Warlords of Erewhon Campaign
Warlords of Erewhon Campaign
Warlords of Erewhon Campaign
There are no maps in this campaign but players get to collect territories. And collecting territories makes the player more
powerful. It is based on the campaign system in the Warmaster Ancient Armies book by Rick Priestley.
Players start with a Stronghold and three randomly generated territories from the Territories Table below. This is their
starting Realm. Territories should be named as they are rolled for.
If a player’s number of territories (excluding their Stronghold) is reduced to two or less they may Raid an enemy to try to
re-establish themselves. If reduced to only their stronghold and no territories they must abandon it and start again.
Players must each keep a record of their territories on a Territory Record Sheet. Territories may provide reinforcements,
magic weapons or enhancements to another territory
Stronghold Territory
A player’s stronghold has no intrinsic value. Its recruitment value is increased after each battle by the amount of plunder
that is won.
The difference in the number of Order Dice that a battle is won by is the amount of plunder that the winner receives. Each
die is worth 10 points. A running total of this is kept by each player and may be used to recruit units only when in dire
need, that is, when they have only their stronghold and two or less other territories.
Players select a base warband of an agreed number of points (e.g. from 500 to 1000) for each battle. The warband’s
composition can change between games and core armies fighting a battle must be of the same points size.
A players Warband may be increased with reinforcement units to the value of their staked territories.
Only one monstrosity unit may be fielded by each warband either as a core unit or as a reinforcement.
The combined values of staked territories may be used to recruit additional units for the battle.
Units may be recruited from your own list or mercenaries from other lists.
Only the common units may be recruited (this excludes the ‘Special: You can include a maximum of one …… in your
warband’ type units).
If the core warband does not contain a monstrosity then one may be recruited.
Undead may only recruit from the Undead list.
Recruited units may be upgraded provided that all figures in the unit receive the same upgrades.
These units are disbanded after the battle. Unspent points are ignored. Tough, war is unfair!
Only one monstrosity may be used by a warband and may be included either as part of the core warband points or
recruited from the staked Territory points.
Campaign Battles
Any player can fight any other player any number of times. Players cannot attack the same player twice in a row, but may
be attacked themselves by that player. If you win a battle you get more territories.
All players need to keep track of their territories.
Battles are fought in the terrain of one of the territories staked by the defender. In a Border Clash the defender may choose
which territory of the two staked. In an Invasion it is the territory selected by the attacker as the Invasion route and in a
Raid as only one territory is staked there is no choice. The terrain for each battle is selected using the Territory Terrain
Each player starts with their basic warband of the amount of points as agreed by both players (warband size may
vary from battle to battle). Added to this are any reinforcement units that have been purchased with points from
their territories that they have staked for the battle.
After each battle, the winner adds the Plunder value to the reinforcement value of their Stronghold.
Battles may be in the form of a Raid, a Border Clash or an Invasion.
Raid (a player attacking another player who has twice as many territories may only raid.).
The attacking Player chooses one territory and also selects the defenders territory (the area he is raiding).
Players add the respective territory reinforcement values to their armies.
The Raiding player decides the number of points for the battle.
If the battle is a draw then neither player benefits, however, if one player wins the battle:
1 A new territory is added to the campaign.
The winner of a battle randomly generates the new territory.
2 The winner gets an extra territory.
The winner can then either take the new territory or the territory the loser staked.
3 The loser retains the same number of territories, although depending on the winner’s selection the specific
territories may have changed.
If the winner takes one of the loser’s territories the loser gets the new generated territory.
Border Clashes
Both Players choose and stake two territories and add the reinforcement values to their armies.
If the battle is a draw then neither player benefits, however, if one player wins the battle:
1 A new territory is added to the campaign.
The winner of a battle randomly generates the new territory.
2 The winner gets an extra territory.
The winner can either take the new territory or one of the territories that the loser staked.
3 The loser retains the same number of territories, although depending on the selection of the winner the
specific territories may have changed.
