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2023 English Work Sheet

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‫َللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫بِسم ه‬



1. What has been sent down from Allah, the beneficent and the most Merciful?


B.The Qur'an


2. In what language was the Qur'an revealed?



C. Latin

3. What is the meaning of the word ‫?فصلت‬



C. Infused with knowledge or transmitted by knowledge

4. What is the other name of Surah al- ‫?فصلت‬

A. ‫مؤمن‬

B. ‫مالئكة‬

D.‫حم السجده‬

5. What did the prophets who came to the tribes of Aad-samud preach from before and behind
them? (Fussilath 14)

A.Do not worship anyone but Allah.

B. Fear the Hereafter.

C. Obey the Prophet

6. What type of person did Prophet describe himself as to the Mushriks?

A. One with supernatural power

B. A man like you

C. Sorcerer

7. What is not mentioned in surah al-Fussila as a sign of mushriks? (Fussilath 7)

A. There is no faith in the Hereafter.

B. Zakat will not be given

C. Do not pray

8. Who all have an unbroken reward? (Fussilath 8)

A. For those who have done hijra

B. For those who believed and did good deeds

C. For those who have recited the Qur'an

9. Through the fifteenth verse of Suratul Fussilath, what community states, 'Who is stronger
than us in strength?'

A. Samood

B. Aad

C. Madyaan

10. Which community was destroyed or decimated by the strong winds?

A. Aad



11. How did Allah destroy the tribe of Samud?

A. Strom


C.Terrible Voice

12. Who did Allah save from the terrible voice? (Fussilath 17)

A. Those who are capable and influential

B. Those who have believed and kept

C. Community leaders
13. Who has disbelieved by saying, 'If Allah had willed, He could have sent up angels?' (Fussilath

A. Mushriks of Mecca

B. Jewish Christians

C. The Tribes of Aad Samud

14. For whom has Allah provided sustenance? (Fussilath 10)

A. For those who ask and those who don't ask

B. For those who are in need and seeking.

C.The same for everyone.

15. What are the things that Allah has spoken of in the creation of the mountains? (Fussilath10)

A. Prosperity was made, food items were determined

B. The peaks of the mountains melted the snow and created a stream of water

C. The earth was fixed by nailing the mountains

16. What was the condition of the sky when Allah turned to the creation of it? (Fussilath 11)


B. Fluid


17. How did Allah decorate the sky next to the earth? (Fussilath 12)

A.With the lights.

B. With the stars

C. With the full moon

18. What did the tribe of Samud love more than morals? (fuzzy)

A. Dumbness

B. Deafness

C. Blindness
19.What is the purpose of the qur'an's presentation in Fussilath verse 4?

A. Morality, truth and falsehood

B. Warning, good news

C. Good advice and light

20. Who said to whom, "So do your work, we are certainly working"? (Fussilath 5)

A. Allah said to the disbelievers

B. Prophet said to the disbelievers

C. Dis-believers said to the Prophet

21. What is the crime committed by polytheists or Mushriks apart from disbelieving in Allah, the
Lord of the worlds which is mentioned in the 9th verse of fussilath?


A. They denied Prophet

B. Denying the life Hereafter

C.Making equality for Allah

22 Who said to whom, "Both of you come obediently or obligingly" (Fussilath 11)

A. Allah to believers and unbelievers

B. Allah to men and jinn

C. Allah to Heavens and Earth

23. The words of which chapter were recited by the Prophet (PBUH) to Utbat who came to turn
the Prophet away from preaching?
A. Fussilath

B. Shura


24. Allah says in the 9th verse of Suratul Fazlid that the earth was created in how many days?




25. What did the disbelievers say that there is a barrier in their ears? (Fussilath 5)



C. Hearing loss

26 . (Ayath 23) What happened to them because of their wrong notion about Allah?

A) They were destroyed and become losers.

(b) They will be driven out because of their mistakes.

(c) They were destroyed and turned into hell.

27. (Ayath 29) Who are the two groups of kafirs who speak to Allah in the Hereafter life?

a) Leaders and scholars

b) Human beings, jinns

(c) The unbelievers and the transgressors

28. (Ayat 26) What did the Kafir say to defeat the Qur'an?

a) You shall increase your fuss out of it and make louder noises

b) Worship Manata and Uzza

c) Oppose monotheistic worship

29. (Ayat 38) Who recites tasbeeh to Allah day and night without hesitation?

a) Angels

b) Jinn

c) Human beings

30. (Ayat 19) How can the enemy of Allah be brought into hell?

a) By punching the face

b) By row by row

c) By clearing and controlling

31. (Ayat 37) What is the Ayat that gave this chapter the name Hamim Sajada?

