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HVDC electrodes with ground or water return current impact assessment

with COMSOL5.4 AC/DC module

L.Carloni1, S.F. Madsen1, H. Rosenberg

1. Advanced Engineering, PolyTech A/S, Denmark

The article describes the analysis of the electric and thermal impact of HVDC electrode installations, which use
the earth and/or sea as the conductive medium for the HVDC transmission system.
The analysis requires the modeling of both local and remote impacts, using multiple coupled 2D/3D models in
the AC/DC module, each describing the physics of the HVDC link at different scales: 2D electric current
coupled to lumped parameter circuits physics for evaluation of corrosion on metal structures such as pipes or
railways in the large scale models, 3D models with electric currents, joule heating and convective heating
physics for evaluation of voltages and temperature in the models of the electrodes.
The results of the analysis can be used highlight potential health hazards (or lack thereof), and to define
mitigation measures, test specifications and maintenance intervals.

Introduction electrodes, sea electrodes and shore electrodes (beach

and pond).
HVDC electrodes are installed on HVDC transmission
systems to provide a low resistance current return path Shallow land electrodes have the advantage that the
for currents, using the earth and/or sea as the electrode can be located close to the converter station,
conductive medium. HVDC electrodes with ground to reduce the line power losses, but in general may
return current are in general less costly and have lower cause high temperature rise, high potentials and
losses than dedicated metallic return conductors. electro-osmosis. Sea electrodes have low resistance
toremote earth and therefore low power losses, no
Numerous HVDC electrodes have been installed now temperature rise and no risk of electro-osmosis, but
for close to 40 years without arising concerns for could cause chlorine development should high current
public health and or for the environmental impact. densities occur.
Well known examples are found in Massangä
(Gotland), Skagerrak (Lövens Breddning), Kontek For the description of the guidelines for the site
(Bjäverskov), Changcuicun (Heyuan, China), Puer- selection process and best practices, including
Qiaoxiang (China), Nelson River BP1 (Radisson). In geophysical, geological, social and environmental
recent years though the growing number of condition investigations we refer to CIGRE, WG
installations and a general increase in public B4.61 'General guidelines for HVDC electrode design'
awareness of the potential impacts have caused a and references therein.
tightening of the requirements for environmental
approval, pushing new installations to further reduce The following sections focus on the analysis of the
the impact by selecting more suitable electrode electric and thermal effects of HVDC electrodes with
materials, design and location, based upon the results ground return current.
of the geophysical survey and modeling, and by
performing more advanced analyses of the thermo and Local and large-scale electric effects
electrical distributions around the electrode and along
the HVDVC link. Feasibility studies for HVDC projects often involve
the consideration of both local and large-scale effects,
There are large variations in geographical, geophysical since most of the HVDC links extend over several
and technical properties of electrode sites and HVDC hundreds of kilometers
system requirements differ from one system to The electrodes must be located in such a way that the
another. Therefore, a variety of electrode shapes, and electric potential gradients are at acceptable levels, for
configurations have been developed for each of the all sensitive infrastructures along the link. The electric
different types of electrodes such as shallow land field gradient at points some distance from the
electrodes, vertical land electrodes, deep well land electrode (the far field) depends on the magnitude of

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2019 COMSOL Conference in Boston

the current, the distance from the electrode and the
resistivity distribution or the soil structure.
The performance of an electrode is influenced both by
the local soil immediately adjacent to the electrode as
well as soil materials that are further away. An
electrode placed in a thin layer of low-resistivity soil
cover underlain by high-resistivity rock will have high
resistance to remote earth.
The shape and local arrangement of the electrode does
not have a measurable impact at a distance that is large
in comparison to the physical size of the electrode, but
will rather have an effect of the local distribution [1].

Large-scale electric effects

The effective resistivity of the earth may vary three or
four orders of magnitude between areas of different Figure 1 – Model of the 740kmx400km area around the
geological conditions and the resistivity distribution is HVDC link. The rectangles highlight higher resolution
therefore a critical parameter in the selection of an zones around the electrodes.
electrode site. Problems with stray currents due to
electric potential gradients may occur at tens of
kilometers away from an electrode. The resistivity
earth’s crust and the upper part of the mantle of an area
extending to perhaps 100 km or more from the
electrode site must be considered in such cases [1].

