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Assignment No.


Q1. In n-type silicon, the Fermi energy level varies linearly with distance over a short range.
At x = 0, EF - Ei = 0.4 eV and, at x = l0-3cm, EF - Ei = 0.15 eV. (a) Write the expression for
the electron concentration over the distance. (b) If the electron diffusion coefficient is D n=
25cm2/s, calculate the electron diffusion current density at (i) x = 0 and (ii) x = 5 x l0-4 cm.

Q2. A silicon sample at T = 300K is n type with Nd = 5 x 1016cm-3 and Na = 0. The sample has
a length of 0.1 cm and a cross-sectional area of 10-4 cm2. A voltage of 5 V is applied between
the ends of the sample. For t<0, the sample has been illuminated with light, producing an
excess-carrier generation rate of gop = 5 x 1021 (cm3-s)-1 uniformly throughout the entire
silicon. The minority carrier lifetime is τp0 = 3 x 10-7s. At t = 0, the light is turned off. Derive
the expression for the current in the sample as a function of time t ≥ 0.

Q3. Consider p-type silicon at T = 300 K doped to Na = 5 x 1014cm-3. Assume excess carriers
are present and assume that EF - Fp = (0.0l)kT.
a). Does this condition correspond to low injection? Why or why not?
b). Determine Fn - Ei

Q4. We wish to use the Haynes-Shockley experiment to calculate the hole lifetime τp in an n-
type sample. Assume the peak voltage of the pulse displayed on the oscilloscope screen is
proportional to the hole concentration under the collector terminal at time td, and that the
displayed pulse can be approximated as Gaussian (Eq 4-44 of TB), which decay due to
recombination by e-t/τp . The electric field is varied and the following data taken: For t d =
200μs, the peak electric field is 20 mV; for td = 50μs, the peak is 80mV. What is hole lifetime

Q5. (a) A sample of semiconductor has a cross- sectional area of 1cm2 and thickness of
0.1cm. Determine the number of electrons – holes pairs that are generated per unit volume per
unit time by the uniform absorption of 1 Watt of light at a wavelength of 6300A•, assume each
photon creates one electron-hole pair. (b) If the excess minority carrier lifetime is 10μs, what
is the steady state excess carrier concentration?

Q6. In a Si semiconductor doped with 5.5×1018 B atoms/cm3 and 4.5×1016 As atoms/cm3 there
has been an accumulation of minority carrier in the region from x=0 to x=1 cm resulting in
the following minority carrier distribution:
n(x)=107(-x)+1.33×1011 cm-3, where x is in cm. The temperature is 500K. Compute the
electron diffusion current density at x=0.5cm. e is given as 90 cm2/Vs.

Q7. A Si specimen at 300K is doped with 5×1014 B atoms/cm3. An outside source of energy
has been injecting minority carriers in the specimen at the rate of 1015 carriers /cm3s over a
period of time long enough to reach the steady state. At t=0 the external source is deactivated.
If the minority carrier lifetime is 10s
(a) Is this a low or high level injection?
(b) At what time is the minority carrier concentration above 10% the
equilibrium concentration of the sample at a given temperature?


Q10. A section of a Si device is kept at T=300K. This section is doped with 10 15 cm-3 of
acceptor atoms. A stream of minority carriers is injected at x=0 and their distribution in the
sample is assumed to be linearly decreasing from a value of 10 11 cm-3 at x=0 to the
equilibrium value at x=w. (w=10m) Determine the diffusion current density of electrons. e
= 1331 cm2/Vs.





Q5: Consider a GaAs sample at 7 = 300 K. A Hall effect device has been fabricated with the
following geometry: d = 0.01 cm, W = 0.05 cm. and L = 0.5 cm. The electrical parameters
are: Ix, = 2.5 mA, Vx, = 2.2 V, and Bz; = 2.5 x 10-2. tesla. The Hall voltage is VH = 4.5 mV
Find: (a) the conductivity type, (b) the majority carrier concentration, (c) the mobility, and (d)
the resistivity.

Q6: Particular intrinsic semiconductor has a resistivity of 50 ohm-cm at T = 300 K and

5ohm-cm at T = 330 K. Neglecting the change in mobility with temperature, determine the
band gap energy of the semiconductor.


Q8: For a particular semiconductor, Eg = 1.5 eV, mp* = 10mn*, T=300K, and ni=1x105 cm-3.
(a) Determine the position of the intrinsic Fermi energy level with respect to the center of the
bandgap. (b) Impurity atoms are added so that the Fermi energy level is 0.45 eV below the
center of the bandgap. (i) Are Acceptor or donor atoms added? (ii) What is the concentration
of impurity atoms added?

Q9.(a) Silicon at T=300K is uniformly doped with arsenic atoms at a concentration of 2x10 16
cm-3 and boron atoms at a concentration of 1x1016 cm-3. Determine the thermal equilibrium
concentration of majority and minority carriers. (b) Repeat the part (a) if the impurity
concentrations are 2x1015 cm-3 phosphorous atoms and 3x1016 cm-3 boron atoms.

Q10 Silicon at T=300K is doped with acceptor atoms at a concentration of Na = 7x1015 cm-3.
(a) Determine EF-EV. (b) Calculate the concentration of additional acceptors atoms that must
be added to move the Fermi level a distance kT closer to the valance – band edge.

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