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InscryptionRulebook V2310

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About the Game 4

What’s in the box? 4
Setup 5
Types of Cards 6
Normal Creature cards 6
Rare Cards 6
Other Cards 6
Dealing the Cards 7
Gameplay 8
Card Costs 10
Blood 10
Bones 10
Free 10
Scale / Damage 11
The sigils 11
Card Health & Damage 12
Further Rule Details 13
Squirrels 13
Over Damage 13
Player death 14
Death Cards 15
The Items 16
Upgrades and Swaps Piles 17
Card Details 18
Extra / Unused Cards 19
Sigils Detail 20
Items 23

2 3
About the Game Setup
Here’s a diagram of how to law out the board:
Want to watch a video tutorial? Head to: Player A’s Side

Inscryption is a two player game, where you battle your adversary

using creature cards.

These creatures have different strengths and weaknesses, symbolised

by sigils.
At the start of the game, you’ll choose which creatures you want on Player B’s Side
your side. But don’t get too attached... They may need to be sacrificed. Player A’s personal card piles.
Player A’s play spaces.
Player B’s personal card piles.
Both players have 2 lives (signified by candles). When a player loses all
Player B’s play spaces.
their lives, the game ends.
Space for heart tokens behind each card.
But even in death, players are re-born into a powerful death card,
Side Card spaces for additional shared cards.
which can be played with in all future games. Arrow to signify order the cards take action. (Highlighted green)

What’s in the box? ◊ Deal each player 10 Squirrel cards in their squirrel space.
◊ Place the item cards, swap cards, upgrade cards and smoke cards in
- 80x30cm Printed Play Mat - Magnetic Golden Tooth their shared spots on the right side of the board.
- Card box with 204 cards - 4x LED Candles Note: The back design of the cards is different for each card category.

◊ 20 Squirrels - Bone Tin ◊ The remaining cards can be placed in the shared draw pile.
◊ 94 Normal Creatures - 50x Bone Tokens Note: Some bonus and unused cards have been printed. Details on page 19

◊ 23 Rare cards - Heart Tin ◊ Place the Scale to the left side, and place the magnetic tooth on the zero
◊ 17 item cards - 50x Heart Tokens space.
◊ 4 Smoke cards - Brass Bell ◊ Place the bell near the scale, or where both players can comfortably
◊ 7 Upgrade cards - 20x Card Sleeves reach.
◊ 31 Swap cards - Skull coin ◊ Place two candles at either end of the scale, to represent each players
◊ 5 Blank Death Cards - Rulebook (you’re reading it) lives. Remember to turn them on!
◊ 3 Bonus Cards - 2x Sigil Reference Guides ◊ Place the bone and heart tokens to the right side of the board, or where
- Wooden Scale - Wooden Storage Box both players can comfortably reach.
4 ◊ Give each player a Sigil Reference Guide. 5
Types of Cards Dealing the Cards
There are three types of cards: Each player has 20 cards of their own, made up of a selection of
creature cards. Choosing the cards is done out in the open, so both
Normal Creature cards players know what their adversary has.

These take up the majority of the cards, and have various Note: If rare cards are not already shuffled in, make sure you add them and shuffle well.
abilities, denoted with Sigils (more about Sigils on Page 11 & 20)
◊ From the communal draw pile, 3 cards are laid face up.
◊ Player A chooses 1 card. Player B then chooses 1 card. The
Rare Cards remaining card is put to the side.
◊ This is repeated until both players have 10 cards.
Less common cards with stronger or more powerful abilities.
Shown with a Golden background and ornate border. ◊ The order of picks is switched and Player B now has first
Other Cards ◊ Repeat this process until both players have 20 cards.
◊ Each player shuffles their selection and places it on their
Other cards have a grey background, and the symbol shown to draw pile.
the left. They can not be sacrificed as they are not ‘alive’.
These cards are often picked up as an item, or are the result of You have now created your creature decks!
a creature card’s sigil effects. All the remaining cards are returned to the communal draw pile, and
Examples are no longer used in this game.
On the rare occasion a player runs out of cards, play continues and no
additional creature cards are given to that player.

