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Terms and Conditions Version 3.1 2024

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1.1 These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) are o ffered to our clients (“you”,

“yourself”, “customer”, as appropriate) by Capital Com Online Investments Ltd.

(we, us, CAPITAL.CO M, the Company, as appropriate), a company

incorporated in The Bahamas with registration number 209236B, and having its

registered office and place of business at Building #3, Bayside Executive Park,
Blake Road & West Bay Street, P. O. Box CB-12407, Nassau, New Providence,

The Bahamas, authorised by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas

(hereafter the "Commission") as a Registered Firm authorised to carry on

Securities Business under licence number SIA-F245.

Please find below the contact details of the Commission:

Office Address:

Poinciana House - North Building, 2nd Floor, 31A East Bay Street, P.O. Box N

8347, Nassau, The Bahamas

Telephone Number:

1 (242) 397-4100 (Nassau)

1 (360) 450-0981 (International)


The Company shall carry on Securities Business (the “Services”) under the

Terms defined throughout the Agreement and in accordance with the

applicable Laws and Regulations. The Terms govern the relationship

between you and the Company. The Terms may be amended from time-to-

time. In case of material changes, the Client will receive proper notification.

The Company highly recommends you take sufficient time to read,

understand the Terms and any other information published on our official

website as defined in Part 2 “Definitions” below (hereafter the “Website”,

“Company’s website”) prior to opening an account and/or carrying out any

activity with us.

The Company may utilise and operate domain and/or

other domain names as its Website. The Company, irrespective of the

domain names used, stays the contractual counterparty to the Client under

these Terms.

By opening an account with us, the Client confirms that he/she has read,

understood, and accepted all information published on the Company’s


1.2 If you visit our Website, our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy shall apply
to you. You agree that if you are a visitor, you can place orders on the
CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform only after you have applied to
become our Client and provided that we accept you as our Client.

1.3 The Terms set out the basis on which we will enter into transactions with
you and govern every Transaction entered into or outstanding between you
and us on or after the Terms come into effect. You understand that the main
purpose of opening a CFD account with us is for speculative trading or
hedging purposes.
1.4 Our Electronic Services involve trading CFDs and carry a high level of risk
that can result in you losing all of your invested capital. Our CFD trading is
not suitable for everyone. An explanation of some of the risks associated
with our CFD trading is set out in the Risk Disclosure Statement. You should
ensure that you fully understand such risks before entering into any
transactions with us. For more information, please refer to Part 19 below.
1.5 Once you are accepted as our Client, these Terms, together with the
provisions of the supplementing policies and/or Annexes herein (as
applicable and as amended from time to time, altogether hereafter referred
to as "the Policies"), which can be found on our Website and mobile app,
constitute a legally binding contract between us, as well as include
important information which, as a Registered Firm authorised to carry on
Securities Business, we are required to provide to our Clients under the
Applicable Laws and Regulations. You should read carefully all of these
terms and any other documents that we have supplied or will supply in the
future to you. If there is any conflict between these Terms and the Policies,
the provisions of these Terms will prevail.
1.6 These Terms supersede any previous agreement between you and us on
the same subject matter and take effect when you indicate your
acceptance via our Website or mobile app. These Terms shall apply to all
Transactions contemplated under these Terms.
1.7 Nothing in these Terms will exclude or restrict any duty or liability owed
by us to you under the Applicable Regulations. If there is any conflict
between these Terms and the Applicable Laws and Regulations, the
Applicable Laws and Regulations will prevail.

1.8 These are our standard Terms which we intend to rely on to govern our
relationship with you. For your own benefit and protection, you should read
the Terms carefully before agreeing to them. If you do not understand any
point in any of the documents making up the Terms,

please ask for further information at the Contact Us page on our Website.
This page is also available through the Help menu on our mobile app.
1.9 The business relationship shall commence upon acceptance of the Terms
via selecting the relevant box in the client account opening process. It shall
be noted that we charge no payment or fee for the execution and
commencement of these Terms.

1.10 Where these Terms have not been terminated, they will continue to be
in effect until their termination by either party, in accordance with the
provisions contained herein.

2.1 In these Terms:

Act means the Securities Industry Act 2011 as amended from time-to-time.

Account means the personal trading account you hold with us and
designated with a particular account number used for the purposes of
trading on any trading platform used by the Company either online or
through the Company's mobile application. You are permitted one Account,
unless explicitly obtaining prior consent from the Company.

Account Codes means the username and password given by the Company
to the Client for accessing the Company's electronic systems.

Applicable Laws and Regulations means:

a. The Commission’s Acts and Regulations, Rules, Orders and/or other

regulations issued by the Commission, which govern the operations of
Registered Firms authorised to carry on Securities Business.

b. all other applicable laws, rules and regulations that are in force from time
to time.

Affiliate means a person or entity that received a confirmation from the

Company, at the Company's sole discretion, that (i) it has successfully
completed the Affiliate Application, (ii) it is included in the Affiliate Program,
and (iii) it has received a unique Tracker ID linked to the Site(s).

Agreement means these Terms, including all its appendices, annexes,
attachments, schedules and exhibits and amendments, as the same be in
force from time to time and modified or amended from time to time.

AML/CFT Regulation means the Securities Industry (Anti Money Laundering
and Countering the Financing of Terrorism) Rules, 2015, as amended from
time to time and/or any other applicable laws or regulations in this respect.

Associate means an undertaking within our group, or a representative whom

we appoint, or any other person with whom we have a relationship that

might reasonably be expected to give rise to a community of interest

between us and them.

Base Currency means either the official currency of the United States of

America (the "USD"), or the official currency of the Eurozone (the "EUR"), or

the official currency of the United Kingdom (the "GBP") or any other currency

that may designated by the Company as a Base Currency from time to


Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday or a Sunday or a public

holiday in The Bahamas and any other holiday to be announced by the

Company on its website.

CAPITAL.COM Trading Desk means the trading desk operated by us at our


CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform means the Internet-based trading

platform available on our Website in a desktop version and through our

mobile app that allows us to provide Electronic Services to you.

Company means Capital Com Online Investments Ltd., a company

incorporated in The Bahamas, with registration number 1296 LLC 2021,

209236B, having its registered office at The Bahamas Financial Centre, 3rd

Floor, Shirley and Charlotte Streets, P.O. Box N-4865, Nassau, New

Providence, The Bahamas and its place of business at 2nd Floor,

Goodman’s Bay, Corporate Center, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.

Equity means the aggregate of (i) the Balance; and (ii) unrealized profit or

loss on open positions (after the deduction of any charges and the

application of any Spread on the closing of a position).

Client means the individual person, legal entity, or firm being a customer of

the Company.

Client Money Rules means the rules specified in regulation 88(2) of the SIR

and Article 26 of the Rules and any other rule, guidance, regulation, or law

published by the Commission from time to time applicable in this respect.

Company’s website means the following:, and/or

other domain names as can be utilised and operated by the Company.

Commission means the Securities Commission of The Bahamas.

Contract for Difference means in accordance with the Act under Part 1,

Article 7 of the First Schedule and as defined in Article 2 of the Rules:

(a) a derivative other than an option, future, swap or forward rate

agreement, the purpose of which is to give the holder a long or short

exposure to fluctuations in the price, level or value

of an underlying asset, irrespective of whether it is traded on a marketplace,

and that must be settled in cash or may be settled in cash at the option of

one of the parties other than by reason of default or other termination

event; or

(b) any other similar speculative investment as prescribed by the


CRS means the Common Reporting Standard.

Deposit means the funds deposited and/or transferred by our clients into

their accounts with us.

Electronic Services means services we provide, for example, an Internet

trading service offering clients access to information and trading facilities,

via an Internet service.

Event of Default means any of the events of default listed in Part 14 (Events

of Default).

Execution means the completion of a Client order on the CAPITAL.COM

Online Trading Platform, where the Company acts as a principal to the

Client's Transaction.

FATCA means the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

Financial Instruments means Contracts for Differences (CFDs) over currency

pairs, over shares, commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies, or over any other

available for trading underlying assets as defined in the Act under Part 1 of

the First Schedule.

Leverage is a financial tool that allows traders to open/control a position

size that is larger than the initial deposit/investment. It is expressed as a

multiple, such as 2:1, 10:1, 20:1 or higher. It, shows how many times the size

of the trade/position can be compared to the funds deposited.

Margin means the amount of funds requires the size of the trade/position

you can open to open or maintain position(s).

Margin Level is a metric that expresses the ratio of the equity to the used

margin, as a percentage. It provides an indication of the account’s health

and the level of risk associated with open positions.

Market Abuse is an umbrella term used for situations where traders and

investors have an unfair advantage over others.

Order means the request/instruction given by the Client to the Company to

open or close a position in the Clients’ Accounts.

Over-the-counter or OTC refers to Transactions conducted otherwise than

on a formal exchange (i.e, off-exchange).

Registered Firm to carry on Securities Business means a person registered

to carry on Securities Business under subsection 69(1) of the Act.

Rules mean the Securities Industry (Contracts for Differences) Rules, 2020, as

amended from time to time, published by the Commission.

Securities Business means under Section 7 of the Act, the securities

activities set out in Part 2 of the First Schedule of the Act as amended from

time to time and/or any other applicable laws or regulations in this respect,

including but not limited to dealing in CFDs.

Secured Obligations means the net obligation owed by you to us after the

application of set-off under Part 11, “Margining Arrangements” in Clause 11.5,

entitled Set-off on Default.

Spread means the difference between the purchase price ASK (rate) and

the sale price BID (rate) at the exact moment for the same financial


Services mean the services provided by the Company to the Clients while

carrying on Securities Business in accordance with its authorization, which is

governed by this Agreement as described herein.

SIR means the Securities Industry Regulations, 2012 as amended from time

to time.

Sub-Account means the accounts opened under the main Account of the


System means all computer hardware and software, equipment, network

facilities and other resources and, facilities needed to enable you to use an

Electronic Service.

Swap Free Accounts means that the Company offers Swap-Free accounts
to clients who cannot use a regular account due to their religion, faith, or
beliefs. For any further clarifications, please see Annex 1 of this agreement.
Terms means the present Terms and Conditions.
TIN (including functional equivalent) means Taxpayer Identification Number
or a functional equivalent in the absence of a TIN. A TIN is a unique
combination of letters or numbers assigned by a jurisdiction to an individual
or an entity and used to identify the individual or entity for the purposes of
administering the tax laws of such jurisdiction. Additional details can be
found at the following link:

Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN. However, these jurisdictions often

utilise some other high-integrity number with an equivalent level of
identification (a functional equivalent). Examples of that type of number
include, for individuals, a social security/insurance number, personal
identification/service code and resident registration number.
Transaction means any transaction on CFDs across a range of underlying
asset classes, including, but not limited to, equity, commodities and indices,
carried out subject to these Terms.

US Reportable Persons means as per FATCA:
a US citizen (including dual citizen);

a US resident alien for tax purposes;

a domestic partnership;

a domestic corporation;

any estate other than a foreign estate;

f. any trust, if:


a court within the United States is able to exercise primary

supervision over the administration of the trust;


one or more United States persons have the authority to control all
substantial decisions of the trust;

iii. any other person that is not a foreign person.


3.1 Information about Us

3.1.1 Our registered office is at The Bahamas Financial Centre, 3rd Floor,
Shirley and Charlotte Streets, P.O. Box N-4865, Nassau, New Providence,
Bahamas and our place of business is at the 2nd Floor, Goodman’s Bay,
Corporate Center, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas. Our contact
details are set out in Part 20 (“Miscellaneous”) of these Terms under the
heading “Notices”.

3.1.2 CAPITAL.COM carries out Securities Business activities with CFDs and
other financial instruments as defined by these terms. The Company
provides its Electronic Services to its Clients via the CAPITAL.COM Online
Trading Platform.

3.1.3 The Company shall provide the Services strictly under the Terms. These
terms may be amended from time to time after proper notification has been
given to the counterparty (hereafter the “Client”) via the mobile app and
displayed on the website of the Company. The Client thus undertakes that
they have read, understood, and unconditionally accepted all information
published on the Company’s official website.

3.2 Language
These Terms are supplied to you in English and we will continue to
communicate with you in English for the duration of these Terms. By
accepting these Terms you consent and confirm that our official language is
English. We will have the discretion to communicate with you in other
languages besides English. The provision of any information, including
marketing material and any other communication, in a language other than
our official language, is provided solely for your convenience, purposes and
the legally binding version shall be the English language version of such
documentation. Thus, in the event of a dispute, the English version shall

3.3 Communication with Us

3.3.1 You may communicate with us via e-mail or through the “Contact
Us” section of our website or the mobile app. Our contact details are set out
in Part 20, (“Miscellaneous”) of these Terms under the heading “Notices”.

3.3.2 Our website and mobile app contain further details about us and our
Electronic Services, and other information relevant to these Terms. In the
event of any conflict between these Terms and our website or mobile app
these Terms will prevail.

3.3.3 By accepting and agreeing to the Terms and further opening an
Account with the Company, the Client accepts the provision of information
through electronic means such as the Company’s Website or your verified
email (“durable medium”), due to the nature of the relationship established
between the Company and the Client. Such provision of information by
means of electronic communication shall be treated as appropriate by the
Client. The provision of an email address by the Client to the Company for
the establishment or the continuation of the business relationship shall be
considered as sufficient evidence of the Clients agreement of receiving
information through durable medium. The Company will ensure to a
reasonable degree that the Website will be accessible continuously.

3.4 Provision of Services:

The Company is authorised to provide the following services in the context
of carrying on Securities Business Activities as a Registered Firm:
Dealing as agent or principal, including underwriting and arranging
deals in securities
Dealing as agent or principal, including underwriting and arranging
deals in CFDs.

3.5 Client Categorisation

3.5.1 The Company will deal with the client according to the type of
categorisation/classification on which the client will be treated either as a
Retail or a Professional Client in accordance with the information provided
during the account opening procedure. The category of Professional Clients
includes Accredited Investors and Elective Professional Clients as defined in
the Applicable Laws and Regulations.
3.5.2 The Act, the Rules, SIR, and any other applicable laws and regulations,
establish specific criteria which the Company shall follow when carrying out
the classification and communicating the outcome to clients.
3.5.3 The Company will notify its clients, and existing clients of their
categorisation as a Retail or Professional Client.

3.5.4 The Clients are allowed to request to be placed into a different
category other than retail.

3.5.5 You shall inform the Company in the event that your personal
information changes.

3.5.6 To be re-categorised, you must inform the company in writing, clearly

stating your request and any supplementing documents/information.
However, the final decision of the change in the categorisation lies at the
company's absolute discretion.

3.5.7 Your protection as a Retail Client under the Act, the Rules and other
Applicable Regulations includes, but is not limited to:


Our obligation to provide appropriate information to you before

providing the Electronic Services;


The restriction on the payment or receipt by us of any inducements in

accordance with article 14 of these Terms and any applicable Rules;


We are obligated to ensure that all information we provide to you is fair,

transparent, and not misleading;


The requirement that you receive from us adequate reports on the

Electronic Services provided to you;


A Retail Client will be given more information/disclosures with regards

to the Company, its services and any investments, its costs,
commissions, fees and charges and the safeguarding of clients' funds
and financial instruments. Clients who are classified as Professional will
be provided with the relevant requirements to the extent agreed
between the Company and the respective Clients.


CAPITAL.COM will ask the Client to provide information regarding their

knowledge and experience in the investment field relevant to the
specific type of product or service offered or demanded to enable the
Company to assess whether the Client is appropriate for the investment
service or product envisaged. If the Company considers, based on the
information received, that the Client is not suitable for product or
service, the Company will alert the Client accordingly;


CAPITAL.COM will inform its Clients of material difficulties relevant to the

proper carrying out of their order(s) as soon as it is reasonably possible
upon becoming aware of such challenges;

CAPITAL.COM will provide Clients with complete and explicit
information on the execution of the relevant Client orders;


CAPITAL.COM will make adequate arrangements for financial

instruments held on behalf of a Client to prevent their use by the
Company for its own account by depositing them with a third party in
manner that would make them identifiable from the Company's
financial instruments held with that third party (if any) and identifiable
from the financial instruments held by that third party as well;


CAPITAL.COM will make adequate arrangements for Margin Close-Out

Requirements. The standardised margin close-out rule has been set at
50% of the initial margin. The threshold has been set out in Article 27 of
the Rules as a mitigation measure to ensure an adequate standardised
minimum level of protection for retail investors;


CAPITAL.COM will make adequate arrangements to prevent the use of

Client funds for its own account by depositing them entirely into
segregated bank accounts.

l. CAPITAL.COM will notify you when you do not hold sufficient margin to
open or keep a position (such notification will be sent through the
website or the mobile application).

