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Factors Influencing Teenage Pregnancy Among Girls Attending Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Bushenyi, Uganda

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IAA Journal of Biological Sciences 12(1):48-59, 2024

©IAAJOURNALS ISSN:2636-7254 IAAJB:121.4858.11

Factors influencing Teenage Pregnancy among Girls

attending Kampala International University Teaching
Hospital, Bushenyi, Uganda
Alal Levi Tema
Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry Kampala International University Western Campus Uganda

Teenage pregnancy and subsequent childbirth to women less than 20 years of age continue to be a major global
public health concern in both developed and developing countries, affecting more than 16 million girls and young
women, or an estimated 11% of all births worldwide. This study determined the factors influencing teenage
pregnancy among teenage girls aged 13–19 attending ANC at KIU-TH, Bushenyi District. A cross-sectional study
design was employed for this study. Quantitative data was collected using structured interviews. Questionnaire tools
were checked for their accuracy and data completeness, then the data was coded and entered into Epi Info version
7, then exported into SPSS version 22.0 for analysis. A binary logistic regression model was used to identify the
determinant factors. A collinearity diagnostic test was conducted using tolerance to check for collinearity between
independent variables and the interaction effect. Variables in the bivariable analysis having a p-value <0.2 were
considered for the multivariate analysis to adjust the confounders. The strength and presence of a statistical
association were assessed by the OR, p-value, and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Variables with a p-value ≤0.05
were considered statistically significant determinants of teenage pregnancy. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-
fit test (p = 0.9289) was used to assess the fitness of the model. A total of 310 adolescents were included in the study,
with a response rate of 100%. The majority (39.7%) were aged 16–17, and more than half (59.0%) were from rural
areas. The proportion of teenage pregnancies among study participants was 19.0. In the multivariate logistic
regression model, age, residence, parents’ marital status, level of education, monthly income, substance abuse,
history of use of contraceptives, age of first sexual contact, and awareness of safe sex were statistically significant.
The study showed a high prevalence of teenage pregnancy. Age, residence, parents’ marital status, level of education,
monthly income, substance abuse, history of use of contraceptives, age of first sexual contact, and awareness of safe
sex were found to have a statistically significant association.
Keywords: Teenage pregnancy, Childbirth, Girls, Marital status, Age.

