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Academic Regulation

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Part A

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, a visionary document, has set the stage
for transformative changes in the way education is imparted in India. NEP includes all
the elements and tools for guided governance and growth of the national education
system. Restructuring and governance strategies listed in NEP aim at the pursuit of
excellence and making the Indian University system globally competitive.
Universities are expected to give thrust to multidisciplinary and liberal education,
expansion with quality access, on quality of the faculty, governance and leadership.
NEP with its emphasis on holistic and multidisciplinary education, flexibility, and
innovation, aligns perfectly with our core values and philosophy at Sri Sri University.
It underscores the importance of fostering critical thinking, creativity, and experiential
learning, which have always been integral to our approach to education.
At this juncture, Sri Sri University is embarking on the journey of implementing the
NEP 2020 across all its undergraduate programmes and we are guided by a clear and
comprehensive plan. Our mission is to ensure that every student who walks through
our doors experiences the full potential of this revolutionary policy. We aim to create
a learning environment that encourages curiosity, collaboration, and continuous
I am delighted to present the document titled Sri Sri University Academic Regulations
Part A for Undergraduate Curriculum and Credit Framework guided by NEP and
National Higher Education Quality Framework (NHEQF). This north star document
has been devised with a student-centric approach and offers flexibility in terms of
choosing one's field(s) of study. It encourages the development of academic pathways
that enable creative combinations of disciplines for study, with multiple entry and exit
points. Additionally, it allows students to determine their semester-wise academic
workload and offers the flexibility to learn at their own pace, to the extent possible.
The expansion of course options available to students will necessitate the presence of
more educators. This framework embodies the essence of the NEP by providing
multidisciplinary and holistic education rooted in our country’s culture and ethos,
while emphasizing research, skill development, and the cultivation of higher-order
thinking skills to foster innovation and enhance employability among students.

I would like to put on record the sincere efforts of Prof. Tej Partap, Member of
Academic Council, Sri Sri University, Former President, Association of Indian

Universities whose contribution in developing this framework is invaluable. I also
commend the dedicated efforts of the stakeholders at the University, all the Deans,
Head of Departments, and Faculty members who shared their suggestions and
feedback in formulating this framework.
The document is a testimony to our commitment to embrace and implement the
transformative vision of NEP in letter and spirit.

Prof. B. R. Sharma
Vice Chancellor
Sri Sri University


1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

2.0 National Education Policy 2020 - Key points ................................................................................................ 6
2.1 NEP principles having a bearing on the course curricula of Sri Sri University .......... 6
2.2 Transformative Initiatives incorporated in undergraduate programs of Sri Sri University ................. 7
3.0 Curriculum Framework ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Features of the New Curriculum Framework ............................................................................................ 9
3.2 Definitions, Eligibility, and Duration of the Programme .......................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Courses of Study ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC) ..................................................................................................... 9
3.2.3 Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) ..................................................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Generic Electives (GE)……………………………………………………………………………….10
3.2.5 Programme Courses at SSU: UG Certificate, UG Diploma, Degree and Hons. Degrees ............. 10
3.2.6 Credit hours for different types of courses ........................................................................................ 12
3.2.7 Number of credits by type of course ................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Eligibility for the UG Programmes ........................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Duration of the Programme ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.0 Structure of the Undergraduate Programme ............................................................................................... 14
4.1The Credit distribution system for UG Programme ................................................................................. 17
4.2 Levels of Courses......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Programme/ Curricular components ........................................................................................................ 24
4.4 Courses from Other Disciplines (Multidisciplinary) ............................................................................... 25
5. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) (08+ credits): Modern Indian Language (MIL) & English
language focused on language and communication skills ................................................................................. 27
5.1 Skills Enhancement Courses (SEC) .......................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Value-Added Courses (VAC) common to all UG students ...................................................................... 27
6. Summer Internship /Apprenticeship .............................................................................................................. 28
7. Research Project / Dissertation ....................................................................................................................... 29
8. Other Activities ................................................................................................................................................. 29
9. Letter Grades and Grade Points ..................................................................................................................... 29
10. Computation of SGPA and CGPA ................................................................................................................. 30
11. Pedagogical approaches.................................................................................................................................. 31
12. Outcomes-based approach ............................................................................................................................. 32

13. Learning assessment ....................................................................................................................................... 38
14. Credit accumulation and redemption ........................................................................................................... 38
Annexure 1: NHEQF Qualifications and Nomenclature ................................................................................. 39

1.0 Introduction

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 states, “Assessments of educational approaches in
undergraduate education that integrate the humanities and arts with Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) have consistently shown positive learning outcomes,
including increased creativity and innovation, critical thinking and higher-order thinking
capacities, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, communication skills, more in-depth learning
and mastery of curricula across fields, increases in social and moral awareness, etc., besides
general engagement and enjoyment of learning”

Further, it also recommends that “the undergraduate degree will be of either 3 or 4-year duration,
with multiple exit options within this period, with appropriate certifications, e.g., a UG certificate
after completing 1 year in a discipline or field including vocational and professional areas, or a
UG diploma after 2 years of study, or a Bachelor’s degree after a 3-year programme. The 4-year
multidisciplinary Bachelor's programme, however, shall be the preferred option since it allows
the opportunity to experience the full range of holistic and multidisciplinary education in addition
to a focus on the chosen major and minors as per the choices of the student”.

In accordance with the NEP 2020, the UGC has formulated a new student-centric “Curriculum
and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes (CCFUP)” incorporating a flexible
choice-based credit system, multidisciplinary approach, and multiple entry and exit options. This
will facilitate students to pursue their career path by choosing the subject/field of their interest. It
has been used as basic framework while preparing the Sri Sri University (UG-EQF) UG
Education Qualifications framework.

2.0 National Education Policy 2020 - Key points

2.1. NEP principles having a bearing on the course curricula of Sri Sri University

The NEP highlights certain fundamental principles that would guide both the education system
at large, as well as individual educational institutions. The principles that have a direct bearing
on the curricula for different levels of higher education include:

i. Recognizing, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each student to promote
her/his holistic development;

ii. Flexibility, so that learners can select their learning trajectories and programmes, and
thereby choose their own paths in life according to their talents and interests;

iii. Multidisciplinary and holistic education across the sciences, social sciences, arts,
humanities, and sports for a multidisciplinary world;

iv. Emphasis on conceptual understanding rather than rote learning, critical thinking to
encourage logical decision-making and innovation; ethics and human & constitutional
values, and life skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and resilience;

v. Extensive use of technology in teaching and learning, removing language barriers,

increasing access for Divyang students, and educational planning and management;

vi. Respect for diversity and respect for the local context in all curricula, pedagogy, and

vii. Equity and inclusion as the cornerstone of all educational decisions to ensure that all
students are able to thrive in the education system and the institutional environment are
responsive to differences to ensure that high-quality education is available for all;

viii. Rootedness and pride in India and its rich, diverse, ancient, and modern culture,
languages, knowledge systems, and traditions.

