energy, travel or other daily
economic uncertainty is preventing them • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
that doesn’t align with my values on
— 25% (30% global) expenses — 22% (28% global) on their job security from retiring as social and environmental issues
• I have quit a job because it didn’t • My employer is helping me (52% global) early as they want — 41% (42% global)
fit in with my personal life deal with the increased cost of • I feel that my employer’s values
— 29% (33% global) living — 37% (49% global) (70% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it and purpose align with my own
• My job provides flexibility in didn’t provide job security (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
36% have “quietly terms of working hours — 68% (63% global)
• 36% say that they need work in
their lives and that’s why they are
transparency) — 80% (73% global)

quit” a job — 53% (57% global) • Importance of job security delaying retirement (32% global) • My job gives me a sense of
• My job provides flexibility in terms — 88% (92% global) purpose — 63% (57% global)
(31% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
of location — 44% (51% global) • My job provides me with from retiring as early as you want:
• I have quit a job because it security — 89% (86% global)
• Importance of work in your life • I feel my employer needs me
— 73% (72% global) didn’t provide enough flexibility • I have taken on/am looking to take — 15% (12% global)
— 23% (27% global) on a second role to help with rising
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t cost of living — 24% (25% global)
— 8% (17% global)
provide flexibility around where I work • I have/am planning to increase
— 37% (40% global) • I don’t want to retire
my hours at my current job to
— 6% (6% global)
help with rising cost of living
41% wouldn’t accept — 25% (23% global)
a job if it didn’t provide
flexibility around
their working hours
would quit a job if they
(45% global)
didn’t feel like they
belonged there
(54% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 79
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 32% (37% global)
19% are planning to • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 45% (54% global)
life balance — 57% (61% global) changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
delay their retirement • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly to help with the and purpose — 77% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life
— 45% (48% global)
the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 46% (39% global)
— 44% (50% global) rising cost of living • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
• I am worried about the impact of that doesn’t align with my values on
(18% global)
have “quietly quit” • I have quit a job because of a toxic
workplace — 28% (34% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 54% (41% global)
economic uncertainty on my job
security — 55% (52% global)
social and environmental issues
— 41% (42% global)
• 53% think they’ll be able to
a job (31% global) • I have quit a job because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I wouldn’t accept a job if it retire before 65 (51% global) • I feel that my employer’s values and
of advancement opportunities travel or other daily expenses didn’t provide job security purpose align with my own (e.g.,
— 26% (30% global) — 22% (28% global) — 66% (63% global) • 62% say that their financial position sustainability, diversity, transparency)
is preventing them from retiring as — 70% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t • Importance of job security early as they want (70% global)
fit in with my personal life 47% agree their — 94% (92% global)
— 25% (33% global)
employer is helping • My job provides me with security
• 26% say that they need work in 46% agree their
their lives and that’s why they are
them deal with the — 83% (86% global) delaying retirement (32% global) job gives them a
43% have “quietly sense of purpose
quit” a job increased cost of living 31% have taken on/ • What are the factors that prevent you
from retiring as early as you want: (57% global)
(31% global)
(49% global) are looking to take on • I feel my employer needs me
• My job provides flexibility in a second role to help — 10% (12% global)
• Importance of work in your life
— 78% (72% global)
terms of working hours with rising cost of living • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 55% (57% global) — 21% (17% global)
(25% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms • I don’t want to retire
of location — 48% (51% global) — 10% (6% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
• I have quit a job because it my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility help with rising cost of living
— 22% (27% global) — 24% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 32% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 39% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 80
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
68% wouldn’t • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 48% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 44% (54% global)
accept a job if they changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
— 10% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
thought it would • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 37% think they’ll be able to and purpose — 88% (77% global)
negatively affect their the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 34% (39% global)
— 44% (50% global) retire before 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
work-life balance • A monthly cost of living pay boost 64% are worried
• 80% say that their financial position is
preventing them from retiring as early
that doesn’t align with my values on
social and environmental issues
(61% global) — 52% (41% global)
about the impact of as they want (70% global) — 41% (42% global)

