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Pre Intermediate Final Exam Question Paper 1

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Date – 28th February, 2024

Duration – 3 hours

Full Written Test (100 marks, 3 hours)

Section 1
Academic Reading Part (25 marks, 60 mins)

Task 1 – General Reading (15 marks, 25 mins)

1. Robot Teachers

Read an article about robot teachers to practise and improve your reading skills. Do the preparation task
first. Then read the text and do the exercises. (3 marks)

Empathy/ creativity/ to underestimate/ to diagnose/ a takeover/ to adapt

The ability to think of new ideas =

To think something is less than it is =

To work out what kind of illness someone has =

When someone takes control of something, like a job or a place =

To change something so that it fits better =

The ability to deeply understand someone’s situation or feelings =

If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and teachers at the top
of the list. It's easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory workers, but some jobs need human
connection and creativity. But are we underestimating what robots can do? In some cases, they already
perform better than doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more comfortable
sharing personal information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in
education after all?
British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the robot takeover of the
classroom: 2027. He predicts robots will do the main job of transferring information and teachers will be
like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students' faces, movements and maybe even brain signals.
Then they will adapt the information to each student. It's not a popular opinion and it's unlikely robots
will ever have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans like another human can.

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world,
there aren't enough teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under the age of 14 don't go to school. That
problem could be partly solved by robots because they can teach anywhere and won't get stressed, or
tired, or move somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.

Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all over the world are
leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not 'Will robots
replace teachers?' but 'How can robots help teachers?' Office workers can use software to do things like
organise and answer emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time doing
non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If robots could cut the
time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and
energy for the parts of the job humans do best.

1.2. Are the sentences true or false? (3 marks)

1. Most jobs seem as if they can be done by robots or computers.


2. Robots are always better at diagnosing illnesses than doctors.


3. Many experts agree robots will replace teachers by 2027.


4. One advantage of robot teachers is that they don't need to rest.


5. Robot assistants could help teachers by marking homework and writing reports.

6. Some teachers use robots to reduce their time answering emails and marking homework.
1.3. Choose the best answer. (3 marks)

1. It's easy to think robots …

will replace people even if we don't like the idea.

are more capable than people and it's true.
can do less than people but it's not always true.
2. Anthony Seldon thinks teachers in the future will …
help robots in class.
teach knowledge to students.
no longer exist.
3. Robots will probably never …
have human understanding of emotions.
be a popular choice for teachers.
be intelligent enough to work in education.
4. Some parts of the world ...
pay robots to teach.
already use robots in teaching jobs.
have a shortage of teachers.
5. Teachers …
work harder than office workers.
have less help than office workers.
leave their jobs to become office workers.
6. Robots could …
empathise with students.
mark homework.
prepare lessons.

1.4. Would you like to have a robot as a teacher? (3 marks)

Task 2 – Case study (10 marks, 35 mins)
2. Asteroids

2.1 Read a scientific article about asteroids to practise and improve your reading skills.
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises. (2 marks)

An orbit/ to log/ hazardous/ to track/ an asteroid/ to be unaccounted for/ to pick up/ infrared

To record or make note of something =

A rock that flies through outer space =

The path of an object around a planet =

To be in an unknown location =

A kind of light humans can’t see without special glasses =

Dangerous =

To follow the movement or progress of something =

To notice =

In 2010, the planetary defence team at NASA had identified and logged 90 per cent of the asteroids near
Earth measuring 1km wide. These 'near-Earth objects', or NEOs, are the size of mountains and include
anything within 50 million kilometres of Earth's orbit. With an estimated 50 left to log, NASA says none
of the 887 it knows about are a significant danger to the planet.

Now NASA is working towards logging some of the smaller asteroids, those measuring 140 metres wide
or more. Of the 25,000 estimated asteroids of this size, so far about 8,000 have been logged, leaving
17,000 unaccounted for. Considering that a 19-metre asteroid that exploded above the city of
Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013 injured 1,200 people, these middle-sized asteroids would be a serious
danger if they enter Earth's orbit.

