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TBCindia AR-2023 - 23 - 03-2023 - LRP

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This publication can be obtained from:

Central TB Division
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
3, Sansad Marg, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001
March 2023

© Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare



Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Structure of the National Tuberculosis

Elimination Programme 01

Chapter 2: Tracking the Progress

towards SDGs in India 11

Chapter 3A: Diagnostic Services 21

Chapter 3B: TB Case Finding 29

Chapter 4: Treatment Services 39

Chapter 5: TB Prevention 49

Chapter 6: TB Comorbidities
and Special Situations 59

Chapter 7: Supervision and Monitoring 75

Chapter 8: Patient Support Systems 83

Chapter 9: Partnerships under National
Tuberculosis Elimination Programme 91

Chapter 10: Multisectoral Engagement 97

Chapter 11: Community Engagement 107

Chapter 12: Advocacy, Communication and

Social Mobilization (ACSM) 113

Chapter 13: Innovations and Best Practices 123

Chapter 14: TB Research 141

Chapter 15: Programme Financing 145

Chapter 16: Ni-kshay and Its Updates 155

Chapter 17: Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt

Bharat Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA) 165

Annexures (Available Online)

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Organogram of National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP)

Figure 2.1 Comparison of estimates from Global TB Report 2022 for India (interim)
and the in-country model (India) 2015-2022
Figure 2.2 State-wise TB case notification rates for 2022

Figure 3.1 Integrated diagnostic and treatment algorithm

Figure 3.2 Certification status of C&DST laboratories in NTEP diagnostic network

Figure 3.3 Trend in the Presumptive TB Examination Rate (2015–2022)

Figure 3.4 Trend in case notification rate (public, private and total)

Figure 3.5 Comparison of PTBER and CNR between 2019 and 2022

Figure 3.6(a) Age-sex pyramids of notified TB patients from 2019 to 2022 (a) and Age-
and (b) and sex-specific notification rates compared between 2019 and 2022 (b)
Figure 3.7 Age-and sex- specific notification rate compared between 2019 and 2022

Figure 3.8 Trend on village-wise presumptive and notification

Figure 4.1 Trend of treatment success rate of DS-TB

Figure 4.2 Trend of treatment success rate of M/XDR TB patients

Figure 5.1 State-level TPT committees formed in various States

Figure 5.2 A graph showing Achievement in programmatic management of TPT

Figure 5.3(a) Cascade of TPT in HHC of PBCT

and (b)
Figure 5.4 Hierarchy showing “The Global Fund Support TPT Model Projects”

Figure 6.1(a) Screening of TB Patients for alcohol use (a) and Linkage of TB patients
and (b) using alcohol with de-addiction services (b)
Figure 6.2(a) Screening of TB patients for tobacco use (a) and Linkage of TB patients
and (b) using tobacco with tobacco cessation services (b)
Figure 6.3(a) Screening of TB patients for DM (a) and Anti-diabetes treatment coverage
and (b) among TB patients having DM (b)
Figure 6.4 Age-sex distribution in TB case notifications (2022)

Figure 7.1 National TB Review of the States and UTs by AS&MD, on 12-13 January
2023. On the Dias, along with AS&MD NHM, JS(NTEP), MD-NHMs from
various States/UTs and DDG-TB are present
Figure 8.1 On the Dias, along with AS&MD NHM, JS(NTEP), MD-NHMs from various
States/UTs and DDG-TB are present

Figure 10.1 All stakeholders including key Ministries

Figure 10.2 Signing of MoU between NTEP and MoPR as part of multisectoral
engagement towards TB Elimination
Figure 11.1 Institutional mechanisms for a community-led response to TB

Figure 12.1 Young Generation lending hand as Ni-kshay Mitras to eliminate TB

Figure 12.2 Ms PV Sindhu urging followers to become a Ni-kshay Mitra

Figure 13.1 Employer model of care followed by BEST

Figure 13.2 Drone being utilized for Sample collection and transport at District Una,
Himachal Pradesh
Figure 13.3 FAST – Unite to end TB in Tamil Nadu

Figure 13.4 Brief on the inpatient support and the flow of services provided

Figure 15.1 Achievements in 2022

Figure 15.2 Programme financing

Figure 16.1 A few statistics of the uptake

Figure 16.2 Ni-kshay Dashboards

Figure 16.3 Ni-kshay Metrics

Figure 16.4 Ni-kshay analytics

Figure 17.1 PMTBMBA – Virtual Launch Event on 9th Sept 2022

Figure 17.2 Portal for Ni-kshay 2.0

Figure 17.3 A 13-year-old girl became a Ni-kshay Mitra in Katni district, Madhya
Pradesh and supported one TB patient from her own savings
Figure 17.4 Various Models Distribution of food baskets

Figure 17.5 Certificate template for Ni-kshay Mitras

Figure 17.6 Paediatric TB Patient being adopted by Honourable Governor, Smt.

Anandi Ben Patel
Figure 17.7 TB Patient being adopted by Honourable Deputy CM and Health Minister,
Shri Brijesh Pathak

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Comparison of trend in TB burden between Global TB report 2022

(interim) and in-country model for India
Table 2.2 Criteria for “Progress towards TB Free” certification

Table 3.1 Expansion of diagnostic technologies under NTEP

Table 3.2 NAAT 2022

Table 3.3 First-line LPA 2022

Table 3.4 Second-line LPA 2022

Table 3.5 Second-line LC-DST 2022

Table 3.6 Case finding report based on the “Case concept” for 2022

Table 3.7 Action points for villages lying various quadrants of the plot

Table 5.1 Key innovations in various States of India

Table 6.1 India estimates of TB cases attributable to selected comorbidities, 2021

(WHO Global TB Report, 2022)

Table 6.2 Estimates of TB HIV burden in India As per Global TB Report, 2022 India
Table 7.1 TB Index currently in usage

Table 7.2 State TB-score for 2022 (Top-5, States with population <50 lakhs/>50 lakhs
and UTs)
Table 8.1 DBT schemes with beneficiaries and benefit amount

Table 8.2 Status of DBT schemes (as per Ni-kshay)

Table 8.3 National TB Call Centre performance (Jan–Dec 2022)

Table 9.1 State-wise distribution of PPSA

Table 10.1 Partnerships formalized between CTD, MoHFW and key Ministries and
Business associations
Table 13.1 Outcomes (as on date)

Table 13.2 Outcome of the initiative in Rajasthan

Table 15.1 Financial Performance of NTEP

Table 15.2 NTEP related NDCP.4 FMR code

Table 15.3 The list of key deliverables

Table 15.4 NTEP Key Conditionality

Table 15.5 Payment for results indicators for CTD grant (2021–2024)

Table 17.1 Progress update of PMTBMBA

In the path of recovery forged post-pandemic and from the guiding light of the “National
Strategic Plan (NSP) 2017-2025”, National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) shifted gears in
2022 and accelerated its pace towards ending TB by 2025. This led to various achievements
by the programme as well as implementation of innovative strategies and interventions for
the benefit of patients and the community.


Despite the brief decline in TB notifications 7.3 lakhs. The total number of MDR/RR cases
observed in 2020 and 2021, NTEP reclaimed diagnosed in 2022 is 63,801. Sustaining the
and achieved beyond these numbers. momentum of finding missed TB patients
The year 2022 marks a milestone year by strengthening the case finding efforts
for TB surveillance efforts in India, with (both passive and active case finding)
a record high notification of 24.2 lakh led to the above achievement under the
cases; an increase of 13% as compared to programme. In 2022, the presumptive TB
2021. This translates to a case notification examination rate (PTBER) for the country
rate of approximately 172 cases per lakh rose to 1281 per lakh population (68%
population. The period also saw the highest increase) from 763 in 2021.
private TB case notifications achieved so far,


Free of cost laboratory services to patients history of ever-increasing reach to both

attending public health facilities and those public and private sector and up-gradation
referred from the private sector have to newer diagnostic technologies, the
been the programmatic ethos since its network of well-connected and quality
inception. Over the years, the programme assured laboratories was able to perform
has developed one of the most extensive approximately 1.39 crore sputum smear
TB diagnostic networks, spanning all tests and 58 lakh nucleic acid amplification
health system tiers. Staying true to its tests (NAAT) tests in 2022.


The NTEP has been agile in adopting and pertaining to the treatment and care of
adapting to the global and Indian evidence persons affected with TB. In recent years,

the country has made far-reaching progress Also, addressing the various delays thereby
in the management of TB including drug improving the quality of care provided to
resistant TB (DR-TB) and scaling up of TB patients has been one of the focus areas
shorter oral regimen across the country. monitored periodically by the programme.
Similarly, the programme introduced a
Further, the NTEP has been unwavering in
comprehensive package of differentiated
curtailing the impediments in managing
care for TB patients to identify the patient’s
DR-TB patients. To offer the last-mile service
requiring referral or hospitalization at the
delivery for better access and quality care to
time of diagnosis to reduce preventable
TB patients, including DR-TB patients and
mortality among TB patients. Various
their close contacts, the programme has
States/UTs started implementing the
decentralized TB services to the Ayushman
differentiated care approach adopting
Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres
different modalities and with collaborations.


‘Prevent’ is one of the four critical pillars facilities. Additionally, 476 (62%) districts
(Detect – Treat – Prevent – Build) of India’s have expanded TPT in eligible house-hold
NSP 2017-2025 that focuses on preventing contacts (HHC) after ruling out active TB
the emergence of TB disease in a vulnerable while awaiting establishment of TBI testing
population. The task of TB Prevention services. The rest of the 41 (6%) districts have
Treatment (TPT) scale-up has been taken planned to expand TPT services by first
up in 2022. By the end of 2022, 722 (94%) quarter of 2023. TPT coverage increased
districts of India have expanded TPT as per considerably after the expansion of services
the national guidelines. TB Infection (TBI) by geography and high-risk groups. More
testing services were established in 246 than 13.92 lakh eligible household contacts
(32%) districts either as in-house facilities or and PLHIV were put on TPT in 2022.
linked with in-house or outsourced private


Comorbidities like malnutrition, diabetes, Women and Child Development (MoWCD),

HIV, tobacco smoking, and alcohol impact with the objective of successful treatment
a person with TB in predisposition and and improved nutritional status.
severity. To combat these, the programme
The programme offers linkages to other
brought in a multitude of initiatives.
services like counselling, de-addiction
Cognizant of the bidirectional relationship centres, and social support systems to
of TB and undernutrition, the programme people struggling with alcoholism and
has collaborated with the various Ministries Tobacco use. Single-window TB and HIV
to provide additional nutrition support services are also being implemented
to persons affected with TB including the through the ART centres.
‘Poshan Mah” programme of the Ministry of

The programme collaborates with other skills for gender-responsive analysis and
departments like Rashtriya Bal Swasthya interventions by conducting regional-level
Karyakram (RBSK) and Rashtriya Kishor training to enable the stakeholders to
Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) etc. This implement gender sensitive approaches
year, the programme started gearing up across differentiated TB patient care.
the programme managers to acquire


To identify the technical and administrative officials for strengthening the TB response.
challenges faced by the States/ UTs and Furthermore, the programme division
provide course-correction, a nationwide is strengthening the Ni-kshay portal by
Joint Supportive Supervision Mission incorporating advanced analytical tools to
(JSSM) was conducted across 27 States/ provide regular feedback to the States on
UTs in 2022. The JSSM team provided important indicators, which will help them
extensive recommendations to the State take necessary and timely actions.


Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) into the to provide the DBT benefit through the
beneficiary’s bank account under the NTEP existing bank account of a blood relative
continued its exemplary reach in 2022 as of a person affected with TB. An exclusive
well. Approximately INR 2090 crores have module was released on Ni-kshay for the
been paid to ~71 lakh persons affected with informant incentive scheme as well. Two
TB under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana (NPY) new DBT schemes for incentivizing the
from April 2018 to December 2022. Treatment Supporters of TPT beneficiaries
and incentivizing ASHA workers for seeding
Effecting new patient-supportive
of bank accounts of persons affected with
pathways in the aftermath of COVID-19,
TB have been approved by the government.
the programme brought about flexibility


Several partners and stakeholders have notification. These States include West
come together for India’s fight to eliminate Bengal, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,
TB, bringing numerous innovative Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka,
approaches and diverse strategies. The Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat,
programme has established Technical Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Odisha.
Support Units at the National level to Engagement of interphase agencies in
strengthen partnerships. Likewise, units the form of Patient-Provider Support
to provide similar technical assistance Agency (PPSA) to promote private sector
have been set up in 14 Sates, contributing engagement has also been approved in
to more than than 80% of the national TB around 385 districts.

For accelerated action towards TB Ministries/ Departments both at the
elimination in the mission mode, a Sentral and State-level, industries of
‘Multisectoral response’ has been given public and private sectors, corporate, and
utmost priority to ensure meaningful business associations.
engagement of key stakeholders, including


To galvanize community participation 2023, more than 58,000 Ni-kshay Mitras

and ownership, Her Excellency, (donors) have come forward and committed
Smt. Droupadi Murmu, Hon’ble President to support more than 9 lakh consented
of India on 9th September 2022 launched persons affected with TB. Enormous
the “Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat participation from all States/UTs has been
Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA)” to provide persons seen with Political leaders, Ministers, MP’s,
affected with TB and their families additional Elected Representatives, Government
nutritional, diagnostic, and vocational officials, NGOs and big associations
support, delivered by the community. coming forward and conducting multiple
events to spread awareness about the
Tremendous response has been seen for this
PMTBMBA initiative.
initiative since its launch. As on 1st January



Since its inception, Advocacy, certificate course titled “Self-learning course

Communication, and Social Mobilization for TB Champions” has been developed
(ACSM) and Community Engagement and hosted on multiple e-platforms to
have been bolstering the programme’s empower TB survivors with the
foundation by solidifying the measures basic knowledge on TB and
across all aspects of TB care. A “Guidance the provision of various services offered by
Document on Community Engagement” the NTEP. To monitor these components,
has been developed to guide the States/ UTs indicators have been identified and
in planning, designing, and monitoring the incorporated in Ni-kshay portal.
activities under community engagement. A


Drawing from the third pillar of the NSP battle to end TB. Furthermore, capitalizing
2017-2025 on research and innovations, on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for improving
the NTEP is collaborating with various healthcare delivery, increasing diagnostic
national entities towards augmenting accuracy, and screening for disease, multiple
the development of new tools, reinforcing tools are at various stages of development
not only the rapid uptake of available tools and validation.
and products but also to expedite our


Chapter 01
Structure of the

National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) is a centrally sponsored programme being

implemented under the aegis of the National Health Mission (NHM) with resource sharing
between the State Governments and the Central Government.


A. National Level
At the National level, the NTEP is managed by six national level institutes, namely
by the Central TB Division (CTD), the the National Tuberculosis Institute (NTI),
technical arm of the Ministry of Health Bengaluru, the National Institute of
and Family Welfare (MoHFW). CTD and its Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease
establishment have been placed under the (NITRD) New Delhi, the National Institute
Department of Health & Family Welfare for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT)
(DoH&FW). The Additional Secretary Chennai, Regional Medical Research
and Mission Director, National Health Centre (RMRC) Bhubaneswar, the National
Mission (NHM) is overall in charge of the JALMA Institute of Leprosy and Other
programme. The respective Joint Secretary Mycobacterial Diseases (NJIL & OMD) Agra,
from the administrative arm of the and the Bhopal Memorial Hospital and
MoHFW takes care of the financial and Research Centre (BHMRC) Bhopal. CTD
administrative aspects of the programme. has assigned Additional. DDG, Assistant
The Deputy Director General-TB (DDG- DDG, Joint Directors and TB Specialists to
TB) as a head along with a team of manage the multiple thematic areas under
officers in CTD, lead the implementation the Programme Division.
of the NTEP nationwide. CTD is assisted

Committees at the National level

◄ National Technical Expert Group (NTEG) advocacy, coordination, monitoring, and
under NTEP was reconstituted as a single policy development on issues related
group in the place of NTEG for diagnosis, to the effective involvement of medical
Treatment, LTBI and Paediatric TB, with colleges in the NTEP. The NTF meeting
Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch as Chair. The was held in Kolkata from the 22nd to
objective is to provide expert advice on 24th November, 2022 during which a
the aforementioned thematic areas Kolkata declaration was signed.
and offer regular updates to NTEP
on diagnostic and treatment policies
in line with WHO guidelines and ◄ National TB Forum: To execute the
recommendations for TB including DR- plan of meaningful involvement of the
TB in the public as well as private sectors. community and civil society, “National
TB Forum” has been constituted under
the chairpersonship of the Secretary
◄ National Task Force (NTF) for Medical
(Health), Government of India for
Colleges: A National Task Force has been
engagement of community and civil
formed for the effective implementation
society for increasing participation of the
of the NTEP in Medical Colleges. DDG
community at large in TB elimination
(TB) is the Member Secretary of the
programme, to reach the unreached
NTF, and the members are from CTD,
and to support TB patients in the course
each Zonal Task Force, the National
of their illness through a community-
Institutes and WHO. The main task of
based response.
the NTF will be to provide leadership,


◄ National Technical Support Unit: To development, strategy development and
achieve the ambitious NSP targets implementation oversight, monitoring
(2017-25) and to augment the efforts and evaluation, capacity building and
towards private sector engagement, technical assistance. NTSU coordinates
CTD established the National Technical and monitors the State Technical
Support Unit (NTSU) as an institutional Support Units (STSU). In addition to this,
framework under NTEP. NTSU will aid the CTD also has a Technical Support Unit
successful implementation of innovative (TSU) for ACSM and Artificial Intelligence
interventions by supporting States in place.
across the country through IT system

B. State Level
At the State level, the State Health respective State/UT in line with the
Secretary and MD-NHM are responsible guidelines of the State Health Society and
for programme implementation. The CTD. The STO, based at the State TB Cell
State Tuberculosis Officer (STO) being the (STC), coordinates CTD and the respective
program manager heads and oversees districts for the execution of their
the planning, training, supervision, and responsibilities towards TB elimination in
monitoring of the programme in their respective geography.

◄ Structures at the State Level:

The State TB Cell has been provided with Reference Laboratory (IRL). State Drug
contractual staff in addition to the general Store (SDS) has been established for
health system staff, to carry out its routine the effective management of anti-TB
functions. It includes Medical Officer STC, drug logistics.
Assistant Programme Officer, State HIV-
At the State level, the STDC is supported
TB Coordinator, State DR-TB Coordinator,
by the State TB Forums for community
State Public Private Mix (PPM) Coordinator,
engagement, State level PMDT committee
State ACSM Officer, Technical Officer
for implementation guidance and review
for Procurement and Logistics, State
of PMDT, and State level Technical
Accountant, and Ni-kshay Operator.
Working Group for HIV-TB for smooth
State TB Training and Demonstration HIV-TB coordination. Nodal DR-TB centres
Centre (STDC) supports the STC in most are established for the programmatic
of the larger states. The STDC has three management of drug-resistant TB (PMDT)
units: a training unit; a supervision and with newer drugs, and adverse drug
monitoring unit; and an Intermediate reactions (ADR) and act as referral units.


◄ State Technical Support Unit (STSU):

State Technical Support units have programmatic goals of the State, with
been established in selected States a special focus towards private sector
to support the STC with the subject engagement, contract management
matter expertize of an 11 member team. through various strategy ideation,
This team has Program management, development and implementation, M&E,
M&E, capacity building, Private sector, capacity building and technical assistance
financial and procurement experts. The to the Districts. All the STSUs are centrally
STSU team under the guidance of the monitored and provided handholding by
STO supports the State in achieving the the NTSU.

C. District Level
The district is the key level for the at the DTC has the overall responsibility
management of primary health care of managing NTEP at the district level as
services. The Chief District Health Officer per the programme guidelines and the
(CDHO) / Chief District Medical Officer guidance of the District Health Society.
(CDMO), or an equivalent functionary The DTO is assisted by contractual staff
in the district, is responsible for all provided by the NTEP which includes
medical and public health activities, District Programme Coordinator, District
including TB elimination. The District PPM Coordinator, District DR-TB and
Tuberculosis Centre (DTC) is the nodal HIV-TB Coordinator, and District
point for all TB elimination activities in Ni-kshay Operator.
the district. The District TB Officer (DTO)

D. Sub-District Level (Tuberculosis Unit Level)

Tuberculosis Unit (TU) is a programme exclusively available for TB work - a Senior
management unit in the NTEP at the sub- TB Treatment Supervisor (STS) and a Senior
district level. The TU consists of a designated TB Laboratory Supervisor (STLS). The TU
Medical Officer-Tuberculosis Control (MO- is generally aligned with the blocks in the
TC) who delivers NTEP services in addition district.
to other responsibilities. There are also two
full-time NTEP contractual supervisory staff

E. Peripheral Health Institute (PHI)

The PHI is the smallest functional unit be a public or private sector (including
under NTEP. A PHI is a health facility that NGO-aided) dispensary, primary health
is manned by a medical doctor. A PHI may centre, community health centre, referral


or secondary care hospital, and tertiary care microscope, and a trained LT to function as
centre (major hospitals, specialty clinics/ a TDC. A TB-health volunteer is assigned
hospitals, and medical colleges). Some to PHIs as per the norms prescribed by
of the PHIs may serve as a TB diagnostic the programme. Case finding, treatment
centre (TDC) which is the most peripheral initiation (both DS-TB and some instances
laboratory within the NTEP structure. A PHI of DR-TB), and further management take
needs physical infrastructure, a binocular place at the PHI level.

F. Health and Wellness Centres (HWC)

Under the Ayushman Bharat, Health communicable diseases such as TB. For
Sub-Centres (HSCs) and Primary Health TB, HWCs serve as the first point of care
Centres (PHCs) have been transformed for continuation of treatment, adherence
into HWCs for delivery of Comprehensive support and for ancillary drugs. (Figure 1.1)
Primary Health Care (CPHC). The services
provided at the HWCs includes services for


Figure 1.1: Organogram of National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP)

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Central TB Division

National National
Institutes Committees and
Working Group


State TB Cell


District TB Centre

Tuberculosis Unit

Designated Microscopy centres/ TB

Detection Centres

Peripheral Health Institutions

Ayushman Bharat - Health and

Wellness Centres


Chapter 02
Tracking the
towards SDGs
in India

Estimation of Tuberculosis burden of TB incidence by WHO for the country at

especially in terms of incidence and 168 per 1,00,000 population was considered
mortality has never been an easy task for quite a long time over a decade back.
especially with aggregated reporting
However, with the introduction and
or when the coverage of case base
rapid scale-up of Ni-kshay (a case-based
surveillance system is below benchmarks.
web-based surveillance system) in India
Also, a stable epidemic with single estimate


since 2012, the quality of information total quantum of TB deaths in India.
on notification has been continuously
Sub-national certification is a novel method
improving. With scale-up of private sector
designed and implemented by India with
engagement & mandatory notification,
increasingly more districts participating
the coverage of private sector notification
in this in-depth data verification &
has increased over 7 times since 2014 and
triangulation along with community-based
accounts for over 30% of total notification
survey and information of drug sales at
as on date. Microscopy services have been
district level. It has given the programme
decentralized to almost every primary
an opportunity to estimate TB incidence
health care facility and scale-up of NAAT
at State/District level by three different
testing has been scaled up simultaneously
methods direct method (reported by
to cover all districts across the country. This
community during survey), indirect method
helped the country in improving the quality
(adjusting for under-notification), and
of TB diagnosis over the last decade.
quantification of drug sale & consumption
India has also introduced daily regimen data.
for first-line treatment of TB in 2017,
All the data from above-mentioned
harmonizing the regimens in public and
sources of information were utilized and an
private sector harnessing universal access
in-country dynamic mathematical model
to TB care. With Ni-kshay, tracking of
was constructed based on natural history
patients has also helped in improving the
of disease, individual status of infection,
treatment outcomes of all types of patients
disease, health care seeking, missed or
including those which otherwise would be
correct diagnosis, treatment, its outcomes
loss-to follow-up. Introduction of active case
including cure and death. This model was
finding has helped the country in screening
calibrated for the observed or reported
large sections of vulnerable and general
figures as inputs for prevalence in 2020,
population and giving an opportunity for
notification rate in 2019, Mortality in 2015,
early diagnosis, thereby preventing per
proportion of treatment in 2019, reduction
capita transmission rate in the community.
in notification relative to 2011 and 2015 in
All these efforts have helped the country public and private sector, and proportion
to better understand not only individual of Latent TB Infection (LTBI) in 2019. For
patient journey but also the programme COVID related disruption, mobility data
performance in diagnosis prevention and utilized as proxy for reduction in population
care. The recently concluded National TB movement impacting the transmission
Prevalence Survey also helped to identify was used. Model was calibrated for years
and measure the diversity of TB burden in between 2011 and 2025. The results of
the country with state level estimates. Vital values for TB incidence and mortality for
registration data published by Registrar the period between 2015 and 2022 are as
General of India on cause of death over years under:
has been a valuable data source not just to
compare the TB deaths reported by the TB
programme but also in understanding the


Estimates 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

lo mid hi lo mid hi lo mid hi lo mid hi lo mid hi lo mid hi lo mid hi lo mid hi

Incidence 151 256 387 159 249 358 156 234 327 151 224 310 146 214 295 179 204 231 178 210 244 - - -
report 2022
Incidence 201 225 254 196 217 246 189 211 238 182 206 233 177 201 228 169 194 226 172 197 227 171 196 228



Mortality 32 34 36 31 34 36 31 33 35 30 32 35 30 32 34 31 34 37 31 35 40 - - -
report 2022
Mortality 20 27 36 19 26 35 18 25 34 18 24 33 17 23 32 17 23 32 17 24 34 16 23 33

Table 2.1: Comparison of trend in TB burden between Global TB report 2022 (interim) and in-country model for India
(Global tuberculosis report 2022. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.)
Figure 2.1: Comparison of estimates from Global TB Report 2022 for India (interim) and the in-country model
(India) 2015-2022

◄ National TB Prevalence Survey (NATBPS) 2019-2021:

In line with its vision to end TB early and the survey. The estimated point prevalence
for planning interventions for accelerated of microbiologically confirmed Pulmonary
decline of TB, India undertook one of the TB among persons aged more than 15
largest national TB prevalence surveys years at National level was 316 per lakh
for near accurate estimation of burden population. The prevalence of all forms
at National level and 20 State groups of TB was estimated to be 312 per lakh
from 2019 to 2021. Despite the pandemic population.
situation, the country was able to complete

◄ TB case notifications in 2022:

2022 marks a milestone year for TB The treatment initiation rate among the
surveillance efforts in India, with a record notified cases for 2022 was 95.5%. The
high notification of 24.2 Lakh cases; an highest case notification rate among States
increase of over 13% as compared to 2021. was seen in Delhi (546 per lakh population)
This translates to a case notification rate of and the lowest among States was seen in
approximately 172 cases per lakh population. Kerala (67 per lakh population) (Figure 2.2).


Figure 2.2: State-wise TB case notification rates for 2022

Case notification rate

82 281

211 16

209 218
213 214 ..1





◄ Drug resistant TB in India:

Currently, the drug-resistant pattern one of other Group A drugs (Bedaquiline

(based on the drug resistance/susceptibility and Linezolid) are detected.
identified) are grouped into four categories
The estimated incidence of MDR/RR-TB (as
by the programme: multi-drug resistant/
per the Global TB Report 2022) in 2021 for
Rifampicin resistant - TB (MDR/RR - TB),
the country was 119,000 (93,000-145,000).
pre-extensively drug-resistant TB (pre-XDR-
During the pandemic, a significant
TB), XDR-TB and isoniazid (INH)-resistant
reduction was observed in the total number
TB. Pre-XDR-TB is TB in which resistance
of DR-TB patients detected as compared to
to Rifampicin (MDR/RR-TB) and any
2019 under the programme. The year 2022
Fluoroquinolone (FQ, class of second-line
saw an increase of 32% in the number of
anti-TB drug) are detected. XDR-TB is TB in
MDR/RR-TB cases detected under NTEP as
which resistance to Rifampicin (MDR/RR-
compared to 2021.
TB), plus any Fluoroquinolone, plus at least


Poverty is both a risk factor and a household exceeds 20% of their household
consequence of TB. The disease annual income, the costs are classified as
disproportionately affects the households catastrophic. A recent systematic review
with low socio-economic status causing (2020) estimating the direct and indirect
a financial burden on them, thereby patient costs of DS-TB and DR-TB care in
resulting in detrimental effects like delayed India reports that 7 to 32 percent of DS-
care seeking, inadequate adherence and TB and 68% of DR-TB affected persons
poor treatment outcomes. The underlying were experiencing catastrophic costs for
cause is the financial and social costs that TB care3. As per the NATBPS 2019-2021,
the chronic and debilitating nature of the the median total cost incurred (diagnosis,
disease imposes on affected individuals treatment and indirect cost) to participants
and families. Such costs could lead to currently on TB treatment was INR 7500
financial catastrophe. In India around 18% for public sector and INR 20000 for
of the general population are experiencing private sector.
such catastrophic healthcare expenditure
The pandemic and the consequent
in general2. To address this, the End TB
mitigation measures had affected the TB
Strategy of WHO and the National Strategic
control programmes globally and more so
Plan (NSP) for TB in India have set a
in the high burden countries impacting
target to eliminate the catastrophic
care-seeking, treatment services,
cost due to TB care.
household income and thereby on the
End TB Strategy as well as NSP measures cost incurred to the affected household.
the out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE) To circumvent the same, the programme
through the concept of “catastrophic had conceptualised and launched the
costs,” which is different from “catastrophic largest community support initiative for
expenditures,” an indicator which is used to TB patients “Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt
measure progress towards universal health Bharat Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA)”. However,
coverage (UHC). While guaranteeing to advocate, plan and implement strategic
UHC is essential, it will not be sufficient evidence-based interventions as well as to
to end the epidemic of TB. Hence instead assess the impact of aforesaid interventions
of “catastrophic expenditure” which there is a need for a TB patient costs survey
focuses on direct medical costs only, TB- either separately or combined with health
related “catastrophic costs” which includes surveys at National and State level, thereby
indirect costs has been incorporated by aiding in tracking the progress towards the
the End TB Strategy. As per the definition, goal of achieving zero catastrophic cost
if the total costs incurred by a TB-affected due to TB.

◄ Determinants of TB:

In India, it is estimated that the five risk attributed are: undernourishment

factors to which TB cases are mainly (7,38,000), harmful use of alcohol (2,58,000),

National Health Systems Resource Centre, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Healthcare Utilization & Expenditure in India: State Fact Sheets, 62.
(Available from: State%20Fact%20Sheets_Health%20care%20Utilization% 20and%20Expenditure%20in%20India.pdf)


smoking (1,10,000), diabetes (1,05,000) and involvement of all the stakeholders beyond
HIV (93,000). These risk factors together health.
account for 44% of the total estimated
Furthermore, the NATBPS4 found that
incident TB in India. The NATBPS 2019-2021
the majority (64%) of TB symptomatic
found a higher prevalence of pulmonary TB
individuals did not seek health care. The
in older age groups, males, malnourished,
common reasons cited for not seeking care
smokers, alcoholics and known diabetics.
were ignoring the symptoms (68%), not
These risk groups form a huge pool of
recognizing the symptoms to be that of TB
vulnerable individuals for whom locally
(18%), self-treatment (12%) and not being
appropriate vulnerability reduction
able to afford care (2%). It shows a glaring
measures need to be implemented. This
picture requiring immediate focus of the
signifies the importance of a “health system
programme and strategies for addressing
approach” or an “integrated approach”
the same to attain the “Jan Andolan” for
for TB elimination in the country with
TB Elimination.

◄ India’s exercise to estimate the burden at Subnational level:

Complete surveillance is an important also generate a sense of healthy competition

public health function in the prevention and among States/Districts. Accordingly,
control of any disease. Prompt notification it was considered to have sub-national level
to the public health system is an important progress towards ending TB documented
component of the surveillance process and and measured at defined milestones
achieves essential public health objectives and “Awards” be presented to respective
to measure disease burden and monitor States/UTs/Districts upon achievement of
epidemiological trends. Accordingly, these milestones.
for understanding the epidemiology at
Criteria for “Progress towards TB Free”
subnational level and at the same time
certification: As per the approvals by
incentivizing and rewarding States/Districts
Mission Steering Group (MSG) of NHM
for the progress made in terms of decline
in 2018, for TB, a District or a State/UT will
in their TB disease burden, the initiative of
be recognized for “Progress towards TB
Subnational disease-free certification was
Free Status” based on the criteria outlined
initiated as an annual exercise. This will not
along with the awards (monetary and non-
only motivate States/Districts to prioritise
monetary) as below in Table 2.2:
NTEP activities in elimination mode but will

Chandra, Ankit & Kumar, Rakesh & Kant, Shashi & Parthasarathy, Raghavan & Krishnan, Anand. (2020). Direct and indirect patient costs of tuberculosis care in India.
Tropical Medicine & International Health. 25. 10.1111/tmi.13402.
National TB Prevalence Survey, 2019-2021.


Table 2.2: Criteria for “Progress towards TB Free” certification

Award and percentage Monetary Monetary award

of decline in incidence as award for for States/UTs
compared to 2015 District (INR)* (INR)*

Bronze ≥20% 2,00,000 25,00,000 Medal and

decline Felicitation at the
Silver ≥40% decline 3,00,000 50,00,000 National level

Gold ≥60% decline 5,00,000 75,00,000

TB Free District 10,00,000 1,00,00,000 Certification and
/ Cities ≥80% decline Felicitation at the
National level
* For States /UTs with population less than 50 lakhs and districts with population less than 2 lakhs, the award
amount shall be 50% of the amounts considered.
* District level awards will be financed through the States/UTs PIPs.

Districts/States/UTs are certified under the categories upon independent verification

by a national team composed of personnel from ICMR National Institute of Epidemiology
(ICMR-NIE, led the 2020 round), ICMR- National Institute for Research in TB
(ICMR-NIRT, led the 2021 and 2022 round), WHO India and Indian Association of
Preventive and Social Medicine.

◄ 2020

A total of 3 States/ UTs and another 67 The UT of Lakshadweep and the district
districts across the country submitted of Budgam in Jammu and Kashmir were
claims under various categories in 2020. declared as the first UT and the first
In the first round, the State of Kerala, district in the country to achieve more
UTs of Lakshadweep, Puducherry and than 80% reduction of TB incidence.
35 districts have successfully achieved (SDG Targets).
various levels of reduction in TB incidence.

District wards
67 Districts and 35 Districts and Bronze : 29
3 State/UTs 3 State/UTs Silver : 4 State/UT awards
submitted were awarded Gold : 1 Bronze : 2
claims TB Free : 1 TB Free : 1


◄ 2021:

A total of 10 States/UTs and 201 more than 40% reduction in TB incidence)

districts across the country submitted and “Bronze” category-award (achieving
claims under various categories in 2021. more than 20% reduction in TB incidence)
Following the verification process, the was awarded to Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh,
States/UTs of Kerala, Dadra and Nagar Haveli Sikkim, Tripura and Ladakh. Also, 91 districts
and Daman and Diu, Puducherry were were awarded in various categories, Gold -
awarded “Silver” category award (achieving 8, Silver-27 and Bronze-56, respectively.

201 Districts and 91 Districts and District wards

10 State/UTs 8 State/UTs Bronze : 56 State/UT awards
submitted were awarded Silver : 27 Bronze : 5
claims Gold : 8 Silver : 3

◄ Way Forward plans

Burden estimation exercise to be made surveys, District Level Sentinel Surveys

as an annual event for re-calibrating (DLSS) is being planned to supplement the
the strategies of the states and districts. estimates.
In addition to the District Level Annual



Chapter 3A

Quality assured TB diagnostic services are and detection of drug resistance have
offered free of cost to all patients seeking been introduced and suitably placed in
care in the public health system as well the diagnostic algorithm to aid prompt
as those referred from the private sector, initiation of appropriate treatment regimen.
through the network of laboratories under Microbiological confirmation of TB and
(NTEP). use of chest X Ray to improve efficiency of
Newer technologies for TB diagnosis screening have been emphasised.


Figure 3a.1: Integrated Diagnostic and treatment algorithm

All Presumptive TB1 All TB patients Non-responders

or Key Population2


Rifampicin resistance FIRST SPECIMEN Rifampicin resistance

detected4 TESTED AT NAAT SITE not detected4


Bdq, Cfz8, Mfx, Lzd, Dlm8


After completing PTE, check on Nikshay or with H resistance Stop DS-TB

C&DST lab, if LPA results are available detected4 Regimen

yes No yes

Other exclusion criteria for shorter regimen

Reflex testing for
DST7 - Mfx, Z, Lzd, Cfz8
• No additional resistance
detected4 or • H resistance detected4
• H resistance detected4 with both KatG and InhA H mono/poly DR-TB regimen
with KatG or Inha mutation mutation or
(not both) & FQ resistance • FQ resistance detected4
not detected4
Additional resistance or
ABSENT PRESENT intolerance or non-availability
Shorter oral of any drug in use or
Longer oral M/XDR-TB Non-responders
Bedaquiline-containing emergence of exclusion
regimen11 criteria or return after LTFU
MDR/RR-TB regimen10
or failure

Additional resistance or intolerance or

non-availability of any drug in use or emergence of Modify H mono/poly
exclusion criteria or return after LTFU or failure DR-TB regimen as per
replacement table

Longer oral M/XDR-TB regiment, modified

if needed as per replacement table

Offering upfront NAAT for diagnosis of TB has been prioritized by the Programme.

Implementation Arrangement:
The tiered system of laboratory network (LC-DST) and molecular tests such as
includes C& DST laboratories, NAAT facilities LPA and NAAT.
and microscopy facilities at National, State,
▼ NRLs and IRLs conduct training,
District, sub- district and peripheral levels.
handholding, monitoring and evaluation
▼ NRLs, IRLs and C-DST laboratories are for their respective State /District/ block
equipped to perform DST by various level facilities/ laboratories.
technologies such as Liquid Culture


Table 3.1: Expansion of diagnostic technologies under NTEP

Testing 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

DMC 16000 20356 21717 22284 23038
CBNAAT 651 1180 1180 1268 1303 1475
Truenat --- --- 367 1879 2457 3615
NAAT 651 1180 1547 3147 3760 5090

Figure 3.2 Certification status of C&DST laboratories in NTEP diagnostic network

Certified C&DST laboratories (n=83)

Certified for FL LPA (n=82) Certified for FL LCDST (n=64)

Certified for SL LPA (n=72) Certified for SL LCDST (n=54)

Certified for LCDST - LZD (n=47)

Certified for LCDST - PZA (n=48)

81 C & DST laboratories are equipped with Liquid culture

facility to support treatment monitoring

NIRT, Chennai; NITRD, New Delhi; NTI, Bengaluru; Sir JJ Group of Hospitals and
Grant Medical College, Mumbai; P.D. Hinduja Hospital Mumbai and CMC Vellore are
certified for performing LCDST to Bedaquiline.

NIRT, Chennai; NITRD, New Delhi; NTI, Bengaluru and CMC Vellore are certified for
performing LCDST to Delamanid.


Quality Assurance
▼ Policy of NTEP is to provide quality results, to verify the implementation
assured diagnostics both in public as of corrective action. It is planned to
well as private sector through an in-built expand coverage of this annual
routine quality assurance system for all activity to the private sector in 2023.
diagnostic tests offered.

▼ EQA for the NRLs is conducted through ▪ EQA for Truenat was successfully
WHO Supra-National Reference piloted with the DTS panel method.
Laboratory (SNRL), NIRT, Chennai and EQA for 841 machines across 797
the coordinating WHO SNRL network, sites in 9 states was undertaken
Antwerp, Belgium. using Dried Tube Specimens

▼ EQA for NAAT is conducted using Dried (DTS) panels in 2022. Of these,
Tube Specimen (DTS) for public as well 764 machines (90.84%) reported
as private sector laboratories. satisfactory results. It is planned to
scale up this activity to nearly 2000
▼ EQA for CBNAAT: NRL- NTI, Bengaluru
sites in 2023.
supported by FIND has augmented the
in-country capacity to manufacture
▼ NABL accreditation: 19 C&DST
large volumes of proficiency testing
laboratories are NABL accredited and
(PT) panels for EQA.
thirteen additional laboratories have
▪ A total of 1,287 GeneXpert initiated activities towards obtaining
machines (1213 public sector and NABL accreditation:
74 private sector) across 1,147 a. IRLs- AIIMS New Delhi; Trivandrum,
sites participated, out of which Madurai, Patiala, Dharampur, Agra,
1,259 machines (97.82%) showed Indore and Bhopal.
satisfactory performance.
b. C&DST laboratories -NIRTH Jabalpur,
GRMC Gwalior, GMC Kozhikode , GMC
▪ Post-EQA, visits were carried out
Jamnagar, and GMC Surat.
and repeat panels were sent to sites
with unsatisfactory scores and false

Human Resource Development:

The following National level training trainings were carried out for staff
programs for laboratory personnel were from 1,484 Truenat sites across 16
organized: states.

▼ Training for LPA (first and second ▼ Hands-on training on SOP to staff at
line), liquid culture and DST, Truenat the five Whole Genome Sequencing
as well as EQA for NAAT. facilities

▼ Truenat Training: A total of 38 batch ▼ Training for Biomedical Engineers at

refresher trainings and 57 induction National Reference Laboratories on


maintenance of C&DST laboratory ▼ Online submission of monthly
equipment and transition of laboratory indicators for Smear
equipment maintenance at State / microscopy and NAAT (CBNAAT
Institute level. & Truenat) were made available
in Ni-kshay for direct submission
▼ Continued capacity building of
of monthly indicators from the
C&DST laboratory staff in LIMS version
diagnostic facilities. National ToT for
2.0 installed at C&DST Laboratories.
NRLs & IRLs was conducted in June
▼ Induction and refresher training 2022.
module designed and developed to
promote self/ assisted E- learning

Diagnostic tests performance by the Laboratory

network (2022)
In 2022, 1,39,14,910 presumptive TB patients were offered Smear Microscopy through
23,038 Microscopy Centres, and 6,31,683 (4.5%) patients were diagnosed as TB.

NAAT facilities in the country were increased from 3760 in 2021 and 5090 in 2022. The details
of the tests conducted in 2022 are given below:

Table 3.2: NAAT 2022

NAAT No. of tests conducted MTB detected R Resistant

CBNAAT 23.65 Lakhs 525088 (22%) 42026 (8%)
Truenat 34.83 Lakhs 529196 (15%) 21659 (4%)

Table 3.3: First-line LPA 2022

No. of tests MTB Detected H & R Sensitive H mono R mono MDR TB (H& R
conducted Resistance Resistance Resistance)
3,09,719 2,88,549 2,40,906 20,463 7055 20,125
(94.4%) (78.8%) (7.1%) (2.4%) (7.0%)

Table 3.4: Second-line LPA 2022

No. of tests MTB Detected FQ & SLI Sensitive FQ Resistant SLI Resistance
55,004 47,749 30,718 14,206 784
(89.0%) (64.3%) (29.8%) (1.6%)


Liquid culture – 2.98 lakh culture tests were performed during the year 2022.

Table 3.5: Second-line LC-DST 2022

SL DST Conducted No. of FQ & No. of Pre-XDR No. of XDR detected

SLI Sensitive (MDR + FQ resistance (FQ + SLI Resistance)
10143 3894 2411 140



Chapter 3B
TB Case
Case finding in tuberculosis consists of which involves systematic screening
early identification of individuals with of all people seeking care in a health
presumptive TB signs/symptoms at the first facility or a clinic for identification of
point of contact with the health system people at risk for TB.
(be it public or private sector) followed by
2) Active case finding: It refers to
prompt diagnosis using high-sensitivity
the systematic screening for active
diagnostic tests. Broadly, case finding can
TB in at-risk populations, typically
be categorised into two:
implemented outside the health
1) Passive case finding: It refers to facilities (community or congregate
a person-initiated pathway to TB settings). Contact tracing is a
diagnosis. Intensified case finding is component of active case finding.
a component of passive case finding


Bending the epidemiological curve of presumptive TB tested per 100,000
TB to meet the End TB targets requires population,
more than just screening people who
b) Proportion of presumptive TB
are seeking care but involves being able
offered molecular diagnostics
to identify those with active TB in the
upfront for diagnosis of TB, - of
community. This was reiterated by the
the presumptive TB tested, the
findings of the recently concluded National
proportion that were offered a rapid
Prevalence survey. In the NATBPS 2019-21 it
molecular test for diagnosis of TB as
was observed that up to 64% of those with
the first test of diagnosis,
presumptive TB symptoms or signs in the
general population did not seek care. Also, c) Annualised TB case notification
among those who were diagnosed during rate (ACNR): defined as the number
the survey, more than 50% did not have of TB cases notified per 100,000
typical signs or symptoms suggestive of TB population on an annualised basis.
but had an abnormality in the chest X-ray
In 2022, the PTBER for the country
which led to their TB diagnosis.
increased to 1281 per lakh population from
Under NTEP, the following indicators helps 676 (89% increase) in 2020 and 763 (68%
in monitoring case-finding efforts: increase) in 2021. The number of rapid
molecular diagnosis tests that were offered
a) Presumptive TB examination rates
for presumptive TB testing was 294 per
(PTBER): defined as the number of
lakh population (Figure-2).

Figure 3.3: Trend in the Presumptive TB Examination Rate (2015–2022)

Presumptive TB Examination Rate - trend from 2015 to 2022

710.8 813.9 868.1 930.9 979.9 675.6 762.7


23.4 99 156.5
7.3 81.5




2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

PTBER - Microscopy PTBER - NAAT PTBER - Total


The year 2022 also saw the notification of the in the number of notified TB cases in 2022
highest number of TB cases at 24.2 lakhs, compared to 2021. In the private sector, the
leading to an increase of the annualised TB CNR achieved for 2022 was 52 cases per
case notification rate (ACNR) from 153 per lakh population, the highest ever achieved
lakh in 2021 to 172 per lakh population. Most under the programme.
the States and UTs reported an increase

Figure 3.4: Trend in case notification rate (public, private and total)

Annualized case notification rate, 2012-2022


134.7 138.3
119.5 122.5 125.2

126.8 120
120.4 104
109.4 109.3 90.9
119.5 114.1 110.8

49.4 49.7 52.1

40.5 40.6
25.3 29
8.4 14.4
0 3.1

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Private ACNR Public ACNR Total ACNR

Distribution of States between PTBER and ACNR -

2019 and 2022
To understand the epidemiology of TB, is expected that with declining burden and
the PTBER of the State/UTs were overlaid improved case-finding efforts under the
against the CNR for the period of interest programme, the geographies are to move
(4-quadrant graph. Under the 4-quadrant to right sided quadrants and preferably to
graph there are 4 segments: left upper the lower segment. Under the programme,
segment (low PTBER, high CNR), left lower from 2019 to 2022 it was observed that
segment (low PTBER, low CNR), right upper there was an increase in the number of
segment (high PTBER, high CNR) and right states moving to the right-sided quadrants
lower segment (high PTBER, low CNR). The (upper and lower) corroborating to their
cut-off for PTBER was taken as 2100 per augmented case finding efforts.
100,000 population and cut-off for ACNR
was taken as 150 per 100,000 population. It


Figure 3.5: Comparison of PTBER and CNR between 2019 and 2022

Characteristics of notified TB patients:

Demographic features: Characteristics of TB:

▼ About 39% were female, 5.6% belonged

▼ Around 24% had extra-pulmonary TB,
to the paediatric age group (less than
88% had newly diagnosed TB, 3.7% had
or equal to 14 years of age), 23.6% were
relapse TB.
aged 55 years or above.

▼ There has been a gradual increase in the ▼ The common sites of extra-pulmonary
proportion of notified TB cases who were TB were lymph node (26.3%), pleural
in older (>54 years) age groups with a (23.3%), abdomen (17.4%), spine (4.8%),
simultaneous decrease in the proportion meninges (2.8%), bone (excluding
in the younger (<25 years) age groups. spine; 2.7%) and genitourinary tract
These characteristics, however, have (1.6%).
largely remained uniform over the years
from 2019 to 2022.

Figure 3.6(a):Age-sex pyramids of notified TB patients Figure 3.6(b): Age- and sex-specific notification rates
from 2019 to 2022 compared between 2019 and 2022
2019 2020

Age_>64 Age_>64

Age 55-64 Age 55-64

Age_45-54 Age_45-54

Age 35-44 Age 35-44

Age_25-34 Age_25-34

Age_20-24 Age_20-24

Age_15-19 Age_15-19

Age_10-14 Age_10-14

Age_5-9 Age_5-9

Age 0-4 Age 0-4

Male Female Male Female

2021 2022

Age_>64 Age_>64

Age 55-64 Age 55-64

Age_45-54 Age_45-54

Age 35-44 Age 35-44

Age_25-34 Age_25-34

Age_20-24 Age_20-24

Age_15-19 Age_15-19

Age_10-14 Age_10-14

Age_5-9 Age_5-9

Age 0-4 Age 0-4

Male Female Male Female


Figure 3.7: Age-and sex- specific notification rate compared between 2019 and 2022


Age 55-64


Age 35-44






Age 0-4

2022 - Male 2019 - Male 2022 - Female 2019 - Female

The Union Territories of Puducherry, Dadra and conveyed to the States/UTs to use
and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, the automated TB case-finding report
Chandigarh and Delhi showed the highest generated from Ni-kshay from January 2022
percentage difference between notified onwards for programmatic monitoring
TB cases based on diagnostic and current purposes.
facilities, suggesting a high proportion of
The report is based on 'case' concept
net outward transfer of diagnosed patients
and not on 'episode' concept. As per the
to neighbouring States/UTs.
guidelines for PMDT in India 2021, the
Introduction of the automated TB latest definitive outcome assigned would
case-finding report in Ni-Kshay: The TB be taken into account for those cases
case finding reports were reported by where treatment outcome is declared as
the districts through manual form and "treatment regimen changed" in the initial
compiled by CTD. This report consisted of months of treatment before any definitive
consolidated numbers of the TB and DR- treatment outcome applies.
TB patients diagnosed and initiated on
This automated TB case-finding report,
respective treatments.
apart from reducing the additional effort
After a series of discussions and of the field staff in report submission, will
brainstorming, for the first time ever, provide a detailed case-wise line list of
the automated TB case-finding report persons affected with TB as well, thereby
was developed in and auto-generated supporting the treatment monitoring by
from Ni-Kshay. The programme decided the field staff.


Table 3.6: Case finding report based on the “Case concept” for 2022

No. Indicator Achievement in 2022

1 No. of notified bacteriological confirmed TB patients 12,32,149 (51%)
2 No. of bacteriologically confirmed TB patients with valid 9,38,217 (76%)
rapid DRT result for at least Rifampicin (RS/RR)
3 No. of Rifampicin resistant TB patients diagnosed (MDR/ 63,801
4 No. of Rifampicin resistant TB patients with a valid DST 23,846 (37%)
result available for at least fluoroquinolone
5 No. of Rifampicin resistant TB patients with FQ resistance 12,002
diagnosed (Pre-XDR-TB)
6 No. of Rifampicin resistant TB patients with FQ resistance 1187 (10%)
with a DST result available for Bedaquiline/ Linezolid
7 No. of Rifampicin resistant TB patients with FQ resistance 85
diagnosed with resistant to Bedaquline/ Linezolid or both
8 No. of bacteriologically confirmed patients (with 2,04,034 (23%)
Rifampicin resistance not detected) with a DST result
available for at least Isoniazid
9 No. of Rifampicin resistance not detected patients with 15,953
Isoniazid resistance diagnosed (H Mono-poly DR-TB)

Active case finding: Active case In 2022, across the country a total of
finding through systematic screening 22.1 crore individuals were screened for
of selected high-risk/vulnerable groups presumptive TB symptoms/signs as part of
for tuberculosis is being implemented active case-finding efforts. Of the screened,
by all the States/UTs since 2017 as part of 0.9% (19.5 lakhs) were examined and tested
the implementation of the NSP 2017-25. for TB diagnosis and of which 48,329 (2.5%)
Such vulnerable groups specifically need were diagnosed.
active attempts by the system to minimise
Also, the year 2022 saw the deployment
avoidable delays in detection and prompt
of around 80 mobile diagnostic units
treatment initiation, since they are often at
equipped with digital X-ray machines across
higher risk of exposure, sub-optimal health
various States/UTs. Few states such as Tamil
seeking behaviour, comorbidities, difficulty
Nadu and Rajasthan have procured mobile
in access to healthcare services and poorer
X-ray diagnostic units for active case finding
treatment outcomes from the disease.
in 2022 as part of their State Strategic plan
towards ending TB by 2025.


Way Forward
1) Scaling up of AI enabled portable case finding activities within health
and handheld X-ray units for facilities,
screening during active case finding,
3) Further decentralisation of rapid
2) Systematic planning and molecular diagnostics to saturate
implementation of active case NAAT capacity thereby ensuring
finding campaigns among select optimal utilisation.
vulnerable groups and intensified

Success stories from the field

Village-wise presumptive examination & village-wise TB patient -Analytical view.

To develop and pilot the strategies for “TB Free villages”, an in-depth analytical exercise
with the help of WHO and development partners was carried out in the State of Gujarat
from 19th to 23rd April 2022.

Analytical exercise: Retrospective mapping of village-wise presumptive TB examination and

TB Notification for the one year i.e., 2021 in 8 District of Gujarat was carried out. A 4-quadrant
graph was drawn using the dataset from the above 8 districts. The graph was intended to
provide an understanding of the burden of TB against the programmatic efforts at village
level, thereby enabling data-driven policy making by Gram Panchayat in the State.

Outcome: Villages were categorised under 4 categories from the analytical exercise and
with suggestive actions for each category.

Figure 3.8: Trend on village-wise TB patients – presumptive and notification


Low Presumptive / High Notification High Presumptive / High Notification

• Access to diagnostic services to be improved • Intensified case finding

• Root cause Analysis • Roll out TPT
• Contact Tracing • Vulnerability Mapping
• Frequent ACF

Low Presumptive / Low Notification High Presumptive / Low Notification

• Root Cause Analysis of lack of efforts in case finding • Ensure quality assurance process to rule out
• Access to diagnostic services to be improved false Negative
• Reverse contact tracing • Quality of referrals

These actions are Suggestive for TB Elimination at Village level but not exhaustive

Table 3.7: Action points for villages lying various quadrants of the plot

Himachal Pradesh
Handheld X-ray, a new tool in the field for expediting Ending TB in Himachal Pradesh.

District Una (0.5 million population) in Himachal Pradesh has an industrial area with over
350 functional industrial units. There is a high inflow of migrants into the State who mainly
reside in Urban slums. Restrictive accessibility makes them vulnerable to out-of-pocket
expenditure and delays in receiving appropriate care.

Intervention: District Administration and Health Department of Una with an objective to

identify TB cases early, with a CSR support, procured a Handheld X Ray machine (Battery
Operated X-Ray Machine with Flat Panel Detector) equipped with AI function deployed
for door-to-door screening of slum population. A team composed of 1 X-Ray technician, a
local ASHA and health worker was formed, and they carried out verbal screening for signs/
symptoms suggestive of TB and offered upfront chest X ray to all eligible persons after
ruling out medical contraindications.

Observation: The activity was carried out for a total of 20 days. During which 2436 individuals
have been screened using the X-Ray Machine and the AI identified 72 presumptive TB
cases based on a lesion in Xay image. All presumptive cases were offered NAAT examination
which yielded 4 new TB cases. Remaining individuals with some lesion in chest X-ray
(AI identified) but negative NAAT results were further evaluated by the physicians in the
Regional Hospital Una.

Conclusion: Upfront use of Handheld X ray machine in the vulnerable population gives
additional yield of TB cases. Infectious cases are diagnosed early, initiated on treatment,
thus further spread is prevented. Low-dose radiation exposure (6mA) and high-resolution
imaging capability of the machine increases its utility in the field. Since this Xray machine
is portable, the issue of health accessibility in remote areas can be addressed in other
areas of Himachal Pradesh or in similar geographies in India.


Chapter 4

Treatment Services

The objectives of providing TB treatment minimize and prevent the development of

services are (1) to rapidly make the drug resistance.
patient non-infectious, break the chain of
With the lifting of the pandemic-related
transmission and decrease the probability
restrictions and streamlining of services,
of transmission of TB infection; (2) to
there was a rise in the case notification of
decrease case fatality and morbidity by
all forms of TB.
ensuring relapse-free cure; and (3) to


A. Management of drug-susceptible TB
There have been provisions under the NTEP, a particular diagnostic health facility, are
to offer multi-drug regimen in fixed-dose initiated on treatment and provided seven
combinations (FDCs) as per the weight days of transit dose while transferring
band to persons affected with TB under the patient to the health facility near the
direct observation of a trained treatment residence of the patient in Ni-kshay. NTEP
supporter and/or digital adherence is providing access to free and quality anti-
technologies. All notified persons affected TB drugs for all patients seeking care from
with TB are eligible to receive public health the public and private sectors.
action measures that include services like
To ensure optimal quality of care, it is
i) patient home visit as per convenience
essential to identify adverse events during
of patient, ii) counselling of patient and
the course of treatment, report it to the
family members, iii) treatment adherence
programme at the earliest and provide
and follow up support to ensure treatment
appropriate management to the person
completion, iv) contact tracing, symptoms
affected with TB. As a step in this regard,
screening, evaluation of symptomatics
the adverse event module has now been
and offering chemoprophylaxis to eligible
made available in Ni-kshay to manage
contacts, v) offering HIV counselling and
events from reporting till declaration of an
testing, drug susceptibility testing, and vi)
linking with available social welfare and
support schemes. The patients are initiated NTEP has emphasized real-time Ni-kshay
on treatment immediately or at least entries and insisted on a ‘Digital first, paper
within 3 days of diagnosis by the respective second’ policy for data management and
health facilities across the country. Patients information flow along the TB care cascade.
residing outside the catchment area of

◄ Performance during 2022:

In 2022, a total of 23,58,664 patients were DS-TB in 2021, 85% had been successfully
diagnosed with drug-susceptible TB (DS- treated, 4.2% died during treatment, 2.6%
TB) of whom, 22,48,816 (95.3%) patients were lost to follow-up, 1.9% were assigned
were initiated on treatment. Among treatment failure outcome and 1.6% were
notified DS-TB cases, 14,33,922 (60.8%) not evaluated (including still on treatment).
were male, 9,22,649 (39.1%) were female The treatment success rate of patients
and 1,34,001 (5.7%) were below 14 years of notified from public and private sector
age. Among the persons diagnosed with were 85% and 87% respectively.


Figure 4.1: Trend of treatment success rate of DS-TB

DS-TB Treatment Success Rate (%)



85% 81% 82% 82%







2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

B. Management of Drug-Resistant TB
The management of drug-resistant TB accordance with the NTEP guidelines.
(DR-TB) is complex and hence, rapid
In 2021, the shorter oral Bdq-containing
and universal drug-susceptibility testing
MDR/RR-TB regimen was introduced to
(UDST) in all DS-TB cases is crucial for early
replace the shorter injection-containing
identification of DR-TB to choose the most
MDR-TB regimen in a phased manner. A
appropriate treatment for every patient
series of meetings were conducted with the
and monitor treatment adherence to
States to review the preparatory activities.
achieve the goals of TB treatment detailed
The programme completely transitioned to
earlier. There are 792 DR-TB treatment
the shorter oral Bdq-containing MDR/RR-
centres. Among these, 30 private DR-TB
TB regimen in all States/ UTs in April 2022.
centres were established under a MoU in

◄ Performance in 2022:

In 2022, a total 63,801 MDR/RR-TB, including and 15,953 H mono/poly DR-TB patients
12,002 Pre-XDR-TB (Fluoroquinolone were diagnosed. Of these, 57,749 (91%)
resistant), 85 XDR-TB (Fluoroquinolone MDR/RR-TB including 11,198 (93%) Pre-XDR-
with Linezolid and/or Bedaquiline resistant) TB, 83 (98%) XDR-TB and 15,227 (95%) H


mono/poly DR-TB patients were initiated not evaluated (including patients still on
on the appropriate treatment regimen treatment or outcome not reported). Also,
respectively. A total of 30,789 (53%) patients out of 22,096 patients treated with a shorter
were initiated on shorter MDR/RR-TB MDR/RR-TB (Inj. containing) regimen, a total
regimen and 26,960 (47%) on longer oral of 15,104 (68%) were successfully treated,
M/XDR-TB regimen. 403 pre-XDR -TB or while 2920 (13%) died during treatment,
treatment interrupters or non-responders 2635 (12%) were lost to follow-up, 415 (2%)
to treatment among MDR-TB patients were treatment failures (including regimen
were enrolled on the BPaL regimen under changed), 1022 (5%) were not evaluated
the ongoing pragmatic clinical trial under (including patients still on treatment or
NTEP led by NIRT Chennai, in collaboration outcome not reported).
with CTD and WHO India, supported by
From the 2020 cohort, out of 41,922 MDR/
USAID through The Union iDEFEAT TB
RR-TB patients initiated on treatment,
28,452 (68%) patients were successfully
From the 2021 cohort, out of 16,186 treated, 5,628 (13%) died during treatment,
patients treated with H mono/poly DR- 4,506 (11%) were lost to follow-up, 834 (2%)
TB regimen, a total of 13,303 (82%) were failed (including regimen changed), 2,502
successfully treated, while 1179 (7%) died (6%) were not evaluated (including those still
during treatment, 843 (5%) were lost to on treatment and outcome not reported).
follow-up, 300 (2%) were treatment failures A total of 12,570 MDR/RR-TB patients were
(including regimen changed), 561 (3%) were initiated on longer oral M/XDR-TB regimen.

