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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”



1. Introduction to the Report

Indian Banking framework is confronting various difficulties with the progression of

innovation. It gets basic for specialist organizations to meet the objective consumer
loyalties with nature of administrations expected by them on its conveyance based
financial administrations. Banking industry is the service industry and providing
various financial services through the application of IT to its customers. The present
research study is an attempt to highlight perception level of 200 customers of ICICI
bank living in district Bareilly with the objective to know the level of awareness and
satisfaction of IT service users of bank in rural areas of India. It is observed that
mostly customers are well aware and satisfied with the IT based banking services.

Globalization and liberalization dominated the each and every sphere of life and
economy of India. Banking which is an essential part of human beings is seemed to
be raped with these reforms and a huge change is seen in Indian banking system.
Before these reforms, people were concise to deposit and withdrawal of money from
the bank and services standard was becoming pathetic. The revolution swapped the
age-age long problems of human being as well as the marketing approach of the bank
to revolve them to customer oriented. Many new foreign banks came into the market
and change the whole scenario of banking system through their modern and
technology-based services. As reason Indian banks were also bound to follow the
latest trend, innovative services and facilities in their working environment to get and
maintain their huge market. With the coming of private sector bank as technology-
savvy banks, provided a lot of facilities to customers by offering them new products,
new services, new market and efficient delivery channels for the banking industry
putting credit, debit, smart card into the hands of customer with the development of
Tele-banking and internet banking. With years, banks are adding administrations to
their clients. The Indian financial industry is going through a period of clients
showcase. The clients have progressively decision in picking their banks. A challenge
has been built up inside the banks working in India. The proficiency of a financial

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

part relies on how it can convey its administrations to target clients in most ideal
manner. So as to make due in this aggressive condition and give persistent consumer
loyalty, the suppliers of banking administration are presently required to ceaselessly
improve the nature of administrations.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

1.2 Company Profile

ICICI Bank Limited, Yavatmal

In today’s competitive world, all organizations are focusing on customer

satisfaction. They have shifted their objective from earning profits to provide
customer satisfaction. ICICI Bank is a very good example of this. ICICI Bank is
playing crucial role in the development of trade, commerce. It has also been
contributing towards the economic development of the nation’s economy. Through
my research, I found out what are the services provided by ICICI Bank, and it is also
found whether they are very innovative. This bank has shown a remarkable
performance within a short period of time through its innovative products, services
and the policies. In this research, it is found how ICICI Bank is satisfying its
customers. As the competition in the market has increased as a result the expectations
of the customers have also increased. To meet the expectations of the customers,
ICICI Bank is making efforts by providing new products with faster delivery at
cheaper rates.

Name :-ICICI Bank, Yavatmal

Location :-Yavatmal

Headquarter :-Yavatmal

Branch Head : - Manohar Prabhakar Dev

Yavatmal :-Dutta Square, Yavatmal

Branches :-34

Area of operation : -Yavatmal City

Established :-June 1994

Employee : -40

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Banking area in any country is the imperative for building up the business and
economy. Banks are the core of the business part of any economy and supply the
important cash blood to all business associations and at the same time bolster the
more vulnerable divisions or the associations of a country. Clients' fulfilment is the
basic factor that chooses the accomplishment of any bank. Presently a days, Private
Banks are extending their branches in urban just as in provincial territories to get an
ever increasing number of clients. Brach size, administrations, framework, offices,
staff, working hours and so on is differing as indicated by an area the branch. This
examination covers the provincial financial client's mindfulness and use of the
innovation-based administrations gave by one bank and their fulfilment designs. The
investigation will be useful in expanding the mindfulness, usage and fulfilling the
clients and at last improve the bank's exhibition.

1.4 Hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis

1. Customers are aware about the various services provided by the bank.

2. Customers are satisfied with the services available in ICICI Bank Yavatmal city

Null Hypotheses

1. Customers are not aware about the various services provided by the bank.

2. Customers are not satisfied with the services available in ICICI Bank Yavatmal

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

1.5 Research Objectives

The research work is carried with the motive to achieve the following objectives:

 To know the customers awareness on technology-based service of ICICI

 To analyse the perception level of customer’s satisfaction on the utilization of
IT based services of ICICI bank.

