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Ee Mid-2 Quiz Bits

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1. The most ideal disinfectant used for drinking water throughout the world, is
a) alum
b) lime
c) chlorine
d) nitrogen

2. The maximum pressure which the pipe can withstand without any leakage during hydrostatic pressure
test, is called
a) Working pressure
b) Design pressure
c) Test pressure
d) Hydrostatic pressure

3. Filtration of water is done to remove

a) colour
b) odour
c) turbidity
d) pathogenic bacteria

4. Generally, first portion of a logistic curve for the population growth of a developing city, represents
the growth of
a) increasing
b) decreasing
c) constant
d) all the above

5. Ground water from artesian wells

a) contains no suspended materials
b) contains dissolved salts
c) may be saltish and hard
d) generally require lesser treatment

6. Property of earth to allow water to pass through it, is known as

a) perviousness
b) porosity
c) permeability
d) transmissibility.

7. Derivation of Thiem's formula is based on the assumption

a) the aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic and of infinite depth and area
b) the well is sunk through the full depth of the aquifer
c) the flow lines are radial and horizontal, and the flow is laminar
d) for hydraulic gradient in Darcy's equation, tangent value is used for sine value

8. Water is supplied from the source to the treatment plant under gravity in
a) Calcutta
b) Delhi
c) Madras
d) Bombay

9. Normal values of overflow rate for sedimentation tanks using coagulants in litres/hr/m2 , generally
range between
a) 250 to 500
b) 500 to 750
c) 750 to 1000
d) 1000 to 1250

10. In a rapid sand filter, air binding is caused due to excessive

a) negative pressure
b) pressure
c) turbidity
d) water pressure

11. If average volume of sediment deposits is one-tenth million cubic metres per year in a reservoir of
total capacity 10 million cubic metres, the dead storage will be filled up, in
a) 10 years
b) 15 years
c) 20 years
d) 25 years

12. A circular gravity aqueduct is not generally preferred to because of

a) its maximum hydraulic mean depth
b) maximum area per unit of wetted perimeter
c) minimum cost of construction
d) its proper support on the ground

13. Standard unit of turbidity of water is in one litre of distilled water, one milligram of finely divided
a) silica
b) mud
c) clay
d) organic matter
14. The pH value of water is kept slightly less than 7 so that hydrochloride ions may combine with
ammonia ions to form
a) Mono-chloramine (NHCl)
b) Di-chloramine (NH2Cl)
c) Nitrogen trichloramine (NCl3)
d) Nitrogen dichloramine (NCl2)

15. 'Shrouding' is essentially provided in

a) strainer type wells
b) cavity type wells
c) slotted type well
d) all the above

16. The ensure proper growth of children's teeth, the quantity of flouride used in water mains, is
a) 1 mg/litre
b) 2 mg/litre
c) 3 mg/litre
d) 4 mg/litre

17. Chemical coagulation of drinking water, is done

a) to settle suspended materials
b) to increase rate of settlement of suspended materials
c) to remove the bacterias
d) none of these.

18. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by

a) adding alum
b) adding lime
c) boiling
d) zeolite process.

19. Demand for public uses in a city, does not include water required for
a) watering of public parks
b) watering of public gardens
c) sprickling on roads
d) drinking purposes.

20. The chloride content of treated water for public supplies should not exceed
a) 100 ppm
b) 150 ppm
c) 200 ppm
d) 250 ppm
21. Dissolved carbon dioxide, can be removed from the supply main by
a) sedimentation
b) aeration
c) chlorination
d) coagulation

22. Slow sand filter is used if maximum turbidity of raw water is less than
a) 10 gm/litre
b) 20 gm/litre
c) 30 gm/litre
d) 50 gm/litre.

23. The total domestic consumption in a city water supply, is assumed

a) 20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 60%

24. Alum is a
a) coagulant
b) flocculant
c) catalyst
d) disinfectant.

25. If L, B and D length, breadth and depth of water in a rectangular sedimentation tank of total
discharge Q, the settling velocity, is
a) Q/H
b) Q/D
c) Q/(D*B)
d) Q/(L*B)

26. In a reservoir the average volume of sediment deposition is 0.15 million cubic per year. If the dead
storage and total capacity of the reservoir are 8 million cubic metres and 36 million cubic metres
a) the reservoir will theoretically be silted in 240 years
b) the reservoir will start reducing after 60 years
c) both (a) and (b)
d) neither (a) nor (b).

