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Online Marketing and Buying Behaviour of Jumia Customers in Calabar, Nigeria

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©IAAJOURNALS ISSN: 2636-7289 IAAJSS101.23.33000

Online Marketing and Buying Behaviour of Jumia

Customers in Calabar, Nigeria
Aneozeng Awo Egbe, 2Jude U. Bassey, 2Abiji, Emmanuel Abiji, Otiala Paul Boniface
and Undie, Godwin Ititim
Department of Business Administration, Cross River State University Calabar, Nigeria.

Department of Business Administration, Kampala International University, Uganda.


Corresponding Author Email:; Phone:+2348037101323

This study examines the relationship between online marketing and the purchasing patterns of Jumia consumers
in Calabar. Using 130 Calabar-based Jumia consumers, a sample of 97 was drawn using the Krejcie and Morgan
Table (1970). Pearson’s product moment correlation was utilized to analyse the collected data. Findings confirm a
significant correlation exists between customers’ trust and purchasing behaviour, and between perceived value and
customer reviews and the purchasing behaviour of customers. At the end, the recommends for Jumia to frequently
use online marketing platforms because it makes their marketing strategies more interactive with customers, and
enables them obtain more customer insights, reviews, and feedbacks, thereby making them feel like an integral
part of the brand. More so, it was suggested that Jumia Calabar use social media to share positive testimonials of
consumers who previously utilised their services, so that prospects and those who are already intending to buy can
relate more.
Keywords: Online Marketing; Customer buying behaviour; Customer Trust; Customer Reviews; Jumia
Calabar; social media