Figure 4.2 - Trend of treatment success rate of M/XDR TB patients

83% 82%
80% 78%
70% 66%

60% 57%
52% 62%
47% 47% 48% 49%
50% 46% 45% 53%

40% 34% 45%

32% 31%
30% 28% 28%


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020

MDR/RR-TB patients XDR-TB patients H mono/ poly DR-TB patients


C. Differentiated TB Care in Ni-kshay
The technical guidance for a comprehensive identify patients with severe disease or risk
package for Differentiated Care of TB of adverse effects. Timely referral by early
patients was introduced in 2021. This detection of high-risk TB patients (through
approach has a pivotal role in reducing identification of symptoms and signs) and
morbidity and preventable mortality hospital-based care, whenever needed, will
among TB patients by implementing this help to reduce mortality due to TB.
comprehensive package at various health
The recording and reporting of the
facilities in India. It focuses on the clinical
Differentiated Care of TB patients has been
care of TB patients by evaluating the
made available on Ni-kshay for the States/
patient for basic clinical parameters (vitals,
UTs to monitor the activity.
general conditions, nutritional status etc.)
and routine investigations to promptly

D. NITRD-CTD-NTF National Difficult to treat

TB Clinic
National Institute of Tuberculosis and to enhance the clinical management
Respiratory Diseases (NITRD), New Delhi skills of physicians dealing with DR-TB
in collaboration with CTD and National management in periphery. The national
Task Force (NTF) is conducting Difficult- clinic reached over 3000 attendees in 2022.
To-Treat TB Clinic (DT3C) at National level
Considering the impact of DT3C clinics
successfully since 2020. The case-based
organized at national level, to accommodate
TB clinics have been conducted with
the local requirements in management
involvement of expert clinicians with the
of DR TB, State PMDT committees were
objective of providing solutions to difficult
guided to conduct State/UT based DT3C.
cases and capacity building of peripheral
Based on the guidance of CTD, 26 States/
doctors. A total of 57 difficult-to-treat TB
UTs have conducted around 210 sessions
cases have been discussed and managed
following ECHO Hub and spoke model
through this mechanism till February 2023.
during 2022.
Difficult-to-treat TB clinic has helped

E. Improving the quality of DR-TB Care through

Centres of Excellence (CoE) for DR-TB care
As envisaged in the NSP 2017-2025 and provide uniform high standards of care to
articulated in the Guidelines for PMDT in the people affected with DR-TB, in a ‘HUB
India (2021), the NTEP has established five and SPOKE’ model.
CoE for DR-TB care to offer a platform to


A framework for the assessment of implemented. The training on counselling
institutions was developed and a team soft skills for the nursing and paramedical
consisting of subject experts, members staff of the institutions was conducted.
from CTD, The Union and WHO-NTEP Institutions eligible to be the Spokes (Nodal
technical support network conducted DR-TB centres) for each CoE were identified.
initial site assessment visits to the selected Baseline assessment of a few Spokes was
ten institutions (NITRD New Delhi, RBI also undertaken to identify the needs and
PMT New Delhi, JJ Hospital Mumbai, critical gaps.
GHTM Tambaram, KGMU Lucknow, RG
Five institutions were declared as CoE in
Kar medical College Kolkata, NEIGHRIMS
DR-TB care by MoHFW, GoI in the month
Shillong, SMS Medical College Jaipur, BJ
of October 2022 namely NITRD New Delhi,
Medical College Ahmedabad and Gandhi
RBI PMT New Delhi, JJ Hospital Mumbai,
Medical College Bhopal). Critical gaps were
GHTM Tambaram, and KGMU Lucknow.
identified for each institution and an action
plan to fill those gaps was prepared and

A consultation meeting was held with designated CoEs and all concerned stakeholders
to finalize the action plan for providing clinical advice, capacity building & mentoring. To
strengthen the linkages between CoEs and their Spokes and to finalize the action plan
for each individual CoE, inception meetings were organized at CoEs with their concerned

◄ To address the unmet need for TB palliative care for DR-TB patients and
Thoracic surgery in the country, a to finalize the action plan for GHTM
three month ‘Residential Skill Training Tambaram to implement the same.
Programme for TB Thoracic Surgery’
◄ NITRD has developed a ‘Manage TB India
was initiated at NITRD, Delhi. The first
App’ as a tool for clinicians to enable
batch of two candidates has completed
decision making in designing probable
their training.
effective treatment regimen for DR-TB
◄ A consultation was held at GHTM as per national guidelines based on the
Tambaram in the month of November inputs from drug susceptibility testing
2022 with the objectives to discuss results, clinical and other laboratory
and draft the guidance document on parameters.

NTEP under the leadership and guidance of MoHFW, GoI, steered the entire process of
establishing the ‘Hub and Spoke’ model through the Centres of Excellence in DR-TB care
and closely working with the CoEs to perform their roles as envisioned. The USAID-funded,
The Union-led iDEFEAT TB Project in implementing this approach while the WHO Country
Office for India and its TB technical support network is providing the technical support in
establishing, assessing, upgrading and operationalizing these CoEs to function as a Hub
and Spoke Model.


F. DR-TB consortium
With the aim to strengthen partnerships partnerships and disseminate learnings
and promote innovations in DR-TB space, from innovative approaches for further
a DR-TB consortium was formed by NTEP adoption and scaling up. Apart from
with the support of the iDEFEAT TB Project. the corporates, the consortium includes
DR-TB consortium offers the platform members from NTEP, WHO India, The
for engaging the corporate sector to Union and other partners.
plan, mobilize CSR resources, strengthen

G. Building capacity of front-line TB staff on

counselling soft skills
NTEP with the support of Tata Institute of capacity building for counselling training,
Social Sciences (TISS) has been providing where-in the training programmes are
counselling services for DR-TB patients experimental and participatory in nature
in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and and focus on “un-learning” as much as
Rajasthan as a part of “Saksham Project” on learning and are entirely power point
since September 2016 through the Global presentation free. The training is designed
Fund Grant. In the current implementation for reflection, introspection and developing
cycle, NTEP has created a pool of master a patient-centric, empathetic approach
trainers across India to build the capacity and practising skills.
of front-line TB staff (especially STS and TB-
Under the project, TISS has engaged
HV) on counselling soft skills.
five university partners for undertaking
In the third phase of The Global Fund the cascade training programmes. Till
grant implementation, NTEP with support December 2022, 409 master trainers and
of TISS, has developed a national strategy 672 NTEP front-line staff have been trained
for building capacities of front-line TB in counselling soft skills.
staff on counselling soft skills. A three-day

Key highlights
◄ Implementation of the “Differentiated ◄ Introduction of automated PMDT case
TB Care” package of services to reduce finding report in Ni-kshay
mortality by enabling recording and
◄ Approval of the “Guidelines on new
reporting through Ni-kshay.
shorter oral regimens for treatment of
◄ Complete national transition to shorter drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB”
oral Bedaquiline containing MDR/RR-TB in India.



Chapter 05

TB Prevention

The strategies and actions required for programmatic scale-up of TB preventive
ending TB have been integrated into four treatment (TPT) for high-risk populations
strategic pillars – Detect, Treat, Prevent and and airborne infection control (AIC) in
Build under India’s National Strategic Plan health care and other settings.
(NSP 2017-25) for ending TB by 2025. The TB
prevention strategies include nationwide


TB infection and TB Preventive Treatment (TPT)
National TB prevalence survey (2019-21), bacteriologically confirmed TB [PBCT]) and
India estimated 31.3% crude prevalence of other high-risk groups beyond the existing
TB infection (TBI) among the population policy of TPT for PLHIV (erstwhile isoniazid
aged 15 years and above. In August 2021, the preventive therapy [IPT])and HHC <5 years
NTEP expanded the policy to offer TPT to all (erstwhile chemoprophylaxis in children).
household contacts (HHC) of pulmonary
TB patients (prioritized in pulmonary

◄ Programmatic management of TPT:

In 2022, the States have demonstrated

unprecedented politico-administrative
commitment and introduction of TPT in
the States and districts after release of
guidelines for programmatic management
of TPT (PMTPT) in India in August 2021 by
the Hon’ble Union Health Minister.

State level TPT committees have been

established in 28 states and 21 states
held committee meetings under
the chairpersonship of respective
Principal Secretary - Health or Mission
Director -Health.

The task of TPT scale-up has been taken

up in 2022. By the end of 2022, 722 (94%)
districts of India have expanded TPT as per
the national guidelines. TBI testing services
were established in 246 (32%) districts either
as in-house facilities or linked with in-house
or outsourced private facilities. Additionally,
476 (62%) districts have expanded TPT
in eligible HHC after ruling out active TB State TPT Committee formed, No meeting held
while awaiting establishment of TBI testing State TPT Committee formed, Meeting held
services. The rest of the 41 (6%) districts No State TPT Committee
have planned to expand TPT services by
Figure 5.1: State-level TPT committees formed in
first quarter of 2023. various States


◄ Scale up of TPT:

TPT coverage increased considerably after the expansion of services by geography and
high-risk groups. More than 13.92 lakh eligible household contacts and PLHIV were put on
TPT in 2022.


PLHIV put on TPT 13,92,106

14,00,000 HHC of Pulmonary Bacteriologically Confirmed TB put on TPT

HHC of Pulmonary Clinically diagnosed TB

Total (HHC of pulmonary TB and PLHIV) put on TPT



6,00,000 5,25,364

2,06,831 2,10,710
2,00,000 1,12,323

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Note: Expanded the TPT to all HHC (irrespective of age) of pulmonary TB (prioritized PBCT)
and other risk groups from August 2021
Figure 5.2: A graph showing Achievement in programmatic management of TPT

Cascade of TPT in HHC of PBCT is presented in below charts

TB Care Cascade TPT Care Cascade TB Care Cascade TPT Care Cascade

94% 99%
2,92,945 2,91,690 35,00,000
2,69,905 30,63,327 30,27,292
30,00,000 28,91,117
15,00,000 21%
1,00,000 72% 42% 73% 2% 74% 33% 77% 2%
50,000 50,000
903 1,255 3,093 4,374 9,498 12,920 39,141 50,747

Treated for Diagnosed Evaluated for TB Screened HHC <5years eligible for Put on TPT Treated for Diagnosed Evaluated for TB Screened HHC <5years eligible for Put on TPT
TB with TB TB disease symptomatics for TB TPT TB with TB TB disease symptomatics for TB TPT

Eligible for TPT are HHC <5yrs not diagnosed TB during care cascade (2,92,945 - 1,255 = 2,91,690) Eligible for TPT are HHC >/=5yrs positive for TBI (14,150) plus no diagnosis for TB (30,50,407)
and not offered testing for TBI (30,13,1420

Figure 5.3(a) and (b): Cascade of TPT in HHC of PBCT


◄ Programmatic review of TPT

CTD has regularly reviewed the district-wise TPT scale-up plans in 2021.
performance and has sent feedback (at The progress made in implementation
least quarterly) to the States on the TPT of these plans were reviewed one-to-one
care cascade coverage. with the States in January 2022 by CTD to
provide necessary guidance and support to
Review meetings on State TPT
the states to accelerate the scale up of all
scale-up plan: States have submitted the

◄ Showcasing India’s TPT scale-up experience at the national and

international forums

National workshop on TB Preventive partner organizations. Additional Secretary

Treatment – the experience of scale-up: and Mission Director – Health interacted
CTD in collaboration with WHO - India with the participants on 2nd day of the
organized a two-day national workshop workshop and appraised about prevalence
on TPT on 5-6 September, 2022 in New of TB infection, TPT scale-up, introduction of
Delhi with the objectives of annual review shorter TPT regimen through WHO support
of the progress, experience sharing and in India and requirement of programmatic
learning of TPT implementation, TPT in introduction of shorter TPT regimen.
contacts of DR-TB patients, the status of
WHO-UNIAID meeting on key
TPT implementation through the Global
development on use of Shorter TPT
Fund projects and various ongoing
regimen: a virtual meeting held by WHO
operational research. The workshop was
Global TB Programme on 4th November
attended by more than 275 (180 physically
2022. In this meeting, India showcased the
and 95 over ZOOM live telecast) officials,
experience of TPT scale-up under NTEP
field experts and consultants from CTD,
with international participants that was
National Institutes, National AIDS Control
well received and appreciated by the global
Organization, Task Force mechanism, WHO
– HQ, SEARO and Country Office of India,
State officials, WHO TB Consultants and

◄ Status of JEET 2.0 and Axshya Plus – The Global Fund supported TPT
model projects

Under The Global Fund grant for 2021-24, government principal recipients (WJCF,
the TPT projects – JEET 2.0 and Axshya FIND and The Union) and their sub-
Plus are being implemented by non- recipients in 194 districts in 22 states.


(22 states, 194 Districts)

JEET 2.0
Axshya Treat Only: 176
(15 states, 87
Plus Test & Treat: 18 (6+2+10)

Union (7 states,
107 Districts)
WJCF (11 states, FIND (4 states,
65 Districts) 22 Districts)

The Union
(Direct) (3 states,
CHRI (4 states, KHPT (1 states, 23 Districts)
33 Disticts) 6 Districts)

CHAI (2 states,
46 Districts)
WVI (3 states, TBAI (3 states,
18 Districts) 16 Districts)

GLRA (2 states,
38 Districts)
TBAI (2 states,
10 Districts)

Alert India
(1 state, 4 Dist.)

WJCF-William J Clinton Foundation, Find- Foundation for innovative New

Diagnostics, CHRI- Centre for Health Research & Innovation, The Union-
International Union Against TB & Lung Disease, WVI- World Vision India,
TBAI- TB Alert India, KHPT- Karnataka Health Promotion Trust, CHAI- Catholic
Health Association of India, GLRA- German Leprosy & TB Relief Association.

Figure 5.4: Hierarchy showing “The Global Fund Support TPT Model Projects”

These projects have created considerable pulmonary TB patients were visited, 8.43
impact in overall TPT coverage. Within lakh HHC were screened for TB and >4.3
the project geographies, between July lakh eligible HHC were provided TPT.
2021 to August 2022, more than 2.30 lakh

◄ Key initiatives for TPT service delivery from national level in 2022

The Physical training at National TB Self-learning module for PMTPT over

Institute (NTI), Bengaluru: Two physical WHO’s Swasth e-gurukul learning
training batches of master trainers from platform: >2500 participants enrolled for
states and districts were conducted at NTI, PMTPT self-learning training course.


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) shorter 3RH regimen from August 2022 to
for PMTPT guidelines published: CTD February 2023.
consolidated all the questions asked by
Strengthening of digital TPT care
the participants during national training
cascade monitoring through Ni-kshay:
and field implementation and prepared
Contract tracing and TPT were recorded
answers for them. The document can be
aggregately. In March 2022, integrated Ni-
accessible from:
kshay TPT module was introduced. The
new TPT module developed to capture
Shorter 3 months weekly regimen with life-cycle approach and functionality to
rifapentine and isoniazid (3HP) TPT record adherence, adverse events, drug
regimen introduction: CTD received dispensation etc. Recently on 10th January
supply of around 45,000 TPT courses 2023, at the national review meeting in
from WHO-India and the Global Fund New Delhi, Ni-kshay TPT dashboard was
projects. This supply of 3HP was introduced introduced. The Ni-kshay TPT dashboard
for programme implementation and allows the programme managers and
operational research. staff to monitor TPT care cascade in more
granular manner up to the health and
Shorter 3 months daily regimen with
wellness centre (HWC) level and private
rifampicin and isoniazid (3RH) TPT
health facilities registered in Ni-kshay. CTD
regimen expanded in 5 States: Kerala
has also organized capacity building on Ni-
state demonstrated the experience of
kshay TPT dashboard to sensitize the state
implementing 3RH TPT regimen in eligible
and district teams.
HHC aged 0-5 years and 5-15 years between
November 2020 to August 2022. In this Communication materials for TPT: It was a
experience, 71% of the eligible HHC were felt need under NTEP for making available
initiated on 3RH with 97% completion rate standard communication materials
and negligible adverse events. Based on targeting the community, doctors, health
this, CTD expanded the 3RH TPT regimen workers, etc. CTD with support from National
in the States of Punjab, Gujarat, Andhra Technical Support Unit for Advocacy
Pradesh, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh as an Communication and Social Mobilization
alternate TPT regimen for eligible HHC <15 (NTSU-ACSM) developed communication
years of age in August 2022. The supply of collaterals – banner and hoarding targeting
paediatric dispersible formulations of 2FDC community, information book for health
(HR) was made available for this expansion. workers and flip books for medical officers.
Around 9,000 eligible HHC were put on


◄ State innovations / model in TPT service delivery

Key Innovations States

Roping in village health committee for TPT Chhattisgarh
Advice of TPT to contact in the prescription of index Gujarat, Rajasthan
patient from private doctor
Decentralized TPT services through health & Haryana, Himachal Pradesh
wellness centre
State-wide establishment of testing for TB infection Madhya Pradesh, DNH-DD, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh
TPT TUESDAY, CMO budget for IGRA lab, TPT SOP Haryana
Introduction of TPT in prison inmates, other risk Jammu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
groups and integration during ACF
Media and community campaign for Meghalaya
awareness generation
Training video for counselling by health staff Rajasthan
Local procurement of shorter 3HP TPT drugs Tamil Nadu

◄ Incentives for TPT treatment supporters

The National Health Mission (NHM) completion was introduced from the
considered the important role of treatment fourth quarter of 2022. CTD is in process of
supporters in TPT adherence monitoring upgrading the Ni-kshay DBT module and
for all individuals put on TPT. An incentive inclusion of treatment support incentives
to the treatment supporter of Rs. 250 for TPT.
per individual on successful treatment

◄ Programme priority for TPT in 2023-24

▼ Institution-based mapping of other risk groups for TPT by districts.

▼ Integration of TPT and ACF risk groups and updating of the national guidelines on
both interventions.

▼ Scale-up of 3HP shorter TPT regimen and introduction of newer skin test for detection
of TB infection.

▼ Scaling up community engagement for TPT.

▼ TPT adherence monitoring through digital technology.

▼ Mobilizing professional bodies, the national task force for medical colleges and
technical support unit’s workforce for private sector engagement to promote
implementation of TPT guidelines across all sectors.


Airborne infection control in health care and other
As an implementation strategy, CTD has assessment of the DR-TB Centre, a plan for
prioritized high-risk centres such as drug the upgradation and training of healthcare
resistance TB centres, ART centres, culture workers for promoting and implementing
& drug susceptibility testing laboratories, AIC measures. Assessment has been
TB microscopy centres, NAAT sites. These completed for 63 nodal DR-TB centres.
high-risk sites should be AIC compliant
TB Mukt Bharat infection prevention and
with a functional AIC committee, baseline
control (IPC) project is implemented by
assessment, resource planning and
CTD, U.S Centres for Disease Control and
budgetary provisions, training of health
Prevention (CDC)- India, and Society for
care workers, implementation of
Health Allied Research & Education India
administrative, environmental and personal
(SHARE INDIA at 60 healthcare facilities
protective measures.
in 10 states with objectives to train and
CTD with the support of FIND and in mentor the state nodal officers and health
collaboration with WHO-India, CDC and facility staff to implement and sustain IPC
NITRD-Delhi is implementing AIC risks activities in their health facility. The project
assessments and interventions at selected conducted baseline assessment of 31
100 nodal DR-TB centres under the health facilities and trained 263 health staff
Global Fund (C19RM grant) project. The on infection prevention and control.
intervention includes an independent AIC


Chapter 6

TB Comorbidities and
Special Situations

The TB epidemic is strongly influenced by inequality, poverty, social protection and

social and economic development and living in informal settlements are broader
health-related risk factors. Key health- socioeconomic determinants for TB.
related risk factors for TB include, diabetes, Thus, achieving targets for reductions in
HIV infection, alcohol use disorders, tobacco TB disease burden requires progress in
smoking and undernutrition. In addition, addressing health-related risk factors and
access to clean fuels, level of income socioeconomic determinants.


The estimated number of cases of TB in India attributable to these comorbidities are
mentioned in the table below.

Table 6.1: India estimates of TB cases attributable to selected comorbidities, 2021 (WHO Global TB Report, 2022).

Risk Factors Estimates of Number of Cases attributable

to risk factors (95% Confidence Interval)
Undernourishment 7.38 L (6.24 L – 8.61 L)

Alcohol Use Disorders 2.57 L (0.74 L – 5.53 L)

Smoking 1.09 L (0.21 L – 2.71 L)

Diabetes 1.05 L (0.31 L – 2.23 L)

HIV Infection 0.93 L (0.29 L – 1.93 L)

The NATBPS also reported that the comorbidities for TB. These interventions
prevalence of TB was higher among those include joint training of staff, co-location
survey participants having Body Mass of diagnostic/treatment services,
Index (BMI) < 18.5 kg/m2, diabetes, alcohol bi-directional screening, cross-referral of
consumption and tobacco smoking. presumptive and confirmed cases and
prevention of TB through treatment for TB
The NTEP collaborates with different public
infection and Airborne Infection Control
health programs to design and implement
measures at Health Facilities.
interventions to address important

6.1. TB-Nutrition
◄ Background:

TB and undernutrition have a bidirectional to individuals with normal body weight, the
relationship. The vicious cycle between risk of relapse is four times higher for each
undernutrition and TB persists, being unit reduction in BMI.
significant drivers of the burden of both
In addition, for children, pregnant and
diseases in India. While under nutrition is an
lactating women, the physiological
established risk factor for the progression of
requirement for nutrition is high, further
TB infection to active TB (six to ten times),
aggravating the risk of TB disease if the
active TB by itself could lead to weight loss,
demand for increased nutrition is not
wasting and worsening of nutritional status,
met. Adequate nutrition also helps in
and increases the risk of severe disease,
treatment adherence and an overall
death, drug toxicity, drug mal-absorption
reduction in mortality. Hence, assessment
and relapse. Evidence has shown that for
and management of nutritional status are
each unit reduction in BMI, the risk of TB
critical for TB treatment and care.
increases by about 14%. Similarly, compared


With the support of various partners, The Community-Based Events (CBEs)
the CTD has developed a mobile-based organised under POSHAN Abhiyaan
application, the Nutrition-TB App (N-TB (The National Nutrition Mission) focuses
app), that explains nutritional assessment, on raising public awareness about
counselling and support and provides prevention and on TB related health and
guidance on appropriate supplementation socioeconomic consequences in order to
for undernourished adult patients with
combat the stigma due to TB.
tuberculosis. The app is available freely
from the Google and iOS app stores.

◄ Progress:

A. Ni-kshay Poshan Yojna (NPY):

The Government of India is committed to delivery of benefits directly to citizens’ bank

supporting the nutritional requirements account(s), thus enhancing efficiency, the
for the duration of treatment for all TB effectiveness of treatment services and,
patients. Ni-kshay Poshan Yojna’s (NPY) ultimately, treatment outcome in terms of
direct benefit transfer (DBT) of INR 500/ morbidity and mortality.
month to beneficiaries enables targeted

B. Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA):

In addition to the NTEP’s provision of free involvement and leveraging Corporate

diagnostics, free drugs and NPY benefits Social Responsibility (CSR) in meeting
to all TB patients notified from both public India’s commitment to end TB by 2025,
and private sectors, The Government of the Abhiyaan aims to provide additional
India has launched “The Pradhan Mantri patient support to improve the treatment
TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan” envisioned to outcomes of TB patients. It will be discussed
bring together all community stakeholders in detail under the chapter on PMTBMBA.
to support those on TB treatment and
accelerate the country’s progress towards
TB elimination. By augmenting community

6.2 TB and Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder is an important risk factor for TB.

In 2022, 74% of notified TB patients were screened for alcohol consumption and alcohol
use was reported in 7.2% of the patients. Services provided to TB patients who use alcohol
include (a) counselling, (b) linkages to de-addiction centres, and (c) social support systems.


2500000 2421906 140000





0 0

Total TB Notified Total Patients using Alcohol

TB Patients Screened for Alcohol Use Linked to De-addiction services

Figure 6.1(a): Screening of TB Patients for alcohol Figure 6.1(b): Linkage of TB patients using alcohol with
use de-addiction services

6.3 TB and Tobacco

Tobacco use increases the risk of infection Under the NTCP, the tobacco cessation
from any airborne disease due to poor services are being provided to all persons
ciliary function, the compromised response affected with TB across all States/UTs. The
of macrophages and decreased CD4 count. collaboration between the two programmes
Tobacco use in terms of active smoking is being strengthened through regular
has been associated with a higher risk of review in the TB Comorbidity Committee
getting infected with TB; progression from meetings at various levels.
infection to active TB disease, increased risk
In 2022, around 2,10,543 persons affected
of recurrence and death from TB.
with TB were identified as Tobacco users
Smoking cessation effectively improves and 67,157 were linked to Tobacco cessation
treatment outcomes. NTEP and National services.
Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) have
developed a joint action plan, for managing
the dual problem of TB and smoking.


2421906 210543

1827612 1500000





0 0

Total TB Notified TB Patients using Tobacco

TB Patients Screened for Tobacco Use Linked to Cessation services

Figure 6.2(a): Screening of TB patients for tobacco Figure 6.2(b): Linkage of TB patients using tobacco with
use tobacco cessation services

6.4 TB and Diabetes

Diabetes increases the risk of TB disease Diabetes have been scaled up. Diabetes
by 2-3 times. People with TB and (DM) screening facility is available in nearly
diabetes are more likely to have poor TB 93% of TB Detection Centres across the
treatment outcomes, including delayed country. In 2022, 91% of notified TB patients
microbiological conversion, death and (including patients seeking care in the
treatment failure and have a 4-fold risk of private sector) were screened for DM. 7.8%
relapse after treatment completion. TB patients were diagnosed with DM and
of those diagnosed with TB and DM 63%
Since the implementation of the National
were initiated on Anti-diabetic treatment.
framework for Joint TB-Diabetes
Collaborative Activities in 2017, activities
for addressing the joint burden of TB and


2500000 2421906 180000






0 0
1 1
Total TB Notified TB-DM Patient Identified
TB Patients Screened for Diabetes Mellitus ADTV Coverage among TB-DM Patients

Figure 6.3(a): Screening of TB patients for DM Figure 6.3(b): Anti-diabetes treatment coverage among
TB patients having DM (b)

6.5 TB and HIV

People living with HIV (PLHIV) are 18 (15-21) times more likely to develop TB disease than
people without HIV. TB is a leading cause of hospitalisation and death among adults and
children living with HIV, accounting for one in five HIV-related deaths globally.

India Global

HIV Positive TB Incidence* 54k (46k-63k) 703k (633k-776k)

HIV Positive TB mortality* 11k (9.9k-13k) 187k (158k-218k)

HIV-positive TB patients 32k (93%) 326k (89%)

on ART
Table 6.2: Estimates of TB HIV burden in India As per Global TB Report, 2022 India (interim)

The prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB and HIV-associated TB are key elements
of the internationally endorsed comprehensive package of services given under a single
window delivery mechanism at the health facility level.


◄ Status of TB/HIV Collaborative Activities:

The National framework adopted a four- management of TB/HIV cases in special

pronged strategy: Early detection of TB/ situations & preventive efforts through
HIV with the use of molecular diagnostics, infection control measures and Isoniazid
prompt treatment of TB/HIV with FDC Preventive Therapy.
along with test and treat policy for PLHIV,

A. ICF Activities

◄ At HIV Counselling and testing services (HCTS) facilities -

For early detection of HIV among country. Nearly 95% of TB Detection Centres
presumptive TB patients and TB patients, (TDCs) have co-located HIV testing facilities.
Provider Initiated Testing and Counselling Of all the notified TB patients, 96% know
(PITC) is being implemented across the their HIV status. (Public: 97%, Private: 94%)

◄ At ART Centres-

Single window TB and HIV services are ART medical officers offer PLHIV TB
being implemented through existing ART treatment or TB preventive therapy. In 2022,
centres. TB screening among ART centre 97% of the PLHIV visiting the ART centres
attendees is done using ‘4 symptoms every month were screened for existing TB
screening tool’. Based on the evaluation, symptoms.

◄ At Targeted Intervention (TI) sites -

TB services are also provided as a referral such as migrants and truckers as part of
service to the most vulnerable populations, harm reduction services. Screening is done
which include Female Sex Workers for all HRGs (FSW, MSM, TG/TS) and also for
(FSW), Men having Sex with Men (MSM), the truckers and migrants regularly as per
Transgender (TG/TS), Eunuchs, People who the scheduled follow-up visits along with
inject drugs (PWID) and Bridge Populations the regular medical check-up.

◄ At Prisons and other closed settings including juvenile homes -

Inmates of all prison settings and other treatment as per the programme guidelines.
closed settings, including juvenile homes, The NACP and NTEP programme follow
are subjected to 4-Symptoms TB screening the patients for treatment adherence post-
and are referred for testing & linked to release by the district-level field staff.


B. TB Preventive Treatment (TPT):

TPT is given to all eligible PLHIV after ruling 2022, more than 2 lakh PLHIV on active care
out TB. More than 95% of PLHIV in active have been given INH preventive treatment
care have been provided with TPT till Mar at the ART centres.
2022 through a single window delivery
mechanism at the ART centres. In the year

C. Airborne Infection Control

Airborne Infection Control (AIC) activities facility level as applicable. Moreover, Care
are inbuilt within the health system Cascade Monitoring is being done under
infection control settings and are being the programme for the TB HIV coinfected
monitored by the Hospital Infection Control as well as those who are on TPT.
Committee (HICC) at the institutional/

◄ Status of implementation:

▼ Single window delivery of TB and ▼ The linkage of HIV-TB co-infected

HIV services are being provided to all patients to Cotrimoxazole Preventive
PLHIV at the ART centre. Therapy (CPT) and Antiretroviral
Therapy in 2022 was 96% & 95%,
▼ Screening at ART centres- 97% of
respectively (source: NACP).
PLHIV visiting the ART centres every
month undergo 4-Symptom TB ▼ The TB treatment success rate for
screening. TB-HIV co-infected cases is 75% (2021
diagnostic cohort).
▼ More than 4 lakh PLHIV have been
offered rapid molecular testing via ▼ TB screening in prisons have been
NAAT for TB diagnosis in 2022 undertaken in 1262 prisons by the
NACP in the year 2022, 74% of the
▼ As per NACP, the total no. of TB HIV
prison inmates (84,619 out of 11,33,483)
-co-infected patients in 2022 are
have been screened for TB and 81% of
37,578. The management of these
the diagnosed TB cases (980 out of
cases is being jointly monitored by
1209) have been put on treatment.
the NTEP and NACP field staff.

Program priorities for 2023 are to strengthen existing intensified case-finding efforts at ICTC,
ART, TI sites, NCD clinics, Tobacco cessation sites, prisons and other key populations at risk,
monitor various care cascades, build the capacity of the various stakeholders from NACP,
NPCDCS, NTCP and NTEP, decentralisation of the diagnostic, treatment and monitoring
services with the health system approach. The programme also envisages implementing
a shorter regimen for TPT in priority populations such as diabetics, people using tobacco,
people having silicosis etc.


6.6 Childhood Tuberculosis
Children are more vulnerable to acquiring children and adults. TB is now the leading
TB infection and developing the disease cause of death from infectious diseases for
than adults, resulting in high morbidity children of all ages globally.
and mortality. TB in children has a similar
Regarding the site of the disease, although
preponderance in girls and boys, especially
pulmonary TB is the most common form in
younger children. Globally, in 2021, children
children, the proportion of Extrapulmonary
between 0-14 years of age constituted
tuberculosis (EPTB) was found to be
about 10.9% of the total estimated incident
between 28-32% consistently. Nevertheless,
TB cases (WHO Global TB Report, 2022). The
diagnosis of TB among children is
same age group contributed 14% to the total
comparatively more challenging, and
HIV-negative TB deaths. Infants and young
hence many cases are missed, diagnostic
children are at higher risk of developing
delays are frequent, leading to poor
life-threatening forms of TB disease (e.g.,
treatment outcomes.
disseminated TB, TB meningitis) than older

◄ Paediatric Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis:

Although Drug-resistant TB persists as a As per the modelling estimates, out of

significant public health threat for all age 25,000-32,000 children who develop MDR-
groups (adults and children), the burden TB globally, fewer than 5% are diagnosed
of MDR-TB/RR-TB remains stable globally. and receive treatment every year. At the
In addition, DR-TB for the paediatric age UN High-level Meeting (UN HLM) on TB,
group remains challenging globally and members agreed to a cumulative target
nationally. Evidence shows that the key of treating 1,15,000 MDR/RR paediatric. TB
reason for drug-resistant TB in children in cases between between 2018 and 2022.
India is mainly due to close contact with Against this, only 17,700 children with MDR/
a confirmed MDR-TB patient (usually an RR-TB have been treated till 2021 (Global TB
adult or adolescent) , rather than previously Report, 2022).
inadequate TB treatment.

◄ Paediatric TB Notification:

Although the years (2020 and 2021) of the notifications in the 0-14 years age group
COVID-19 pandemic saw a significant were done in India. The total number of
decline in the notification of newly pulmonary TB cases notified in this age
diagnosed TB due to far-reaching group was 68,872 and extrapulmonary TB
repercussions on diagnostic and treatment was 61,869.
services for TB, in 2022, 1,35,921 TB case


Private Sector Engagement:
The Memorandum of Understanding to this MoU, the IAP was to train 18,000
(MoU) between the NTEP and the Indian paediatricians and 2,000 NTEP Medical
Academy of Paediatricians (IAP) was Officers in the programme guidelines
signed with the objective of building relevant to paediatric TB through 300
capacity among the paediatricians and district-level Continuing Medical Education
the NTEP Medical Officers, in both public (CMEs). Despite the disruptions caused
and private sectors, for strengthening the by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAP has
diagnosis, notification, treatment and conducted 141 workshops in its branches
provision of public health actions for the and trained more than 9100 doctors.
management of paediatric TB. According

◄ Management of Paediatric TB under the NTEP:

To address the common diagnostic emergence of drug-resistant strains. For

challenges and improve diagnosis of treatment of DR-TB in children, shorter and
Paediatric TB, including DR-TB, especially longer oral regimens are available.
in young children, the NTEP-mandated
To provide TB preventive treatment, contact
upfront rapid molecular diagnostics in all
tracing of TB cases and diagnosis of TB
cases of presumptive Paediatric TB has
infection among vulnerable populations
been implemented across the country.
are essential activities for reducing the risk
The programme has introduced Fixed Drug of TB infection progressing to active TB
Combinations (FDCs) drug formulations disease. All household contacts of active
according to weight band for treatment of TB cases, including children of all ages, are
DS-TB to simplify treatment and avoid errors offered TB prevention services as per the
in missing one or more of the combination PMTPT Guidelines in India. More details can
drugs, thereby reducing the risk of the be found in the chapter on TB Prevention.

◄ Coordination with other National Programmes under the NHM:

To improve community awareness of management of children with Severe Acute

childhood TB, promote disease prevention, Malnutrition and TB has been drafted
and early detection of children with TB for incorporation into the Guidelines for
symptoms, TB screening in the paediatric Facility-based management of Severe Acute
population is ongoing through the Malnutrition in children to be released by
collaborative framework of NTEP with the the Children Health Division of RMNCH+A
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) programme. This will strengthen intensified
and Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram TB case finding and management through
(RKSK). provider-initiated pathway within Nutrition
Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs).
Comprehensive technical guidance
on facility and community - based


◄ Paediatric Centre of Excellence:

To serve as model centres for paediatric TB formation of a committee of clinical experts

care, support and treatment, the process at each pCoE for providing clinical guidance
of streamlining and implementing the to linked states, including through
objectives of two national and five regional Difficult to Treat Paediatric TB clinics will
paediatric Centres of Excellence (pCoE- be taken forward this year. In addition,
TB) is ongoing. The signing of a formal the preparation of an Activity Calendar
“Statement of Understanding” between (including training, Difficult to Treat Clinics,
the CTD, Institutes designated as pCoE workshops, CMEs etc.) and identification of
for Paediatric TB and State TB officials, Master Trainers at all pCoEs is also planned.

6.7. TB and Gender

TB affects people of all genders and all age experience TB differently. Evidence shows
groups. As per the National Prevalence that LGBTQIA++ persons experience
Survey, the TB incidence among men is discrimination and stigma in education,
comparatively more than women. employment, housing opportunities and
healthcare settings. These factors, in turn,
However, gender and sexual identity in
interact and determine exposure, risks,
themselves and their interaction with
vulnerability to TB, and health-seeking
other social identities construct systems
behaviour. Gendered vulnerabilities for
of privilege and oppression and, in turn,
women range from a perceived need to hide
are critical social determinants of health.
symptoms or possible illness due to stigma,
The entrenched gender roles and the
prioritising household and caretaking
power differential between and among
responsibilities, constrained decision-
heterosexual persons, women and sexual
making power, lack of mobility, and limited
minorities influence their access to
autonomy over financial resources.
employment, education opportunities,
financial resources, and decision-making In 2022, out of the total TB cases notified,
power. Despite the overwhelming incidence 14,71,190 (61%) were male, 9,48,190 (39%)
of TB in men, women and Lesbian, Gay, were female and 1,023 (<1%) belonged to
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, LQBTQIA++.
Asexual and Other Identities (LGBTQIA++)



Age 55-64


Age 35-44






Age 0-4

3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 0 1,00,000 2,00,000 3,00,000

Female Male

Figure 6.4: Age-sex distribution in TB case notifications (2022)

The National Framework for Gender- After the identification of Subject-matter

Responsive approach to TB in India experts across the country and the national-
endeavours to make TB care gender- level Training of Trainers of facilitators, five
responsive to the needs of persons of batches of regional-level workshops have
all genders and sexual orientations by been conducted. The modular nature
illustrating how sex, gender identity, of the training, incorporating newer
and sexual orientation interact as social learning and evidence, and focusing on
determinants for TB and, in turn, mediate the role of stigma in TB underdiagnosis is
health-seeking behaviour and access to complementary to the National Framework.
healthcare. The training sessions are based on the
core values central to the TB response,
By adopting a gender-responsive and
including respect for all, informed consent,
queer-affirmative programmatic approach
confidentiality, accountability, access for all
at all levels, the framework aims to tackle
and non-discriminatory behaviour.
discrimination and systemic stigma
towards all gender and sexual identities The primary objective of the training was
but not limited to cis men, cis women, and to enable the participants to develop
LGBTQIA++ persons. Additionally, based on gender-responsive and queer-affirmative
the recommendations from organisations, analysis and programming skills and, in
associations, and LGBTQIA++ communities’ turn, identify principal gender-responsive
collective, the framework has incorporated and queer-affirmative interventions along
suggestions and inputs to broaden the the Detect-Treat-Prevent-Build continuum.
scope of inclusivity of the framework The training session also ensured the
encompassing gender identities and sexual development and assessment of state
identities, including but not limited to cis action plans based on the fundamental
men, cis women, and LGBTQIA++ persons. principles of the training.


6.8. TB and Pregnancy
◄ Background:

As outlined in the previous section, as six times, while the risk of premature birth
although the burden of TB is higher in and low birth weight in mothers with active
men in India, women, particularly in the TB disease is twice as high. Implications
reproductive age group (15-49 years), of TB in pregnancy vary significantly,
during which many changes happen in a both short and long-term, and may result
woman’s body, may experience the disease in successive effects, such as repeated
differently. Moreover, diagnosing TB disease reproductive failure, fetal ill-health, preterm
in pregnant women becomes challenging delivery, and TB of new-borns and infants.
due to common non-specific symptoms in These complications, in turn, could lead to
both TB and Pregnancy. high maternal and perinatal morbidity and
The risk of perinatal death becomes as high

◄ Progress:

As per the NSP, pregnant women are one building the capacity of the healthcare
of the key populations in terms of their system to strengthen referral and linkages,
vulnerability to TB and considerable risk of both the programmes have integrated
morbidity. Accordingly, to reduce morbidity screening for TB within existing services
and mortality due to TB in pregnant of the maternal health programme with a
women and new-borns, the Collaborative focus on screening pregnant women for
Framework for Management of TB in TB during antenatal care (ANC) sessions,
Pregnant Women between NTEP, and establishing linkages for further diagnosis,
the Maternal Health Division, which was treatment and follow up. This has improved
released, provides guidance and outlines case finding among pregnant women to
activities for the management of TB in achieve optimum maternal and perinatal
Pregnant Women. outcomes.

With the aim of early diagnosis and initiation

of treatment, raising TB awareness and




Chapter 07
Supervision and

Supervision is a systematic process monitoring and evaluation of activities as a

for increasing efficiency of the health learning exercise.
personnel by enhancing their knowledge,
Monitoring is a continuous process of
skills, including soft skills for efficiently
collecting and analysing information
managing their tasks. Supervision is
to compare on how well a project or a
carried out in direct contact with the health
programme is performing against an
personnel. It is a two-way communication
expected result. Monitoring is a daily follow-
between supervisors and those being
up of activities to identify deviations and
supervised. The NTEP emphasises its roles
provide solutions/actions to bring back to
of supportive supervision and effective
correct course.


Ni-kshay: The most important part in the the ability to monitor patients real time
monitoring of the health services delivery is through reports, registers and dashboards.
the collection and collation of patient wise It captures all the components of service
data, which under NTEP is done through delivery from curative to preventive
“Ni-kshay”. It is a case-based web based services. The details of the same with the
real time patient management system updates in Ni-kshay will be explained in the
which offers the programme managers Chapter on “Ni-kshay and Surveillance”.

As part of Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation, the following activities are being
conducted by the programme.

◄ Joint Supportive Supervisory Mission to [AS & MD-NHM, JS (NTEP), DDG-TB].

the States/UTs.
◄ Special Central team visits to provide
◄ Review meetings – Both at the National supportive supervision and technical
level & Regional levels. assistance in implementing special
◄ Zonal Task Force Meetings.
◄ NRL and IRL visits and review by CTD
◄ Regular programmatic performance
review of the State programme
managers by the Officials of the MoHFW

National NTEP Review for the period

Jan-Dec 2022:
A two-day national NTEP review of the STOs Mission Directors of NHM from the
under the chairpersonship of AS&MD was states, State TB Officers, STDC Directors,
conducted on 12 & 13 January 2023 to assess representatives from State/UTs and WHO
the progress made so far and accordingly Consultants.
prepare for 2025. The participants included

During the meeting, the following new analytics tools to support in the planning and
monitoring of the programme were launched:

◄ “Ni-kshay TPT Dashboard” was launched burden of TB as an aid to the State/UTs in

by AS & MD, MOHFW. understanding the disease dynamics in
respective geographies was conducted
◄ Orientation on “TB modelling
with a hands-on demo for the State of
Dashboard” - which uses mathematical
Andhra Pradesh.
modelling to estimate and project the


Figure 7.1: National TB Review of the States and UTs by AS&MD, on 12-13 January 2023. On the Dias, along with
AS&MD NHM, JS(NTEP), MD-NHMs from various States/UTs and DDG-TB are present

National TB Review of the States and UTs by AS &

MD, MD on January 12 & 13, 2023. On the Dias: JS
(TB), MD-NHMs from various States/UTs and DDG-
The key actions points suggested to the States/UTs for appropriate action for gearing up to
2025 were as follows:

◄ Strengthening the cascade of care of TB audit with lessons from few State/UTs
Preventive Therapy, across the country. already implementing the same.

◄ Development and implementation ◄ Strengthening the engagement with

of models of “Sample collection and the private sector with emphasis on
transportation system” “Quality of TB Care services” being
provided to patients and families.
◄ Ensuring the entry of all “Presumptive
TB testing” across the health facilities in ◄ Expanding models of patient support
Ni-kshay, irrespective of methodology of systems being developed and
testing. implemented across the geographies
under “Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat
◄ Development and implementation of
Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA)”.
systems to reduce TB mortality - through
differentiated care approach, TB death


Monitoring indicators under the programme:
The programme is continuously being (Health), Mission Directors and District
monitored at the block, District, State/ Magistrates/ Collectors. The CTD also
UT, and National level by the respective releases quarterly, and bi-annual rankings
programme managers, with the aid of the of the states and districts based on the TB
reports and dashboards generated in the Score. This aids the states to identify the l
Ni-kshay database. The NTEP is part of all challenges and expedite their resolution.
the important health review meetings Ni-kshay Dashboard plays an important
held under the chairpersonship of Elected role in real-time monitoring of programme
representatives, Principal Secretary performance.

For continuous monitoring of the against every indicator. The individual
programmatic performance at all levels, indicators sum up to a total of 100.
a composite score is calculated from a
The TB index helps in objectively measuring
selected list of key performance indicators
the performance of the state and
from various thematic areas under NTEP.
identifying gaps/challenges for resolution
Appropriate weightage has been given
that are necessary for promoting a healthy
to each of these indicators and individual
competition towards ending TB.
States/UTs are scored for performance

The TB Index currently in usage consists of 9 indicators:

S. Parameter Indicator Score

No Allotted
1 Achievement of TB % of Target TB notification achieved 20
notification among the (Source: Ni-kshay)
targets identified.
2 HIV testing/ screening % of net TB notified patients with known HIV 10
of TB notified patients. status (Source: Ni-kshay)
3 UDST coverage among % of net TB notified patients with UDST done 10
the TB notified patients. (Source: Ni-kshay)
4 Treatment Success Rate Treatment Success Rate for net TB patients 15
of TB notified patients. (Source: Ni-kshay)
5 Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana % of Eligible beneficiaries paid at least once 10
implementation. under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana (Source: Ni-
6 DRTB treatment % of MDR/ RR patients initiated on treatment 15
initiation among the out of net diagnosed
diagnosed patients. (Source: PMDT Quarterly Reports )
7 Utilisation of the % of expenditure amongst ROP 10
allotted budget. (Source: PFMS)


8 Latent TB infection • % of children <5/<6 years given 5
management chemoprophylaxis against the total eligible
children identified (Source: Ni-kshay)
• % of PLHIV given IPT against total eligible 5
PLHIV (Source: NACP)
Table 7.1: TB Index currently in usage

Feedback mechanisms and field engagement plans:

▼ The TB scores for the States/UTs as advocacy. DO letters are sent from
well as the districts are calculated CTD at regular intervals to key state-
by the CTD quarterly. The quarterly level officials .
scores are updated on the Ni-kshay
▼ In many parts of the country, the
portal and utilised for performance
TB score is customised and utilised
for the review of the programme
▼ TB score helps the CTD to identify performance at the TB Unit level.
indicators of concern for a particular
▼ States as well as districts are
state or district and accordingly
encouraged to perform Internal
guidance is provided in terms of
Evaluation activities selecting districts
technical assistance as well as
as well as blocks with low TB scores.

State TB-score for 2022 (Top-5, States with

population <50 lakhs/>50 lakhs and UTs)
TB score) <50 LAKHS >50 LAKHS
1 Sikkim Himachal Pradesh Andaman and Nicobar
2 Tripura Odisha Ladakh
3 Goa Telangana Dadra & Nagar Haveli and
Daman & Diu
4 Nagaland Jammu & Kashmir Puducherry
5 Mizoram Kerala Lakshadweep

Evaluation forms an integral part of NTEP’s Office (State Internal Evaluations), Common
supervision and monitoring strategy. Review Mission (CRM) of the National Health
Evaluation of the programme activities is Mission as well as through the mechanism
conducted at all levels by the CTD (Joint of Joint Monitoring Mission (JMM). It acts
Supportive Supervision Mission), State TB as a tool for the programme managers to


evaluate if there are any good practices that assessing the quantitative and qualitative
are being followed and assess the quality performance of the NTEP (planning,
of services being provided to patients and implementation and service delivery) at
community. In 2022, the Central TB Division District and State/UT level and also support
along with the partner organisations through advocacy in obtaining high-level
decided to conduct the Joint Supportive politico-administrative commitment.
Supervision mission with the objective of

◄ Joint Supportive Supervision Mission (JSSM) 2022:

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected most of district as well as interacted with a selected
the field level supervision exercises over the sample of TB patients. The team provided
past two years (2020 and 2021). To identify extensive feedback and recommendations
the technical and administrative challenges to the state officials for necessary corrective
faced by the States/UTs as well as hand actions. In total, 12 teams were constituted
hold them, a nation-wide Joint Supportive whose members included Joint Secretary
Supervision Mission (JSSM) was planned (TB), DDG-TB, Senior officers from Central
across all State/UTs. Two districts (one each TB Division, heads as well as consultants
with high and low TB Index scores) were from development partners and other
selected from each State/UT. A standard partner organisations. Overall the
supervision checklist was provided to the supportive supervision visits to 27 States/
teams and the teams visited various health UTs were conducted and recommendations
facilities, discussed on persisting challenges addressing the vital gaps within both the
with different stakeholders associated with NTEP and overall health system were given.
TB and general health system in the given

Way Forward
◄ Joint Supportive Supervision Mission monitoring the quality of care and
to be conducted as an ongoing activity programmatic services provided to
on a regular basis as per gaps identified patients.
through systematic surveillance - in
y Revision of the TB Index - to be
select States/UTs and Districts.
made more comprehensive and
◄ Implementation of Regional Reviews simultaneously addressing the SDG
of the programmatic performance on a related goals/sub-indicators.
regular and periodic basis.
y Costing exercise - to understand
◄ Data validation protocol and annual the efficiency and effectiveness of
exercises for the following activities strategies being implemented under
are being developed to strengthen the the programme.
delivery and quality of services provided
by the programme.

y Data validation protocol for



Chapter 08

Patient Support

The National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2017-2025 of TB elimination by 2025. The NSP has
envisions a TB-free India with zero deaths, articulated the need for “Patient Support
disease and poverty due to TB. There is a Systems” to limit and eliminate out-of-
critical need for a patient-centric service pocket (OOP) expenditures during the
delivery approach to address the social treatment, support patient’s nutritional
determinants such as undernutrition, needs through financial incentives and
poverty and social stigma that allow TB create linkages to other social welfare
to persist & thrive and to achieve the goal schemes.


The key components of patient support provided
under the NTEP are:
a. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): is efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and
a major initiative of GoI whereby any accountability for each transaction.
government subsidy or benefit is to be
b. Call Centre Support: Support to the
transferred directly into the bank accounts
patient through a dedicated call centre
of the beneficiary, while intermediary
for addressing queries and providing tele-
agencies or stakeholders only manage
counselling on treatment.
the process of payments. This enhances

◄ a) Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)

The following DBT schemes are currently functional under the NTEP:

◄ Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana (NPY): The with an honorarium for supporting

Government of India launched the notified persons affected with TB who
NPY scheme in April 2018, for providing successfully complete their treatment.
financial incentives via DBT to all persons
◄ Notification & Treatment Outcome
affected with TB in order to support their
Incentive for Private Sector Providers
nutritional requirements during their
including informants incentive: Private
providers are also provided financial
◄ Transport support for TB patients incentives for both notifying persons
in notified tribal/hilly/difficult areas: affected with TB as well as reporting
Under this Scheme, one-time financial treatment outcome. In addition, any
incentive of Rs 750 is provided to notified person who refers a presumptive TB
persons affected with TB residing in patient to a health facility in the public
tribal/hilly/difficult areas. sector is eligible for an informant
incentive, if that person is subsequently
◄ Honorarium for Treatment Supporters:
diagnosed as affected with TB.
Treatment Supporters are provided


Some details about these schemes are as under:

DBT Schemes Beneficiary Benefit Amount

Ni-kshay Poshan • Confirmed TB Patients Rs 500 per month

Yojana (NPY) • DSTB & DRTB
• Public + Private Sector Patients
Tribal/hilly/ • Confirmed TB Patients residing in Rs 750 (one time)
difficult area Tribal/Hilly/Difficult blocks
Support Scheme
Treatment • Treatment Supporter • Rs 1,000 for DS TB patients
supporter’s • Rs 5,000 for DR TB patients
Incentive for Private Health Facilities: • Rs 500 as Informant or
Notification and • Practitioner / Clinic etc. (Single) Notification Incentive
Outcomes • Hospital/ Clinic/ Nursing • Rs. 500 for Outcome
Home etc. (Multi) declaration
• Laboratories Chemists
• Any person as informants
Table 8.1: DBT schemes with beneficiaries and benefit amount

◄ New incentives for ASHAs or Community health volunteers

Mission Steering Group of NHM in its 7th meeting approved the following additional
incentives for ASHAs or Community volunteers under NTEP:

◄ Incentives to ASHAs or Community completion: To include a TPT component

Health Volunteers for facilitating bank in treatment supporter honorarium
account seeding for achieving 100% bank scheme, a financial incentive of Rs. 250
account linkage for persons affected is provided to ASHAs or Community
with TB within 15 days of treatment Health Volunteers for successful
initiation, incentives at the rate of Rs. completion of TPT in a beneficiary for
50/- per patient to ASHAs or community whom they are treatment supporters.
health volunteers

◄ Incentive to ASHAs or Community

Health Volunteers for facilitating TPT

◄ Implementation Arrangements

To enable direct transfer of payments to the eligible beneficiaries, Ni-kshay has been
integrated with the Public Financial Management System (PFMS). DBT payments can be
processed to the eligible beneficiaries via Ni-kshay.


Scheme Beneficiaries Paid in No’s Amount Paid (in lacs)
2018-2022 2022 2018-2022 2022
Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana 7096402 1601896 208976 39605

Transport support for TB 475298 130157 3754 992

patients in notified tribal areas

Treatment Supporters’ 236750 40553 9442 783


Incentives for Private Sector 22753 14456 6897 1531

Providers and Informants

Table 8.2: Status of DBT schemes (as per Ni-kshay)

Novel Initiatives for monitoring and support:

◄ Informant module

The informant module was previously directly. The informant module has been
available only to private practitioners in Ni- further expanded and a feature to provide
kshay. Therefore, DBT payments to other informant incentives to general citizens has
beneficiaries were processed via PFMS been made live in Ni-kshay.

◄ Monitoring and support provided to States/UTs

NTEP has strengthened and implemented The Union, CHAI, NTSU and STSU. The visits
its monitoring mechanism and conducted are targeted to build capacity through
supervisory visits to 14 States with the hand holding and resolution of field queries
support of partner organizations i.e. WHO, related to DBT.

National TB Call Centre Support:

The National TB Call Centre - Ni-kshay in May-2018 and is currently operating
SAMPARK (1800-11-6666) is managed by from two sites - Noida & Pune. It provides
the Central TB Division and is operational inbound and outbound call services in 14
7 days in a week, from 7 am to 11 pm. The languages for all States & UTs.
operations of the Call Centre commenced


Role of the Ni-kshay SAMPARK:

1. Resolving queries related to TB for TB grievances. TB-GMS provides real-time

citizens, patients, public health providers online visibility on the status of grievances
and private health providers. and their pendency. It is used by the Call
Centre-Grievance Team/District TB Officers
2. Resolving queries of citizens/patients
(DTO)/ State TB Officers (STO)/Central TB
related to Hepatitis under National Viral
Division (CTD).
Hepatitis Control Programme (NVHCP).
6. IVRS (Interactive Voice Response
3. Tele-counselling to persons affected
System): National TB Call Centre has
with TB.
launched Origin Dependent Routing (ODR)
4. Satisfaction Survey of persons affected IVRS. ODR IVRS provides facility to callers to
with TB on NTEP services. choose to talk in their regional language
5. TB grievance management: National TB along with options of Hindi and English
Call Centre has launched a new online TB languages, and thus provides better
Grievance Management System (TB-GMS) interaction experience for callers.
pan India for improved transparency on

National TB Call Centre performance

(Jan-22 to Dec-22):

Total Calls (TB) Jan-22 to Dec-22

Inbound Calls (TB) 6.46 Lakhs

Outbound Calls (TB) 28.12 Lakhs

Total Calls (TB) 34.58 Lakhs

Table 8.3: National TB Call Centre performance (Jan–Dec 2022)


TB Calls (Inbound + Outbound)
(Jan to Dec-2022)














Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22

Figure 8.1: Count of TB calls managed by the National TB Call Centre

The National TB Call Centre is consistent in its efforts to support NTEP in achieving the goal of End TB.



Chapter 09
Partnerships under
National Tuberculosis
Elimination Programme

The National TB prevalence survey found approaches for private sector engagement.
that about 50% of the persons affected With all the efforts taken in the year 2022,
with TB seek care from the private sector. the private sector notification achieved
Hence, engaging the private sector forms was the highest ever, amounting to over 7
one of the key strategies for ending lacs. The implementation of the following
TB. Through the years, the states have approaches has been critical:
implemented context-specific need-based


▼ Patient Provider Support Agency adherence, comorbidity screening,
(PPSA): A PPSA acts as an interface universal drug susceptibility testing,
between NTEP and private follow up, contact investigation, long
healthcare system to provide end- term follow up). As per the RoP 2022-
to-end TB services to the patients 2024, PPSAs have been approved in
(including mapping and landscaping 385 districts, out of which they are
of private providers, notification, functional in 188 districts. The state-
linkage with free diagnostics and wise distribution is as follows:
treatment services, counselling and

SN State PPSA Functional Implementing Agencies

Approved PPSA
1 Andhra 10 10 Bhavya Health Services Private Limited
2 Assam 15 10 Doctors For You
3 Bihar 29 19 World Health Partner
Doctors For You
4 Chhattisgarh 6 6 HLFPPT
5 Delhi 25 0 -
6 Goa 2 2 Disha Foundation
7 Gujarat 39 17 HLFPPT
8 Haryana 6 0 -
9 Jammu & 2 0 -
10 Jharkhand 24 0 -
11 Madhya 52 29 Deepak Foundation
Pradesh Divya Jyoti Social Development Centre
12 Maharashtra 80 35 HLFPPT, Disha Foundation
Maharashtra Janvikas Kendra, Alert India,
Doctors For You
13 Manipur 2 0 -
14 Meghalaya 2 0 -
15 Mizoram 1 1 Youth For Action
16 Odisha 7 7 HLFPPT, World Health Partners, IMTS
17 Punjab 5 2 World Health Partners
18 Tamil Nadu 5 0 -
19 Telangana 10 10 Bhavya Health Services Private Limited
20 Uttar Pradesh 36 36 HLFPPT, Doctors For You
21 Uttarakhand 4 0 -
22 West Bengal 23 4 Anjana Ghosh Memorial Social Welfare Trust
Total 385 188
Table 9.1: State-wise distribution of PPSA


▼ Patient Provider Incentive Scheme ▼ Under the System for TB Elimination
(PPIS): Private Providers are in Private Sector (STEPS) approach, a
entitled to payments based on their single window solution is provided for
achievements across milestones notification, linkage for public health
in the TB care cascade. This actions, and treatment adherence
includes achievements in terms of support in private hospitals by
notifications, seeding patients’ bank identifying nodal persons from the
accounts, UDST, HIV & DM Testing, health facility itself. This is being
providing FDCs, and reporting practiced in Kerala and Karnataka. A
successful treatment outcomes. customized version of the model is
This model is being implemented being implemented in Coimbatore
in Rajasthan. district of Tamil Nadu.

Irrespective of the overall approach, the following measures are taken by the States to
enhance the involvement of private healthcare providers in the programme:

▼ Involvement of professional bodies ▼ Incentives for private providers for

like Indian Medical Association (IMA), notification, treatment outcomes or
Indian Academy of Pediatrics, FOGSI referral (wherever applicable).
etc. States have also gone one step
▼ Incentives to patients seeking care
ahead and engaged the chemist
from private sector in the form of
associations to ensure the local
Nikshay Poshan Yojana.
chemists selling the anti-TB drugs are
involved as well. ▼ Access to all public health actions to
patients either through an interface
▼ Provision of free diagnostics under
agency or existing NTEP staff or an
NTEP either through linkages with
assigned staff of the private health
the NAAT facilities under NTEP or
engagement with private laboratories
providing diagnostic facilities through
a formal MoU with NTEP.

