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Journal of Design for Sustainable and Environment, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021) p.


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Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation Study on NACA

4412 Airfoil with Various Angle of Attacks
Muhammad Ammar Qayyum Abdul Mukhti1, a, Djamal Hissein Didane2, b*, Mohammed Ogab1, c, Bukhari
Manshoor2, d

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Johor, 86400, MALAYSIA
2Center for Energy and Industrial Environment Studies (CEIES), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Parit Raja, Johor, 86400, MALAYSIA

*Corresponding Author


Received 10 December 2020; Abstract: The aerodynamic airfoil blades have a crucial influence on the wind turbine's
Accepted 20 February 2021; aerodynamic efficiency. Selecting an appropriate airfoil section for the blade is essential. The angle
Available online 15 March of attack and its effect on lift and drag forces such as the high lift and low drag or vice versa are the
2021 critical parameters that decide the efficiency of the wind turbine system. By taking this as a
motivation to the presented work, the NACA 4412 airfoil profile is considered to study the effect of
angle of attack on wind turbine blade's aerodynamic performance. According to national advisory
committee for aeronautics (NACA) standards, the airfoil geometry is generated through
computational fluid dynamics. The Simulation and analysis are performed for different angles of
attack ranging from 0° to 18° with an increment of 2° for low Reynolds number. In the present
research, the aerodynamic results are assessed in terms of static pressure and velocity distributions
alongside different angles of attack. In addition, coefficient of lift, coefficient of drag and lift/drag
ratio are also calculated and plotted against different angles of attack. From the CFD analysis, it is
concluded that as the angle of attack increases when the lift/drag ratio reduces. The NACA 4412
airfoil provides the highest performance at an angle of attack of 13.8°. However, other factors should
also be considered when assessing the aerodynamic performance of NACA airfoils, such as blade
backflow turbulence and blade forces.

Keywords: NACA 4412, airfoil, CFD, Angle of attacks

1. Introduction a primary source have its drawbacks. For example, it is

Renewable energy has been an alternative to fossil fuel; currently impossible for any natural resources to produce
however, the energy usage will slowly become a massive electricity with high efficiency because it requires a significant
amount soon, causing global energy consumption to rise by an initial investment. Since wind power is a cost-effective and
average of 1.2% per year. The pressure of using renewable environmentally benign form of energy, it can help to reduce
energy is nearing us, as the necessity is inevitable. Our daily the rising carbon emissions. Wind energy has been a crucial
usage of fossil fuels will eventually become hostile towards topic in academia to attain sustainable and decarbonized
our environment. Excessive carbon dioxide emissions led to energy systems where most wind energy studies emphasize
climate change, and according to Intergovernmental Panel on the features and characteristics of wind speed to maximize
Climate Change (IPCC) October 2018 Special Report, it may power utilization [4]–[7].
become a necessity to civilization [1], [2]. Harvesting In addition to the aims mentioned in the above paragraph,
naturally produced energy, which is by far limitless, can recently, the wind industry has undergone substantial growth
undoubtedly be advantageous. It is one of the world's most worldwide, as seen by the development of vertical axis wind
rapidly rising technologies, with a global generation share of turbine (VAWT) technologies [8], [9]. Nevertheless, countless
564 GW by the end of 2018 [3]. However, using renewable as experimental and numerical studies of micro-scale VAWT

*Corresponding author:

2021 FAZ Publishing. All right reserved.
Mukhti, A. et al., Journal of Design for Sustainable and Environment, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021) p. 1-8

