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Guidance For Calculating Outdoor Water Use Reduction030309

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Guidance on Calculation

of Outdoor Water Use Reductions

for LEED Canada for Homes Credits SS 2.5 and/or WE 2.3

This guidance document provides an overview of the calculation procedures for estimating the
reduction in outdoor water use achieved from sustainable landscaping and irrigation system designs.
These calculations must be completed if the project team intends to take credit for SS 2.5 or WE 2.3,
even if the project does not intend to install an irrigation system. These calculations must be
performed by a landscape professional, which includes individuals with certification, licensure,
formal training (higher education), or at least 10 years of professional experience.

If an irrigation system is installed, it should be designed and installed by an irrigation professional.

This may or may not be the same person as the landscape professional.

The landscape professional or irrigation specialist must sign the Accountability Forms for SS 2.5 (and
WE 2.3), and submit the calculations to the LEED Canada for Homes Provider. Alternatively, he/she
may complete the “LEED Canada for Homes Calculator for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Use”,
including the signature, and submit this to the Provider, in lieu of the Accountability Form.

The same calculation is performed in SS 2.5 and WE 2.3. Full points must be earned in SS 2.5
before any points are earned in WE 2.3. WE 2.3 cannot be pursued unless SS 2.5 is pursued.

There are 3 parts to this guidance:

1. A simple explanation of the method for calculating the reduction in overall outdoor water use
2. A table describing the factors KS, KMC, IE, and CF
3. Example calculations


Please note that some of the terms used in this guidance replace terms used in the LEED Canada for
Homes Rating System and Reference Guide. This was done to more accurately describe the
components of this calculation, and updated versions of the Rating System and Reference Guide will
incorporate this new terminology.

Terms used in Rating System and

New terminology
Reference Guide
Irrigation water usage Estimated outdoor water demand
Design case usage Design case outdoor water demand
Baseline usage Baseline outdoor water demand

Canada Green Building Council -1- January 2009

Part 1
Simplified Explanation of Method
for Calculation of Outdoor Water Use Reduction

The calculation process required to demonstrate compliance with SS 2.5 and WE 2.3 can be
summarized in four steps, which are provided below. For more information, please review “A
Guide to Estimating Irrigation Water Needs of Landscape Plantings in California” (or “WUCOLS”
document), available from the CA Dept of Water Resources under the Publications link at:

Step 1. Calculate the outdoor water demand for the landscaping for
the baseline.

Definition: The baseline outdoor water demand is the amount of water that would be lost
through evapotranspiration if the given landscaped area were planted with a reference
grass. The baseline depends on:

Landscaped Area. This refers specifically to the designed area of landscape

softscape. (Do not include the house, garage, patios, etc. Also do not include
existing landscaped areas.) A larger area requires more water.

Reference Evapotranspiration Rate (ET0) for your region. The ET0 value for July
must be used.
The ET0 is regionally specific. A region that is cool or humid will have a lower ET0
than one that is hot and dry.
ET0 is based on the water lost from a medium-height, cool-season grass growing in
an open field in the region.
Typical ET0 values are often available from a local or state Department of
Agriculture.1 Or contact an expert:
The month of July is used, because it is generally the month with the highest water

The Baseline outdoor water demand is calculated with the following equation (performed
automatically by the LEED Canada for Homes Calculator):

Baseline outdoor water demand = Landscaped Area * ET0 * 0.62,

Where: Landscaped Area is in ft2, and ET0 is in inches per month. The 0.62 is
a conversion factor (converts ft2*in/mo into gal/mo).

If the landscape professional has difficulty finding the ETo for the region, please contact your Provider.

Canada Green Building Council -2- January 2009

Step 2. Calculate the outdoor water use for the landscaping for the
Design Case.

Step 2a. Divide the Landscaped Area into landscape zones.

Definition: For the purposes of this document, a landscape zone is an area within which
all plantings will require the same amount of water. Zones may or may not be divided
into separate parcels on the actual lot.

In this calculation the landscaped area must be divided into zones, as appropriate. If
there are slightly different water needs within a zone, the calculation for that zone should
be based on the highest water needs within it. To avoid this, when designing landscape
zones, take into account variations in:

Types of plants
Microclimates (e.g., differences in shading)

In addition, the following affect irrigation efficiency and should also be considered for
each zone.
Type and efficiency of irrigation systems
Irrigation system controls

The four variables above affect outdoor water use, and each is characterized by a
different “factor” that is used in the calculation. Descriptions and example values for
each factor are given in Exhibit 1. These factors are used in the equation in Step 2b.

