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Determination of rheological properties of bio-asphalt binders through

experimental and multilayer feed-forward neural network methods

Preprint in Ain Shams Engineering Journal · May 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.asej.2021.04.003


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6 authors, including:

Abdulnaser Alsabaeei Madzlan Napiah

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


Suzielah Rahmad Nur Izzi Md Yusoff

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Civil Engineering

Determination of rheological properties of bio-asphalt binders through

experimental and multilayer feed-forward neural network methods
Abdulnaser M Al-Sabaeei a,⇑, Madzlan B Napiah a, Muslich H Sutanto a, Suzielah Rahmad b,
Nur Izzi Md Yusoff b, Wesam S Alaloul a
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UniversitiTeknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study seeks to determine the rheological properties of unaged and RTFO-aged bio-asphalt binders
Received 28 November 2019 using experimental and modelling methods. Crude palm oil (CPO) was used as a bio-oil at varying per-
Revised 8 May 2020 centages of 0, 5, 10 and 15% by total weight of asphalt binder. The dynamic shear rheometer (DSR)
Accepted 10 April 2021
was used to investigate the rheological properties of bio-asphalt binders. The multilayer feed-forward
Available online xxxx
neural network method was used to predict the complex modulus and phase angle of bio-asphalt binders
by virtue of its ability to learn and adapt. Result of the DSR analysis showed that the complex modulus of
bio-asphalt with 5% CPO is almost similar as that of the base asphalt binder, and that higher CPO content
Crude palm oil
resulted in reduced complex modulus and higher phase angle. Result of the modelling shows that all
Rheological properties models have an R2 value greater than 0.99, thus indicating the good agreement between the predicted
Artificial neural network and the experimental results.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Uni-
versity. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction als have achieved a certain degree of success in using the biomate-
rials as an extender. A small number of researchers have
The global increase in the construction of new roads and main- investigated the use of crude palm oil (CPO) in bio-asphalt binders.
tenance and rehabilitation of existing roads require a huge amount Due to its wide availability, the use of CPO as an extender for base
of asphalt binder produced by crude oil refining [1]. The govern- asphalt binders is more cost-effective in contrast the use of other
ment, researchers and asphalt binder industry are always looking types of bio-oils. A total of 64.5 million metric tonnes of crude
for alternative materials that have the ability to improve the prop- palm oil was produced globally between 2016 and 2017 [12].
erties of asphalt road pavements whilst reducing their carbon foot- The production of palm oil in the international market is much
print [2]. Biotechnology is considered to be one of the key higher than any other vegetable oils [13]. Thus, there is an urgent
alternatives for a wide range of technologies [3,4]. Its utilisation necessity to develop the technologies for benefiting from this large
in the field of pavement engineering has been receiving serious quantity of palm oil in various biofuel applications, including its
attention due to its eco-friendliness, cost effectiveness, renewabil- use in bio-binders.
ity and energy efficiency in comparison to petroleum based asphalt A number of recent studies have investigated the rheological
binders [5–11]. Several experimental trials have been carried out properties of various bio-binder materials. Wang et al. (2018)
to determine the feasibility of using biomaterials as a partial or examined the chemical and rheological properties of bio-binders
total replacement for base asphalt binder. These experimental tri- by incorporating waste cooking oil (WCO) and styrene–butadienes
tyrene (SBS) as modifiers. The researchers observed that higher
⇑ Corresponding author. bio-oil content resulted in a marked improvement of the fatigue
E-mail address: (A.M Al-Sabaeei). performance of bio-asphalt at intermediate temperature despite
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. the reduced rutting resistance. It was concluded that WCO is a
promising bio-oil material for the production of a sustainable
asphalt binder [14]. Sun et al. (2016) reported that WCO has the
ability to significantly improve the fatigue and cracking resistance
Production and hosting by Elsevier properties of asphalt binders in spite of the reduced rutting
2090-4479/Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al., Determination of rheological properties of bio-asphalt binders through exper-
imental and multilayer feed-forward neural network methods, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