Teenage pregnancy and subsequent childbirth to region, an estimated 101 births per 1000 women aged
women less than 20 years of age continue to be a 15 to 19. The prevalence of teenage pregnancy in sub-
major global public health concern in both developed Saharan African countries was above 30%. This is
and developing countries, affecting more than 16 almost twice the global average. Fourteen of the
million girls and young women, or an estimated 11% fifteen countries worldwide that had more than 30%
of all births worldwide [1, 2]. Approximately 95% of of 20–24-year-olds giving birth before age 18 are in
teenage pregnancies happen in developing countries, sub-Saharan Africa and include Niger, Mozambique,
with 36.4 million young women becoming mothers Malawi, Uganda, and Cameroon [5, 6]. The
before the age of 18 and 5.6 million having a live birth consequences of teenage pregnancy are numerous,
before the age of 15 in 2010. Teenage pregnancy is encompassing obstetric health and economic and
commonly associated with adverse psychosocial, social problems. Firstly, teenage mothers are at
socioeconomic, and health outcomes [3]. Estimates higher risk of obstetric complications like obstetric
indicate that greater than 90% of teenage pregnancies fistulae, eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, a
occur in low- and middle-income countries [4]. Sub- fivefold increased risk of maternal mortality, and
Saharan Africa recorded the highest prevalence of unsafe abortions [7, 8]. Additionally,
teenage pregnancy in the world in 2013. Teenage disadvantageous prospects exist for teenage mothers,
births accounted for more than half of all births in this including lower educational attainment and school
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
dropout, resulting in lower income-earning potential will therefore seek to investigate the socio-
and perpetuating poverty. Secondly, the children that demographic and individual factors associated with
teenagers bear experience higher levels of birth teenage pregnancy among teenage pregnant mothers
complications, poor health outcomes, and deprivation attending an antenatal clinic in Kampala
[9]. Therefore, curbing teenage pregnancy has International University Teaching Hospital,
become an urgent health and social matter, Bushenyi district, western Uganda. Every year, an
particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. To address the estimated 21 million girls aged between 15 and 19
challenge of teenage pregnancy, national years and 2 million girls aged less than 15 years
governments and non-governmental organizations become pregnant in developing regions [4]. The
(NGOs) have adopted various strategies that target teenage pregnancy rate is higher in Africa than in its
adolescents. Numerous governments have also surrounding continents, as it is a fact that of the 20
refined their policies since the 1994 International countries in the world having the highest teenage
Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). pregnancy rates, 18 are from Africa [4]. Uganda has
This has mainly involved advocating for abstinence one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancy,
before marriage, keeping girls in school beyond ranking 14th out of 54 countries in Africa, with 24% of
primary school, preventing early marriage and adolescents in 2016 who were already mothers or
coerced sex, as well as increasing the use of pregnant with their first child [11]. According to the
contraceptives as encouraged by the World Health Uganda Demographic Health Survey (UDHS), one
Organization guidelines of 2011 on preventing early out of four (25%) of all girls, aged 15–19, have either
pregnancies. In East Africa, almost 10% of young a child or are pregnant, representing a 1% increase in
women give birth by age. In particular, Uganda teenage pregnancy rates over the previous 2011
reports the highest proportion of women giving birth survey [11]. Uganda’s fertility rate stands at 5.9
before the age of 20 (63%), and the highest total children per woman, above the sub-Saharan average
fertility rate (6.2) in East Africa compared to of 4.8. This high fertility rate is attributed to the low
Tanzania (56%) and Kenya (47%) [10]. In all these use of contraceptives; however, high levels of child
countries, the teenage pregnancy rate was higher in marriage and early childbearing also play an
rural than urban populations, especially in Uganda. important role, which remains a public health concern
These high teen pregnancy rates have health impacts. that should be averted [13]. According to UDHS in
The leading causes of death and disability among 2016, approximately 35% of girls drop out of school
Ugandan women aged 15 to 19 are complications of because of early marriage, and 23% do so because of
pregnancy, unsafe abortions, and childbirth. A total of teenage pregnancy. Early childbearing carries
41% of teenage pregnancies are reported to be either particular risks, including dropping out of school,
mistimed or completely unwanted [11]. Uganda has abandoning babies, and obtaining illegal abortions
one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in sub- that result in death [11]. The situation analysis of
Saharan Africa, estimated at about 25%. The Uganda child poverty and deprivation in Uganda per 2014,