• I would quit a job if it was preventing

• Subsidies for the cost of
energy, travel or other daily
economic uncertainty 22% say that they
• I feel that my employer’s values and
purpose align with my own (e.g.,
me from enjoying my life expenses — 27% (28% global) on their job security need work in their lives sustainability, diversity, transparency)
— 39% (48% global) — 64% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because of a toxic
• My employer is helping me
deal with the increased cost of
(52% global) and that’s why they are
workplace — 34% (34% global) living — 31% (49% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it delaying retirement 49% agree that
• I have quit a job because of a lack • My job provides flexibility in didn’t provide job security (32% global) their job gives them
of advancement opportunities
— 34% (30% global)
terms of working hours
— 48% (57% global)
— 67% (63% global)
a sense of purpose
• Importance of job security • What are the factors that prevent you
• I have quit a job because it didn’t — 95% (92% global) from retiring as early as you want: (57% global)
fit in with my personal life 39% agree their • My job provides me with • I feel my employer needs me
— 35% (33% global)
job provides flexibility security — 85% (86% global) — 4% (12% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job
— 41% (31% global) in terms of location • I have taken on/am looking to take • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
on a second role to help with rising — 13% (17% global)

• Importance of work in your life (51% global) cost of living — 24% (25% global)
— 80% (72% global) • I don’t want to retire
• I have/am planning to increase — 4% (6% global)
• I have quit a job because it
my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility
help with rising cost of living
— 26% (27% global)
— 16% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 38% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
agree their job provides provide flexibility around my working

flexibility in terms of hours — 39% (45% global)

location (51% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 81
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job — 33% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 56% (54% global)
life balance — 71% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 14% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose • Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly and purpose — 87% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay — 58% (50% global) 69% think they’ll be • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
— 59% (48% global) reviews — 32% (39% global)
• I am worried about the impact of able to retire before 65 that doesn’t align with my values on
have taken on/are • I have quit a job because of a toxic
workplace — 23% (34% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 32% (41% global)
economic uncertainty on my job
security — 59% (52% global) (51% global)
social and environmental issues
— 48% (42% global)
looking to take on a • I have quit a job because of a lack • Subsidies for the cost of energy, • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t • 62% say that their financial position • I feel that my employer’s values and
of advancement opportunities travel or other daily expenses provide job security purpose align with my own (e.g.,
second role to help — 31% (30% global) — 28% (28% global) — 77% (63% global)
is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global) sustainability, diversity, transparency)
— 72% (73% global)
with rising cost of • I have quit a job because it
didn’t fit in with my personal life 57% agree their
• Importance of job security
— 96% (92% global)
• 29% say that they need work in

living (25% global) — 37% (33% global)

employer is helping • My job provides me with security
their lives and that’s why they are
delaying retirement (32% global) 68% said their
them deal with the — 8% (86% global) job gives them a
41% have “quietly • What are the factors that prevent you
sense of purpose
quit” a job increased cost of living 39% have taken on/
from retiring as early as you want:
• I feel my employer needs me (57% global)
(31% global)
(49% global) are looking to take on — 11% (12% global)