1.6 Research Methodology

For this purpose, researcher has used descriptive research design, under which
an earnest endeavour was made to obtain the relevant results regarding problems in
hand. Research design includes an outline of everything from defining the problem in
term of objections to final analysis of the data. The present study was conducted in
one private sector bank namely ICICI bank of district Yavatmal Maharashtra. A field
survey has been conducted to know the customers awareness and utilization of the
technology-based services of ICICI Bank in District Yavatmal Maharashtra. With the
help of a questionnaire which consists of both open and closed end questions. The
total sample consists of 200 customers (75, each of savings and current account
customers and 25 each of senior citizens and NRI accounts). The responses received
from respondents are tabulated and responses are expressed in percentage along each
dimension of aspect.

1.7 Limitations of the Research

The study is conducted on a sample of customers which may not represent the
exact general opinion of the population. The survey is conducted in a particular
geographical location. So, the results may vary in other geographical locations.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”



2.1 Review of Literature

Innovation in banking administration associations is significant for progress,

many creators and researchers have contemplated innovation in banking
administration association from alternate points of view; Reddy (2001) in his
examination expressed that bank are at various phases of innovation reception
incompletely because of their various heritages, as much as distinction in their vital
ways to deal with computerization and innovation ingestion. Vyas P (2004) inferred
that private division banks are all the more adequately executing e-banking
administrations, while nationalized banks were found to have lesser level of
computerization. Dr. Rangarajan, the previous Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of
India says, "Indian banks need to fit in with universal bookkeeping norms, if Indian
banks are to get their due spot and acknowledgment in the worldwide monetary
market" Jankiraman (1994).
The accentuation on innovation as the key factor for improving execution and
expanding profitability in banks has been very much exemplified by her through
delineations. Most Indian Banks, chiefly private ones, are hurrying to interconnect
their countrywide branches. Khushboo B, Naveena C and Neha J (2014) clarified in
their examination that individuals are progressively fulfilled from the Private division
banks because of their better administrations gave by them regarding quick
exchanges, completely programmed mechanized offices, more and advantageous
working hours, warning administrations, talented and co-usable staff, better client
relationship the executives and so forth. Yet, there is have to make mindful rustic
clients about the administrations of Private Banks. The most office benefited by
clients of the private segment banks are ATM.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

2.2 Concepts and Definitions

Consumers all over the world have become more quality conscious; hence there has
been an increased customer demand for higher quality service. Service operations worldwide
are affected by this new wave of quality awareness and emphasis. Therefore service-based
companies like the banks are compelled to provide excellent services to their customers in
order to have sustainable competitive advantage, especially in the current trend. Customer
satisfaction and retention has become a matter of concern in the banking industry and service
quality has been identified empirically as the driver of them. But there are discrepancies
between what the banks think is quality service and what the customers expect from the

Banking industry is highly service-oriented. The banking industry like many other
financial service industries facing a rapidly changing market, new technologies, economic
uncertainties, severe competition and more demanding customers. These rapid
transformations of services in the banking system have leads to the development of a highly
competitive and complex market. These developments are compelling the banks to refine
their service on a continuous basis in order to cope with the present conditions. This has led
the banks to improve the existing services and creation of new services. Widespread use of
technology enhanced the customer expectations, specifically on the aspects of speed and
quality of service delivery. So, the banks are looking for new ways not only to attract but also
to retain the customers and gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Thus, the
customers have become the focal point either to develop or maintain stability in the business.

Banking is a customer-oriented services industry; therefore, the customer is the

centre and customer satisfaction is the differentiating factor. Customer satisfaction, a
business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company to meet or
exceed the customer expectations. The quality of services rendered by a bank has a
significant impact on the mentality of the customers. The relationship between a bank and its
customer is not a one-time or temporary relationship, but a relatively permanent and
continuing one. Customers expect the banks to be customer centric in all their dealings with
the customers. A prompt and efficient customer service is very important for the success of
the banking industry. Private banks seem to have satisfied its customers with good services
and they have been successful in retaining its customers by providing better facilities than

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

Public Sector Banks. But still Private Banks need to go a long way to become customer’s
first preference. So the study on customer satisfaction towards ICICI bank has been carried
out with the specific objectives.