2.2. Transformative Initiatives incorporated in undergraduate programs of Sri

Sri University

NEP envisages several transformative initiatives in undergraduate programs which have been
adopted by Sri Sri University. These include:
1. Introducing holistic and multidisciplinary undergraduate education that would help develop
all capacities of human beings - intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional, ethical, and
moral - in an integrated manner; soft skills, such as complex problem solving, critical thinking,
creative thinking, communication skills; and rigorous specialization in a chosen field(s) of

2. Adoption of flexible curricular structures in order to enable creative combinations of

disciplinary areas for study in multidisciplinary contexts that would also allow flexibility in
course options that would be offered to students in Sri Sri University, in addition to rigorous
specialization in a subject or subjects.

3. Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration with multiple entry and
exit points and re-entry options have been adopted by Sri Sri University, with appropriate
certifications such as:

 a UG certificate after completing 1 year (2 semesters) of study in the chosen fields

of study, including vocational and professional areas;

 a UG diploma after 2 years (4 semesters) of study,

 a Bachelor’s degree after a 3-year (6 semesters) programme of study,

 a Bachelor’s degree with honours after a 4-year (eight semesters) programme of


 a Bachelor’s degree ‘Honours with research’ after a 4-year (eight semesters)
programme of study if the student completes a rigorous research project in her/his
major area(s) of study.

4. The 4-year bachelor’s degree programme will be promoted as a preferred option at Sri Sri
University since it would provide the opportunity to experience the full range of holistic and
multidisciplinary education in addition to a focus on the chosen major and minors as per the
choices of the student.

5. Credit-based courses and projects in the areas of community engagement and service,
environmental education, and value-based education.

6. Environment education will be included in the UG programme areas such as climate change,
pollution, waste management, sanitation, conservation of biological diversity, management of
biological resources and biodiversity, forest and wildlife conservation, and sustainable
development and living.

7. Value-based education at Sri Sri University will include the development of humanistic,
ethical, Constitutional, and universal human values of truth, righteous conduct, peace, love,
nonviolence, scientific temper, citizenship values, and life skills.

8. Lessons in service and participation in community service programmes will be an integral

part of holistic education.

9. Global Citizenship Education and education for sustainable development will form an
integral part of the curriculum to empower learners to become aware of and understand global
and sustainable development issues and to become active promoters of more peaceful, tolerant,
inclusive, secure, and sustainable societies.

10. Students will be provided with opportunities for internships with local industry, businesses,
artists, crafts persons, etc., as well as research internships with faculty and researchers at their
own or other HEIs/research institutions, so that students may actively engage with the practical
side of their learning and, as a by-product, further improve their employability.

11. Reorienting teaching programmes is being ensured for the development of capabilities
across a range of disciplines including sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, languages, as
well as vocational subjects. This would involve offering programmes/courses of study relating
to Languages, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Art, Dance, Theatre, Statistics, Pure and Applied
Sciences, Sports, etc., and other such subjects needed for a multidisciplinary and stimulating
learning environment.

12. Preparing professionals in cutting-edge areas that are fast gaining prominence, such as
Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3-D machining, big data analysis, and machine learning, in
addition to genomic studies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, neuroscience, with important

applications to health, environment, and sustainable living that will be woven into
undergraduate education for enhancing the employability of the youth.

3.0 Curriculum Framework

3.1 Main features of the new Curriculum Framework are as follows:

i. Flexibility to move from one discipline of study to another;

ii. Opportunity for learners to choose the courses of their interest in all disciplines;
iii. Facilitating multiple entry and exit options with UG certificate/ UG diploma/ or degree
depending upon the number of credits secured;
iv. Flexibility for learners to move from one institution to another to enable them to have multi
and/or interdisciplinary learning;
v. Flexibility to switch to alternative modes of learning (offline, ODL, and Online learning, and
hybrid modes of learning).
Note: Regulations for Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) and guidelines for Multiple Entry and
Exit as defined by NEP-UGC, are being put in place by the university to facilitate the
implementation of the proposed “Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate

3.2 Definitions, Eligibility, and Duration of the Programme

3.2.1. Courses of Study: Courses of study indicate pursuance of study in a particular discipline.
Every discipline shall offer three categories of study i.e. Discipline Specific Core (DSC),
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE), and Generic Elective (GE).

3.2.2 Discipline Specific Core Course (DSCs): Discipline specific core is a course of study, which
should be pursued by a student as a mandatory requirement of his/her programme of study. It is
also called MAJOR DISCIPLINE. DSC shall be the core credit course of that particular discipline
which will be appropriately graded and arranged across the semesters of study, being undertaken
by the student, with multiple exit options as per NEP. The DSCs specified in the framework would
be identified by the respective FACULTIES as CORE COURSES to be taught in a programme.
For example, presently DSCs of Sri Sri University are: Architecture, English, Sanskrit, Interior
Design, Environmental Science, Agriculture, Horticulture, Psychology and Contemplative
Studies, etc.

However, to pursue the Honours Degree programme in a “field of multidisciplinary courses of

study” rather than a single discipline, the DSCs shall comprise of core credit courses of more than
one discipline. Example, under B.Sc. Hons. Physical Sciences, a student shall study Physics,
Chemistry, and Mathematics. If DSC-1 is Physics then DSC-2 can be Chemistry and DSC-3 will
be Mathematics. However, the semesters 7 & 8 i.e. year 4, shall be devoted to studying only one

DSC, and not a combination of all three, that is the directive in NEP-NHEQF.

Major discipline: It is the discipline or subject of main focus and the degree will be awarded in that
discipline. Students will need to secure the prescribed number of credits (about 50% of total credits)
through core courses in the major discipline.
Minor discipline: It is intended to help a student to gain a broader understanding beyond the major
discipline. For example, if a student pursuing an Economics major obtains a minimum of 12 credits from
a bunch of courses in Statistics, then the student will be awarded B.A. degree in Economics with a Minor
in Statistics.
3.2.3. Discipline Specific Electives (DSE): The Discipline Specific Electives (DSEs) shall be a pool of credit
courses of that particular discipline (single discipline program of study) or those disciplines
(multidisciplinary programme of study), as the case may be, which a student has chosen to study from
his/her particular disciplines. University shall make a pool of disciplines (DSEs) from which a student
may choose a course of study to make his own combination of subjects. The DSEs specified in the
framework would be identified by the FACULTIES, as elective courses to be taught in a programme. For
example, to pursue B.Sc. Hons Physics, the DSEs chosen should be from a pool of DSEs of physics.
To pursue Honours degree programme in Multidisciplinary courses of study such as B.A. (Honours)
Social Sciences/ Humanities, in the 4th year of such a degree programme i.e. semester 7&8, the student
be required to choose DSEs from any of the disciplines and not necessarily a combination of the related
disciplines, as is the example of Physics, given above.
3.2.4. Generic Electives (GEs): General Electives shall be a pool of courses which is meant to provide
multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary education opportunities to students. GEs at SSU shall consist a pool
of courses offered by various disciplines of study in groups of odd and even semesters, that students will
choose from. These GEs are excluding the GEs offered by the parent disciplines and could also be specific
to SSU, making them as its USP. The GEs specified in the framework are otherwise to be identified by the
faculties that will be tought there in the respective programmes.

3.2.5 Programme Courses at Sri Sri University: Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Hons. Degree, Hons. with

I. Certificate: Students who opt to exit after completion of the first year and have secured minimum 44
credits will be awarded a certificate if, in addition, they complete one vocational course of 4 credits during
the summer vacation of the first year.
Note: These students are allowed to re-enter the degree programme within three years and complete the
degree programme within the stipulated maximum period of seven years.

