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Nonfiction Biography Unit: 3 - 5 Grade

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Nonfiction Biography Unit

• Biography Mini-Book
• Graphic Organizers
• Newspaper Template
• Biography Report
• Malala QUOTES Posters
• Reflection Questions
• Growth Mindset Connections

Table of Contents
Teacher Tips Page 3
Annotation Symbols for Close Reading Pages 4-5
Nonfiction Reading Passage Pages 6-9
Answer Key (Sample Annotations) Pages 10-13
Reflection Questions Pages 14-15
Text-Dependent Questions Pages 16-17
Answer Key (Text-Dependent Questions) Pages 18-19
Research Notes: Malala Yousafzai Page 20
All About Malala Yousafzai Page 21
Answer Key (Sample All About Malala) Page 22
Character Traits Page 23
Answer Key (Sample Character Traits) Page 24
Writing Prompts Pages 25-26
Newspaper Template Pages 27-28
Growth Mindset Page 29
Answer Key (Sample Growth Mindset) Page 30
Friendly Letter to Malala Pages 31-32
Biography Report Pages Pages 33-34
Malala Quote Reflection Page 35
Quotes Posters (COLOR) Pages 36-41
Quotes Posters (BLACK AND WHITE) Pages 42-47
Instructions for Digital Use Pages 48-53
Terms of Use Page 54

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Teacher Tips
1. This Malala Yousafzai biography pack can be used with a variety of books about
her. This list is not exhaustive but does include informative and useful books
about Malala. Please keep in mind that this product was created with 3rd-5th
graders in mind but can be modified and used successfully with other grade
• For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story by Rebecca Langston-
• Malala: Activist for Girls’ Education by Raphaële Frier
• Malala Yousafzai: Warrior with Words by Karen Leggett Abouraya
• Who is Malala Yousafzai? by Dinah Brown
• Dear Malala, We Stand with You by Rosemary McCarney
2. If you choose to use the annotation symbols for close reading, feel free to
utilize whatever symbols your students are currently familiar with or copy the
symbols key on the following page for student reference. During close reading,
students should read the passage a minimum of two times (three times is
preferable). The first read is a “no pressure” read for pleasure. During the
second read, students can number the paragraphs, make note of important
details, mark unknown words, etc. The third read allows students to dig deeper.
This is the time when students might jot notes in the margins, look for bigger
themes, make connections to their own lives, and search for deeper meaning.
3. The newspaper template can be used in a variety of ways. You can give students
a specific writing prompt for the article (Write a newspaper article about the
life and times of Malala Yousafzai, for example). Students can also come up with
their own ideas about the angle they’d like to take in completing the newspaper
article. The opportunities with the newspaper template are endless.
4. The Biography Report can be used for students to write their own Malala
Yousafzai biography, or it can be used to write a speech about Malala. As with
any activity that you plan for your class, use your best judgment and knowledge
about your students to determine their performance expectations. The mini-
book biography passage is not intended to contain exhaustive information about
Malala, but instead to give a clear overview of the major events in her life.
Students will be required to do some of their own research to complete a few
of the activities.
5. Contact me at my store, Kirsten’s Kaboodle, if you have any questions!

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _________________________________________________

Annotation Symbols for Close Reading

Important Information

Underline: Key Word(s)

or Detail(s)

✓ I Understand

I Don’t Know This Word

? I Don’t Understand

! I’m Surprised!

I’m Making a Connection


(to self, text, world)

Have a thought about the text?
Jot it down in the margin.

123 Number the Paragraphs

I like this and/or I agree

I don’t like this

and/or I disagree
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _________________________________________________

Annotation Symbols for Close Reading

Important Information

Underline: Key Word(s)

or Detail(s)

✓ I Understand

I Don’t Know This Word

? I Don’t Understand

! I’m Surprised!

I’m Making a Connection


(to self, text, world)

Have a thought about the text?
Jot it down in the margin.