resistance of bio-asphalts with higher WCO content [15]. The bio- nanosilica (NS) on the rheological performance of polymer modi-
binder derived from swine manure was used as a modifier in the fied binder (PMB), where ANN was used to predict the |G*| and d
investigation of rheological properties of bio-asphalt. Results of nanosilica-polymer modified binders (NS-PMBs) at different
showed that swine manure has the ability to enhance the low tem- temperatures, loading frequencies, and nanosilica concentrations.
perature properties of asphalt binder although the high tempera- The study employed a feed forward back propagation learning
ture grade decreased with higher bio-oil content [16]. It is technique. The LM and gradient descent (GDA) algorithms were
believed that bio-asphalt and base asphalt binder share some sim- used in the training stage. Varying number of neurons were used
ilarities with regard to their chemical and rheological properties, for each algorithm and the optimal number of neurons was identi-
and thus bio-oil is regarded as one of the appropriate modifiers fied based on maximum efficiency and minimum MSE during the
for improving the properties of asphalt binder used in the con- testing stage. It was concluded that ANN is one of the methods
struction of asphalt pavements [1,17,18]. Bio-binder is very effec- with the highest accuracy for modeling and predicting the |G*|
tive in reducing the viscosity of asphalt binders at high and d of NS-PMB.
temperatures, and this leads to better workability of asphalt mix- The testing of rheological properties of asphalt binder is expen-
tures and better energy efficiency [5,17,19]. Chen et al. (2014) sive, time consuming and requires skilled operators [23,31]. Fur-
studied the ability of waste edible oil to act as a rejuvenator of thermore, the use of bio-binder as a partial replacement for
the empirical and rheological characteristics of aged asphalt bin- petroleum-based binder can complicate engineering properties
ders modified with SBS. The findings of their study indicate that because of the different and complicated chemical component of
the improvement in the empirical and rheological properties of biomass sources [9]. As a consequence, a more in-depth knowledge
aged asphalt binder correspond with the dose of base binder reju- is required to evaluate the effect of replacing asphalt binder with
venator. The incorporation of SBS also resulted in enhanced rutting bio-binder through experimental investigation and modelling of
resistance of the rejuvenated asphalt binder. However, these rheological properties [33]. In this regard, ANN modeling could
improvements were observed for high-temperature properties be a valuable alternative tool for quantifying the rheological prop-
and thus there is a need to find ways to improve the low- erties of asphalts [24] and bio-asphalt binders. This study consists
temperature properties of the binders [20]. of two main parts. The first part of this study evaluates the effect of
Alamawi et al. (2019) investigated the use of palm kernel oil crude palm oil at varying concentrations of 0, 5, 10 and 15% by
polyol bio-based binder as a partial replacement for petroleum- weight of a 60/70 penetration grade binder before and after
based binder. The temperature sensitivity of bio-asphalt binders short-term aging. The conventional properties, namely the pene-
is reported to be very close to that of base asphalt binders even tration, ring and ball temperature, penetration index and high-
though there is a small loss of mass [21]. Rahman et al. (2017) temperature rheological properties, of the binders were investi-
investigated the empirical and rheological properties of asphalt gated. The second part uses the multilayer feed-forward neural
binders modified with WCO, crumb rubber and palm oil fuel ash network approach to develop new and efficient models for predict-