have been carried out to adapt different wind turbine coefficient has increased, diminished. An optimal lift
applications, especially for the urban environment [10]–[14]. coefficient at the same attack angle was also reported at 16
The Darrieus type provides the best performance among other degrees. Overall, the optimum performance of the airfoil was
VAWTs as the market demand shows great demand for this calculated at an attack angle of 8 degrees. Miller [27]
type of structure [15]. This is due to their inherent discovered that the NACA 0015 airfoil had a severe loss of lift
characteristics and advantages, such as, for instance, lower between 10 and 15 degrees of angle of attack. The experiment
manufacturing cost, omnidirectional capability, and lesser was carried out in a wind tunnel with a nominal speed of 17
noise [16]. This argument also prompts further research on m/s. It was also noted that the theoretical lift coefficient values
airfoil design optimization techniques for medium power wind were very close to those measured, but that they began to
turbines. decline beyond 10 degrees. Nevertheless, the drag coefficient
An airfoil is the cross-section area of an aircraft's wing; a values are shown to be constant. As for the NACA 0015 airfoil
solid object like an airfoil body travels throughout the air analysis carried out by Rubel et al. [28]. They calculated the
domain. The forces perpendicular and parallel to the forces at every two degrees from 00 to 1800. The experiment
aerodynamics force are called Lift and drag. These driving takes place in a low-speed wind tunnel. It was found through
forces depend entirely on the shape and size of the airfoil [17]. this investigation that it has also been shown that the lift
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) coefficient is based on the NACA attack angle.
established different shapes of an airfoil designed for aircraft Another recent research on start-up characteristics of H-
wings. These airfoils are nominated using a series of numbers Darrieus wind turbines was conducted by Asr et al. [29],
followed by "NACA". With the assistance of equations by where the use of different NACA airfoils of various
entering these digits, by having four digits, the family of these thicknesses was investigated, as well as the use of a wide range
airfoils, properties of the airfoil can be calculated, and the of fixed-pitch angles. It was also concluded that the optimum
cross-section of the airfoil can also be generated quickly, such start-up characteristics were observed with the use of a
as airfoil NACA 4412 [18], [19]. medium-thickness airfoil, NACA2418, with an outward pitch
Considering the previous literature, it was observed that angle of 1.5; this configuration reduced the start-up time while
currently, only NACA airfoils are used in all aircraft and wind retaining the turbine's peak performance. A comparable study
turbines. Some of the NACA airfoils have an effect known as was conducted by [30] in the expectation of improving the
Drag force which creates resistance to the motion of an twenty separate performance tests of the H-rotor Darrieus
aeroplane. Thus, the blade or airfoil utilized in the turbine is turbine with new airfoils: airfoils of symmetrical and non-
configured to meet the optimum power output for such symmetrical lengths. The airfoils comprising the NACA, S-
operating conditions, referred to as a coefficient. To receive series, A-series and FX-series were measured to achieve a
such, H-rotor must be built with the performance required, speed ratio of 2 to 10 and the characteristic output of rotor,
about specific parameters, such as the turbine's power, the torque and strength coefficients. The study concluded that for
length of the airfoil chord and the number of blades [20], [21]. the S-series, specifically the S-1046, there is an improvement
For these airfoils, the numbering scheme is summarized in power output coefficient by 26.83% compared to the other
as first digit-number of the airfoil series, second digit-position common symmetric NACA about airfoils. Thus, it increases
of the minimum pressure on the upper surface in tenths of the the overall performance by 10.87% compared to traditional
leading edge chord, third digit-position of the lower surface design.
minimum pressure, Letter-serial letter distinguishing airfoils A comparison was made by Migloire [31] using a blade
having the same thickness, design lift coefficient and element/momentum theory to compare the performance of
minimum pressure positions but different distributions of the NACA 6-series and NACA 4-digit airfoils for Darrieus wind
chamber in tenths of the chord from the leading edge, the turbines and then analysis showed that the power coefficient
thickness-chord ratio in hundredths: fourth digit-design lift provided by the NACA 6-series is as high as the NACA 4-
coefficient in tenths and fifth and sixth digits [22], [23]. digit airfoils, while also having a broader and flatter power
An airfoil's Lift is mainly determined by its attack angle. coefficient-tip speed ratio. Two NACA airfoils were
The airfoils redirect the oncoming air (for fixed-wing aircraft, compared to predict the performance of wind turbine blades
a downward force when oriented at an appropriate angle, using the same approach of blade element momentum theory
resulting in a force on the airfoil in the opposite direction to [32]. This study concluded that the power coefficient is reliant
the deflection. This force is called an aerodynamic force and on tip speed ratio and will only reach a maximum in a specific
can be divided into Lift and drag. The angle of attack is tip speed ratio. The maximum power coefficient at all tip
between the plane of symmetry's relative wind and the plane's velocity ratios can be significantly lower than the Betz limit.
longitudinal axis. In recent years, the calculation of this Amending airfoil profiles is an effective means to boost
volume has regained growing attention because of its fire the aerodynamic characteristics of a wind turbine.
control, cruise control and stall warning requirements [24]. Experimental investigations are very significant due to their
In general, an airfoil is needed to have optimum accuracy. However, due to the time and cost involved,
aerodynamic efficiency for wind turbine systems and aircraft computational fluids dynamics (CFD) software is another
applications. It is, therefore, necessary for the design of an option to predict the aerodynamic characteristics [33].
airfoil to be able to produce Lift while maintaining the Fortunately, research has been carried out to explore
minimum drag force [25]. Over the years, scientists and increasing the precision of computational fluid dynamics
academics have taken an interest in examining the (CFD) [34]. Wolfe and Ochs [35] had compared the calculated
effectiveness of airfoil for wind turbine applications. and experimental (CFD) aerodynamics coefficient of NACA
Numerical in a NACA 0015 airfoil experimental inquiry 0021. In their conclusion, it was reaffirmed that to achieve
performed by Şahin & Acir [26]. It concluded that as the accurate numerical simulations of flow in wind turbine
NACA 0015 airfoil increases, the drag and lift coefficient airfoils, two areas in CFD simulations, transition prediction
increase in the attack angle. It has also been observed that the and turbulence modelling, require further investigation and
stall will begin construction at 16 degrees. The angle of attack, development. This method was further validated by Langtry et
whereas the drag coefficient has increased while the lift al. [36] valid validated this method further in their study of
Published by FAZ Publishing
Journal of Design for Sustainable and Environment, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021) p. 1-8