• My job provides flexibility in a second role to help • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
• Importance of work in your life
— 84% (72% global)
terms of working hours with rising cost of living — 15% (17% global)
— 54% (57% global) • I don’t want to retire
(25% global) — 11% (6% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms
of location — 53% (51% global)
• I have/am planning to increase
• I have quit a job because it my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility help with rising cost of living
— 29% (27% global) — 23% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where
I work — 41% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 48% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 82
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
48% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
61% would quit a job
life balance — 63% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 32% (18% global) if they didn’t feel like
• I would quit a job if it was preventing me • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 58% think they’ll be able to they belonged there
from enjoying my life — 55% (48% global) the usual cadence of annual pay retire before 65 (51% global)
(54% global)
reviews — 46% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • 71% say that their financial position is
my job, I could find a new one quickly
wouldn’t accept a workplace — 36% (34% global) • A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 37% (41% global) — 43% (50% global)
preventing them from retiring as early
as they want (70% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
and purpose — 77% (77% global)
job if it didn’t provide 38% have quit • Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
a job because of a energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job 43% say that they
flexibility around expenses — 32% (28% global) security — 64% (52% global)
need work in their lives
that doesn’t align with my values on
social and environmental issues
lack of advancement
their working hours opportunities
• My employer is helping me
deal with the increased cost of
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it
didn’t provide job security and that’s why they are — 46% (42% global)
• I feel that my employer’s values
(45% global) (30% global)
living — 53% (49% global) — 61% (63% global) delaying retirement and purpose align with my own
• My job provides flexibility in • Importance of job security (32% global) (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
terms of working hours — 90% (92% global) transparency) — 74% (73% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in
with my personal life — 34% (33% global) — 59% (57% global) • My job provides me with • What are the factors that prevent you • My job gives me a sense of
• My job provides flexibility in terms security — 80% (86% global) from retiring as early as you want: purpose — 57% (57% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job
— 35% (31% global) of location — 57% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take • I feel my employer needs me
• I have quit a job because it on a second role to help with rising — 15% (12% global)
• Importance of work in your life cost of living — 28% (25% global)
— 63% (72% global) didn’t provide enough flexibility • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 29% (27% global) • I have/am planning to increase — 21% (17% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t my hours at my current job to
help with rising cost of living • I don’t want to retire
provide flexibility around where I work — 6% (6% global)
— 48% (40% global) — 20% (23% global)

51% wouldn’t accept

a job if it didn’t provide
flexibility around
their working hours
(45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 83
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

66% wouldn’t • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
56% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 54% (54% global)
accept a job if they changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 14% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
thought it would • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) and purpose — 75% (77% global)
negatively affect their the usual cadence of annual pay 32% think they’ll be
work-life balance
reviews — 32% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose able to retire before 65 38% wouldn’t
my job, I could find a new one quickly
are worried about (61% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 53% (41% global) — 43% (50% global) (51% global) accept a job with a
losing their job • Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of business that doesn’t
• I would quit a job if it was preventing me energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job • 69% say that their financial position
align with their
(37% global) from enjoying my life — 46% (48% global) expenses — 33% (28% global) security — 73% (52% global) is preventing them from retiring as
early as they want (70% global) values on social and
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
workplace — 32% (34% global)
• My employer is helping me
deal with the increased cost of didn’t provide job security • 24% say that they need work in environmental issues
— 63% (63% global) their lives and that’s why they are
• I have quit a job because of a lack living — 49% (49% global) delaying retirement (32% global) (42% global)
of advancement opportunities • My job provides flexibility in • Importance of job security
— 31% (30% global) — 94% (92% global) • What are the factors that prevent you
terms of working hours • I feel that my employer’s values
from retiring as early as you want:
• I have quit a job because it — 51% (57% global) • My job provides me with and purpose align with my own
didn’t fit in with my personal life security — 85% (86% global) • I feel my employer needs me (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
• My job provides flexibility in terms of — 11% (12% global) transparency) — 69% (73% global)
— 42% (33% global) location — 48% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take
• I have “quietly quit” a job on a second role to help with rising • I’m waiting for a specific milestone • My job gives me a sense of
— 29% (31% global) 31% have quit cost of living — 17% (25% global) — 18% (17% global) purpose — 53% (57% global)

• Importance of work in your life a job because • I have/am planning to increase • I don’t want to retire
— 4% (6% global)
— 71% (72% global) my hours at my current job to
it didn’t provide help with rising cost of living
enough flexibility — 21% (23% global)

(27% global)

• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around where I work
— 40% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my
working hours — 45% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 84
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought • Actions employees would want from • I am worried about losing my • I am planning to delay my retirement • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
it would negatively affect my work- employers in the context of the job — 24% (37% global) to help with the rising cost of living belonged there — 54% (54% global)
life balance — 59% (61% global) changing economic landscape: — 17% (18% global)
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 33% think they’ll be able to 70% agree an
me from enjoying my life
— 52% (48% global)
the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 56% (39% global)
— 50% (50% global) retire before 65 (51% global)
employer’s values and
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost 35% are worried
• 78% say that their financial position is
preventing them from retiring as early
purpose important
workplace — 40% (34% global) — 43% (41% global)
about the impact of as they want (70% global) (77% global)

