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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 by Alireza Sadeghi Feb, 2024 Medium

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium https://alirezasadeghi1.medium.


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Open Source Data Engineering

Landscape 2024
Alireza Sadeghi · Follow
11 min read · Feb 4, 2024

153 7

The original post was published on Practical Data Engineering Substack

While the widespread hype surrounding Generative AI and ChatGPT took the
tech world by storm, 2023 witnessed yet another exciting and vibrant year in
the data engineering landscape, steadily grown more diverse and
sophisticated, with continuous innovation and evolution across all tiers of
the analytical hierarchy.

1 sur 25 13/02/2024, 07:43

Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

With the continued proliferation of open source tools, frameworks, and

solutions, the options available to data engineers have multiplied! In such
rapidly changing landscape, the importance of staying abreast of the latest
technologies and trends cannot be overstated. The ability to choose the right
tool for the right job is a crucial skill, ensuring efficiency and relevance in
the face of evolving data engineering challenges.

Having closely followed data engineering trends in my role as a senior data

engineer and consultant, I’d like to present the open source data engineering
landscape at the beginning of 2024. This includes identifying key active
projects and prominent tools, empowering readers to make informed
decisions when navigating this dynamic technological landscape.

Why Present Another Landscape?

Why make the effort to present yet another data landscape!? There are
similar periodic reports such as the famous MAD Landscape , State of Data
Engineering and Reppoint Open Source Top 25, however the landscape I’m
presenting is focused solely on open source tools mainly applicable to data
platforms and data engineering lifecycle.

2 sur 25 13/02/2024, 07:43

Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

The MAD Landscape provides a very comprehensive view of all tools and
services for Machine Learning, AI and Data, including both commercial and
open source, while the landscape presented here provides a more
comprehensive view of active open source projects in the Data part of MAD.
Other reports such as Reppoint Open Source Top 25 and Data50 focus more
on the SaaS providers and startups, whereas this report focuses on the open
source projects themselves, rather than the SaaS services.

Annual reports and surveys such as Github’s state of open source ,

Stackoverflow annual survey and OSS Insight reports are also great sources
for gaining insight into what’s being used or trending in the community, but
they only cover limited sections (such as databases and languages) of the
overall data landscape.

Therefore due to my interest in open source data stacks, I’ve compiled the
open source tools and services in data engineering ecosystem.

So without further due, here is the 2024 Open Source Data Engineering

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

OSS Data Engineering Landscape 2024

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Tool Selection Criteria

The available open source projects for each category are obviously vast,
making it impractical to include every tool and service in the picture.
Therefore I have followed the following criteria for selecting the tools for
each category:

• Any retired, archived and abandoned projects are excluded. Some

notable retired projects are Apache Sqoop, Scribe and Apache Apex
which might still be used in some production environments.

• Projects which have been completely inactive on Github over the past
year, and are hardly mentioned in the community are excluded. Notable
examples are Apache Pig and Apache Oozie projects.

• Projects which are still quite new and have not gained much traction in
terms of Github stars, forks, as well as blog posts, show cases and
mentions in the online communities, are excluded. However some
promising projects such as OneTable which has made some notable
traction and are implemented on the foundation of existing technologies
are mentioned.

• Data Science, ML and AI tools are excluded, except for ML platform and

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

infrastructure tools, as I’m only focusing on what’s related to data

engineering discipline.

• Different types of storage systems such as relational OLTP and embedded

database systems are listed. This is because data engineering discipline
involves dealing with many different internal and external storage
systems used in applications and operational systems (BSS), even if they
are not part of the analytics stack.

• The category names are chosen as generic as possible based on where

the tool fits in the data stack. For storage systems, main database model
and database workload (OLTP, OLAP) are used for grouping and labeling
the systems, but for instance “Distributed SQL DBMS” are also referred to
as HTAP or scalable SQL databases in the market.

• Some tools could belong to more than one category. VoltDB is both an in-
memory database and distributed SQL DBMS. But I have tried to place
them in the category by which they are mostly recognised in the market.

• For certain database systems, there may be a blurry line regarding the
category they actually belong to. For example ByConity claims to be a
data warehousing solution, but is built on top of ClickHouse which is
recognised as a Real-time OLAP engine. Therefore it is still unclear
whether it is real-time (ability to support sub-second queries) OLAP

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

system or not.

• Not all the listed projects are fully Portable open source tools. Some of
the projects are rather Open Core than open source. In open core models,
not all components of the full system, as offered by the main SaaS
provider, are made open source. Therefore, when deciding to adopt an
open-source tool, it is important to consider how portable and truly open
source the project is.

Overview of Tool Categories

In the following section each category is briefly discussed.