3.5.8 For the Clients who were initially categorised as Professional Clients,
unless advised otherwise by you, your money may be treated in accordance
with title transfer, namely money that you transfer to us by way of margin or
otherwise may be treated as transfer in full ownership to us for the purpose
of securing or covering your recent, future, actual, contingent or prospective

3.5.9 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you confirm that you
understand that the consequence of the transfer of ownership of any such
money means that it shall no longer be regarded as "Client Money" in
relation to the segregation of those monies and that we may deal with such
money in our own right. Furthermore, in case of insolvency, you rank as a
general creditor of the Company in relation to such money. It is noted that
the Client maintains the right to refuse this arrangement, whereby their
funds will be regarded as "Client Money".

3.6 Availability of the Electronic Services
3.6.1 The Electronic Services of CAPITAL.COM are only available to
individuals who:


Are at least eighteen (18) years old and at least the legal age in their
respective jurisdiction;respective jurisdiction;


Are domiciled or located in a country where the distribution or use of

CFDs would not be contrary to local laws or regulations. It is your
responsibility to ascertain the terms of, and comply with any local laws
or regulations to which you are subject;


Are not domiciled or located in the United States of America as the use
of the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform is prohibited from
anywhere in the United States of America;


Have provided the company with the information required to establish

their economic profile;


At the Company’s request have provided information and

documentation necessary to establish the source of funds deposited
with the Company; and/or

f. Are not employees, directors, associates, agents, affiliates, relatives, or

otherwise connected to the Company or any of its Associates.
3.6.2 Using and accessing the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform may
not be permitted or blocked in some jurisdictions. It is your responsibility to
verify that you are permitted to use and access the CAPITAL.COM Online
Trading Platform according to your domiciliary jurisdiction or any country in
which you may be located. Should you try to access the CAPITAL.COM
Online Trading Platform from a country other than your stated country of
domicile, it is possible that access will not be permitted, and you will be
unable to access the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform and therefore
open any positions or close any existing positions.

The Company may, in its sole discretion, refuse to offer its Electronic Services
to any person and change its eligibility criteria at any time.

3.7 General Interpretation

3.7.1 A reference in these Terms to a “Clause” or “Schedule” or “Part” shall be
construed as a reference to, respectively, a Clause or Schedule or Part of
these Terms, unless the context requires otherwise.

3.7.2 References in these Terms to any statute or statutory instrument or
applicable Regulations include any modification, amendment, extension or
re-enactment thereof.
3.7.3 A reference in these Terms to a “document” shall be construed to
include any electronic document.
3.7.4 The masculine includes the feminine and the neuter and the singular
includes the plural and vice versa as the context admits or requires.
3.7.5 Words and phrases defined in the Act and the relevant Regulations
have the same meaning unless expressly specified in these Terms.

3.8 Schedules
3.8.1 The provisions contained in the attached Schedule(s) (if any) shall
apply. We may from time to time send to you further Schedules in respect of
the Transactions. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of any
Schedule and these Terms, the provisions of the Schedule shall prevail.
3.8.2 You acknowledge having read, understood, and agreed to the
Schedules to these Terms (if any).
3.9 Business relationships with our other entities within the Group.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you are giving us your consent to
terminate any business relationship you have with related entities within our
Group and transfer all your relevant documentation and available funds to us.

3.10 Headings

Headings are for ease of reference only and do not form a part of these Terms.

3.11 Assessment of Appropriateness

3.11.1 In order for the Company to ensure that the information regarding
Clients' potential knowledge and experience in the investment fields
includes the following, taking into account the extent appropriate to the
nature of the Client, the nature and scope of the Services to be provided
and the anticipated type of product or transaction, including their
complexity and the risks involved:


The type of service, transaction and financial instrument with which the
Client is familiar;


The nature of the Client's transactions in financial instruments and the

period over which they have been carried out;

c. The level of education, and profession of the Client or potential Client.

3.11.2 The Company shall not encourage a Client or potential Client not to
provide information required for assessing their appropriateness.

3.11.3 The Company shall be entitled to rely on the information provided by

its Clients or potential Clients unless it is aware or ought to be aware that
the information is manifestly out of date, inaccurate or incomplete.

3.11.4 Further to the above, the Company, when assessing whether a

financial instrument is appropriate for a Client, determines whether that
Client has the necessary experience and knowledge to understand the risks
concerning the product(s) offered or demanded. Since the Company will
expand its services to cover Professional Clients', the Company shall be
entitled to assume that a Professional Client has the necessary experience
and knowledge to understand the risks involved with those financial
instruments or transactions, or types of transactions or products, for which
the Client is classified as a Professional Client.


4.1 Subject to the Applicable Laws & Regulations

4.1.1 These Terms and all transactions are subject to the Applicable Laws
and Regulations so that:


Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or restrict any obligation which we

have to you under the Applicable Laws and Regulations;


We may take or omit to take any action we consider necessary to

ensure compliance with any Applicable Laws and Regulations;


All Applicable Laws and Regulations and whatever we do or fail to do in

order to comply with them will be binding on you; and

d. Such actions that we take or fail to take for the purpose of compliance
with any Applicable Laws and Regulations shall not render us or any of
our directors, officers, employees or agents liable.

4.2 Action by a Regulatory Body
4.2.1 If the Commission, or any other regulatory body takes any action
which affects a transaction, then we may take any responsive action which
we, in our reasonable discretion, consider desirable to respond to such
action or to mitigate any loss incurred as a result of such regulatory action.
Any such action shall be reasonable and binding on you.

4.2.2 If the Commission, or any other supervisory authority makes an enquiry

in respect of any of your transactions, you agree to fully cooperate with us
and to promptly supply information requested in connection with the

4.3 Common Reporting Standard (the "CRS")

4.3.1 Under CRS Regulation, we are obliged to collect certain information
about the Financial Account Holder for the purposes of reporting. We have
the right to provide such information to the local tax authorities, and they
may exchange this information with tax authorities of other jurisdiction(s)
pursuant to intergovernmental agreements regarding the exchange of
financial information.

4.3.2 If the Financial Account Holder's tax residence is located outside the
country, where the Financial Institution (Fl) maintaining the account is
located, the Company may be legally obliged to pass on financial
information provided with respect to your account to the local tax
authorities and they may exchange this information with tax authorities in
another jurisdiction(s) pursuant to intergovernmental agreements to
exchange financial account information.

4.3.3 By accepting these Terms, you authorise us to provide directly or

indirectly to any relevant tax authorities or any party authorised to audit or
conduct similar control of the Company for tax purposes information
obtained from you or otherwise in connection with the Terms and the
transactions and to disclose to such tax authorities any additional
information that the Company may have in its possession that is relevant to
your account.


4.4.1 In case where the Client is considered as a US reportable person as

defined under this Agreement then we are obliged to collect certain
information for the purposes of ensuring compliance with FATCA reporting
requirements. The Client acknowledges and accepts that the Company is
required to disclose information in relation to any US reportable persons to
the relevant authorities, as per the reporting requirements of FATCA. The
Company does not accept US reportable persons.

4.4.2 We are required by the Applicable Laws and Regulations (including,

without limitation, FATCA) to confirm and verify the identity of each Client
who registers in our system and opens an account with us. Therefore, you will
be prompted to provide us with information when you register with us,
your name,

your address,

your date of birth,

d. our phone number and any other personally identifiable information

that we may ask for from time to time such as a copy of your passport
or National Identity Card, proof of address or other identifying
documents or information, and the countries of which you are a tax
resident, and confirm whether you are a US citizen or if your place of
birth is in the United States of America or any other proof of your current
location or domicile. You shall notify CAPITAL.COM in writing within
thirty (30) days of any material change in the information previously
provided to us.

4.5 Qualified Intermediary Agreement

4.5.1 Under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and the Qualified
Intermediary Agreement Revenue Procedure 2017-15, we may be obliged to
collect certain information about the Account Holder as defined in the
Qualified Intermediary Agreement Revenue Procedure 2017-15 for the
purposes of reporting. We have the right to collect such information for the
purpose of ensuring compliance with our obligations under the relevant

4.5.2 In the case where the Client falls under the definition of the Account
holder as stated in the Qualified Intermediary Agreement Revenue
Procedure 2017-15, the Client acknowledges and accepts that they may be
required to complete a W-8 series form for this purpose in order for the
Company to comply with the reporting requirements under the Qualified
Intermediary Agreement Revenue Procedure 2017-15.


5.1 Charges
Fees and other charges are payable by you as a Client of the Company. A
copy of our current charges is available on the mobile app. Further
information in respect to costs and charges are provided in an aggregated
form on the Company’s website (expressed in both as a cash amount and
as a percentage). The Company provides you with an itemised breakdown
of costs and charges in your personal account on our platform.
5.1.1 Alteration of charges
The Company reserves the right to modify, from time to time the size, the
amounts and the percentage rates of its fees providing the Client with a
respective notification of such charges accordingly. Any alteration to
charges will be notified to you in advance of the relevant change via our
Website or the mobile app. You need to monitor and/or to regularly check
the fees and charges on our Website or in the mobile app, taking into
account that the Company is under no obligation to make personal
notifications of the alterations to the charges.
Your continued use of our platform shall be considered as your consent and
agreement to such changes and shall be governed by those Terms and
Conditions, as modified. If you do not wish to be bound by those changes
you should cease to use our platform and inform us immediately.
The Company will endeavour to notify clients via e-mail communication of
any significant alterations of charges for the Client's convenience.

5.2 Spreads
The Company will quote to clients two prices, the "ASK" at which clients can
buy a respective CFD, and the "BID" at which clients can sell a respective
CFD. The difference between the ASK and the BID prices is called the
"SPREAD." The SPREAD is the only trading cost that the user has to pay as a
trading fee for the Electronic Services. No other charges or commissions are
paid by the clients to enter or exit a trade. The Company's spreads are
quoted on both the mobile and web platforms and on the website. The
spreads are dynamic due to the uncertain nature of the markets and are set
at the absolute discretion of the Company. Different instruments have
different spreads. The spread may factor in:
Liquidity of the product's underlying marke
General market and economic condition
The Company's risk appetit
The Company's costs and profit margi
The greater competitive landscape
The Company uses a proprietary model to create its pricing. A unique, internally
developed pricing algorithm sources prices from many liquidity providers,
assuring that the Company provides to its clients the best price it can.

5.3 No Commissions or Fees for Depositing or Withdrawal

No fees are charged by the Company for deposits to or withdrawals from
the Account. Such fees, however, may still be charged by a bank, credit card
provider or other third-party payment services provider. The Company shall
not be liable for such fees.
5.3.1 Payment methods used for funding your account may carry transaction
fees that the Company may absorb. However, in cases when the Client
engages in deposit and withdrawal activity without entering into any
trading activity (or conducting minimal trading activity), the Company may
charge such costs on the specific payment method whether this is at the
funding or withdrawal stage, both and or retroactively.

5.4 No Telecommunication Fees are Charged or Covered
No additional costs are charged by the Company in relation to the
telecommunication media utilised by the Client, if any, and the Company is
not responsible for compensating any fees incurred in relation to the use of
telecommunication media by the Client. It is the Client's sole responsibility
to settle any fees with the respective telecommunication provider.
5.5 Payment Methods
Clients can deposit funds to their Account at any time. The following
payment methods can be used: bank cards and bank transfers, payments
via electronic or online payment solutions. Additional limitations and
restrictions apply subject to region, and/or currency, and/or amount of
payment. The Company reserves the right to amend the list of payment
methods without notification of its clients.
Bank deposits from third parties to the client's account will not be accepted.
The Company will not return the funds lost in trading even if the Client
deposited the funds using a payment method belonging to a third party.
The service bank, the processing system, or the payment system may
establish standard limits on all payment transactions regardless of the will of
the Company. The Client understands and agrees that the Company shall
not be responsible for the timing of the payments and for the circumstances
that caused a technical failure during the transfer, if they arose through no
fault of the Company.
The Client understands and agrees that all commissions and other costs
associated with the implementation of the chosen method of transfer and
crediting of funds shall be paid at the expense of the Client, unless the
Company wishes to charge part or all of these costs to its expenses at its
discretion. Funds accounting can be performed in the U.S. Dollars, Euros,
Pounds sterling and other currencies per these Terms.
5.6 Minimum Deposits
The minimum amount of funds deposited by the Client is set by the
Company and depends on the chosen currency and the method of deposit.
The minimum amount of deposit is displayed to the Client on the Platform
under the “Deposit” section in the process of Deposit.

The Client shall at any time be entitled to declare the return of part or all of
the funds on their account, by sending the Company the request to
withdraw the funds from the account. The amount of funds available for
withdrawal shall be calculated as follows:

If there are no open positions in the client’s account, the amount of funds
available for withdrawal shall be equal to the amount of Funds in the
client’s account;

If there are open positions in the Client’s account, the calculation of

funds available for withdrawal shall be performed automatically in real-
time, taking into consideration the amount of Margin required to hold
open positions.

The Company is entitled to set up the limits on the minimum and maximum
amount of funds available for withdrawal at its own discretion. The
Company has the right to reject the Client's request for funds withdrawal if
it does not meet these conditions, or the Company has reason to believe
that the Client has violated any of the provisions of this Agreement.

The Company processes all funds withdrawals within up to five (5) business
days. This period does not include the time it takes for the service bank, the
processing system, or the payment system to process the transaction. In
exceptional cases (suspicion of the doubtful nature of the operation, at the
time of fixing technical failures, etc.), the Company reserves the right to
extend this period.

5.7 Prepaid Cards

Anonymous prepaid cards involve a higher risk for money laundering and
terrorist financing activities. As such, the Company has established
procedures to mitigate risks arising from anonymous prepaid cards. In
particular, the Company shall not accept deposits from anonymous prepaid
cards issued outside the European Union. In this respect, when the
Company identifies such a deposit method, the deposited funds are
immediately returned to the client.

5.8 Conversion into the Base Currency

Investing in financial instruments with an underlying asset(s) in a currency other

than your base currency entails a currency risk as the financial instrument is
settled in a currency other than your base currency. Hence, the value of your
return may be affected by its conversion into the base currency.

Currency risk is not limited to conversions within the Online Trading Platform but

extends to deposits or withdrawals where currency conversion is required. The

conversion rate is not within the control of the Company, and therefore, the

Company shall not be liable for differences resulting from unfavourable

conversion rates. For any calculation (unless expressly stated otherwise), we

convert amounts denominated in any other currency into the Base Currency at

the prevailing rate at the time of the calculation, as shown on our platform.

However, the Company reserves the right to add a markup on the

conversion rates in relation to the prevailing market conditions. For further

information please refer to the website.

5.9 Additional Costs

You should be aware of the possibility that other taxes or costs may exist

that are not paid through or imposed by us. It is your sole responsibility to

bear these additional costs.

5.10 Ex-post disclosure

The Company will provide the Clients with an itemised breakdown of costs

and charges in the clients personal accounts available on our platform.

5.11 No Third-Party Payments

You can only deposit your own money to your Account. It should be easily

traceable that the deposited funds come from you. In case of doubt, we

reserve the right to ask for documentary confirmation of the ownership of

the incoming funds.

No third-party payments will be accepted. If a third party deposit is

identified or if in case of a doubt you are unable to provide the

documentary proof of funds ownership – the deposited amount deducted

by the amount of transaction fees will be returned to the same account from

which it was received.

In case the card was fraudulently used, the legal owner of the card shall

apply to the Company for reimbursement of the full fraudulently transferred

amount including transaction fees.

The Company will not process any withdrawals made to third parties.
Withdrawals will be made to the same account from which the incoming
funds were originally received from. If it is not possible you are obliged to
provide us with the documentary proof of ownership of the account to
which you are requesting withdrawal.

5.12 Overnight Premiums (Swaps)

If you hold a position open overnight, an overnight premium (swap) is
subtracted from/credited to your Account. The amount of the overnight
premium (swap) is specified for each instrument on our Website and the mobile
app. Any alteration of the overnight premium (swap) is subject to the rules as
defined in clause 5.1.1.