Step 2b. Calculate the outdoor water use for each landscape zone.

The general calculation for outdoor water use is as follows:

Outdoor water use = (Landscaped Area * ET0 * KS * KMC / IE) * CF * 0.62

ET0 = reference evapotranspiration rate (inches per month)
KS = species factor,
KMC = microclimate factor,
IE = irrigation efficiency, and
CF = control factor

This calculation must be conducted for each zone, using values for Landscape Area, KS,
KMC, IE, and CF that are specific to each zone.

Please note that CF is only applicable if there are controls. If there are no controls, CF
should equal 1.0. If there is no irrigation system, use the appropriate default IE value
provided in Exhibit 1. (IE is calculated automatically by the LEED Canada for Homes

Canada Green Building Council -3- January 2009

Step 2c. Determine the total outdoor water use for the Design Case.

Sum the outdoor water use from all of the zones, using the following formula (performed
automatically by the LEED Canada for Homes Calculator):

Design Case outdoor water use = outdoor water use for zone 1+ outdoor water use
for zone 2 + outdoor water use for zone 3 + … (all zones)

Step 3. Calculate the percent reduction in outdoor water use

Use the output from Step 1 and Step 2 to calculate the overall estimated percent
reduction in outdoor water use for the Design Case (performed automatically by the
LEED Canada for Homes Calculator):

Percent reduction = 1 – (Design Case outdoor water use / Baseline outdoor water
demand) * 100%

Step 4. Determine the number of LEED points

Refer to Table 5 of the LEED Canada for Homes Rating System (or Table 3 in the SS 2
section of the LEED Canada for Homes Reference Guide) to determine how many LEED
points the project team has earned based on the result of Step 3 above (performed
automatically by the LEED Canada for Homes Calculator).

Additional points and exemplary performance

The SS Technical Advisory Subcommittee has ruled that projects pursuing credit in SS
2.5 and WE 2.3 can earn additional credit in the following ways:

If a project meets SS 2.2 parts (b), (c), (d), and (e), one additional point may be
counted in ID 3.
If a project exceeds the maximum value in WE 2.3, exemplary performance
points may be earned (to be counted in ID 3) according to the following:
o one point for 65% reduction
o two points for 70% reduction
o three points for 75% reduction
o four points for 80% reduction

Canada Green Building Council -4- January 2009

Part 2
Example Values of KS, KMC, IE, and CF

See example values in Exhibit 1

Canada Green Building Council -5- January 2009

Exhibit 1. Description and Example Values of KS, KMC, IE, and CF
For further guidance, see “A Guide to Estimating Irrigation Water Needs of Landscape Plantings in California” (“WUCOLS” document),
available from the CA Dept of Water Resources under the Publications link at:

Factor Description Range of Guidance in Choosing Values
The species factor reflects the If the landscape professional is familiar with the KS values for the species
amount of water that the species of planted, use those values. Otherwise, use the values from Table 6 in SS 2.5 as
plant needs. follows. For a vegetation type, choose:

A high value is used for plants that o The low value for a species that needs less water than most plants of
need a lot of water. A low value is that type. For example, for drought-resistant shrubs that use little water,
used for plants that need little water. choose the Low value for Shrubs: 0.2
o The average value for a species that needs a typical amount of water for
KS As a general rule of thumb, species 3 that type. For example, for a flowerbed with typical water needs for
requiring the following amounts of flowers, choose the Average value for Groundcover: 0.5
water are designated as follows*: o The high value for a species that needs more water than most plants of
o 70-90% ETo : High Ks that type. For example, for a fruit tree that needs to be watered often,
o 40-60% ETo : Moderate Ks choose the High value for Trees: 0.9.
o < 30% ETo : Low Ks
*Source: the WUCOLS document If a landscape zone is planted with different species that have different KS
values, use the highest KS value for the calculation. Also, this indicates that the
Base estimates on expected demand landscape design could be improved. Consider substituting the highest KS
when plants are fully mature. species with a lower KS species.
The microclimate factor describes If the landscape professional is familiar with how KMC values are applied, use
how conditions such as sun and wind 0.5-1.5 those values. Otherwise, use the values from Table 7 in SS 2.5 (or Table 13 in
affect the demand for water. WE 2.3) as follows. Choose:
For most
KMC A high value is used for areas in situations, o Low, KMC = 0.8, if zone shaded, on the north side of a building, and/or
direct sun, high winds, or receiving choose from protected from the wind (e.g., courtyards).
heat from reflective surfaces. A low 0.8, 1.0, o Average, KMC = 1.0, if zone sometimes shaded and in moderate winds.
value is used for areas in shade or or 1.2 o High, KMC = 1.2 if zone sunny, windy, receiving reflected heat, and/or on
protected from the wind. the south side of a building.