Whether NASA can find the remaining middle-sized NEOs depends on getting the money to build
NEOCam, a 0.5-metre space telescope which would use infrared light to locate asteroids. If it did get the
money, it could probably achieve its goal in ten years. Once logged, the planetary defence team would
still need to work out how to defend the planet against being hit by the truly worrying asteroids – the

'Potentially Hazardous Asteroids' are rocks close enough to pass within 7.5 million kilometres of Earth's
orbit. NASA has created a map of 1,400 PHAs, none of which are expected to be a threat in the next one
hundred years. With technology already available, NASA can track these objects and make predictions
about possible impact, at which point two defence solutions could be launched.

The first is DART – the Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Plans are scheduled to test DART on the moon
of an asteroid called Didymos. 'Didymoon' is 150 metres wide, orbiting its 800-metre mother, and
hopefully the impact of DART will knock it out of its orbit enough for Earth-based telescopes to pick up.

Another suggested defence against a PHA on course to hit Earth is to blow it up using a nuclear weapon.
It may sound like a plot from a film, and it was the subject of the 1998 film Armageddon, but the
Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency Response (HAMMER) is a genuine NASA
proposal. The eight-ton rockets would be fired at an approaching asteroid with the hope of bumping it
off course. If the asteroid was too close to Earth for this plan to work, the rockets would carry nuclear
bombs to blow it up instead.

2.2 Match the paragraph with the information it contains. (3 marks)

B/ C/ A/ D/ E/ F

1. Information about a plan that needs finance before it can happen

2. An unrealistic-sounding way to solve the problem of an asteroid crashing into Earth

3. Information about asteroids that are the biggest danger to Earth

4. Information about the numbers of unidentified asteroids near Earth

5. Information about NASA’s most successful project to record asteroids near Earth

6. A solution planned for testing

2.3. Are the sentences true or false or is the information needed to answer them not given? (3 marks)
1. Earth does not appear to be in any danger from any asteroids that measure one kilometre wide.
Not given
2. We don’t need to worry about small asteroids under 20 metres wide.
Not given
3. A special telescope will provide a complete defence against asteroids hitting Earth.
Not given
4. PHAs are the biggest concern, but they’re still not an immediate threat.
Not given
5. Didymoon’s orbit is not stable.
Not given
6.HAMMER may or may not need nuclear weapons to save Earth from an asteroid.
Not given

2.4. What would you do if you heard that an asteroid was near Earth? (2 marks)
Section 2
Grammar Part (25 marks, 30 mins)

1. They live ________ the other side of the road.

A) in B) on C) for D) by

2. He isn’t ________ to reach the ceiling.

A) so tall B) as tall C) enough tall D) tall enough

3. They treated him ________ a king when he won all that money.
A) as B) as being C) like D) like he was

4. I’ve told him several times but he ________ doesn’t understand.

A) yet B) already C) no longer D) still

5. ________ did you go in the car this morning?

A) How far B) How much far C) How long D) How much

6. He’d done that before, ________ ?

A) wouldn’t he B) shouldn’t he C) hadn’t he D) didn’t he

7. ________ of them understood him.

A) None B) No one C) anyone D) someone

8. It’s ________ mountain in the world,

A) the more high B) the higher C) the highest D) the most high

9. I’m going to a concert tomorrow evening. So ________ .

A) I am B) am I C) I will D) will I
10. That’s the firm ________ .
A) what we’ve been dealing with B) we’ve been dealing with C) We’ve been treating with D) what we’ve
been treating with

11. She let the children ________ to play.

A) going out B) that they went out C) to go out D) go out

12. It was ________ that he couldn’t finish it alone.

A) a so difficult work B) a so difficult job C) such a difficult job D) such a difficult work

13. I ________ photographs.

A) enjoy taking B) enjoy to take C) amuse taking D) amuse to take

14. I ________ me what happened.

A) would like you tell B) would like you to tell C) would like you telling D) would like that tell

15. ________ he wasn’t hungry, he ate a big meal.

