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Koffi Et Al 2020 JIPM

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Journal of Integrated Pest Management, (2020) 11(1): 20; 1–7

doi: 10.1093/jipm/pmaa015

Assessment of impacts of fall armyworm, Spodoptera

frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize production
in Ghana
Djima Koffi1,8, Rosina Kyerematen2, Vincent Y. Eziah3, Yaa Oguabi Osei-Mensah4,
Kwame Afreh-Nuamah1, Ebenezer Aboagye5, Michael Osae6, Robert L. Meagher7,

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African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 2Department of Animal
Biology and Conservation Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 3Department of Crop Science, University of Ghana,
Legon, Accra, Ghana, 4Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 5Plant
Protection and Regulatory Service Directory, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Accra, Ghana, 6Biotechnology and Nuclear Agri-
culture Research Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Accra, Ghana, 7USDA-ARS CMAVE, Insect Behavior and Biocontrol
Research Unit, Gainesville, Florida, USA, and 8Corresponding author, email:
Received 23 March 2020; Editorial decision 1 July 2020

Spodoptera frugiperda was considered an insect pest only in the Americas until its first report in African countries in
2016. In this study, farmers and agricultural officials in Ghana were interviewed on their perceptions and knowledge
of the pest, on infestation and maize yield variations across years, and on management practices. Farms were
inspected to determine the infestation level of 100 plants per hectare. Interviews revealed that farmers were
familiar with the larval stages of this pest and noticed that the pest occurred throughout the year, but populations
of S. frugiperda increased only during cropping seasons. Infestation levels reported by farmers in surveys were
much lower in 2018 (30.38%) than in 2017 (80.92%). Farm inspections confirmed that infestation levels were much
lower in 2018 (20.90%) than 2017 (73.70%). The belt formed by Guinea Savannah, Transitional Zone, and Semi-
Deciduous Forest Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) recorded the highest infestations while the lowest were observed
from the Sudan Savannah and Tropical Rain Forest AEZs. Insecticides were the most commonly used tactic to
manage populations of this new pest. Maize yields increased across Ghana between 2013 and 2015 from 1.52 to 1.73
t/ha, decreased between 2015 and 2017 to 1.55 t/ha, and increased to 1.69 t/ha in 2018. The impact of fall armyworm
injury to maize production is discussed.

Key words: Fall armyworm, perceptions, infestation, management, maize yield.

The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith for rapid dispersion throughout the hemisphere (Nagoshi et al. 2017,
1797) is a polyphagous species that occurs on over 80 different host 2018). The Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
plants with maize as the primary host (Luginbill 1928, Capinera (CABI) estimated from some sub-Saharan African countries that
2017). The female moth lays eggs mostly on the young maize leaves 13.5 million tons of maize or over 20% of total production for the
or other tender tissues of the plant (Capinera 2017). The newly region valued at US$3 billion was at risk from FAW for the 2017–
hatched larvae feed and vertically disperse on the plant or hori- 2018 maize production season.
zontally to adjacent plants (Ali et al. 1989, 1990) leading to high In Ghana, agriculture is one of the largest sectors of the
damage on maize farms. The last instar larvae pupate in the soil economy, with a high contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic
(Capinera 2000). The emerged moth exhibits high dispersal with Product (GDP) (ISSER 2010) and employing about 44.7% of
long-distance flights overnight (Mitchell et al. 1991, Nagoshi and the country’s labor force of persons older than 15 years in 2015
Meagher 2008) that facilitates wide geographical dispersion in the (MoFA 2016). Although the presence of fall armyworm was re-
Americas (Knipling 1980). corded in 2016, the general outbreak of the pest was observed
Reports of this pest in several African countries in early 2016 at the onset of the cropping season in 2017. The new pest caused
(Goergen et al. 2016) represented its first establishment in the significant damage to maize crops whose demand for higher yields
Eastern Hemisphere (Nagoshi et al. 2017). The voracious feeding increases yearly due to rising populations and urbanization, as
and long-distance flight behaviors exhibited by the fall armyworm well as the growing poultry and fish sectors of the economy. The
indicated a significant threat to African agriculture with the potential consumption of maize increased from 38.4 kg in 1980 to 45.0 kg