24% have quit

• Subsidies for the cost of energy,
travel or other daily expenses
economic uncertainty 27% say that they • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
a job because of a — 21% (28% global) on my job security need work in their lives that doesn’t align with my values on
social and environmental issues
lack of advancement 30% say their
(52% global) and that’s why they are — 37% (42% global)
opportunities employer is helping • I wouldn’t accept a job if it delaying retirement • I feel that my employer’s values
and purpose align with my own
(30% global) them deal with the didn’t provide job security
— 66% (63% global)
(32% global) (e.g., sustainability, diversity,

• I have quit a job because it increased cost of living • Importance of job security • What are the factors that prevent you
transparency) — 75% (73% global)
• My job gives me a sense of
didn’t fit in with my personal life (49% global) — 90% (92% global) from retiring as early as you want:
purpose — 56% (57% global)
— 33% (33% global)
• My job provides me with • I feel my employer needs me
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in security — 88% (86% global) — 10% (12% global)
— 38% (31% global) terms of working hours
• I have taken on/am looking to take • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 51% (57% global)
• Importance of work in your life on a second role to help with rising — 7% (17% global)

— 66% (72% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms cost of living — 22% (25% global)
• I don’t want to retire
of location — 40% (51% global)
• I have/am planning to increase — 5% (6% global)
• I have quit a job because it my hours at my current job to
didn’t provide enough flexibility help with rising cost of living
— 21% (27% global) — 22% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 33% (40% global)

say their employer is • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t

provide flexibility around my working
helping them deal with hours — 40% (45% global)

the increased cost of

living (49% global) Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 85
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought it
would negatively affect my work-life
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 23% (37% global)
• I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
57% would quit a job
balance — 66% (61% global) changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose
— 13% (18% global) if they didn’t feel like
• An increase in salary outside of my job, I could find a new one quickly • 52% think they’ll be able to retire before they belonged there
50% would the usual cadence of annual pay — 49% (50% global) 65 (51% global)
(54% global)
quit a job if it was reviews — 22% (39% global)

are worried about the preventing them from • A monthly cost of living pay boost 36% are worried 79% say that their • Importance of an employer’s values

enjoying their life

— 40% (41% global)
about the impact of financial position and purpose — 75% (77% global)
impact of economic • Subsidies for the cost of
economic uncertainty is preventing them • I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
(48% global) energy, travel or other daily
uncertainty on expenses — 20% (28% global) on their job security from retiring as that doesn’t align with my values on
social and environmental issues
their job security • I have quit a job because of a toxic • My employer is helping me (52% global) early as they want — 42% (42% global)
workplace — 33% (34% global) deal with the increased cost of • I feel that my employer’s values
(52% global) • I have quit a job because of a lack living — 42% (49% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
(70% global)
and purpose align with my own
of advancement opportunities • My job provides flexibility in didn’t provide job security (e.g., sustainability, diversity,
• 25% say that they need work in transparency) — 71% (73% global)
— 23% (30% global) terms of working hours — 59% (63% global)
their lives and that’s why they are
• I have quit a job because it didn’t — 55% (57% global) • Importance of job security delaying retirement (32% global) • My job gives me a sense of
fit in with my personal life • My job provides flexibility in terms — 93% (92% global) purpose — 55% (57% global)
• What are the factors that prevent you
— 34% (33% global) of location — 41% (51% global) • My job provides me with from retiring as early as you want:
• I have “quietly quit” a job • I have quit a job because it security — 85% (86% global)
• I feel my employer needs me
— 29% (31% global) didn’t provide enough flexibility • I have taken on/am looking to take — 7% (12% global)
• Importance of work in your life — 23% (27% global) on a second role to help with rising
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 64% (72% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t cost of living — 15% (25% global)
— 8% (17% global)
provide flexibility around where I work • I have/am planning to increase
— 37% (40% global) • I don’t want to retire
my hours at my current job to
— 3% (6% global)
help with rising cost of living
48% wouldn’t — 17% (23% global)
accept a job if
it didn’t provide
flexibility around
their working hours
(45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 86
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