A) Although B) In spite C) Unless D) Even

16. In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but one does not. Choose one that
does not.
A) cleared B) feared C) beard D) heard

17. In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but one does not. Choose one that
does not.
A) shoes B) goes C) blows D) knows

18. In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but one does not. Choose one that
does not.
A) wait B) state C) state D) heat
19. In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but one does not. Choose one that
does not.
A) among B) wrong C) rung D) sung

20. In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but one does not. Choose one that
does not.
A) broad B) load C) showed D) road

21. He’s ________ his sister.

A) much taller than B) much taller that C) much more tall than D) much more tall that

22. She had three sons, all ________ became doctors.

A) of which B) which C) of whom D) who

23. You ________ go now. It’s getting late.

A) had rather B) would rather C) would batter D) had better

24. I’m going to spend a few days with some ________ of mine, who live in the north of Scotland.
A) relatives B) familiars C) neighbors D) companies

25. The ________ outside the house said “No Parking”

A) advice B) single C) label D) notice

26. He has no ________ of winning.

A) occasion B) luck C) opportunity D) chance

27. Those people over there are speaking a language I don’t understand. They must be ________ .
A) foreign B) strange C) rare D) outlandish

28. I didn’t write it. That is not my ________ on the cheque.

A) mark B) letter C) firm D) signature
29. The actors have to ________ before they appear in front of the strong lights on television.
A) cover up B) paint up C) make up D) do up

30. It is a difficult problem but we must find the answer ________ .

A) by one way or other B) somehow or other C) anyhow or other D) anyway or other

31. I want ________ immediately.

A) That this work is made B) this work made C) That this work is done D) this work done

32. He’s used to ________ in public.

A) be speaking B) the speaking C) speaking D) speak

33. You can fly to London this evening ________ you don’t mind changing planes in Paris.
A) provided B) except C) unless D) so far as

34. It’s ages ________ him.

A) that I don’t see B) that didn’t see C) ago I saw D) since I saw

35. He made me ________ .

A) angry B) be angry C) to be angry D) that I got angry

36. Do what you think is right, ________ they say.

A) however B) whatever C) whichever D) for all

37. He arrived late, ________ was annoying.

A) what B) that C) which D) the which

38. His job is ________ yours.

A) the same that B) as C) alike D) similar to
39. He needs a ________ .
A) few days’ rest B) few days rest C) little days’ rest D) little days rest

40. Do you know ________ the repairs?

A) to do B) how to do C) to make D) how to make

41. We usually have fine weather ________ summer.

A) at B) on C) in D) while

42. My flat is ________ the third floor of the building.

A) by B) at C) in D) on

43. He wasn’t ________ to lift the case.

A) too strong B) enough strong C) strong enough D) so strong

44. He can climb trees ________ a monkey.

A) as B) like C) the same that D) similarly than

45. He ________ lives in the house where he was born.

A) already B) yet C) still D) every

46. It’s ten o’clock in the morning so he’s still ________.

A) at the bed B) at bed C) in bed D) in the bed

47. He was a good swimmer so he ________ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.
A) could B) might C) succeeded D) was able to

48. She’s been very kind, ________ ?

A) isn’t she B) hasn’t she C) wasn’t she D) doesn’t she
49. He was left alone, with ________ to look after him.
A) someone B) anyone C) not one D) no one

50. I pulled the handle ________ I could.

A) so hardly as B) as hardly as C) so hard as D) as hard as

Section 3
Vocabulary (25 marks, 30 mins)
1. Excuse me. I'm a(n) ............... in this neighbourhood. Can you tell me what number bus will take me to
the town center, please? I want to do some shopping.
A) foreigner B) customer C) tourist D) stranger E) immigrant

2. How much must I ............... a good second-hand car?

A) buy from B) pay for C) borrow from D) own for E) lend to

3. It's getting quite ______. I think it's going to rain soon.

A) windy B) hot C) foggy D) cold E) cloudy

4. The ............... today is full of the news of yesterday's concert.

A) press B) publisher C) reporter D) literature E) journalism

5. It's a very ............... picture. I laugh at it all the time.

A) laughing B) smiling C) joking D) funny E) serious

6. Nobody gave him a hand. He did it on his ______.

A) single B) self C) alone D) own E) lonely

7. GNP stands for "gross ............... product".

A) national B) global C) international D) universal E) regional
8. He received another letter from the ............... demanding more money.
A) burglar B) thief C) pickpocket D) robber E) blackmailer

9. "How much is the ______?" she asked the bus conductor.