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2020. This work is written by (a) US Government
employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US. 1
This Open Access article contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0 (http://www.
2 Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1

per capita in 2015 (MoFA 2010, 2012, 2016). Maize used for the period(s) when maize is vulnerable to FAW attack. Pictures of all
poultry industry as feed was estimated to have grown by 10% developmental stages and damage types of FAW were used to as-
annually between 2000 and 2009 with the possibility to surpass sist respondents to confirm the pest. The questionnaires on man-
540,000 million tons (Hurelbrink and Boohene 2011). This new agement practices were based on control methods, control method
challenge that faces maize production is viewed as a serious threat procedures, material suppliers, and efficacy of methods applied
for the country’s food security and has direct implications for the to manage populations. Finally, farmers were asked to document
economic outlook of farmers and the nation’s GDP. However, the number of harvested hectares of maize and maize production
farmer’s perceptions and management practices, FAW infestation yields from 2013 to 2018.
levels, and maize yield losses due to this new pest is not very
well known. Inspection of Farms and Data Collection
To minimize these losses and safeguard the modest gains made After interviews, 10 maize farms of Obatanpa variety per AEZ were
in securing the country’s food and nutrition security, several actions inspected each year or a total of 120 maize farms during the two
have been undertaken by both farmers and the Government. This years to assess infestation levels of FAW. Maize plants were con-
study was therefore carried out to get information from the agricul- sidered infested when there was fresh leaf damage or the presence
tural community and inspect farms to determine the general status of

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of frass, larvae, or egg masses. In a hectare, 100 maize plants were
the pest and its impact on maize production in Ghana. randomly selected, and carefully examined nondestructively then,
the number of infested plants were recorded per farm. Inspections
were taken inside four designated plots in each corner and one in the
Materials and Methods center of each farm (Koffi et al. 2020A). Each plot represented 20%
Surveys of a hectare in which 25 maize plants were inspected.
The surveys were carried out during the cropping seasons of 2017
(May-July and August-November) and 2018 (July to November) in Data Analysis
the six Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) of Ghana. The AEZs, from To analyze the information generated from the interviews, the
north to south are: the Sudan Savannah (SS) which consists of a number of people who gave the same or similar answers were
tropical grassland and warm temperatures; the Guinea Savannah put together for each question per AEZ. Percentage values of the
(GS) which contains a mix of tropical grassland and small trees that number of responses to a specific question were calculated based
shows variation of weather patterns; the Transitional Zone (TZ) on the number of total responses. Farmers who did not respond to
which contains a mix of forest and savannah; the Semi-Deciduous a particular question were removed from the counts on this ques-
Forest (SDF) which contains forest trees that shed leaves season- tion. Maize yields were calculated by dividing the grain weights by
ally; the Tropical Rain Forest (TRF) which contains large forest the harvested acreage. Infestation levels were all arcsine square root
trees with little understory plants; and the Coastal Savannah (CS) in transformed. Yields and infestation levels were grouped per year and
southeastern Ghana which has warm temperatures and grasslands AEZ, and then submitted to normality tests using the Shapiro test in
(Zindzy 2018). In each AEZ, the interviews and farm inspections GenStat Twelfth Edition GenStat Procedure Library Release PL20.1.
were chosen randomly from different localities. Questionnaireswere One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used when data fol-
designed based on previous studies of integrated crop and pest man- lowed a normal distribution (5% significance level). Data that were
agement practices (Dabrowski 1997, Labanowska et al. 2002, Sang not normal were logarithmic transformed and the non-parametric
et al. 2003, Brown et al. 2008). Farmers who have been producing test Kruskal-Wallis was performed at the 5% significance level in
maize and Agricultural Officers (AO) who have been practicing absence of normality after transformation. Multiple yield and infest-
assistances to farmers during the last six years were individually ation level means were compared using the Tukey test, while com-
interviewed. Agricultural officers were interviewed in English on parisons between two yield or infestation level means were separated
only knowledge of this new pest, while farmers interviews were by Student-Newman-Keuls’ significant test.
more thorough on knowledge, infestation, control practices, and
yields. Farmers were interviewed in English or in an appropriate
local language with the help of the local AO, assistant, or surveyed Results
partner. The interviews of farmers were conducted only on maize Demographic of Respondents
variety Obatanpa in the presence of either local AO or family mem-
The surveys were taken from 259 interviewees in 2017 and 120 in
bers whose role is to assist in cases of uncertain responses from a
2018. Most interviews 81.00% (307/379) were with farmers, with
the rest 19.00% (72/379) being AOs including Phytosanitary and
Extension agents. Four age classes of respondents were recorded –
Interviews 38% (144/379) were under 25 years, 51% (193/379) were between
Interviews were conducted in 2017 from May to July and from 25 and 50 years, 10% (38/379) were between 50 and 75 years, and
August to November, and in 2018 from July to November using only 1% (4/379) was older than 75 years. About 9% (28/307) of
scripts of questions with gaps that were filled by the authors ac- farmers were illiterate, 15% (46/307) completed primary school,
cording to the responses of interviewees. The interviews started 45% (138/307) completed junior secondary school, 29% (89/307)
with the socio-professional status of the respondents that included completed senior secondary school, and 2% (6/307) graduated from
their sectors in agriculture, ages, education level, and number of high school. There was a high number of recent AO recruits, as 47%
years of service or farming experiences. The knowledge and per- (34/72) of the AOs had between six and ten years of service and only
ceptions of FAW were assessed on the identification of life stages, 15% (11/72) had between 21 and 30 years of service. Only 14%
on year of first appearance, identification of other host plants, (43/307) of farmers had less than 10 years of farming experience;
seasonal occurrence, infestation levels, period of first infestations the majority of farmers had more than 10 years of experience with
on maize, parts of maize plants that are damaged, and the critical at least 53% (163/307) of them finishing senior secondary school.
Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1 3

