Critical Reasoning Set - 4 (Mains)
Critical Reasoning Set - 4 (Mains)
Critical Reasoning Set - 4 (Mains)
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Reasoning Ability
1) Statement: We have heard a good deal in successful, would have to work on first use, and
recent years about the declining importance of a full preliminary test would be impossible.
the two major political parties. It is the mass Conclusions:
media, we are told, that decide the outcome of I. A defence against attack by ballistic missiles
elections, not the power of the parties. But it is cannot be assured of success the first time it is
worth noting that no independent or third-party used
candidate has won any important election in II. A defence against ballistic missile attack will
recent years, and in the last nationwide not work successfully when it is first called on
campaign, the two major parties raised and for that purpose
spent more money than ever before in support A. Only I follows
of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear B. Either I or II follows
that reports of the imminent demise of the two- C. Both I and II follow
party system are premature at best. D. Only II follows
Which of the following can be concluded from E. None follows
the statement as authors main point?
A. The mass media are relatively unimportant in 3) Read the following information carefully to
deciding the outcome of mostelections answer the question that follows
B. Third party is gaining popularity over major “Poor growth in corporate tax collection pulled
two parties down overall rise in gross direct tax mobilisation
C. Two major parties are still strong in the first half of thecurrent year, ruling out any
D. Third party is still insignificant pickup in growth in the first half of the year,
E. none of the above indicating that the government will find it difficult
tomeet its tax target for the year.”
2) The question below has a statement followed Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C),
by two conclusions numbered I and II. On the (D), (E) and (F) can be concluded from the
basis of the information given in the statement, fact/information given in the statement?
you have to find an option that gives the best (A) Corporate tax collection rose only in the first
conclusion for the given statement quarter of the current year.
Statement: Any successful defence attack by (B) Industrial production slowed down in the first
ballistic missiles would need to be controlled by half of the year.
a large-scale computer system. A defence
against attack by ballistic missiles, to be
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(C) The government has achieved the target of D. Entry tax at state C is more for the products
corporate tax collection in comparison to originating in state B
previous year. E. The total of transportation cost of cars from
(D) Poor tax collection in the corporate pulled state B to state C and entry tax of cars at state
down the economy. C is less than 30 per cent of the production cost
(E) The government is likely to face difficulties of cars instate B.
in achieving the target of collection of corporate
tax due to slowdown in production. 5) Read the following information carefully to
(F) The government has forecast a growth in answer the question that follows
corporate tax. The banking, financial services, and insurance
A. Only B sector represents a major portion of the multi-
B. Only B and E billion-dollar Indian economy comprising of all
C. Only F Banking, Insurance and Non-banking Financial
D. Only D institutions. Over the past few years,
E. None of these technological innovations and steady adoption
of digital finance by the Indian population
4) The cost of manufacturing cars in state A is pushed the sector to amplify their digital
30 per cent less than the cost of manufacturing offerings. But the new normal induced by the
cars in state B. After transportation fee for the pandemic, pushed the sector to undertake a
differential distances of states A and B and the complete digital overhaul very quickly. Bound by
interstate taxes, it is cheaper to manufacture the legacy systems and hierarchical structure,
cars in state B than in state a for selling these where physical presence and face-to-face
cars in State C. Which of the following supports interactions were customary, shift to a digital set
the conclusion drawn in the above statement? up was extremely difficult for the companies of
A. The cost of transportation from state A to the BSFI sector.
state C is more than 30 percent of the Which of the following will serve as the best
production cost conclusion to the above paragraph?
B. The production cost of cars in state B is A. However, a handful of the Indian BSFI
lower in comparison to state A brands have succeeded in turning these
C. Only entry tax at state C is more for the challenges into opportunities
products originating in state A
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B. These brands are not just the best in what on being told to carry out a proper check, he
they do but can also create a wave of discovered the correct identity of the vehicle.
confidence Which of the following can be concluded from
C. However, these brands want to serve their the above statement?
customers in their time of need A. The ACP is not properly trained.
D. Both (b) and (c) B. The car was not a taxi.
E. None serves as a good conclusion C. The Commissioner of Police asked the ACP
to carry out a proper check.