▼ Provision of government FDCs to the

patients seeking care from private


In addition to the above, the states have communication and social mobilization
also partnered with private entities like (ACSM). These partnerships are being
local non-government organizations, availed by patients irrespective of the
private laboratories, to complement the sector they seek care from. Currently,
services being provided under NTEP. there are more than 300 such partnerships
These partnerships are mostly done across the country. Furthermore, there
for the provision of diagnostic services are many partner organizations, which
like microscopy, NAAT, X ray, pre- support the programme by implementing
treatment evaluation or other options like projects across the length and breadth of
sample collection and transportation, the country.
active case finding, advocacy,


Chapter 10

Multi Sectoral

Multi Sectoral Collaboration for TB Elimination

The mission to End TB needs a multi sectoral sectoral collaboration has become an
response through meaningful engagement integral part of NTEP for convergent action
and participation of all stakeholders and reaching out to the key populations
including key Ministries, corporates, public served by various Ministries/Public Sector
sector undertakings, civil society, etc. Multi Undertakings, civil society and other key


stakeholders. Important progress has has prioritized 23 key ministries and the
been made in multi sectoral engagement Niti Ayog for partnership and convergent
because of commitment at the highest actions. It has set its Terms of Reference
level. The National Inter-Ministerial Task (ToR) and has the intention to create a joint
Force (NIMTF) has been proposed and operational working group.

Ministry of
Ministry of
Minister of Minister of Consumer Affairs,
Home Affairs Coal Food & Public
Ministry of
Niti Housing Ministry of
Aayog and Urban Tribal Affairs
Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of
Ministry of
Heavy Youth Affairs & Rural
Industries Sports Development
Ministry of
Electronics and Ministry of Ministry of
Information Mines Defence
Ministry of
Ministry of Ministry of Ministry
Labour And
AYUSH DoNER of Panchayati
Ministry of Ministry of
Women and Ministry of Statistics and
Child Develop- Railways Program Imple-
ment mentation
Ministry of Ministry
Ministry of
Micro. Small & of Road
Petroleum and
Medium Transport and
Natural Gas
Enterprises Highways

Figure 10.1: All stakeholders including key Ministries

Efforts are being made by NTEP to engage protection for people infected and affected
key stakeholders including Ministries/ by TB, e) interventions toward TB-free
Departments of Govt. of India, Public Sector workplace, f) additional nutritional support
Undertakings/ Enterprises (PSUs/PSE), to persons affected with TB and g) leverage
corporates, business associations, chamber on Corporate Social Responsibility.
of commerce, civil society, and many
The partnership has been formalized with
others. The partnership and collaboration
key Ministries, Public Sector Undertakings
with multi-stakeholders aim to strengthen
(PSU) and business organizations
the national response against tuberculosis
by entering into Memorandums of
through garnering support for a) awareness
Understanding (MoUs). Subsequently, the
generation & vulnerability reduction, b)
Joint Action Plan and activities framework
integration of TB-related services in existing
for key institutions under the purview of
health infrastructure, c) linkage of persons
Ministries have been developed.
affected with TB to NTEP, and d) social


Key Ministries & other stakeholders with whom MoUs Date of formalization
have been signed

Department of Internal Security, MHA 30th June, 2022

Ministry of Panchayati Raj 8th July, 2022

National Highways Authority of India, MoRT&H 10th October, 2022

Department of Youth Affairs, MoYA&S 27th December, 2022

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), MoP&NG 28th December 2022

ASSOCHAM 2nd September, 2022

Table 10.1: Partnerships formalized between CTD, MoHFW and key Ministries and Business associations

Besides the above, several other ministries Efforts have also been made to address
such as the Ministry of Micro Small & the socio-economic determinants of TB.
Medium Enterprises and the Department Representatives from various line ministries
of Defence Production, preferably Defence and corporates have come forward to
PSUs, have been mobilized and have extend support to TB patients under
agreed for a Joint Action Plan. Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan

Collaboration between Department of Internal

Security, Ministry of Home Affairs and CTD
An MoU has been signed between the among the Central Armed Police Forces
Department of Internal Security, Ministry (CAPFs), NSG & AR through leveraging
of Home Affairs and Central TB Division, each other’s strengths and convergent
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to field actions. In this regard, the MoHFW
formalize partnerships for collaborative and Department of Internal Security have
efforts in the mission to END TB. The joint developed a Joint Action Plan to address
effort of both ministries has prospects TB amongst the workforce and their
to complement each other in achieving dependents in order to strengthen the
the larger objective of no incidence of TB national response against TB.


Collaboration between Ministry of Panchayati Raj
and CTD
The CTD has entered into a partnership ‘Sabki Yojana Sabka Vikas’ known as
with the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) Panchayat Development Plan (PDPs).
for convergent actions toward TB Mukt
Panchayats. An MoU has been signed
on 8th July, 2022 between MoHFW and
MoPR. Subsequently, a virtual meeting
was organized by CTD and MoPR on 29th
November 2022 to sensitize and to move
forward for collective actions towards
TB Mukt Panchayat. More than 1900
programme staff participated from across
the country including NTEP staff and
concerned nodal officers from Ministry
of Panchayati Raj in all States & UTs. The
Figure 10.2: Signing of MoU between NTEP and MoPR
meeting was an effort to include TB-related as part of multisectoral engagement towards TB
activities in the People’s Plan Campaign Elimination

Collaboration for TB Elimination in

North-Eastern Region
Strategic efforts have been made to States for accelerating TB response in NER.
strengthen TB response in the North- NEC has committed to extend possible
Eastern Region (NER) through coordinated support and add value to TB elimination
efforts of the North-Eastern Council (NEC), efforts in the NER by enhancing outreach
Ministry of Development of North Eastern to remotest areas, accelerating TB
Region (MoDoNER), CTD, MoHFW and State notification, enhancing nutritional support,
TB Cells (STCs) of the North East States of and extending socio-economic support
the country. as a holistic & integrated approach, which
are crucial to achieve the overarching
An important strategic meeting convened
mission of TB Mukt Bharat. The proposals
under the chairmanship of Shri Moses
have been developed by the North Eastern
Chalai, Secretary, NEC on 15th July 2022,
States and are being submitted to NEC for
had provided guidance, direction, and
consideration and further support.
possible collaboration with North Eastern


Meeting with the Ministry of Labour
& Employment
A strategic meeting was held under the Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI);
chairpersonship of Ms. Arti Ahuja, Secretary, Directorate General Labour Welfare (DGLW);
Ministry of Labour & Employment on Dattopant Thengadi National Board for
15th November 2022 for the inclusion Worker Education and Development
of TB-related services in existing health (DTNBWED) etc.
infrastructure like Employees State
A Standard of Procedure (SOP) is being
Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and
developed for engagement of various
participation of other organisations
institutions & organizations of MoLE.
like Directorate General of Mines Safety
(DGMS); Directorate General Factory Advice

Partnership with Indian Oil Corporation Limited

(IOCL), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has to supplement government efforts towards
joined hands with the CTD, MoHFW towards the mission of TB elimination.
strengthening the national response
There are several activities that have been
against TB. A MoU has been signed
envisaged under the project for the states
between Indian Oil Corporation Limited
of Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The
(IOCL), CTD, MoHFW, and State TB Cells of
major activities are donation of molecular
Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh on 28th
diagnostics (NAAT machines), hand-held
December 2022 in the august presence
X-ray machines, mobile medical vans, and
of Hon’ble Union Ministers of Ministry
field-level intervention for awareness and
of Health & Family Welfare and Ministry
Active Case Finding (ACF) for the state of
of Petroleum & Natural Gas. IOCL has
Uttar Pradesh.
agreed and committed to CSR-led project
‘Intensified Tuberculosis (TB) elimination
Project in Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh’

National Conference on Multi Sectoral &

Corporate Engagement
‘National Conference on Multi-sectoral organized by CTD, MoHFW in collaboration
& Corporate Engagement towards TB with The Union, IQVIA, and WHO India on
Elimination in India, Theme: Strategic 17th & 18th October 2022. The two days’
Innovations and Cross Learnings’ was conference witnessed the participation


of representatives of various Ministries, for TB elimination through multi-sectoral
officials of State Governments, State engagement, Sector and Population-
TB Cells, dignitaries, and senior-level based engagement and implementation
officials from corporates, public sector models, TB Free Workplace – Reaching
undertakings, and development partners. the unreached, State led initiatives for
The national conference was organized multi-sectoral engagement, Support of
with objectives to understand successful Associations (Business and Medical) in
models of multi-sectoral engagement multi-sectoral/ corporate engagement,
and to provide a platform for cross- Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan:
learning among stakeholders i.e., Govt. Ni-kshay Mitra, PSU led initiatives for TB
Departments, States, PSUs and Corporates. elimination, Successful initiatives from
states in multi-sectoral engagement,
There were several technical sessions
and Progress update in inter-ministerial
held at the national conference such as a
panel discussion on accelerating efforts

Corporate TB Pledge
Corporate TB Pledge (CTP) initiative was Associations, PSUs, Corporate hospitals
launched in 2019 by the Ministry of Health and several prestigious Corporates joined
& Family Welfare, Government of India the initiative, taking the total count to
and USAID India. The initiative is being 300. These corporations are from various
implemented by the International Union sectors such as the Tea Industry, Mining,
against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Engineering, Textile, Oil and Natural Gas,
(The Union) as part of the iDEFEAT TB Banking and Automobiles etc. This diverse
Project, which focuses on mobilizing the pool of stakeholders has been instrumental
corporate sector and providing technical in demonstrating intervention models
support to engage in various activities across sectors and populations.
and programs toward TB elimination. The
The initiative gathered momentum with
journey has been evolutionary with regard
the launch of the PMTBMBA by utilizing
to the contributions from the corporate
new platforms for advocating with the
corporate sector to come forward and join
For doing so, a focused approach was hands in the fight against TB. The Pledge
taken to introduce and sensitize STOs, holders actively participated in PMTBMBA
DTOs, and PPM Coordinators to corporate (Ni-kshay Mitra) and over 20,000 TB patients
sector engagement strategies so that the were adopted by 50 corporates for nutrition
strategies within the programme could support. Moreover, through CTP supported
be implemented through states and long- DR-TB Consortium, a platform for increasing
term sustainability can be ensured. participation of the corporate sector in DR-
TB space is also being provided.
As a result, in the year 2022, 151 new
stakeholders, including Business


Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) with ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
substantially high annual Corporate Ltd.) Bharuch, and Miniratna PSUs - MDL
Social Responsibility (CSR) outlay can (Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd.), NRL
contribute significantly to mitigate the (Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.), Mangalore
fund inadequacies for TB care by providing Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. (MRPL),
Corpus funds, adopting districts, donating Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd
diagnostic devices and through patient (GRSEL)., BDL (Bharat Dynamics Ltd.), CCL
adoption for providing nutrition. This was (Central Coalfields Ltd.), RITESL (Rail India
taken into consideration when approaching Technical and Economic Service Ltd.), and
PSUs. State level PSUs - RIICO (Rajasthan State
Industrial development and Investment
The prominent ones to join the league are
Corporation), GNFC (Gujarat Narmada
Maharatna PSUs - CIL (Coal India Ltd.), IOCL
Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd.).
(Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.) Vadodara,


Corporate hospitals can utilize their support continuing medical education
resources and expertise, bring in innovation (CME) & training of medical officers. This
and upgraded technology, extend their year, focused approach of mobilizing
facilities, provide additional infrastructural Corporate hospitals produced results and
and staff support, undertake active case many leading corporate hospitals joined
finding, establish microscopy centres, the initiative and demonstrated innovative
adopt patients for nutrition, develop best models.
practices for treatment adherence, and




Chapter 11

Community Engagement is key to improve has been mainstreamed for ensuring that
health service coverage and deliver communities are equal partners in our
accessible and people-centred integrated collective response to ending TB.
care. Community engagement, through
Under the NSP 2017-2025, a community-
the implementation of community-based
led response for TB has been incorporated
TB services as an integral part of the
as one of the key strategies to reach the
health systems, provides an opportunity
unreached and to support persons affected
to increase health service coverage and
with TB through their care cascade.
find the missing people with TB, while
Community engagement is the process of
ensuring that delivered care is safe,
partnering with and through communities
effective, efficient, equitable, and people
to address issues affecting their well-being,
centred. Globally, community engagement


including influencing systems and serving including civil society and community in
as catalysts for changing policies, programs programme planning and design, service
and practices to become more patient delivery, monitoring and in advocacy.
sensitive. These include Elected Representatives
and local self-governments, Civil Society
Efforts are being made under the NTEP
Organizations, industries, etc and TB
to actively engage various stakeholders
affected communities.

Engaging with TB affected Communities:

Persons affected with TB often face social of these strategies and bridge in gaps.
discrimination, due to society’s prejudice. Communities, especially those who had
They also have to face economic barriers gone through the experience of fighting
(for example, the cost of transport, ancillary TB, have the unique advantage of being
medicines and investigations in the private close to their peers, understanding the
sector). While there are existing strategies issues and field reality as well the ability to
under NTEP such as workplace policies, communicate and articulate their needs.
support for transportation, involving private The Programme promotes community-
sector in service delivery, and advocacy and based interventions for awareness creation
communication to increase awareness and and stigma reduction, screening and
mitigate stigma, it is very well established referral, treatment adherence support, etc.
that affected communities could play as a strategy.
a vital role in enhancing effectiveness

Institutional mechanisms for a community-led

response to TB:
TB Forums at National, State and District levels provide an institutional platform to include
community as an important stakeholder to improve the quality of TB services and making
the services patient centric. The TB forums consist of representations from people who
were affected by TB, elected representatives, policy makers, civil society organisations/
NGOs, and programme managers. Creation of community-led TB forums at the sub-district
and village level is also being facilitated.

TB Forums have the mandate to:

▼ To advice on ensuring patient centric and strategies for engaging

delivery of services and making communities and increasing
the Programme more responsive community participation in NTEP
to the needs of people, especially and provide feedback on their
of TB affected communities. implementation.

▼ To advice on formulation of policies ▼ To discuss community’s feedback on


critical gaps in service delivery and
National TB Forum
propose solutions to strengthen the

▼ To discuss concerns of TB affected State TB Forum

communities, including that
on TB related stigma & discrimination
District TB Forum
and of patient support requirements,
and advocate for their solutions.

▼ To identify and recognise (1) best Block TB Forum

practices across the country on
community engagement and (2) the
contribution made by community TB Patient Support
members, survivor networks and Champion Group
civil society organizations to the fight
Figure 11.1: Institutional mechanisms for a community-
against TB. led response to TB

The National TB Forum is being experts, etc. TB Forums have been

reconstituted after every two years with constituted in all States/UTs and District
civil society representatives and ICMR TB Forums are formed in 711 districts. Most
representatives as co-chairs. Equal of the States and Districts also reported
representation was ensured from line convening their meetings and discussing
ministries namely Ministry of Rural various issues.
Development, Ministry of Panchayati Raj,
Moving forward, the Programme plans to
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment,
set broader agendas for discussion and
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
monitoring of action taken on the decisions
departments, civil societies, affected
made in the meetings of TB Forum at
community, academicians, media, subject
various levels.

Key Community Engagement Activities

▼ Various models of engagement of Survivors to become TB Champions
TB affected communities in the has been developed, incorporating
programme are implemented in the newer initiatives in the programme.
country and includes capacity building A state level resource pool is made
and engagement of TB survivors available through a series of regional
as TB Champions, establishment of trainings that were conducted earlier.
Peer Support Groups, community led Through this, more than 3000 TB
mentoring and grievance redressal Champions underwent the 3-day
services, community feedback training and are now supporting the
through patient score cards, etc. programme.

▼ A standardised 3-day training ▼ For self-motivated citizens of the

curriculum for empowering TB country, a self-learning course for


TB Champions has been developed community engagement.
and launched on 9th February
▼ Different demonstration models
2022 on e-platforms and is made
are being piloted for engaging the
available through iGOT, TB Vani and
existing community structures
Swasth e-Gurukul. A certificate is
including the MAS, SHGs, PRIs,
auto generated upon successfully
etc. These models aim to provide
completing the course. Currently,
sustainable and integrated models to
more than 28,000 TB Champions have
achieve TB Mukt Bharat.
registered across all the platforms.
▼ The ‘National Workshop on
▼ Once trained, a TB Champion may
Best Practices in Community
document their activities through
Engagement for Ending TB’ was
a self - reporting mechanism. This
held in New Delhi on September 14-
feature has been made available
15, 2022. The consultation workshop
through Arogya Saathi app.
brought together the community,
▼ To reach out to the urban government, and national TB
communities, CTD held planning partners to a common platform to
meetings with the NUHM division, share, deliberate, and reflect on what
MoHFW. The meetings were held at has worked well, and the potential for
two levels – National and State levels. community-based models in ending
In the State level meeting, all STOs TB that could be adopted and scaled.
and nodal officers of NUHM were A compendium of the best practices
involved. Online orientation of NUHM showcased was published.
State officers was held involving
Mahila Arogya Samiti (MAS) for

Stories from the field

Andhra Pradesh: TB-DWCRA meetings

DWCRA (Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas) are self-help groups
consisting of 15-20 women each. They meet once a month to discuss their progress. These
meetings are being used as platforms for sensitisation regarding TB to create agents of
change in the society for the fight against TB. These meetings signify a collaboration of
NTEP with the Department of Women Development and Child Welfare.



Chapter 12
Advocacy, Communications
and Social Mobilisation (ACSM)

Jan Bhagidari (peoples’ participation) at scale to accelerate ending TB in India

“I believe that with this power of public participation, India will definitely be free from TB by the
year 2025.” - Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on Mann Ki Baat.

In 2018, India committed to accelerate its estimated and notified cases, scaled up
efforts to end TB in the country, thereby molecular diagnostics, and introduced
leading the achievement of the Global newer treatment regimens. It has also
Sustainable Development Goals for TB from aggressively taken to scale interventions
the front. India recognises that with several to accelerate demand generation for TB
socio-economic aspects associated with services in the country. This has been
it, TB is not just a mere medical challenge underlined by notable progress in political
but a significant social issue. Accordingly, and administrative commitment.
since 2018, NTEP has stepped up the supply
The ACSM National Technical Support
side services to plug the gap between the


Unit (NTSU) has been established. The The States focused on introducing the
unit supports scale up of TB ACSM same, contextualised to their unique
interventions and also provides guidance circumstances.
to the States to implement interventions.
The highest level of advocacy success
National-level systems and processes
for the programme has been the Prime
for strategic planning, budgeting,
Minister’s endorsement of Pradhan Mantri TB
monitoring, information-sharing and
Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (PMTMBA).
creation of communication content were
established for TB ACSM interventions.

Policy Level Interventions

Strategic Planning
For any plan to be effective and efficient, it implementation templates to develop
is critical that it is not ad-hoc, is sustained contextualised plans mapped to the
and is based on the expected result programme objectives were used to
and objective. This principle is equally develop the same. These formed the basis
applicable to TB ACSM as it is to the supply- of budgeting and were included in the
side interventions of the programme. PIP (2022-24) through an exclusive budget
Accordingly, a national workshop on ACSM line for ACSM interventions. A provision for
strategic planning was conducted in early supplementary PIP for 2023-24 was also
January 2022 to help States and Districts made to address additional requirements
plan their strategy and interventions right going forward. 25 States prepared their
at the beginning of the year. Planning and plans accordingly.

One of the most challenging parts of included in the Ni-kshay Portal. This set
ACSM interventions is their monitoring of eight composite indicators have been
and evaluation. Specific interventions that carefully chosen, post deliberations with
are large enough to be monitored and States, Districts and other stakeholders.
measured, require a systematic process Comprehensiveness, ease of data entry and
of baseline and end-line performance evidence are the key criteria applied to this
measurement. However, for a national monitoring process.
programme of the scale of the NTEP, and on
Capacity building sessions with State and
a mission mode at that, it is also very critical
District teams have been conducted. An
to monitor all the activities happening across
average of 22 States have been entering
the country. The objective is to gain regular,
the data every month since August 2022.
real-time insights of the interventions
Continuous and consistent follow-up
being carried out, and course-correct or
with the States and Districts is in place to
fortify as relevant. Therefore, in July 2022,
encourage data entry and documentation.
as a first, ACSM monitoring indicators were


Building Team Capacity
A series of virtual capacity-building sessions Topics such as social media engagement,
called #TBTuesdaySeries was initiated for editorial media engagement, convergence
State and District teams. Held on the 3rd or with other government agencies, and
4th Tuesday of every month, each session community engagement have been
focuses on a new theme related to ACSM. discussed over the nine sessions held
This initiative also provides an opportunity last year. Specific tool kits relevant to the
for cross-learning as States and Districts sessions were also designed and shared for
share their interventions, experiences, easy use by the States and Districts. Special
and outcomes. These sessions are widely state-specific sessions were also held based
attended and usually see a participation on requests for the same.
from over 700 attendees including STOs,
DTOs, IEC officers, PPMs, WHO consultants
and other stakeholders.

Mass Social Mobilisation Campaign

In order to take TB conversations centre- and Districts to report on the activities
stage, a three-week long, nation-wide implemented as a part of this campaign.
campaign was launched as a run-up to 24 States and 168 Districts reported their
World TB Day 2022. This campaign titled activities, suggesting that they reached
Poorn Sankalp Sanyukt Prayas commenced on out to over 2.1 million people through this
Ni-kshay Diwas - Feb 24, 2022. The objective campaign. These interventions spanned
of this campaign was to unlock unified TB ACF, media engagement, engagement
ACSM activities, at scale, within the same with elected representatives, pledges etc.
timeframe, across the country, thereby Media engagement at local levels was a
providing a multiplier to TB conversations. significant highlight during this campaign.
The campaign was branded, a set of ACSM A special pledge-taking initiative was also
activities to be conducted week-wise launched with MyGov and it received an
were outlined, toolkits were developed unprecedented 70,000 plus pledges in
and capacity-building sessions on the just over a month compared to the 90,000
same were conducted with the States. A pledges for TB that it received over a period
reporting format was also created for States of over two years.

Social Media Amplification

The last year, very specially, focussed and begin to use them in a robust and
on social media presence for the TB consistent manner. Uniform branding of
programme and organic amplification of official NTEP social media handles across
the same. The key idea was to ensure that the country, capacity-building sessions and
States and Districts open social media specific toolkits to support and guide the
accounts, become familiar with them, teams and active postings from the Central,


State and District social media handles has received 280,000+ mentions, reached
has resulted in stirring TB conversations 265 million and over 1.2 billion impressions
online. ‘TB Mukt Bharat’ was identified as during the period January-December 2022.
the uniform branding for all official NTEP
Key messages that are posted on social
social media handles followed by India
media like Twitter and Facebook include
(national)/State/District name. 350+ new
various aspects of TB disease, starting with
Twitter accounts and 220+ new Facebook
awareness on cough hygiene, seeking
accounts have been created at the State
care for symptoms, treatment completion,
and District levels. #TBMuktBharat was
availability of free diagnostic and treatment
established as the key mandatory hashtag
services in public hospitals, nutrition, and
for each post and it is also being promoted
by the MoHFW. According to a social
media analytics company, this hashtag

Figure 12.1: Young Generation lending hand as Ni-kshay Mitras to eliminate TB

Media Engagement
During the last year, efforts were also undertaken. This resulted in increased
made to ensure sustained editorial coverage across mainstream national and
spotlight on TB. These span regular and media outlets in print, digital, radio and TV
periodic programme-narrative documents, formats on various aspects of TB to improve
interventions around key calendar days (e.g. awareness on the disease, supportive
World TB Day), engagement with special government policies and interventions,
report releases (e.g. India TB report), op-eds and available support for patients as well as
and the narratives for key flagship events of caregivers.
the programme (e.g. Ni-kshay Mitra launch).
More than 700+ State and District officials
National TV programming on Sansad TV
were trained in how to engage with editorial
as well as radio programming on AIR were


media for greater media coverage and engagement activities, as well as providing
ensure effective, consistent dissemination customizable templates that can be used in
of TB messaging. To enable this, a toolkit was the process. This has resulted in increased
developed for editorial media engagement, and sustained media coverage on TB on
outlining how officials can conduct media State and District levels as well.

Celebrity Endorsement
Celebrity engagement with the
programme was undertaken very actively
over the year. At the beginning of the year,
iconic celebrities across entertainment and
sports industries pledged their support
to help end TB in the country. 12 such
celebrities featured in a special video,
pledging their support along with other
stakeholders, participating in the country’s
Jan Andolan against the disease. This video
was first played during the national World
TB Day 2022 celebrations and thereafter,
disseminated across various media

Shri Rajkumar Rao, Ms PV Sindhu, Shri Ravi

Kishan, and Dr. (H.C.) Deepa Malik joined
this mission to end TB as National Brand
Ambassadors of the programme. They have
begun to engage with the programme
through diverse interventions. Dr. (H.C.)
Deepa Malik visited the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare Pavilion at the 41st
India International Trade Fair at Pragati
Maidan, New Delhi. Being a TB survivor
herself, her presence and engagement
with the audience was very encouraging.
Figure 12.2: Ms PV Sindhu urging followers to
She has also joined the mission as a Ni-
become a Ni-kshay Mitra
kshay Mitra and has adopted five PwTB to
provide nutritional support. Mr. Ravi Kishan,
an elected representative from Gorakhpur,
Uttar Pradesh, is also a famous actor and
nominated as TB Brand Ambassador, also
became a Ni-kshay Mitra by adopting
TB patients.


Campaigns to Nudge Health-Seeking Behaviour
Communication campaigns were The protocol laid down also suggests bi-
developed centrally and then shared with directional screening for the two diseases.
the States for dissemination. This was done Given the pandemic, the virus was also on
with the objective of rolling out uniform, the mind for everyone last year and it has
nation-wide communication campaigns. changed people’s attitudes and behaviours
towards health issues. Therefore, leveraging
The link between Covid-19 and TB has been
the salience of the disease, a campaign with
established. Covid-19 affected patients are
a Covid-19 connect was designed to increase
more prone to contracting active TB due
TB awareness and encourage screening,
to the resultant impact of the virus on the
and testing. Many States implemented this
respiratory system. Additionally, active
campaign through various platforms.
TB is a comorbidity that attracts Covid-19.

National Workshop on Advocacy, Communications

and Social Mobilisation (ACSM): 7- 8th December,
2022 New Delhi
The first ever National Workshop on ACSM media engagement, use of videos, wall
was organised for the NTEP teams, by the paintings, PRI engagement, engagement
ACSM-NTSU, in collaboration with the CTD. with elected representatives etc. States
The key objective of the workshop was to were also given an area to display ACSM
encourage cross learning among the States material that they have been using in their
and to reinforce the importance of ACSM States. Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and
to end TB in India. Additionally, speakers Gujarat were felicitated as the top three
from eminent organisations discussed entries.
and advised on crucial aspects for TB
80% of the participants agreed that
ACSM interventions - communication
they have gained ACSM knowledge over
design, content creation and delivery,
the year and most agreed that, while
measurement, and learnings from other
significant progress was made last year,
programmes (Swachh Bharat, HIV, COVID),
there is enough scope for the team to
engagement with media, PRI engagement,
collectively do more. The consensus was
and digital media – through various panel
that TB communication, in the immediate
discussions and presentations.
time frame, should be targeted at the
Prior to the workshop, applications were general population and should focus on
invited from the States on ‘Best Practices early diagnosis and prevention.
on ACSM’. 15 State entries were selected
Over 100 participants from across India,
by an evaluation committee, from among
and nearly 30 nearly 30 panellists and
the 22 submissions. These States made
moderators participated in this learning
their presentations during the workshop
exercise. It saw an overwhelming
spanning various ACSM topics from editorial
participation from close to 30 States, senior


CTD officials, State TB officers (STOs), IEC successful milestone to another. ACSM
officers, WHO consultants, TB champions, interventions have been planned with this
and several other NTEP partners joined this philosophy. Diverse interventions spanning
learning exercise. adding ACSM teams, building capacity,
scientific planning and budgeting, effective
The Jan Andolan to end TB has begun with implementation of interventions, review
great motivation and garnered enormous and monitoring processes will be the focus
momentum, which in the coming years of ACSM over the next year.
we will see the efforts move from one

“We reaffirm the commitment to make India TB-free by 2025 by ensuring access to
quality healthcare & advanced treatment. Together we can and we will eliminate TB
and work towards a healthy and disease-free India”

- Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister of Health and

Family Welfare



Chapter 13
and Best
This chapter captures the best practices and that apply systems thinking to health
success stories designed and implemented problems such as the use of information
in various geographies in response to technology to strengthen continuum of
a specific problem to improve a health TB care cascade and to addressing human
outcome of the patient or addressing a resource shortages and challenges in
health system related challenge. This may capacity building, and innovations that
include (but are not limited to) innovations address the other needs of the programme.


Under this chapter, the various best practices, and innovations from different States/UTs
have been categorised into the following:

• Best Practices

• Innovations from States/UTs

• Voices from the Field

Best Practices

1. Multisectoral engagement:

i. Nalumanipookal – Flowers that bloom at
4 o’clock – an innovation combining women
empowerment, community participation and
peer education to fight against stigma and
This project was conceptualised by the to take ownership of TB elimination mission
District TB Officer involving one of the with the goal of TB free NHGs. Handbooks
largest women’s networks in the world, with information regarding TB in local
the District Kudumbasree mission and language were given to all 12, 536 NHGs
piloted in the district with the approval covering a population of approximately
from district administration. Project aimed 1,88,000 women which were to be
at “behavioural change communication, discussed by the NHG leader with the
knowledge dissemination, attitude group of 10-15 women assembled in the
change and reduction of stigma and weekly meeting. A google screening and
discrimination” among general public feedback form were to be filled at the end of
incorporating elements such as women discussion and a photograph to be shared
empowerment through peer education in the Whatsapp group exclusively created
and community participation encouraging for live documentation and monitoring by
neighbourhood groups (NHGs) of women district authorities. During the pilot phase


itself more than 5000 NHGs submitted the in screening of members of the family
google forms. This has catered in making through the NHG members.
TB a household discussion topic and helped

ii. Nupaal sample collection unit –

A microenterprise by a group of women
spearheading a cost- effective sputum hub and
spoke mechanism

A new beginning was required to revive the PHIs were mapped and divided into 9
sputum transportation across Idukki, the routes covering 4-5 PHIs and each route
second largest district in the state with 90% covering around 100-180 kilometres
area covered in forests and mountainous depending on the area. These women were
terrains with mostly rural population. When trained and were provided customised
the direction for upfront molecular testing bags which contained racks to hold the
came from the state TB cell, our challenge tubes containing the sample (Figure-2).
was to find a cost effective as well as efficient This way their safety and convenience were
way of arranging transportation from periphery ensured. They travel predesignated routes
to the nearest NAAT site. DTO discussed to bring samples from periphery to the
the issue with the District Programme molecular testing sites. This has ensured
Manager of Start-up village ownership in giving upfront molecular testing to all
programme (SVEP), Kudumbasree and vulnerable groups and those referred by
devised a plan. A group of 9 motivated both doctors. Currently more than 50% of
women agreed to be sputum transporters. such samples come from over 100 kms
An MoU was signed between the District and cost of sample transportation is Rs.96/
Kudumbasree mission coordinator, DTO sample from any part of the district to the
and the president of microenterprise. All nearest molecular testing site.

i. Employer led model for TB and Diabetes care in
BEST, Mumbai, India
Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and an employer led model and intensified TB
Transport Undertaking (BEST, Mumbai) and Diabetes screening activities through
provides health care services to 30000 of programmatic collaborations (Figure No.
its employees through a network of 26 13.1). This strategy was carried out from
dispensaries across Mumbai. BEST adopted November 2021 to June 2022 with active


support from Mumbai District TB Control were further subjected to detailed clinical
Society of Municipal Corporation of Greater examination and sputum examination
Mumbai. Of the 1200 BEST employees through NAAT. Of these, one individual
enrolled as diabetic, 1127 (94%) diabetic was diagnosed as micro-biologically
employees who volunteered were screened confirmed TB and the other one was
for TB by both clinical examination and clinically diagnosed as TB. Both of these
a chest Xray. Eleven individuals, reported individuals have successfully completed the
to have an abnormal lesion in chest X-ray treatment.

Process flow of Employer led model for TB DB Care

X Ray and Clinical Evaluation

No abnormality
detected on Xray
Xray 11

Conducted Regular
Follow ups

detected 10 detected 1
Initiated on
treatment 2

Further Clinical

History of No history Ruling out

TB 9 of TB 1 differential

Figure 13.1: Employer model of care followed by BEST

Lessons learnt

An integrated approach for solving the burden of TB-DM through workplace policies
leads to earlier diagnosis, successful treatment outcomes and most importantly curbs
the transmission of TB. Such workplace policies through collaborations can help take
NTEP services to the unreached and simultaneously makes the workplace environment
conducive and more productive.


2. Health systems strengthening

West Bengal
i. Implementation of Tuberculosis Death
Surveillance & Response (TBDSR)

In consonance with the End TB targets for mortality, the state has initiated a systematic
and structured approach to TB death analysis within the ambit of “Tuberculosis Death
Surveillance & Response”. The primary objective of TB-DSR is to capture all TB deaths both
from public and private sector, identify level of delays (both at community & facility level),
ascertain knowledge, attitude and health seeking behaviour in the community regarding
TB disease, socio-demographic factors related to TB deaths and take corrective measures
to avert such deaths in future.


TB-DSR process envisages prompt reporting of TB deaths within 24 hours in a prescribed

First Investigation Report format, conducting community-based review by a team of field-
level workers led by a MO and a facility-based TB death review within the stipulated time
frame of 21 days. Thereafter, all TB deaths are reviewed by CMOH of the districts and a few
select cases are reviewed by District Magistrate in presence of relatives of the deceased.


Following implementation of TB-DSR, the identified preventable causes are being

addressed and the TB death rate has declined from 6% in 2021 to 5% in 2022.

i. Integration of TB infection testing with
Telangana Diagnostics (TD)

Under the National Free Drugs & Free Diagnostics Services initiative, NTEP Telangana
decided to leverage upon the existing in-house Telangana Diagnostics (TD) platform for
IGRA testing through a hub and spoke model, wherein a Hub would be at district level
catering to all Health Facilities as Spokes in the periphery. Training & infrastructure needs
assessment was done followed by advocacy with CH&FW and TD team for piloting in 2


districts. After successful implementation, this was scaled up to all 20 existing hubs which
catered to all districts of Telangana.

Outcome of the pilot:

A total of 2712 IGRA tests have been done in 8 districts, of which 48% are found to be positive
for TBI. The intervention reduced patient travel as well as turnaround time for results and
paved the way for early initiation of TPT for eligible beneficiaries.

Way forward:

(a) Scaling up IGRA testing services to all 33 districts, as and when TD hubs are established
in the remaining 13 districts, (b) leveraging the sputum transportation mechanism for
TBI and TB diagnosis, (c) the TD hubs to be utilised for providing baseline investigation
to all TB patients and for ensuring differentiated care for TB patients by integrating with

Himachal Pradesh
i. Drone-a new vehicle for drug and sputum
sample transportation in District Mandi in
Himachal Pradesh

The mountainous terrain of District Mandi in Himachal Pradesh has several difficult to
reach areas and accordingly the timely transportation of sputum samples and TB durgs is
often a challenge.


Following a MoU between a private service provider company and NHM (HP), an intervention
on sputum sample transportation and TB drugs transportation was rolled out in Janjehli
health block in September 2022.


Total 28 flights had been taken till 31 Jan 2023 between DTC Mandi, Block HQ Janjehli,
and different PHIs. Sputum samples were transported from peripheral institutions to DTC
for testing in NAAT and TB drugs were transported from DTC to Block HQ in a few return
flights. It takes more than 4 hours to cover a road distance of 90 km between DTC and the
block HQ, however, Drone covered an average aerial distance of 40 km in each flight within
50 minutes at a unit cost of Rs 45/Km. Usage of drones reduced the transportation time
and operational costs to one fourth.


Conclusion and Way Forward:

Use of drones is feasible, efficient and cost

effective in transportation of samples and
drugs; however, it has immense importance
in mountainous geographies and terrains
having limited access. The State is in the
process of expanding drone’s services in
other geographies with additional services
for patients in the coming year.

Figure 13.2: Drone being utilized for Sample collection

and transport at District Una, Himachal Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh
i. Observation of the Monthly Integrated Ni-kshay
Diwas for TB elimination

It was decided to observe the 15th day of every month as Ni-kshay Diwas across all health
establishments including private practitioners to cover a wide spectrum of services from
health promotion to retrieval of patients who were lost to follow up.


Preparatory activities were done with involvement of ASHA workers informing the
community about Ni-kshay Diwas and identifying presumptive TB cases for their mobilisation
to the nearest health facility. Banners on Ni-kshay Diwas and TB-related messages through
LED screens were displayed across all HWCs, CHCs, PHCs, District Hospitals and Medical

On Ni-kshay Diwas, following activities are envisaged:

▼ It is attempted to refer 10% of total OPD the Ni-kshay and e-Kawach platforms,
cases for presumptive TB testing. specimen transport to the nearest TB
diagnostic centre through a network
▼ Comorbidity testing, enrollment on
of “sample transporters’’ and further


appropriate management consisting on sputum examination are offered
of bank account seeding and universal X-Ray.
drug susceptibility testing for notified
▼ Retrieval of lost to follow up patients
TB patients are ensured for the
with involvement of block level health
officers, treatment supporters, Gram
▼ All private practitioners are encouraged Pradhans and ASHA workers is also an
to notify TB cases followed by contact important activity on Ni-kshay Diwas.
tracing and follow up of patients.
▼ All activities are reviewed at all levels
▼ Presumptive TB Patients tested negative after completion of Ni-kshay Diwas.

Integrated Ni-kshay Diwas:

To leverage on activities of Ni-kshay Diwas, ‘Integrated Ni-kshay Diwas’ initiative was

launched in January 2023 with incorporation of Leprosy, Kala Azar and Filariasis control
strategies with TB activities.


31,030 presumptive cases were examined and 1312 (4.2%) cases were diagnosed with TB in
two rounds of Ni-kshay Diwas during December 2022 & January 2023. 1142 lost to follow up
patients were retrieved across the State during these rounds.

“Mhaaro Gaon, TB Na Pasaare Paon”- “TB Mukt
Gram Panchayat Abhiyaan”
NTEP Rajasthan with collaboration with Panchayati Raj department has been organising
the “TB Mukt Gram Panchayat” campaign from August 15, 2022 to achieve the goal of
elimination of tuberculosis in the state. Effective leadership and participation at the gram
panchayat level is essential for a TB-free village.

Overall approach:

Under the campaign, 5 Gram panchayats/ government teachers, religious groups and
wards have been identified in each TB unit voluntary organisations and other members.
for the goal of “TB-free Gram Panchayat”
TB champions have been identified at the
and a Patient Support Group (PSG) of 10 to
panchayat level and awareness activities
12 members has been formed, consisting of
have been organised by them in the
the Sarpanch, Deputy Sarpanch, Panchayat
presence of local Panchayat leaders. Ni-
Secretary, Medical Officers, TB champions,
Kshay Gram Sabha was organised all over
CHOs, ANMs, ASHA, Anganwadi workers,
the state on days of national importance


like 15th August 2022, 2nd Oct 2022, and 26th Panchayati Raj Department. TB Pledge
January 2023 in collaboration with the campaign was organised on Republic Day.

Key activities conducted:

1. Case finding- Active and Passive (including post-TB, post-COVID and other vulnerable

2. Community awareness activities

3. Community support activities (Ni-Kshay Sambal Yojana)

4. Public health action of current TB patients including TPT to contacts.

Table 13.1: Outcomes (as on date)

Gram Panchayat/Urban wards identified 1440

TB champions identified 1316

Gram Panchayat/Urban wards with an ACSM plan 1311

Active case finding-1st round 17th Oct - 12th Nov 2022

Total population screened 20,83,213

Total presumptive referred for testing 17637

TB positives found 163

Active case finding-2nd round 26th Jan - 12th Feb 2023

Scale-up Plan: State intends to scale this campaign to all Panchayats of the state by year

Innovations in this campaign:

Evaluation committee - A team of Rajasthan Campaign, was the objective of

technical experts led by AIIMS Jodhpur DMHFW, GoR that envisions to complete
in collaboration with IIT Jodhpur has the loop of health care delivery services at
been constituted to design an evaluation community level by developing a digital
mechanism in identified geographies. repository of beneficiaries and providing
the continuum of care throughout their life
ACF Hindi app - TB Screening Module in the
cycle. The entire ACF has been conducted
Community Health Integrated Platform-
in a paperless manner through an Hindi-
CHIP was implemented in collaboration with
based ASHA/ANM app.
Khushi Baby, the technical support partner
of DMHFW, GoR. The “CHIP” under Nirogi Ni-kshay Mela - was organised in all


districts to create awareness about TB in geographies will be felicitated at the
communities across the geographies on state level on 22nd March in the state-level
7th Feb 2023. World TB Day function & identified TB Free
panchayats will be felicitated in state-level
The campaign will conclude in the 1st
function to be organised on 24th April 2023,
week of March after which evaluation
National Panchayat Day.
shall be conducted. The best-performing

i. Wardha District TB Centre along with Rotary
Club of Gandhi City, Wardha collaborated in the
establishment of Vocational skill Training centre
for the Treatment completed TB patients.
Rotary Club and Wardha DTC has jointly and NTEP staff and other Rotary club
envisaged employment generation for members.
ten treatment completed TB patients by
Through PMTBMBA, Rotary club of Wardha
delivering vocational skills and Vocational
district had adopted 50 TB patients for
skill training centre has been established
6 months and Nutritional kits had been
and inaugurated on 3/2/2023 in presence
distributed by them. Out of which 10
of District Health Officer Dr. Raj Paradkar,
patients who completed the treatment
Rotary club President Mr. Shailesh Sinhal,
were identified and offered the training for
DTO Dr Madhuri Dighekar and Nilima
developing the skill of sewing in order to
Bangre Project co-ordinator sewing skill
create employment opportunities.
training, special guest Mr. Hiraman Lanje

3. Partnerships

Tamil Nadu

i. FAST – Unite to end TB in Tamil Nadu

“FAST (Find, Assess, Support and Treat) This is to assure standards of TB care for all
centres” - is being organised as a single TB patients diagnosed in the private sector
window system for notification of patients as well as to enhance the participation
diagnosed in OPD/IPD from all departments and support of all private hospitals and
of private facilities, linkage for public health professional organisations in TB elimination
actions and treatment adherence support. activities by forming a consortium.


Figure 13.3: FAST – Unite to end TB in Tamil Nadu

Preliminary experience from Coimbatore:

The Consortium and the Coalition was HIV and Diabetes has increased in these
formed under the Chairmanship of centres (HIV – 46% in 2019 and 93% in 2022;
the District Collector in 2022. To date, DM- 18% in 2019 and 94% in 2022). Contact
21 individual FAST centres have been tracing visits have increased about 6 times
established and in 2022, notification from in these (732 in 2022 and 94 in 2019) FAST
FAST centres have been increased by 47% centres. In 2022, around 82% (616) of the
(755) compared to 2019 (512). The gain patients received nutritional support via
in non-FAST centres notification in 2022 DBT NPY in these facilities which was
was only 19% (725 in 2019 vs 866 in 2022). higher than in the pre-FAST period (67.4%
Compared to 2019, comorbidity testing for in 2019).

Way forward:

▼ Scaling up of FAST centres to all the nearest HUB- FAST centre for referral as
hospitals in the entire district. STS/ HUB and Spoke model.
TBHVs will be linked with FAST centres
▼ TB death audit review by the FAST
for routine supervisory visits and will be
hospitals in the monthly death audits.
reviewed at the district level monthly.
▼ Annual felicitation of the best performing
▼ Private clinics/nursing homes without
FAST centres by District Collector.
diagnostic capacity will be linked to the


i. PPIS-Patient provider incentive scheme
“Rajasthan, in the month of August ’20 Rajasthan State Patient Provider Incentive
initiated a novel approach to engage Scheme was launched on 15th August 2020,
private providers directly & named it as by Directorate Medical and Health Services
‘Patient Provider Incentive Scheme’, which Rajasthan in 26 districts. On 15th August
aims to engage & partner with all Private 2021, PPIS was rolled-out in the remaining
Health Facilities while ensuring quality 8 districts, to complement private sector
diagnostics, drugs and treatment services contribution in NTEP, thereby completing
to all patients. This novel approach laid the coverage across all 34 districts of
due emphasis on PPP ~ Patient-Provider the State. In addition, for smooth and
Partnership & is aimed to carve out a way streamlined implementation of the same,
for upcoming engagements with support operational guidelines were developed and
from every touch point that patient revised in consensus with a diverse group
interacts and avails service(s).” of subject experts and stakeholders.

S No. Indicator Year 2022

1. No of Private providers engaged 6764
2. no of newly onboarded PPs 660
3. No of TB notification 42717-Contributed to 25 % of total
TB notifications by the state
4. No of treatment initiated 97%
Table 13.2: Outcome of the initiative in Rajasthan

Innovations from States/UTs:

Tamil Nadu

i. Tamil Nadu Kaasonoi Erapilla Thittam (TN-KET)

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the reported undernutrition, respiratory insufficiency or
TB mortality rate in Tamil Nadu increased poor performance status were detected at
to 6.4% and 70% deaths were within two diagnosis using a paper-based triage tool
months (early deaths). To reduce TB deaths, and prioritised immediately for referral,
starting April 2022, adults with very severe comprehensive assessment and inpatient


care (see Figure). 150 nodal inpatient Outcome: Between April and December
care facilities (≈900 TB beds earmarked) 2022, of 42 616 diagnosed, 39 708 (93%)
were identified (with a nodal physician) were triaged and 4664 (11%) were eligible
and provided a case record form for for referral. Of 4664 eligible, 3291 (71%) were
comprehensive assessment of referral referred, comprehensively assessed and
patients and an inpatient care guide. This confirmed as severely ill. Of 3291 confirmed,
initiative called as Tamil Nadu Kasanoi 3102 (94%) were admitted for inpatient care.
Erappila Thittam (TN-KET, meaning TB The median time from diagnosis to triaging
death-free initiative in Tamil) is jointly led to admission was one day and admission
by State TB cell and ICMR-National Institute duration was five days. In December 2022,
of Epidemiology and implemented as a the confirmation of severe illness among
health system initiative by existing health eligible people improved to 88%. The
workforce. median admission duration increased to
six days.

Figure 13.4: Brief on the inpatient support and the flow of services provided


To conclude, in 2022, the TN-KET care cascade was set up with minimal losses and delays.
2023 will be the year to focus on quality inpatient care and reduction of TB mortality.


Voices from the field

Madhya Pradesh
i. Inspiring story of a TB-PLHIV patient from
Madhya Pradesh:
Namaste, My name is Balram Dewda, opportunity to understand the disease with
residing in a small village “Bhatoni Parmar” the help of the District TB Officer who kept
of District Dewas. I have been diagnosed all my spirit up & motivated throughout
with HIV since my birth and on ART for the treatment. This was a turning point in
the past 21 years. Despite being a CLHIV, I my life and after which I decided tha I will
started my journey in a very positive way and contribute more to this social problem
in 2008 I learned about life & career related and contribute as much as I can in “TB
skills with support from UNICEF. After that Harega-Desh Jeetega ‘’. I got trained as a
I got the opportunity to represent my State “TB Champion’’. I worked as a Community
Madhya Pradesh in a National workshop for Volunteer during the SNC survey for District
creating awareness about HIV and removal Dewas in 2021 and in 2022. During my entire
of stigma associated with the disease and journey I got the chance to be the part of
it was well appreciated by many along with many “State level Network/Committees as
an award for the efforts. This boosted my State level Network for PLHIV/AIDS Board”
confidence and made me participate and as member and “Helping Hand Network for
provide support in many other social welfare TB survivals” as President. All these efforts
awareness campaigns other than HIV. At a give me the pleasure of being blessed
later point in life, I was diagnosed with TB. as “Human in this life”. I pledge to give all
I completed my treatment successfully my contributions to help the society win
and also used this period as a learning against these two diseases.

i. Fighting all odds- A journey of a TB Champion
from a tribal state of Meghalaya
Mr. Andrew Marbaniang comes as a normal TB elimination, he volunteered during the
youngster, but he has braved Tuberculosis Sub National Certificate at East Khasi Hills
and is a proud TB champion today. Mr District, for the year 2022-23.
Andrew is now an active and trained TB
Andrew Marbaniang comes from Mawlai
Champion in the state where he is also
Motsyiar and he belongs to a Khasi tribal
engaged as a Master Trainer for other TB
community from East Khasi Hills District of
Champion. With his dedication towards


Meghalaya. Before having TB in 2014, he was in NEHU in 2016 along with the treatment.
studying B.A, final year. During that year, 3 of During my treatment, I was not the same
his family members underwent treatment individual as I was before TB happened to
for TB. Andrew was diagnosed with TB in me! The stigma from society and people I
2015 and finished his treatment in 2017 while am in contact with had made me withdraw
he was pursuing his master’s degree. inside my shell to block people out and shut
everyone off. I gradually started isolating
As Andrew puts it ‘My struggle with TB had
myself from my loved ones and everyone I
been three long years of my sufferings. I
knew. Being alone with only my thoughts to
began to lose weight and became fragile
accompany me, I drifted further and further
and thin. Many people who knew me
into depression. Thoughts like losing my
were concerned about my weight loss
loved ones was the biggest fear I had. That
but I was too afraid to tell them about my
scenario left me restless.
situation. Fearing they will cast me aside
and judge me. I remember when I was My ambition when it comes to TB is to
in my final years of college and medically share with the people that stigmatisation
they recommended I should skip giving my is a curse to society since it has made
final examination. The fact that I could be a many people back down/withdraw from
potential carrier and medium to TB spread the treatment. We should tell people they
scared me. From my side I wanted to give need to have patience with their treatment.
the examination badly, the reason being To rely on and have trust in the treatment
that my family cannot bear my educational they are being given. From people’s
expenses if I must start college from the perspectives, they should be dedicated to
first year again. Since at that time we had the treatment given and they should have
some financial crises, such as having TB a mutual collaboration from both sides.
all my family members struggled to make
The message I want to share with those who
ends meet”.
are currently struggling with TB is that I and
Andrew further adds that when I reached my family members survived TB so you can
out to seek help from the Principal of the also easily survive with timely treatment.
college I went to at that time, Sir gave me Thanks to all the medical help that came
an opportunity by making me write my our way. I would like to recommend here
final examination in a separate room away through my experience that in India we
from the rest of the students. Somehow, I have DOTS, one of the powerful tools
could barely pass the examination. And till that will put TB at bay, and together we
this day I am thankful to the college and the can defeat it. And a kind reminder that
Principal for helping me with my conditions. whenever someone is diagnosed with
I am also thankful to all the doctors who took tuberculosis one should not take it lightly.
care of me and for giving me permission to Finish the treatment and do take regular
attend and continue my master’s degree medication.


ii. Let’s talk: A journey of a Treatment Supporter
from a tribal village of Sampalgre East Garo Hills
Meet Smti. Mithiline Sangma (39 years patients motivating them for the complete
old), ASHA from Sampalgre village, course of treatment and interacting with
Williamnagar, East Garo Hills District. She the family members during home visit.
is a hardworking mother of two children Through her word of interaction, she
and she has completed her education until motivates the patients and family members
class 10. She has been giving the best in her to not lose hope and thereby having faith
service as the ASHA Worker for a decade in the health system, as TB is curable and
now since 2008. She has been working as treatable disease.
a DOTs Supporter and supporting 22 TB
HARDSHIPS she has gone through in
patients for the last 15 years, which includes
giving service to NTEP:
19 basic TB patients and 3 previously treated
case patients. ▼ Refusal by patients to come for check
up, if they are too weak, she used to hire
The great achievement as a Treatment
an auto and bring them herself to the
Supporter is that there were no losses to
follow up patients under her care. She has
received all the incentives under her tenure, ▼ When TB patients defaulted in taking
starting from the time it was paid Rs.250 the ATT halfway, she went for retrieving
from the year she joined until now. those patients minimum for about 5
times per TB patients. Sometimes the
As a Treatment Supporter, she makes sure
patients will refuse to give sputum
that all her TB patients will get the best
samples for follow-up specially the last
healthcare services the Government is
follow-up and she will go after those
offering under the NTEP programme. As
patients as well.
she learnt that TB could cause death if it is
not correctly and completely treated, she What motivates her? She likes taking
then ensured that the patient takes the care and giving the right medicines to TB
TB drugs regularly, on schedule, for the full patients under the TB programme
duration of the treatment. She also gives
basic counselling and motivation to the TB


Chapter 14

TB Research

The priority areas for research have been TB among the budding medical graduates
clearly defined under the programme in and students of biology, biotechnology
order to encourage Operational research and social sciences. The details on research
and Clinical research. TThe programme priorities of NTEP can be accessed from
also has an expert technical guidance and CTD website (
support mechanism to garner research in


Operational Research – Structure and functioning:
NTEP funds Operational Research (OR) partners.
under the guidance of a task force
Proposals with a budget of above INR
mechanism at State and National level. The
5 lakhs are appraised to and approved
global scientific evidence as well as the OR
through the NORC. Similarly, proposals
studies help bring-in periodical changes
with a budget between INR 2 lakhs to 5
in policies, treatment algorithms and
lakhs are executed at Zonal OR Committee
programme management practices. OR
and those under INR 2 lakhs are dealt by
aims to improve the quality, effectiveness,
the State OR Committee.
efficiency, and accessibility of the
elimination efforts and forms an integral All clinical trials are to be submitted to
part of the NTEP policy making and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
programme implementation.
All studies with international collaboration
NTEP collaborates with Medical colleges, are to be submitted at the Health Ministry’s
National/State/Zonal OR Committees, Screening Committee (HMSC). Some of the
Collaborative Research with departments/ important research activities underway are:
organisations, NTEP commissioned
Research and NGOs/ Development

AI Solutions and TB:

CTD has been involved in developing have been trained and validated internally.
Artificial intelligence solutions for Validation of the cough sounds-based AI
automated reading of Chest X-ray, cough solution and LPA solution are currently
sounds for TB detection, interpretation under progress with ICMR.
of Line probe assay (LPA). The AI models

A multi country research - IMPAC19TB titled level COVID-19 outcomes.” is currently
“To determine the effect of TB on patient- under progress.


Chapter 15


National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) the manuals and guidelines available on
is a centrally sponsored scheme under NHM the programme website (Financial Manual
to implement the programme activities as for NTEP). The financial management
envisaged under NSP 2017-25 as per NTEP arrangements to account for and report on
guidelines. programme funds, includes both Domestic
Budgetary Support (DBS) and External
The procedures for the financial
Aided Component (EAC). The arrangements
management are being followed as per
are as follows:


Institutional arrangements:
CTD, being a part of the National the standard government systems
Health Mission (NHM) holds the overall of the PAO and are subject to
responsibility of the financial management control as per the General Financial
of the programme. Similarly, at the State Rules (GFR) of the Government of
and district level, the State TB Cell and India. Payments are made through
the District TB Centre are responsible electronic funds transfer through
respectively. treasury since the financial year
Budget: Programme expenditures are
budgeted under the Demand for Grants of c. Accounting: The accounting
the MoHFW Flexible Pool for Communicable records for all payments are made
Diseases funding arrangement. These are against an approved budget.
reflected in two separate budget lines- Budget lines are maintained by
General Component (GC) and Externally the Principal Accounts Officer and
Aided Component (EAC). compiled by the Controller General
of Accounts (CGA). The compiled
a. Funds flow and Releases: The fund
monthly accounts are reconciled
flow remains within the existing
with the CTD record of transactions.
financial management system of the
MoHFW, which operates through d. Financial reporting: A financial
the centralized Pay and Accounts report is submitted by CTD to
office. Release of funds to States is MoHFW and the donors like The
done in instalments through State Global Fund and World Bank on
Treasury. periodic intervals based on the
compiled monthly accounts and
b. Sanctions & Approvals: All
CTD’s own record of expenditures,
procurements of commodities
are processed by the Central e. External Audit: The audits are being
Medical Services Society (CMSS), conducted as per the standard terms
an autonomous society under of reference. The audit reports are
MoHFW, Govt. of India approved being made available to all donors
by the Cabinet. All fund releases for as per the agreement. At State
commodity advances for approved level audits are being done as per
contracts are routed through the State NHM manual and guidance
Integrated Finance Division (IFD) for audit by empanelled chartered
and processed by the Drawing and accountancy firms. All the States are
Disbursing Office (DDO) and Pay required to submit the annual audit
and Accounts Office (PAO). All the report to CTD by 30th September.
programme expenditures follow


Financial Performance of NTEP:

(Rs. In crores)

Description 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Total

Budget Requested 2200.00 4115.00 3525.00 3554.00 3628.85 3088.87 20111.72
Budget Estimates/ 1840.00 3140.00 3333.21 3109.93 3409.94 1666.33* 16499.41
approved Budget
Total Releases to 871.36 907.65 870.81 629.71 545.78 ** 3825.31
Total Expenditure 2759.44 2237.79 3130.11 3097.98 2086.82 693.23^ 14005.37

*excluding cash grant of Rs. 990.50 crores

** Cash grant is being released by NHM directly under RCH Flexible Pool.
^ expenditure as on 17.02.2023
Table15.1: Financial Performance of NTEP

Programme Implementation Planning

NHM is the prime vehicle for achievement NTEP is a flagship programme under
in architectural corrections of the NHM, will utilize the resources under NHM
National Health Policy 2017 and SDG-3 to strengthen TB care and elimination
targets especially for primary health care, activities in accordance with the NSP. A
Universal Health Coverage and TB along district could plan all activities to achieve
with Maternal, Child & Adolescent health. TB elimination targets based on the Detect-
The thrust of the NHM is to establish Treat-Prevent Build strategies under NSP
a fully functional, community-owned, can be described and budgeted in PIP.
decentralized health delivery system with
NTEP is implemented through the general
inter-sectoral convergence at all levels.
health system. The overall responsibility
The exercise of Programme Implementation of implementing NTEP activities rests
Plan (PIP) under the NHM is a critical step with the staff under general health
in planning and resource allocation for services. The fund flow for NTEP activities
key national and state health priorities is through state treasuries followed by
and initiatives. Under the NHM, in order State and District Health Societies. The
to reflect the requirements of the state a Health Societies are vehicles for receipt of
consolidated PIP is prepared. funds from Government of India (GoI) and
implementation of the project activities.


Additional resources enabled for NTEP in 2022
To further strengthen the health (IPHLs), Block Public Health Units (BPHUs),
infrastructure of the country, MoHFW Health and Wellness Centres (HWC),
has taken various initiatives recently. The diagnostic infrastructure, as well as some
15th Finance Commission Health Sector Human Resources for Health (HRH). NTEP
Grants (15th FC) and the Pradhan Mantri- is also integrated with these services and
Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure TB diagnostics and treatment care services
Mission (PM-ABHIM) are supporting the are being enhanced by utilizing the grants
development of Critical Care Blocks (CCBs), available under these resources.
Integrated Public Health Laboratories

Major reforms in FY 2022-23 planning cycle

The exponential growth of NHM and A. Two- year PIP & Key features of PIP
simultaneous increase in the number of 2022-24
budget lines have led to a loss of flexibility.
In consultation with the States, The PIP from
The detailed proposals lead to detailed
2022 onwards, would be a two-Year PIP i.e.
approvals and FMRs rendering the newer
2022-24. The work plan and the budget for
changes in finance such as implementation
two years were appraised and approved.
of Single Nodal Agency and NFAMS
If need be, a mid-term review at the end
very difficult. Given this background, in
of first year would be carried out, either at
consultation with the States, this year a
the request of the Ministry or the State/UT
few reforms have been brought in the
concerned, to provide course correction in
PIPs. The planning process was simplified.
case of shifting of priorities.
Also, a two-year PIP cycle was introduced.
The discussions which were held during B. Simplified PIP format: The planning
the National Programme Coordination and budget format in which the PIP is to
Committee (NPCC) were more focused on be proposed is a simplified PIP matrix 11
planning and target setting for outputs and (columns) x 7 (NTEP programme rows).
outcomes. While the States may need to plan in terms
of inputs, the PIP at MoHFW would be
appraised based on output for the proposed


The following are the 7 NTEP programme rows to be proposed under NDCP 4 FMR code.

Pool FMR Code Programme/ Theme Scheme/Activity

NDCP NDCP.4 National Tuberculosis 73 Drug Sensitive TB (DSTB)

Flexi Elimination 74 Nikshay Poshan Yojana

Pool Programme (NTEP) 75 PPP

76 Latent TB Infection (LTBI)
77 Drug Resistant TB(DRTB)
78 TB Harega Desh Jeetega Campaign
79 State specific Initiatives and Innovations
Table15.2: NTEP related NDCP.4 FMR code

C. Focus on outputs and key deliverables:

The list of key deliverables under NTEP as mentioned below was finalised in consultation
with the State/UT and The States and UTs were given reasonably ambitious deliverables
based on situational analysis and gaps vis-à-vis the desired levels to meet the TB elimination
targets. These key deliverables are being monitored periodically at all levels.