The electric potential distributions along the entire

length of the link can be used to evaluate the stray
currents in and out of conductive structures in the area,
such as pipelines, railways and powerlines to
determine the risk of corrosion.
Figure 1 - Figure 2 show the example of a 2D model
of the 740km x 400km area around an HVDC link,
describing the sea depth and how this affects the Figure 2 – Voltage distributions in a model of the
voltage distribution. The rectangles highlight higher 740kmx400km area around the HVDC link.
resolution zones around the electrodes.
In this case a model based upon two horizontal layers
with different resistance is appropriate:
𝟏 𝟏 1
= +
𝑹𝒆𝒒 𝑹𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒃𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌
Given the difference in conductivity between the sea
water and the bedrock, the conductivity is mainly
determined by the sea depth.

More detailed models can be used around the

Figure 3 – Model of the seabed of the 20km x 40km area
electrodes, where the voltage gradients are expected to
around a submerged sea electrode. The lines indicate
be more sizable. pipelines.

Figure 3 shows a higher resolution model of the

20kmx40km area around a submerged electrode and
the pipelines located in proximity of the electrode.
Figure 3 shows an example of the resulting voltage
isopotential lines (for a different location) and how
these would correlate with the sea depth. Finally
Figure 5 shows the expected depletion rates along the

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2019 COMSOL Conference in Boston

radial irrigation systems, to determine the voltage
across the insulation of cables (for instance power
cables) or the design criteria for the earth leads of HV
and MV cable shields.

Figure 4 – The voltage distribution in the area surrounding

a submerged electrode.

Figure 6 – Evaluation of voltage gradients in the

immediate vicinity of the electrode for the assessment of
step and touch voltages.

Figure 5 – Depletion rates along a pipeline length, based Electrode resistance to remote earth, thermal heating
upon the assessment of the stray currents. effects and electro-osmotic effects are dependent on
the design of the electrode. A large electrode with
Local electric effects
large contact surface to the host material is less likely
For sea electrodes, it is important to keep electric fields
to have problems but will also be more expensive.
low to avoid effects on swimmers accidentally
A proper selection of electrode site might therefore be
entering the area and sea animals. The current density
cost saving.
must also be kept low to avoid unacceptably high
chlorine emissions.
The evaluation of the electric field strength around
The low resistivity of salty or brackish water will
submerged coastal electrodes, and the current density
usually keep electric fields at low levels around sea
at the electrode are used, among other things, to
and shore electrodes but significant electric fields can
determine the impact in terms of electrolysis products
occur if a sea electrode is located in a shallow water
from the anode, such as hypochlorite, hypobromite,
environment underlain by high-resistivity solid,
bromide, chloroform and bromoform.
crystalline rock. The seawater will almost act as one
Further concerns are economical, to determine
single large electrode volume in such cases and high
material selection (typically titanium mesh), electrode
electric gradients can be created perpendicular to the
testing and commissioning.
shoreline at quite large distances from the electrode. It
is therefore important to select sites with rapid
Other applications are temperature rise evaluations
transition to deep water and direct access to the open
(for land electrodes).
The temperature at any point of the soil can be
determined by solving the Laplace differential
Figure 6 shows a 3D model of the voltage equation of heat conduction
distribution in a 1kmx1km area around three sea
electrodes which was used to determine touch ∇(𝑘 𝑇 ∙ ∇𝑇) + 𝑔 = 𝑑𝑠 ∙ 𝛾 ∙𝜕𝑇𝑖,𝑗,𝑙.
Similar models can be used for land electrodes to
With 𝑔 = 𝜌 ∙ 𝐽2 , and where
determine touch and step voltages, to determine
transferred potentials along long metallic fences and

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2019 COMSOL Conference in Boston

𝑘 𝑇 is the soil thermal conductivity (W/°C∙m), g is the mod1.idmap1(mod1.V) in model 2, in the physics
heat dissipated by Joule Effect (W/m3), ds is the soil node, electric currents, electric potential.
density(kg/𝑚3 ), 𝛾 is the specific heat capacity of the
soil (J/(°C*kg)), Ti,j,lis the temperature(°C), t is the
time (Seconds), 𝜌 is the soil resistivity (Ω∙m) and J is
the current density (A/𝑚2 ).