II. Diploma: Students who opt to exit after completion of the second year and have secured 88 credits will be
awarded the diploma if, in addition, they complete one vocational course of 4 credits during the summer
vacation of the second year.
Note: These students are allowed to re-enter within a period of three years and complete the degree
programme within the maximum period of seven years.

III. 3-year UG Degree: Students who wish to undergo a 3-year UG programme will be awarded UG Degree
in the Major discipline after successful completion of three years, securing 132 credits and satisfying the
minimum credit requirement.

IV. 4-year UG Degree (Honours): A four-year UG Honours degree in the major discipline will be awarded to
those who complete a four-year degree programme with 176 credits and have satisfied the credit
V. 4-year UG Degree (Honours with Research): Only those Students who secure 75% marks and above
in the first six semesters can choose a research stream in the fourth year. They will do a research project or
dissertation under the guidance of a faculty member of the University/College. The research
project/dissertation will be in the major discipline. The students who secure 176 credits, including 12
credits from a research project/dissertation, are awarded UG Degree (Honours with Research).
Note on Precondition: The Departments offering a 4-year UG Degree (Honours with Research) must have
the required infrastructure such as the library, access to journals, computer lab and software, laboratory
facilities to carry out experimental research work, and at least two permanent faculty members who are
recognized as Ph. D. supervisors. The Departments already recognized for conducting the Ph.D.
programme only may plan a 4-year UG Degree (Honours with Research).
VI. UG Degree Programmes with Single Major: A student has to secure a minimum of 50% credits from the
major discipline for the 3-year/4-year UG degree is to be awarded a single major. For example, in a 3-year
UG programme, if the total number of credits to be earned is 132, a student of Physics with a minimum of
66 credits will be awarded a B.Sc. in Physics with a single major. Similarly, in a 4-year UG programme, if
the total number of credits to be earned is 176, a student of Physics with a minimum of 88 credits will be
awarded a B.Sc. (Hons. /Hon. with Research) in Physics in a 4-year UG programme with single major.

VII. UG Degree Programmes with Double Major: A student has to secure a minimum of 40% credits from
the second major discipline for the 3-year/4-year UG degree to be awarded a double major. For example,
in a 3-year UG programme as the total number of credits to be earned is 132, a student of Physics with a
minimum of 53 credits will be awarded a B.Sc. in Physics with a double major. Similarly, in a 4-year UG
programme, as the total number of credits to be earned is 165, a student of Physics with a minimum of 66
credits will be awarded a B.Sc. (Hons. /Hon. with Research) in Physics in a 4-year UG programme with
double major.

VIII. Interdisciplinary UG Programmes: The credits for core courses shall be distributed among the
constituent disciplines/subjects so as to get core competence in the interdisciplinary programme. For
example, a degree in Econometrics requires courses in economics, statistics, and mathematics. The total
credits to core courses shall be distributed so that the student gets full competence in Econometrics upon
completion of the programme. The degree for such students will be awarded as B.Sc. in Econometrics for
a 3-year UG programme or B.Sc. (Honours) / B.Sc. (Honours with Research) in Econometrics for a 4-year
UG programme.
IX. Multidisciplinary UG Programmes: In the case of students pursuing a multidisciplinary programme of
study, the credits to core courses will be distributed among the broad disciplines such as Life sciences,
Physical Sciences, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Data Analysis, Social Sciences, Humanities, etc.
For example, a student who opts for a UG program in Life Sciences will have the total credits to core
courses distributed across Botany, Zoology and Human Biology disciplines. The degree will be awarded
as B.Sc. in Life Sciences for a 3-year programme and B.Sc. (Honours) in Life Sciences or B.Sc. (Honours
with Research) for a 4-year programme without or with a research component respectively.
3.2.6 Credit hours for different types of courses

The workload relating to a course is measured in terms of credit hours. A credit is a unit by which the
coursework is measured. It determines the number of hours of instruction required per week over the
duration of a semester (minimum 15 weeks). Each course may have only a lecture component or a lecture
and tutorial component or a lecture and practicum component or a lecture, tutorial, and practicum
component, or only practicum component. For example, a three-credit lecture course in a semester means
three one-hour lectures per week with each one-hour lecture counted as one credit. In a semester of 15
weeks duration, a three-credit lecture course is equivalent to 45 hours of teaching.
One credit for tutorial work means one hour of engagement per week. In a semester of 15 weeks
duration, a one-credit tutorial in a course is equivalent to 15 hours of engagement.
A one-credit course in practicum or lab work, community engagement and services, and fieldwork in a
semester mean two-hour engagement per week. In a semester of 15 weeks duration, a one-credit practicum
in a course is equivalent to 30 hours of engagement.
A one-credit of Seminar or Internship or Studio activities or Field practice/projects or Community
engagement and service means two-hour engagements per week. Accordingly, in a semester of 15 weeks
duration, one credit in these courses is equivalent to 30 hours of engagement.
A course can have a combination of lecture credits, tutorial credits, and practicum credits.
For example, a 4–credit course with three credits assigned for lectures and one credit for practicum
shall have three 1-hour lectures per week and one 2-hour duration field-based learning/project or
lab work, or workshop activities per week. In a semester of 15 weeks duration, a 4-credit course
is equivalent to 45 hours of lectures and 30 hours of practicum. Similarly, a 4 –credit course with
3- credits assigned for lectures and one credit for tutorial shall have three 1-hour lectures per week
and one 1-hour tutorial per week. In a semester of 15 week duration, a four-credit course is
equivalent to 45 hours of lectures and 15 hours of tutorials.
The following types of courses/activities constitute the programmes of study:
(Each of them will require a specific number of hours of teaching/guidance and
laboratory/studio/workshop activities, field-based learning/projects, internships, and community
engagement and service)
I. Lecture courses: Courses involving lectures relating to a field or discipline by an expert or
qualified personnel in a field of learning, work/vocation, or professional practice.

II. Tutorial courses: Courses involving problem-solving and discussions relating to a field or
discipline under the guidance of qualified personnel in a field of learning, work/vocation, or
professional practice.

III. Practicum or Laboratory work: A course requiring students to participate in a project or

practical or lab activity that applies previously learned/studied principles/theory related to the
chosen field of learning, work/vocation, or professional practice under the supervision of an
expert or qualified individual in the field of learning, work/vocation or professional practice.

IV. Seminar: A course requiring students to participate in structured discussion/conversation or
debate focused on assigned tasks/readings, current or historical events, or shared experiences
guided or led by an expert or qualified personnel in a field of learning, work/vocation, or
professional practice.

V. Internship: A course requiring students to participate in a professional activity or work

experience, or cooperative education activity with an entity external to the education institution,
normally under the supervision of an expert of the given external entity. A key aspect of the
internship is induction into actual work situations. Internships involve working with local
industry, government or private organizations, business organizations, artists, crafts persons,
and similar entities to provide opportunities for students to actively engage in on-site
experiential learning.

VI. Studio activities: Studio activities involve the engagement of students in creative or artistic
activities. Every student is engaged in performing a creative activity to obtain a specific
outcome. Studio-based activities involve visual- or aesthetic- focused experiential work.

VII. Field practice/projects: Courses requiring students to participate in field-based

learning/projects generally under the supervision of an expert of the given external entity.

