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MC Grammar All Songs Pack

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MC Grammar

Resource Pack
Encourage children to share their enthusiasm for
books with activities based on MC Grammar’s songs.

Changing lives through a love of books and reading

World Book Day is a charity sponsored by National Book Tokens.
Registered charity number 1079257.
Company number 03783095

Welcome to my World Book Day Rap Pack!

This is the only place to be to find all of my raps and rhymes about books
and the magic of reading.

From ‘Wowza!’ to ‘Reading is Amazing’ to my new song, ‘Readers are Leaders’ – this
section is packed with tons of fun activities, games…and raps! So grab your hat, shades and
chains ‘cause it’s time to rhyme!

Who is this pack for? The activities in this pack have been designed for KS2
How to use this pack? The activities in this pack have been designed in sequence leading
to the outcome of children creating their own rap. However, the majority of the sessions
could be used as stand-alone activities too.

Readers are Leaders
Reading is Amazing
Wowsa! The World Book Day Song

Listening to the songs
What to do as you listen:
You could • Allow children just to listen to the song/s a couple of times
choose to work without a task to familiarise themselves with them
with all of the • Provide children with a piece of paper to draw or note down
songs or pick the books, characters and reading spaces they hear in the
one as your songs – try this individually and then increase the group size.
focus • The second time you play it as a class, have children chat to
a partner or note down the things that stick in their heads.
After listening, they might compare notes with another pair –
did they spot similar or different things?
• The third time you play it ask children to consider: did they
hear anything different listening to it for a third time?
• Provide children with the lyrics sheets (p8 onwards) and
invite them to highlight what they think are book references
– you could give them 2 colours – one for ones they know
and ones for ones they don’t.

Song discussion:
• How does it make them feel?
• Would they share it with a friend who isn’t in your class? Why?
• Did it remind them of any other music they know, and can they talk about why (i.e. thinking
about rhythm, tempo and genre)?

Purpose Discussion
• Why do they think the song was written?
• Share ways that children recommend books and reading to each other in school e.g. book
reviews, labels, displays.
• Invite the children to rank these ways of recommending books and reading to each other –
you could even make a shared table of pros and cons.
• Repeat this discussion with the song/s.
• Refine the discussion by focusing on recommending or persuading – you might want to
separate reading and the recommendation of books here.
• Summarise the discussion by creating a top tips list of reading and book recommendations
according to the children.

What would you recommend?
MC Grammar has chosen memorable books, characters and reading experiences to create his
songs. This activity gives the children a chance to think about what reading experiences have
meant something to them.
• Offer the children the following sentence starters to help them think about reading
experiences they might want to recommend:
• A place I loved reading in….
• The first book I remember….
• The best book I’ve ever read…
• The most interesting character I’ve found in a book….
• The most interesting thing I’ve discovered from a book….
• The best way to enjoy a book….
• A book that reminds me of someone….
• A book that reminds me of a special occasion…
• A space that it would be great to read in….
• The best conversation I’ve ever had about a book….
• Something a character says….
• A line I can remember….
• I felt happy/excited/inspired/sad when I read...

Ask the children to complete as many as they can and then pick the one that feels the most
important or interesting to explore further.
Either invite children to complete the worksheet on page 4 or use the questions as prompts for free
writing or journalling to add more detail to their memory.

For more activities

on recommending
books and book talk
visit World Book Day’s
Educator Hub.


Where were you?

r yo hat
w o rds o ly u t di
y ar h d
t h e re an particul remink it m
Are es you ber? em abo ake
s be ut o
phra remem r r

How did it
make you
feel? Who were you with?

Explore the songs
Here are some ways to explore song features and techniques using the lyrics sheets and
listening to the songs again.

• Take a closer look at RHYTHM – can children try beating out the song without saying the
words? How does it sound? Students could also try this with other poems or rhyming texts
like The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson – how do they sound in comparison?

• Listen to MC Grammar performing The Gruffalo as a rap
• Now, encourage students to have a go themselves with another rhyming text. They can find
beats on YouTube –

• Understand the value of PERFORMANCE! A nice idea might be for children to look
closely at the punctuation and layout of the rap and discuss how it supports the poem in
performance. As an extension, you could provide the song without punctuation and line
breaks. How does this make it different to read? Can children add line/paragraph breaks and
punctuation to support performance?

• Investigate features of the text – invite the children to find examples of rhyme, alliteration,
metaphor, simile etc. If they want to brush-up on their Poetry Devices then this poem by
Joseph Coelho, a World Book Day 2021 author, might be useful!

• Talk about PURPOSE and AUDIENCE – who is this song for? What is its intention?
Encourage children to think about the use of music for education or persuasion – you might
want to consider Akala’s hip-hop history in 2 minutes clip:
entertainment-arts-23631986 or review some advertising jingles. Ask students to consider:
why might a song help them to remember or learn something? How might it encourage them
to behave differently? They might consider the recent poem ‘The Hill We Climb’, read by
Amanda Gorman at the 2021 Inauguration. Why is this poem so powerful? https://www.