123 Number the Paragraphs

I like this and/or I agree

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle

I don’t like this

and/or I disagree
Name: _________________________________________________

Malala Yousafzai
Malala grew up in Mingora, Pakistan on the River Swat. Even though
many of the children in Pakistan were not able to go to school, Malala was
very fortunate. Her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, was the principal at a
school for girls. Many people in Pakistan did not believe that girls should go
to school, but Malala and her father believed that girls should have the
same rights as boys. Some families only sent their boys to school and
other families were too poor to send any of their children to school at all.
Malala knew how important it was to get an education, so she worked very
hard in school. She studied math, science, history, and Islam. In addition,
she learned three languages – Pashto (Malala’s native language), English,
and Urdu (Pakistan’s national language).
In 2007, when Malala was 10 years old, members of the Taliban
began taking over Swat Valley where she lived. She had heard about the
Taliban and knew that they made women obey very strict laws. Here are
a few examples:
• Girls and women were not allowed to leave the house without a family
member that was a man.
• Girls could not go to school.
• All women had to wear burqas (fabric that covered the entire body
and face).
• Women could not have a job.
• Women could not go to hospitals or see doctors when they were sick.
Malala, along with her Muslim family, friends, and community
members believed that women and girls had the right to be treated with
kindness and respect.
Towards the end of 2007, the Pakistan army came to fight the
Taliban in Malala’s community. It was a very dark time for the people of
Mingora. Many schools and other buildings were closed or destroyed.
Children who once attended school chose to stay home because they
feared for their safety. The fighting continued for months and months.
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Malala always felt strongly about every child’s right to an
education. In September 2008, she gave a speech that was called “How
Dare the Taliban Take Away My Basic Right to Education?” Reporters
printed her words in newspapers, and she felt good about speaking up in
this way.
Despite her desire to go to school, at the end of 2008, the Taliban
announced that girls would no longer have the right to attend school as
of January 15, 2009.
During this same time, at the end of 2008, Malala had an
opportunity to write a blog for the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC). They were looking for someone to write about the school
closings in Mingora. The teachers didn’t want to do it because it was
much too dangerous. In talking with the BBC about this opportunity,
Malala’s father decided that Malala might be a good person to take on
this challenge. Due to the dangers and possible consequences from the
Taliban, they decided that Malala would not use her name in the blog, but
would instead use a disguised name, Gul Maka (this was the name of a
brave child from a Pashtun folktale). Malala’s blog was called Diary of a
Pakistani Schoolgirl. The first blog post was published on the BBC
website on January 3, 2009. Her words continued to be published on
the site in subsequent posts until March 12, 2009.
On the day that Malala’s school was set to close, January 15,
2009, the war in her village had gotten very dangerous. Many people,
including Malala and her family, fled the area for their own safety.
First, they traveled to her grandmother’s village and then to other cities
where family members lived. They returned home on July 24, 2009.
Her village was in shambles, and many things were destroyed, but the
Taliban was gone.
In the days and weeks that followed, schools were rebuilt, and
Malala continued to speak up about equal rights for education. She went
to school each day and filled her notebook with words. “Education is our
basic right,” she’d say. Many people all over the world had read her blog
posts, seen her on TV, and heard about her brave willingness to speak
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
out. In 2011, the minister of Pakistan awarded her with the National
Youth Peace Prize (later named the National Malala Peace Prize). She
was gaining recognition for her courage all over the world.
Unfortunately, even though the Taliban left Mingora, it didn’t mean
that they had gone far or gone away for good. Malala had been so
successful in her fight for girls’ rights that the Taliban did not like her or
her father. They threatened Malala and her family.
On October 9, 2012, Malala was riding home from school on the
bus with her friend Moniba. Suddenly the bus stopped, and two men
stepped on. One of the men asked, “Who is Malala?” Even though no
one spoke, some of the girls glanced in Malala’s direction and the men
figured out who she was. One of them had a gun and he pointed it
towards Malala and pulled the trigger three times. Two other girls were
also injured.
Malala spent time at local hospitals and was later transferred to a
hospital in England that specializes in these types of injuries. Though
she was very ill, miraculously, she survived!
Malala woke up in the hospital and didn’t remember what had
happened. The doctors weren’t sure if she’d ever be able to hear or
speak again, but she surprised them all. She spent the next nine
months in physical therapy so she could continue to get well.
News of Malala’s shooting spread across the world. People were
horrified that a young girl almost lost her life just because she spoke
out about the importance of girls getting an education. Her name and
her story were widely known, and her courage was felt all over the
After she got well enough to return to school, she started taking
classes in Birmingham. She missed her home and her friends but was
able to use a computer to keep in touch with them.
Just nine months after the shooting, Malala was asked to speak at
the United Nations in New York City. People gathered from all over the
world to hear what she had to say.