VIII. Community engagement and service: Courses requiring students to participate in field-based
learning/projects generally under the supervision of an expert of the given external entity. The
curricular component of ‘community engagement and service’ will involve activities that would
expose students to the socio-economic issues in society so that the theoretical learnings can be
supplemented by actual life experiences to generate solutions to real-life problems.

3.2.7 Number of credits by type of course

 The hallmark of the new curriculum framework is the flexibility for the students to learn courses of
their choice across various branches of undergraduate programmes.

 This requires that all departments prescribe a certain specified number of credits for each course and
common instruction hours (slot time).
a. Major and Minor Courses:
All discipline-specific courses (major or minor) may be 4 credits or as appropriate. An additional one
to two credits shall be allotted for tutorials or practicals.

b. Ability Enhancement (language), and Skill Enhancement Courses:

All courses under the Multi-disciplinary categories will be of 3-credits or as appropriate;

c. Common Value-Added Courses:

Courses under Value Added, Summer Internship/ Apprenticeship/ Community outreach

activities, etc., for all majors, may be of 2-credits or as appropriate;

d. Final year Research project / Dissertation etc., shall be of 12 credits in the final semester.

3.3 Eligibility for the UG Programmes

Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate or Higher Secondary (12th Grade) Certificate
obtained after successful completion of Grade 12 or equivalent stage of education corresponding
to Level-4.

3.4 Duration of the Programme

i. At Sri Sri University, a semester comprises of 90 working days and our Academic year
has two semesters. In addition, there is a summer term internship of eight weeks during
summer vacation.
ii. The duration of the UG programme is 4 years or 8 semesters. Students who desire to undergo
a 3-year UG Programme will be allowed to exit after completion of the 3rd year. If a student
wants to leave after the completion of the first or second year, the student will be given a UG
Certificate or UG Diploma, respectively, provided they secure the prescribed number of
credits (as given in table 3). Students who exit with a UG certificate or UG diploma are
permitted to re-enter within three years and complete the degree programme.
iii. The students may be permitted to take a break from the study during the period of study but
the total duration for completing the programme shall not exceed 7 years.
iv. Regular courses may also be offered during the summer on a fast-track mode to enable students
to do additional courses or complete backlogs in coursework. The University will decide on
the courses to be offered in the summer term depending on the availability of faculty and the
number of students.

4.0. Structure of the Undergraduate Programme

The UG programme will consist of the following categories of courses and the minimum credit
requirements for 3-year UG and 4-year UG (Honours) or UG (Honours with Research) programmes
are given below. The minimum credit requirements under each category and the distribution of
course levels across 6/8 semesters is given in Tables 1, 2 & 3.

Table 1: Qualification Type and Minimum Credit Requirements specified by NHEQF, on which
SSU has developed its own framework

NHEQF levels Qualification title/ Minimum Credit SSU Stage of exit

nomen clatu re requirements Credits
Level 4.5 Undergraduate Certificate (in the field of 40 credits 44 credits After
study/discipline). Programme successfully
duration: First year (first two semesters) of completing
the undergraduate programme, followed by semester II
an exit 4-credit skills-enhancement
Level 5 Undergraduate Diploma (in the field of 80 credits 88 credits After
study/discipline). Programme duration: First successfully
two years (first four semesters) of the completing
undergraduate programme, followed by an semester IV
exit 4-credit skills-enhancement course(s).
Level 5.5 Bachelor in ( field of study) duration: Three 120 credits 132 credits After 6
years / 6 semesters). semesters
Level 6 Bachelor Hons. in (field of study. Major- 160 credits 176 After 8
single subject). semesters
Four years/ 8 semesters.
Level 6 Bachelor Hons. in (field of 160 credits 176 After 8
multidisciplinary course of study) semesters
for multiple core disciplines.
Duration: Four years or 8 semesters

Table 2: NHEQF determined Minimum Credit Requirements to Award Degree under
Each Category
(Framework to be used by SSU to further modify it to make it university specific)

S. Broad Category of Minimum

No. Course Credit
3-year UG 4-Year UG SSU SSU
3 yrs 4 yrs
1 Major (Core) 60 80 62 84
2 Minor Stream 24 32 26 34
3 Multidisciplinary 09 09 11 11
4 Ability Enhancement 08 08 10 10
Courses (AEC)
5 Skill Enhancement 09 09 11 11
Courses (SEC)
6 Value Added Courses 06 06 08 08
common for all UG
7 Internship/Skill 04 04 04 04
8 Electives courses-3/ - 12 - 14
Total 120 160 132 176

Note: It is a guiding Framework. Deviations within faculty programmes will be permitted, but within the
overall credits of 176. Faculties designing courses of degree deviating from 176 credits will put up separate
proposals for permission of the Academic Council. It implies that deviation can be permitted by the
University for increasing credits beyond 176, if it is necessary for a specific course/ programme.

4.1 The Credit distribution system for UG Programme

Table 3: Scheme for Distribution of credits of the Undergraduate Programme: Semester-

wise and Broad Course Category-wise.
Semester Discipline Inter- Ability Skill Common Total
Specific Minor disciplinary Enhancement Enhancement Value- Credits
Courses- courses courses courses Added
Core (language) /Internship Courses
I (100 level) (100 (1 course) 1 course) (1 course) (1 or 2 22
Level) courses)
II (100 level) (100 (1 course) (1 course) (1 course) (1 or 2 22
Level) courses)
Students exiting the programme after securing 40 credits will be awarded UG 44
Certificate in the relevant Discipline /Subject provided they secure 4 credits in work
based vocational courses offered during summer term or internship / Apprenticeship
in addition to 6 credits from skill-based courses earned during first and second
III (200 level) (200 & (1 course) (1 course) (1 course) - 22
IV (200 level) (200 & - (1 course) - 22
Students exiting the programme after securing 80 credits will be awarded UG 88
Diploma in the relevant Discipline /Subject provided they secure additional 4 credit
skill based vocational courses offered during first year or second year summer term.
V (300 (200 & - - (Internship) - 22
Level) above)
VI (300 (200 & - - - - 22
Level) above)
Students who want to undertake 3-year UG programme will be awarded UG Degree in 132
the relevant Discipline /Subject upon securing 120 credits
VII (400 (300 & - - - 22
Level) above)
VIII (400 (300 & - (Research 22
Level) above) Project/
Students will be awarded UG Degree (Honours) or with Research in the relevant 176

i. Only the minimum total number of credits in each semester is indicated above. The
University may decide the number of credits for each course (e.g. Major, Minor,
Multidisciplinary, etc.) to fulfil the minimum number of credit requirements.
ii. Students may be permitted to audit course(s) of their choice offered by the University
provided they meet the pre-requisite for the course.

iii. Minor stream courses can be from the 3rd 300 or above level and 50% of the total credits
from minors must be secured in the relevant subject/discipline and another 50% of the
total credits from a minor can be earned from any discipline as per students’ choice.

iv. Students are not allowed to take the same courses studied in the 12th class under the
interdisciplinary category.
v. 40% of the credits in any category may be earned through online courses approved by the
Department and Institution as per the existing UGC regulations (20% online course will
be compulsory and the remaining 20% will be optional)
vi. VIII-Semester core major may be seminar-based with students’ presentations and
vii. Students may be encouraged to enrol in activities such as NSS / NCC.