(POFA). The incorporation of 15% modifier as a replacement for ing the rheological properties of CPO modified asphalt binder in
base asphalt binder produced equal or better stability, flow and terms of |G*| and d.
rutting resistance performance [22]. Several models have been
developed for predicting the rheological properties of base asphalt
binders [23–25]. Even though very little research has been carried 2. Materials and methods
out on the modeling of rheological properties of bio-asphalt bin-
ders, extensive experimental studies have been carried out to 2.1. Materials and sample preparation
determine the rheological behavior of bio-asphalt binders and
the feasibility of using these binders in pavement applications. This study used a 60/70 penetration grade asphalt binder sup-
Artificial neural network (ANN) is a popular computational tool plied by Petronas Research and Scientific Services (PRSS), Malaysia.
for solving complex problems in preference to conventional tech- The conventional and rheological characteristics of the base
niques, and has been used to solve several civil engineering prob- asphalt binder were established based on the ASTM and AASHTO
lems that cannot be easily solved using conventional techniques standards shown in Table 1. The crude palm oil (CPO) was supplied
and engineering mechanics approaches. It is a very effective tech- by Felcra Processing and Engineering Sdn. Bhd, Perak, Malaysia.
nique for engineering applications as it has an acceptable degree of Table 2 presents the conventional and chemical characteristics of
accuracy, particularly for civil engineering problems [24]. In recent the CPO. Crude palm oil was added as an extender at 0, 5, 10,
years, many studies have used ANN to develop prediction models and 15% by weight of asphalt binder.
for asphalt binders and mixtures for application in pavement engi- The base asphalt binder was heated in a 160 °C oven for 60 min
neering [27–30]. Kok et al. [31] used ANN to develop a model for to make it sufficiently fluid for mixing. A homogeneous blend of
predicting the |G*| of conventional and SBS modified asphalt bin- bio-asphalt binders and CPO was obtained by mixing in a high
ders. The study used a 50/70 penetration grade asphalt binder, shear mixer at 1000 rpm mixing speed for 1 h at a temperature
and the data for the |G*| and d of conventional and SBS-modified
asphalt binder were obtained from experimental works which
used the DSR machine. The inputs for the ANN layers are testing Table1
Conventional and rheological properties of base asphalt binder.
temperature, load frequency and SBS contents, whereas the output
layer parameter is the complex modulus. The Levenberg Mar- Test Test Requirements Results
quardt (LM), scaled conjugate gradient and Pola Ribiere conjugate standard
gradient algorithms were used as variants of the algorithm. A tan- Penetration, at 25 °C, 0.1 mm ASTM D5 Min. 60 dmm 60
gent sigmoid function was also used for the output and hidden lay- Ring and Ball Temperature, °C ASTM D36 Min. 49 °C 49
ers. The statistical indicators used to compare the measured values Ductility at 25 °C, cm ASTM D113 Min.100 cm ˃100
Penetration Index, PI – – 1.04
with the predicted values to validate the model are root mean Mass loss, % ASTM D113 Max. 1% 0.12
square (RMS), coefficient of variation (COV), and correlation coeffi- G*/sind, kPa, at 64 °C and 10 rad/ ASTM Min. 1 kPa 1.03
cient (R2). The LM algorithm was found to be the most appropriate sec D7175-15
topology with a mean R value of 0.997, mean RMS value of 0.0039, RTFO - G*/sind, kPa, at 64 °C and ASTM Min. 2.2 kPa 3.2
10 rad/sec D7175-15
and COV mean value of 20.24. Dhawo [32] evaluated the effects of
A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Physicochemical properties of crude palm oil (CPO) and its components [34].