A) Fussilath 1

b) Fussilath 3

c) Fussilath 5

32. (Ayat 37) Whom does the Qur'an say that a man prostrates himself to?

a) Wife and husband

(b) For kadars

(c) None shall be permitted except to Allah, the Creator.

33. (Ayat-37) What is said in Surah Fussilath Ayat 137 as the signs of Allah?

a) Night and day, the sun and the moon

(b) The Qur'an

c) Prophet Ibrahim was saved from the fire

34. (Ayat 21) Who asked whom why you testified against us?

(a) The unbelievers say to the believers,

b) Unbelievers to their own skins

c) The unbelievers say to the devils

35. (Ayat-31) Who do the believers say, "We are your relatives and allies in this world and in the

A) Good people

(b) Human beings

c) The angels

36. (Ayat 22) What did the unbelievers misunderstand about Allah?

(a) Allah does not know much of what they do.

(b) Concerning the signs of Allah

(c) whatever they knew is not from Allah

37. (Ayat 29) In Mahshara, what do the dis-believers ask Allah regarding people and jinn?

(a) Save them and us.

(b) Show us those of them who led us astray.

(c) Give them twice as much punishment as we do.

38. (Ayat-30) When will the angels of Allah first bring good tidings to those who are upright in
submission to Allah?

a) In life

(b) In the grave

c) At the time of death.

39.(Ayat 33) Who says the best words in Surah Fussila?

(a) Those who invite to Allah

(b) Those who perform namaz

c) Those who perform fasting

40. (Ayat 34) What is the best weapon to ward off evil?

a) Prayer

(b) Goodness

(C) Namaz

41. (Ayat 34) What is the best way to make the enemy a close friend?

a) Return as the enemy did

(b) Repelling evil with the best of things

c) Forgive and pardon the enemy

42. (Ayat 36) What is the way to get rid of the devil's destruction?

(a) Seeking refuge in Allah.

b) Seeking help from the jinns

c) Whispered threading

43. (Ayat 20) What are the organs that bear witness to what humans have done in the sight of
Allah in the hereafter?

a) Eyes, ears

b) Eyes, ears and skins

c) Their tongues

44. (Ayat 24) Now if they forgive, what is the reason to say that hell is their abode?

(a) They did not worship Allah,

(b) They have asked forgiveness of their sins.

(c) They have wrongly assumed about Allah

45. (Ayat 26) What is the reason for saying, 'Do not listen to the Qur'an, and make noise in it'?

a) Because they do not worship their gods.

b) You might win

(c) To deny the Qur'an

46. (Ayat-30) What is the reason why the angels of Allah say to the people that you should not
be afraid and do not worry?

a) so that they may be happy

(b) Because they obeyed Allah and were upright

(c) By the command of the angels from Allah,

47. (Ayat-32) What is the hospitality of Allah for the believers?

a) Paradise promised to the righteous

b) The shade of Arsh

c) Jannat-ul-Firdaus

48. (Ayat 25) Who is Allah's appointed ‫?القرناء‬

A) The Angel

(B) Human beings

(C) The Jinn

49. (Ayat 27) Each group colluding with another group and bringing them under control?

a) In Mahshara

(B) on the day of Qiyamat

c) In-hell

50. (Ayat 28) Who are the people who say in ayat 28 of Surah Fussila, 'We shall make them taste
as a recompense for what they used to do'?

a) hypocrites

(b) The unbelievers

c) Humans and jinns.

51. What are the examples that Allah has described to establish the resurrection? (Surah
fussilath 39)

A created the heavens and the earth

B created the night and the day.

C Released water on the narrow earth and produced vegetation

52. What is the attribute of Allah who has sent down the Qur'an? (Surah fussilath 42) ?

A Merciful and Praiseworthy

B strong and invincible

C Profound and praiseworthy

53 About which book is the Qur'an said to be the most dominant book?

A Taurat

B Ingeel

C Quran

54 "Nothing new is said to you except what has been said to the messengers before you?" To
whom was it said? (Surah fussilath 43)

A Prophet Nooh (A)

B. Prophet Musa (A)

C. Prophet Muhammad (A)

55 What is there to the believers from the Qur'an? (Surah fussilath 44)

A. Guidance and Healing

B Peace of mind and determination of faith

C Straightforwardness and Sense of Truth

56 What is said about those who do not believe in the Qur'an? (Surah fussilath 44)

A Are infected in the hearts

B Has thickness in the ears and they have a kind of blindness

C Are those who do not think with intelligence, and their hearts are covered

57 What is the purpose of “the preceding word” ? (Surah fussilath 45)

(A) Word of the former prophets.