Traditional marketing is dead, not dying [1]. The and making purchasing decisions on social media.
advent of web 2.0 represents the most significant The market shares for purchasing through the use of
paradigm shift in the annals of the economic system. social media is growing quickly every day. For
Platforms for social media promote instance, Facebook's share climbed from November
contents generated by users and allow users to share 2015 to October 2017 by 0.22 percent. With a 0.67
it publicly. Social media has the power to make percent growth from November 2015 to October
customers the center of business operations and 2017, YouTube has the strongest online social media
offers fresh methods for customer contact. In site growth. These metrics demonstrate the
essence, sellers must consider how social media has expansion of online social networking platforms [3].
changed customer purchasing habits. Radio Due to the sheer volume of social media campaigns,
attracted 50 million listeners in less than 30 years, businesses as a whole are shifting their marketing
whereas television attracted 50 million viewers in strategies to social media because it makes it so
just 13 years. Surprisingly, Facebook hit that much easier to connect with their target audiences.
milestone in just 1.5 years, and the internet attained Additionally, it is a cheap form of advertising.
50 million users in just 4 years. Facebook is a single Because of this, the majority of businesses have
phenomenon that was initially created in 2004 for official presence on social media platforms, which are
Harvard University students. By the end of 2010, crucial for capturing the market. The information
Facebook had 500 million users globally, up from and advertising have a big effect on customers. It
100 million users in 2009. The relevance of social also provides a competitive analysis of the
media grows as it develops more quickly than other companies, making it a newly emerging trend that
communication channels, making it harder to keep calls for investigation [4]. The changing pattern of
up with its growth [2]. The statistics shown above new internet users needs to be focused on, and the
demonstrate the importance of social media in the social media aspects that affect buyers' purchasing
modern digital sphere. Many people devote a great objectives need to be thoroughly evaluated.
deal of time to various activities, including shopping Although researches on factors that influence
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
customers buying behavior abound, studies on how behaviour of consumers that use social media is
diminishing efficacy of traditional mass media shaped by the trust they have for the website and its
influence customers buying behavior are not well products/services, the perceived value they place on
documented. This gap is what the present study the products/services and the number of positive
intends to fill by looking at how the purchasing reviews by previous users.
Concept of social media
Social media pertains to a contemporary form of of marketing, commonly referred to as the "Four Ps"
digital media that fosters active engagement and - product, pricing, placement, and promotion. Rust,
dialogue among its users. This can also be referred Moorman, and Bhalla [8], argue that numerous
to as a digital instrument that facilitates the organizations fail to fully leverage technological
generation and dissemination of content to a wider resources as a means to establish and enhance
audience. Brogan [5] avers that social media can be connections with customers. Despite having access
defined as the process through which individuals to a wide array of tools, these organizations often
shift their focus to digital networks, where they underutilize them, thereby missing out on potential
engage in activities such as content creation, opportunities to enhance consumer engagement,
sharing, and consumption. Conrad et al. [6] makes a bolster brand recognition, and optimize overall
valuable contribution to the growing body of marketing efforts. However, it has been predicted by
evidence that highlights the interdependent Rust, Moorman, and Bhalla [8] that the widespread
relationship between sociology and technology in adoption of information technology (IT) and social
the context of social media. They emphasized that media (SM) will become increasingly prevalent in
social media platforms provide a conducive the next years. Rather than prioritizing expedited
environment for individuals to connect and establish advertising via technology, astute organisations are
networks, which may or may not be officially employing social media technologies to enhance
acknowledged. The technology utilizes a digital consumer relationships. It is common for businesses
infrastructure that can be either mobile or to concentrate their endeavours on the three
stationary. The nature of this form of media differs primary social media platforms, namely Facebook,
from passive forms, as it necessitates active YouTube, and Twitter, with the intention of
engagement with other individuals, encompassing achieving objectives related to product promotion
acquaintances, relatives, or the broader community. and brand establishment [9, 10]. Organizations are
Several key qualities of the subject are engagement, increasingly recognizing the significance of
debate, and openness. The concept of customer engagement methods aimed at
interconnectedness is commemorated and collective reintroducing products to consumers, enhancing
action is advocated for. Facebook and Snapchat are their appeal, or emphasizing the societal advantages
currently recognized as prominent social media associated with product utilization. Muntinga,
platforms. Anyone with internet access can Moorman, and Smit [9] assert that the
participate in the activities on social media dissemination of product information, encompassing
platforms. The only prerequisite is registration. The activities like the launch of novel product ranges, the
content is characterized by its candid and unfiltered establishment of brand recognition, and endeavours
nature, however certain sexual references have been to shape customer behaviour, has been concentrated
omitted. “The increasing emphasis on global on social media platforms. The utilization of word-
expansion and the widespread adoption of of-mouth marketing has the potential to effectively
technology in marketing, advertising, and reach a broad demographic via social media
promotion have led to a reevaluation of customer platforms, as these platforms serve as extensive
prioritisation strategies in business” [44]. Scholars social networks that permit direct contacts between
have formulated extensive marketing strategies consumers. This, in turn, contributes to the
based on the underlying assumption that the promotion of brand awareness [11]. Numerous
availability of technology on a large scale plays a definitions of "social media" have been put forth by
crucial role in the development of emerging markets. specialists across diverse academic disciplines.
In order to effectively develop technology-based Kaplan and Haenlein [12], said that the concept of
marketing strategy, it is imperative to include the social media may be understood within the
psychological, emotional, and social factors that framework of Web 2.0 and the generation of content
significantly impact customer behaviour, which have by users. Social media refers to a collection of
traditionally been the central focus of advertising internet-based technologies that facilitate the
and promotion efforts [7]. Given the creation and distribution of user-generated content
aforementioned circumstances, it remains imperative (UGC). These platforms are built upon the principles
for firms to consider the four fundamental elements and architecture of Web 2.0, as outlined by Kaplan
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
and Haenlein [12]. Parr [13], posit that social not inherently serve as a dedicated advertising
media is characterized as the utilization of electronic platform. Organizations that employ social media
and internet-based technologies to enhance the platforms as a marketing tool might potentially