27. The requirement of water per capita per day, is

a) 90 litres
b) 150 litres
c) 250 litres
d) 400 litres

28. The temporary hardness of water can be removed by

a) boiling
b) adding lime
c) adding alum
d) filtration

29. Rapid gravity filters

a) were developed by G.W. Fullar
b) make use of coarser sand with effective size as 0.5 mm
c) yield as high as 30 times the yield of slow sand filters
d) are fed with coagulation treated water

30. The coefficient of permeability of soils, is generally expressed in

a) cm/sec
b) cm/minute
c) cm2/sec
d) cm2/minute



32. Disinfection of drinking water is done to remove

a) turbidity
b) odour
c) colour
d) bacterias

33. The ratio of total capacity and dead storage is kept

a) 8
b) 6
c) 4
d) 3

34. The U.C. (uniformity coefficient) for the best filter media sand should be
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
35. Normal values of overflow rate for plain sedimentation tanks in litres/hr/m2, generally range
a) 100 to 250
b) 250 to 500
c) 500 to 750
d) 750 to 1000

36. The formula for the head loss in conduits is generally known as
a) Hazen-William's formula
b) Manning's formula
c) Darcy-Weisbach formula
d) Nikuradse formula

37. In a rapid gravity filter

a) raw water from the source is supplied
b) disinfected raw water is supplied
c) raw water passed through coagulation tank is supplied
d) none of these.

38. In distribution pipes, air valves are provided at

a) lower points
b) junction points
c) higher points
d) any where

39. The flow of water gets retarded, in

a) settling tank
b) sedimentation tank
c) clarifer
d) sedimentation basin

40. For a city developed haphazardly, the layout of distribution pipes preferred to, is
a) ring system
b) radial system
c) grid iron system
d) dead end system

41. Chlorination of water does not remove

a) ammonia content
b) B.O.D.
c) organic matter content
d) dissolved oxygen
42. The most important and widely used tube well in India, is
a) strainer well
b) cavity well
c) slotted well
d) perforated pipe well

43. Water is distributed to consumers by gravitational system, in

a) Dehradun
b) Bombay
c) Delhi
d) Both (a) and (b)

44. In a well planned city, the layout of distribution pipes generally adopted, is
a) grid-iron system
b) interlaced system
c) reticulation system
d) all the above

45. Bacterias which can survive with or without free oxygen, are known
a) aerobic bacterias
b) anerobic bacterias
c) facultative bacterias
d) none of these

46. The maximum permissible colour for domestic supplies based on cobalt scale, is
a) 5 ppm
b) 10 ppm
c) 15 ppm
d) 20 ppm

47. The bacterias which may survive with or without free oxygen, are called
a) Aerobic bacterias
b) Anaerobic bacterias
c) Faculative bacteria's
d) None of these

48. Detention time for plain sedimentation tank usually ranges from
a) 4 to 8 hours
b) 2 to 4 hours
c) 6 to 10 hours
d) 12 to 16 hours.
49. The gaseous form of chlorine gets converted into liquid form when subjected to a pressure of
a) 5 kg/cm2
b) 6 kg/cm2
c) 7 kg/cm2
d) 8 kg/cm2

50. The pH value of water fit for drinking, is

a) 13
b) 11
c) 9
d) 7

51. Raw water treated with only chlorine, is known as

a) plain chlorination
b) pre-chlorination
c) first-chlorination
d) de-chlorination

52. Air inlet valve in water mains, is generally provided a

a) summit of the pipe
b) upstream of sluice valve
c) down stream of sluice valve
d) valley of the pipe

53. Open channels supported over tres-les, are generally known as

a) raised canals
b) acqueducts
c) syphons
d) flumes

In plain sedimentation tanks under normal conditions, impurities are removed upto
a) 60%
b) 70%
c) 80%
d) 90%

55. The valve fitted closely in a recess against an opening in a pipe, is generally
a) wedge shaped circular disc
b) spherical disc
c) parallelopiped disc
d) conical shaped circular disc.
56. Pressure relief valves are provided in water mains
a) to reduce the pressure
b) at low points
c) upstream of sluice
d) all the above

57. In rapid sand filters the ratio of length and diameter of the lateral, should not be greater than
a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 25

The maximum permissible hardness for public supplies is
a) 95 mg/litre
b) 105 mg/litre
c) 115 mg/litre
d) 125 mg/litre

59. Plain chlorination is used for water

a) with turbidities less than 20 mg/litre
b) obtained from clear lakes
c) consumed during emergencies
d) supplies to armies during war

60. For controlling algae, the most commonly used chemical, is

a) copper sulphate
b) alum
c) lime
d) bleaching powder.