national adolescent reproductive health policy (2004) according to UDHS, rates child marriage at 57%.
pledges a commitment to advocate for the review of Northern Uganda is at 59%, followed by western
existing legal, medical, and social barriers to Uganda at 58%, east central at 52%, west Nile at 50%,
adolescents’ access to information and health services. central at 46%, south west at 37%, and Kampala at
In addition to ensuring protection of the rights of 21%. Despite the initiative by the government and
adolescents to health, provision of legal and social non-governmental organizations to keep girls in
protection against all forms of abuse and harmful school [11]. Data on the risk factors for teenage
traditional practices, promotion of gender equality, pregnancy in Uganda is scarce. Evidence of the
and provision of quality care for adolescent sexual and prevalence and risk factors for teenage pregnancy is
reproductive health (SRH) issues [12], In spite of the rare, particularly in the study area. Thus, this study
implementation of available policies and other related determined the factors influencing teenage pregnancy
laws, teenage pregnancies remain quite high in among teenage girls aged 13–19 attending ANC at
Uganda, especially in Bushenyi District. This study KIU-TH, Bushenyi District.
Study design
A cross sectional study design was employed for this
Area of Study
This study was conducted at Kampala International attending ANT care at the hospital facility. The
University Teaching Hospital in Ishaka-Bushenyi, institution operates on private/public partnership
Western Uganda amongst teenage pregnant girls with the government of Uganda. The hospital
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
operates specialist departments and clinics, including the eMTCT clinic, ART clinic and immunization
General Surgery, Orthopedics, Obstetrics and clinic. The ANC works 5 days in a week and has 4
Gynecology, Medicine, Ophthalmology, ENT, midwifes working there headed by a registered
Dental Surgery, Pediatric and Physiotherapy. The midwife.
ANC unit at KIU – TH works in collaboration with
Study population
The study population comprised of teenage girls aged University Teaching Hospital in Ishaka-Bushenyi,
13 to 19 years attending Kampala International Western Uganda.
Inclusion criteria
 Pregnant teenage girls attending ANC at  The pregnant teenage girls that consented
the ANC clinic of Kampala International to take part in the study.
University Teaching Hospital.
Exclusion criteria
 Non consent pregnant teenagers at the  Teenage pregnant girls perceived not to be
ANC clinic coherent.
Sample size determination
The sample size was calculated using the formula n=1.962 𝑥 0.28(1 − 0.28)/0.052
Kish Leslie [14] as below; n=310 mothers
𝑛 = 𝑧 2 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)/𝑒 2 P=prevalence of teenage pregnancy in northern
Where n=Estimated minimum sample required. Uganda is 28%, According to a study done in Mbarara
P=Proportion of a characteristic in a sample (84.5% District.
[15]). Z=1.96 (for 95% confidence interval)
e=Margin of error set at 5%
Sampling technique
Convenience sampling was used by recruiting any desired sample size within the limited time available
willing pregnant teenager at the ANC clinic who met for the study.
the inclusion criteria. This was done to achieve the
Data collection methods
Quantitative data was collected using structured initially ask simple, more general and non-sensitive
interview. Interviewers read the questions exactly as questions and transitioned to asking more sensitive
they appeared on the survey questionnaire for the questions later in the interview.
respondents. Interview questions were designed to
Statistical analysis
Questionnaire tools were checked for their accuracy <0.2 were considered for multivariate analysis to
and data completeness, then data was coded and adjust the confounders. The strength and presence of
entered into Epi info version 7, then exported into statistical association was assessed by OR, p-value
SPSS version 22.0 for analysis. Binary logistic and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Variables with
regression model was used to identify the a p value ≤0.05 was considered as statistically
determinant factors. Collinearity diagnostic test was significant determinant factors of teenage pregnancy.
conducted using tolerance to check for Collinearity Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test (p = 0.9289)
between independent variables and interaction effect. was used to assess the fitness of the model.
Variables in the bivariable analysis having a p value
Quality control
The questionnaire was pretested among willing not included in the main sample size. The collected
pregnant teenage girls attending ANC at Kampala data was checked immediately after finalizing the
International University Teaching Hospital (KIU – questionnaire for completeness and consistency of
TH) prior to the actual data collection and these was information collected.
Ethical considerations
Ethical approval was sought from Kampala collection from KIU-TH administration. A written
international university western campus Faculty of and verbal consent was sought from the respondents
clinical medicine and dentistry and an introduction before they were recruited in the study.
letter was given after to seek permission for data