If the winner takes one of the loser’s territories the loser gets the new generated territory.
Invasion (the invading player must have at least 6 point generating territories).
Both players stake three territories. The invader choose three of his own territories and one of his opponent’s
territories (the invasion route). The defender chooses his other two. Each add their three reinforcement values to
their armies.
If the battle is a draw then neither player benefits, however, if one player wins the battle:
1 Two new territories are added to the campaign.
The winner of a battle randomly generates the new territories.
2 The winner gets an extra two territories.
The winner can then either take one or more of the new territories or one or more of the territories the
loser staked.
3 The loser retains the same number of territories, although depending on the selection of the winner the
specific territories may have changed.
If the winner takes one or more of the loser’s territories the loser gets the new generated territory.
Territory LOS Cover Move
Rocky, Open Res +1 Rough.
Broken Open None Rough.
Steep slopes Open None Rough.
Mountain Pass,
Blocked from
Mines Impassable May climb up/down if whole of unit touching or within 1” of base or
below, clear -
Cliffs edge. Make an Agility test and move (1M) if passed.
from above.
Steep slopes Open None Rough.
Within 2” of
Lost Valley Thick forest edge or Res +2 Rough -2 Agility. Impassable to chariots and artillery.
Scrub Open Res +1 Rough.
Within 2” of
edge or Res +2 Rough.
Within 2” of
Thick Forest edge or Res +2 Rough -2 Agility. Impassable to chariots and artillery.
Scrub Open Res +1 Rough.
Open Res +2 Rough.
No Penalty.
See special
Gentle hills None Special LOS rule. Blocked unless within 2” of crest.
LOS rule.
Units must be within 2” of hill crest to see over and be seen.
River Open None Cross only at bridge or ford. Must have two crossing places.
Stream Open None Obstacle, Rough
Rough -2 Agility. Impassable to chariots and artillery.
Special rule. If units fail their Agility test when attempting to move
Marsh or Bog Open None
through a marsh then they do not move at all. In addition, a unit that
fails agility test for moving into or through a marsh gains a pin.
Rough -2 Agility. Impassable to chariots and artillery.
Special rule. This is the same as marsh (above) and in addition, if the
Mire or
Open None units Agility test is failed on a roll of a 10 then one of their number
selected at random is immediately drawn to their destruction beneath
the mire – remove the model as a casualty.
River Open None Cross only at bridge or ford. Must have two crossing places.
Stream Open None Obstacle, Rough.
River Open None Cross only at bridge or ford. Must have two crossing places.
Port Building Blocked See pages 103 to 106 of the rules.
Water Open - Impassable.
Building Blocked See pages 103 to 106 of the rules.
Walls Open Res +2 Obstacle
Hedges or
Village Open Res +1 Obstacle.
Orchard Open Res +2 Rough.
Crops Open Res +1 No penalty.
Town Building Block See pages 103 to 106 of the rules.
Fortress and Roads; no compulsory terrain. Players may place a tower or fortification as a terrain choice in Fortress terrain.
Rivers flow from one short table edge to the other roughly through the centre of the table. It is placed by the defender after any
hills have been placed and must have two crossing places as it may only be crossed at a bridge or ford.
Streams must flow through two table sections and into a river if one has been chosen.
Either or both banks of a river or stream may be edged by hedges for the equivalent of one third of its length.
Terrain Selection
The 6x4 table is divided notionally into six two foot squares.
Each player selects 3 terrain items. The Defender’s choice must include two compulsory terrain items.
Starting with hills, then compulsory items, players take it in turns to place one terrain item in each square.
Selecting a Table Edge
Both players roll a dice, the highest score chooses a base edge. In a Raid the Attacker adds +2 to the die roll. In an Invasion the
Defender adds +2 to the die roll.
D10 EVENT Affects:-
Plague spreads through your settlements.