61. Rapid sand filter

a) should be preceeded by coagulation and sedimentation
b) uses rapid sand as filter media
c) is used after slow sand filtering has been done
d) can combine disinfection also.

Efficiency of removing bacterias from raw water by a slow sand filter, is
a) 80% to 81%
b) 85% to 86%
c) 90% to 97%
d) 98% to 99%
63. De-chlorination is followed by
a) post-chlorination
b) pre-chlorination
c) double-chlorination
d) super-chlorination.

64. At break point of chlorination,

a) chlorine is used to oxidise
b) residual chloride is zero
c) residual chloride is maximum
d) residual chlorine reappears.

65. In slow sland filters, the turbidity of raw water can be removed only up to
a) 60 mg/litre
b) 75 mg/litre
c) 100 gm/litre
d) 150 mg/litre.

66. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) of safe drinking water must be

a) nil
b) 5
c) 15
d) 20

67. Acidity in water is caused due to

a) Mineral acids
b) Free CO2
c) Iron sulphate
d) Aluminium sulphate

Distribution mains of any water supply, is normally designed for its average daily requirement
a) 100%
b) 150%
c) 200%
d) 225%

69. If pH value of water is

a) 7 water it is said to be neutral
b) less than 7 it is said to be acidic
c) more than 7 it is said to be alkaline
d) all the above
70. In pressure supply mains, water hammer pressure is reduced by providing
a) sluice valves
b) air valves
c) pressure relief valves
d) none of the these.

71. Water supply system includes

a) digging a well for water
b) construction of dams
c) construction of canals
d) entire arrangement from source to distribution

72. The maximum permissible nitrites in public water supplies, is

a) Nil
b) 0.5 P.P.M
c) 1.0. P.P.M.
d) 1.5 P.P.M.

73. In distribution pipes, drain valves are provided at

a) lower point
b) higher point
c) junction points
d) any where.

74. Water supply includes

a) collection, transportation and treatment of water
b) distribution of water to consumers
c) provision of hydrants for fire fighting
d) mains, sub-mains and branch lines of water supply

75. By boiling water, hardness can be removed if it is due to

a) calcium sulphate
b) magnesium sulphate
c) calcium nitrate
d) calcium bicarbonate

1. (c) 46. (d)
2. (c) 47. (c)
3. (d) 48. (a)
4. (a) 49. (c)
5. (a) 50. (d)
6. (a) 51. (a)
7. (d) 52. (c)
8. (d) 53. (d)
9. (d) 54. (b)
10. (a) 55. (a)
11. (d) 56. (b)
12. (d) 57. (c)
13. (a) 58. (c)
14. (c) 59. (a)
15. (c) 60. (a)
16. (a) 61. (a)
17. (b) 62. (d)
18. (d) 63. (d)
19. (d) 64. (c)
20. (c) 65. (a)
21. (b) 66. (a)
22. (d) 67. (b)
23. (d) 68. (d)
24. (a) 69. (d)
25. (d) 70. (c)
26. (c) 71. (a)
27. (a) 72. (a)
28. (a) 73. (a)
29. (a) 74. (a)
30. (a) 75. (d)
31. (b)
32. (d)
33. (c)
34. (a)
35. (c)
36. (b)
37. (c)
38. (c)
39. (a)
40. (d)
41. (d)
42. (a)
43. (d)
44. (d)
45. (c)
Filename: EE MID2 MCQS
Directory: C:\Users\CIVIL\Documents
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Author: CIVIL
Creation Date: 01-Nov-23 10:25:00 AM
Change Number: 1
Last Saved On: 01-Nov-23 10:28:00 AM
Last Saved By: CIVIL
Total Editing Time: 3 Minutes
Last Printed On: 01-Nov-23 10:29:00 AM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 12
Number of Words: 1,773 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 10,110 (approx.)

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