Table 4A: SSU – UGC Framework scheme for distribution of credits of the 4 year undergraduate
programmes: Hons. in one Core Subject

There shall be choice in III and IV semesters to choose either one ‘SEC’ or in the alternative
‘Internship/Apprenticeship/Project/Community Outreach’ in each semester for two credits each.

** There shall be choice in Semester III and IV to either choose a DSE or a GE

***There shall be choice in V and VI Semesters to choose either one ‘SEC’ or in the alternative
‘Internship/Apprenticeship/Project/Research/Community Outreach’ in each Semester for two credits
# There shall be four choices in VII and VIII Semesters –
(i) to choose three DSEs of 4 credits each OR
(ii) to choose two DSEs and one GE of 4 credits each OR
(iii) to choose one DSE and two GEs of 4 credits each OR
(iv) to choose three GEs of 4 credits each.

^ ‘Research Methodology’ shall be offered as one of the GE courses in VI and VII Semesters. Students
can opt for it either in VI semester or VII semester. However, students pursuing multidisciplinary studies
in three core disciplines shall have to choose research methodology in VI semester, if she/he wishes to
Major in one of the three disciplines in the fourth year

Table 4B: SSU – UGC Framework scheme for distribution of credits of the 4yr undergraduate
programmes for more than one Core sub / discipline

Table 4C: SSU – UGC Framework scheme for distribution of credits of the 4yr undergraduate programmes
for Multidisciplinary Courses

4.2 Levels of Courses:

Courses shall be coded based on the learning outcomes, level of difficulty, and academic rigor. The
coding structure is as follows:

i. 0-99: Pre-requisite courses required to undertake an introductory course which will be a

pass or fail course with no credits. It will replace the existing informal way of offering
bridge courses that are conducted in some of the colleges/ universities.

ii. 100-199: Foundation or introductory courses that are intended for students to gain an
understanding and basic knowledge about the subjects and help decide the subject or
discipline of interest. These courses may also be prerequisites for courses in the major
subject. These courses generally would focus on foundational theories, concepts,
perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking in order to provide a
broad basis for taking up more advanced courses. These courses seek to equip students with
the general education needed for advanced study, expose students to the breadth of different
fields of study; provide a foundation for specialized higher-level coursework; acquaint
students with the breadth of (inter) disciplinary fields in the arts, humanities, social
sciences, and natural sciences, and to the historical and contemporary assumptions and
practices of vocational or professional fields; and to lay the foundation for higher- level

iii. 200-299: Intermediate-level courses including subject-specific courses intended to meet

the credit requirements for minor or major areas of learning. These courses can be part of a
major and can be pre-requisite courses for advanced-level major courses.

iv. 300-399: Higher-level courses which are required for majoring in a

disciplinary/interdisciplinary area of study for the award of a degree.

v. 400-499: Advanced courses which would include lecture courses with practicum, seminar-
based course, term papers, research methodology, advanced laboratory
experiments/software training, research projects, hands-on-training,
internship/apprenticeship projects at the undergraduate level.

4.3 Programme/ Curricular components

The undergraduate programme seeks to equip students with the capacities in fields across arts,
humanities, languages, natural sciences, and social sciences; an ethic of social engagement; soft
skills such as complex problem solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, and communication
skills, along with rigorous specialization in a chosen disciplinary or interdisciplinary major and

(i) Disciplinary/interdisciplinary major:

The major would provide the opportunity for a student to pursue in-depth study of a particular
subject or discipline. At Sri Sri University students will be allowed to change major within the broad
discipline at the end of the second semester by giving her/him sufficient time to explore
interdisciplinary courses during the first year. Advanced-level disciplinary/interdisciplinary
courses, a course in research methodology, and a project/dissertation will be conducted in the
seventh semester. The final semester will be devoted to seminar presentation, preparation, and
submission of project report/dissertation. The project work/dissertation will be on a topic in the
disciplinary programme of study or an interdisciplinary topic.

(ii) Disciplinary/interdisciplinary minors:

At SSU students will have the option to choose courses from disciplinary/interdisciplinary minors
and skill-based courses relating to a chosen vocational education programme. Students who take a
sufficient number of courses in a discipline or an interdisciplinary area of study other than the chosen
major will qualify for a minor in that discipline or in the chosen interdisciplinary area of study. A
student will need to declare the choice of the minor and vocational stream at the end of the second
semester, after exploring various courses.
(iii) Vocational Education and Training:
Vocational Education and Training will form an integral part of the undergraduate programme to
impart skills along with theory and practical.
A minimum of 12 credits will be allotted to the ‘Minor’ stream relating to Vocational Education
and Training and these can be related to the major or minor discipline or choice of the student.
These courses will be useful to find a job for those students who exit before completing the

The curriculum consists of major stream courses, minor stream courses and courses from other
disciplines, language courses, skill courses, and a set of courses on Environmental education,
understanding India, Digital and Technological Solutions, Health & Wellness, Yoga Education,
and Sports and Fitness. At the end of the second semester, students can decide either to continue
with the chosen major or request a change of major. The minor stream courses include vocational
courses which will help the students to equip with job- oriented skills.

Semesters 1 & 2: The students will undergo courses in 4 broad disciplines (major stream, minor
stream, 2 broad disciplines (multidisciplinary category) to have basic knowledge not only in major
areas but also in two other disciplines broadly grouped under Natural and Physical Sciences,
Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Applications, Library, Information and Media
Sciences, Commerce and Management, and Social Sciences. With exposure to basic courses
in four disciplines, a student can decide to continue the chosen major or change the major and
minor areas of interest at the end of the second semester. Additionally, these students will
also take up courses of their interest from Ability Enhancement (language), Skill
Enhancement, and Value-Added categories.

Change of Major: Students can opt for a change of major within the broad discipline (Natural
and Physical Sciences, Mathematical, Statistics, and Computational Sciences, Library,
Information and Media Sciences, Commerce and Management, and Humanities and Social
Sciences) at the end of the first year.

Additional Seats: The University as per NHEQF of NEP can create 10% additional seats over
and above the sanctioned strength to accommodate the request for a change of major. Any
unfilled or vacant seats may be filled with those seeking a change of Major. Preference will
be given to those who have got highest CGPA with no arrears in the first year.

Semesters 3 & 4: Students will choose courses of their interest in major and minor to build a
career of their interest. They also pursue courses to strengthen their language skills and other
skill-augmenting courses and vocational training.

Semesters 5 & 6: Students will undergo higher level courses and related courses during the
5th and 6th semesters in order to gain in-depth knowledge in the major and also in the related
disciplines through the minor stream. Students will also gain work-related skills through
courses in vocational education. The programme structure will enable the students to gain
sufficient knowledge and skills to meet the industry/society requirements.

Semesters 7 & 8: During the 4th and final year, students will undertake advanced level courses
in both major and minor streams to get a UG Degree (Honors). Students choose a research
component with courses relating to research methodology, advanced courses in theory and
applied areas, and seminar presentations. Students may be permitted to carry out a research
project or dissertation in another department of the same institution or another institution
provided the required facilities are available.