1. Storage Systems
Storage systems are the largest category in the presented landscape,
primarily due to the recent surge of specialized database systems. Two latest
trending categories are vector and streaming databases. Materialize and
RaisingWave are examples of open-source streaming database systems.
Vector databases are also experiencing rapid growth in the storage systems
field. I have placed vector storage systems in the ML Platform section since
they are primarily used in ML and AI stacks. Distributed file systems and
object stores are also placed their own related category, that is Data Lake

7 sur 25 13/02/2024, 07:43

Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

As mentioned in the selection criteria section, storage systems are grouped

and labeled based on the main database model and workload. At the highest
level, storage systems can be classified into three main classes: OLTP, OLAP,
and HTAP. They can be further categorized based on SQL vs NoSQL for OLTP
engines, and Offline (non-real-time) vs Real-time (sub-seconds result) for
OLAP engines, as shown in the following figure.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

2. Data Lake Platform

Data Lake platform has continued to mature in the past year, and Gartner
has placed Data Lake in the slope of enlightenment in its 2023 edition of
Hype Cycle for Data Management.

Source: Gartner

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

For storage layer, distributed file systems and object stores are still the main
technologies serving as the bedrock for both on-premise and cloud-based
data lake implementations. While HDFS is still the primary technology used
for on-premise Hadoop clusters, Apache Ozone distributed object store is
catching up to provide an alternative on-premise data lake storage
technology. Cloudera, the main commercial Hadoop provider, is now
offering Ozone as part of its CDP Private Cloud offering.

The choice of data serialization format impacts storage efficiency and

processing performance. Apache ORC remains the preferred choice for
columnar storage within Hadoop ecosystems, while Apache Parquet has
emerged as the de-facto standard for data serialization in modern Data
Lakes. Its popularity stems from its compact size, efficient compression, and
wide compatibility with various processing engines.

Another key trend in 2023 is the decoupling of storage and compute layers.
Many storage systems now offer integration with cloud-based object storage
solutions like S3, leveraging their inherent efficiency and elasticity. This
approach allows data processing resources to scale independently from
storage, leading to cost savings and enhanced scalability. Cockroachdb
supporting S3 as storage backend, and Confluent’s offering of long-term

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Kafka topic data retention on S3 further exemplifies this trend, highlighting

the growing use of data lakes as cost-effective, long-term storage solutions.

One of the hottest developments in 2023 was the rise of open table formats.
These frameworks essentially act as a table abstraction and virtual data
management layer sitting atop your data lake storage and data layer as
depicted in the following diagram.

Data Lakehouse abstraction layers

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

The open table format space is currently dominated by a fierce battle for
supremacy between the following three major contenders:

• Apache Hudi: Initially developed and open-sourced by Uber, with main

design goal for near-real-time data updates and ACID transactions.

• Apache Iceberg: Born from Netflix’s engineering team.

• Delta Lake: Created and open-sourced by Databricks, with seamless

integration with the Databricks platform.

The funding received by the leading SaaS providers in this space in 2023 —
Databricks, Tabular, and OneHouse — emphasises market interest and their
potential to further advance data management on data lakes.

Moreover, a new trend is now unfolding with the emergence of unified data
lakehouse layers. OneTable (recently open-sourced by OneHouse) and
UniForm (currently non-open source offering from Databricks) are the first
two projects which were announced last year. These tools go beyond
individual table formats, offering the ability to work with all three major
contenders under a single umbrella. This empowers users to embrace a
universal format while exposing data to processing engines in their

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

preferred formats, leading to increased flexibility and agility.

3. Data Integration
The data integration landscape in 2023 witnessed not only continued
dominance from established players like Apache Nifi, Airbyte, and Meltano,
but also the emergence of promising tools like Apache Inlong and Apache
SeaTunnel offering compelling alternatives with their unique strengths.

Meanwhile, Streaming CDC (Change Data Capture) has further matured,

fueled by active development in the Kafka ecosystem. Kafka Connect and
Debezium plugins have become go-to choices for near real-time data capture
from database systems, while Flink CDC Connectors are gaining traction for
deployments using Flink as the primary stream processing engine.

Beyond traditional databases, tools like CloudQuery and Streampipe are

simplifying data integration from APIs, providing convenient solutions for
ingesting data from diverse sources. which reflects the growing importance
of flexible integration with cloud-based services.

In the realm of event and messaging middlewares, Apache Kafka maintains

its strong position, though challengers like Redpanda are closing the gap.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Redpanda’s $100 million Series C funding in 2023 shows the growing interest
in alternative message brokers offering low latency and high throughput.

4. Data Processing & Computation

The world of Stream processing continued to heat up in 2023! Apache Spark
and Apache Flink remain the reigning champions, however Apache Flink
made some serious headlines in 2023. Cloud giants like AWS and Alibaba
jumping on board with Flink-as-a-service offerings, and Confluent’s
acquisition of Immerok for its own fully managed Flink as a service offering,
show the momentum behind this powerful engine.