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Malala addressed the crowd in English. “They thought that the
bullets would silence us, but they failed… and out of that silence came
thousands of voices. The terrorists thought they would change my aims
and stop my ambitions. But nothing changed in my life except this:
weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage
was born,” she said.
Much like Martin Luther King, Jr., she believed in peace and said
that she does not wish to harm the man who shot her. Malala’s
peaceful approach and inspiring words were replayed on televisions all
over the world.
In 2014, Malala became the youngest person ever to receive the
Nobel Peace Prize. Notable people such as Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela had also received this same honor in
years prior.
In her acceptance speech on December 10, 2014, Malala said,
“This award is not just for me. It is for those forgotten children who
want education. It is for those frightened children who want peace. It
is for those voiceless children who want change.”
During this time, she also started the Malala Fund, which supports
education for girls all over the world. For example, the Malala Fund has
helped 40 girls from her own village get an education. Not only does she
raise money to help girls fight for their right to go to school, but she
also visits many countries and supports projects for education all over
the world.
Malala hopes to become a politician one day so that she can help
save her country and continue to make positive changes for children.
She is a truly a courageous warrior who wishes to empower people to
use their voices for positive change.

Thank you, Malala, for making our world a better place!

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _____________________________________________________________

Text-Dependent Questions: Malala Yousafzai

1. What is the author’s purpose? a) to persuade b) to inform c) to entertain
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.




2. What role did the Taliban play in Malala’s life?



3. What are two laws that the Taliban enforced?





4. What did Malala speak about in September 2008? Why was this speech important?





5. What did Malala do for the British Broadcasting Corporation? Why do you think she did this?




©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _____________________________________________________________

Text-Dependent Questions: Malala Yousafzai

5. Why did the Taliban threaten Malala and her family?


6. Why was Malala’s story widely known? What makes Malala so special?




7. What significant event happened in Malala’s life in 2014?



8. Use context clues to define the following words:

opportunity: ________________________________________________________________


disguised __________________________________________________________________


subsequent: ________________________________________________________________




specializes: _________________________________________________________________


recognition: _________________________________________________________________

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _________________________________________________

Reflection Questions: Malala Yousafzai

1. How important is your education to you? Why? What do you want to be in the future?





2. If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? Why?





3. Education was one of the most important things in Malala's life. What is the most important
thing in your life? Why?





4. Malala was courageous in her pursuit to change the rules about girls going to school. Describe two
of YOUR character traits. How do you exhibit them?




©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _________________________________________________

Reflection Questions: Malala Yousafzai

5. Malala said, “We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” What does this
quote mean to you?





6. Malala has said that she is still not afraid, and she continues to fight for equal education opportunities
for girls. Based on what she said, describe two of Malala’s character traits.





7. Briefly describe a time in your life when you faced a difficult challenge. How were you able to move
on? Who helped you through that difficult time?





8. What does Malala mean when she says, “weakness, fear, and hopelessness died”?




©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Example: Close Reading Notes
Name: _________________________________________________

Malala Yousafzai
1. Malala grew up in Mingora, Pakistan on the River Swat. Even though
many of the children in Pakistan were not able to go to school, Malala was
very fortunate. Her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, was the principal at a
school for girls. Many people in Pakistan did not believe that girls should go
to school, but Malala and her father believed that girls should have the
same rights as boys. Some families only sent their boys to school and
other families were too poor to send any of their children to school at all.
Malala knew how important it was to get an education, so she worked very How come
people had
hard in school. She studied math, science, history, and Islam. In addition, to pay for
she learned three languages – Pashto (Malala’s native language), English,
and Urdu (Pakistan’s national language).
Why? What 2. In 2007, when Malala was 10 years old, members of the Taliban
was their
purpose in began taking over Swat Valley where she lived. She had heard about the
coming to Taliban and knew that they made women obey very strict laws. Here are
Valley? a few examples:

• Girls and women were not allowed to leave the house without a family
member that was a man.
• Girls could not go to school.
• All women had to wear burqas (fabric that covered the entire body
and face). ?
• Women could not have a job.
• Women could not go to hospitals or see doctors when they were sick.
3. Malala, along with her Muslim family, friends, and community ✓
members believed that women and girls had the right to be treated with
kindness and respect.
4. Towards the end of 2007, the Pakistan army came to fight the
Taliban in Malala’s community. It was a very dark time for the people of
Mingora. Many schools and other buildings were closed or destroyed.
Children who once attended school chose to stay home because they
feared for their safety. The fighting continued for months and months.
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Example: Close Reading Notes
5. Malala always felt strongly about every child’s right to an
education. In September 2008, she gave a speech that was called “How
Dare the Taliban Take Away My Basic Right to Education?” Reporters
printed her words in newspapers and she felt good about speaking up in
this way.
6. Despite her desire to go to school, at the end of 2008, the Taliban
announced that girls would no longer have the right to attend school as
of January 15, 2009.
7. During this same time, at the end of 2008, Malala had an
opportunity to write a blog for the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC). They were looking for someone to write about the school were too
afraid, but
closings in Mingora. The teachers didn’t want to do it because it was she was a
much too dangerous. In talking with the BBC about this opportunity, child and
she, did
Malala’s father decided that Malala might be a good person to take on it? She’s
this challenge. Due to the dangers and possible consequences from the brave.
Taliban, they decided that Malala would not use her name in the blog, but
would instead use a disguised name, Gul Maka (this was the name of a
brave child from a Pashtun folktale). Malala’s blog was called Diary of a
Pakistani Schoolgirl. The first blog post was published on the BBC
website on January 3, 2009. Her words continued to be published on
the site in subsequent posts until March 12, 2009.
8. On the day that Malala’s school was set to close, January 15,
2009, the war in her village had gotten very dangerous. Many people,
including Malala and her family, fled the area for their own safety.
First, they traveled to her grandmother’s village and then to other cities What
made the
where family members lived. They returned home on July 24, 2009. Taliban
Her village was in shambles, and many things were destroyed, but the leave?

Taliban was gone. she

9. In the days and weeks that followed, schools were rebuilt and peacefully
fights for
Malala continued to speak up about equal rights for education. She went equal
rights just
to school each day and filled her notebook with words. “Education is our like MLK
basic right,” she’d say. Many people all over the world had read her blog did.

posts, seen her on TV, and heard about her brave willingness to speak
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Example: Close Reading Notes
out. In 2011, the minister of Pakistan awarded her with the National
Youth Peace Prize (later named the National Malala Peace Prize). She
was gaining recognition for her courage all over the world.
10. Unfortunately, even though the Taliban left Mingora, it didn’t mean
that they had gone far or gone away for good. Malala had been so
successful in her fight for girls’ rights that the Taliban did not like her or
her father. They threatened Malala and her family.
11. On October 9, 2012, Malala was riding home from school on the
bus with her friend Moniba. Suddenly the bus stopped and two men
stepped on. One of the men asked, “Who is Malala?” Even though no
one spoke, some of the girls glanced in Malala’s direction and the men
figured out who she was. One of them had a gun and he pointed it happened
! towards Malala and pulled the trigger three times. Two other girls were to the
also injured. girls?
12. Malala spent time at local hospitals and was later transferred to a
hospital in England that specializes in these types of injuries. Though
she was very ill, miraculously, she survived!
13. Malala woke up in the hospital and didn’t remember what had
happened. The doctors weren’t sure if she’d ever be able to hear or
speak again, but she surprised them all. She spent the next nine
months in physical therapy so she could continue to get well.
14. News of Malala’s shooting spread across the world. People were
horrified that a young girl almost lost her life just because she spoke
out about the importance of girls getting an education. Her name and
her story were widely known and her courage was felt all over the
15. After she got well enough to return to school, she started taking
classes in Birmingham. She missed her home and her friends, but was
able to use a computer to keep in touch with them.
16. Just nine months after the shooting, Malala was asked to speak at
the United Nations in New York City. People gathered from all over the
world to hear what she had to say.

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Example: Close Reading Notes

17. Malala addressed the crowd in English. “They thought that the
bullets would silence us, but they failed… and out of that silence came
thousands of voices. The terrorists thought they would change my aims
and stop my ambitions. But nothing changed in my life except this:
weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage
was born,” she said.
18. Much like Martin Luther King, Jr., she believed in peace and said
that she does not wish to harm the man who shot her. ! Malala’s
peaceful approach and inspiring words were replayed on televisions all
over the world.
19. In 2014, Malala became the youngest person ever to receive the
Nobel Peace Prize. Notable people such as Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela had also received this same honor in
years prior.
20. In her acceptance speech on December 10, 2014, Malala said,
“This award is not just for me. It is for those forgotten children who
want education. It is for those frightened children who want peace. It
is for those voiceless children who want change.”
21. During this time, she also started the Malala Fund, which supports
education for girls all over the world. For example, the Malala Fund has
helped 40 girls from her own village get an education. Not only does she
raise money to help girls fight for their right to go to school, she also
visits many countries and supports projects for education all over the
22. Malala hopes to become a politician one day so that she can help
save her country and continue to make positive changes for children. ✓
She is a truly a courageous warrior who wishes to empower people to
use their voices for positive change.