S No Priority Key Deliverables (KDs) under NTEP

68 Total TB cases notified (Both public and private sectors)

69 Expansion of rapid molecular diagnostics for TB

70 State TB Score
71 Nikshay Poshan Yojana
72 Districts with TB free Status
No. of districts proposed for # Bronze # Silver # Gold
#TB Free district/City

Table15.3: The list of key deliverables

Introduction of NTEP Key Conditionalities:

Sl no Components Points
1 Percentage of Districts achieving 90% of targets
More than 81% of districts achieving 90% of targets +5
61% to 80% of districts achieving 90% of targets +2.5
Less than 60% of districts achieving 90% of targets -2.5
Less than 40% of districts achieving 90% of targets -5
2 Percentage of Districts achieving more than 85% of treatment success rate
More than 81% of districts achieving 90% of targets +5
60% to 80% of districts achieving 90% of targets +2.5
Less than 60% of districts achieving 90% of targets -2.5
Less than 40% of districts achieving 90% of targets -5


3 Percentage of AB-HWCs providing drugs to TB patients
More than 81% of AB-HWCs providing drugs to TB patients +5
61% to 80% of AB-HWCs providing drugs to TB patients +2.5
Less than 60% of AB-HWCs providing drugs to TB patients -2.5
Less than 40% of AB-HWCs providing drugs to TB patients -5

Table15.4: NTEP Key Conditionality

Achievements in 2022

y A PIP guidance document to support y Rs. 6087.65 crores have been

States/UTs on Planning NTEP activities recommended with approval of the
in alignment with NHM PIP template competent authority.
has been developed and disseminated.

3% 2%

24% 23%

10% 27%


Drug Sensitive Public Private Drug Resistant State Specific

TB (DSTB) Partnership (PPP) TB (DRTB) Innovations

Nikshay Poshan Latent TB Infection TB Harega Desh

Yojana (NPY) LTBI) Jeetega Campaign

Figure 15.1: Achievements in 2022

World Bank - Programme towards Elimination of

Tuberculosis (PTETB)
Introduction: With the goal of achieving loan from World Bank to advance progress
SDGs related to TB by 2025, the Government toward priority outcomes of the NSP 2017-
of India has launched a robust response 25 and is implementing the “Programme
and is implementing NSP 2017-25 for TB Towards Elimination of Tuberculosis
Elimination. The MoHFW has availed a (PTETB)” project (PI 67523) (Loan no 8926).
USD 400 million International Bank for
IBRD financing is US$400 million or 30
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)


percent of the total programme cost
estimate of US$1.334 billion. The GOI will Program Financing

finance the remaining 70 percent. The 1500 1334

full GOI request for IBRD financing for the 934


period 2019 to 2025 is US$500 million and

the remaining US$100 million requested by 500

GOI will be considered by the World Bank

by March 2022. Amount (US$ million)

Total Program Cost GoI IBRD

Figure 15.2: Programme financing

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and

Malaria (GFATM)
The Global Fund has been in partnership million and four non-government principal
with India since 2003 and has disbursed recipients (William J Clinton Foundation,
more than USD 3 billion so far for addressing FIND India, The Union, PLAN India) for USD
HIV, TB and Malaria in the country. 80 million.

As part of the funding cycle for April, The CTD grant of USD 200 million is based on
2021-March, 2024, the Global Fund has innovative funding modality of Payment for
allocated USD 280 million for TB. The grant is Results (PfR) which links the disbursement
being implemented in a dual track funding of funds directly to the achievement of
mechanism through one government specific programme results defined as DLIs
principal recipient i.e CTD for USD 200 (Disbursement Linked Indicators).

Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLI) Allocation tied to DLIs for 3 years

DLI1: Number of cases with RR-TB and/or MDR-TB that US$79.6 million
began second-line treatment.

DLI 2: Treatment success rate of RR TB and/or MDR-TB: US$39.9 million

Percentage of cases with RR and/or MDR-TB successfully

DLI 3: Number of presumptive TB patients received US$80.4 million

molecular diagnostic test

Total Grant US$ 200 million

Table15.5:Payment for results indicators for CTD grant (2021–2024)



Chapter 16

and Its Updates

Ni-kshay, the digital ICT platform for TB 2 pan-India in 2018 into an Integrated Web
management in India, is a case-based and mobile based ICT solution with support
web based real time patient management from partner organizations.
system which offers the programme
The various unique functionalities of the
managers the ability to monitor their
Ni-kshay portal include:
patient’s real time. It captures all the
components of service delivery for DS-TB
and DR-TB patients in both public and 1. Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT)
private sectors. through Ni-kshay PFMS interface.

Ni-kshay version 1 was established as a web 2. Ability to follow-up patients from

enabled case-based tracking system in the presumptive TB stage
2012 with the help of National Informatics
3. Transaction based information
Centre (NIC) and it was upgraded to Version
system, where the primary function


is to exchange information 5. Ni-kshay has an Android based
(diagnosis, adherence, Transfer, mobile app for the programme
outcome, DBT etc) between various staff as well as private sector users
users logged into Ni-kshay. that increases performance and
accessibility on mobile devices.
4. Institutional level login decentralised
to PHIs: Now all public and private 6. TB Aarogya Saathi is a citizen-
health facilities have separate user facing Android based mobile app
credentials which they can use to providing basic information about
manage their own patients. TB disease as well as serves as a TB
Self-Screening and enrolment tool.

New Features in 2022:

Several new features were released in registered via the TPT Module. In line with
2022, enabling 70,000 monthly users to the vision of having a unified ecosystem,
fully leverage the digital ecosystem. A Ni-kshay is now integrated with Ni-kshay
novel Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Aushadi, wherein ~7,30,000 patients were
Abhiyaan initiative was launched, wherein dispensed medications. To empower NTEP
~50000 citizens registered and committed for real-time programmatic monitoring,
to support nearly 1 million TB patients. a Strategic Operation Centre for TB was
Under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, launched at the Central TB Division. The
~50,000 health IDs, (a universal Digital citizen-facing application, TB Aarogya
Health record identifier) were generated. In Sathi was downloaded by ~3,30,000 users,
addition to catering to 12 million TB patients, including >1,00,000 TB patients.
TB preventive therapy beneficiaries are now

Compliance with Ayushman Bharat Digital

(ABDM) Mission:
The feature to create a digitally secure obtaining consent from the beneficiary. It
Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA can be used to uniquely identify individuals.
- earlier known as Health ID) has been With consent, it can also be used to access
enabled within Ni-kshay thereby becoming and share digital health records. The
compliant with Milestone 1 of ABDM. ABHA Programme Division will be achieving
is a 14-digit number generated using the Milestones 2 and 3 to become ABDM
Aadhaar-based OTP verification, after compliant by April 2023.


Compliance with Fast Healthcare Interoperability
Resources (FHIR)
As part of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission Ni-kshay now supports FHIR standards
(ABDM) , Ni-kshay has complied with FHIR for two of the profiles required by ABDM -
(Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) Prescription Report and Diagnostic Report
standards to support the integrated digital which helps in interoperability within
health infrastructure of the country. multiple FHIR Compliant systems.

Informant Module

Informant DBT module was introduced ▼ Informant registration available in public

on Ni-kshay on the 3rd of November 2022 domain, in addition to registration by staff.
enabling staff/citizens to be eligible for the ▼ Bank details need to be added and
Informant incentive of Rs 500/- per referral validated in order to avail the informant
of presumptive TB, if the presumptive incentive.
individual is diagnosed as TB and notified ▼ Patients can be enrolled using informant
in the public sector. This is an add-on to the logins.
existing feature in Ni-kshay for incentivising
▼ Ni-kshay will create Informant benefits
Private Sector facilities/practitioners for for eligible beneficiaries who are
referral of a presumptive TB person who is registered as “Informant” and where
diagnosed with TB. the TB patient is diagnosed in a Public
Peripheral Health Institution.
This module allows Staff/Citizens to directly
▼ Staff need to acknowledge/self-declare
enrol those presumptive TB persons on
that he/she is not a salaried person
Ni-kshay and avail the incentive if the
under NTEP.
persons is diagnosed with TB.

Dispensation Module
Ni-kshay has been integrated with Ni- Dispensation module in Ni-kshay. The stock
kshay Aushadhi to streamline the process levels managed in Ni-kshay Aushadhi will
of dispensing medications. This integration be displayed in the Ni-kshay dispensation
allows health facility users to manage all module, via a closely linked two-way
their needs using just one system. With communication between Ni-kshay and Ni-
this integration, Ni-kshay Aushadhi will be kshay Aushadhi.
used for tracking stock up to the TB unit
The dispensation of drugs from PHI to
level, while dispensation of drugs from PHI
patients will take place entirely through
to patients will occur entirely through the


the Dispensation module in Ni-kshay, patient returns drugs due to death, wrong
allowing patients to access drugs from any dispensation, loss to follow-up, or an adverse
facility regardless of its current hierarchy. drug reaction, the returned quantity will
Using Ni-kshay for issuing drugs to patients be immediately added back to the drug
eliminates the need for an external system inventory in Ni-kshay and made available
login, simplifying the process. Patient for dispensing to another patient. A total
consumption details will be tracked in number of 28,84,366 for ~ 7,30,000 patients
Ni-kshay and can be shared with the have been added through the module
Ni-kshay Aushadhi team as needed. If a in 2022.

TB Champions
In order to facilitate the participation of TB the details of the activities (patients visited/
Survivors in the mission to end TB, the TB meetings) conducted by them.
Aarogya Sathi App contains links to courses
A few statistics of the uptake are as follows:
on the iGOT platform which will help
survivors to be trained as TB Champions.
▼ Total Number of TB Champions enrolled:
The training focuses on how they could
contribute to ending TB. The app also allows
users to mark their courses as complete ▼ Total Number of Patients visited by the
after completion of the course on the iGOT TB Champions: 1005.
portal. Upon completion of all the courses, ▼ Total Number of meetings conducted:
the TB Champions would be able to report 488.

Female: 520 (34.03%)

Total: 1.53k

Male: 1.01k (65.90%)

Male Female Transgender

Figure 16.1: A few statistics of the uptake


TB Preventive Therapy Module
The TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) module add Dispensation, Adherence, Comorbidity
was launched in India on World TB Day details for the TPT beneficiaries. For TB
2022. This Module will enable users to infection (TBI) Beneficiaries, adding Test
register and track the management of Results is optional, users can “directly start
TPT Beneficiaries. Users can now add treatment” in addition to the ‘Add Test’
contacts of TB patients and high risk button. Tests specific to diagnosis of TBI
population (Additional options of ‘Patient namely - TST and IGRA have been enabled
on immunosuppressants’, ‘Silicosis’, ‘Anti- in the diagnostic module. Treatment
TNF treatment’, ‘Dialysis’, ‘Transplantation’ regimen and outcome options relevant to
available) eligible for TPT across public and TPT Beneficiaries are made available.
private sectors. Users would also be able to

Ni-kshay Reports & Data collection forms:

Ni-kshay reports has a variety of data been developed within Ni-kshay. It
entry modules, downloadable reports and covers the entire lifecycle of com-
registers which can be used by staff at all munity support from capturing
levels for patient as well as programme Registrations of Donors, Linkage of
management. This includes details from all Donors to Patients, and following up
modules in the Ni-kshay ecosystem. Below on the corpus and kind of support
are the key highlights of work done in this that is being provided.
3. To reduce the risk of poor outcomes
1. In the year 2022, we released 15 new in the patients who complete their
Reports, 5 Registers, and 8 data treatment, it is necessary to ensure
entry modules within the Ni-kshay they are followed up periodically.
ecosystem about various thematic The “Post Treatment Follow up
areas such as Dispensation, Adverse module” was built on Ni-kshay
Drug Reactions, Contact Tracing, through which the field staff can
etc. PMDT Reports were revamped enter the patient-level details of the
as well to include the Case concept follow-ups that have been done. For
with the release of Case Finding, ongoing monitoring and evaluation
Case Holding and Treatment of this activity, related reports are
Outcome reports. To keep up with now available.
the growth in data captured, the
4. As the number of HCWs is limited
entire data processing pipeline
and the number of patients is
went through an overhaul.
growing, it becomes essential
2. To ensure the linkage of all TB pa- to prioritize the TB patients to
tients on treatment with a Ni-kshay be followed up. To identify such
Mitra for providing community sup- patients, a Differentiated TB Care
port, the PMTBMBA module has module was developed to capture


certain additional fields for each against approved quality indicators
patient about clinical and laboratory was also launched.
parameters. Based on the same, a
6. ACSM monitoring forms have
Task list can be accessed by the HCW
been included in the Program
to follow up with the beneficiaries.
Management Report at the District
5. A Contract Management Tool and level and State level.
reports were developed within Ni-
7. ABHA details, Patient Consent,
kshay for monthly data input. An
Dispensation, AERS, PMDT Revamp
interactive dashboard reflecting
- Case Finding, Holding, Treatment
contract design, procurement,
financial details, and performance

Ni-kshay Dashboards

The Ni-kshay Dashboards have been These dashboards help simplify the
conceptualized, designed, and developed information and data using interactive, easy
by the CTD as a tool to enable the NTEP to consume visualizations. The dashboards
Programme Administrators at Central, are now also being developed as guided
State and District level and the programme narratives to nudge the user into asking the
staff to review and monitor the various right questions. As a part of this endeavour,
aspects of the programme performance in the below dashboards are available:
their respective geographies.

Figure 16.2: Ni-kshay Dashboards

The following dashboards are available on 2. TB Notification: To look at notification

Ni-kshay: performance across geographies
and cohorts.
1. TB Index Dashboard: To look at State
and District rankings across key 3. DBT Reports: Tracking DBT Payment
indicators. status across geographies.


4. DBT Process Indicators: To analyze Adherence across time and
the turnaround time for benefits geographies.
6. TPT Dashboard: To monitor the TPT
5. Adherence: Tracking Patient care cascade.

The TB Ni-kshay Dashboards have train the users to use the dashboards. An
contributed to rapid digital transformation, email marketing campaign along with
adoption in the TB ecosystem. More than advertisements on the Ni-kshay portal is
300 users access the Ni-kshay Dashboards also being used to increase the usage of the
daily. More than 33 STO and 560 DTO officers dashboards. The next step to drive up the
use it regularly. Several training sessions usage is to target TU users.
have taken place throughout the year to

Ni-kshay in numbers

Figure 16.3: Ni-kshay Metrics


A Strategic Operation centre for TB is set of 8 key programmatic indicators; (iii) ‘What
up within the CTD to aid Programme are the key bottlenecks to the achievement
administrators plan and strategize the of targets’, through drill down views; and
operations to accomplish the programme (iv) ‘What we need to do to strategically
objectives. The Strategic Operations Centre reach elimination goals’, through TB
for TB currently exists a physical space in incidence and mortality modelling. Thus
the CTD. The space includes interactive the war room provides a bird’s eye view
dashboards that provide a comprehensive of key indicators with the ability to delve
picture of the programme and aims to deeper into geographies and chronology
answer 4 key questions to its users: (i) ‘What’s of events, along with the power to simulate
going on in the programme’, through a probabilistic scenarios. This would support
live visual display of key TB campaigns; (ii) the programme to ask the right questions
‘Where we’re at in terms of achievement and make the right decisions.
against targets’, through a birds-eye view

Ni-kshay Analytics
Ni-kshay Analytics - a modern, open- reduces dependency on other members
source data exploration and visualization for sharing data and thus faster information
platform that enables self-serve analytics, access. The system is a central, web-based
was established to democratize data platform, has a Cloud-native architecture
and further empower decision makers. It and is specifically designed for scale.

Figure 16.4: Ni-kshay analytics



Chapter 17

Pradhan Mantri
TB Mukt Bharat

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare community and the existing societal
(MoHFW) implements the National TB institutions which can play a critical
Elimination Programme (NTEP) with the role in filling gaps and addressing social
goal to achieve SDGs related to TB by 2025, determinants, thereby contributing to
five years ahead of the global targets of achievement of the national goal of TB
2030. The challenge of tuberculosis requires Mukt Bharat.
a multi-sectoral response to address
To galvanize efforts towards TB elimination,
the social determinants such as under-
Her Excellency, Smt. Droupadi Murmu,
nutrition, living and working conditions,
Hon’ble President of India on 9th
and increase the access to diagnostic and
September 2022 launched “Pradhan
treatment services.
Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan ‘’ for
In this regard, it becomes imperative community support to TB patients to
to strengthen collaboration with the provide people with TB and their families


increased nutritional, diagnostic, and years ahead of Sustainable Development
vocational support, delivered within the Goal, PMTBMBA initiative aims to bring
community. As per the clarion call of together people from all backgrounds into
the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri a ‘Jan Andolan’ and escalate the progress
Narendra Modi at Delhi End TB Summit toward TB elimination.
in March 2018 to eliminate TB by 2025, five

Figure 17.1: PMTBMBA – Virtual Launch Event on 9th Sept 2022

More than 2.25 lakh people witnessed the 2. This activity aims at increasing awareness
live proceeding across the country among the public regarding tuberculosis

The three-fold objectives of the initiative 3. Involvement of the community in

are: supporting the treatment cascade shall
also help in the reduction of stigma
• Provide additional patient support
to improve treatment outcome of TB 4. Provision of additional support to the TB
patients patient shall also result in the reduction
of the out-of-pocket expenditure for the
• Augment community involvement in
family of the TB patient
meeting India’s commitment to end TB
5. Ultimately improved nutrition for the
• Leverage Corporate Social Responsibility
TB patient shall result in better treatment
(CSR) activities
The expected outputs of the initiative are:

1. This initiative will increase the active

involvement of society in the fight against


Figure 17.2: Portal for Ni-kshay 2.0

Initiatives taken by MoHFW for effective

implementation of PMTBMBA:
Following actions have been taken by Functional HR arrangement in the office of
Central TB Division, Ministry of Health Hon’ble Governor/Lt Governor’s, consisting
and Family Welfare: of a medical officer and a support staff,
to monitor and accelerate PMTBMBA
Weekly meetings with STOs, Medical
initiative efforts has been made in 29 State/
Officers & DEOs posted at Governor’s/LG’s
UTs. Remaining States are also in process.
office to monitor progress and ensure
effective implementation of PMTBMBA Ayushman Bharat Health & Wellness
activities. In addition, a regular district-wise Centres (HWCs)/PHI have been integrated
review with State/UTs is being undertaken in the PMTBMBA initiative and Ni-kshay
to address any challenges being faced. Mitras are being encouraged to distribute
Ni-kshay Poshan kits at AB-HWCs in the
Supportive supervision visits to the low
first week of every month.
performing States of Bihar, Jharkhand,
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, Kerala In order to encourage participation of
and Maharashtra have been made. Visits to various Officers/ Staff Associations in
other State/UTs are being planned regularly. Ministries / Departments of Govt. of India /
States in PMTBMBA initiative by adopting TB
Regular calls to VIP Ni-kshay Mitras like
Patients, the Cabinet Secretary had written
Hon’ble Governors, Ministers, MPs, MLAs,
a letter to all Secretaries of Government of
Senior Officers with an aim to take their
India. The Secretary (H&FW) has written to
inputs/feedback/suggestions on the
all States and UTs, requesting the same.
PMTBMBA initiative and seek guidance to
scale up the Programme and understand Coordination with Universities & Colleges
the interventions being taken up by them to support the PMTBMBA initiative in
regarding PMTBMBA. response to official communication from


the Secretary, UGC - So far, 102 Universities/ NATHEALTH, etc, meetings and orientation
colleges have come forward to support sessions have been conducted by CTD
2320 TB patients. officials.

Coordination with Indian Red Cross Society to Meeting with various service delivery
support PMTBMBA initiative - So far, 16 States' organizations like Akshaya Patra
Red Cross Societies have come forward and Foundation, Big Basket, Zomato, D-Mart,
adopted approx. 10,000 TB patients. NGOs, etc for supporting States in
distribution of food baskets to TB patients.
In order to rope in various business
associations like CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM,

Achievements so far:
Tremendous response has been seen for this initiative since its launch. As on 1st January
2023, more than 58,000 Ni-kshay Mitras (donors) have come forward and committed to
support more than 9 lakh consented TB patients.

Status As on 1st January 2023

TB patients on treatment 13.21 lakh
TB patients consented to receive community support 9.73 lakh
No. of Ni-Kshay Mitra registered 58,799

Ni-Kshay Mitra agreed upon 44,744

Commitment by Ni-Kshay Mitra for TB Patients 9.13 lakh
TB Patients supported (Linked to) by Ni-Kshay Mitra 8.74 lakh

Table 17.1: Achievements of Ni-kshay Mitras

Enormous participation from all States/UTs has been seen with Political leaders, Ministers,
MP’s, Elected Representatives, Government officials, NGOs and big associations coming
forward and conducting multiple events to spread awareness about the PMTBMBA
initiative, encourage Ni-kshay Mitras and reassure TB patients.

Figure 17.3: A 13-year-old girl became a Ni-kshay Mitra in Katni district, Madhya Pradesh and supported one TB
patient from her own savings


Various Models: Distribution of food baskets

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 3

In this model, District TB In this model, DTO will In this model, DTO will In this model, the
Officer-DTO will provide the provide the list of consented engage the Ni-kshay Mitra State/District team coordinate
list of consented TB Patients TB Patients to identified and provide them with the with PDS system to deliver
to identified Mart. Mart will agency/third party (NGO,C- anonymized list of consented the food baskets to concerned
provide prescribed nutritional SO,etc). Agency will procure TB patients. Ni-kshay Mitra PHCs, ABHWCs. The food
kit to the patients. Ni-kshya and deliver prescribed (Donor) will directly provide basket can be distributed
Mitra (Donor) will pay to nutritional kit to the patients. the kit to the patients. directly to patients
identified Mart. Ni-kshay Mitra (Donor) will
provide monetary support to
the agency



Figure 17.4: Various Models Distribution of food baskets

Ni-kshay Mitra Certificates: Each donor/Ni-kshay Mitra receives a certificate as a

token of appreciation. A total of 64,926 certificates have been issued to the registered
Ni-kshay Mitras; individuals, corporates, Cooperatives, political/elected representatives,
institutions, etc

Figure 17.5: Certificate template for Ni-kshay Mitras


Way Forward:
The Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Review template shared with all districts
Abhiyan (PMTBMBA) is the first of its kind regarding PMTBMBA indicators and
model in the world which has received the plan of action being undertaken by all
enormous support from the community districts to reduce the pendencies & increase
to End TB in India. PMTBMBA involves the the actual distribution of nutrition kits.
community at large and helps in reducing
Through daily virtual meetings, guiding
stigma and providing a stigma free life
State/UTs to approach various potential Ni-
for the affected and afflicted TB patients.
kshay Mitras and encourage them to adopt
For ensuring a sustainable and long-term
TB patients so that there is continuum of
model, following steps are being taken by
the programme. States may approach
Gram Panchayats, Sarpanches, local MLAs,
All State/UTs are requested to observe religious & faith-based organizations and
‘Ni-kshay Diwas’ on a fixed date (as even schools wherein the students may
decided by the respective State/UT) every be given assignments on community
month at every Ayushman Bharat-Health engagement and PMTBMBA so that there
& Wellness Centre (AB-HWC) and facilitate is increased awareness among the families.
implementation of PMTBMBA activities
Regular field visit to State/UTs- to handhold,
in the community through AB-HWCs
assess the progress, identify critical gaps,
on Ni-kshay Diwas (A detailed Guidance
provide real time solutions, and conduct
document shared with all State/UTs)
advocacy meetings with administrative
heads at the district and State-level.

Success stories from the field:

Models of delivery of support under “Pradhan
Mantri TB Mukht Bharat Abhiyaan)
Four models of implementation and delivery was piloted and scaled up across the State
under the “PMTBMBA”, flagship scheme of NTEP.


There were potential donors who just wanted to support. So, the State developed few
innovative models to engage such Nikshay Mitras through involvement of an interface
agency/collector kitty fund and agency/mart will devise and distribute kits to patients of
marts or NGOs.


Gujarat Models for PMTBMBA
Model 1 (DTO-Mart –Donor-Patient)

MODEL 1 (DTO-Mart - Donor-Patient)

Role of District TB Officer Role of Mart* Role of Donor

• Consent of TB patient • Preparation of Individual or group
• Sharing of line list of customized food of donors will
consented patients to basket provide monetary
Donor/Mart • Door step delivery support to
• Monitoring of activity to TB patient identified Mart
• Support to CSR/Mart for under CSR
• Establishment of (Corporate social
budget calculation linkage in responsibility)
• Guidance of food kit urban/rural/triba
1 area

*Note-Mart includes any commercial mart like D-mart, Jio-mart, Big basket etc.
Identity of the beneficiary should remain unknown

Model 2 (DTO-Agency-Donor-Patient)

MODEL 2 (DTO-Agency- Donor-Patient)

Role of District TB Officer Role of agency/ Role of Donor

Third party*
• Consent of TB patient Individual or group
• Purchase and of donors will
• Sharing of line list of preparation of
consented patients provide monetary
customized food support to
• Monitoring of activity basket identified Agency
• Support to CSR/agency for • Door step delivery to under CSR
budget calculation TB patient (Corporate social
• Guidance of food kit • Establishment of
linkage in urban/
rural/triba area
• Provided feedback to
DTO and Donor

*Note-Agency may co-ordinate between DTO-CSR - Patient Provision of hot meal

should be considered

Model 3 (DTO-Donor - Patient)

MODEL 2 (DTO-Agency- Donor-Patient)

Role of District TB Officer Role of agency/ Role of Donor

Third party*
• Consent of TB patient Individual or group
• Purchase and of donors will
• Sharing of line list of preparation of
consented patients provide monetary
customized food support to
• Monitoring of activity basket identified Agency
• Support to CSR/agency for • Door step delivery to under CSR
budget calculation TB patient (Corporate social
• Guidance of food kit • Establishment of
linkage in urban/
rural/triba area
• Provided feedback to
DTO and Donor

*Note-Agency may co-ordinate between DTO-CSR - Patient Provision of hot meal

should be considered


Model 4 (DTO-Collector(DM) CSR fund-Donor)

MODEL 4 (DTO-Collector(DM) CSR fund-Donor)

Role of District TB Officer Role of Mart Role of Role of Collector

• Purchase and Collector (DM) CSR fund
• Consent of TB patient (DM) CSR
preparation of Individual or group
• Sharing of line list of customized food fund
consented patients of donors will
basket • Collection provide monetary
• Coordiation Collector • Door step delivery to of fund support to
Office TB patient and ensure Collector/DM CSR
rational fund
• Monitoring of activity • Establishment of
• Support to CSR/Mart for linkage in urban/
budget calculation rural/triba area

• Guidance of food kit • Provided feedback to

DTO and Donor

*Note-Agency may co-ordinate between DTO-CSR - Patient Provision of hot meal

should be considered

Outcomes: More than 1800 NM have been registered across the State with 85% TB Patients
providing consent and more than 50 thousand TB Patients had received the support.

Uttar Pradesh:
Scaling up of UP Governor’s Initiative of TB
Patients adoption
Problem statement:

Inadequate nutritional and social support for TB patients leads to an unfavourable treatment


In August 2019, Smt. Anandiben Patel, Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh, initiated
adoption of paediatric TB patients which was followed by the Raj Bhawan staff adopting 21
TB-affected children. Under this intervention, the adopting agencies/individuals ensured
treatment completion, adequate nutrition, and social support for the adopted patient
through periodic home visits and regular awareness activities.The aim was to provide not
just nutritional support to patients but also emotional and social support to their families
and to act as a bridge between health system and TB patients.


The treatment success rate among the adopted patient group improved to 90%, compared
to 84% of the total TB patients for 2020 and 2021 within the state of UP. This initiative
received an overwhelming response from various state/local adoption agencies, resulting


in the adoption of TB patients beyond the paediatric age group. Currently, TB patients of all
age groups and treatment types and duration are adopted under the initiative.

The honourable President launched this initiative at the national level under “Pradhan
Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan” in September 2022. Since August 2019, 245210 patients
have been adopted and received nutritional and social support, out of which 73833 were
provided nutritional support in the year 2022 alone, which is the highest in the country.
Furthermore, the state has the highest number of Ni-kshay Mitra linked to TB patients,
at 18067.

Way forward:

To ensure regular and quality distribution of nutritional support to the adopted TB Patients,
the State TB Cell has planned to collaborate with State’s Rural Livelihood Mission, involving
the self-help groups for preparing and delivering the nutritional kits at the ground level.

Figure 17.6: Paediatric TB Patient being adopted Figure 17.7: TB Patient being adopted by Honourable Deputy
by Honourable Governor, Smt. Anandi Ben Patel CM and Health Minister, Shri Brijesh Pathak

Uttarakhand: “One Ni-kshay Mitra – One Patient” Initiative under Pradhan Mantri TB
Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA)

Under the leadership of the Hon’ble Health Minister, the State launched an initiative of
“One Ni-kshay Mitra – One Patient”, wherein one Ni-kshay Mitra is allotted to only one
patient, which can go to a maximum 3. This initiative would help make the patient adoption
initiative more sustainable where the Ni-kshay Mitra will provide nutritional support and
can connect one on one with the TB patient to provide psycho-social support as well.



Involvement of State Government Departments


Delhi was one of the first States to involve State Subsequently, the Indian Red Cross Society
government departments in PMTBMBA. (IRCS), National Capital Territory Branch,
Initially, the Delhi State Industries and came forward and adopted 583 patients
Infrastructure Development Corporation and created a dedicated bank account
(DSIIDC) donated Rs 1 crore thereby for donations. Using this platform, Pragati
adopting 2060 patients. The procurement Power Corporation Ltd and Delhi Transco
and distribution were entrusted to Delhi Limited donated a total of 9.41 crores,
State Civil Supplies Corporation (DSCSC) adopting a total of 22660 patients. The
(Figure), which volunteered to carry out the first tranche of food baskets from these 2
whole implementation on a No-Profit-No- donors have been distributed in the month
Loss basis and created a dedicated bank of February 2023.
account on their official website to enable
These initiatives have led to one of the
government employees as well as the
largest numbers of food baskets/kits
public to donate money under PMTBMBA.
delivered to TB patients. The State NTEP
The website had embedded the link for
Team is in discussion with other agencies
registration of Ni-kshay Mitra on Ni-kshay
for finalisation for similar involvement
2.0 before completing the payment, thereby
under PMTBMBA.
ensuring all Ni-kshay Mitras are registered.

Delhi: TB Mukt Delhi Mobile App

A dedicated mobile-based application “TB app has both online and offline upload
Mukt Delhi” along with a web portal and capabilities. The subsequent versions along
a monitoring dashboard was developed with updates of the application will include
by NTEP Delhi in collaboration with Feedback Module, Grievance Registration
the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Module, general TB awareness information,
Delhi, and the Department of IT, GNCTD details of nearby health facilities and a
(Government of the National Capital detailed map of Delhi State to help NTEP
Territory of Delhi) with support from the staff address the area overlap between
Office of Director General Health Services, multiple NTEP Districts. The application
GNCTD. The NTEP staff, using the PHI- was officially launched by the Hon’ble LG of
specific logins, can capture and upload Delhi Shri Vinai Kumar Saxena on 29.10.22
photographs of the distribution of food at Nehru Nagar Chest Clinic.
baskets/kits to all eligible TB patients. The



1.1 Presumptive TB cases examination

1.2 TB case notification

1.3 Notified TB patients characteristics

1.4 Paediatric TB cases notification and treatment initiation Status

1.5 Tribal TB cases notification and treatment initiation Status

1.6 Gender disaggregated data on total TB notifications, Paediatric TB notification and treatment initiation

1.7 Gender disaggregated data on treatment outcomes

2.1 Screening for HIV in notified TB

2.2 TB-HIV co-infection (from NACP)

2.3 Provider initiated testing and counselling among presumptive TB patients and paediatric TB patients

2.4 Intensified TB case finding activities in ICTC centres (from NACP)

2.5 Intensified TB case finding activities in ART centres (from NACP)

2.6 TB screening among core populations in 2022 (from NACP)

2.7 TB screening among bridge populations in 2022 (from NACP)

2.8 TB screening among prison inmates in 2022 (from NACP)

2.9 Summary of NACP data for TB-HIV (Jan-Dec 2022) (from NACP)

2.10 TB - Diabetes

2.11 TB - Tobacco

2.12 TB - Alcohol

2.13 TB - COVID

3.1 Treatment outcome of TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

3.2 Treatment outcome of TB patients notified in 2021 (Private Sector)

3.3 Treatment outcome of TB patients notified in 2021 (Total)

3.4 Treatment outcome of new TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

3.5 Treatment outcome of previously treated TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

3.6 Treatment outcome of TB - HIV patients notified in 2021 (Total)


3.7 Treatment outcome of paediatric TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

3.8 Treatment outcome of paediatric TB patients notified in 2021 (Private Sector)

3.9 Treatment outcome of paediatric TB patients notified in 2021 (Total)

3.10 Treatment outcome of tribal TB patients notified in 2021

4.1 PMDT infrastructure and Difficult to Treat TB clinics

4.2 Testing in Truenat

4.3 Testing in CBNAAT

4.4 Testing in line probe assays (LPA)

4.5 Testing in culture and DST (CDST)

4.6 Laboratory Infrastructure

4.7 PMDT case finding for 2022 - I

4.8 PMDT case finding for 2022 - II

4.9 DR-TB treatment initiation in 2022

4.10 Treatment outcome of MDR/RR TB patients initiated on shorter MDR-TB regimen during 2021

4.11 Treatment outcome of H-mono/poly resistant TB patients initiated on treatment during 2021

4.12 Treatment outcome of MDR/ RR TB patients initiated on longer oral M/XDR-TB regimen during 2020

4.13 Treatment outcome of MDR/RR-TB patients initiated on treatment in 2020

4.14 Treatment outcome of XDR-TB patients initiated on treatment during 2020

5.1 Private health facilities registration status

5.2 Private health facilities that have notified at least one TB Patient during the year 2022

6. Active case finding

7.1 Household contact (HHC) tracing among Pulmonary Bacteriologically Confirmed TB (PBCT) patients
[2022 Ni-kshay]

7.2 TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in eligible children <5 years household contact (HHC) of Pulmonary
Bacteriologically Confirmed TB (PBCT) [2022 Ni-kshay]

7.3 TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in eligible children >/=5 years, adolescent and adult household contact (HHC) of
Pulmonary Bacteriologically Confirmed TB (PBCT) [2022 Ni-kshay]

7.4 TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in all eligible household contact (HHC) of PBCT [2022 Ni-kshay]

8.1 State level - Program staffing status in 2022

8.2 STDC - Program staffing status in 2022

8.3 IRL - Program staffing status in 2022


8.4 CDST - Program staffing status in 2022

8.5 DRTB Centre - Program staffing status in 2022

8.6 District Level - Program staffing status in 2022

8.7 Medical college - Program staffing status in 2022

9. Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana

10. PMTBMBA Monitoring Report -15/02/2023 (As per the food baskets distributed)
1.1 Presumptive TB cases examination

Presumptive TB Cases examination (per 1,00,000)

Number Needed to Test by
Population - 2022 (in technology
State Number examined by technology
Rate (per lakh
NAAT Total, n(% of population)
Microscopy CBNAAT Truenat Total Microscopy NAAT
total tested)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3.92 12922 655 2498 3153 (20) 16075 4,103 37 8

Andhra Pradesh 528.95 268507 85515 452134 537649 (67) 806156 1,524 69 12

Arunachal Pradesh 16.96 13973 1227 8101 9328 (40) 23301 1,374 12 6

Assam 359.12 240718 25470 17983 43453 (15) 284171 791 15 3

Bihar 1294.71 277032 49621 58657 108278 (28) 385310 298 11 3

Chandigarh 12.08 16036 8051 3836 11887 (43) 27923 2,312 11 5

Chhattisgarh 303.59 376330 17396 93642 111038 (23) 487368 1,605 23 6

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 8.54 20989 3003 1148 4151 (17) 25140 2,945 43 5
Daman and Diu

Delhi 195.59 141369 37057 30125 67182 (32) 208551 1,066 8 2

Goa 15.60 0 8637 11891 20528 (100) 20528 1,316 NA 15

Gujarat 713.84 1153624 14500 93760 108260 (9) 1261884 1,768 23 2

Haryana 303.77 225791 40995 30037 71032 (24) 296823 977 12 2

Himachal Pradesh 76.41 203939 41963 57280 99243 (33) 303182 3,968 40 9

Jammu & Kashmir 144.16 261642 24500 31877 56377 (18) 318019 2,206 81 8

Jharkhand 409.47 259420 34410 74023 108433 (29) 367853 898 12 4

Karnataka 722.51 792818 1227 177763 178990 (18) 971808 1,345 36 10

Presumptive TB Cases examination (per 1,00,000)
Number Needed to Test by
Population - 2022 (in technology
State Number examined by technology
Rate (per lakh
NAAT Total, n(% of population)
Microscopy CBNAAT Truenat Total Microscopy NAAT
total tested)

Kerala 346.78 197577 79986 118249 198235 (50) 395812 1,141 38 14

Ladakh 2.57 1860 7985 685 8670 (82) 10530 4,099 26 26

Lakshadweep 0.67 0 235 2388 2623 (100) 2623 3,933 NA 114

Madhya Pradesh 870.00 1042693 60549 206403 266952 (20) 1309645 1,505 20 3

Maharashtra 1278.86 1611742 216494 114529 331023 (17) 1942765 1,519 34 4

Manipur 35.43 9351 5632 2940 8572 (48) 17923 506 19 7

Meghalaya 38.05 15142 10588 25621 36209 (71) 51351 1,350 17 11

Mizoram 13.00 9126 5434 1155 6589 (42) 15715 1,209 29 7

Nagaland 20.90 14538 7642 1784 9426 (39) 23964 1,147 12 5

Odisha 473.01 1108411 66729 50157 116886 (10) 1225297 2,590 44 4

Puducherry 15.53 16732 8607 1112 9719 (37) 26451 1,703 12 6

Punjab 304.32 173651 26778 28685 55463 (24) 229114 753 10 2

Rajasthan 809.78 985143 84237 77464 161701 (14) 1146844 1,416 20 2

Sikkim 6.68 7706 7337 1720 9057 (54) 16763 2,510 65 9

Tamil Nadu 774.50 1531264 89535 153105 242640 (14) 1773904 2,290 29 4

Telangana 403.50 268776 95872 209693 305565 (53) 574341 1,423 25 8

Tripura 40.21 44353 4007 6272 10279 (19) 54632 1,359 28 4

Presumptive TB Cases examination (per 1,00,000)
Number Needed to Test by
Population - 2022 (in technology
State Number examined by technology
Rate (per lakh
NAAT Total, n(% of population)
Microscopy CBNAAT Truenat Total Microscopy NAAT
total tested)

Uttar Pradesh 2398.03 1433276 121141 366197 487338 (25) 1920614 801 12 2

Uttarakhand 119.72 59796 6263 39782 46045 (44) 105841 884 8 3

West Bengal 1014.61 1118664 71371 197207 268578 (19) 1387242 1,367 31 4

INDIA 14075.37 1,39,14,911 13,70,649 27,49,903 4120552 (23) 18035463 1,281 22 4

1.2 TB case notification

TB case notification rate (per

Target TB patients expected to be notified TB patients notified, n (% achievement against target)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 520 10 530 510 (98.1) 24 (240) 534 (100.8) 130.2 6.1 136.3

Andhra Pradesh 85000 30000 115000 62075 (73) 30112 (100.4) 92187 (80.2) 117.4 56.9 174.3

Arunachal Pradesh 3450 50 3500 2722 (78.9) 141 (282) 2863 (81.8) 160.5 8.3 168.8

Assam 50200 10800 61000 36801 (73.3) 11021 (102) 47822 (78.4) 102.5 30.7 133.2

Bihar 80000 120000 200000 79008 (98.8) 82157 (68.5) 161165 (80.6) 61 63.5 124.5

Chandigarh 6450 750 7200 5664 (87.8) 402 (53.6) 6066 (84.3) 468.9 33.3 502.2

Chhattisgarh 37000 18000 55000 26801 (72.4) 11720 (65.1) 38521 (70) 88.3 38.6 126.9

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman

980 120 1100 1294 (132) 105 (87.5) 1399 (127.2) 151.6 12.3 163.9
and Diu

Delhi 70000 30000 100000 76966 (110) 29765 (99.2) 106731 (106.7) 393.5 152.2 545.7

Goa 1850 550 2400 1614 (87.2) 477 (86.7) 2091 (87.1) 103.5 30.6 134

Gujarat 90000 60000 150000 100949 (112.2) 50963 (84.9) 151912 (101.3) 141.4 71.4 212.8

Haryana 60000 34000 94000 51231 (85.4) 24607 (72.4) 75838 (80.7) 168.6 81 249.7

Himachal Pradesh 15000 1500 16500 14457 (96.4) 1632 (108.8) 16089 (97.5) 189.2 21.4 210.6

Jammu & Kashmir 12100 2400 14500 10022 (82.8) 1782 (74.3) 11804 (81.4) 69.5 12.4 81.9

Jharkhand 46700 23300 70000 43683 (93.5) 13637 (58.5) 57320 (81.9) 106.7 33.3 140

Karnataka 65000 35000 100000 59510 (91.6) 20906 (59.7) 80416 (80.4) 82.4 28.9 111.3

Kerala 18000 6000 24000 16766 (93.1) 6622 (110.4) 23388 (97.5) 48.3 19.1 67.4

Ladakh 340 10 350 311 (91.5) 9 (90) 320 (91.4) 121.1 3.5 124.6

Lakshadweep 20 0 20 11 (55) 0 (NA) 11 (55) 16.5 0 16.5

Madhya Pradesh 150550 94450 245000 130830 (86.9) 55463 (58.7) 186293 (76) 150.4 63.8 214.1

Maharashtra 155000 115000 270000 132531 (85.5) 101574 (88.3) 234105 (86.7) 103.6 79.4 183.1
TB case notification rate (per
Target TB patients expected to be notified TB patients notified, n (% achievement against target)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Manipur 2000 1000 3000 1634 (81.7) 920 (92) 2554 (85.1) 46.1 26 72.1

Meghalaya 5000 1000 6000 4063 (81.3) 926 (92.6) 4989 (83.2) 106.8 24.3 131.1

Mizoram 2550 450 3000 1697 (66.5) 388 (86.2) 2085 (69.5) 130.6 29.9 160.4

Nagaland 4250 750 5000 3360 (79.1) 765 (102) 4125 (82.5) 160.8 36.6 197.4

Odisha 55000 10000 65000 50393 (91.6) 9979 (99.8) 60372 (92.9) 106.5 21.1 127.6

Puducherry 4800 100 4900 3732 (77.8) 103 (103) 3835 (78.3) 240.3 6.6 246.9

Punjab 55000 15000 70000 43344 (78.8) 11806 (78.7) 55150 (78.8) 142.4 38.8 181.2

Rajasthan 117000 63000 180000 126675 (108.3) 42847 (68) 169522 (94.2) 156.4 52.9 209.3

Sikkim 1380 120 1500 1286 (93.2) 109 (90.8) 1395 (93) 192.6 16.3 208.9

Tamil Nadu 88600 31400 120000 71896 (81.1) 21983 (70) 93879 (78.2) 92.8 28.4 121.2

Telangana 56000 24000 80000 52304 (93.4) 20637 (86) 72941 (91.2) 129.6 51.1 180.8

Tripura 3260 240 3500 2865 (87.9) 159 (66.3) 3024 (86.4) 71.3 4 75.2

Uttar Pradesh 364000 186000 550000 373262 (102.5) 149588 (80.4) 522850 (95.1) 155.7 62.4 218

Uttarakhand 19600 8400 28000 21215 (108.2) 6338 (75.5) 27553 (98.4) 177.2 52.9 230.1

West Bengal 101660 28340 130000 76945 (75.7) 24027 (84.8) 100972 (77.7) 75.8 23.7 99.5

INDIA 1828260 951740 2780000 1688427 (92.4) 733694 (77.1) 2422121 (87.1) 120 52.1 172.1
1.3 Notified TB patient characteristics
Type of Case, n (% of notified) Site of disease, n (% of notified) Diagnostic Test, n (% of notified)
New Previously Treated PMDT Pulmonary Extra Pulmonary Microscopy Molecular tests Chest X-ray Others

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 461 (86.3) 37 (6.9) 36 (6.7) 369 (69.1) 165 (30.9) 147 (21.6) 196 (28.8) 87 (12.8) 251 (36.9)

Andhra Pradesh 81132 (88) 8769 (9.5) 2286 (2.5) 70426 (76.4) 21761 (23.6) 3908 (4.1) 37040 (38.5) 30923 (32.2) 24224 (25.2)

Arunachal Pradesh 2484 (86.8) 245 (8.6) 134 (4.7) 1866 (65.2) 997 (34.8) 622 (17.8) 888 (25.5) 390 (11.2) 1585 (45.5)

Assam 43313 (90.6) 3621 (7.6) 888 (1.9) 36937 (77.2) 10885 (22.8) 14841 (23.7) 6014 (9.6) 14821 (23.7) 26987 (43.1)

Bihar 147718 (91.7) 10083 (6.3) 3364 (2.1) 135151 (83.9) 26014 (16.1) 19121 (10.6) 25897 (14.4) 90754 (50.3) 44514 (24.7)

Chandigarh 5380 (88.7) 563 (9.3) 123 (2) 3276 (54) 2790 (46) 1412 (18.9) 1572 (21) 337 (4.5) 4157 (55.6)

Chhattisgarh 35300 (91.6) 2706 (7) 515 (1.3) 27309 (70.9) 11212 (29.1) 7483 (16.3) 9125 (19.8) 13400 (29.1) 15996 (34.8)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 1225 (87.6) 141 (10.1) 33 (2.4) 810 (57.9) 589 (42.1) 261 (15.7) 301 (18.1) 214 (12.9) 884 (53.3)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 90648 (84.9) 11965 (11.2) 4118 (3.9) 68173 (63.9) 38558 (36.1) 26942 (20.2) 24868 (18.6) 21218 (15.9) 60645 (45.4)

Goa 1852 (88.6) 162 (7.7) 77 (3.7) 1297 (62) 794 (38) 23 (1.1) 1050 (49.7) 221 (10.5) 820 (38.8)

Gujarat 123738 (81.5) 24809 (16.3) 3365 (2.2) 115534 (76.1) 36378 (23.9) 43009 (22.1) 9891 (5.1) 68207 (35) 73814 (37.9)

Haryana 65939 (86.9) 8233 (10.9) 1666 (2.2) 55872 (73.7) 19966 (26.3) 17642 (18.9) 23526 (25.2) 13342 (14.3) 38970 (41.7)

Himachal Pradesh 13943 (86.7) 1760 (10.9) 386 (2.4) 11042 (68.6) 5047 (31.4) 5092 (24) 5567 (26.3) 1069 (5) 9453 (44.6)

Jammu & Kashmir 10536 (89.3) 1111 (9.4) 157 (1.3) 7485 (63.4) 4319 (36.6) 2492 (17.4) 3203 (22.4) 2070 (14.5) 6531 (45.7)

Jharkhand 53034 (92.5) 3438 (6) 848 (1.5) 50004 (87.2) 7316 (12.8) 15278 (21) 14151 (19.5) 21861 (30.1) 21308 (29.4)

Karnataka 69836 (86.8) 7853 (9.8) 2727 (3.4) 58761 (73.1) 21655 (26.9) 16389 (16.9) 29779 (30.8) 12808 (13.2) 37829 (39.1)

Kerala 21588 (92.3) 1384 (5.9) 416 (1.8) 15476 (66.2) 7912 (33.8) 4228 (15.3) 10234 (37.1) 1229 (4.5) 11925 (43.2)

Ladakh 264 (82.5) 54 (16.9) 2 (0.6) 235 (73.4) 85 (26.6) 52 (14) 179 (48.1) 10 (2.7) 131 (35.2)
Type of Case, n (% of notified) Site of disease, n (% of notified) Diagnostic Test, n (% of notified)
New Previously Treated PMDT Pulmonary Extra Pulmonary Microscopy Molecular tests Chest X-ray Others

Lakshadweep 9 (81.8) 1 (9.1) 1 (9.1) 11 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 11 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 164091 (88.1) 19099 (10.3) 3103 (1.7) 150155 (80.6) 36138 (19.4) 37773 (16.9) 29212 (13) 86284 (38.5) 70797 (31.6)

Maharashtra 203419 (86.9) 18764 (8) 11922 (5.1) 156476 (66.8) 77629 (33.2) 30747 (11.6) 55559 (21) 82786 (31.3) 95760 (36.2)

Manipur 2331 (91.3) 165 (6.5) 58 (2.3) 1891 (74) 663 (26) 491 (16.1) 1076 (35.3) 286 (9.4) 1192 (39.1)

Meghalaya 4304 (86.3) 396 (7.9) 289 (5.8) 3562 (71.4) 1427 (28.6) 573 (10.3) 2545 (45.8) 616 (11.1) 1828 (32.9)

Mizoram 1778 (85.3) 204 (9.8) 103 (4.9) 1233 (59.1) 852 (40.9) 175 (7.7) 1070 (47.3) 97 (4.3) 918 (40.6)

Nagaland 3660 (88.7) 372 (9) 93 (2.3) 2769 (67.1) 1356 (32.9) 976 (19.1) 1265 (24.8) 738 (14.5) 2122 (41.6)

Odisha 56026 (92.8) 3865 (6.4) 481 (0.8) 44769 (74.2) 15603 (25.8) 21221 (26) 9090 (11.1) 15469 (19) 35813 (43.9)

Puducherry 3244 (84.6) 229 (6) 362 (9.4) 2696 (70.3) 1139 (29.7) 1334 (25.8) 798 (15.4) 107 (2.1) 2930 (56.7)

Punjab 49022 (88.9) 5394 (9.8) 734 (1.3) 40593 (73.6) 14557 (26.4) 16371 (22.9) 12681 (17.7) 12265 (17.1) 30204 (42.2)

Rajasthan 146481 (86.4) 19299 (11.4) 3742 (2.2) 136440 (80.5) 33082 (19.5) 43209 (20.3) 36316 (17.1) 59309 (27.9) 73897 (34.7)

Sikkim 1081 (77.5) 104 (7.5) 210 (15.1) 909 (65.2) 486 (34.8) 44 (3.1) 844 (58.7) 182 (12.6) 369 (25.6)

Tamil Nadu 82944 (88.4) 8579 (9.1) 2356 (2.5) 71165 (75.8) 22714 (24.2) 36283 (27.9) 19462 (15) 15022 (11.5) 59395 (45.6)

Telangana 64606 (88.6) 6613 (9.1) 1722 (2.4) 55437 (76) 17504 (24) 9186 (11.2) 27431 (33.4) 20884 (25.4) 24626 (30)

Tripura 2743 (90.7) 253 (8.4) 28 (0.9) 2467 (81.6) 557 (18.4) 1015 (25.1) 933 (23.1) 370 (9.2) 1721 (42.6)

Uttar Pradesh 463889 (88.7) 45607 (8.7) 13354 (2.6) 414420 (79.3) 108430 (20.7) 91672 (14.9) 110216 (17.9) 229428 (37.3) 183206 (29.8)

Uttarakhand 24263 (88.1) 2668 (9.7) 622 (2.3) 19974 (72.5) 7579 (27.5) 3046 (10) 10055 (32.9) 8536 (27.9) 8962 (29.3)

West Bengal 89422 (88.6) 8414 (8.3) 3136 (3.1) 74799 (74.1) 26173 (25.9) 39992 (28.4) 26936 (19.1) 10590 (7.5) 63446 (45)

INDIA 2131704 (88) 226960 (9.4) 63457 (2.6) 1839789 (76) 582332 (24) 513050 (17.5) 548981 (18.7) 835930 (28.5) 1037210 (35.3)
1.4 Paediatric TB cases notification & treatment initiation status

Paediatric TB patients notified Net paediatric TB patients*

Paediatric Patients initiated on treatment, n (%)
(Based On Diagnosing PHI) notified (Based On Current PHI)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 18 1 19 19 0 19 19 (100) 0 (NA) 19 (100)

Andhra Pradesh 1347 1333 2680 1711 997 2708 1684 (98.4) 993 (99.6) 2677 (98.9)

Arunachal Pradesh 256 19 275 289 1 290 282 (97.6) 1 (100) 283 (97.6)

Assam 992 433 1425 1231 182 1413 1161 (94.3) 173 (95.1) 1334 (94.4)

Bihar 4434 10778 15212 4428 11024 15452 4072 (92) 11002 (99.8) 15074 (97.6)

Chandigarh 496 18 514 277 4 281 260 (93.9) 3 (75) 263 (93.6)

Chhattisgarh 935 974 1909 1155 759 1914 1136 (98.4) 752 (99.1) 1888 (98.6)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and

76 8 84 53 7 60 52 (98.1) 7 (100) 59 (98.3)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 7867 2258 10125 8122 838 8960 7419 (91.3) 730 (87.1) 8149 (90.9)

Goa 37 13 50 44 8 52 42 (95.5) 8 (100) 50 (96.2)

Gujarat 3201 3972 7173 3985 2962 6947 3874 (97.2) 2947 (99.5) 6821 (98.2)

Haryana 2596 1477 4073 3265 1058 4323 3053 (93.5) 998 (94.3) 4051 (93.7)

Himachal Pradesh 468 50 518 523 13 536 498 (95.2) 13 (100) 511 (95.3)

Jammu & Kashmir 511 89 600 581 28 609 543 (93.5) 28 (100) 571 (93.8)

Jharkhand 1299 1478 2777 1556 1284 2840 1489 (95.7) 1279 (99.6) 2768 (97.5)

Karnataka 1924 1690 3614 2501 1047 3548 2421 (96.8) 1015 (96.9) 3436 (96.8)

Kerala 480 409 889 737 158 895 707 (95.9) 148 (93.7) 855 (95.5)

Ladakh 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 (100) 0 (NA) 8 (100)

Lakshadweep 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 (100) 0 (NA) 1 (100)

Madhya Pradesh 9212 5450 14662 10512 4290 14802 10220 (97.2) 4255 (99.2) 14475 (97.8)

Maharashtra 6280 6626 12906 7710 5065 12775 7368 (95.6) 4898 (96.7) 12266 (96)

Manipur 61 24 85 77 9 86 69 (89.6) 4 (44.4) 73 (84.9)

Meghalaya 197 113 310 250 59 309 219 (87.6) 59 (100) 278 (90)

Mizoram 123 23 146 145 1 146 143 (98.6) 1 (100) 144 (98.6)

Nagaland 169 32 201 187 12 199 186 (99.5) 12 (100) 198 (99.5)

Odisha 1694 584 2278 1932 337 2269 1877 (97.2) 323 (95.8) 2200 (97)

Puducherry 101 6 107 52 52 47 (90.4) (NA) 47 (90.4)

Punjab 2121 680 2801 2522 451 2973 2367 (93.9) 422 (93.6) 2789 (93.8)

Rajasthan 4723 3700 8423 5218 3222 8440 4908 (94.1) 3166 (98.3) 8074 (95.7)

Sikkim 42 8 50 46 3 49 44 (95.7) 3 (100) 47 (95.9)

Tamil Nadu 1765 1651 3416 2060 1397 3457 1996 (96.9) 1375 (98.4) 3371 (97.5)

Telangana 1344 675 2019 1543 494 2037 1513 (98.1) 484 (98) 1997 (98)

Tripura 50 3 53 57 1 58 55 (96.5) 1 (100) 56 (96.6)

Uttar Pradesh 17873 14402 32275 21935 11113 33048 20751 (94.6) 10957 (98.6) 31708 (95.9)

Uttarakhand 998 359 1357 1081 236 1317 1061 (98.1) 233 (98.7) 1294 (98.3)

West Bengal 1895 991 2886 2653 208 2861 2557 (96.4) 194 (93.3) 2751 (96.2)

INDIA 75594 60327 135921 88466 47268 135734 84102 (95.1) 46484 (98.3) 130586 (96.2)
1.5 Tribal TB cases notification and treatment initiation status

Tribal TB patients notified (Based On Diagnosing PHI) Tribal TB Patients initiated on treatment, n (% of notified)
Number of Districts
mapped as Tribal
district (partly or Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman &
1 95 0 95 91 (98.9) 0 (NA) 91 (98.9)
Nicobar Islands

Andhra Pradesh 8 9284 3015 12299 9866 (98.1) 2489 (99.8) 12355 (98.5)

Arunachal Pradesh 15 2711 141 2852 2861 (95.4) 3 (50) 2864 (95.3)

Assam 7 7374 1044 8418 7336 (96.6) 884 (93.4) 8220 (96.2)

Bihar 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Chhattisgarh 20 11630 1774 13404 12656 (98.1) 1467 (99.6) 14123 (98.3)

Dadra and Nagar

Haveli and Daman 1 916 73 989 496 (98.2) 61 (100) 557 (98.4)
and Diu

Delhi 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Goa 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Gujarat 14 18177 5852 24029 20002 (96.9) 3850 (99.4) 23852 (97.3)

Haryana 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Himachal Pradesh 3 207 0 207 432 (96.4) 0 (NA) 432 (96.4)

Jammu & Kashmir 1 13 2 15 67 (94.4) 2 (100) 69 (94.5)

Jharkhand 15 24708 7463 32171 25228 (96) 6025 (98.5) 31253 (96.5)

Karnataka 3 1715 290 2005 2579 (97.3) 122 (97.6) 2701 (97.3)
Tribal TB patients notified (Based On Diagnosing PHI) Tribal TB Patients initiated on treatment, n (% of notified)
Number of Districts
mapped as Tribal
district (partly or Public Private Total Public Private Total

Kerala 4 383 108 491 870 (97.2) 13 (92.9) 883 (97.1)

Ladakh 2 303 9 312 303 (95) 9 (81.8) 312 (94.5)

Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Madhya Pradesh 20 23282 5017 28299 24806 (96.6) 4271 (97.9) 29077 (96.8)

Maharashtra 16 14502 3954 18456 17057 (96.7) 2751 (97.9) 19808 (96.9)

Manipur 6 587 139 726 840 (88.9) 48 (90.6) 888 (89)

Meghalaya 7 4057 926 4983 4274 (92.1) 314 (97.5) 4588 (92.4)

Mizoram 8 1692 388 2080 2049 (98.2) 20 (100) 2069 (98.2)

Nagaland 11 3358 762 4120 3764 (98.9) 371 (99.5) 4135 (99)

Odisha 13 20280 3223 23503 23225 (98.2) 772 (95) 23997 (98.1)

Puducherry 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Punjab 1 0 12 12 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Rajasthan 8 15204 2640 17844 17622 (94.5) 2045 (94.9) 19667 (94.5)

Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Tamil Nadu 7 201 6 207 546 (98.4) 0 (NA) 546 (98.4)

Telangana 8 5506 1929 7435 6292 (96.6) 1534 (98.4) 7826 (97)

Tripura 2 318 0 318 278 (96.5) 0 (NA) 278 (96.5)

Uttar Pradesh 4 3558 283 3841 3788 (96.2) 371 (97.4) 4159 (96.3)
Tribal TB patients notified (Based On Diagnosing PHI) Tribal TB Patients initiated on treatment, n (% of notified)
Number of Districts
mapped as Tribal
district (partly or Public Private Total Public Private Total

Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

West Bengal 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

INDIA 205 170061 39050 209111 187328 (96.6) 27422 (98) 214750 (96.8)
1.6 Gender disaggregated data on total TB Notification, Paediatric TB Notification and Treatment Initiation

State TB Cases Notified Paediatric TB Cases Notified, n (% of total notified) Total TB Cases initiated on treatment, n (% of total

Male Female Trans Gender Male Female Trans Gender Male Female Trans Gender

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 336 211 0 7 (2.1) 12 (5.7) NA 319 (94.9) 204 (96.7) 0 (NA)

Andhra Pradesh 60460 32592 40 1307 (2.2) 1400 (4.3) 1 (2.5) 59560 (98.5) 32191 (98.8) 39 (97.5)

Arunachal Pradesh 1646 1367 1 132 (8) 158 (11.6) (0) 1574 (95.6) 1298 (95) 1 (100)

Assam 31823 16120 20 676 (2.1) 735 (4.6) 2 (10) 30217 (95) 15382 (95.4) 17 (85)

Bihar 100334 65409 78 9103 (9.1) 6333 (9.7) 6 (7.7) 95530 (95.2) 62823 (96) 74 (94.9)

Chandigarh 2033 1750 3 122 (6) 158 (9) 1 (33.3) 1893 (93.1) 1669 (95.4) 3 (100)

Chhattisgarh 24381 14346 14 997 (4.1) 917 (6.4) (0) 23903 (98) 14105 (98.3) 13 (92.9)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 530 391 0 26 (4.9) 34 (8.7) NA 521 (98.3) 388 (99.2) 0 (NA)
and Diu