Figure 8 – The identity map feature is used to map voltage

distributions along the edges of the square area in model 1
to the outer boundaries of the more detailed model 2

Figure 7 – Electrode design prior to optimization. High A similar feature can be exploited to couple 2D models
current density at the corners of the electrode may cause of the area with more detailed 3D models of the
release of chlorine gas. electrode arrangements.
Figure 9 shows an area in the 2D model 1 with higher
depth and resistivity resolution. The edges of the
Coupling large scale models to local models higher resolution areas are defined are generally
The electric voltage, current and temperature extruded (in mod1>Definitions, apply genext1 to the
distributions for the HVDC link can be evaluated boundaries). Then the voltages are mapped, by
using multiple coupled 2D/3D models in the AC/DC applying the mod1.genext1(V) in the 3D model 2, in
module of COMSOL5.4, each describing the physics the physics node, electric currents, electric potential.
of the HVDC link at different scales.
For the evaluation of the voltage distributions along
the entire length of the HVDC link one may use a 2D
models of the area surrounding the installation such as
the one shown in Figure 1, describing the topography
(bathimetry) of the region and resistivity of the
soil/water (in the case of subsea electrodes), in which
the anode and cathode are represented by electric
current point sources, and pipes and metal structures
can be represented by external lumped parameter
circuits, coupled to physical points in the model via Figure 9 – The general extrusion feature is used to map
voltage coupling. voltage distributions along the highlighted edges of the 2D
The sea depth function z(x,y) and the corresponding model to the corresponding boundaries in the 3D model.
resistivity function sigma(x,y) are imported as simple
interpolation functions and applied as material
In order to have a better resolution around the sources, Coupling electric currents and lumped
the large scale 2D model (model 1) is then coupled to circuits
smaller scale 2D models (model 2) of the area Pipelines, metal fences and transmission lines can be
surrounding the electrodes, using the general extrusion represented as lumped parameter circuits, with a given
feature to map the voltage distributions found in the resistance along the pipe and resistance to soil (or
larger models to the boundaries of the smaller model. water), which exchange voltage and current with the
Figure 8 shows areas in the model 1 with higher depth 2D FEM model.
and resistivity resolution. The edges of the higher Long lines of point-like terminals in the 2D FEM
resolution areas are defined are identity mapping (in model, represent the pipe segmented into fixed length
mod1>Definitions, apply idmap1 to the boundaries). sections. Each terminal exchanges current with the
Then the voltages are mapped, by applying the corresponding lumped parameter circuit section
External I Vs. U 1.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2019 COMSOL Conference in Boston

This approach was used to determine the impact on on straightforward electric current, static simulations,
surrounding structures, when the trains move along require the coupling of the different types of physics
the tracks. which are relevant at the different scales.
Figure 10 shows the lumped parameter circuit As the results of these analyses can be used highlight
representing a train moving along its tracks. While potential health hazards (or lack thereof), and to define
Figure 11 shows the voltages induced in the mitigation measures, test specifications, reliability,
surroundings as the train move in opposite directions. maintenance intervals, life cycle their use is highly


1.CIGRE, WG B4.61 'General guidelines for HVDC

Figure 10 – Lumped parameter circuit representing a train electrode design' (2017)
moving along its tracks.

Figure 11 –Potential in the 2D FEM model when two

trains move in along the tracks.

The lumped parameter circuit and the coupling is

generated in Matlab, exploiting Livelink.

The complexity of the evaluations involved for the
feasibility studies for HVDC links discussed above,
requires the use of finite element models.
Ground potential rise, potential gradient and
maximum step/touch voltage, and DC resistance to
remote earth can be mathematically estimated for
various types and shapes of electrodes for the soil
resistivity of uniform, 2-layer or 3-layer distribution.
However, such methods are not sufficient if the soil in
the immediate area of the electrode is not of uniform
resistivity or when operation is required with outages
of a portion of the electrode.
Similarly, estimates of the average current density
from an electrode would fail to capture the high
current density from sharp corners or to provide mush
input into the electrode design optimization.
For these evaluations FEM simulations are required.
Furthermore, the evaluations, though generally based

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2019 COMSOL Conference in Boston

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