5.13 Inactive Accounts

Inactive Accounts (as defined in Section 8.19 of these Terms) will not be
subject to any charge, relating to the maintenance/administration of such
Inactive Accounts.
In case your account/trading account(s) become inactive (as defined in the
clause 8.19 of these Terms) for a period of more than a year, we may charge
a fee (‘inactivity fee’) for maintaining your account and our administrative
costs. In that case the applicable charges will be disclosed on the relevant
Website page ( Subject to the
clauses 5.1, 5.1.1, it is your responsibility to monitor and/or to regularly check
the relevant charges (if any) and the size of such charges. 

You should note that such a cost as described here in above may continue
to apply on a monthly basis thereafter if no action is taken by you. If you
maintain more than one account, this fee will apply to all trading accounts.
It will be your responsibility to monitor the status of your account(s) and we
may not send any notification to you prior to charging the above fees.

5.14 Incentives to Retail Clients

Pursuant to Article 30 of the Rules, except as a rebate of trading expenses,
the Company shall not directly or indirectly provide a retail client with any
incentive, whether monetary or non-monetary, when marketing, distributing
or selling a CFD without the consent of the Commission. For the purposes of
this paragraph, information and research tools regarding CFDs are not
considered to be incentives.

5.15 Guaranteed Stop Loss Order Fee (GSL Fee)
A fee charged when the Guaranteed Stop Loss Order is triggered and
executed. The fee is charged in the form of an extra spread and is
expressed in percentage. The percentage is displayed in the deal ticket
when placing the Guaranteed Stop Loss Order on the CAPITAL.COM Online
Trading Platform. The GSL Fee is calculated by the following formula:
GSL Fee = GSL Premium * Position Open Price * Quantity

The amount of fee charged is displayed in the trade history once the GSL is
triggered and executed.
Note: our MT4 trading platform does not offer GSL.
5.16 Dividends
Adjustments will be made to the Client’s Accounts due to dividend
payments related to the underlying equity. Such adjustment will be
calculated by the Company based on the size of the dividend, the size of
Client’s position, taxation and whether it is a buy or a sell trade. If the Client
holds a long Position, the Company will adjust such Client’s Account in
Client’s favour by the dividend multiplied by the long quantity as adjusted, if
necessary, for taxation. If the Client holds a short Position, the Company will
adjust such Client’s Account in Company’s favour by the dividend multiplied
by the short quantity as adjusted, if necessary, for taxation.
A dividend adjustment is applied when an underlying share passes its ex-
dividend date (including the ex-date of any special dividend) in the
underlying stock market.
However, as the Company is dependent upon notification from an external
third party under no circumstances the Company shall be held liable for the
consequences of any delayed adjustments.
5.17 Rebates to Professional Clients
The Company might pay to its Professional Client rebates depending on
their trading activities. The payments of relevant rebates are made within
thirty (30) days of the end of each month. The payment of such rebates shall
be concluded only upon completion of compliance and risk checks carried
out by the Company.
Notwithstanding any other term of this Agreement, the Company may, at its
sole and absolute discretion, withhold, delay or deny payment of any
rebate in any of the following events:
the Company has reason to suspect that the Client’s activity is not in
compliance with any applicable Rules, laws and regulations
the Company has reason to suspect that the Client’s activity is in breach
of this Agreement or there is any breach of this Agreement
the Client has failed to provide any piece of information as may be
requested by the Company or has provided misleading or incorrect
information; and/o
the Company has figured out or has been notified by any third party of
the alleged infringement of third parties’ rights by the Client or there is
any infringement of third parties’ rules or rights applicable to Client while
performing its obligations under this Agreement.


6.1 Execution Only - No provision of Investment Advice

We deal on an execution-only basis and do not advise on the merits of
particular transactions, or their taxation consequences.
6.2 Own Judgement and Suitability
Without prejudice to our foregoing obligations, in asking us to enter into any
Transaction, you represent that you have been solely responsible for making
your own independent appraisal and investigations into the risks of the
Transaction. You represent that you have sufficient knowledge, market
sophistication, professional advice and experience to make your own
evaluation of the merits and risks of any Transaction and that you have read
and have accepted the risks associated with any and all Transaction. We
have provided you with all the relevant information and documents that you
need to decide on the investment including - the present Terms, the Risk
Disclosure Statement, supplementary policies, training materials etc.,
although we give you no warranty as to the suitability of the products traded
under these Terms and assume no fiduciary duty in our relations with you.
6.3 Incidental Information
Where we do provide generic trading recommendations, market
commentary, or other information:
a. This is incidental to your trading relationship with us. It is provided
solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions and does
not amount to advice;


Where information is in the form of a document containing a restriction

on the person or category of persons for whom that document is
intended or to whom it is distributed, you agree that you will not pass it
on to any such person or category of persons;


We give no representation, warranty, or guarantee as to the accuracy

or completeness of such information or as to the tax consequences of
any transaction;

You accept that prior to dispatch, we may have acted upon it ourselves
or made use of the information on which it is based. We do not make
representations as to the time of receipt by you and cannot guarantee
that you will receive such information at the same time as other Clients.
Any published research reports or recommendations may appear in one
or more screen information services.
6.4 Conflicts of Interest Policy
6.4.1 Under applicable Laws and Regulations, the Company is required to have
arrangements in place to manage conflicts of interest between the Company
and its clients and between other clients. The Company will make all reasonable
efforts to avoid conflicts of interest, and when they cannot be avoided, the
Company shall ensure that you are treated fairly and at the highest level of
integrity and that the Client's interests are protected at all times.

6.4.2 You acknowledge that we provide our Services to a broad range of Clients
and have numerous counterparties and circumstances may arise in which we,
our Associates, or any relevant person may have a material interest in a
Transaction with or for you or where a conflict of interest may arise between your
interests and those of other clients or counterparties or of ourselves.

6.4.3 Please refer to our Conflicts of Interest Policy for further information on
how we manage any conflict that may arise. Upon request, we will provide
you with any further details in that regard.


7.1 Account Opening

7.1.1 Before you can place an order with the Company, you must read and
accept these Terms, the trading policies as outlined in Part 8 below, and all
applicable Schedules (if any). Moreover, you must also deposit sufficient funds
in your Account and your Client registration form, and all accompanying
documents, must be approved and verified by the Company.

7.1.2 The Company has established a Customer Acceptance Policy to
perform accurate and complete risk assessments when accepting clients.

7.2 Customer verification

We are obliged under the applicable regulations to verify the identity of our
Customers. We have undertaken a risk-based approach to this process, which
might require obtaining amongst other things, documentary proof of your
identity or address. You agree that:


we may use additional online electronic verification tools for that

purpose; and 

II. we may request (amongst other things) further details, documents, photo,
liveness and/or video evidence from yourself. If you cannot satisfactorily
prove your identity, you may not be able to open an Account with us or
the Company may have to close an existing Account.

Furthermore we may, at our sole discretion any time during the business
relationship, request additional documents including but not limited to the
identification documents, proof of address, proof of funds, evidence of your
source of funds and proof of funds and proof of ownership of the payment
methods used by you.

7.3 Documents

7.3.1 When accepting a new Client, the Company is required to have

satisfactory evidence of the Clients' identity, economic profile and financial
background, in order to provide an effective service.
The Company requires all clients to enter into an agreement with the
Company by completing the account opening documentation which is
tailored to extracting this information. For Natural Persons
Proof of identity: Copies of passports, and if available, official national
identity cards issued by competent authorities of their country of origin
are obtained
Other documents: The Company may request a proof of address and/or
other documentation as applicable in accordance with the AML/CFT
Regulation and its AML policies if so required.

Proof of address may be a utility bill, house deed, or bank statement not
older than six (6) months, stating the client's name and residential
address. In cases where the clients reside within countries where the
addresses are identified only by reference to a P.O. Box, a declaration
letter signed by an independent government representative or
professional officer (such as post office, lawyer, accounts and notary
public) confirming the Client's address is accepted. For Legal Persons

A different identification procedure is followed for legal persons interested in
opening an account with the Company.
The documentation that needs to be obtained from the respective clients is
in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the AML/CFT Regulation as
amended from time to time as well as any other applicable regulation and
as per the Company’s policies and procedures.
7.3.2 In accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures, the
documents required for the verification of your identity to approve the
registration of your Account must be provided to the Company within 15
(fifteen) calendar days from the date of the first deposit made to the
relevant account. During this period the Client will be able to trade.
7.3.3 Upon the provision of all requested documentation, and before the
expiration of the fifteen (15) calendar days mentioned in Clause 7.2.2 above,
the Company will assess and verify the provided documentation and, if
everything is in line with the Company’s procedures, approval of your
registration as a Client will be sent to you by e-mail to the address you have
provided during the registration of the Account.
7.3.4 In case the documents requested during your registration are not
provided within the fifteen (15) days period, the Company shall proceed with
the suspension of your Account and any other Electronic Services related to
your Account will also be terminated. In case of a suspension, the Company
will terminate the business relationship with you on the expiration of the last
day of the fifteen (15) calendar days period and all available funds (but not
exceeding the total amount of funds deposited by the Client) will be
returned to the same bank account from which they were initially
transferred to the suspended Account. All open positions on the to-be-
suspended Account will be closed automatically on the expiration of the
last day of the fifteen (15) calendar days period.

If the expiration date falls on a non-trading day/hours the positions will be
closed at the first upcoming opening of the markets in the CAPITAL.COM
Online Trading Platform.
7.3.5 The Company may, at its sole discretion, at any time during the
business relationship with you, request additional documents, including but
not limited to the identification documents, proof of funds, evidence of your
sources of funds, proof of ownership of the payment methods, as well as
selfies with requested documents.

7.3.6 In the event the Company detects any sanctions or adverse media
alerts during the screening, either during onboarding or ongoing monitoring,
the Company shall request additional identification documents, including,
but not limited to, a certificate of clean criminal record from the responsible

7.4 Registration Approval

Upon the approval of your registration, you will be notified by e-mail to the
address you have provided during the registration of the Account.
7.5 Additional Requirements
The Company may, in its sole discretion, at any time during the business
relationship with the Client, and on reasonable grounds, request that, in
addition to online acceptance of these Terms, the Client must complete and
submit any signed documents as required by the Company, including but
not limited to these Terms and the Risk Disclosure Statement.


8.1 Placing Orders

You may give us instructions in electronic form through the Website or the
mobile app. You accept that all instructions should be placed manually and
any use of an automated data entry system or tampering in any way with
the Online Trading Platform is expressly and strictly prohibited.
In these Terms "instructions" and "orders" have the same meaning. When
placing an Order, if it becomes pending, the funds required for its execution
are blocked from the available funds available in the Client's Account (the
blocked funds cannot be used for other Orders, until the pending ones are
executed or cancelled).

The Client shall be the sole trader on the Account, and all Sub-accounts,
unless the Client has explicitly obtained prior consent from the Company. No
third party is permitted to affect the trades on the behalf of the Client
without prior notification to the Company. You acknowledge that by
accepting these Terms, you remain the sole proprietor and trader on the
account. Any such breach of the aforementioned may subject the Client's
Account to the Enforcement Measures described in clause 13.3 herein.

8.2 Types of Orders Accepted

8.2.1 An order is an offer to open or close a transaction if our price moves to,
or beyond, a level specified by you. Our approach is primarily to place
orders as a principal and not as an agent on your behalf; we are the sole
counterparty to your trades and the sole execution venue for your orders.
The CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform supports the following types of
A Market Order is an instruction to buy or sell a CFD in a specified size
at the best available market price for that size, and it will be executed
immediately at the best available market price (the price might change
before execution, especially with less liquid financial instruments); such
Market Order allows us to execute your order at a price that is different
than our quoted bid/ offer price at the time you place it. This order type
does not allow any control over the price it will be filled at. Market
Orders can be placed only during the trading hours of the underlying
asset. Where there is insufficient liquidity available for the specified size,
your Market Order will be partially filled while the remaining quantity will
be cancelled by the system. A Market Order can take Profit/Stop Loss
Orders attached.
A Limit Order is an instruction which allows the Client to set a minimum
price (for a sell order) or a maximum price (for a buy order). This gives
you a control over the price at which the Limit Order is executed,
however this Limit Order may never be executed (or filled). A Limit Order
can be used to either open or close a position. When there is insufficient
liquidity available for the specified price your Limit Order will be
partially filled with the remaining quantity actively pending until it is
fully filled or cancelled. Once a Limit Order is triggered it will be
executed at a level that is the same or better than the level specified by
you. Limit Orders can take Profit and Stop Loss orders attached.


A Working order is a general term for opening either a Stop or Limit

Order. This allows the Client to buy or sell a CFD once it meets the stop
price predetermined by the Client (after the CFD hits the Client's stop
price, the Stop Order becomes a Market Order and is executed at the
best price available).


A Stop Market Order is an instruction to execute a trade when a price

level (the Stop Market Level) is reached that is equal to or worse than
the current best price (a Stop Market Order). When the Stop Market
level is reached, the Stop Market Order will trigger and a Market Order
will be sent to execute the trade at the best price available at the time
the Order is placed for the quantity you wish to buy or sell. Your
execution price may be better or worse than the Stop Market Level you
set depending on the liquidity available and the size of your Order. Stop
Market Orders can be placed and/or cancelled anytime, even when the
market is closed. In order to amend a Stop Market Order, you would
need to cancel the existing one and place a new Stop Market Order
provided the market conditions allow that. Stop Market Orders can be
used to open or close a trade and can be Good For Day (GFD) or Good
Til Cancelled (GTC). This means that for "GFD" Stop Market Orders any
portion of the Stop Market Order which has not been executed during
the trading day in which the Order was placed is automatically
cancelled at the end of that trading day. It may be the case that your
Stop Market Order could be partially executed if there is insufficient
liquidity to cover all of your Order at the time your Stop Market Order is
triggered. A "GTC" Stop Market Order would remain a working order
until you choose to cancel it, if it is cancelled because you are on a
margin call, or your Order is filled and becomes a position. Take Profit
and Stop Loss Orders attached to Stop Market Orders will be set at a
specified level away from the worst execution price received (e.g. 50
points away from the highest Offer price for a Long Market Order). Your
Take Profit and Stop Loss Orders will not be set at a level relative to the
volume weighted average opening price of your Order.

c. A Take Profit is an order that can be attached to working orders, market

orders or open positions, to close a position at a price that is better
than the current price. This order type is primarily used to lock in profits
from a position.

If the market has moved to the opposite direction of a position, it is
possible to set up a Take Profit at a price that is better than the current
price but worse than the opening price. Thus, it is possible to limit losses
with a Take Profit order. Where a Take Profit Order is attached to a
working order it will be a contingent order that would become active
once all or part of your opening order has been executed giving rise to
a position being opened on your Account. The Take Profit Orders will be
filled at the predefined price. If a Take Profit Order is partially executed
because there is insufficient liquidity at the price you specified, the
remaining part of your order will be active until your price level is
reached again and more liquidity is available. A Take Profit Order will
remain active until it is executed or removed, or the open position is

d. A Stop Loss is an order that can be attached to working orders, market

orders or open positions, to close a position at a price that is worse
than the current price. This order type is primarily used to limit the
potential losses you can incur from an open position. If the market has
moved to the direction of a position, it is possible to set up a Stop Loss
at a price that is worse than the current but better than the opening
price. Thus, it is possible to lock profits with a Stop Loss order. If the Stop
Loss level is reached, the Stop Loss Order is executed as a Market Order
at the best price available for the quantity you wish to buy or sell. A
Stop Loss Order will remain active until it is executed, or removed or the
open position is closed. If a Stop Loss Order is partially executed
because there is insufficient liquidity, the remaining part of your order
will be active until your price level is reached again and more liquidity is
available. We do not guarantee that a Stop Loss Order will be filled at
the price specified.

A Trailing Stop order is a specific type of Stop Loss that automatically

follows your positions, provided the market moves in your favor. If the
market moves against you, then the stop loss level does not move. A
Trailing Stop order does not set the stop level at a certain price, but
rather at a certain distance away from the current market price. It
would be placed below the current market price if you are opening a
long position on an asset, and above the current market price if you are
opening a short position.