Roll a D6 for each settlement territory. Village
Villages are destroyed on a roll of 4-6. Town
1 Towns, Ports and Fortresses are reduced to villages on a roll of 6. Port
In addition you must abandon D3 territories of your choice. These territories are permanently lost. If the Fortress
destruction leaves you with less than three territories then you must abandon any remaining territories and roll
three new ones: your people migrate far away from the plague and take up residence in a new land.
Brigands, hill tribesmen or nomad raiders run riot through your realm, burning and looting outlying settlement.
Roll a D6 for each village in your realm. On a roll of a 6, it is destroyed and kits people massacred – it is lost Village
2 to your realm. Steppe
Also roll for each Steppe territory in your realm. On a roll of 4-6 the territory is plundered, herds driven off,
farms destroyed and the land returned to wilderness – and lost to your empire.
Harassment by bandits makes communications and trade impossible. Towns
Roll a D6 for each settlement territory. Roads
3 Roll D6 for each Town, Roads, Bridge or Pass in your territory. Bridge
On a roll of 4-6 it is rendered untenable and must be abandoned. Abandoned territories are lost forever. Pass
Cannot use Trade Route to re-roll a territory after next battle. Trade Route
Fire breaks out in one of your Towns or Fortress reducing it to ashes. If you have no towns then a village. If
you have more than one such settlement randomly determine which is affected. It then contributes nothing to Town
4 your army. Retain the territory and attempt to re build it. You cannot stake this territory in a game. On each Fortress
subsequent game, roll a D6and add +1 if you won the battle. On a roll of 6+ the settlement is rebuilt and
counts as normal.
Rebels seize one of your settlements. The settlement remains part of your territory but contributes nothing
towards your army. You cannot stake the rebel settlement in a game.
Randomly determine which Town, Fortress, or Port has been affected. Because the territory is in revolt you Town
5 cannot count it as part of your empire when choosing your army. If you lose your next campaign battle the Fortress
revolt spreads to another randomly determined a settlement (Town, Fortress, or Port). Each time you lose a Port
battle the revolt spreads to another settlement. However, if you win a game then the revolt is crushed and all
revolting settlements are brought back under your control.
Storms Towns
Unseasonable snow, torrential rain etc. Troops bogged down and supplies ruined. Port
6 Next battle you fight, you are unable to use any Towns, Ports, Bridges or Passes. Any bonuses from these Bridge
territories are ignored and they may not be staked in battle. Pass
Prolonged drought has spoiled the harvest. Crops fail and grasslands wither. Cattle and horses starve and die
of thirst whilst people flock from the countryside to the towns. Next time you fight a battle you cannot count Villages
7 Villages or Plains as part of your realm. After your next battle roll a D6. On the score of 4-6 the drought has Steppe
ended and your Villages and plains are restored. On the roll of a 1-3 the drought continues unabated, and your
Villages and plains remain useless. Continue to roll after each battle you fight until the drought is ended.
Mine Exhausted
8 One of your mines is exhausted and must be abandoned. If you have several mines randomly determine which Mine
is no longer of any use.
Your empire is devastated by high winds. Roll a D6 for each territory that you hold. On roll of 6 the territory
is destroyed. If you do not roll a 6 for any of your territories then the last one rolled for is lost (you must lose Any
at least one). Additionally, in the next battle you fight, you are unable to use any roads, bridges or passes. Territory
Any bonuses from these territories are ignored and they may not be staked in battle.
One of your lieutenants, is subverted by your enemies. Fortress
10 Roll a D6 for each Fortress, Town or Port. Town
On a roll of 6, the settlement randomly switches its allegiance to another player (the player that has just been Port
Player/Warband Realm of
Territory Battle of…
(named by the Won from … Lost to … Notes & Events
Name Type Value winner)
(Example); Dark Pass Mountain Pass 30 Dark Pass Goblins
Magical Weapons
Foe Striker Helm Cleaver War Bringer Battle Smiter
Skull Crusher Lightning Spear Bow of Burning Gold
Plunder value;-