4.4 Courses from Other Disciplines (Multidisciplinary):

All UG students of Sri Sri University are required to undergo 3 introductory-level courses
relating to any of the broad disciplines given below. These courses are intended to broaden
the intellectual experience and form part of liberal arts and science education. Students are
not allowed to choose or repeat courses already undergone at the higher secondary level (12th
class) in the proposed major and minor stream under this category.

25 of 39
i. Natural and Physical Sciences: Students can choose basic courses from disciplines
such as Natural Science, for example, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology,
Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Biophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Earth
and Environmental Sciences, etc.

ii. Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Applications: Courses under this category
will facilitate the students to use and apply tools and techniques in their major and
minor disciplines. The course may include training in programming software like
Python among others and applications software like STATA, SPSS, Tally, etc. Basic
courses under this category will be helpful for science and social science in data
analysis and the application of quantitative tools.

iii. Commerce and Management: Courses include business management, accountancy,

finance, financial institutions, fintech, etc.,

iv. Humanities and Social Sciences: The courses relating to Social Sciences, for
example, Anthropology, Communication and Media, Economics, History,
Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, etc. will enable
students to understand the individuals and their social behaviour, society, and nation.
Students be introduced to survey methodology and available large-scale databases
for India. The courses under humanities include, for example, Archaeology, History,
Comparative Literature, Arts & Creative expressions, Creative Writing and
Literature, language(s), Philosophy, etc., and interdisciplinary courses relating to
humanities. The list of courses that can include interdisciplinary subjects such as
Cognitive Science, Environmental Science, Gender Studies, Global Environment &
Health, International Relations, Political Economy and Development, Sustainable
Development, Women’s and Gender Studies, etc. should be useful to understand

26 of 39
5. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) (08+ credits): Modern Indian Language (MIL) & English
language focused on language and communication skills

Students are required to achieve competency in a Modern Indian Language (MIL) and in the English
language with special emphasis on language and communication skills.
Thus, the courses will aim at enabling the students to acquire and demonstrate the core linguistic
skills, including critical reading and expository and academic writing skills, that help students
articulate their arguments and present their thinking clearly and coherently and recognize the
importance of language as a mediator of knowledge and identity. They would also enable students to
acquaint themselves with the cultural and intellectual heritage of the chosen MIL and English language,
as well as to provide a reflective understanding of the structure and complexity of the
language/literature related to both the MIL and English language. The courses will also emphasize the
development and enhancement of skills such as communication, and the ability to participate/conduct
discussion and debate.

5.1 Skills Enhancement Courses (SEC):

These courses are aimed at imparting practical skills, hands-on training, soft skills, etc. This is
intended to enhance the employability of students. Sri Sri University has, therefore, designed and
will continue to design courses as per the students’ needs and available institutional resources.

5.2 Value-Added Courses (VAC) Common to All UG Students

(i) Understanding India: The course aims to enable the students to acquire and demonstrate the
knowledge and understanding of contemporary India with its historical perspective, the basic
framework of the goals and policies of national development, and the constitutional obligations
with special emphasis on constitutional values and fundamental rights and duties. The course would
also focus on developing an understanding among student-teachers of the Indian knowledge
systems, the Indian education system, and the roles and obligations of teachers to the nation in
general and to the school/community/society. The course will attempt to deepen knowledge about
and understanding of India’s freedom struggle and of the values and ideals that it represented to
develop an appreciation of the contributions made by people of all sections and regions of the
country, and help learners understand and cherish the values enshrined in the Indian Constitution and to
prepare them for their roles and responsibilities as effective citizens of a democratic society.

27 of 39
(ii) Environmental Science/Education: The course seeks to equip students with the ability to
apply the acquired knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required to take appropriate actions for
mitigating the effects of environmental degradation, climate change, and pollution, effective waste
management, conservation of biological diversity, management of biological resources, forest and
wildlife conservation, and sustainable development and living. The course will also deepen the
knowledge and understanding of India’s environment in its totality, its interactive processes, and its
effects on the future quality of people’s lives.

(iii) Digital and Technological Solutions: Courses in cutting-edge areas that are fast gaining
prominences, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3-D machining, big data analysis, machine
learning, drone technologies, and Deep learning with important applications to health, environment,
and sustainable living that will be woven into undergraduate education for enhancing the
employability of the youth.

(iv) Health & Wellness, Yoga Education, Sports, and Fitness: Course components relating to
health and wellness seek to promote an optimal state of physical, emotional, intellectual, social,
spiritual, and environmental well-being of a person. Sports and fitness activities will be organized
outside the regular institutional working hours. Yoga education would focus on preparing the
students physically and mentally for the integration of their physical, mental, and spiritual faculties,
and equipping them with basic knowledge about one’s personality, maintaining self- discipline and
self-control, to learn to handle oneself well in all life situations. The focus of sports and fitness
components of the courses will be on the improvement of physical fitness including the
improvement of various components of physical and skills-related fitness like strength, speed,
coordination, endurance, and flexibility, acquisition of sports skills including motor skills as well
as basic movement skills relevant to a particular sport, improvement of tactical abilities, and
improvement of mental abilities.

Sri Sri University has and will continue to introduce other innovative value-added courses
relevant to the discipline or common to all UG programmes.

6. Summer Internship /Apprenticeship

A key aspect of the new UG programme is induction into actual work situations.
Accordingly, all the students will also undergo internships / Apprenticeships in a firm, industry,
or organization or training in labs with Faculty members and researchers. As far a possible,
it will be either organised in other research institutions during the summer term. Students will be
provided with opportunities for internships with local industry, business organizations, health
and allied areas, local governments (such as panchayats, municipalities), Parliament or elected
representatives, media organizations, artists, crafts persons, and a wide variety of organizations so
that students may actively engage with the practical side of their learning and, as a by-product,
further improve their employability.

28 of 39
It is reiterated that, students who wish to exit after the first two semesters or after fourth
semester will undergo an additional 4-credit work- based learning/internship in order to get a
UG Certificate/ UG Diploma respectively.

Community engagement and service: The curricular component of ‘community engagement and
service’ seeks to expose students to the socio-economic issues in society so that the theoretical
learnings can be supplemented by actual life experiences to generate solutions to real-life problems.
This can be part of summer term activity or part of a major or minor course depending upon the
major discipline.

Field-based learning/minor project: The field-based learning/minor project will attempt to provide
opportunities for students to understand the different socio- economic contexts. It will aim at giving
students exposure to development-related issues in rural and urban settings. It will provide
opportunities for students to observe situations in rural and urban contexts, and to observe and study
actual field situations regarding issues related to socioeconomic development. Students will be
given opportunities to gain a first-hand understanding of the policies, regulations, organizational
structures, processes, and programmes that guide the development process. They would have the
opportunity to gain an understanding of the complex socio-economic problems in the community,
and innovative practices required to generate solutions to the identified problems. This may be a
summer term project or part of a major or minor course depending on the subject of study.

7. Research Project / Dissertation

It is not a common but exceptional option allowed by the University after considering student
competence and availability of facilities in the University, therefore, option will be determined
Faculty/department wise well before start of the admission to an academic session. Students
choosing a 4-Year Bachelor’s degree (Honours with Research) are required to take up research
projects under the guidance of a Faculty member. The students are expected to complete the research
project in the eighth semester. The research outcomes of their project work may be published in
peer-reviewed journals or may be presented in conferences /seminars or may be patented.

