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TWDRPG Starter Set The Wolves Den

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T his survival mode scenario takes place in the

foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, as
summer turns to autumn. The PCs have left their
The scenario is about locating the two lovers, or at
least getting back what they have stolen. It is designed
to coincide with the events of the fifth season of the TV
haven to look for two members of the group – a secret series. If you are not the Gamemaster, you should not
couple, newly in love – who have eloped with one of read any further.
the group’s two cars, some gear, and lots of supplies.

A couple of months ago, a new member was taken them and took them to the nearby enclave of Ever-
into the PCs’ group, Matthew Green. He quickly fell in green, which the Wolves had recently plundered and
love with Rebecca Lee, who had been a member of the were now using as their base in the area.
group since the outbreak. She is a mother (of the PC The PCs have tracked the couple’s car. The sce-
Terri/Terry Lee) and the partner of the group’s leader, nario starts as they find their abandoned tent under
Cecil(ia) Hart. the bridge. From there, they will find tracks leading
Rebecca soon felt tempted by Matthew’s charms; toward Evergreen. On their way, the PCs will pass
they began to meet in secret to carry out their affair. through another small community called Raven Hill.
Two days ago, they were found out. In a violent rage,
Cecil(ia) promised to kill Matthew if he did not leave
the haven. That night, Matthew and Rebecca packed TH E WO LVES
one of the group’s two cars full of food, water, and The Wolves are a violent group that appear in the fifth
medical supplies, stole the group’s only two rifles, and and sixth season of the TV series. They mutilate them-
snuck away, driving deeper into the Blue Ridge region selves by carving a letter W into their foreheads, and
to find a new home. they mark buildings they’ve visited by a spray-­painting
After spending an entire night and day trying to a W or their signature threat: “Wolves Not Far.” The
navigate the small and overgrown roads of the moun- Wolves don’t believe that humans can survive by run-
tains, the lovers set up camp, hiding their tent under a ning and hiding, and they see it as their right to plun-
railway bridge. Unfortunately, they were almost imme- der any settlement they discover. They set traps filled
diately discovered and attacked by a group of bru- with walkers, luring in other survivors and looting
tal survivors called the Wolves. The Wolves captured them after the walkers have eaten.

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The scenario starts when the PCs first set eyes on the If the PCs do nothing to engage the Wolves, if they
couple’s tent under a bridge. By examining the camp- spend a long time relieving stress, or in other ways
site, they figure out that the couple has been attacked let time pass, then the situation will escalate towards
and their car taken. Following the tire tracks, they a climax.
first pass within sight of the community of Raven Hill. About once every other hour, the Wolves take one
There they can learn about the enclave where the of the enslaved NPCs out of the barn where they are
Wolves are keeping the couple captive, along with sev- kept and force them to fight walkers. One after the
eral other survivors. What the PCs do about it is up to other, the NPCs will be killed and turned into walkers
the players. The scenario ends when they have saved themselves. The last one to be subjected to this cruel
the couple, or the PCs have all been killed, or at any game is Rebecca, but she somehow manages to fight
other point when you find it dramatically appropriate. back and kill the walkers. The Wolves’ leader Owen is
impressed and offers her the chance to join them. Soon
SHORT ON TIME: If you have only a little time to play the thereafter, the Wolves pack up and leave Evergreen
scenario, you can skip the events leading up to the PCs with their newest member.
finding Evergreen. Start when they are already outside
the walls, observing the enclave through binoculars.

S tartin g S cene


There are five pre-­generated PCs for the scenario, resourcefulness has saved the group numerous
numbered from 1 to 5. If you have fewer than five times in the past.
players, you should start by handing out PC 1, then 2, 4. TERRI/TERRY LEE: The child of Rebecca Lee.
and so on. Every PC has a Secret. Tell the players not 5. BONNIE/ROOSTER COATES: A truck driver who keeps
to reveal the Secret beforehand. Once the game gets up the good spirits in the group.
going, it may be revealed at any point. ❯ NPC LISA HARLEY: A former burglar and addict who
An NPC named Lisa Harley is traveling with the PCs. If insisted on coming along.
a PC dies early in the scenario, its player might take over
Lisa as a new PC. As long as Lisa is an NPC, she cannot
use her Drive, take stress, push rolls, or use her talent. WALKERS
1. CECIL/CECILIA HART: Leader of the group and part- When the PCs encounter walkers, the Gamemaster may
ner of runaway Rebecca Lee. consult the table on page 16 to determine what they
2. ALLY/ISAAC IBRAHIM: A surgeon who became close look like. Roll twice and combine the result.
friends with Matthew soon after he joined the group.