A Trailing Stop is set at a percentage level or certain amount of points
away from the market price; this distance is known as the trailing step -
and the stop will move to maintain that distance from the current price.
One of the largest benefits of a trailing stop is the flexibility that it offers
you, as you don't have to manually move your stop if your position moves
in your favour, and you want to adjust your exposure accordingly. If you
leave a basic stop on an open position, which you don't then readjust if
your trade is profitable, your position will only automatically close if it
retraces back to where you originally placed your stop. Any profits that
you could have taken from the position, had you closed it earlier, would be
lost. Trailing Stops help to prevent this from happening, protecting the
profits on a successful trade as well as minimising losses. When you are
setting a Trailing Stop, you have to be careful not to set your trailing step
too far away from the market price or too near to it. If you set it too far
away, you are at risk of unnecessary losses, but if you set it too close to the
market price, you might be closed out before your trade has had the
chance to make a profit.

e. A Guaranteed Stop Loss Order is an order that can be attached to

working orders, market orders or open positions, to close a position at an
exact price determined by you that is worse than the current price. This
order type is used to limit the losses you can incur from an open position. If
the market has moved to the direction of a position, it is possible to set up
a Guaranteed Stop Loss at a price that is worse than the current but
better than the opening price. Thus, it is possible to lock profits with
Guaranteed Stop Loss order. When accepting your Guaranteed Stop Loss
Order we guarantee that when our bid or offer quote goes beyond the
price specified by you, we will close your position at exactly the price
specified. An open position can be closed at your initiative before
reaching the Guaranteed Stop Loss Order level. As we guarantee your
close out price, there is a fee charged when the Guaranteed Stop Loss
Order is triggered and executed (see cl. 5.14.1. Guaranteed Stop Loss
Order Fee (GSL Fee).

8.2.2 Limit Orders and Stop Loss Orders for equity CFDs are executed based
on the preceding ex­ dividend prices and if not fully executed before the
occurrence of the forthcoming Corporate Event, entitling the Client to a
dividend for the equity CFD position(s) he/ she currently holds, the Client's
relevant CFD position(s) will be closed by the Company prior to that
Corporate Event at the then prevailing market price. Similarly, the Company
will ask the Client to close any affected pending Limit Orders and Stop Loss
Orders before the forthcoming Corporate Event or will do so on its own.
8.2.3 Limit Orders and Stop Loss Orders applied to equity CFDs based on
cum-dividend prices will be valid for the ex-dividend price (and vice versa)
unless specifically cancelled by the client.
8.2.4 We may introduce new types of orders from time to time by posting a
relevant alert and updating the current information on our platform.
8.2.5 We may introduce restrictions on a temporary basis regarding a
certain type of Order or all Orders.

8.3 Terms of Acceptance for Orders

8.3.1 It is your sole responsibility to clearly indicate the terms of an order
when entered, whether it is a Market Order, Limit Order, Take Profit, Stop
Loss or any other type of order, including the relevant price and lot size.
8.3.2 You acknowledge and agree that, despite our best efforts, the price at
which execution occurs may be materially different from the price specified
in your order. This may result from sudden price movements in the underlying
assets or other reasons that are beyond our control.
8.3.3 The Company shall have no liability for failure to execute orders.
8.3.4 The Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to reject any
order in whole or in part prior to execution or to cancel any order, where
your Account contains margin that is insufficient to support the entire order
or where such order is illegal or otherwise improper.

8.4 Execution Policy

8.4.1 If there are no specific instructions from the Client on how to execute
the order, we will consider several execution factors to ensure that we
manage the order on terms most favourable to our Client.

These execution factors include:


likelihood of execution and settlement;


size and nature of the order;

f. any other considerations relevant to the execution of the order.

8.4.2 It is emphasized that the specific instructions as mentioned above
prevent the Company from taking the steps that it has designed and
implemented in order to ensure the best possible result for the execution of
those Orders in respect to the elements covered by those instructions. We
do not consider the above list exhaustive and the order in which the above
factors are presented shall not be taken as an indication of their priority.

8.4.3 The best possible result for our Clients will be determined in terms of
the total consideration, represented primarily by the price of the financial
instrument and the costs related to the execution. The costs related to the
executions include the expenses incurred by the Client which are directly
related to the execution of his/ her order.

8.4.4 The other execution factors of speed, likelihood of execution, size,

nature or any other relevant consideration will, in most cases, be secondary
to the price and costs considerations, unless they would deliver the best
possible result for the Client in terms of total consideration.

8.5 Cancellation/Withdrawal of Instructions

8.5.1 Non-market orders may be cancelled via the CAPITAL.COM Online
Trading Platform but we can only cancel your instructions if you explicitly
request so, provided that we have not acted up to the time of your request
upon those instructions.

8.5.2 Executed instructions may only be withdrawn or amended by you with

our consent.

8.5.3 The Company shall have no liability for any claims, losses, damages,
costs or expenses, including legal fees, arising directly or indirectly out of the
failure of such order to be cancelled.

8.6 Right not to Accept Orders
We may, at our sole discretion refuse to accept any Order or instruction from
the Client or may accept the Client’s Order subject to certain conditions or
may refuse to proceed with an Order that the Company has accepted
(including but not limited to situations where the Company is unable to
execute the Client’s Order due to restrictions with executing brokers or other
third parties, trading venues or due to unusual market conditions). The
Company will make all reasonable efforts to facilitate sales and to notify the
Client in writing unless the Company is prevented from doing so by law.

8.7 Control of Orders Prior to Execution

8.7.1 We have the right (but not the obligation) to set limits and/or
parameters to control your ability to place orders at our absolute discretion.
Such limits and/or parameters may be amended, increased, decreased,
removed or added by us at our absolute discretion and may include
(without limitation):


controls over maximum or minimum order amounts and maximum or

minimum order sizes;

controls over our total exposure to you;


controls over prices at which orders may be submitted (to include,

without limitation, controls over orders which are at a price which differs
greatly from the market price at the time the order is submitted to the
order book);


controls over the Electronic Services (to include, without limitation, any
verification procedures to ensure that any particular order or orders has
come from you); and/or


any other limits, parameters or controls which we may be required to

implement in accordance with Applicable Regulations.


the Client accepts that some small and micro­ cap shares that are
traded on highly illiquid markets, or by way of an auction, or other non­
standard bidding process, may cause delays in executing Orders in
such financial instruments. Therefore, the Platform will process the
Client's Order as soon as is reasonably possible and will not be liable for
any loss of the Client in this regard.

g. where we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have not acted
in good faith, including but not limited to, whether willingly or not,
abused our ‘Negative Balance Protection’ policy. This includes, but not
limited to, hedging your exposure using multiple trading accounts,
whether under the same name or in connection with another client;

8.8 Trade Adjustments

8.8.1 Clients must be aware that CFD transactions carry a high degree of
risk. The amount of initial margin may be relatively small with regard to the
value of the instrument so that transactions are ‘leveraged’ or ‘geared’. A
relatively small market movement may have a proportionately larger impact
on the funds that the Client has deposited or will have to deposit. This may
work against as well as for the Client.

8.8.2 The Company exclusively reserves the right to widen its variable
spreads, adjust leverage and/or increase the margin requirements without
notice under certain market conditions including, but not limited to, when
the CAPITAL.COM Trading desk is closed, around fundamental
announcements, as a result of changes in credit markets and/or at times of
extreme market volatility.

8.9 Execution of Orders

We shall reasonably endeavour to execute any order promptly, but in

accepting your orders we do not represent or warrant that it will be possible
to execute such order or that execution will be possible according to your
instructions. If we encounter any material difficulty, relevant to the proper
carrying out of an order on your behalf, we shall notify you promptly or as
soon as we reasonably can.

We take all the appropriate measures to manage any possible conflict of

Interest that may arise in accordance with the provisions of our Conflict of
Interest Policy.

8.10 Hedging Mode

The Company offers its clients “Hedging Mode” trading. Hedging mode
allows you to open opposite direction trades in the same market at the
same time, to hedge any open positions without closing them and realising
profits or losses.

Further details can be found on our website here.

8.11 Reporting Transactions and Account Statements
8.11.1 Trade Confirmations
Confirmations for all Transactions that we have executed on your behalf on
that trading day will be available on the mobile app and are updated
online as each Transaction is executed.
Confirmation of execution and statements of your Account(s), in the
absence of manifest error, shall be deemed correct, conclusive and binding
upon you, if not objected to within three days by email, if orders were
placed through the Company’s Online Trading Platform.
In cases where the prevailing market represents prices different from the
prices posted online by the Company on the Website and the mobile app,
the Company will attempt, on a best efforts basis and in good faith, to
execute Market Orders on or close to the prevailing market prices. This may
or may not adversely affect Client’s realised and unrealized gains and
The Client might request to receive the Account statement monthly or
quarterly via email, by providing such a request to the Client Support
Department (

8.12 Improper or Abusive Trading

8.12.1 The Company’s objective is to provide the most efficient trading
liquidity available in the form of streaming, tradable prices for most of the
financial instruments we offer on the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform.
As a result of the highly automated nature of the delivery of these
streaming, tradable prices, you acknowledge and accept that price
misquotations are likely to occur from time to time.
8.12.2 Should you execute transactions falling within the definition of Market
Abuse or execute trading strategies with the objective of exploiting such
misquotation(s) or acting in bad faith, including acting in any other way to
abuse and/or gain any unfair advantages when using our Online Trading
Platform or Services, the Company shall consider this as improper or
abusive behaviour.
8.12.3 Should the Company determine, at its sole discretion and in good
faith, that you are taking advantage, benefitting, attempting to take
advantage or to benefit of such misquotation(s) or that you are committing
any other improper or abusive trading, including but not limited to:

fraud/illegal actions that led to the transaction;


use of an automated data entry system, mass data entry system, any
electronic devices, robots, high speed trading system, or any kind of
software or program, or automated software algorithms which might
manipulate, alter, tamper with or otherwise abuse our Online Trading
Platform or give you an unfair advantage when using our System or


arbitrage trading on prices offered by our platform as a result of systems



arbitrage trading on prices offered by our platform as a result of systems

errors or any other arbitrage practices (including but not limited to latency
abuse), price manipulation or time manipulation, including but not limited
to that which aims to manipulate or take unfair advantage of the way in
which we construct, provide or convey our bid or offer price; 


coordinated transactions in order to take advantage of systems, system

errors and delays on systems updates, including but not limited to actions,
coordinated between different clients, aimed at making profit (generating
income) out of the application of such functions (opportunities) of the
CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform as the Negative Balance Protection
and the “Stop-loss order”, as well as any other action(s), including those
coordinated between different clients and/or acting in tandem with third
party(-ies) aimed at making profit (generating income) from the
application of functions (opportunities) of the CAPITAL.COM Online
Trading Platform not in accordance with the purposes of such functions
(opportunities); and/or carrying out “oppositely directed” (“mirror”)
Transactions (operations) (i.e. Long position and Short position) within one
market or in relation to the same underlying asset, opened with
insignificant time difference and/or difference in prices for underlying
assets on one on the same device and/or) from one and the same IP-
address but with the use of different Accounts (created in the name of
different persons and/or entities), including those aimed at making profit
(generating income) from the application of functions (opportunities) of
the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform;


orders placed with the use of inside information (i.e. abusive exploitation
of privileged confidential information, the misuse of information or
directors trading shares of their own companies);

g. any other unfair, abusive, manipulative, or illegal way of using our Services
or Platform; or use of any device, software, program, algorithm or any
trading strategy that aims to manipulate, alter, tamper with or take unfair
advantage of our Services or Platform,

then the Company will have the right to:
adjust the price spreads available to you; and/or


restrict your access to streaming, instantly tradable quotes, including

providing manual quotation only; and/or


obtain from your Account any historic trading profits that you have
gained through such improper or abusive trading as determined by us
at any time during our trading relationship; and/or

reject an order or to cancel a trade; and/or

make any corrections or adjustments to your Account; and/or

immediately terminate our trading relationship, and/or


suspending the Client’s account, including freezing of funds, as

described in Section 9.12; and/or

viii. take any of the Enforcement Measures, provided in Section 13.3.

8.12.4 Without prejudice to the clause 8.12.3, the Company may allow using
the tools which are technically integrated into the platforms used by the
Company for the provision of Electronic Services (specifically, but not limited
to, the MT4 platform). However, the Company reserves the right to assess
whether such use remains appropriate, not qualified as improper or abusing
trading and does not violate these Terms and terms of use of the relevant
platform. In case of any breaches, the Company is entitled to undertake the
measures prescribed by these Terms, including Section 8.12.3.

8.13 Prohibited Trading

8.13.1 No employee and/or former employee who currently works or used to
work on a full time or part time basis for the Company or any of its related
entities shall, during the term of the employee’s and/or former employee’s
service to the Company or any of its related entities and after termination of
service become a Client of any brand of the Company (either directly or
indirectly, alone or with partners, associates, affiliates or any other third
party) without the Company’s prior written approval.
8.13.2 Should the Company consider that the employee and/or former
employee is trading with any brand of the Company without the Company’s
prior written approval personally and/or via a third party we shall consider
all the trading to be abusive and/or improper trading. In such
circumstances, the employee and/or former employee’s Account(s) and all
open positions shall be closed immediately and any funds held within the
Account shall be returned.

8.13.3 No business associate or former business associate of the Company
or any of its related entities shall, during the period of the agreement
between the associate/former business associate and the Company and
after termination of such agreement, become a Client of any brand of the
Company (either directly or indirectly, alone or with partners, associates,
affiliates or any other third party) without the Company’s prior written

8.13.4 Should the Company consider that the associate/former business

associate is trading with any brand of the Company without the Company’s
prior written approval personally and/or via a third party we shall consider
all the trading to be abusive and/or improper trading. In such
circumstances, the relevant associate/former business associate’s
Account(s) and all open positions shall be closed immediately and any
funds held within the Account shall be confiscated.

8.14 Disabling and Cancelling Deposits

8.14.1 We have the right not to accept funds deposited by you and/or to
cancel your deposits in the following circumstances:


if you fail to provide the Company with any documents it requests from
you either for Client identification purposes or for any other reason;


if the Company suspects or has concerns that the submitted

documents may be false or fake;


if the Company suspects you are involved in illegal or fraudulent



if the Company is informed that your credit or debit card (or any other
payment method used) has been lost or stolen;

where the Company considers that there is a chargeback risk; and/or

f. when you deposit fifteen thousand (15,000) USD or more (or an

equivalent of the same in one of our Base Currencies) or if you make
over ten (10) separate deposits to your Accounts and the Company is
unable to verify your credit or debit card details or is unable to verify
any other payment method used.

8.14.2 In case of cancelled deposits, and if it is not a confiscation of your

funds by a supervisory authority on the grounds of money laundering
suspicion or for any other legal infringement, your funds will be returned only
to the bank account that they have been initially received from.

8.15 Performance and Settlement of Transactions

8.15.1 You will promptly deliver any instructions, money or documents

deliverable by you under a Transaction in accordance with that Transaction
as modified by any instructions given by us.

8.15.2 The Company shall proceed to a settlement of all transactions upon

execution of such transactions.

8.15.3 Following execution of the order, we will send you an electronic

confirmation in respect of that Transaction as soon as reasonably practicable,
and in any event within the time required by the relevant laws and regulations.

8.15.4 In cases of technical or human errors during a Transaction resulting in

crediting unsolicited funds to your trading or banking account or other
payment method you agree that the erroneous Transaction will be void from
the outset and you will be liable to return to us any erroneously transferred
funds according to the clause 18.4.3.

8.15.5 At its sole reasonable discretion CAPITAL.COM may temporarily

introduce or amend the minimum or maximum size of any Order in any
Investment (CFD) and will try to provide the Client with the possibility to
close the entire investment, which was affected. Notification of any such
restrictions beforehand is mandatory.

8.16 Consent

You consent to receive all Account information, Trade Confirmations and

Account Statements through a durable medium.

If you no longer wish to receive such information through electronic means,

you must notify us and revoke this consent in writing. However, if you revoke
your consent, your access to our Trading Platform may be restricted or
terminated at our sole discretion.

8.17 Position Limits

We may require you to limit the number of open positions which you may
have with us at any time, and we may in our sole discretion close out any
one or more Transactions in order to ensure that such position limits are

8.18 Withdrawals
Without prejudice and subject to these Terms and all Applicable Laws and
Regulations funds may be withdrawn by you from your Account once your
withdrawal request is processed and approved, provided that such funds
are not being utilised for margin purposes or have otherwise become owing
to us, there is a remaining positive balance on your Account and the
Account is approved following the verification of the Client as per the
applicable Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Regulations governing the
Your withdrawal request will be processed by us and sent to the same bank,
credit card or other source for execution owned by you. No Account
withdrawals to third parties will be processed by the Company.
If you request a withdrawal of funds from your Account and we cannot
comply with it without closing some part of your open positions, we will not
comply with the request until sufficient positions are closed, and we have
established that you have a positive balance on your Account to make the
The Client shall have the right to withdraw money from the Client’s Account
up to the amount of the free money available to its account.
Payments to third parties from the Client’s Account will not be allowed. Bank
deposits from third parties to the Client’s Account shall not be accepted
either. The Client shall have the right to transfer money to CAPITAL.COM
bank accounts only after accepting the Terms and Conditions with
CAPITAL.COM and receiving a username and password.