Tip for new players!

The first time you play, don’t worry too much about your choices.
You’ll start to learn and understand more about the game as you
It’s a good idea to get a mixture of card costs. Eg a selection of one
blood, two blood and several bone cards is a good start.
Creature Card Rare Card Other Card (See Card Costs on page 10 and Card Health & Damage on page 12
to help understand the card design)
6 7
Gameplay 4. Attack / Deal Damage

The board is a 4x2 grid represented by paw symbols. a. Following the arrow on the board, your cards attack and deal
Each player owns the 4 spaces on their side of the board. damage one by one to the card directly opposite*, removing
their wooden heart tokens. (see Card Health & Damage, pg 12)
Inscryption is a turn based game. Flip the provided coin to determine
who goes first! b. If there is no card opposite, deal damage directly to your
adversary and measure it on the scale. (see The Scale, pg 11)
On your turn, the order of play is as follows:
TIP! Don’t forget your card’s sigil and it’s effects!
1. Draw
Important Note: On the first turn for both players (including the
a. On the first turn for each player, draw 3 creature cards, and 1 first turn after either player has lost a life) no matter how much damage
squirrel. would be dealt, a maximum of 3 can be counted on the scale.
This is to avoid players being killed immediately before they’ve
b. On all other turns, you must draw either a creature card had a chance to defend themselves.
from your draw pile, or a squirrel.
5. End of Turn
2. Play Cards
a. Your adversary begins their turn.
a. Play as many or as few cards as you want in any of your
spaces, provided you have the required resources available b. Each time the Scale lands on 4 for either player, that player
b. Only one card is allowed in each space at a time receives an item card (see Items, pg 16 & 23)
TIP! Don’t forget to collect your bones! (see Card Costs, pg 10)
c. When the Scale has reached 5 for either player, that player
3. Ring the bell dies and one of their candles is extinguished.
(See Player Death, pg 14)
Signify your turn is over with a ring of the bell.

Each player has two lives, so you can expect to play either 2 or 3
rounds per game. Approx 40-60 minutes total.

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*May be affected by a sigil
Card Costs The Scale / Damage
All cards come at a cost. Whether it is blood, bones, or simply space Damage is kept track of by using the scale, which starts at zero.
on the board.
In order to play a card, you must first examine its cost, which is When a player deals damage to their adversary, they move the tooth
shown in the top right. There are three options: towards their adversary, indicating the amount of damage dealt.

Blood The tooth constantly moves back and forth each round.

◊ To play a card you must sacrifice your creature cards, If the tooth reaches the end of the scale (equal to 5 damage), the
corresponding to the number of blood drops shown in the player loses a life. (See Player Death, pg 14)
top right corner.
◊ To sacrifice a card, it must already be in play on your side of
the board. You ‘kill’ the creature you want to sacrifice and
remove it from the board into your dead pile. The sigils
Squirrels go back to their pile.
◊ Sacrificing always grants 1 blood per card, no matter the What is a sigil? - It’s the symbol in the middle bottom section of the
card’s cost*. card that modifies the card’s behavior in a major way.
◊ This is repeated for as many blood drops that are required. Not all cards have a sigil, some have multiple.
◊ Blood drops must be used immediately on a single card, and
can not be stored or transferred onto multiple cards. Please see the index at the end of this rule book for all details. (page 20)
◊ All cards must already be on the board before the Also provided on a separate sigil reference guide for each player.
sacrificing begins.
Bones Examples

◊ Upon any creature’s death a single bone token* is given

to the card’s owner, and stored next to the board on the
owner’s side.
◊ When a card that costs bones is played, the corresponding
amount of bones shall be removed from the player’s pile.
◊ A bone is also granted for each creature sacrificed*.