6) Statement: Researchers at Washington D. The ACP does not know the difference
University's School of Medicine found that between a taxi and a private car.
people who wake up frequently in the middle of E. none of the above
the night have a higher risk of developing
Alzheimer's disease. 8) Statement:Other factors include
Which of the following conclusions, if true, most comparatively high illiteracy among elderly
strengthens the above finding? women, lack of awareness about their rights,
A. Among the patients suffering with social norms and, above all, their higher level of
Alzheimer's disease, more than 60% are past patience and tolerance. Therefore, most elderly
their middle age. women remain within the four walls of their
B. Among the patients suffering with homes and majority of them are abused by their
Alzheimer's disease, majority are those who own family members,” added Mr. Rath.Like him,
generally work during the night. other activists who have been working on the
C. Among the different types of diseases that issue, opine that the government must create
are caused by insufficient sleep, Alzheimer's awareness about the rights of the
disease is at the top of the list. elderly.“Advocacy of old age issues at all levels
D. The bacteria that causes Alzheimer's disease of governance and most importantly
remains dormant during the day and becomes implementation of policies pertaining to
active during the night. protection of interests of older persons should
E. none of the above be ensured,” said C.M. Sharma, an activist for
old-age rights.But more than the government, it
7) Statement: On a cursory inspection of a ultimately comes down to the loved ones of the
vehicle, Assistant Commissioner of Police aged who are truly responsible for keeping them
(ACP) first reported that it was a taxi. However, happy and healthy.
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Which of the following is the conclusion made D. Voltaire was a great philosopher
by the activist mentioned in the statement? E. none of the above
A. India’s elderly population aged 60 years and
above is projected to rise from 8% in 2010 to 10) Statement: A political party considered by
19% in 2050 many citizens extreme and incompetent is
B. According to the 2001 census, in India, out working hard at overcoming what it perceives as
of19.31 crore households, 9.98 crore or 51.7% an unfair and prejudiced public image. The
are abusive joint-family households group believes it is stereotyped simply because
C. According to the Maintenance and Welfare of it opposes any preemptive military action, which
Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, under is unpopular, and calls for a 50% reduction in
Section 24, a caregiver abandoning his/her carbon emissions, a cut far more severe than
parent, shall be punishable under the Act with most citizens want.
imprisonment of 3 months Which of the following conclusion, if true, would
D. India, now home to 1.3 billion people, is most weaken the party’s belief about the source
projected to overtake China in about a decade of its poor public image mentioned in the above
to become the world’s most populous country statement?
E. none of the above A. The current ruling political party, whose
popularity is at near record levels, launched a
9) Statement : All the pain and suffering comes preemptivemilitary strike against a neighboring
from the stupidity of humans. Their stupidity to country three weeks ago.
believe nonsense and force this nonsense on B.A neighboring country recently suffered a
others is what causes pain and suffering in the surprise attack that devastated its country and
world. In the words of the great philosopher polluted its environment.
called Voltaire,” If you believe in absurdities, C.A popular rival party bans unilateral attacks to
you can commit atrocities”. defend the homeland and unconditionally
What do you conclude from the author’s point of supportsa 60% reduction in carbon emissions.
view about a person who believes in ghosts? D.A recent poll showed that a party whose most
A. The person is absurd and should change his prominent candidate supports preemptive war
beliefs. and minimal carbon restrictions is quite popular.
B. The person’s beliefs are dangerous to others. E. none of the above
C. The author does not say anything about
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Click Here to Get the Detailed Video Solution for the above given Questions-Will Update Soon
3) Answer: B 5) Answer: A
The author talks about poor growth in corporate If we closely look at the last line of the
tax collection that brings a gloomy picture for paragraph which talked about the challenges of
the government to fix the tax targets for the the traditional banking like face-to-face
coming year. If we look at the sentences we can interactions etc, we get a clear hint as to what is
see that; being said in (a) is the best to conclude the idea
A, C and F can be ruled out because they above. As, the above mentioned challenges
portray a positive picture of the tax collections have been met by few BSFI brands.
and growth which is not the case as per the (c) is something that they always do so it
paragraph. doesn’t act as a conclusion.
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