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Good Thesis Statement For 12 Years A Slave

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Struggling with crafting a compelling thesis statement for "12 Years a Slave"? You're not alone.

Writing a thesis, especially for a topic as complex and nuanced as this, can be incredibly challenging.
It requires deep analysis, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate a clear and impactful argument.

"12 Years a Slave" is a poignant narrative that delves into the harrowing experiences of Solomon
Northup, a free African American man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Exploring themes
of identity, freedom, and the brutality of slavery, crafting a thesis that does justice to such a rich text
can feel like an overwhelming task.

But fear not, because help is at hand. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the struggles
students face when it comes to writing a thesis statement that truly captures the essence of their
topic. Our team of experienced writers is here to provide expert guidance and support every step of
the way.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your thesis statement for "12 Years a
Slave" is not only well-crafted but also thought-provoking and impactful. Our writers have the
expertise and insight to help you develop a thesis that meets all your academic requirements and
effectively conveys your ideas.

Don't let the difficulty of writing a thesis statement hold you back. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to
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This was different from the official policy of the anti slavery society that believed in gradual
abolition. This sentence is the thesis statement, and it serves as a summary of the argument you’ll
make in the rest of your paper. To search all MIT theses, use MIT Libraries' catalog. Lots of speeches
were made after work outside on the streets. Human trafficking, the modern term for slavery, does
tremendous damage and is one of the greatest social evils. Example of a debatable thesis statement:
This is an example of a debatable thesis because reasonable people could disagree with it. Lastly,
Tibeats sells Northup to Edwin Epps, a repulsive and coarse cotton planter whom Northup describes
as lacking any redeeming qualities. Better: Roderick's (2009) theory of participatory leadership is
particularly appropriate to nurse educators working within the emergency medicine field, where
students benefit most from collegial and kinesthetic learning. Northup spends 10 years as a slave to
Epps until he was able to send a letter to his friends in New York and be released as a free man once
more to be reunited with his wife and grown-up children. Your conclusion should begin with the
main question that your thesis or dissertation aimed to address. Early examples were a mixture of
existing genres including the adventure story, picaresque, Indian captivity narrative, criminal
confession, spiritual testimony and political petition. If the prompt isn’t phrased as a question, try to
rephrase it. Narrow-minded thoughts like slavery and racism should have extinguished with the
increase in educated people and the intermixing of various races. The subject, or topic, of an essay
might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the
novel. The uniqueness of Northup’s book lies in the fact that unlike other slave narrated books; a man
who was born free wrote this novel. The student's paper can now proceed, providing specific pieces
of evidence to support the arguable central claim. This material may not be published, reproduced,
broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. A thesis statement summarizes the central
points of your essay. He had lived the life of a free man and had formed a family of his own when
he was suddenly kidnapped. When my father finally came home, my life changed because I was
daddy's little girl, my dad was very moody, and my dad was able to take me more places. Not all
families were torn apart, Northup had also worked alongside Phebe who had two kids, Bob and
Henry, prior to marrying Wiley. Perhaps if one did not have a faith or feel strongly one way or the
other about the idea of a god, the discussion of Christianity, especially as it pertained to the slave
trade, might not be nearly as swaying as the previous statements, but it does lend unmistakable
opportunities for empathy in a select group of readers. He also joined with Thomas Clarkson and
Granville Sharp to form the society for the abolition of the slave trade. Recovered in 1968, the book
is valued by historians for its rare insights into the slave economy and by readers of all kinds for its
moving account of the struggle against a dehumanizing system. A good thesis statement does two
things in an essay: It tells the reader the essay’s topic. The film’s framework is based on Solomon’s
transition from a free man to a slave and his experience as a slave. This idea is explored further when
Northup is the subject of attempted murder at the hands of his master John Tibeats, and Northup
states, “Had he stabbed me to the heart in the presence of a hundred slaves, not one of them, by the
laws of Louisiana, could have given evidence against him.” When Northup is rescued and he brings
James Burch, the slave dealer, to court, Northup is not allowed to testify as a witness on his own
behalf when Burch is allowed. However, if the student is presenting a performance, they will need to
arrange to have their adviser and other members of their committee see the performance. You
persuade your roommate to clean up, your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for
your favorite candidate or policy. When in doubt, ask your instructor if the assignment requires a
thesis statement.
We still have to face racism, human trafficking, which are aftermaths of slavery. He asked himself
how someone could be so cruel to own a slave, how could religion permit such a horrible doing.