Hand out the PCs, or let the players choose which ones
they want to play. Remind them to not reveal their AT TH E BRI DG E
respective Secrets before the game starts. Check if they It’s early morning when the PCs spot the runaways’ orange
have any questions. Then read the sidebar Here and tent [1]. They are surrounded by thick forest. In front
Now out loud. of the tent, there are marks where the pickup had been
Then it is time to set the first scene. It’s early morn- parked [2]. Tire tracks on the muddy road lead east [3].
ing in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in the middle of the A small dirt road runs under the bridge to the
woods. The PCs have spotted the runaway couple’s tent west [4]. If the PCs follow it, the road gets smaller and
hidden under an abandoned railway bridge. smaller and eventually comes to a dead end in the
middle of the forest.
There are walkers in the woods around the bridge,
meaning the Threat Level starts at 1.

You all belong to a group of survivors who, for the last but, later that night, Matthew and Rebecca absconded in
year, have been living in a small and well-­hidden mili- your old pickup truck, taking both your rifles, your medi-
tary bunker close to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Vir- cal equipment, and much of your food with them.
ginia. A few months ago, a new member joined the You have tracked their truck for almost a day now.
group – former soap opera actor, Matthew Green. He As the late summer rains have made the dirt roads
melded into the group without any trouble, or so it muddy, it is easy to see the marks made by their tires.
seemed. What you know now is that he soon fell in love After a long day of traveling, you bedded down far up
with one of the group’s most longstanding members, in the mountains, in the middle of the forest. When you
Rebecca Lee. In short time, she began to feel the same. woke up this morning, one of you scouted the surround-
The problem was that Rebecca already had a romantic ing area with binoculars. About 800 meters down the
partner, namely your leader Cecil(ia) Hart. Rebecca also road, an orange tent is tucked under a railway bridge –
has a child from a former relationship. it’s Matthew and Rebecca’s tent. But you cannot see the
Two days ago, the secret love affair was revealed. Blind pickup truck.
with rage, Cecil(ia) threatened to kill Matthew if he did not As you are passing around the binoculars, you dis-
leave the haven. The others calmed the situation down, cuss what to do next.

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If the PCs study the tent and make a Scout roll, they In general, a PC rolls Mobility to maneuver vehi-
notice that there is a long vertical cut in the roof, where cles in challenging situations. More advanced
someone has opened it up with a knife from the outside. rules for driving and using vehicles as weapons
Also, a faint clicking sound can be heard from inside… can be found in the Core Rulebook, along with
A recently reanimated walker is crawling around lists of example vehicles.
in circles inside the tent, on hands and knees, failing
to find the opening. This is one of the Wolves who was
killed by Rebecca. He is now a walker with a W carved
on his forehead, his torso split open by an axe. His WALKERS I N TH E WOODS
once white t-­shirt is covered in coagulated blood. The If the PCs mess up on a skill roll or make a loud noise
tent stinks of blood and gore. (such as firing a gun), the Threat Level is increased to
The PCs must succeed with Stealth to peak into the 2. Walkers come out from the trees east of the tent and
tent without alerting the walker. If he notices them, he gather on the road. There are nine walkers in total
will attack the closest PC. Use the rules for a single attack. (Swarm Size 1).
There are several empty bags in the tent, a few To be able to drive past them on the narrow dirt
items of clothing on the floor, and a steel comb hidden road, the PCs must make them move out of the way or
underneath – the Wolves have taken everything else. kill them. To drive through the swarm with the van, a
From the comb, the PCs can establish that this was PC must make a Mobility roll. A failed roll means that
indeed Rebecca and Matthew’s tent (the PC Ally/Isaac the van stops in the middle of the swarm. Messing up
Ibrahim, Matthew’s best friend, has one just like it). means crashing into a tree.
A successful Survival roll while investigating the tracks As a reminder, each time the PCs mess up, you may
around the camp reveals that the couple was attacked increase the Threat Level one step or have a PC suffer
sometime last night, and the attackers came sneaking in a single attack (another walker comes at them from
from the woods. There were at least five attackers, and the woods).
they came from the east, walking next to the road.