The Tables referenced are in the Rating System. These tables are numbered differently in the Reference Guide.
Ks values < 0.2 are not acceptable. Plants such as drought-resistant, native species can appear stressed (e.g., wilted) during long periods of hot, dry weather. Although
these species survive in the wild, homeowners may choose to water them, so that they appear more healthy. Consequently, the water use for these plants is not 0.
For extraordinary conditions, the following may be used: Extremely well-protected and shaded, KMC = 0.5; extremely sunny and windy, KMC = 1.5.

Canada Green Building Council -6- March 20, 2009

The irrigation efficiency describes IE is automatically calculated by the LEED Canada for Homes Calculator.
how much of the water that the
irrigation system uses actually If not using the LEED Canada for Homes Calculator:
reaches the plants, and how evenly it
is distributed. If no irrigation is installed, use IE = 0.65 for zones with KL < 0.33 (where KL = KS
* KMC), and IE = 0.4 for zones with KL ≥ 0.33.
A system is more efficient if:
1) The type of system distributes The following (based on WE 2.1) are the 6 efficient “distribution measures”:
water directly to plant roots, instead of 1) Head-to-head coverage
losing water to wind or evaporation. 2) A central shut-off valve
2) There is good spacing in the 3) A submeter
system, so that (for example) 1 plant 4) Pressure-regulating devices for optimal pressure and preventing misting
is not watered by 2 nozzles. 5) High-efficiency nozzles, with an average distribution uniformity (DU)
3) The system nozzles are well ≥0.70 (verified by manufacturer’s documentation or 3 -party testing).
pressurized and distribute water Drip systems automatically qualify.
evenly. 6) Check valves in heads.
For an irrigation type listed in Table 8 in SS 2.5 (or Table 14 in WE 2.3) choose:
o “Low” if 3 party verification of irrigation system was not done, the
irrigation system was not installed by a WaterSense Irrigation
professional, and the system includes < 3 of the distribution measures.
Example: For unverified drip system not installed by WaterSense
professional, with 2 distribution measures, IE = 0.70 (Low for drip).
o The average of “Low” and “High” if system was installed by a
WaterSense professional or verified by a 3 party as distributing water
evenly, OR if ≥ 3 of distribution measures are installed. Example: For
drip system installed by WaterSense professional, with 2 distribution
measures, IE = 0.8 (Average of 0.7 [Low] and 0.9 [High]).
o “High” if 6 distribution measures installed; OR if system installed by a
WaterSense Professional or 3 party verification found that water
distributed evenly AND if ≥ 3 distribution measures. Examples: For
verified drip system with 3 distribution measures, OR for an unverified
drip system with all distribution measures, IE = 0.9 (High for drip).
Irrigation systems can include If no control is installed, use CF = 1.0.
controls (e.g., a moisture sensor, or a If a control is installed: CF = 1 – (fraction of overall irrigation water saved by
CF weather-based control). These 0-1 control). For example, for a moisture sensor that saves 10% of all irrigation
increase efficiency. water, CF = 1 – (0.1) = 0.9. Controls must be installed at time of certification.
Water savings must be shown by manufacturer’s documentation or calculations.

Canada Green Building Council -7- March 20, 2009

Part 3
Example Calculations

Example 1
A home in Sacramento, CA has a 1000 ft2 rectangular yard. Half of the yard is planted with
bushes that are not drought tolerant, and that have typical water needs. The other half is
planted with drought-resistant, native wildflowers that will rarely require water beyond
precipitation. The entire yard is in partial shade, and winds are normal.

Rotors are installed to water the bushes. The system includes flow-control sensors that result
in 15% water savings, according to documentation from the manufacturer. The system was
installed by an irrigation professional. This person was not WaterSense certified, and it was
not verified by a 3rd party as distributing water evenly. The irrigation system includes 3 of the 6
listed distribution measures.

There is no installed irrigation system for the wildflowers.