Knowledge and Perceptions of Fall Armyworm Management Practices and Inspections of

The invasion of FAW came with outbreaks on maize farms and all the Maize Farms
interviewees were surprised with the infestation level of this new pest About 89% (273/307) of interviewed farmers used synthetic insecti-
that made them to be rapidly familiarized with the damaging stage cides to control the fall armyworm on their maize farms. However,
(larva) of this pest. Farmers knew that larvae were associated with 57% (175/307) of farmers also practiced physical control by hand-
plant damage, but few farmers (3%, 9/307) knew about the adult stage. killing of larvae, and 3% (9/307) tested pheromone-baited traps to
Only 13% (9/72) of AOs had observed egg-masses on plants while capture adults. In 2017 when infestations were high, 57% (156/273)
pupae were unknown by the respondents. However, 65% (200/307) of farmers started insecticide applications beginning the second week
of farmers never observed larvae throughout the year. Larval popula- after maize plant emergence; while, the rest started applications
tions were observed to be increased between May and June and then after observing feeding damage or presence of larvae on plants. The
from September to October, which coincide with the two cropping number of applications varied from two to four and the application
seasons. Maize was the main host plant where larvae were found, but frequencies varied between every week to every other week. The first
larvae were also observed occasionally on rice, cowpea, onion, millet, applications in 2016 targeted maize leaves and 64% (175/273) of
sorghum, tomato, and eggplant reported by 13.6%, 9.21%, 6.18%, farmers reported that insecticides were ineffective. However, farmers
5.79%, 5.41%, 3.86%, 3.46% of respondents, respectively.