dissemination and exchange of knowledge and benefit from favourable comments received through
personal experiences among individuals. Jantsch these channels. However, these same organizations
[14], aver that social media is posited as a valuable may have challenges in managing and restricting the
instrument for generating value by means of dissemination of unfavourable input [17, 19]. The
collaborative efforts. According to the Merriam- impact of consumer dialogues and interactions on
Webster dictionary [15], social media refers to branding is often overlooked by individuals, who fail
virtual platforms that facilitate the sharing and to recognize their own role in shaping branding and
distribution of information, ideas, and personal marketing efforts [17]. Among the three social
messages among individuals or organizations. media platforms commonly recognized by businesses
Dykeman [16] avers that social media encompasses for their role in marketing and branding (namely
the platform via which individuals can disseminate Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook), Facebook is often
digital, innovative material, engage in real-time considered by certain individuals as the epitome of
exchanges through online debates, commentary, and effectiveness for marketers. This perception stems
assessments, and make modifications or from Facebook's notable focus on seamlessly
rectifications to the initial information. According to incorporating advertisements within users' social
the definition provided by Wikipedia, social media content. In the Facebook model, advertisers furnish
encompasses several platforms that facilitate social information regarding particular brands and
interaction through the means of publishing. products, while users engage with advertisements
Through the utilization of web-based technology, through commenting or expressing approval by
social media platforms have the ability to convert clicking the "Like" button. This interaction
traditional media monologues into interactive social subsequently generates additional content of a
media dialogues. While there exist other categories, similar nature [20, 21]. Shen and Bissell [50],
it can be argued that just three hold significant opined that increased engagement in product
importance. Kohli et al. [17], opined that social promotion and commenting on Facebook leads to
media can be described as a form of consumer- greater exposure to material featuring related
generated media that encompasses a diverse range of companies or goods. Consequently, social media
online information sources. It is mostly utilized by plays a pivotal role in the formulation of corporate
consumers with the purpose of sharing information strategies, dissemination of brand information, and
pertaining to various topics of interest with others. amplification of advertising efforts to enhance
Based on the research conducted by eMarketer in audience reach. The utilization of Facebook has
2013, it was found that over 1.73 billion individuals, notably enabled the establishment of novel avenues
which accounts for nearly 25% of the global for interacting with consumers and the distribution
population, actively engage with social networking of brand-centric material [21]. The efficacy of this
platforms. Schivinski [18], aver that it is projected strategy hinges upon the ongoing evolution and
that the global number of social network members adaptation of social media and Internet behaviours.
would reach approximately 2.55 billion by 2017. Shen and Bissell [21], aver that there has been a
When evaluating the effectiveness of social media as significant shift in internet user behaviour over the
a promotional instrument, scholars commonly past decade. Previously, pornographic websites held
consider both mobile and web-based technologies the distinction of being the most frequently visited
that revolve around the activities of users in sharing, online destinations. However, in recent times, social
co-creating, discussing, and modifying content networking sites have surpassed them in terms of
provided by users [17]. This phenomenon is often popularity and user engagement. A study conducted
regarded as a substantial shift in the strategies by Shen and Bissell [21], aver that a significant
employed by businesses to market their products, as majority of firms, specifically 93%, incorporate social
they increasingly rely on customers to actively networking as a means of enhancing their brand
participate in directing marketing initiatives and image and marketing efforts. According to a study
shaping the discourse surrounding brand identity conducted by Shen and Bissell in 2013, the current
[17]. Business enterprises may encounter difficulties number of internet users in the United States
in comprehending the impact of customer exceeds 200 million. The study further reveals that
engagement and information on brand establishment these individuals allocate over 29 hours annually
through social media, as opposed to traditional towards engaging in various online activities such as
advertising mediums such as print or television. shopping, product research, and socializing with
This is mostly due to the fact that social media does acquaintances and relatives. They further opined
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
that individuals allocate the highest amount of time affinity. Consumers who actively engage in
on Facebook, averaging about seven hours per participation are more likely to exert influence on
person on a weekly basis, in comparison to other others, hence increasing the likelihood of persuading
prominent social networking platforms. The them to adopt novel items. The year of the birth of
integration of the internet and e-technologies has Jesus Christ, also known as the Christ Era or
become essential in the branding process as a result Christmas. In order to fully comprehend the
of the changing patterns of customer engagement influence of social media on brand awareness, it is
with businesses. Currently, corporations strive to important to examine the significance of social media
foster client engagement, encourage word-of-mouth in shaping customers' purchasing behaviours. Hence
referrals, and facilitate the creation of user- the present study.
generated content that showcases their brand
Social media marketing as a new marketing tool
Businesses often use marketing methods to the author aims to emphasize the distinction
effectively acquire clients, ensure their satisfaction, between essential items and indulgent commodities.
and foster brand loyalty. At the core of the concept Due to the continuous process of self-reinvention
of marketing lies the examination and within the field of marketing, the term in question
administration of the interconnectedness of a brand, has significant potential for many interpretations.
its potential consumers, and its existing clientele. Marketing techniques evolve with society norms and
Nevertheless, there seems to be a lack of consensus preferences, reflecting the dynamic nature of the
among scholars and experts about the establishment contemporary landscape. Consequently, the field of
of a universally accepted definition for the concept of marketing, once seen as a realm of creativity, has
marketing. Divergent perspectives exist about the evolved into a discipline that requires rigorous
conceptualization of the subject matter, with some investigation and market analysis. With the
individuals seeing it as a procedural phenomenon, continuous evolution of the marketing sector, other
while others conceptualize it as an abstract notion. sub-disciplines have emerged. Digital marketing is a
The first use of the phrase pertained to the act of prominent strategy in contemporary business
traversing several locations with the explicit practices. According to Statista's [26] research, the
intention of vending goods. The American global internet user population exceeds four billion
Marketing Association formulated an authoritative individuals, who typically engage in online activities
definition of marketing in [22], which encompasses for an average duration of six hours each day.