ICICI Bank is an Indian multinational banking and financial services company

headquartered in Mumbai. ICICI Bank was established by the Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), an Indian financial institution, as a wholly owned
subsidiary in 1994. The parent company was formed in 1955 as a joint-venture of the World
Bank, India's public-sector banks and public-sector insurance companies to provide project
financing to Indian industry. The parent company was later merged with ICICI Bank. As of
2021 it is the second largest bank in India in terms of assets and market capitalization. ICICI
bank is the India’s largest private sector bank with total assets of Rs5,946.42 billion at 31st
March 2021 and profit after tax Rs.98.10 billion for the year ended 31st March 2021. It offers
a wide range of banking products and financial services for corporate and retail customers
through a variety of delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment
banking, life, non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. The Bank has a
network of 3,850 branches and 12,091 ATMs in India, and has a presence in 19 countries as
of December, 2021. ICICI Bank is one of the Big Four banks of India, along with State Bank
of India, Punjab National Bank and Bank of Baroda.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”



3.1 Data Analysis

3.1.1 Assets of ICICI bank from 2017-18 to 2021-22

Assets Rup
201 Perce 201 Per 2019 Perce 202 Perce 202 Pe
7-18 ntage 8-19 cent -20 ntage 0-21 ntage 1-22 rce
ge age nta
Cash 5.4 293 7.3 1753 4.6 275 7.6 209 5.1
& 77.5 6.33 14.2 07
Balanc 187 9
es with 06.9
Balanc 5.3 866 2.2 1243 3.3 113 3.1 131 3.2
e with 3.6 0.23 59.4 83.1
Banks, 184
Money 14.5
at Call
Advanc 195 56.8 225 56.4 2183 57.6 181 49.9 216 53.
es 866 616 10.8 205. 366 3
5 6
Invest 912 26.5 111 27.9 1030 27.2 120 33.3 134 33.
ments 57.8 454 58.3 892. 686 2
1 8
Gross 629 1.8 703 1.8 7443 2.0 711 2.0 910 2.2
Block 8.56 6 .71 4.12 7.47
Accum 237 0.7 292 0.7 3642 1.0 390 1.1 436 1.1
ulated 5.14 7.11 .09 1.43 3.21

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

Net 392 1.1 410 1.0 3801 1.0 321 0.9 474 1.2
Block 3.42 8.89 .62 2.69 4.26
Other 164 4.8 205 5.1 2416 6.4 192 5.3 163 4.0
Assets 89 74.6 3.62 14.9 47.5
Total 344 100 399 100 3793 100 363 100 406 10
Assets 658 795 00.9 399. 234 0
6 7

Table No. 1: Assets of ICICI bank from 2017-18 to 2021-22

Table 1 exemplify the assets of components of the ICICI bank for the last five years,
with regards to cash and balance with RBI 18706.9 crores which 5.4 percent of the
total assets of 2017-18, which is increased to 20,907 crores with the slight decline in
the proportion of total assets with 5.1 percent of the total assets, whereas the overall
increase of the amount is 11.8 percent, Balance with banks, Money at call was
18,414.5 crores in 2006 with the percent of 5.3 percent of the total assets, it has
diminished to 13,183.1 crores in 2018-19 with the 28.4 percent of decrease over the
period of time, with regard to the advances of the bank in 2017-18 the amount was
1,95,866 crores which constitutes 56.8 percent of the total assets which has increased
to 2,16,366 crores which constitutes around 53.3 percent of the total assets for the
year 2010-11 with the increase of 10.5 percent of the increase over the years, with
respect to investments the amount was 91,257.8 crores constitutes 26.5 percent of the
total assets on 2017-18, which is 1,34,686 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 33.2
percent of the overall assets of that respective year with the increase of 47.6 percent
over the years, The gross block for the year 2006-07 was 6298.56 crores which
constitutes around 1.8 percent of the total assets, which is 9,107 crores in 2018-19
which constitutes 2.2 percent of the overall assets of that respective year with the
increase of 44.6 percent over the years, The accumulated depreciation for the year
2017-18 was 2375.14 crores constitutes 0.7 percent of the total assets which is
4,363.21 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 1.1percent of the overall assets of that
respective year with the increase of 83.7 percent over the years, other assets of the
year 2006-07 was 16,489 crores constitutes around 4.8 percent of the total assets
which is 16,347.5 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 4 percent of the overall assets
of that respective year with the decrease of 0.89 percent over the years, Thus the
assets of the ICICI bank shows positive development over the period of time and