From “A Guide to Estimating Irrigation Water Needs of Landscape Plantings in California” (the
“WUCOLS” document), for July in Sacramento, CA:

Daily Average ET0 for Sacramento in July = 0.28 inches

ET0 for month of July

= 0.28 in/day * 31 day/July

= 8.7 in/month

The LEED Canada for Homes Calculator for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Use was
then used to complete Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4. The calculations are presented below. As shown,
the reduction in outdoor water use was 54%, which corresponds to 6 points in the SS 2.5
section, and 2 points in the WE 2.3 section.

Canada Green Building Council -8- March 20, 2009

LEED Canada for Homes Calculator
for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Use: Example 1


User input cell Calculated cell

Step 1: Calculate outdoor water use for baseline case

Enter the total landscaped area, in square feet, and the reference evapotranspiration rate, ET0, in inches for the month of July.

Total Landscaped Area (sq ft): 1,000

ET0 (in/mo for July) 8.7

Baseline Outdoor Water Use (in/mo) 5,394

Step 2a: Select appropriate inputs for each zone in the design case
Choose appropriate values for species factor (KS), microclimate factor (KMC), irrigation efficiency (IE), and control factor (CF): Divide
landscaped area into landscape zones. For each zone, enter the descriptions, and use them to choose a value for each factor. Please refer
to the guidance document for more information about how to choose these values.

Notes: 1) Well-designed landscaped areas have zones designed so that all plants within each zone will need the same amount of water. 2)
Many projects will have fewer than 10 zones. Leave unused rows blank. For projects with > 10 zones, please contact your Provider. 3) For
boxes with pull-down menus, choose from the list. Do not type in information. 4) The fly-out directions box can be moved by dragging it.

Canada Green Building Council -9- March 20, 2009

Type of
WaterSense # of WE
Type of irrigation
Description of pro? 2.1
Zone Description of species KS microclimate
KMC irrigation
3rd-party measures IE control and CF
installed met? % water
Bushes, with typical water Partial shade, sensors yield
1 needs for shrubs. Average Ks
0.5 normal winds. Ave
1 Rotors Neither 3 0.70 15% water
for Shrubs selected. KMC selected. savings.
Native wildflowers, with little
2 water needs for flowers. Low 0.2 Same as for zone 1 None N/A N/A 0.65 1
Ks for groundcover selected. 1 None.

Step 2b: Calculate the outdoor water use for each zone in the design case
Enter the area for each landscape zone in square feet.

Area of zone Water demand Water demand

(sq ft)
KS KMC IE CF (in/mo) (% of total)

1 500 0.5 1 0.7 0.85 1637 66

2 500 0.2 1 0.65 1 830 34
Total 1,000

Step 2c: Calculate the total outdoor water use for the design case
This step is completed automatically. If the error checker below indicates an error in the calculation, or if the Total outdoor water demand is
0, please review the inputs and assumptions above.

Error check No errors

Total outdoor water demand (in/mo): 2467

Canada Green Building Council -10- March 20,

Step 3: Calculate the percentage reduction in water demand
This step is completed automatically to calculate the reduction in water demand between the design case and baseline case.

Reduction in water demand: 54%

Step 4: Calculate LEED points

This step is completed automatically to calculate the number of points awarded in SS 2.5, WE 2.3, and ID 3.

SS 2.5 points 6

WE 2.3 points 2

ID 3 points (for exemplary performance) 0

Landscape Professional Sign-off

Project Home Address 1602 Riverside Ave., Sacramento, CA

I hereby declare and affirm to Printed

CAGBC that the above calculation Jane Doe Company Green Landscapers, Inc.
describes the landscape and
irrigation system that is installed at
the site. Credential Certified Landscaper by CA State License Board

Signature Jane M. Doe Date 10/7/2008

Canada Green Building Council -11- March 20,

Example 2
A home in College Station, TX has a 1000 ft2 front yard, and a 500 ft2 backyard. The front
yard is north-facing, and is shaded for most of the day. The back yard is south-facing, and is
in direct sunlight for most of the day. Winds are normal.

The project has decided to use native species for most landscaping. The front yard will have
two 5x5 areas: one planted with a non-native, ornamental fruit tree, the other with a native oak
tree that has typical water needs for a tree. The remainder of the front yard will be planted
with a mix of wildflowers and shrubs that are all drought-resistant: All will rarely require water
beyond precipitation. The backyard will be planted with this same mix.