Looking for more poetry in performance or support for children

performing poetry? Try…

The Children’s Poetry Archive

Poetry by Heart

MC Grammar’s top
songwriting tips
MC Grammar’s top songwriting tips
So you want to be rapper, songwriter, or straight-up superstar? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
Here you will discover all of my top tips and tricks to make your rhymes flow and your songs sound
wicked. So let’s get started!

Step 1: Step 2:
Before I start any song or rap, I pick a Now I have the words, it’s time to find the
subject. For example: books! Then I write rhymes. You can dig deep into your own
down as many words as I can think of mind for these words and rhymes or you
that link with the subject like reading, can use a rhyming dictionary or a webpage
words, imagination, adventure, pages… like RhymeZone. Up to you! Check out
for example. some of my examples:
Then it’s time for step 2.
reading = leaving, needing, breathing…
words = absurd, occurs, birds…
imagination = destination, station,
adventure = defender, inventor, pretender …

Step 3:
Now that I have the subject, words and rhymes it’s time to create sentences and my rhyming
pattern. The ones I have highlighted in my list are the words I am going to use and I am
choosing a pattern where the rhyming word features at the end of the line.
Here are some of my examples:

On World Book Day you will find me reading,

A stack of good books and I am never leaving.
And there you have it: the start of
The company’s too good and the places, an original song! So, now what?
Where the words take me on each of its pages. Well, it’s over to you! You can write
Wild adventures with galaxy defenders, your own song or finish mine.
Then rubbing shoulders with the famous inventors. Whatever works, my crew.
Imagination: any destination. And remember: to be a great songwriter
you will always need words. So the more
Limitless lessons: free education.
your read the more you can write, say,
Just words? sing…and RAP!
That’s absurd!
A book is the place where anything occurs!

Write your own Song
It’s time for children to have a go at writing a song with their reading memory
at the heart of it.

Here are some possible steps for children to take before writing their songs:

• First, decide if you are creating a group song or individual songs

• Have another look at the Lyrics Sheets for MC Grammar’s song. Encourage students to
consider how the books are grouped in the song.

• Talk about persuasion. How can the children’s song(s) persuade a listener to change their
mind about something or to feel something? Invite the children to try writing lyrics which
share the feelings of their memory as well as directly sharing a persuasive message - which
do they prefer?

• If children want to create a rap, they might prepare by creating a RHYMING ALPHABET or

• Always encourage reading aloud to edit – does the song ‘sound’ right and successfully get
across its message?

• Children might think about putting a beat behind their words and making it into a full song
or video!

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Song Lyrics
Wowza! Lyrics Wait a second...where is he?
Oi Frog, have you seen him?
CHORUS I’m trying to find my lion.
Wowza… I’ve just found this voucher! Huh! “Lions sit on irons,” he said, “that’s where you’ll find
Let me take a closer look!... him.”
Hmmmm! I’m the koala who could,
It says I get a free book. Walking through a wood,
No wayyyyyy…. No way! Yep! Listening to a bear playing piano and he’s pretty
And I’m already hooked. good!
It’s World Book Day and I’m on my way to go and Shhhhhhhh!
get a book! Hey, Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
Go! What do you see?
“A caterpillar over there, and he looks very hungry!”
Then, “Wow!” said the owl…
Now I’m going on a book hunt,
“You should ask the ladybird.”
Gonna grab a good one,
I have already asked her, but she never said a word.
What a beautiful day!
Oh, I still can’t find my lion!
We’re not scared of…
Maybe this is it.
Tigers who come to tea,
Maybe I should give in like the day the crayons quit.
That shark in the park can come for me….
Or Maybe I’ll go home alone in my pyjamas,
‘Cause I’m from where the wild things are,
Like Llama and call my mumma and tell her all
Let’s let this rumpus start! about this drama!
From where you are to Narnia on World Book Day Or maybe things will turn out good,
we party hard!
Like the little engine that could!
“Excuse me, there’s a monster!”
‘Cause books can make you better,
I told you not now Bernard!
Ask the Rainbow Fish and Elmer!
Oh help! Oh no…I’ve just seen a Gruffalo,
They surprise you like Handa,
Get pooped on by a dinosaur,
Feel them in your funny bones,
Goodnight moon I’ve got to go!
And now I know that my own lion was inside all
Stop! Don’t flinch. I’ve just seen a Grinch; along.
So pass me Billy’s bucket, Oh, the places you’ll go… Float away like paper
I’ll chuck it to earn an inch! dolls.
So my ten little fingers and my ten little toes, Reading is dreaming with your
Like the jolly postman can go and hit the road. eyes open:
Oh, the places you’ll go…float away like paper dolls. It’s magical!
Reading is dreaming with your eyes open:
It’s magical! CHORUS

Wait a second…
VERSE 2 where’s Wally?
A told B and B told C, And I’m already
Go and ask the witch if there’s room on the broom hooked.
for me! It’s World Book Day
But like Hairy Maclary I’m scared, and I’m on my way
But if you dare me I’ll find my lion inside... to go and get a book!