No cost
Touch of Death Airborne Sprinter &
◊ The card is free to play. Eg, squirrels.
10 11
*May be affected by a sigil
Card Health & Damage Further Rule Details

By default, squirrels are returned to their pile after being sacrificed,

this essentially means they are infinite.

For a more challenging version of the game, limit each player to 10

squirrels per round. If you’re out of squirrels, you’re out of luck.
3 1 1 6 0 1
Return all 10 squirrels to both players each time a player dies.
Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
Each card has a health value, which you can find in the bottom right
corner of the card.
Over Damage
To keep track of a creature’s health when you play it, simply place the
number of wooden heart tokens behind that card equal to its health If a card does more damage than the opposing card’s remaining
value. health, all excess damage is forefeited. Damage from a card can only
be dealt directly to your adversary when there is no card opposite the
At the end of your turn, your played cards will attack the card directly attacking card.
opposite them. The amount of damage they deal is determined by the
number shown in the bottom left corner of the attacking card.
Optional Overdamage Rule for advanced play!
To calculate the effect of the attack, subtract the damage dealt from For a more challenging version of the game, you can include over
the health of the opposing card. Adjust the number of heart tokens damage.
behind the attacked card to reflect its remaining health. Return the
removed heart tokens to the tin. In this variant, all damage points are counted for. First, the damage is
applied to the card opposite, and then any remaining damage hits the
When a card’s health reaches 0, it perishes*, and goes to the dead pile. player directly.
The owner receives a bone. (see Over Damage, pg 13) (Note: This option is significantly harder and not recommended for standard play.)

If there is no opposing card, deal damage directly to the other player

and move the tooth on the scale. (see Over Damage, pg 13)
12 13
*May be affected by a sigil
Player death Death Cards
Each player has two lives, represented by two lit candles. After a game ends, the losing player can create a Death Card.
When a player extinguishes both of their candles, they lose, and the Death cards function like regular cards, and are shuffled into the deck
game ends. for future games.
There are 5 blank cards included. You can add more or less to the
When a player’s damage reaches 5, they lose a life. initial draw pile to adjust how likely it is for either player to pick up a
Extinguish one of the dead players candles to signify this. death card. I’d recommend starting with two.
Either player can use a death card.
On either players death, several things occur for both players:
Creating a Death Card
◊ The cards in your hand and all bones are kept for the next Place a blank card into a plastic sleeve, and write on it with a
round. permanent marker.
◊ Cards currently in play are removed from the board into the ◊ Shuffle the player’s dead card pile from the game and reveal
three cards.
dead pile.
Note: If there are fewer than 9 cards in the dead card pile, you can shuffle the
(However they do not die, no bones are awarded and cards
player’s entire hand of cards in addition.
with the sigil are removed from play) ◊ Choose the cost of one of these revealed cards and write it
◊ Both players draw 3 additional cards from their decks and 1 on the new death card. Discard the other two cards.
squirrel. ◊ Reveal three more cards, and choose the power and health
◊ The losing player receives a special card named ‘the greater values from the selected card.
smoke’ from the ‘smoke’ pile of cards. ◊ Repeat this process for choosing sigils.
◊ The damage scale is reset to 0. ◊ Draw a portrait and give your creation a name.
◊ The next round begins, with the losing player going first.
Using a Death Card
◊ Remove the sleeve and place it to the side.
◊ Shuffle the blank card into the draw deck.
◊ When either player picks up the blank card, put on the
plastic sleeve and use it as normal.
◊ If multiple death cards are in play, shuffle the plastic sleeves
before applying them.
◊ Show your adversary which death card you have picked up.
◊ You can either play with the death cards from the current
14 play session, or use all previous death cards ever made. 15
The Items Upgrades Pile
Playing with items is optional but recommended! Upgrade cards can be found in the shared card spaces on the edge of
the play mat.
Items can help players claw back from near death, introduce Sometimes, a sigil will require new cards to be played.
unexpected twists, and extend the games duration. You must manually search through these piles to find the required
Item Basics:
Items are different from normal cards. A Fledgling card has a stronger version of itself, marked
with this symbol on the back of the card.
◊ They can be used at any point during your turn.
◊ Items without health do not need to be placed on the board. When a Fledgling card changes form or ‘grows up’ it’s
◊ Items with health must be placed on the board. health is repleaced as if it was a brand new card.
◊ They typically have no cost to play, with the exception of
the caged wolf item. Stronger versions are as follows:
◊ They can not be sacrificed. Raven Egg -> Raven Wolf Cub -> Wolf
Elk Fawn -> Elk Strange Larva -> Strange Pupa -> Mothman
Using Items: Frozen Opossum -> Opossum Caged Wolf -> Wolf