the activities, institutions, and processes involved in Connectivity is used for a multitude of functions,
generating, disseminating, delivering, and including the monitoring of data and engaging in
exchanging offers that provide value for consumers, social interactions with acquaintances. In order to
clients, partners, and society as a whole. Kotler establish recognition among their target consumers,
provided a definition of marketing as a dynamic brands must effectively navigate the digital
process involving the exchange of value between a landscape. The incorporation of social media
company entity and its customers, with the primary promotion into the realm of digital marketing.
objective of fulfilling the customers' objectives and Adams [27], opined that the term refers to a
requirements. Kotler too regards marketing as a collection of organized endeavours conducted across
process [23]. Both Kotler and Keller [24], two several social media platforms with the objective of
renowned marketing theorists, concur that enhancing brand recognition, disseminating brand-
marketing is a multifaceted procedure that related information, and facilitating interactive
commences with the identification and connection with a specific target audience. The
comprehension of client wants and culminates with emergence of social media marketing may be
the execution of a viable company model. attributed to the rapid spread of the Internet and the
Nevertheless, these acts are subject to ongoing increasing prevalence of social networking
evolution in order to adapt to market fluctuations. platforms. The objective of using social media
As previously said, marketing is not often seen as a platforms for business promotion is to effectively
procedural approach. Adam Smith (1776) is widely provide valuable material to the company's current
seen as the progenitor of the contemporary concept clientele while also attracting new potential
of marketing, which seeks to proactively identify and customers. When the recipient perceives the
fulfil customer needs and desires in a more effective communication as significant, they are more likely to
manner than rival firms. The significance of disseminate it throughout their own network. Social
comprehending customer needs and desires is media marketing may be conceptualized as an
acknowledged by both the process-oriented and expanded iteration of the word-of-mouth strategy.
conceptual perspectives of marketing [25]. Hence, Social media marketing enables organizations to
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
effectively engage with and actively listen to their rationale, an increasing number of enterprises are
consumers and future customers, therefore embracing social media marketing tactics. Social
facilitating the integration of various pre-existing media marketing enables firms to gather client
communities. An increasing number of enterprises, experiences by means of review discussions and
however, are using social media marketing rating systems. The process of discovering and
strategies. According to a survey conducted by the engaging with consumer groups and influential
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Centre for individuals who may serve as brand advocates and
Marketing Research in 2014, it was found that a enhance brand visibility is also facilitated. Social
significant proportion, namely 80%, of the Fortune media marketing offers several advantages, with its
500 firms included the use of social media platforms cost-effectiveness being particularly noteworthy
in the year 2013. Consequently, the task of [25]. Indeed, social media marketing emerges as a
distinguishing oneself from competitors is cost-effective strategy due to the predominant
progressively getting more arduous. Due to this availability of free networks.
Consumers buying behaviour
The objective of consumer behaviour analysis is to demand) factors. The social time factor is one of the
gain a better understanding of how individuals and primary drivers of consumer behaviour [30],
communities make decisions regarding the indicating the relationship between time, social
acquisition, consumption, and disposal of structures, rituals, and schedules in society, such as
commodities, services, ideas, and relationships in hours of work, operation hours, dining times, and
order to satisfy their needs. Goldsmith [28] outlines other established routines. The context in which
an innovative viewpoint on consumer behaviour that consumers receive information influences their
accentuates the complex interplay between people's purchasing decisions [31]. In addition to buying
experiences, their opinions and convictions, their decisions and actions, market behaviour includes a
actions, and the contexts in which those actions broad range of consumer actions [32]. Several
occur. Market segmentation is essential to consumer stages are required, including the identification of
behaviour [29] because customers within a segment the issue, the collection of pertinent information, and
share similar product requirements and preferences. the evaluation of potential solutions. Ultimately, the
A few examples of market segmentation include consumer decides which product to purchase.
demographic (such as age, ethnicity, and income Customers are encouraged to share their
level), geographic (such as by area or nationality), perspectives and experiences after making a
psychographic (such as interests and activities), and purchase [33].
behavioural (such as loyalty to brands and benefit
Theoretical framework
The theoretical framework is the reasoned action course of action from the moment they make a
theory developed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen choice to act till the activity is complete. The Theory
[34] in the late 1960s. The central premise of the of Reasoned Action [25] contains numerous
theory is that consumers act to achieve or acquire a salesperson-useful concepts. Before selling a product
particular outcome [35]. According to this to a consumer, the salesperson must establish a
perspective, consumers are rational actors who direct link between the purchase and the intended
maximize their own interests when selecting outcome. The idea also emphasizes client
options. According to this theory, precise precision progression through the sales funnel. When there is
is essential during the decision-making stage. A a significant delay between a consumer's desire and
customer will only act in a specific way if they are subsequent action, the salesperson must be aware
confident that their choices will produce a that the customer may be considering alternative
predetermined outcome. Customers have the option options.
to modify their opinions and select an alternate
Research design and area of study: The study used as the study population. While a sample of 97
utilized descriptive research design, and the study was arrived using Krejcie and Morgan table (1970).
area is Jumia office, Calabar, Cross River State, Instruments of data collection: Using a five-point
Nigeria. Likert scale, a questionnaire was created and
Population of the study and sample size: The administered using the drop-and-pick method. The
population for this study comprises of 130 customers questionnaire was divided into two sections, with
of Jumia in Calabar. The researcher visited Jumia section A containing demographic questions and
office in Calabar consistently for a period of one section B addressing the correlation between
month. The customers of Jumia for that month were
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(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
internet marketing and consumer purchasing questionnaire's elements. The study adopted the face
behaviour. and content validity. In addition, a pilot test was
Validity and reliability of instrument: In order to conducted, and the feedback received lead to the
ascertain the instrument's validity, test and enhancement of the instrument.
measurement experts were asked to critique the
Data analysis
Data collected using questionnaire was analyzed
using Pearson Product moment correlation analysis.

