CSH 307 - Pop - Genetics - 2022 - 2023
CSH 307 - Pop - Genetics - 2022 - 2023
CSH 307 - Pop - Genetics - 2022 - 2023
• The field of Genetics is broadly divided into:
(1) Classical genetics: It deals with the transmission of
genes between individuals
(2) Molecular genetics: It is the study of genetic
materials at DNA level
(3) Population genetics: Population genetics studies
heredity in groups of individuals for traits that are
determined by one or only a few genes. Therefore,
the unit of study is the population.
• A population is a group of individuals that exist in
time and space and can interbreed.
• Group of
organisms that
can interbreed
to produce fertile
• Gene pool – total
alleles in a
• Population Genetics describes how genetic
transmission happens between a population of
parents and of offspring.
Gregor Mendel
▪ Segregation
▪ Independent assortment
Genetic structure of a population
▪ This is to determine the genotypic and allelic
frequencies of a population
These parents produce a large gamete pool (Gene Pool) containing alleles
A and a.
aAAaAa a
aAAa aAaAA
a aAAa a a
aAa aAA
Genotypic and allelic frequencies
Genotype Frequencies of 3 Possible Zygotes:
AA Aa aa
allele Frequencies:
= No. of copies of a given alleles in a population
Sum of all the alleles in the population
Freq(AA) = p2
Freq (Aa) = 2pq
Freq (aa) = q2
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Sample Calculation: Genotype Frequencies
▪ Pop 1 : 90 AA 40 Aa 70 aa
▪ Pop 2 : 45 AA 130 Aa 25 aa
In Pop 1 :
Sample Calculation: Allele/gene Frequencies
▪ Pop 1 : 90 AA 40 Aa 70 aa
▪ Pop 2 : 45 AA 130 Aa 25 aa
In Pop 1 :
Allele freq.
No. of AA = (2×90) + 40 = 220
No. of aa = (2×70) + 40 = 180
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
• Evolution does
NOT occur if the
gene pool remains
constant from one
generation to the
• Outside forces must
act on a population
for there to be
p2 (AA) q2 (aa)
2pq (Aa)
3) Forensic analysis.
Generation 2
Generation 1
p = 0.5 Generation 3
p (frequency of CR) = 0.7
q = 0.5 p = 1.0
q (frequency of CW) = 0.3
q = 0.0
Figure 23.7
4. Genetic Drift
• Bottleneck effect
– Sudden environmental change can drastically reduce the size of a
population – only some survive
• Fire, flood, human influence etc.
– Reduces the genetic variation
in a population