MDSP Platinum Problem Part 1
MDSP Platinum Problem Part 1
MDSP Platinum Problem Part 1
A. 140.95 kg
B. 160.95 kg
C. 200.95 kg
D. 152.95 kg
2. Find the rim thickness for a cast iron flywheel with a
width of 200 mm, a mean diameter of 1.2 m, a normal
operating speed of 300 rpm, a coefficient of fluctuation of
0.05 and which is capable of having 3000 N – m of kinetic
energy. Assume that the hub and arms represent 10% of
the rim weight and the specific weight of cast iron is 7200
kg/m .3
A. 25.28 mm
B. 28.25 mm
C. 29.71 mm
D. 28.82 mm
3. The mass of a flywheel is 175 kg and its
radius of gyration is 380 mm. Find the torque
required to attain a speed of 500 rpm from
rest in 30 seconds.
A.40.46 N – m
B.35.66 N – m
C.44.12 N – m
D.38.48 N – m
4. A sleeve bearing has an outside diameter of
1.5 in and a length of 2 in. the wall thickness is
3/16 in. The bearing is subjected to a radial
load of 450 lb. Find the bearing pressure.
A.100 psi
B.200 psi
C.150 psi
D.250 psi
5. A cast iron flywheel is rotated at a speed of 1200
rpm and having a mean rim radius of 1 foot. If the
weight of the rim is 30 lbs. What is the centrifugal
force? Use factor of C = 0.41.
A. 14800 lbs
B. 14860 lbs
C. 70000 lbs
D.14760 lbs
6. The mean coil diameter of a helical coil
spring is 1 inch and a wire diameter of 1/8
inch. Compute for the curve correction factor
of the spring?
7. A bearing carries a load of 4.450 kN. The shaft
diameter is 100 mm, the coefficient of friction is
0.01, and the shaft speed is 400 rpm. Compute the
power lost in the bearing.
A.93.2 Watts
B.84.5 Watts
C.90.45 Watts
D.87.50 Watts
8. A 36 mm shaft uses a sleeve bearing that
sustains a load of 4,000 N. Compute the length
of the bearing and the L/D ratio considering
that the bearing pressure is 1.3 MPa.
9. A flywheel rim which weighs 800 pounds has a mean
diameter of 48 inches. The speed is to be maintained
between 100 and 120 rpm. Considering that the effect
of the arms and hub accounts for 12% of the rim
weight, determine the capacity of the flywheel. Express
your answer in ft – lb.
A. 2875.8 ft – lb
B. 2685.7 ft – lb
C. 2896.7 ft – lb
D. 2987.5 ft – lb
10. A shearing machine requires 2000 ft – lbs of kinetic
energy to operate. The mean diameter of its flywheel is
36 in. The rated speed is 66 fps at the mean diameter.
The coefficient of fluctuation is 0.20. Compute the
weight of the rim is needed if the effects of the flywheel
arms and hub are to be neglected.
A. 73.92 lbs
B. 54.54 lbs
C. 25.67 lbs
D. 84.36 lbs
11. Determine the wire diameter of a helical spring
using Bergstrasser factor if the load is 130 lb and
the spring index is 8. The maximum shearing stress
of 50 ksi.
A. 0.25 in.
B. 0.54 in.
C. 0.45 in.
D.0.35 in.
Shear Stress
12. Determine the mean diameter of a helical
spring using Bergstrasser factor if the load is
130 lb and the spring index is 8. The maximum
shearing stress of 50 ksi.
A. 2.0 in.
B. 3.0 in.
C. 1.35 in.
D.2.45 in.
13. Two helical springs are used in series. Compute
the equivalent spring rate if the spring constants
are 30lb/in and 60 lb/in.
A. 25 lb/in
B. 40 lb/in
C. 20 lb/in
D.12 lb/in
14. A square bar which is held firmly at one end is to support a
concentrated load of 3000 lbs at the outer end. The bar is to
be 40 in. long and of medium carbon SAE 1040 steel with a
yield point of 60 ksi. With a factor of safety set at 3 and stress
concentration factor 0f 1.3, compute for the allowable
working and simple normal (tensile & compressive) stresses in
A. 60/46.2
B. 20/15.4
C. 30/23.1
D. 40/30.8
15. A step shaft made of SAE 1117 steel with an ultimate
strength of 69.7 ksi. The notch sensitivity factor is 0.983
and 0.00435 is the constant dependent upon the ultimate
strength, check the radius of the stress raiser.