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Socio-demographic characteristics
A total of 310 adolescents were included in the study participants67.7%) had parents who were married,
with a response rate of 100%. The majority (39.7%) 45.8% attained secondary education and more than
were aged 16-17years and more than half (59.0%) half (62.3%) had an income of less than 100,000/= per
were from rural areas. Two hundred ten month as illustrated in table 1.

Table 1: Distribution of socio-demographic characteristics of the participants

Variable Frequency (N=310) Percentage (%)

13-15 69 22.3
16-17 123 39.7
18-19 118 38.1
Urban 127 41.0
Rural 183 59.0
Parents’ marital status
Married 210 67.7
Single 100 32.3
Level of education
No formal education 47 15.2
Primary 85 27.4
Secondary 142 45.8
Tertiary 36 11.6
Monthly income
<100,000/= 193 62.3
100,000-300,000/= 96 31.0
>300,000/= 21 6.8

Prevalence of teenage pregnancy

The proportion of teenage pregnancy among study
participants was 19.0% (59) (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Prevalence of teenage pregnancy



Teengae pregnancy Non-teenage pregnancy

Individual characteristics

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study showed that majority (71.9%) had their 14.8% had sex education with parents. Majority of the
menarche at 10-14years, only 10.3% were substance study participants who ever had their first sexual
users and majority (79.4%) had never used contact at the age of 15-17(56.3%), majority (80.3%)
contraceptives. The study further indicated that were from households headed by males and only
majority (80.6%) had no peer influence and only 25.5% were aware of safe sex (Table 2).
Table 2: Individual characteristics
Variable Frequency(N=310) Percentage (%)
Age of menarche
<9 years 16 5.2
10-14years 223 71.9
>14years 71 22.9
Substance abuse
Yes 32 10.3
No 278 89.7
Ever used contraceptives
Yes 64 20.6
No 246 79.4
Peer influence
Yes 60 19.4
No 250 80.6
Sex education with parents
Yes 46 14.8
No 264 85.2
Age of first sexual intercourse

<15years 31 10.6
15-17years 165 56.3
18-19years 97 33.1
Gender of household head
Male 249 80.3
Female 61 19.7
Aware of safe sex
Yes 79 25.5
No 231 74.5
Physical punishment at home

Yes 62 20.0
No 248 80.0

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Bivariate analysis of socio-demographic factors associated with teenage pregnancy
Age, residence, parents’ marital status, level of education and monthly income had p-values less than 0.2 and were
fitted for multivariate analysis (Table 3)
Table 3: Bivariate analysis of socio-demographic factors associated with teenage pregnancy

Variable N=310 Teenage pregnancy COR(95% CI) P-value

13-15 69 07(10.1) Reference
16-17 123 18(14.6) 3.46(2.04-6.82) 0.174
18-19 118 34(28.8) 5.06(2.50-9.74) 0.063
Urban 127 19(15.0) Reference
Rural 183 40(21.9) 4.17(1.96-7.69) 0.025
Parents’ marital
Married 210 33(15.7) Reference
Single 100 26(26.0) 6.94(2.31-9.10) 0.036
Level of education
No formal education 47 17(36.2) 4.19(2.47-10.15) 0.005
Primary 85 23(27.1) 2.51(1.65-4.78) 0.031
Secondary 142 16(11.3) 1.84(1.32-3.59) 0.458
Tertiary 36 03(8.3) Reference
Monthly income
<100,000/= 193 39(20.2) 3.40(2.43-7.35) 0.019
100,000-300,000/= 96 18(18.8) 1.67(1.02-4.16) 0.372
>300,000/= 21 02(9.5) Reference

Bivariate analysis of individual factors associated with teenage pregnancy

From table 4, substance abuse, history of of safe sex were significant at bivariate analysis and
contraceptive use, peer influence, sex education with were therefore considered for multivariate logistic
parents, age of first sexual intercourse and awareness regression analysis.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Table 4: Bivariate analysis of individual factors associated with teenage pregnancy