73% wouldn’t • Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
• I am worried about losing my
job — 34% (37% global)
29% are planning to • I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 66% (54% global)
accept a job if they changing economic landscape:
• I feel confident that if I were to lose my
delay their retirement • Importance of an employer’s values
thought it would • An increase in salary outside of job, I could find a new one quickly — to help with the and purpose — 93% (77% global)
negatively affect their the usual cadence of annual pay
reviews — 50% (39% global)
51% (50% global) rising cost of living • I wouldn’t accept a job with a
work-life balance 69% are worried (18% global)
business that doesn’t align with my
wouldn’t accept a (61% global)
• A monthly cost of living pay
boost — 42% (41% global)
about the impact of
values on social and environmental
issues — 59% (42% global)
• 86% think they’ll be able to
job if they thought • I would quit a job if it was
• Subsidies for the cost of energy,
economic uncertainty retire before 65 (51% global) • I feel that my employer’s values and
travel or other daily expenses — purpose align with my own (e.g.,
it would negatively preventing me from enjoying
my life — 54% (48% global)
35% (28% global) on their job security • 61% say that their financial position
is preventing them from retiring as
sustainability, diversity, transparency)
— 78% (73% global)
affect their work-life • I have quit a job because of a toxic 70% say their
(52% global) early as they want (70% global)

balance (61% global) workplace — 37% (34% global)

employer is helping • I wouldn’t accept a job if it
• 49% say that they need work in 68% say their
their lives and that’s why they are
• I have quit a job because of a lack
them deal with the didn’t provide job security delaying retirement (32% global) job gives them a
of advancement opportunities
— 28% (30% global) increased cost of living
— 70% (63% global)
• What are the factors that prevent you sense of purpose
• Importance of job security from retiring as early as you want:
• I have quit a job because it — 93% (92% global) (57% global)
(49% global)
didn’t fit in with my personal • I feel my employer needs
life — 27% (33% global) • My job provides me with me — 14% (12% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms of security — 84% (86% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job working hours — 65% (57% global) • I’m waiting for a specific
— 27% (31% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take milestone — 22% (17% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms on a second role to help with rising
• Importance of work in your life — 88% of location — 59% (51% global) cost of living — 26% (25% global) • I don’t want to retire —
(72% global) 4% (6% global)
• I have quit a job because it • I have/am planning to increase my
didn’t provide enough flexibility hours at my current job to help with
— 30% (27% global) rising cost of living — 35% (23% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where
I work — 45% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my
working hours — 51% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 87
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

united kingdom.
attitude expectations security unretirement belonging
• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought
it would negatively affect my work-
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
28% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 53% (54% global)
life balance — 60% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 18% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• I would quit a job if it was preventing • An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 41% think they’ll be able to retire before and purpose — 73% (77% global)
me from enjoying my life the usual cadence of annual pay 65 (51% global)
— 46% (48% global) reviews — 42% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose 36% wouldn’t
• I have quit a job because of a toxic • A monthly cost of living pay boost my job, I could find a new one quickly 78% say that their accept a job with a
— 47% (50% global)
workplace — 33% (34% global) — 38% (41% global)
financial position business that doesn’t
• I am worried about the impact of
• I have quit a job because of a lack
of advancement opportunities
• Subsidies for the cost of
energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job is preventing them align with their
— 27% (30% global) expenses — 27% (28% global) security — 45% (52% global) from retiring as values on social and
• I have quit a job because it • My employer is helping me • I wouldn’t accept a job if it early as they want environmental issues
didn’t fit in with my personal life deal with the increased cost of didn’t provide job security
— 28% (33% global) living — 44% (49% global) — 63% (63% global) (70% global)
(42% global)
• I have “quietly quit” a job • My job provides flexibility in • Importance of job security
— 91% (92% global) • 27% say that they need work in
— 31% (31% global) terms of working hours • I feel that my employer’s values
their lives and that’s why they are
— 58% (57% global) • My job provides me with and purpose align with my own
delaying retirement (32% global)
58% feel work is • My job provides flexibility in terms security — 87% (86% global)
• What are the factors that prevent you
(e.g., sustainability, diversity,
transparency) — 71% (73% global)
important in their life of location — 53% (51% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take from retiring as early as you want:
• My job gives me a sense of
• I have quit a job because it on a second role to help with rising
(72% global) cost of living — 18% (25% global) • I feel my employer needs me purpose — 55% (57% global)
didn’t provide enough flexibility — 9% (12% global)
— 26% (27% global) • I have/am planning to increase
• I’m waiting for a specific milestone