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

there has not been very negative fluctuations have taken place during the last five
years, it clearly indicates the financial stability of the bank.

3.1.2 Liabilities of the ICICI bank from 2017-18 to 2021-22

200 Perc 2007 Perc 2008 Perc 200 Perc 201 Perc
6- entag -08 enta -09 entag 9-10 entag 0-11 entag
07 e ge e e e
Share 124 0.5 1462 0.8 1113 0.9 111 1.2 115 1.6
Capita 9.3 .68 .29 4.89 1.82
l 4
Reser 2.3 4535 4.4 4841 4.8 505 5.1 539 4.8
ves & 234 7.53 9.73 03.4 38.8
Surpl 13. 8 2
us 9
Share 2.8 4682 4.6 4953 4.9 516 5.2 550 4.9
holder 246 0.21 3.02 18.3 90.6
s’ 63. 7 4
Funds 3
Deposi 230 25.8 2444 23.2 2183 21.7 202 20.4 225 20.2
ts 510 31.0 47.8 016. 602.
5 2 6 1
Total 281 31.5 3100 30.3 2856 27.6 296 28.8 335 28.5
Debt 766 79.4 71.5 280. 156.
8 1 2 4
Borro 512 5.7 6564 6.5 9315 9.2 942 9.5 109 9.8
wings 56 8.43 5.45 63.5 554.
7 3
Loan 281 31.5 3100 30.3 3115 30.9 296 29.9 335 30.0
Funds 766 79.4 03.2 280. 156.
8 8 2 4
Total 894 100.0 1023 100.0 1007 100.0 992 100.0 111 100.0
Liabili 625 878. 744. 077. 565
ties 9 1 3 0

Table No. 2: Liabilities of the ICICI bank from 2017-18 to 2021-22

Table 2 exemplify the liability components of the ICICI bank for the last five years,
with regards to share capital 1249.3 crores which 5.5 percent of the total liability of
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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

2017-18, which is increased to 1151.2 crores with the proportion of total liability
with 1.6 percent of the total liability ,whereas the overall decrease of the amount is
7.8 percent, Reserves and surplus was 23413.9crores in 2017 with the percent of 2.3
percent of the total assets, it has diminished to 53938.82crores in 2018-19 with the
proportion of 4.8 percent with respect to the liability of the respective year, with the
increase of 130.4 percent over the period of time, with regards to the shareholders
fund of the bank in 2006-07 the amount was 24663.3crores which constitutes2.8
percent of the total liability which has increased to 55090.64 crores which
constitutes around 4.9 percent of the total liability for the year 2018-19 with the
increase of 123.4 percent of the increase over the years, with respect to the deposits
of the amount was 230510 crores constitutes 25.8 percent of the total liability on
2018-18, which is 225602.1 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 20.2 percent of the
overall liability of that respective year with the decrease of 2.1 percent over the
years, The total debt for the year 2017-18 was 281766 crores which constitutes
around 31.5 percent of the total liability , which is 335156.4crores in 2018-19 which
constitutes 18.9 percent of the overall liability of that respective year with the
increase of 18.9 percent over the years, The borrowings for the year 2017-18 was
51256crores constitutes 5.7 percent of the total assets which is 109554.3crores in
2020-21 which constitutes 9.8 percent of the overall assets of that respective year
with the increase of 113.7 percent over the years, Loan funds of the year 2017-18
was 281766 crores constitutes around 31.5 percent of the total assets which is
335156.4 crores in 2020-21 which constitutes 30 percent of the overall liability of
that respective year with the increase of 18.9 percent over the years, Thus the
liability of the ICICI bank has shown positive development over the period of time
and there has been very unstainable reductions in total debt, and the loan funds
which implies that the financial performance is more positive in the same in the
increase in the shareholders fund is the positive sign even though it is increase
liability of the bank. negative fluctuations have not taken place during the last five
years, it clearly indicates the financial stability of the bank.

