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Microservices V6

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What is Continues Integration?

Continues Integration is making the build and test for code automatic whenever a team pushes code to

What is Idempotence Service?

Idempotent operations produce the same result even when the operation is repeated many times. The
result of the 2nd, 3rd, and 1,000th repeat of the operation will return exactly the same result as the 1st

Consider McDonalds answer

What is the use of Docker?

Docker uses the application to be container environment with all dependencies that support it.

What is blue/green deployment approach?

The Blue Green Deployment uses two complete application environments. One is blue environment
which is running and the green environment to which you want to upgrade. Once swap the environment
from blue to green, the traffic is directed to new green environment.

What are Microservices?

It's an application architecture arranges an application as a collection of loosely couple services which
are fine grained used lightweight protocols. It's also a variant of the service-oriented architecture.

What’s the difference between Microservices and Monolithic development?

MS: Share as little as possible architecture

SOA : share as much as possible architecture approach

MS: Concept of Bounded context

SOA : Concept of business functionality reuse

MS: lightweight protocols such as http

SOA: multiple message protocol

MS: focus on decoupling

SOA: application service reusability

Are Microservice cheaper than building monolithic applications?

Building microservices are often more expensive compared to building monolithic applications. A couple
for reasons are: 1) The development team’s required experience and 2) Complexity of the existing
infrastructure and architecture.

What are the advantages of microservices compared to monolithic applications?

1. Large applications can fail mostly unaffected by the failure of a single module.
2. It provides the flexibility to integrate different technology stack on an individual service as
3. Development team can better understand the functionality of service.
4. Smaller codebases and scope and quicker deployment.
5. Since services are separated, it can be more easily scale the most needed services at the
appropriate times.

What are the features of Microservices?

1. Decoupling – The application can be easily built, test scale and deploy.
2. Business Capabilities- Microservices are very simple and focus on single capability.
3. Autonomy- Developers and teams can work independently of each other. That increases the
4. Continues Delivery- Allows frequent releases of the application through systematic automation
5. Decentralized Governance- Using right tool for the right job.
6. Agility – Each microservice is developed, deployed, and managed independently.

1. Decoupled architecture
2. Business Capabilities focused
3. Autonomous
4. Agile – Independently managed
5. Decentralized Governance- Using right tool for the right job.
6. Continues Delivery (CI/CD)

What is RESTful?

Representational state transfer knows as RESTful web service is basically an architecture style that helps
computer systems to communicate over the internet.

REST is a set of APIS, you use to publish some resources so they can be consumed by another application
or service. There are some main principals for the way you build your REST APIs REST APIs: Stateless,
Cacheable, Uniform Interfaces Client Server decoupled (And some others – Probably bored the
interviewee by now as they wont know or care about the others)
What is Kafka?

Kafka is a framework implementation of a software bus using stream processing.

An open-source stream processing software platform developed by the Apache, providing high-
throughput and low-latency features for handling real-time data feeds.

Fun fact – Originally built for LinkedIn before being made open source.

What does Ack means in Kafka?

An Acknowledgment is a single passed between communicating processes to signify acknowledgment.

What are the preferred development tools when building microservices?

.Net Core/Java/NodeJs, Kubernates, Docker, API gateway, Event Stream such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, Azure
EventHub, Azure DevOps, AppInsights, SQL/NoSQL

What is your experience on microservices?

I have experienced in building Microservices POC using NodeJs and .Net Core

You spent 1 month on CPF before, what happened there?

I was assigned to implement migration (SQL migration, creating Azure Event name) before application
starts in container environment in locally.

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