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for Grade 11- SHS Learners
LAS 1, Week 1-2: Quarter 2

Demonstrates Proper Etiquette

and Safety in the Use of
Facilities and Equipment

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City
Babag I, Lapu-Lapu City

Name of Learner: _____________________

Grade Level and Section: _______________
Date: _________________________
Subject Teacher : WINSTON C. LLANOS

Title of the Topic: Exercise for Fitness

After your encounter with this learning activity sheet,

you are expected to:

Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of fitness and

exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for
physical activity assessment performance, and as a
career opportunity
Performance Standards: Leads fitness events with proficiency
and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing others positively

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities

and equipment

At the end of the learning activity sheet, the students will be able

1. define proper etiquette, safety, facilities and equipment;

2. identify the proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities
and equipment;
3. show importance in choosing proper etiquette and safety in the
use of facilities and equipment.

Quarter : 2
LAS No. 1– WEEK 1-WEEK 2

Background Information for Learners:

As you participate in physical activities, whether in school

or in the community, it is good practice to know your school and
community’s resources in case of injury or emergency. Being
familiar with it makes response to injuries or emergencies more
immediate and efficient, thus lessening the severity of the injury
or emergency. Resources refer to the supplies, equipment,
facilities, and services that can be utilized in case of a sports- or
fitness-related injury or emergency. They include both material
and human resources such as safety supplies, equipment,
facilities, qualified and trained emergency personnel, as well as
standard protocols set for such situations. Emergency response
begins with the preparation of both equipment and personnel.
When these have been prepared adequately, the school and
community are deemed ready for an injury or emergency.

It is important that you are able to identify these resources so

that injuries or emergencies will be addressed immediately and
efficiently. These resources are discussed here.
First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has
been injured or suddenly become ill. First aid deals with self-help
and proper home care, especially if medical assistance is not
immediately available. The goal of first aid is to alleviate
suffering, prevent added/further injury or danger, and prolong

The first aid kit is a set of supplies and equipment used to

administer first aid. In your school and community, first aid kits
should be available, visible, and readily accessible in case of
injuries or emergencies. It should also be regularly checked for
completeness and freshness of supplies.

The usual supplies found in a first aid kit include the
 triangular bandage
 rubbing alcohol
 gloves
 iodine
 tongue depressor
 swabs
 gauze
 scissors
 wound dressings
 athletic tape
 cotton
 penlight
 adhesive bandage
 forceps
Other equipment that should be included to aid in first aid are
the following:
 spine board
 blankets
 sets of splints
 short board/Kendrick’s
extrication device
 wheelchair
 poles

The first aid kit is usually located in strategic places in

school like the clinic, gym, playground, and security stations. In
the community, first aid kits should be located in the community
centers like community hall or office and recreation centers.

It is advisable that a signage be placed where the first aid

kit and equipment are located. This can either be attached to a
wall or post or suspended

Emergency Numbers and Phone/Two-way Radio

Emergency numbers include police department, fire department,

Philippine Red Cross (PRC), and other pertinent numbers. These
numbers are usually compiled per area (i.e. locality, municipality,
city) and written on a calling card or bookmark or even larger. In
schools, emergency numbers could include the clinic, security,
and other offices. personnel or other individuals can notify
pertinent offices or departments in case of
injury or emergency.

These procedures make up what is called an Emergency

Action Plan (EAP). It is a plan developed for immediate
implementation whenever the need arises, providing appropriate
standards of emergency care to all present. The EAP usually
include the
1. Emergency Personnel – detailed First Aid arrangements for
on-site emergencies; may consist of teachers, physicians and
nurses, athletic coaches, security and maintenance personnel (for
schools), or community leaders, and homeowners’ association
president, (for community)
2. Emergency Communication – emergency numbers,
phones/two-way radio, public announcement (PA) system
3. Emergency Equipment – first aid kit, wheelchair, spine
board, stretcher, blankets, poles, etc
4. Medical Transportation – confirmation of local ambulance
(c/o PRC), Basic Life Support, etc
5. Non-medical Transportation – wheelchairs, stretcher, etc
6. Emergency Contact List – clinic, local hospital, etc
7. Venue Information – transportations, identified entrance,
exits, and access routes

School personnel (e.g. teachers, security and maintenance

personnel) and community leaders know, understand, and follow
these procedures every time an emergency happens because it
has been standardized. These procedures are usually laid out in
writing so that personnel crucial in the emergency response are
notified and that immediate attention is given.

In the community, it is advisable to form a community

emergency response team which will be the emergency personnel
in your EAP. It is advisable that the members of the community
know who forms this emergency response team.
You may not know all the procedures of your school and
community in responding to emergencies. However, what is
important is you know who to notify in case an emergency
happens. The most immediate personnel you need to notify in
case you are in your school especially in the gym are the PE
teachers or any teacher present, maintenance personnel, or
security personnel.

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) is the national branch of the

International Red Cross that cares for the wounded, sick, and
homeless and now, providing help during and following natural
disasters. PRC gives training on basic life support,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and many more.
The school and community should set a schedule with PRC
volunteers who can impart the necessary knowledge, training,
and certifications to equip them in times of emergency and

Red Cross volunteers during a Basic Training course

(taken from
Once certified, school personnel and community leaders
should be able to respond to injuries and emergencies. However,
certification should be renewed yearly or every two years,
depending on the type of certification.