A. 0.192
B. 0.386
C. 0.250
D. 0.775
16. Two parallel shaft connected by pure rolling turn in
the same direction and having a speed ratio 0f 2.75. What
is the distance of the two shafts if the smaller cylinder is
22 cm in diameter.
A. 16.60 cm
B. 30.25 cm
C. 25.25 cm
D. 19.25 cm
17. A coiled spring with 5 cm of outside diameter is
required to work under the load of 190 N. The wire
diameter is 5 mm, the spring is to have 6 active coils and
the ends are to be closed and ground. Determine the total
number of coils. The modulus of rigidity is 809 Gpa and
the mean radius is to be 23 mm, with 7 mm pitch of the
A. 6.5 coils
B. 7.5 coils
C. 8.5 coils
D. 9.5 coils
18. A helical spring having squared and ground ends
has a total of 18 coils and its material has a modulus
of elasticity in shear of 78.910 Gpa. If the spring has
an outside diameter of 10.42 cm and a wire diameter
of 0.625 cm, compute in the spring deflection due to
a load of 50 kgs.
A. 302 mm
B. 490 mm
C. 490 mm
D.322 mm
19. A cast iron flywheel is rotate at a speed of 1200
rpm and having a mean rim radius of 1 foot. If the
weight of the rim is 30 lbs, what is the centrifugal
force? Use factor C = 41
A. 14 800 lbs
B. 7 ft
C. 14 860 lbs
D.14 760 lbs
20. A drop hammer of 1 ton dead weight capacity
is propelled downward by a 12 in diameter
cylinder. At 100 psi air pressure what is the impact
velocity if the stroke is 28 inches?
A. 63.2 fps
B. 15.8 fps
C. 31.6 fps
D.47.4 fps
21. Determine the time in seconds, to saw a rectangular
magnesium bar 5 in. wide and 2 in. thick, if the length of
cut is 5 in. The power hacksaw does 120 strokes/min. and
the feed/stroke is 0.127 mm.
A. 200
B. 300
C. 400
D. 500
22. Determine the time required to turn a brass
component 50 mm diameter and 100 mm long at a
cutting speed of 36 m/min. The feed is 0.40 mm/rev and
only one cut is taken.
A. 50 sec
B. 65 sec
C. 75 sec
D. 95 sec
23. A mild steel pin is of 38 mm diameter and 400 mm
length is to be turned on a lathe. Determine the turning
time to reduce the pin to 36.5 mm is one pass when
cutting speed is 30 m/min and feed of 0.7 mm per
revolution is used.
A. 2.27 min
B. 3.27 min
C. 4.27 min
D. 5.27 min
24. Compute how many 3/8 in. diameter set
screws required transmitting 3 hp at a shaft speed
of 1000 rpm. The shaft diameter is 1 inch.
A. 1
B. 1.5
C. 2
25. Compute the deflection of a 18 coils helical spring
having a load of 100 kgs. The modulus of elasticity in
shear of spring is 96.62 Gpa, OD 0f 9.256 cm and wire
diameter of 9.525 mm. The spring is squared and
ground ends.
A. 9 mm
B. 101 mm
C. 112 mm
D.14 mm
26. A band brake is to absorb 5 Hp at 200 rpm. The
maximum pressure of the lining and drum is 120 psi, the
angle of wrap is 3.6 radians the width of the band is 3
inches and f = 0.15. Find the forces at the tight side. The
diameter of the drum is at 8 inches.
A. 2680 lbs
B. 2880 lbs
C. 3880 lbs
D.2980 lbs
27. A three extension coil spring are hooked in series
that support a single weight of 100 kgs. The first spring
is rated at 0.400 kg/mm and other 2 lower spring is
rated at 0.64 kg/in. Compute the total deflection.
A. 263 mm
B. 268 mm
C. 156 mm
D.250 mm
28. Determine the width of a 6 ply rubber belt required
for a ventilating fan running at 150 rpm driven from a
12 inch pulley on a 70 Hp at 800 rpm. The center
distance between pulley is 12 ft and the rated belt
tension is 78.0 lb/in width
A. 12”
B. 8”
C. 10”
29. A cast iron flywheel with a mean diameter of 36
inches changes speed from 300 rpm to 280 while it
gives up 8000 ft-lb of energy. What is the coefficient of
A. 0.069
B. 0.082
C. 0.015
30. A mass weighing 11.5 kg falls a distance of 1.5 m
upon the top of a helical compression spring having a
spring constant of 3.6 kg/cm. Determine the velocity of
the mass after it has compressed the spring 203 mm.