◊ Shuffle the item card pile well.

◊ Each time a player experiences a disadvantage of exactly 4
Swaps Pile
damage, they draw an item card.
◊ Once an item is used, it is returned to the bottom of the Some sigils have special effects, most of which are self
item card pile. explanatory. These cards can be found in the swaps pile.

The sigils that require additional cards are: Fecundity, Loose Tail, Ant Spawner, Rabbit
Hole, Bees Within, Trinket Bearer, Bellist, Dam Builder.)

Eg: Loose Tail sigil will grant you a wriggling tail card.
Dam Builder sigil will grant you up to two dam cards.

16 17
Card Details Extra / Unused cards
Further information for if you are unsure what a card does! For completion reasons, almost all act 1 cards have been printed from
the video game. During playtesting, many of these cards abilities did
Long Elk Rules not translate well to a balanced two player board game, so these cards
◊ Drops a vertebrae card in it’s previous space whenever it are printed but not used.
The cards and the reason for their omission are listed below.
Of course, feel free to play with the cards if you want to try them out!

The Daus Rules Too hard to counter

- Great White
◊ When played, a Chime card is placed in both neighboring - Grizzly
spaces unless occupied. - Mothman (All 3 stages)
◊ If a chime card is damaged, The Daus will deal two damage
to the attacking card no matter its position. Mothman Rules
◊ Can not pick up by default, must start with the Strange Larva Card
◊ Chime cards can not be sacrificed. ◊ Strange Larva -> Strange Pupa -> Mothman

Cards that are too complicated

Cat - OPTIONAL additional rule to normal use Ouroboros Rules
◊ After being Sacrificed 9 times, it turns into the undead cat. ◊ Each time it dies, it returns to your hand and gains +1 health and +1
(Unlikely to occur in regular play) attack.
◊ This mechanic is too complex to keep track and can become unfair
◊ Keep track by adding a bone behind the card as a temporary quickly.
tracking measure. ◊ You may sleeve the card and draw the upgrades on if you’d like.

Child 13 Rules
Amalgam ◊ Each time it is used for a sacrifice, it alternates between a Sleeping
version and a Flying version.
◊ If you’ve played the video game, you might be confused ◊ If it is sacrificed 13 times in a row (extremely unlikely) it turns into
about this card. It is included for use, but the original tribe Hungry Child
mechanic is not present in this board game. So it has no ◊ Too complicated to keep track of both of these rules simultaniously.
added benefit as you may have expected.
Printed for aesthetic reasons
◊ Leshy Card
◊ Standard Smoke Cards
◊ Sexy Black Goat

18 19
Bone King Leader

When this card dies, 4 Bones are Creatures adjacent to this card on the

awarded instead of 1. owners side gain 1 damage.