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that were trained on larval behavior targeted their applications to
This new pest was reported to infest all phenological stages of the maize whorl and were very satisfied with the effectiveness of syn-
maize plants. Most farmers (72%, 221/307) identified the vegetative thetic pesticides for control (92%, 251/273).
stages of maize as the most critical for FAW infestations, as confirmed The Government through its Plant Protection and Regulatory
by 25% (77/307) of farms who had abandoned a portion or all of Service Directory department assisted farmers with locating sources
their maize production after severe infestations during the vegetative of pesticides (Table 2). Most farmers (95%, 259/273) purchased
stage. About 68% (209/307)of farmers had observed fall armyworm or obtained other insecticides from local markets. About 35%
damage on maize ears and reported that this stage of maize can also (96/273) of the farmers applied insecticides distributed only by the
be critical because of direct grain losses. When farmers were asked Government, 42% (115/273) applied insecticides purchased only
about the infestation situation on their farms taking an example of from the local markets, and 23% (63/273) applied insecticides from
10 plants randomly selected, they reported variation on infestations. both the Government and local markets.
This assement was based on level of zero to ten (0 - no infestation, The inspections of maize farms showed higher infestations in
1 & 2 - very low infestation, 3&4 – low infestation, 5&6 – medium 2017 (73.70%) than 2018 (20.90%) (t=351.72; df=119; P<0.001).
infestation, 7&8 – high infestation, and 10 -very high infestation). The area formed by the SDF, TZ, and GS AEZs recorded the highest
The infestations were reported to be medium, high, and very high infestations during the two years. The infestations of fall armyworm
in 2017 by 20%, 56%, and 24% of farmers, respectively. While the were lower in 2018 than 2017 in all the AEZs of Ghana (Table 3).
infestations were reported to be low in 2018 by all the interviewees.
When farmers were interviewed on the status of 10 plants from Maize Yields and Estimation of Yield Losses
their maize farms to assess the infestation levels, it revealed that According to the self-reporting by farmers, maize yields were 1.52 t/ha
infestations were higher in 2017 (80.92%) than 2016 (39.08%) in 2013, 1.55 t/ha in 2014, 1.73 t/ha in 2015, 1.58 t/ha in 2016, 1.55
and 2018 (30.38%) (F=189.57; df=2, 359; P<0.001). According to t/ha in 2017, and 1.69 t/ha in 2018, showing the highest in 2015
the reports from farmers, in 2016, the FAW infestation was rarely and 2018, and the lowest in 2013 (F=31.57; df=5, 119; P<0.001)..
observed in SS while the highest infestation was recorded in SDF. During the three years prior to the invasion of FAW, maize yield was
Infestations in 2017 stayed lower in SS than other AEZs except TRF, annually increasing, but it decreased in 2016 (year of FAW invasion)
which recorded a similar infestation level as SS. In 2018, infestations and 2017 (year of outbreak). Maize yield rebounded in 2018 but
were generally low compared to the previous years. However, com- was still lower than the yield in 2015.
parisons among AEZs in 2018 revealed that the SS recorded highest Maize yields were higher in the forest zones of TZ, SDF, and TRF
infestation and the TRF the lowest. In 2017, the highest infestation than the savannah zones of SS, GS, and CS during the last six years
level of fall armyworm on maize plants in all the six AEZs of Ghana of maize production in Ghana. The highest yields were recorded
was recorded (Table 1). from TRF while the lowest yield was from SS and CS before the FAW

Table 1. Infestation levels reported by farmers on ten maize plants randomly selected in their farm from the six AEZS and during the three
years after the invasion of fall armyworm in Ghana

AEZs 2016 2017 2018 df F P

SS 2.50aA 62.50aC 40.50dB 2, 59 286.08 <0.001

GS 48.50bcA 88.50bB 32.00bcdA 2, 59 28.16 <0.001
TZ 40.00bA 89.50bB 29.50abcA 2, 59 109.29 <0.001
SDF 63.00cB 89.50bC 34.75cdA 2, 59 65.01 <0.001
TRF 47.50bcB 70.00aC 21.00aA 2, 59 86.04 <0.001
CS 33.00bA 85.50bB 24.50abA 2, 59 103.10 <0.001
df 5, 119 5, 119 5, 119
F 27.37 17.64 8.60
P <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

AEZ-Agro-Ecological Zones, SS-Sudan Savannah, GS-Guinea Savannah, TZ-Transitional Zone, SDF-Semi-Deciduous Forest, TRF-Tropical Rain Forest, CS-
Coastal Savannah, F-Fisher, P-Probability; Means in a column followed by the same lower case letter are not statistically different; means in a row followed by the
same upper case letter are not different.
4 Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1

Table 2. Type of insecticides distributed by the Government of Ghana with their active ingredients, source, and manufactory instructions