Delhi 44850 43312 62 3487 (7.8) 5468 (12.6) 3 (4.8) 39677 (88.5) 39285 (90.7) 55 (88.7)

Goa 1235 834 1 21 (1.7) 31 (3.7) (0) 1193 (96.6) 814 (97.6) 1 (100)

Gujarat 93866 54204 55 3544 (3.8) 3400 (6.3) 2 (3.6) 91491 (97.5) 53163 (98.1) 54 (98.2)

Haryana 46604 32003 33 1888 (4.1) 2431 (7.6) 3 (9.1) 42968 (92.2) 30022 (93.8) 30 (90.9)

Himachal Pradesh 10258 6243 4 244 (2.4) 290 (4.6) 2 (50) 9929 (96.8) 6057 (97) 4 (100)

Jammu & Kashmir 7039 4915 2 295 (4.2) 312 (6.3) 1 (50) 6659 (94.6) 4682 (95.3) 2 (100)

Jharkhand 39592 18853 23 1546 (3.9) 1291 (6.8) 3 (13) 38000 (96) 18149 (96.3) 23 (100)

Karnataka 50058 29053 30 1786 (3.6) 1762 (6.1) (0) 48355 (96.6) 28089 (96.7) 28 (93.3)
Kerala 15235 8289 5 436 (2.9) 459 (5.5) (0) 14563 (95.6) 7961 (96) 4 (80)

Ladakh 173 172 0 3 (1.7) 5 (2.9) NA 164 (94.8) 160 (93) 0 (NA)

Lakshadweep 13 9 0 (0) 1 (11.1) NA 13 (100) 9 (100) 0 (NA)

Madhya Pradesh 116954 71896 56 8041 (6.9) 6739 (9.4) 3 (5.4) 112246 (96) 69637 (96.9) 54 (96.4)

Maharashtra 125242 104336 118 5494 (4.4) 7274 (7) 3 (2.5) 119259 (95.2) 100002 (95.8) 109 (92.4)

Manipur 1623 997 1 38 (2.3) 48 (4.8) (0) 1363 (84) 821 (82.3) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 2928 2032 1 143 (4.9) 166 (8.2) (0) 2727 (93.1) 1875 (92.3) 0 (0)

Mizoram 1219 887 0 63 (5.2) 83 (9.4) NA 1192 (97.8) 877 (98.9) 0 (NA)

Nagaland 2594 1590 0 94 (3.6) 105 (6.6) NA 2567 (99) 1574 (99) 0 (NA)

Odisha 39823 20108 24 1180 (3) 1089 (5.4) (0) 38640 (97) 19528 (97.1) 24 (100)

Puducherry 961 566 0 27 (2.8) 25 (4.4) NA 914 (95.1) 550 (97.2) 0 (NA)

Punjab 32779 24755 28 1201 (3.7) 1768 (7.1) 4 (14.3) 30011 (91.6) 22982 (92.8) 27 (96.4)

Rajasthan 111923 58254 71 4605 (4.1) 3829 (6.6) 6 (8.5) 105018 (93.8) 55497 (95.3) 68 (95.8)

Sikkim 736 678 1 19 (2.6) 30 (4.4) (0) 723 (98.2) 662 (97.6) 1 (100)

Tamil Nadu 65197 30727 44 1781 (2.7) 1675 (5.5) 1 (2.3) 63057 (96.7) 29818 (97) 43 (97.7)

Telangana 44190 28989 41 825 (1.9) 1212 (4.2) (0) 42954 (97.2) 28316 (97.7) 38 (92.7)

Tripura 2449 848 0 29 (1.2) 29 (3.4) NA 2354 (96.1) 825 (97.3) 0 (NA)

Uttar Pradesh 308765 226860 229 16137 (5.2) 16880 (7.4) 14 (6.1) 291803 (94.5) 216669 (95.5) 216 (94.3)

Uttarakhand 15873 11471 13 550 (3.5) 764 (6.7) 2 (15.4) 15412 (97.1) 11204 (97.7) 13 (100)

West Bengal 68468 33388 23 1303 (1.9) 1557 (4.7) (0) 65734 (96) 32060 (96) 23 (100)

India 1472190 948455 1021 67150 (4.6) 68470 (7.2) 57 (5.6) 1402503 (95.3) 909348 (95.9) 964 (94.4)
1.7 Gender disaggregated data on treatment outcomes

State TB Cases Notified-2021 Success Rate, n (%) Death Rate, n (%)

Male Female Trans Gender Male Female Trans Gender Male Female Trans Gender

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 264 216 0 229 (86.7) 187 (86.6) NA 8 (3) 5 (2.3) NA

Andhra Pradesh 55479 29686 35 51269 (92.4) 28021 (94.4) 31 (88.6) 1635 (2.9) 588 (2) 0 (0)

Arunachal Pradesh 1483 1237 6 1165 (78.6) 993 (80.3) 5 (83.3) 45 (3) 28 (2.3) 0 (0)

Assam 25048 12494 11 21934 (87.6) 11147 (89.2) 10 (90.9) 1179 (4.7) 470 (3.8) 0 (0)

Bihar 81920 51418 57 66416 (81.1) 42794 (83.2) 40 (70.2) 3257 (4) 1624 (3.2) 0 (0)

Chandigarh 1675 1463 7 1373 (82) 1266 (86.5) 7 (100) 76 (4.5) 41 (2.8) 0 (0)

Chhattisgarh 20210 11957 17 17058 (84.4) 10571 (88.4) 17 (100) 1328 (6.6) 518 (4.3) 0 (0)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and 436 294 0 397 (91.1) 278 (94.6) NA 20 (4.6) 10 (3.4) NA

Delhi 41276 40945 56 29373 (71.2) 31571 (77.1) 47 (83.9) 1447 (3.5) 850 (2.1) 0 (0)

Goa 1169 778 1 907 (77.6) 652 (83.8) 1 (100) 124 (10.6) 51 (6.6) 0 (0)

Gujarat 88146 49881 40 77048 (87.4) 45438 (91.1) 32 (80) 5093 (5.8) 1747 (3.5) 6 (15)

Haryana 41292 28272 31 33732 (81.7) 24338 (86.1) 27 (87.1) 2181 (5.3) 882 (3.1) 2 (6.5)

Himachal Pradesh 8970 5559 3 7753 (86.4) 4976 (89.5) 2 (66.7) 630 (7) 261 (4.7) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 6349 4556 4 5370 (84.6) 4019 (88.2) 4 (100) 274 (4.3) 143 (3.1) 0 (0)

Jharkhand 35675 17097 20 30739 (86.2) 14917 (87.2) 16 (80) 1351 (3.8) 474 (2.8) 1 (5)

Karnataka 43554 25818 33 35168 (80.7) 22091 (85.6) 28 (84.8) 3771 (8.7) 1463 (5.7) 2 (6.1)

Kerala 14081 7801 4 10977 (78) 6413 (82.2) 4 (100) 1296 (9.2) 483 (6.2) 0 (0)

Ladakh 167 153 0 141 (84.4) 122 (79.7) NA 12 (7.2) 10 (6.5) NA

State TB Cases Notified-2021 Success Rate, n (%) Death Rate, n (%)

Male Female Trans Gender Male Female Trans Gender Male Female Trans Gender

Lakshadweep 9 11 0 7 (77.8) 11 (100) NA 1 (11.1) 0 (0) NA

Madhya Pradesh 102694 63342 62 85228 (83) 55460 (87.6) 50 (80.6) 4902 (4.8) 1738 (2.7) 3 (4.8)

Maharashtra 97556 84911 83 83525 (85.6) 74933 (88.2) 66 (79.5) 5067 (5.2) 2736 (3.2) 6 (7.2)

Manipur 1156 657 2 918 (79.4) 522 (79.5) 2 (100) 55 (4.8) 18 (2.7) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 2380 1533 3 1967 (82.6) 1352 (88.2) 3 (100) 130 (5.5) 50 (3.3) 0 (0)

Mizoram 969 701 0 840 (86.7) 637 (90.9) NA 50 (5.2) 22 (3.1) NA

Nagaland 2240 1393 3 1917 (85.6) 1202 (86.3) 3 (100) 67 (3) 46 (3.3) 0 (0)

Odisha 34472 17298 18 30694 (89) 15764 (91.1) 15 (83.3) 2170 (6.3) 801 (4.6) 2 (11.1)

Puducherry 883 485 1 687 (77.8) 415 (85.6) 1 (100) 51 (5.8) 23 (4.7) 0 (0)

Punjab 29611 22607 35 24597 (83.1) 19464 (86.1) 31 (88.6) 1700 (5.7) 917 (4.1) 2 (5.7)

Rajasthan 96883 50998 56 81378 (84) 44597 (87.4) 43 (76.8) 3645 (3.8) 1205 (2.4) 2 (3.6)

Sikkim 617 570 0 535 (86.7) 511 (89.6) NA 30 (4.9) 17 (3) NA

Tamil Nadu 55469 27184 31 45300 (81.7) 23390 (86) 21 (67.7) 3763 (6.8) 1201 (4.4) 2 (6.5)

Telangana 35606 23984 25 32057 (90) 22261 (92.8) 25 (100) 1231 (3.5) 528 (2.2) 0 (0)

Tripura 2045 684 0 1741 (85.1) 587 (85.8) NA 124 (6.1) 43 (6.3) NA

Uttar Pradesh 262277 190995 214 222667 (84.9) 168283 (88.1) 186 (86.9) 11523 (4.4) 4972 (2.6) 5 (2.3)

Uttarakhand 13427 9790 14 11430 (85.1) 8707 (88.9) 12 (85.7) 617 (4.6) 246 (2.5) 0 (0)

West Bengal 59930 29325 22 49688 (82.9) 24726 (84.3) 18 (81.8) 3701 (6.2) 1262 (4.3) 0 (0)

India 1265418 816093 894 1066225 (84.3) 712616 (87.3) 747 (83.6) 62554 (4.9) 25473 (3.1) 33 (3.7)
2.1 Screening for HIV in notified TB

TB patients with known HIV status, n (%)

Public Private Total

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 524 (96.3) 4 (100) 528 (96.4)

Andhra Pradesh 66007 (99.8) 26971 (100) 92978 (99.9)

Arunachal Pradesh 2790 (92.7) 4 (66.7) 2794 (92.7)

Assam 38955 (92.7) 5302 (89.5) 44257 (92.3)

Bihar 70582 (86.7) 76871 (91) 147453 (88.9)

Chandigarh 3620 (97.3) 51 (79.7) 3671 (97)

Chhattisgarh 28804 (97.8) 8661 (93.3) 37465 (96.7)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 844 (99.9) 76 (100) 920 (99.9)

Delhi 69488 (89.1) 6009 (58.8) 75497 (85.6)

Goa 1668 (99.5) 329 (83.1) 1997 (96.3)

Gujarat 107908 (99.3) 37094 (94) 145002 (97.9)

Haryana 59816 (97.6) 16555 (95.2) 76371 (97.1)

Himachal Pradesh 15929 (99.4) 461 (98.5) 16390 (99.3)

Jammu & Kashmir 11101 (97.6) 560 (96.2) 11661 (97.5)

Jharkhand 45326 (96.5) 10149 (88.2) 55475 (94.9)

Karnataka 66045 (98) 11108 (94.4) 77153 (97.5)

Kerala 19736 (95.7) 2627 (90.6) 22363 (95.1)

Ladakh 320 (95.8) 9 (81.8) 329 (95.4)

Lakshadweep 22 (100) 0 (NA) 22 (100)

Madhya Pradesh 134043 (96) 46661 (94.8) 180704 (95.6)

Maharashtra 150835 (99) 75129 (97.1) 225964 (98.4)

Manipur 2027 (85.5) 169 (65.8) 2196 (83.6)

Meghalaya 3966 (85.5) 161 (50) 4127 (83.2)

Mizoram 2075 (99.5) 20 (100) 2095 (99.5)

Nagaland 3658 (96.1) 328 (87.9) 3986 (95.4)

Odisha 55264 (99.5) 4346 (98.9) 59610 (99.4)

Puducherry 1520 (99.7) 2 (100) 1522 (99.7)

Punjab 45215 (94.7) 9338 (95.1) 54553 (94.8)

Rajasthan 126507 (96.1) 36622 (94.8) 163129 (95.8)

Sikkim 1314 (98.2) 72 (97.3) 1386 (98.2)

Tamil Nadu 77587 (99.1) 14216 (80.4) 91803 (95.7)

Telangana 54004 (99) 18492 (99) 72496 (99)

Tripura 3188 (97.9) 34 (85) 3222 (97.8)

Uttar Pradesh 410100 (97.8) 111531 (95.6) 521631 (97.3)

Uttarakhand 22379 (98.5) 4551 (97.9) 26930 (98.4)

West Bengal 91618 (97.6) 6947 (86.8) 98565 (96.8)

India 1794785 (96.8) 531460 (93.6) 2326245 (96.1)

2.2 TB-HIV co-infection (from NACP)

TB-HIV co-infected TB-HIV co-infected

TB-HIV co-infected
State/UT patients put on ART, n patients put on CPT, n
patients Diagnosed
(%) (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 5 5 (100) -

Andhra Pradesh 4,288 4160 (97) 4253 (99)

Arunachal Pradesh 18 11 (61) 16 (89)

Assam 345 279 (81) 312 (90)

Bihar 1,638 1355 (83) 1252 (76)

Chandigarh 165 144 (87) 165 (100)

Chhattisgarh 472 410 (87) 454 (96)

Dadar & Nagar Haveli 14 14 (100) -

Delhi 1,474 1420 (96) 1496 (101)

Goa 69 63 (91) 65 (94)

Gujarat 2,707 2540 (94) 2610 (96)

Haryana 546 501 (92) 492 (90)

Himachal Pradesh 97 90 (93) 97 (100)

J&K 63 54 (86) 54 (86)

Jharkhand 355 308 (87) 274 (77)

Karnataka 3,979 3851 (97) 3957 (99)

Kerala 215 191 (89) 213 (99)

Madhya Pradesh 1,268 1368 (108) 1345 (106)

Maharashtra 5,054 4911 (97) 4965 (98)

Manipur 176 165 (94) 170 (97)

Meghalaya 214 197 (92) 213 (100)

Mizoram 257 254 (99) 254 (99)

Mumbai 894 892 (100) 906 (101)

Nagaland 398 336 (84) 359 (90)

Odisha 625 592 (95) 620 (99)

Pondicherry 27 27 (100) 27 (100)

Punjab 1,244 1143 (92) 1168 (94)

TB-HIV co-infected TB-HIV co-infected
TB-HIV co-infected
State/UT patients put on ART, n patients put on CPT, n
patients Diagnosed
(%) (%)

Rajasthan 1,609 1597 (99) 1570 (98)

Sikkim 11 8 (73) 11 (100)

Tamil Nadu 3,035 2921 (96) 3029 (100)

Telangana 1,959 1818 (93) 1394 (71)

Tripura 55 50 (91) 54 (98)

Uttar Pradesh 2,893 2756 (95) 2896 (100)

Uttarakhand 195 138 (71) 146 (75)

West Bengal 1,214 1140 (94) 1198 (99)

India 37,578 35709 (95) 36035 (96)

2.3 Provider initiated testing and counselling among presumptive TB patients and paediatric TB patients

Presumptive TB Cases Paediatric TB Patients

With known HIV With known HIV
Examined Notified
status* status

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 12922 3569 (28) 19 18 (95)

Andhra Pradesh 268507 32486 (12) 2708 2697 (100)
Arunachal Pradesh 13973 4372 (31) 290 277 (96)
Assam 240718 66338 (28) 1413 1243 (88)
Bihar 277032 71959 (26) 15452 11512 (75)
Chandigarh 16036 15334 (96) 281 274 (98)
Chhattisgarh 376330 27006 (7) 1914 1707 (89)
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and
20989 13792 (66) 60 60 (100)
Delhi 141369 65378 (46) 8960 7662 (86)
Gujarat 1153624 478217 (41) 6947 6648 (96)
Haryana 225791 144442 (64) 4323 4194 (97)
Himachal Pradesh 203939 18024 (9) 536 527 (98)
Jammu & Kashmir 261642 10078 (4) 609 588 (97)
Jharkhand 259420 63971 (25) 2840 2578 (91)
Karnataka 792818 347500 (44) 3548 3405 (96)
Kerala 197577 16315 (8) 895 843 (94)
Ladakh 1860 160 (9) 8 8 (100)
Madhya Pradesh 1042693 417162 (40) 14802 13653 (92)
Maharashtra 1611742 943078 (59) 12775 12550 (98)
Manipur 9351 1762 (19) 86 67 (78)
Meghalaya 15142 7767 (51) 309 196 (63)
Mizoram 9126 4405 (48) 146 145 (99)
Nagaland 14538 5276 (36) 199 181 (91)
Odisha 1108411 192246 (17) 2269 2249 (99)
Puducherry 16732 12031 (72) 52 52 (100)
Punjab 173651 91509 (53) 2973 2852 (96)
Rajasthan 985143 717622 (73) 8440 8036 (95)
Sikkim 7706 50 (1) 49 47 (96)
Tamil Nadu 1531264 1238574 (81) 3457 3099 (90)
Telangana 268776 149277 (56) 2037 2002 (98)
Tripura 44353 1521 (3) 58 57 (98)
Uttar Pradesh 1433276 558531 (39) 33048 31914 (97)
Uttarakhand 59796 13621 (23) 1317 1290 (98)
West Bengal 1118664 713504 (64) 2861 2713 (95)
India 13914910 6739262 (48) 135734 125397 (92)
* Data source for HIV status among presumptive TB cases: Annexure M reports
2.4 Intensified TB case finding activities in ICTC centres (from NACP)

Clients attending ICTC Centres

ICTC attendees (excl. Put on

State/UT Referred for TB Diagnosed with
pregnant women) treatment, n(%
testing, n(% out of TB, n (% of
out of diagnosed
attendees) referred)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 22535 1055 (5) 23 (2) 22 (96)

Andhra Pradesh 9,63,176 85118 (9) 4176 (5) 4163 (100)

Arunachal Pradesh 15586 359 (2) 20 (6) 11 (55)

Assam 2,01,175 6138 (3) 482 (8) 482 (100)

Bihar 6,42,070 30895 (5) 3175 (10) 3170 (100)

Chandigarh 79934 197 (0) 11 (6) 11 (100)

Chhattisgarh 4,08,680 24279 (6) 1033 (4) 1033 (100)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 36684 335 (1) 88 (26) 88 (100)
and Diu

Delhi 4,72,437 12858 (3) 617 (5) 617 (100)

Goa 53398 2758 (5) 47 (2) 47 (100)

Gujarat 10,58,290 103910 (10) 4496 (4) 4488 (100)

Haryana 7,73,934 15574 (2) 1111 (7) 762 (69)

Himachal Pradesh 1,65,128 5842 (4) 269 (5) 265 (99)

Jammu & Kashmir 1,13,334 897 (1) 48 (5) 48 (100)

Jharkhand 2,19,891 15476 (7) 1534 (10) 1498 (98)

Karnataka 18,59,848 152996 (8) 4484 (3) 4464 (100)

Kerala 6,09,874 35817 (6) 681 (2) 681 (100)

Ladakh 3530 2 (0) 0 (0) NA

Lakshadweep 258 0 (0) NA NA

Madhya Pradesh 8,50,025 40928 (5) 2334 (6) 2226 (95)

Maharashtra 28,97,566 241740 (8) 12362 (5) 12218 (99)

Manipur 78714 583 (1) 16 (3) 14 (88)

Meghalaya 48516 584 (1) 89 (15) 89 (100)

Mizoram 51437 1225 (2) 59 (5) 56 (95)

Nagaland 67426 3405 (5) 146 (4) 127 (87)

Clients attending ICTC Centres

ICTC attendees (excl. Put on

State/UT Referred for TB Diagnosed with
pregnant women) treatment, n(%
testing, n(% out of TB, n (% of
out of diagnosed
attendees) referred)

Odisha 9,02,871 89459 (10) 2894 (3) 2698 (93)

Puducherry 82812 859 (1) 25 (3) 20 (80)

Punjab 6,55,209 24984 (4) 1757 (7) 1757 (100)

Rajasthan 9,44,361 52144 (6) 1974 (4) 1608 (81)

Sikkim 19927 106 (1) 15 (14) 12 (80)

Tamil Nadu 29,61,205 243427 (8) 4192 (2) 4182 (100)

Telangana 5,35,190 30671 (6) 1810 (6) 1690 (93)

Tripura 75834 2209 (3) 32 (1) 32 (100)

Uttar Pradesh 14,06,459 65044 (5) 4564 (7) 4093 (90)

Uttarakhand 1,26,637 2914 (2) 371 (13) 371 (100)

West Bengal 10,08,343 43527 (4) 1251 (3) 1191 (95)

India 2,04,12,294 1338315 (7) 56186 (4) 54234 (97)

2.5 Intensified TB case finding activities in ART centres (from NACP)

PLHIV with
Cumulative no. PLHIV referred for
No. of times PLHIV with PLHIV bacteriologically
of PLHIV on ART PLHIV screened TB diagnosis test, PLHIV tested for
PLHIV attended presumptive TB, diagnosed with confirmed TB, n
State/UT at ARTCs as on for TB, n(% out n(% out of TB, n (% out of
ART centre in n (% out of TB, n (% out of (% out of total
Dec' 2022 of attendance) presumptive referred)
2022 screened) tested) diagnosed)

Andaman & Nicobar 156 794 794 (100) 8 (1) 8 (100) 7 (88) 2 (29) 1 (50)

Andhra Pradesh 2,11,651 10,96,051 1068803 (98) 51337 (5) 49971 (97) 49763 (100) 2859 (6) 2032 (71)

Arunachal Pradesh 449 951 951 (100) 178 (19) 178 (100) 178 (100) 9 (5) 4 (44)

Assam 11,312 54,623 54619 (100) 1033 (2) 921 (89) 501 (54) 254 (51) 59 (23)

Bihar 75,045 4,85,446 460843 (95) 15150 (3) 12987 (86) 9106 (70) 1491 (16) 797 (53)

Chandigarh 5,139 30,907 30907 (100) 354 (1) 354 (100) 314 (89) 94 (30) 34 (36)

Chhattisgarh 18,190 1,19,724 116159 (97) 3943 (3) 3523 (89) 3187 (90) 412 (13) 302 (73)

Dadra & Nagar Haveli 267 2,225 2225 (100) 5 (0) 5 (100) 5 (100) 5 (100) 5 (100)
and Daman & Diu

Delhi 37,166 2,49,523 237029 (95) 5026 (2) 3367 (67) 2865 (85) 1100 (38) 421 (38)

Goa 3,227 29,903 26504 (89) 244 (1) 210 (86) 205 (98) 14 (7) 12 (86)

Gujarat 78,279 5,80,497 572831 (99) 41668 (7) 39312 (94) 38850 (99) 2392 (6) 881 (37)

Haryana 27,413 1,34,380 133211 (99) 8673 (7) 3201 (37) 2719 (85) 501 (18) 393 (78)

Himachal Pradesh 5,191 29,890 29741 (100) 558 (2) 558 (100) 553 (99) 76 (14) 42 (55)

J&K 3,337 27,608 27608 (100) 162 (1) 146 (90) 141 (97) 60 (43) 28 (47)

Jharkhand 14,256 1,05,840 99794 (94) 2317 (2) 2274 (98) 2005 (88) 333 (17) 234 (70)
PLHIV with
Cumulative no. PLHIV referred for
No. of times PLHIV with PLHIV bacteriologically
of PLHIV on ART PLHIV screened TB diagnosis test, PLHIV tested for
PLHIV attended presumptive TB, diagnosed with confirmed TB, n
State/UT at ARTCs as on for TB, n(% out n(% out of TB, n (% out of
ART centre in n (% out of TB, n (% out of (% out of total
Dec' 2022 of attendance) presumptive referred)
2022 screened) tested) diagnosed)

Karnataka 1,77,983 12,87,525 1252248 (97) 75287 (6) 62176 (83) 60850 (98) 3296 (5) 1595 (48)

Kerala 15,751 1,18,573 118573 (100) 4422 (4) 2142 (48) 2061 (96) 201 (10) 80 (40)

Madhya Pradesh 35,153 1,75,033 171793 (98) 19395 (11) 10902 (56) 9956 (91) 1175 (12) 449 (38)

Maharashtra 2,28,266 18,10,095 1743133 (96) 127331 (7) 105859 (83) 104600 (99) 4384 (4) 1873 (43)

Manipur 14,337 1,01,460 98227 (97) 714 (1) 710 (99) 695 (98) 116 (17) 65 (56)

Meghalaya 4,583 31,702 29857 (94) 277 (1) 252 (91) 150 (60) 35 (23) 20 (57)

Mizoram 13,903 73,633 73633 (100) 536 (1) 482 (90) 481 (100) 204 (42) 128 (63)

Nagaland 11,708 67,278 55122 (82) 924 (2) 804 (87) 713 (89) 290 (41) 135 (47)

Odisha 22,783 1,12,215 106534 (95) 5013 (5) 5013 (100) 5002 (100) 378 (8) 267 (71)

Pondicherry 1,311 13,418 11929 (89) 415 (3) 415 (100) 415 (100) 30 (7) 15 (50)

Punjab 53,991 3,37,487 337067 (100) 9106 (3) 4250 (47) 4125 (97) 780 (19) 499 (64)

Rajasthan 54,192 3,68,602 364633 (99) 21255 (6) 20091 (95) 12062 (60) 1513 (13) 732 (48)

Sikkim 289 1,625 1625 (100) 20 (1) 20 (100) 17 (85) 2 (12) 2 (100)

Tamil Nadu 1,25,225 10,73,643 1046897 (98) 56781 (5) 55743 (98) 55278 (99) 2613 (5) 1434 (55)

Telangana 92,544 7,75,372 697763 (90) 15754 (2) 12807 (81) 12297 (96) 1843 (15) 1323 (72)

Tripura 3,850 16,430 16371 (100) 324 (2) 324 (100) 292 (90) 16 (5) 12 (75)

Uttar Pradesh 1,03,793 8,13,230 808789 (99) 17810 (2) 17756 (100) 17415 (98) 1881 (11) 975 (52)
PLHIV with
Cumulative no. PLHIV referred for
No. of times PLHIV with PLHIV bacteriologically
of PLHIV on ART PLHIV screened TB diagnosis test, PLHIV tested for
PLHIV attended presumptive TB, diagnosed with confirmed TB, n
State/UT at ARTCs as on for TB, n(% out n(% out of TB, n (% out of
ART centre in n (% out of TB, n (% out of (% out of total
Dec' 2022 of attendance) presumptive referred)
2022 screened) tested) diagnosed)

Uttarakhand 5,518 35,321 33002 (93) 959 (3) 958 (100) 624 (65) 187 (30) 63 (34)

West Bengal 49,923 2,70,533 269516 (100) 4060 (2) 4060 (100) 3964 (98) 483 (12) 255 (53)

India 15,44,869 1,06,80,005 10338232 (97) 500441 (5) 431138 (86) 409963 (95) 29533 (7) 16474 (56)
2.6 TB screening among core populations in 2022 (from NACP)

HRG Referred for TB

HRG screened, n (% of HRG tested for TB, n (% HRG diagnosed with TB,
State Target* testing, n (% out of
target achieved) out of referred) n (% out of tested)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0 0 0 0 0

Andhra Pradesh 7,11,056 583367 (82) 43059 (7) 4263 (10) 57 (1)

Arunachal Pradesh 33,900 23493 (69) 155 (1) 155 (100) 10 (6)

Assam 86,492 79939 (92) 2300 (3) 2203 (96) 30 (1)

Bihar 45,100 41659 (92) 275 (1) 262 (95) 6 (2)

Chandigarh 39,936 26732 (67) 77 (0) 76 (99) 4 (5)

Chhattisgarh 1,02,268 66127 (65) 3887 (6) 1233 (32) 68 (6)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 0 0 0 0 0

Delhi 3,72,372 311387 (84) 4280 (1) 1316 (31) 86 (7)

Goa 38,564 31042 (80) 95 (0) 7 (7) 0 (0)

Gujarat 2,33,804 181527 (78) 10367 (6) 7812 (75) 33 (0)

Haryana 86,392 68421 (79) 222 (0) 159 (72) 19 (12)

Himachal Pradesh 27,680 27979 (101) 1028 (4) 963 (94) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 27,124 7815 (29) 1089 (14) 856 (79) 0 (0)

Jharkhand 72,216 61436 (85) 226 (0) 211 (93) 2 (1)

Karnataka 7,03,636 703636 (100) 24168 (3) 8653 (36) 51 (1)

Kerala 2,06,108 107465 (52) 479 (0) 331 (69) 6 (2)

Madhya Pradesh 3,02,236 219303 (73) 5325 (2) 2278 (43) 55 (2)
HRG Referred for TB
HRG screened, n (% of HRG tested for TB, n (% HRG diagnosed with TB,
State Target* testing, n (% out of
target achieved) out of referred) n (% out of tested)

Maharashtra 4,92,144 386571 (79) 9823 (3) 7312 (74) 201 (3)

Manipur 1,37,052 47084 (34) 752 (2) 589 (78) 6 (1)

Meghalaya 13,912 8894 (64) 287 (3) 147 (51) 0 (0)

Mizoram 60,640 31947 (53) 61 (0) 56 (92) 6 (11)

Nagaland 1,21,696 33344 (27) 168 (1) 116 (69) 3 (3)

Odisha 1,09,644 77434 (71) 8022 (10) 7173 (89) 15 (0)

Puducherry 25,788 22254 (86) 118 (1) 115 (97) 0 (0)

Punjab 1,88,544 146466 (78) 927 (1) 463 (50) 33 (7)

Rajasthan 95,784 95784 (100) 177 (0) 168 (95) 6 (4)

Sikkim 10,836 3739 (35) 71 (2) 41 (58) 1 (2)

Tamil Nadu 4,79,808 319861 (67) 6959 (2) 4526 (65) 15 (0)

Telangana 5,61,412 561412 (100) 4648 (1) 2893 (62) 48 (2)

Tripura 36,276 29137 (80) 2550 (9) 533 (21) 10 (2)

Uttar Pradesh 2,46,816 151827 (62) 7626 (5) 2944 (39) 87 (3)

Uttarakhand 41,268 35974 (87) 558 (2) 393 (70) 17 (4)

West Bengal 95,304 64332 (68) 1388 (2) 295 (21) 5 (2)

India 58,05,808 4557388 (78) 141167 (3) 58542 (41) 880 (2)

*Please note that in core group the HRG population needs to screen for TB every quarter
2.7 TB screening among bridge populations in 2022 (from NACP)

HRG screened, HRG Referred for HRG tested for HRG diagnosed
State Target* n (% of target TB testing, n (% TB, n (% out of with TB, n (% out
achieved) out of screened) referred) of tested)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0 NA NA NA NA

Andhra Pradesh 92,033 68819 (75) 8299 (12) 821 (10) 6 (1)

Arunachal Pradesh 29,852 29852 (100) 19 (0) 19 (100) 0 (0)

Assam 28,982 21502 (74) 840 (4) 227 (27) 1 (0)

Bihar 7,038 5765 (82) 131 (2) 2 (2) 0 (0)

Chandigarh 21,637 21637 (100) 176 (1) 172 (98) 6 (3)

Chhattisgarh 90,782 51466 (57) 2525 (5) 603 (24) 7 (1)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 0 NA NA NA NA

Daman and Diu

Delhi 1,37,702 137702 (100) 1521 (1) 751 (49) 11 (1)

Goa 19,290 18074 (94) 196 (1) 0 (0) NA

Gujarat 1,89,129 171212 (91) 3828 (2) 1619 (42) 46 (3)

Haryana 44,377 44397 (100) 99 (0) 47 (47) 2 (4)

Himachal Pradesh 33,639 33639 (100) 125 (0) 17 (14) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 5,763 4627 (80) 367 (8) 309 (84) 1 (0)

Jharkhand 43,188 43188 (100) 1 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0)

Karnataka 2,94,626 294626 (100) 2644 (1) 414 (16) 6 (1)

Kerala 1,21,984 121984 (100) 234 (0) 162 (69) 1 (1)

Madhya Pradesh 1,48,923 148923 (100) 950 (1) 360 (38) 28 (8)

Maharashtra 5,22,035 514589 (99) 40434 (8) 4441 (11) 109 (2)

Manipur 7,490 4450 (59) 11 (0) 11 (100) 1 (9)

Meghalaya 0 NA NA NA NA

Mizoram 9,119 9119 (100) 220 (2) 1 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 12,396 1459 (12) 11 (1) 9 (82) 1 (11)

Odisha 87,449 84970 (97) 3373 (4) 2901 (86) 17 (1)

Puducherry 13,636 13636 (100) 2 (0) 2 (100) 0 (0)

Punjab 49,816 49816 (100) 239 (0) 88 (37) 16 (18)

Rajasthan 2,08,279 208279 (100) 195 (0) 129 (66) 26 (20)

HRG screened, HRG Referred for HRG tested for HRG diagnosed
State Target* n (% of target TB testing, n (% TB, n (% out of with TB, n (% out
achieved) out of screened) referred) of tested)

Sikkim 0 NA NA NA NA

Tamil Nadu 2,52,504 252504 (100) 967 (0) 245 (25) 2 (1)

Telangana 3,35,565 335565 (100) 288 (0) 73 (25) 1 (1)

Tripura 11,980 7321 (61) 320 (4) 7 (2) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 77,996 42282 (54) 1344 (3) 334 (25) 9 (3)

Uttarakhand 89,468 62094 (69) 293 (0) 136 (46) 38 (28)

West Bengal 62,095 43918 (71) 631 (1) 601 (95) 10 (2)

India 30,48,773 2847415 (93) 70283 (2) 14502 (21) 345 (2)

Target for Screening of Bridge population is 40% of total target

Target will remain same for every quarter

2.8 TB screening among prison inmates in 2022 (from NACP)

Total Total prison

Total Total prison
prisons inmates Total prison
inmates inmates
covered Total no. of referred for inmates tested
State screened for diagnosed as
under the prison inmates TB testing, n for TB, n (% out of
TB, n (% out TB, n (% out
programm (% out of referred)
of inmates) of tested)
e screened)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1 1,500 1 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) NA

Andhra Pradesh 81 31,673 24540 (77) 74 (0) 78 (105) 9 (12)

Arunachal Pradesh 6 588 229 (39) 0 (0) NA NA

Assam 31 14,272 10590 (74) 322 (3) 252 (78) 10 (4)

Bihar 59 1,26,085 30131 (24) 18093 (60) 18086 (100) 229 (1)

Chandigarh 1 1,366 1233 (90) 1 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0)

Chhattisgarh 33 8,003 1553 (19) 37 (2) 42 (114) 5 (12)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and

2 227 73 (32) 10 (14) 10 (100) 0 (0)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 15 13,745 11657 (85) 498 (4) 372 (75) 90 (24)

Goa 1 710 517 (73) 14 (3) 8 (57) 0 (0)

Gujarat 31 22,807 10246 (45) 552 (5) 441 (80) 16 (4)

Haryana 20 49,420 46633 (94) 751 (2) 751 (100) 12 (2)

Himachal Pradesh 15 4,525 4525 (100) 748 (17) 748 (100) 7 (1)

Jammu & Kashmir 15 7,691 7696 (100) 2564 (33) 2082 (81) 6 (0)

Jharkhand 30 13,632 9511 (70) 502 (5) 502 (100) 5 (1)

Karnataka 52 36,601 33102 (90) 369 (1) 283 (77) 12 (4)

Kerala 55 26,419 18188 (69) 1871 (10) 1738 (93) 10 (1)

Ladakh 1 26 26 (100) 0 (0) NA NA

Madhya Pradesh 121 1,87,896 181397 (97) 18519 (10) 16606 (90) 214 (1)

Maharashtra 40 56,129 16959 (30) 2245 (13) 1419 (63) 42 (3)

Manipur 2 1,414 1403 (99) 4 (0) 4 (100) 1 (25)

Meghalaya 5 1,752 1744 (100) 24 (1) 24 (100) 0 (0)

Mizoram 9 2,470 2470 (100) 22 (1) 17 (77) 1 (6)

Nagaland 11 250 116 (46) 10 (9) 10 (100) 2 (20)

Odisha 92 27,531 17822 (65) 918 (5) 539 (59) 2 (0)

Total Total prison
Total Total prison
prisons inmates Total prison
inmates inmates
covered Total no. of referred for inmates tested
State screened for diagnosed as
under the prison inmates TB testing, n for TB, n (% out of
TB, n (% out TB, n (% out
programm (% out of referred)
of inmates) of tested)
e screened)

Puducherry 4 758 694 (92) 0 (0) NA NA

Punjab 25 37,853 35004 (92) 272 (1) 233 (86) 9 (4)

Rajasthan 145 75,772 68289 (90) 484 (1) 284 (59) 23 (8)

Sikkim 2 330 15 (5) 0 (0) NA NA

Tamil Nadu 142 63,804 62696 (98) 4946 (8) 3815 (77) 24 (1)

Telangana 36 33,446 25818 (77) 210 (1) 210 (100) 20 (10)

Tripura 14 921 597 (65) 6 (1) 6 (100) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 74 2,35,193 198813 (85) 3528 (2) 3462 (98) 373 (11)

Uttarakhand 10 18,294 13754 (75) 402 (3) 393 (98) 14 (4)

West Bengal 61 30,380 4577 (15) 886 (19) 833 (94) 73 (9)

India 1,242 11,33,483 842619 (74) 58883 (7) 53249 (90) 1209 (2)
2.9 Summary of NACP data for TB-HIV (Jan-Dec 2022) (from NACP)

S.No. Indicators Jan-Dec 2022

I Clients attending ICTC attendees (excl. pregnant women) 2,04,12,294

ICTC Centres
Referred for TB testing, n (% out of attendees) 1338315 (7)

Diagnosed with TB, n (% out of referred) 56186 (4)

Put on treatment, n (% out of diagnosed) 54234 (97)

II TB-HIV co-infected Co-infected patients enrolled in HIV/TB register 37,578

Co-infected patients initiated on ART, n (%) 35709 (95)

Co-infected patients initiated on CPT, n (%) 36035 (96)

Indicators Jan-Dec 2022

III Co-infected PLHIV alive and on ART (as on Dec. 2022) 15,44,869
attending ARTc
PLHIV attending ART Centre 1,06,80,005

PLHIV who underwent (4S) screening, n (% out of attendees) 10338232 (97)

PLHIV with presumptive TB, n (% out of screened) 500441 (5)

PLHIV with presumptive TB referred for TB diagnosis test, n (% out of

431138 (86)
presumptive TB identifie)

PLHIV with presumptive TB tested for TB, n (% out of referred) 409963 (95)

PLHIV diagnosed as having TB (Clinically + Mircobiologically) Total 29,533

PLHIV diagnosed as having TB (Microbiologically confirmed), n (% out

16474 (56)
of total TB)

Cumulative Number of PLHIV in Active Care (as on Dec. 2022) 15,52,132

Indicators Jan-Dec 2022

IV Core Population Target* 58,05,808

HRG screened, n (% of target achieved) 4557388 (78)

HRG Referred for TB testing, n (% of screened) 141167 (3)

HRG tested for TB, n (% of referred) 58542 (41)

HRG diagnosed for TB, n (% of tested) 880 (2)

V Bridge Population Target# 30,48,773

HRG screened, n (% of target achieved) 2847415 (93)

HRG Referred for TB testing, n (% of screened) 70283 (2)

HRG tested for TB, n (% of referred) 14502 (21)

HRG diagnosed for TB, n (% of tested) 345 (2)

VI Prison Inmates Total prisons covered under the programme 1,242

Total no. of prison inmates 11,33,483

Total inmates screened for TB, n (% out of total inmates) 842619 (74)

Total prison inmates referred for TB testing, n (% of screened) 58883 (7)

Total prison inmates tested for TB, n (% of referred) 53249 (90)

Total prison inmates diagnosed as TB, n (% of tested) 1209 (2)

#Target for Screening of Bridge population is 40% of total target, Target will remain same for every quarter

*Please note that in core group the HRG population needs to screen for TB every quarter
2.10 TB - Diabetes

TB patients with known DM status, n TB - DM Patients diagnosed among tested, n (% TB- DM patients initiated on Anti-diabetic
(% of notified) of those with known DM status) treatment, n (% of TB-DM)
Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 518 (95.2) 3 (75) 521 (95.1) 97 (18.7) 1 (33.3) 98 (18.8) 69 (71.1) 1 (100) 70 (71.4)

Andhra Pradesh 65235 (98.7) 26883 (99.6) 92118 (98.9) 8816 (13.5) 2940 (10.9) 11756 (12.8) 6282 (71.3) 1671 (56.8) 7953 (67.7)

Arunachal Pradesh 2378 (79) 3 (50) 2381 (79) 59 (2.5) 0 (0) 59 (2.5) 28 (47.5) NA 28 (47.5)

Assam 34011 (81) 4929 (83.2) 38940 (81.2) 2554 (7.5) 499 (10.1) 3053 (7.8) 1003 (39.3) 179 (35.9) 1182 (38.7)

Bihar 53768 (66.1) 74114 (87.7) 127882 (77.1) 3062 (5.7) 3801 (5.1) 6863 (5.4) 1489 (48.6) 811 (21.3) 2300 (33.5)

Chandigarh 3531 (94.9) 47 (73.4) 3578 (94.6) 316 (8.9) 5 (10.6) 321 (9) 248 (78.5) 5 (100) 253 (78.8)

Chhattisgarh 26987 (91.6) 8243 (88.8) 35230 (91) 2473 (9.2) 639 (7.8) 3112 (8.8) 1184 (47.9) 155 (24.3) 1339 (43)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and

838 (99.2) 76 (100) 914 (99.2) 56 (6.7) 3 (3.9) 59 (6.5) 46 (82.1) 2 (66.7) 48 (81.4)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 65700 (84.2) 5628 (55) 71328 (80.8) 5323 (8.1) 621 (11) 5944 (8.3) 2661 (50) 168 (27.1) 2829 (47.6)

Goa 1659 (98.9) 288 (72.7) 1947 (93.9) 332 (20) 45 (15.6) 377 (19.4) 300 (90.4) 25 (55.6) 325 (86.2)

Gujarat 106333 (97.8) 35899 (90.9) 142232 (96) 5343 (5) 1250 (3.5) 6593 (4.6) 4304 (80.6) 991 (79.3) 5295 (80.3)

Haryana 58171 (95) 15853 (91.1) 74024 (94.1) 4463 (7.7) 837 (5.3) 5300 (7.2) 3357 (75.2) 560 (66.9) 3917 (73.9)

Himachal Pradesh 15885 (99.1) 455 (97.2) 16340 (99) 1484 (9.3) 27 (5.9) 1511 (9.2) 1136 (76.5) 21 (77.8) 1157 (76.6)

Jammu & Kashmir 10855 (95.4) 552 (94.8) 11407 (95.4) 729 (6.7) 40 (7.2) 769 (6.7) 378 (51.9) 31 (77.5) 409 (53.2)

Jharkhand 42246 (90) 9644 (83.8) 51890 (88.8) 2305 (5.5) 648 (6.7) 2953 (5.7) 1266 (54.9) 260 (40.1) 1526 (51.7)

Karnataka 64615 (95.9) 10593 (90) 75208 (95) 9616 (14.9) 975 (9.2) 10591 (14.1) 7379 (76.7) 742 (76.1) 8121 (76.7)

Kerala 19388 (94.1) 2557 (88.2) 21945 (93.3) 6376 (32.9) 770 (30.1) 7146 (32.6) 4163 (65.3) 446 (57.9) 4609 (64.5)
Ladakh 306 (91.6) 9 (81.8) 315 (91.3) 7 (2.3) 1 (11.1) 8 (2.5) 6 (85.7) 1 (100) 7 (87.5)

Lakshadweep 21 (95.5) NA 21 (95.5) 5 (23.8) NA 5 (23.8) 4 (80) NA 4 (80)

Madhya Pradesh 125381 (89.8) 46026 (93.5) 171407 (90.7) 6816 (5.4) 3221 (7) 10037 (5.9) 2983 (43.8) 1196 (37.1) 4179 (41.6)

Maharashtra 148268 (97.3) 73877 (95.5) 222145 (96.7) 9416 (6.4) 4376 (5.9) 13792 (6.2) 6493 (69) 2543 (58.1) 9036 (65.5)

Manipur 1808 (76.3) 143 (55.6) 1951 (74.3) 275 (15.2) 11 (7.7) 286 (14.7) 129 (46.9) 2 (18.2) 131 (45.8)

Meghalaya 3646 (78.6) 165 (51.2) 3811 (76.8) 216 (5.9) 4 (2.4) 220 (5.8) 142 (65.7) 3 (75) 145 (65.9)

Mizoram 2056 (98.6) 20 (100) 2076 (98.6) 129 (6.3) 6 (30) 135 (6.5) 125 (96.9) 6 (100) 131 (97)

Nagaland 3165 (83.2) 349 (93.6) 3514 (84.1) 175 (5.5) 20 (5.7) 195 (5.5) 86 (49.1) 2 (10) 88 (45.1)

Odisha 53597 (96.5) 4141 (94.2) 57738 (96.3) 4047 (7.6) 274 (6.6) 4321 (7.5) 3105 (76.7) 211 (77) 3316 (76.7)

Puducherry 1510 (99) 2 (100) 1512 (99) 464 (30.7) 0 (0) 464 (30.7) 445 (95.9) NA 445 (95.9)

Punjab 43665 (91.5) 9006 (91.8) 52671 (91.5) 4930 (11.3) 676 (7.5) 5606 (10.6) 2266 (46) 170 (25.1) 2436 (43.5)

Rajasthan 119170 (90.5) 34317 (88.8) 153487 (90.1) 3484 (2.9) 1208 (3.5) 4692 (3.1) 2276 (65.3) 538 (44.5) 2814 (60)

Sikkim 1305 (97.5) 71 (95.9) 1376 (97.5) 118 (9) 4 (5.6) 122 (8.9) 106 (89.8) 3 (75) 109 (89.3)

Tamil Nadu 76635 (97.9) 16054 (90.8) 92689 (96.6) 20196 (26.4) 3655 (22.8) 23851 (25.7) 19144 (94.8) 3179 (87) 22323 (93.6)

Telangana 51411 (94.3) 17215 (92.2) 68626 (93.7) 3250 (6.3) 892 (5.2) 4142 (6) 2691 (82.8) 738 (82.7) 3429 (82.8)

Tripura 3078 (94.6) 34 (85) 3112 (94.4) 473 (15.4) 6 (17.6) 479 (15.4) 182 (38.5) 0 (0) 182 (38)

Uttar Pradesh 390088 (93) 100893 (86.5) 490981 (91.6) 21480 (5.5) 1968 (2) 23448 (4.8) 8161 (38) 670 (34) 8831 (37.7)

Uttarakhand 21948 (96.6) 4339 (93.3) 26287 (96.1) 1741 (7.9) 231 (5.3) 1972 (7.5) 670 (38.5) 121 (52.4) 791 (40.1)

West Bengal 87854 (93.6) 6472 (80.9) 94326 (92.6) 12541 (14.3) 910 (14.1) 13451 (14.3) 9590 (76.5) 710 (78) 10300 (76.6)

India 1707030 (92.1) 508900 (89.6) 2215930 (91.5) 143167 (8.4) 30564 (6) 173731 (7.8) 93897 (65.6) 16161 (52.9) 110058 (63.3)
2.11 TB - Tobacco

State TB patients with known Tobacco Tobacco users identified amongst Tobacco users linked with Tobacco
usage status, n (% of notified) screened, n (% of those with known cessation centres, n (% of tobacco
tobacco usage status) users)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman & 495 (91) 3 (75) 498 (90.9) 89 (18) 0 (0) 89 (17.9) 30 (33.7) NA 30 (33.7)
Nicobar Islands

Andhra Pradesh 63627 (96.2) 26477 90104 (96.8) 9786 (15.4) 1409 (5.3) 11195 2456 (25.1) 326 (23.1) 2782 (24.9)
(98.1) (12.4)

Arunachal Pradesh 2256 (75) 3 (50) 2259 (74.9) 303 (13.4) 0 (0) 303 (13.4) 171 (56.4) NA 171 (56.4)

Assam 30134 (71.7) 4074 (68.8) 34208 (71.4) 7929 (26.3) 325 (8) 8254 (24.1) 1497 (18.9) 93 (28.6) 1590 (19.3)

Bihar 44248 (54.4) 36165 80413 (48.5) 4139 (9.4) 1152 (3.2) 5291 (6.6) 917 (22.2) 41 (3.6) 958 (18.1)

Chandigarh 3508 (94.3) 47 (73.4) 3555 (94) 305 (8.7) 2 (4.3) 307 (8.6) 60 (19.7) 0 (0) 60 (19.5)

Chhattisgarh 25332 (86) 5815 (62.7) 31147 (80.4) 7986 (31.5) 336 (5.8) 8322 (26.7) 3595 (45) 140 (41.7) 3735 (44.9)

Dadra and Nagar 548 (64.9) 57 (75) 605 (65.7) 67 (12.2) 2 (3.5) 69 (11.4) 38 (56.7) 2 (100) 40 (58)
Haveli and Daman
and Diu

Delhi 51623 (66.2) 1686 (16.5) 53309 (60.4) 3440 (6.7) 16 (0.9) 3456 (6.5) 777 (22.6) 5 (31.3) 782 (22.6)

Goa 1553 (92.6) 27 (6.8) 1580 (76.2) 105 (6.8) 1 (3.7) 106 (6.7) 8 (7.6) 1 (100) 9 (8.5)

Gujarat 104192 35780 139972 16920 2365 (6.6) 19285 7145 (42.2) 895 (37.8) 8040 (41.7)
(95.9) (90.6) (94.5) (16.2) (13.8)

Haryana 54848 (89.5) 14373 69221 (88) 2572 (4.7) 486 (3.4) 3058 (4.4) 1044 (40.6) 161 (33.1) 1205 (39.4)

Himachal Pradesh 15625 (97.5) 437 (93.4) 16062 (97.4) 1855 (11.9) 22 (5) 1877 (11.7) 1674 (90.2) 18 (81.8) 1692 (90.1)

Jammu & Kashmir 10254 (90.1) 513 (88.1) 10767 (90) 769 (7.5) 24 (4.7) 793 (7.4) 438 (57) 15 (62.5) 453 (57.1)

Jharkhand 36887 (78.6) 4611 (40.1) 41498 (71) 4280 (11.6) 91 (2) 4371 (10.5) 1349 (31.5) 33 (36.3) 1382 (31.6)

Karnataka 59878 (88.9) 9824 (83.5) 69702 (88.1) 11159 566 (5.8) 11725 3326 (29.8) 168 (29.7) 3494 (29.8)
(18.6) (16.8)

Kerala 17712 (85.9) 2070 (71.4) 19782 (84.1) 2614 (14.8) 110 (5.3) 2724 (13.8) 1567 (59.9) 64 (58.2) 1631 (59.9)

Ladakh 297 (88.9) 9 (81.8) 306 (88.7) 7 (2.4) 1 (11.1) 8 (2.6) 4 (57.1) 1 (100) 5 (62.5)
State TB patients with known Tobacco Tobacco users identified amongst Tobacco users linked with Tobacco
usage status, n (% of notified) screened, n (% of those with known cessation centres, n (% of tobacco
tobacco usage status) users)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Lakshadweep 22 (100) 0 (NA) 22 (100) 1 (4.5) 0 (NA) 1 (4.5) 1 (100) NA 1 (100)

Madhya Pradesh 81505 (58.3) 20132 101637 13625 974 (4.8) 14599 2697 (19.8) 92 (9.4) 2789 (19.1)
(40.9) (53.8) (16.7) (14.4)

Maharashtra 128562 53968 182530 11941 (9.3) 1409 (2.6) 13350 (7.3) 4069 (34.1) 404 (28.7) 4473 (33.5)
(84.4) (69.8) (79.5)

Manipur 1709 (72.1) 135 (52.5) 1844 (70.2) 330 (19.3) 12 (8.9) 342 (18.5) 82 (24.8) 1 (8.3) 83 (24.3)

Meghalaya 3586 (77.3) 182 (56.5) 3768 (75.9) 1384 (38.6) 60 (33) 1444 (38.3) 254 (18.4) 3 (5) 257 (17.8)

Mizoram 2042 (97.9) 19 (95) 2061 (97.9) 616 (30.2) 5 (26.3) 621 (30.1) 548 (89) 5 (100) 553 (89)

Nagaland 3141 (82.5) 357 (95.7) 3498 (83.7) 591 (18.8) 70 (19.6) 661 (18.9) 381 (64.5) 24 (34.3) 405 (61.3)

Odisha 52549 (94.6) 4025 (91.6) 56574 (94.4) 9966 (19) 262 (6.5) 10228 4454 (44.7) 114 (43.5) 4568 (44.7)

Puducherry 1480 (97) 2 (100) 1482 (97.1) 224 (15.1) 1 (50) 225 (15.2) 220 (98.2) 1 (100) 221 (98.2)

Punjab 40507 (84.9) 7662 (78.1) 48169 (83.7) 1693 (4.2) 85 (1.1) 1778 (3.7) 278 (16.4) 4 (4.7) 282 (15.9)

Rajasthan 106155 28475 134630 9100 (8.6) 1541 (5.4) 10641 (7.9) 3141 (34.5) 572 (37.1) 3713 (34.9)
(80.6) (73.7) (79.1)

Sikkim 947 (70.8) 49 (66.2) 996 (70.5) 77 (8.1) 2 (4.1) 79 (7.9) 5 (6.5) 1 (50) 6 (7.6)

Tamil Nadu 71409 (91.2) 12182 83591 (87.1) 13718 958 (7.9) 14676 3231 (23.6) 165 (17.2) 3396 (23.1)
(68.9) (19.2) (17.6)

Telangana 51000 (93.5) 16920 67920 (92.8) 6533 (12.8) 754 (4.5) 7287 (10.7) 3455 (52.9) 428 (56.8) 3883 (53.3)

Tripura 2215 (68) 31 (77.5) 2246 (68.2) 478 (21.6) 0 (0) 478 (21.3) 44 (9.2) NA 44 (9.2)

Uttar Pradesh 301001 57695 358696 29311 (9.7) 1686 (2.9) 30997 (8.6) 6824 (23.3) 236 (14) 7060 (22.8)
(71.8) (49.4) (66.9)

Uttarakhand 21611 (95.1) 4206 (90.5) 25817 (94.4) 2492 (11.5) 185 (4.4) 2677 (10.4) 800 (32.1) 38 (20.5) 838 (31.3)

West Bengal 80975 (86.3) 6168 (77.1) 87143 (85.6) 18126 1100 (17.8) 19226 6173 (34.1) 353 (32.1) 6526 (33.9)
(22.4) (22.1)

India 1473433 354179 1827612 194531 16012 (4.5) 210543 62753 4404 (27.5) 67157
(79.5) (62.4) (75.5) (13.2) (11.5) (32.3) (31.9)
2.12 TB - Alcohol

Alcohol users identified amongst

TB patients with known Alcohol usage status, n Alcohol users linked with Deaddiction centres, n (% of
screened, n (% of those with known
(% of notified) alcohol users)
State alcohol usage status)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 490 (90.1) 3 (75) 493 (90) 90 (18.4) 0 (0) 90 (18.3) 26 (28.9) NA 26 (28.9)

Andhra Pradesh 63257 (95.7) 26303 (97.5) 89560 (96.2) 8187 (12.9) 1208 (4.6) 9395 (10.5) 1901 (23.2) 265 (21.9) 2166 (23.1)

Arunachal Pradesh 2240 (74.4) 3 (50) 2243 (74.4) 245 (10.9) 0 (0) 245 (10.9) 140 (57.1) NA 140 (57.1)

Assam 29582 (70.4) 4366 (73.7) 33948 (70.8) 5161 (17.4) 179 (4.1) 5340 (15.7) 1244 (24.1) 71 (39.7) 1315 (24.6)

Bihar 44246 (54.4) 35745 (42.3) 79991 (48.2) 781 (1.8) 254 (0.7) 1035 (1.3) 254 (32.5) 9 (3.5) 263 (25.4)

Chandigarh 3487 (93.8) 47 (73.4) 3534 (93.4) 209 (6) 1 (2.1) 210 (5.9) 39 (18.7) 1 (100) 40 (19)

Chhattisgarh 24653 (83.7) 5734 (61.8) 30387 (78.5) 5395 (21.9) 247 (4.3) 5642 (18.6) 2606 (48.3) 114 (46.2) 2720 (48.2)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 562 (66.5) 58 (76.3) 620 (67.3) 59 (10.5) 3 (5.2) 62 (10) 31 (52.5) 1 (33.3) 32 (51.6)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 50682 (65) 1660 (16.2) 52342 (59.3) 3074 (6.1) 18 (1.1) 3092 (5.9) 619 (20.1) 4 (22.2) 623 (20.1)

Goa 1563 (93.2) 28 (7.1) 1591 (76.7) 120 (7.7) 2 (7.1) 122 (7.7) 16 (13.3) 0 (0) 16 (13.1)

Gujarat 103459 (95.2) 35556 (90.1) 139015 (93.8) 5707 (5.5) 493 (1.4) 6200 (4.5) 2455 (43) 252 (51.1) 2707 (43.7)

Haryana 54295 (88.6) 14079 (80.9) 68374 (86.9) 1790 (3.3) 238 (1.7) 2028 (3) 729 (40.7) 99 (41.6) 828 (40.8)

Himachal Pradesh 15509 (96.7) 429 (91.7) 15938 (96.6) 1379 (8.9) 17 (4) 1396 (8.8) 1176 (85.3) 10 (58.8) 1186 (85)

Jammu & Kashmir 10172 (89.4) 514 (88.3) 10686 (89.3) 430 (4.2) 5 (1) 435 (4.1) 222 (51.6) 4 (80) 226 (52)

Jharkhand 35773 (76.2) 4537 (39.4) 40310 (68.9) 3335 (9.3) 48 (1.1) 3383 (8.4) 885 (26.5) 16 (33.3) 901 (26.6)

Karnataka 59273 (88) 9629 (81.8) 68902 (87.1) 8964 (15.1) 409 (4.2) 9373 (13.6) 2538 (28.3) 110 (26.9) 2648 (28.3)

Kerala 17510 (84.9) 2003 (69.1) 19513 (83) 2660 (15.2) 101 (5) 2761 (14.1) 1270 (47.7) 38 (37.6) 1308 (47.4)
Alcohol users identified amongst
TB patients with known Alcohol usage status, n Alcohol users linked with Deaddiction centres, n (% of
screened, n (% of those with known
(% of notified) alcohol users)
State alcohol usage status)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Ladakh 292 (87.4) 8 (72.7) 300 (87) 17 (5.8) 1 (12.5) 18 (6) 3 (17.6) 1 (100) 4 (22.2)

Lakshadweep 22 (100) 0 (NA) 22 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) NA NA

Madhya Pradesh 79128 (56.6) 19701 (40) 98829 (52.3) 5170 (6.5) 275 (1.4) 5445 (5.5) 1110 (21.5) 53 (19.3) 1163 (21.4)

Maharashtra 126323 (82.9) 52493 (67.9) 178816 (77.8) 6857 (5.4) 718 (1.4) 7575 (4.2) 2469 (36) 226 (31.5) 2695 (35.6)

Manipur 1720 (72.6) 126 (49) 1846 (70.3) 251 (14.6) 8 (6.3) 259 (14) 79 (31.5) 1 (12.5) 80 (30.9)

Meghalaya 3538 (76.2) 148 (46) 3686 (74.3) 746 (21.1) 7 (4.7) 753 (20.4) 168 (22.5) 0 (0) 168 (22.3)

Mizoram 2025 (97.1) 20 (100) 2045 (97.1) 240 (11.9) 2 (10) 242 (11.8) 105 (43.8) 0 (0) 105 (43.4)

Nagaland 3127 (82.2) 351 (94.1) 3478 (83.2) 312 (10) 10 (2.8) 322 (9.3) 198 (63.5) 0 (0) 198 (61.5)

Odisha 52157 (93.9) 3969 (90.3) 56126 (93.6) 8665 (16.6) 251 (6.3) 8916 (15.9) 4024 (46.4) 103 (41) 4127 (46.3)

Puducherry 1467 (96.2) 2 (100) 1469 (96.2) 320 (21.8) 0 (0) 320 (21.8) 315 (98.4) NA 315 (98.4)

Punjab 40121 (84.1) 7502 (76.4) 47623 (82.8) 1531 (3.8) 72 (1) 1603 (3.4) 280 (18.3) 6 (8.3) 286 (17.8)

Rajasthan 104335 (79.3) 28427 (73.6) 132762 (78) 3343 (3.2) 450 (1.6) 3793 (2.9) 1071 (32) 191 (42.4) 1262 (33.3)