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If the PCs follow the dirt road eastward for about are blood spatters, broken windows, glass on the
three miles, they reach an intersection where the floor, bullet-­holes in the walls, and broken furniture.
tracks turn right onto a paved road only to soon fade The Wolves have staged a walker trap in here – they
out and disappear. About half a mile further along the lured a group of eight walkers down into the cellar
road, they spot the houses of a small village. A sign by and shut them in, then hacked up a huge hole (five
the road informs them that it is Raven Hill, population feet in diameter) in the living room floor and through
27. Someone has spray-­painted a W on the sign. the cellar ceiling, covering it up by a heavy carpet. If
In Raven Hill, there are a few ways for the PCs to anyone explores the building, it takes a Scout roll to
locate the enclave of Evergreen. In the church’s bell detect the slight depression in the middle of the car-
tower, a woman who has escaped from the Wolves pet. If this fails, the PC can still avoid the fall with a
is hiding. Her name is Angela Garcia. She desper- successful Mobility roll. Another failure and the PC
ately wants to flee from the area to get away from falls four meters and is immediately attacked by the
the Wolves, and she will try to steal the PCs’ van and swarm (Threat Level 5, Swarm Size 1). Any comrades
equipment. If they can manage to convince her to help can help fight the swarm from the rim of the hole, if
them, Angela might lead them to Evergreen and tell the lighting conditions allow it (the GM decides).
them more about the Wolves. 4. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: House with a porch facing
Also, there are the two Wolves who have been sent the street. Someone has gathered firewood in the
to town in search of Angela. When the PCs arrive, they middle of the living room floor. Lots of empty tin
have taken a break from their mission and can be cans. There is writing on the wall made with coal
found at a bar called The Station, drinking and smoking. from the fire: “Forgive me Lucy.” A dead man is sit-
ting in a chair in one of the bedrooms. He has shot
himself in the head with a revolver that he is still
TH E VI LLAG E holding in his stiff hand. There are no bullets left.
Raven Hill has been abandoned a long time. Dust, cob-
webs, and dry leaves are everywhere. Patches of veg-
etation even grow indoors. The Wolves have spray-­
painted a W on several of the buildings. It is very quiet.
The players must make Stealth rolls if they want
to move quietly. A failed roll when they enter a house
with a walker means they suffer a single attack.
Below, the locations in Raven Hill shown on the
map are described:
1. CHURCH: A white wooden church with a bell tower.
On the side of the building someone has spray-­
painted “Wolves Not Far.” The front door is closed.
Inside, a pile of Bibles lies on the floor in front of
the altar. There is a small stairway leading into the
bell tower, where the NPC Angela Garcia is hiding.
2. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A large ranch house. Built
relatively recently and filled with expen-
sive electronic devices (non-­functional)
and framed newspaper articles and
reviews about the author Aubrey
Raven. A walker with slit wrists
and mushy skin from lying in a
filled bathtub for who knows how
long is pacing around inside. Appar-
ently, it is Aubrey herself.
3. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: An L-­shaped fam-
ily house where some kind of fight took place – there