Variable N=310 Teenage pregnancy n(%) COR(95% CI) P-value
Age of menarche
<9 years 16 06(37.5) 3.08(1.37-9.25) 0.530
10-14years 223 42(18.8) 1.53(0.64-2.79) 0.814
>14years 71 11(15.5) Reference
Substance abuse
Yes 32 14(43.8) 5.83(2.07-10.30) 0.117
No 278 45(16.2) Reference
Ever used contraceptives
Yes 64 09(14.1) Reference
No 246 50(20.3) 6.40(4.13-14.53) 0.052
Peer influence
Yes 60 17(28.3) 1.92(0.58-3.66) 0.137
No 250 42(16.8) Reference
Sex education with parents
Yes 46 05(10.9) Reference
No 264 54(20.5) 3.57(1.00-5.96) 0.019
Age of first sexual
<15years 31 10(32.3) 2.15(1.20-5.49) 0.075
15-17years 165 37(22.4) 0.85(0.41-2.18) 0.438
18-19years 97 12(12.4) Reference
Gender of household head
Male 249 36(14.5) Reference
Female 61 23(37.7) 1.64(0.87-3.55) 0.642
Aware of safe sex
Yes 79 13(16.5) Reference
No 231 46(19.9) 4.52(1.75-8.34) 0.016
Physical punishment at
Yes 62 08(12.9) Reference
No 248 51(20.6) 1.41(0.68-2.60) 0.286

Multivariate analysis of factors associated with teenage pregnancy

In the multivariate logistic regression model, age, contraceptives, age of first sexual contact and
residence, parents’ marital status, level of education, awareness of safe sex were statistically significant
monthly income, substance abuse, history of use of (Table 5).

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Table 5: Multivariate analysis of factors associated with teenage pregnancy

Variable N=310 Teenage pregnancy AOR(95% CI) P-value

13-15 69 07(10.1) Reference
16-17 123 18(14.6) 1.70(1.30-4.21) 0.032
18-19 118 34(28.8) 3.28(1.85-7.40) 0.001
Urban 127 19(15.0) Reference
Rural 183 40(21.9) 2.63(1.22-5.50) 0.012
Parents’ marital
Married 210 33(15.7) Reference
Single 100 26(26.0) 4.37(1.63-7.20) 0.025
Level of education
No formal education 47 17(36.2) 3.06(1.59-9.04) 0.006
Primary 85 23(27.1) 1.76(1.24-3.67) 0.042
Secondary 142 16(11.3) 0.92(1.01-2.48) 0.069
Tertiary 36 03(8.3) Reference
Monthly income
<100,000/= 193 39(20.2) 2.41(1.82-6.15) 0.023
100,000-300,000/= 96 18(18.8) 1.25(0.71-3.54) 0.037
>300,000/= 21 02(9.5) Reference
Substance abuse
Yes 32 14(43.8) 4.19(1.30-8.46) 0.008
No 278 45(16.2) Reference
Ever used
Yes 64 09(14.1) Reference
No 246 50(20.3) 4.53(2.05-11.20) 0.003
Peer influence
Yes 60 17(28.3) 0.64(0.27-3.10) 0.094
No 250 42(16.8) Reference
Sex education with
Yes 46 05(10.9) Reference
No 264 54(20.5) 2.08(0.64-5.14) 0.056
Age of first sexual
<15years 31 10(32.3) 1.38(0.91-3.57) 0.026
15-17years 165 37(22.4) 0.52(0.23-1.80) 0.042
18-19years 97 12(12.4) Reference
Aware of safe sex
Yes 79 13(16.5) Reference
No 231 46(19.9) 3.60(0.69-5.93) 0.007