Slaves encountered separatism from their families, rape, accusations of crimes that they most likely
had not done, brutal beatings, lynching, and etc. Northup was found and legally freed on January 4th
of 1853. Some people say I will never return home, but I believe firmly in my heart that I will.
Theses and Dissertations Choose the Subject field from the drop down menu and type in the relevant
subject heading. You can proofread it yourself, ask a friend, or consider Scribbr’s proofreading and
editing service. Sitemap dissertation tips phd analysis phd audit phd writing thesis format thesis
template thesis writing. A one-sentence statement identifying the main idea, topic and purpose of
your research paper. While Christianity was used towards the advantage of slave owners, slaves came
to religion as a promising source of comfort and strength through their great pain. Lastly, it
frequently falls short in conveying to the reader why the argument it proposes is of significance,
missing the opportunity to engage and captivate the audience. They send the slave owner of
Solomon’s father to gather all the legal documents that prove that Solomon is a free man. Current
MA students who are interested in seeing sample theses should consult the Gallatin Master's Thesis
Archive, which is accessible with an NYU Net ID. In the event that one or more of the committee
cannot attend the scheduled event, the student should arrange to have the performance videotaped so
people can see it later. This text is free, available online and used for guidance and inspiration. States
Exactly What You Plan To Write And Research. When reviewing your first draft and its working
thesis, ask yourself the following: Do I answer the question. Before you develop an argument on any
topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts
(such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these relationships.
MIT Theses MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as
the mid 1800's. First and foremost, steer clear of sentence fragments, which can hinder the
comprehensibility of your statement. Describe the criteria for assessing the project and evaluation
methods used. If at all possible, the student should arrange to have the members of their committee,
especially their adviser, witness the project first-hand: Visit the site, talk with key actors, watch the
program in operation. (This direct contact is highly recommended, but not required.) Essays for the
Project Thesis The project thesis essay may take a number of forms and include a range of
information. Solomon Northup illustrates in agonizing detail the atrocities he endured during his
twelve years of enslavement through an autobiography. Northup writes that there never was a kinder,
candid, Christian man. Slavery not only meant that they ploughed the fields, but slaves were also
from different classes of the society, due to division. The film is full of emotions, intellectual, tricks,
deceive, sufferings, tragic, support, hope and courage. This film was released on October 18, 2013,
while the book was released in 1853. The authors may have focused a little too much on Northup’s
early life as this does not have too much importance to the main events of the book, but I understand
the significance of setting up a back story of his life and writing the beginning of the book as it is a
biography. Essays for the Artistic Thesis Background Research Essay As stated above, this essay
follows the description for the standard research essay. By adhering to these guidelines, you can
ensure that your thesis statement effectively conveys your central argument to your readers.
To speed up the process, you can use our free APA citation generator. But a thesis may also be an
idea; so in the course of the paper the student may put forth several theses (notice the plural form)
and attempt to prove them. Arguable thesis with normative claim Given Sandel’s argument against
genetic enhancement, we should not allow parents to decide on using Human Growth Hormone for
their children. Implementation Describe how the plan was carried out. The focus of the essay is
related to the artistic work and explores some aspect of that work that the student wishes to study
and develop through outside research. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for
your paper. I cannot imagine how devastated Platt felt having to whip his best friend and then watch
helplessly as she suffered. In both of these examples, therefore, a complex tension exists between the
telling of black lives, the commercial context in which the texts appear and the demands of existing
discourses in which the writers’ experiences are framed. In 1841, two white men offered Solomon a
lucrative amount of money if he would just travel with a circus with them to Washington, D.C.
William Wilberforce was a highly respected MP; he played a huge part in the abolition by forming a
group opposing slavery. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. Northup gave us
an insight into the mistress’ that he lived with and was able to show differences among the few that
he had encountered. Artistic Aims Essay In this essay, the student is required to articulate their goals
in mounting their particular artistic project. A myriad of people credited for the production include
Brad Pitt, Steve McQueen, Bill Pohlad, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Anthony Katagas, and Arnon
Milchan. Of course, for the essay itself to be successful, you must now present evidence from the
novel that will convince the reader of your interpretation. However, even though the film does
closely resemble the memoir by the same name there is a muddying of facts that are often found in
book-to-film adaptations. Tells the reader how you will interpret the subject in discussion A road map
for the paper; tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. It is a scholarly endeavor and
differs from the standard essay in terms of length and focus. A thesis statement should contain one
specific reason or piece of evidence for each body paragraph in your essay. 6. If your thesis
statement and the body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. Instead
of teaching them to accept everyone, they taught them fear. Creating a Debate This thesis statement
includes only obvious fact or plot summary instead of argument: Needs Improvement: Leadership is
an important quality in nurse educators. Slavery is a barbaric practice that did no good for human
society. Northup is then sold in the winter of 1842 to John Tibeats, a quick-tempered carpenter to
whom Ford had become indebted. Is drug use causing deaths (and is the author equating deaths from
overdoses and deaths from drug related violence). He had lived the life of a free man and had
formed a family of his own when he was suddenly kidnapped. Dwight Davit's perspective on the
anatomy of a panda's thumb. An entire chapter is dedicated to his early life, the kidnapping, his
journey south, how he got through it, his rescue, then how Northup shared his story and sought
justice. Hence, even though slavery is illegal for over 150 years, the scars left by it still haunt people.