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5. GAS STATION: A building with a big sign on the roof 10. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: One-­story building with a
saying “Gas’n’All – Gas Station, Pharmacy, Conve- front porch facing the street. There are toys every-
nience Store”. A porch faces the street. There is no where on the floor. Parts of the living room are
gas left, and little else. scorched by fire, and there is a hole in the wall
6. CRASHED CARS: A walker is stuck in one of the cars and in the ceiling. Rain has poured in for months,
and can’t get out. It looks to be asleep, but moans and everything stinks of mold. Plants grow on the
when someone comes close. The cars are broken red broadloom carpet. Two walkers are eating a
beyond repair. In one of them, there is a teddy bear squirrel that accidentally fell in through the roof.
in the back seat. The walkers are both young and have human bite
7. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: Two-­story building, com- marks all over their bodies.
pletely looted. Everything is smashed into pieces, 11. BAR: The bar is called The Station. Inside, there is bro-
even the gigantic moonshine still in the basement. ken furniture and a few surviving liquor and wine
8. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: One-­story building with a bottles behind the bar. The Wolves Mihai and Veda
front porch facing the street. There are dead birds are here (page 9), taking a well-­earned break.
everywhere, and over thirty birdcages that have They have come to town looking for Angela Garcia.
been ripped open by a walker that is now standing 12. GARAGE: Empty.
in the bathroom. Everything in the house is cov- 13. ROAD: A paved narrow road heading up the moun-
ered in feathers of all sizes and colors. A big bag of tain, leading to the enclave of Evergreen.
more or less edible bird food can be found. 14. ROAD: A paved narrow road leading down the
9. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: One-­s tory building with mountain. Further down, a landslide blocks the road.
front porch facing the street. A decapitated head
has been placed outside the front door, staring
at anyone who comes near. The head has a W SCAVEN G I N G
carved on the forehead. The body can be found If the PCs spend time in Raven Hill looking for food or
inside, hanging upside down from the ceiling. other useful items, have them make Survival rolls. If
There are several empty whiskey bottles on the they succeed, they find something from the Scavenging
floor, along with cigarette butts. A Medicine roll table (roll a die twice and combine the result). A fail-
reveals that the hanging man has not been dead ure means they find nothing. Each extra success gives
for more than 72 hours. them one ration. Messing up means suffering a single
attack or the Threat Level being raised one step.

ROLLS 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Revolver Rope Tin can with Functional Carpentry Hand grenade

baked beans scooter disas- tools
(one ration) sembled into
parts, some fuel
2 Axe Gas mask Tin can with Sheriff’s hat Flashlight Whiskey
noodles (one with batteries bottle
3 Homemade Firecrackers Dried meat (two Sewing machine Sleeping bag, Two cigars
spear rations) in need of hardly used and a lighter
4 Crossbow Two Bag with rice Sniper rifle Canoe Can with
walkie-­talkies (three rations) pesticides
5 Hunting knife Painkillers Basic medical Thermos with Football Pink candles
equipment cold coffee helmet
6 Sledge­ Pack of Tomato plant Bag with candy Band t-­shirt Shotgun
hammer cigarettes and a doll

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Angela Garcia Mihai Veda

the conversation. A failed roll means that Angela curls

M ESSI N G U P I N RAVEN H I LL up crying; she won’t be of much use.
When PCs mess up in Raven Hill, you can either raise
the Threat Level from the initial 1 to 2, and higher – or
let a PC suffer a single attack. When the Threat Level TH E WO LVES AT TH E BAR
is raised, walkers come out from the woods. Roll a The two Wolves at the bar, Mihai and Veda, have come
double low (two dice and choose the lowest) to deter- to Raven Hill to search for Angela (see the table The
mine the Swarm Size. Wolves on page 15). After haphazardly searching the
town, they are sitting at a table at The Station bar (#11
in the map) drinking and smoking.
AN G ELA GARCIA If the Wolves are alarmed by noise from the PCs,
The NPC Angela Garcia was one of the people living they sneak out the back door and spy on them from
in the enclave of Evergreen when it was attacked and the woods. Then if the PCs split up, the Wolves will
taken over by the Wolves. To survive, she convinced sneak up on a single PC and try to kill that person
them to let her join the group and had a W cut into without making any noise. If that is not possible, they
her forehead. At a later stage she somehow managed will follow the PCs around and try to find a way to
to escape and make it Raven Hill, bruised, battered, take them out. If you want, they may also find the van
and terrified of being recaptured. and try to steal it.
Angela is now hiding in the bell tower of the If the PCs are cautious, they might surprise the
church. She is desperate to find a way to flee from Wolves at the bar. If they do, the Wolves will pretend
the area and the Wolves. When she sees the PCs enter to be friendly and try to position themselves in the
the church, she will try to sneak up on them and steal room so that they can attack the PCs and take one as a
their van or their weapons, then leave. The players hostage – forcing the others to place their equipment
can roll for Scout against her Stealth (five dice) as an on the floor and leave.
opposed roll to notice her. Should the PCs stay at Raven Hill for a long time,
It is possible for the PCs to convince Angela to take or if the players have no luck finding out about Ever-
them to Evergreen and tell them about the enclave and green, the two Wolves will eventually leave the bar,
the Wolves, but it’s not easy as she is still really scared. search a few more houses for Angela, and then start
They must make a Manipulation roll and then roleplay walking back toward their enclave.