Sikkim 983 (73.5) 48 (64.9) 1031 (73) 60 (6.1) 2 (4.2) 62 (6) 4 (6.7) 1 (50) 5 (8.1)

Tamil Nadu 71063 (90.8) 12009 (68) 83072 (86.6) 16475 979 (8.2) 17454 (21) 3754 (22.8) 170 (17.4) 3924 (22.5)

Telangana 50793 (93.1) 16883 (90.4) 67676 (92.4) 7172 (14.1) 871 (5.2) 8043 (11.9) 3827 (53.4) 474 (54.4) 4301 (53.5)

Tripura 2177 (66.9) 32 (80) 2209 (67) 495 (22.7) 0 (0) 495 (22.4) 72 (14.5) NA 72 (14.5)

Uttar Pradesh 291692 (69.6) 56031 (48) 347723 (64.9) 9876 (3.4) 506 (0.9) 10382 (3) 2846 (28.8) 76 (15) 2922 (28.1)

Uttarakhand 21322 (93.9) 4180 (89.9) 25502 (93.2) 1645 (7.7) 106 (2.5) 1751 (6.9) 610 (37.1) 21 (19.8) 631 (36)
Alcohol users identified amongst
TB patients with known Alcohol usage status, n Alcohol users linked with Deaddiction centres, n (% of
screened, n (% of those with known
(% of notified) alcohol users)
State alcohol usage status)

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

West Bengal 79395 (84.6) 6058 (75.7) 85453 (83.9) 10784 587 (9.7) 11371 3814 (35.4) 218 (37.1) 4032 (35.5)
(13.6) (13.3)

India 1448433 (78.1) 348682 (61.4) 1797115 (74.2) 121545 8068 (2.3) 129613 40900 (33.7) 2535 (31.4) 43435 (33.5)
(8.4) (7.2)
2.13 TB - COVID

State TB notified patients screened for COVID-19 disease, n TB-COVID 19 patients detected, n
(% of notified) (% of those screened)

Public Private Total Public Private Total

Andaman & Nicobar 322 (59.2) 1 (25) 323 (58.9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 63319 (95.8) 26410 (97.9) 89729 (96.4) 97 (0.15) 17 (0.06) 114 (0.13)

Arunachal Pradesh 1761 (58.5) 3 (50) 1764 (58.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Assam 22499 (53.6) 3716 (62.7) 26215 (54.7) 31 (0.14) 16 (0.43) 47 (0.18)

Bihar 45627 (56.1) 17720 (21) 63347 (38.2) 78 (0.17) 53 (0.3) 131 (0.21)

Chandigarh 3487 (93.8) 46 (71.9) 3533 (93.4) 8 (0.23) 0 (0) 8 (0.23)

Chhattisgarh 20452 (69.4) 5643 (60.8) 26095 (67.4) 57 (0.28) 8 (0.14) 65 (0.25)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 422 (49.9) 48 (63.2) 470 (51) 1 (0.24) 0 (0) 1 (0.21)
and Daman and Diu

Delhi 43512 (55.8) 1605 (15.7) 45117 (51.1) 44 (0.1) 5 (0.31) 49 (0.11)

Goa 964 (57.5) 35 (8.8) 999 (48.2) 12 (1.24) 0 (0) 12 (1.2)

Gujarat 86416 (79.5) 30358 (76.9) 116774 (78.8) 105 (0.12) 19 (0.06) 124 (0.11)

Haryana 45765 (74.7) 11075 (63.7) 56840 (72.3) 44 (0.1) 9 (0.08) 53 (0.09)

Himachal Pradesh 9065 (56.6) 301 (64.3) 9366 (56.8) 42 (0.46) 1 (0.33) 43 (0.46)

Jammu & Kashmir 10426 (91.6) 530 (91.1) 10956 (91.6) 9 (0.09) 1 (0.19) 10 (0.09)

Jharkhand 35654 (75.9) 3868 (33.6) 39522 (67.6) 40 (0.11) 14 (0.36) 54 (0.14)

Karnataka 51965 (77.1) 7969 (67.7) 59934 (75.7) 162 (0.31) 17 (0.21) 179 (0.3)

Kerala 14362 (69.7) 1989 (68.6) 16351 (69.5) 322 (2.24) 37 (1.86) 359 (2.2)

Ladakh 171 (51.2) 9 (81.8) 180 (52.2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Lakshadweep 21 (95.5) 0 (NA) 21 (95.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 52518 (37.6) 10195 (20.7) 62713 (33.2) 146 (0.28) 26 (0.26) 172 (0.27)

Maharashtra 114596 (75.2) 48387 (62.6) 162983 (70.9) 322 (0.28) 73 (0.15) 395 (0.24)

Manipur 1119 (47.2) 108 (42) 1227 (46.7) 4 (0.36) 0 (0) 4 (0.33)

Meghalaya 1500 (32.3) 90 (28) 1590 (32) 3 (0.2) 0 (0) 3 (0.19)

Mizoram 1929 (92.5) 20 (100) 1949 (92.5) 3 (0.16) 0 (0) 3 (0.15)

Nagaland 1240 (32.6) 11 (2.9) 1251 (29.9) 1 (0.08) 0 (0) 1 (0.08)

State TB notified patients screened for COVID-19 disease, n TB-COVID 19 patients detected, n
(% of notified) (% of those screened)

Public Private Total Public Private Total

Odisha 47179 (84.9) 3537 (80.5) 50716 (84.6) 85 (0.18) 2 (0.06) 87 (0.17)

Puducherry 1136 (74.5) 1 (50) 1137 (74.5) 16 (1.41) 0 (0) 16 (1.41)

Punjab 31953 (66.9) 4925 (50.2) 36878 (64.1) 45 (0.14) 7 (0.14) 52 (0.14)

Rajasthan 68014 (51.7) 18509 (47.9) 86523 (50.8) 71 (0.1) 12 (0.06) 83 (0.1)

Sikkim 544 (40.7) 18 (24.3) 562 (39.8) 4 (0.74) 0 (0) 4 (0.71)

Tamil Nadu 66452 (84.9) 9411 (53.3) 75863 (79.1) 178 (0.27) 18 (0.19) 196 (0.26)

Telangana 50592 (92.8) 17082 (91.4) 67674 (92.4) 53 (0.1) 45 (0.26) 98 (0.14)

Tripura 1511 (46.4) 8 (20) 1519 (46.1) 2 (0.13) 0 (0) 2 (0.13)

Uttar Pradesh 289144 (69) 49701 (42.6) 338845 (63.2) 191 (0.07) 20 (0.04) 211 (0.06)

Uttarakhand 19405 (85.4) 3632 (78.1) 23037 (84.2) 43 (0.22) 4 (0.11) 47 (0.2)

West Bengal 74830 (79.7) 5588 (69.9) 80418 (78.9) 214 (0.29) 29 (0.52) 243 (0.3)

India 1279872 (69) 282549 (49.8) 1562421 (64.5) 2433 (0.19) 433 (0.15) 2866 (0.18)
3.1 Treatment outcome of TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

Death Lost to Treatment Regimen Not

TB patients Cure Rate, Success
State Rate, n follow Failure Change, n evaluated,
Notified n (%) Rate, n (%)
(%) up, n (%) Rate, n (%) (%) n (%)

Andaman & Nicobar

479 167 (34.9) 416 (86.8) 12 (2.5) 12 (2.5) 2 (0.4) 10 (2.1) 3 (0.6)

60910 31713 (52.1) 55708 (91.5) 145 (0.2) 155 (0.3) 1347 (2.2) 81 (0.1)
Andhra Pradesh (3.3)

Arunachal Pradesh 2726 884 (32.4) 2163 (79.3) 73 (2.7) 180 (6.6) 18 (0.7) 61 (2.2) 34 (1.2)

33440 9137 (27.3) 29435 (88) 670 (2) 174 (0.5) 307 (0.9) 98 (0.3)
Assam (4.3)

1653 2588
62425 15688 (25.1) 47454 (76) 354 (0.6) 802 (1.3) 2454 (3.9)
Bihar (2.6) (4.1)

Chandigarh 3042 1055 (34.7) 2588 (85.1) 116 (3.8) 95 (3.1) 31 (1) 67 (2.2) 16 (0.5)

10095 1447
24944 21449 (86) 355 (1.4) 147 (0.6) 343 (1.4) 440 (1.8)
Chhattisgarh (40.5) (5.8)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli

681 268 (39.4) 627 (92.1) 29 (4.3) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 4 (0.6) 2 (0.3)
and Daman and Diu

15850 50872 1679 3174

65432 508 (0.8) 1512 (2.3) 905 (1.4)
Delhi (24.2) (77.7) (2.6) (4.9)

Goa 1555 442 (28.4) 1206 (77.6) 151 (9.7) 57 (3.7) 12 (0.8) 40 (2.6) 1 (0.1)

38688 85675 5596 1316

97670 889 (0.9) 1911 (2) 259 (0.3)
Gujarat (39.6) (87.7) (5.7) (1.3)

20817 42415 2344

50898 924 (1.8) 336 (0.7) 602 (1.2) 689 (1.4)
Haryana (40.9) (83.3) (4.6)

13982 6019 (43) 866 (6.2) 139 (1) 58 (0.4) 240 (1.7) 26 (0.2)
Himachal Pradesh (87.7)

10279 8815 (85.8) 397 (3.9) 167 (1.6) 69 (0.7) 88 (0.9) 98 (1)
Jammu & Kashmir (37.5)

12966 31736 1118

36165 851 (2.4) 221 (0.6) 264 (0.7) 605 (1.7)
Jharkhand (35.9) (87.8) (3.1)

27008 47044 4719 1530

57309 375 (0.7) 1449 (2.5) 187 (0.3)
Karnataka (47.1) (82.1) (8.2) (2.7)

7931 15159 1484

18765 392 (2.1) 139 (0.7) 252 (1.3) 521 (2.8)
Kerala (42.3) (80.8) (7.9)

Ladakh 295 120 (40.7) 242 (82) 21 (7.1) 4 (1.4) 2 (0.7) 3 (1) 4 (1.4)

Lakshadweep 20 10 (50) 18 (90) 1 (5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (5)

30776 101006 4957 4006

118760 906 (0.8) 1294 (1.1) 2132 (1.8)
Madhya Pradesh (25.9) (85.1) (4.2) (3.4)

35151 97090 5199 2074

113920 684 (0.6) 3743 (3.3) 356 (0.3)
Maharashtra (30.9) (85.2) (4.6) (1.8)

Manipur 1632 741 (45.4) 1312 (80.4) 70 (4.3) 55 (3.4) 8 (0.5) 44 (2.7) 51 (3.1)
Death Lost to Treatment Regimen Not
TB patients Cure Rate, Success
State Rate, n follow Failure Change, n evaluated,
Notified n (%) Rate, n (%)
(%) up, n (%) Rate, n (%) (%) n (%)

3553 2989 (84.1) 176 (5) 72 (2) 21 (0.6) 107 (3) 6 (0.2)
Meghalaya (36.9)

Mizoram 1483 507 (34.2) 1308 (88.2) 62 (4.2) 28 (1.9) 16 (1.1) 7 (0.5) 9 (0.6)

3102 2666 (85.9) 85 (2.7) 84 (2.7) 39 (1.3) 17 (0.5) 130 (4.2)
Nagaland (46.2)

21931 42937
47936 2874 (6) 470 (1) 80 (0.2) 253 (0.5) 338 (0.7)
Odisha (45.8) (89.6)

Puducherry 1369 593 (43.3) 1103 (80.6) 74 (5.4) 33 (2.4) 24 (1.8) 30 (2.2) 2 (0.1)

13740 32547 1864 1117

38948 265 (0.7) 406 (1) 327 (0.8)
Punjab (35.3) (83.6) (4.8) (2.9)

36326 88481 3738 2875

104621 602 (0.6) 1413 (1.4) 788 (0.8)
Rajasthan (34.7) (84.6) (3.6) (2.7)

Sikkim 1103 488 (44.2) 967 (87.7) 45 (4.1) 15 (1.4) 2 (0.2) 22 (2) 7 (0.6)

32559 55491 4393 1704

66774 421 (0.6) 1497 (2.2) 446 (0.7)
Tamil Nadu (48.8) (83.1) (6.6) (2.6)

21309 38805 1340

42822 316 (0.7) 209 (0.5) 562 (1.3) 437 (1)
Telangana (49.8) (90.6) (3.1)

2717 2318 (85.3) 166 (6.1) 58 (2.1) 11 (0.4) 52 (1.9) 22 (0.8)
Tripura (42.4)

100673 290244 12486 7693

338804 1735 (0.5) 4962 (1.5) 1724 (0.5)
Uttar Pradesh (29.7) (85.7) (3.7) (2.3)

18830 16188 (86) 783 (4.2) 463 (2.5) 148 (0.8) 272 (1.4) 94 (0.5)
Uttarakhand (30.5)

40406 67498 4528 1558

80073 596 (0.7) 1257 (1.6) 839 (1)
West Bengal (50.5) (84.3) (5.7) (1.9)

547544 1298240 67985 35222

India 1527464 9259 (0.6) 25240 (1.7) 14132 (0.9)
(35.8) (85) (4.5) (2.3)
3.2 Treatment outcome of TB patients notified in 2021 (Private Sector)

Lost to Treatment Regimen Not

TB patients Cure Rate, n Success Rate, Death
State follow up, Failure Change, n evaluated,
Notified (%) n (%) Rate, n (%)
n (%) Rate, n (%) (%) n (%)

Andaman & Nicobar

1 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 24290 3210 (13.2) 23613 (97.2) 238 (1) 41 (0.2) 34 (0.1) 239 (1) 19 (0.1)

Assam 4113 331 (8) 3656 (88.9) 195 (4.7) 62 (1.5) 28 (0.7) 15 (0.4) 7 (0.2)

3228 2568
70993 533 (0.8) 61796 (87) 256 (0.4) 469 (0.7) 1356 (1.9)
Bihar (4.5) (3.6)

Chandigarh 103 15 (14.6) 58 (56.3) 1 (1) 2 (1.9) 0 (0) 1 (1) 6 (5.8)

Chhattisgarh 7240 514 (7.1) 6197 (85.6) 399 (5.5) 272 (3.8) 29 (0.4) 59 (0.8) 101 (1.4)

Dadra and Nagar

Haveli and Daman and 49 5 (10.2) 48 (98) 1 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

16845 257 (1.5) 10119 (60.1) 618 (3.7) 43 (0.3) 96 (0.6) 337 (2)
Delhi (6.7)

Goa 393 10 (2.5) 354 (90.1) 24 (6.1) 4 (1) 3 (0.8) 3 (0.8) 1 (0.3)

1250 1137
40400 458 (1.1) 36846 (91.2) 126 (0.3) 347 (0.9) 277 (0.7)
Gujarat (3.1) (2.8)

Haryana 18697 1896 (10.1) 15682 (83.9) 721 (3.9) 528 (2.8) 66 (0.4) 107 (0.6) 700 (3.7)

Himachal Pradesh 550 123 (22.4) 463 (84.2) 25 (4.5) 11 (2) 10 (1.8) 2 (0.4) 1 (0.2)

Jammu & Kashmir 630 140 (22.2) 578 (91.7) 20 (3.2) 10 (1.6) 2 (0.3) 3 (0.5) 5 (0.8)

Jharkhand 16628 80 (0.5) 13936 (83.8) 708 (4.3) 1662 (10) 14 (0.1) 56 (0.3) 79 (0.5)

Karnataka 12096 1514 (12.5) 10243 (84.7) 517 (4.3) 228 (1.9) 38 (0.3) 99 (0.8) 142 (1.2)

Kerala 3121 553 (17.7) 2235 (71.6) 295 (9.5) 89 (2.9) 16 (0.5) 28 (0.9) 127 (4.1)

Ladakh 25 4 (16) 21 (84) 1 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (4)

47338 4041 (8.5) 39732 (83.9) 3330 (7) 197 (0.4) 321 (0.7) 843 (1.8)
Madhya Pradesh (3.6)

68634 3478 (5.1) 61438 (89.5) 740 (1.1) 209 (0.3) 1378 (2) 145 (0.2)
Maharashtra (3.8)

Manipur 183 41 (22.4) 130 (71) 3 (1.6) 6 (3.3) 1 (0.5) 3 (1.6) 2 (1.1)

Meghalaya 363 4 (1.1) 333 (91.7) 4 (1.1) 11 (3) 0 (0) 1 (0.3) 0 (0)

Mizoram 187 77 (41.2) 169 (90.4) 10 (5.3) 5 (2.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 534 11 (2.1) 456 (85.4) 28 (5.2) 22 (4.1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 21 (3.9)

Odisha 3852 388 (10.1) 3536 (91.8) 99 (2.6) 28 (0.7) 5 (0.1) 9 (0.2) 52 (1.3)

Punjab 13305 467 (3.5) 11545 (86.8) 755 (5.7) 202 (1.5) 67 (0.5) 65 (0.5) 60 (0.5)

1114 2195
43316 2013 (4.6) 37537 (86.7) 196 (0.5) 233 (0.5) 726 (1.7)
Rajasthan (2.6) (5.1)
Lost to Treatment Regimen Not
TB patients Cure Rate, n Success Rate, Death
State follow up, Failure Change, n evaluated,
Notified (%) n (%) Rate, n (%)
n (%) Rate, n (%) (%) n (%)

Sikkim 84 31 (36.9) 79 (94) 2 (2.4) 3 (3.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 15910 2126 (13.4) 13220 (83.1) 573 (3.6) 614 (3.9) 43 (0.3) 142 (0.9) 384 (2.4)

Telangana 16793 3515 (20.9) 15538 (92.5) 419 (2.5) 112 (0.7) 59 (0.4) 77 (0.5) 139 (0.8)

Tripura 12 3 (25) 10 (83.3) 1 (8.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (8.3)

4014 3634
114690 3766 (3.3) 100899 (88) 539 (0.5) 1055 (0.9) 983 (0.9)
Uttar Pradesh (3.5) (3.2)

Uttarakhand 4401 105 (2.4) 3961 (90) 80 (1.8) 103 (2.3) 20 (0.5) 19 (0.4) 27 (0.6)

West Bengal 9204 1785 (19.4) 6934 (75.3) 435 (4.7) 152 (1.7) 48 (0.5) 80 (0.9) 481 (5.2)

481362 20075 18905

India 554980 31494 (5.7) 2049 (0.4) 4907 (0.9) 7023 (1.3)
(86.7) (3.6) (3.4)

3.3 Treatment outcome of TB patients notified in 2021 (Total)

TB Cure Rate, Success Death Lost to Treatment Regimen Not

State patients n (%) Rate, n (%) Rate, n follow Failure Change, n evaluated,
Notified (%) up, n (%) Rate, n (%) (%) n (%)

Andaman & Nicobar

480 167 (34.8) 416 (86.7) 13 (2.7) 12 (2.5) 2 (0.4) 10 (2.1) 3 (0.6)

79321 2223 186

85200 34923 (41) 189 (0.2) 1586 (1.9) 100 (0.1)
Andhra Pradesh (93.1) (2.6) (0.2)

2726 884 (32.4) 2163 (79.3) 73 (2.7) 18 (0.7) 61 (2.2) 34 (1.2)
Arunachal Pradesh (6.6)

33091 1649 732

37553 9468 (25.2) 202 (0.5) 322 (0.9) 105 (0.3)
Assam (88.1) (4.4) (1.9)

16221 109250 4881 5156

133418 610 (0.5) 1271 (1) 3810 (2.9)
Bihar (12.2) (81.9) (3.7) (3.9)

3145 1070 (34) 2646 (84.1) 97 (3.1) 31 (1) 68 (2.2) 22 (0.7)
Chandigarh (3.7)

27646 1846 627

32184 10609 (33) 176 (0.5) 402 (1.2) 541 (1.7)
Chhattisgarh (85.9) (5.7) (1.9)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli

730 273 (37.4) 675 (92.5) 30 (4.1) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 4 (0.5) 2 (0.3)
and Daman and Diu

16107 60991 2297 4308

82277 551 (0.7) 1608 (2) 1242 (1.5)
Delhi (19.6) (74.1) (2.8) (5.2)

Goa 1948 452 (23.2) 1560 (80.1) 175 (9) 61 (3.1) 15 (0.8) 43 (2.2) 2 (0.1)

39146 122521 2453

138070 6846 (5) 1015 (0.7) 2258 (1.6) 536 (0.4)
Gujarat (28.4) (88.7) (1.8)

22713 58097 3065 1452

69595 402 (0.6) 709 (1) 1389 (2)
Haryana (32.6) (83.5) (4.4) (2.1)

12731 891
14532 6142 (42.3) 150 (1) 68 (0.5) 242 (1.7) 27 (0.2)
Himachal Pradesh (87.6) (6.1)

417 177
10909 3995 (36.6) 9393 (86.1) 71 (0.7) 91 (0.8) 103 (0.9)
Jammu & Kashmir (3.8) (1.6)

13046 45672 1826 2513

52793 235 (0.4) 320 (0.6) 684 (1.3)
Jharkhand (24.7) (86.5) (3.5) (4.8)

28522 57287 5236 1758

69405 413 (0.6) 1548 (2.2) 329 (0.5)
Karnataka (41.1) (82.5) (7.5) (2.5)

17394 1779 481

21886 8484 (38.8) 155 (0.7) 280 (1.3) 648 (3)
Kerala (79.5) (8.1) (2.2)

Ladakh 320 124 (38.8) 263 (82.2) 22 (6.9) 4 (1.3) 2 (0.6) 3 (0.9) 5 (1.6)

Lakshadweep 20 10 (50) 18 (90) 1 (5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (5)

140738 7336
166098 34817 (21) 6643 (4) 1103 (0.7) 1615 (1) 2975 (1.8)
Madhya Pradesh (84.7) (4.4)
38629 158528 7809 2814
182554 893 (0.5) 5121 (2.8) 501 (0.3)
Maharashtra (21.2) (86.8) (4.3) (1.5)

Manipur 1815 782 (43.1) 1442 (79.4) 73 (4) 61 (3.4) 9 (0.5) 47 (2.6) 53 (2.9)

3916 1314 (33.6) 3322 (84.8) 83 (2.1) 21 (0.5) 108 (2.8) 6 (0.2)
Meghalaya (4.6)

Mizoram 1670 584 (35) 1477 (88.4) 72 (4.3) 33 (2) 16 (1) 7 (0.4) 9 (0.5)

113 106
3636 1443 (39.7) 3122 (85.9) 39 (1.1) 17 (0.5) 151 (4.2)
Nagaland (3.1) (2.9)

22319 46473 2973

51788 498 (1) 85 (0.2) 262 (0.5) 390 (0.8)
Odisha (43.1) (89.7) (5.7)

Puducherry 1369 593 (43.3) 1103 (80.6) 74 (5.4) 33 (2.4) 24 (1.8) 30 (2.2) 2 (0.1)

14207 44092 1319

52253 2619 (5) 332 (0.6) 471 (0.9) 387 (0.7)
Punjab (27.2) (84.4) (2.5)

38339 126018 4852 5070

147937 798 (0.5) 1646 (1.1) 1514 (1)
Rajasthan (25.9) (85.2) (3.3) (3.4)

Sikkim 1187 519 (43.7) 1046 (88.1) 47 (4) 18 (1.5) 2 (0.2) 22 (1.9) 7 (0.6)

34685 68711 2318

82684 4966 (6) 464 (0.6) 1639 (2) 830 (1)
Tamil Nadu (41.9) (83.1) (2.8)

24824 54343 428

59615 1759 (3) 268 (0.4) 639 (1.1) 576 (1)
Telangana (41.6) (91.2) (0.7)

2729 1156 (42.4) 2328 (85.3) 58 (2.1) 11 (0.4) 52 (1.9) 23 (0.8)
Tripura (6.1)

104439 391143 16500 11327

453494 2274 (0.5) 6017 (1.3) 2707 (0.6)
Uttar Pradesh (23) (86.3) (3.6) (2.5)

20149 863 566

23231 5841 (25.1) 168 (0.7) 291 (1.3) 121 (0.5)
Uttarakhand (86.7) (3.7) (2.4)

42191 74432 4963 1710

89277 644 (0.7) 1337 (1.5) 1320 (1.5)
West Bengal (47.3) (83.4) (5.6) (1.9)

579038 1779602 88060 54127 30147

India 2082444 11308 (0.5) 21155 (1)
(27.8) (85.5) (4.2) (2.6) (1.4)
3.4 Treatment outcome of new TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

State TB Cure Rate, n (%) Success Rate, n Death Rate, n Lost to follow Treatment Regimen Not evaluated,
patients (%) (%) up, n (%) Failure Rate, n Change, n (%) n (%)
Notified (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 444 151 (34) 386 (86.9) 11 (2.5) 10 (2.3) 2 (0.5) 9 (2) 3 (0.7)

Andhra Pradesh 52418 27404 (52.3) 48108 (91.8) 1692 (3.2) 112 (0.2) 125 (0.2) 1047 (2) 72 (0.1)

Arunachal Pradesh 2390 750 (31.4) 1916 (80.2) 59 (2.5) 156 (6.5) 17 (0.7) 50 (2.1) 27 (1.1)

Assam 30107 8200 (27.2) 26555 (88.2) 1296 (4.3) 604 (2) 140 (0.5) 263 (0.9) 77 (0.3)

Bihar 54765 13860 (25.3) 41914 (76.5) 1432 (2.6) 2284 (4.2) 304 (0.6) 696 (1.3) 2197 (4)

Chandigarh 2617 871 (33.3) 2246 (85.8) 89 (3.4) 78 (3) 20 (0.8) 57 (2.2) 13 (0.5)

Chhattisgarh 22574 9107 (40.3) 19453 (86.2) 1313 (5.8) 310 (1.4) 117 (0.5) 302 (1.3) 381 (1.7)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 588 233 (39.6) 549 (93.4) 20 (3.4) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 4 (0.7) 0 (0)
and Diu

Delhi 55689 12563 (22.6) 43502 (78.1) 1270 (2.3) 2629 (4.7) 382 (0.7) 1143 (2.1) 772 (1.4)

Goa 1426 395 (27.7) 1111 (77.9) 141 (9.9) 45 (3.2) 9 (0.6) 36 (2.5) 1 (0.1)

Gujarat 74625 28940 (38.8) 66354 (88.9) 4082 (5.5) 949 (1.3) 462 (0.6) 1045 (1.4) 194 (0.3)

Haryana 43430 17292 (39.8) 36358 (83.7) 1903 (4.4) 792 (1.8) 249 (0.6) 452 (1) 571 (1.3)

Himachal Pradesh 12142 5018 (41.3) 10662 (87.8) 745 (6.1) 125 (1) 45 (0.4) 203 (1.7) 16 (0.1)

Jammu & Kashmir 9135 3251 (35.6) 7840 (85.8) 337 (3.7) 143 (1.6) 55 (0.6) 75 (0.8) 81 (0.9)

Jharkhand 32974 11948 (36.2) 29016 (88) 1022 (3.1) 769 (2.3) 195 (0.6) 233 (0.7) 549 (1.7)

Karnataka 50259 23248 (46.3) 41575 (82.7) 4003 (8) 1284 (2.6) 251 (0.5) 1227 (2.4) 154 (0.3)

Kerala 17505 7344 (42) 14228 (81.3) 1366 (7.8) 357 (2) 113 (0.6) 207 (1.2) 485 (2.8)

Ladakh 254 101 (39.8) 206 (81.1) 20 (7.9) 4 (1.6) 1 (0.4) 3 (1.2) 3 (1.2)
State TB Cure Rate, n (%) Success Rate, n Death Rate, n Lost to follow Treatment Regimen Not evaluated,
patients (%) (%) up, n (%) Failure Rate, n Change, n (%) n (%)
Notified (%)

Lakshadweep 18 8 (44.4) 16 (88.9) 1 (5.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (5.6)

Madhya Pradesh 102034 25847 (25.3) 86991 (85.3) 4201 (4.1) 3448 (3.4) 704 (0.7) 975 (1) 1813 (1.8)

Maharashtra 99145 30222 (30.5) 84975 (85.7) 4384 (4.4) 1653 (1.7) 518 (0.5) 3152 (3.2) 293 (0.3)

Manipur 1456 665 (45.7) 1175 (80.7) 63 (4.3) 50 (3.4) 6 (0.4) 37 (2.5) 39 (2.7)

Meghalaya 3182 1174 (36.9) 2693 (84.6) 153 (4.8) 56 (1.8) 13 (0.4) 98 (3.1) 5 (0.2)

Mizoram 1302 439 (33.7) 1156 (88.8) 51 (3.9) 23 (1.8) 11 (0.8) 5 (0.4) 7 (0.5)

Nagaland 2714 1211 (44.6) 2336 (86.1) 76 (2.8) 72 (2.7) 32 (1.2) 11 (0.4) 114 (4.2)

Odisha 44169 20238 (45.8) 39693 (89.9) 2570 (5.8) 416 (0.9) 67 (0.2) 205 (0.5) 312 (0.7)

Puducherry 1252 544 (43.5) 1024 (81.8) 67 (5.4) 26 (2.1) 11 (0.9) 25 (2) 2 (0.2)

Punjab 34122 11568 (33.9) 28677 (84) 1550 (4.5) 935 (2.7) 217 (0.6) 308 (0.9) 287 (0.8)

Rajasthan 87692 29416 (33.5) 74832 (85.3) 2904 (3.3) 2412 (2.8) 431 (0.5) 1044 (1.2) 658 (0.8)

Sikkim 986 426 (43.2) 869 (88.1) 39 (4) 13 (1.3) 2 (0.2) 20 (2) 6 (0.6)

Tamil Nadu 59166 28505 (48.2) 49549 (83.7) 3782 (6.4) 1368 (2.3) 294 (0.5) 1219 (2.1) 388 (0.7)

Telangana 37458 18600 (49.7) 34143 (91.2) 1130 (3) 222 (0.6) 148 (0.4) 468 (1.2) 370 (1)

Tripura 2461 1044 (42.4) 2114 (85.9) 141 (5.7) 53 (2.2) 9 (0.4) 47 (1.9) 19 (0.8)

Uttar Pradesh 298133 86807 (29.1) 256647 (86.1) 10773 (3.6) 6804 (2.3) 1419 (0.5) 3819 (1.3) 1495 (0.5)

Uttarakhand 16666 4885 (29.3) 14342 (86.1) 673 (4) 406 (2.4) 127 (0.8) 217 (1.3) 84 (0.5)

West Bengal 71417 35914 (50.3) 60528 (84.8) 4021 (5.6) 1323 (1.9) 440 (0.6) 1012 (1.4) 762 (1.1)

India 1326715 468189 (35.3) 1133739 (85.5) 57380 (4.3) 29933 (2.3) 6938 (0.5) 19714 (1.5) 12251 (0.9)
3.5 Treatment outcome of previously treated TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

TB patients Success Rate, n Lost to follow up, Regimen Not evaluated, n
State Cure Rate, n (%) Death Rate, n (%) Failure Rate, n
Notified (%) n (%) Change, n (%) (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 35 16 (45.7) 30 (85.7) 1 (2.9) 2 (5.7) 0 (0) 1 (2.9) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 8492 4309 (50.7) 7600 (89.5) 293 (3.5) 33 (0.4) 30 (0.4) 300 (3.5) 9 (0.1)

Arunachal Pradesh 336 134 (39.9) 247 (73.5) 14 (4.2) 24 (7.1) 1 (0.3) 11 (3.3) 7 (2.1)

Assam 3333 937 (28.1) 2880 (86.4) 158 (4.7) 66 (2) 34 (1) 44 (1.3) 21 (0.6)

Bihar 7660 1828 (23.9) 5540 (72.3) 221 (2.9) 304 (4) 50 (0.7) 106 (1.4) 257 (3.4)

Chandigarh 425 184 (43.3) 342 (80.5) 27 (6.4) 17 (4) 11 (2.6) 10 (2.4) 3 (0.7)

Chhattisgarh 2370 988 (41.7) 1996 (84.2) 134 (5.7) 45 (1.9) 30 (1.3) 41 (1.7) 59 (2.5)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 93 35 (37.6) 78 (83.9) 9 (9.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (2.2)
and Diu

Delhi 9743 3287 (33.7) 7370 (75.6) 409 (4.2) 545 (5.6) 126 (1.3) 369 (3.8) 133 (1.4)

Goa 129 47 (36.4) 95 (73.6) 10 (7.8) 12 (9.3) 3 (2.3) 4 (3.1) 0 (0)

Gujarat 23045 9748 (42.3) 19321 (83.8) 1514 (6.6) 367 (1.6) 427 (1.9) 866 (3.8) 65 (0.3)

Haryana 7468 3525 (47.2) 6057 (81.1) 441 (5.9) 132 (1.8) 87 (1.2) 150 (2) 118 (1.6)

Himachal Pradesh 1840 1001 (54.4) 1606 (87.3) 121 (6.6) 14 (0.8) 13 (0.7) 37 (2) 10 (0.5)

Jammu & Kashmir 1144 604 (52.8) 975 (85.2) 60 (5.2) 24 (2.1) 14 (1.2) 13 (1.1) 17 (1.5)

Jharkhand 3191 1018 (31.9) 2720 (85.2) 96 (3) 82 (2.6) 26 (0.8) 31 (1) 56 (1.8)

Karnataka 7050 3760 (53.3) 5469 (77.6) 716 (10.2) 246 (3.5) 124 (1.8) 222 (3.1) 33 (0.5)

Kerala 1260 587 (46.6) 931 (73.9) 118 (9.4) 35 (2.8) 26 (2.1) 45 (3.6) 36 (2.9)

Ladakh 41 19 (46.3) 36 (87.8) 1 (2.4) 0 (0) 1 (2.4) 0 (0) 1 (2.4)

Lakshadweep 2 2 (100) 2 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 16726 4929 (29.5) 14015 (83.8) 756 (4.5) 558 (3.3) 202 (1.2) 319 (1.9) 319 (1.9)

Maharashtra 14775 4929 (33.4) 12115 (82) 815 (5.5) 421 (2.8) 166 (1.1) 591 (4) 63 (0.4)

Manipur 176 76 (43.2) 137 (77.8) 7 (4) 5 (2.8) 2 (1.1) 7 (4) 12 (6.8)

Meghalaya 371 136 (36.7) 296 (79.8) 23 (6.2) 16 (4.3) 8 (2.2) 9 (2.4) 1 (0.3)

Mizoram 181 68 (37.6) 152 (84) 11 (6.1) 5 (2.8) 5 (2.8) 2 (1.1) 2 (1.1)

Nagaland 388 221 (57) 330 (85.1) 9 (2.3) 12 (3.1) 7 (1.8) 6 (1.5) 16 (4.1)

Odisha 3767 1693 (44.9) 3244 (86.1) 304 (8.1) 54 (1.4) 13 (0.3) 48 (1.3) 26 (0.7)

Puducherry 117 49 (41.9) 79 (67.5) 7 (6) 7 (6) 13 (11.1) 5 (4.3) 0 (0)

Punjab 4826 2172 (45) 3870 (80.2) 314 (6.5) 182 (3.8) 48 (1) 98 (2) 40 (0.8)

Rajasthan 16929 6910 (40.8) 13649 (80.6) 834 (4.9) 463 (2.7) 171 (1) 369 (2.2) 130 (0.8)

Sikkim 117 62 (53) 98 (83.8) 6 (5.1) 2 (1.7) 0 (0) 2 (1.7) 1 (0.9)

Tamil Nadu 7608 4054 (53.3) 5942 (78.1) 611 (8) 336 (4.4) 127 (1.7) 278 (3.7) 58 (0.8)

Telangana 5364 2709 (50.5) 4662 (86.9) 210 (3.9) 94 (1.8) 61 (1.1) 94 (1.8) 67 (1.2)

Tripura 256 109 (42.6) 204 (79.7) 25 (9.8) 5 (2) 2 (0.8) 5 (2) 3 (1.2)

Uttar Pradesh 40671 13866 (34.1) 33597 (82.6) 1713 (4.2) 889 (2.2) 316 (0.8) 1143 (2.8) 229 (0.6)

Uttarakhand 2164 851 (39.3) 1846 (85.3) 110 (5.1) 57 (2.6) 21 (1) 55 (2.5) 10 (0.5)

West Bengal 8656 4492 (51.9) 6970 (80.5) 507 (5.9) 235 (2.7) 156 (1.8) 245 (2.8) 77 (0.9)

India 200749 79355 (39.5) 164501 (81.9) 10605 (5.3) 5289 (2.6) 2321 (1.2) 5526 (2.8) 1881 (0.9)
3.6 Treatment outcome of TB - HIV patients notified in 2021 (Total)

State HIV-TB Cure Rate, n (%) Success Rate, n (%) Death Rate, n Lost to follow Treatment Regimen Not evaluated,
patients (%) up, n (%) Failure Rate, n Change, n (%) n (%)
Notified (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3 1 (33.3) 3 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 4740 2248 (47.4) 4112 (86.8) 360 (7.6) 16 (0.3) 21 (0.4) 103 (2.2) 7 (0.1)

Arunachal Pradesh 3 0 (0) 2 (66.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (33.3) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Assam 282 32 (11.3) 219 (77.7) 41 (14.5) 6 (2.1) 0 (0) 2 (0.7) 3 (1.1)

Bihar 1810 188 (10.4) 1311 (72.4) 150 (8.3) 81 (4.5) 9 (0.5) 19 (1) 67 (3.7)

Chandigarh 175 15 (8.6) 115 (65.7) 25 (14.3) 29 (16.6) 1 (0.6) 0 (0) 2 (1.1)

Chhattisgarh 484 146 (30.2) 364 (75.2) 59 (12.2) 7 (1.4) 3 (0.6) 11 (2.3) 19 (3.9)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 10 0 (0) 9 (90) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
and Diu

Delhi 1159 165 (14.2) 803 (69.3) 97 (8.4) 111 (9.6) 15 (1.3) 10 (0.9) 58 (5)

Goa 50 8 (16) 33 (66) 8 (16) 4 (8) 1 (2) 1 (2) 0 (0)

Gujarat 3146 816 (25.9) 2388 (75.9) 444 (14.1) 136 (4.3) 21 (0.7) 40 (1.3) 11 (0.3)

Haryana 720 223 (31) 587 (81.5) 69 (9.6) 5 (0.7) 2 (0.3) 4 (0.6) 18 (2.5)

Himachal Pradesh 115 35 (30.4) 91 (79.1) 12 (10.4) 2 (1.7) 1 (0.9) 4 (3.5) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 35 6 (17.1) 25 (71.4) 3 (8.6) 0 (0) 1 (2.9) 1 (2.9) 2 (5.7)

Jharkhand 336 76 (22.6) 267 (79.5) 20 (6) 15 (4.5) 2 (0.6) 1 (0.3) 6 (1.8)

Karnataka 4267 1285 (30.1) 3070 (71.9) 775 (18.2) 145 (3.4) 26 (0.6) 67 (1.6) 33 (0.8)

Kerala 230 26 (11.3) 134 (58.3) 64 (27.8) 8 (3.5) 1 (0.4) 3 (1.3) 3 (1.3)

Ladakh 1 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 1534 248 (16.2) 1214 (79.1) 174 (11.3) 49 (3.2) 10 (0.7) 8 (0.5) 23 (1.5)

Maharashtra 5902 945 (16) 4527 (76.7) 792 (13.4) 174 (2.9) 39 (0.7) 98 (1.7) 24 (0.4)

Manipur 109 34 (31.2) 82 (75.2) 9 (8.3) 7 (6.4) 0 (0) 3 (2.8) 4 (3.7)

Meghalaya 98 16 (16.3) 82 (83.7) 7 (7.1) 3 (3.1) 0 (0) 3 (3.1) 0 (0)

Mizoram 291 45 (15.5) 241 (82.8) 27 (9.3) 6 (2.1) 0 (0) 2 (0.7) 2 (0.7)

Nagaland 351 79 (22.5) 285 (81.2) 16 (4.6) 4 (1.1) 5 (1.4) 1 (0.3) 25 (7.1)

Odisha 582 151 (25.9) 450 (77.3) 86 (14.8) 10 (1.7) 1 (0.2) 2 (0.3) 17 (2.9)

Puducherry 29 11 (37.9) 21 (72.4) 6 (20.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Punjab 1110 209 (18.8) 838 (75.5) 138 (12.4) 47 (4.2) 9 (0.8) 10 (0.9) 12 (1.1)

Rajasthan 1490 305 (20.5) 1161 (77.9) 143 (9.6) 51 (3.4) 16 (1.1) 24 (1.6) 12 (0.8)

Sikkim 5 2 (40) 3 (60) 2 (40) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 2902 888 (30.6) 2108 (72.6) 421 (14.5) 118 (4.1) 18 (0.6) 48 (1.7) 36 (1.2)

Telangana 1808 777 (43) 1512 (83.6) 162 (9) 11 (0.6) 8 (0.4) 23 (1.3) 20 (1.1)

Tripura 46 8 (17.4) 37 (80.4) 6 (13) 2 (4.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2.2)

Uttar Pradesh 2553 362 (14.2) 1881 (73.7) 268 (10.5) 84 (3.3) 10 (0.4) 32 (1.3) 33 (1.3)

Uttarakhand 207 40 (19.3) 174 (84.1) 23 (11.1) 6 (2.9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

West Bengal 915 234 (25.6) 567 (62) 117 (12.8) 31 (3.4) 4 (0.4) 14 (1.5) 47 (5.1)

India 37498 9624 (25.7) 28717 (76.6) 4524 (12.1) 1168 (3.1) 225 (0.6) 534 (1.4) 485 (1.3)
3.7 Treatment outcome of paediatric TB patients notified in 2021 (Public Sector)

State TB Cure Rate, n Success Death Rate, n Lost to Treatment Failure Regimen Change, n Not evaluated, n (%)
patients (%) Rate, n (%) (%) follow up, n Rate, n (%) (%)
Notified (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 21 4 (19) 18 (85.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (4.8) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 1626 307 (18.9) 1554 (95.6) 23 (1.4) 1 (0.1) 3 (0.2) 6 (0.4) 2 (0.1)

Arunachal Pradesh 265 43 (16.2) 219 (82.6) 3 (1.1) 15 (5.7) 1 (0.4) 6 (2.3) 3 (1.1)

Assam 1031 181 (17.6) 912 (88.5) 34 (3.3) 12 (1.2) 5 (0.5) 9 (0.9) 3 (0.3)

Bihar 3089 463 (15) 2435 (78.8) 51 (1.7) 109 (3.5) 17 (0.6) 31 (1) 135 (4.4)

Chandigarh 250 48 (19.2) 215 (86) 3 (1.2) 6 (2.4) 4 (1.6) 3 (1.2) 6 (2.4)

Chhattisgarh 888 169 (19) 799 (90) 28 (3.2) 9 (1) 6 (0.7) 0 (0) 23 (2.6)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 38 9 (23.7) 38 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 7932 1033 (13) 6495 (81.9) 93 (1.2) 201 (2.5) 55 (0.7) 119 (1.5) 107 (1.3)

Goa 54 5 (9.3) 46 (85.2) 1 (1.9) 0 (0) 1 (1.9) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Gujarat 3501 530 (15.1) 3203 (91.5) 136 (3.9) 35 (1) 16 (0.5) 27 (0.8) 9 (0.3)

Haryana 2630 663 (25.2) 2322 (88.3) 35 (1.3) 28 (1.1) 16 (0.6) 18 (0.7) 29 (1.1)

Himachal Pradesh 441 98 (22.2) 404 (91.6) 12 (2.7) 5 (1.1) 0 (0) 3 (0.7) 1 (0.2)

Jammu & Kashmir 516 118 (22.9) 465 (90.1) 8 (1.6) 11 (2.1) 3 (0.6) 2 (0.4) 5 (1)

Jharkhand 1141 246 (21.6) 1006 (88.2) 19 (1.7) 32 (2.8) 6 (0.5) 6 (0.5) 20 (1.8)

Karnataka 2188 410 (18.7) 1988 (90.9) 68 (3.1) 48 (2.2) 1 (0) 19 (0.9) 7 (0.3)

Kerala 572 66 (11.5) 513 (89.7) 5 (0.9) 11 (1.9) 3 (0.5) 4 (0.7) 19 (3.3)

Ladakh 4 1 (25) 4 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

State TB Cure Rate, n Success Death Rate, n Lost to Treatment Failure Regimen Change, n Not evaluated, n (%)
patients (%) Rate, n (%) (%) follow up, n Rate, n (%) (%)
Notified (%)

Lakshadweep 1 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 8687 771 (8.9) 7946 (91.5) 141 (1.6) 206 (2.4) 29 (0.3) 42 (0.5) 125 (1.4)

Maharashtra 6407 1008 (15.7) 5691 (88.8) 107 (1.7) 66 (1) 26 (0.4) 225 (3.5) 12 (0.2)

Manipur 49 10 (20.4) 41 (83.7) 2 (4.1) 2 (4.1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 208 51 (24.5) 187 (89.9) 6 (2.9) 1 (0.5) 0 (0) 5 (2.4) 0 (0)

Mizoram 62 8 (12.9) 58 (93.5) 1 (1.6) 1 (1.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 169 50 (29.6) 136 (80.5) 4 (2.4) 4 (2.4) 3 (1.8) 0 (0) 14 (8.3)

Odisha 1681 320 (19) 1553 (92.4) 57 (3.4) 9 (0.5) 1 (0.1) 2 (0.1) 10 (0.6)

Puducherry 47 5 (10.6) 44 (93.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2.1) 0 (0)

Punjab 2130 488 (22.9) 1888 (88.6) 53 (2.5) 44 (2.1) 13 (0.6) 15 (0.7) 11 (0.5)

Rajasthan 4088 694 (17) 3619 (88.5) 90 (2.2) 81 (2) 17 (0.4) 22 (0.5) 31 (0.8)

Sikkim 48 15 (31.3) 44 (91.7) 2 (4.2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2.1) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 1711 206 (12) 1552 (90.7) 36 (2.1) 23 (1.3) 5 (0.3) 12 (0.7) 16 (0.9)

Telangana 1341 373 (27.8) 1237 (92.2) 25 (1.9) 7 (0.5) 5 (0.4) 7 (0.5) 13 (1)

Tripura 42 12 (28.6) 39 (92.9) 1 (2.4) 1 (2.4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 16637 2773 (16.7) 14809 (89) 329 (2) 282 (1.7) 63 (0.4) 150 (0.9) 101 (0.6)

Uttarakhand 830 131 (15.8) 751 (90.5) 16 (1.9) 13 (1.6) 6 (0.7) 11 (1.3) 8 (1)

West Bengal 2513 581 (23.1) 2155 (85.8) 80 (3.2) 45 (1.8) 13 (0.5) 32 (1.3) 34 (1.4)

India 72838 11890 (16.3) 64387 1469 (2) 1308 (1.8) 318 (0.4) 779 (1.1) 744 (1)
3.8 Treatment outcome of paediatric TB patients notified in 2021 (Private Sector)

State TB patients Cure Rate, Success Death Rate, Lost to follow Treatment Failure Regimen Change, n Not evaluated, n (%)
Notified n (%) Rate, n (%) n (%) up, n (%) Rate, n (%) (%)

Andhra Pradesh 788 45 (5.7) 774 (98.2) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 0 (0) 3 (0.4) 1 (0.1)

Assam 121 8 (6.6) 106 (87.6) 3 (2.5) 4 (3.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Bihar 8940 16 (0.2) 8059 (90.1) 130 (1.5) 291 (3.3) 46 (0.5) 26 (0.3) 248 (2.8)

Chandigarh 9 1 (11.1) 6 (66.7) 0 (0) 1 (11.1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Chhattisgarh 528 19 (3.6) 477 (90.3) 5 (0.9) 17 (3.2) 2 (0.4) 1 (0.2) 14 (2.7)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 4 1 (25) 4 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 1387 18 (1.3) 989 (71.3) 11 (0.8) 94 (6.8) 2 (0.1) 7 (0.5) 36 (2.6)

Goa 7 0 (0) 6 (85.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (14.3) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Gujarat 2662 9 (0.3) 2541 (95.5) 30 (1.1) 55 (2.1) 5 (0.2) 10 (0.4) 6 (0.2)

Haryana 1138 80 (7) 1024 (90) 6 (0.5) 20 (1.8) 2 (0.2) 5 (0.4) 37 (3.3)

Himachal Pradesh 20 4 (20) 14 (70) 1 (5) 1 (5) 1 (5) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 61 4 (6.6) 60 (98.4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1.6) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Jharkhand 1555 1 (0.1) 1418 (91.2) 25 (1.6) 98 (6.3) 0 (0) 3 (0.2) 5 (0.3)

Karnataka 686 32 (4.7) 631 (92) 5 (0.7) 14 (2) 1 (0.1) 0 (0) 5 (0.7)

Kerala 93 6 (6.5) 81 (87.1) 0 (0) 1 (1.1) 0 (0) 1 (1.1) 2 (2.2)

Madhya Pradesh 3488 117 (3.4) 3138 (90) 35 (1) 154 (4.4) 19 (0.5) 8 (0.2) 77 (2.2)

Maharashtra 4968 175 (3.5) 4630 (93.2) 60 (1.2) 46 (0.9) 5 (0.1) 115 (2.3) 5 (0.1)

Manipur 8 1 (12.5) 7 (87.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 59 0 (0) 57 (96.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Mizoram 7 2 (28.6) 5 (71.4) 2 (28.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 29 0 (0) 24 (82.8) 2 (6.9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (10.3)

Odisha 192 8 (4.2) 177 (92.2) 2 (1) 2 (1) 1 (0.5) 0 (0) 4 (2.1)

Punjab 755 23 (3) 707 (93.6) 11 (1.5) 10 (1.3) 4 (0.5) 1 (0.1) 2 (0.3)

Rajasthan 3225 102 (3.2) 2813 (87.2) 20 (0.6) 235 (7.3) 31 (1) 10 (0.3) 63 (2)

Sikkim 6 1 (16.7) 6 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 1010 176 (17.4) 911 (90.2) 12 (1.2) 24 (2.4) 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) 19 (1.9)

Telangana 560 98 (17.5) 529 (94.5) 5 (0.9) 3 (0.5) 2 (0.4) 0 (0) 2 (0.4)

Uttar Pradesh 9965 239 (2.4) 9201 (92.3) 127 (1.3) 255 (2.6) 33 (0.3) 35 (0.4) 77 (0.8)

Uttarakhand 177 4 (2.3) 167 (94.4) 2 (1.1) 3 (1.7) 1 (0.6) 0 (0) 0 (0)

West Bengal 383 34 (8.9) 314 (82) 4 (1) 3 (0.8) 0 (0) 2 (0.5) 30 (7.8)

India 42831 1224 (2.9) 38876 500 (1.2) 1333 (3.1) 158 (0.4) 229 (0.5) 636 (1.5)
3.9 Treatment outcome of paediatric TB patients notified in 2021 (Total)

State TB Cure Rate, n (%) Success Rate, n (%) Death Rate, n Lost to follow Treatment Regimen Not evaluated,
patients (%) up, n (%) Failure Rate, n Change, n (%) n (%)
Notified (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 21 4 (19) 18 (85.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (4.8) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 2414 352 (14.6) 2328 (96.4) 25 (1) 3 (0.1) 3 (0.1) 9 (0.4) 3 (0.1)

Arunachal Pradesh 265 43 (16.2) 219 (82.6) 3 (1.1) 15 (5.7) 1 (0.4) 6 (2.3) 3 (1.1)

Assam 1152 189 (16.4) 1018 (88.4) 37 (3.2) 16 (1.4) 5 (0.4) 9 (0.8) 3 (0.3)

Bihar 12029 479 (4) 10494 (87.2) 181 (1.5) 400 (3.3) 63 (0.5) 57 (0.5) 383 (3.2)

Chandigarh 259 49 (18.9) 221 (85.3) 3 (1.2) 7 (2.7) 4 (1.5) 3 (1.2) 6 (2.3)

Chhattisgarh 1416 188 (13.3) 1276 (90.1) 33 (2.3) 26 (1.8) 8 (0.6) 1 (0.1) 37 (2.6)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 42 10 (23.8) 42 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
and Diu

Delhi 9319 1051 (11.3) 7484 (80.3) 104 (1.1) 295 (3.2) 57 (0.6) 126 (1.4) 143 (1.5)

Goa 61 5 (8.2) 52 (85.2) 1 (1.6) 0 (0) 2 (3.3) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Gujarat 6163 539 (8.7) 5744 (93.2) 166 (2.7) 90 (1.5) 21 (0.3) 37 (0.6) 15 (0.2)

Haryana 3768 743 (19.7) 3346 (88.8) 41 (1.1) 48 (1.3) 18 (0.5) 23 (0.6) 66 (1.8)
Himachal Pradesh 461 102 (22.1) 418 (90.7) 13 (2.8) 6 (1.3) 1 (0.2) 3 (0.7) 1 (0.2)

Jammu & Kashmir 577 122 (21.1) 525 (91) 8 (1.4) 11 (1.9) 4 (0.7) 2 (0.3) 5 (0.9)

Jharkhand 2696 247 (9.2) 2424 (89.9) 44 (1.6) 130 (4.8) 6 (0.2) 9 (0.3) 25 (0.9)

Karnataka 2874 442 (15.4) 2619 (91.1) 73 (2.5) 62 (2.2) 2 (0.1) 19 (0.7) 12 (0.4)

Kerala 665 72 (10.8) 594 (89.3) 5 (0.8) 12 (1.8) 3 (0.5) 5 (0.8) 21 (3.2)

Ladakh 4 1 (25) 4 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Lakshadweep 1 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 12175 888 (7.3) 11084 (91) 176 (1.4) 360 (3) 48 (0.4) 50 (0.4) 202 (1.7)

Maharashtra 11375 1183 (10.4) 10321 (90.7) 167 (1.5) 112 (1) 31 (0.3) 340 (3) 17 (0.1)

Manipur 57 11 (19.3) 48 (84.2) 2 (3.5) 2 (3.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 267 51 (19.1) 244 (91.4) 6 (2.2) 1 (0.4) 0 (0) 5 (1.9) 0 (0)

Mizoram 69 10 (14.5) 63 (91.3) 3 (4.3) 1 (1.4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 198 50 (25.3) 160 (80.8) 6 (3) 4 (2) 3 (1.5) 0 (0) 17 (8.6)

Odisha 1873 328 (17.5) 1730 (92.4) 59 (3.2) 11 (0.6) 2 (0.1) 2 (0.1) 14 (0.7)

Puducherry 47 5 (10.6) 44 (93.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2.1) 0 (0)

Punjab 2885 511 (17.7) 2595 (89.9) 64 (2.2) 54 (1.9) 17 (0.6) 16 (0.6) 13 (0.5)

Rajasthan 7313 796 (10.9) 6432 (88) 110 (1.5) 316 (4.3) 48 (0.7) 32 (0.4) 94 (1.3)

Sikkim 54 16 (29.6) 50 (92.6) 2 (3.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1.9) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 2721 382 (14) 2463 (90.5) 48 (1.8) 47 (1.7) 6 (0.2) 14 (0.5) 35 (1.3)

Telangana 1901 471 (24.8) 1766 (92.9) 30 (1.6) 10 (0.5) 7 (0.4) 7 (0.4) 15 (0.8)

Tripura 42 12 (28.6) 39 (92.9) 1 (2.4) 1 (2.4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 26602 3012 (11.3) 24010 (90.3) 456 (1.7) 537 (2) 96 (0.4) 185 (0.7) 178 (0.7)

Uttarakhand 1007 135 (13.4) 918 (91.2) 18 (1.8) 16 (1.6) 7 (0.7) 11 (1.1) 8 (0.8)

West Bengal 2896 615 (21.2) 2469 (85.3) 84 (2.9) 48 (1.7) 13 (0.4) 34 (1.2) 64 (2.2)

India 115669 13114 (11.3) 103263 (89.3) 1969 (1.7) 2641 (2.3) 476 (0.4) 1008 (0.9) 1380 (1.2)
3.10 Treatment outcome of tribal TB patients notified in 2021
State TB patients Cure Rate, n (%) Success Rate, n Death Rate, n Lost to follow Treatment Regimen Not
Notified (%) (%) up, n (%) Failure Rate, n Change, n (%) evaluated, n
(%) (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 85 24 (28.2) 80 (94.1) 3 (3.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1.2) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 11818 5658 (47.9) 10993 (93) 376 (3.2) 39 (0.3) 34 (0.3) 179 (1.5) 42 (0.4)

Arunachal Pradesh 2917 917 (31.4) 2287 (78.4) 90 (3.1) 222 (7.6) 23 (0.8) 63 (2.2) 130 (4.5)

Assam 7089 2234 (31.5) 6287 (88.7) 326 (4.6) 199 (2.8) 39 (0.6) 47 (0.7) 43 (0.6)

Chhattisgarh 11784 4465 (37.9) 10111 (85.8) 687 (5.8) 188 (1.6) 61 (0.5) 79 (0.7) 381 (3.2)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 469 130 (27.7) 421 (89.8) 27 (5.8) 2 (0.4) 1 (0.2) 5 (1.1) 0 (0)
Daman and Diu

Gujarat 22432 8056 (35.9) 20010 (89.2) 1167 (5.2) 348 (1.6) 162 (0.7) 271 (1.2) 175 (0.8)

Himachal Pradesh 385 196 (50.9) 352 (91.4) 15 (3.9) 2 (0.5) 2 (0.5) 4 (1) 6 (1.6)

Jammu & Kashmir 56 27 (48.2) 50 (89.3) 3 (5.4) 0 (0) 1 (1.8) 0 (0) 1 (1.8)

Jharkhand 29421 7247 (24.6) 25318 (86.1) 1267 (4.3) 1153 (3.9) 132 (0.4) 182 (0.6) 746 (2.5)

Karnataka 2392 1256 (52.5) 2009 (84) 191 (8) 61 (2.6) 9 (0.4) 46 (1.9) 32 (1.3)

Kerala 810 358 (44.2) 666 (82.2) 82 (10.1) 11 (1.4) 6 (0.7) 16 (2) 15 (1.9)
Ladakh 320 120 (37.5) 262 (81.9) 22 (6.9) 4 (1.3) 2 (0.6) 4 (1.3) 11 (3.4)

Madhya Pradesh 26182 6416 (24.5) 22441 (85.7) 1193 (4.6) 965 (3.7) 169 (0.6) 243 (0.9) 774 (3)

Maharashtra 15668 5020 (32) 13926 (88.9) 743 (4.7) 251 (1.6) 60 (0.4) 250 (1.6) 111 (0.7)

Manipur 958 431 (45) 786 (82) 45 (4.7) 30 (3.1) 8 (0.8) 25 (2.6) 45 (4.7)

Meghalaya 4209 1381 (32.8) 3478 (82.6) 245 (5.8) 101 (2.4) 24 (0.6) 139 (3.3) 52 (1.2)

Mizoram 1793 620 (34.6) 1553 (86.6) 84 (4.7) 44 (2.5) 17 (0.9) 18 (1) 13 (0.7)

Nagaland 3749 1464 (39.1) 3180 (84.8) 123 (3.3) 125 (3.3) 39 (1) 31 (0.8) 224 (6)

Odisha 21563 10723 (49.7) 19319 (89.6) 1492 (6.9) 231 (1.1) 27 (0.1) 52 (0.2) 298 (1.4)

Punjab 1 0 (0) 0 (0) (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (100)

Rajasthan 17265 6553 (38) 15046 (87.1) 567 (3.3) 348 (2) 80 (0.5) 267 (1.5) 559 (3.2)

Tamil Nadu 480 264 (55) 412 (85.8) 38 (7.9) 5 (1) 1 (0.2) 8 (1.7) 8 (1.7)

Telangana 7343 2074 (28.2) 6567 (89.4) 252 (3.4) 118 (1.6) 40 (0.5) 85 (1.2) 144 (2)

Tripura 270 162 (60) 250 (92.6) 12 (4.4) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 0 (0) 5 (1.9)

Uttar Pradesh 4021 962 (23.9) 3589 (89.3) 158 (3.9) 59 (1.5) 40 (1) 54 (1.3) 70 (1.7)

India 193480 66758 (34.5) 169393 (87.6) 9208 (4.8) 4507 (2.3) 978 (0.5) 2069 (1.1) 3886 (2)

A&N Islands

DNH and DD
Andhra Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh
Functional nodal DR-TB

1 centres

Functional district DR-TB



nodal/district DR-TB


centres which are AIC
Nodal/ District DR-TB
centres in private


hospital/ corporate
4.1 PMDT infrastructure and Difficult to Treat TB clinics

hospital (excl. medical


Out of above, number

functional through


partnership options
through PIP)

Number of medical
colleges within the state



(incl. in private sector)

Number of medical
colleges where facility


for management of DR-


TB is available (Outdoor
or Indoor facility)

Number of state level

experts engaged in the



panel under S-DT3C

Number of

paediatricians engaged

under S-DT3C panel

Number of private
practitioners engaged


under S-DT3C panel

Number of difficult to
treat TB patients



referred to S-DT3C
experts in 2022

Number of referred
difficult to treat TB



patients guided by S-

Number of referred
patients for whom S-



DT3C responded within

48 hrs.