Commercial name Active ingredient Rates

Bypel Bacillus thuringiensis 15 g/15 L H2O/ha

Agoo Bacillus thuringiensis 50 g/15 L H2O/ha
Eradicot T Maltodextrin 50 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Emastar 112 EC Emamectin+ Benzoate+Acetamiprid 20 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Control 5WDG Emamectin +Benzoate 30 g/15 L H2O/ha
Ataka Super EC Emamectin +Benzoate 75 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Pyrinex Quick 256 EC Chlorpyrifos+Deltametrin 70 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Viper 46 EC Acetamiprid + Indoxacarb 40 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Adepa Ethyl palmitate 100 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Super top Lambda-cyhalothrin+Acetamiprid 30 mL/15 L H2O/ha
K-Optimal EC Lambda-cyhalothrin+Acetamiprid 50 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Thunder 145 OD O-TEQ Imidacloprid+Bectacyflutherine 50 mL/15 L H2O/ha
Galil 300 SC Imidacloprid+Bifenthrin 15 mL/15 L H2O/ha

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Chemaprid Acetamiprid+Cypermethrin 100 mL/15 L H2O/ha

Table 3. Infestation levels on 100 maize plants per hectare of inspected farms from the six AEZS in 2017 and 2018 in Ghana.

AEZs 2017 2018 df t P

SS 62.10a 20.00ab 19 217.21 <0.001

GS 84.00bc 27.60c 19 68.93 <0.001
TZ 75.00ab 22.10bc 19 264.29 <0.001
SDF 92.10c 21.80bc 19 180.77 <0.001
TRF 67.70a 15.40a 19 58.10 <0.001
CS 61.40a 18.30ab 19 94.89 <0.001
df 5, 59 5, 59
F 10.00 7.70
p <0.001 <0.001

AEZ-Agro-Ecological Zones, SS-Sudan Savannah, GS-Guinea Savannah, TZ-Transitional Zone, SDF-Semi-Deciduous Forest, TRF-Tropical Rain Forest, CS-
Coastal Savannah, F-Fisher, P-Probability; Means in a column followed by the same letter are not statistically different.

invasion. After invasion of this pest, the lowest yields were recorded and their management practices for this pest, and on determination
from GS in 2017 and 2018 when larval infestations were high. This on their yields obtained from 2013 to 2018. Farms were visited and
pest infestation in 2018 reduced, yet low yields were recorded in SS inspections were carried out in 2017 and 2018 to scientifically assess
(Table 4). Maize yields increased slightly between 2013 and 2015 in the real stuation of FAW infestation reported by farmers.
all AEZs and decreased from 2016 to 2017. By 2018 maize yields The average life expectancy in Ghana is 63.4 years, with 62.5
were beginning to increase in Ghana (Table 4). for males and 64.4 for females (WHO 2017), which explains the
Without consideration of climatic factors or agronomic prac- young age structure of the respondents. In recent years farmers
tices, the yield of 2015 previous to the invasion of FAW was fixed as started understanding the importance of education and made the
a baseline from which yield losses caused by FAW were calculated, literacy rate an important priority. Since 2008 literacy and school
the losses of 0.15, 0.18, and 0.04 t/ha were recorded in 2016, 2017, attendance has increased (UNICEF 2014) with 71.5% of children
and 2018, respectively. The area of maize production in Ghana was enrolled in school in 2010, 84% in 2011 (UNICEF 2012), and 90%
estimated to 0.883, 1.00, and 0.90 million hectares in 2016, 2017, in 2015 (Rustin 2015). These achievements decreased illiteracy rates
and 2018, respectively (Index Mundi 2019). National maize losses in farming areas and increased the rate of educated farmers. The
caused by fall armyworm were therefore calculated to be 132,450, young ages, literacy rates, and years of farming experience or long
180,000, and 36,000 tons in 2016, 2017, and 2018, respectively. service of AOs are the assets for good practices to manage the FAW
Yield losses in all the AEZs were higher in 2017 than the two other in Ghana.
years. In SS, yield losses in 2016 and 2018 were similar. Yield in GS The invasion of FAW made it important for farmers and other
in 2018 was equal to yield in 2015; whereas, yield losses in 2018 agricultural officials to quickly familiarize themselves with the larval
from TZ, SDF; TRF, and CS were much lower than the yield losses stage that caused damage to maize plants. Since maize is a preferred
in 2016 (Fig. 1). host, it is understandable that farmers reported high larval popu-
lations during the maize cropping seasons from May to June and
September to October. Indeed, the first period from May to June
Discussion coincided with the major cropping season (April-July) in southern
The impacts of FAW on maize was conducted across the six AEZs Ghana and the beginning of the season in the north, while the second
of Ghana. The investigations were conducted to assess knowledge period from September to October coincided with the beginning of
and perceptions on this invaded insect pest. The interview attempted the minor cropping season (August-November) in the south and the
to assess farmers on their understanding of the infestation situation end of the only cropping season in the north (MoFA 2016). The high
Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1 5

Table 4. Maize yield means per hectare reported by farmers during the period from 2013 to 2018 in the six AEZs of Ghana.