The distance from Raven Hill to Evergreen is four
Expert: — miles. There are three ways for the PCs to locate this
Trained: Mobility, Stealth temporary base of operations for the Wolves:
Issues: Desperate to get away from the Wolves, ❯ Make Angela Garcia tell them about it
lost all hope ❯ Find an elevated position (such as the bell tower)
and see smoke from the fire at Evergreen
Gear: Can opener, sharp stick, half-­eaten candy bar
❯ Follow the Wolves Mihai and Veda, or force them to
Appearance: W carved into her forehead, red hair, spill about Evergreen
frail and beaten

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The haven of Evergreen was created after the outbreak no guards, as they do not expect to be attacked. If they
by raising walls around an existing group of houses. are alarmed, they will gather at the well (#3) and try
Thirty people were living inside when the Wolves to find a way to handle the threat. The leader of the
drove a truck through the gate, swarmed the place, Wolves is a man named Owen.
then killed almost everyone inside and enslaved an The noise from the Wolves’ attack on Evergreen
unlucky few. has attracted walkers from all over the mountain,
The Wolves are staying here for now, but they’ll and the area around the enclave is at Threat Level 1.
eventually move on. Before they do, they test their If the Threat Level is raised, walkers gather outside
prisoners to see if any are worthy of joining them. This the palisade (roll double low to determine Swarm
is done by having them fight two walkers in a pit dug Size), or one of them manages to sneak in to attack
by the prisoners. someone (single attack).
Evergreen is surrounded by dense forest. There is
only a narrow dirt road leading here, connected to the
paved road coming from Raven Hill. The Wolves have TH E WO LVES’ REACTI ON
Should the Wolves learn that the PCs are in the vicin-
ity, and if it is unclear how the marauders will react,
then you can make a reaction roll. A 5 or 6 means
that the Wolves believe that the PCs are easy to handle,
and they attack aggressively without concern for their
own safety. A result of 3 or 4 means that they take
the threat seriously and try to sneak up on or have
scouts lead the PCs into an ambush – perhaps position-
ing guards all over Evergreen. On a 1 or 2, the Wolves
believe that the PCs are a serious threat to them. They
will seek shelter and a parley with the PCs – as a way
to lure them into a deadly trap.

Owen At Evergreen, it is up to the PCs to decide how to
handle the situation. They might try to sneak in,
attack, or even negotiate. Remember that the Wolves
are violent and cunning. They might seem to agree
SWA R MS A N D EV E RG R E E N to what the PCs propose, just to gain time enough to
Evergreen counts as a haven with Capacity 2, turn on them.
Defense 3, and the Issue: Damaged defenses (the If the PCs are too late to free the NPCs in the barn
smashed gate is replaced by an overturned truck). (#4), roll a double low to see how many of the five
Walkers cannot easily get inside the wooden pal- NPCs have already been dragged to the pit (#2) to die
isade – it will take a Size 3 swarm D6 hours (pos- fighting walkers. If it is a 5 or a 6, all NPCs have had
sibly a double-­low, due to the Issue) to break their turn in the hole. Only Rebecca survived. She has
through. However, messing up inside can still now joined the Wolves and doesn’t want to go back to
impact the walker situation – the Swarm Size can the PCs’ haven.
be raised due to loud noises (e.g., gunfire) and Should the PCs manage to sneak in, free the NPCs
bright light (e.g., a building on fire), or because of without being seen, and sneak out again, the Wolves
a PC messing up. Remember, messing up would will chase after them. Either let the PCs get away and
also increase the Threat Level. Hence, more and end the scenario on a high note or let them make skill
more walkers may approach and start clawing at rolls to get away from the Wolves – perhaps ending it
the palisade, which can cause problems for any- all in one last combat when the Wolves finally catch
one still outside – not to mention for those who up with them.
wish to leave Evergreen while the swarm remains.