(B) The punishment for the evil deeds committed in the life of this world will be given in the

(C) The inhabitants of Dunya are in hell.

58. Who knows about the end of the world? (Surah fussilath 47)

A Astrologers

B Allah

C Gabriel

59. Who prays to Allah constantly for worldly life without feeling tired and fatigued?

(Surah fussilath 49)

A All human beings

B Only the unbelievers

C Believers only

60. What is the condition of man if he is afflicted with evil? (Surah fussilath 49)

A. They will be sad.

B Hope will be broken and disappointed

C will say that my rabbi ignored me

61 What is the word that an unbeliever says when they receive a blessing from Allah? (Surah
fussilath 50)

A Got this because of my ability

B This is what I deserve

C This is my right.

62 When allah's blessings are bestowed on the common man, what will be his reaction? (Surah
fussilath 51)

A He will praise Allah.

B He will turn away and pretend to be egotistical

C He will be grateful to Allah.

63.What did the Qur'an say about those who deny “the Qur'an”? (Surah fussilath 52)

A are the most misguided

B are the biggest aggressors

C are the most intelligent

64 Why does Allah show His signs in every part of the world? (Surah fussilath 53)

A People to come to the right path

B To make it clear that the Qur'an is real

C To hold tight on the Qur'an

65. Who doubts the meeting with Allah? (Surah fussilath 54)

A Those who disbelieve in the Qur'an

B Those who work against Allah

C Those who do not believe in life after death

66. Who is better, the one who goes to Hell or the one who comes to the Day of Judgment
fearless? (Surah fussilath 40)

A Fearless on the Day of Judgment

B He who acts as he feels

C He who enters hell

67 What is the purpose of these words of Allah: "Do as you wish"? (Surah fussilath 40)

A Anyone can do anything.

B Warning of severe hatred

C There is no punishment in the Hereafter.

68 What is the name mentioned in the forty-first verse of Surat al-Fussilat regarding the Qur'an?

A Furkhan

B Dikr

C Noor

69. If a man does good deeds, for whom is it for? (Surah fussilath 46)

A For Allah

B For Rasool

C For his own sake

70. "We declare to you that there is none of us who bears witness to it" Allah's question What is
the reason for this answer of the disbeliever? (Surah fussilath 47)

A Where are my punks? (Punks: Who ascribe partners)

B Where are those who disbelieved in me?

C Where are those who challenge me

71 .What is the state of those who ascribe partners to Allah in the Hereafter? (Surah fussilath

A Avlias will recommend for them

B Their Avlias will rescue them

C Shall be trapped with no way to escape

72. The Prophet (s) said that “if the Son of man had two lower layers of Gold”, what would he
do? (Hadith)

A He shall donate one and take one.

B He will donate both for the sake of Allah

C He shall be delirious for the 3rd one ✅️

73. What is wrong in thinking when a rich man is given blessings on earth? (Surah fussilath 50)

A There will be better than this in the hereafter

B I will have a good position in the Hereafter

C This world is only a test

74. "We are your Awliyas in this world and in the Hereafter" (Surah fussilath 31). Which awliyas
are mentioned in this verse?

A The Awliyas of the unbelievers are the great ones who are obscured

B The devils who are the Awliyas of the fallen man

C Angels appointed by Allah to those who declared their faith and followed the straight path

75. "O Messenger of Allah. After reaching there, I will ask anyone else and tell me a word which I
do not need to know, and the Prophet (s) replied, "You believe in Allah and then stand on the
right path" Who is the questioner, Sahabi?
A Sufuyanu Bin Abdullah

B Abu Hurairah

C Anas Binu Malik

76. Why did Amani Maulavi explain the significance of saying Shifa'in (healing, relief) in the Holy
Qur'an? (Surah fussilath 44)

A Treatment for the ones who are affected by jinn

B Treatment of physical ailments

C Relieving diseases like lack of faith, doubt etc

77. What are the total ayats in the Qur'an according to the "Kufi”

A 6236

B 6266

C 6786

78. In which month was the Qur'an revealed?

A Muharram

B Ramadan

C Sha'ban

79. What is the subject of reference in the greatest ayat of the Qur'an?

A Tauheed

B Akhirat

C Debt

80. What is the meaning of the word Muhammad?

A .Praiseworthy


C. Faithful

81. What is the name of a medicine mentioned in the Qur'an?




82. What is the purpose of human creation?

A.To worship Allah.