A drip system is installed for the wildflower / shrub mix in the back yard, and for the landscape
zones in the front yard that are planted with trees. The system was not verified by a 3rd party,
and it was not installed by a WaterSense professional. It includes 2 of the 6 distribution

Because they are in shade, and have low water needs for their species, there is no irrigation
system for the wildflower / shrub mix in the front yard.

From, for July in College Station, TX, ET0 = 7.1 inches for the
month of July.

The LEED Canada for Homes Calculator for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Use was
then used to complete Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4. The calculations are presented below. As shown,
the reduction in outdoor water use was 70%, which corresponds to 6 points in the SS 2.5
section, 4 points in the WE 2.3 section, and 2 points in the ID 3 section.

Canada Green Building Council -12- March 20, 2009

LEED Canada for Homes Calculator
for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Use: Example 2

User input cell Calculated cell

Step 1: Calculate outdoor water use for baseline case

Enter the total landscaped area, in square feet, and the reference evapotranspiration rate, ET 0, in inches for the month of July.

Total Landscaped Area (sq ft): 1,500

ET0 (in/mo for July) 7.1

Baseline Outdoor Water Use (in/mo) 6,603

Step 2a: Select appropriate inputs for each zone in the design case
Choose appropriate values for species factor (KS), microclimate factor (KMC), irrigation efficiency (IE), and control factor (CF): Divide landscaped
area into landscape zones. For each zone, enter the descriptions, and use them to choose a value for each factor. Please refer to the guidance
document for more information about how to choose these values.

Notes: 1) Well-designed landscaped areas have zones designed so that all plants within each zone will need the same amount of water. 2) Many
projects will have fewer than 10 zones. Leave unused rows blank. For projects with > 10 zones, please contact your Provider. 3) For boxes with
pull-down menus, choose from the list. Do not type in information. 4) The fly-out directions box can be moved by dragging it.

Canada Green Building Council -13- March 20, 2009

WaterSense # of WE Type of
Type of
Description of pro? 2.1 irrigation
Zone Description of species KS microclimate
KMC irrigation
3rd-party measures IE control and %
installed met?
verif? water savings
Native, drought-resistant wildflowers North-facing and
1 & shrubs. Low Ks for Groundcover & 0.2 shaded. Low value 0.65 1
Shrubs. for KMC selected. 0.8 None N/A N/A None.
South-facing and
usually in sun. High
2 0.2 value for KMC Low vol/ Pt 0.70 1
Same as Zone 1. selected. 1.2 source/ Drip Neither 2 None.
Non-native, ornamental fruit tree.
3 Requires a lot of water. High Ks 0.9 Low vol/ Pt 0.70 1
value for tree selected. Same as Zone 1 0.8 source/ Drip Neither 2 None.
Native oak tree, with typical water
4 needs for tree. Average Ks for Tree 0.5 Low vol/ Pt 0.70 1
selected. Same as Zone 1 0.8 source/ Drip Neither 2 None.

Step 2b: Calculate the outdoor water use for each zone in the design case
Enter the area for each landscape zone in square feet.

Area of zone Water demand Water demand

(sq ft)
KS KMC IE CF (in/mo) (% of total)

1 950 0.2 0.8 0.65 1 1029 53

2 500 0.2 1.2 0.7 1 755 38
3 25 0.9 0.8 0.7 1 113 6
4 25 0.5 0.8 0.7 1 63 3
Total 1,500

Step 2c: Calculate the total outdoor water use for the design case
This step is completed automatically. If the error checker below indicates an error in the calculation, or if the Total outdoor water demand is 0, please
review the inputs and assumptions above.

Error check No errors

Canada Green Building Council -14- March 20, 2009

Total outdoor water demand (in/mo): 1960

Step 3: Calculate the percentage reduction in water demand

This step is completed automatically to calculate the reduction in water demand between the design case and baseline case.

Reduction in water demand: 70%

Step 4: Calculate LEED points

This step is completed automatically to calculate the number of points awarded in SS 2.5, WE 2.3, and ID 3.

SS 2.5 points 6

WE 2.3 points 4

ID 3 points (for exemplary performance) 2

Landscape Professional Sign-off

Project Home Address 642 N. Washington St., College Station, TX

I hereby declare and affirm to CAGBC Printed Great Lawn Alternatives,

that the above calculation describes the Bill Weed Company
Name Inc.
landscape and irrigation system that is
installed at the site.
Credential B.S., Landscape Architecture

Signature William N. Weed Date 10/7/2008

Canada Green Building Council -15- March 20, 2009

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