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JM3 Self Certainty Hacks

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© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 2

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Thank You

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 3

Dear Magnificent you,

Congratulations on taking this important step into your own precious past, present
and future. Your honesty and curiosity about developing and sustaining more
personal confidence and self-certainty will ultimately reap grand rewards in your
life. Just the search alone will bring forth that which you seek.

As with any philosophy and or discipline that I teach. This material stands on the
shoulders of years and years of tried and true application and success. I have been
blessed with having many outstanding teachers and mentors in my life and they
have all given me a gift. Either the gift of wisdom or the gift of experience and it is
my privilege to pass it on to you.

Over the next ten days you and I will be moving along a path that leads to more
experience, more emotion and more wisdom about yourself and how you interact
with your environment. The whole process is designed to stimulate the thinker
behind your thoughts and redirect it’s focus so as to produce new feelings and
behaviors. These feelings and behaviors will produce more powerful self-certainty.
This will in turn effect how you feel about the situations and circumstances around
you and the results you produce.

It is imperative that you take what you are about do very, very seriously FUN. When
we are having fun we feel our best and we tend to learn the most. You will be
influencing the part of you that is responsible for giving you whatever feelings and
opinions you currently have about yourself, your self worth and your abilities. At all
times. Remember that you are and always have been in the driver’s seat and you are
calling the shots. So as long as you are in control then lets take this opportunity to
predetermine your destination and your future.

Also remember that whatever pops up… “you can deal with it.” Most situations are
not permanent and they don’t affect your whole life. Although it is not possible to
change the past, it is however possible to change how we feel about the past.
Therefore you have the ability to change things in your life now. Most of all you have
the ability to change how you feel about you.

Dare to make your life even more magnificent.

Joseph McClendon lll

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 4

Please read carefully

Knowledge is not power

following process contains a few simple tasks for you to “DO”. Whether it is to write
something down. Think about something or search for something. The change will
come from you performing the task. Knowledge is only potential power. Look at this
as cardio exercise for the mind and spirit. By doing these simple exercises you will
be rewiring your brain to direct your heart and body to feel and do things differently
than you previously have done. You will be sculpting your nervous system to the
specs of your own design. The search alone will be creating new neuro associations
and connections in your mind. So don’t just read the information. STOP and take the
time to complete each and every exercise to the best of your ability.

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 5

A child is born with all the flare and confidence that they
will ever need in this life. It’s not until others step in and
tamper with that greatness that the child begins to doubt
themselves and their worth.

Dictionary definition:

Con-fi-dence / 1. firm trust. 2. a. feeling of reliance or certainty. b.

Sense of self-reliance; boldness. 3. Something told confidentially. 4.
Faith, belief, conviction; see also certainty, courage, faith, nerve.
Coolness/ fearless.

Simply put: Confidence is simply a feeling of certainty about one’s self with regard
to their ability to execute a task or behavior in the moment and through time. Your
level of certainty about your ability to perform a given task or behavior will
determine your level of confidence in the moment. You feel confident that you can
drive a car, speak you name, ride a bicycle, speak your name etc. Based on your past
references. If you’ve never flown an airplane you most likely have little or no
confidence in landing a double decked A300 super jetliner.

One’s confidence level will determine their effectiveness in life with regards to
accomplishment, relationship, work, health, and emotional well-being etc. Not to be
misconstrued as being arrogance, self-centered or self-indulgent. True confidence is
a graceful, humble way if being and feeling about your abilities and behaviors. You
can actually see it in the way that one caries themselves.

In sort, confidence is just a feeling, and all feelings are manufactured. Anything
manufactured can be duplicated and customized to serve a specific outcome. In the
case where you might want to have ore confidence about taking tests or speaking in
public or talking to the opposite sex, or losing weight etc. You can borrow from the
things that you already have confidence in and customize those feelings to fit in the
areas that you don’t currently exhibit that confidence.

“ You Can Borrow the emotions from areas that you are extremely confident
and move them into the areas that you are not.”

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 6

Confidence is attractive to others and helps others feel good about you as well as
themselves. It is a great gift that you gave to others when you help them feel
confident. One of the best and quickest ways to help someone else feel confident and
good is to offer a sincere complement to them.

The following writing exercises are designed to help you find and generate
more confidence and esteem. Use your imagination and search your life past,
present and future to access your real strengths.

Getting clear on the things that you are already confident in will give you a menu to
choose from with regard to borrowing from your own personal strengths.
Regardless of what that is. If you have ever done something in the past where you
have demonstrated excellence and certainty it is safe to say that already have

What are some of the things that you are absolutely confident about in your
life now?

What are some things that you are not confident about?

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 7

What is Self Esteem?
Dictionary Definition:
Noun: self-respect: confidence in your own merit as an individual

Simply put:
Self esteem is how you feel about yourself with regard to your self
worth, self appreciation and self love in any given moment and through

Self-esteem supports your levels of confidence about your abilities.

We can condition ourselves to have great self-esteem as a default of

and an underlying attitude.