Characteristics Value
Appearance Deep orange-red color
Density at 40 °C 0.899–0.920
Softening point, °C 33–40
Refractive index at 50 °C 1.449–1.455
Acid value, mg KOH/ g oil 2–15
Typical solid fat content at 40 °C 1 – 6%
Carotene content 0.03 – 0.15%
Iodine value 50.0 – 55.0
Saponification value, mg KOH/ g oil 190–209
Nitrogen, % 0.41
Carbon, % 76.44
Hydrogen, % 13.14
Sulfur, % 0.019

Fig. 2. Phase angle of unaged bio-asphalt binders versus CPO content at various
Table 3 temperatures.
Conventional properties of base and bio-asphalt binders.

Test / Penetration, Softening Penetration

Sample at 25 °C, 0.1 mm Point, °C Index, PI
0% CPO 60 49 1.04
5% CPO 67 46 1.59
10% CPO 146 35 3.6
15% CPO 150 32 5.18

of 140 °C in accordance with the previous studies conducted on

bio-asphalt binder [35].

2.2. Conventional physical tests

The penetration grade and ring and ball temperature tests are
the most frequently used conventional tests for determining the
Fig. 3. |G*| of RTFO-aged bio-asphalt binders versus CPO content at various
consistency of base and bio-asphalt binders [36]. The penetration temperatures.
index (PI) was calculated and analyzed using the data obtained
from the penetration and softening point tests [34]. The penetra-
tion grade test was conducted at 25 °C according to ASTM D5
[37] to determine the hardness and consistency of the asphalt bin-
der before and after modification with CPO. A 1 mm-diameter nee-
dle under a load of 100 g was dropped for 5 s into the asphalt
binder specimen. The average of three readings for each sample
was recorded to the nearest whole unit. The ring and ball temper-
ature test of the base and bio-asphalt binders was carried out
according to ASTM D36 [38] to establish the binders’ consistency

Fig. 4. Phase angle of RTFO-aged bio-asphalt binders versus CPO content at various

at high-temperature before and after modification with CPO. The

softening point was identified as the temperature at which the
asphalt binder specimen is no longer able to sustain the weight
of a 3.5 g steel ball at a uniform temperature rate of 5 °C /min.
The temperature susceptibility of the base and bio-asphalt binders
was evaluated by calculating the penetration index [34]. The lower
the PI value, the higher the temperature sensitivity. Eq. (1) was
Fig. 1. |G*| of unaged bio-asphalt binders versus CPO content at various
used to calculate the penetration index by using the penetration
temperatures. values at 25 °C and the result of ring and ball temperature test.

A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. |G*| and d of ANN architecture for unaged and RTFO-aged binders.

Fig. 6. ANN performance for unaged binders a) |G*|, b) d.

Fig. 7. ANN performance for RTFO-aged binders a) |G*|, b) d.

1952  500  LogPen  20SP 2.4. Rheological properties tests

PI ¼ ð1Þ
50  LogPen  SP  120
The rheological properties of base and bio-asphalt samples
where pen is penetration value at 25 °C and SP is the ring and ball were established in order to understand the viscoelastic behaviour
temperature in °C. of the binders when subjected to dynamic loading at various tem-
peratures [41,41]. DSR is an instrument used to characterize the
viscoelastic properties of base and bio-asphalt binders at different
2.3. Rolling thin film oven (RTFO) test
temperatures and load frequencies (times of loading). This study
used the kinexus Pro+ rheometer to establish the rheological prop-
The RTFO test was carried out in the laboratory to simulate the
erties of base and bio-asphalt binders under two conditions,
short-term aging of asphalt binders during the production and con-
namely unaged and RTFO-aged condition, based on ASTM D7175-
struction of hot mix asphalt in the field. The test was carried out in
15 [42]. The temperature sweep test was carried out at a frequency
accordance with ASTM standard D2872 [39]. Conventional asphalt
of 1.59 Hz (10 rad/s) to assess the rheological properties of base
binder and bio-asphalt samples were prepared in a 163 °C oven by
and bio-asphalt binders. The test was carried out at a temperature
exposing the binders to a continuous air flow for 85 min. The rhe-
of between 40 and 76 °C with a 25 mm geometry diameter and
ological properties of the unaged asphalt binders were compared
1 mm gap as stipulated by the standard requirements. The |G*|
with those of the short-term aged binders.
A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 8. Experimental values versus predicted |G*| values of unaged binders.

and d of the base and bio-asphalt binders were determined for the number of neurons was determined based on the maximum effi-
concentration of 0 to 15% CPO by weight of base asphalt binder. ciency and minimum MSE during the testing phase.
The performance of the model was established based on the val-
2.5. Multilayer feed-forward neural network ues of R2 and MSE. The R2 and MSE are expressed as follows:

MATLAB mathematical software version R2015b was used to

identify the appropriate ANN models for predicting the |G*| and d i¼1 ðoi  t i Þ2
of bio-asphalt binders. The input data was obtained from the rhe-
MSE ¼ ð2Þ
ological properties experiment. The most frequently used ANN net-
work for making prediction, namely the multilayer feed forward
network [32,43], was used as a learning method in this study. P
ANN may contain one or more hidden layers but theoretical work ðo  t Þ2
R2 ¼ P ð3Þ
has shown that one hidden layer is sufficient for estimating any ðo  omean Þ2
complex nonlinear function [23,43]. The number of hidden layers
between the input and output layers can be selected based on
the accuracy required for the output. The input parameters in this where, o is the output parameter, t is the target outputs, omean is the
study are CPO concentration and temperature of the rheological average of outputs, and n is the overall number of data sets.
tests while the outputs are |G*|and d. R2 is the correlation between the predicted and actual values.
The log-sigmoid function was used in the output layer and the An R2 value close to 1 indicates a good agreement between the pre-
hidden layers for all established models. The nonlinear nature of dicted and the experimental values. Similarly, a lower mean square
the log-sigmoid function improves the performance of ANN. This error (MSE) value indicates a smaller error in the predicted values.
study used the Levenberg Marquardt (LM) training function Therefore, smaller MSE value and higher R2 value indicate a good
together with the GDM adaptation learning function. The optimal model performance and better accuracy of the predicted outputs.
A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. Experimental values versus predicted d values of unaged binders.

3. Results and discussion asphalt binder modified with up to 5% of CPO, although the incor-
poration of higher percentages of CPO resulted in reduced |G*| and
3.1. Conventional characteristics larger d. This is most probably due to the higher aromatics content
in bio-oil compared to the content in the base binder [33].
Table 3 presents the conventional properties of bio-asphalt bin- The incorporation of between 5 and 10% CPO caused a higher
ders. The incorporation of higher amounts of CPO produced higher reduction in |G*| and higher increase in d, although there is a slight
penetration value and lower softening point and penetration index reduction in |G*| and a small increase in d with higher CPO content.
values. However, the incorporation of 5% CPO resulted in a very Generally, higher temperature resulted in lower |G*| and higher d.
small change in the conventional properties when compared to The binder with 5% CPO has the same |G*| value as the control
those of the base binder. Even though lower percentages of CPO asphalt binder although the value increased at intermediate tem-
can be used as a partial replacement for the base binder, the incor- perature. This indicates that CPO is a good bio-oil alternative for
poration of higher percentages of CPO without a polymer would the partial replacement for petroleum-based binder without
most probably have an adverse impact on the binders’ physical changing the binder’s rutting and fatigue resistance properties.
properties, especially in tropical countries where pavement tem- Higher test temperatures produced higher phase angle although
perature is high. Based on the specifications, the binder modified the phase angle for the 5% CPO asphalt binders decreased at inter-
with 5% CPO has a penetration value of 67 dmm, which is almost mediate temperature compared to that of the control binder. This
identical with the 60 dmm penetration value of the base binder; indicates that the addition of up to 5% crude palm oil improves
this indicates that the modified binder retains the 60/70 penetra- the G* and d at intermediate temperatures, which in turn enhance
tion grade of base asphalt binder. The penetration index of 5% the asphalt binder’s rutting properties. The reduced |G*| at high
CPO bio-asphalt binder is (1.59), which is within the required CPO content (more than 5%) enhanced the asphalt binder’s fatigue
(2 to 2) for temperature susceptibility. The softening point of properties. These findings are in agreement with those made by
5% CPO bio-asphalt binder is slightly lower compared to that of [35] which showed similar |G*| and d behavior of bio-asphalt bin-
the base binder. Result of the analysis shows that base asphalt bin- der incorporated with bio-oil extracted from palm oil empty fruit
der can be modified with 5% CPO without adversely affecting the bunch.
binders’ physical properties in high-temperature pavement
3.3. Rheological properties of RTFO-aged binders

3.2. Rheological properties of unaged binders Figs. 3 and 4 show the |G*| and d of RTFO-aged base binder and
bio-asphalt binders at various temperatures, respectively. It can be
Figs. 1 and 2 present the plot of |G*| and d of unaged base binder seen that higher CPO content resulted in reduced |G*| and higher d.
and bio-asphalt binders versus temperature, respectively. It can be This is most probably due to the higher aromatics content in bio-oil
seen that the |G*| and d remain almost unchanged for the base compared to the content in the base asphalt binder [33]. In con-
A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 10. Experimental values versus predicted |G*| values of RTFO-aged binders.