8.19 Inactive Account

8.19.1 The Client acknowledges and confirms that any Account(s) holding
funds or not holding any funds, opened by him/her with the Company where
the Client has neither open nor closed positions and does not have an
active open position for a period of one (1) year or more, shall be classified
by the Company as an inactive account (“Inactive Account”). The Company
reserves the right to close Inactive Accounts at its sole discretion. In this case
all the remaining funds held on the Inactive Account will be refunded to the
payment method used for depositing.

8.19.2 The Company shall not be responsible for inability to return the Client
funds in case specified under Clause 8.19.1 of this Terms the inability is
resulted from the circumstances which are beyond the Company’s control.
8.19.3 Any Account that is not an Inactive Account shall be classified by the
Company as an active account ("Active Account").

8.20 Negative Balance Protection

CFDs are leveraged products and therefore incur a high level of risk and may
result in the loss of all the Client’s Invested Capital. For the benefit of the
Company’s Clients, the Company has implemented a “no negative balance”
protection program, on an account basis, whereby the Client cannot lose
more than his/her investment in accordance with Rule 29 of SIR. Nonetheless,
the Client is expected to actively monitor and manage open positions in the
account and to contact the Company about options if the account is close
to a Margin Call.
It is possible for adverse market movements to result in the loss of more than
your Account balance, so that it becomes negative. In this case, we will bear
the negative consequences of such adverse events and any of your losses
will be limited to your Account balance.
Any trading strategy based on the use of the Negative Balance Protection
mechanism and creating unfair advantages to the Client can be considered
as improper or abusive behaviour, which will grant us an absolute right to
suspend the trading account, terminate this Agreement or take other
enforcement measures in accordance with the provisions of clause 13.3. and
clause 9.12 of these Terms.

8.21 Corporate Events

8.21.1 The Client has no rights or obligations in respect of the underlying
instruments or assets relating to his/her CFD. Specifically, in case of an
equity CFD the Client will not receive any voting rights. However, the
underlying instrument can be affected by various corporate actions
(hereinafter “Corporate Events''). A “Corporate Event” is any action or event,
whether temporary or otherwise, in relation to an underlying asset(s) of the
CFD, or in relation to the issuer of the underlying asset(s) of the CFD, which
would have an effect on the value, legal characteristics or ability to trade
the underlying asset(s)

or the CFD based on or referencing such underlying asset(s), including but
not limited to: distributions or the grant of entitlements to existing holders of
rights in the underlying asset(s), dividend payments, the granting of rights to
purchase, subscribe or receive any underlying asset(s) (whether for free, on
preferential payment terms or otherwise) or cash, placings, rights issues,
bonus/scrip issues, capitalization issues and similar issues, mergers or
takeovers relating to the issuer of the underlying asset(s), sub-divisions,
splits, reductions (including share buy-backs), consolidations,
reclassifications, restructurings, cancellation or suspension of listing of the
underlying asset(s) or the issuer of the underlying asset(s), and any action or
event analogous to any of the foregoing or otherwise that may have a
dilution or concentration effect on the value of the underlying asset(s) of the
8.21.2 In case a Corporate Event will occur while the Client is holding an
open CFD position or has a pending order affected by such event, we will
endeavour to notify the Client of such Corporate Event, accomplished or yet
to occur, as soon as it is reasonably practicable, however the Company
reserves the right to act without prior notifications. Corporate Events can be
amended, withdrawn or cancelled at any time. These changes are beyond
the control of the Company, who is not responsible for any loss of the Client
in this regard. According to the type of Corporate Event, the Company will
inform the Client of the action(s)/adjustment(s) to be taken, if any, including
the possibility of closing the affected position(s), including any pending
In relation to the above, depending on the type of Corporate event, the
Company may be required to make an adjustment to the size and/or value
and/or number of the related position(s), including also the possibility of
opening the new position(s) or closing of the existing position(s) at the last
available price. Such adjustment will account for the diluting or
concentrating effect of the Corporate Event in order to preserve the
economic equivalent of the rights and obligations of the parties in relation
to that position(s). Any action taken by the Company will be effective from
the date determined by the Company and shall be binding, however, for the
avoidance of doubt, the said actions may be retrospective. Closing of
Client's CFD position(s) affected by a Corporate Event will not take place in
case of dividend payments related to underlying equities. In this case
adjustments will be made to the Client’s Account, such adjustment will be
calculated by the Company based on the size of the dividend, the size of
Client’s position, taxation and whether it is a buy or a sell trade. For more
details please see paragraph 5.16 herein.

8.22. Product or instrument termination
We may require you to close any of your positions which you may have with
us and which may be or have been affected by product or instrument
termination due to, no price provider or any relevant reason which is
determined by the Company, or we may close any of such positions at last
available prices without prior notification at our sole discretion.

8.23. Expiring CFDs

Certain CFDs shall have an expiry date. On the expiry date an open position
on the expiring CFD will be closed automatically at the then prevailing or
last available market price. Weekend FX CFDs have a settlement price as
defined in the relevant documents. Any affected pending order(s) will be
cancelled. Nothing precludes the Client from closing the relevant position
and cancelling the affected pending orders prior to the expiry date.
The expiry date for the relevant CFD shall be published on the relevant
section of the Company’s website and on the mobile app.

8.24. Circumstances under which the CFD may mature or be terminated

The CFD will end with the closing of the Client’s position;


The Client’s position may be closed by the Client at any time during the
trading hours indicated on CAPITAL.COM;


The Client’s position may be closed at the initiative of the counterparty

when there is excessive usage of the margin or the position’s margin
falls below required minimum as set by the counterparty to protect the
Client from the accumulation of large losses that would be expressed in
a negative account balance;


The Client’s position(s) may be closed at the initiative of the

counterparty in the case that an underlying asset of the CFD is no
longer trading; 


The Client’s position(s) may be closed by the Company in the case a

financial instrument is no longer offered on our Online Trading Platform;


The Client’s position may be closed at the maturity of an underlying

asset (for instance with CFDs on Futures and Commodities);

g. The Client’s position may be closed at the initiative of the counterparty

in the case that changes to the liquidity of the instrument in the market
mean that risk cannot be properly hedged;


The Client’s position may be closed in case the Client initiated a

chargeback case against the Company;

The Company may terminate a client’s position at its sole discretion;

j. Under any terms and conditions mentioned in these Terms.

8.25 Online Trading Platform

8.25.1 The Company provides its Online Trading Platform pursuant to this
Agreement and will allow you to open positions and monitor the activity in
your Account by granting you access to the Online Trading Platform(s). You
may choose the Online Trading Platform you prefer to use.

8.25.2 Please take note that the MT4 platform is a third-party trading
platform provided by MetaQuotes and additional terms and conditions
regarding the use of the MT4 platform may apply between you and
MetaQuotes. These terms and conditions, where applicable, will appear in
the MT4 platform. You are responsible for ensuring that you read and
understand these terms and conditions. By using the platform and/or its
features (e.g., 'one­ click trading'), you will be deemed to have read,
understood and agreed to those terms and conditions.

8.25.3 MT4 is a third party platform and is provided to you "as is". The
Company does not make any representations or warranties in respect of the
Online Trading Platforms and in particular, in respect of MT4. This includes,
but is not necessarily limited to, warranties or representations relating to:
access; o
the accuracy of the financial information or trading history of a user
stored on MT4
that the use of the Trading Platform will be uninterrupted or error free; o
that the Electronic Service will meet any specific criteria with respect to
its performance, fitness for purpose or quality.

You agree to use the Online Trading Platforms as permitted by the terms of
this Client Agreement, any other terms and conditions presented in the
Online Trading Platform, our policies and any applicable laws and
regulations, all of which may be subject to change from time to time, with or
without notice to you.

8.25.4 The Company cannot be held liable, to the extent permitted by law,
for any losses or damages suffered or incurred from the use, operation or
performance of MT4. The Company shall not, under any circumstances, be
responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or
consequential damages that arise from any fault, inaccuracy, omission,
delay or any other failure of the Online Trading Platforms.
8.25.5 You are responsible for securing your password and logins and
preventing unauthorised access and use of the Online Trading Platform.
8.25.6 By trading through our Online Trading Platforms, you acknowledge
and agree that you are liable and responsible for all trades executed on
your Account irrespective of whether they were executed by you personally
or a third party.
8.25.7 You agree that the use of the Online Trading Platform is at your risk.
You are responsible for any losses resulting from the use of any software
and/or any other electronic material or device obtained via the Online
Trading Platform, including loss arising out of your use of third-party add-
ons including but not limited to expert advisors, copy traders, signal
providers or robo advisors (where these are permitted). The Company does
not offer this software/material and accordingly does not assume liability
therefore nor do we provide technical support in relation to the use of such
software/material or devices.


9.1 Access and Trading Hours

9.1.1 Once you have gone through the security procedures associated with
an Electronic Service provided by us, you will get access to such Electronic
Service, unless agreed otherwise or stated on our Website or mobile app.
9.1.2 All references to the Company's hours of trading on our website are in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) using the 24-hour format.
9.1.3 Our Electronic Services will normally be available 24/7 with reasonable
breaks for technical maintenance as specifically mentioned for each
underlying asset on our Website and in the mobile app, every week,
excluding public holidays, periods where the markets for the underlying
assets of the CFDs do not operate and cases where the markets are closed
due to illiquidity in the financial instruments.

9.1.4 You may request a quote to open a Transaction or to close all or any
part of a Transaction at any time during our normal hours of trading for the
CFD in respect of which you wish to open or close the Transaction.

9.1.5 Outside those hours, we will be under no obligation to, but may, at our
absolute discretion, provide a quote and accept and act on your offer to
open or close a Transaction.

9.1.6 Please consult our Website or mobile app for more details on operating
times for each CFD. We reserve the right to suspend or modify the operating
hours on our own discretion and in such event our Website and mobile app
will be updated without delay in order to inform you accordingly. In this
respect the operating hours, as indicated on the Website and the mobile
app, are the applicable ones.

9.1.7 We may change our security procedures at any time and we will inform
you of any new procedures that apply to you as soon as possible through
our Website or mobile app.

9.2 Restrictions on Electronic Services Provided

There may be restrictions on the number of Transactions that you can enter
into on any one day and also in terms of the total value of those
Transactions when using an Electronic Service. Please refer to our Website
and mobile app for details of the limits imposed upon Transactions carried
out through our Electronic Services.

9.3 Access Requirements

You will be responsible for having hardware equipment forming part of the
System to enable you to use an Electronic Service.

9.4 Virus Detection

You will be responsible for the installation and proper use of any virus
detection/scanning program that shall reasonably keep your systems virus-

9.5 Use of Information, Data and Software

In the event that you receive any data, information or software via an
Electronic Service other than that which you are entitled to receive pursuant
to these Terms, you will immediately notify us and will not use, in any way
whatsoever, such data, information or software.
9.6 Maintaining Standards
When using an Electronic Service, you must:

ensure that the System is maintained in good order and is suitable for
use with such Electronic Service;


run such tests and provide such information to us as we shall

reasonably consider necessary to establish that the System satisfies the
requirements notified by us to you from time to time;

carry out virus checks on a regular basis;


inform us immediately of any unauthorised access to an Electronic

Service or any unauthorised Transaction or instruction which you know
of or suspect of and, if within your control, cause such unauthorised use
to cease; and

e. not at any time leave the terminal from which you have accessed such
Electronic Service or let anyone else use the terminal until you have
logged off such Electronic Service.

9.7 System Defects

In the event you become aware of a material defect, malfunction or virus in
the System or on the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform, you will
immediately notify us of such defect, malfunction or virus and cease all use
of such Electronic Service until you have received permission from us to
resume use.

9.8 Intellectual Property

9.8.1 All rights in patents, copyrights, design rights, trade marks and any
other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered)
relating to the Electronic Services remain vested in us or our licensors.
9.8.2 You will not :
use the System or the Electronic Services in any other manner except as
permitted by and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
copy, record, translate or amend whole or part of the software
comprising the System of the Electronic Services
interfere with, tamper with, alter, amend or modify the software
comprising the System of the Electronic Services or any part or parts
thereof unless expressly permitted by us in writing;

reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software comprising the
System of the Electronic Services, or otherwise attempt to derive source
code of the System of the Electronic Services nor purport to do any of
the same or permit any of the same to be done, except in so far as such
acts are expressly permitted by law
transfer or distribute any rights to the System under this Agreement
separate or alter any part of the System
attempt to reconstruct or discover any computer code, underlying ideas,
or computer programming of the System by any means whatsoever;
generally in any manner damage, tamper with or impair any of our
Systems or any Intellectual Property Rights.

9.8.3 You will not cause or permit any actions to be caused, which might
endanger or damage any intellectual property belonging to us and/or do
any other act which would be damaging and or defamatory against us.

9.8.4 Any copies of the software comprising the System of the Electronic
Services made in accordance with law are subject to these Terms. You shall
ensure that all the licensors trademark, copyright and restricted rights
notices are reproduced on these copies. You shall maintain an up-to-date
written record of the number of copies of the software comprising the
System of the Electronic Services made by you. If we so request, you shall as
soon as reasonably practicable, provide to us a statement of the number
and whereabouts of copies of the software comprising the System of the
Electronic Services.

9.9 Liability

Without prejudice to any other provisions of these Terms, relating to the

limitation of liability, the following clauses shall apply to our Electronic Services.

9.9.1 System Errors


We shall have no liability to you for damage which you may suffer as a
result of transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal
intervention in network equipment, network overloads, malicious
blocking of access by third parties, internet malfunctions, interruptions
or other deficiencies on the part of internet or servers service providers.

b. You acknowledge that access to Electronic Services may be limited or

unavailable due to such system errors, and that we reserve the right
upon notice to suspend access to Electronic Services for this reason.

9.9.2 Delays​, inaccuracies or errors caused by third parties


Neither we nor any third-party software provider accepts any liability in

respect of any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in any data
provided to you in connection with an Electronic Service.


We do not accept any liability in respect of any delays, inaccuracies or

errors in prices quoted to you if these delays, inaccuracies or errors are
caused by third party service providers with which we may collaborate.


We shall not be obliged to execute any instruction which has been

identified that is based on errors caused by delays of the system to
update prices provided by the system price feeder or the third-party
service providers.

d. We do not accept any liability towards executed trades that have been
based and have been the result of delays or errors as described above.

9.9.3 Malicious Software

We shall have no liability to you (whether in contract or in tort, including

negligence) in the event that any viruses, worms, software bombs or similar items
are introduced into the System via an Electronic Service or any software
provided by us to you in order to enable you to use the Electronic Service,
provided that we have taken reasonable steps to prevent any such introduction.

9.9.4 Indemnity re Malicious Software within your System

You will ensure that no computer viruses, worms, software bombs or similar
items are introduced into our computer system or network and will indemnify
us on demand for any loss that we suffer arising as a result of any such

9.9.5 Unauthorised Use

We shall not be liable for any loss, liability or cost whatsoever arising from
any unauthorised use of the Electronic Service. You shall on demand
indemnify, protect and hold us harmless from and against all losses,
liabilities, judgements, suits, actions, proceedings, claims, damages and
costs resulting from or arising out of any act or omission by any person using
an Electronic Service by using your designated passwords, whether or not
you authorised such use.

9.10 Markets​

We shall not be liable for any act taken by or on the instruction of an

exchange or regulatory body.

9.11 Suspension with Notice
We may suspend an Electronic Service, by giving you 24 hours written

9.12 Immediate Suspension or Permanent Withdrawal Without Notice

9.12.1 We have the right, unilaterally and with immediate effect, to suspend
or withdraw permanently your ability to use any Electronic Service, or any
part thereof, without notice, where we consider it necessary or advisable to
do so, for example due to your non-compliance with the Applicable
Regulations, breach of any provisions of this Agreement, on the occurrence
of an Event of Default, Event of Force Majeure, the client commit a breach of
his/hers obligations under this agreement, the client is engaged in credit
card fraud, money laundering, funding terrorism and/or any relevant
criminal conduct, network problems, failure of power supply, for
maintenance, or to protect you when there has been a breach of security.