predicting 2D and 3D airfoil wind turbine performance using In addition to using SolidWorks to model the airfoil, the
a transition model. It was determined that the transitional same x and y can also be created using Design Modeler
findings corresponded to the experimental data outcome directly on ANSYS Fluent software. As for this analysis, the
where this model was well suited to the aerodynamics of wind coordinate is created using coordinates of x, y and z-directions
turbine prediction. taken from the NACA database and converted to design
However, to the authors’ best knowledge, limited studies Modeler format using Microsoft Excel. The design is then
have been made previously on understanding the physics of saved as a non-laminated format to be recognizable by
the interaction between airflow and wind turbine blades. ANSYS.
Varying the angle of attack can significantly affect the
aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils. The current study
attempts to investigate the hysteresis effect of the angle of
attack of NACA 4412 Airfoil. This is important to Table 2 - Variable angle of attacks parameters
understanding the aerodynamic characteristics of this airfoil.
A number of 2D CFD simulations are conducted to gain a The Inlet Direction
better understanding of detailed flow behaviour. The power, Angle
Simulations X- Direction Y-Direction
torque, and flow field characteristics of the rotors equipped of
Attack (+ve) cos (+ve) sin
with using ten different angles of attacks of NACA 4412
airfoils are analyzed accordingly. The present research 1 0 - -
provides a new understanding of the influence angle of attack cos 2° sin 2°
2 2
of airfoil on the aerodynamic characteristics of H-rotor
Darrieus VAWT and its potential to offer new guidance for 3 4 cos 4° sin 4°
the design of Darrieus VAWT. 4 6 cos 6° sin 6°

2. Methodology 5 8 cos 8° sin 8°

2.1 Selection and modelling of Airfoil 6 10 cos 10° sin 10°

Firstly, the collection of airfoils is required to start this 7 12 cos 12° sin 12°
analysis. The airfoil database currently has several airfoil 8 14 cos 14° sin 14°
designs; among them are the NACA sequence consisting of
9 16 cos 16° sin 16°
symmetrical and non-symmetrical airfoils that are pre-selected
from the airfoil database available online for this analysis. 10 18 cos 18° sin 18°
Only one airfoil is selected from the existing database for this
analysis, as shown in Table 1. The variable angle of attacks 2.2 CFD Domain Discretization and Model Set-Up
used throughout this study is shown in Table 2.
A VAWT 2D CFD model is used with a stationary
rectangular shape domain and an inner side spheroidal
Table 1 - Selected Airfoil (NACA Database)
spinning domain. A sliding interface boundary separates all
NACA 4412 domains. The blade airfoils are set to no-slip limits as a wall
feature. The inlet and outlet sections are defined as both the
velocity inlet and the pressure outlet. In Gambit software, the
mesh is generated for the current structure domain. The
model's turbulence limit was selected for the simulations, and
the smoothing algorithm was used to reduce the skewness of
Airfoil Details NACA 2412 (naca4412-il) the cells. The outer domain is coarsely meshed with the cells'
Max Thickness 12% rough edge length to minimize computation time.
Max Chamber 4%
Number of Points 200
Cosine Spacing Yes
Close Trailing Edge Yes
Data Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

The initial stage and the most significant part of the CFD
application process are preprocessing. The building of the
model takes place since this stage relies on all the simulation
processes. This stage is critical because it requires a precise
and accurate model to avoid relative errors or faults in the
following simulation phase. It is desirable to have minimal
error to get a correct result for this analysis. A computer-aided
design (CAD), specifically the SolidWorks program, is used
to model the selected airfoils in the initial stage of the Fig. 1 - Meshing of the model
preprocessing. The coordinates of x and y can be downloaded
from the airfoil database online to model this airfoil. These Boundary conditions are a set of physical properties or
coordinates can then be imported into SolidWorks, and the conditions on surfaces of the domains as they represent flow
airfoil sketches are then produced. variables of the intended physical model. The equations

Published by FAZ Publishing
Mukhti, A. et al., Journal of Design for Sustainable and Environment, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021) p. 1-8

relating to fluid flow can be closed (numerically) by the

specification of conditions on the external boundaries of a
domain. Therefore, it is essential to specify the boundary
conditions Any unassigned boundary conditions could cause
errors to occur during the simulations or leads to inaccurate
results. This study consists of several boundary conditions,
namely, inlet, outlet, wall, and interface.