B.To be afraid of the devil.

C.To live as a saint

83. What day is called Hajj-ul-Akbar?

A.Friday is Arafah Day

B.Dulhajj 9

C.DulHajj 10

84. What is the name of the Prophet who is said to be Khalilullah?




85. Which is the greatest surah in the Qur'an?




86. What is the greatest ayat in the Qur'an?


B.Amana Rasool

C.Ayatul Kursi
87. What is another name of Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned in the Qur'an?




88. Who was the prophet who preached for 950 years?




89. What name does Allah like the most?




90. In which surah is the name “Allah” mentioned in every ayat?




91. The Sahabi whose name is mentioned in the Qur'an?

A.Abu Bakr (RA)

B.Umar (RA)

C.Said-ibu Harris (Ra)

92. What was the name of the prophet who was swallowed up by the fish?

A.Hud (a)

B.Yusuf (a)

C.Yunus (a)
93. Which bird inspired the Prophet to preach mentioned in the Qur'an?




94. Where is Allah?

A.Everywhere the sky


95. What is the name of the prophet most frequently mentioned in the

A. Abraham (a)

B.Musa (a)

C.Muhammad (pbuh)

96. How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an?




97. what is the name of the Surah where the letter (‫ )م‬has not come?




98. What is the meaning of the word Qur'an?

A.what is sacred

B.The Book

C.what is being recited

99. What is the name of the Prophet who made the Ka'bah?



100. What is the other name of Mecca mentioned in the Qur'an?




101. Who was the first person to memorize the Qur'an?

A.Said (ra)

B.Ali (ra)

C.Muhammad (pbuh)

102. What were the first verses that were first revealed in the Qur'an?




103. By what the angels created?

B.The light


104. What is the name of the angel responsible for guarding hell??




105. What is the name of the prophet to whom Haul-ul-Kausar is given?

A.ibrahim (a)

B.Musa (a)

C.Muhammad (s)

106. Surah which ends with the name Abraham Moses?

A.Surah Ibrahim

B.Surah Aalaa

C.Surah Hajj

107. Who is man's enemy?

A.the man


CThe Angel

108. What was the name of the angel who was entrusted to bring the




109. What is the other name of Qur'an?



C.Sabul Mathani

110. Surah, which is known as 1/3rd of the Qur'an?

ASurah Al-Baqara

B.Surah Ikhlas

C.Surah Naaz

111. Which Surat is known as Sabul Matani?




112. Who has the best story among all?

A.Muhammad (pbuh)

B.Abraham (a)

C.Yusuf (a)

113. Which surah is exempted from the punishment of the grave if recited?




114. Which surah has the best story in the Qur'an?

A.Surah Hijr

B.Surah Hud

C.Surah Yusuf

115. What was the first topic that all the prophets spoke about?




116. In how many years was the Qur'an fully revealed?




117. During which caliph's period was the Qur'an codified?

A.Umar (RA)

B.Uthman (RA)
C.Ali (ra)

118. Name of Surah which means spider?

A.Surah Naml

B.Surah Nahl

C.Surah Al-Ankaboot

119. What is the name of the Sahabi who does not participate in the
codification of the Qur'an?

A.Abu Bakr (RA)

B.Ali (ra)

C.Said bin Tabit (Ra)

120. Who took care of the Qur'an until the end of the world?

A.Muhammad (pbuh)


C.the man

121. What is the misinterpretation of saying, "None will touch it except

those who are clean"?

A.Only the holy angels touch the Qur'an.

B.Wulu is sharth to touch the Qur'an.

C.Only the angels will touch Lauhul Mahfood

122. What is the most important message of the Qur'an?

A.Stories ْ‫قَصص‬

B.Commandments ‫أ ُ ُمور‬

C.Tawheed ‫التَّوحِ يد‬

123. How many chapters are there in the Qur'an?



124. How many times does the name Muhammad appear in the Qur'an?




125. What is the deed that prevents a believer from committing indecency?




126. How many surahs were revealed in Mecca?




127. How many surahs were revealed in Madinah?




128. What was the first advice given by the great Prophet “Lukman (A)” to his

A.Do not shirk

B.Don't commit adultery

C.Must obey Tawheed

129. Whose words are the Qur'an?

A.Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

B.Allah (SWT)

C.Angel Gabriel
130. Name the person to whom the Qur'an has been revealed?