Hypothesis One
HO: There is no significant relationship between H1: There is a significant relationship between
customer trust and the buying behaviour of customer trust and the buying behaviour of
Jumia customers in Calabar. Jumia customers in Calabar.

Table 1: Computation of the responses on the relationship between customer trust and buying behaviour
of customers
X Y XY X2 Y2
64 4 256 4, 096 16

20 3 60 400 9

4 2 8 16 4

1 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 0

∑x =90 ∑y = 10 ∑xy = 325 ∑x2 = 4, 514 ∑y2 = 30

Source: Field survey (Questionnaire, 2023)

P < 0.05, df = 118, t = 1.98
r= n∑ xy __ ∑x∑y
(n∑x2 __ (∑x)2) (n∑y2 __(∑y)2)

r= 5 * 325 – (90 * 10) _________

(5 * 4, 514) – (90)2) (5 * 30 – (10)2

r= 1, 625 -900__________
(22, 570 -8, 100)(150 -100)

r= 725_____
14470 * 50

r= 725__
723, 500

r= 725_
r = 0.85
Based on the result given above, the value of r is relationship between customer trust and the
approximately 0.85. By the decision rule, we reject purchasing behaviour of Jumia customers in Calabar.
the null hypothesis that there is no significant

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
Hypotheses two
HO: Perceived value does not have a significant H1: Perceived value has a significant relationship
relationship with the buying behaviour of with the buying behaviour of Jumia
Jumia customers in Calabar. customers in Calabar

Table 2: Computation of the responses to questions on the relationship between perceived value and
buying behaviour of customers
X Y XY X2 Y2
62 4 248 3, 844 16

13 3 39 169 9

7 2 14 49 4

5 1 5 25 1

3 0 0 9 0

∑x =90 ∑y = 10 ∑xy = 306 ∑x2 = 4096 ∑y2 = 30

Source: Field survey (Questionnaire, 2023)

P < 0.05, df = 118, t = 1.98

r= n∑ xy __ ∑x∑y
(n∑x2 __ (∑x)2) (n∑y2 __(∑y)2)

r= 5 * 306 – (90 * 10) _________

(5 * 4096) – (90)2) (5 * 30 – (10)2

r= 1,530 -900__________
(20,480 -8, 100)(150 -100)

r= 630_____
12,380 * 50

r= 630__
619, 000

r= 630_
r = 0.80
From the result above, the value of r is 0.80 does not a significant relationship with the buying
approximately 1. By the decision rule, we reject the behaviour of Jumia customers in Calabar.
null hypotheses which states that perceived value
Hypotheses three
Hypothesis three is restated by the researcher for H1: There is a significant relationship between
analytical convenience customer reviews and the buying behaviour
HO: There is no significant relationship between of Jumia customers in Calabar.
customer reviews and the buying behaviour
of Jumia customers in Calabar.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
Table 3: Computation of responses to questions on the relationship between customer reviews and buying
behaviour of customers
X Y XY X2 Y2
68 4 272 4, 624 16