(a) 00 angle of attack

Table 3 - Boundary conditions for CFD analysis

Input parameters Magnitude

Solver type Pressure based
Time steady
Viscous model Spalart-allmaras
Fluid Air
Density (kg/m3) 1.225
(b) 20 angle of attack
Viscosity (kg/m-s) 1.7894
Turbulent viscosity ratio 10
Angle of Attack 00 - 180
Renold number Vary with air velocity
Number of iterations 1500
Chord-length 0.1 m
Momentum Second-order upwind
Pressure velocity coupling Simple
(c) 40 angle of attack
3. Result and Discussion
The results of several simulations using ten different
angles of attacks of NACA 4412 airfoils are presented in
this section. The present data and findings were analyzed
to see which angle had the best performance for wind
turbine applications. These findings were achieved using
Simulation in ANSYS Fluent software with appropriate
parameters, and the simulation results were validated with
results from prior research. The static pressure, among
(d) 60 angle of attack
other parameters, was discussed because of this research.

3.1 Contours of Static Pressure and Velocity

Contours of static pressure show that static pressure
increases at the lower surface of the aerofoil with an
increasing angle of attack. The results described are the
static pressure contour and the speed contour of the plot,
along with the design model. The outcomes of the
simulations are shown in Figures 2 and 3. We can see from
the contours that there is an area of high pressure near the
(e) 80 angle of attack
leading edge (stagnation point) and a region of low
pressure on the top surface of the airfoil, which is
consistent with the theory. We know from the Bernoulli
equation that we have low pressure when the speed is high
and vice versa. The simulation results of static pressure at
attack angles 0°to18° using the spalart-allmaras model are
shown in Tables 3 and 4. The pressure on the bottom
surface was higher than the input flow and effectively
"pushed" the airfoil upwards, usually towards the input
flow stream. Lift and drag coefficients are computed for
the NACA 4412 series from 0° to 18°. The angle of attack (f) 100 angle of attack
raises the Lift/Drag ratio coefficient by 8°, and increasing
the angle of attack would decrease the Lift/Drag ratio.
Results are tabulated in 4.4.
Published by FAZ Publishing
Journal of Design for Sustainable and Environment, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021) p. 1-8

(g) 120 angle of attack (c) 40 angle of attack

(h) 140 angle of attack (d) 60 angle of attack

(i) 160 angle of attack (e) 80 angle of attack

(j) 180 angle of attack

(f) 100 angle of attack
Fig. 2 - Static Pressure contours for NACA 4412

(g) 120 angle of attack

(a) 00 angle of attack

(h) 140 angle of attack

(b) 20 angle of attack

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Mukhti, A. et al., Journal of Design for Sustainable and Environment, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021) p. 1-8


0.5 Coefficient
(i) 160 angle of attack 0 4 8 12 16
Angle of Attacks

Fig. 4 - Drag Coefficient Graph

4. Conclusion
CFD simulations in two dimensions were used to
investigate the performance of asymmetrical NACA 4412
(j) 18 angle of attack airfoils. The results of the numerical research were used to
Fig. 3 - Contours of velocity magnitude for NACA 4412 develop a theoretical model. To perform the simulations, the
researchers used the ANSYS Fluent 2020 R2 software, with
3.2 Drag and Lift coefficient the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model utilised for all
simulations. For the angle of attack 0° to 18°, the Lift and drag
The drag coefficient measures how well a sleek coefficients are computed for this NACA 4412 series as the
aerodynamic body aids an airfoil's forward motion. angle of attack surges up to 8 degrees, the Lift/Drag ratio
Thus, using the Simulation's aerodynamic analysis and coefficient rises. Nevertheless, with an increase in the Angle
the NACA airfoil's numerical drag coefficient derived of Attack after 8°, the Lift/Drag ratio drops. Although this
from 2D CFD simulations, the drag coefficients (Cd) research was deemed a high percentage error, it was regarded
may be calculated using a chosen viscosity model and as a success since it accomplished all of its goals, including
angles of attack, as illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3. evaluating and comparing the angles of attack's effect on the
Both simulations happen to appear almost linear performance of asymmetrical NACA 4412 airfoils.
with the increase of the angles of attacks. Along the
increment of the coefficients of the NACA 4412 at the Acknowledgement
tip of the airfoil tip will occur changes as the attack The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
angle changes. The lift coefficient equally increases support provided by the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
from 0° to 10°. and nevertheless, it further increases through the H919 grant.
surges with a slight drop in its pace until after 16°, the
coefficient drops. Drag coefficient, however, has a
thoroughly stable increment from the start until the References
finishes as the angles of attacks increase. The gradient
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