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Evergreen is surrounded by a seven-­foot wooden pali-
sade. The Wolves have placed cut-­off walker heads on
it, with rolling eyes and clattering teeth. The air is filled
with thick black smoke from the fire (#7) and it smells
of death and decay. Everywhere, the letter W is spray-­
painted. The locations on the map are described below:
1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A two story-­house with a
kitchen and several bedrooms. Everything is bro-
ken. The Wolves stay here. The leader Owen and a
die-­roll number of Wolves can be found here at all
times. Most of the things that Rebecca and Matthew
stole when they left are kept here, except the two
rifles, which the Wolves carry around. Kwame
2. PIT: A large pit has been dug in what was once two
fields with crops. There are two walkers down in 7. BONFIRE: A big fire of furniture, books, corpses,
the hole, trying to claw their way up. plastic cans, and a dead horse. The smoke is black
3. WELL: Still functioning. No walkers at the bottom, and has an acrid smell.
thankfully. 8. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A Wolf named Kwame is
4. BARN: There are two entry points, both secured staying here. He has secretly started to doubt what
from the outside with sturdy wooden planks – a the group is doing. If he has a chance, he will help
huge double door facing the fire, and a normal the PCs. But the NPCs trapped in the barn are
door facing the palisade. Inside, there are many afraid of him and will urge the PCs to kill him.
tools for carpentry and gardening, as well as ski 9. PLAYGROUND: A wooden playground for kids.
gear and a fully functional motorcycle. Five NPCs 10. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A two-­story house where
are kept prisoner here. They are bound and lying families used to live. Now everything is broken. On
on the floor. Matthew and Rebecca are among them the bottom floor, there is a large library with empty
(see NPCs in the Barn on page 14). The NPCs bookshelves. The books are burning in the yard.
have seen their fellow prisoners being dragged out Roll a die when the PCs enter. On a 1, a lone Wolf
to the pit (#2) and tossed in to fight for their lives (Elizabeth) is sitting on a bed on the upper floor,
against walkers. The Wolf named Jimmy is respon- reading a book she has hidden from the others.
sible for watching the NPCs. Roll a die: on 1–2, he 11. ROPE LADDERS: The Wolves have attached rope lad-
is smoking a cigarette in the hayloft, on 3–4 he is ders on the inside and outside of the palisade, so
coming to check on the prisoners in a few minutes, that they can climb in and out.
on 5–6 he just left and won’t be back for a while. 12. OVERTURNED TRUCK: A truck has been rammed
5. BEEHIVES: Someone has sprayed pesticides into these into the gate, breaking it down. The truck is
two beehives, and the bees are dying in droves. lying on its side, blocking the entrance. A Mobil-
6. GREENHOUSE: Most glass panels are broken, and ity roll is required to climb through here quickly
a killed walker is lying on the ground among the or without making noise. The truck is marked
plants. There is blood everywhere. Del Arno Foods.
13. PICKUP TRUCK: The pickup truck Rebecca and Mat-
thew drove off with. There are bloody marks on the
seats. The Wolf named Owen has the keys.
14. DELIVERY TRUCK: Another Del Arno Food truck. This
is a trap. The Wolves have used music to lure walk-
ers into the trailer. If it is opened, twenty walk-
ers (Swarm Size 2) will smash open the door from
within and attack. Raise the Threat Level to 5. A
careful PC might hear something moving inside the
truck before they open it.
15. ROAD: The road continues into the mountains.
16. PALISADE: A seven-­foot wooden palisade adorned
with walker heads. A Mobility roll is required to
climb over it without making noise or being seen.

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M OVI N G AROU N D I N EVERG R EEN NPC after another is taken to the pit (#2) to try and
When the PCs move around inside Evergreen, roll a survive a fight with two walkers. Sometime during
die. On a 1, they risk encountering Wolves who move the night, a Wolf named Kwame (#8) will sneak in and
across the yard or sit and watch the bonfire. Roll a dou- free them. He urges them to leave Evergreen and take
ble low to determine the number of Wolves. The PCs him with them.
must make a Scout roll to notice the
Wolves before being seen. If there Matthew Rebecca
Green Lee
is fighting, all other Wolves will
come running from the houses.
Should the PCs be captured, roll
a double low to determine how
many of them are immediately
put to death, then have the play-
ers roll a random die to decide
who survives. The “lucky ones”
will be stripped of all belongings
and taken to the barn (#4). There,
they are bound and placed on the
ground, forced to watch as one