Airborne Sprinter
Active on card death Always Active
This card will ignore opposing cards At the end of the owner’s turn, this

and strike your adversary directly. card moves right relative to the owner,
Bifurcated Strike Unkillable
Active on attack after it cannot move right, it switches
This card will strike each opposing When this card perishes, it returns to
directions, this repeats.
space to the left and right of the spaces your hand.
Mighty Leap Active after attack
across it. Active on card death
This card blocks opposing Airborne
Active on attack
creatures, making them hit this card Hefty
instead of the player directly. The same effect as the sprinter card.
Trifurcated Strike When this card is played, a copy of it
Always Active (Seen above) However this card pushes
This card will deal damage to the enters your hand. The copy does not
all other cards along with itself.
opposing spaces left, right, and have this sigil.
Fledgling Active after attack
opposite of it. Active when first played
After surviving for 1 turn, the card
Active on attack Copies of card found in Swaps Pile
grows into a stronger form. Corpse Eater

Active at start of next turn If a card that you own dies by combat,
Sharp Quills Loose Tail
Stronger forms found in Upgrades Pile this card may be played from your hand
Each time this card is struck, the The first time this card would be
on its space for free even during your
striker is dealt 1 damage. struck, a tail is created in its place
Touch of Death adversary’s turn.
Active on damage and this card moves to the right (or if
This card instantly kills any card it Always Active
no space, the left). The tail is struck
Burrower instead and can be sacrificed.
Active on attack Waterborne
This card will move to any empty space Active once only during adversary’s attack
On your adversary’s turn, this card flips
that is attacked by an enemy to block Wriggling Tail card found in Swaps Pile
Many Lives upside down. Anything attacking this
When this card is sacrificed, it does not card’s space attacks the owner directly.
Always Active
perish. Active on adversary’s turn
Ant Damage
Always Active
Guardian The damage dealt by this card is equal
Worthy Sacrifice
When an opposing card is played to the number of ant cards you own
Stinky This card counts as 3 Blood rather than
opposite an empty space, this card that are currently in play.
The creature opposing this card loses 1 Blood when sacrificed. Excess blood
moves to that space. Always Active
1 damage. is not stored for later.
Always Active
Always Active Always Active
20 Continued on next page 21
Ant Spawner Bellist

When this card is played, an Ant enters When this card is played, Chimes are

your hand. created on adjacent empty spaces. Can be used any time on your turn and are single use.
Active when first played See page 18 for more info. Pliers

Ant cards found in Swaps Pile Active when first played. Use the pliers to rip out a tooth. You gain one point on the scales.

Chime cards found in Swaps Pile

Rabbit Hole Scissors

When this card is played, a rabbit Dam Builder You may (figuratively) cut up one of your adversary’s cards. It is killed.

enters your hand. When this card is played, Dams are

Active when first played created on adjacent empty spaces. Hourglass

Rabbit cards found in Swaps Pile Active when first played Your adversary will entirely skip their next turn.

Dam cards found in Swaps Pile

Bees Within Harpie’s Birdleg Fan

Each time this card is struck, a Bee Ringer All your creatures will attack as though they have the Airborne Sigil this turn.

card enters your hand. This card’s damage is dependent on

Active during adversary’s attack how close it is to the bell: From 4 at the Fish Hook

Bee cards found in Swaps Pile space closest, to 1 at the furthest. Hook one of your adversary’s cards and take it as your own. You must have an empty

Always Active space on your side to receive it.

Magpie’s Lens
When played, choose any card from Handy
Single-use version of the hoarder sigil.
your deck to add to your hand. Your This card’s damage is dependent on

adversary has to be shown the card. the number of cards you are holding in
Squirrel in a Bottle
Shuffle the deck. your hand.
Add a Squirrel to your hand and return this item to the bottom of the item pile.
Active when first played Always Active

Black Goat in a Bottle

Trinket Bearer Rorrim
Add a Black Goat to your hand and return this item to the bottom of the item pile.
When this card is played, you will This card’s damage is equal to the card
Black goat found in the Swaps Pile
receive an item. opposing it or 0 if there is no card.

Active when first played Always Active Frozen Opossum in a Bottle

Item cards found in Items Pile After this card is destroyed, an Opossum is created in it’s place.

Opossum found in the Swaps Pile

Hoggy Bank

You will immediately gain 4 Bones.

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