The parameters of service quality such as banking habits, speed and efficiency of
transactions, behavioural aspects of employees. customer amenities, credit related
services, technical aspects, service charges and pricing were considered as major
items of observation.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

In order to have an objective and scientific assessment of customer satisfaction, the

customer Satisfaction at the various dimension comprehensively analysed from the
data collected.

3.1.3 Age-wise classification

Gender Nos Percentage

Male 241 68.9

Female 109 31.1

Total 350 100

Table No. 3: Age wise classification

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

Table 3 revealed the gender wise distribution of the respondents. In the total
respondent’s 68.9 percent of the respondents were male and 31.1 percent were
female. In short, majority of the respondents were male in the study area.

Age as an important demographic variable not only determines an individual’s

physical and mental maturity but also depicts his or her life experiences.

3.1.4: Opinion on various Service charges of the ICICI bank

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

Table No. 4: Opinion on various Service charges of the ICICI bank

Table 5 exemplifies the respondents opinion on the service charges levied by the
bank for the new cheque book 24.3 percent of the respondents considered as low,
17.7 percent opined it was very low,20.3 percent of the respondents opined it was
high and 18.3 percent felt it was very high and 19.6 percent of the people considered
it was moderate, regarding DD 26.3 percent and 12 percent felt it was low and very
low respectively, 17.1 percent and 18.6 percent opined high and very high
respectively,26 percent felt it was moderate charge, regarding telegraphic transfer
28.0 percent and 9.4 percent felt it was low and very low respectively, 18.9 percent
and 22.3 percent opined high and very high respectively,21.4 percent felt it was
moderate charge, for mail transfer 27.7 percent and 9.4 percent felt it was low and
very low respectively, 22.9 percent and 20.0 percent opined high and very high
respectively,19.7 percent felt it was moderate charge, the opinion of the respondents
on the service charge levied by the ICICI bank on bill discounting revealed that 23.1
percent and 3.1 percent felt it was low and very low respectively, 14.9 percent and
26.3 percent opined high and very high respectively,27.7 percent felt it was moderate
charge, for cheque bill collection charge 25.4 percent and 5.7 percent felt it was low
and very low respectively, 21.1 percent and 22.9 percent opined high and very high

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

respectively,24.9 percent felt it was moderate charge ,regarding ATM charges 16.9
percent and 7.7 percent felt it was low and very low respectively, 27.1 percent and
20.0 percent opined high and very high respectively,28.3 percent felt it was moderate
charge, for safety locker usage service charge 20.3 percent and 10.3 percent felt it
was low and very low respectively, 17.4 percent and 28.3 percent opined high and
very high respectively,23.7 percent felt it was moderate charge, for debate charges
14.6 percent and 9.4 percent felt it was low and very low respectively, 19.7 percent
and 28 percent opined high and very high respectively,28.3 percent felt it was
moderate charge regarding the service charge to travellers cheque 15.7 percent and
9.4 percent felt it was low and very low respectively, 33.1 percent and 13.7 percent
opined high and very high respectively,28 percent felt it was moderate charge and the
opinion of the respondents on condition of maintaining minimum balance is revealed
that 21 percent and 14.6 percent felt it was low and very low respectively, 27.7
percent and 14.6 percent opined high and very high respectively,21.7 percent felt it
was moderate charge. The overall opinion of the people regarding service charges
levied by ICICI bank for various transactions are relatively higher still people felt
comfortable with the charge structure as long as the quality of service is very high.