Thank you, Malala, for making our world a better place!

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Answer Key- Accept any reasonable response
Name: _____________________________________________________________

Text-Dependent Questions: Malala Yousafzai

1. What is the author’s purpose? a) to persuade b) to inform c) to entertain
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

The author provides facts throughout the passage. The purpose is to educate the audience about how
Malala has influenced the world. Facts can include dates, locations, and significant events mentioned in
the passage.

2. What role did the Taliban play in Malala’s life?

The Taliban came to the Swat Valley where Malala lived. They made rules and laws that affected girls

and women.

3. What are two laws that the Taliban enforced?

Some rules included (must mention at least two rules): Girls and women were not allowed to leave the house without
a family member that was a man, girls could not go to school, all women had to wear burqas (fabric that covered the
entire body and face), women could not have a job, women could not go to hospitals or see doctors when they were sick.


4. What did Malala speak about in September 2008? Why was this speech important?

In September 2008, she gave a speech that was called “How Dare the Taliban Take Away My Basic Right
to Education?” This speech showed the Taliban that she was not going to give up and that she was going
to continue to fight for girls’ rights to an education. It showed the whole world that she was not
scared and that she had determination, courage, and perseverance.

5. What did Malala do for the British Broadcasting Corporation? Why do you think she did this?

Malala wrote blog posts about the school closings in Mingora. Teachers and other students were afraid
of the consequences that writing such blog posts might bring, but Malala (with the help of her father)
decided that she would write under a disguised name to educate the public about what was happening
in her community.
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Answer Key- Accept any reasonable response
Name: _____________________________________________________________

Text-Dependent Questions: Malala Yousafzai

5. Why did the Taliban threaten Malala and her family?

Malala was speaking out against the Taliban and she was successful in her fight for girls’ rights. She empowered girls
and didn’t show any fear. The Taliban felt threatened by her strength and courage. They didn’t like Malala or her family.
6. Why was Malala’s story widely known? What makes Malala so special?

Malala’s story is widely known because people were horrified that a young girl almost lost her life just because she
spoke out about the importance of girls getting an education. Her courage and perseverance was unusual because she
didn’t fear her attackers, but instead continued to get an education and fight for the rights of other girls to get an
7. What significant event happened in Malala’s life in 2014?

In 2014, Malala became the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. During this time,
she also started the Malala Fund, which supports education for girls all over the world.
8. Use context clues to define the following words:

a chance to do something; a good position for achieving a goal or being successful

opportunity: ________________________________________________________________


to change the appearance or identity of someone; to cover up the truth by

disguised __________________________________________________________________
misrepresenting the facts

occurring later or after; following in order; the next one(s)

subsequent: ________________________________________________________________

to be moved from one place to another


focuses on one area of work; learns a lot about a certain subject

specializes: _________________________________________________________________


to be acknowledged as someone who has made a difference or had an impact on

recognition: _________________________________________________________________

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________ Date: ___________________

Malala Yousafzai: Research Notes

Use this paper to jot down notes about the life of Malala Yousafzai.

Interesting How Malala

Facts Impacted the World

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________ Date: ___________________

All About Malala Yousafzai

Birthdate: _______________________________________

Place of Birth: __________________________________

Malala’s Disguised Name: _________________________

Malala is an important Three interesting facts

about Malala Yousafzai:
historical figure because
_____________________________________ 1. _________________________

_____________________________________ ___________________________

_____________________________________ 2. _________________________

_____________________________________ ___________________________

What obstacles did Malala 3. _________________________

face? How did she respond
to those obstacles? ___________________________

Malala Yousafzai’s
_____________________________________ Character Traits

_____________________________________ 1. ________________________

_____________________________________ 2. ________________________

_____________________________________ 3. ________________________
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Sample Answer Key (answers may vary- accept any reasonable response)
Name: _______________________ Date: ___________________