Entrance, Exit, and Access Routes

Adequate entry and exit points should be available in all

areas. Access routes (paths of travel) going to the clinic,
emergency exits, main gate, and others should also be known.
Visible and strategically located signages are important so that
these can easily be seen even from a distance. They should
always be accessible and free from obstructions. Wide
passageways are a must. A good estimate of the right width of the
passageway is to check if a wheelchair, spine board, or stretcher
can be easily transported and still have room for first aiders or
rescuers to maneuver.
Ramps and elevators make access easier and are necessary
especially for structures that are higher than three stories. They
also make transport quicker.

Wheelchair ramp (Image taken from

When you engage in aerobic, muscle-, and bone-

strengthening activities, you are likely to make use of different
equipment and facilities. These resources help in your enjoyment
and participation so you have to care for them. As a courtesy to
other individuals who also make use of these equipment and
facilities, you always need to observe the proper manners or
etiquette inside a gym. Depending on the venue or facility, there
is a specific decorum expected from those who use them. The
following are the different venues with its commonly expected

Playing court or field

A playing court or field may be found indoors or outdoors,

depending on the sport. Venues and facilities are usually ready-
to-use where minimal setup is needed since these are specifically
catered to a certain sport (e.g. basketball, football).
However, some venues need to set up some equipment first,
like volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, taekwondo, judo,
etc. Depending on the venue arrangements (i.e., rented or
otherwise), those who utilize and set up equipment are expected
to properly fix, return, or store the equipment after use. It is
common manners to keep the venue clean and as orderly
as possible after use. Here are some examples:

 Wipe off wet spots caused by drinks and sweat

 Throw away used supplies and equipment like empty water
bottles, athletic tapes, shuttlecock feathers in badminton, etc.

These are either open or enclosed spaces with full-sized

mirrors on one or more sides. They usually cater to different
types of dancers, which is why most have wooden or metal
railings called bars.
Speakers and music players are usually available for use
and are set up in strategic locations (i.e., at the corners or
center). Like in playing courts and fields, depending on the venue
arrangements, users of dance area or studios are expected to
keep music players after use, turn off lights and ventilation when
not in use, and maintain the venue orderly for the next users.
Below are other expectations when using dance areas or studios:
spots (i.e.
lockers, benches, tables)

to disturb other

rushed to move
out for the next users

Gym or weights area

These are usually indoor facilities with different types of
equipment such as machine weights, free weights, balls, exercise
machines (e.g. treadmill, stationary bike, rower, stair climber),
mats, etc. They are strategically positioned to allow
maneuverability and easy access for all those who work out. The
different equipment are also accessible to all because the gym or
weights area is accessible to everyone who works out. Hence, it is
expected that you observe proper behavior during and after
working out. Here are some of them:

Avoid monopolizing use of the equipment. Share it with others by
taking turns
using them.

propriate clothes including footwear. Do not take them

off to look at your body in the mirror.

Some gyms or weights areas have some reminders posted on

strategic locations so that users will always be reminded. Read
them and make sure to follow them to have a worry-free time
working out.

Image taken from


Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and

Learning Engagement no. 1 Search for it!

Directions: Ask the students to do an ocular visit of your

school gym, community hall, and recreation center. Ask them to
look for emergency response equipment and supplies including
first aid kit, spine board, etc. Emphasize noting down if there are
signage for these and if these are accessible in case of injury or

Make them complete the checklist and write their observations.

 Write your answer in your notebook.

Learning Engagement no. 2 Real life injury situation

Directions: Directions: Ask the students to analyze a real life

injury situation involving an athlete. Ask them what emergency
response procedures they think were followed?

Ara Galang, De La Salle University volleyball player, got injured

in a match versus National University in March 7, 2015. She was
grimacing in pain and crying, and was later reported to have
suffered serious injuries to her knees.

Guide Questions?

1. What do you think were the emergency response procedures

followed by the emergency personnel who attended to her?
2. How do assess on what happened to Ara Galang knee injury?
3. What intervention would you like to suggest if you are
suffering from this scenario?

Learning Engagement no. 3 Are There Any?

Directions: Ask students to visit gyms or weights areas in their

community. Tell them to look for signages about appropriate
etiquette in the gym. Have them observe gym users if they follow
these etiquette. Ask the students to pretend they were the gym
manager; what actions would they take for gym users to observe
proper gym etiquette? Let them share their answers with the

Guide Questions:
1. Why is it important to practice proper etiquette in the use of
2. Why do we need to follow proper etiquette and safety in the use
of facilities and equipment?
3. What is the importance of having the proper etiquette in doing
physical activity?
4. What do you think are the proper etiquettes and safety
measures in the use of facilities and equipment?
5. Why is it important to practice safety in the use of facilities
and equipment?


* In your class advisory, you will provide a FIRST AID kit in each
* The president will assign each student one/two
materials/equipment in first aid kit.
* Place your kit in a comfortable box or any.
* This is a project,make use of it. Its a class participation. If you
could provide a nice first aid kit. You will receive a good grade.

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