Song Lyrics
Reading is Amazing Lyrics: They will transport ya,
Guess how much I love them?
INTRO Hmmmmmm…. more than, this much.
Wakey wakey, rise and shine! Fiction and non-fiction.
Grab your outfit and get dressed... They make me feel like Charlie with the golden ticket!’ve still got time!
Huh? Time for what? CHORUS
It’s the best day of the year, my friend.
Huh! What day is it? VERSE 2
It’s World Book Day! Tra la la!
No way! I’ve just met a Gangsta - Granny!
CHORUS And then I met a champion, Danny!
Hey, it’s World Book Day! Whaatttt?
So it’s time to celebrate. And Mary Lennox!
Got my outfit and I’m bouncing along to my favourite Where?
place! Shhhhhh! In a garden that is secret!
(Where you going?) Who let the Gods out?
I’m going to pick a good book, Me me!
With my crew then take a look at…all the pages, But who made these holes, man? Stanley!
Stay for ages, See once you learn to read you’ll forever be free.
‘Cause reading is amazing every day! Why?
The sky’s the limit,
it’s a high-rise mystery!
Hey! That’s me:
Once upon a time there were three little pigs,
The boy at the back of the class.
and a wolf outside their crib.
A wimpy kid feeling marvellous like George…
Oh no!
‘Cause I’m a book worm with a library book.
He huffed and he puffed until he had enough.
I’m a borrower, get it?
Then he fell down the chimney.
Yeah, I’m captain hooked!
Let’s go!
And I’ve been to Planet Omar,
In between the bookends,
Sitting on my sofa,
I’ve made a lot of good friends.
Next to a gopher.
Cos’ books talk…
Oi! Move over!
and they listen!
Wicked, I can be a wizard like Mr Potter, sing it:
So to all my little leaders
Wingardium leviosa!
No matter where you’re from,
Have you ever wondered like Auggie Auggie Auggie?
It’s okay to be different - like Julian.
Oi oi oi!
So go and wear your proudest blue,
If there’s a better hobby?
Be proud of you.
Than reading, O-M-G, it’s like dreaming!
Don’t worry, Ruby,
The BFG and the tree that keeps giving.
Reading empowers you!
‘Cause I can go anywhere, chill withCharlotte in her
web, And all are welcome,
Meet Paddington and have marmalade sandwiches. When you join the book club.
Meet the Mad Hatter and Alice in Wonderland! And like Rocket, you see magic when you look up!
Run! Mr McGregor’s coming,
Why? I’m Peter Rabbit, man!
Cos books will transform ya,
Song Lyrics
Readers are Leaders Lyrics: Where we show books love,
You don’t need good luck,
INTRO CHORUS If you’re picking books up.
When I’m feeling down and I’m all alone, ‘cause you’ll be on adventures,
I find my hiding place where no one goes. To other dimensions,
I pick my favourite book and I dive straight in …to Anything is possible,
another world…
Written in a sentence.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah-yeah!
You can be a dentist,
VERSE 1 A sorcerer’s apprentice,
You can be like Dora, Sit with Rosa Parks,
A famous explorer, Or see what Malcom X did,
You can train a dragon…
And teach it to roar! Do the unexpected,
You can go to Narnia, Climb Mount Everest,
Open a door, Or you can be like Sherlock,
Or you can be a rockstar, A private detective.
Rocking out on tour!
You can go anywhere,
You can go to Neverland to go and see Peter,
You can be anything!
Meet Leonardo and paint Mona Lisa,
You can find a friend like you,
You can be a doctor,
Or an enemy,
Or you can be a teacher.
You can go to battle,
You can be like Martin Luther King and speak to.
Or you can read the recipe,
All of my readers, You can find treasure,
And all my dreamers, Open sesame.
Books are the keys to make you a leader.
Go where you want,
So if you love reading, hands to the ceiling and sing:
Books form a bond,
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah-yeah!
They’ll always be there,
CHORUS They’re like a magic wand.
Better yet a passport,
All of my readers!
What more can you ask for?
All of my leaders!
So if you love reading,
All of my dreamers sing!
Let me see your hearts up and sing!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah-yeah!
Yeah eh eh, CHORUS
Yeah eh eh eh,
Yeah yeah eh, OUTRO CHORUS
When I’m feeling down and all alone,
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah-yeah!
I find my hiding place where no one goes.
Yeah eh eh, I pick my favourite book and I dive straight in …to
Yeah eh eh eh, another world…
Yeah yeah eh, Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah-yeah!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah-yeah!
Welcome to the book club,


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