The prevalence of teenage pregnancy
This study found that the prevalence of teenage study finding is also higher than the 12.8% reported
pregnancy was 19.0%. This finding is higher than the by a study in Ethiopia [17]. However, the finding is
average reported to be 18.8% in Africa [16]. The lower than the 22.1% reported by a study in Sierra
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Leone [18]. The result of this study is lower than the Studies from throughout the continent demonstrate
54.6% reported by a review in East Africa [19]. This that Uganda is not the only country where the
study indicated a drop in the prevalence of teenage prevalence of teenage pregnancies has decreased;
pregnancy from 21% reported in Eastern Uganda progress has also been made in Tanzania, Ethiopia,
[20]. The free universal primary and secondary and other sub-Saharan African nations [21]. Major
education programs throughout the nation have national and global initiatives, such as the promotion
enhanced access to education, which has led to an of modern contraceptive methods in this age group to
improvement in literacy levels. One element that is avoid unintended births, are largely responsible for
known to encourage the use of sexual and the reported decrease in the frequency of teenage
reproductive health care is improved literacy [11]. pregnancy in these countries [22]
Socio-demographic factors associated with teenage pregnancy
The study found that the odds of teenage pregnancy pregnancy. This is in line with a study in East Africa
were higher among older teenagers compared to their that indicated that adolescent girls who had
counterparts. This is consistent with a study in Sierra secondary and higher education had a lower chance of
Leone [18]. This is further supported by a systematic teenage pregnancy [19]. This could be explained by
review in Africa, which showed that the likelihood of the fact that education promotes economic
a first adolescent pregnancy increased with age [22]. independence, autonomy, and decision-making
Additionally, this finding is in line with a review in ability, which delays marriage and lowers fertility
East Africa, which found higher odds of teenage [24]. The present study observed higher odds of
pregnancy among older teenagers [19]. This could teenage pregnancy among those who were rural
happen as a result of youth being exposed to more sex residents compared to their counterparts. This is in
as they get older and having a higher likelihood of line with a study conducted in eastern Uganda [20].
getting married and having children [23]. This implies that the availability of sexual and
Additionally, older teenagers have the opportunity to reproductive services is impacted by access to social
live independently and away from their parents, services like health care and education being
which can cause them to engage in dangerous sexual restricted or non-existent. Girls who live in rural
behavior. A lower income level was significantly locations may find it more difficult to receive sexual
associated with teenage pregnancy in this study. This and reproductive health information because of their
is inconsistent with a study in Sierra Leone, which limited access to mass media (such as television, radio,
reported no association [18]. This finding is and social media) [22]. Teenagers from single
consistent with a review in East Africa [19]. parents were 4.37 times more likely to be pregnant
Adolescent girls with low- incomes are probably not compared to those from married parents, which is in
able to afford the direct and indirect costs associated line with a study in Ethiopia [17]. This is because
with getting access to contraceptive treatments [17]. single parents communicate less about sexual and
Adolescent girls with economic difficulties are more reproductive concerns than married parents, and they
likely to become pregnant as teenagers since research have less parental control over their children.
has shown that income is related to access to Adolescents from single parents are more likely to
contraceptive services and understanding of these engage in hazardous sexual behaviors and more early
services. The current study revealed that low sexual encounters, which increases their chance of
educational attainment was a risk factor for teenage becoming pregnant as teenagers.
Individual factors associated with teenage pregnancy
In this study, teenagers with no history of those who did not utilize them had a nearly eleven-
contraceptive use had higher odds of becoming fold higher chance of becoming pregnant [17].
pregnant. This is in contrast to the findings of a Consistent with this study, a study indicated that
review in East Africa, which revealed that adolescent early initiation of sexual intercourse is a risk factor for
girls who used contraceptives were at a higher risk of teenage pregnancy [19]. This may be because women
teenage pregnancy [19]. However, the finding is who initiate sex early have less information, attitude,
consistent with a study in Ethiopia that revealed that, practice, and understanding regarding safe sex and
compared to individuals who took contraceptives, the use of modern contraceptives [25].
Age, residence, parents’ marital status, level of and awareness of safe sex were found to have a
education, monthly income, substance abuse, history statistically significant association.
of use of contraceptives, age of first sexual contact,
It is recommended to increase teenage access to to rural areas and highlighting the social
contraceptive services by paying particular emphasis repercussions of single parenthood. As an alternative
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
to early marriages, policies that provide teenage return to school after giving birth should be
mothers a second chance by encouraging them to supported.
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CITE AS: Alal Levi Tema (2024). Factors influencing Teenage Pregnancy among Girls attending
Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Bushenyi, Uganda. IAA Journal of Biological
Sciences 12(1):48-59.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
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