3.1.5: Opinion of the respondents about the working Hours of the bank

Satisfied present
working Want Sunday Favour to 24*7
hrs banking banking

Yes 343 98 298 85.1 304 86.9

No 7 2 52 14.9 46 13.1

Total 350 100 350 100 350 100

Table No. 5: Opinion of the respondents about the working Hours of the bank

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

Table 5 illustrates the opinion of the working hours of the bank, 98 percent of the
people have satisfied with the current working hours of the bank, merely 2 percent
of the respondents have not felt satisfied with the working hours, 85.1 percent of the
respondents needs Sunday banking, 14.9 percent felt that there is no need for
Sunday banking, 86.9 percent of the respondents opined that they are favour to 24*
7 banking, and 13, 1 percent are not favour to 24* 7 banking. It could be inferred
from the above empirical evidence that respondents have very much satisfied with
the working hours of the bank and the aspiration to expect more from the bankers.

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

3.1.6: Opinion on the process to resolve the problem in ICICI bank

Fac was it The Was was

ed repres % auth % the % you whe %
any ented ority probl fou ther
pro % insta em nd the
ble ntly devel the % pro
rem ble
m in avaia oped
edy m
ICI ble
CI to solv
ban recei ed
k ve with
the in
comp the
laint expe
Y 150 4 298 8 323 9 21 6 341 9 305 8
ES 2. 5 2. 7 7.
9 . 3 . 1
1 4
N 200 5 52 1 27 7. 329 9 9 2.6 45 1
O 7. 4 7 4 2.
1 . 9
To 350 1 350 10 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 1
tal 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

Table No. 6: Opinion on the process to resolve the problem in ICICI bank

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

Table 6 exemplifies the opinion of the respondents about the problem encountered
in the bank and the process to resolve the problem, 42.9 percent of the respondents
have faced the problem in the bank transaction while 57.1 percent of the
respondents didn’t face any problem during transaction, regarding the scope to
launch complaint 92.3 percent people said that the authority instantly available to
receive the compliant from the customer, only 7.7 percent of the respondents stated
the non-availability of the authorities to receive the complaint quickly, 6 percent of
the people accepted that the problem was magnified while 94 percent of the
respondents denied the statement that the problem was magnified,97.4 percent of
the respondents stated that they got the remedy for the problem addressed, only 2.6
percent of the people didn’t got the remedy, 87.1 percent of the respondents stated
that the got the remedy within the expected time while 12.1 percent of the people
revealed that they didn’t got the remedy within the expected time. The overall
picture of the problem and the process of finding the solution are in very cordial and
favourable to the customer at large extent. Thus, it can be inferred that the majority
of customer complaints can be settled at branch manager and accountant’s level.
Here the diplomacy, patience and approach of the senior officials of the branch are
important factors in making a dissatisfied customer a satisfied one. It is also found
that a perceptible change in the attitude of customers in launching complaints as
result of awareness and also the banker’s ability to reciprocate to the complaints are
also sounds good. As far as possible a bank should find solution to the complaint in

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

a short period and in the most satisfactory manner to the customer or else it will
affect the image of the bank.

3.1.7: Hypothesis

There is no significant influence of determinants on customer satisfaction of

ICICI bank

Model Summary

Model R R Adjusted Std. Error Durbin-

Square R of the Watson
Square Estimate

1 .991(a) .982 .968 10283.786 2.081

A) Predictors: (Constant), Physical facilities, Interest rate,

working Hours, service charges, Redressal of Complaints,
Bank staff Attitude, on-financial services,
B) Dependent Variable: Customer satisfaction


Model Sum of do Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 58020786 8 7252598371.95 68.578 .000(a)

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

975.632 4
Residual 10575625 10 105756254.889
Total 59078349 18
A) Predictors: (Constant), Physical facilities, Interest rate, working Hours,
service charges, Redressal of Complaints, Bank staff Attitude, Non-financial
B) Dependent Variable: Customer satisfaction


Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.

Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Beta B Std.
Error Error
Customer 1209.9 2475 1.578 0.073
Physical 0.057 0.032 -1.565 0.87 0.015
Interest rate -647.111 336.461 -1.121 0.118 0.014

working 1.836 0.682 0.873 -0.172 0.023

service -63.058 458.26 -0.094 0.02 0.071
Redressal of -70.707 60.02 -0.176 -1.38 0.026
Bank staff -0.091 0.184 -0.271 -0.234 0.034
Non-financial 5173.29 2505.9 0.073 -0.123 0.045

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

3.2 Interpretation


Simple percentage analysis is the method to represent raw streams of data as a

percentage for better understanding of collected data. Percentage analysis is applied
to create a contingency table from the frequency distribution and represent the
collected data for better understanding.