All About Malala Yousafzai

Birthdate: _______________________________________
July 12, 1997

Place of Birth: Mingora, Pakistan


Malala’s Disguised Name: Gul


Malala is an important Three interesting facts

about Malala Yousafzai:
historical figure because
She blogged under a fake name because
Malala believed that every girl (and child) has 1. _________________________
it was too dangerous to use her real
a right to an education. Even though the
_____________________________________ ___________________________
Taliban tried to silence her, she continues to
_____________________________________ 2. _________________________
Malala is the youngest person to ever
fight for what she believes in.
_____________________________________ ___________________________
receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

What obstacles did Malala 3. _________________________

She started the Malala Fund, which

face? How did she respond supports education for girls around the
to those obstacles? ___________________________

Malala grew up in a country where education is not

free. It is unusual for girls to go to school, but her Malala Yousafzai’s
dad believed that she had a right to an education.
_____________________________________ Character Traits
Malala wrote and spoke about her education beliefs
and was targeted by the Taliban. They shot her, but courageous
1. ________________________
she recovered and continues to help children around
the world. She is not afraid to fight for what she determined
2. ________________________
believes in and has been recognized for her courage,
perseverance, and determination. forgiving
3. ________________________
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________ Date: ___________________

Malala Yousafzai’s Character Traits:

Brainstorm 4 character traits that can be attributed to Malala.
Write one trait in each of the spaces below. Then support your claim by
providing examples of how Malala exhibited each character trait.

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________ Date: ___________________

Malala Yousafzai’s Character Traits:

Brainstorm 4 character traits that can be attributed to Malala.
Write one trait in each of the spaces below. Then support your claim by
providing examples of how Malala exhibited each character trait.

brave committed
- Even though many people in her - Malala is no longer a child in a
country believed that girls should quest for her own education, but
not be educated, Malala stood up she continues to dedicate her life
against that belief and risked her to helping other young people get
life to defend her rights for an the education they deserve.
education. - She is unstoppable in her
- After the Taliban tried to silence commitment, even though she
her, she didn’t let that stop her almost lost her life fighting for
from voicing her opinion or what she believes.
supporting young people in their
quest for an education.

persistent fearless
- Malala’s longstanding fight for Malala’s speaks about the Taliban’s
equal rights in education has attempt to silence her and says,
resulted in many children “the terrorists thought they would
receiving an education they
change my aims and stop my
deserve. When she faces
ambitions. But nothing changed in
opposition, she doesn’t let that
stop her. my life except this: weakness, fear
- The Malala Fund has helped over and hopelessness died. Strength,
40 girls in her community get an power, and courage was born.”
Other character might include: strength, power, courage,
perseverance, loyal, peaceful, persuasive, sincere, kind,
optimistic, resourceful, grateful, confident, respectful…
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

Malala Yousafzai
fights hard for what she believes in!
Malala feels strongly about girls having access to education.
Describe one thing you feel strongly about. Why is it
important to you? How can you spread your message?








©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

Malala Yousafzai is changing the world by using her voice. She is passionate
about a girl’s right to receive an education. She has used her voice to write
blogs, speak in public, and appear on radio and television shows. Think about
one of your own passions. How can you use to voice to convey your passion
to others? Be specific. For example, how would you convey your message
(written, speaking)? Who would be part of your audience? What is the
main message you’d like to share with them?

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Malala Yousafzai Messenger



Written By: ______________________________________________________________






Caption: _____________________________


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©Kirsten’s Kaboodle






____________________________ Caption:









©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________

Growth Mindset: Malala Yousafzai

Growth Mindset is a belief that, despite obstacles and challenges, a
person can develop abilities and achieve goals through motivation, hard work,
and practice. On the other hand, a fixed mindset is the belief that talent and
intelligence can’t be changed despite dedication and hard work.
Growing up, Malala Yousafzai lived in a village where the Taliban wouldn’t
allow girls to go to school. Despite threats and extreme danger, Malala
spoke out about her beliefs and continued to attend school. She became a
champion for equal education for all children. Use what you know about
growth mindset and Malala to fill in the table below.

How would a fixed

Challenges faced How did Malala face
mindset handle these
by Malala Yousafzai these challenges?