A.Angel Gabriel


C.Muhammad (pbuh)

131. What are the two groups that the Qur'an divides the human race

A.Arabs, Non-Arabs

B.Believers, unbelievers

C.White, black.

132. Which agreement was described as a clear victory without a war?

A.Hudaibia Treaty

B.Baiathu Rilvan

C.Banu Quraila

133. Which good deed is commanded 700 times in the Quran?




134. Which Surah promises him a home in heaven if he recites it ten


A.Surah Qadr

B.Surah Ikhlas

C.Surah Nasvr

135. Name of the closest relative of Prophet (PBUH) mentioned in Quran?

A.Abu Lahab
B.Abu Bakr

C.Said Ibnu Haritha

136. Jinns are created from?


B.Smokeless fire

C.The light

137. To whom should we seek salvation from the Devil?


B.Allah (SWT)


138. How many times have the prostrations mentioned in Qur'an recitation?




139. In which chapter Prophet Muhammad was called Ahmad?

A.Surah Swaffath

B.Surah Swaff

C.Surah Jumu'ah

140. Who asked Abu Bakr (R) to compile the Qur'an?

A.Uthman (R)

B.Umar (R)

C.Ali (R)

141. What was the name of the Sahabi who heard the recitation of Surah
Thoor and converted to Islam?

A.Jabir Ibnu Muth'im

B.Mu'aad Ibnu Gabal

C.Sa'adu-ibnu Abi Waqas

142. Which Ayat of Surah containing all the letters of the Arabic alphabet?

A.Hujurath 29

B.Baqara 286

C.Ma'ida 16

143. For how many years was the Qur'an revealed in Mecca?




144. Which Surah contains laws of inheritance?

A.Surah Nisah

B.Surah Noor

C.Surah Falaq

145. What is the main theme of Surah Noor?


B.The Hereafter

C.Social etiquettes

146. What other name is mentioned in the Qur'an for Madinah?




147. Whose descendants are Banu Israel, according to the Qur'an?



148. Which mosque in Madinah was destroyed by the prophet's command?




149. Which is a day that the Qur'an repeatedly warns against?

A.Day of resurrection

B.The Day of Death

C.The Day of Burial

150. Who cursed the Qur'an by name?

A.Abu Lahab

B.Ibnu Rabia

C.Abu Jahl

151. What does the Qur'an say as the root cause of all the evil activities?


B.Drinking alcohol


152. Which is the shortest chapter of Quran?

A.Surah Kousar

B.Surah Ikhlas

C.Surah Nasvar

153. Which is the greatest surah in the Qur'an?

A.Surah Aalu Imran

B.Surah Baqra

C.Surah Ma'ida
154. At what age was the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet (pbuh)?




155. The chapter that refers to the darkness in the depths of the deep sea?

A.Surah Noor

B.Surah Swaff

C.Surah Naaz

156. What does Allah promise the believers who do good deeds?

A.Eternal Paradise


C.Salvation Hereafter

156. In which Surah is the verse that caused even the Meccan polytheists
to fall into prostration?

A.Hamim Sajada



157. Which two Surahs are known as Al-Zahrahain ْ‫الزه َري ِن‬

A.Ma'ida, Nisaah

B.Baqara, Anam

C.Baqara, Alu Imran

158. What remains supernatural in relation to the history of Ishmael Nabi


A.Hijar Ismail

B.Zam Zam Water

C.Masharul Haram

159. Which mosque is not mentioned by name in the Qur'an?

A.Masjid al-Haram

B.Masjid al-Aqsa

C.Masjid al-Qiblathaini

160. Who cited the Qur'an as an example for the believers?

A.Maryam (R)

B.Asiya (R)

C.Abu Bakr (R)

161. What is the purpose of many stories mentioned in the Qur'an?

A.To teach people about the story.

B.To be interested in the Qur'an

C.To give strength to the Prophet (pbuh)

162. Name of a Companion who wrote the revelation of Prophet (PBUH)?

A.Said Ibnu Haritha (R)

B.Jafar (R)

C.Said Ibnu Abi Waqas (R)

163. What are the two types of verses in the Qur'an that the Qur'an has
classified into?

A.Muhkammath, Mutashabihaat

B.Khaswas, Iber

C.Waad, Waeed

164. Another name of Prophet Yunus mentioned in the Qur'an?

A.Kalimullah ْ‫للاِ َكلِي ُم‬


B.Dhunnoon ‫النُّونْ ذُو‬

C.Roohullah ْ‫للاِ ُرو ُح‬


165. Prophet without a nickname?

A.Noah (A)

B.Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

C.Musa (A)

166. The prophet whom Allah has named?

A.Zachariah (a)

B.Isa (a)

C.Yahya (a)

167. Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) greatest superhumanity?