AEZs 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 df F P

SS 1.31aA 1.38aAB 1.59aC 1.53bC 1.50bBC 1.52aBC 5, 119 8.85 <0.001

GS 1.41abA 1.47abA 1.63aB 1.46aA 1.42aA 1.63bB 5, 119 13.83 <0.001
TZ 1.56bcA 1.56bA 1.76bB 1.60cdA 1.59cA 1.73cB 5, 119 0.97 0.041
SDF 1.70cdAB 1.71cBC 1.83bD 1.64dAB 1.61cA 1.80dCD 5, 119 12.91 <0.001
TRF 1.75dAB 1.76cB 1.91cC 1.71eAB 1.68dA 1.87eC 5, 119 21.24 <0.001
CS 1.31aA 1.42aA 1.66aD 1.55bcBC 1.52bB 1.61bCD 5, 119 26.34 <0.001
df 5, 119 5, 119 5, 119 5, 119 5, 119 5, 119
F 14.91 22.86 38.25 48.82 51.54 63.59
P <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001

AEZ-Agra-Ecological Zones of SS-Sudan Savannah, GS-Guinea Savannah, TZ-Transitional Zone, SDF-Semi-Deciduous Forest, TRF-Tropical Rain Forest, CS-
Coastal Savannah, F-Fisher, P-Probability; Means in a column followed by the same lower case letter are not statistically different; means in a row followed by the

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same upper case letter are not different.

Fig. 1. Yield losses (t/ha) caused by the fall armyworm in the six AEZs of Ghana during the three years following its invasion. AEZ-Agro-Ecological Zones:
SS-Sudan Savannah, GS-Guinea Savannah, TZ-Transitional Zone, SDF-Semi-Deciduous Forest, TRF-Tropical Rain Forest, CS-Coastal Savannah, Y-year.

number of reports of FAW on maize farms in Ghana is similar to Bass 1978). The application of insecticides may have contributed to
reports from the U.S. that document maize as a preferred crop for the reduction of FAW population in 2018 as reported by farmers and
FAW (Luginbill 1928; Ashley 1979; Sparks 1979, 1986; Pitre et al. confirmed by maize farm inspections. These lower infestation levels
1983; Wiseman et al. 1983; Pashley 1986, Nagoshi and Meagher observed in 2018 corresponded to increased maize yield. However, the
2004). However, FAW larvae were also reported on other crops of effectiveness of insecticides was not tested in this study and therefore it
economic important in the Americas (Bass 1978, Pitre 1979, Young cannot be concluded that the reduction of infestation in 2018 was due
1979, Pitre and Hogg 1983), and they were occasionally observed on to insecticide applications, as reported by the farmers. Indeed, other
other crops in Ghana. Vegetative stages of maize are vulnerable to natural factors that included larval and egg parasitoid species and
neonate larvae feeding on young leaves before moving to the whorl predator species were active in maize fields (Agboyi et al. 2020, Koffi
(Cruz 1999). Therefore, high infestations during this phenological et al. 2020b). For the best protection of these natural enemies, insecti-
stage can lead to high feeding damage and can force farmers to cide applications should be limited to farms with high infestations.
abandon their farms, which is why farmers reported this stage as the The changes in maize yields during the six years of this study
most critical to FAW infestation. suggested that efforts were successful to slightly increase annual
The FAW was first reported in some areas of Ghana in 2016 maize yields. Unfortunately, the invasion of FAW affected these ef-
(Cock et al. 2017, Koffi et al. 2020a) and that was followed by the forts especially during maize productions in 2016 and 2017 when in-
extention nationally with high high infestation in 2017 (Koffi et al. festations were high and reoriented farmers and agricultural players
2020a). Farmers reported higher infestations in 2017 than in 2016. to be more focusing on this pest management by applying insecti-
This invasion and outbreak may be the key factors causing maize cides from 2017. This practice adding to the natural factors that
yield reduction between 2016 and 2017, right after there had been can affect the FAW populations in the field, lowered infestation and
a slight increase in yield from 2013 to 2015. To reduce yield losses, increased yield per hectare in 2018. However, this study did include
insecticide applications were applied for high infestations in the pro- assessment of variations in climatic factors and agronomic practices
duction of maize, sorghum, millet, cowpea, and rice, based on pre- that can also affect yield as observed across the AEZs within the six
vious studies in the U.S. (Luginbill 1928, Straub and Hogan 1974, years included into this study.
6 Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1