16 3 48 256 9

5 2 10 25 4

1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

∑x =90 ∑y = 10 ∑xy = 331 ∑x2 = 4, 906 ∑y2 = 30

Source: Field survey (Questionnaire, 2023)
P < 0.05, df = 118, t = 1.99
r= n∑ xy __ ∑x∑y
(n∑x2 __ (∑x)2) (n∑y2 __(∑y)2)

r= 5 * 331 – (90 * 10) _________

(5 * 4096) – (90)2) (5 * 30 – (10)2

r= 1,655 -900__________
(24,530 -8, 100)(150 -100)
r= 755_____
16,430 * 50

r= 755__
821, 000

r= 755_
r = 0.83
From the result above, the value of r is 0.83 significant relationship between positive reviews and
approximately 1. By the decision rule, we reject the the buying behaviour of Jumia customers in Calabar.
null hypotheses which states that there is no
The study found out that there is a significant impact of social media on consumer's decision-
relationship between consumer trust and the buying making: A study of Jumia, Lagos. The investigation
behaviour of Jumia customers in Calabar. This was conducted using a survey format and a random
finding supports the findings of Forbes and Vespoli sampling approach to draw a sample of 124
[36] who conducted research on a small number of employees and customers of Jumia, Calabar. The
249 consumers in Chicago to examine the effect of study analyzed data with the aid of regression
social media on consumer behaviour. The study analysis. Their findings revealed that social media
utilized a descriptive research design and a (positive reviews, consumer trust and perceived
structured questionnaire to acquire data. The value) significantly affect the consumer’s decision
Correlation coefficient technique was used to analyse making. Finally, the study found that there is a
the hypotheses. The study findings show that social significant relationship between positive reviews and
media (perceived value, positive reviews and the buying behaviour of Jumia customers in Calabar.
consumer trust) significantly affect consumer This finding is in tandem with the findings of Forbes
behaviour. Furthermore, the study revealed that and Vespoli [36] who conducted research on a small
there is a significant relationship between perceived number of 249 consumers in Chicago to examine the
value and the buying behaviour of Jumia customers effect of social media on consumer behaviour. The
in Calabar. This finding affirm the findings of study utilized a descriptive research design and a
Lehmann, Ruiter and Kok, [37] who explored the structured questionnaire to acquire data. The
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Egbe et al
Correlation coefficient technique was used to analyze consumer trust) significantly affect consumer
the hypotheses. The study findings show that social behaviour.
media (perceived value, positive reviews and
As its global prominence grows, social media is specific companies or brands. This information may
viewed as a tool that can be used to enhance influence the perceptions of other consumers
consumer engagement. Companies are constantly regarding a brand. Due to the required level of
searching for novel ways to reach their ideal maintenance, businesses employing this strategy
customers and influence crucial consumer decisions, should be prepared to delegate a marketing agency
such as brand loyalty and purchase intentions. Due to the administration of online consumer contacts.
to the technological revolution, the prevalence of Hence, the study recommends that businesses need
social networking sites like ngFacebook, YouTube, to prioritize online marketing more. Their social
and Twitter has increased because they enable users media presence may boost their visibility, which will
to communicate and establish relationships based on foster customer loyalty and raise brand value, both
company-specific content. Future success in client of which will increase their customer lifetime value.
acquisition, engagement, and retention will be more It is equally suggested for Jumia Calabar to employ
probable for businesses like Jumia Calabar that are internet marketing frequently since it will increase
proficient at integrating strategic approaches consumer interaction, gather more customer
to social network platforms. Influencing how people insights, reviews, and feedback, and give customers a
feel about a brand and whether they intend to sense of ownership over the business. Finally, the
purchase it are social dynamics that shape study calls for Jumia Calabar to use social media to
consumers' perspectives and the opinions of others communicate better customer experiences so that
as reflected in social media posts. There is an potential customers and those who have already
increasing value on the strategic use of content made a purchase decision can relate to one another
generated by users, or material created by more easily.
consumers in response to requests or demands from
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CITE AS: Aneozeng Awo Egbe, Jude U. Bassey, Abiji, Emmanuel Abiji, Otiala Paul Boniface and
Undie, Godwin Ititim (2024). Online Marketing and Buying Behaviour of Jumia Customers in Calabar,

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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