Number of S-DT3C
webinars held in 2022


Haryana 3 22 3 1 0 13 12 8 1 2 NA NA 0

Himachal Pradesh 4 17 21 1 1 8 7 5 2 0 3 3 3 8

Jammu & Kashmir 2 3 5 0 0 8 8 08 Jammu, 1 2 15 15 15 4

04 Kashmir

Jharkhand 5 19 15 0 0 9 3 6 3 0 13 13 13 30

Karnataka 6 25 31 0 0 69 28 3 0 0 20 20 20 16

Kerala 2 14 14 0 0 30 17 13 2 2 33 30 30 0

Ladakh 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Madhya Pradesh 9 52 61 0 0 25 12 6 1 1 4 4 N/A 4

Maharashtra 21 44 53 6 6 63 30 14 4 4 3 3 0 8

Manipur 1 1 1 0 0 4 1 2 0 1 6 6 6 0

Meghalaya 2 7 2 0 0 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Mizoram 1 7 1 0 0 1 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 7

Nagaland 2 5 2 0 0 0 NA 6 2 0 0 0 0 10

Odisha 3 28 25 0 0 16 11 6 0 4 20 20 20 11
Puducherry 1 0 1 0 0 9 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Punjab 3 20 3 0 0 11 4 16 3 0 NA NA NA 7

Rajasthan 7 32 22 1 1 24 10 6 1 0 7 7 7

Sikkim 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2

Tamil Nadu 7 24 31 0 0 71 28 8 0 0 15 15 15 20

Telangana 4 23 4 3 0 40 16 18 1 7 12 12 12 12

Tripura 1 4 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1

Uttar Pradesh 24 62 86 0 0 67 26 5 1 0 23 23 23 23

Uttarakhand 2 7 2 0 0 8 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

West Bengal 9 38 35 6 1 33 16 16 2 3 10 10 1 10
4.2 Testing in Truenat

Paediatric Testing EP-TB Testing Private Samples Testing

Samples with RR/MDR-TB

Mycobacterium TB (MTB)

Total RIF tests performed

Number of Truenat

Total MTB Tests

with Mycobacterium

with Mycobacterium

with Mycobacterium
Samples with

Number of Samples

Number of Samples

Number of Samples

Number of Samples

Number of Samples

Number of Samples
TB (MTB) Detected

TB (MTB) Detected

TB (MTB) Detected
with RR/MDR-TB

with RR/MDR-TB

with RR/MDR-TB



Total Tests

Total Tests

Total Tests



Andaman &
Nicobar 5 2914 312 357 26 208 6 0 59 5 2 33 8 0

Pradesh 352 498161 28591 28420 563 7700 228 167 1363 63 3893 12947 2069 186

Pradesh 26 9798 1198 1259 114 711 48 7 671 52 6 21 5 0

Assam 26 23653 3835 3895 117 1203 50 2 409 19 2 873 168 14

Bihar 180 105773 21772 19436 1146 6126 1015 59 1246 173 27 22857 5416 373

Chandigarh 5 4098 780 711 110 203 14 0 255 12 0 32 17 0

Chhattisgarh 222 114012 15244 15245 459 4645 299 48 4003 566 270 9751 1827 53

Dadar &
Haveli 1 1698 128 139 9 93 2 1 115 8 0 26 6 0

Daman &
Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Delhi 50 43367 9254 6645 393 10304 1352 63 7453 666 76 493 178 13

Goa 12 12489 627 655 20 959 33 8 1009 53 9 403 60 22

Gujarat 84 142271 21640 20743 747 6837 524 53 3155 318 33 13282 3882 175
Haryana 56 55544 14753 13828 704 2869 454 189 1240 169 146 6358 2202 135

Pradesh 47 64367 4790 5106 107 3938 223 70 3802 435 49 3321 505 14

Jammu &
Kashmir 25 37524 3612 3746 118 2010 153 2 2023 135 228 606 83 0

Jharkhand 211 108209 18430 18440 665 1161 156 41 972 72 108 4789 1052 68

Karnataka 134 205951 17004 17630 550 8791 497 55 7038 416 285 12003 2516 160

Kerala 73 136328 6786 7840 129 3901 49 1 70 7 0 7766 849 23

Ladakh 2 780 39 21 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0

Lakshadweep 9 2401 17 13 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pradesh 368 234007 64571 50285 3063 10935 1089 435 8898 1373 396 39544 13091 956

Maharashtra 230 169481 25587 23201 1908 11255 1247 439 5606 615 342 20454 4517 396

Manipur 10 2967 371 404 16 130 4 0 302 39 1 5 1 0

Meghalaya 55 29086 1829 1898 124 3337 97 8 244 12 558 834 48 26

Mizoram 5 1203 61 51 2 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 0

Nagaland 15 2664 333 324 10 70 18 26 43 11 0 19 5 5

Odhisa 183 62966 9124 9197 130 2789 197 39 2885 143 251 3855 488 32

Pondicherry 5 1290 242 268 5 8 1 0 7 3 0 7 5 0

Punjab 76 45727 12280 10679 316 2538 697 2012 1513 269 437 1562 424 239

Rajasthan 75 96719 22473 15436 589 2405 504 6 764 98 5 3079 1169 35

Sikkim 8 2274 99 104 17 212 14 4 62 1 2 0 0 0

Tamil Nadu 147 217193 37765 36354 1095 5255 131 326 3707 184 45 16345 4062 104

Telangana 91 244419 17612 15420 677 6412 412 109 4254 118 69 5935 1123 53
Tripura 10 7303 852 865 10 255 5 0 258 4 0 111 19 0

Pradesh 498 484476 118470 112484 5823 27202 5998 800 9152 1657 691 17872 5167 557

Uttarakhand 75 70831 12283 12145 547 4052 687 71 6688 755 8 2377 509 32

Bengal 244 241186 36432 37023 1346 7473 608 37 6193 506 121 8030 1596 64

Grand Total 3615 3483130 529196 490267 21659 145,988 16812 5078 85524 8957 8060 215594 53067 3735
4.3 Testing in CBNAAT

Paediatric Testing EP-TB Testing Private Samples Testing

Samples with RR/MDR-

Total Tests performed
Machines (Including
Number of CBNAAT

Mycobacterium TB
(MTB) Detected
Samples with
Mobile Vans)

TB Detected



Samples with

Samples with

Samples with

Samples with

Samples with

Samples with


Number of

Number of

Number of


Number of

Number of
Total Tests

Total Tests

Total Tests










Andaman & Nicobar 5 800 98 8 46 3 0 45 6 0 23 4 0

Andhra Pradesh 50 130211 16374 844 3765 173 17 9103 1037 461 20709 4289 171

Arunachal Pradesh 12 1702 386 42 131 13 4 109 20 1 0 0 0

Assam 35 38168 11051 651 2386 372 20 2117 220 14 1951 624 32

Bihar 85 80220 18689 2025 4961 877 158 4965 765 1157 22403 6129 634

Chandigarh 6 9338 1647 104 2242 324 15 3188 436 24 57 24 1

Chhattisgarh 36 23953 3595 141 1484 101 0 5333 580 44 3895 583 21

Dadar & Nagar

Haveli 3 2425 381 26 114 10 2 332 91 6 48 15 0

Daman & Diu 3 1521 269 16 56 10 1 67 31 1 28 13 1

Delhi 50 71298 25625 2384 12652 2041 260 20301 4658 550 804 241 31

Goa 4 9224 759 57 892 40 4 3217 203 17 84 20 0

Gujarat 73 73637 36196 2052 2435 341 28 15471 2672 224 7074 2900 182

Haryana 32 61202 19273 1124 3535 742 375 3953 800 59 5467 1843 138

Himachal Pradesh 27 48940 6233 207 3205 213 10 6773 615 12 2922 553 10

Jammu & Kashmir 18 28017 3597 107 2295 107 1 4359 290 221 1368 245 1

Jharkhand 40 51430 12277 1018 2156 281 35 2375 288 113 8083 2058 173
Karnataka 95 194635 386 42 131 13 4 109 20 1 0 0 0

Kerala 41 96833 7206 239 10132 165 6 18347 1626 1185 17361 1391 42

Ladakh 12 240 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lakshadweep 1 8880 290 6 112 3 1 223 16 73 73 13 2

Madhya Pradesh 85 100970 27065 2076 8287 1042 94 10560 1479 114 13761 5310 407

Maharashtra 162 346864 64869 9009 29090 3515 672 57864 10353 1714 64363 14865 2401

Manipur 10 6017 871 162 267 11 1 253 40 5 75 14 1

Meghalaya 11 12614 1607 198 1886 116 13 1290 209 25 678 96 2

Mizoram 10 6267 830 85 737 20 2 1140 115 12 390 54 7

Nagaland 11 8725 1734 102 426 34 12 372 63 23 717 215 7

Odisha 43 98915 22897 552 4708 810 43 13971 3880 267 8357 1225 40

Pondicherry 4 9826 1361 62 607 5 0 4269 402 11 0 0 0

Punjab 35 46215 15439 603 2878 722 40 6298 1237 39 2340 530 15

Rajasthan 78 159127 60127 4056 10490 2028 130 19593 2568 181 15179 5480 345

Sikkim 9 8721 959 220 855 82 20 1061 153 37 332 93 7

Tamil Nadu 81 139120 27387 1410 8968 401 38 16272 1803 69 14035 3210 126

Telangana 40 136455 18524 1439 4635 303 21 5870 639 43 13077 2968 195

Tripura 10 6560 1450 25 203 15 0 349 52 2 43 9 0

Uttar Pradesh 158 232454 85771 9102 21245 4732 618 26753 4790 761 28753 12065 1401

Uttarakhand 15 12532 3090 174 535 74 1 413 84 3 3578 573 57

West Bengal 85 101683 26769 1654 5585 612 79 11244 1676 171 4132 904 81

Grand Total 1475 9 525088 42026 154132 20351 2725 277959 43917 7640 262160 68556 6531
4.4 Testing on Line Probe Assays (LPA)

First Line Line Probe Assay Second Line Line Probe Assay

Susceptible Resistant to
State/UT Resistant to
Samples to both both Resistant TO Resistant TO Samples Susceptible to Resistant TO Resistant TO
both FQ &
Tested isoniazid & isoniazid & Rifampicin Isoniazid Tested both FQ & SLI FQ SLI
Rifampicin Rifampicin

Andaman & Nicobar 127 87 13 3 5 36 21 2 3 0

Andhra Pradesh 19414 16826 530 211 1439 2076 1794 5 211 10

Arunachal Pradesh 493 356 68 14 54 129 76 3 28 2

Assam 2869 2434 206 41 179 452 303 6 101 8

Bihar 11746 8209 2017 257 611 3309 1691 165 1132 29

Chandigarh 782 674 49 30 67 62 41 5 15 1

Chattisgarh 5156 4562 120 40 320 531 424 4 76 5

Dadar and Nagar Haveli 45 44 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

Daman & Diu 16 15 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0

Delhi 22530 17889 1812 306 1496 3233 1909 77 1025 63

Goa 774 574 19 4 22 98 78 1 16 1

Gujarat 9862 7811 357 109 608 3780 1754 131 1005 82

Haryana 5823 4587 155 162 389 820 572 14 99 18

Himachal Pradesh 6258 5554 108 42 229 407 345 3 35 0

Jammu & Kashmir 2316 1543 33 11 88 155 103 6 21 0

Jharkhand 4639 3791 212 143 193 448 255 14 107 2

Karnataka 29042 23983 854 487 2105 3613 2529 43 505 36

Kerala 4809 3884 121 174 310 407 298 8 29 6

Ladakh 11 8 1 0 2 3 3 0 0 0

Lakshdweep 4 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 22312 18348 1012 470 1418 3336 2183 54 868 10

Maharashtra 47018 35016 5947 1839 3293 11538 5884 865 4038 115

Manipur 116 100 5 1 9 11 6 0 5 0

Meghalaya 976 797 107 7 70 127 90 3 31 3

Mizoram 177 141 23 1 6 36 19 0 13 0

Nagaland 345 281 21 5 32 30 24 0 2 0

Odisha 6061 5592 151 25 156 487 388 5 59 4

Puducherry 8223 7550 105 40 494 648 591 1 46 2

Punjab 2753 2347 132 33 110 496 367 5 120 1

Rajasthan 12027 7965 1080 703 991 3733 2426 82 821 44

Sikkim 325 126 39 44 49 154 64 2 36 8

Tamil Naidu 17859 15145 566 371 1346 2192 1785 15 262 13

Telangana 19593 12949 541 268 1108 1929 810 16 202 7

Tripura 434 381 8 6 25 24 19 0 4 0

Uttar Pradesh 21829 13235 2724 671 1448 8087 3631 394 2869 258

Uttrakhand 3718 2860 148 47 292 450 313 6 111 10

West Bengal 19237 15239 841 490 1496 2164 1507 105 311 46

India 309719 240940 20125 7055 20464 55004 32306 2040 14206 784
4.5 Testing on culture and DST (CDST)

SL-DST Culture

State/UT No. of XDR Non-Tuberculous

Samples Susceptible to No. of Pre-XDR Samples
detected (RR/MDR MTB +ve Mycobacterium Culture -ve
tested FQ & SLI detected (RR/MDR tested
+FQ+LZD/BDQ) detected

Andaman & Nicobar

Islands 0 0 0 0 310 25 0 158
Andhra Pradesh 131 37 0 0 25956 3760 0 12584
Arunachal Pradesh 2 1 1 0 147 15 0 36
Assam 25 11 4 0 2211 319 0 554
Bihar 0 0 0 0 13639 2911 39 6038
Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 2152 498 9 1333
Chhattisgarh 55 16 15 2 3958 585 31 2459
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delhi 558 324 206 20 25250 5818 274 10125
Goa 30 12 2 0 3114 639 14 1142
Gujarat 183 41 187 6 9339 1138 43 426
Haryana 0 0 0 0 1040 97 0 215
Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jammu & Kashmir 0 0 0 0 205 35 0 167
Jharkhand 31 6 0 0 4433 223 0 772
Karnataka 1536 645 311 11 20783 4085 756 6611
Kerala 24 5 10 0 3960 96 7 1358
Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 510 235 45 7 13432 2471 12 4219
Maharashtra 5591 557 1089 36 91349 10441 1200 7492
Manipur 0 0 0 0 27 3 0 2
Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 339 21 10 37
Mizoram 4 2 0 0 246 8 0 54
Nagaland 1 0 0 0 204 21 0 57
Odisha 0 0 0 0 4451 568 5 2317
Puducherry 0 0 0 0 2338 361 82 606
Punjab 148 64 24 30 5487 761 0 3369
Rajasthan 44 0 0 0 10973 1945 224 3689
Sikkim 0 0 0 0 1067 138 90 179
Tamil Nadu 16 11 3 0 3398 350 0 1185
Telangana 437 338 25 9 17325 1883 235 8965
Tripura 1 1 0 0 612 102 9 230
Uttar Pradesh 229 112 22 4 22958 1809 12 8483
Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0
West Bengal 587 1476 467 15 7708 1694 21 3249
India 10143 3894 2411 140 298429 42820 3073 88111
4.6 Laboratory infrastructure

Public Sector Laboratory

Name of the Culture &

S. No State/UT Liquid culture FL LCDST SL LCDST FL LPA SL LPA
DST Laboratory

1 Andhra Pradesh IRL, Visakhaptnam Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, SMC,

2 Andhra Pradesh Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

C&DST Laboratory,
3 Andhra Pradesh Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, RDT Hospital,

4 Andhra Pradesh Available Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

5 Assam IRL Guwahati Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, JLNMCH

6 Bihar Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

7 Bihar IRL, Patna Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

8 Bihar C&DST Laboratory,IGIMS, Patna Available Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

9 Bihar DFIT Darbhanga Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

10 Chhattisgarh IRL, STDC Raipur Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, AIIMS,

11 Chhattisgarh Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

12 Chandigarh IRL, PGIMER Chandigarh Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

IRL, New Delhi TB Centre

13 Delhi Available Certified Certified Certified Certified
(NDTB), Delhi

14 Delhi IRL, AIIMS (Medicine), Delhi Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

15 Delhi NRL, NITRD, Delhi Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory,RBIMPT,
16 Delhi Available Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

17 Goa IRL Goa Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

18 Gujarat IRL , STDC-Ahmedabad Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, MPSMS,

19 Gujarat Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

20 Gujarat C&DST Laboratory,GMC Surat Available Certified Certified Not Certified Not Certified

21 Himachal Pradesh IRL Dharampur Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

22 Himachal Pradesh C&DST Laboratory, IGIMS Shimla Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

23 Haryana IRL Karnal Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

24 Haryana C&DST Lab PGI Rohtak Available Not Centified Not Certified Certified Certified

24 Jharkhand IRL, Ranchi Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

25 Jammu & Kashmir IRL Srinagar Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

26 Karnataka IRL Bangalore Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

27 Karnataka C&DST Laboratory,KIMS, Hubli Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, RIMS,

28 Karnataka Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

29 Karnataka NRL NTI, Bangalore Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

30 Kerala IRL Trivandrum Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, GMC,

31 Kerala Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

32 Maharashtra IRL Nagpur Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

33 Maharashtra IRL Pune Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, JJ Hospital,

34 Maharashtra Available Certified Certified Certified Certified
35 Maharashtra B J Medical College, Pune Available Certified Certified Not Certified Not Certified

C&DST Laboratory, GMC,

36 Maharashtra Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

IRL, GTB Hospital, Sewree,

37 Maharashtra Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

38 Maharashtra Military Hospital, Pune Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified

C&DST Laboratory, KEM Hospital

39 Maharashtra Available Certified Certified Not Certified Not Certified
and Medical College, Mumbai

C&DST Laboratory,NIRTH,
40 Madhya Pradesh Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

41 Madhya Pradesh IRL, STDC Indore Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

42 Madhya Pradesh NRL, BMHRC ,Bhopal Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, GRMC,

43 Madhya Pradesh Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

44 Madhya Pradesh IRL STDC Bhopal Available Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, AIIMS,

45 Madhya Pradesh Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

46 Odisha IRL Cuttack, Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

47 Odisha NRL RMRC, Bhubaneswar Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

48 Punjab IRL, Patiala Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory,Guru Gobind

49 Punjab Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified
Singh Medical College, Faridkot

50 Puducherry IRL Puducherry Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

51 Rajasthan IRL Ajmer Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, SMS Medical
52 Rajasthan Available Certified Certified Certified Certified
College, Jaipur

C&DST Laboratory, SNMC

53 Rajasthan Available Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, AIIMS,

54 Rajasthan Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

55 Sikkim IRL, Gangtok Available Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

56 Tamil Nadu IRL STDC CHENNAI Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

57 Tamil Nadu IRL GMC MADURAI Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, Coimbatore

58 Tamil Nadu Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified
Medical College Hospital,

C&DST Laboratory, GHTM

59 Tamil Nadu Available Certified Certified Certified Certified
Tambaram, Chennai

C&DST Laboratory, K.A.P.V.

60 Tamil Nadu Government Medical College, Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

61 Tamil Nadu NRL NIRT, Chennai Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, GMC,

62 Tripura Available Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

63 Telangana IRL Hyderabad Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical

64 Telangana Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified
Sciences (RGIMS), Adilabad

C&DST Laboratory, BPHRC

65 Telangana Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

66 Uttarakhand IRL Dehradun Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

67 Uttar Pradesh IRL KGMU, Lucknow Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

68 Uttar Pradesh NRL, ICMR0NJIL&OMD,AGRA Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory,JNMC, AMU,
69 Uttar Pradesh Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

70 Uttar Pradesh IRL Agra Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, BHU,

71 Uttar Pradesh Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory,LLRM Meerut,

72 Uttar Pradesh Available Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified
Uttar Pradesh

C&DST Laboratory, Dr.RMLIMS,

73 Uttar Pradesh Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

C&DST Laboratory, UPUMS,

74 Uttar Pradesh Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified
Safai, Etawah

C&DST Laboratory, BRD Medical

75 Uttar Pradesh Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified
College, Gorakhpur

76 West Bengal IRL, Kolkata West Bengal Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, NBMC, West

77 West Bengal Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

C&DST Laboratory, Burdwan

78 West Bengal Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified
Medical College, Burdwan

C&DST Laboratory, Murshidabad

79 West Bengal Medical College and Hospital, Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

Private Sector Laboratory

Name of the Culture & DST

S. No State/UT Liquid culture FL LCDST SL LCDST FL LPA SL LPA

1 Gujarat Schamaka TeKnology, Vadodara Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified

2 Gujarat Microcare laboratory, Surat Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified

Kasturba Medical College,

3 Karnataka Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified
4 Meghalaya Nazerath Hospital, Shilong Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Certified

5 Maharashtra Thyrocare, Mumbai Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

6 Maharashtra P D Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

7 Maharashtra SRL Diagnostics, Mumbai Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

8 Maharashtra Metropolis, Mumbai Available Certified Certified Certified Not Certified

9 Maharashtra INFEXN Laboratory, Thane Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

10 Maharashtra Aspira Path Lab, Navi Mumbai Available Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified

11 Manipur Babina Diagnostics, Imphal Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

12 Tamil Nadu Christian Medical College,Vellore Available Certified Certified Certified Certified

Vision Research Fondation

13 Tamil Nadu laboratory, Shakar Nethralaya, Available Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

Subharti Medical College,

14 Uttar Pradesh Not Available Not Certified Not Certified Certified Not Certified

Shri Ram Murti Smarak

15 Uttar Pradesh Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified
Institutions, Bareilly

16 West Bengal SRL Diagnsotics, Kolkata Available Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified

AMRI Hospital, Dhakuria,

17 West Bengal Available Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified Not Certified
4.7 PMDT case finding in 2022 - I

Bacteriologically confirmed TB
Bacteriologically confirmed Rifampicin resistance TB patients
patients with valid rapid DRT Rifampicin resistant TB patients diagnosed
among notified TB patients, n with a DST result available for at
result for at least Rifampicin (MDR/RR-TB), n (%)
(%) least fluoroquinolone, n (%)
(RS/RR), n (%)

TB patients
(<15 years)
Private Public Private Public Private Public Private Public
Total TB Total TB Total TB Total TB
sector sector sector sector sector sector sector sector

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 26 (84) 375 (65) 401 (66) 4 (15) 316 (84) 320 (80) 0 (0) 35 (11) 35 (11) 1 (3) 0 (NA) 12 (34) 12 (34)

Andhra Pradesh 7852 (29) 41286 49138 7111 (91) 37126 44237 86 (1) 1450 (4) 1536 (3) 11 (1) 23 (27) 440 (30) 463 (30)
(64) (54) (90) (90)

Arunachal Pradesh 5 (63) 1637 (55) 1642 (55) 2 (40) 995 (61) 997 (61) 0 (0) 177 (18) 177 (18) 13 (7) 0 (NA) 32 (18) 32 (18)

Assam 1646 (28) 21497 23143 926 (56) 12038 12964 51 (6) 775 (6) 826 (6) 13 (2) 2 (4) 118 (15) 120 (15)
(52) (49) (56) (56)

Bihar 18199 45734 63933 13231 27805 41036 501 (4) 3946 (14) 4447 (11) 160 (4) 105 (21) 1627 (41) 1732 (41)
(22) (57) (39) (73) (61) (64)

CHANDIGARH 34 (45) 2221 (60) 2255 (60) 17 (50) 1898 (85) 1915 (85) 1 (6) 73 (4) 74 (4) 1 (1) 0 (0) 17 (23) 17 (23)

Chhattisgarh 2545 (27) 16629 19174 1736 (68) 12945 14681 43 (2) 407 (3) 450 (3) 4 (1) 7 (16) 138 (34) 145 (34)
(57) (50) (78) (77)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 19 (25) 393 (46) 412 (45) 12 (63) 378 (96) 390 (95) 0 (0) 22 (6) 22 (6) 1 (5) 0 (NA) 7 (32) 7 (32)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 4132 (41) 38853 42985 1948 (47) 30895 32843 106 (5) 2975 (10) 3081 (9) 225 (7) 10 (9) 1383 (46) 1393 (46)
(51) (50) (80) (76)

Goa 107 (27) 1074 (66) 1181 (58) 59 (55) 1041 (97) 1100 (93) 0 (0) 59 (6) 59 (5) 1 (2) 0 (NA) 38 (64) 38 (64)
Gujarat 7124 (18) 59719 66843 5597 (79) 47541 53138 164 (3) 2620 (6) 2784 (5) 58 (2) 52 (32) 1676 (64) 1728 (64)
(56) (46) (80) (79)

Haryana 7581 (44) 38934 46515 4245 (56) 29566 33811 130 (3) 1966 (7) 2096 (6) 67 (3) 18 (14) 511 (26) 529 (26)
(64) (59) (76) (73)

Himachal Pradesh 279 (57) 10735 11014 240 (86) 9641 (90) 9881 (90) 10 (4) 228 (2) 238 (2) 4 (2) 7 (70) 117 (51) 124 (51)
(67) (67)

Jammu & Kashmir 173 (30) 6561 (58) 6734 (57) 144 (83) 5442 (83) 5586 (83) 1 (1) 170 (3) 171 (3) 6 (4) 0 (0) 32 (19) 32 (19)

Jharkhand 2689 (23) 30445 33134 1872 (70) 20897 22769 49 (3) 1197 (6) 1246 (5) 20 (2) 6 (12) 298 (25) 304 (25)
(65) (57) (69) (69)

Karnataka 5205 (44) 43743 48948 3999 (77) 38836 42835 78 (2) 1677 (4) 1755 (4) 24 (1) 19 (24) 997 (59) 1016 (59)
(66) (63) (89) (88)

Kerala 1599 (54) 13499 15098 1161 (73) 11645 12806 14 (1) 268 (2) 282 (2) 4 (1) 3 (21) 113 (42) 116 (42)
(65) (64) (86) (85)

Ladakh 2 (18) 245 (70) 247 (68) 2 (100) 234 (96) 236 (96) 1 (50) 3 (1) 4 (2) 0 (0) 1 (100) 1 (33) 2 (33)

Lakshadweep 0 (NA) 17 (77) 17 (77) 0 (NA) 17 (100) 17 (100) 0 (NA) 1 (6) 1 (6) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 1 (100) 1 (100)

MADHYA PRADESH 13058 69747 82805 8299 (64) 43074 51373 300 (4) 3287 (8) 3587 (7) 65 (2) 46 (15) 988 (30) 1034 (30)
(27) (50) (44) (62) (62)

Maharashtra 29571 80690 110261 22015 66268 88283 1087 (5) 10475 11562 652 (6) 326 (30) 5601 (53) 5927 (53)
(38) (54) (49) (74) (82) (80) (16) (13)

Manipur 143 (55) 1480 (63) 1623 (62) 92 (64) 1222 (83) 1314 (81) 8 (9) 88 (7) 96 (7) 2 (2) 1 (13) 2 (2) 3 (2)

Meghalaya 87 (24) 3136 (69) 3223 (66) 57 (66) 2403 (77) 2460 (76) 4 (7) 247 (10) 251 (10) 11 (4) 2 (50) 77 (31) 79 (31)

Mizoram 15 (79) 1243 (60) 1258 (60) 14 (93) 1112 (89) 1126 (90) 1 (7) 112 (10) 113 (10) 3 (3) 0 (0) 22 (20) 22 (20)
Nagaland 78 (21) 2287 (60) 2365 (57) 41 (53) 1794 (78) 1835 (78) 0 (0) 96 (5) 96 (5) 1 (1) 0 (NA) 8 (8) 8 (8)

Odisha 1181 (27) 35444 36625 1013 (86) 29516 30529 13 (1) 555 (2) 568 (2) 8 (1) 4 (31) 229 (41) 233 (41)
(64) (61) (83) (83)

Puducherry 2 (100) 1054 (70) 1056 (70) 2 (100) 946 (90) 948 (90) 0 (0) 23 (2) 23 (2) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 8 (35) 8 (35)

Punjab 2987 (30) 29553 32540 1755 (59) 20387 22142 41 (2) 848 (4) 889 (4) 29 (3) 3 (7) 183 (22) 186 (22)
(62) (57) (69) (68)

Rajasthan 10256 80904 91160 6496 (63) 57476 63972 254 (4) 4158 (7) 4412 (7) 70 (2) 64 (25) 1426 (34) 1490 (34)
(26) (62) (54) (71) (70)

Sikkim 45 (62) 869 (65) 914 (65) 41 (91) 851 (98) 892 (98) 13 (32) 192 (23) 205 (23) 1 (1) 1 (8) 56 (29) 57 (29)

Tamil Nadu 8362 (47) 53951 62313 6844 (82) 49310 56154 69 (1) 1619 (3) 1688 (3) 12 (1) 9 (13) 490 (30) 499 (30)
(70) (66) (91) (90)

Telangana 7292 (39) 32319 39611 5723 (78) 27640 33363 168 (3) 1551 (6) 1719 (5) 24 (1) 11 (7) 237 (15) 248 (15)
(60) (55) (86) (84)

Tripura 23 (56) 2153 (67) 2176 (67) 11 (48) 1940 (90) 1951 (90) 0 (0) 36 (2) 36 (2) 1 (3) 0 (NA) 10 (28) 10 (28)

Uttar Pradesh 22434 224668 247102 15500 167898 183398 851 (5) 14715 (9) 15566 (8) 500 (3) 209 (25) 4910 (33) 5119 (33)
(19) (54) (47) (69) (75) (74)

Uttarakhand 1224 (26) 13215 14439 593 (48) 10386 10979 28 (5) 590 (6) 618 (6) 8 (1) 4 (14) 140 (24) 144 (24)
(59) (53) (79) (76)

West Bengal 3663 (46) 66201 69864 2428 (66) 53508 55936 74 (3) 3014 (6) 3088 (6) 74 (2) 20 (27) 948 (31) 968 (31)
(72) (70) (81) (80)

INDIA 159638 1072511 1232149 113230 824987 938217 4146 (4) 59655 (7) 63801 (7) 2074 (3) 953 (23) 22893 23846
(28) (59) (51) (71) (77) (76) (38) (38)


4.8 PMDT case finding in 2022 - II

State/UT Rifampicin resistant TB Rifampicin resistant TB Rifampicin resistant TB Bacteriologically confirmed Rifampicin resistance-not
patients with FQ resistant patients with FQ resistant patients with FQ resistant patients (with Rifampicin detected patient with
diagnosed (Pre-XDR-TB), n (%) with a DST result available for diagnosed with resistant to resistant not detected) with a Isoniazid resistant diagnosed
Bedaquiline/ Linezolid, n (%) Bedaquline/ Linezolid or both DST result available for at (H Mono-poly DR-TB), n (%)
(XDR-TB), n (%) least Isoniazid, n (%)

Private Public Total TB Private Public Total TB Private Public Total TB Private Public Total TB Private Public Total TB
sector sector sector sector sector sector sector sector sector sector

Andaman & 0 (NA) 3 (25) 3 (25) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 77 (27) 77 (27) 0 (NA) 4 (5) 4 (5)
Nicobar Islands

Andhra Pradesh 3 (13) 126 (29) 129 (28) 0 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 603 (9) 3653 4256 100 (17) 1204 1304
(10) (10) (33) (31)

Arunachal 0 (NA) 12 (38) 12 (38) 0 (NA) 1 (8) 1 (8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 131 (16) 131 (16) 0 (NA) 25 (19) 25 (19)

Assam 0 (0) 45 (38) 45 (38) 0 (NA) 7 (16) 7 (16) 0 (0) 1 (14) 1 (14) 38 (4) 1212 1250 4 (11) 141 (12) 145 (12)
(11) (10)

Bihar 67 (64) 1117 1184 0 (0) 4 (0) 4 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1652 6240 7892 93 (6) 440 (7) 533 (7)
(69) (68) (13) (26) (22)

CHANDIGARH 0 (NA) 4 (24) 4 (24) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 6 (38) 863 (47) 869 (47) 0 (0) 45 (5) 45 (5)

Chhattisgarh 1 (14) 38 (28) 39 (27) 0 (0) 1 (3) 1 (3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 234 (14) 3152 3386 7 (3) 225 (7) 232 (7)
(25) (24)

Dadra and Nagar 0 (NA) 5 (71) 5 (71) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (25) 53 (15) 56 (15) 0 (0) 4 (8) 4 (7)
Haveli and
Daman and Diu

Delhi 6 (60) 672 (49) 678 (49) 0 (0) 14 (2) 14 (2) 0 (0) 1 (7) 1 (7) 144 (8) 14594 14738 13 (9) 1194 (8) 1207 (8)
(52) (50)

Goa 0 (NA) 14 (37) 14 (37) 0 (NA) 7 (50) 7 (50) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 24 (41) 664 (68) 688 (66) 1 (4) 37 (6) 38 (6)
Gujarat 27 (52) 760 (45) 787 (46) 0 (0) 16 (2) 16 (2) 0 (0) 2 (13) 2 (13) 338 (6) 6479 6817 11 (3) 529 (8) 540 (8)
(14) (14)

Haryana 6 (33) 173 (34) 179 (34) 0 (0) 7 (4) 7 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 550 (13) 6554 7104 29 (5) 517 (8) 546 (8)
(24) (22)

Himachal 7 (100) 21 (18) 28 (23) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 85 (37) 4950 5035 1 (1) 199 (4) 200 (4)
Pradesh (53) (52)

Jammu & 0 (NA) 12 (38) 12 (38) 0 (NA) 1 (8) 1 (8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 43 (30) 1015 1058 1 (2) 71 (7) 72 (7)
Kashmir (19) (20)

Jharkhand 3 (50) 139 (47) 142 (47) 0 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) 1 (100) 1 (100) 171 (9) 3785 3956 15 (9) 158 (4) 173 (4)
(19) (18)

Karnataka 5 (26) 297 (30) 302 (30) 2 (40) 108 (36) 110 (36) 1 (50) 15 (14) 16 (15) 1404 21977 23381 50 (4) 1459 (7) 1509 (6)
(36) (59) (57)

Kerala 1 (33) 15 (13) 16 (14) 0 (0) 3 (20) 3 (19) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 179 (16) 3362 3541 16 (9) 234 (7) 250 (7)
(30) (28)

Ladakh 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 49 (21) 49 (21) 0 (NA) 3 (6) 3 (6)

Lakshadweep 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 1 (6) 1 (6) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0)

MADHYA 27 (59) 456 (46) 483 (47) 4 (15) 96 (21) 100 (21) 0 (0) 6 (6) 6 (6) 1739 11566 13305 89 (5) 946 (8) 1035 (8)
PRADESH (22) (29) (28)

Maharashtra 199 (61) 3257 3456 55 (28) 739 (23) 794 (23) 6 (11) 25 (3) 31 (4) 6725 28790 35515 277 (4) 2022 (7) 2299 (6)
(58) (58) (32) (52) (46)

Manipur 0 (0) 1 (50) 1 (33) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1) 8 (1) 9 (1) 0 (0) 4 (50) 4 (44)

Meghalaya 2 (100) 40 (52) 42 (53) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 8 (15) 678 (31) 686 (31) 0 (0) 68 (10) 68 (10)

Mizoram 0 (NA) 6 (27) 6 (27) 0 (NA) 1 (17) 1 (17) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 75 (8) 75 (7) 0 (NA) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Nagaland 0 (NA) 1 (13) 1 (13) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 168 (10) 168 (10) 0 (NA) 22 (13) 22 (13)

Odisha 1 (25) 59 (26) 60 (26) 0 (0) 3 (5) 3 (5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 110 (11) 3979 4089 2 (2) 129 (3) 131 (3)
(14) (14)

Puducherry 0 (NA) 2 (25) 2 (25) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 577 (63) 577 (62) 0 (NA) 35 (6) 35 (6)

Punjab 2 (67) 77 (42) 79 (42) 0 (0) 19 (25) 19 (24) 0 (0) 10 (53) 10 (53) 140 (8) 3230 3370 5 (4) 153 (5) 158 (5)
(17) (16)

Rajasthan 22 (34) 626 (44) 648 (43) 0 (0) 2 (0) 2 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 503 (8) 5371 5874 21 (4) 417 (8) 438 (7)
(10) (10)

Sikkim 1 (100) 30 (54) 31 (54) 0 (0) 2 (7) 2 (6) 0 (0) 1 (50) 1 (50) 4 (14) 127 (19) 131 (19) 0 (0) 4 (3) 4 (3)

Tamil Nadu 1 (11) 97 (20) 98 (20) 0 (0) 12 (12) 12 (12) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 930 (14) 14476 15406 48 (5) 1384 1432 (9)
(30) (28) (10)

Telangana 5 (45) 123 (52) 128 (52) 0 (0) 3 (2) 3 (2) 0 (0) 1 (33) 1 (33) 484 (9) 6134 6618 45 (9) 856 (14) 901 (14)
(24) (21)

Tripura 0 (NA) 3 (30) 3 (30) 0 (NA) 1 (33) 1 (33) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (9) 231 (12) 232 (12) 0 (0) 25 (11) 25 (11)

Uttar Pradesh 123 (59) 2843 2966 1 (1) 36 (1) 37 (1) 1 (100) 10 (28) 11 (30) 703 (5) 13638 14341 63 (9) 1236 (9) 1299 (9)
(58) (58) (9) (9)

Uttarakhand 0 (0) 64 (46) 64 (44) 0 (NA) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 45 (8) 2113 2158 6 (13) 165 (8) 171 (8)
(22) (21)

West Bengal 5 (25) 350 (37) 355 (37) 1 (20) 39 (11) 40 (11) 0 (0) 4 (10) 4 (10) 524 (22) 16671 17195 20 (4) 1080 (6) 1100 (6)
(33) (33)

INDIA 514 (54) 11488 12002 63 (12) 1124 1187 8 (13) 77 (7) 85 (7) 17391 186643 204034 917 (5) 15036 15953
(50) (50) (10) (10) (16) (24) (23) (8) (8)
4.9 DR-TB treatment initiation in 2022

H mono/poly DR-TB patients initiated on treatment (H

Rifampicin-resistant TB patients initiated on treatment (MDR/RR-TB), n (%)
mono/poly DR-TB), n (%)

State/UT Initiated on
Private Public shorter Initiated on longer
Total TB Private sector Public sector Total TB
sector sector MDR/RR-TB M/XDR-TB regimen

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0 (NA) 35 (100) 35 (100) 10 (29) 25 (71) 0 (NA) 4 (100) 4 (100)

Andhra Pradesh 80 (93) 1368 (94) 1448 (94) 1191 (82) 257 (18) 99 (99) 1166 (97) 1265 (97)

Arunachal Pradesh 0 (NA) 162 (92) 162 (92) 135 (83) 27 (17) 0 (NA) 24 (96) 24 (96)

Assam 44 (86) 729 (94) 773 (94) 656 (85) 117 (15) 4 (100) 136 (96) 140 (97)

Bihar 443 (88) 3364 (85) 3807 (86) 1962 (52) 1845 (48) 92 (99) 386 (88) 478 (90)

Chandigarh 0 (0) 66 (90) 66 (89) 29 (44) 37 (56) 0 (NA) 45 (100) 45 (100)

Chhattisgarh 38 (88) 379 (93) 417 (93) 340 (82) 77 (18) 7 (100) 215 (96) 222 (96)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 0 (NA) 19 (86) 19 (86) 7 (37) 12 (63) 0 (NA) 4 (100) 4 (100)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 43 (41) 2583 (87) 2626 (85) 741 (28) 1885 (72) 12 (92) 1147 (96) 1159 (96)

Goa 0 (NA) 54 (92) 54 (92) 23 (43) 31 (57) 1 (100) 35 (95) 36 (95)

Gujarat 148 (90) 2514 (96) 2662 (96) 1345 (51) 1317 (49) 10 (91) 522 (99) 532 (99)
Haryana 102 (78) 1783 (91) 1885 (90) 1279 (68) 606 (32) 22 (76) 474 (92) 496 (91)

Himachal Pradesh 10 (100) 216 (95) 226 (95) 140 (62) 86 (38) 1 (100) 199 (100) 200 (100)

Jammu & Kashmir 1 (100) 157 (92) 158 (92) 92 (58) 66 (42) 1 (100) 69 (97) 70 (97)

Jharkhand 37 (76) 1064 (89) 1101 (88) 761 (69) 340 (31) 14 (93) 151 (96) 165 (95)

Karnataka 52 (67) 1556 (93) 1608 (92) 814 (51) 794 (49) 44 (88) 1429 (98) 1473 (98)

Kerala 9 (64) 260 (97) 269 (95) 197 (73) 72 (27) 14 (88) 226 (97) 240 (96)

Ladakh 1 (100) 3 (100) 4 (100) 4 (100) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 3 (100) 3 (100)

Lakshadweep 0 (NA) 1 (100) 1 (100) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (NA) 0 (NA) 0 (NA)

Madhya Pradesh 270 (90) 2961 (90) 3231 (90) 2388 (74) 843 (26) 85 (96) 878 (93) 963 (93)

Maharashtra 881 (81) 9912 (95) 10793 (93) 2528 (23) 8265 (77) 256 (92) 1928 (95) 2184 (95)

Manipur 7 (88) 68 (77) 75 (78) 63 (84) 12 (16) 0 (NA) 4 (100) 4 (100)

Meghalaya 4 (100) 214 (87) 218 (87) 148 (68) 70 (32) 0 (NA) 67 (99) 67 (99)

Mizoram 1 (100) 105 (94) 106 (94) 55 (52) 51 (48) 0 (NA) 1 (100) 1 (100)
Nagaland 0 (NA) 94 (98) 94 (98) 72 (77) 22 (23) 0 (NA) 21 (95) 21 (95)

Odisha 10 (77) 522 (94) 532 (94) 358 (67) 174 (33) 2 (100) 124 (96) 126 (96)

Puducherry 0 (NA) 22 (96) 22 (96) 16 (73) 6 (27) 0 (NA) 35 (100) 35 (100)

Punjab 32 (78) 734 (87) 766 (86) 409 (53) 357 (47) 4 (80) 136 (89) 140 (89)

Rajasthan 215 (85) 3821 (92) 4036 (91) 2718 (67) 1318 (33) 18 (86) 386 (93) 404 (92)

Sikkim 13 (100) 181 (94) 194 (95) 103 (53) 91 (47) 0 (NA) 4 (100) 4 (100)

Tamil Nadu 50 (72) 1509 (93) 1559 (92) 1065 (68) 494 (32) 44 (92) 1348 (97) 1392 (97)

Telangana 142 (85) 1421 (92) 1563 (91) 1143 (73) 420 (27) 45 (100) 820 (96) 865 (96)

Tripura 0 (NA) 32 (89) 32 (89) 27 (84) 5 (16) 0 (NA) 25 (100) 25 (100)

Uttar Pradesh 704 (83) 13091 (89) 13795 (89) 8090 (59) 5705 (41) 62 (98) 1143 (92) 1205 (93)

Uttarakhand 22 (79) 550 (93) 572 (93) 160 (28) 412 (72) 4 (67) 162 (98) 166 (97)

West Bengal 57 (77) 2783 (92) 2840 (92) 1719 (61) 1121 (39) 18 (90) 1051 (97) 1069 (97)

INDIA 3416 (82) 54333 (91) 57749 (91) 30789 (53) 26960 (47) 859 (94) 14368 (96) 15227 (95)
4.10 Treatment outcome of MDR/RR TB patients initiated on shorter MDR-TB regimen during 2021

Total MDR/RR- Treatment

State/UT Cured Died Lost to follow up Treatment failure Not evaluated
TB initiated success

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 15 3 (20) 14 (93) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (7) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 1064 572 (54) 859 (81) 138 (13) 34 (3) 11 (1) 22 (2)

Arunachal Pradesh 147 22 (15) 96 (65) 7 (5) 35 (24) 5 (3) 4 (3)

Assam 233 54 (23) 161 (69) 32 (14) 26 (11) 8 (3) 6 (3)

Bihar 1841 326 (18) 1117 (61) 216 (12) 285 (15) 38 (2) 185 (10)

CHANDIGARH 4 1 (25) 3 (75) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (25)

Chhattisgarh 266 102 (38) 192 (72) 26 (10) 31 (12) 4 (2) 13 (5)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and 7 3 (43) 3 (43) 2 (29) 1 (14) 0 (0) 1 (14)

Delhi 544 170 (31) 363 (67) 39 (7) 99 (18) 26 (5) 17 (3)

Goa 5 1 (20) 2 (40) 1 (20) 2 (40) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Gujarat 908 445 (49) 664 (73) 117 (13) 47 (5) 27 (3) 53 (6)

Haryana 782 251 (32) 576 (74) 108 (14) 73 (9) 6 (1) 19 (2)

Himachal Pradesh 87 28 (32) 71 (82) 6 (7) 7 (8) 2 (2) 1 (1)

Jammu & Kashmir 65 41 (63) 50 (77) 8 (12) 1 (2) 1 (2) 5 (8)

Jharkhand 571 121 (21) 357 (63) 50 (9) 123 (22) 11 (2) 30 (5)

Karnataka 586 251 (43) 412 (70) 94 (16) 66 (11) 6 (1) 8 (1)

Kerala 50 28 (56) 39 (78) 5 (10) 5 (10) 1 (2) 0 (0)

Ladakh 3 2 (67) 3 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

MADHYA PRADESH 1504 318 (21) 994 (66) 157 (10) 263 (17) 40 (3) 50 (3)

Maharashtra 1304 417 (32) 881 (68) 179 (14) 115 (9) 27 (2) 102 (8)

Manipur 20 10 (50) 13 (65) 3 (15) 4 (20) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 108 31 (29) 81 (75) 14 (13) 9 (8) 2 (2) 2 (2)

Mizoram 56 23 (41) 51 (91) 2 (4) 3 (5) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 56 13 (23) 38 (68) 3 (5) 12 (21) 0 (0) 3 (5)

Odisha 243 83 (34) 176 (72) 29 (12) 22 (9) 1 (0) 15 (6)

Puducherry 4 2 (50) 3 (75) 0 (0) 1 (25) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Punjab 278 78 (28) 181 (65) 36 (13) 38 (14) 5 (2) 18 (6)

Rajasthan 1071 385 (36) 740 (69) 138 (13) 143 (13) 17 (2) 33 (3)
Sikkim 122 41 (34) 95 (78) 19 (16) 5 (4) 3 (2) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 661 277 (42) 457 (69) 71 (11) 90 (14) 24 (4) 19 (3)

Telangana 593 343 (58) 475 (80) 56 (9) 39 (7) 2 (0) 21 (4)

Tripura 3 1 (33) 1 (33) 1 (33) 1 (33) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 7533 1602 (21) 4953 (66) 1184 (16) 932 (12) 108 (1) 356 (5)

Uttarakhand 146 45 (31) 103 (71) 15 (10) 20 (14) 4 (3) 4 (3)

West Bengal 1216 230 (19) 880 (72) 164 (13) 103 (8) 35 (3) 34 (3)

INDIA 22096 6320 (29) 15104 (68) 2920 (13) 2635 (12) 415 (2) 1022 (5)

As per the definition of a case, records with "treatment regimen changed" (not a definitive outcome) as an outcome have been excluded from the denominator.
Not evaluated includes patients still on treatment, outcome not reported or data entry errors.
4.11 Treatment outcome of H-mono/poly resistant TB patients initiated on treatment during 2021

State/UT Total H- Cured Treatment Died Lost to follow Treatment failure Not evaluated
mono/poly DR-TB success up

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1 1 (100) 1 (100) (0) (0) (0) 0 (0)

Andhra Pradesh 1297 772 (60) 1141 (88) 116 (9) 9 (1) 3 (0) 28 (2)

Arunachal Pradesh 19 6 (32) 14 (74) 2 (11) (0) 1 (5) 2 (11)

Assam 225 84 (37) 186 (83) 10 (4) 18 (8) 3 (1) 8 (4)

Bihar 238 72 (30) 198 (83) 5 (2) 16 (7) 2 (1) 17 (7)

CHANDIGARH 44 23 (52) 34 (77) 1 (2) 5 (11) (0) 4 (9)

Chhattisgarh 247 114 (46) 191 (77) 17 (7) 11 (4) 2 (1) 26 (11)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and 3 1 (33) 2 (67) (0) 1 (33) (0) 0 (0)

Delhi 938 494 (53) 735 (78) 52 (6) 101 (11) 28 (3) 22 (2)
Goa 32 19 (59) 20 (63) 4 (13) 6 (19) 1 (3) 1 (3)

Gujarat 538 314 (58) 395 (73) 69 (13) 18 (3) 41 (8) 15 (3)

Haryana 738 395 (54) 653 (88) 46 (6) 20 (3) 7 (1) 12 (2)

Himachal Pradesh 158 83 (53) 142 (90) 12 (8) 2 (1) (0) 2 (1)

Jammu & Kashmir 41 30 (73) 35 (85) 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) 3 (7)

Jharkhand 83 37 (45) 66 (80) 5 (6) 6 (7) 1 (1) 5 (6)

Karnataka 1126 656 (58) 912 (81) 118 (10) 61 (5) 21 (2) 14 (1)

Kerala 141 74 (52) 115 (82) 15 (11) 5 (4) 3 (2) 3 (2)

Ladakh 2 (0) 1 (50) (0) (0) 1 (50) 0 (0)

MADHYA PRADESH 835 303 (36) 651 (78) 69 (8) 53 (6) 31 (4) 31 (4)

Maharashtra 2443 1032 (42) 1991 (81) 163 (7) 132 (5) 35 (1) 122 (5)
Manipur 51 22 (43) 35 (69) 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) 13 (25)

Meghalaya 72 37 (51) 66 (92) 4 (6) 2 (3) (0) 0 (0)

Mizoram 5 (0) 4 (80) (0) (0) (0) 1 (20)

Nagaland 12 3 (25) 7 (58) (0) 3 (25) 1 (8) 1 (8)

Odisha 170 104 (61) 158 (93) 6 (4) 1 (1) 1 (1) 4 (2)

Puducherry 22 12 (55) 14 (64) 2 (9) 5 (23) 1 (5) 0 (0)

Punjab 380 142 (37) 311 (82) 31 (8) 24 (6) 4 (1) 10 (3)

Rajasthan 1192 493 (41) 962 (81) 82 (7) 77 (6) 33 (3) 38 (3)

Sikkim 15 5 (33) 12 (80) 1 (7) (0) (0) 2 (13)

Tamil Nadu 1443 815 (56) 1146 (79) 124 (9) 122 (8) 27 (2) 24 (2)

Telangana 502 340 (68) 426 (85) 37 (7) 10 (2) 6 (1) 23 (5)

Tripura 47 36 (77) 40 (85) 4 (9) 2 (4) (0) 1 (2)

Uttar Pradesh 2234 845 (38) 1896 (85) 137 (6) 80 (4) 26 (1) 95 (4)

Uttarakhand 100 38 (38) 84 (84) 9 (9) 3 (3) 3 (3) 1 (1)

West Bengal 792 360 (45) 659 (83) 36 (5) 48 (6) 16 (2) 33 (4)

INDIA 16186 7762 (48) 13303 (82) 1179 (7) 843 (5) 300 (2) 561 (3)

As per the definition of a case, records with "treatment regimen changed" (not a definitive outcome) as an outcome have been excluded from the denominator.
Not evaluated includes patients still on treatment, outcome not reported or data entry errors.
4.12 Treatment outcome of MDR/ RR TB patients initiated on longer oral M/XDR-TB regimen during 2020

State/UT Cured Treatment success Died Lost to follow up Treatment failure Not evaluated

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 9 1 (11) 6 (67) 2 (22) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (11)

Andhra Pradesh 241 105 (44) 162 (67) 62 (26) 12 (5) 1 (0) 4 (2)

Arunachal Pradesh 57 8 (14) 42 (74) 1 (2) 12 (21) 0 (0) 2 (4)

Assam 256 86 (34) 189 (74) 33 (13) 28 (11) 2 (1) 4 (2)

Bihar 570 157 (28) 396 (69) 80 (14) 42 (7) 9 (2) 43 (8)

CHANDIGARH 23 8 (35) 17 (74) 4 (17) 1 (4) 0 (0) 1 (4)

Chhattisgarh 31 7 (23) 22 (71) 4 (13) 4 (13) 0 (0) 1 (3)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 18 11 (61) 14 (78) 2 (11) 1 (6) 1 (6) 0 (0)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 839 217 (26) 585 (70) 128 (15) 90 (11) 15 (2) 21 (3)
Goa 28 12 (43) 15 (54) 5 (18) 8 (29) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Gujarat 1032 540 (52) 736 (71) 194 (19) 43 (4) 39 (4) 20 (2)

Haryana 283 72 (25) 194 (69) 50 (18) 33 (12) 1 (0) 5 (2)

Himachal Pradesh 75 20 (27) 65 (87) 7 (9) 3 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 27 13 (48) 16 (59) 6 (22) 3 (11) 0 (0) 2 (7)

Jharkhand 76 21 (28) 59 (78) 11 (14) 5 (7) 0 (0) 1 (1)

Karnataka 454 187 (41) 296 (65) 105 (23) 39 (9) 12 (3) 2 (0)

Kerala 96 39 (41) 73 (76) 15 (16) 6 (6) 0 (0) 2 (2)

Ladakh 1 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 416 107 (26) 273 (66) 78 (19) 44 (11) 3 (1) 18 (4)

Maharashtra 3453 1117 (32) 2435 (71) 417 (12) 291 (8) 58 (2) 252 (7)
Manipur 17 4 (24) 11 (65) 2 (12) 2 (12) 0 (0) 2 (12)

Meghalaya 73 16 (22) 53 (73) 11 (15) 9 (12) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Mizoram 82 32 (39) 64 (78) 13 (16) 5 (6) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 17 4 (24) 11 (65) 3 (18) 2 (12) 0 (0) 1 (6)

Odisha 91 25 (27) 62 (68) 21 (23) 5 (5) 0 (0) 3 (3)

Puducherry 6 5 (83) 5 (83) 0 (0) 1 (17) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Punjab 215 51 (24) 139 (65) 34 (16) 30 (14) 4 (2) 8 (4)

Rajasthan 902 297 (33) 571 (63) 196 (22) 80 (9) 16 (2) 39 (4)

Sikkim 79 24 (30) 66 (84) 7 (9) 5 (6) 1 (1) 0 (0)

Tamil Nadu 397 154 (39) 244 (61) 84 (21) 50 (13) 10 (3) 9 (2)

Telangana 357 181 (51) 235 (66) 67 (19) 23 (6) 6 (2) 26 (7)
Tripura 10 6 (60) 9 (90) 1 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 1693 440 (26) 1172 (69) 307 (18) 124 (7) 11 (1) 79 (5)

Uttarakhand 158 32 (20) 103 (65) 26 (16) 12 (8) 1 (1) 16 (10)

West Bengal 488 98 (20) 336 (69) 92 (19) 38 (8) 4 (1) 18 (4)

INDIA 12570 4097 (33) 8677 (69) 2068 (16) 1051 (8) 194 (2) 580 (5)

As per the definition of a case, records with "treatment regimen changed" (not a definitive outcome) as an outcome have been excluded from the denominator.
Not evaluated includes patients still on treatment, outcome not reported or data entry errors.
4.13 Treatment outcome of MDR/RR-TB patients initiated on treatment in 2020

State/UT Cured Treatment success Died Lost to follow up Treatment failure Not evaluated

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 42 5 (12) 25 (60) 11 (26) 2 (5) 3 (7) 1 (2)

Andhra Pradesh 1394 649 (47) 1028 (74) 212 (15) 79 (6) 8 (1) 67 (5)

Arunachal Pradesh 194 21 (11) 140 (72) 9 (5) 31 (16) 1 (1) 13 (7)

Assam 675 178 (26) 454 (67) 83 (12) 80 (12) 21 (3) 37 (5)

Bihar 2285 400 (18) 1442 (63) 268 (12) 290 (13) 42 (2) 243 (11)

CHANDIGARH 50 25 (50) 39 (78) 7 (14) 3 (6) (0) 1 (2)

Chhattisgarh 318 93 (29) 216 (68) 36 (11) 31 (10) 3 (1) 32 (10)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and 18 9 (50) 11 (61) 3 (17) 3 (17) 1 (6) 0 (0)
Daman and Diu

Delhi 1754 549 (31) 1185 (68) 181 (10) 251 (14) 44 (3) 93 (5)

Goa 64 21 (33) 43 (67) 9 (14) 7 (11) 2 (3) 3 (5)

Gujarat 1941 850 (44) 1316 (68) 274 (14) 146 (8) 97 (5) 108 (6)

Haryana 1529 467 (31) 1112 (73) 178 (12) 136 (9) 18 (1) 85 (6)
Himachal Pradesh 205 87 (42) 175 (85) 15 (7) 10 (5) 1 (0) 4 (2)

Jammu & Kashmir 128 63 (49) 89 (70) 19 (15) 10 (8) 4 (3) 6 (5)

Jharkhand 839 226 (27) 557 (66) 78 (9) 119 (14) 12 (1) 73 (9)

Karnataka 1249 536 (43) 834 (67) 225 (18) 128 (10) 26 (2) 36 (3)

Kerala 258 118 (46) 204 (79) 34 (13) 13 (5) 3 (1) 4 (2)

Ladakh 6 0 (0) 3 (50) 1 (17) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (33)

Madhya Pradesh 3032 665 (22) 1896 (63) 377 (12) 454 (15) 79 (3) 226 (7)

Maharashtra 5974 1654 (28) 4035 (68) 817 (14) 610 (10) 82 (1) 430 (7)

Manipur 60 23 (38) 39 (65) 8 (13) 6 (10) (0) 7 (12)

Meghalaya 165 33 (20) 113 (68) 19 (12) 22 (13) 9 (5) 2 (1)

Mizoram 153 60 (39) 116 (76) 20 (13) 8 (5) 4 (3) 5 (3)

Nagaland 99 28 (28) 62 (63) 10 (10) 18 (18) 3 (3) 6 (6)

Odisha 484 173 (36) 355 (73) 60 (12) 51 (11) 5 (1) 13 (3)

Puducherry 19 11 (58) 14 (74) (0) 2 (11) 3 (16) 0 (0)

Punjab 718 217 (30) 500 (70) 96 (13) 77 (11) 17 (2) 28 (4)
Rajasthan 2739 1024 (37) 1880 (69) 357 (13) 311 (11) 52 (2) 139 (5)

Sikkim 155 43 (28) 131 (85) 15 (10) 7 (5) (0) 2 (1)

Tamil Nadu 1468 616 (42) 944 (64) 217 (15) 199 (14) 49 (3) 59 (4)

Telangana 1410 704 (50) 984 (70) 182 (13) 82 (6) 16 (1) 146 (10)

Tripura 23 15 (65) 18 (78) 3 (13) 2 (9) (0) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 10049 2083 (21) 6769 (67) 1473 (15) 1115 (11) 167 (2) 525 (5)

Uttarakhand 408 101 (25) 269 (66) 46 (11) 47 (12) 11 (3) 35 (9)

West Bengal 2017 626 (31) 1454 (72) 285 (14) 156 (8) 51 (3) 71 (4)

INDIA 41922 12373 (30) 28452 (68) 5628 (13) 4506 (11) 834 (2) 2502 (6)

As per the definition of a case, records with "treatment regimen changed" (not a definitive outcome) as an outcome have been excluded from the denominator.
Not evaluated includes patients still on treatment, outcome not reported or data entry errors.
4.14 Treatment outcome of XDR-TB patients initiated on treatment during 2020

State/UT Total MDR/RR-TB Cured Treatment success Died Lost to follow up Treatment failure Not evaluated

Andaman & Nicobar 7 1 (14) 4 (57) 2 (29) 0 (0) 1 (14) 0 (0)


Andhra Pradesh 86 39 (45) 51 (59) 18 (21) 10 (12) 4 (5) 3 (3)

Arunachal Pradesh 9 1 (11) 5 (56) 0 (0) 2 (22) 2 (22) 0 (0)

Assam 66 17 (26) 45 (68) 12 (18) 5 (8) 3 (5) 1 (2)

Bihar 768 172 (22) 464 (60) 122 (16) 82 (11) 23 (3) 77 (10)

CHANDIGARH 3 1 (33) 2 (67) 1 (33) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Chhattisgarh 28 5 (18) 18 (64) 4 (14) 2 (7) 1 (4) 3 (11)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 10 7 (70) 9 (90) 1 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
and Daman and Diu

Delhi 529 149 (28) 334 (63) 65 (12) 58 (11) 30 (6) 42 (8)

Goa 12 4 (33) 5 (42) 3 (25) 4 (33) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Gujarat 750 355 (47) 467 (62) 155 (21) 28 (4) 76 (10) 24 (3)

Haryana 184 41 (22) 117 (64) 30 (16) 18 (10) 11 (6) 8 (4)