A. 5.78 m/s
B. 7.58 m/s
C. 6.58 m/s
D.8.57 m/s
31. What is the period of an oscillating body whose
mass is 0.025 kg and spring constant of 0.44 N/m?
A. 0.5 s
B.1 1 s
C. 1.5 s
D.2 s
32. What is the natural frequency of an oscillating body
whose period of oscillation is 1.8 s?
A. 1.8 rad/s
B. 2.65 rad/s
C. 3.49 rad/s
D.4.24 rad/s
33. Three extension springs are hooked in series that
support a single weight of 100 kg. The first spring is
rated at 4 kN/m and the other two springs are rated 6
kN/m each. Compute the equivalent stiffness of the
three springs.
A. 1.71 kN/m
B. 1.21 kN/m
C. 1.51 kN/m
D.4.71 kN/m
34. Two extension coil springs are hooked in series that
support a load of 100 kg. The first spring is rated at 4
kN/m and the other spring is rated at 6 kN/m. Compute
the total deflection of the springs.
A. 408.6 mm
B. 490.7 mm
C. 465.0 mm
D.470.8 mm
35. If there 430 persons occupying the whole building
other than the first floor, how many elevator are
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
36. A cone clutch has an angle 10o and coefficient of
friction of 0.42. Compute the axial force required if the
capacity of the clutch is 7 kW at 500 rpm. Note: the
mean diameter of the active conical section is 300 mm.
A. 368.5 N
B. 345.7 N
C. 354.75 N
D.342.58 N
37. A multiple-disk clutch, composed of three plates
with a small diameter of 150 mm and large diameter of
200 mm, is designed to transmit 100 kW at 3000 rpm at
a coefficient of friction of 0.5. Compute the spring force
needed to engage the clutch.
A. 1245 N
B. 4312 N
C. 3421 N
D.3638 N
38. A plate clutch has a single pair of mating surface 30 cm
outside diameter and 22.5 cm inside diameter. The maximum
pressure was found to be 825 kPa considering the coefficient
of friction of 0.25. Find the power that can be handled based
on the drive that rotates 200 rpm considering that this clutch
is newly installed.
A. 12.45 kW
B. 11.34 kW
C. 17.66 kW
D.13.45 kW
39. A plate clutch has a single pair of mating surface 30
cm outside diameter and 22.5 cm inside diameter. The
maximum pressure was found to be 825 kPa considering
the coefficient of friction of 0.25. Find the power that
can be handled based on the drive that rotates 200 rpm
considering that this clutch is newly installed.
A. 12.45 kW
B. 11.34 kW
C. 17.66 kW
D. 13.45 kW
40. A simple band brake has a 76 cm drum and fitted with a steel
band 2/5 cm thick lined with a brake lining having a coefficient of
friction of 0.25. The arc of contact is 245 deg and the drum is attached
to a 60 cm hoisting drum that sustains a rope load of 820 kg. The
operating force has a moment arm of 1.50 m and a band is attached
12 cm from the pivot point. Compute the force required considering
that the direction of rotation is reversed.
A. 772 N
B. 545 N
C. 459 N
D. 876 N
41. A double-ply leather belt transmits 10 hp from a motor
with a pulley 8 in. in diameter running at 1,700 rpm to a 24 in
diameter pulley. The difference in tension may be taken as 20
lb per inch of belt width. Belt thickness is 0.2 in. Calculate the
width of belt.
A. 4.63 in
B. 3.64 in
C. 6.34 in
D. 3.46 in
42. A 914 mm driving pulley and a 1219 mm driven
pulley are arranged on a 3 meter centers. The output of
the driven shaft is 84 hp. The belt speed is assume to be
1280 m/min with a coefficient of friction of 0.30 and a
slip of 1.5 percent each pulley. Determine the rpm of
the driving shaft.
A. 329.5
B. 454.5
C. 452.9
D. 543.5
43. Two shafts 3.6 m between centers carry
pulleys 1.2 m in diameter and 0.91 m in
diameter respectively, connected by a crossed
belt. It is desired to put the belt on as an open
belt. How long a piece must be cut of it?