“If you are not appreciating yourself then you are depreciating

“Napoleon Hill once said that great self esteem comes from simply
taking the successes of the past, focusing on them, and projecting them
into the future.” When we do this, we use those references as the
foundation of whom we are and what we think we are capable of. It is
this focus that makes us feel better about ourselves and the actions that
we will take.

Imagine you were in charge of a newborn baby boy. It was your duty to
make sure that his little soul got all of the nourishment, love, education
and physical attention that he needed to grow up happy healthy and
successful. Imagine if for your efforts you also would receive health,
happiness, love and riches beyond your wildest dreams.

You wouldn’t go to the child and say, OK kid; unless you do everything
right, and be cute and smart and witty, and everybody likes you all of
the time, then you’re not going to get anything from me. Instead you,
like most of us would probably just do it. We would make sure that the
baby had all that he needed whenever he needed it. Most of us would
probably do it just out of caring alone regardless of the rewards.

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 8

At feeding time, would you feed the baby with no strings attached? Of
course you would. You wouldn’t say. OK kid--unless you do something
clever, or sit up, or recite your ABCs, or perform flawlessly, you won’t
get your food. You’d feed the baby because he deserves to be fed, and
loved and cared for.

He or she deserves it because he is a human being and a part of this

universe. When the child tried to walk or talk and failed at first, you
would praise him for the effort given, thus teaching that child’s nervous
system to keep trying.

You deserve exactly the same treatment and consideration from

yourself. To yourself. You deserved it when you were born and you
deserve it now. You are that child and you respond the same way. Too
many people get the idea that unless they are clever attractive and
witty, or as highly paid and or attractive as other people, that they know
they are un-deserving of love and respect. They somehow believe that
unless they get it right all of the time, then they are not deserving of
praise or acknowledgment.

Self-esteem is pervasive and infectious. It affects every area of your life

from your health to your wealth, to your relationships and even your
levels of happiness and love. How we feel about ourselves will
determines what we do and how we do it and ultimately the results that
we produce.

Self-esteem is a skill and as in all skills it can be learned and customized

to fir your particular needs. Deep inside it is what your mind, body and
soul needs and craves. So once you start to implement and grow your
self esteem your nervous system will welcome it and start to assimilate
it into all aspects of your life.



© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 9


Strategy: Expand your Self Esteem and Confidence

Ten day exercise:

This exercise is designed to train the brain to focus on success and bring
it to the forefront of our conscious and unconscious minds. Remember,
thinking is the healing process. This is a no-brainer. Do not try to
analyze this one. Just do it, and you will quickly notice the shift in how
you feel about yourself and what you are capable of.

All of us have had thousands, if not millions of successes in our lives.

Most of us have forgotten them, or at best downplayed them in our lives
now. It doesn’t matter how insignificant they may seem-- the fact that
you were successful is all that counts. At one time getting your drivers
license was the single most important thing in your life. Now most of us
can’t even remember the day that we passed the test and got the license.

Having quick access to the successes if the past tends to give us a more
secure and confident feeling about ourselves. Follow these simple steps
and bring those things to the surface for your life now and in the future.

First asses an calibrate your level of confidence and self

esteem now. After doing this exercise re assess and calibrate
your content levels of self esteem and confidence and you will
notice that you will experience higher levels.

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 10

The Process:

1. For the next ten days at least, for fifteen minutes a day write down
everything that you have ever done and or accomplished. Especially
the things that you once thought you would or could never do. Go as
far back as you can remember. Things like learning to ride a bike, or
learning how to swim. Rack your brain to come up with as many
things as you can.

 Do not let your pen stop, you must keep thinking and writing.
 IF you run out of things to write down then list the simple
things like paid your car payment or graduated from high
 At the end of the fifteen minutes you must stop. Put down the
pen and move to the next step.

2. Take a look at the list and reward yourself for what ever you have
done. Make some sort of physical movement to anchor in the feeling
like squeeze your fist or Hi-Five the air. Attach a word to the
experience also like YES or YO! ( Use your imagination on this one)
Don’t worry--you can’t do this wrong.

3. Repeat the same thing tomorrow, but DO NOT REPEAT THE

must come up with all new memories from your past. This causes the
brain to search, and as the old saying goes, “Seek and ye shall find.”
4. The hardest thing for most people to do is to really decide to go there.
Make the decision and take the step. A decision without taking some sort
of action towards that decision is just wishful thinking. Doing something
sets in motion the forces of nature to bring what you desire into your life.

The effect will be that even when you are not writing your brain will keep
searching and in the searching process you will be causing your nervous

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 11

system to react consistently to the feeling of the search. This will bring about
higher levels of consistent self-esteem and confidence.

10 Day Exercise: Day 1

List the things that you have accomplished. Be sure to reward
yourself when you finish! Pat yourself on the back, give yourself a
high five, say I Rock. Anything that let’s your nervous system know
that you are proud and excited about what you have just done.

© Joseph McClendon's Self-Certainty Hacks 12

Day 2

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Day 3

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Day 4

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Day 5

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Day 6

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Day 7

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Day 8

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Day 9

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Day 10

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