8. Other Activities:

This component will include participation in activities related to National Service Scheme (NCC), National
Cadet Corps (NCC), adult education/literacy initiatives, mentoring school students, and other similar

9. Letter Grades and Grade Points

The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is computed from the grades as a measure of the
student’s performance in a given semester. The SGPA is based on the grades of the current term,
while the Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is based on the grades in all courses taken after joining the
programme of study. If need be (request from a student) University may also mention marks
obtained in each course and a weighted average of marks based on marks obtained in all the
semesters taken together for the benefit of that student.
29 of 39
Letter Grade Grade Point

O (outstanding) 10
A+ (Excellent) 9
A (Very good) 8
B+ (Good) 7
B (Above average) 6
C (Average) 5
P (Pass) 4
F (Fail) 0
Ab (Absent) 0

10. Computation of SGPA and CGPA

The University will follow the UGC recommended following procedure to compute the Semester
Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

i. The SGPA is the ratio of the sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade
points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the number of
credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e.

SGPA (Si) = ∑(Ci x Gi) / ∑Ci

Where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is the grade point scored by the
student in the ith course.

Example for Computation of SGPA

Semester Course Credit Letter Grade Credit Point

Grade point
(Credit x Grade)
I Course 1 3 A 8 3 X 8 = 24
I Course 2 4 B+ 7 4 X 7 = 28
I Course 3 3 B 6 3 X 6 = 18
I Course 4 3 O 10 3 X 10 = 30
I Course 5 3 C 5 3 X 5 = 15
I Course 6 4 B 6 4 X 6 = 24
20 139
SGPA 139/20=6.95

ii. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is also calculated in the same manner taking
into account all the courses undergone by a student over all the semesters of a programme,
30 of 39
CGPA = ∑(Ci x Si) / ∑ Ci

where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that
Example for Computation of CGPA

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6

Credit: 21 Credit: 22 Credit:25 Credit: 26 Credit: 26 Credit 25
SGPA:6.9 SGPA:7.8 SGPA:5.6 SGPA:6.0 SGPA: 6.3 SGPA 8.0

CGPA= 6.73 (21 x 6.9 + 22 x 7.8 + 25 x 5.6 + 26 x 6.0 + 26 x 6.3 + 25 x 8.0)/145

The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in the transcripts.

Transcript (Format): Based on the above recommendations on letter grades, grade points, and
SGPA and CCPA, the examination department may issue the transcript for each semester and a
consolidated transcript indicating the performance in all semesters.

Note: Under special circumstances, Sri Sri University may consider admitting students who have
already enrolled under UG programme as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to pursue 4-
year undergraduate programme. Sri Sri University may take decide to provide bridge courses
(including online courses) to enable them for transition to CCFUGP .

11. Pedagogical approaches

The Learning Outcomes-Based Approach to curriculum planning and transaction requires that the
pedagogical approaches are oriented towards enabling students to attain the defined learning
outcomes relating to the courses within a programme. The outcome- based approach, particularly
in the context of undergraduate studies, requires a significant shift from teacher-centric to learner-
centric pedagogies, and from passive to active/participatory pedagogies. Every programme of
study lends itself to the well- structured and sequenced acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Practical skills, including an appreciation of the link between theory and practice, will constitute an
important aspect of the teaching-learning process. Teaching methods, guided by such a framework,
may include lectures supported by tutorial work; practicum and field-based learning; the use of
prescribed textbooks and e-learning resources and other self-study materials; field- based
learning/project, open-ended project work, some of which may be team-based; activities designed
to promote the development of generic/transferable and subject- specific skills; and internship and
visits to field sites, and industrial or other research facilities etc.

31 of 39
12. Outcomes-based Approach

The National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF) envisages that students must possess
the quality and characteristics of the graduate of a programme of study, including learning outcomes
relating to the disciplinary area(s) in the chosen field(s) of learning and generic learning outcomes that
are expected to be acquired by a graduate on completion of the programme(s) of study.

The graduate attributes include capabilities that help broaden the current knowledge base and skills, gain
and apply new knowledge and skills, undertake future studies independently, perform well in a
chosen career, and play a constructive role as a responsible citizen in society. Graduate attributes are
fostered through meaningful learning experiences made available through the curriculum and
learning experience, the total college/university experience, and a process of critical and reflective

Graduate attributes include learning outcomes that are specific to disciplinary areas relating to the
chosen field(s) of learning within broad multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary/ transdisciplinary
contexts and generic learning outcomes that graduates of all programmes of study should acquire
and demonstrate, as given in Table 5.

Table 5: Graduate Attributes

Type of Learning Learning Outcomes Descriptors


Learning outcomes Graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

that are specific to Comprehensive knowledge and coherent understanding of the chosen
disciplinary/ disciplinary/interdisciplinary areas of study in a broad multidisciplinary
interdisciplinary areas context, their different learning areas, their linkages with related fields
of learning of study, and current and emerging developments associated with the
chosen disciplinary/interdisciplinary areas of
Practical, professional, and procedural knowledge required for carrying
out professional or highly skilled work/tasks related to the chosen field(s) of
learning, including knowledge required for undertaking self-employment
initiatives, and knowledge and mindset required for entrepreneurship
involving enterprise creation, improved product development, or a new
mode of organization.
skills in areas related to specialization in the chosen
disciplinary/interdisciplinary area(s) of learning in a broad
multidisciplinary context, including wide-ranging practical skills,
involving variable routine and non-routine contexts relating to the
chosen field(s) of learning.
capacity to extrapolate from what has been learned, translate concepts to real-
life situations and apply acquired competencies in new/unfamiliar contexts,
rather than merely replicate curriculum content knowledge, to generate
solutions to specific problems.

32 of 39
Generic Complex problem-solving: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the
learning capability to:
outcomes • solve different kinds of problems in familiar and non-familiar
contexts and apply the learning to real-life situations.

Type of The Learning outcomes descriptors

Critical thinking: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the
capability to:
• apply analytic thought to a body of knowledge, including the analysis
and evaluation of policies, and practices, as well as evidence, arguments,
claims, beliefs, and the reliability and relevance of evidence,
• identify relevant assumptions or implications; and formulate coherent
• identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others,
• analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources and draw valid
conclusions and support them with evidence and examples.
Creativity: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
• create, perform, or think in different and diverse ways about the same
objects or scenarios,
• deal with problems and situations that do not have simple solutions,
• innovate and perform tasks in a better manner,
• view a problem or a situation from multiple perspectives,
• think ‘out of the box’ and generate solutions to complex problems in
unfamiliar contexts,
• adopt innovative, imaginative, lateral thinking, interpersonal skills and
emotional intelligence.
Communication Skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the skills
that enable them to:
• listen carefully, read texts and research papers analytically and present
complex information in a clear and concise manner to different
• express thoughts and ideas effectively in writing and orally and
communicate with others using appropriate media,
• confidently share views and express herself/himself,
• construct logical arguments using correct technical language related to
a field of learning, work/vocation, or an area of professional practice,
and convey ideas, thoughts, and arguments using language that is respectful
and sensitive to gender and other minority groups.

33 of 39
Analytical reasoning/thinking: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the
capability to:
• evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence;
• identify logical flaws in the arguments of others;
• analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid
conclusions and support them with evidence and examples, and address
opposing viewpoints.