Slavery is one of the main reasons behind racism that exists in every culture. After, that he finally
heads home to find that his daughter is married and his grandson named in his honor.
We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback. It also agreed to support Elizabeth heyrick's
plan for a new campaign to bring about immediate abolition. Obviously Armsby did not have the
intention of helping Northup and he was trying to cajole Epps. Strengthen your dissertation: Develop
a powerful, concise thesis statement that clearly defines the focus of your dissertation. It is a kind of
racism that followed and still follows the event. Don’t dwell on them at length, though—focus on
the positives of your work. In July of the same year, a case was brought against them in the state of
New York where Northup was allowed to testify. Slavery is injustice carried around against human
will since ancient times. The student can correct this error simply by phrasing the thesis statement as
a specific answer to the assignment prompt. Significantly original contributions are of course highly
commendable, but the excellence of an MA research thesis essay may lie in its critical and creative
synthesis, articulation of a fresh perspective on the work of others, or identification of new, research-
based questions that themselves shed light on existing problems within fields. It brings shame to the
human society to have allowed such a horrific activity. Not all families were torn apart, Northup had
also worked alongside Phebe who had two kids, Bob and Henry, prior to marrying Wiley. Another
example of a debatable thesis statement: In this example there is also room for disagreement
between rational individuals. This thesis summarizes several points in Sandel’s argument, but it does
not make a claim about how we should understand his argument. The role that is portrayed through
his violin in this peculiar narrative shows a deep sense of prominence in Solomon’s life. Central to
the growing prominence of the genre, shaping both its political message and its aesthetic qualities,
was the campaign to abolish slavery. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and
added to this collection after degrees are awarded. His mistress gave him a bible to carry with him
and Northup would read it to him. Usually there would be huge groups of workers all gathered
round to hear debates. The white woman still had a minimal role and influence with their husband,
but there was no comparison. Monash University. For further guidance, see the APA Style website-
Published Dissertation or Thesis, Unpublished Dissertation or Theses. At the age of 21, he married
Anne Hampton and they decided to settle down and raise a family, they would have three children
before Solomon would be enslaved. Strong thesis statements address specific intellectual questions,
have clear positions, and use a structure that reflects the overall structure of the paper. Illustrations
aid the writers in visually getting the point across and also adds breaks in the writing. The loose
hybrid form of these narratives suggests not only that the first black writers drew on a range of
experiences but also that they were keen to appeal to readers of popular literature in different ways.
Download this Magic Thesis Statement template now for your own benefit. At the same time, the
Narrative is Douglass’s attempt to move away from his role as lecturer and claim his story as his own.
Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. The thesis is NOT
a topic, but rather it’s what you want to say about your topic. This forced a lot of the British sugar
plantations in the West Indies to close down, which brought a reduction in the demand for slaves.
The people of colour still carry on the shame and resentment of their ancestors. Is drug use changing
the moral climate or causing the economy to decline. If your thesis simply states facts that no one
would, or even could, disagree with, it’s possible that you are simply providing a summary, rather
than making an argument. Additionally, avoid incorporating unrelated main points into your thesis.
Describe the organization, the potential clientele or participants, and the larger environment (social,
economic and political conditions surrounding the problem and the project). Theses added to the
Libraries collection may not be available for up to 1 year after the date the thesis was submitted. The
tone remains dramatic throughout, which is appropriate for the subject matter. This cruelly planned
trip to take Solomon to Washington D.C. sparked the beginning of a terrible new life for him.
Academic Guides: Writing a Paper: Thesis Statements The thesis statement is the brief articulation of
your paper's central argument and purpose. Program Describe the goals and objectives of the project
and what the student hoped to accomplish. Here is an example of how you can write your
conclusion section. Northup shows both scenarios, what any family dreads and what they hope for.