my hours at my current job to
44% wouldn’t help with rising cost of living — 10% (17% global)
— 21% (23% global)
accept a job if • I don’t want to retire
— 5% (6% global)
it didn’t provide
flexibility around
where they work
(40% global)
feel work is important in
their life (72% global) • I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my working
hours — 46% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 88
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

united states.
attitude expectations security unretirement belonging

• I wouldn’t accept a job if I thought it
would negatively affect my work-life
• Actions employees would want from
employers in the context of the
27% are worried • I am planning to delay my retirement
to help with the rising cost of living
• I would quit a job if I didn’t feel like I
belonged there — 51% (54% global)
balance — 58% (61% global) changing economic landscape: about losing their job — 25% (18% global)
• Importance of an employer’s values
• An increase in salary outside of (37% global) • 45% think they’ll be able to and purpose — 78% (77% global)
48% would the usual cadence of annual pay retire before 65 (51% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job with a business
quit a job if it was reviews — 43% (39% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose • 72% say that their financial position is that doesn’t align with my values on
my job, I could find a new one quickly
agree that their job preventing them from • A monthly cost of living pay boost
— 39% (41% global) — 56% (50% global)
preventing them from retiring as early
as they want (70% global)
social and environmental issues
— 40% (42% global)
provides flexibility enjoying their life • Subsidies for the cost of • I am worried about the impact of
(48% global) energy, travel or other daily economic uncertainty on my job 34% say they need 78% feel that their
in terms of working expenses — 18% (28% global) security — 42% (52% global)
work in their lives and employer’s values
hours (57% global) • I have quit a job because of a toxic
workplace — 34% (34% global)
• My employer is helping me deal
with the increased cost of living
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it
didn’t provide job security that’s why they are and purpose align
• I have quit a job because of a lack — 55% (49% global) — 61% (63% global) delaying retirement with their own (e.g.,
of advancement opportunities • Importance of job security (32% global) sustainability, diversity,
— 30% (30% global) 62% agree that — 89% (92% global)
• I have quit a job because it didn’t fit in their job provides • My job provides me with • What are the factors that prevent you
(73% global)
security — 89% (86% global)
with my personal life — 30% (33% global)
flexibility in terms from retiring as early as you want:
• I have taken on/am looking to take
• I have “quietly quit” a job
— 29% (31% global) of working hours on a second role to help with rising
• I feel my employer needs me
— 13% (12% global)
• My job gives me a sense of
cost of living — 23% (25% global) purpose — 61% (57% global)
• Importance of work in your life (57% global) • I’m waiting for a specific milestone
— 70% (72% global) • I have/am planning to increase — 15% (17% global)
• My job provides flexibility in terms my hours at my current job to
help with rising cost of living • I don’t want to retire
of location — 58% (51% global)
— 20% (23% global) — 7% (6% global)
• I have quit a job because it
didn’t provide enough flexibility
— 28% (27% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around where I work
— 42% (40% global)
• I wouldn’t accept a job if it didn’t
provide flexibility around my
working hours — 45% (45% global)

Back to the overview

workmonitor 2023 89
foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix

we would love to hear your

thoughts and comments —
let’s start a conversation

contact. randstad
global corporate affairs
+31 20 569 5623

media inquiries
Elise Martin-Davies
+31 6 1322 1536

Max Wright
+31 6 1229 7221

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