Percentage = x 100

Total no. of respondents



1 Male 74 62
2 Female 46 38
TOTAL 120 100

Table No. 7: Table showing the gender of the respondents


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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

The above table shows that out of total 120 respondents, 62% of the respondents are
male and 38% of the respondents are female.

Majority, 62% of the respondents are male.




1 Illiterate 17 14
2 Up to school level 20 16
3 Graduate 47 39
4 Post graduate 16 13
5 Professional 20 16
TOTAL 120 100

Table No. 8: Table showing the educational qualification of the respondents


The above table shows that out of total 120 respondents, 39% of the respondents are
graduate, 16% of the respondents are upto school level and professional, 14% of the
respondents are illiterate, 13% of the respondents are post graduate.

Majority, 39% of the respondents are graduate.

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”




1 Employee 11 9
2 Employer 39 33
3 Professional’s 60 50
4 Other’s 10 8
TOTAL 120 100

Table No. 9: Table showing the occupational status of the respondents


The above table shows that out of total 120 respondents, 50% of the respondents are
professional’s, 33% of the respondents are employer, 9% of the respondents are
employee, 8% of the respondents are others.

Majority, 50% of the respondents are professionals.


A rank analysis is any of several statistics that measure an ordinal association, the
relationship between ranking of different ordinal variables or different ranking of the
same variables, where a “ranking” is the assignment of the labels “first”, “second”,
“third”, etc., To different observation of a particular variable. A rank analysis
measures of similarity between two rankings, and can be used to assess the
significance of the relation between them. It is not necessarily a total order of object

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

because two different objects can have the same ranking. The ranking themselves are
totally ordered.



S. Factors Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Total Rank

No. 1 2 3 4 5
1 Quality of 23(5) 14(4) 42(3) 29(2) 5(1) 360 1
2 Timely 12(5) 25(4) 21(3) 39(2) 20(1) 321 2
3 Loan 5(5) 14(4) 29(3) 47(2) 19(1) 281 5
4 Internet 19(5) 2(4) 24(3) 44(2) 27(1) 290 4
5 Mobile 19(5) 15(4) 14(3) 38(2) 32(1) 305 3

Table No. 10: Table showing the preference level of respondents towards icici
banking services


The above table shows that out of total 115 respondents, Quality of service has
ranked 1st, Timely response has ranked 2nd, Mobile banking has ranked 3rd, Internet
banking has ranked 4th, Loan facilities has ranked 5th.

Majority, Respondents are satisfied with the Online services in ICICI Bank.


Likert scales are the most broadly used method for scaling responses in research
studies. Research questions that ask you to indicate your level of agreement, from
strongly agree or highly satisfied to strongly disagree or highly dissatisfied, use the
Likert scale. In Likert scale method, a person’s attitude is measured by combining
(additional or averaging) their responses across all items.
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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”


∑ 𝒇𝒙

Likert Scale =

Total Number of Respondents


F= Number of Respondents

X= Likert Scale Value

∑ 𝒇𝒙 = Total Score

Mid value,

Mid-value indicates the middle most value of the Likert scale.




(F) (X)
1 Highly Satisfied 27 5 135
2 Satisfied 47 4 188
3 Neutral 32 3 96
4 Dissatisfied 12 2 24
5 Highly dissatisfied 2 1 2
TOTAL 120 445

Table No. 11: Table showing the satisfaction level of respondents with the icici
bank’s core banking facility

Likert value =∑ 𝑓𝑥 / No. of. Respondents

= 445 / 120

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

= 3.71


Likert scale value is 3.71 which is greater than the mid value (3), so the respondents
are feeling good with the core banking facility provided by the ICICI Bank.