A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. Useful Linking Words and
Phrases to Use in Your Essays - ESLBuzz Learning English. You can also mention any limitations of
your research, but only if you haven’t already included these in the discussion. She believed that
Patsey and her husband constantly had affairs and forced her husband to mistreat her to prove that
there was nothing happening. Mrs. Ford even grew tired of her and decided that she was not fit to
live with her. Northup received some education at a young age and helped on his father’s farm.
Descriptive thesis (not arguable) While Sandel argues that pursuing perfection through genetic
engineering would decrease our sense of humility, he claims that the sense of solidarity we would
lose is also important. Slavery essays: examples, topics, questions, thesis statement. White woman
knew that they were superior to African Americans and they made sure to teach their children that.
Northup has a relationship that appears almost familial with Bass, the carpenter who has no family of
his own. Rhetorical Devices: poetic, repetition, anticipation. Being Specific This thesis statement has
no specific argument: Needs Improvement: In this essay, I will examine two scholarly articles to find
similarities and differences. Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of writing you've ever
completed. New York: Pearson. Ruszkiewicz, John J., Christy Friend, Daniel Seward, and Maxine
Hairston. 2010. The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers, 9th ed. The Narrative of the Life of
Frederick Douglass sold over 10,000 copies in its first two years and went through seven editions
between 1845 and 1849; Twelve Years a Slave sold 27,000 in the two years following publication in
1853. In both of these examples, therefore, a complex tension exists between the telling of black
lives, the commercial context in which the texts appear and the demands of existing discourses in
which the writers’ experiences are framed. This unapologetically brutality is what allowed me to feel
for the black slaves and see the tremendous evilness, brutality, and terrible violent treatments that
white slave owners imposed on black slaves on a daily basis. The film “Twelve Years a Slave” is
based on a real story of Solomon Northup, a free black man living in Saratoga, New York who later
was tricked, kidnapped and sold into slavery in Louisiana.
Recent dissertations and theses are often good sources of bibliographic information. However, the
authors write the book in a captivating way. Monash University. For further guidance, see the APA
Style website- Published Dissertation or Thesis, Unpublished Dissertation or Theses. Twain’s
crowning achievement, the Adventures of Tom. Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of
writing you've ever completed. Never once did she stop thinking of her kids and wanted to make
sure nobody forgot them as well. Northup has a relationship that appears almost familial with Bass,
the carpenter who has no family of his own. If you want a unique paper, order it from our
professional writers. They set the scene for the lesson that will be explored or taught through the
piece. Firstly, it tends to be vague, merely identifying a subject without presenting a clear argument
or stance. Relatedly, while future studies might confirm, build on, or enrich your conclusions, they
shouldn’t be required for your argument to feel complete. There is a lot of information about his
early life in New York and what he did after he regained his freedom, which is hard to find
elsewhere. Slavery has caused irreparable damage which still is evident from racism towards people
belonging to other races and cultures. Raised as a freeman, Solomon had achieved and education as
well as the skills to play the violin. His father being a slave that was freed allowed Northup to have a
family of his own. We can also gather the field (business) and the topic (management and employee
turnover). Mcqueen’s use of imagery provides an insight into the prolonged scenes of slave torture
and affliction such as rape, beatings, hangings, and whippings. These models are intended for
drafting purposes only and should not appear in your final work. It may establish the lesson or story
to be told, or in an essay it may establish the position the writer assumes when exploring a topic.
Moreover, it should demonstrate the student’s familiarity with a substantial body of thought and
literature and illustrate mastery of some self-chosen field of study. When you are writing an essay for
a course assignment, you should make sure you understand what type of claim you are being asked
to make. Narrow-minded thoughts like slavery and racism should have extinguished with the
increase in educated people and the intermixing of various races. The film is able to a portray concise
account of slavery in this the history of the United States through its underlying concepts including
trauma, violence, representation of suffering, suicide, intertwined race, and oppression. This change
was thrust upon him after he had been in Mr.Epps care for the previous 10, or so, years of which he
worked his life away. 5). Many of our day-to-day tasks are similar to something we have done
before. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The people of colour still
carry on the shame and resentment of their ancestors. I have mentioned any important limitations of
the research. The sources and objects of study may cover the spectrum from archival materials to
critical theory to statistical surveys and personal interviews, but the student should carefully choose
sources in consultation with the primary adviser, and with reference to questions about what
constitutes legitimate source within the student’s field(s). Quickly Northup learned to lie of his own
situation when asserting that he was a freeman kidnapped into slavery was met only with more

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