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________

Growth Mindset: Malala Yousafzai

Growth Mindset is a belief that, despite obstacles and challenges, a
person can develop abilities and achieve goals through motivation, hard work,
and practice. On the other hand, a fixed mindset is the belief that talent and
intelligence can’t be changed despite dedication and hard work.
Growing up, Malala Yousafzai lived in a village where the Taliban wouldn’t
allow girls to go to school. Despite threats and extreme danger, Malala
spoke out about her beliefs and continued to attend school. She became a
champion for equal education for all children. Use what you know about
growth mindset and Malala to fill in the table below.

How would a fixed

Challenges faced How did Malala face
mindset handle these
by Malala Yousafzai these challenges?

A girl’s education was A person with a fixed Even though Malala was
not important in mindset might give up in a very dangerous
Pakistan. She faced and decide that it’s not position and was almost
opposition from the worth the fight to get an killed, she didn’t let that
Taliban, a group of education. They probably stop her. Instead of
people who shot her (in wouldn’t choose to write becoming silenced, she
an attempt to silence blog posts or speak up, was stronger and even
her). She was also especially under the more courageous. She
forced to move away dangerous circumstances faced these challenges
from her war-torn that Malala faced. If peacefully and never
community temporarily. someone in Malala’s thought about giving up.
position (who has a fixed She decided to be a
mindset) ended up voice for children who
getting shot for showing don’t have a voice and
courage and she continues to make
perseverance, they might positive changes for
be too scared to continue children around the
to stand up for equal world.
rights in education.
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________________

Writing a Friendly Letter

These are the five components of a friendly letter. Use the template on
the following page to write a letter to Malala Yousafzai. First, tell her a
little bit about yourself. Next, ask her three questions (anything you’d
like to know that you didn’t already learn). Finally, tell her one way that
you think her life, her courage, and her story is changing the world.



t t e r

L e
f t h

d y





©Kirsten’s Kaboodle














©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

Malala Yousafzai Biography Report














©Kirsten’s Kaboodle

















©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________
Use a quote by Malala Yousafzai that is meaningful to you in some way.
Write it in the box below and answer the questions that follow.

How can you apply this quote to

What does this quote mean to you?
your own life? Be specific.

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____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

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____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Why do you think this quote is

How would the world be different popular or notable? How would the
if everyone lived by this quote? world need to change in order for
everyone to live by this quote?

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

©Kirsten’s Kaboodle Malala Yousafzai Quotes

-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
-Malala Yousafzai
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle
Digital Use
Getting Started Using This Digital Product:
Step 1
Before you click the link below, login to the Google account
where you want to store this product, which is probably the
one linked to your students’ accounts.
Step 2
Once you click the link, you will be asked to make a copy.
Making a copy keeps the original document intact. Now, you
have your own copy in your Google Drive account.

Step 3
Open up the file and make sure that you like it! This is now
your copy of the document, so if you need to change or add
anything to ensure student success, go ahead!

Click on the Product Title Below:

NOTE: Students must be signed into their Google account.
Separate Each Page/Activity
The entire product is in one slideshow. If you would like to
assign just one page/activity, you can create a new
slideshow with that specific page.
Right click the specific slide, copy the slide, and paste into a
new slideshow.

Create a new
slideshow and
paste the
copied slide
into it.

Click on the Product Title Below:

Sharing with students:
Google Classroom (option 1):
To me, the fastest and easiest way is to post to Google Classroom on
the Stream or in Classwork. Click the plus sign and create an

Find THE PRODUCT on your drive, give it a name, and then post!
Sharing with students:
Sharing the link (option 2)
Giving students the link
If you don’t use Google Classroom, it is still simple to share this product
through drive, email, or posted on the board.

To give students the

link, click get
shareable link. This
You can enter link can be projected,
student’s emails shared on a doc, etc.

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projected, shared on
a doc, etc.
Ipads or Tablets?

After your student has hit MAKE A COPY, open up the

slideshow from the slides app!

Now, go to the slideshow by opening the app. It should be the

first slideshow in the app!
• Purchasing this product allows the purchaser the right to reproduce this
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district is strictly forbidden. If other teachers would like copies of this
product, please direct them to my website or kindly purchase additional
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• You may not reproduce, redistribute, or post this item on a blog or website
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• You may not modify, copy, or alter this product in any way.
• Please feel free to spread the word about this product via social media or
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• Bundles
• Google Resources
• Growth Mindset
• Reading Skills
• Literature Units
• Sticky Notes
• Task Cards
©Kirsten’s Kaboodle

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