9.12.2 In addition, the use of an Electronic Service may be terminated

automatically, upon:

the termination, renunciation, revocation, withdrawal or suspension of

any license granted to us which relates to the Electronic Service; and/or

b. the termination of these Terms.

9.13 Effects of Termination

In the event of a termination of the use of an Electronic Service for any
reason, upon request by us, you shall, at our option, return to us or destroy
all software and documentation we have provided you in connection with
such Electronic Service and any copies thereof.


10.1 Client Money

10.1.1 We treat all funds received from you or held by us on your behalf
(hereinafter "Client Money") in accordance with the requirements of the
Client Money Rules. The following steps have been taken by the Company in
order to ensure the protection of Clients' financial instruments or funds:

Segregation: As per the provisions of this Agreement funds belonging to
the Client that will be used for trading purposes will be kept in accounts
with credit institution(s) used to accept only Client's funds and as such
will be held segregated from the Company's own funds.

Due diligence measures: The Company has the obligation to exercise all
due skill, care and diligence in selection, appointment and periodic
review of the credit institution(s) where Clients' funds are placed. The
Company's due diligence measures have been designed in such a
manner so as to ensure that expertise and market reputation of such
institutions are taken into consideration.
10.1.2 The Company may hold Clients' funds in omnibus accounts with third
party financial and credit institutions. An omnibus account means that your
funds will be kept in a pooled account with money belonging to other clients
in a segregated account. Hence, the Client is warned that there is a link of
loss emanating from the use of omnibus accounts in financial or credit
institutions. In general, in case of default or insolvency of the Company, no
single client will have a claim against a specific sum in a specific account.
Omnibus accounts may also hold other types of risks including legal, haircut
risk, liquidation risk, third party and others. By accepting the Terms and by
establishing a business relationship with us, you expressly provide your
consent for maintaining your funds in an omnibus account.

10.1.3 The Company may deposit money received from Clients, excluding
any Client Money held by the Company as margin in accordance with the
Rules and these Terms, into segregated accounts with credit institutions
with fixed terms or notice periods up to 95 days. Placing such Client’s funds
in deposit accounts with fixed terms or notice periods does not limit or
affect otherwise your ability to deal with your money or withdraw it from
your Account.

10.2 Interest
You, the Client, acknowledge and confirm that no interest (including any
interest received on client funds deposited into accounts with fixed terms or
notice periods under section 10.1.3) will be received on the balance of your
Account on Clients funds held.

10.3 Overseas Bank

10.3.1 The Company retains the right to hold Client Funds on your behalf
with a bank holding an unrestricted licensed under the Banks and Trust
Companies Regulation (Ch. 316) or other deposit-taking institution outside
The Bahamas as may be approved by the Commission for this purpose, in
accordance with Article 88(2) SIR.

10.3.2 Client Money deposited may be kept in one or more omnibus

accounts with any authorised credit institution used to accept funds which
the Company will specify from time to time and will be held in the
Company's name.

10.3.3 We will not be liable for the insolvency, acts or omissions of any
financial and credit institution or other third party referred to in this Part.

10.4 Due Care, Skill and Diligence

10.4.1 With regards to the deposit of Clients' Money, in the event we do not
deposit Client Money with a central bank, we exercise all due care, skill and
diligence in the selection, appointment and periodic review of the credit
institutions and banks where the funds are placed and the arrangement for
the holding of those funds.

10.4.2 It shall be noted that we take into account the expertise and
reputation of the third party as well as the legal requirements or market
practices related to the holding of those financial instruments that could
adversely affect our Clients’ rights.

10.5 Payment Service Providers

The Company may keep merchant accounts in its name with payment
services providers (hereinafter "PSP") used to settle payment transactions of
its Clients.

10.6 Diversification of Risks
We shall ensure, where deemed necessary, the diversification of the Clients’

financial instruments and funds, for example the maintenance of accounts

with several third parties.

10.7 Omnibus Account Risk

10.7.1 The Company may hold client funds in omnibus accounts within third
party financial and credit institutions. In this respect, the Client is warned
that there is a risk of loss emanating from the use of omnibus accounts in
financial or credit institutions. In such cases it may not be possible to
distinguish if the particular Client funds are held by a certain financial or
credit institution. Omnibus accounts may also hold other types of risks
including legal, liquidation risk, haircut risk, third party risk, etc.
10.7.2 In the event of insolvency or any other analogous proceedings in
relation to a financial or credit institution where client funds are held, the
Company (on behalf of the Client) and/or the Client may only have an
unsecured claim against the financial or credit institution, and the Client will
be exposed to the risk that the money received by the Company from the
financial or credit institution, is insufficient to satisfy the claims of the Client
with claims in respect of the Account. The Company does not accept any
liability or responsibility for any resulting losses so in the unlikely event of
default the proportionate loss shall affect all of the Company's Clients’
monies held in omnibus accounts with the financial or credit institution. To
mitigate this risk the client funds are being held in few reputable financial or
credit institutions and constant exposure monitoring is taking place.
10.8 Unclaimed Client Money
You agree that we may cease to treat your money as Client Money if there
has been no movement on your balance for six (6) consecutive years. We
shall write to you at your last known address informing you of our intention
of no longer treating your balance as Client Money and giving you twenty-
eight (28) Business Days to make a claim.
10.9 Liability and Indemnity
10.9.1 You agree that we shall not be liable for any default of any
counterparty, bank, or other third party in which we hold client funds.
10.9.2 The Company will not be liable for loss suffered by you in connection
to your funds held by us, unless such loss directly arises from our gross
negligence, willful default or fraud.


11.1 Contingent Liability

11.1.1 When we effect a Transaction, you should note that, depending upon
the nature of the Transaction, you may be liable to make further payments
when the Transaction fails to be completed or upon the earlier settlement or
closing out of your position.

11.1.2 The Client shall provide and maintain Margin in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement to secure Client's obligations to the Company. The
Company must maintain at all times the minimum margin requirements for
the Open Positions in Client's Account.

11.1.3 You may be required to make further variable payments by way of

margin against the purchase price of the CFD, instead of paying (or
receiving) the whole purchase (or sale) price immediately.

11.1.4 The movement in the market price of the CFD will affect the amount of
margin payment you will be required to make.

11.1.5 We will constantly monitor your margin requirements and we will inform
you as soon as it is reasonably practicable of the amount of any margin
payment required under this Part.

11.1.6 The Margin value for each position is calculated in accordance with
the formula below:
Margin = (Volume * Underlying Instrument Price) / Leverage

Margin fluctuates with the changes in price of the underlying asset.

11.2 Margin Call

You agree to pay us on demand such sums by way of margin as are required
from time to time as we may in our discretion reasonably require for the
purpose of protecting ourselves against loss or risk of loss on present, future
or contemplated Transactions under these Terms.

11.2.1 A Margin Call takes place when the client’s Margin Level is at or below
100% and the Company sends its client a notification that he/she needs to
either delete pending orders to free up margin, or close some positions, or
deposit more funds in his/her account to maintain the relevant positions

11.3 Failure to Meet Margin Call
In the event that you fail to meet a margin call, we may immediately close
out any of the relevant positions, as well as any pending orders that may
negatively affect your margin balance once executed.

11.4 Close Out

A Close Out takes place when the client's Margin Level is at or below 50%,
and the Company decides to exercise its right to liquidate client's open
positions on a gradual basis subject to clause 4.1 below. If a sudden market
movement causes the Margin Level to drop from above 100% to below 50%
the Company may liquidate the client's open positions without sending a
notification to the client that his/her Margin Level is at or below 100%.
11.4.1 Execution of Close out If Margin Level has reached 50% and the Client
has several open positions, the Company closes the Client’s positions at the
current market price in the following order:
all pending orders are cancelled;


if the Margin Level is still below 50%, then all open positions with the
negative financial result on open markets are closed;


if the Margin Level is still below 50%, then all remaining positions on
openmarkets are closed;

d. if the Margin Level is still below 50%, then everything else is closed, as
soon as the markets open;

11.5 Form of Margin

Margin must be paid in cash in a Base Currency of your Account. A cash
Margin paid to us is held as Client Money in accordance with the
requirements of the Client Money Rules. Margin deposits shall be made by
wire transfer, credit card or by such other means as the Company may

11.6 Set-off on Default

If there is an Event of Default or these Terms are terminated, we shall set-off
the balance of the cash margin owed by us to you against your obligations
(as reasonably valued by us). The net amount, if any, payable between us
following such set-off, shall take into account the Liquidation Amount
payable under Part 15 (“Netting”).

11.7 Further Assurance
You agree to execute such further documents and to take such further steps
as we may reasonably require to perfect our security interest over and
obtain legal title to the Secured Obligations.

11.8 Negative Pledge

You undertake neither to create nor to have outstanding any security
interest whatsoever over, nor to agree to assign or transfer, any of the cash
margin transferred to us.

11.9 General Lien

In addition, and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled
under these Terms or any Applicable Laws and Regulations, we shall have a
general lien on all cash held by us or our Associates or our nominees on your
behalf until the satisfaction of the Secured Obligation.


12.1 Trading on CFDs is a form of Leveraged Trading and is highly

speculative, complex and involves a significant risk of loss and is not
suitable for all investors. CFDs are among the riskiest types of investments
and can result in large losses.

12.2 Clients must be aware that CFD transactions carry a high degree of
risk. The amount of initial margin may be relatively small with regard to the
value of the instrument so that transactions are ‘leveraged’ or ‘geared’. A
relatively small market movement may have a proportionately larger impact
on the funds that the Client has deposited or will have to deposit. This may
work against as well as for the Client.

12.3 The leverage limit applied on the opening positions of CFDs shall be set
depending on the Client’s category. Leverage limits on the opening of a
position by a Retail client for all underlying assets, except digital assets (i.e.
Cryptocurrencies), shall be up to 1:200 in accordance with article 23 of the

12.4 Leverage limits on the opening of a position by a Retail client for a

digital asset as an underlying asset (ie Cryptocurrencies), shall be 1:20 in
accordance with article 23 of the Rules.

12.5 Clause 12.4 and 12.5 above do not apply for clients categorised as
Professional in accordance with article 24 of the Rules.
12.6 The Company is entitled to set/change the leverage limit for a specific
financial instrument at its absolute discretion, but only up to the value
determined by the Rules depending on the Client category.


13.1 Representations & Warranties

13.1.1 You represent and warrant to us on the date these Terms come into
effect and as of the date of each Transaction that:

You are at least eighteen (18) years old and of legal age in your
respective jurisdiction to form a binding contract, such as these Terms,
as well as open a Transaction and perform your obligations thereunder;


Any information which you provide or have provided to us in respect of

your financial position, domicile, location or other matters in your
application form and at any time thereafter is true and accurate in all


You have obtained all governmental or other authorisations and

consents required in connection with these Terms and in connection
with opening or closing Transactions and such authorisations and
consents are in full force and effect and all of their conditions have
been and will be complied with;


The execution, delivery and performance of these Terms and each

Transaction will not violate any law, ordinance, or any other rule
applicable to you in the jurisdiction in which you are domiciled or
located in or are a resident of, or any agreement by which you are
bound or by which any of your assets are affected;


You will not send funds to your Account(s) from, or request that funds be
sent from your Account(s) to a third party;


If you are an employee or a contractor of a financial services firm or any

other firm that has controls over the financial transactions in which its
employees and contractors deal, you will give us proper notice of this
and of any restrictions that apply to your dealing;

g. You will not use our bid and offer prices for any purpose other than for
your own trading purposes, and you agree not to redistribute our bid
and offer prices to any other person whether such redistribution be for
commercial or other purposes;


You will use the Electronic Services offered by us pursuant to these

Terms in good faith and, to this end, you will not use any electronic
device, software, algorithm, or any trading strategy (“Device”) that aims
to manipulate or take unfair advantage of the way in which we
construct, provide or convey our bid or offer prices. You agree that using
a Device whereby in your dealings with us you are not subject to any
downside market risk will be evidence that you are taking unfair
advantage of us;


No Event of Default or any event which may become (with the passage
of time, the giving of notice, the making of any determination or any
combination of the above) an Event of Default ("Potential Event of
Default") has occurred and is continuing with respect to you;


You act as principal and sole beneficial owner (but not as trustee) in
entering into these Terms and each Transaction and you need to
provide us with the necessary information and/or documentation. In
addition you are not permitted to maintain more than one Account with
the Company. In the event it is absolutely necessary that either in the
present time or in the future, you maintain more than one Account with
the Company you are required to disclose to us your intention and it
remains the Company's sole discretion to accept;


You confirm that you are the lawful owner the debit or credit card used
during registration for the Account with the Company, or the lawful
owner of any other payment method used to open an Account with us;


You are willing and financially able to sustain a total loss of funds
resulting from Transactions and trading in such Transactions is a
suitable investment for you;


Except as otherwise agreed by us, you are the sole beneficial owner of
all margin you transfer under these Terms, free and clear of any security
interest whatsoever;

n. CAPITAL.COM will not be liable for any additional fees the client may be
charged by any bank, credit card provider or other third party payment
services provider, which the Client use for the transfer of funds to and
from your account;

13.1.2. Any breach by you of a representation or warranty given under these

Terms renders any Transaction voidable from the outset, or grants us the
right to any Enforcement Measures subject to clause 13.3.

13.1.3 We shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by you as a
result of your breach of a representation or warranty given under these

13.2 Covenants

13.2.1 You covenant to us that:


You will promptly notify us of the occurrence of any Event of Default or

Potential Event of Default with respect to yourself;


You will use all reasonable steps to comply with all Applicable
Regulations in relation to these Terms and any Transaction, so far as
they are applicable to you or us;


You will not send orders or otherwise take any action that could create
a false impression of the demand or value for a financial instrument.


You will not act in a way which we have reason to believe can be
considered as a breach of Applicable Regulations;


You will not seek to manipulate the relevant financial market and/or
Electronic Services offered by us, including but not limited to your
intention to benefit from delays in the prices or other time manipulation,
to trade at off-market prices or manipulated prices or similar practices,
or use any kind of automated data entry system, robots, high speed
trading system or any other software, program, device or scheme which
might manipulate, abuse, tamper with our Services or otherwise give
you an unfair advantage, or enter into transaction which are qualified
as market abuse, improper and abusive trading subject to clause 8.12.
or similar abusive or manipulating way of using the CAPITAL.COM
Online Trading Platform;


Upon demand, you will provide us with such information as we may

reasonably require to evidence the matters referred to in this Clause or
to comply with any Applicable regulations;


You will undertake to advice the Company within 30 days of any

change in circumstances whichaffects provided information or causes
the information contained herein to become incorrect or incomplete,
and to provide the Company with suitably updated information within
60 days of such a change;

h. All statements made by you and any information provided by you, are
correct and complete.

13.2.2 Any breach by you of Covenants given under these Terms renders any
Transaction voidable from the outset or grants us the right to any
Enforcement Measures subject to clause 13.3.

13.2.3 We shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by you as a
result of your breach of covenants given under these Terms.

13.3 Enforcement Measures
Notwithstanding the provisions of these Terms, the Company, without any
liability and/or notice (to a Client) shall be entitled to the following
enforcement measures:

refuse to complete or execute a transaction, block, cancel (void) or

suspend any executed or processed transaction on the CAPITAL.COM
Online Trading Platform despite the fact they have been confirmed by
the Company. The Company reserves the right to return the Parties of
the Agreement (the situation) to the position that they were in before
the Transaction was made, and/or


suspend, restrict or terminate Client access to the CAPITAL.COM

Online Trading Platform on the whole or to certain of its functionalities
and features (functions), and/or

prohibit or block the use or withdrawal of funds and/or

suspend or block the Account and/or


withhold (seize) from the client funds any amounts which are referred
to the breach of the Agreement or client acting in bad faith and/or

VI. terminate the Agreement; and/or

VII. report and disclose any such details for the Client’s transactions or
such other information as it may deem necessary, to the Commission,
or any other authority as applicable, in order to comply with any
requirements of any person entitled to require such a disclosure in
accordance with the Applicable Laws.