Type of learning The Learning outcomes descriptors


• Research-related skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate:

• a keen sense of observation, inquiry, and capability for asking relevant/
appropriate questions,
• the ability to problematize, synthesize, and articulate issues and design
research proposals,
• the ability to define problems, formulate appropriate and relevant research
questions, formulate hypotheses, test hypotheses using quantitative and
qualitative data, establish hypotheses, make inferences based on the
analysis and interpretation of data, and predict cause-and-effect
• the capacity to develop appropriate methodology and tools for data
• the appropriate use of statistical and other analytical tools and techniques,
• the ability to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or
investigation, the ability to acquire the understanding of basic research
ethics and skills in practicing/doing ethics in the field/ in personal research
work, regardless of the funding authority or field of study.
Coordinating/collaborating with others: The graduates should be able to
demonstrate the ability to:
• work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams,
• facilitate cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group,
• act together as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and
work efficiently as a member of a team.
Leadership readiness/qualities: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the
capability for:
• mapping out the tasks of a team or an organization and setting direction.
• formulating an inspiring vision and building a team that can help achieve the
vision, motivating and inspiring team members to engage with that vision.
• using management skills to guide people to the right destination.

34 of 39
Learning how to learn skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the
ability to:
• acquire new knowledge and skills, including ‘learning how to learn skills,
that are necessary for pursuing learning activities throughout life, through self-
paced and self- directed learning aimed at personal development, meeting
economic, social, and cultural objectives, and adapting to changing trades
and demands of the workplace, including adapting to the changes in work
processes in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, through
knowledge/ skill development/reskilling.
• work independently, identify appropriate resources required for further
• acquire organizational skills and time management to set self-defined goals and
targets with timelines.
• inculcate a healthy attitude to be a lifelong learner.

Type of The Learning outcomes descriptors

Digital and technological skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the
capability to:
• use ICT in a variety of learning and work situations,
• access, evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information
sources, and use appropriate software for analysis of data.

Multicultural competence and inclusive spirit: The graduates should be able to

• the acquisition of knowledge of the values and beliefs of multiple cultures and
a global perspective to honour diversity,
• capability to effectively engage in a multicultural group/society and interact
respectfully with diverse groups,
• capability to lead a diverse team to accomplish common group tasks and goals.
• gender sensitivity and adopting a gender-neutral approach, as also empathy
for the less advantaged and the differently-abled including those with learning

35 of 39
Value inculcation: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of
knowledge and attitude that are required to:
• embrace and practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values in
life, including universal human values of truth, righteous conduct, peace, love,
nonviolence, scientific temper, citizenship values,
• practice responsible global citizenship required for responding to
contemporary global challenges, enabling learners to become aware of and
understand global issues and to become active promoters of more peaceful,
tolerant, inclusive, secure, and sustainable societies,
• formulate a position/argument about an ethical issue from multiple
• identify ethical issues related to work, and follow ethical practices, including
avoiding unethical behaviour such as fabrication, falsification or
misrepresentation of data, or committing plagiarism, and adhering to
intellectual property rights,
• recognize environmental and sustainability issues, and participate in actions
to promote sustainable development.
• adopt an objective, unbiased, and truthful actions in all aspects of work,
• instill integrity and identify ethical issues related to work, and follow ethical
Type of The Learning outcomes descriptors
Autonomy, responsibility, and accountability: The graduates should be able to
demonstrate the ability to:
• apply knowledge, understanding, and/or skills with an appropriate degree of
independence relevant to the level of the qualification.
• work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project, and
manage a project through to completion.
• exercise responsibility and demonstrate accountability in applying knowledge
and/or skills in work and/or learning contexts appropriate for the level of the
qualification, including ensuring safety and security at workplaces.

36 of 39
Environmental awareness and action: The graduates should be able to
demonstrate the acquisition of and ability to apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes,
and values required to take appropriate actions for:
• mitigating the effects of environmental degradation, climate change, and
• effective waste management, conservation of biological diversity,
management of biological resources and biodiversity, forest and wildlife
conservation, and sustainable development and living.

Community engagement and service: The graduates should be able to

demonstrate the capability to participate in community-engaged services/ activities
for promoting the well- being of society.

Empathy: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to identify with
or understand the perspective, experiences, or points of view of another individual
or group, and to identify and understand other people’s emotions.

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13. Learning assessment
A variety of assessment methods that are appropriate to a given disciplinary/subject area and
a programme of study will be used to assess progress toward the course/programme learning
outcomes. Priority will be accorded to formative assessment. Evaluation will be based on
continuous assessment, in which sessional work and the terminal examination will contribute
to the final grade. Sessional work will consist of class tests, mid-semester examination(s),
homework assignments, etc., as determined by the Faculty in charge of the courses of study.
Progress towards achievement of learning outcomes will be assessed using the following:
time-constrained examinations; closed-book and open- book tests; problem-based
assignments; practical assignment laboratory reports; observation of practical skills;
individual project reports (case-study reports); team project reports; oral presentations,
including seminar presentation; viva voce interviews; computerized adaptive assessment,
examination on demand, modular certifications, etc.

14. Credit accumulation and Redemption

Sri Sri University will facilitate credit accumulation through the facility created by the
Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) scheme in the “Academic Bank Account” opened by students
across the country to transfer and consolidate the credits earned by them by undergoing courses
in any of the eligible Universities. As per guidelines of UGC, ABC allows for credit redemption
through the process of commuting the accrued credits in the Academic Bank Account
maintained in the ABC for the purpose of fulfilling the credits requirements for the award of
Certificate/Diploma/ Degree by the authorized HEIs such as the universities or the autonomous
colleges. However, the validity of credits earned and kept in the Academic Credit Account will
be to a maximum period of seven years or as specified by the ABC for different disciplinary or
fields of learning to allow the redemption of credits after the date of earning such credits. After
seven years, re-entry into a programme of study will be based on the validation of prior learning
outcomes. Lateral entry into the programme of study at a particular NHEQF level will be based
on the validation of prior learning outcomes, including those achieved outside of formal
learning or through learning and training in the workplace or in the community, through
continuing professional development activities, or through independent/self-directed/ self-
managed learning activities.

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Annexure 1: NHEQF Qualifications and Nomenclature

Type of Qualification title/nomenclature and programme duration

Undergraduate Undergraduate Certificate (Field of study/discipline). (Programme
Certificate duration: First year (first two semesters) of the undergraduate programme,
followed by an Internship

Undergraduate Undergraduate Diploma (Field of study/discipline). (Programme

Diploma duration: First two years (first four semesters) of the undergraduate
programme, followed by an exit internship.

Bachelor’s degree Bachelor of (Field of study/discipline) (Programme duration:

First two years (first four semesters) of the undergraduate programme,
followed by an exit 10-credit bridge course(s) lasting two months,
including at least 6-credit job-specific internship/apprenticeship that
would help the graduates acquire job-ready competencies required to
enter the workforce. Examples:
• Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Bachelor
of Commerce (B.Com.), Bachelor of Vocation (B. Voc.),
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). Programme
duration: three years (six semesters).
• Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.): Five years (ten semesters).
• Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.): Four years (8 semesters).
Bachelor’s degree Bachelor of (Field of study/discipline) (Honours/Research). Programme
(Honours/Research) duration: Four years (eight semesters).

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