A. 303.3 mm
B. 313.0 mm
C. 330.3 mm
D.301.3 mm
44. A 20-tooth motor sprocket, running a 1200 rpm,
drives a blower at a speed ratio of 4:1. Compute the
length of chain in pitches is required to connect the
sprockets by using the largest permissible chain size
with the largest permissible center distance of 80
A. 215 pitches
B. 210 pitches
C. 212 pitches
D. 222 pitches
45. A machinist made two 8 DP spur gear to be
mounted on a center distance of 16 inches
with speed ratio of 7 to 9. The number of
teeth in each gear are:
46. A 2-ton weight is lowered at a constant
acceleration of 2 fps . what is the cable stress in
lowering the load?
A. 248.45 lbs
B. 432.75 lbs
C. 321.45 lbs
D.124.45 lbs
47. A car travel around an unbanked 50 m radius
curve without skidding. The coefficient of friction
between the tires and road is 0.3. What is the car’s
maximum speed?
A. 14 kph
B. 25 kph
C. 44 kph
D.54 kph
48. A mercedez benz gas engine valve spring is to have a mean
diameter of 3.81 cm and a wire diameter of 0.635 cm. The
maximum load it will have to sustain is 45.45 kg with
corresponding deflection of 1.27 cm. The spring is to be made
of tempered steel wire. Determine the no. of coils to be used.
Use modulus of rigidity equal to 11.6 x 106 psi.
A. 7.4
B. 8.1
C. 10.4
49. In a high rise building the elevator rises 366 meters
with an operating speed of 5 meters per second and
reaches full speed in 10.68 m. The loaded elevator
weights 2000 kg. Determine the acceleration of the
elevator in m/s2.
A. 1.17
B. 2.17
C. 3.17
D. 4.17
50. The force of a point of a shaper when cutting is
1500 N. If the length of the stroke is 120 mm, how
much work is done in one cutting stroke?
A. 180 J
B. 195 J
C. 200 J
D.100 J
51. The shear strength of a plate is 300 Mpa.
Calculate the force required to punch a hole 40
mm diameter in a plate 7 mm thick.
A.200 kN
B.230 kN
C.20 kN
D.264 kN
52. Compute the polar section modulus in cu inches of
an SAE 1060 shafting having a diameter of 3 inches. Use
a factor of safety of 12 and design stress at 8000 psi.
A. 4.7
B. 6.1
C. 4.2
D. 5.3
53. What spindle speed is required to produce a
cutting speed of 150 fpm on a 2 in diameter bar?
A. 120 rpm
B. 200 rpm
C. 287 rpm
D.1000 rpm
54. The instruments used to remove old
packing from packing glands and stuffing
boxes are called
A. Packing tools
B. Packing bits
C. Gland box cleaners
D. Packing screws
55. When working on bearings and checking for
high spots, it is customary to apply.
A. White lead
B. Red lead
C. Dykem blue
D.Prussian blue
56. If you wanted to check the face of a pump slide
valve or other flat-faced valve, you could check for
trueness of a:
• Flat board
B. Surface plate
C. Piece of glass
D.Bearing plate
57. Which of the following is not a standard thread
• Square
• American national
C. Double flute
D.60 deg sharp V
58. The tool used to cut threads in a hole is called
• Top
B. Tap
C. Bit
59. A 1-in horizontal shaft rotates at 500 rpm in a
sleeve-type bearing. The coefficient of friction is
0.15. Calculate the hp lost in the bearing if the
reaction between the shaft and the bearing is 800
A. 0.150 hp
B. 0.548 hp
C. 0.250 hp
D. 0.476 hp
60. Calculate the torsional stress in the shaft of a blower
from the following data: shaft diameter 2 in, speed 200
rpm, total head of air equivalent to 2 in WG, volume
discharge 30,000 cfm, and blower efficiency 60 percent.
A. 3180 psi
B. 2450 psi
C. 1450 psi
D. 5240 psi
61. The valve push for an overhead valve engine is ¼ in.
in diameter and 14 in long. Find the critical load when
the rod is considered as a column with round ends.
A. 140
B. 290
C. 350
D. 243
62. What hp is required to lift a load of 5000 lb by
means of a cable wrapped around the drum of a
hoist, the drum being 40 in. in diameter and
making 24 rpm?
A. 28 hp
B. 38 hp
C. 12 hp
D.21 hp