A) fare B) price C) cost D) prize E) fee

10. Come to Turkland, and ............... all these places where history lives on.
A) inform B) define C) memorize D) describe E) discover

11. There are a lot more television ............... today than there were some twenty years ago.
A) spectators B) visitors C) onlookers D) viewers E) sightseers

12. How was your ............... back?

A) sightseeing B) vacation C) trip D) luggage E) holiday

13. FATHER: "Tell me. Do you love him or not?" DAUGHTER: "Well, I'm very ______ of him."
A) keen B) friendly C) fond D) likeable E) romantic

14. Yes, we certainly want to move to a bigger house, but our ............... of money is only part of the
A) inflation B) presence C) shortage D) absence E) border

15. Sorry, it's much too expensive for me; I can't ............... it.
A) help B) stand C) forgive D) export E) afford

16. His friends advised him to see a doctor about his headaches, but he ............... to listen to them.
A) remembered B) refused C) memorised D) requested E) mentioned
17. How did they ............... when they heard the price?
A) laugh B) hate C) discuss D) knock E) react

18. It takes a lot of patience to ............... hyperactive children because of their low level of
A) describe B) discover C) teach D) joke with E) think about

19. Don't ............... to call me if you need help.

A) dream B) hesitate C) shame D) repeat E) frighten

20. The concert was called ............... because of the heavy rain.
A) out of B) aside C) off D) down E) out

21. It is not often that we get a(n) ............... to meet a film star.
A) dream B) taste C) reality D) chance E) acceptance

22. The pirates ............... the treasure on a desert island.

A) cooked B) invented C) forgave D) grilled E) buried

23. Aren't you going to ............... me to your friend?

A) joke with B) demonstrate C) introduce D) receive E) memorise

24. She isn't very ............... with her friends at school.

A) loved B) clever C) frequent D) frequent E) popular
25. Plants absorb water from the soil through their ______.
A) stems B) flowers C) roots D) branches E) leaves

26. They didn't stay for supper. They weren't ______.

A) sleepy B) early C) thirsty D) hungry E) poor
27. There were three ............... helping the two doctors in the operating theatre.
A) butchers B) greengrocers C) plumbers D) carpenters E) nurses

28. According to the Marxist doctrine, it is the workers that should ............... the world.
A) shake B) divide C) rule D) blow up E) choose

29. The office is on the second floor of the building. It is 200 square meters in ______.
A) depth B) height C) length D) area E) width

30. He usually reads the sports ............... of the newspaper first.

A) section B) pictures C) chapter D) literature E) tales

31. The baby is ............... . Her diaper needs changing.

A) thirsty B) dry C) sleepy D) wet E) cold

32. The lawyer's ............... was unusually high.

A) fare B) prize C) account D) price E) fee

33. The famous pianist Abdurrahmanovich is ............... with the İstanbul Metropolitan Orchestra tonight.
A) harmonising B) conducting C) becoming D) dealing E) playing

34. Last year a lot of women preferred long skirts. But, this year short skirts are in ............... again.
A) fashion B) absence C) respect D) popular E) reply

35. We had to climb ............... a steep path to reach the house on the top of the hill.
A) onto B) up C) into D) down E) up to

36. He is not a skilled worker. He doesn't ............... much.

A) win B) gain C) earn D) pay E) afford
37. We keep the ............... copies of all our reports in a special master file.
A) primitive B) characteristic C) elementary D) original E) elder