trast, the binder modified with 5% CPO has a lower d value than 3.4. ANN model analysis
that of the base binder, which may be due to the compatibility of
CPO with base asphalt binder at lower CPO content. The addition The accuracy of an ANN model is influenced by the network
of 5 and 10% CPO resulted in even smaller |G*| values and larger architecture. There is no standard for the number of neurons in
d values, although higher CPO content caused a slight decrease in the hidden layers. In this study, an ANN with 3 and 11 neurons
|G*| and larger d. This indicates that the addition of CPO does not for the first and second hidden layers, respectively, have been
have a significant effect on aging, especially at higher CPO content. shown to be the optimal topology for |G*| and d of unaged and
Higher temperature produced lower |G*| value and higher d value, RTFO-aged bioasphalt binders, as can be seen in Fig. 5. Figs. 6
indicating the consistent effect of CPO on the rheological properties and 7 present the results of ANN training performance for unaged
of base asphalt binder before and after aging. This indicates that and RTFO-aged binders, respectively. The best validation perfor-
bio-asphalt binders modified with CPO have a consistent rutting mance for unaged binders based on mean square error (MSE) is
resistance. In addition, the smaller complex modulus at high CPO 7.9487  105 at epoch 1000 for |G*| and 0.0015984 at epoch
content (more than 5%) enhanced the asphalt binder’s fatigue 108 for d. The best validation performance for RTFO-aged binders
properties. This is in agreement with the findings made by [20] are 0.0033017 at the epoch 1000 and 0.00065665 at epoch 615
that showed an almost similar trend for the |G*| and d of a bioas- for G* and d, respectively.
phalt binder modified with waste vegetable oil. It can be concluded Based on the difference between the predicted and actual val-
that the reduced |G*| and larger d of bio-asphalt binders could ues of |G*| and d in unaged and RTFO-aged conditions, the pro-
enhance the workability of the binder, which in turn improve mix- posed neural network is able to learn the relationship between
ture durability and lower the mixing and compaction temperatures CPO content and test temperature as input parameters and |G*|
of asphalt mixes. and d as output parameters. The values of |G*| and d determined

A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 11. Experimental values versus predicted d values of RTFO-aged binders.

by the ANN model are close to the experimental values, which is an tion. These results are consistent with those obtained by [24]
indication of high prediction accuracy. which showed that the behaviour of |G*| and d of the modified
Figs. 8 and 9 show the relationship between the predicted val- asphalt binder are similar with those of nano-silica.
ues generated by the developed ANN models with the actual values Figs. 10 and 11 show the relationship of the values predicted by
from experimental work of unaged binders. The predicted values the developed ANN models and the actual values from the experi-
are very close to the actual values, indicating a strong correlation mental work of RTFO-aged binders. Similar with the unaged bin-
between CPO content and test temperature as input and |G*| and ders, the predicted values are almost identical with the actual
d as outputs. The R2 and MSE values were used to determine the values, thus indicating a strong correlation between CPO content
significance of the developed ANN models. Fig. 8 shows that the and test temperature in short term aging condition. The R2 values
R2 values for the training, testing, and validation of the complex for training, testing, and validation of the complex modulus for the
modulus for the ANN model are 0.99994, 1 and 1, respectively. ANN model of RTFO-aged binders are 0.99999, 1 and 0.99999,
Fig. 9 shows that the R2 values for training, testing, and validation respectively. Fig. 11 shows that the R2 values for training, testing,
of the phase angle for the ANN model are 0.99976, 0.99995 and and validation of the phase angle for the ANN model are
0.99995, respectively. The R2of the ANN modeling is greater than 0.99997, 0.99999 and 0.9999, respectively. The R2 of the RTFO-
0.99% for all data sets for |G*| and d. This indicates the ability of aged binders determined using ANN modeling is also greater than
the developed ANN model to represent at least 99% of the experi- 0.99% for all data set of |G*| and d. This indicates the ability of the
mental results, and thus can be used to make an accurate predic- developed ANN model to represent the experimental results for an

A.M. Al-Sabaeei, M.B. Napiah, M.H. Sutanto et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

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