(F) (X)
Highly satisfied 29 5 145
Satisfied 24 4 96
Neutral 26 3 78
Dissatisfied 14 2 28
Highly dissatisfied 27 1 27
TOTAL 120 374

Table No. 12: Table showing the satisfaction level of respondents towards
customers reliability

Likert value =∑ 𝑓𝑥 / No. of. Respondents

= 374 / 120


College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”


Likert scale value is 3 which is greater than the mid value (3), so the respondents are
satisfied with the Customers reliability by the ICICI Bank.



4.1 Major Findings

 74% of the respondents are of between the age 18 years – 27 years.

 52.2% of the respondents are male.

 69.6% of the respondents are single.

 59% of the respondents are under graduate.

 46% of the respondents are engaged in other activities.

 51.8% of the respondent’s family are earning upto Rs.2,50,000

 69.3% of the respondents are maintaining savings account.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

 40% of the respondents are maintaining account for upto 2 years.

 41.7% of the respondents find importance towards personal loan.

 36.5% of the respondents find cost effectiveness.

 32.5% of the respondents complain over the phone.

 38.6% of the respondents find no response.

Majority of the respondents preferred their branch because of Quality of

service. Convenience and popularity of branch were given subsequent preference.
While 52 percent customers ranked proximity, 71 percent l respondents opined in
favour of proximity.

There has been quite positive opinion registered with regard to the common
problem encountered by the customers in the banks, 13 percent of the respondents
were opined that there is delay in service in the branches,12.8 percent of the
respondents were dissatisfied with the service rendered by the staffs,4 percent were
dissatisfied with the delay in loan sanctions, at the outset proportion of the problems
are relatively major, hence it was illustrated that there has been very major problems
in the transactions.

4.2 Conclusion of Findings

ICICI Bank is one of the largest private sector banks in India. Popularity of
the bank is clear from the Survey done above. From analysis it is concluded that
people mostly prefer ICICI Bank for Savings account needs because of its attractive
interest rates and comfortable repayment system. Considerably less amount of people
prefers this bank for maintain current accounts due to cumbersome documentation.
ICICI is a diversified bank and has extended its operations into different areas like
mutual funds, insurance etc. ICICI bank is known for its quality services and
excellent customer care which is very evident from this survey customers are
increasingly going tech savvy and hence ICICI bank has also worked hard in this
domain. Overall, ICICI bank is the preferred bank by maximum people in private

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

The above analysis empirically verified the various dimensions of the services
rendered by the ICICI bank and customer perceptions on the services have been
exhibited in the above analysis.

4.3 Suggestions and Recommendations

 Bank should focus on loan services provided to their customers and should
revise its interest on loan in a manner that people may go for loan.
 Banks should share all the relevant information about the products
and services with the customers
 ICICI Bank should improve its Internet Banking and Mobile Banking
Facilities as customers are not satisfied with it.



1. Are you aware of the different facilities provided by ICICI?

a) Yes
b) No

2. Whether facilities are better in ICICI?

a) Yes
b) No

3. Which type of facility you have taken ICICI Bank?

a) Savings Account
b) Salaried Account
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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

c) Retails Banking Account

d) Corporate Banking Account

4. How long you have been a customer of ICICI Bank?

a) Less than 1 year
b) I to 5 years
c) 5 to 10 years
d) More than 10 Years

5. Why did you choose ICICI?

a) Banking Facilities
b) Staff/Officials Behaviour
c) Interest rates
d) Infrastructure
e) Any other reason

6. Are you satisfied with the facilities/services provided by ICICI?

a) Highly Satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Unsatisfied
d) Highly Unsatisfied

7. Will you choose other bank over ICICI in future?

a) Yes
b) No

8. Whether Loan facilities are available in ICICI and are you aware of the different
kinds of loan offered by this bank?

a) Yes
b) No

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”

9. Are you availing any kind of Loans from ICICI Bank or any other Bank?

a) Yes
b) No
c) No Loan at all

10. How will you rate the overall services and facilities provided by ICICI?

a) Very good
b) Good
c) Poor
d) Very poor

16. What do you think which bank’s customer’s satisfaction is better?

a) Other


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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal”



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College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal.

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