Himachal Pradesh 31 7 (23) 24 (77) 6 (19) 0 (0) 1 (3) 0 (0)

Jammu & Kashmir 19 10 (53) 12 (63) 2 (11) 2 (11) 0 (0) 3 (16)

Jharkhand 62 10 (16) 36 (58) 12 (19) 10 (16) 1 (2) 3 (5)

Karnataka 289 101 (35) 171 (59) 62 (21) 30 (10) 17 (6) 9 (3)

Kerala 18 10 (56) 16 (89) 2 (11) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 427 98 (23) 261 (61) 67 (16) 42 (10) 24 (6) 33 (8)

Maharashtra 2504 801 (32) 1656 (66) 372 (15) 242 (10) 80 (3) 154 (6)

Manipur 2 0 (0) 1 (50) 1 (50) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Meghalaya 49 13 (27) 39 (80) 4 (8) 6 (12) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Mizoram 4 4 (100) 4 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Nagaland 2 1 (50) 1 (50) 1 (50) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Odisha 60 21 (35) 41 (68) 11 (18) 1 (2) 4 (7) 3 (5)

Puducherry 3 1 (33) 1 (33) 0 (0) 1 (33) 1 (33) 0 (0)

Punjab 72 16 (22) 48 (67) 10 (14) 7 (10) 3 (4) 4 (6)

Rajasthan 868 248 (29) 513 (59) 184 (21) 83 (10) 19 (2) 69 (8)

Sikkim 42 15 (36) 34 (81) 3 (7) 3 (7) 1 (2) 1 (2)

Tamil Nadu 151 53 (35) 79 (52) 34 (23) 16 (11) 17 (11) 5 (3)

Telangana 163 86 (53) 112 (69) 33 (20) 7 (4) 4 (2) 7 (4)

Tripura 4 3 (75) 4 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Uttar Pradesh 2157 459 (21) 1332 (62) 425 (20) 202 (9) 76 (4) 122 (6)

Uttarakhand 82 20 (24) 56 (68) 14 (17) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6)

West Bengal 226 29 (13) 133 (59) 46 (20) 20 (9) 20 (9) 7 (3)

INDIA 9687 2798 (29) 6095 (63) 1702 (18) 884 (9) 423 (4) 583 (6)

As per the definition of a case, records with "treatment regimen changed" (not a definitive outcome) as an outcome have been excluded from the denominator.
Not evaluated includes patients still on treatment, outcome not reported or data entry errors.
XDR-TB as per older definition
5.1 Private health facilities registration status

State/UT Hospitals Laboratories Chemists Health Facilities Registered

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 13 0 0 13
Andhra Pradesh 7272 2050 21113 30435
Arunachal Pradesh 45 8 35 88
Assam 2099 656 2497 5252
Bihar 9060 752 921 10733
CHANDIGARH 127 53 19 199
Chhattisgarh 2386 503 4297 7186
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 114 21 67 202
Delhi 4468 429 55 4952
Goa 562 67 327 956
Gujarat 11666 722 6604 18992
Haryana 2817 736 3247 6800
Himachal Pradesh 467 248 18 733
Jammu & Kashmir 706 402 321 1429
Jharkhand 2543 231 991 3765
Karnataka 17885 2422 13718 34025
Kerala 6506 1563 10 8079
Ladakh 40 9 3 52
Madhya Pradesh 7966 669 1232 9867
Maharashtra 42835 4150 6561 53546
Manipur 80 49 164 293
Meghalaya 89 24 39 152
Mizoram 35 18 1129 1182
Nagaland 59 21 74 154
Odisha 2568 420 1044 4032
Puducherry 34 4 10 48
Punjab 2613 528 189 3330
Rajasthan 2954 489 791 4234
Sikkim 74 24 176 274
Tamil Nadu 18937 3485 4907 27329
Telangana 5581 873 1716 8170
Tripura 80 166 30 276
Uttar Pradesh 19083 1989 1636 22708
Uttarakhand 670 137 224 1031
West Bengal 9399 3463 5217 18079
India 181833 27381 79382 288596
5.2 Private health facilities that have notified at least one TB Patient during the year 2022

State/UT Hospitals Laboratories Chemists Total Health Facilities notifying TB case

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 4 0 0 4
Andhra Pradesh 2174 661 24 2859
Arunachal Pradesh 4 2 0 6
Assam 507 380 55 942
Bihar 3049 115 7 3171
CHANDIGARH 20 36 0 56
Chhattisgarh 798 143 1 942

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 15 3 0 18

Delhi 740 71 0 811
Goa 57 17 0 74
Gujarat 4017 285 0 4302
Haryana 1058 331 2 1391
Himachal Pradesh 106 50 0 156
Jammu & Kashmir 221 100 3 324
Jharkhand 647 67 7 721
Karnataka 2175 725 27 2927
Kerala 315 232 0 547
Ladakh 3 1 0 4
MADHYA PRADESH 2343 251 7 2601
Maharashtra 6793 1771 69 8633
Manipur 25 23 0 48
Meghalaya 19 12 0 31
Mizoram 10 7 0 17
Nagaland 21 21 0 42
Odisha 675 184 32 891
Puducherry 4 2 0 6
Punjab 786 166 25 977
Rajasthan 1222 246 12 1480
Sikkim 8 2 0 10
Tamil Nadu 2515 739 48 3302
Telangana 1565 331 49 1945
Tripura 11 25 0 36
Uttar Pradesh 5765 574 27 6366
Uttarakhand 225 61 1 287
West Bengal 1293 1698 35 3026
INDIA 39190 9332 431 48953
6. Active Case Finding

State/UT Vulnerable individuals screened TB symptomatic identified and TB patients diagnosed, n (%)
for symptoms examined, n (%)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 53607 836 (1.6) 25 (3)

Andhra Pradesh 232981 13688 (5.9) 298 (2.2)

Arunachal Pradesh 127 127 (100) 0 (0)

Assam 484776 25629 (5.3) 804 (3.1)

Bihar 2904 163 (5.6) 3 (1.8)

Chandigarh 298952 169 (0.1) 35 (20.7)

Chhattisgarh 28312762 163457 (0.6) 3157 (1.9)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 270088 1249 (0.5) 1 (0.1)

Delhi 39308 199 (0.5) 34 (17.1)

Goa 150635 369 (0.2) 5 (1.4)

Gujarat 6188549 51861 (0.8) 2347 (4.5)

Haryana 1861973 18996 (1) 452 (2.4)

Himachal Pradesh 6858516 51312 (0.7) 218 (0.4)

Jammu & Kashmir 460055 3525 (0.8) 24 (0.7)

Jharkhand 4264488 36346 (0.9) 2723 (7.5)

Karnataka 14553008 115070 (0.8) 1484 (1.3)

Kerala 856303 47572 (5.6) 979 (2.1)

Ladakh 65106 3324 (5.1) 5 (0.2)

Lakshadweep 13658 205 (1.5) 0 (0)

Madhya Pradesh 12894850 188527 (1.5) 6316 (3.4)

Maharashtra 78938079 388798 (0.5) 8125 (2.1)

Manipur 330 16 (4.8) 2 (12.5)

Meghalaya 1307056 9832 (0.8) 216 (2.2)

Mizoram 95031 1367 (1.4) 18 (1.3)

Nagaland 64827 2008 (3.1) 28 (1.4)

Odisha 3708035 181391 (4.9) 3715 (2)

Puducherry 0 NA NA
Punjab 369521 911 (0.2) 86 (9.4)

Rajasthan 2164807 9566 (0.4) 195 (2)

Sikkim 61021 3120 (5.1) 22 (0.7)

Tamil Nadu 525849 27343 (5.2) 723 (2.6)

Telangana 2595701 149455 (5.8) 2763 (1.8)

Tripura 281547 5527 (2) 67 (1.2)

Uttar Pradesh 36972221 155535 (0.4) 10532 (6.8)

Uttarakhand 117277 936 (0.8) 13 (1.4)

West Bengal 16181911 287375 (1.8) 2863 (1)

INDIA 221252033 1947018 (0.9) 48329 (2.5)

7.1 Household contact (HHC) tracing among Pulmonary Bacteriologically Confirmed TB (PBCT) patients [2022 Ni-kshay]

No. of Notified PBCT with "0"

No. of Notified PBCT with "0"

No. of Notified PBCT with "0"

tracing visit among total HHC

tracing visit among total HHC

Average no. of HHC (any age)

HHC <5years reported during

HHC ≥5years reported during

Average no. of HHC <5years

Average no. of HHC ≥5years

No. of Notified PBCT visited

enumerated during contact

enumerated during contact

enumerated during contact

per notified PBCT visited
per notified PBCT visited

per notified PBCT visited

HHC (any age) reported

for contact tracing (%)

No. of HHC (any age)

No. of HHC <5years

No. of HHC ≥5years

enumerated (%)

enumerated (%)

during visits (%)

Notified PBCT

tracing visit

visits (%)

visits (%)

Andaman and Nicobar Islands 310 294 (95%) 1386 4.7 89 (6%) 0.3 1297 (94%) 4.4 145 (49%) 11 (4%) 11 (4%)

Andhra Pradesh 40833 36126 (88%) 94303 2.6 4186 (4%) 0.1 90117 (96%) 2.5 24942 (69%) 1613 (4%) 1591 (4%)

Arunachal Pradesh 1403 982 (70%) 3999 4.1 758 (19%) 0.8 3241 (81%) 3.3 549 (56%) 232 (24%) 191 (19%)

Assam 19557 15463 (79%) 61414 4.0 5445 (9%) 0.4 55969 (91%) 3.6 5680 (37%) 1046 (7%) 957 (6%)

Bihar 41920 24487 (58%) 132398 5.4 18764 (14%) 0.8 113634 (86%) 4.6 17693 (72%) 10225 (42%) 9927 (41%)

Chandigarh 1792 1700 (95%) 5514 3.2 456 (8%) 0.3 5058 (92%) 3.0 201 (12%) 14 (1%) 14 (1%)

Chhattisgarh 15774 13872 (88%) 63424 4.6 6919 (11%) 0.5 56505 (89%) 4.1 3373 (24%) 557 (4%) 520 (4%)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and

Daman and Diu 333 332 (100%) 1134 3.4 63 (6%) 0.2 1071 (94%) 3.2 99 (30%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Delhi 29750 22392 (75%) 72577 3.2 7138 (10%) 0.3 65439 (90%) 2.9 4448 (20%) 859 (4%) 849 (4%)

Goa 937 881 (94%) 2769 3.1 130 (5%) 0.1 2639 (95%) 3.0 572 (65%) 44 (5%) 43 (5%)

Gujarat 49923 47209 (95%) 173593 3.7 15436 (9%) 0.3 158157 (91%) 3.4 14378 (30%) 662 (1%) 634 (1%)

Haryana 37414 33634 (90%) 145130 4.3 11828 (8%) 0.4 133302 (92%) 4.0 7209 (21%) 748 (2%) 733 (2%)

Himachal Pradesh 9686 9424 (97%) 32608 3.5 2248 (7%) 0.2 30360 (93%) 3.2 2750 (29%) 83 (1%) 82 (1%)

Jammu and Kashmir 5111 4693 (92%) 21374 4.6 1982 (9%) 0.4 19392 (91%) 4.1 1674 (36%) 104 (2%) 99 (2%)
Jharkhand 27941 20900 (75%) 92109 4.4 12264 (13%) 0.6 79845 (87%) 3.8 6486 (31%) 2769 (13%) 2719 (13%)

Karnataka 42520 40962 (96%) 143237 3.5 8751 (6%) 0.2 134486 (94%) 3.3 15330 (37%) 385 (1%) 372 (1%)

Kerala 12593 11728 (93%) 32997 2.8 2286 (7%) 0.2 30711 (93%) 2.6 2754 (23%) 196 (2%) 182 (2%)

Ladakh 217 206 (95%) 720 3.5 72 (10%) 0.3 648 (90%) 3.1 89 (43%) 11 (5%) 11 (5%)

Lakshadweep 17 17 (100%) 43 2.5 9 (21%) 0.5 34 (79%) 2.0 10 (59%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Madhya Pradesh 61776 53508 (87%) 221772 4.1 25251 (11%) 0.5 196521 (89%) 3.7 12607 (24%) 1850 (3%) 1738 (3%)

Maharashtra 70206 64748 (92%) 230636 3.6 14051 (6%) 0.2 216585 (94%) 3.3 29334 (45%) 1298 (2%) 1234 (2%)

Manipur 1238 1018 (82%) 4672 4.6 426 (9%) 0.4 4246 (91%) 4.2 464 (46%) 117 (11%) 116 (11%)

Meghalaya 2692 2218 (82%) 15953 7.2 2135 (13%) 1.0 13818 (87%) 6.2 568 (26%) 175 (8%) 170 (8%)

Mizoram 1096 1045 (95%) 3836 3.7 864 (23%) 0.8 2972 (77%) 2.8 295 (28%) 46 (4%) 20 (2%)

Nagaland 2101 1729 (82%) 6329 3.7 546 (9%) 0.3 5783 (91%) 3.3 689 (40%) 234 (14%) 211 (12%)

Odisha 28898 27364 (95%) 103016 3.8 8431 (8%) 0.3 94585 (92%) 3.5 9096 (33%) 513 (2%) 475 (2%)

Puducherry 907 899 (99%) 2275 2.5 91 (4%) 0.1 2184 (96%) 2.4 405 (45%) 11 (1%) 11 (1%)

Punjab 25992 23763 (91%) 99073 4.2 7835 (8%) 0.3 91238 (92%) 3.8 5006 (21%) 492 (2%) 479 (2%)

Rajasthan 71377 60460 (85%) 250376 4.1 24054 (10%) 0.4 226322 (90%) 3.7 17043 (28%) 1973 (3%) 1871 (3%)

Sikkim 791 598 (76%) 1850 3.1 98 (5%) 0.2 1752 (95%) 2.9 379 (63%) 92 (15%) 82 (14%)

Tamil Nadu 53122 50963 (96%) 131049 2.6 5408 (4%) 0.1 125641 (96%) 2.5 31438 (62%) 882 (2%) 848 (2%)

Telangana 33773 31120 (92%) 92651 3.0 4844 (5%) 0.2 87807 (95%) 2.8 16790 (54%) 518 (2%) 509 (2%)

Tripura 1900 1795 (94%) 6345 3.5 347 (5%) 0.2 5998 (95%) 3.3 871 (49%) 28 (2%) 28 (2%)

Uttar Pradesh 189205 162111 (86%) 845733 5.2 74997 (9%) 0.5 770736 (91%) 4.8 46326 (29%) 9623 (6%) 9246 (6%)
Uttarakhand 12342 10621 (86%) 45154 4.3 4642 (10%) 0.4 40512 (90%) 3.8 3122 (29%) 371 (3%) 325 (3%)

West Bengal 62448 58268 (93%) 203273 3.5 20001 (10%) 0.3 183272 (90%) 3.1 15385 (26%) 1447 (2%) 1422 (2%)

3063327 298200
India 957855 837069 (87%) 3356272 4.0 292945 (9%) 0.3 (91%) 3.7 (36%) 39229 (5%) 37720 (5%)

Note: Household contacts include close contacts who are not in the household but shared an enclosed space, such as at a social gathering, workplace or facility for extended periods.
7.2 TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in eligible children <5 years household contact (HHC) of Pulmonary Bacteriologically Confirmed TB (PBCT) [2022 Ni-kshay]

Ruling out active TB and TPT

Screening, diagnosis and treatment of TB

No. of HHC No. of HHC No. of HHC No. of HHC No. of HHC
States/UTs No. of HHC No. of HHC No. of HHC
<5years of PBCT <5years of <5years of <5years of <5years of PBCT
<5years of <5years of PBCT <5years of
PBCT PBCT PBCT not diagnosed
PBCT screened put on TB PBCT initiated
symptomatic evaluated for diagnosed with TB and eligible
for TB (%) treatment (%) TPT (%)
for TB (%) TB (%) TB (%) for TPT

Andaman and Nicobar Islands 89 89 (100%) 1 (1%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 88 (99%) 58 (66%)

Andhra Pradesh 4186 3996 (95%) 31 (1%) 22 (71%) 9 (41%) 2 (22%) 4177 (100%) 1626 (39%)

Arunachal Pradesh 758 690 (91%) 64 (9%) 60 (94%) 60 (100%) 60 (100%) 698 (92%) 81 (12%)

Assam 5445 4491 (82%) 78 (2%) 44 (56%) 17 (39%) 4 (24%) 5428 (100%) 2443 (45%)

Bihar 18764 16655 (89%) 208 (1%) 96 (46%) 74 (77%) 57 (77%) 18690 (100%) 6198 (33%)

Chandigarh 456 430 (94%) 1 (0%) 1 (100%) 0 (0%) NA 456 (100%) 370 (81%)

Chhattisgarh 6919 6280 (91%) 116 (2%) 71 (61%) 53 (75%) 31 (58%) 6866 (99%) 4409 (64%)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 63 63 (100%) 0 (0%) NA NA NA 63 (100%) 63 (100%)

Delhi 7138 5817 (81%) 199 (3%) 111 (56%) 68 (61%) 47 (69%) 7070 (99%) 3805 (54%)

Goa 130 129 (99%) 6 (5%) 6 (100%) 0 (0%) NA 130 (100%) 95 (73%)

Gujarat 15436 14781 (96%) 423 (3%) 357 (84%) 43 (12%) 34 (79%) 15393 (100%) 9712 (63%)

Haryana 11828 11589 (98%) 47 (0%) 18 (38%) 9 (50%) 5 (56%) 11819 (100%) 10508 (89%)

Himachal Pradesh 2248 2227 (99%) 32 (1%) 32 (100%) 12 (38%) 12 (100%) 2236 (99%) 2170 (97%)

Jammu and Kashmir 1982 1802 (91%) 26 (1%) 23 (88%) 9 (39%) 8 (89%) 1973 (100%) 1338 (68%)

Jharkhand 12264 10203 (83%) 153 (1%) 84 (55%) 71 (85%) 26 (37%) 12193 (99%) 7009 (57%)

Karnataka 8751 8320 (95%) 306 (4%) 288 (94%) 117 (41%) 106 (91%) 8634 (99%) 6193 (72%)

Kerala 2286 2099 (92%) 218 (10%) 204 (94%) 23 (11%) 23 (100%) 2263 (99%) 1599 (71%)
Ladakh 72 70 (97%) 1 (1%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 71 (99%) 62 (87%)

Lakshadweep 9 9 (100%) 0 (0%) NA NA NA 9 (100%) 9 (100%)

Madhya Pradesh 25251 22305 (88%) 322 (1%) 224 (70%) 126 (56%) 75 (60%) 25125 (100%) 11097 (44%)

Maharashtra 14051 13114 (93%) 363 (3%) 296 (82%) 108 (36%) 99 (92%) 13943 (99%) 8312 (60%)

Manipur 426 388 (91%) 5 (1%) 0 (0%) NA NA 426 (100%) 163 (38%)

Meghalaya 2135 2009 (94%) 33 (2%) 25 (76%) 11 (44%) 11 (100%) 2124 (99%) 1335 (63%)

Mizoram 864 826 (96%) 4 (0%) 4 (100%) 2 (50%) 2 (100%) 862 (100%) 235 (27%)

Nagaland 546 388 (71%) 11 (3%) 7 (64%) 2 (29%) 2 (100%) 544 (100%) 335 (62%)

Odisha 8431 7910 (94%) 114 (1%) 87 (76%) 76 (87%) 69 (91%) 8355 (99%) 4660 (56%)

Puducherry 91 91 (100%) 13 (14%) 13 (100%) 0 (0%) NA 91 (100%) 83 (91%)

Punjab 7835 7148 (91%) 107 (1%) 85 (79%) 36 (42%) 15 (42%) 7799 (100%) 4949 (63%)

Rajasthan 24054 22608 (94%) 315 (1%) 182 (58%) 72 (40%) 37 (51%) 23982 (100%) 12402 (52%)

Sikkim 98 66 (67%) 3 (5%) 2 (67%) 2 (100%) 2 (100%) 96 (98%) 59 (61%)

Tamil Nadu 5408 5166 (96%) 229 (4%) 213 (93%) 52 (24%) 47 (90%) 5356 (99%) 3485 (65%)

Telangana 4844 4571 (94%) 317 (7%) 280 (88%) 28 (10%) 6 (21%) 4816 (99%) 3159 (66%)

Tripura 347 326 (94%) 52 (16%) 49 (94%) 2 (4%) 0 (0%) 345 (99%) 165 (48%)

Uttar Pradesh 74997 70454 (94%) 436 (1%) 170 (39%) 125 (74%) 100 (80%) 74872 (100%) 47232 (63%)

Uttarakhand 4642 4163 (90%) 33 (1%) 12 (36%) 4 (33%) 5 (125%) 4638 (100%) 1668 (36%)

West Bengal 20001 19025 (95%) 231 (1%) 152 (66%) 30 (20%) 15 (50%) 19971 (100%) 12575 (63%)

India 292945 269905 (92%) 4374 (2%) 3093 (71%) 1255 (41%) 903 (72%) 291690 (100%) 168665 (58%)

Note: Data source of TPT care cascade is contact tracing aggregate report while TBI testing (column I) and Positives (column J) is from Ni-kshay TPT dashboard; Data of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Goa, Kerala,
Meghalaya, Jammu-Kashmir, DNH-DD, Delhi and West Bengal updated after state level validation
7.3 TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in eligible children >/=5 years, adolescent and adult household contact (HHC) of Pulmonary Bacteriologically Confirmed TB (PBCT) [2022 Ni-kshay]
Screening, diagnosis and treatment of TB Ruling out active TB, TBI testing and TPT initiation

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT and

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT put

testing not done among TB not

eligible for TPT (TBI positives +
No. of HHC ≥5 years of PBCT
No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

No. of HHC ≥5years of PBCT

positives for TB infection
symptomatic for TB (%)

TB not diagnosed (B-F)

tested for TB infection

diagnosed with TB (%)
evaluated for TB (%)

on TB treatment (%)

diagnosed {J+[H-I]})
screened for TB (%)

initiated TPT (%)


Andaman and Nicobar

Islands 1297 1272 (98%) 14 (1%) 10 (71%) 10 (100%) 10 (100%) 1287 (99%) 0 (0%) NA 1287 (99%) 39 (3%)

89979 89979
Andhra Pradesh 90117 86688 (96%) 451 (1%) 302 (67%) 138 (46%) 86 (62%) (100%) 0 (0%) NA (100%) 17498 (19%)

Arunachal Pradesh 3241 2858 (88%) 139 (5%) 131 (94%) 129 (98%) 127 (98%) 3112 (96%) 3 (0.1%) 3 (100%) 3112 (96%) 23 (1%)

55700 55699
Assam 55969 47149 (84%) 884 (2%) 584 (66%) 269 (46%) 93 (35%) (100%) 2 (0%) 1 (50%) (100%) 10450 (19%)

113089 113082
Bihar 113634 99405 (87%) 1143 (1%) 648 (57%) 545 (84%) 407 (75%) (100%) 7 (0%) 0 (0%) (100%) 18963 (17%)

Chandigarh 5058 4828 (95%) 73 (2%) 59 (81%) 15 (25%) 14 (93%) 5043 (100%) 0 (0%) NA (100%) 3398 (67%)

Chhattisgarh 56505 52307 (93%) 1496 (3%) 1142 (76%) 662 (58%) 410 (62%) 55843 (99%) 1 (0%) 0 (0%) (99%) 24405 (44%)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli

and Daman and Diu 1071 1071 (100%) 38 (4%) 38 (100%) 2 (5%) 1 (50%) 1069 (100%) 982 (91.9%) 326 (33.2%) 413 (39%) 172 (42%)

1347 63159
Delhi 65439 57911 (88%) 1512 (3%) 1366 (90%) 334 (24%) 299 (90%) 65105 (99%) 3293 (5.1%) (40.9%) (97%) 28793 (46%)

Goa 2639 2590 (98%) 19 (1%) 19 (100%) 2 (11%) 2 (100%) 2637 (100%) 0 (0%) NA (100%) 2 (0%)
155155 157717 157589
Gujarat 158157 (98%) 4609 (3%) 3898 (85%) 440 (11%) 310 (70%) (100%) 251 (0.2%) 123 (49%) (100%) 52714 (33%)

127681 133117 5275 125361

Haryana 133302 (96%) 527 (0%) 277 (53%) 185 (67%) 153 (83%) (100%) 13031 (9.8%) (40.5%) (94%) 5282 (4%)

30288 2069 23551

Himachal Pradesh 30360 30086 (99%) 339 (1%) 300 (88%) 72 (24%) 69 (96%) (100%) 8806 (29.1%) (23.5%) (78%) 2768 (12%)

Jammu and Kashmir 19392 18218 (94%) 387 (2%) 328 (85%) 169 (52%) 169 (100%) 19223 (99%) 4254 (22.1%) 595 (14%) (80%) 6040 (39%)

Jharkhand 79845 70827 (89%) 1745 (2%) 1231 (71%) 1019 (83%) 851 (84%) 78826 (99%) 0 (0%) NA (99%) 41186 (52%)

128972 134174 1509 132700

Karnataka 134486 (96%) 2178 (2%) 1798 (83%) 312 (17%) 235 (75%) (100%) 2983 (2.2%) (50.6%) (99%) 13071 (10%)

30607 2883 20853

Kerala 30711 27371 (89%) 2949 (11%) 1928 (65%) 104 (5%) 104 (100%) (100%) 12637 (41.3%) (22.8%) (68%) 2558 (12%)

Ladakh 648 610 (94%) 17 (3%) 14 (82%) 2 (14%) 2 (100%) 646 (100%) 2 (0.3%) 2 (100%) 646 (100%) 151 (23%)

Lakshadweep 34 31 (91%) 0 (0%) NA NA NA 34 (100%) 1 (2.9%) 0 (0%) 33 (97%) 33 (100%)

179064 195227 10988 172570

Madhya Pradesh 196521 (91%) 3488 (2%) 2596 (74%) 1294 (50%) 963 (74%) (99%) 33645 (17.2%) (32.7%) (88%) 62824 (36%)

203140 215845 3745 211756

Maharashtra 216585 (94%) 5305 (3%) 4241 (80%) 740 (17%) 621 (84%) (100%) 7834 (3.6%) (47.8%) (98%) 40280 (19%)

Manipur 4246 3494 (82%) 32 (1%) 25 (78%) 14 (56%) 13 (93%) 4232 (100%) 0 (0%) NA (100%) 16 (0%)

Meghalaya 13818 13219 (96%) 277 (2%) 234 (84%) 72 (31%) 69 (96%) 13746 (99%) 0 (0%) NA (99%) 3785 (28%)

Mizoram 2972 2759 (93%) 15 (1%) 11 (73%) 9 (82%) 9 (100%) 2963 (100%) 12 (0.4%) 12 (100%) (100%) 990 (33%)

Nagaland 5783 4818 (83%) 39 (1%) 38 (97%) 24 (63%) 23 (96%) 5759 (100%) 1 (0%) 1 (100%) (100%) 1935 (34%)

Odisha 94585 91276 (97%) 1264 (1%) 940 (74%) 654 (70%) 633 (97%) 93931 (99%) 29 (0%) 0 (0%) (99%) 27026 (29%)
Puducherry 2184 2184 (100%) 349 (16%) 341 (98%) 3 (1%) 3 (100%) 2181 (100%) 9 (0.4%) 1 (11.1%) 2173 (99%) 701 (32%)

90921 90814
Punjab 91238 84153 (92%) 949 (1%) 737 (78%) 317 (43%) 284 (90%) (100%) 112 (0.1%) 5 (4.5%) (100%) 34645 (38%)

217136 225474 225469

Rajasthan 226322 (96%) 4252 (2%) 3287 (77%) 848 (26%) 398 (47%) (100%) 6 (0%) 1 (16.7%) (100%) 86285 (38%)

Sikkim 1752 1415 (81%) 19 (1%) 13 (68%) 5 (38%) 5 (100%) 1747 (100%) 139 (8%) 115 (82.7%) 1723 (98%) 134 (8%)

121690 125484 1027 122999

Tamil Nadu 125641 (97%) 1746 (1%) 1461 (84%) 157 (11%) 129 (82%) (100%) 3512 (2.8%) (29.2%) (98%) 9169 (7%)

Telangana 87807 85301 (97%) 4586 (5%) 4116 (90%) 576 (14%) 364 (63%) 87231 (99%) 146 (0.2%) 89 (61%) (99%) 22048 (25%)

Tripura 5998 5652 (94%) 258 (5%) 241 (93%) 31 (13%) 11 (35%) 5967 (99%) 18 (0.3%) 18 (100%) 5967 (99%) 381 (6%)

743179 768146 767880

Uttar Pradesh 770736 (96%) 5727 (1%) 3439 (60%) 2590 (75%) 1894 (73%) (100%) 841 (0.1%) 575 (68.4%) (100%) 47592 (6%)

Uttarakhand 40512 37308 (92%) 451 (1%) 321 (71%) 213 (66%) 207 (97%) 40299 (99%) 5 (0%) 5 (100%) (99%) 4653 (12%)

176028 182704 182659

West Bengal 183272 (96%) 5727 (3%) 4821 (84%) 568 (12%) 417 (73%) (100%) 47 (0%) 2 (4.3%) (100%) 91189 (50%)

2891117 3050407 14150 3027292 643646

INDIA 3063327 (94%) 50747 (2%) 39141 (77%) 12920 (33%) 9498 (74%) (100%) 37265 (1.2%) (38%) (99%) (21%)

Note: Data source of TPT care cascade is contact tracing aggregate report while TBI testing (column I) and Positives (column J) is from Ni-kshay TPT dashboard; Data of Madhya Pradesh,
Jharkhand, Haryana, Goa, Kerala, Meghalaya, Jammu-Kashmir, DNH-DD, Delhi and West Bengal updated after state level validation
7.4 TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in all eligible household contact (HHC) of PBCT [2022 Ni-kshay]

Screening, diagnosis and treatment of TB Ruling out active TB, TBI testing and TPT initiation

No. of HHC of PBCT


symptomatic for

PBCT diagnosed
PBCT evaluated

positives for TB
PBCT put on TB
PBCT screened

PBCT provided
treatment (%)

PBCT eligible*
No. of HHC ≥5

No. of HHC ≥5
No. of HHC of

No. of HHC of

No. of HHC of

No. of HHC of

No. of HHC of

No. of HHC of

No. of HHC of
years of PBCT

years of PBCT
tested for TB
with TB (%)
for TB (%)

for TB (%)



TPT (%)
for TPT
TB (%)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1386 1361 (100%) 15 (1%) 11 (100%) 11 (100%) 11 (100%) 0 (0%) NA 1375 (99%) 97 (7%)

Andhra Pradesh 94303 90684 (95%) 482 (1%) 324 (71%) 147 (41%) 88 (22%) 0 (0%) NA (100%) 19124 (20%)

Arunachal Pradesh 3999 3548 (91%) 203 (9%) 191 (94%) 189 (100%) 187 (100%) 3 (0.1%) 3 (100%) 3810 (95%) 104 (3%)

Assam 61414 51640 (82%) 962 (2%) 628 (56%) 286 (39%) 97 (24%) 2 (0%) 1 (50%) (100%) 12893 (21%)

Bihar 132398 116060 (89%) 1351 (1%) 744 (46%) 619 (77%) 464 (77%) 7 (0%) 0 (0%) (100%) 25161 (19%)

Chandigarh 5514 5258 (94%) 74 (0%) 60 (100%) 15 (0%) NA 0 (0%) NA (100%) 3768 (69%)

Chhattisgarh 63424 58587 (91%) 1612 (2%) 1213 (61%) 715 (75%) 441 (58%) 1 (0%) 0 (0%) (99%) 28814 (46%)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and

Daman and Diu 1134 1134 (100%) 38 (0%) NA NA NA 982 (91.9%) 326 (33.2%) 476 (42%) 235 (49%)

Delhi 72577 63728 (81%) 1711 (3%) 1477 (56%) 402 (61%) 346 (69%) 3293 (5.1%) 1347 (40.9%) (97%) 32598 (46%)

Goa 2769 2719 (99%) 25 (5%) 25 (100%) 2 (0%) NA 0 (0%) NA (100%) 97 (4%)

Gujarat 173593 169936 (96%) 5032 (3%) 4255 (84%) 483 (12%) 344 (79%) 251 (0.2%) 123 (49%) (100%) 62426 (36%)
Haryana 145130 139270 (98%) 574 (0%) 295 (38%) 194 (50%) 158 (56%) 13031 (9.8%) 5275 (40.5%) (95%) 15790 (12%)

Himachal Pradesh 32608 32313 (99%) 371 (1%) 332 (100%) 84 (38%) 81 (100%) 8806 (29.1%) 2069 (23.5%) (79%) 4938 (19%)

Jammu and Kashmir 21374 20020 (91%) 413 (1%) 351 (88%) 178 (39%) 177 (89%) 4254 (22.1%) 595 (14%) (82%) 7378 (42%)

Jharkhand 92109 81030 (83%) 1898 (1%) 1315 (55%) 1090 (85%) 877 (37%) 0 (0%) NA (99%) 48195 (53%)

Karnataka 143237 137292 (95%) 2484 (4%) 2086 (94%) 429 (41%) 341 (91%) 2983 (2.2%) 1509 (50.6%) (99%) 19264 (14%)

Kerala 32997 29470 (92%) 3167 (10%) 2132 (94%) 127 (11%) 127 (100%) 12637 (41.3%) 2883 (22.8%) (70%) 4157 (18%)

Ladakh 720 680 (97%) 18 (1%) 15 (100%) 3 (100%) 3 (100%) 2 (0.3%) 2 (100%) 717 (100%) 213 (30%)

Lakshadweep 43 40 (100%) 0 (0%) NA NA NA 1 (2.9%) 0 (0%) 42 (98%) 42 (100%)

10988 197695
Madhya Pradesh 221772 201369 (88%) 3810 (1%) 2820 (70%) 1420 (56%) 1038 (60%) 33645 (17.2%) (32.7%) (89%) 73921 (37%)

Maharashtra 230636 216254 (93%) 5668 (3%) 4537 (82%) 848 (36%) 720 (92%) 7834 (3.6%) 3745 (47.8%) (98%) 48592 (22%)

Manipur 4672 3882 (91%) 37 (1%) 25 (0%) NA NA 0 (0%) NA (100%) 179 (4%)

Meghalaya 15953 15228 (94%) 310 (2%) 259 (76%) 83 (44%) 80 (100%) 0 (0%) NA (99%) 5120 (32%)

Mizoram 3836 3585 (96%) 19 (0%) 15 (100%) 11 (50%) 11 (100%) 12 (0.4%) 12 (100%) (100%) 1225 (32%)

Nagaland 6329 5206 (71%) 50 (3%) 45 (64%) 26 (29%) 25 (100%) 1 (0%) 1 (100%) (100%) 2270 (36%)

Odisha 103016 99186 (94%) 1378 (1%) 1027 (76%) 730 (87%) 702 (91%) 29 (0%) 0 (0%) (99%) 31686 (31%)
Puducherry 2275 2275 (100%) 362 (14%) 354 (100%) 3 (0%) NA 9 (0.4%) 1 (11.1%) (100%) 784 (35%)

Punjab 99073 91301 (91%) 1056 (1%) 822 (79%) 353 (42%) 299 (42%) 112 (0.1%) 5 (4.5%) (100%) 39594 (40%)

Rajasthan 250376 239744 (94%) 4567 (1%) 3469 (58%) 920 (40%) 435 (51%) 6 (0%) 1 (16.7%) (100%) 98687 (40%)

Sikkim 1850 1481 (67%) 22 (5%) 15 (67%) 7 (100%) 7 (100%) 139 (8%) 115 (82.7%) 1819 (98%) 193 (11%)

Tamil Nadu 131049 126856 (96%) 1975 (4%) 1674 (93%) 209 (24%) 176 (90%) 3512 (2.8%) 1027 (29.2%) (98%) 12654 (10%)

Telangana 92651 89872 (94%) 4903 (7%) 4396 (88%) 604 (10%) 370 (21%) 146 (0.2%) 89 (61%) (99%) 25207 (27%)

Tripura 6345 5978 (94%) 310 (16%) 290 (94%) 33 (4%) 11 (0%) 18 (0.3%) 18 (100%) 6312 (99%) 546 (9%)

Uttar Pradesh 845733 813633 (94%) 6163 (1%) 3609 (39%) 2715 (74%) 1994 (80%) 841 (0.1%) 575 (68.4%) (100%) 94824 (11%)

Uttarakhand 45154 41471 (90%) 484 (1%) 333 (36%) 217 (33%) 212 (125%) 5 (0%) 5 (100%) (100%) 6321 (14%)

West Bengal 203273 195053 (95%) 5958 (1%) 4973 (66%) 598 (20%) 432 (50%) 47 (0%) 2 (4.3%) (100%) 103764 (51%)

INDIA 3356272 3161022 (92%) 55121 (2%) 42234 (71%) 14175 (41%) 10401 (72%) 37265 (1.2%) 14150 (38%) (99%) 812311 (24%)
* total eligible for TPT = children <5years HHC not diagnosed TB plus HHC >5years positives for IGRA and TBI testing not done
8.1 State level - Program staffing status in 2022

State/UT Level - Programme Staffing Status in 2022 (in place/sanctioned)

State/UT IEC

Pharmacist -
State/UT TB

State/UT TB






Assistant -

ist (APO)




MO –



Andaman & 1/1 0/0 0/1 0/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Andhra Pradesh 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1

Arunachal 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1

Assam 1/1 0/0 0/1 0/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Bihar 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 0/2 0/1 1/2

Chandigarh 1/1 0/0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Chattisgarh 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1

Dadra Nagar & 1/1 0/2 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 2/2 0/0 0/0 2/2 2/2 1/1 0/1
and Daman & Diu

Delhi 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/2 1/1 0/2

Goa 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Gujarat 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1
Haryana 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Himachal Pradesh 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Jammu 1/0 0/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Kashmir 1/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Ladakh 1/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

Jharkhand 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/2 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/2 0/1 1/2

Karnataka 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 2/2 1/1 0/1 2/2 1/1 1/1 2/2

Kerala 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Lakshadweep 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0

Maharashtra 1/1 2/2 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 3/3 0/1 2/2 2/2 4/5 2/2 8/8

Manipur 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Mizoram 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Meghalaya 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1

Madhya Pradesh 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Nagaland 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1
Odisha 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1

Puducherry 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Punjab 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0

Rajasthan 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 2/3 1/1 0/4

Sikkim 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

Telangana 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/2 1/1 0/1 1/2 2/4 0/1 2/3

Tamil Nadu 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/2 1/1 0/1 1/2 2/4 0/1 2/3

Tripura 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1

Uttar Pradesh 1/1 1/2 0/2 1/2 1/2 0/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 1/2 2/2 3/4 1/1 6/8

Uttarakhand 1/1 1/1 1 0/0 0/0 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 1/1 2/2 0/1 2/2
(PMC) /

West Bengal 1/1 1/2 0/1 0/2 2/2 0/2 1/2 2/2 0/1 2/2 1/2 1/2 1/1 2/4
8.2 STDC - Program staffing status in 2022

Director (STDC ) MO - STDC Epidemiologist NIKSHAY Operator Secretarial assistant-STDC

In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place

Andaman & Nicobar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Andhra Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Assam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bihar 2 2 14 8 1 0 0 0 0 0

Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chattisgarh 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

Dadra Nagar & Haveli Daman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

& Diu

Delhi 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Goa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Gujarat 2 2 6 6 1 0 1 1 0 0

Haryana 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Himachal Pradesh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Jammu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Kashmir 1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jharkhand 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Karnataka 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0

Kerala 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Maharashtra 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Manipur 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 1 1 4 3 0 0 1 1 0 0

Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Odisha 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 0
Puducherry 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Punjab 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Rajasthan 1 1 5 5 1 0 1 1 1 0

Sikkim 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

Telangana 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

Tamil Nadu 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0


Uttar Pradesh 1 1 5 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

Uttarakhand 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

West Bengal 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0
8.3 IRL - Program staffing status in 2022
State/UT Microbiologist(IRL) Microbiologist (EQA ) Senior Lab. Tech. Technical Officer Lab Technicians Data Entry Operator Lab Attendant

Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place

Andaman & Nicobar 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

Andhra Pradesh 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Arunachal Pradesh 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

Assam 1 1 1 1 4 4 0 0 5 4 1 1 2 2

Bihar 1 1 1 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

Chandigarh 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 2 2

Chattisgarh 1 1 1 1 8 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Dadra Nagar & Haveli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Daman & Diu

Delhi 4 4 2 2 12 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0

Goa 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

Gujarat 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 14 9 2 2 7 3

Haryana 1 1 1 1 5 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0
Himachal Pradesh 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 1

Jammu 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Kashmir 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 1

Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jharkhand 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 0

Karnataka 2 2 2 1 20 14 0 0 6 0 5 5 5 5

Kerala 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 10 2 2 3 3

Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Maharashtra 4 1 4 2 22 16 6 4 8 4 4 4 7 3

Manipur 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 1 1 2 2

Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Meghalaya 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1


Odisha 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 4 2 2 4 3
Puducherry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 4 1 1 1 1

Punjab 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rajasthan 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 19 8 3 2 8 4

Sikkim 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1

Telangana 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 4 1 1 1 1

Tamil Nadu 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 9 9 3 1 8 4


Uttar Pradesh 8 6 5 1 29 4 0 0 5 4 6 5 6 4

Uttarakhand 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 7 7 1 1 3 3

West Bengal 1 0 2 1 6 3 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
8.4 CDST - Program staffing status in 2022

State/UT Microbiologist (C-DST) Technical Officer Senior Lab. Tech. Data Entry Operator Lab technicians Lab Attendant

Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place

Andaman & Nicobar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Andhra Pradesh 2 2 0 0 10 4 2 2 6 3 2 2

Arunachal Pradesh 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 4

Assam 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bihar 4 4 0 0 15 11 4 0 0 0 0 0

Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chattisgarh 2 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Dadra Nagar & Haveli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Daman & Diu

Delhi 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Goa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gujarat 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 18 17 8 8

Haryana 1 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 1 1

Himachal Pradesh 2 2 0 0 5 4 0 0 4 3 0 0

Jammu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Kashmir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jharkhand 2 1 0 0 10 0 2 0 4 0 2 0

Karnataka 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 4 4

Kerala 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2

Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Maharashtra 11 6 0 0 30 22 6 8 8 2 0 0

Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mizoram 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 0

Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 4 3 1 1 0 0 4 4 20 15 4 4
Nagaland 1 1 NA NA 1 1 NA NA 2 2 NA NA

Odisha 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0


Punjab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rajasthan 4 4 0 0 7 3 3 2 19 16 8 5

Sikkim 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Telangana 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0

Tamil Nadu 3 3 0 0 27 20 5 3 5 5 2 0

Tripura 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1

Uttar Pradesh 8 3 0 0 24 1 6 4 4 2 6 5

Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

West Bengal 5 1 0 0 15 3 0 0 4 4 0 0
8.5 DRTB Centre - Program staffing status in 2022

Senior MO – DR TB Centre Counselor – DR TB Centre SA – DR TB Centre


Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place

Andaman & Nicobar 1 0 1 1 1 1

Andhra Pradesh 13 4 13 11 13 10

Arunachal Pradesh 2 1 0 0 2 2

Assam 5 2 5 2 5 3

Bihar 9 2 44 15 9 6

Chandigarh 1 0 1 0 1 1

Chattisgarh 4 2 4 4 4 4

Dadra Nagar & Haveli Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0

Delhi 4 2 14 0 4 4

Goa 1 1 1 1 1 1

Gujarat 5 5 5 3 5 5

Haryana 2 1 3 3 3 2
Himachal Pradesh 4 4 4 3 2 2

Jammu 1 0 1 0 1 1

Kashmir 1 1 0 0 1 1

Ladakh 1 0 0 0 1 1

Jharkhand 5 1 5 3 5 4

Karnataka 7 6 6 5 6 6

Kerala 2 2 0 0 2 2

Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0 0

Maharashtra 19 15 20 15 22 20

Manipur 1 0 1 0 2 2

Mizoram 1 1 1 1 1 1

Meghalaya 2 2 2 2 2 2

Madhya Pradesh 9 2 9 3 9 1

Nagaland 2 2 2 2 2 2

Odisha 4 2 4 3 4 2
Puducherry 1 0 0 0 1 1

Punjab 3 1 0 0 2 1

Rajasthan 7 2 7 6 6 6

Sikkim 1 0 1 0 1 1

Telangana 1 1 4 1 7 4

Tamil Nadu 8 5 13 8 8 6

Tripura 1 0 1 1 1 1

Uttar Pradesh 23 17 23 17 23 18

Uttarakhand 2 1 2 2 2 2

West Bengal 9 5 9 8 9 8
8.6 District Level - Program staffing status in 2022

District level - Programme Staffing Status in 2022 (in place/sanctioned)

Senior DR TB Senior Senior TB Lab. Techs.

State/UT District District
District TB – Treatment Lab (LT) –
Program MO – DTC MO-TC PPM Accountant MO – PHI TBHV
Officers TBHIVsupervi Supervisor Supervisor NTEP/Contr
Coordinator Coordinator
sor (STS) (STLS) actual

Andaman & 3/3 3/3 2/3 9/9 3/3 0/0 3/3 9/9 4/5 4/8 127 / 153 4/6

Andhra 20 / 26 12 / 13 2/5 225 / 225 11 / 13 12 / 13 12 / 13 212 / 239 102 / 134 146 / 209 1512 / 1600 133 / 161

Arunachal 15 / 15 0/0 15 / 15 6/6 15 / 15 0/0 15 / 15 21 / 21 21 / 21 12 / 12 800 / 830 11 / 11


Assam 27 / 27 0/0 0 / 10 140 / 150 26 / 35 21 / 27 22 / 27 140 / 153 75 / 78 80 / 88 1816 / 4283 29 / 38

Bihar 38 / 38 20 / 38 25 / 38 480 / 544 22 / 38 0/0 0/0 424 / 534 145 / 223 198 / 436 852 / 2686 31 / 110

Chandigarh 1/1 0/0 0/1 4/4 1/1 0/1 0/0 4/4 5/5 14 / 14 44 / 44 10 / 16

Chattisgarh 33 / 33 25 / 28 7 / 13 155 / 155 25 / 27 24 / 27 25 / 27 150 / 155 62 / 69 105 / 145 2447 / 2573 40 / 50

Dadra Nagar
& Haveli
and Daman & 0/0 0/1 0/1 0/0 2/2 0/0 1/1 6/8 3/3 3/5 0/0 3/3

Delhi 25 / 25 0 / 25 10 / 12 20 / 38 23 / 27 0 / 25 0 / 25 31 / 72 31 / 38 168 / 186 286 / 286 172 / 189

Goa 2/2 2/2 0/0 12 / 12 2/2 1/2 0/1 8 / 14 5/5 9/9 210 / 225 8/9
Gujarat 38 / 41 29 / 35 37 / 42 250 / 259 36 / 39 26 / 35 33 / 36 316 / 321 162 / 170 176 / 189 3194 / 3730 239 / 247

Haryana 22 / 22 19 / 21 0/0 0/0 20 / 21 20 / 21 20 / 21 116 / 119 48 / 52 103 / 257 0/0 89 / 99

Himachal 12 / 12 8 / 10 1/5 76 / 76 11 / 12 0/0 14 / 14 76 / 98 49 / 53 106 / 142 542 / 578 10 / 18


Jammu 6/6 4/6 5/9 40 / 41 6/6 3/6 3/6 39 / 47 18 / 18 0/0 346 / 831 6/7

Kashmir 6/6 6/6 1/1 57 / 57 6/6 3/3 4/6 57 / 57 21 / 21 20 / 21 660 / 1103 17 / 18

Ladakh 2/2 2/2 2/2 0/0 2/2 0/0 2/2 5/5 5/5 2/2 34 / 34 1/1

Jharkhand 24 / 24 20 / 24 2/8 205 / 205 20 / 24 20 / 24 19 / 24 167 / 205 73 / 101 141 / 168 1297 / 1920 55 / 74

Karnataka 31 / 31 32 / 34 4/6 0/0 33 / 33 33 / 33 28 / 30 269 / 284 142 / 149 211 / 224 0/0 264 / 298

Kerala 13 / 14 0/0 17 / 17 60 / 66 14 / 14 4/6 14 / 14 67 / 91 62 / 74 93 / 98 0/0 81 / 85

Lakshdweep 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/3 0/0 0/0

Maharashtr 80 / 80 28 / 34 60 / 75 381 / 384 80 / 84 75 / 79 77 / 79 556 / 617 305 / 318 278 / 344 4363 / 5340 470 / 520

Manipur 10 / 16 0/0 0/1 6 / 13 9/9 8/9 8/9 19 / 27 16 / 19 19 / 23 0/0 8/8

Mizoram 8/8 0/0 0/1 1/1 8/8 6/8 8/8 12 / 12 9/9 7/7 0/0 4/4

Meghalaya 7/7 7/7 0/0 24 / 24 7/7 2/4 7/7 24 / 24 14 / 15 19 / 20 613 / 620 6/7
Madhya 52 / 52 39 / 52 32 / 52 371 / 371 36 / 52 0/0 0/0 263 / 357 236 / 357 531 / 624 1700 / 1799 180 / 260

Nagaland 10 / 11 0/0 2/2 0/0 11 / 11 2/2 4/4 22 / 22 13 / 13 13 / 13 0/0 7/7

Odisha 31 / 31 27 / 31 4/9 305 / 308 30 / 31 28 / 31 29 / 31 302 / 322 75 / 109 70 / 156 917 / 1068 61 / 64

Puducherry 1/1 0/0 1/1 6/7 1/1 0/0 0/1 5/7 5/5 4/4 121 / 123 8/9

Punjab 23 / 23 0/0 3/3 134 / 134 20 / 22 0/0 0/0 105 / 134 46 / 59 87 / 149 3135 / 3169 62 / 102

Rajasthan 34 / 34 24 / 34 32 / 36 265 / 283 28 / 34 29 / 34 24 / 34 241 / 338 118 / 152 29 / 67 3859 / 4908 43 / 90

Sikkim 5/5 4/5 0/0 5/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 43 / 43 1/1

Telangana 8 / 11 8 / 33 0/1 135 / 171 11 / 11 16 / 33 3 / 11 158 / 171 86 / 96 150 / 164 750 / 891 92 / 92

Tamil Nadu 31 / 31 33 / 36 16 / 22 461 / 461 35 / 38 36 / 38 35 / 36 441 / 462 126 / 146 375 / 492 1860 / 2977 343 / 375

Tripura 8/8 0/0 1/2 18 / 18 6/8 0/0 6/8 19 / 20 10 / 13 9/9 0/0 3/3

Uttar 75 / 75 66 / 75 7 / 10 1152 / 1168 79 / 89 76 / 89 67 / 76 1044 / 1197 362 / 584 932 / 1045 2693 / 4448 436 / 562

Uttarakhand 13 / 13 13 / 13 13 / 13 95 / 95 13 / 13 0/0 12 / 13 103 / 110 30 / 31 63 / 72 450 / 450 24 / 29

West Bengal 37 / 37 28 / 28 28 / 28 464 / 469 43 / 48 29 / 35 27 / 28 445 / 482 165 / 204 361 / 393 2829 / 3950 230 / 373
8.7 Medical college - Program staffing status in 2022

State/UT TBHV-Medical College LT – DMC (All sources) MO – Medical College LT – Medical College Data Entry Operator

Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place Sanctioned In Place

Andaman & Nicobar 1 1 28 24 5 5 0 0 0 0

Andhra Pradesh 23 19 610 502 22 6 25 15 13 12

Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 39 39 0 0 1 0 15 15

Assam 6 6 769 647 6 2 6 6 28 24

Bihar 11 5 858 585 11 3 11 2 38 35

Chandigarh 2 2 17 17 2 2 2 2 0 0

Chattisgarh 9 7 794 794 9 5 9 6 27 26

Dadra Nagar & Haveli Daman 0 0 19 19 0 0 0 0 1 1

& Diu

Delhi 14 8 215 189 14 7 14 6 26 25

Goa 1 1 24 24 1 1 1 1 2 1

Gujarat 29 29 2183 2142 17 16 26 25 38 36

Haryana 9 9 0 0 6 6 13 5 21 21
Himachal Pradesh 8 7 239 211 8 6 8 8 12 12

Jammu 2 2 151 146 2 2 2 2 6 5

Kashmir 3 3 79 79 3 3 3 3 6 6

Ladakh 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2

Jharkhand 3 3 415 365 3 3 3 3 24 21

Karnataka 0 0 0 0 37 34 0 0 31 31

Kerala 24 21 761 760 19 16 25 25 14 14

Lakshdweep 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Maharashtra 39 35 68 53 41 30 58 43 90 75

Manipur 2 2 23 19 2 1 2 2 9 9

Mizoram 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 8 8

Meghalaya 1 1 70 70 1 1 1 1 7 7

Madhya Pradesh 14 14 902 902 14 4 14 11 52 52

Nagaland 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 11 11

Odisha 7 7 584 551 6 4 7 7 31 13

Puducherry 10 5 28 28 4 3 9 8 0 0

Punjab 9 8 268 208 9 8 9 8 23 18

Rajasthan 10 5 1415 1337 6 2 8 4 42 31

Sikkim 1 1 43 43 1 1 1 1 1 0

Telangana 16 8 550 550 16 4 16 13 0 0

Tamil Nadu 53 44 2557 2524 41 29 50 34 36 33

Tripura 2 2 59 59 1 1 2 2 8 7

Uttar Pradesh 36 26 2604 1869 36 26 40 23 89 82

Uttarakhand 7 5 154 142 0 0 4 4 13 12

West Bengal 27 14 945 919 15 9 21 14 38 34

9. Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana

Andaman and Nicobar Islands 534 511 (96) 385 (72)

Andhra Pradesh 92187 86398 (94) 54806 (59)

Arunachal Pradesh 2863 2751 (96) 2280 (80)

Assam 47822 42583 (89) 37573 (79)

Bihar 161165 132208 (82) 85579 (53)

Chandigarh 6066 3401 (56) 1640 (27)

Chhattisgarh 38521 34979 (91) 29467 (76)

Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 1399 913 (65) 726 (52)

Delhi 106731 63204 (59) 46627 (44)

Goa 2091 1460 (70) 1226 (59)

Gujarat 151912 121404 (80) 96058 (63)

Haryana 75838 67086 (88) 58637 (77)

Himachal Pradesh 16089 15904 (99) 15404 (96)

Jammu and Kashmir 11804 11017 (93) 9340 (79)

Jharkhand 57320 46794 (82) 38094 (66)

Karnataka 80416 70660 (88) 50647 (63)

Kerala 23388 20473 (88) 17170 (73)

Ladakh 320 313 (98) 300 (94)

Lakshadweep 11 11 (100) 11 (100)

Madhya Pradesh 186293 172894 (93) 151965 (82)

Maharashtra 234105 191460 (82) 141887 (61)

Manipur 2554 1976 (77) 140 (5)

Meghalaya 4989 3840 (77) 3058 (61)

Mizoram 2085 2015 (97) 1766 (85)

Nagaland 4125 3493 (85) 2706 (66)

Odisha 60372 56899 (94) 51181 (85)

Puducherry 3835 1365 (36) 1234 (32)

Punjab 55150 47687 (86) 24716 (45)

Rajasthan 169522 149505 (88) 124840 (74)

Sikkim 1395 1301 (93) 1151 (83)

Tamil Nadu 93879 87764 (93) 70666 (75)

Telangana 72941 66337 (91) 57836 (79)

Tripura 3024 3002 (99) 2956 (98)

Uttar Pradesh 522850 436432 (83) 337018 (64)

Uttarakhand 27553 24428 (89) 13141 (48)

West Bengal 100972 91570 (91) 69665 (69)

INDIA 2422121 2064038 (85) 1601896 (66)

10. PMTBMBA Monitoring Report -15/02/2023 (As per the food baskets distributed)

TB patients likely to be supported by

Ni-kshay Mitra pending to be agreed

TB patients supported (Linked to) by

Patients actually supported

TB patients consented to receive

TB patients declined to receive

TB patients consent pending

Ni-kshay Mitra agreed upon

TB patients pending linkage

Ni-kshay Mitra Registered

TB patients on treatment

community support

community support

% Pending linkage
Ni-kshay Mitra

Ni-kshay Mitra
State/UT/Uts From 1st November, 2022
Sr. no

Till 31st
Total Patients
actually supported
2022 Kits
at AB- Kits delivered at
HWC/PHI home

1 Lakshadweep 11 10 1 13 13 0 0 13 13 0 0 23 2 3 28

2 Ladakh 47 30 17 134 121 1 12 121 121 0 0 0 70 7 77

3 Sikkim 126 88 38 757 682 0 75 682 682 0 0 50 118 124 292

4 Mizoram 58 52 6 1268 1109 2 157 1109 1109 0 0 101 162 45 308

221 160 61 1329 962 0 367 817 962 145 15.1 413 33 16 462
5 Pradesh

6 Kerala 117 93 24 12110 5303 3850 2957 3177 3596 419 11.7 5 350 177 532

7 Manipur 74 54 20 1276 607 1 668 607 607 0 0 437 82 22 541

Dadra and
Nagar Haveli
20 16 4 520 507 0 13 507 507 0 0 274 301 3 578
and Daman and
8 Diu

9 Chhattisgarh 531 437 94 22118 17177 26 4915 12053 17177 5124 29.8 5 493 127 625

10 Chandigarh 43 42 1 1859 1668 0 191 1668 1668 0 0 468 213 64 745

11 Nagaland 253 211 42 2120 1606 11 503 1579 1595 16 1 435 527 26 988

12 Meghalaya 70 49 21 2729 1455 0 1274 1311 1347 36 2.7 548 541 9 1098

13 Puducherry 3 3 0 898 570 49 279 563 563 0 0 600 656 2 1258

14 Goa 372 357 15 1387 972 243 172 972 972 0 0 606 815 52 1473

15 Bihar 258 161 97 104659 76505 167 27987 40081 76505 36424 47.6 1 557 939 1497
Andaman &
90 75 15 424 259 32 133 245 252 7 2.8 843 639 62 1544
16 Nicobar Islands

17 Tripura 1719 1635 84 1442 1408 0 34 1408 1408 0 0 1441 324 449 2214

Jammu &
4153 3726 427 5951 5144 137 670 5144 5144 0 0 659 2342 69 3070
18 Kashmir

19 West Bengal 821 624 197 52866 35314 247 17305 26770 35314 8544 24.2 268 2431 1310 4009

1301 957 344 7511 6614 289 608 6592 6614 22 0.3 555 3236 831 4622
20 Pradesh

21 Punjab 169 134 35 30630 25241 63 5326 25241 25241 0 0 2838 2366 282 5486

22 Haryana 1314 1038 276 38297 30003 1179 7115 30003 30003 0 0 3761 1847 294 5902

23 Delhi 458 431 27 48020 38662 2038 7320 38662 38662 0 0 1048 5309 22 6379

4221 3857 364 95737 88270 318 7149 88270 88270 0 0 610 5006 861 6477
24 Pradesh

25 Telangana 541 491 50 40922 33360 1203 6359 33360 33360 0 0 439 6837 151 7427

26 Tamil Nadu 212 140 72 50396 358 51 49987 0 355 355 100 0 66 18 7577*

27 Assam 2234 1941 293 23213 18292 10 4911 17899 18292 393 2.1 2549 5202 378 8129

28 Jharkhand 1755 1578 177 30573 27153 83 3337 21722 25333 3611 14.3 653 7030 481 8164

29 Uttarakhand 8291 7957 334 12004 8987 1262 1755 8987 8987 0 0 3255 6040 377 9672

30 Rajasthan 857 709 148 81291 67817 1143 12331 67817 67817 0 0 9177 3633 875 13685

31 Odisha 1592 1527 65 31581 26327 190 5064 23217 24192 975 4 1104 11578 1747 14429

2618 2510 108 46240 38791 207 7242 38790 38791 1 0 8550 5758 231 14539
32 Pradesh

33 Karnataka 2910 2644 266 38346 26679 2499 9168 26105 26679 574 2.2 17057 13043 2927 33027

34 Gujarat 2145 1913 232 79881 65954 4121 9806 63836 65954 2118 3.2 21770 21765 8053 51588

35 Maharashtra 4180 3895 285 153109 116015 6745 30349 115262 115262 0 0 22421 29530 3825 55776

36 Uttar Pradesh 22601 18006 4595 281550 216743 9171 55636 216743 216743 0 0 14640 47397 11171 81600*

INDIA 66386 57551 8835 1303161 986648 35338 281175 921333 980097 58764 6 117604 186299 36030 355818
Central TB Division
3, Sansad Marg, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001

TB Mukt Bharat NTEPEndsTB @Tbdivision

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