Daisy Teenager — Mobility, Scared, mute, loves ani- Short blonde hair, dirty
Becker Stealth mals and plants jeans, mermaid necklace
Angus Kindergarten — Scout, Can’t stop crying, Tall and stringy, only
Hall teacher Survival alcoholic wears shorts, open
wounds all over the body
after being whipped
Peggy Firefighter Endure, Close Combat Does not give up until Blonde short hair, jean
Becker Survival she is dead, booming overalls, mermaid
voice necklace
Matthew Actor Manipulation — Desperate to survive Short black hair and
Green beard, dark-green jacket
Rebecca English Survival Close Combat, Sick of her life at the Black hair, tired expres-
Lee teacher Ranged Combat, haven, angry and ready sion, purple winter
Stealth to kill jacket

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Owen Bartender Close Ranged Cold-­blooded killer, Rifle, knife Hair in backslick,
Combat, Combat, manipulative and brown eyes, stubbly
Mobility Stealth, cunning, leader of beard, black sweat-
Force, the Wolves shirt and jeans
Kwame Bouncer Close Scout, Regrets what he has Hammer, Black jean-­jacket,
Combat, Stealth done and looks for a machete, ciga- motorcycle boots,
Endure way out rette pack and enormous body-­mass
Elizabeth Translator Survival — Screams involuntarily Knife Blond and pale, a thick
when upset beige duvet, cracked
glasses, scar over left
Mihai Gardener — Ranged Psychopath, only Revolver, stiletto, Intense eyes, nasal
Combat, cares for Veda, loves worn book: “The voice
Close to kill and plunder Instruments of
Combat, Torture”
Veda Soldier Ranged Mobility, Drinker, Mihai’s only Revolver, bayonet, Tall woman with short
Combat, Stealth, friend bottle of gin, ciga- dark hair, worn army
Close Survival, rette pack uniform with a Silver
Combat Endure Star Medal
Aphid Garbage — — Over-­confident Knife, Molotov Dark hair and beard,
collector cocktail wears one bandanna
over his hair and one
over his face
Linda Farmer Survival — Stutters Knife, Molotov Burn marks on her
cocktail face, short brown hair,
black dress with dried
bloodstains all over
Rheda Homemaker/ — — Pretends to be weak Small revolver hid- Short blond hair,
model to get the upper den in her clothes, messed up nose job,
hand knife blue jump suit
Nick Car — Ranged Second-­in-­command Rifle, machete, Short blond hair, stub-
mechanic Combat, after Owen, stub- knife hidden in his bly beard, long beige
Close born, cunning and left boot, coat
Combat, bloodthirsty
Jimmy Prison guard Scout Close Responsible for Pistol, knife, bin- Blond hair, spits a lot
Combat, watching the prison- oculars, flashlight
Ranged ers in the barn, loner,
Combat, knows all the tricks
Kim Psychology — Scout Hides her fear, will Knife, cigarette Freckles, red t-­shirt,
student follow any strong pack and lighter, black jeans
leader half-­filled wine

T H E W O LV E S ’ D E N

Roll twice on the table and combine the result to
come up with a description of a walker.

1 Wilderness guide Part of head missing
2 Housewife Guts hanging out from
the stomach
The scenario can end in many different ways. The PCs
3 Soldier Broken feet might rescue Matthew and/or Rebecca – but do they
4 Retiree Arrows sticking out from want to come back? And are they welcome? This is
the body totally up to the players, how they interpret the PCs,
5 Teenager Missing one eye and what happened in play.
For some gaming groups, the PCs might end up as
6 Store clerk Most flesh has been torn
the Wolves’ slaves themselves or be killed while trying
from the body
to infiltrate Evergreen. In other cases, the PCs may suc-
ceed in clearing out the Wolves (or scaring them into
running away) and decide to lay claim to the strong-
hold and any remaining resources, to make it their
new haven. As GM, try not to steer the story in
any particular direction – just follow the lead
of the PCs and make the world react to their
actions and ambitions in a way that feels
reasonable, challenging, and (above all) fun!


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