14.1 The following shall constitute Events of Default on the occurrence of

which the Company shall be authorised to exercise its rights in accordance
with the below:

You fail to make any payment when due under these Terms or to
observe or perform any other provision of these Terms after notice of
non­performance has been given by us to you;

You fail to perform any obligation due to us;

You fail to perform any of the provisions of these Terms;

d. Where any Transaction or combination of Transactions or any realised

or unrealised losses on any Transactions or combination of Transactions
opened by you results in your exceeding any credit or other limit placed
on your dealings;


In the case of receiving official proof of the death of the Client, the
Company shall close any open positions of the Client irrespective of
their current result and hold any Client's assets in custody until
CAPITAL.COM has received official evidence of the legal successors of
the deceased Client and concrete instructions by an authorised person
on how to proceed thereafter;


The initiation by a third party of proceedings for your bankruptcy (if

applicable) or if you make an arrangement or composition with your
creditors or any other similar or analogous procedure is commenced in
respect of you;


Where any representation or warranty made by you in these Terms is or

becomes untrue;


You fail or omit to disclose to us your capacity as the beneficial owner

of more than one Account you may maintain with us, subject to our


You take advantage of delays occurred in the prices and you place
orders at outdated prices, you trade at off-market prices, you
manipulate the system to trade at prices not quoted to you by us and
you perform any other action that constitutes improper trading as
described in Clause 8.12;


Any event of default (however described) occurs in relation to you under

any other agreement between us; and/or

k. Any other circumstance where we reasonably believe that it is

necessary or desirable to take any action to protect ourselves or all or
any of our other Clients.


15.1 Rights on Default

On the occurrence of an Event of Default, we may exercise our rights under
this Part and Part 16, except that in the case of the occurrence of an Event
of Default specified in Clause 14.1 (f) (a “Bankruptcy Default”), the automatic
termination provision of this Clause shall apply.

15.2 Liquidation Date

Subject to the following Clause 15.3, at any time following the occurrence of
an Event of Default, we may, by notice to you, specify a date (the
“Liquidation Date”) for the termination and liquidation of Transactions in
accordance with this Part.

15.3 Automatic Termination
The date of the occurrence of any Bankruptcy Default shall automatically
constitute a Liquidation Date, without the need for any notice by us and the
provisions of the following Clause 15.4 shall then apply.

15.4 Calculation of the Liquidation Amount

15.4.1 Upon the occurrence of the Liquidation Date:

neither of us shall be obliged to make any further payments or

deliveries under any Transactions which would, but for this Part, have
fallen due for performance on or after the Liquidation Date and such
obligations shall be satisfied by settlement (whether by payment, set-
off or otherwise) of Liquidation Amount (as defined below);


we shall (on, or as soon as reasonably practicable after, the Liquidation

Date) determine (discounting if appropriate), in respect of each
Transaction a total cost, loss or, as the case may be, gain, in each case
expressed in the Base Currency of your Accounts (and, if appropriate,
including any loss of bargain, cost of funding or, without duplication,
cost, loss or, as the case may be, gain as a result of the termination,
liquidation, obtaining, performing or re-establishing of any hedge or
related trading position) as a result of the termination, pursuant to
these Terms, of each payment or delivery which would otherwise have
been required to be made under such Transaction (assuming
satisfaction of each applicable condition precedent and having due
regard, if appropriate, to such market quotations published on, or
official settlement prices set by the relevant exchange as may be
available on, or immediately preceding, the date of calculation); and

c. we shall treat each cost or loss to us, determined as above, as a

positive amount and each gain by us, so determined, as a negative
amount and aggregate all of such amounts to produce a single, net
positive or negative amount, denominated in the Base Currency of your
Account (the “Liquidation Amount).

15.5 Payer​
If the Liquidation Amount determined pursuant to this Part is a positive
amount, you shall pay it to us and if it is a negative amount, we shall pay it
to you. We shall notify you of the Liquidation Amount, and by whom it is
payable, immediately after the calculation of such amount.

15.6 Other Transactions
Where termination and liquidation occur in accordance with this Part, we
shall also be entitled, at our discretion, to terminate and liquidate, in
accordance with the provisions of this Part, any other transactions entered
into between us which are then outstanding.

15.7 Payment​
The Liquidation Amount shall be paid in the Base Currency of your Account
by the close of business on the Business Day following the completion of the
termination and liquidation under this Part (converted as required by
applicable law into any other currency, any costs of such conversion to be
borne by you, and (if applicable) deducted from any payment to you).
Unless a Liquidation Date has occurred or has been effectively set, we shall
not be obliged to make any payment or delivery scheduled to be made by
us under a Transaction for as long as an Event of Default or any event which
may become (with the passage of time, the giving of notice, the making of
any determination hereunder, or any combination thereof) an Event of
Default with respect to you has occurred and is continuing.

15.8 Additional Rights

Our rights under this Part shall be in addition to, and not in limitation or
exclusion of, any other rights which we may have (whether by agreement,
operation of law or otherwise).

15.9 Application of Netting to the Transactions

This Part applies to each Transaction entered into or outstanding between
us on or after the date these Terms take effect.

5.10 Single Agreement

These Terms, the particular terms applicable to each Transaction entered
into under these Terms, and all amendments to any of them shall together
constitute a single agreement between us. Both parties acknowledge that
all Transactions entered into on or after the date these Terms take effect,
are entered into in reliance upon the fact that these Terms and all such
provisions constitute a single agreement between us.


16.1 Default

On an Event of Default or at any time after we have determined, in our

absolute discretion, that you have not performed (or we reasonably believe
that you will not be able or willing in the future to perform) any of your
obligations to us, in addition to any rights under Part 15 ("Netting") we shall
be entitled, without prior notice to you:

instead of returning to your investments equivalent to those credited to

your account, to pay to you the fair market value of such investments at
the time we exercise such right;


to sell such of your investments as are in our possession or in the

possession of any nominee or third party appointed under or pursuant
to these Terms, in each case as we may in our absolute discretion select
or and upon such terms as we may in our absolute discretion think fit
(without being responsible for any loss or diminution in price) in order to
release funds sufficient to cover any amount due by you hereunder;


to close out, replace or reverse any Transaction, buy, sell, borrow or lend
or enter into any other Transaction or take, or refrain from taking, such
other action at such time or times and in such manner, as at our sole
discretion, we consider necessary or appropriate to cover, reduce or
eliminate our loss or liability under or in respect of any of your contracts,
positions or commitments; and/or

d. to cancel and/or consider void any Transactions and profits or losses

either realised or unrealised and/or to close out the account(s) you
maintain with us pursuant to these Terms, immediately and without
prior notice.


17.1 Termination & Cancellation

Rights of the Clients to request the termination/cancellation of their

business relationship with the Company:

17.1.1 You have a right to cancel these Terms for a period of fourteen (14)
days commencing on the date on which you have accepted these Terms
(the "Cancellation Period"). The Company may terminate the Agreement by
giving to you a seven (7) days written notice, specifying the date of
termination therein.

17.1.2 Should you wish to cancel these Terms within the Cancellation Period,
you should send notice in writing to the contact details are set out in Part 20
("Miscellaneous") under the heading "Notices" or electronically through the
"Contact Us" section of our Website or the mobile opp. Cancelling these
Terms within the Cancellation Period will not cancel any Transaction entered
into by you during the Cancellation Period. If you fail to cancel these Terms
within the Cancellation Period you will be bound by its terms but you may
terminate these Terms in accordance with Clause 17.1.3 ("Termination
Without Default").
17.1.3 Unless required by Applicable Regulations, a party may terminate
these Terms (and the relationship between us) for its own convenience in the
absence of an Event of Default on that party's side by giving in prior ten (10)
days written notice of termination to the other party. The written notice may
not reference the grounds of termination.
17.1.4 Where these Terms have been terminated, in accordance with the
Clauses included in Part 17, no penalties shall be imposed, however:
a. all amounts payable by you to us will become immediately due and
payable including (but without limitation):
all outstanding fees, charges and commissions;

any dealing expenses incurred by terminating these Terms; and

iii. any losses and expenses realised in closing out any Transactions or
settling or concluding outstanding obligations incurred by us on your
b. The Company shall apply best execution rules in cases where you have
not provided the Company with specific instructions regarding the
closing of your positions.
c. The Company shall return any Client funds remaining in your Account to
your bank account, specifically to the account from which the funds
were debited. Your funds may be returned to another bank account to
which you are the beneficiary in exceptional circumstances and as long
as you provide us with the required documents to verify that the
account belongs to you.
d. If due to circumstances beyond the Company's control, the Company is
unable to process payments for returning funds upon termination of
these Terms, the Company shall not bear any responsibility for such
inability to process the payment.

17.1.5 It is possible to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by
mutual consent.

17.2 Existing Rights

17.2.1 Termination shall not affect the outstanding rights and obligations and
Transactions which shall continue to be governed by these Terms and the
Parts agreed between us in relation to such Transactions until all obligations
have been fully performed.

17.2.2 The Company may terminate the Agreement immediately without

giving any notice see terms mentioned in clause 9.12 herein.

17.2.3 The termination of the Agreement shall not in any case affect the
rights which have arisen existing commitments or any contractual provision
which was intended to remain in force after the termination and in the case
of termination, the Client shall pay:
Any pending fee of the Company and any other amount payable to the
Any charge and additional expenses incurred or to be incurred by the
Company as result of the termination of the Agreement
Any damages which arose during the arrangement or settlement of
pending obligations.

17.3 The Company shall terminate the agreement with the client in case the
Client will not behave in an appropriate manner towards CAPITAL.COM or
any of its employees (such inappropriate behaviour can include but is not
limited to Swearing, Abusive Language, Racism, Discrimination, Harassment,
Defamation, Abuse of the Chat / Email System, Misuse of Social Media
Channels and Spam). The Company reserves the right to terminate the
Clients Agreement in these circumstances.

17.4 The Company is not obliged to inform the Client on what grounds it has
decided to terminate the agreement with the Client.


18.1 General Exclusion

18.1.1 Neither we nor our directors, officers, employees or agents shall be
liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses, whether arising out of
negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise, incurred or
suffered by you under these Terms (including any Transaction or where we
have declined to enter into a proposed Transaction) unless such loss is a
reasonably foreseeable consequence or arises directly from our or their
respective gross negligence, wilful default or fraud.
18.1.2 In no circumstance, shall we have liability for losses suffered by you or
any third party for any special or consequential damage, loss of profits, loss
of goodwill or loss of business opportunity arising under or in connection
with these Terms, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract,
misrepresentation or otherwise.
18.1.3 Nothing in these Terms will limit our liability for death or personal injury
resulting from our negligence.

18.2 Tax Implications

18.2.1 Investing in financial instruments may be subject to tax depending on
the jurisdiction where you are residing. However, this will depend on your
personal circumstances. The Company does not provide any advice to its
clients on any tax issues related to any of its services. Thus, you should seek
independent tax advice if you are unsure on tax implications due to our
18.2.2 Without limitation, we do not accept liability for any adverse tax
implications of any Transaction whatsoever.
18.2.3 You understand that certain transactions in certain financial
instruments may carry a tax obligation under any applicable tax regime,
stamp duty, transfer tax, dividend tax, withholding tax or other taxes or
duties in any jurisdiction. Where there is such a tax obligation, we shall pass
it on to you by debiting from your Account.

18.3 Changes in the Market

18.3.1 Market Orders are executed at the bid/ask prices offered through us.
Pending orders are created at a market price requested by you and offered
through us, which can be the price you requested or better/worse
depending on the market conditions and the type of order you requested
subject to Clause 8.2 ("Types of Orders Accepted").

18.3.2 We reserve the right, at our full discretion, not to execute the order, or
to change the quoted price of the Transaction in case of technical failure of
the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform or in case of extraordinary or
abnormal fluctuations of the price of the financial instrument as offered in
the market.

18.3.3 Without limitation, we do not accept any liability by reason of any

delay or change in market conditions before any particular Transaction is

18.3.4 Market conditions can cause temporary delays to the execution of

Orders. Therefore, before placing a new Order for the same Investment
(CFD), the Client is obliged to make sure that the previous pending Order is
cancelled. It is the client's obligation to make sure that any earlier pending
Order(s) is/are cancelled. CAPITAL.COM is not responsible for any loss of the
Client in this regard.

18.4 Events of Force Majeure, Limitation of Liability & Manifest Error

18.4.1 We shall not be liable to you for any partial or non-performance of our
obligations hereunder by reason of any cause beyond our reasonable
control, it is stated that CAPITAL.COM does not bear any responsibility, for
any loss of the client in connection with the below points ("Events of Force

18.4.2 Nothing in these Terms will exclude or restrict any duty or liability we
may have to you under Applicable Regulations, which may not be excluded
or restricted thereunder.

18.4.3 Any partial or full default of our obligations by reason of any cause or
event beyond the Company's reasonable control, including but not limited
to any communications, systems or computer failure, market default,
suspension, failure or closure, or the imposition or change (including a
change of interpretation) of any law or governmental or regulatory

18.4.4 Any superior force, any event that encompasses acts of God (such as
earthquakes or tsunamis, etc.), certain acts of man of a disruptive and
unforeseeable nature, industrial action, epidemics, pandemics, actions by
government agencies, or work stoppages, any material change in economic
conditions or any other event, that is beyond the reasonable control and
was and whose effects could not be avoided by reasonable measure.

18.4.5 The suspension or failure of any financial instrument, the suspension

or closure of any markets, exchanges, the nationalisation and/or
government sequestration, the failure of any of Platform's suppliers,
intermediate brokers, agents or principals, dealers, etc., for any reason, to
perform its obligations. In any such event the Company will try to take
reasonable steps to mitigate the effect of the said event in order to
continue operations and to continue to provide the Client with services.

18.4.6 Manifest Error


We reserve the right to unilaterally either void from the outset or amend
retroactively the conditions of any Transaction that contained or was
based on any error that we reasonably believe to be obvious or
palpable (a “Manifest Error”).


If, in our discretion, we choose to amend the conditions of any

Transaction with a Manifest Error, the amendments will reflect the
conditions that we reasonably believe would have been fair at the time
the Transaction was entered into.


In deciding whether an error is a Manifest Error we shall act reasonably

and we may take into account any relevant market practice and/or
any relevant information including, without limitation, the state of the
relevant underlying market(s) at the time of the alleged Manifest Error,
or any connected error in, or lack of clarity of any information source or
pronouncement upon which we base our quoted prices or form other
trading conditions.


Any financial commitment that you have entered into or refrained from
entering into in reliance on a Transaction with us that was voided from
the outset or amended retroactively as provided for in this Clause will
not be taken into account in deciding whether or not there has been a
Manifest Error.


In the absence of fraud, wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our

part, we will not be liable to you for any losses, costs, claims, demands
or expenses of any sort following or related (either directly or remotely)
to a Manifest Error (including, where the Manifest Error is caused by any
information source, commentator or official on whom we reasonably

If a Manifest Error has occurred and we choose to exercise our right to

void from the outset the affected the Transaction and you have
already received any monies from us in connection to the affected
Transaction, you agree that those monies become immediately due
and payable to us and you shall be liable to return the initial amount
received to us immediately.


If a Manifest Error has occurred and we choose to exercise our right to

amend retroactively the conditions of the affected the Transaction and
you have already received any monies from us in connection to the
Transaction with the Manifest Error, you agree that those monies
become immediately due and payable to us and you shall be liable to
return the initial amount received to us immediately. If based on the
results of the retroactive application of the fair conditions as provided
for in Clauses 18.4.3 - 18.4.4 above, the Company shall owe you any
monies, such monies shall be transferred to your Account in a timely
manner. Similarly, if as a result of the retroactive application of such fair
conditions, you shall owe the Company any monies, such money should
be transferred by you to the Company in a timely manner.


The Company shall notify you regarding the Manifest Error and the way
the Company shall proceed to rectify it within 5 (five) Business Days
after it has established the existence of such Manifest Error.

i. In case of a Manifest Error, the Company may take any appropriate

measures necessary to rectify the consequences of such Manifest Error,
which may include, among other things, the suspension, freezing or
immediate closing of any of the Client's positions.

18.4.7 Missed Opportunities

Without limitation, the Company does not accept any liability for any
missed trading opportunity or potential profit on the side of the Client
regardless of the reasons, unless any particular existing Transaction is

18.5 Responsibility for Orders

You will be responsible for all orders entered on your behalf via an Electronic
Service and you will be fully liable to us for the settlement of any Transaction
arising from it.

18.6 No Other Representations
You acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into
these Terms by a representation other than those expressly set out in these
Terms. We will not be liable to you (in equity, contract or tort) for a
representation that is not set out in these Terms and that is not fraudulent.