This study showed that maize producers in Ghana are young with Dabrowski, Z. 1997. Integrated vegetable crop management in the Sudan. The
minimum education level. Respondents became familiar with the ICIPE Science Press. Nairobi, Kenya, 71p.
larval stage of FAW due to the injury level that larvae cause to maize Goergen, G., P. L. Kumar, S. B. Sankung, A. Togola, and M. Tamò. 2016.
First report of outbreaks of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J
plants. These injuries were observed by the respondents in all the de-
E Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a new alien invasive pest in West and
velopmental stages of plants. The infestation of FAW on maize was
Central Africa. PLoS One 11(10): e0165632.
reported to be much lower in 2018 than the previous years. This was
Hurelbrink, R., and G. Boohene. 2011. Ghana Feed Sector Assessment Report,
confirmed by the two years of inspections conducted in farms that Accra, Ghana. Report for ACDI/VOCA.
revealed high infestation in 2017 than 2018. To prevent or reduce Index Mundi. 2019. Ghana corn area harvested by year. https://www.
infestations, different locally available or government distributed in-
secticides were used. The yields per hectare were increased between rea-harvested
2013 and 2015, than decreased during maize production of 2016 and Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER). 2010. The state
2017, but rise up again in 2018. This suggests that efforts were made of the Ghanaian economy in 2009, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana,
to increase yield of maize in Ghana, but the invasion with high in- 218p.
Knipling, E. F. 1980. Regional management of the fall armyworm: A realistic
festation of FAW observed in 2016 and 2017 were an impediment
approach? Florida Entomol. 63: 468–480.
for maize production which heightened in 2018 when infestation was

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Koffi, D., K. Agboka, D. K. Adenka, M. Osae, A. K. Tounou, M. K. A. Adjevi,
much lower. The real factors that affet the FAW population in the
K. O. Fening, and R. L. Meagher Jr. 2020a. Maize infestation of fall
field rest undetermined and should be investigated to develop a good armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) within agro-ecological zones of
IPM program to sustain this pest management. The insecticides uses Togo and Ghana in West Africa 3 Yr after its invasion. Environmental
to control FAW should thoroughly evaluated at the farmer level from Entomology. XX(XX): 1–6.
all the AEZs to assess their efficacy on this pest.Then, the relationship Koffi, D., R. Kyrematen, Y. V. Eziah, K. Agboka, M. Adom, G. Goergen, and
between the infestation levels and yield should be clearly investigated. R. L. Meagher. 2020b. Natural enemies of fall armyworm, Spodoptera
frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Ghana. Fla. Entomol.
103: 85–90.
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We would first of all, like to acknowledge the Ministry of Food and Agri-
Protection/Post. Ochr. Roślin. 42: 46–52.
culture (MoFA) of Ghana and the Plant Protection and Regulatory Service
Luginbill, P. 1928. The fall armyworm. U.S. Dep. Agric. Tech. Bull. 34: 1–91.
Directorate (PPRSD), for the assistance they provided to us during the data
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA). 2010. Agriculture in Ghana: Facts
collection. We acknowledge the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
and Figures. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Statistics, Research, and
for sponsoring a part of this research. We acknowledge Dr. Maxwell Billah,
Information Directorate, Accra, Ghana.
Coordinator of the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Sci-
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA). 2012. Agriculture in Ghana: Facts
ence, University of Ghana, Legon, for suggestions he provided during the
and Figures. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Statistics, Research, and
Information Directorate, Accra.
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA). 2016. Agriculture in Ghana.
Statistics, Research and Information Directorate, Accra, Ghana, 4 p.
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