38. We do not have adequate information to make a decision. Adequate means ............... .
A) healthy B) enough C) easy D) wealty E) correct

39. Everywhere they ............... for water they struck oil.

A) dropped B) bent C) sank D) dug E) dripped

40. My memories of you are so warm and ............... that I am sure I can never forget you.
A) busy B) deep C) unkind D) helpful E) famous

41. ............... so much of their time together has deepened their friendship.
A) Arguing B) Proving C) Spending D) Wasting E) Saving

42. Now, ............... the ball to the person on your right.

A) Pull B) Throw C) Jump D) Burst E) Catch

43. He had plenty of time to sit ............... the scenery.

A) or feel B) and enjoy C) to prove D) to remind E) or walk around

44. Philosophers try to find out the ............... of life.

A) sadness B) length C) uselessness D) meaning E) middle

45. The winner of the competition is going to receive a ............... of 20 000 $.

A) fare B) price C) cost D) prize E) fee

46. Then it started to rain heavily and everyone ran for ............... .
A) dryness B) shadow C) shelter D) sunshine E) guard
47. A man was struck by ............... and killed as he ran for shelter.
A) forecast B) lightning C) frost D) thunder E) thunderbolt

48. She ............... me up and gave me a friendly smile.

A) frightened B) forgave C) joked D) thanked E) woke

49. The Izmir ............... Fair opens in late September.

A) National B) Global C) Regional D) Universal E) International

50. Listen! Do you hear that funny ............... coming from the kitchen?
A) noise B) feeling C) taste D) smell E) silence

Section 4
Academic Writing (25 marks, 60 mins)

Task 1 – Essay (Question to answer in 250 words) (15 marks, 40 mins)

An opinion essay
Information will soon be so easy to find on the internet that people will not need to remember anything.
Do you agree?


1. Read the question carefully. Respond to all ideas in it or all parts of it.
2. Plan your ideas first and then choose the best ones.
3. Introduce your essay by restating the question in your own words.
4. Show understanding of both sides of the argument.
5. Use linking words to connect your ideas.
6. Draw your conclusion from the main ideas in your essay. Don't introduce new ideas at the end.

A report on working abroad

The principal of a local college has asked you to write a report on the advantages and disadvantages of
working abroad in the summer holidays. She would like to know if the college should recommend
'working holidays' to its students.


1. The basic structure of a report is usually the same:

o Introduction (including the purpose of the report and how the data was collected)
o Findings (including benefits and drawbacks if appropriate)
o Conclusion and recommendations.
2. Use headings for each section.
3. Use formal vocabulary (e.g. Currently, ... / in order to ... / Therefore, ...) to give the report a
formal style.
4. The ideas and conclusions should be objective. Use non-personal subjects (e.g. This report aims
to … ) and passive structures (e.g. 100 students were interviewed).
5. You can also use may to show that something is not certain (e.g. This may help them get a better
job in the future).

Task 2 – Letter (Question to answer in 150 words) (10 marks, 20 mins)

An Email to explain an accommodation problem


1. To email someone who's not a friend, use a neutral style and polite tone.
2. Start the email with Dear … , not Hi. End it with Kind regards or just Regards.
3. Organise your email in three paragraphs:
o why you're writing
o the problem
o what you want the solution to be
4. Keep it short and simple. Only include the important information.
5. Put specific information in the subject line. Don't just put Problem.

An Email to invite someone to a job interview


1. In your email, remember to thank the candidate for their application.

2. Remember to include information about:
o What position the interview is for and what will be discussed at the interview.
o When the interview will take place.
o Who to contact if there is a problem, who will be interviewing them and who the
candidate should ask for when they arrive.
o Where the interview will be.
o How long the interview will last.
o What to bring – IDs (proofs of identity), references, etc.
3. Write the date in words, e.g. Thursday 3 April. Don't write the date in numbers – in some
countries 3 April, for example, is 3/4 and in other countries it's 4/3.
4. You can end the email with a set phrase like We look forward to meeting / hearing from / seeing
you soon.

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