18.7 Indemnity
You shall pay to us such sums as we may from time to time require in or
towards satisfaction of any deficiency on the balance of your Account(s)
(excluding negative balances that are covered under Negative Balance
Protection (clause 8.20.)) with us and, on a full indemnity basis, any losses,
liabilities, costs or expenses (including legal fees), taxes, imposts and levies
which we may incur or be subjected to with respect to any of your
Account(s) or any Transaction or as a result of any misrepresentation by you
or any violation by you of your obligations under these Terms (including any
Transaction) or by the enforcement of our rights.


The Company shall provide you in good time before carrying on Securities
Business activities with a general description of the nature and risks of
financial instruments, taking into account, in particular, the Client's
categorisation as either a Retail Client or as a Professional Client. That
description shall explain the nature of the specific type of instrument
concerned, the functioning and performance of the financial instrument in
different market conditions, including both positive and negative conditions,
as well as the risks particular to that specific type of instrument in sufficient
detail to enable the Client to take investment decisions on an informed
The description of risk referred above will include, where relevant to the
specific type of instrumentconcerned and the status and level of knowledge
of the Client, the following elements:
a. The risks associated with that type of financial instrument including an
explanation of leverage and its effects and the risk of losing the entire
investment including the risks associated with insolvency of the issuer or
related events, such as bail in;


The volatility of the price of such instruments and any limitations on the
available market for such instruments;


Information on impediments or restrictions for disinvestment, for

example as may be the case for illiquid financial instruments or
financial instruments with a fixed investment term, including an
illustration of the possible exit methods and consequences of any exit,
possible constraints and the estimated timeframe for the sale of the
financial instrument before recovering the initial cost of the transaction
in that type of financial instruments;


The fact that an investor might assume, as a result of transactions in

such instruments, financial commitments and other additional
obligations, including contingent liabilities, additional to the cost of
acquiring the instruments;

e. Any margin requirements or similar obligations, applicable to

instruments of that type.
For more information please refer to the Risk Disclosure Statement.


20.1 Amendments
20.1.1 Shall the Company introduce any material amendments to the
present Terms, you will be notified accordingly by means of the app and/or
by e-mail of such material amendments. You will be given 48 hours from the
moment the notice has been dispatched ("48 Hours") by the Company to
decide on whether you would want to proceed under the new Terms. Upon
the expiration of these 48 Hours you shall be deemed to have provided
consent to the application of the new Terms.

20.1.2 If you disagree with the application of the new Terms you must get in
touch with the Company by utilising the email stated in Clause 20.2
("Notices") below prior to the expiration of the 48 Hours, clearly state that
you no longer wish to be a Client of the Company and discontinue your use
of the Services.

20.1.3 If you send us such notice of disagreement mentioned in Clause 20.1.2

above you will not be allowed to open any new positions from the moment
we receive such notice and you will be prompted to close any of your
outstanding positions prior to the expiration of the 48 Hours. If you fail to do
so, we will have the discretion to automatically close all of your positions
upon the expiration of the 48 Hours.

We will process the termination of your Account and any relevant issues as
provided for herein and the Applicable Regulations.

20.2 Notices
Unless otherwise agreed, all notices, instructions and other communications
to be given by us under these Terms shall be given to the contact details
provided by you to us. Likewise, all notices, instructions and other
communications to be given by you under these Terms shall be given to us in
writing at the address below:
Name: Capital Com Online Investments Ltd.

Registered Address: The Bahamas Financial Centre, 3rd Floor, Shirley and
Charlotte Streets, P.O. Box N-4865, Nassau, Bahamas

Place of Business: 2nd Floor, Goodman’s Bay, Corporate Center, Nassau,

New Providence, The Bahamas

Email Address:

You shall notify us of any change of your information for the receipt of
notices, instructions and other communications immediately.

20.3 Record Keeping

20.3.1 The Company will keep records of internal telephone conversations
and electronic communications that are intended to result in transactions or
relate to the reception and transmission of orders and execution of orders
on behalf of clients.

20.3.2 Further, the Company will also keep records to be kept of all services
and activities provided and transactions undertaken by the Company as
well as records related to its business and internal organisation.

20.3.3 The Company shall keep records of the content and timing of
instructions received from you. A record of the allocation decisions taken for
each operation shall be kept providing for a complete audit trail between
the movements registered in clients’ accounts and in the instructions
received by the Company. In particular, the final allocation made to each
investment Client shall be clearly justified and recorded. The complete audit
trail of the material steps in the underwriting and placing process shall be
made available to competent authorities upon request.

20.3.4 You have the right to request and receive records of telephone and
electronic communications that are related to reception, transmission and
execution of your orders. Such records will be kept by the Company for a
period of up to 7 years from the end of business relationship with you
according to the relevant regulations (please refer to our Privacy Policy for
more details).

20.3.5 The Client acknowledges and accepts that the Company is required
to disclose information in relation to any US reportable persons to the
relevant authorities, as per the reporting requirements of FATCA and
Qualified Intermediary Agreement regimes. The Client may contact the
Company for additional information and/or clarifications prior to accepting
these Terms and Conditions.

20.4 Electronic Communications

20.4.1 Subject to the Applicable Laws and Regulations, any communication

between us using electronic signatures and any communications via our
Website and/or the mobile app shall be binding as if they were in writing.
Orders or instructions given by you via e-mail or other electronic means will
constitute evidence of the orders or instructions given.

20.4.2 The Company will also keep records of orders placed by clients
through channels other than the Companies' electronic platform, provided
that such communications are made in a durable medium (e.g. mails, fax,
emails, chats, internet communications, etc.). In case of relevant face-to-
face conversations with the Client, the content of such will be recorded by
using written minutes or notes.

20.5 Our Records

20.5.1 Our records, unless shown to be wrong, will be evidence of your

dealings with us in connection with our Electronic Services. You will not
object to the admission of our records as evidence in any legal proceedings
because such records are not originals, are not in writing nor are they
documents produced by a computer.

20.5.2 You will not rely on us to comply with your record keeping obligations,
although records may be made available to you on request at our absolute

20.5.3 The records will be retained in a medium that allows the storage of
information in a way accessible for future reference by the competent
authority, and in such a form and manner that the following conditions are

the competent authority is able to access them readily and to

reconstitute each key stage of the processing of each transaction;


it is possible for any corrections or other amendments, and the contents

of the records prior to such corrections or amendments, to be easily

it is not possible for the records otherwise to be manipulated or altered;


it allows IT or any other efficient exploitation when the analysis of the

data cannot be easily carried out due to the volume and the nature of
the data; and

v. the firm's arrangements comply with the record keeping requirements

irrespective of the technology used.

20.6 Your Records

You agree to keep adequate records in accordance with the Applicable
Laws and Regulations to demonstrate the nature of orders submitted and
the time at which such orders are submitted. You can access your
statements online at any time via our Website or mobile app. You may
request to receive your statement monthly or quarterly via email, by
providing such a request to the support department.

20.7 Confidential Information

20.7.1 The Company does not have any obligation to disclose to the Client
any information or take into consideration any information either when
making any decision or when it proceeds to any act on behalf of the Client,
unless otherwise agreed and stated in this Agreement and where this is
imposed by the relevant Act and Regulations in force.
20.7.2 The Company has the right, without informing the Client beforehand,
to disclose such details of the Client's Transactions or such other information
as it may deem necessary in order to comply with any requirements of any
person entitled to require such a disclosure by any applicable laws.
20.7.3 The Company will handle all of Client's personal data according to
the relevant Laws and Regulations for the protection of Personal Data. For
more information please refer to the Company's Privacy Policy.

20.8 Complaints Procedure
20.8.1 We are obliged to put in place internal procedures for handling
complaints and inquiries fairly and promptly. In the event you are dissatisfied
with the Electronic Services provided to you by the Company you can
submit the claim through the “Complaints Procedure” section of our Website
or send to the following e-mail address:
You must provide the following information to assist us in dealing with your
Your Trading Account Number
Your Name/Surname/Email address
Date of the event
Cause of your complaint (please indicate one of the causes as follows:
execution of orders, quality or lack of information provided, terms of
contract/fees/charges, general admin/customer services, issues in
relation to withdrawal of funds, other)
Details of the person or department of the company to whom you think
the complaint should be directed.

All Client complaints must be submitted in writing, and should be as

descriptive as possible in respect of the events that led to the filing of the
complaint. The Company reserves the right not to review verbal complaints
or claims missing significant details, such as date of the event, affected
positions and/or requested compensation amount etc.
20.8.2 To resolve your complaint, we will take the following steps:

When the Compliance Officer receives the Client’s complaint then a

written acknowledgement will be sent to the Client within 7 business


The Company will attempt a final response within 14 days, however in

case we are still not in a position to resolve the issue then the
Compliance Officer will notify you in writing stating the reasons for the
delay and indicate an estimated time to resolve the issue;


A final response should be provided to the Client within 60 business

days the latest from the date he submitted his complaint;

d. In the case where the complainant is still not satisfied with the
Company’s final response, then the complainant can refer his complaint
with a copy of the Company’s final response to the Securities
Commission of Bahamas (SCB) in Bahamas for further examination.

20.9 Transfers & Assignment
These Terms shall be for the benefit of and binding upon us both and our
respective successors and assigns. You shall not assign, charge or otherwise
transfer or purport to assign, charge or otherwise transfer your rights or
obligations under these Terms or any interest in these Terms, without our
prior written consent, and any purported assignment, charge or transfer in
violation of this Clause shall be void. You agree that we may without further
notice to you and subject to the Applicable Laws and Regulations, transfer
by whatever means we consider appropriate all or any of our rights,
benefits, obligations, risks and/or interests under these Terms to any person
who may enter into a contract with us in connection with such transfer and
you agree, that we may transfer to such person all information which we
hold about you.

20.10 Time is of Essence

Time shall be of the essence in respect of all obligations of yours under
these Terms (including any Transaction).

20.11 Rights and Remedies

The rights and remedies provided under these Terms are cumulative and not
exclusive of those provided by the Law. We shall be under no obligation to
exercise any right or remedy either at all or in a manner or at a time
beneficial to you. No failure by us to exercise or delay by us in exercising any
of our rights under these Terms (including any Transaction) or otherwise shall
operate as a waiver of those or any other rights or remedies. No single or
partial exercise of a right or remedy shall prevent further exercise of that
right or remedy or the exercise of another right or remedy.

20.12 Set-off
Without prejudice to any other rights to which we may be entitled, we may
at any time and without notice to you set-off any amount (whether actual
or contingent, present or future) owed by you against any amount (whether
actual or contingent, present or future) owed by us to you. For these
purposes, we may ascribe a commercially reasonable value to any amount
which is contingent or which for any other reason is unascertained.

20.13 Partial Invalidity

If, at any time, any provision of these Terms is or becomes illegal, invalid or
unenforceable in any respect under the Law of any jurisdiction, neither the
legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms
nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the Law of
any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or impaired.

20.14 Data Protection

The Company and its related entities are responsible for the protection of
the privacy and the safeguarding of your personal and financial

Your personal data are safely stored in the Company’s electronic systems
and are treated as confidential. The Company will not disclose any of the
Client’s personal data to a third party that is not an affiliate, partner, or an
associate related to the provision of services to the Client, unless we have
your consent or the Company is required to do so by an official government
regulatory authority or a competent jurisdiction. The Company will not hold
any information about its Clients’ debit or credit cards, or any payment
method used by a Client to make his/her deposit not required by the
Applicable Regulations and will at all times be in compliance with the
undertaken cardholder data security standards.

We are also bound by principles contained in the Data Protection (Privacy of

Personal Information) Act of 2003 as amended from time to time as well as
any other applicable privacy laws in this respect.The Privacy Policy outlines
how we manage the personal information we hold about our clients through
their interaction with the company on social media or any other dealing
with us.

20.15 Advertising Standards

The Company shall adhere to the advertising standards described in article

93 of SIR whereby any advertisement or other public invitation for persons to
invest in a security or engage in a securities transaction shall contain
sufficient relevant information so that it is not misleading.


21.1 Governing Law

The interpretation, construction, effect and enforceability of these Terms

shall be governed by the laws of the Bahamas. You as the Client agree that
all Transactions carried out on the CAPITAL.COM Online Trading Platform
are governed by the laws of the Bahamas regardless of the location of the

21.2 Jurisdiction

The Parties to these Terms submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts
of the Bahamas to settle any suit, action or other proceedings related to
these Terms ("Proceedings").

21.3 Waiver of Immunity and Consent to Enforcement

You irrevocably waive to the fullest extent permitted by applicable Law, with
respect to yourself and your revenue and assets (irrespective of their use or
intended use) all immunity on the grounds of sovereignty or other similar
grounds from suit; jurisdiction of any courts; relief by way of injunction, order
for specific performance or for recovery of property; attachment of assets
(whether before or after judgement); and execution or enforcement of any
judgement to which you or your revenues or assets might otherwise be
entitled in any Proceedings in the courts of any jurisdiction and irrevocably
agree that you will not claim any immunity in any Proceedings. You consent
generally in respect of any Proceedings to the giving of any relief or the
issue of any process in connection with such Proceedings, including, without
limitation, the making, enforcement or execution against any property
whatsoever (irrespective of its use or intended use) of any order or
judgement which may be made or given in such Proceedings.

21.4 Service of Process

If you are situated outside of the Bahamas, process by which any

Proceedings in the Bahamas may be served on you by being delivered to
the address in the Bahamas nominated by you for this purpose. This does
not affect our right to serve processes in another manner permitted by law.

Terms and Conditions Version 3, January 2024

Annex 1 - Swap-Free Account Terms and Conditions
1. These Swap-Free Account Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to
as the Terms) are a supplementary and integral part of the Agreement with
clients on conducting operations involving non-deliverable over-the-
counter (OTC) financial instruments (CFDs Transactions) concluded between
Company and the Client, and they govern the terms and conditions of using
a Swap-Free account.

These Terms supplement and modify the Agreement. The provisions of these
Terms supersede the provisions of the Agreement only to the extent that the
provisions of these Terms and the Agreement expressly conflict. Nothing in
these Terms should be interpreted as invalidating the Agreement, the
provisions of which will continue to govern the relationship between the
Parties insofar as they do not expressly conflict with these Terms. In case of
a contradiction between these Terms and the Agreement, the Terms shall
prevail. For these Terms, definitions and expressions shall have the meanings
given to them as defined in the Agreement, unless the context otherwise
2. By applying for a Swap-Free account, the Client explicitly expresses his/
her approval and acceptance of these Terms.

3. A Swap-Free account is designed and offered by the Company to its

Clients who can not use a regular account owing to their religion, faith, or

4. A Swap-Free account is an account with the following special conditions

being applied:

No overnight commission (also known as “swap”) is applied. If the

Client holds a position open overnight, the overnight commission is not
deducted from or added to the Client’s deposit;

4.2 The spread size in a Swap-Free account may differ from the spread
size in a regular account.
5. The Client can have only one type of account: a regular account or a
Swap-Free account. For existing Clients, it is necessary to close the existing
regular account before opening a Swap-Free account. Before closure of a
regular account, the Client should make sure that a Swap-Free account is
available for him/her by contacting the Company via any appropriate
means of communication.

6. Pursuant to Section 3 of these Terms, the Company reserves the right to
require an adequate justification for and/or proof of the necessity or need
of opening a Swap-Free account, including provision of proof of faith.
7. A Swap-Free account may be subject to restriction in respect to the
Client’s place of birth, nationality and/or country of residence as well as to
other restrictions, which may be imposed by the Company from time to time,
at its sole discretion.
8. A Swap-Free account is subject to regular comprehensive checks and
monitoring to detect any improper/abusive activities prohibited by these
Terms or by the Agreement.
9. It is strictly prohibited to apply for a Swap-Free account and/or use such
an account if the primary reason for this is taking advantage of not paying
overnight commission inherent in a regular account. Should the Company
determine, at its sole discretion and in good faith, the violation of this rule,
the Company shall be entitled to:

suspend or block the account (suspend and/or terminate the provision

of the Services under the Agreement);


terminate the Agreement (unilaterally and extrajudicially refuse to

perform the Agreement);

iii. take any other measure(s), provided in Section 9.3 and/or other
sections of the Agreement for the Client’s violation of the terms of the
Agreement. In addition, should the Company determine, at its sole
discretion and in good faith, that a Swap-Free account is used in bad
faith, the Company shall be entitled to apply retrospectively all the
overnight commissions that were previously omitted.
10. The Company reserves the right to close a Swap-Free account and/or
refuse to open such an account at any time, at its sole discretion, with or
without reason, without being obliged to provide any explanation or


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