A.The Holy Qur'an

B.The moon split into two

C.The water came out of the hand

168. Which verse refers to the inheritors of Zakat?

A.Tauba 60

B.Ma'ida 30

C.Anfal 15

169. Which verse describes who is eligible for Mosque management?

A.Tauba 16

B.Tauba 20

C.Ma'ida 28

170. For how many years was the Qur'an revealed in Madinah?




171. Name of those who stayed and studied in Madinah mosque for Quran study?

A.Ashabul Aikath

B.Ashabul Sasuffah

172. Who is it that darkens his face when he speaks of Allah alone, and
rejoices when he adds other than Allah?


B.Mushriks who doesn't believe in the Hereafter

C.Superstitious Muslims

173. Who was the prophet among the kings and the king of the

A.Prophet Sulaiman (A)

B.Prophet Muhammad (S)

C.Prophet Ibraheem (A)

174. What is the best travel item recommended by the Qur'an for Haji?




175. To whom does Allah command us to pray?


B.The Prophet

C.The Awlias

176. All believers must pray at least 17 times? (Fatiha 6).

A.Join us to the straight path.

B.Grant us good in this world and in the Hereafter.

C.Admit us into paradise.

178. Who did Allah say in the Qur'an as the most wrong?

A.Those who eat interest


C.And those who call upon others besides Allah,

179. The deed that was decreed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) under the throne in the sky?




180. Which Surah is named after one of the obligatory acts in Islam?




181. A Surah that teaches behavioural social etiquettes?




182. What does the Qur'an suggest for peace of heart?

A.Remember Allah.

B.Perform pilgrimage

C.Accept asceticism

183. What is the name given to iblees by the Qur'an?



C.The Devil

184. Who are the angels who keep a record of the speech of men?

A.Munkar Nakir

B.Malik Rilevaan

C.Raqeeb, Ateed
185. If the Muslims have a difference of opinion on any issue, to which
should they refer for judgment? (Nisa' 59).

A.To the Qur'an and the Sunnah

B.To the fatwas of learned congregations

C.To their imams

186. Who is the guardian of the believers? (Baqarah 257).

A.Mohiuddin Sheikh

B.Rifai Sheikh


187. About whom the Qur'an described as the brothers of the devil? (Isra

A.The Abhisarikas

B.Those who spend excessively

C.Those who commit violence

188. Do the dead hear (Fatweer 14)?

A.will hear

B.Will not hear.

C.It's doubtful

189. When is Tayammum permissible? (Maidah 6).

A.If you don't have time to do wudhu

B.If you're Travelling

C.If water is not available

190. What did Allah liken the eight-legged net to?

A.To those who call upon besides Allah,

B.To a weak house.

C.To the idolaters

191. About which creature was it said that Allah is not ashamed of



192. Whom has Allah likened to a donkey?

A.Those who recite the book without knowing the concept

B.The Banu Israelites who are bearers of the Torah

C.And those who read the Book carelessly

193. Who can escape the death (Nisa'ah 75)?

A.No one can escape.

B.Prophets and Martyrs

C.The Awliyas and the Salihis

194. Which of the following is not mentioned in the Qur'an as a reason for charity going to

A.Giving to show people

B.Taking what was given and making it difficult

C.Giving what you don't like

195. Which is the respectful address of angels, humans and Allah?

A.Assalamu Alaikum


C.Good morning

196. What is the obligatory duty of Muslims as a good society (Alu Imran

A performing Hajj

B Enjoining good and forbidding evil

C Subtlety in clothing perception

197. When is polygamy not allowed?

A.When his own wife does not agree,

B.When the law of the land does not permit

C.When you are afraid that justice will not be done

198. Which statement is correct regarding divorce?

A With Allah's permission and displeasure

B is very easily done in Islam

C What is not found in non-Islamic society

199. To whom it was promised about two heavens (Rahman 46).

A.To the Prophets

B.For the Awlias

C.For those who fear standing with Allah

200. After Allah, who is obligatory for Muslims to obey? (Ma'idah 92)



C.The Rasool

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