In the Python ecosystem, data processing libraries such as Vaex, Dask,

polars, and Ray are available for exploiting multi-core processors. These
parallel execution libraries further unlock possibilities for analysing massive
datasets within the familiar Python environment.

5. Workflow Management & DataOps

The workflow orchestration landscape is arguably the most packed category
in presented data ecosystem, filled with established heavyweights and
exciting newcomers.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Veteran tools such as Apache Airflow and Dagster are still going strong and
remains a widely used engines amid the recent hot debates in the
community on unbundling, rebundling and bundling vs unbundling of
workflow orchestration engines. On the other hand In the past two years,
GitHub has witnessed the rise of several compelling contenders, capturing
significant traction. Kestra, Temporal, Mage, and Windmill are all worth
watching, each offering unique strengths. Whether focusing on serverless
orchestration like Temporal, or distributed task execution like Mage, these
newcomers can cater to the evolving needs of modern data pipelines.

6. Data Infrastructure & Monitoring

The recent Grafana Labs Survey, confirms Grafana, Prometheus and ELK
stack continue to dominate the observability and monitoring landscape.
Grafana Labs itself has been quite active, introducing new open-source tools
like Loki (for log aggregation) and Mimir (for long-term Prometheus storage)
to further strengthen its platform.

One area where open-source tools seem less prevalent is cluster

management and monitoring. This likely stems from the cloud migration
trend, reducing the need for managing large on-premise data platforms.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

While the Apache Ambari project, once popular for managing Hadoop
clusters, was practically abandoned after the Hortonworks-Cloudera merger
in 2019, a recent revival sparks some hope for its future. However, its long-
term fate remains uncertain.

As for resource scheduling and workload deployment, Kubernetes seems to

be the preferred resource scheduling specially on cloud-based platforms.

7. ML Platform
Machine Learning Platform has been one of the most active categories with
unprecedented rise and interest in Vector databases, specialised systems
optimised for the storage and retrieval of high-dimensional data. As
highlighted by DB-Engines’ 2023 report, vector databases emerged as the
most popular database category in the past year.

MLOps tools also play an increasingly vital role in scaling ML projects

efficiently, ensuring smooth operations and ML application lifecycle
management. As the complexity and scale of ML deployments continue to
grow, MLOps tools have become indispensable for streamlining
development, deployment, and monitoring of ML models.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

8. Metadata Management
In recent years, metadata management has taken center stage, propelled by
the growing need to govern and improve management and access to data.
However, the lack of comprehensive metadata management platforms
prompted tech giants like Netflix, Lyft, Airbnb, Twitter, LinkedIn and Paypal
to build their own solutions.

These efforts yielded some remarkable contributions to the open-source

community. Tools like Amundsen (from Lyft), DataHub (from Netflix), and
Marquez (from WeWork) are homegrown solutions, which have been open
sourced and are under active development and contribution.

When it comes to schema management, the landscape remains somewhat

stagnant. Hive Metastore continues to be the go-to solution for many as
there are currently no alternative open source solution to replace it.

9. Analytics & Visualisation

In the Business Intelligence (BI) and visualisation domain, Apache Superset
stands out as the most active and popular open-source alternative to licensed
SaaS BI solutions.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

As for distributed and Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) engines, some

experts argue that big data is dead and majority companies don’t require
large-scale distributed processing, opting for single, powerful servers to
handle their data volumes.

Despite this claim, distributed Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) engines

like Apache Hive, Impala, Presto and Trino remain prevalent within large
data platforms, especially for petabyte-scale data.

Beyond traditional MPP engines, uniform execution engines are another

trend gaining traction. Engines such as Apache Linkis, Alluxio and Cube
provide a query and computation middleware between upper applications
and underlying engines.

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Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Source: Github

This exploration of the open-source data engineering landscape is a glimpse
into the dynamic and vibrant world of data platforms. While prominent tools
and technologies were covered across various categories, the ecosystem
continues to evolve rapidly, with new solutions emerging continuously.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and the “best” tools are ultimately
determined by your specific needs and use cases. Feel free to share any
notable tools I’ve missed that you think should’ve be included.

19 sur 25 13/02/2024, 07:43

Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

The original post was published on Practical Data Engineering Substack

Data Engineering Open Source Analytics Data Platforms Data Lake

Written by Alireza Sadeghi Follow


Senior Software and Data Engineer [big data, distributed storage ,distributed processing,
data pipelines, infraustructure, cluster management, workflow orch]

20 sur 25 13/02/2024, 07:43

Open Source Data Engineering Landscape 2024 | by Alireza Sadeghi | Feb, 2024 | Medium

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