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34th Singapore International Film


SGD 0 by Singapore International Film Festival Ltd

Ticket Price
Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:30 Oldham Theatre

Redemption Patron Name Transaction No.
Tanveer Hossain 20231023-002344

Terms and Conditions

1. The full Conditions of Sale found at 7. The Provider shall not be obliged to wait for, or
and these Conditions of Sale shall apply to the sale of this continue any transport Services in respect of, any Ticket
ticket/eticket/voucher/membership/package ("Ticket"). holder who is detained or delayed by the immigration,
This Ticket is sold by Pte Ltd ("SISTIC") as customs or law enforcement authorities for any reason.
ticketing agent for and on behalf of the entity or entities
(collectively "Provider") operating, managing, producing, 8. Age, height and other entry restrictions at the Venue
promoting or providing the event, show, performance, and/or in publicity materials apply and no refunds will be
screening, exhibition, conference, transport service, made for ignorance of restrictions. Infants in arms or
attraction, food and beverage, place of interest, ride, children without Tickets will not be admitted unless
venue access, membership programme, or other product otherwise stated in publicity material.
or service for which the Tickets are sold (individually and
9. Student and senior citizen passes (and others where
collectively, "Services"), or the venue, vehicle, craft,
applicable) must be shown prior to admission to obtain
equipment, attraction or restaurant in or by which the
discounts (where applicable).
Services are provided (individually and collectively,
"Venue"). 10. The Provider reserves the right, without refund or
compensation, to refuse admission / evict any person(s)
2. SISTIC has no control over the operation,
whose conduct is disorderly or inappropriate.
maintenance, management, production, promotion or
provision of the Services or Venue, which are all within 11. No photography, audio or video recording is allowed
the sole control of the Provider. The Provider undertakes during shows, performances and screenings unless
sole liability for the Services and Venue. otherwise stated by the Provider

3. SISTIC, its agents and employees shall not be liable for 12. The Ticket holder agrees to submit to any search for
any death or personal injury (unless caused by the any prohibited items including but not limited to weapons,
negligence of SISTIC), or any loss, damage, expense or drugs, controlled, dangerous and illegal substances and
liability, however caused in respect of, or in connection recording devices.
with the Services, or by the Provider, or occurring at the
Venue, including any failure, delays, postponements, 13. The Ticket holder voluntarily assumes all risk and
cancellations, defects, mishaps, accidents, breakdowns, danger incidental to the Services whether occurring prior
road conditions, weather and other adverse events and to, during or subsequent to provision of the Services,
conditions in relation to the Services or the Venue. including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or
SISTIC does not warrant or guarantee the quality, liability.
suitability, fitness for purpose, compliance with description
14. Singapore law shall govern the sale of all Tickets and
or punctuality of any of the Services or Venue.
you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
4. All complaints, claims, and requests, including those Singapore courts.
relating to the Services, the Venue, refunds or exchanges
15. The Ticket holder shall abide by the entry conditions
for any reason (collectively "Claims") shall be directed to
which may be found at the Venue, and other terms and
and handled by the Provider. Booking fees and handling
conditions displayed at SISTIC's website
fees shall not be refundable. Any refunds shall be made and at our Authorised Agents and Box
only upon the Provider’s terms and conditions and on his
account. SISTIC shall not be liable for any such Claims or

5. No exchange of Tickets will be made and Tickets are

not transferable and may not be resold, nor redistributed
or used for any commercial or marketing event, activity,
promotion or purpose, without the prior written consent of
the Provider. SISTIC and the Provider each reserves the
right to cancel any Tickets that have been transferred or
resold or redistributed or otherwise used without the prior
written consent of the Provider, and to deny any such
Ticket holder entry.

6. The Provider may postpone, cancel, interrupt or stop

the Services, or deny access to the Venue, due to
adverse weather, dangerous situations, or any other
causes beyond his reasonable control.

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